Genres of formal business style

like other styles, certain "relatively stable thematic, compositional and stylistic types" of works" ( MM. Bakhtin). In the official business style (compared, for example, with the scientific style), the genre is a powerful factor, i.e. genre stylistic differences in texts of business speech are expressed clearly and definitely.

For a long time, the focus of researchers J.of.-d.s. there were only legislative texts that constituted the core of the style. The study of these texts began in the late 1960s. from the analysis of the language of the first decrees of the Soviet power, the Constitution of the USSR, Soviet laws as from the position of linguistic stylistics ( K.A. Loginova, 1968; M.N. Kozhina, 1977; A.K. Panfilov, 1968; D.N. Shmelev, 1977), and from the standpoint of specialists in the field of law ( A.S. Pigolkin, 1972; A.A. Ushakov, 1968). As a result, the main (cm.) formal business functional style(see), a theoretical substantiation of its internal differentiation is given, the principles of constructing official business texts are explained ( M.N. Kozhina, 1966, 1968, 1972). The study of legislative genres was continued by observing the expression in the texts of the Criminal Code and the Civil Code of the RSFSR of the functional semantic-stylistic category of evaluativeness ( T.V. Gubaeva, 1987; N.N. Ivakina, 1994). In parallel, there is a study of jurisdictional genres, in particular indictments ( V.S. Zubarev, L.P. Krysin, V.F. Statkus, 1976), sentences, protocols ( T.V. Gubaeva, 1978; 1990). Later, researchers pay attention to the features of not only primary legislative genres, but also secondary ones ( M.A. Shirinkin, 2001).

In the studies of J.of.-d.s. in connection with the need to teach office work and editing official documentation, the methodological aspect has received great development, which has found expression in applied publications with recommendations on compliance with the functional-genre norm, rational use language tools and improving the efficiency of business communication (see works P.V. Veselova, A.K. Demidova, and E.A. Smirnova, M.V. Koltunova, F.A. Kuzina, L.V. Rakhmanina, I.A. Sternina, B.S. Schwarzkopf and etc.). With the development of linguistic rhetoric in the last decade, the study of oral genres of business speech, in particular production, as well as diplomatic speeches, has continued ( N.N. Romanova, A.V. Filippov, 1999), performance speeches ( M.V. Koltunova, 2000).

At the same time, due to the expansion of the scope of business communication in connection with the social changes of the twentieth century. and the emergence of new genres of oral and written official business speech and their penetration into speech practice, it becomes very relevant to study them in order to develop normative and stylistic recommendations. The real-life and changeable genre variety of official business texts is still insufficiently studied due to the limitation of the object of study to the most famous and significant genres such as law, order, statement, and some. others

J.of.-d.s. are created in the legal sphere, where the main style-forming extralinguistic factor is law as a form of social consciousness with the corresponding type of activity. If the legal type of sociocultural activity is considered as a hierarchically organized system private activities with their goals of communication and functions ( G.S. Batishchev; V.A. Salimovsky), then on their basis it is possible to carry out a further intra-style classification of genres. Verbal regulatory activity in the field of law is realized, firstly, through the expression prescriptions state, body, authorized person in relation to lower bodies, institutions, organizations, citizens, secondly, by petitions lower structures, performers, individual citizens to higher authorities with requests, proposals, statements, encouraging the latter to any actions to decision making. Finally, in order to make certain decisions and carry out legal actions, an information and legal basis is needed, which is created through commits state of affairs in a particular area of ​​activity. Thus, in the texts of the official business sphere, at least three types of more private activities are objectified, differing in the goals of communication and functions: solicitation and information, on the basis of which, within each of the four sub-styles of the official business style (legislative, jurisdictional, administrative and diplomatic) According to the above-mentioned varieties of activity and subgoals, the following three groups of genres are distinguished. Since the number of ODS genres is extremely large and diverse, it is necessary to systematize them.

The table shows that the genre stratification in of.-d. With. presents a very complex and ramified picture. At the same time, the selected groups of texts can function in various forms of speech (oral or written). Thus, legislative texts of the prescriptive type are implemented only in writing, while texts-petitions and texts of the informing type are implemented only orally. Administrative texts of all kinds are found both in written and oral form.

Table. Genres of formal business style

Genre features of.-del. texts are conditioned by typical goals that implement one or another type of activity in a certain area. Thus, the activities under the prescription can be carried out as an indication of legal responsibility that occurs under certain circumstances and conditions, or as a requirement for one or another official to perform the necessary actions, as an establishment of the procedure and method for performing actions, etc. A petition addressed to the competent authorities, structures, officials is carried out as a request, complaint, claim, warning, reminder, refutation, request, proposal, etc. Informing is carried out as a statement, certification, description, enumeration, etc.

Each of the listed goals is implemented in a more or less familiar way by a certain set of legal and regulatory communicative actions. Consequently, the genre form appears as a reusable way of implementing the author's intention (common goal) fixed by social experience by a set of communicative actions ( V.A. Salimovsky). With regard to Zh.of.-d.s. this means that the implementation of a particular goal setting is carried out with the help of details (a set of formal elements of a document) regulated by law (civil or criminal code - in documents of the jurisdictional sphere), established by etiquette norms (in letters), arranged according to a certain scheme fixed by GOST ( in administrative documents). Thus, a distinctive specific feature of J.of.-d.s. is their rigid standardization, form.

This set of attributes is transmitted by regulated language means, which leads to the use of stable, clichéd expressions and syntactic constructions, proven by many years of practice. Such standardization of the text is especially characteristic of administrative genres, which have been sufficiently studied by stylists, which makes it possible to develop practical recommendations for compiling these documents. The interest of researchers in these genres is explained by the scale of their penetration into the speech practice of various fields of activity.

Of.-del. Written texts also differ in the way of syntactic organization of speech, its spatial and graphic design: 1) the traditional linear record of coherent speech (law, autobiography, contract, sentence, indictment, etc.); 2) stencil - a traditional linear record containing gaps that are filled with variable information (protocols, certificates, checks, contracts); after filling in the gaps, the record is perceived as a whole as linear; 3) questionnaire - a list of pre-prepared questions and answers to them (personal record of personnel, application of the applicant); 4) table - a set of data presented in verbal and digital form and enclosed in columns vertically and horizontally (reports, financial statements, time sheets, etc.). In one text, various ways of presenting information can be freely combined.

The wide distribution of non-linear text forms containing, in addition to pre-printed permanent information, spaces and columns for filling them with information of a variable nature (names of organizations, names, dates, amounts, monetary units, etc.), is explained by the presence of typical situations of business communication in which in accordance with the communicative goal setting, documents of strictly defined genres are used. Their replication allows compilers to save effort and time. Such administrative written texts (banking and accounting, shipping documentation) are especially diverse.

In accordance with a certain communicative goal setting, the function of a document associated with the implementation of a particular type of activity, the nature of the presentation, the structure and tone of speech, its style qualities, and the selection of language and speech means are determined. In Zh.of.-d.s. due to various extralinguistic circumstances, are expressed to varying degrees (see) this style. Thus, in the texts of the prescriptive type, the imperativeness of the presentation and the accuracy of the expression are in greater demand, which contribute to the "fail-safe" implementation of the regulatory function of law. Since these documents fix the relationship between the state and citizens as a kind of aggregate, community, these texts are inherent in the non-personal nature of the presentation.

