Breathing is one of the main connecting elements between the outside world and the human body, his psyche and spirituality.

In the ancient traditions of shamanism of the northern peoples and Mexican tribes, the practices of Indian yogis and Shaolin monks used deep breathing as an important part of religious, mystical rites.

Modern methods of healing the soul and body have absorbed the "duet" of the secret knowledge of magicians, healers and research of the founders of psychoanalysis and analytical psychology - Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung. One of the most outstanding psychotherapeutic methods recognized by official medicine is holotropic breathing.

The ingenious author of this powerful and miraculous practice is the greatest scientist, "guru of psychology", an American psychiatrist and psychoanalyst of Czech origin - Stanislav Grof. Together with his wife Christina in the middle of the last century, he developed a respiratory psychotechnics, which was based on a serious theoretical basis.

In contrast to the founders of rebirthing Leonard Orr and Vaivation Jim Leonard, the coryphaeus of holotropic breathing is a well-known scientist, professor of psychology at the California Institute of Integral Studies, head of the international transpersonal association, author of 13 books and 140 articles translated into 16 languages ​​of the world.

In 1975, his development was recognized by official American medicine as an effective psychotherapeutic practice, in 1993 it found recognition in Russia, in 1998 Stanislav Grof visited Moscow, and in 2007 he became an honorary doctor of Moscow State University.

What is Holotropic Breathwork?

Miraculous power is based on four elements: deep, intense and at the same time coherent breathing, in which there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation; stimulating rhythmic music; spontaneous immersion in the stream of the unconscious and psychoanalysis of emerging experience.

Its further manifestation occurs in creative fantasy: mandala drawing, body-oriented therapy, discussion of ongoing processes.

"Holotrop" or, affectionately called by the Russian students of Stanislav Grof - "holotrope", is translated from Greek as holos - "whole" and tropein - "that which leads, path, road." The goal is the path of self-knowledge, "return to the whole", the unification of consciousness and the deep subconscious into a single mechanism for understanding oneself, one's emotions, emotional maturation and maturation as a person.

Holonaut practitioners can discover long-forgotten deep psychological traumas, conflict situations that create life problems in the present, and get rid of these "barriers".

Holotropic - harm or salvation?

This popular method, created as an alternative to the psychotropic drug LSD, has many supporters among professionals, but there are also experts who actively criticize it, calling it dangerous to health. What happens during a breathing session with a person?

The technique of deep rhythmic breathing through the mouth at a fast pace with no pauses (like climbing mountains or) causes a sharp increase in the level of oxygen in the body, including the brain, provoking a drop in carbon dioxide in the tissues and hyperventilation in the lungs.

This condition leads to the appearance of dangerous reactions: reflex vasoconstriction, a sharp increase in blood pressure, hemoglobin - the main conductor of oxygen to the cells of the body - reduces its efficiency, creating a deficiency of this vital element in tissues, acid-base balance and general metabolism are disturbed. Temporary hypoxia (suffocation) of the brain sets in, against which the death of nerve endings occurs.

Moreover, the body loses from two to three liters of carbon dioxide during a session of holotropic breathing, which is referred to in medical treatises as an extremely severe degree of hypocapnia.

Independent, unprofessional experiments with this practice can in this case lead to irreversible changes, up to cerebral edema and death. This condition can also cause significant harm to the central nervous system, heart muscle, liver and kidney tissues.

Supporters of transpersonal psychology, the main component of which is holotropic therapy, argue that an absolutely healthy adult who has no contraindications to this method of self-examination, trained by professional students and followers of Stanislav Grof (in Russia - Vladimir and Christina Maikov and Svetlana Doroganich) or accompanying certified centers, the entrance to altered states of consciousness is not terrible.

Holotropic breathing is safe in itself, supervised by a sitter (or a group of sitters), and carried out under the supervision of an experienced lead instructor (psychotherapist). It is a scientifically proven, experimentally proven effective method for identifying and effectively solving a wide variety of psychological problems. The main catalyst for these processes is not a chemical psychoactive substance, but a powerful natural physiological process -.

The most important effect of holotropic therapy is the colossal liberation of human consciousness from internal “hooks”, clamps, barriers, unconscious fears, blocks, and a variety of mental stresses. In addition, the holonaut receives carte blanche from his unconscious for the most daring steps in self-realization, self-actualization and creative expression.

For whom are there contraindications to such therapy?

