Business conversation as a special kind of oral speech Business conversation is, understood in the broadest sense, oral speech contact between people connected by the interests of the business, who have the necessary authority to establish business relations and solve business problems.

Every day, conducting business conversations with each other, as well as with their clients, such people sometimes show blatant speech illiteracy, which significantly reduces their business activity and does not allow them to fully realize their potential. At the same time, business conversation as a scientific concept is absent in modern linguistics. Hence the complete underdevelopment of the oral business speech in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

Meanwhile, such speech has its own lexical-grammatical and stylistic specificity, which manifests itself in the fact that its purely businesslike and concrete nature prevents the penetration of grammatical-stylistic means. fiction, but the influence of colloquial and official business style appear most clearly here. It is these features that largely determine the organization of the speech material of a business conversation and its linguistic specificity.

Business conversation is primarily oral business speech, which has significant differences from its written form. First of all, a business conversation is a direct communication that involves a specific interlocutor (or interlocutors), which makes it possible to directly influence him (or them). The presence of an interlocutor allows the use of facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other communication techniques, which significantly distinguishes oral business speech from its written form.

Direct communication excludes the possibility of preliminary reflection, and therefore a business conversation is full of relaxed forms of communication, as well as some grammatical and stylistic features. Thus, this variety of business speech is characterized by a certain departure from the usual morphological norms of the general literary language, which in business communication are often considered as an excess that does not allow to accurately and briefly convey the meaning of the statement. It has already become the norm to use in business speech the singular in the meaning of the plural of those nouns that have a collective meaning, for example: “These aggregates consist of a generator direct current connected by an elastic coupling to the engine internal combustion". Or: “This booth presents three lathes with a fundamentally new type of cutter.”

In business speech, it has become common to use in the plural those nouns that in the general literary language have only the singular form (tobacco, oils, steel, bitumen, paper, repairs, etc.), as well as the “truncation” of the ending in the genitive case of a number of names masculine nouns. For example: "Network voltage 120 volts" (instead of volts). "The current in the circuit does not exceed 12 amperes" (instead of amperes). “The thickness of the plates of the device does not exceed 7 microns” (instead of microns).

Some words and phrases in the oral speech of business people have wider boundaries of compatibility than in ordinary literary language. For example, the verbs "provide", "perform", "implement" here have almost unlimited combinability.

These features of colloquial business speech for literary language are undesirable because they are, strictly speaking, linguistic inaccuracies. Here, it is unjustified to consider them as shortcomings of speech, since they are normalized by widespread use in the business environment.

The purely businesslike and concrete nature of the description of goods and the processes of their production and sale, as already noted, prevents the penetration of grammatical and stylistic means of fiction into business speech, which, for example, is so characteristic of ordinary speech. Nevertheless, the colloquial speech of business people is made up of grammatical and stylistic phenomena that are common and inherent in written business speech. The specificity of the language of oral business speech is manifested only in the fact that certain lexical formations and syntactic constructions are found in it somewhat more often than in its written form.

The high scientific and technical level of the production of industrial goods predetermines a large specific gravity in colloquial business speech of special vocabulary, turns of a professional nature and speech formulas associated with the name of various goods and their components. Among them, in the first place are production terms, i.e. words and phrases, which, on the one hand, serve as the basis of the professional language of manufacturers of industrial products, and on the other hand, are the officially fixed names of special technical and technological concepts.

Along with production terms, in the colloquial speech of business people there are a large number of names of specific systems and types of technical devices, as well as types of raw materials and materials. Such lexical items are quite specific in nature. They represent, as it were, the proper name of an apparatus, device, mechanism or machine in the form of a manufacturer's brand, which is attached to them arbitrarily and is conditional.

The names of brands and models usually consist of either one word, or a combination of a word with a digital designation. In the practice of many industries, there is a rule according to which a machine of a new design, having the same purpose and a similar principle of operation, is assigned the same name, but only with a different numerical indicator. In the domestic automotive industry, for example, the main part of the names of brands of passenger cars are the names of just this type: “Moskvich-2142”, “Moskvich-21412”, “Zhiguli-2104”, “Zhiguli-2105”, “Volga-2410”, “ Volga-2411, etc.

There are also many such names of specific types of manufactured and sold equipment, which are the initial letters of the main words (with the corresponding numerical designation) that make up the full name of a particular device, mechanism, machine or manufacturer. As an example, let's refer to the same automotive equipment, where the factory brands of trucks are given only through letter abbreviations like: GAZ-24-10, GAZ-24-11; UAZ-3151, UAZ-31512, etc.

As already noted, colloquial business speech is somewhat simplified. Meanwhile, this does not mean at all that words denoting abstract concepts are out of place here. However, in quantitative terms, compared with written business speech, they are much less here.

The syntax of a business conversation fully meets the conditions of ease and immediacy of verbal communication. The abundance of ready-made frozen structures and, above all, speech clichés helps to express a thought more concretely, concisely and more understandably, completely eliminating its various interpretations. Hence the installation on the standardization of the business language when displaying typical situations of business communication and narrowing the range of speech means used.

This setting greatly facilitates the conduct of a business conversation. Indeed, if you have a set of standard phrases-cliches that have been ready-made and have already been tested by long-term practice of business communication, by analogy with which you could formulate the desired idea, then expressing it will not be particularly difficult. These constructions require minimal stress during perception and greatly facilitate the position of the speaker, allowing you not to spend additional effort on finding the right wording.

The syntax of a business conversation is also characterized by the incompleteness of the grammatical composition of sentences and the weakening of the forms of syntactic links in them. Common in it and connecting syntactic constructions, related sentences and appeals. This should also include the replacement of adverbial and participial phrases with subordinate clauses.

The use of complex sentences distinguishing feature written business speech. In the colloquial speech of business people, simple sentences are mainly used, and very often they are incomplete (the absence of certain words is made up for by gestures, facial expressions, body movements). This is explained by the fact that the content of statements usually does not require complex syntactic constructions that would reflect the logical and grammatical connections between parts of the statement.

The absence of unions in such speech is compensated by intonation, which acquires decisive importance in it for expressing various shades of semantic and syntactic relations.

In business speaking practice a large number of excerpts from technical documentation, specifications, standards and other documents are used. It is quite natural that such a language gravitates toward capacious syntactic constructions characteristic of such publications (participial phrases, verbal nouns, etc.). These forms are not perceived here as a stylistic flaw, since they give oral business speech the rigor necessary for the accurate transmission of business information.

Business people, especially those who are related to commercial activities, very often have to provide practical information on the operation and maintenance of specific instruments, apparatus and machines. The consequence of this is some instructiveness of business information, characterized from a syntactical point of view by an abundance of indefinitely personal, impersonal, infinitive and passive-reflexive constructions.

State educational institution
higher professional education
Moscow State Industrial University


majoring in Applied Informatics in Economics
on the topic "Culture of business communication"

Group 2291

Student Zimin Vladislav Nikolaevich

Teacher Balashova Ekaterina Vladimirovna

Evaluation of work _____________

the date


1. Introduction.
2. Rules and functions of business communication.
3. Business conversation
3.1 Speech culture of business conversation.
3.2 Basic requirements for a business conversation.
4. Speech etiquette.
5. Business conversation.
5.1 Conducting a business conversation.
5.2 Preparatory measures.
5.3 Starting a conversation.
5.4 Informing those present.
5.5 Justification of the proposed provisions.
5.6 Ending a conversation.
6. Conclusion.
7. List of used literature.


Business conversation It is the most widespread type of social communication. It represents the sphere of commercial and administrative-legal relations, economic-legal and diplomatic relations.
New economic and social conditions prompted the broad masses of the population to engage in commercial and organizational activities. This circumstance brought to the fore the need to learn the language forms of business communication, the need to improve the linguistic competence of persons entering into social and legal relations, guiding the actions of people. Linguistic competence becomes in market conditions an indispensable component of general professional training of managers, municipal employees, referents, leaders of all levels.
The ability to successfully conduct business negotiations, competently compose the text of a document, the ability to work with documents are the most important components of the professional culture of a decision maker.

Americans say: "Business is the ability to talk to people." This immutable truth ensured the success of Dale Carnegie, who opened his D.K. during a period of severe depression that hit the American economy. The first to take the course "The Art of Speaking Skillfully and Influencing People in the Business World" were entrepreneurs and professionals representing America's economic and managerial elite.
To be able to express one's thoughts vividly, figuratively, convincingly, accessible, to be able to win over the interlocutor, the audience, to be able to competently conduct business correspondence, to compose the text of the document should not only be a manager, head of an enterprise. These requirements apply to all people who enter into social and legal relations and direct the actions of other people.
In practice, we often encounter speech helplessness and functional illiteracy of leaders at all levels.
Unclear representation of the features of the functioning of the language in various fields, ignorance of the features of oral and written forms of speech, genre features of documents, oral genres and speech norms is, unfortunately, not uncommon among managers, suppliers, financiers, as, indeed, among representatives of other professions .
Compliance with speech norms, literacy of speech is the most important basic requirement of speech communication. Non-observance of speech norms: clumsy, illiterate turns, lexical, grammatical and other errors create a kind of interference in the perception of speech. Such speech (especially oral) is not only poorly absorbed, but also better side characterizes its (author) addressee.

Rules and functions of business communication.

    The rule of necessity and sufficiency of information. (Say no more and no less than is required at the moment.)
    Information quality rule.
    Matching rule (don't deviate from the topic).
    Style rule (be clear).
    The rule of communication etiquette.
In its meaning, communication is multifunctional. There are five main functions of communication.
    The binding role is the most important condition for bringing people together in the process of any activity.
    Formative role. Here communication acts as the most important condition for the formation and change of the mental image of a person (especially in the early stages).
    confirmation function. In the process of communicating with other people, a person gets the opportunity, as it were, to confirm himself, to establish himself in what he is. Even W. James noted that for a person "there is no more monstrous punishment than to be presented in society to oneself and remain completely unnoticed." This state of a person is fixed in the concept of "non-confirmation". Moreover, unlike denial, which can be expressed by the words “You are wrong” or “You are bad” and involves a certain amount of confirmation, albeit with a negative assessment, non-confirmation means “You are not here”, “You do not exist”.

Speech culture of business conversation.

Business conversation as a special kind of oral speech Business conversation is, understood in the broadest sense, oral speech contact between people connected by the interests of the business, who have the necessary authority to establish business relations and solve business problems.
Every day, conducting business conversations with each other, as well as with their clients, such people sometimes show blatant speech illiteracy, which significantly reduces their business activity and does not allow them to fully realize their potential.
At the same time, business conversation as a scientific concept is absent in modern linguistics. Hence the complete lack of development of oral business speech in the field of entrepreneurial activity.
Meanwhile, such speech has its own lexical-grammatical and stylistic specificity, which manifests itself in the fact that its purely businesslike and concrete nature prevents the penetration of grammatical-stylistic means of fiction, but the influence of colloquial everyday and official business styles are most pronounced here. It is these features that largely determine the organization of the speech material of a business conversation and its linguistic specificity.
Business conversation is primarily oral business speech, which has significant differences from its written form. First of all, a business conversation is a direct communication that involves a specific interlocutor (or interlocutors), which makes it possible to directly influence him (or them). The presence of an interlocutor allows the use of facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other communication techniques, which significantly distinguishes oral business speech from its written form.
Direct communication excludes the possibility of preliminary reflection, and therefore a business conversation is full of relaxed forms of communication, as well as some grammatical and stylistic features. Therefore, colloquial business speech has a somewhat simplified character. Meanwhile, this does not mean at all that words denoting abstract concepts are out of place here. However, in quantitative terms, compared with written business speech, they are much less here. The syntax of a business conversation fully meets the conditions of ease and immediacy of verbal communication. The abundance of ready-made frozen structures and, above all, speech clichés helps to express a thought more concretely, concisely and more clearly, completely eliminating its various interpretations. This setting greatly facilitates the conduct of a business conversation. Indeed, if you have a set of ready-made and already proven standard phrases-cliches, by analogy with which it would be possible to formulate the necessary idea, then expressing it will not be particularly difficult. The use of complex sentences is a hallmark of written business speech. In the colloquial speech of business people, simple sentences are mainly used, and very often they are incomplete (the absence of certain words is made up for by gestures, facial expressions, body movements). This is explained by the fact that the content of statements usually does not require complex syntactic constructions that would reflect the logical and grammatical connections between parts of the statement.
The absence of unions in such speech is compensated by intonation, which acquires decisive importance in it for expressing various shades of semantic and syntactic relations.
In business colloquial practice, a large number of excerpts from technical documentation, specifications, standards and other documents are used. It is quite natural that such a language gravitates toward capacious syntactic constructions characteristic of such publications (participial phrases, verbal nouns, etc.). These forms are not perceived here as a stylistic flaw, since they give oral business speech the rigor necessary for the accurate transmission of business information.
Basic requirements for a business conversation.

A business conversation is subject to the requirements of correctness, accuracy, brevity and accessibility of speech. Let's consider each of them separately.
The first and indispensable requirement for a business conversation is CORRECT SPEECH of speakers.
Although the norms of oral business speech are not as strict as those of its written form, speakers are obliged to strive for the correctness of their language. The need to comply with this requirement is dictated by the fact that the majority of participants in a business conversation, who themselves make speech errors, will not miss the opportunity to note (if not out loud, then to themselves) the most obvious mistakes in the speech of the partner talking to them. In addition, until you know for sure that your speech is correct in terms of its lexical and stylistic norms, you will not get rid of the feeling of uncertainty. Only complete confidence in this respect makes it possible to focus not on words, but on deeds.
ACCURACY AND CLARITY OF SPEECH- the most important requirement for any business conversation. Under the accuracy of business speech is understood the correspondence of statements to the thoughts of the speaker. In order for the speech of a business person to be accurate, you need to use words in accordance with the meanings that are assigned to them. Accuracy and clarity of statements are interrelated. Accuracy gives them clarity, and clarity of statements follows from their accuracy.
Meanwhile, in a business conversation, accuracy of word usage is not always achieved. The bad habit of flaunting intricate book vocabulary makes it difficult to speak simply and clearly. The abuse of foreign words is especially detrimental to the clarity and accuracy of statements. Often this is accompanied by an elementary ignorance of the meaning of the word.
Very often in oral business speech, its accuracy is violated as a result of the synonymy of terms. TERMS-SYNONYMS IN ONE STATEMENT SHOULD NOT BE!
It is bad when the speaker says either “vacuum”, then “vacuum”, then “water turbine”, then “hydroturbine”, or when in one case he uses the word “tomatoes”, and in the other - “tomatoes”.
BRIEF- the most important requirement for any form of business speech, since such speech is characterized, as we have already noted, by a purely applied nature in the presentation of the reported information. This means that the speaker does not abuse the listener's time and patience by avoiding unnecessary repetition, excessive detail, and verbal garbage. Every word and expression serves a purpose here, which can be formulated as follows: to present the essence of the matter to the listeners as accurately and briefly as possible. Therefore, words and phrases that do not carry any semantic load should be completely excluded from business speech.
It is known that "everyone hears what he understands." Therefore, maximum care must be taken ACCESSIBILITY speech, especially in the process of a business conversation, when you need to express your thoughts as simply and intelligibly as possible.
In order to achieve this goal, the famous American scientist P. Soper recommends using auxiliary speech material: definitions, comparisons, examples. Let's start with definitions.
DEFINITIONS are needed for words whose meaning the interlocutors do not know, and for terms used by the speaker in a special sense. Usually the most expressive way to define a concept is to say, "I'll give you an example to clarify what I mean" and then give a specific case that is typical of that concept.
Very important in speech COMPARISONS. The mental process of comparison is an essential factor in cognition. Until we know what a thing is like and how it differs from other things, we cannot understand it. Comparisons serve one purpose - to make more clear and convincing those expressed thoughts to which they are directly related.
Comparisons can be very different. A figure of speech that includes a hidden likening, a figurative convergence of words based on their figurative meaning, is called METAPHOR. When comparing, the expression "just like ..." is often used.
EXAMPLE- the most effective and intelligible method of speech. With its help, it is possible, as it were, to bring the object closer to the listener. The essential quality of an example is concreteness. Examples can be brief or more detailed, factual or speculative, humorous or serious.

Speech etiquette

Compliance with the norms of speech etiquette is a necessary condition for conducting any business conversation. The basis of speech etiquette is politeness, which necessarily implies, first of all, GREETINGS . Since ancient times, people have shown each other respect through greetings.
Although it is generally accepted etiquette that the man greets the woman first, the younger greets the older, the inferior greets the superior, a civilized businessman should not wait until he is greeted by a partner younger in age or position. You must greet your interlocutor first.
There are well-defined rules of speech etiquette that relate to APPEALS to the interlocutor. The address "you" testifies to the culture of the one who addresses, emphasizes respect for a partner or colleague. A well-mannered and correct business person always uses this polite form of address, regardless of who he is talking to: whether it is his immediate superior or subordinate, a person much older than him or younger. Addressing "you" in a business setting is undesirable. It is permissible only when it can be mutual or conditioned by informal relations.
It is preferable to address business partners who are well acquainted, as well as your colleagues, by their first and patronymic or last names with the addition of the words “mister” (formerly “comrade”).
You should not abuse the address only by name, and even in the American manner in an abbreviated version. From time immemorial, it has been customary in our country to respectfully call people by name and patronymic, this is our tradition. By name, you can address your closest colleagues if they are young and do not mind such treatment.
An important element of courtesy in business life is PERFORMANCE , with which you can establish the necessary and useful connections. Etiquette provides certain rules indicating when and how to present and be presented, and they should not be neglected.
First of all, it is customary to represent the younger to the older, the single to the married, the lower in the hierarchy to the higher, the man to the woman, the younger woman to the older, etc.
The moment of presentation is of great importance. At the same time, liberties should be avoided, it is better to use simple phrases like: “This is Ivan, my colleague”, “I present to you Anna”, etc.
In business conversations between a manager and subordinates, the SERVICE SUBORDINATION However, all participants in such conversations must be polite. So, in the case when you need to instruct a subordinate to do something, the essence of the order is best stated in the form of a request, not an order. The order, expressed in the form of a request, brings people together, contributing to a more respectful attitude towards each other. For example, instead of saying: “Ivan Ivanovich! I demand ... "(or somewhat softer:" Ivan Ivanovich! I ask ... "), it is better to say:" Ivan Ivanovich! Could you ... ”For a subordinate, of course, it is clear that this is not a request, but an order, but modern official speech etiquette requires, whenever possible, to adhere to the democratic form of official conversation. This form indicates that the leader takes into account the interests of the subordinate, but since more urgent work needs to be done, he asks to interrupt the current work and do another.