Texts-petitions, along with imperativeness, are characterized by a personal presentation that is uncharacteristic of other texts of official-d.s., since these documents reflect the relationship between legal entities, representatives of the administration, on the one hand, and individual citizens, on the other.

Informative texts are characterized by an underlined, accentuated statement that helps to reflect the stages of application of laws in the practice of law enforcement agencies or the state of affairs in a particular case. At the same time, imperativeness is expressed to a much lesser extent. Let us consider the features of individual Zh.of.-d.s. in accordance with the classification presented in the table.

Jurisdictional Documents (written form of speech) - individual legal acts that formalize the application of legal norms in specific life situations (civil, criminal and arbitration cases). Among them, several groups can be distinguished: 1) prescription documents, the typical content of which is to reflect the decision of a procedural issue; 2) document-letters (cassation appeals, cassation protests, instructions, subscriptions, obligations, etc.) containing petitions; 3) informing documents - protocols (testimonies, inspections, searches, etc.), fixing the course and results of procedural actions carried out by the investigator, the person conducting the inquiry, in the investigation of criminal and civil cases, as well as by the arbitration court in the consideration of arbitration cases.

From the first group, consider sentences and indictments. Sentence- a document, the purpose of which is to fix the decision made in the court session on the guilt of the defendant (accusatory) or his innocence (acquittal), as well as on the application or non-application of a certain punishment to him. The document consists of three parts: 1) introductory, containing a statement of the circumstances of the sentencing; 2) the main one, which includes a description of the criminal offense and proof of its commission; 3) final, resolutive.

The first part, revealing the circumstances of the sentencing, is syntactically organized into one sentence and distributed: a) circumstances of time (reporting the date of the verdict), place (reporting the location of the court that passed the verdict), b) nearby homogeneous definitions containing information about the defendant; c) a ruling that contains a reference to an article of the criminal law in violation of which the defendant is accused.

The main part of the document includes the following set of details: a) description of the criminal act recognized as proven; b) a statement of evidence on which the conclusions of the court are based, or evidence that served as the basis for acquittal by the court; c) indications of circumstances mitigating or aggravating responsibility, or motives explaining why the court rejects the evidence on which the prosecution is based. When describing criminal acts, verbs and verb forms, temporal units and linguistic means are used that indicate the place of the crime.

In the resolutive part, the neutral-stating tone of the main part is replaced by a directive, it sets out: a) a court decision (accusation or acquittal); b) the type and amount of punishment or an indication to cancel the measure of restraint; c) a decision on a civil claim filed or a decision on compensation for damage; d) resolving the issue of material evidence, the distribution of court costs, the procedure and term for cassation appeal and protest against the verdict. This part of the documents is organized by rubrication, the content of the decision is conveyed by infinitive sentences.

Closing indictment- a procedural document drawn up upon completion of the preliminary investigation, the purpose of which is to substantiate the conclusion of the investigator (inquiry body) on the sufficiency of data to bring the accused to trial. The genre form of the document consists of three speech actions: 1) a statement of the essence of the case; 2) analysis of collected evidence; 3) wording of the accusation.

The descriptive part sets out the essence of the case: the place and time of the crime, its methods, motives, consequences, and other significant circumstances; information about the victim, as well as evidence that confirms the existence of a crime and the guilt of the accused; the arguments given by the accused in his defense, and the results of the verification of his arguments. The operative part contains information about the identity of the accused and sets out the charge, indicating the article or articles of the law that provide for this crime.

The logical composition of the described documents is an alternation of standard and free text. The stylistic features of documents are determined by the nature of the information presented: event information is transmitted by a description of the actual circumstances of the case (pointing to the place, time, actors and their actions) ascertaining information is expressed by clichéd constructions, introducing into the situation and pointing to procedural actions and their justification; prescriptive information - incentive-imperative constructions.

Administrative Documents (business dossier of the company) is a set required documents regulating relations both within the firm and outside it, with other enterprises.

Often, documents serve as written evidence in the event of property, labor and other disputes. Documentation of information is carried out in the manner established by the authorities state power responsible for the organization of office work and the standardization of documents. In management activities, a variety of documents are used, handwritten, typewritten, compiled on a computer, received by telefax, e-mail, etc.

Documents have many functions, among which it is necessary to highlight the communicative one, which allows maintaining external relations of enterprises and organizations, and the legal one, which allows using business papers as evidence when considering controversial issues. A number of documents are already initially endowed with a legal function: these are contractual documentation, legal acts government controlled, notarized documents, etc.

Each genre has an officially accepted, and more often GOST-approved form, or a sum of details, as well as a scheme for their location, which gives them legal significance. Genre business text language means are also regulated, which leads to the use of stable, clichéd expressions and syntactic constructions, proven by many years of practice.

Documents in the sphere of management can be divided into the following groups: 1) directive and informational and instructive: laws, decrees, resolutions, by-laws, guidelines, instructions from higher authorities; 2) internal administrative documents (usually called organizational and administrative documents): charters, orders, orders, constituent agreements, decisions, memoranda and explanatory notes, certificates, letters and faxes, etc.; 3) documents for personnel regulating labor relations: orders for hiring, dismissal, transfer, etc., statements, characteristics, time sheets and schedules, work books, personal registration cards, personal files (these documents are important, because with their help a person’s right to work is exercised, pension provision, etc.); 4) financial and accounting documents, with the help of which, regardless of the form of ownership, state-established accounting and reporting is maintained (they reflect the company's operations: costs and expenses, income, profit, settlements with suppliers, customers, budget): balance sheets, various acts , invoices, business plans, statements, payment orders, account books, etc.

Obviously, it is impossible to describe each of these genres; Let's characterize some of the most common, everyday topical genres.

When applying for a job and meeting the employer with a candidate for a vacancy, a number of documents are required: application, CV, resume.

Statement- a petition document containing a request / proposal (in some cases, their brief argument) of a person and addressed to an organization or an official of an institution. The statement uses cliched syntactic constructions: 1) expressing a request: I ask (accept, allow, allow, etc.); I ask for your permission(consent) + what? (for enrollment, etc.). 2) introducing arguments: due to the fact that; due to the fact that, on the basis that; because; because; considering (what?)...

Autobiography- an information type document, the purpose of which is to describe life path the compiler of the text. Written by hand, presented in free form from the 1st sheet. in chronological order and should give an idea of ​​the life, qualifications and socio-political activities of the compiler. The genre form is the message of the following information: 1) information about the compiler (first name, patronymic, surname, date and place of birth, information about parents), 2) information about education (when and where he studied), 3) information about work activity (specialty, activities, last place of work), 3) insignia (awards, promotions), 4) information about the family (marital status, family composition, home address and telephone number), 5) date and signature. It is better to start each new block of information with a definition of time and graphically indicate a paragraph.

The information is presented in reverse chronological order. Usually, everything that is related to the specialty or position for which the applicant is applying is noted. The places of work are reported in reverse order with the designation of time (terms), places, positions, official duties. Then, something that characterizes the author as an employee, but is not related to specific job responsibilities, is noted, for example, possession of a driver's license, computer skills, knowledge foreign languages, the presence of printed works, professional skills in another specialty.