  • For people with cardiovascular diseases (hypertension, acute heart disease, spasms of cerebral vessels),
  • severe asthma,
  • deep neuroses,
  • brain diseases,
  • pregnancy
  • acute infectious diseases,
  • glaucoma
  • dislocations
  • recent abdominal surgery (less than a year),
  • serious emotional disorders.

For people with epilepsy, permission is issued by a psychotherapist. In addition, instructors work with them on an individual basis; such patients are not allowed to group sessions.

Learn the right technique yourself!

No matter how much they talk about the dangers of self-study of the holotropic breathing technique, but due to the popularity of this process of self-knowledge, many extreme lovers still take the risk at home to try to clear their minds and correct the inner world by eliminating problems. In this case, you need to protect yourself from injury in the room where you will practice by covering all dangerous corners and surfaces with soft materials.

Together with you in this room there must be a sitter, or a nanny, who will protect you from possible excesses. He must be experienced enough, know most of the methods of this type of therapy, help the breather, and not dictate his own conditions, not be afraid of various reactions of the holonaut, and at the end of the practice, carefully listen to the “traveler”.

So, holotropic breathing has a couple of characteristics: frequency and depth. Imagine how the dog breathes, and try to reproduce the same breathing by increasing the amplitude. At first, it can be difficult to combine the depth and intensity of inhalations and exhalations, but over time it can work out.

The first 20 minutes of the session are very important for immersion in ASC, or trance, that is, an altered state of consciousness. During the rest of the holotropic session, you will have to carefully listen to your feelings and adjust the frequency and strength of the breath in accordance with them. Perhaps, in some moments you will not want to breathe at all, you need to take it as part of the ongoing processes.

It should be noted that stimulating, rhythmic, well-chosen music plays an important role in holotrope. Special compositions are compiled on the basis of: the first 8 minutes - music is encouraging, light, helping breathing, the next 12 minutes - stimulating the respiratory process, another 20 minutes - drums, maracas, ethno-rhythms, the next 20-25 minutes - dramatic music, quintessence, " breakthrough”, another 15 minutes - warm heart music of flight, openness, the rest of the time until the end of the session, a contemplative, but quite intense melody should be played, which will serve as an incentive to continue spiritual work.

Beginners experience particular difficulty when working with the body and psychological clamps. When they are worked out, bodily blocks may appear in the form of sensations, as if reducing the muscles of the limbs. They interfere, distract the beginner and prevent him from moving into the depths of his experiences. They are worked out through the tension of the arms or legs, but without the help of a sitter.

The nanny can take the hand, but the holonaut must pull it towards himself, investing maximum resistance. Blocks can be expressed in pain. The holonaut may ask the sitter to press on the painful area: successful processing will manifest itself as a way out of this negative feeling. An experienced sitter knows the forbidden areas of the body that cannot be worked with! These are: the region of the throat, face, genitals and, in women, the chest. To compensate for this pain, the sitter can give the holonaut a rag to twist or move the legs in the hip area.

At the end of the session, you need to lie down a bit, then draw a mandala: a circle on a sheet, and in it - whatever you want. You can create these "circles of experiences" as much as you like. Next, the sitter will listen to the holonaut, and at the end will conduct a psychoanalysis, pushing the breather to understand and solve problems.

Real testimonials about holotropic breathwork

Andrey, 29 years old: “... I came to the first session of the “holotropic” as a terrible skeptic. However, my skepticism disappeared on the same day! It seemed to me that I had solved many psychological problems a long time ago, but in fact I only hid them deeper. When I pulled them out, an understanding came to me of how to properly treat them. Holotropic breathing for me is a reliable battery and an unknown delicacy that every time gives me a recharge and amazing sensations! And, most importantly, you do not need to look for any third-party resources, since all this is inside you! It remains only to use them wisely ... "

Natalia, 43 years old: “... The company of holotropic practitioners has long become for me a close community of beloved friends with whom we share the most intimate. Every time I come to a session, I know that the deep process of breathing is connected with feelings, and this time I am waiting for the discovery of new emotions and sensations. What kind of experiences do not occur in the treatment of bodily "locks", clamps and blocks! Anger and rage, irritation and gratitude, love and a feeling of infinite happiness - all this can be experienced by freeing your consciousness!