Conducting a business conversation.

A business conversation is an oral contact between people connected by business relationships. In a modern, narrower interpretation, business conversation is understood as verbal communication between interlocutors who have the necessary authority from their organizations and firms to establish business relationships, resolve business problems or develop a constructive approach to solving them.
Business conversations have many advantages that meetings, the exchange of written information, telephone conversations lack. Firstly, they are held in close contact, allowing you to focus on one interlocutor or a very limited group of people. Secondly, they involve direct communication. Thirdly, they create conditions for establishing personal relationships, which can later become the basis of informal contacts, that is, they allow the interlocutors to get to know each other better, which facilitates their communication in the future.
A business conversation is the most favorable and often the only way to convince the interlocutor of the validity of your position, so that he agrees with it and supports it. Thus, one of the main tasks of the conversation is to convince the interlocutor to accept a specific proposal.
Business conversation performs a number of very important functions. These should include:
1) mutual communication of employees from the same business environment;
2) joint search, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and concepts;
3) control and coordination of already started business events;
4) maintaining business contacts;
5) stimulation of business activity.
The main stages of a business conversation are: preparatory activities, the beginning of the conversation, informing those present, arguing for the put forward provisions and ending the conversation.

Preparatory activities
There are no single infallible rules for preparing for a business conversation. However, it will be useful to point out the following variant of the scheme for such training: planning; collection of material and its processing; analysis of the collected material and its editing.
The place of the conversation is chosen taking into account its influence on the expected result. For persons not working in the company, the most convenient place will be the office of the host or a special room for guests, equipped with everything necessary. In any case, the situation should be calm, secluded, exclude the unexpected appearance of strangers, noise, calls, etc., because this is unnerving, but not “intimate”. In many ways, it is even determined by the color of the walls, lighting, furniture and the nature of its placement.
Employees can also be met at their workplace. It is acceptable to conduct business conversations outside the service, for example, in a restaurant, cafe, or even at home. The main thing is that your interlocutor should feel free and uninhibited and be able to completely switch to a business conversation.
Then you should choose the most opportune moment and only then make an appointment. In this case, the initiative will be in your hands, and therefore it will be easier to control the situation.
When the conversation is already scheduled, a plan is drawn up for its conduct. First, you should determine your goals, and then develop a strategy for achieving them and tactics for conducting a conversation.
Planning a business conversation allows you to determine its specific tasks already at the beginning of preparation for it, find and eliminate "bottlenecks" in the conversation, and agree on the time of its holding.

Starting a conversation -
a very important step, and therefore it should not be neglected. The objectives of this phase of the conversation are as follows:
- establishing contact with the interlocutor;
- creation of a working atmosphere;
- drawing attention to the upcoming business conversation.
Any business conversation begins with an introductory part, which takes up to 10-15% of the time. It is necessary to create an atmosphere of mutual understanding between the interlocutors and relieve tension. If the meeting takes place between people of different ranks, the elder should take the initiative. If between guests and hosts - a representative of the host.
The initial stage of the conversation is primarily psychological. The first phrases often have a decisive effect on the interlocutor, that is, on his decision to listen to you further or not.
Interlocutors are usually more attentive at the beginning of a conversation. It is from the first phrases that the interlocutor's attitude towards you and the conversation itself will depend (i.e., the creation of a working atmosphere). The first phrases form the impression of a person, and as you know, the effect of the “first impression” is always remembered for a very long time.

Informing those present

that is, the transmission of information that you want to acquaint them with. Such a transmission should be accurate, clear (no ambiguity, confusion, understatement), professionally correct and, if possible, visual (use of well-known associations and parallels, as well as visual aids). However, whenever possible, you should tell the audience the sources of your information and indicate their reliability.
Particular attention should be paid to the brevity of the presentation. It is necessary not to forget about the time frame of the conversation. Voltaire once said: "The secret to being boring is to tell everything."
You should always remember the direction of the conversation, that is, keep in mind its main tasks and not deviate from the topic, even if the interlocutors bombard the speaker with questions.
During the conversation, you need to constantly turn to the interlocutor with questions, given that personal influence in business relationships is very important.
Most people are reluctant to answer direct questions for many reasons (lack of knowledge of the subject, fear of misrepresentation, business restrictions, difficulty in presentation). Therefore, you first need to interest the interlocutor, that is, explain to him why it is in his interests to answer your questions. In addition, it does not hurt to explain why you are interested in this or that fact and how you are going to use the information received from it. It must be remembered that your interlocutor asks himself: “Why do they want to know this? Why are they interested in this?

Justification of the proposed provisions -

At this stage, a preliminary opinion is formed, a certain position is taken by both you and your interlocutor. With the help of arguments, one can completely or partially change the position and opinion of the interlocutor, mitigate contradictions, critically consider the provisions and facts stated by both sides.
There are two main constructions in the argument: evidentiary argumentation when you want to prove or substantiate something, and counterargument, with which you refute the allegations of negotiating partners.

Ending a Conversation

The last stage of the conversation is its completion. Successfully completing a conversation means achieving predetermined goals. At the last stage, the following tasks are solved:
- achievement of the main or (in an unfavorable case) spare (alternative) goal;
- providing a favorable atmosphere;
- stimulating the interlocutor to perform the planned actions;
- maintaining in the future (if necessary) contacts with the interlocutor, his colleagues;
- Drawing up a summary with a clearly expressed main conclusion, understandable to all those present.
Any business conversation has its ups and downs. In this regard, the question arises: when to transfer the conversation to the final phase - the decision-making phase. Practice proves that this should be done when the conversation reaches a climax. For example, you answered a very important remark of your interlocutor so exhaustively that his satisfaction with your answer is obvious.

So, business communication is interpersonal communication with the aim of organizing and optimizing one or another type of subject activity: production, scientific, commercial, managerial, etc.
This definition emphasizes the purpose of business communication - the organization of fruitful cooperation, and also notes that it is inextricably linked with a wide variety of areas of human activity. After all, we constantly have to discuss issues related to the organization of production, the life of the workforce, the performance of official and official duties, the conclusion of various kinds of transactions, contracts, decision-making, paperwork, etc. Participants in business communication are, as a rule, official officials performing their official duties.

It has long been known that a well-timed speech or praise given by a manager to a successful employee can significantly increase the profits of the enterprise, spurring others to work more productively. The result of the transaction will depend on how correctly the dialogue between the partners is built. Oral speech in business communication is divided into the following types:

  • Incentive.
  • Informative.
  • Expressive.

The first type of speech has a certain influence on the opponent, prompts him to take some action. In a meaningful conversation, a person reproduces thoughts clearly and concisely, speaks briefly and clearly. Expressive speech has an emotional coloring through which the mood of the speaker is conveyed.

The culture of speech is determined by the following parameters:

  • Vocabulary and composition. It is the number of words that makes speech bright and rich, eloquent, thoughtful, convincing. Moreover, it is unacceptable to use slang words that have a negative impact on the interlocutor.
  • Pronunciation. The normative for the Russian language is the old Moscow pronunciation norm (if you doubt the sound of a word, look in advance at the modern orthoepic dictionary or a special dictionary of compound words for television announcers).
  • Speech style. This is an important part of a well-formed speech. Do not use unnecessary phrases, follow the order of constructing sentences.

In combination with the culture of speech, they have a second name - business communications. The main function of such communication is the definition of tasks and their joint study, the search for solutions to problems.

Forms of business communication

In addition to varieties, the culture of business communication has several forms that differ significantly from each other:

  • . This is a personal meeting of partners who are interested in solving a certain issue. The ultimate goal of such negotiations is the signing of agreements, the conclusion of contracts.
  • Business meeting. Unlike the first form, the audience here is wider, and the discussion of certain tasks and goals is carried out by a group of specialists, usually within the same organization.
  • Public speaking. This form of communication is acceptable when one person conveys information to a group of people. In this case, oratory is used.
  • Dispute. If disagreements arise between the parties, then communication takes the form of a dispute, when each of the parties tries to defend its position.
  • . A form of conveying information by preparing letters or messages. This method does not provide for direct contact, and the transfer of information is carried out through correspondence.

A culture of speech

It is important to master the techniques of business communication, and rhetoric is designed to teach the rules of negotiation, disputes, building monologues. To be heard and understood, the speech should present you as a competent specialist and reliable partner. It is important to speak correctly, without distorting words and correctly placing stress. In addition, speech should be accurate, clear, logical and concise. Try to keep it simple to avoid ambiguity.

Decent speech behavior allows you to carry out successful business activities, develop interpersonal relationships, and achieve mutual understanding. Human, knowing the language business communication and its techniques, will be able to build a career or develop their business faster.

Knowledge, abilities, skills in the field of organizing interaction between people and interaction in the business sphere itself, allowing you to establish psychological contact with business partners, achieve accurate perception and understanding in the process of communication, predict the behavior of business partners, direct the behavior of business partners to the desired result - all this includes communicative culture.

The communicative culture is based on the generally accepted moral requirements for communication, inextricably linked with the recognition of the uniqueness, the values ​​of each person: politeness, correctness, tact, modesty, accuracy, courtesy.

Politeness- this is an expression of respect for other people, their dignity, manifested in greetings and wishes, in the intonation of the voice, facial expressions and gestures. The antipode of politeness is rudeness. Rough relationships are not only an indicator of low culture, but also an economic category. It is estimated that as a result of rough treatment, workers lose an average of about 17% in labor productivity.

Correctness- the ability to keep oneself within the bounds of decency in any situations, first of all, conflict ones. Correct behavior in disputes is especially important when new constructive ideas appear, opinions and beliefs are tested. However, if the dispute is accompanied by attacks against opponents, it turns into an ordinary swara.

Tact also one of the important components of a communicative culture. A sense of tact is, first of all, a sense of proportion, a sense of boundaries in communication, the excess of which can offend a person, put him in an awkward position. Remarks about appearance or deed, sympathy expressed in the presence of others about the intimate side of a person’s life, etc.

Modesty in communication means restraint in assessments, respect for the tastes, affections of other people. The antipodes of modesty are arrogance, swagger, posturing.

Accuracy is also of great importance for the success of business relationships. It is difficult to conduct business without exact fulfillment of these promises and commitments in any form of life. Inaccuracy often borders on immoral behavior - deceit, lies.

courtesy- this is the desire to be the first to show courtesy, to save another person from inconvenience and trouble.


Empathy - the ability to see the world through the eyes of others, to understand it just like they do;

Goodwill - respect, sympathy, the ability to understand people, not approving their actions, the willingness to support others;

Authenticity - the ability to be yourself in contacts with other people;

Concreteness - the ability to speak about one's specific experiences, opinions, actions, the willingness to answer questions unambiguously;

Initiative - the ability to “go ahead”, establish contacts, readiness to take on some business in a situation that requires active intervention, and not just wait for others to start doing something;

Immediacy - the ability to speak and act directly;

Openness - a willingness to open one's inner world to others and a firm conviction that this contributes to the establishment of healthy and lasting relationships with others, sincerity;

Susceptibility - the ability to express one's feelings and the willingness to accept emotional expression from others;

Curiosity - an exploratory attitude towards own life and behavior, willingness to accept from people any information about how they perceive you, but at the same time be the author of self-esteem.

A person begins to understand others better if he learns the following aspects self :

Own needs and value orientations, technique of personal work;

Your perceptual skills, i.e. the ability to perceive the environment without subjective distortions, without the manifestation of persistent prejudices in relation to certain problems, personalities, social groups;

Willingness to accept new things external environment;

Your ability to understand the norms and values ​​of other social groups and other cultures;

Your feelings and mental states in connection with the influence of environmental factors;

Own ways of personalizing the external environment, that is, the grounds and reasons for which something in the external environment is considered as one's own, in relation to which the feeling of the owner is manifested.


It is psychologically correct and situationally conditioned to enter into communication;

Maintain communication, stimulate partner activity;

Psychologically accurately determine the "point" of completion of communication;

Make the most of the socio-psychological characteristics of the communicative situation in which communication unfolds;

Predict the reactions of partners to their own actions;

Psychologically tune in to the emotional tone of the interlocutor;

To seize and hold the initiative in communication;

To provoke a "desired reaction" of a communication partner;

Form and "manage" the socio-psychological mood of a communication partner;

Overcome psychological barriers in communication;

Relieve excess stress;

Psychologically and physically "correspond" to the interlocutor;

Adequately the situation to choose gestures, postures, the rhythm of their behavior;

To mobilize to achieve the set communicative task.

Equally important components of a communicative culture are knowledge, skills and abilities related to speech activity, i.e. a culture of speech. In speech activity, three aspects can be distinguished: meaningful, expressive and motivating.

Incentive side of speech activity is its influence on the thoughts, feelings and will of the listener. From level speech culture, covering the content, expressive and motivating sides, depends on the degree of perception of speech by listeners.


Vocabulary (offensive (obscene), slang words, dialectisms are excluded);

Vocabulary (the richer it is, the brighter, more expressive, more diverse the speech, the less it tires the listeners, the more it impresses, memorizes and captivates);

Pronunciation (the norm of modern pronunciation in Russian is the Old Moscow dialect);

Grammar (business speech requires compliance with general rules grammar, as well as taking into account some specific differences; in particular, the central place in business speech should be occupied by nouns, not verbs);

Stylistics (a good style of speech is subject to such requirements as the inadmissibility of extra words, the correct word order, the absence of standard, hackneyed expressions).

Features of the development of each personality, its uniqueness inner world and the business environment allow us to talk about the uniqueness of the individual communicative culture. It is important to remember that a communicative culture lends itself to development in the process of socio-psychological education.


corporate communication is a process of interconnection and interaction, during which there is an exchange of activities, information and experience. The purpose of corporate communication is the setting of specific goals and specific tasks. In this it differs from communication in the broadest sense of the word.

In business corporate communication, it is impossible to end a relationship with a partner (at least without loss for both parties).

A significant part of business communication is official communication, i.e., the interaction of people carried out during working hours, within the walls of the organization.

However business (corporate) communication- the concept is broader than the service one, as it includes the interaction of both employees and owner-employers, which takes place not only in organizations, but also at various business receptions, seminars, exhibitions, etc.

Corporate communication can be divided into direct(direct contact) and indirect(between the partners there is a spatio-temporal distance). Direct business communication has greater effectiveness, the power of emotional impact and suggestion than indirect.

There are two types of corporate communication: verbal and non-verbal. Verbal communication (from lat. verbalis- verbal) is carried out with the help of words. In non-verbal communication, the means of transmitting information are postures, gestures, facial expressions, intonations, views, geographical location, etc.


ritual style, in accordance with which the main task of partners is to maintain contact with society, reinforcing the idea of ​​\u200b\u200bthemselves as a member of society. In ritual communication, a partner is only a necessary attribute, his individual characteristics are insignificant, in contrast to following a role - social, professional, personal;

manipulative a style in which the partner is treated as a means to achieve goals external to him. A huge number of professional tasks involves precisely manipulative communication. In fact, any training, persuasion, management always include manipulative communication;

humanistic the style, which is aimed at a joint change in the ideas of both partners, involves the satisfaction of such a human need as the need for understanding, sympathy, empathy.

Humanistic communication is determined not so much from the outside (goal, conditions, situation, stereotypes), but from the inside (individuality, mood, attitude towards a partner). In this communication, more than in other types, there is a dependence on individuality.

The partner is perceived as a whole, without division into necessary and unnecessary functions, into qualities that are important and unimportant at the moment. At the same time, there are situations when this communication and even its individual elements are inappropriate.

In addition, each person has his own individual style, or model of behavior and communication, which leaves a characteristic imprint on his actions in any situation.

Personal communication style depends on individual features and personality traits, life experience, attitudes towards people, as well as the type of communication characteristic of a given society.

FORMS OF CORPORATE COMMUNICATION: business conversation; business negotiations; dispute, discussion, controversy; business meeting; public speaking; telephone conversations; business correspondence.

business conversation- the transmission or exchange of information and opinions on certain issues or problems. Based on the results of business conversations, decision-making, the conclusion of transactions is optional.

A business conversation performs a number of functions, including:

Mutual communication of employees from the same business area;

Joint search, promotion and prompt development of working ideas and plans;

Control and coordination of already started business events;

Stimulation of business activity, etc.

A business conversation can precede negotiations or be an element of the negotiation process.

Business negotiations- the main means of coordinated decision-making in the process of communication of interested parties. Business negotiations always have a specific goal and are aimed at concluding agreements, transactions, contracts.

Dispute- a clash of opinions, disagreements on any issue, a struggle in which each side defends its point of view. The dispute is realized in the form of a dispute, polemic, discussion, etc.

business meeting- a way of open collective discussion of problems by a group of specialists.

Public speaking- transmission by one speaker of information of various levels to a wide audience in compliance with the rules and principles of speech construction and oratory.

Business correspondence- a generalized name of documents different in content, allocated in connection with a special way of transmitting the text.

Letters from higher organizations contain, as a rule, instructions, notifications, reminders, clarifications, requests. Subordinate organizations send messages and requests to superiors. Organizations exchange letters containing requests, proposals, confirmations, notices, messages, etc. Correspondence as a type of business communication is divided into proper business and private official.

Business letter- This is correspondence sent on behalf of one organization to another. It can be addressed to a team or to one person acting as a legal entity.

Such correspondence includes commercial, diplomatic and other letters. A private official letter is a business message that is addressed on behalf of an individual of an organization to an individual. Business correspondence still retains a number of ethical and etiquette norms and rules that humanize it, limiting its clerical nature.

In business communication, especially in the interaction of managers and subordinates, the following methods of influence are used: encouragement, criticism, punishment. Basic ethical requirements for incentives- their merit and proportionality to the quality and efficiency of labor activity.

Criticism is the most common form of expressing dissatisfaction with the activities of subordinates or work colleagues. Criticism should be objective (i.e., caused by a negative act, inept and dishonest work) and constructive, instill confidence in the employee in his abilities, mobilize for better work.