In cases conflict situations at enterprises, revealing any violations, non-compliance with instructions, reports and explanatory notes are drawn up.

memorandum- an information and reference document, the purpose of which is to inform about the situation, some kind of fact about the work done. The addressee is the head of the department or institution. The information of the note is taken into account by him or encourages him to act. The genre form consists of two actions: 1) reporting of negative facts, 2) presentation of conclusions and suggestions. The text of the note is preceded by a heading beginning with a preposition about, for example: About the disruption of classes. The text is signed by the compiler indicating the position, initials and surname.

Explanatory note- a document indicating the reasons that led to any violations. It is drawn up in any form and is close in structure to a memorandum.

The following cliched syntactic constructions are used in the memorandum and explanatory notes: 1) introducing ascertaining information: I inform you that…; For your information…; 2) expressing a request or proposal: I ask, I suggest + infinitive (take measures, highlight, allow, allow, transfer ...); 3) explaining the situation: In connection with…; Due to…

Statements of claim are also quite common - documents, the purpose of which is to resolve in court disputes that have arisen in relations between an employee and an enterprise, a client and employees. The genre form consists of the following details: 1) nomination of the conflicting parties (the plaintiff with an indication of his address and the defendant); 2) a statement of the essence of the claims, for example. "About the recovery of wages." The text of the application must be confirmed by the relevant documents (drawn up as attachments) and signed by the applicant.

The division of official letters is also carried out on the basis of the addressee into ordinary and circular ones, the latter being sent from one source to several addresses: as a rule, subordinate organizations.

Equally important in business correspondence is speech etiquette. In modern P., the appeal is accepted Dear Sir!.., and in conclusion: Thanks in advance for…; Sincerely…(cm. ).

Lit.: Vinokur G.O. Language culture. - M., 1929; Ushakov A.A. Essays on Soviet legislative style. - Perm, 1967; Kozhina M.N. About speech systemacity scientific. style compared to some others. - Perm, 1972; Her: On the specifics of the artist. and scientific speech in the aspect of func. stylistics. - Perm, 1966; Her own. To the bases of func. stylistics. - Perm, 1968; Her: Stylistics of Russian. language. - M., 1977; 1983, 1993; Loginova K.A. Del. speech and its changes in Soviet era. Functional development. styles of modern Russian language. - M., 1968; Veselov P.V. Modern affairs. writing in industry. - M., 1970; His same: How to write a service document. - M., 1982; Isserlin E.M. Of.-del. style. - M., 1970; Pigolkin A.S. The main features of the language of legislation as a special style of lit. speeches and editing office documents. - M., 1973; Zubarev V.S., Krysin L.P., Statkus V.F. The language and style of the indictment. - M., 1976; Shmelev D.N. Rus. language in its functions. varieties. - M., 1977; Gubaeva T.V. Grammar and stylistic features of legal texts: dis.… cand. philol. Sciences. - Baku, 1984; Her: Semantic and stylistic category of evaluation in the legislative text // Stylistics of the text in communicative aspect. - Perm, 1987; Her: Practical course in Russian. lang. for lawyers. - Kazan, 1990; Her: Literature in jurisprudence. - Kazan, 1995; Veselovskaya T.M. Features of the syntax of.-del. style // Text typology in the functional-stylistic aspect. - Perm, 1990; Rus. the language of affairs. communication. - Voronezh, 1995; Schwarzkopf B.S. Of.-del. language // Culture rus. speech and communication efficiency. - M., 1996; Him: Of.-del. style // Ents. Rus. lang. - M., 1997; Ivakina N.N. Professional speech of a lawyer. - M., 1997; Russian culture. speech. - M., 1997; Koltunova M.V. Language and Affairs. communication. - M., 2000; Shugrina E.S. legal writing technique. - M., 2000; Kirsanova M.V., Anodina N.N., Aksenov Yu.M. Del. correspondence. – M.; Novosibirsk, 2001; Shirinkina M.A. Secondary affairs. text and its genre varieties: dis.… cand. philol. Sciences. - Perm, 2001.

- Genres classified: 1) taking into account the sub-styles of the official business style (legislative, jurisdictional, administrative, diplomatic); 2) taking into account written and oral forms of speech; 3) based on the types of activities (prescription, ... ... Dictionary linguistic terms T.V. Foal

Genres of formal business style- Genres classified: 1) taking into account the sub-styles of the official business style (legislative, jurisdictional, administrative, diplomatic); 2) taking into account written and oral forms of speech; 3) based on the types of activities (prescription, ... ... General linguistics. Sociolinguistics: Dictionary-Reference

- (business, officially documentary, administrative, legislative, officially clerical, clerical, business literature) is a functional variety of modern literary language serving the sphere of law, power, ... ...

Formal business style- Main article: Functional styles of speech Official business style is a functional style of speech, the environment of speech communication in the field of official relations: in the field of legal relations and management. This area covers international relations, ... ... Wikipedia

Differentiation- (Differentiation) Contents Contents 1. general statements 2. Differentiation of the population 3. Differentiation of functional styles 4. Social differentiation 5. Differentiation Differentiation (from Latin differentia - difference) is ... ... Encyclopedia of the investor

- (from the Greek epistole - letter, message) - a text in the form of a letter, postcard, telegram, sent to the addressee to communicate certain information. The letter refers to the ancient type of written messages exchanged between communicants, ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

- - words, set phrases, grammatical forms and constructions, the use of which in lit. language assigned to office. affairs. style, especially behind its administrative sub-style (see Genres of official business style). K. is treated as ... ... Stylistic encyclopedic dictionary of the Russian language

Functional style of speech- This article lacks links to sources of information. Information must be verifiable, otherwise it may be questioned and removed. You can ... Wikipedia

Artistic text

Popular science style- Functional styles of speech - a historically established system of speech means used in a particular area human communication; a kind of literary language that performs a specific function in communication. There are 5 functional styles ... Wikipedia

Officially, business style is the language of business documentation. We all know what a sea of ​​business papers exists today. This diversity determines the moment that the genres of the official business style of speech are practically incalculable. But it is still possible to identify their general patterns, and we will try to do this in this article.

The main features of the official business style are as follows. It is enshrined as a service language for the social and legal sphere and is used in lawmaking, economic sphere, management of administrative affairs and in international diplomatic activity. In short, it is the language of documents that govern the actions of people and have great legal significance. Therefore, their content should have a single interpretation and not mislead people.

It is very difficult to list all the genres of the official business style, as we said earlier, but the main ones can be named. These include: an agreement, a statement, an order, a resolution, a power of attorney, an announcement, a certificate, legislative acts, documents of various scale and significance, etc. All of them are characterized by an emphasized logical presentation, the absence of signs of emotionality, formality, and are replete with standardized phrases and language clichés, compiled using Old Slavonic phrases and archaic vocabulary. All genres of official business, except for the informational part, have a certain form of filling out business paper. This form bears the name of a prop and is provided by GOST. That is, none of the documents of national importance can be drawn up in a free manner. each of them has a standard appearance, to which he strictly obeys.

Details that have genres of official business style are fixed strictly in a certain part of a sheet of paper or on a finished form. The name of the document, the date of its creation (incoming or outgoing), as well as all the necessary information about the person who compiled this document, has a permanent location. And it looks something like this: the title, date and number are at the top, and personal information is at the bottom of the document, moreover, after the signature responsible for compiling the text.