Unforgettable and extremely useful is the experience of sitter - to take care of people, help them, respond and listen to the breather in the process. This opened up new facets of sympathy and empathy for every person in me, I began to return to myself, to my body. I wish you all bright, unforgettable discoveries! »

Svetlana, 25 years old: “... After holotropic sessions, the worldview changes, inside you feel a reassessment of values. But this state persists for no more than six months, if it is not practiced. For example, I gained courage and confidence from an experienced psychologist, and now I have begun to conduct my own trainings, although the responsibility is huge!!! »

Nikolai, 30 years old: “... I dreamed of getting into a session of holotropic breathing for a long time, but urgent matters constantly distracted me, and I again put off my desire for “later”. But one day I decided to go, in spite of any haste. We, the beginners, were first explained what and how it would be, but the process itself defies description. The body twisted and sausage, but all the sensations, like a puzzle, miraculously harmoniously placed in their places. I'm waiting for the "holotropic" again, although it's scary, but insanely interesting! »

Irina, 52 years old: “... For the first time in my life, I had 3 holotropic sessions. Amazing condition! Gena, my sitter, is a real guardian angel! Took care of me all his and my sessions! Thank you! Paradox: in my life now I have a difficult situation, and I feel like a 20-year-old girl! I smile and the wind in my head! »

Holotropic breathing for weight loss

The concept of the method, the impact on the process of losing weight

Holotropic breathing is based on a system of deep breaths for hyperventilation of the lungs. Oxygen is able to break down body fat. This is a proven fact. Active saturation of the body improves blood circulation, accelerates metabolism, and activates metabolic processes. These processes will start the process of losing weight. All actions take place to rhythmic music (sounds of the drum, nature). A person enters a state of light trance, in such a position it is easy to control a person. His consciousness is reprogrammed, the person himself does not notice how his attitude to the environment is changing, he begins to eat right, play sports. But don't confuse it with hypnosis. Holotropic breathing is another technique. It differs in tasks and technique.

It is not possible to independently and correctly perform this method, in addition, it is not safe. All manipulations, control over the correct implementation of breathing exercises should be carried out by a professional.

The patient lies with his back on the couch, and clearly follows the coach's commands for complete immersion in the required state. From the first time, holotropic breathing may not work, training is needed from simple to complex. The body experiences either excitation or relaxation. Since the time intervals are small, the whole body is mobilized, so sometimes holotropic breathing helps to get the weight off the ground. It often happens that a person is trying: he is on a diet, does not miss workouts, first the kg is reduced, and then the weight suddenly freezes at one mark, and does not want to move down again. And holotropic breathing, new for the body, can restart the weight loss mechanism.

Holotropic breathing is suitable for those who have a psychological problem of excess weight. A person eats up his pressing problems, failures, psychological traumas from childhood. On his own, a person is not able to cope with David's tension on him. And food is a pleasure that is easy to get.

This method will help to release all destructive beginnings from the subconscious, to create new positive attitudes. You can also get positive from sports, communication with relatives and friends, and your favorite hobby. Instead of food, new hobbies appear.

Also, it is worth noting that breathing is abdominal, so with regular practice it will help to tighten the stomach.

Holotropic breathing has many contraindications. These include:

  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • oncological diseases;
  • influenza, SARS, acute respiratory infections and other infectious diseases;
  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • neurological diseases;
  • gynecological diseases (uterine fibroids, endometriosis);
  • mental illness.

Due to very active breathing, due to an excess of oxygen, and a lack of carbon dioxide, loss, confusion, hallucinations can occur during holotropic breathing. In case of even a slight malaise, it is better to postpone the weight loss session using this method.

Burning breath for weight loss

Holotropic Breathwork: Techniques

Breathing exercises for weight loss - 15 minutes a day

Holotropic Breathwork. active phase.

Clinical trials for this method have never been conducted, so it is impossible to talk about its proven effectiveness for weight loss.

As for the reviews, those who have already tried holotropic breathing, the opposite opinions are expressed. There are people who speak positively about it, claim that it was this method that helped in losing weight. They say they were able to get rid of 5, 10, 15 kg. But did holotropic breathing really help them, or did they lose weight due to the fact that they believed in the healing properties of this breathing, and without knowing it, they began to move more and eat less. Unclear.

But the majority are strongly opposed, citing the following arguments:

  • the complexity of the methodology;
  • lack of results, extra pounds are not removed, appetite is not reduced, and there is absolutely no desire to go in for sports;
  • deterioration in general well-being after sessions (sleep disturbance, dizziness, migraine).

Also in the reviews it was noted that many did not use it, because they did not fully understand its essence, why it is needed and how it affects the process of losing weight.

But it is worth noting the positive impact of other breathing exercises on the weight loss process, for example, breathing practices from yoga. By the way, the basis of holotropic breathing exercises is borrowed from yoga.