Punishment can be carried out in the form of a reprimand, a fine, demotion, dismissal. The main ethical requirement for punishments is their inevitability for systematic and consciously admitted shortcomings.


The whole variety of forms and methods of managing the interaction of people is called corporate communication management. In the process of corporate communication, thanks to established contacts, people perceive some information, moods, spread or suppress rumors, support or debunk the source of information. It is quite clear that all business people must master the technique of live contact, both on an individual and collective level, as well as the ability to handle the word.

When communicating, there is an interaction of at least two personalities, communication is a type of independent human activity and an attribute of its other types.

Corporate communication - the most important factor not only the formation and self-improvement of the employee, but also his spiritual and physical health.

In addition, communication is a universal way of knowing other people, their inner world. Thanks to business communication, the employee acquires his own unique set of personal and business qualities.


Organization of joint activities;

Formation and development of interpersonal relationships;

People knowing each other.

All this cannot be done without the communicative technique of communication, the degree of possession of which is the most important criterion for the professional suitability of an employee.

An employee, as a professional, must be able to:

Formulate goals and objectives of communication;

Organize communication;

Handle complaints and applications;

Possess skills and techniques, tactics and communication strategies;

Negotiate, manage a business meeting;

Prevent conflicts and resolve them;

Prove and substantiate, argue and convince, reach agreement, conduct a conversation, discussion, dialogue, dispute;

To carry out psychotherapy, relieve stress, a sense of fear in the interlocutor, manage his behavior.


Infection- this is an unconscious, spontaneous acceptance by a person of a certain psychological state.

Suggestion is the active influence of one subject on another. Suggestion occurs under the conditions of the authoritativeness of the source of suggestion, trust in the source of suggestion, and the absence of resistance to the inspiring influence.

Imitation- this is the reproduction by one person of certain patterns of behavior, manner of speaking, etc. of another person. The most massive manifestation of imitation is following fashion, and especially the mindless copying of the manner of dressing, speaking and behaving like all kinds of idols among young people.

Belief- this purposeful influence, exerted in order to transform the views of one person into the system of views of another, is the main method of influencing the conscious sphere of the individual. Its goal is to activate the thinking of the individual when assimilating information, to form her conviction.

The method of persuasion affects both ordinary and theoretical consciousness. At the level of ordinary consciousness, as a result of this influence, understanding is formed. In this mental formation there are ideas about something, belief in the information offered. All of this is simplistic in nature.

Only when a person overcomes the horizons of everyday understanding and rises to a thorough, meaningful knowledge of some phenomenon, convictions, i.e., his own position, will begin to take shape in his mind.

Persuasion is rarely used as a separate method of influencing people. It constantly interacts with imitation and suggestion. The difference between these concepts is that persuasion presupposes a conscious understanding of the information addressed to them, while imitation and suggestion are designed for their unconscious perception of this information due to the authority of the speaker, the mood of the audience, under the pressure of public opinion, personal value orientation.

A similar psychological effect of exposure can be observed when listening to lectures, holding mass theatrical and sports events. A striking example of the effectiveness of imitation and suggestion are such phenomena as fashion and rumors.

The application of the imitation method is based on the propensity of people to group psychological states. Even Aristotle said that people differ from other living beings in that they are highly prone to imitation, and a person acquires the first knowledge through imitation.

I would like to draw your attention to the latter. Imitation as a conscious or unconscious imitation of someone's actions, behavior and thinking is widespread in life, including business practice.

More difficult is the method of suggestion. This is bringing another person into a certain psychological state (mood, impression, actions) by means of a word or in some other way, while distracting his volitional attention and concentration.

The difference between suggestion and imitation is that in imitation the goal is achieved by the visual expressiveness of the source of information or by the increased attractiveness of the information coming from it. Here, the effect of the image is the basis for the perception of information. And with suggestion, the achievement of the goal is determined by the direct emotional impact, the main charge of which is the word.

Compulsion in comparison with the previous methods, this is the most violent method of influencing people, since it involves the desire to force a person to behave contrary to his desire and beliefs. Coercion is based on the fear of punishment and other undesirable consequences for the individual. Ethically coercion can be justified in exceptional cases, in particular, if it comes to violating the rule of law or moral norms established in society.

In communication, persuasion, suggestion, imitation and coercion are used as interconnected system of methods. The leader is called upon to skillfully use them during working meetings, various public meetings, meetings.

No matter how professionally prepared the manager is, he must constantly improve his technology of communicating with people, both at the mass and individual levels. Finding your style in communicating with people is an important condition for success.


Audience Composition. Here it is useful to take into account everything that characterizes its cultural, educational, national, age, psychological and professional qualities. Different audiences require specific approaches to achieve the best communication impact.

The content and nature of the speech material. For example, in a speech that discusses topical issues of professional activity, an authoritarian tone and peremptory statements are unacceptable. It is necessary to show more trust in people, to consult with them in the process of speaking. Here, let's say a trusting exchange of opinions, an open desire to mutually enrich oneself with knowledge is a reliable variant of communication.

Objective self-assessment by the speaker of his personal and business qualities, scientific competence in those problems with which he came out to people. It is important not to overestimate or underestimate your scientific, economic and practical preparedness. You should self-critically assess your communication skills. The speaker should seriously think about the technique of communication, control himself in the process of communication.

There are several types of business communication: mentoring - instructive, instructive; inspiring - elevating people, instilling in them faith in their spiritual powers and personal qualities; confrontational - causing people to want to object, disagree; informational - focused on transferring certain information to listeners, restoring some knowledge in their memory.

You should strive to get rid of mentor communication, beware of the appearance of notes of instructive communication in the head. There should not be a pose, any manifestation of one's intellectual superiority over people, ignoring their reactions to the material presented.

Modern people reserved about information communication. They want to exchange thoughts, assert themselves in the scientific understanding of real factors, develop their own convictions. No wonder it's popular right now. soulful communication. In its process, people are imbued with the virtues of intellectual communication. They actualize the need to improve their spiritual world. Inspiring communication is a clear indicator of a high culture of communication.

Confrontational communication in some cases didactically necessary. There are passive audiences or audiences that are said to be unsurprising. There are topics of speech that do not arouse a lively interest in people for a variety of reasons. The confrontational manner of communication is used to activate the attention of people, drawing them into the discussion of the problem, it most predisposes to the emergence of discussions, to the confrontation of different points of view.


The principle of creating conditions for identifying the creative potential and professional knowledge of the individual;

The principle of authority and responsibility;

The principle of reward and punishment;

The principle of rational use of working time.

7.2. Contact Etiquette

It is quite obvious that one of the most important aspects of any professional activity is everyday communication with people. Representatives of many professions are in need of various recommendations on organizing business meetings, programming conversations, avoiding conflicts, etc. Dynamic modern business life contributes to the emergence of non-standard situations that require quick, clear and adequate reactions and responses in the process of interpersonal interaction.

All this requires certain knowledge, the development of the necessary skills to communicate with any person.

There are various technologies for establishing interpersonal contact (psychological, emotional, etc.). The most acceptable, in our opinion, are the recommendations developed by the Scientific and Methodological Center for Legal, Psychological and Pedagogical Training "Innovation".

Their adaptation to the peculiarities of modern life allows us to propose a specific methodology that helps to simultaneously eliminate psychological barriers, organize rapprochement with a communication partner and diagnose his personal characteristics.

Such contact technique is aimed at creating an atmosphere of trust and therefore is acceptable for most situations of business (professional) communication. The most favorable conditions for the “working” of the technique arise with repeated interpersonal communication, and its use in a situation of one-time contact may not lead to the desired goal.

The technique is recommended to be applied in the relationship of business partners, colleagues, boss and subordinate - when you build communication according to the type of cooperation, based on a democratic style of interaction.


1. Consistent and complete passage of all stages of establishing contact. A delay at any stage leads to a kind of "ossification" of relations. They are fixed at a certain point and do not develop further. If an attempt is made to "jump" a stage or accelerate its maturation, inhibition and even conflict may arise.

2. Orientation and reliance only on clear and previously studied signs and indicators of the emergence of a stage, the achievement of its maturity and readiness to be replaced by the next.

3. The reciprocal desire and desire of the partner to independently act in the direction of rapprochement. This is important, since it is the desire for rapprochement that generates the emergence of the necessary motivation. Therefore, it is impossible to assign a passive role to a partner. It is necessary to focus not only on one's own impact, but also on the inevitable response impact. This does not mean that the roles are equally valuable, but it suggests that the interlocutor's independent activity brought to life will give a greater result than your one-sided activity as the contact initiator.


I stage. Removal of psychological barriers.

II stage. Finding matching interests.

III stage. Definition of principles of communication.

IV stage. Identification of qualities that are dangerous for communication.

V stage. Adaptation to a partner and establishing contact.

Compliance with the sequence of stages is fundamentally important both for establishing contact and for exercising a psychological impact on a partner.

I. Removal of psychological barriers. At the first meeting of two people (for example, work colleagues, boss and subordinate, business partners), both partners expect certain actions from each other. This is what affects their positions in the original relationship.

Preparing for any influence from another (and it, as a rule, is not desirable at the first meeting), a person unconsciously and indistinctly erects a number of psychological barriers: increased caution and control over statements.

Thus, everyone insures themselves in advance with these psychological barriers that act as barriers. When you first communicate, a lot will depend on how you manage to overcome these barriers. Experience shows that the best means here is to periodically express your agreement with your partner and form the same reaction on his part.

The expediency of consent itself lies in the fact that it creates a situation that satisfies the partner and does not in itself contain elements of conflict, confrontation. Consent is always expected as a desirable phenomenon that can ease tension and eliminate contradiction. The first "confrontation" of two people (even when no direct psychological impact is expected) always causes some alertness, tension.

Usually this is generated by the lack of information about the style of interaction that will be offered by the partner. The attitude that he will take, as well as the position and role chosen by him for communication, are also unknown. That is why the tension that is not conducive to communication must be removed.

Thus, the two functions of the first stage are: removal of psychological barriers and voltage reduction are combined into one main function - preparing paths for subsequent interaction. The main factors of the first stage are divided into positive and negative.

Positive Factors- conditions that cause agreement or lead to the accumulation of agreement on various issues:

A) the frequency of consents;

B) their reciprocity and coincidence;

C) alternation of consents on both sides.

negative factor- Alertness, which determines the emergence of barriers.

When a partner sees that you agree with him, with his judgments, opinions or statements, he will perceive this as his achievement. The frequency of this kind of agreement reinforces the desired style of action. A lot of agreement creates a long and stable state of satisfaction with the interlocutor's actions - both his own and yours.

An important principle of the work of the contact initiator at the first stage of communication should be the choice of a neutral topic for conversation: social events, weather, results of sports competitions, etc. At the same time, the conversation should be conducted with such assessments of problems and questions that one cannot but agree with. As a rule, these are the most general judgments, thoughts and opinions for a certain group, which are accepted by everyone.

the main task- exclude moments that can cause tension, anxiety or create a psychological barrier. Ultimately, the focus is always on that which is not related to the decision and therefore does not cause difficulties.

The initiator of the contact must adhere to the cardinal principle - agreement with all the statements of the partner and obtaining consent from his side.

Signs and indicators of stage I:

a) pauses after your questions become shorter;

b) the interlocutor's own messages begin to prevail, his involuntary explanations and additions to what has already been said arise;

c) the number of monosyllabic answers and reactive questions (a question for a question) decreases.

Results of the first stage. The tension of the initial relationship (as the initial state) is replaced by relaxation (relaxation). The overcontrol inherent in the initial phase of the relationship (as a result of expecting influence from you) is replaced first by observation of the development of the relationship, and then by involvement in communication along the line of consent. Anxiety and tension are reduced.

II. Finding matching interests. At the second stage of communication, the search for “points of contact” begins, which could become the initial elements for establishing contact with a partner (whereas at the first stage your statements of agreement with him played a decisive role). This stage is based on search for matches: coinciding topics, opinions, assessments, experiences. Coincidences thus act as a platform for convergence. Such a platform most often becomes some kind of common interest, which is shared by both participants in the conversation.

Interest of the “hobby” type is especially significant, because it seems free and independent of personal characteristics, is understood and accepted by the parties as an exchange of information, for example, about hunting, philately, photography, etc.

In fact, it not only attracts attention with an exchange of opinions, assessments and judgments, but at the same time it distracts from some “business”, from what can be considered as a duty and is usually associated with the official side of communication. It is also important that the assessments coincide. People who share the same interest most often also have the same judgments about other subjects and their assessments.

In conversations on an abstract, but exciting topic for both interlocutors, differences in social position and status are removed for a while. In the future, this is what helps to reduce the distance.

The goal of stage II is to build a primary basis for unification (primary community), and then, on the basis of common coincident and attractive moments for each, “move” with a partner for some time in parallel. At the same time, the primary skills of joint work are developed here.

An important function of the second stage of communication is the ability to get positive emotions from the realization of the aspirations of the interlocutor. In essence, "circling" around the same general subject of interest always creates not only a basis for such emotions, but also a basis for communication, to which one can return at any time.

In addition, when discussing individual elements of a common subject of interest, they are simultaneously evaluated and identical judgments are identified. The simultaneity of feelings about these assessments creates the prerequisites for the first concurrence of opinions. At the same time, there is a kind of learning to understand what is happening with the partner.

In the future, this can be considered as the basis for recognizing, by individual signs, the state of satisfaction that is expected from communication and is desirable for you. It is also the basis for judging the results of one's influence.

Tasks of the II stage. Building reasoning, agreeing with a partner on issues of common interest, challenging him to experience, familiarizing himself with the peculiarities of his behavior. The subject of common interest performs the function of both the standard, and the organizer, and the core of the conversation.

Stage II mechanisms. Interest in any subject or topic is important because it completely absorbs the consciousness of the interlocutor. A positive emotional coloring of the topic will encourage your partner to continue the conversation and deepen it. At the same time, his consciousness is "riveted" to the topic of interest, slows down, eliminates from the field of view everything that does not correspond and does not contribute to its development.

A significant role in strengthening interaction is played by the fact that people who communicate on any interest that unites them usually reason in the same way, and this facilitates the establishment of relations. The key here is to focus on only one common interest.

At the same time, you should not demonstrate the presence of any advantage, dominance over a partner (for example, in information). From this follows for him the need to take a passive position when receiving information from the interlocutor.

One should strive to ensure that a common interest is not only found, but immediately becomes dominant. If it is missing, you should find what is preferred by a particular person. Usually these are areas where he succeeds, achieves positive results and clearly has a chance to act actively, where there is his predominant knowledge or solid experience.

In order for the state caused by interest to have the greatest influence on the process of interaction, it is tactically expedient to maintain this interest only to certain limits, not to exhaust it to the end, since this would mean the disappearance of both emotions and the desire to continue the communication that has begun.

Tactics of the II stage. All tactics used by you in Stage II should be aimed at activating a conversation about a common interest, intensifying emotions, or eliminating the distraction of a partner's attention to other problems. The following approaches can be distinguished.

✓ "Increase". At the very beginning of a conversation on a particular topic, you can be outwardly indifferent to the positions and opinions expressed - until the moment when you begin to be noticeably interested in any judgment of your partner. In the future, show an increase in interest in the process of communication.

✓ Detailing. An increased interest is expressed in the details in the presentation of the interlocutor, as well as in requests to interpret what was said.

✓ Problems. To use it, it is necessary to have some recent sensational information and express some of your own judgments about it. All this should be original, but not contrary to the opinion expressed by the interlocutor. As a rule, the partner seeks to explain the ambiguities and questions that have arisen from the point of view of their positions.

✓ "Switch". Discussions on a topic chosen as a general one increasingly include individual elements of another problem, to which you “switch” the interlocutor. This makes it possible to spread the emotions that arise on the main topic to any other one you need.

Signs and indicators of stage II:

a) there is one topic that is equally acceptable to both parties (the main feature);

b) periodic return to one topic;

c) the emergence of a common fund of words and expressions;

d) in the zone of developed interest and when conducting a conversation on a topic of interest to both, individual phrases and expressions are reduced (it is practically enough to pronounce only the beginning of some phrases, and the interlocutor can continue them);

e) the flow of messages on this topic takes on the character of sudden memories.

Results of the II stage. The establishment of mutual understanding always causes a desire to continue communication and rapprochement, creates a number of primary “strongholds” in order to further expand the area of ​​possible interaction.

Prolonged and continuous communication about the same interest promotes an initial interaction (collaborative type) that can continue. Prerequisites and opportunities are being formed for this style to spread to other topics of conversation.

An expectation of a repetition of positive emotions is created.

III. Definition of principles of communication. In the previous phase of communication, your goal was to find the initial foundation for establishing contact. At this stage, you should move on to declaring your qualities, which will force the interlocutor to do the same. It's about demonstrating those traits that are most suited to building a permanent relationship.

This is a kind of notification about some of their own principles of behavior that guide people when communicating. Therefore, for example, a person emphasizes the need for directness, honesty, justice, etc.

The main function of stage III- the first exchange of information about the individual principles of communication and the selection of valuable and leading qualities of a partner.

Everything that the interlocutor offers you as principles of communication (honesty, directness, etc.) should be accepted by you. This will form in him a readiness for the reciprocal acceptance of not only the principles you have expressed (and your own qualities declared by you), but also other statements that you will express in the future. Thus, the position of acceptability is gradually being affirmed.

Your relationship with your partner at stage III will be determined by a number of positive and negative factors.

Positive Factors:

a) the proposal of the most general principles acceptable to everyone (“I am flexible”, “I am always ready for discussion”, “I think everything will be settled anyway”, “I am direct”, “I think it is better not to speak harshly: people may be offended”, etc.);

b) the manifestation of qualities that coincide with what is expected from a person; the measure of their influence on another increases if the sender communicates what is pleasant to the receiver;

c) a quick and positive reaction to the proposal, as a rule, causes an increased interest in the message.

Negative Factors:

a) the image of those qualities, the performance of which cannot be guaranteed;

c) attempts to analyze the proposed qualities;

d) expressing doubts about the principles set forth by the partner (doubt about their presence, degree of expression, sincerity, etc.).

Stage III mechanisms. The basis for the mechanisms of stage III is the idea of ​​each participant in the relationship that he has a certain set of qualities that he can demonstrate to his partner. Both of you show those qualities that you consider necessary for communication and which you will follow.