Today, the genres of official business style are thought out to the maximum and there are special sets of details that are printed on ready-made standard forms, which are recommended to be used when compiling a particular business paper. These include: the State Emblem of the Russian Federation, the emblem of the organization, the image of various government awards, digital codes of institutions, the names of ministries and enterprises, as well as structural divisions. Obligatory details also include postal details: index, telegraph address, telephone, teletype, fax and bank account numbers. Some genres of formal business style are marked with access restrictions.

The main features of an official business style can be most clearly demonstrated on one of the most popular types of business papers - a contract. It fixes the legal relations that arise between legal entities and individuals and is filled in at the conclusion of any transactions. The terms of the contract are divided into clauses and subclauses, which prescribe the nature, conditions, terms of the transaction, as well as the rights and obligations of the parties. There must be at least seven such modules in each contract, drawn up correctly. These are: representation of the parties involved in the transaction, determination of the obligations of the parties, their responsibility, the conditions under which the calculation will be made and the terms of the contract, as well as postal, legal and payment details.

Any other business paper is also filled out according to the schedule strictly adopted by government agencies.

Ticket number 1. National and literary Russian language. Non-literary varieties of the Russian language. Literary language as the highest form of existence of the national language.

Literary language is a form of the national language, understood by speakers of a particular language as exemplary. For the national language, the literary language is its most representative form, playing a leading role among its other varieties (vernacular, territorial and social dialects). The literary language consists of common folk language elements that have undergone cultural processing, it concentrates the best ways to express ideas, thoughts and emotions, designate concepts and objects, the quintessence of national idiomatics.

The functional purpose of the literary language is to serve the main areas of activity of the entire historically established social group of people who speak given language. In this sense, the literary language is opposed to the territorial and social dialects used by limited groups of people living in a certain area or united in relatively small social groups. There is a relationship between the literary language and other forms of language; the literary language is constantly enriched and updated at the expense of colloquial speech, characterized by "extra-literary", non-standardized language elements. Such interaction with folk colloquial speech is especially characteristic of the Russian literary language.

The development of the literary language is directly related to the development of the culture of the respective people, primarily its fiction.

The literary language is characterized by:

  1. tradition and writing. Each new generation improves the literary language, taking from the speech of the older generations those means of expression that best correspond to the new socio-cultural tasks and conditions of speech communication.
  2. Obligatory norms and their codification. “to be generally accepted, and therefore generally understood” is the main property of the literary language.
  3. Functioning within the literary language of colloquial speech along with book speech.
  4. The category of variance is inherent in the literary language.
  5. The literary language is characterized by a tendency towards a functional demarcation of linguistic units, towards overcoming doubleness.
  6. With all the evolutionary changes experienced by the literary language, like any living socio-cultural formation, flexible stability is inherent in it. The language norm opens the way for new trends that are replacing obsolete forms of the literary language, selects from the colloquial speech those linguistic elements that have or can acquire national significance.

Literary language has two forms: oral and written, which are characterized by features of lexical composition and grammatical structure. Written literary language is distinguished by a greater complexity of syntax and has different styles: scientific, official business, journalistic and artistic.

Also, the Russian language includes such non-literary varieties of the language.

Vernacular is a relaxed, stylistically reduced variety spoken language predominantly urban population, giving speech an irregular and coarsened character.

Territorial dialects - a kind of language that is used as a means of communication between people connected by one territory, differing from the literary Russian language at all levels (phonetic, lexical and grammatical).

Social dialects are language variants used in casual communication between representatives of certain social groups and differing from the literary language only at the lexical level.

Ticket number 2 Basic concepts of style. The concept of functional style, sub-style, genre.

Stylistics studies the correlative lexical means of a language, assessing the use of a word in a specific speech situation and developing recommendations for normative word usage in various functional styles; studies the word in all the variety of system connections that exist in the language. This approach highlights the study of synonyms, antonyms, ambiguous words, paronyms, which serve as a means of the most accurate transmission of information. At the same time, stylistics draws attention to such phenomena as homonymy and paronomasia, which sometimes interfere with the correct perception of speech. The focus of stylistics is the stylistic stratification of vocabulary, the assessment of archaisms, neologisms, words of limited use, the analysis of patterns of use of stylistically significant lexical means in various areas of communication.

The stylistic aspect of the study of vocabulary requires a thoughtful assessment of the word in terms of its motivation in the context. Stylistics opposes both the use of superfluous words and the unjustified omission of words, considering various manifestations of speech redundancy and speech insufficiency.

The word is studied in the style not only in the nominative, but also in aesthetic function. The subject of special interest of lexical stylistics is the lexical figurative means of the language - tropes.

Functional style is a live implementation speech communication language possibilities. In the linguistic consciousness of the speaker, there is an idea of ​​the rules for creating a functional style. Each functional style is not monolithic. We can talk about the core of style and its periphery.

The functional style is formed under the influence of basic extralinguistic factors, i.e. those phenomena of extralinguistic reality, under the influence of which the selection and organization of linguistic means takes place; speech acquires its own stylistic features.

Sphere of communication


administrative and managerial



aesthetic (art)

Purpose of communication

communication of information

impact on the reader/listener

Typical communication situation (formal/informal)

The form of the existence of speech

oral(characterized by spontaneity, irreversibility, directly related to the time of pronunciation, makes it possible to convey information not only by verbal means)

written(characterized by preliminary deliberation, preparedness, makes it possible to constantly refer to the text, improve it, logic, coherence)

Dialogue (characterized by a change of statements, replicas of two speakers, characterized by a direct connection of the statement with the situation)

Monologue (speech addressed to oneself or others and not calculated on the reaction of another person)

Functional differentiation:

5 main styles, style = functional variety of literary language. The term was introduced because the differences between some styles are so significant that it is inappropriate to combine them in one style.

The functional-style stratification of speech is not reduced to only 5 main styles, but is a complex picture, since each style (especially functional) is divided into sub-styles and into more particular varieties, etc. At the same time, the macrostyle features are not lost, they appear in any text.

scientific style

scientific and technical substyle

natural science

scientific and humanitarian

Reader's address:

strictly scientific / scientific and academic

educational and scientific

popular science

scientific memoir

scientific and documentary

By genre of texts:

scientific and academic substyle: monograph, article, theses, report

educational and scientific substyle: tutorial, lecture, textbook, course project, graduation project

Formal business style

diplomatic: international agreement, note, declaration, charter

legislative and legal: constitution, law, charter, acts

administrative and clerical: explanatory note, statement

Journalistic style

Political and propaganda: appeals, appeals

political and ideological: party documents

Newspaper and journalistic: note, article, reportage

Artistic and journalistic: essay, essay, pamphlet, feuilleton

Ticket number 3. general characteristics official business style. Genres of formal business style.

The official business style is one of the functional styles of the modern Russian literary language: a set of language tools, the purpose of which is to serve the sphere of official business relations (business relations between organizations, within them, between legal entities and individuals).

The breadth of the sphere of use allows us to distinguish 4 sub-styles:

1) Administrative and clerical

2) Legal

3) Diplomatic

4) Commercial

Executed function: prescriptive, imperatively informative.