As always, we cannot bypass the beautiful half of humanity, which wants to be forever young and beautiful. And being thin is an equally important dream of every woman. This is also possible with Holotropic Breathwork. Of course, this technique cannot be called the main technique. Rather, an auxiliary arsenal is holotropic breathing, for weight loss the technique at home is most often impossible, but first things first.

Let's start with the effect. What can be expected from this method?

  • Due to an altered state of consciousness, a person meets "one on one" with his problem and consciously understands where it came from.
  • When the “sick” gets rid of the old psychological problem, the way opens for another life that will be more fulfilling.
  • This technique allows you to know and improve yourself.
  • If you practice regularly, then old problems go away and your physical condition improves. In this case, the weight is simply bound to decrease. After all, a conscious and consistent improvement of your body brings it into the form programmed by nature. Of course, there will be no instant weight loss. Still, this process is very individual. Plus, a lot depends on the desire and systemic activities. Holotropic breathing aims to improve the health of the whole organism. Therefore, the process of losing weight will be gradual. So, he will not be able to harm health.

What practical advice can be given to people who want to lose weight using this technique?

  • First, decide exactly whether you need it or not.
  • By itself, this technique is not recommended at all. Of course, if you wish to stay alive. For classes to be effective and safe, they must be conducted by a professional in a special room.
  • To make the effect even greater, find yourself an assistant. His duties will include support and supervision of the patient during the session.
  • By itself, breathing will be inhalations and exhalations (deep). You can't stop to rest. All this is regulated by a specialist.
  • The session usually lasts from several hours. All this time, special music should play, the task of which is to support breathing and heartbeat.

You can not do these exercises if you are expecting a child or if there is a presence of cardiovascular disease. Respiratory problems are also contraindications. But, even if you are a completely healthy person, consulting a doctor will not hurt.

Do you want to lose weight without resorting to pills of dubious origin and without spending money on expensive devices and devices? Perhaps the method that will be discussed today will be the most comfortable and effective for you. Let's talk about holotropic breathing for weight loss.

Holotropic Breathwork is a method of psychotherapy, self-exploration and personal growth. The author of the method is the American psychologist Stanislav Grof, who was born in Czechoslovakia. Holotropic breathing was invented by him after the ban on the use of LSD as an alternative to psychedelic therapy. It implies connected breathing, in which there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation. This method consists in hyperventilation of the lungs, which occurs due to rapid and deeper than usual breathing. In fact, this breathing technique is known as Kapalabhati and has been practiced in yoga for many thousands of years. But Stanislav Grof slightly modified it and began to use it in his practice.

People who practice Holotropic Breathwork are called holonauts. Classes are conducted under the supervision of a facilitator (facilitator) and paired with a sitter (assistant). It is better to start a holotropic breathing session lying on your back, stretching and straightening your spine as much as possible. The lesson takes place under musical accompaniment or other forms of acoustic stimulation (drum roll, tambourines, natural sounds, and so on). As a rule, the process lasts 1.5-2 hours, sometimes more (when there are signs of the process being incomplete). The final stage is drawing mandalas and group speaking (sharing).

Because oxygen burns fat. And this is an indisputable fact. Moreover, breathing speeds up metabolism, and this is a direct path to a slim figure.

This technique is called purification. Moreover, both mentally and physically. With regard to physiology, one important point should be noted here. The fact is that during exercise, metabolic products actively move from the tissues in which they are produced to the lungs, from where we remove them through breathing. It is the emphasis on exhalation that increases the expulsion of volatile metabolic products (waste products of metabolic processes, including carbon dioxide) through the lungs. During holotropic breathing, vigorous muscle contractions are produced, due to which a full massage is provided. All this leads to stimulation of the digestive and excretory systems. By the way, the use of the abdominal muscles leads to the formation of a strong abdominals and even posture, which in the best way affects the figure. People who practice holotropic breathing report weight loss, and in some cases, its complete normalization. But you must remember that this technique is not designed to bring the figure in order. Its purpose is more global.

Yes, and not just one. These include: severe chronic diseases (especially cardiovascular), psychotic conditions (manic-depressive psychosis, paranoid symptoms), epilepsy; acute infectious diseases, osteoporosis, glaucoma or retinal detachment, "fresh" (a year and a half) operations and fractures, pregnancy. It is forbidden to attend classes for people under the age of 18.