By obeying a certain accepted line of conduct, you must deliberately extinguish impulses to undesirable actions that could damage your tactical design.

This is the regulation of behavior at this stage. By emphasizing some of your shortcomings and making fun of them, you kind of invite your partner to adopt an ironic style of communication, showing that you are inclined to humor or to a calm and easy resolution of issues.

In another case, instead of saying “I’m restrained,” you can deliberately slow down answers, think through your judgments, slowly present the material, etc. This will serve as a signal to your partner that you are offering a reasonable, thoughtful and serious style communication.

Stage III principles.

"Readiness". It is expressed as a setting to accept and take into account any message of the interlocutor. Such readiness to accept everything offered is always positively evaluated by the partner.

"Reply message about yourself." It lies in the fact that communication itself, which has taken the form of a dialogue, creates a kind of rhythm for the exchange of views. In this regard, any response message is regarded by the partner as acceptance of his words and contributes to the normal development of the conversation.

"Gradual disclosure of one's qualities." It consists in the fact that all the traits that you inform your partner about are communicated by you in a certain sequence. Separate qualities should not only be understood by your interlocutor, but also, as it were, “assimilated” by him, that is, in the future, correlated with the system of his own qualities. That is why you should not "serve" them all at once. Otherwise, a wrong opinion may be formed about you - “careless person”, “assertive person”, “restless person”, etc.

"Avoid". It is necessary to be wary of premature formulations, even if there is enough material for generalization. This will also help to avoid summing up information about a partner under any definition, category (for example, “a person who has his own mind”, “a person who avoids reporting about himself”, etc.). Given that each person at a certain period wants to appear before the other in a favorable light, it is necessary to provide him with this opportunity.

The tactic is to ensure the transition from neutral interests to those that have personal meaning. You must ensure that you receive the amount of information that the partner wants to tell you (“desired qualities”).

It is also necessary to strive to ensure that the interlocutor has a conviction that everything reported by him is taken into account. For example, you can say: “I see you are sociable”, “You are direct”, “You understand the point of view of another person”, “You quickly navigate”, “I am glad that I saw something in you that seems especially valuable to me” .

It is desirable that statements about your own qualities that follow the messages of the interlocutor do not oppose the characteristics that he expressed before. The belief of the interlocutor that everything he offers is accepted allows him to get rid of doubts.

Therefore, you, in turn, should not show them in relation to what your partner said, in no way should you try to convict him of inaccuracies, expose fictions. It is rational to lead the interlocutor in advance to the need to speak out about what worries him, and first of all about those properties that may suddenly appear in him.

That is why we should talk about a sufficient degree of expression in a person of such qualities as decisiveness, directness and frankness. This is a kind of "special preparation" for their subsequent manifestation, the desire to speak out about their negative qualities or hidden sides of the personality.

Tactical techniques of stage III.

✓ "Formulation of accepted". It is necessary to periodically formulate aloud what the interlocutor specifically wants to emphasize. This both satisfies the partner and reduces the number of attempts to repeat what he has already said once.

✓ "Summarizing". It is advisable to periodically summarize what was said earlier and highlight points of convergence in opinions.

✓ "Similar opinions" ("Assimilation"). You specifically speak out about what, in your opinion, serves as evidence of an identical understanding of certain points in behavior and relationships. For example, you might say, "Do you agree that it's important to be as candid as possible?"

✓ "Measurable expectations". You express some judgments that you expected just such a behavior, a solution to the issue and just such a way of interaction (“I myself thought so about you”, “I thought that you would solve this issue in the same way as I did”).

At the third stage of communication, the qualities offered and demonstrated by your interlocutor indicate his preferences. They may also be regarded as those to be certain time support. The partner will behave in accordance with the "declared" set of properties.

Signs and indicators of stage III:

a) the first mention of the principles by which a person is guided in relations with people and in communication;

b) emphasizing one's own qualities and properties;

c) the appearance of repetitive cliches of behavior (for example, frequent reference to the same words: “to be honest”, “I’ll tell you straight”, “this needs to be thoroughly thought about”, etc.) means either an offer to accept his frankness, or a desire being direct, or wanting to be careful; such maxims as “I always agree with what is right”, “I cannot but agree”, if they include the same constructions, indicate that the partner wants to be taken into account his willingness to agree;

d) notification of typical habits and preferences; in these cases, peculiar introductions take place: "I'm used to ...", "usually I ...", "I love ...", "I like ...", etc.

Results of stage III. As a result of mutual notifications, some general idea about the sets of qualities that are offered by partners for communication. At the same time, it is at this stage that some of the real qualities of your interlocutor do not appear (negative, which are an obstacle to communication, which, in the opinion of their carrier, should be “extinguished” or “not shown”). They are carefully hidden.

The "inhibition" of negative qualities and their concealment lead to the fact that they are "turned off" for this period and do not play a role in communication.

The achievement of stage III should be the first "feeling of mutual understanding". Your interlocutor believes that he understands, if not your qualities, then at least your desires, and at the same time “feels” that he himself is understood.

You and your partner begin to acquire an attitude to accept the personal characteristics of the interlocutor. This is what encourages communication.

IV. Identification of qualities that are dangerous for communication. After the qualities that your partner considers necessary to show (thus informing about the principles proposed for communication) appear at stage III, there comes a period when you should identify his other, "unexplained" features.

Firstly, some situations are possible (for example, conflicts) in which other qualities of the interlocutor will be revealed.

Secondly, habitual stereotypes of his behavior may appear. That is why it is advisable to find out in advance some properties and qualities that may later cause an unfriendly attitude towards you, that is, the dangerous qualities of a partner. Usually each person has some features that he hides from people.

The reasons for hiding are different. They need to be taken into account in order to properly navigate in building relationships. They try to hide some qualities because of their danger to communication (intemperance, tactlessness, irascibility, harshness, rudeness, etc.), others because they are socially disapproved (envy, cunning, flattery, callousness, etc.). ).

However, among the hidden properties there are some that are regarded by a person as his own “weaknesses” that he does not want to “show off”. For example, one is ashamed of his romanticism, the other is afraid to discover a tendency to suddenly be embarrassed, etc. These features are hidden due to the fact that they can become the subject of ironic remarks, ridicule or even attacks.

Sometimes they mask qualities that are associated with behavior in difficult or dangerous situations (for example, indecision or cowardice). They also hide those that hinder the development of relationships (suspicion, distrust), or are associated with a predominantly negative assessment of others (neglect, contempt, arrogance), or are used to suppress another person (aggressive behavior, authoritarianism).

So, the main purpose of this stage is to obtain a "volumetric" picture of the personality, information about its "reverse side" and compiling the most complete qualitative characteristics of your partner.

The main function of the IV stage of communication- the search for those qualities that have not yet been revealed at the previous stages, but which are inherent in a person. Since they did not appear earlier for the reason that they were “slowed down”, they avoided showing them in full or directly concealed them, it is necessary to identify them.

It is necessary to determine the strength of dangerous qualities relative to all others, the degree of probability of their manifestation, as well as the circle of those circumstances for which these qualities are intended (in which they appear). Thus, the predictability of the appearance of a particular quality in particular circumstances must be ensured.

Stage IV factors.

Positive factors:

a) focus on not fixing your attention on the partner’s emerging or established qualities;

b) the absence of a tendency to condemn on your part the negative qualities and emotions of the interlocutor when they are detected;

c) understanding the value of your partial self-disclosure in maintaining a strong relationship;

d) readiness for the fact that some of your negative qualities will also be revealed.

Negative factors:

a) your behavior can be regarded as "exploring qualities";

b) maneuvering (evasive answers to direct questions about qualities, "solid questions");

c) your direct questions regarding the negative qualities of the interlocutor (at the beginning this is regarded by him as "attribution").

Stage IV mechanisms are divided into those that provide the discovery of qualities, and those that make it possible to test their strength. For example, what was previously declared by your partner as "restraint" is compared with what is actually observed in his behavior. If what is declared matches your observation, then there is no cover-up. In another case, "breakdowns" and outbursts of anger give you reason to believe that the previously declared restraint is unrealistic, perhaps it masks some more dangerous quality (for example, aggressiveness).

Thus, on the basis of comparing the same quality in different manifestations, consistency or mismatch is fixed. As a rule, the material for comparison is, on the one hand, the meaning of the previously stated, and on the other hand, the features of speech behavior, intonation, facial expressions and gestures of the partner.

Other objects of comparison are complexes of qualities that are typical for many people (expected and those that actually occur). For example, when one speaks of "directness", "sociability", then a real manifestation of frankness is also expected. However, there is sometimes a discrepancy in human behavior. Let's say a person thinks they have to tell you how much they depend on the opinions of others, are unsure of themselves, fear failure, are overly timid in certain situations, etc.

And at the same time, it is difficult for him to give up the fact that at the very beginning he demonstrated his independence, firmness, easy attitude to failures. He also realizes that he passed off what he wished for reality, but sometimes he is practically unable to refuse what was previously declared.

Consequently, what took place in the beginning begins to have a motivational force. All this leaves a certain imprint on interpersonal relationships and is a constant hindrance in establishing contact with the interlocutor.

The basis of the mechanism that makes it possible to reveal hidden properties is the fixation of a sudden deviation from the formed behavior style. For example, against the background of normal behavior in a certain situation, some surprises appear: the partner demonstrates an unusual intolerance for your statements - interrupts you, allows himself sarcastic remarks.

The very fact of such a deviation from the established style is possible primarily due to the fact that at stage IV, control over one's behavior weakens. The first to go out of control are those qualities that were the most "powerful" in a person. That is why they "break through".

Principles of the IV stage of communication.

"Initiative". Without waiting for messages from your interlocutor, you must demonstrate a willingness to start talking about yourself, your weaknesses and some of the negative aspects of your personality.

"Frankness". After establishing a certain relationship, you must demonstrate a willingness to be frank.

"Equivalence". You should report about yourself as much and to the same extent as the interlocutor reports about himself.

Unlike other stages, your doubts are allowed here and objections can be raised. Disputes are a normal occurrence that creates the necessary backdrop for relationships.

One of the main features of the tactics of your behavior should be a gradual approach to the problem of hidden or negative qualities of the interlocutor. At the same time, you avoid everything that can lead away from this topic or can alert your partner and make him withdraw.

Given the rhythm of the exchange of statements and taking into account the fact that the interlocutor has already spoken about himself, you should begin your own confessions about your weaknesses. So, you can report some of your habits that can negatively affect the communication process.

For example: “I have a habit of talking all the time and not giving the interlocutor the opportunity to speak ... Maybe I am abusing this in our conversation” (thus, you simultaneously emphasize the principle of order in the statement - dialogue, and the proposal to speak more openly).

In these cases, you expect a message about the behavior of the interlocutor, which he reveals in response. Then you can move on to judgments about your own disapproved properties that interfere with communication.

For example: “I often speak incomprehensibly. This is my shortcoming and a kind of selfishness. As a rule, you speak out yourself, realizing, however, that the interlocutor suffers. At the same time, it is useful to ask your partner not to allow your negative qualities to manifest.

For example: “It is very difficult for me to fight my impatience. In a conversation, you often have to control your intemperance. You, if you can, remind me when I make the first attempts, indicating the manifestation of my impatience. Sometimes I myself may not notice when I start interrupting you or switching to other topics.

Thus, in addition to frankness, the meaning of revealing negative qualities for mutual control is also emphasized. Mentioning some of your own disapproved qualities gives your partner the opportunity to feel interested in overcoming all the obstacles in communication.

However, it is equally important to establish a specific style of behavior that is perceived as unusual, but in fact is not dangerous for joint activities. For example, it should be pointed out to the interlocutor: in some cases, interrupting his reasoning does not mean a manifestation of disapproval or disagreement, but only indicates that much is already clear and does not require explanation.

For example: “Do not be surprised at my habit of constantly finding fault with individual words or expressions. This does not mean that I have anything against you. I need to get rid of doubts and ambiguities myself.

Another tactic of behavior is also possible, which will provoke the statements of the interlocutor. You can deliberately extremely sharpen everything that has already been expressed by the partner regarding his qualities, that is, select exclusively positive characteristics and speak commendably about them.

If we take everything that has been said into an absolute value and present it as a kind of result of an assessment of the partner's individuality, then this should appear before him as a clearly wrong one-sided picture. Trying to object, he will contradict such a one-sided coverage of his personality, that is, resist, argue on the merits of the characterization that he himself gave himself.

It is only important to emphasize its exclusivity. In this situation, you can expect that the interlocutor will strive to correct, add, make changes and, most importantly, correct the wrong image that you have. At the same time, he will also speak about some of his negative sides.

For example: “Judging by what you told me and what I learned myself, you have an almost ideal character - a portrait of a person with only positive qualities. I didn't see any negative ones.

After that, you can expect a rebuttal like: “No, that’s not entirely true. You are wrong, you praise me too much. In fact, I, like all people, have many negative traits. Then, as a rule, a list of their negative qualities is given as evidence.

You can also cite your own doubt about the reality of the image of the partner that developed after stage III: “You yourself understand that it is highly doubtful that everything was exclusively positive for anyone. You probably have some negative properties as well.” Usually such doubts cause a person to need to describe some aspects of his character.

At the IV stage of communication, you can:

a) allow disputes, but not condemnation;

b) to attach more importance to the very fact of reporting about the hidden than to the characteristics of its content (to support any disclosure of qualities);

c) constantly emphasize your own trusting attitude towards the interlocutor, be confident that everything said will not be passed on to anyone, but will remain known only to the two of you;

d) in the event of a dispute, immediately terminate it.

When building all tactical structures, you may encounter one important phenomenon. This is a kind of phenomenon of testing you for reliability. Specific testing of you by a partner consists in the fact that he begins to ask questions in which the same motive always sounds: what is your opinion about some negative properties of other people and their characteristics?

Moreover, this is often accompanied by a request to prove and substantiate such characteristics. It is important for the interlocutor how exactly you will express about the other person. You are tested by him before establishing a trusting relationship with you and make a mistake if you talk about the hidden qualities of other people (give them out). In the future, they will not tell you about any similar moments, about condemned actions and vices.

Here, any excuse is enough not to tell the interlocutor information about other people. He may well be satisfied with such maxims: “I can’t tell because it’s not my secret”, “I can’t discuss deeply personal details of other people’s lives”, “I suppose that this is of no interest to anyone”, “This is not a topic for conversation ". At first glance, in requests to talk about others, only a measure of trust and a request for help are manifested.

However, this is actually a test. In any case, it should be borne in mind that sooner or later a person will face the question of whether you are capable of confidential relationships and whether you know how to keep secrets and secrets. The ability to remain silent about the secrets of others, of course, disposes to trust and causes a willingness to reveal certain aspects of one's life.

If your communication partner does not strive for statements, you can apply a psychological technique. But first of all, it is necessary to establish the reasons why this happens. The interlocutor may be holding back because they are afraid of disapproval or negative evaluation from your side. What tactics will help arouse (or accelerate) your partner's need to speak out?

Tactical methods of the IV stage.

✓ “Expressing doubts”. Some messages of the interlocutor you question immediately after their utterance. This causes a one-way protection. The reason for such doubts must always be some unexpected discrepancy in what has just been said. Doubts about at least one fact should be expressed immediately - the partner will seek to eliminate them immediately.

✓ "Comparison of contradictions". When it is necessary to arouse in a person an active orientation towards independent expression, one should compare (collide) all the contradictions that can be “presented” to him as his own. Naturally, you need to accumulate them in advance. This will allow him to get out of the waiting state. Usually a person can be induced to speak by pointing out the contradictions in his words.

✓ "Diagnostic questions". Your questions regarding the properties and qualities of other people encourage your partner to express his opinion about their characteristics, and thereby his attitude towards negative qualities. It turns out his idea of ​​the correctness of the behavior of others.

These questions reveal his assessment of the behavior of other people, the means of justifying their actions, as well as the methods of hiding his own actions. The suddenness of such questions is a necessary condition for the conversation, usually it causes less alertness and a faster reaction than your insinuating behavior, which contributes to increased self-control on the part of the partner.

✓ "Call dispute". You start arguing about something, there is a sharp exchange of opinions. The usual objections from both sides create a situation in which each resists the influence of the other and expresses his arguments. Dispute and defense of positions cause the interlocutor's desire to give out his own methods of influence or protection.

✓ "Relaxation". Sometimes a person is ready to talk about himself, but at the same time feels awkward, insecure, does not know where to start the conversation. In these cases, it is advisable to relieve tension by diverting attention to extraneous topics.

Signs and indicators of stage IV:

a) the partner expresses the first doubts about the stability and reliability of his qualities, previously identified by him in your eyes;

b) explicit questions, requests to inform what choice the partner can make in this or that situation: “It can’t be that you didn’t say anything to him at that time”, “Probably, you then calmly got out of the situation”, etc. .;

c) the interlocutor seeks to change your opinion about his personal characteristics, about the wrong first conclusion: “You were very mistaken in your conclusions about me”, “Do you not admit the thought that you are fundamentally mistaken about the characteristics of my personality?”, “You exaggerate my merits " etc.;

d) a kind of self-exposure and self-blame, manifested in the statements of your partner about his behavior: “I, as always, turned out to be weak”, “I am usually too harsh in such situations”, “I cannot act confidently in these circumstances”, “I weak-willed”, “I am a cynic” (this is, as it were, compensation for the previous concealment);

e) the interlocutor's stories about himself as about another person ("stories about a friend"); negative properties are attributed to an abstract, fictitious comrade in order to establish how they will be received by you; thus, the interlocutor, as it were, is trying to accustom you to the perception of such properties;

f) attempts at “anticipatory objections”: before you express your opinion about the partner, he seeks to speak out about himself: “You want to say that I am not well informed”, “You now think that everything you are telling me about , will not go for the future”, “Now you will tell me…”;

g) “extremism” of the interlocutor: his special deviant behavior or act to find out your reaction: “And if I deceived you?”;

h) an attempt to impose an argument or discussion on you.

An essential feature of stage IV is the partner's questions about other people, mainly about their hidden personal characteristics and properties: "What is D.?", "How far does N.'s ambitions extend?" The analysis shows that this is a kind of test of your “strength”. As already emphasized, probing about other people is only a way to test from the very beginning how much you can be trusted and under what conditions you can be frank with you. At the same time, this is evidence of a readiness and an urgent need to open up.