Key Features:

1) Closure

2) Standardization (template, form)

3) Accuracy (use of special terminology)

4) Conciseness

5) Impersonal character (absence of forms of the verb 1 and 2 persons, the use of collective nouns)

6) Lack of appreciation and emotionality

Language tools:

professional terminology (respondent, penalty, invoice ...)

· The predominance of noun. over verb. and places. (instead of "thank" - "to express gratitude")

Predominance of passive forms over active ones

Forms present temp. used to express this prescription (must) e.g. “the employer is responsible for the harm ...” (i.e. must be responsible)

Forms bud. temp.- to express a future obligation e.g. "the military command will allocate ..." (i.e., it will have to allocate)

Forms past temp.- emphasizing the statement e.g. “The group measured, calculated, checked…”

Frequent use of short adjectives (with the meaning of duty): must, must, necessary ... e.g. "Summoning an expert is a must."

Widespread use conditional structures, complication of sentences with numerous turns

The predominance of complex prepositions and conjunctions (according to, in connection with, due to the fact that; as well as, and also ..)



· Statement


· Note a formal diplomatic appeal from one government to another

Memorandum - a diplomatic document setting out the government's views on an issue (usually attached to a note and given to a representative of another country)

· Communiqué - an official report on the results of international negotiations, on an international agreement, on important events in the internal life of the country - conferences, meetings, resolutions, etc., on the progress of military operations, etc.

Genres of formal business style. Varieties: The heterogeneity of themes and the variety of genres make it possible to distinguish two varieties in the style under consideration: official documentary style and everyday affairs ova style. In turn, in the first one, one can single out language of legislative documents related to the activities of state bodies, and the language of diplomatic acts related to international relations. AT everyday business style differ in content, genres and the nature of the language means used - official correspondence between institutions and organizations, on the one hand, and private business papers, on the other. The language of legislative documents includes vocabulary and phraseology state law, civil law, criminal law, the code of labor laws, the code of laws on marriage and the family, etc. Adjacent to it are vocabulary and phraseology related to the work of administrative bodies, official activities of citizens, etc. In another variety of official business style - everyday business style reflects official correspondence (business letter, commercial correspondence), official business papers (certificate, certificate, act, protocol), private business papers (application, power of attorney, receipt, autobiography, account, etc.). All of them are characterized by a well-known standardization, which facilitates their compilation and use and is designed to save language resources, to eliminate unjustified information redundancy.

