Knowledge of the rules of the Russian language is necessary even in our age of automatic verification of texts using programs. The fact is that most of the rules for setting commas should be applied depending on the context and the intended meaning of the sentence. Figuratively speaking, only the author himself can decide where the comma should be in “execution cannot be pardoned.”

Comma before the union "as" in set expressions

The simplest case for setting a comma is proverbs, sayings and other stable turns of speech: in them no one decides where to put or not to put a comma according to the meaning, because the tradition of correct spelling has been established for centuries. It is enough to list only some of them, the rest are easy to find using search engines or a dictionary of phraseological units.

For example:

"Goal like a falcon"

"Do it badly"

"He rolled like cheese in butter"

"Do as God puts on the soul"

"It's like giving a drink"

"Hungry Like a Wolf"

"Evil as hell"

"White as snow" (about a person's face)

"As it comes around, it will respond"

It is easy to see that the comma before "how" in set expressions is generally not put. Next, we consider more complex situations where the setting of a comma depends on the meaning.

A comma is placed before the union "as"

1) Often the union "how" is included in turns, in their function in a sentence similar to introductory words. In this case, they are used to refer to:

  • the context of the statement (“as agreed”, “as usual”);
  • the author's attitude to information (“as expected”, “as needed”);
  • estimates of the probability of an event (“as a rule”, “as usual”);
  • logical conclusions (“as a consequence”, “as follows from this”).

We went to the cinema in the evening, as agreed.

Let's meet in the square as usual.

He was a responsible person and did everything right.

As a rule, you have to check the dictionary first.

2) In the case when the union is required in order to connect two separate parts of a complex sentence. It is worth remembering that all complex sentences you can easily break it into two parts with a dot without much loss of meaning - this is how you can check if a comma is required.

He was infinitely pleased to see the sun rising over the sparkling mountains.

(Easy to break into two: "The sun rises over the sparkling mountains. He was infinitely pleased to see this")

It pains me to remember how easily and quickly we stopped being friends.

("We easily and quickly ceased to be friends. It hurts me to remember")

3) There are combinations of unions that are always separated by a comma, these are:

  • "like... so"
  • "as ... so and"
  • "how"

"As we expected, so it turned out"

“As we all decided together yesterday, so now we will do it”

“It was difficult to understand how this mechanism works”

4) In the case of using in the sentence a figure of speech with a comparative meaning (exceptions are well-established constructions and sayings). These turnovers can often be distinguished by their figurative, artistic coloration.

The snow glittered under the sun like diamond dust.

Like lightning fast, he spurred his horse and galloped off.

The comma before the union "how" is not put

1) In comparative and figurative turns of speech, a comma is not needed if they can be replaced in a sentence with one word.

She walks like a duck.

(Replacement: "She walks like a duck")

The moon burned in the sky like a lantern.

(Replacement: "The moon burned like a lantern in the sky")

2) If the part of the sentence with “how” is replaced by the phrase “as ...”

He was invited to the wedding as the best man.

("He was invited to the wedding as best man")

Tsvetaeva was known mainly as a poetess.

(“Tsvetaeva was known mainly as a poetess”)

3) A comma is not needed in very short sentences, where the whole idea is expressed by a single comparison. They cannot be divided into two parts.

Winter was like a fairy tale.

A cloud like cotton wool.

He sang like a nightingale.

4) The comma is not put in the following exceptions:

  • "not like"
  • "just like"
  • "quite like"
  • "almost like"
  • "sort of"
  • "exactly like"
  • "just like"
  • "exactly how"

You treated me far from being a friend.

They were just like two drops of water.

The sea was as calm as at dawn.

You sound exactly like your mom.

The sun was hot almost like in the desert or at the equator.

The dog they had in the house was exactly like ours.

We assembled the device exactly as in the instructions.

5) A comma is always needed before the explanatory conjunction "because". It is very easy to distinguish this situation in the text: wherever “since” can be replaced by the clerical abbreviation “because”, there must be a comma. In these cases, "since" is easily replaced by "because" or "because of that."