Results of the IV stage. As a result of searches aimed at identifying the negative qualities of a partner, you discover those traits that did not appear before and were not known to you. In the course of identifying such qualities, you must also consider the ways they are hidden and identify the motives for disguise. That is why the role of such qualities in the structure of the personality of the interlocutor becomes more understandable.

The established qualities become significant not only for you. The realization that the previously hidden became known to you becomes an important circumstance for your partner, who is now constantly correlated with this fact and adjusts his behavior to it.

Significant result of stage IV- those habits that are also obstacles in communication (absent-mindedness, careless listening to the interlocutor, interrupting, etc.) are clarified. For example, due to the habit of ignoring the interlocutor's questions, your partner continues to talk, although you have already expressed objections. He does not react to them and thus destroys the rhythm of the exchange of opinions. Or he does not allow you to fully express your thought and interrupts you, that is, he imposes a pace that cannot be accepted and assimilated by you.

Thus, by the end of the IV stage of communication, the positive qualities of your interlocutor will be fixed, the negative ones will tend to systematic manifestation, which you need to reckon with. In the future, you will either have to avoid the manifestation of the identified negative personality traits of the partner (that is, avoid situations in which they can manifest themselves) or make allowances for them.

V. Adaptation to a partner and establishing contact. By this stage, your relationship with a communication partner becomes quite clear and definite. You are aware of each other's personal qualities. Since you have already basically identified the main advantages and disadvantages of your interlocutor, the prerequisites are being created for exerting a directed influence on him, building trusting relationships.

It is especially important here to maintain the process of interaction at an optimal level. This is possible only with such a distribution of roles, in which your potentials are used most rationally, when the performance of the role of each participant in communication correlates and coincides with the expectations of the other. Roles are distributed according to the principle of mutual complementation. In addition, joint rules of conduct are being developed.

The main ones at stage V are adjustment mechanisms one personality to another (i.e., the characteristics of one person are adjusted until they are optimal in terms of interaction with the characteristics of another). They can be called adaptive. Others, which provide an adjustment process, are associated with correction. These are the mechanisms that determine the optimal mode of interaction when making constant amendments to it.

Often, a mechanism specific to this stage is activated, due to which some buffer formations. They contribute to the neutralization of dangerous reactions in response to specific irritations.

For example: you can use the following preliminary phrases: “I want to tell you directly, just don’t be offended ...”, “You may not agree with this, but I must warn you that this question seems difficult”, “Do not be surprised and do not resent what you are about to hear."

By adjusting to the qualities of a partner, you thereby control his behavior and consolidate those qualities that ensure effective interaction. In this case, it is necessary to rely on the principle of "common destiny".

It consists in stating that the duration of the exchange of thoughts, information, emotions during the previous stages creates a common product of activity, the owner of which is both interlocutors. This promotes rapprochement and makes it easier for you to psychologically influence.

Your tactics at this stage of communication should be reduced to conducting an equal dialogue. You can use everything that will help to remove the fears of the interlocutor, for the concessions that he will make at your request. Therefore, all techniques should be aimed at arousing the partner's desire to interact with you.

Tactics of the V stage.

✓ Primary actions. When there is a threat of manifestation of any undesirable quality or property, it is advisable to mitigate the situation. If resentment may appear, one should warn: "Just don't be offended by what I'm about to tell you." Possible outbursts of anger can also be warned: "Just don't be angry at what you're about to hear."

✓ "Indication of quality requiring regulation". The expectation is to use the expectations of certain actions to include the appropriate motivation for behavior: "Knowing your impatience, I still ask you to be patient, since this is necessary to resolve this issue."

✓ "Emphasis and approval of the resulting compatibility." When a partner has a fairly clear attitude that some joint actions are possible only if there is initial compatibility, it should be emphasized that it has already formed and manifested itself by this moment. For example: “Due to the fact that we can successfully resolve issues together, it is necessary to calmly discuss the situation. Now we will come to the necessary and correct decision.”

✓ Seeking advice. It is used in cases where the passive position of the interlocutor is ascertained and it is necessary to increase its significance. Reception contributes to the emergence of his desire to be actively involved in the development general plans and behavior programs.

It is at the final stage of communication that it becomes possible to check the correctness of the preliminary diagnostics of your partner. Only now can you hear from him more or less confidential statements about the hidden parties (in the form that the person considers necessary).

It can be his negative actions, weaknesses, negative habits. Separate representations of the interlocutor, his views, principles of behavior, attitudes can also act as hidden ones.

In contrast to the scattered information about the negative aspects of the personality that may appear at the PG stage, here you have the opportunity to get a complete picture. The attitude to one's own actions, deeds and assessments of others is also important. A person begins to speak about himself, his actions, as well as the actions of other people in those expressions that are characteristic of him.

Signs and indicators of stage V. Typical are all signs that indicate changes in the behavior of the partner, his statements and appeals, indicating a preference to make common judgments and decisions. The desire to emphasize “common goals”, “one direction”, “joint decisions”, etc. begins to prevail.

There is also a desire to notify you of the proposed actions, to raise questions for discussion.

The most striking signal of change is the boomerang effect. At a certain point, you begin to feel that the interlocutor communicates your own thoughts, opinions, judgments and assessments that you previously expressed. This is a sign that they were sufficiently assimilated by him, accepted and already issued as a result of his reflections.

Another indicator of the coming stage is a distinct change in judgments and assessments. That is, if earlier the interlocutor was against any provision, now he has changed his position.

Sometimes this appears in a milder form: in the form of readiness to accept everything you have proposed (“Tell me what and how to do so that everything will be fine”), sometimes in the form of an unexpected recognition of the legitimacy of what you have expressed, even within limited limits. This is a kind of surrender.

An essential indicator of the current stage is also a proposal to resolve any controversial issue as you see fit. A variation of this behavior is asking you to make your own choice when there are many options.

An indicator of the formed stage is statements like “how we agreed”, “how we agreed”, “how we decided”, etc.

Results of the V stage. The main result is understanding not only the qualities of the partner, but also the motives and reasons for his actions. In addition, in the course of communication, you contribute to the formation of various psychological states in him that facilitate contact, first of all, comfort, security, which come from inner confidence in your help in solving problems.

All this is accompanied by the confidence of the interlocutor in the correctness of the decision, since it was worked out by you jointly. Your approval of his behavior gives the partner confidence in the correctness of his own intentions and thus creates the prerequisites for their implementation.

7.3. Speech etiquette of a business conversation


business conversation- this is understood in the broadest sense, oral speech contact between people connected by the interests of the case, who have the necessary authority to establish business relations and solve business problems.

Talking daily with each other, as well as with their clients, such people sometimes show blatant speech illiteracy, which significantly reduces their business activity and does not allow them to fully realize their potential. At the same time, business conversation as a scientific concept is absent in modern linguistics. Hence the complete lack of development of oral business speech in the field of entrepreneurial activity.

Meanwhile, such speech has its own lexical-grammatical and stylistic specificity, which manifests itself in the fact that its purely businesslike and concrete nature prevents the penetration of grammatical-stylistic means of fiction, but the influence of colloquial everyday and official business styles are most pronounced here. It is these features that largely determine the organization of the speech material of a business conversation and its linguistic specificity.

business conversation- This is primarily oral business speech, which has significant differences from its written form.

First of all, a business conversation is a direct communication that involves a specific interlocutor (or interlocutors), which makes it possible to directly influence him (or them). The presence of an interlocutor allows the use of facial expressions, gestures, intonation and other communication techniques, which significantly distinguishes oral business speech from its written form.


Direct communication excludes the possibility of preliminary reflection, and therefore business conversation is full of casual forms of communication, as well as some grammatical and stylistic features.

So, this type of business speech is characterized by a definite departure from the usual morphological norms common literary language, which in business communication are often considered as an excess, which does not allow to accurately and briefly convey the meaning of the statement.

It has already become the norm to use in business speech the singular in the meaning of the plural of those nouns that have a collective meaning, for example: "These units consist of a DC generator connected by an elastic coupling to an internal combustion engine." Or: “This booth presents three lathes with a fundamentally new type of cutter.”

In business speech, it has become common to use the plural of those nouns that in the general literary language have only the singular form (tobacco, oils, steel, bitumen, paper, repairs, etc.), as well as the “truncation” of the ending in the genitive case of a number of names masculine nouns. For example: "Network voltage 120 volts" (instead of volts). "The current in the circuit does not exceed 12 amperes" (instead of amperes). “The thickness of the plates of the device does not exceed 7 microns” (instead of microns).

Some words and phrases in the oral speech of business people have wider boundaries of compatibility than in ordinary literary language.. For example, the verbs "provide", "perform", "implement" here have almost unlimited combinability.

These features of colloquial business speech are undesirable for the literary language, since they are, strictly speaking, linguistic inaccuracies. Here, it is unjustified to consider them as shortcomings of speech, since they are normalized by widespread use in the business environment.

The purely businesslike and concrete nature of the description of goods and the processes of their production and sale, as already noted, prevents the penetration of grammatical and stylistic means of fiction into business speech, which, for example, is so characteristic of ordinary speech. Nevertheless, the colloquial speech of business people is made up of grammatical and stylistic phenomena that are common and inherent in written business speech.

The specifics of the language of oral business speech manifests itself only in separate lexical formations and syntactic constructions are found in it somewhat more often, than in her writing.

The high scientific and technical level of the production of industrial goods predetermines large specific gravity in colloquial business speech special vocabulary, turns of a professional nature and speech formulas, associated with the name of various goods and their components.

Among them, in the first place are production terms, i.e. words and phrases, which, on the one hand, serve as the basis of the professional language of manufacturers of industrial products, and on the other hand, are the officially fixed names of special technical and technological concepts.

Along with production terms, in the colloquial speech of business people there are a large number of names of specific systems and types of technical devices, as well as types of raw materials and materials. Such lexical items are quite specific in nature. They represent, as it were, the proper name of an apparatus, device, mechanism or machine in the form of a manufacturer's brand, which is attached to them arbitrarily and is conditional.

The names of brands and models usually consist of either one word, or a combination of a word with a digital designation. In the practice of many industries, there is a rule according to which a machine of a new design, having the same purpose and a similar principle of operation, is assigned the same name, but only with a different numerical indicator.

There are also many such names of specific types of manufactured and sold equipment, which are the initial letters of the main words (with the corresponding numerical designation) that make up the full name of a particular device, mechanism, machine or manufacturer.

As already noted, colloquial business speech has a somewhat simplified character. Meanwhile, this does not mean at all that words denoting abstract concepts are out of place here. However, in quantitative terms, compared with written business speech, they are much less here.

The syntax of a business conversation fully meets the conditions of ease and immediacy of verbal communication. The abundance of ready-made frozen structures and, above all, speech clichés helps to express a thought more concretely, concisely and more clearly, completely eliminating its various interpretations. From here setting for the standardization of the business language when displaying typical situations of business communication and narrowing the range of speech means used.

This setting greatly facilitates the conduct of a business conversation. Indeed, if you have a set of ready-made and already proven standard phrases-cliches, by analogy with which it would be possible to formulate the necessary idea, then expressing it will not be particularly difficult. These constructions require minimal stress during perception and greatly facilitate the position of the speaker, allowing you not to spend additional effort on finding the right wording.

The syntax of a business conversation is also characterized by the incompleteness of the grammatical composition of sentences and the weakening of syntactic forms, links in them.. Common in it and connecting syntactic constructions, related sentences and appeals. This should also include the replacement of adverbial and participial phrases subordinate clauses.

Complex sentences are a hallmark of written business speech. In the colloquial speech of business people, simple sentences are mainly used, and very often they are incomplete (the absence of certain words is made up for by gestures, facial expressions, body movements). This is explained by the fact that the content of statements usually does not require complex syntactic constructions that would reflect the logical and grammatical connections between parts of the statement.

The absence of unions in such speech is compensated by intonation, which acquires decisive importance in it for expressing various shades of semantic and syntactic relations.

In business colloquial practice, a large number of excerpts from technical documentation, specifications, standards and other documents are used. It is quite natural that such a language gravitates toward capacious syntactic constructions characteristic of such publications (participial phrases, verbal nouns, etc.).

These forms are not perceived here as a stylistic flaw, since they give oral business speech the rigor necessary for the accurate transmission of business information.

Business people, especially those who are related to commercial activities, very often have to provide practical information on the operation and maintenance of specific instruments, apparatus and machines. The consequence of this is some instructiveness of business information, which is characterized, from a syntactic point of view, by an abundance of indefinitely personal, impersonal, infinitive and passive-reflexive constructions.


The requirements for a business meeting are: correctness, accuracy, brevity and accessibility of speech. Let's consider each of them separately.

CORRECTNESS OF SPEECH. Although the norms of oral business speech are not as strict as those of its written form, speakers are obliged to strive for the correctness of their language.

This requirement must be observed, since the majority of participants in a business conversation, who themselves make speech errors, will not miss the opportunity to note (if not out loud, then to themselves) the most obvious mistakes in the speech of the partner talking to them.

In addition, until you know for sure that your speech, from the point of view of its lexical and stylistic norms, is correct, you will not get rid of the feeling of uncertainty. Only complete confidence in this respect makes it possible to focus not on words, but on deeds.

To speak correctly Words should be used strictly according to their meaning. Meanwhile errors in word usage- the most common speech deficiency of participants in business conversations. Take this example: "Weather accompanied unloading platforms" (instead of " favored"). In this case, the word is used without taking into account its semantics, meaning. Such errors arise as a result of the stylistic negligence of the speakers, inattention to the word or poor knowledge of the language.

The use of words without taking into account their semantics often changes the meaning of the statement. For example: “The construction of the main building of the plant coincided with a sharp deterioration climatic conditions". The speaker meant, of course, the weather conditions (bad weather), the climate cannot change in a few months, during which the construction of the mentioned factory building was carried out.

The use of words without taking into account their semantics can cause illogicality and even absurdity of the statement. So, in the phrase decade technical book will be held five days The speaker forgot or did not know that the word "decade" means "ten days". But more often, incorrect word usage leads to logical errors, which are usually expressed in the substitution of the concept.

It is important to use antonyms correctly in your speech: « Due to the weak control…”. Here, the first of the words of the antonymic pair, acting as a preposition, should not have retained its original lexical meaning, but due to the close proximity of its antonym, this meaning “manifested”, and the combination of incompatible concepts caused the utterance to be illogical.

It is not necessary to sacrifice the meaning of the statement for the sake of conciseness of speech. Careless attitude to the language can cause speech insufficiency - omission of words necessary for the accurate expression of thought: " Department begins exactly at 12 o'clock" (missing the word "session"). Speech deficiency usually occurs when the speaker is in a hurry and does not follow the correctness of the statement, which causes serious damage to the semantic aspect of speech.

In some cases, the omission of words can completely distort the thought: “To speed up the loading of goods, it is necessary to combine all port services” (it is necessary: ​​to combine efforts all port services).

The cause of stylistic errors very often becomes poor choice of synonym. For example, in the phrase "it is necessary fence off goods from shrinkage "should have used its synonym" save».

If the speaker finds it difficult to give an exact definition of a particular concept, there may be unjustified stringing of synonyms, which express a thought approximately, giving rise to speech redundancy, for example: “Our employees have recently had a lot passes and absenteeism. We should provide rhythmic and smooth operation».

Very often in a business conversation there is confusion of paronyms(i.e., words that have similarities in morphological composition and, therefore, in sound, but differ in meaning), which leads to gross lexical errors. Most often this causes a violation of lexical compatibility, for example: bow down head (should: bow); beautiful and practical clothes (necessary: ​​practical).

A lexical error is close to mixing paronyms, consisting in replacing the desired word with its distorted version. So, instead of the adjective "extraordinary" they say "unscheduled", instead of "loan" - "mutual".

Gross lexical errors in speech can be caused false associations, which often arise under the influence of the wrong choice of a paronym. The words “statute” and “status” are often confused, “test” (i.e., give official approval based on verification) and “test” (i.e., test, sample before use).

For the correct use of words in speech, it is not enough to know their exact meaning, it is also necessary to take into account the lexical compatibility of words, i.e., their ability to connect with each other. Involuntary violation of lexical compatibility is a very common disadvantage of oral speech.

So, they often say: the meeting is convened, the conversation is read, to complete the obligations, increase attention, increase one's horizons. You can often hear the phrase " satisfy modern needs", in which combinations are mixed satisfy the requirements of and meet the needs. Or another example: "From the supplier recover property damage in favor of the customer" (material damage may be reimbursed, recovered can be money).

It is impossible to combine vernacular words with book ones or combine high, solemn turns with ordinary, neutral ones, for example: “After that, he became champion of economy on every operation” (one could say more simply: “He offered to save on each operation”).

It is very important not only to choose the right words, but also to build sentences from them. Meanwhile, in business conversations, very often they do not pay attention to the correctness of the construction of statements. Errors occur when speakers use prepositional combinations instead of unprepositional constructions, for example: usage indicators(instead of: usage metrics), deal with this data(instead of: operate on this data).

In other cases, on the contrary, instead of a prepositional construction, a non-prepositional one is used, for example: “When preparing the machine, the need for refueling(instead of: in her refueling).

Often there is an incorrect choice of a preposition or its inappropriate use, for example: “The directorate indicated About that ... ”(necessary: ​​indicated for that that ...), “The supplier insists About so that ... "(it is necessary: ​​insists at that, to…).

Especially often in a business conversation, the preposition “by” is used without proper reason. For example: “The briefing was conducted on the same topic” (instead of: on the same topic). "Compiled timetable for additional delivery of goods” (instead of: schedule). "The company has been a great success. to reduce the cost of their products "(instead of: success in decline).

When using participial phrases, one should take into account their inherent grammatical features in order to prevent possible violations literary norm.


The temporary meanings of participles are mixed, for example: “Chairman of the meeting, speaker with a closing speech, answered all the questions put to him” (instead of: the speaker);

The participle forms in -sch from perfective verbs (with the meaning of the future tense) are erroneously used, for example: “Firms, trying it do" (instead of: who will try do it);

Reflexive forms (in -sya) are unsuccessfully used, which can have different meanings (passive, reflexive, etc.), for example: “Chickens, departing for additional fattening” (instead of: sent). As already stated, characteristic feature The language of business people is the widespread use of verbal nouns. However, the inept use of this lexical category gives rise to stylistic inferiority, and hence the irregularity of business speech. A large number of verbal nouns makes the syllable heavier, making it dry and difficult to digest.