    Basic rules for paperwork.
There are three sub-styles of business style: - Actually official business (clerical) - Legal - Diplomatic Main genres: - Actually official business: statements, memorandum, power of attorney, memo, act, invoice, letter. - Legal genre: law, regulations, rules, decisions, contract. - Diplomatic: agreement, treaty, appeal. In a formal business style, ambiguity is unacceptable. This is due to the legal force of the document, which does not tolerate ambiguity. In official business speech, there is a large set of expressions and phrases. For example: “After the deadline ...”, “Otherwise”, “As an exception”, “According to your request”, “In accordance with the protocol”, etc. The first etiquette feature of the business style (spelling) is associated with the capitalization of the pronoun “You”, as a polite appeal to one person. The second etiquette feature is related to the question from which person the text is presented - impersonal address, or first-person address. The method of presentation in the third person is called "impersonal". In orders or statements, the first number of the singular is used.
    Speech etiquette in documents.
Speech etiquette regulates the verbal formulas of greeting, acquaintance, congratulations, wishes, gratitude, apologies, requests, invitations, advice, suggestions, consolation, sympathy, condolences, compliments, approval; Speech etiquette also includes the manner of speaking (the art of having a conversation). In a modern culture that values ​​opportunity above all else free choice and the full realization of the individual, the "art of communication" is not so much in maintaining one's status as in skillfully and intelligently adapting it to a particular situation. The most highly valued is not the literal observance of the rules, but the ability to break them if necessary. Instead of obligatory prescriptions and prohibitions of ritualized behavior, there is a creative play on much more mobile norms. Strictly speaking, only such etiquette can be recognized as speech etiquette, which implies the possibility of choice. Politeness begins where expediency ends, although in politeness there is undoubtedly more expediency. high order. Speech etiquette always implies a certain redundancy, and this is largely due to its artistic, aesthetic nature.
    Oral public speech, its genera and types.
Oral public speech - spontaneous literary speech different forms public speaking (report, lecture, message, presentation in a discussion, etc.). U. p. r. serves communication on topics of an abstract (intellectualized) and industrial nature. Its distinctive feature is the addressing of a large audience. From orally. speech (cf. Speaking), serving a variety of everyday situations, U. p. p. distinguish one-dimensional subject matter and publicity. They are brought together by an oral spontaneous form of implementation. The moment of preparedness is usually manifested only in the logical and compositional features of the structure of the U. p. and in the use of individual clichéd expressions and constructions. Lit. languages ​​use both types of speech in their speech practice. This gives grounds to include U. p. p. in the oral-colloquial varieties of modern Russian lit. language as its special sphere along with everyday colloquial speech. W. Barnet qualifies U. p. not as a structural, but as a communicative-functional variety of lit. language. Nek-ry researchers, on the contrary, consider U. p. oral form of the codified lit. language. The basis for this is their proposed distinction between spontaneous and unprepared speech.
    Theorists oratory allocate such types of eloquence as socio-political, academic, judicial, social and domestic, etc. Socio-political eloquence includes the following types: Report on socio-political and political-economic topics; reporting report at a meeting (conference, congress); political speech (say, for example, from the rostrum of parliaments, the leaders of the party that came to power, as well as the heads of governments and states, setting out their political program of action); diplomatic speech (usually pronounced when credentials are presented by representatives of the diplomatic corps of a foreign country, when negotiations are underway at the level of heads of state, foreign ministers, ambassadors, etc.); political review (contains brief description international and domestic political events; in the monologue speech of a political observer, not only information is given about events and facts, but also an ideological, party assessment of them.); military-patriotic speech (dedicated to the issues of fostering love for Russia, readiness to defend it, glorifying the exploits of those who fought for the freedom of the fatherland during the years of the Civil, Great Patriotic Wars);
rally speech (in content it can be political, patriotic; it sounds at a rally, i.e. at a confluence a large number people, and is characterized by invocativeness, passion, emotional tension);
    agitator speech (Agitator speech is close to a rally speech, but differs from it in a much smaller coverage of listeners and less emotional intensity, and it is much shorter in time. Agitation and propaganda permeate our entire social life); Academic (high school lecture; scientific report; scientific review; scientific message or information); Judicial eloquence - The following types of judicial eloquence are distinguished:
    Prosecutor's or accusatory speech;
    Public accusatory speech;
    Advocate, or defensive, speech;
    Public defense speech;
    Self-defense speech of the accused.
Prosecutor's a speech is delivered by a prosecutor or prosecutor acting on behalf of the state; it proposes and substantiates the penalties for a guilty person who has violated the norms and laws of our state, the legal order established in society. Lawyer's speech designed to protect the interests of the accused; the defender addresses the judges and people's assessors with a request to approach the guilty person objectively, without prejudice, humanely; his speech is usually designed for emotional impact, for mitigating the punishment of the accused. Public accusatory and public protective speeches are delivered not by professional lawyers, but by representatives of collectives of institutions and enterprises, one way or another interested in the outcome of the trial; usually weakly or insufficiently oriented in the articles and paragraphs of various codes of laws, they use the provisions and facts of the moral plan as evidence. Self-Defensive Speech given to the accused during the trial or at the end of it. Judicial eloquence in our socialist society it loses great social significance due to the absence of crimes of serious social or political content.
    Composition (structure) of a public speech.
Of course, there are no universal rules for constructing a public speech. The composition will change depending on the topic, goals and objectives of the speaker, on the composition of the audience. However, there are general principles for constructing a speech that a speaker needs to know and take into account in the process of creating his speech. We can list the main ones:
    The principle of sequence - each thought expressed should follow from the previous one or be correlated with it. The principle of amplification - the significance, weight, persuasiveness of arguments and evidence should gradually increase, the strongest arguments, as a rule, are reserved by the end of the argument. The principle of organic unity - the distribution of material and its organization in speech should follow from the material itself and the intentions of the speaker. The principle of economy is the ability to achieve the goal in the simplest, most rational way, with the minimum expenditure of effort, time, speech means. The most common structure of an oral presentation is considered to be three-part, which includes the following elements: introduction, main part and conclusion.
    Preparation of a speech (selection of a topic, selection of materials, beginning, deployment and completion of a speech)
For a successful public speaking, it is not enough to study the literature on the chosen topic, find interesting information, collect convincing facts, figures, examples. You need to think about how to arrange this material, in what sequence it should be presented. A number of questions inevitably arise before the speaker: what words to start the speech, how to continue the conversation, how to end the speech, how to win the attention of the audience and keep it to the end. Therefore, it is important to pay serious attention to the work on the composition of speech. The word composition comes from the Latin compositio, which means "composition, composition." In the theory of oratory, the composition of speech is understood as the construction of a speech, the ratio of its individual parts and the relationship of each part to the entire speech as a whole. To name this concept, along with the word composition, the words construction, structure, which are close in meaning, are also used. As can be seen from the definition, when talking about the composition of oratorical speech, it is necessary to take into account how the parts of the speech relate to each other, what place a separate part occupies in relation to the entire speech. If the ratio of parts of the speech is violated, then the effectiveness of speech is reduced, and sometimes reduced to zero. The well-known Russian writer Konstantin Fedin very accurately defined the essence of the composition: "Composition is the logic of the development of the theme." “For the success of speech,” wrote an eminent lawyer and public Figure XIX century A.F. Koni in the article "Lecturer's Tips" - it is important for the course of the lecturer's thought. If thought jumps from subject to subject, is thrown, if the main thing is constantly interrupted, then such speech is almost impossible to listen to.
    Verbal design of speech (accuracy of word usage, consistency, clarity of syntactic constructions).
Accuracy and clarity of speech are interconnected. However, the speaker (writer) must take care of the accuracy of the statement, and the listener (reader) evaluates clarity. We put our thoughts into words. In order for speech to be accurate, words should be used in full accordance with the meanings that are assigned to them in the language. The stylistic editing of the writers in the manuscript reflects the last stage of work on the text, and what work preceded this, how many drafts were written and then destroyed, how many times the author uttered this or that phrase “to himself” before writing it down on paper - this can be just guess. Careless attitude to the choice of words in our everyday speech causes annoying lexical errors. In such cases, one speaks of using the word without regard to its semantics (i.e. meaning). Such speech errors cause illogicality and even absurdity of speech: And our Far Eastern birch trees stand in their wedding shroud (the author mixed up the shroud and veil). Such "slips of the tongue" are explained by false associations (these are associative errors). The ambiguity of the statement may arise when using polysemantic words and homonyms, if the context shows a meaning that is not intended by the author. For example: The growth of young figure skaters is stimulated with the help of demonstration performances. It would be better to say: By participating in demonstration performances, young figure skaters improve their skills. The sports commentator did not take into account the possible distortion of the meaning of the following phrase: You see Gavrilov on the screen in a beautiful combination. The inaccuracy of word usage is explained by inattention or low speech culture of the author. But sometimes they deliberately do not want to use this or that word in order to veil the negative meaning of the statement. Words and expressions that soften the rough meaning of speech are called euphemisms (from Gr. eu - good, phemi - I say). The euphemism of speech is often explained by the author's desire to dull the critical sharpness of the statement when describing negative phenomena. The wrong choice of a word can cause anachronism - a violation of chronological accuracy when using words associated with a particular historical era. The accuracy and clarity of speech sometimes requires us to be precise in the use of gender forms, case of nouns. Try to guess who - a man or a woman - says about himself: "I am an orphan, an unfortunate orphan!" Everyone will think: of course a woman! Indeed, for modern speech, it has become the norm to agree in meaning with nouns of a common gender (they are equally applicable to men and women - a slob, a sweet tooth, a coquette, a clever one). But the writers of the past can find a different agreement: Come, dear grandfather, have pity on me, the unfortunate orphan (Ch., "Vanka"). Case endings can clarify the meaning of some nouns. So, in the form of the nominative plural, breads mean cereals on the vine, and breads are products baked from flour. Therefore, the following phrase cannot be recognized as true: The hostess took bread out of the oven. The endings in such nouns should not be confused: furs (blacksmith's) - furs (dressed skins); images (literary and artistic) - images (icons); orders (knightly and monastic societies) - orders (insignia); belts (geographical) - belts (pieces of clothing); omissions (oversights) - passes (documents); sables (animals) - sables (furs); brakes (obstacles) - brakes (devices); flowers (plants) - colors (coloring); junkers (before 1945, large landowners were called so in Germany) - junkers (cadets in military schools of tsarist Russia). Often the full form of adjectives indicates a permanent feature of the subject, and the short form indicates a temporary one. Wed: he is sick - he is sick, she is so kind - please, his movements are calm - his face is calm. In other cases, the full form of adjectives denotes an absolute feature that is not associated with a specific situation, and the short form denotes a relative feature in relation to a specific situation: the ceiling is low (a feature in general) - the ceiling is low (for high furniture). Wed also: shoes are small, boots are large, passage is narrow. Particular precision must be observed when using pronouns. Their ability to replace previous words can cause ambiguity in the utterance. For example, how to understand the phrase about love for animals? - Sasha knew that if, after three days of keeping the dogs in a special place, the owners did not come for them, they would be destroyed (owners or dogs?). Another example: A stranger asked Sasha to take the dog to him (to Sasha or to a stranger?). This use of pronouns often generates ambiguity and inappropriate comedy: Educators are concerned about free time a teenager and how to kill him ... It is unacceptable to use pronouns in the absence of nouns in the previous text that are replaced: This hero did not leave the stage on TV screens for fourteen evenings, and then eighteen films of the series shot on them. A gross mistake is the wrong choice of the grammatical form of the pronoun: A generation has grown up for whom the war is history (it followed: for which, that is, generations). When using the verb, ambiguity may arise due to the possibility of a double interpretation of the forms for -sya, for example: Children who get lost on the streets gather here (are they gathering themselves or are they being collected?). Failure to distinguish between subject-object relations in such cases can create an inappropriate comical statement: Chicks are fed on insects; A dog is harnessed to the sleigh to help the hunter. Clarity of syntactic constructions due to the correctness of grammatical constructions, the construction of phrases and sentences. The ability to combine words into phrases in different ways gives rise to ambiguity: The teacher had to explain a lot (did the teacher explain or did someone explain to him?). The reason for the ambiguity of the statement may be the wrong word order in the sentence: 1. Spacious balconies are framed by reinforced glass screens. 2. Seven operating platforms serve several hundred people. In such sentences, the subject does not differ in form from the direct object, and therefore it is not clear what (or who) is the subject of the action. An example of such confusion is the Sun covering a cloud. Of course, such sentences can be corrected if they are used in written speech; it is enough to change the word order: 1. Armored glass screens frame spacious loggias. 2. Several hundred people serve seven operating platforms. And of course: The cloud covered the sun. But if you hear a phrase with the wrong word order, then you may misinterpret it. This is what A.P.'s joke is built on. Chekhov: I wish you to avoid all kinds of troubles, sorrows and misfortunes. Ambiguity can also arise in complex sentences with subordinate attributive clauses such as: The illustrations for the stories that were sent to the competition were masterfully executed (were illustrations or stories sent to the competition?). In these cases subordinate clauses it is recommended to replace with participial phrases: Illustrations sent to the stories. Or: Illustrations for submitted stories. Logic of speech. Even Aristotle said: "Speech must comply with the laws of logic." The illogicality of the statement is incompatible with eloquence. How can we make our speech logical? How not to violate the laws of logic in this or that statement? There are various mistakes that make our speech illogical. Let's start with the word usage. The term alogism goes back to Greek, in which the particle a indicates negation: illogical - illogical (cf .: immoral, asymmetric). Let's analyze several sentences with such logical errors. If you properly grow and plant seedlings of potatoes, you can get a potato crop that is not inferior to the normal method of sowing. It turns out that the harvest is “not inferior to the method of sowing”, that is, disparate concepts are compared. Obviously, the author wanted to say that from potato seedlings it is possible to grow a crop that is not inferior to the yield with the usual method of planting with tubers. We also find disparate concepts in sentences: Like many other works, the idea of ​​this painting was nurtured by the artist over a number of years; The composition of Turkmen fairy tales has much in common with European fairy tales. To eliminate alogisms in speech, sometimes it is necessary to significantly alter the phrase. For example: Our knowledge of the wealth of the bowels of the earth is only an insignificant part of the hidden, even greater wealth. The reason for the illogicality of the statement may be the substitution of the concept, which often occurs as a result of incorrect word usage: It is bad when the same movie title is shown in all the cinemas of the city Unjustified expansion or narrowing of the concept also makes our speech illogical. Concept substitution often happens due to a word omission, or speech failure, as stylists call this mistake. At the same time, funny statements often arise, for example: In the first year of life, children go for walks only on their hands; Rent an apartment with a child; The blind old woman walks into the barn on the wire; An unusual sheep was born to a farmer in Canada... Most of all, such mistakes are made by the compilers of announcements that are hung on the walls and doors of institutions, testifying to the neglect of the authors to the problems of speech culture: In the entrance of the factory, the sanitary and epidemiological station prepares a poisoned bait for employees; Veterinarians of farms to carry out hoof trimming and dehorning; Make collars on an iron chain for all livestock specialists ... Often the requirements for logical speech are violated in sentences with homogeneous members and a generalizing word (a combination of a generic concept with a specific one), for example: There were tables, chairs, mahogany furniture in the room (obviously, the first items were not made of mahogany, but still this combination is unacceptable); Shortly after the end of hostilities, many schools were put in order, educational establishments, hospitals and other cultural institutions (the concept of "schools" is included in the concept of "educational institutions"; in addition, the combination "other cultural institutions" does not fit the word hospitals).
    Clarity, information saturation and expressiveness of public speech (tropes).
Tropes are used for the expressiveness of artistic speech. A trope is a linguistic unit that has a shifted meaning, i.e. - the second plan, which shines through the literal meaning. (for example: “As the office of the vice president reported yesterday.” At the same time, the office is a trope; hidden metaphor: “Golden autumn”: the leaves are yellow, yellow looks like gold, etc.) Types of tropes: metaphor - a hidden comparison (for example: “ golden autumn”) metonymy - the transfer of a name from one reality to another by logical contiguity (for example: “as the office of the vice president reported on Monday”) synecdoche - the transfer of a name from a whole to its part (for example: “and it was visible until dawn, how the Frenchman rejoiced") a pun - a play on words (for example: "nothing shines for the communists, even a month)" epithet - a figurative characteristic of the phenomenon (for example: "warm, affectionate"). Often in journalism, the following types of questions are often used: - duplication - a series of questions to an imaginary interlocutor, which serves to pose a problem (for example: "how reliable is this data? Can it be trusted?"). Dubitation is an important compositional technique, it plays the role of a beginning, forms a dynamic introduction - objectification is a question that the author answers himself. Used to highlight the problem. (For example: “What claims are made against immigrants? They say that they empty the pension fund and absorb fixed assets”) - rhetorical question is a question that contains an answer. (For example: “Will a person whose savings burned in it start contacting the savings bank?”