The holotropic breathing technique is quite strongly criticized, focusing on its danger to the human brain. The fact is that prolonged hyperventilation of the lungs leads to a decrease in the concentration of carbon dioxide in the blood, which causes vasoconstriction. As a result, hemoglobin binds oxygen more firmly, and tissues begin to suffocate from its lack. There is a strong oxygen starvation, in which the subcortex of the brain begins to work more intensively, releasing experiences previously repressed from consciousness, and the person sees hallucinations. But the opponents of the method do not advise practicing it, because this causes the death of brain cells.

Grof himself and his followers explain the cases of negative consequences of holotropic breathing by the fact that the technique is often practiced by the so-called "dropouts" who have superficial knowledge, and sometimes even charlatans. That is why it is very important to know who you are going to go to for a session. However, if you are going to lose weight through holotropic breathing, go for a consultation with a trainer and find out if it is worth doing it for this very purpose.

Especially for - Olga Pavlova

What does it mean to be successful? To be rich, to be independent? It really is. And even today to be successful means to be thin and slender.

How to achieve the coveted XS size, everyone chooses for himself: through training, fasting, dietary supplements, diets, or a combination of them. The choice is quite large. We invite you to familiarize yourself with a new trend in the field of weight loss - holotropic breathing.

Holotropic Breathwork is deep continuous breathing technique, which is used in practical psychology and psychotherapy. Not so long ago, holotropic breathing began to be actively practiced as a method of losing weight.

This is not to say that the holotropic breathing technique was specifically designed for weight loss. Not at all.

In the 70s of the last century, Stanislav Grof (the author of the technique) was concerned about the not overweight of his patients.

He, as an outstanding psychotherapist, was looking for an effective psychotherapeutic method for immersing himself in the subconscious and solving the patient's psychological problems. And, as you can see, I found it.

Today, Holotropic Breathwork is considered one of the the most effective breathing techniques(along with rebirthing and vayvaishn), which is used in modern psychology.

In some cases, classical holotropic breathing according to Stanislav Grof helps relieve stress, dull or remove feelings of inexplicable fear and anxiety, solve personal problems and conflicts, and according to some reviews, in general, change your life for the better.

In addition to the advantages, judging by the feedback from the participants in holotropic breathing and based on scientific research, holotropic breathing has its drawbacks.

What happens to the human body during holotropic breathing? During the session, the level of carbon dioxide drops sharply and a kind of oxygen intoxication begins. (Like climbing to the top of Everest.)

Only if climbers go to the top for several days or even weeks (i.e. gradually), and with holotropic breathing, the “ascent” begins after 40 minutes.

The body often turns out to be simply not ready for such a test, so the breathers begin to have muscle spasms and convulsions.

Often this condition is accompanied by hallucinations and peculiar visions. This, in turn, can lead to the death of brain cells, disruption of the central nervous system, or (in a very extreme case) death.

That's why reviews of doctors about holotropic breathing are rather ambiguous, and for the most part come down to criticism and a statement of the fact about the harm to the body.

Stanislav Grof, in his books and speeches on holotropic breathing, has repeatedly emphasized that the sessions must certainly take place under the supervision of a certified specialist in an appropriate authentic environment, and at home, alone, this breathing technique is strictly forbidden to practice!

Nevertheless, such a ban remained for many only food for thought, nothing more. Therefore, it is not surprising that many people practice the holotropic breathing technique on their own, with only rough instructions on how to breathe correctly.

Although no age limits are indicated anywhere for holotropic breathing, nevertheless, this practice It is recommended to engage only in an adult, formed person. To work with children, you need more good reasons than simple interest and idle curiosity.

Holotropic breathing has a number of contraindications:

  • cardiovascular diseases of varying severity (especially at the stage of decompensation);
  • chronic respiratory diseases in a particularly neglected form;
  • acute infectious diseases (temporary ban);
  • pregnancy at any time;
  • diseases of the musculoskeletal system;
  • recent operations and fractures;
  • chronic neurological diseases (eg, epilepsy) and unstable mentality.

It should be said right away that it will not work to program the body for weight loss or give it the appropriate setting. Losing weight with holotropic breathing is more of a pleasant bonus to all of the above pluses, rather than a direct goal.

Why are they losing weight?
There are 3 possible reasons:
First reason. Your excess weight is the result of unresolved psychological problems, and you know this for sure.

What does it mean? For example, your soulmate left you / you failed at work / you temporarily lost the meaning of life - and instead of solving the problem, you begin to "jam" in the truest sense of the word.

Considering that holotropic breathing helps to solve such life issues on a subconscious level, then it is not surprising that in the process a person begins to lose weight.

The second reason. Deep breathing activates the metabolism.
Everything is simple here. There is a direct relationship (just like in mathematics): metabolism improves, excess weight goes away.