The following are common in business conversation: disadvantages when using the construction with verbal nouns:

Complication of speech, for example: make a turn handles (instead of: turn the handle);

The use of words that have an artificial nature of word formation, for example: breaking containers, not providing storage space, not entering the structure of the company, etc.

In business conversation, various types of complex sentences are used (although not as often as in writing). But at the same time, speakers do not always comply with the norms of their construction. Violations of the rules for constructing proposals include:

Wrong choice of union, for example: “The divergence of the goods increases only when if its advertising is actively carried out "(instead of" if "you need an alliance" when”, correlative with the word “then” in the main clause);

Setting next to two unambiguous unions (but, however, what if, etc.);

The repetition of the particle “would” in the subordinate clause, in which the predicate is expressed by the conditional subjunctive mood, for example: “ if these recommendations were would used, the firm would have kept its financial position at the same level” (the second “would” is superfluous here);

The repetition of the same unions or allied words with the sequential subordination of subordinate clauses: “The development of subsidiaries is going so fast, what one can hope what they will soon become competitive.”

ACCURACY AND CLARITY OF SPEECH is the most important requirement for any business conversation. Under the accuracy of business speech is understood the correspondence of statements to the thoughts of the speaker. In order for the speech of a business person to be accurate, you need to use words in accordance with the meanings that are assigned to them. Accuracy and clarity of statements are interrelated. Accuracy gives them clarity, and clarity of statements follows from their accuracy.

Meanwhile, in a business conversation, accuracy of word usage is not always achieved. The bad habit of flaunting intricate book vocabulary makes it difficult to speak simply and clearly. The abuse of foreign words is especially detrimental to the clarity and accuracy of statements. Often this is accompanied by an elementary ignorance of the meaning of the word.

Very often in oral business speech her accuracy is violated as a result of synonymy of terms.

It is bad when the speaker says either “vacuum”, then “vacuum”, then “water turbine”, then “hydroturbine”, or when in one case he uses the word “tomatoes”, and in the other - “tomatoes”.

In colloquial business speech, to designate new concepts, new words are often created from foreign ones according to the word-formation models of the Russian language. As a result, clumsy terms such as “gateway” (from “gateway”), “stack” (from “stack”), “cabelize” or “cable” (from “cable”) appear.

It is also impossible to recognize as legitimate the replacement of familiar terms that have entered the language with new ones formed in a foreign manner (now this is especially fashionable). For example, instead of the word "stacker" that everyone understands, you can often hear "stacker" and even "stacker".

In business speech, there are often words that have not become common, but are actively used in the business sphere. These are the so-called professionalisms, which serve to designate various production processes, production tools, raw materials, products, etc.

Unlike terms, which are official scientific names for special concepts, professionalisms are perceived as “semi-official” words that do not have a strictly scientific character.

The advantage of professionalisms over their commonly used equivalents is that they serve to distinguish between close concepts, which for a non-specialist have one common name. Due to this, special vocabulary for people of one profession is a means of accurate and concise expression of thought.

The use of professionalisms in the speech of businessmen is undesirable and should be attributed to the shortcomings of word usage., since the informational value of professionalisms is lost if a non-specialist encounters them.

There should be pauses between sentences, groups of words expressing a complete thought. There is no need to fill them with anything. In addition, by continuously uttering any sounds, you deprive yourself of those unoccupied moments during which you can calmly think about what to say to the interlocutor.

Use of stamps and stationery in business speech it is quite natural, but this does not mean at all that they can be abused. Meanwhile, the speech of many businessmen often suffers from an abundance of just such words and phrases that give it a soulless official character and unnecessarily complicate it. For example: "The primary maintenance of purchased cars is based on the use of ordinary driver's tools."

Some of the errors associated with the inaccuracy of speech arise from the fact that many domestic businessmen do not have the proper education and are poorly versed in special terminology. Therefore, they often replace a word they do not understand with a familiar or close-sounding word.

So, some replace the word “propulsion” with “engine”, “vessel stability” with “vessel stability”, “reflux” with “reflex”, “white spirit” with “alcohol”, “cylinder” with “ cylindrical", etc.

Reduces the accuracy of the reported information penetration into the speech of business people colloquial and slang words of shop use, which are used instead of the corresponding terms. Often, at the presentations of a number of companies, their employees, when describing the operational advantages of the manufactured equipment, say: “excluded impulse wires", " deflection plates within tolerance", " hanging brushes quickly eliminated, chipped there is no isolation."

The accuracy and clarity of oral business speech are due not only to the purposeful choice of words and expressions. No less important is the choice of grammatical constructions, which implies strict adherence to the norms of the connection of words in a phrase. The ability to combine words into phrases in different ways creates ambiguity. So, the construction is two-valued: “There are no such markings in other goods” (other goods or similar markings are absent - it is not clear).

The reason for the ambiguity of the statement may be an unsuccessful word order in the phrase. For example: "Four such machines serve several thousand people." In this phrase, the subject does not differ in form from the direct object, and therefore it is not clear who (or what) is the subject of the action: automata or people who serve them?

BRIEF - the most important requirement for any form of business speech, since such a speech is characterized, as we have already noted, by a purely applied nature in the presentation of the reported information. This means that the speaker does not abuse the listener's time and patience by avoiding unnecessary repetition, excessive detail, and verbal garbage.

Every word and expression serves a purpose here, which can be formulated as follows: to present the essence of the matter to the listeners as accurately and briefly as possible. Therefore, words and phrases that do not carry any semantic load should be completely excluded from business speech.

Verbosity, or speech redundancy, most often manifested in the use of extra words, which indicate not only stylistic negligence, they also indicate the fuzziness, uncertainty of the speaker's ideas about the subject of speech, which often goes to the detriment of information content, obscuring the main idea of ​​the statement.

Verbosity comes in various forms. So, very often participants in business conversations compulsively explain to everyone known truths or repeatedly repeat the same thoughts, thereby unintentionally dragging out a business conversation.

Speech redundancy can take the form pleonasm, which is understood as the simultaneous use of close in meaning and therefore superfluous words (anticipate in advance, dark darkness, main point, everyday routine, valuable treasure, etc.). Often pleonasms are born when synonyms are combined (long and long; bold and courageous; only; however, nonetheless).

Pleonasm is a type tautology, i.e., repeating the same thing in other words. Everyday conversations of business people are literally overflowing with repetitions of the same or similar words in meaning, for example: “in August month», « schematic plan, five human miners", "seven things transformers”, etc.

Tautology can occur when repeating words with the same root (to tell a story), as well as when combining a Russian word and a foreign language that duplicates its meaning (first debuted, a memorable souvenir). The latter usually indicates that the speaker does not understand the exact meaning of the borrowed foreign word. This is how the combinations “interior interior”, “break interval”, “young prodigy”, “minor little things”, “leading leader”, etc. appear.

However, individual combinations of this type have become so entrenched in speech that they can no longer be attributed to speech shortcomings. These include, for example, such as "period of time", "monumental monument", "reality", "exhibits of the exhibition", "second-hand book".

The speech redundancy of business speech should also include the use of unnecessarily foreign words, which duplicate Russian words and thus unnecessarily complicate the statement.

Why, for example, say “nothing extraordinary”, when you can say “nothing special”, instead of “ordinary” - “ordinary”, instead of “indifferent” - “indifferent”, instead of “ignore” - “not notice”, instead of “limit” - "limit", instead of "indicative" - ​​"approximately", instead of "function" - "act", instead of "diversification" - "diversity", instead of "determine" - "determine", instead of "test" - "check" and etc.

The incorrect or parallel use of foreign vocabulary leads, as a rule, to unnecessary repetition, for example: “industrial industry” (the word “industry” already contains the concept of “industrial”), “forcing construction at an accelerated pace” (“forcing” means “to conduct at an accelerated pace”), “to suffer a complete fiasco” (“fiasco” is complete failure).

The stylistic forms of verbosity include, first of all, office abuse, clogging the language of business people, giving it a bureaucratic tone.

An example would be the following phrases: "These goods eligible for sale only after special processing", "Reducing rings in this assembly serve as insulation", "Voltage is supplied here through bipolar contactor", "Unloading of goods is carried out based on usage belt conveyor.

Especially often, clericalisms penetrate into the speech of business people as a result of the inappropriate use of the so-called nominal prepositions (in business, along the line, at the expense, in part), which deprive such speech of emotionality and brevity. For example, " in business increase the efficiency of the engine, by reducing taxation”, “speaking along the line criticism."

It is known that "everyone hears what he understands." Therefore, you should take maximum care of the ACCESSIBILITY of speech, especially in the process of a business conversation, when you need to express your thoughts as simply and intelligibly as possible.

In order to achieve this goal, the famous American scientist P. Soper in his book “Fundamentals of the Art of Speech” recommends using auxiliary speech material: definitions, comparisons, examples. Let's start with definitions.

Definitions are needed for words whose meaning the interlocutors do not know, and for terms used by the speaker in a special sense. Usually the most expressive way to define a concept is to say, "I'll give you an example to clarify what I mean" and then give a specific case that is typical of that concept.

Very important in speech comparisons. The mental process of comparison is an essential factor in cognition. Until we know what a thing is like and how it differs from other things, we cannot understand it. Comparisons serve one purpose - to make more clear and convincing those expressed thoughts to which they are directly related.

Comparisons can be very different. A figure of speech that includes a hidden assimilation, a figurative convergence of words based on their figurative meaning, is called metaphor. When comparing, the expression “just like ...” is often used. A more extended form of comparison is analogy- represents a conclusion: if two objects are similar in one respect, then they are similar in others.

Analogies are figurative and literal. With a figurative analogy, two phenomena from regions of a different order are compared. They have only a symbolic connection. In analogy, two phenomena from the same area, of the same order, are literally compared. Analogy in the literal sense has more value as evidence in a dispute; figurative analogy usually stimulates the imagination.

Example- the most effective and intelligible method of speech. With its help, it is possible, as it were, to bring the object closer to the listener. The essential quality of an example is concreteness. Examples can be brief or more detailed, factual or speculative, humorous or serious.

Brief examples are indispensable when you have to explain numerous details in a limited time.

Conjectural examples do not contain statements about true facts, but they can be useful when abstract or general ideas need to be made visible. Other things being equal, the actual example is more impressive than the conjectural one. The listener usually becomes interested already at the words: “Now let me tell you about one case that really took place ...” In addition, only examples-facts can be used as evidence or justification.


For communication to be successful, it is not enough to know the specifics of business speech, its vocabulary, grammar and style. Necessary learn to use your speech so that interest interlocutor, to influence him him to your side, speak successfully with those who sympathize with you, and with those who are against you, to participate in a conversation in a narrow circle and speak to a general public.

Probably, there are no such professions and specialties where the art of mastering the word would not be useful. But in some areas of human activity, which, in particular, include business, mastery of the art of speech is mandatory. After all, a business person employed in the field of entrepreneurship constantly has to communicate with people, talk, participate in commercial negotiations, hold business meetings, receive visitors and colleagues. But in order to speak well, it is not enough to know what to say, one must also know how to say it, that is, to master the tools of oratory, the techniques of rhetoric.


Ask yourself the following questions:

How to say right?

How to say clear?

How to say beautiful?

How to say persuasively?

We have already talked about how to say correctly and how to say clearly. Let's talk about how to say beautifully.

A special science teaches to speak beautifully - rhetoric, or the science of eloquence. It lays down the laws of preparing and delivering public speeches in order to have the desired impact on the audience. We emphasize that this is not just a science of how to beautifully present information through the spoken word, but a set of specific laws and rules that ensure the effectiveness of speech, turning the word into a means of influencing other people.

Knowledge of the laws and rules of eloquence is especially important for people of action. Neglect of them is one of the significant reasons for the failure of many entrepreneurs, their low rating among professional businessmen and among consumers.

Therefore, in the most in general terms Let us describe the essence of oratory.


Audience Composition, its cultural, educational, national, age and professional features.

objective self-esteem speaker of his personal and business qualities, competence in those issues with which he speaks to people. It is important not to overestimate or underestimate your readiness.


availability- it is necessary to take into account the cultural and educational level of students, their life and production experience. It should never be forgotten that many people hear what they want to hear. Hence the need to take into account the emotional and psychological stratification of each audience.

To increase accessibility, a very effective technique is the communication of little-known information (novelty and originality), as well as a combination of diverse information and their reliability;

associativity- is associated with the challenge of empathy and reflection in listeners by appealing to their emotional and rational memory. To call the appropriate associations, such techniques are used as analogy, references to precedents, figurativeness of statements;

expressiveness- is expressed in the emotionally intense speech of the speaker, his facial expressions, gestures and posture, indicating complete dedication. Passion, genuine joy or sadness, compassion - all these are specific forms of expressiveness;

intensity- characterized by the rate of information presentation. Different information and different people need a differentiated pace of presentation and assimilation of speech. It is necessary to take into account the temperament of people, their preparedness for the perception of a particular type of information. In this regard, the following are important: the ability of the speaker to navigate the mood of the audience; the ability of the audience to work in a certain informational cliché; the ability of the speaker to offer the audience the necessary speed mode of assimilation of information.

COMMUNICATION EFFECTS - elements of oratorical tools.

Effect visual impact. As a rule, at first a person is perceived by his appearance, and this initial impression leaves an imprint on further relationships. Therefore, an entrepreneur must adopt the aesthetics of clothing, staged facial expressions, a heightened sense of tact in order to radiate charm, win over an interlocutor with elegant manners, etc.

Eccentricity in clothing should not be allowed. Nothing in it should bind freedom of movement. Do not wear tight-fitting suits that restrict the movement of the shoulders and arms. Men should be clean-shaven, free from unnecessary things that stick out their pockets. Women are encouraged to leave flashy jewelry at home. Modesty in dress is preferable to importunate chic. Do not cause surprise and envy - this will interfere with listening to what you say.

Gestures accompanying speech are one of the means of conveying information, which are designed to enhance it and help convince listeners. The expediency of using gestures lies in the fact that a significant part of human activity is carried out with the help of hands, and therefore their position and movement have become the most characteristic for expressing our experiences.

Receptivity to gesticulation is deeply rooted in the mind of the listener. In combination with words, gestures also speak, enhancing their emotional sound. But they must be adequate to the content of the speech, properly emphasizing some semantic elements. The meaningful and expressive work of the hands from the hands to the very shoulders creates the impression of masculine strength and responds to the natural human need for movement, which does not find sufficient satisfaction in intellectual activity.

Artificial, theatrical gestures are very harmful to the speaker, which betray the insincerity of speech, leaving a residue of prejudice and mistrust. The speaker does not have to specifically invent gestures, but he must control them:

1) gestures should be natural. Use a gesture only as you feel the need for it;

2) gestures should not be continuous. Do not gesture throughout the speech. Not every phrase needs to be underlined with a gesture;

3) control gestures. The gesture should not lag behind the word it supports;

4) add variety to your gestures. Do not indiscriminately use the same gesture in all cases when you need to give expressiveness to words;

5) gestures must meet their purpose. Their number and intensity should correspond to the nature of the speech and the audience.

The effect of the first phrases reinforces or corrects the initial impression in people. In the first phrases, interesting information should be concentrated, with elements of originality, immediately attracting attention.

argumentation effect. Speech should be substantiated, convincing, logical, thought-provoking and comprehending information.

The effect of a portioned release of information is one of the most effective rhetorical devices for maintaining the attention of the audience. This effect is based on a pre-thought-out distribution of new thoughts and arguments throughout the space of speech, a periodic interpretation of what was said earlier. Thus, the speaker activates the attention of listeners, throwing out portions of "fresh" information at certain time intervals.

artistic expressive effect- this is a competent construction of sentences, correct word stress, the use of metaphors, hyperbole, etc. As Voltaire argued, a beautiful thought loses its price if it is badly expressed.

The effect of relaxation (relaxation). The one who knows how to joke in time, to insert a witty remark, will be much more lucky than the one who does not know how to do it. Humor creates a natural pause for people to relax, brings them together and sets them in a benevolent mood. But, resorting to a joke, one should not forget what D.I. Pisarev: “When laughter, playfulness and humor serve as a means, then everything is fine. When they become the goal, then mental debauchery begins.

Speaker- the main concept of rhetoric. The people to whom his words are addressed make up the audience (from lat. audience- hear). The speaker and the audience in the process of public speaking interact with each other.

The fact is that human thinking is carried out in two forms: logical and figurative, they correspond to two types of knowledge - science and art, and they mutually complement each other here.

Oratory is a kind of emotional and intellectual creativity, embodied through a living word: it simultaneously affects both the consciousness and feelings of a person. The art of public speaking consists in skillfully using both forms of human thinking.

Thus, oratory combines the impact not only on the mind of the listeners, but also on their feelings, therefore emotionality- a completely natural and at the same time necessary quality of public speech, which helps to perceive and assimilate its content.

An emotional speech is usually when the speaker experiences feelings that are consonant with his audience. There are special language tools related to the concept of "figurativeness of speech", with the help of which the speaker has an emotional impact on the listeners. Such tools are covered in detail in numerous books and articles, so we will limit ourselves to a brief listing of them.


- hyperbola(figurative exaggeration), personification(animation of the inanimate),

- epithet(figurative definition),

- comparison(comparison of two objects or phenomena in order to more vividly characterize one of them through the properties of the other),

- metaphor(transfer to one object of the property of another object, the convergence of two phenomena by similarity or contrast),

- metonymy(replacing one word with another based on the proximity of the concepts they express),

- synecdoche(the use of the name of the larger in the meaning of the smaller, the whole in the meaning of the part, and vice versa).

Lexical means of expression also include phraseological units- stable combinations of words with a full or partially rethought meaning, which reflect the national specifics of the language, its originality. The phraseology captures the rich historical experience of the people, it reflects ideas related to work, life and culture of people.

The correct and appropriate use of phraseological units gives speech a unique originality, special expressiveness, accuracy and imagery.