Theoretical training lesson plan

Section topic Functional styles of speech and their features

Lesson topic Official business style of speech. Genres of formal business style

Lesson type assimilation, consolidation and improvement of knowledge and skills

Type of lesson combined lesson: lecture with elements of conversation, workshop

Comprehensive lesson objectives:

Educational - know the main features of the official business style of speech, the scope of its use, genres; requirements for registration of business papers;

Educational - to improve the ability to use the means of official business style in the practice of analysis, compilation, competent execution of business papers of a personal nature;

- develop spelling and punctuation vigilance;

Educational - to cultivate a culture of speech, to take care of the purity of the language;

- improve the culture of written business speech;to form the moral, behavioral qualities of the personality of the student, a responsible attitude to educational work.

Educational-methodical complex of the lesson:

    Rosenthal D.E. Russian language. - M.: Bustard, 2009

    Vlasenkov A.I. Russian language. - M.: Enlightenment, 2008.

    Petryakova A.G. A culture of speech. - M.: 2007.

    A.M. Zemsky, Russian language. - Textbook. M., 2011.

    Kudryavtseva T.S. Russian language. - Textbook. M.: Bustard, 2007.

  1. Handout didactic material.

Teaching methods: verbal, visual, problematic, symbolic vision method.

Kinds academic work: frontal, steam room, individual.


    Organizational stage:- preparation for the lesson;

Checking the contingent;

Communication of the topic and purpose of the lesson;

    main stage:

1. Motivation: creation of a problem situation: explanatory student of grade 10;

2. Formulation of the problem: What is the reason for such a careless attitude to the design of a personal document?

3. Update basic knowledge:

a) “knot for memory” (ex: Almost all peoples had a letter at first in knots, only then graphic.