Third reason. With holotropic breathing, a kind of massage of the internal organs occurs, which contributes to the breakdown of fat cells in “hard-to-reach” places.

But it is worth considering that such a massage (which is also practiced in other methods) can be dangerous, especially for women with gynecological problems. (A significant amount of blood flow can provoke a recurrence of the disease or aggravate its course).

Holotropic Breathwork can be practiced without special time restrictions provided that you feel normal during the sessions. Practice shows that those who have discovered holotropic breathing have been doing it for years, unite in groups and do not miss a single training or seminar.

Those who have not felt any potential positive changes usually stop the practice after a few sessions. As before, everything is very individual and depends on your own feelings.

If you are a beginner, there are a few rules and guidelines that you need to be familiar with before starting the practice of holotropic breathwork.

Where to practice?
Specialists and gurus of holotropic breathwork insist on conducting sessions in special empty halls and rooms. Why? At home, while unconscious, you can accidentally hit or injure yourself on objects around you.

If there is no desire to leave your home, just free the room (if possible) from unnecessary furniture (chairs, stools) and secure all corners.

Who to deal with?
Initially, holotropic breathing involves pairing: a breather (or holonaut) and an assistant (sitter). The latter should help the breather in every possible way and monitor his condition, but the help should be unobtrusive and only at the request of the holonaut.

If the request for help has not been voiced, the sitter is strictly forbidden to interfere with the breathing process.

And by the way, since during the session a holonaut can behave strangely and unusually, it is recommended to choose a close person whom you trust as a sitter.

Breathe better on an empty stomach. (If you are unable to fight hunger, limit yourself to a light snack). Also, take into account that the session can stretch from 2 to 3 hours, so before you start, you should take care of the natural needs of the body!

The ideal option would be to attend a special training or seminar. There you can “meet” not only the usual stereo sound, but also authentic drums (tam-toms), maracas…

For homework, select music based on the stages of breathing. Yes, at the beginning music should be light and unobtrusive(lounge style is suitable), then ethno-rhythms will be optimal (the same drumming).

After 20 minutes, you can turn on dramatic music (preferably something from the classics), and at the end add relaxation music to your playlist (the sound of the sea, nature, or whatever makes you relax).

At the end of the session, the holonaut should lie down for some more time, then you can discuss all your experiences and “visions” with the sitter or express the images you see in the form of a mandala.

Holotropic Breathwork - video

If the theoretical part is not enough for you, watch the video on holotropic breathing and the technique at home, presented below. Although the lesson is held in the hall, it is individual, and besides, it is held with a beginner.

The video talks in detail about the correct technique and the nuances of holotropic breathing. The session is conducted by Sergey Poprotsky, a certified international practitioner in Holotropic Breathwork, President of the Ukrainian Transpersonal Association.

Holotropic breathing for weight loss is an auxiliary technique from the arsenal of alternative psychotherapy. In itself, holotropic breathing is a technique for changing the state of consciousness with the help of hyperventilation of the lungs. Similar methods exist in almost all systems of spiritual development, from yoga to Slavic gymnastics, but all this does not mean that this type of breathing is a specialized breathing exercise for weight loss. Modern psychotherapists discuss the effectiveness of this practice, many scientists consider it a banal autosuggestion and placebo. However, there are those who believe that breathing practice helps to eliminate the causes of overeating.

The effectiveness of holotropic breathing for weight loss

Proponents of the practice believe that a person during such breathing experiences the same state as during birth. This allows you to eliminate certain subconscious blocks, to reach the deepest layers of the psyche.

The technique itself was developed by the American psychotherapist Stanislav Grof. In the middle of the last century, he actively experimented with the therapy of "altered consciousness". Simply put, Grof used LSD to put patients into a trance. When this substance was recognized as a drug and banned, Grof turned to sources of alternative medicine and found that breathing in a certain rhythm allows you to get the "effect of LSD without LSD."

The session takes place in a specially equipped room. The group, led by the host, breathes to a certain rhythmic music. As a result, each person plunges into a trance and can supposedly work out the reasons that make him systematically act in a certain destructive way. In our case, overeat.

It is worth noting that Holotropic Breathwork is not hypnosis. The facilitator simply makes sure that the group members do not injure themselves, as under the influence of hyperventilation they may encounter vivid visions and, in “defense”, for example, hit against objects or even try to step out of the window. Therefore, it is impossible to get any positive attitudes about proper nutrition or increased physical activity during the session. Proponents of the method believe that everything should "happen by itself." There is no clinical approbation of the method as a weight loss technique.