- rhetorical question(a statement or denial, dressed in the form of a question, which contains the answer in itself and is intended to activate the attention and attract the interest of listeners);

- repeat- repeated repetition of the same word or phrase in order to highlight or emphasize the most significant places of the statement;

- anaphora- a kind of repetition, i.e. repetition of the initial words, and epiphora, i.e. repetition of the final words, antithesis(a turn in which opposite concepts are sharply contrasted to enhance the expressiveness of speech), inversion(intentional violation of the usual word order), gradation(arrangement of words, in which each subsequent exceeds the previous one in intensity);

- rhetorical exclamation(a particularly emotional statement or denial, the purpose of which is to attract the attention of the audience or induce it to share the opinion of the speaker).

So, we have considered the basic public speaking tools, which can be very useful in the conversation of business people.


1. Speak only when you have something to say and when you are sure of the importance or usefulness of your speech.

2. Do not start your speech as soon as you have been given the floor. Wait a little. Let the audience look at you for 15-20 seconds. Then look at the audience, smile and say, "Hello."

3. If you decide to read your speech, do it as if you are talking to an interlocutor. If you say “without a piece of paper”, still read short references and numbers from time to time, even if you remember them. This will remove the doubts of listeners about the reliability of your information.

4. Speech should be limited to the subject of discussion and based on strictly verified and selected facts.

5. Don't focus on individuals. Remember that a long stare leaves an unpleasant feeling. So keep your eyes peeled for individual listeners. This grabs the attention of the listeners and arouses their affection.

6. Speak expressively, for expressive speech is capable of conveying a huge mass of shades of thought.

7. Use the entire vocabulary of your vocabulary. Try to exclude clericalism and vulgarism from your speech. Also avoid book style.

8. Get your listeners' attention. Anticipation generates interest and emotion more than something unexpected. At the beginning of the speech, hint that the main thing will be ahead and remind about it several times. It is necessary from the very first words to put the listener on the “hook” of interest, on the expectation of a “surprise”.

9. Learn to pause. This will help to focus on important thoughts, emphasize the unexpectedness of the conclusions, summarize the above.

10. Connect the word with the gesture. Often an expressive gesture is understandable without words. Gestures should be sparse, precise and expressive. Facial expressions should be moderate and friendly.

11. Change the pace of your speech. This gives it expressiveness. Changing the pace of speech also changes the speed of perception, preventing the listener from being distracted. Change the tone of your voice as well - it should either rise or fall. A sudden rise or fall in the tone of the voice makes a word or phrase stand out from the crowd.

12. Speak loudly, clearly, distinctly, expressively, but do not raise your voice unless absolutely necessary.

13. Strive to avoid a mentoring tone, instructive and instructive notes in your voice.

14. Keep humorous stories, jokes, tales and anecdotes in stock, which in difficult cases can help you out.

15. Always try to start your speech with something unusual, and make it bright and rich at the end, because what is best remembered is what is on the edge, that is, the beginning and end of the speech. If, nevertheless, the main theses, according to the logic of presentation, fall into the middle, then they should be summarized at the end of the speech.


For a business conversation, speech technique is of great importance, constituent parts which are the setting of speech breathing, diction and orthoepy (i.e., the correct literary pronunciation).

The essence of the technique of speech is in the coordination of breathing, voice, articulation, while observing the norms of pronunciation. Such an organization provides such voice qualities as sonority, tempo, timbre, pitch, clarity of diction.

The power of the voice speaker is very important to the audience. If he speaks excessively loudly and even has a loud voice, then this causes irritation among the people listening to him, and the effect of the speech is significantly reduced. If the speaker speaks quietly, only those around him can hear him, and the essence of his speech does not reach the rest, which also causes displeasure to the audience. Therefore, it is necessary to speak in such a way that there is complete confidence that the speech does not tire the listeners and is well heard by all of them.

Both quiet and loud speech can be monotonous, which quickly tires the audience, and they stop listening to the speaker. To avoid this, during the speech, gradually and smoothly either raise or lower your voice, make it either loud or quiet.

The speaker who wants to be persuasive speaks slowly and in a low tone. But he must remain within the natural range of his voice, otherwise he will sound insincere.

To achieve sonority of the voice, it is necessary to correctly put the breath. This means breathing deeply, including the diaphragm in the process of inhalation and exhalation. It also means being able to control your breathing, economically distributing the exhalation. For a good speaker, the ratio of inhalation to exhalation should be 1:15-1:20.

Many speakers mistakenly believe that breathing should be done at punctuation marks or at the end of a phrase. On one breath, you can only say a short phrase. If you pronounce a long phrase, then as its end approaches, the strength and sonority of the voice inevitably fall.

Good sonority does not consist in spending one or another supply of air on these sounds, but in ensuring that an air column is provided behind them, continuously and with force supporting and pushing them out. Therefore, it is necessary to breathe often, maintaining a constant supply of air, and the breath should be taken during natural (logical) pauses and imperceptibly.

In addition to purely physiological, there are mental prerequisites for the completeness and sonority of speech. This is self-confidence, elation, enthusiasm for the subject of conversation. The better prepared the speaker is than the more interesting facts he disposes, the more confident he feels and, as a result, the easier it is for him to give his voice sonority and expressiveness.

The speaking technique also includes the concept of the rate of speech, which is characterized by such indicators as the speed of speech, the duration of the sound of individual words, intervals and the duration of pauses.

The speed of speech is very diverse and depends on the characteristics of the speaker himself and the nature of the content of his speech. Most speakers speak between 120 and 150 words per minute.

Haste of speech caused by timidity,- one of the most common and serious deficiencies. Too fast speech is a consequence of the complete indifference of the speaker to the audience. Good speakers never speak in tongue twisters. They give listeners time to delve into the most meaningful thoughts of the speech.

Sluggish speech- a vice of phlegmatic and lazy people. Such speakers sway for a long time before they utter a word, and when they finally get to the end of the statement, the listener already loses the ability to follow the thread of their thought.

The rate of speech is also determined by the duration of the sound of individual syllables and the words themselves. Syllables, like words, like an accordion, can be stretched and compressed, depending on their meaning and the feelings they express. Nervous, impetuous speakers for the most expressive sound lean more on volume than on the length of the sound. The result is an unpleasantly audible harshness.

Our feelings in speech are transmitted not only with the help of words, but also through a variety of intonations. Sometimes it is in intonation that lies the true meaning said.

Psychologists have counted more than 20 intonations expressing various feelings: joy, surprise, fear, doubt, indignation, admiration, anger, etc. The speaker should strive to express in his voice the feeling that corresponds to the content of his speech. It is necessary to speak about sad things in a sad voice, about cheerful things in a joyful one.

The mood of the speaker does not always correspond to the content of the speech. This, of course, finds expression in his voice. It has been experimentally proven that listeners do not absorb up to 30% of the information they are interested in if the speaker's intonation does not correspond to the content of his speech.

Therefore, the speaker must learn to restrain himself, master his feelings, think at the moment of speaking only about him and his listeners, and not about anything else. If the speaker is immersed in the content of the speech and forgets about everything except what he says, his voice will sound good and true, reflecting the feelings that he would like to convey to his listeners.

In the technique of speech, great importance is attached work on diction. Many speakers speak casually, indistinctly, without opening their teeth, articulate sounds incorrectly, and as a result, the audience loses interest in the speech, unable to understand the inarticulate muttering of the speaker.

In a normal conversation, such a pronunciation is acceptable, since the meaning of the speech is prompted by the situation, the general topic of the conversation, that is, the interlocutors understand each other perfectly. If one of them did not understand something from the speech of the other, he would immediately ask him again. During a speech in front of a large audience, there can be no understanding at a glance.

Words must speak clearly and distinctly since any deviation from the norms of pronunciation and stress switches the attention of the audience from the essence of speech to its form, thereby distracting from the perception of meaning.

A particularly common disadvantage among business people is mistakes in pronunciation and stress, which distract their interlocutors from the essence of what was said and create a negative psychological background. Therefore, it is necessary to constantly monitor the correct pronunciation and stress.

As an example, here are the words in which, in the course of a business conversation, the wrong accents are most often made: gross (not gross), wholesale, expert, let's call, accept, alcohol, vision (ability to see), vision (ghost), department, catalogue, dialogue (not dialogue), distilled, extraction, contract (plural contracts), document, employed (person), employed (house), honored, spoiled, quarter (quarter of the year), kilometer, colossus, store.

If you are not sure about the correct pronunciation or use of a word, refer to the stress dictionary, explanatory and spelling dictionaries.

The intelligibility of pronunciation often depends on the room where the speaker is speaking. The more space, the slower the speech must be so that everything can be heard. Sound does not travel as fast as light. To sound waves do not mix and drown each other, you need to give time for them to spread. However, someone who has a clear and distinct pronunciation may pay less attention to the volume of his voice. The speech of a speaker with good diction, even if he speaks quietly, is well heard in any room.

Good diction presupposes the ability to "pause". A pause makes breathing easier, makes it possible to figure out which thought should be moved on to. It allows important considerations to penetrate deeper into the mind of the listener. A short pause before and after the climax of a speech is one way to highlight it. A pause is used between individual elements of thought (phrases, subordinate clauses, complete judgments). It also highlights the most significant words.

The main task of the pause is psychological. It is needed in order to concentrate the attention of the audience and allow it to consider the speaker, thereby providing an opportunity to prepare for the perception of his speech. He also needs a pause in order to calm down, relieve excessive excitement. A pause can intrigue listeners, and its absence, the sudden start of a speech, can stun them. In both cases, this is a psychological technique, the purpose of which is to attract attention, to arouse interest.

Scientists have experimentally found that intonations and pauses contribute to a 10-15 percent increase in information, causing associations and suggestions among interlocutors.

However, pauses in the speaker's speech do not always carry a semantic load. Most often, such pauses arise due to the fact that he finds it difficult to find a word that would best express his thought. These pauses are evidence of the discontinuity of oral speech, its completely natural property.

If there are few cases of discontinuity in the speaker's speech and they reflect the search for the necessary means of expressing thoughts, their presence not only does not interfere with the audience, but sometimes even activates it. However, when the discontinuity of speech is very strong, this indicates either the speaker's ignorance of the subject of speech, or his excessive excitement, or poor command of the word.


Compliance with the norms of speech etiquette is a necessary condition for conducting any business conversation. The basis of speech etiquette is politeness.

GREETING since ancient times is a sign of respect that people show each other.

Although it is generally accepted etiquette that the man greets the woman first, the younger greets the older, the inferior greets the superior, a civilized businessman should not wait until he is greeted by a partner younger in age or position. You must greet your interlocutor first.

A man should consider it as a sign of special respect for him if the woman greeted him first. When greeting a woman on the street, a man takes off his hat and glove. When he greets someone from a distance, he makes a slight bow and touches his hat with his hand or lifts it slightly. For other headgear - a winter hat, a ski hat, a cap or a beret - this rule does not apply. In all cases, this is optional for women. If a woman still takes off her glove - this is a sign of special respect.

In relation to women and men of advanced age, this should be the norm. In any case, at the moment of greeting, there should not be a cigarette in the mouth, and one should not keep one's hand in one's pocket. Women tilt their heads slightly and respond to the greeting with a smile; they may not take their hands out of the pockets of their coats or jackets.

It is always recommended for men to shake hands at a meeting, for women - by mutual agreement. It is symbolic that even in ancient times a handshake meant an act of friendship and peace. When a man is introduced to a woman, the woman is the first to offer her hand. The same priority belongs to older people and seniors in the hierarchy: the oldest woman extends her hand first to the youngest, the woman to the man, the leader to the subordinate.

A woman's hand is never kissed on the street as a sign of greeting, this is done only indoors. It is customary for us to kiss the hand of a married woman only. Kissing a woman's hand, you should not raise it too high, try to bend over yourself.

Men, when greeting each other, may not take off their gloves. But if one took off, the other must take off too. On the street, a passing man is the first to bow to a standing man.

When shaking hands, do not shake the hand of the person being greeted too tightly. This rule should be especially remembered by men when they shake hands with a woman.

Handshakes are not always required when meeting acquaintances on the street or employees on the premises of an institution or enterprise. When a visitor enters the head, it is enough to confine yourself to greeting: “Good morning”, “Hello”, etc., while tilting your head slightly and smiling.

The initiator of the handshake should almost always be a woman. But in some cases, a woman, as well as a man, is not the first to reach out to a person much older than themselves in age and higher in official position. There is a general position: the elder is the initiator of the handshake, the woman gives her hand to the man, the married woman - unmarried; a young man should not be the first to shake hands with an older or married woman.

Shaking hands, men usually say a short greeting “My respects ...”, “Glad to meet you (see you)”, “Good afternoon ...” Greeting a man, according to the rules of politeness, you should ask: “How is your spouse?”, “How are you?” your children”, “How is your mother?” etc.

If, upon entering a room where there are several people, you want to shake hands with one of them, according to etiquette, you should definitely extend your hand to everyone else.

APPEAL TO THE INTERVIEWER. The address "you" testifies to the culture of the one who addresses, emphasizes respect for a partner or colleague. A well-mannered and correct business person always uses this polite form of address, regardless of who he is talking to: whether it is his immediate superior or subordinate, a person much older than him or younger. Addressing "you" in a business setting is undesirable. It is permissible only when it can be mutual or conditioned by informal relations.

It is preferable to address business partners who are well acquainted, as well as your colleagues, by their first and patronymic or last names with the addition of the words “mister” (formerly “comrade”).

You should not abuse the address only by name, and even in the American manner in an abbreviated version. From time immemorial, it has been customary in our country to respectfully call people by name and patronymic, this is our tradition. By name, you can address your closest colleagues if they are young and do not mind such treatment.

You can address a stranger with the words: “citizen”, “sir”, “sir” or “madam”, “girl”, “young man”. In today's Russia there is no established form of such treatment. And it must be admitted that some of the words mentioned in specific cases are not entirely successful. Therefore, we often turn to a stranger in an impersonal way: “Excuse me ...”, “Let me ...” or “Be so kind ...”

When conducting a business conversation, it is very important to take into account the distance between the interlocutors and the amount of communication space. Here there is the following unwritten law: a distance of up to one meter is considered intimate (communication at such a distance usually occurs between friends or close people).

A distance of one to two and a half meters is considered official. In cases where people violate these "instinctive" boundaries, you feel uncomfortable, you are left unpleasant feeling from contact with them (remember how tensely silent strangers are usually in the elevator).

A distance of three meters or more is a distance of indifference. This distance is quite skillfully used by bosses who are going to reprimand their subordinates. At a distance of eight meters, you can only give orders.

Therefore, if you want to establish contact with the interlocutor and conduct a constructive dialogue, keep a distance of approximately 1.5 m and try not to have a barrier in the form of a huge desk between you and the interlocutor.

INTRODUCTION is an important element of courtesy in business life, with the help of which you can establish necessary and useful connections. Etiquette provides certain rules indicating when and how to present and be presented, and they should not be neglected.

First of all, it is customary to represent the younger to the older, the single to the married, the lower in the hierarchy to the higher, the man to the woman, the younger woman to the older, etc.

The moment of presentation is important. At the same time, liberties should be avoided, it is better to use simple phrases like: “This is Ivan, my colleague”, “I present to you Anna”, etc.

When a man is introduced to a woman, he stands up and bows slightly; the seated woman does not stand up on such occasions. Introducing the closest relative, they say: “My father”, “My brother Peter”, omitting the last name. Those who have just arrived at a meeting or reception are not introduced to persons who are already leaving it.

If there is a need to be introduced, and there is no one around who could help you with this, then you should simply shake your hand and clearly identify yourself.

SERVICE SUBORDINATION in business conversations between a leader and subordinates must be respected, however, all participants in such conversations must be polite. So, in the case when you need to instruct a subordinate to do something, the essence of the order is best stated in the form of a request, not an order.

An order expressed in the form of a request brings people closer, promoting a more respectful relationship with each other. For example, instead of saying: “Ivan Ivanovich! I demand ... "(or somewhat softer:" Ivan Ivanovich! I ask ... "), it is better to say:" Ivan Ivanovich! Could you…”

For the subordinate, of course, it is clear that this is not a request, but an order, but modern official speech etiquette requires, whenever possible, to adhere to the democratic form of official conversation. This form indicates that the leader takes into account the interests of the subordinate, but since more urgent work needs to be done, he asks to interrupt the current work and do another.

It is desirable that each time, when giving verbal orders to subordinates, the leader excludes the personal pronouns “I”, “me”. This is necessary so that others do not get the impression that the leader is talking about his personal needs. However, the above does not apply to such expressions of the leader that begin with the words “I think”, “I think”. There is no substitution of social needs for personal ones. The desire to be rightly understood is a need of the individual.

In practice, it often happens that the manager, in order to emphasize his busyness, rests his eyes on the paper and does not raise his head when a visitor appears. He has already entered and said hello, but the boss is still not looking up from his papers. Needless to say, this kind of situation demonstrates disrespect for a person?

Entered- whether he is a manager of a lower rank or an ordinary worker - must from the first moment, as soon as he crossed the threshold, feel that he is perceived not as an inanimate object to which the gaze is turned only when it is necessary to use it, but as a person worthy of respect. No matter how busy the manager is, he should in any case apologize for the delay in the conversation and finish the business as soon as possible, distracting him from the conversation with the newcomer.

When talking with a subordinate, of course, it is necessary to be extremely attentive to him and not be distracted from the discussion of the issue by any extraneous matters. So, you need to minimize the telephone conversation that may take place unexpectedly, or the dialogue with a third party who intrudes during the meeting. This is especially true for non-official telephone conversations.

Such behavior can not only be interpreted as a lack of due respect for the interlocutor, but also represents a waste of time for the leader himself, because the conversation with interruptions gives rise to the need to return to the issue already considered, and therefore, a waste of time.

A serious, attentive attitude to the content of what the subordinate says is always necessary. Experience shows how it is important not to rush to final judgments about a proposal made by a subordinate. In any sentence there may be something that cannot be immediately understood.

Therefore, an instantly expressed peremptory judgment does not in any way testify to the depth of the mind, wisdom based on great life experience. A manager with these qualities is well aware of the existence of hidden difficulties in knowing the truth and will try to think through his reaction to any proposal made by his subordinates.

However, many leaders of the old Soviet sourdough still have a false idea that he should speak out “on the fly”, and in the most categorical form, on any official issue. And some practice this approach in matters far beyond their own. professional competence.

Such leaders mistakenly believe that categorical and peremptory judgments are the main factor contributing to authority. In fact, the leader who makes mistakes resulting from ill-conceived assessments and decisions loses his authority.