Using several knots, taking into account the sequence of their weaving and the color of the ropes, it was possible to count and record the harvest, convey a love message, fix the position of the planets in the sky, provide the traveler with a path plan (that's why Baba Yaga gives the hero a ball), record the ruler's decree.
In China, for example, on the basis of one or two knots, hieroglyphs could be woven.
In the Baltics, knot writing was also used in the 20th century. In ethnographic museums you can see balls and bundles of multi-colored threads, which are either business records, or traditional medicine recipes. The healer used to give threads with knots to patients with damaged bones or joints. The loop marked the beginning of the procedures, the combinations of knots indicated the number of procedures and the days in which these procedures should be carried out. The color of the thread indicated which procedures should be carried out.

b) analysis of the proposed personal documents (statement, explanatory note, CV)

Underline in the document all the violations that you managed to detect, indicate their number in the column "Beginning of the lesson".

c) The word of the teacher: After "immersion" in the texts of the official business style, let's list its main features and indicate the purpose. We write down in notebooks the number, the topic of the lesson, the epigraph:

In fact, there is one book that human

it is the book of his own life.

Vasily Rozanov

4. Message of theoretical material: (in the course of the lecture, students make a reference note).

Formal business style is a type of language that is used to create documents in the legal, diplomatic, and clerical and business fields.

Document- (from lat. Documentum - “proof, evidence”) business paper that serves the sphere of communication between the state and the state, the state with citizens and citizens among themselves.

The main function of business style is the accurate transmission of business information.

Types of business papers:

GENERAL (official) documents are articles of the Constitution, government decrees, treaties, decrees, charters, acts, certificates, etc.

PERSONAL documents - business papers of a personal nature, drawn up and executed by a private, natural person.

Main signs of official business style:

    written form;

    accuracy, rigor, brevity of presentation;

    usage clericalism, cliches(from the French "printing plate made of metal, wood"; in Russian - a template phrase) - special words and expressions, the use of which is assigned to formal business style speech;

    official character (details)

Requisites - permanent elements of the content of business papers, must contain:

Information about addressee(position, full name of the person to whom the document is addressed)
and the addressee (position, full name of the person who compiled the document; in some cases, contact information about the compiler: residential address, telephone number, fax number, etc.);

The name of the genre of the document (for example, Application, Receipt, etc.);
- a list of attachments to the document, if any;
- date, signature of the author of the document, etc.

In order for a document to have legal force, it is not enough only to correctly use certain details in it, but it is also necessary to CORRECTLY, in accordance with the existing GOST (state standard), arrange them and fill the document with language material.


5. Consolidation of theoretical material:

1. Not used in business papers words and expressions:
a) obsolete - archaisms (for example, not this year, but this year, this year; not named but named);
b) words that have an emotional and evaluative connotation (for example, bolt, change, stir up, conspire, plant);
c) words related to a limited area of ​​​​use: vernacular words that have a negative emotional connotation (for example, dunce, goof off); dialectisms - words of local, territorial dialects (for example, beetroot(beet), kochet(rooster)); jargon - words characteristic of certain social groups (for example, bagel(steering wheel), replace (arrest)).

2. Names numerals usually written in numbers (in some cases, in cursive in brackets after the indicated numbers). The endings of ordinal numbers - through a dash, if the numbers are indicated by Arabic numerals (for example, 2nd scientific student conference). After Roman numerals, endings are not written (for example, XI International Scientific and Practical Conference).

3. Prepositions: are used only with nouns in f. D. p.

thanks to (the actions of employees)
in relation to (by-law provision)
according to (order)
against (order)

Prepositions used with the form R.p.

in relation to (the above persons)
to avoid (safety violations)
for the purposes of (enforcing order)
during the whole day)
due to (fire)
due to (current circumstances)
about (mode of operation)
regardless of (the circumstances of the case).

Writing (commented letter) a personal document - statements

Statement - a personal document containing the request of the applicant to the official.

Explanatory note- a document drawn up to explain individual situations, violations, provisions of the main document (draft, report, plan).

8) Independent work:

- in a notebook for practical work write down the number, topic of the lesson;

- write a statement (explanatory) in a corrected form, in accordance with the requirements of the style;

- in accordance with the sample, write a definition, a scheme for drawing up a receipt (power of attorney) and draw up these documents, changing personal data.

* 9) Vocabulary work: write down the words in the orthoepic dictionary, put the stress, remember the normative nature of their pronunciation.





Sirota (Orphans)

Petition (movement)

Director (plural directors)

Inspector (plural inspectors)

Instructor (plural instructors)

    The final stage:

    conclusions in accordance with the goals;

    summing up the results of the lesson (analysis of work, evaluation of the activities of students);

    homework: write your autobiography on an A4 sheet, based on the theory of the textbook Vlasenkov A.I. Russian language.


from Ivanov Nikolai

from class 10b


I am writing to you in the hope that you will be lenient with me and allow me to pass a little earlier (than my classmates) intermediate certification. I really need to cure one unpleasant disease that has been haunting me for a whole month now.

Thank you in advance. Nicholas

Full name of students


School No. 12

LG Solomko

Student 10a

Ivanov Nikolay


I was walking from the dining room on the 2nd floor in the corridor there was a tangerine, I wanted to kick it out of the way. I pushed him with my foot, he flew up and fell a little before reaching the door of the kaab.22, our teacher saw this and thought that I was throwing tangerines. It's not my fault, believe me.


Full name of students


MBOU "Secondary School No. 12"

Nikolaeva L.G.

10th grade students

Petrova Ivanna Vladimirovna


I ask you to release me from training sessions from 10/19/12 to 10/30/12. in connection with the departure from the city of Noyabrsk to participate in sports competitions. Upon arrival, I undertake to restore the missed study material and work out the missed study hours by November 10, 2012.

I am enclosing a letter of challenge from the sports committee of Noyabrsk.

09.10.12 Signature

Full name of students:

Receipt is a document certifying the receipt by a person of money or material assets.

The listing can be presented as follows:

1. Title of the document.

3. The name of the organization (or person) transferring something. If the receipt is issued to a person, then the surname, name, patronymic, position are indicated.

4. The exact name of the transferred - the amount is indicated both in numbers and in words.

5. Date, recipient's signature. If the receipt is of particular importance, then the signature of the person who gave the receipt is certified by the institution or by a notary.


I, Kuznetsov Ivan Vladimirovich, living at the address: Svatovo, st. Comintern, d.43, apt. 15, passport series……. , № ........, issued (by whom, when) …………………………………………………………........., took in debt from Nikolai Pavlovich Belikov, residing at: ……………………………………………………………….., a sum of money in the amount of 150,000 (…………… ………..) rubles for a period of one year. I undertake to return the money before October 30, 2013.

Signature is correct Notary Public ………………. (signature and seal)

Power of attorney is a document that is entrusted to someone to act on behalf of the issuer of this document.

The power of attorney consists of the following parts:

1. Name of the document.

2. Data of the authorized person (last name, first name, patronymic, position or address, data of an identity document).

3. Precise, exhaustive formulation of the trusted function.

4. Date and signature.

The signature of the principal must be necessarily certified: the signature of (such and such) is certified, the signature of the official who certified the signature, the date of certification is indicated, the seal of the organization is affixed.

Power of attorney

I, Svatovskaya Elena Nikolaevna, a student of the 11th grade, living at the address: ………………………………………………..., passport (series) ……. , (№) ........, issued .................................... ............., I trust my mother, Svatovskaya Marina Viktorovna, who lives at the address: Svatovo, st. Sadovaya, 13, apt. 8, passport (series) ……. , (№) ........, issued .................................... ............., …………………………, to receive the monetary reward due to me and the prize for participating in the International Olympiad for schoolchildren “…………”.