What Precautions Should Be Taken When Doing Holotropic Breathwork For Weight Loss

Strictly speaking, official psychiatry generally does not recommend such practices to anyone. An uncontrolled trance can provoke real neurotic disorders, and "playing psychonaut" often ends up in a specialized treatment facility with a very unromantic name.

You should realize one thing - no matter where you go through the session, no one can vouch for its safety and effectiveness. To think that "oxygen burns fat, so any breathing practice is useful" is a rather naive point of view. Breathing practices usually help in combination with gymnastics and diet, and not on their own.

If you want to improve your health and lose weight, it is better to do breathing exercises for weight loss - yogic pranayama, yoga cleansing breath, oxysize and body flex, finally.

Well, holotropic breathing is a method of exploring the limits of your own psyche, and not a means of burning fat, so doing it for weight loss is a rather desperate choice.

Especially for – fitness trainer Elena Selivanova

A conscious desire to lose weight is visited by a huge number of people. Today, there are many ways to do this, they use different methods of influencing the human body and have different effectiveness. A person often faces a difficult choice. Physical activity, diets, taking pills or dietary supplements - which of the following will help you get rid of excess weight and at the same time will not harm your health?

The experience of people who have achieved good results in losing weight indicates that an integrated approach is the most effective:

  • - moderate exercise
  • - proper nutrition
  • - appropriate mental attitude

- this is one of the psychotherapeutic techniques that improves the performance of all organs, restores the natural balance of the human body, improves overall health, and also helps to reveal the inner potential. Using this practice, a person not only gets rid of extra pounds, but also enters a qualitatively new level of life.

How Holotropic Breathwork Helps You Lose Weight?

The technique of holotropic breathing, when there are no pauses between inhalation and exhalation, allows the human consciousness to be transferred to a special state, during which the healing effect is achieved. There is increased ventilation of the lungs and a much larger amount of oxygen enters the body, which contributes to the burning of fat cells. Holotropic breathing accelerates all metabolic processes in the body, which contributes to the active removal of harmful substances from it. In addition, there is an active contraction of various muscle groups, which creates additional stimulation for the digestive and excretory systems.

Holotropic breathing sessions are held in groups, where participants are divided into pairs:

  • - one person - a sitter - controls the condition and ensures the safety of the breather
  • - other - holonaut - breathable

The session is held to special rhythmic music, the person takes a horizontal position on a soft mat. Participants must wear loose, comfortable clothing that does not restrict movement. The total duration of the lesson is from 3 to 7 hours. Depending on the current state, a person will need from 3 to 12 sessions of holotropic breathing to obtain the desired effect.

I have quite a lot of experience working with holotropic breathwork groups, but that was the usual classical work with a group. This work was different in that it was individual (two people) and had a specific goal - to lose a lot of weight. I knew that this method was used in psychotherapy, but after reading the material, I realized that this option did not suit me. I understand all the responsibility for the health of the people who trusted me, because The load on the heart and the whole body during this process is enormous. I searched, scrolled in my mind different options and came up with.

The day came, we sat opposite each other, looked into each other's eyes, and I began to explain the essence and course of work and what are the features of many hours of breathing.

I said: "You will go through all your past incarnations, death, the perinatal period, birth, childhood and adolescence, the period of maturity and old age ... zeroing and transition to a new life. You will exit the breathing process with new qualities, your character will change, your life will change. How long will the process last breathing - I don’t know and I won’t stop you until you stop yourself, even if a day passes.

So, the holonauts settled comfortably on the rugs and began to breathe. We had a lot of work to do: to clean up all the past and move into the future in a new body, free from karmic burdens. But I didn’t know what to expect and how it would go, I only knew that I would do it, because I promised. For the first three stages of breathing, I was with them and helped, because. these are the hardest steps. The process is one, but the paths are different, and I had to split in two in working with them. Past incarnations flickered one after another, and we did not stop anywhere until we were at the end of the "tunnel" - there was nothing further. We flew over and scanned as we went, but we couldn't find the right clue. And only at the end of the path did they find the necessary situation, then the process of deep cleansing of the past began. Puffs of "smoke" flew out from there, some pieces burned down. The holonauts during this period behaved differently: sometimes tears and sobs, spun, they were either hot or cold. On their faces were pain, then a smile. They were clearly talking to someone. They were throwing up, and it was clear that it hurt.