It is clear that any the manifestation of categorical judgments, irritability in a conversation with a subordinate are contraindicated in the ethics of business relationships. Interrupting a subordinate, arranging, for example, a dressing down “from the threshold”, without having yet listened to his explanations on a particular issue, interrupting him with remarks in which arrogance is manifested to one degree or another means doing something that excludes an atmosphere of trust and respect in business. conversation.

Each leader very often has to evaluate the work of subordinates. These assessments are an important incentive method both the individual employee and the entire team. After all, assessments by the leader, if they are correct, not arbitrary, contribute to the formation of the public opinion of the team, help to create a proper moral and psychological climate in it.

Experience shows that the point is not only in the conformity of assessments with the actual state of affairs. Highly the ratio of positive and negative ratings is important, the nature of their expression, as well as the environment in which these assessments are brought to the attention of workers.

Some leaders believe that their duty is only to notice the shortcomings, mistakes and miscalculations in the work of subordinates and severely punish them for this. Such notions are profoundly mistaken. Especially mistaken are those who exact without taking into account the gravity of the mistake or violation committed, based on vicious "pedagogy", the essence of which boils down to the rule: severity does not hurt.

These types of leaders believe that "giving it all out" for even a relatively minor violation or mistake is to warn them in the future.

However, firstly, to try to stimulate labor only with remarks and scoldings means to contribute to the emergence of hostility among subordinates towards their work in general, because it is common for a considerable number of people to experience negative emotions related to the evaluation of their activities.

Secondly, to see the main content of one's duties in negative assessments and comments means not to stimulate a creative attitude to work, not to develop independence and initiative among employees, but, on the contrary, to prevent this.

An experienced leader, being forced to give a negative assessment of the action of a subordinate, characterizes the fact, action or inaction and avoids general assessments of the employee as such. This, of course, does not mean that such assessments are unjustified and unnecessary.

In appropriate cases, they are, of course, necessary. However, if a senior in position, due to a relatively minor mistake or violation on the part of a subordinate, makes general conclusions about him as an employee in his presence, then this does not contribute to the establishment of normal business relations between them.

You should not give negative assessments to the actions of a subordinate in his absence in front of third parties. After all, here the danger of supplementing what the leader said with various kinds of “details” is quite real, which will distort his words so much that the subordinate, instead of thinking about his shortcomings, will seek to “sort things out” with the leader or harbor a grudge against him, which always interferes with the interests of the case.

It is also necessary to know that it is not always appropriate to give a negative assessment in public. Here it is necessary to take into account both the nature of the error and the characteristics of the personality of the employee. Beyond measure, a proud person perceives painfully the very fact of expressing a negative assessment in front of other people. In such a case, the content of this assessment, its truth or untruth, go out of sight, because the entire consciousness is filled with experiences of wounded self-love.

The form of expressing a negative assessment, as well as the tone in which it is given, even the facial expression of the leader - all this is not indifferent to the subordinate. It is important that the employee sees in the form of expressing a negative assessment concern for the interests of the case, and not the desire to humiliate him, put him "in his place", show him the power of the leader.

Speech office etiquette requires that the same criteria be applied to all team members when evaluating their work. A boss who uses different criteria in evaluating, depending on personal likes and dislikes or some other signs that are not related to business relations, reveals a quality that is considered almost the most negative for him - injustice.

In the approach to subordinates, the principle of emotional neutrality is most appropriate. requiring all employees to be treated equally and with restraint, regardless of personal likes and dislikes.

You should be especially scrupulous with subordinates in off-duty relationships. The personal requests of the leader to the subordinate, if they are readily fulfilled, often give rise to ambiguous relations between these persons, in which the person who has rendered a minor service expects from the boss that he will stop noticing his minor, or even not minor, violations.

Another thing is if there are strong comradely or even friendly relations between the leader and the subordinate. Here, as a rule, personal requests are mutual in nature and, if both are principled, they cannot go to the detriment of the cause.

Positive assessments of the activities of subordinates, expressed in the most different forms, - one of the most important funds moral stimulation of labor. Even a simple “thank you” or “thank you” said by the manager, and not necessarily in the presence of other people (which, of course, is desirable), but “eye to eye” to the subordinate, already has that positive assessment that becomes an important moral incentive labor for the worker. It is important to know at the same time that encouragement in any form should not be shelved, but should follow directly what was the reason for it.

If a we are talking about a kind word from the leader, then one must keep in mind not only praise for a job well done, but also any other manifestation of human warmth. So, a manager who is attentive to employees will not forget to congratulate them on the upcoming holiday. He knows memorable dates for employees, especially anniversaries of labor activity, and understands that even a small sign of attention to a person helps to create an atmosphere of mutual respect and trust.

About stylistics, which, according to Lev Uspensky, is "a complex and subtle branch of knowledge, standing on the verge of science and art," and about stylistic errors associated with incorrect or inaccurate use of words - our today's conversation.


Currently, the word "style" has many meanings. When searching the Internet, it turns out that both “furniture style”, and “wedding style”, and “stylistics of the fashion world and high society, fashion shows and advice from the most sought-after designers” are styles in fashion, design, architecture, even in behavior. Stylistics as one of the sections of linguistics exists separately.

By the way, in the last century, all future secretaries and clerks must have studied the subject “Business speech style and editing official documents” for a whole year.

In business speech, a huge number of terms, formulations, clichés, clichés and turns of speech, proven by many years of practice, have accumulated. Their use allows the writer (speaker) not to waste time looking for definitions that characterize standard situations, but to take ready-made ones; they give the reader (hearer) the opportunity to understand everything correctly.

The process of standardization of business speech covers all sections of the language: vocabulary, morphology, syntax. The document should be understandable, concise, unambiguous, therefore, to describe a typical managerial situation, you should use a standard speech turnover. For example: a business letter is written but not written, sent but not sent, a reprimand is announced, a censure is issued, a salary is fixed. Many ready-made constructions using denominative prepositions: in accordance with the decision (order, order), in connection with the beginning (opportunity, necessity), in order to improve (limit, save). Only in an official business style it is advisable to use clericalism: endorse,hear, proper, failure to (measure) and etc .

A neutral tone of presentation is the norm for business documents. Consequently, there are few synonyms, almost no interrogative and exclamatory sentences, words with an emotionally expressive coloring, vernacular, colloquial, dialect words- in general, everything that makes the language beautiful and rich.

It is not surprising that writers, linguists, writers and linguists have long been worried about the influence of the official business style on other styles of the Russian language. K.I. Chukovsky in the book “Alive as Life” (1966) devoted an entire chapter to the official business style of the Russian language and even coined the word “clerk”.

"Kantselyarit" penetrates into colloquial speech, into the languages ​​of science and literature, and this leads to the impoverishment and even to the deterioration of these languages. Here is such a funny example of the use of bureaucratic language in everyday life given by K.I. Chukovsky: “Indeed, imagine that your wife, talking with you about household chores, will speak like this:“ I accelerated, - she will say, - ensured the restoration of proper order in the living area, as well as in the intended for cooking utility room food common use(that is, in the kitchen. - K. Ch.). In the subsequent period of time, I organized a visit to a retail outlet in order to purchase the necessary food products.

What a blessing it is that we don't talk like that after all!

It turns out that in this article we will improve our possession of the style of clerical communication, from which there is so much harm? No, it's not. It is bad not to "clerk" as such, but to use it where it is inappropriate.

About this K.I. Chukovsky also writes: “And, of course, no one requires that official paper about firewood be written in such a “poetic” style: “To the Arkhangelsk plant, located on the banks of the full-flowing beauty of the Dvina. We ask you to ship 1,000 cubic meters of wood smelling of centuries-old pine forest.” In business official papers, such attempts at flowery, elegant speech would only be ridiculous, especially since both the “full-flowing beauty of the Dvina” and “the age-old pine forest” are the same vulgar, worn out clichés as any official speech formula. Official people who are in official relations with each other should use ready-made forms of speech established for them by a long tradition.

Over the past twenty years, the language, incl. and formal business style, has changed a lot. There are no real serious studies.


The neutral style of presenting business papers does not allow the use of stylistically colored vocabulary: historicisms and archaisms, bookish and highly scientific words, colloquial and vernacular vocabulary, professionalisms, neologisms and borrowings from other languages.

However, in recent years, a lot of foreign words have appeared in the language, and most of them have equivalents in Russian. Even in the Federal Law of June 1, 2005 No. 53-FZ “On state language Russian Federation” (as amended on 02.07.2013) refers to the inadmissibility of the unjustified use of foreign words.

There is no equivalent of the word "outsourcing" in Russian. The word "corruption" can only be compared with professional jargon "bribery". The word "monitoring" in Russian has, if not equivalents, then very close synonyms: "observation", "assessment", "forecast", and the word "innovation" can easily be replaced by "innovation". So what kind of foreign words should be avoided?

Can it be considered erroneous to use the word "announcement" instead of "announcement", "prolong" - instead of "renew", "sponsor" - instead of "philanthropist", "patron", "trustee", "exclusive" - ​​instead of "exceptional"? No. These words are rooted in the language, and their use in the text of the document is clear to everyone. I do not call for the preparation of documents that can only be read with a dictionary of foreign words, but we already have the experience of "Russification" (do not repeat it). More A.S. Pushkin laughed at the proposal to replace the foreign “galoshes” with the original “wet shoes”, and the “labyrinth” with the “wanderer”.

Another feature of the modern Russian language, which, of course, has also penetrated into the official business style, is the high-frequency use of book vocabulary.

Documenters tend to use the word "predict" more often than "anticipate"; “regulate”, “adequate”, not “normal”. I can assume that the desire to use "smart" words is due to the desire to make a good impression, to demonstrate the high professionalism and competence of employees. Book and foreign language vocabulary is considered more prestigious in business circles. The text of a business letter, as it were, demonstrates (now they would say “positioning” - this is fashionable) the quality and efficiency of the organization as a whole.

In the article by M.N. Panova "Ceremonial Portrait of Power" (Russian Speech magazine, 2012, No. 4), the opinion is expressed that "by resorting to such government controlled are trying to disassociate themselves from the language and style of the Soviet administrative-command system and methods of party leadership, as well as to demonstrate their involvement in modern methods of management used in the West, in the standards of effective, evidence-based business administration.

Obviously, professionalism should be avoided in business letters (for example, write “cashless” instead of “cashless payment” or “completed” instead of “completed construction”); deprecated expressions ( this year, with this we direct etc.); colloquial or colloquial words.

Agree that not all correspondents of your organization will like it if at the end of a business letter instead of the usual respectfully they will read respect and respect.

It is undesirable to use the jargon of "managers" in written speech: "work out" (material), "push through" (product), "work through" (question), "photocopy" (document), although in oral professional communication the use of these words is acceptable.

Consider stylistic errors associated with incorrect or inaccurate use of words.



ParonymsThese are words that are different in meaning but similar in sound.

They are similar, so it is easy to confuse them. For example, paronyms: economic, economical, economical. Test yourself: match these paronyms with the following words: politics, technology, crisis, heater, fuel, traveler, hostess, growth, car, forecast, analysis. Happened? Here are the meanings of paronyms:

economic- relating to the economy;

economical - giving the opportunity to save, profitable;

economical - thrifty, conducive to savings.

This means that politics, crisis, growth, forecast and analysis can only be economic. Traveler and hostess - economical. And with the words technique, fuel, heater and car, the definition of “economical” goes well.

If there are difficulties with the use of paronyms, then it is safer and more correct to turn tospecialdictionaries. We bring to your attentiona small list (suddenly come in handy?).


  • present ( present evidence);
  • to introduce someone introduce a new employee);
  • apply for a promotion, an award ( submit for an award);
  • compose, discover be of great value);
  • mentally imagine ( picture the fight);
  • depict, show present in a funny way)


  • put at someone's disposal, use ( provide an apartment);
  • to give the right, the opportunity to do, to carry out something ( grant leave);
  • allow to act independently, leave unattended ( give yourself)

Warranty- pertaining to warranty ( warranty card, repair)

Guaranteed- due to the law, provided ( guaranteed payments, rights)

business trip- formed from noun. "business trip" and denotes objects, things, circumstances associated with this concept ( travel certificate)

seconded- derived from ch. "to second" and has the meaning "a person sent on a mission" ( hotel rooms for business travelers)

Political- pertaining to politics political slogan)

P political - acting diplomatically, cautiously ( political person)

Representative- making a favorable impression representative the male)

Executive- relating to representation, representative ( representative office)

Technical- pertaining to technology technical progress)

technical- highly skilled technical actor)

Lucky- happy, one who is lucky (lucky player)

Successful- successful ( good shot, good investment

Spectacular- producing effect ( spectacular number, costume)

Effective- effective ( effective measures)

playful- prone to jokes or having the character of a joke ( joking person, tone, joking conversation)

comic- representing a joke ( joke story)

All documentation was provided to the laboratory staff- now you know for sure that in this sentence you need to use not “represented”, but the paronym “provided”.


SynonymsWords that sound different but have the same meaning.

The misuse of synonyms is a typical stylistic mistake. For example, synonymous words are “object”, “contradict” and “contradict”:

  • - disagree with something;
  • - to assert something opposite;
  • - speak in defiance, and mainly out of stubbornness.

It is clear that it is better to use the word “object” in the text of the document, in some situations a more stringent expression “contradict” is acceptable, but it is undesirable to write “argue” because this word is emotionally colored.

Another set of synonyms: defect t, flaw, flaw. All three words denote the imperfection of something, but the conditions for their use are different. "Defect" is used in relation to technical products ( design defect), “flaw” and “shortage” refer both to what is created by nature and to the processes or results of social activity ( limitationsupbringing, flawed groom).

When transferring workers to another branch, the assigned personnel numbers are saved - it is better to use not “when transferring”, but a synonym for “when transferring”.


HomonymsThese are words that are different in meaning but have the same spelling and sound.

The use of homonyms in business speech often leads to semantic absurdities. For example, students who listened to the lecture did you really hear it? “Listen” in the meaning of “listen to the end” and “listen” in the meaning of “not hear” are homonyms. And have you seen the movie students watching the movie?



Pleonasm- This is a partial match of words that form a phrase.

For example,: advanced avant-garde(avant-garde - those who are ahead), memorable souvenir(souvenir - a keepsake), joint cooperation(collaboration - joint work).

We need to get rid of pleonasms.

However, there are stable phrases that, although they are pleonasms, their use is quite acceptable, since it is enshrined in tradition. For example: completely, around and around. Pleonasm is also a stable phrase Announcement, because any message contains information.


Tautologyare semantic repetitions.

Another type of stylistic error. Tautology arises as a result of the repetition of words with the same root: the following should be taken into account..., phenomenon appears..., benefit from use. Tautological repetitions make the sentence dissonant, difficult to understand.

For example, outwardly, so to speak,from a side view,everything is going well(outwardly and from the outside - a tautology).

And here is a sentence from a sales letter that came a few days ago: Steel (metal) packaging tape for packaging is made in strict accordance with the domestic quality standard GOST. Agree, you don't want to buy.


In business speech, phraseological units are very widely used, especially as the so-called split predicates. For example, in an official document, it is preferable to use the phrase help, how help, make repairs, how repair, conduct a survey, but not interrogate. In some cases, such phraseological units do not have parallel verb forms, because hold a competition- is not the same as compete.


Phraseologism- a combination of words that is stable, holistic in composition and meaning.

Compare the two sentences: "The man waved his hand in greeting" and "She decided to give up on everything." In the first case, "give up" is a free phrase, and in the second - a phraseological unit.

When using phraseological units in business speech, stylistic errors are possible. The verbs “lead”, “give”, “allow”, “provide”, “conduct”, “produce”, “manifest”, etc., which are part of phraseological units, can be combined with a limited number of nouns. For example, the verb "obtain" can only be used in combinations win a victory and win. Frequently used phrase succeed is a violation of the norm. The verb "to allow" ("to allow") is usually combined with the words "violation", "error", "miscalculation". The combination of this verb with the words "defect", "breakage", marriage, "theft" is a mistake.

Sometimes a mixture of similar phraseological units leads to errors. The most common example is phraseological units “to have a meaning” and “to play a role”, which are close in meaning. For example, The introduction of new forms of documents played a great role(correct: either …played a big role…, or …was of great importance…).


It is unacceptable to change the grammatical forms of the words that make up the phraseological unit.

The performer obviously twisted his heart (right: grimaced).

This Latin American state managed to cut the ground under the feet of monopolists (right: cut the ground from under one's feet ).

In addition, it is impossible to change the composition of the phraseological unit.

The work of the laboratory is below any criticism (correctly: any criticism).

The master promised to fix all the problems in three ways (right: in two counts).

Of course, we have not considered all possible stylistic errors associated with word usage. But if, when compiling a document, carefully follow the meaning of the words used, then there will be no errors.

In addition, everything said is important always and in everything, and not only when preparing documents.

According to the great Confucius: “A wise ruler should first of all call things by their correct names. After all, if things are named incorrectly, words will lose their power and not a single thing can be completed.”


Quotes from the article "Revolutionaries in quotation marks" by historian and journalist Ilya Smirnov ( ):

“...Unfortunately, in modern lexicon, not only political, but everyday and even scientific, the correct terminology is constantly being replaced by verbal traps for common sense (and for a useful cause). What is "marketing"?

According to the dictionary, just trading. But it would be simple, it would not require a new word for the usual, well-known occupation. "Creative" is not synonymous with "creative". Creativity A.S. You will not call Pushkin "creative", and you will do it right.

And "gender" is not just "gender", but a whole ideology that reaches out for a newfangled word, like the mycelium of a poisonous mold. Exactly the same - with the unnatural phrase " educational services". If you hear it from professors, you do not need special studies of efficiency and creativity to figure out: things are bad at this university.

And if the director is "cult" and the performance is "provocative", it is hardly worth spending money on a ticket.

It is no coincidence that the murderer became a "killer", the prostitute "confused", the perversion "orientation". And now some, God forgive me, sociologists and even narcologists are trying to convince us that a drug addict cannot be called a drug addict, we must speak about him respectfully: "drug user".

Why do you think this is done?

I asked my leftist friends: why do you use the word "tolerance" instead of the traditional "internationalism"? They can't explain. They cannot even give a clear definition of what this “tolerance” is.

But the answer is actually terribly simple, and the only answer.

If a person adopts someone else's propaganda jargon, this is the first step towards capitulation.