So an hour passed, and finally, the reason for excess weight in the past was highlighted, a silhouette of a person appeared who did not want to leave, he was used to sitting like that, his legs couldn’t walk because of the heavy weight, his lungs didn’t breathe. And I had to intervene in the situation to help free myself. But not everything is so simple, he rose to a certain level and then stopped. I left him alone, continuing to monitor the situation. Meanwhile, the second holonaut talked to someone for a long time, and it was a long period. But still, the situation shifted from its place, and the past began to brighten. The picture of past incarnations looked like an intestine clogged with fecal stones, and these stones began to dissolve, and space was freed ... then the past from the very "tail" began to move towards the body. It entered the body and rose up, burning and burning everything that had to do with it along the way. It reached the middle of the body, and everything seemed to freeze.

During this time, the holonauts lived through their death, let go of attachments, fears, said goodbye and forgave everyone. Their bodies twisted, they moaned, laughed and cried. Then a smile appeared on their faces. And they began to descend to earth in the state of the embryo. Here the situation of one of the holonauts caught my attention. I see a child who stands on his feet for a long time and stubbornly, as if in defiance of the whole world, he wants to prove something. It lasted more than half an hour and will not lead to anything good. A pregnant woman may have a threatened miscarriage or be born with a wrapped umbilical cord. I watched and didn't interfere. After some time, he still took the right position, relaxed. And the energy went up, continuing the liberation from the past. And the silhouette from the past has risen even higher in the throat, but their bodies have not yet come out.

So the time of birth has come, contractions have begun, and the child feels tremors. One of the holonauts began to moan, his body twisting in pain and tension. He frantically searched for something to grab onto, and I gave him my hand. At the same time, I mentally relaxed the birth canal so that the birth would be easier, increasing the prerequisites for a person to have an easier and more pleasant life. And then the child was born, and on the face of a smile and fatigue.

The music changes, and we continue to breathe. Two hours have passed, and so much has been lived. The muscles of the body contract strongly, the rhythm of breathing slows down, then feverish breathing appears; the holonaut does not find a place for himself, spins, then takes cover, then throws everything off himself.

For one, the period of childhood passes relatively calmly, while the second is stuck. He spent all his childhood and youth in restrictions, I see a second skin around the body and a heavy load inside, and he lived with him all his life. This did not allow him to realize his desires, depriving him of strength, constant depression. This stone was removed with difficulty until the end of the process.

The period of maturity passed relatively calmly, the body no longer broke, there were almost no convulsions. So the silhouette from the past has already come out and pulled a train of problems that did not allow to live fully. Now I could rest a little. They breathed for another two hours, and everything was quiet. More and more often they stopped and fell into sleep, then sharply breathed again, as if squeezing out everything that was left in them.

Then I felt that something else was needed, otherwise the situation would remain unfinished: they were cleared, reset to zero. And there is no completion yet. I quietly approached and whispered in my ear: "Start to breathe in. Breathe in life, a new wave of life". They took only a few deep breaths, and then something changed in the faces of the holonauts. They relaxed and after five minutes they opened their eyes, it was a clean clear look. Knowing that after holotropic breathing they can sleep or lie down for half an hour or more, I asked them: "What's the matter, why did you get up so quickly?" And they answered me that they all exhaled, they all lived so deeply that there is no need for rest.

Thus ended our breath, with my help it ended safely in four hours. What would happen without my help to the holonauts? They would breathe two or three hours longer, perhaps more. Processes would be more difficult. The fact that I went through almost all the stages with them helped them change situations in the process itself, reprogram, erase destructive programs from their subconscious and replace them with new ones.

What has it led to and what will it lead to? Have we reached our main goal? It would be more correct to ask the holonauts themselves, but I can say that we are constantly in touch, and therefore I know everything that happens to them. Changed thinking, outlook on life, attitude towards yourself. The body regulates itself. There are new opportunities for the implementation of their ideas. After two weeks from that day, changes occur at the cellular level. We were able to rewrite the map of Destiny, and a new happy destiny lined up. Sometimes the process of transformation is very difficult - it is both physical pain, and sometimes emotions are seething. Only I think that this is natural, because the physical body, the voice is changing. There is a full reboot, and this process will take some time and effort. When you know for what, then all these processes bring joy, and the pain is dulled.

What did it give me personally? I got great pleasure from the process itself, from the fact that we reached the goal.

We watch the changes with interest, and a sense of satisfaction warms our hearts. I am grateful to my wards for their trust and fearlessness. We went through a difficult path and got what we wanted. And the most interesting is ahead. Life is beautiful and amazing if you openly go towards it.