I was late for work because I got stuck in a huge traffic jam on the way.

(Replacement: "I was late for work because I got stuck in a huge traffic jam on the way")

We need to quickly pack our things, because tomorrow we are moving out of the apartment.

(“We need to pack quickly because we are moving out of the apartment tomorrow”)

Comma before the union "as": a rule for comparative revolutions

It is also worth mentioning separately about comparisons with the “how” union, because in some cases a comma is needed in front of them, but in others it is not, perhaps this fact raises the most questions. We present a brief algorithm for quick decision Problems.

1) To begin with, it is worth evaluating the length of the sentence: if it consists only of a comparison, then a comma is not needed. The main members of a sentence are never separated from each other by commas.

Every day is like a holiday.

Dear to us as a memory.

2) Next, you should think about whether the turnover is similar to set expression. For the correct punctuation in them, it is worth checking with a dictionary of phraseological units (or an Internet reference resource). In most cases, a comma will not be needed.

At the crossroads the horse stopped dead in its tracks.

After a long walk through the woods, we were both as hungry as wolves.

3) Then it is worth trying to divide the sentence into two separate ones, putting an end between the logical parts. If it works out, then this is a compound sentence with an obligatory comma (with such a division, the poetic meaning of the comparison is lost, but the sentences are not meaningless in themselves).

The couples danced around the hall like snowflakes swirl in the frosty air in a gust of wind.

(“The couples danced around the hall. Snowflakes swirl in the frosty air with a gust of wind”)

4) If the proposal did not fit into any of the above examples, then it contains a comparative turnover. In this case, you need to focus on the meaning of the statement: when the comparison with “how” cannot be replaced by one word or the turn “as”, a comma will be needed.

Comma before the union "how": examples with comparative turns

The bride's dress was beautiful and white, like a light cloud.

(If you substitute "as", you get nonsense)

He walked the streets like a king.

("He walked the streets like a king")

The ship went to the bottom quickly, like a leaky trough.

(Not replaced by a single word or phrase "as")

Comma before union "as": table

The summary table contains a listing of all the above cases in short form and suitable for quick reference.


Proper placement of commas in a sentence is the problem that is most often faced not only by schoolchildren, but also by people who have already received a general education.

Teachers note that most often errors occur when placing punctuation marks in front of unions that connect.

In contact with

When to use commas

  1. When the union is included in speech turns, which are close in meaning to introductory words.
  2. When a union connects two parts of a complex sentence.
  3. If the union that is part of the application takes on the value of causality.

Let's consider each of these cases in more detail.

Union as part of a comparative speech

There are not so many such turns in the Russian language, they are easy to remember and learn to distinguish automatically in the text. The rule for highlighting such constructions with punctuation marks is very simple: commas are placed both before the turnover and after its closing.

1. In a comparative turnover, the union has the meaning of the word "like".

how frozen river bed.

In such phrases, the union is easily replaced by other conjunctions of comparison. The meaning does not change.

For example, you can write like this:

The road was smooth and winding like frozen river bed.

2. There are demonstrative words in the main part of the sentence.

The Silver Age in Russian literature gave the world works such great poets, how Marina Tsvetaeva, Igor Severyanin.

Usually pronouns act as demonstrative words: that, such, such.

3. With the phrase "like" begins a comparative turnover.

Some people, like birds , in winter they fly to the southern countries.

4. Union is part of the introductory construction.

He left the house how could you understand tormented by conflicting feelings.

Such phrases not separated by commas if they are included in the predicate or have a very close semantic connection

5. In revolutions, which include the following structures:

  • none other;
  • nothing else;
  • such;
  • same way.

Came on stage none other than famous theater and film actor.

Union connects two parts of a complex sentence

As you can learn from the Russian language course, we are talking about sentences in which there is a main and subordinate part, related in meaning. In these sentences, the main part implies the obligatory continuation of the thought.

He jumped out from under the table how a devil jumps out of a snuffbox, deciding whether to scare or make us laugh.

Conjunction included in application with cause value

In these sentences, the union can be replaced by other subordinate unions. The meaning of the sentence will not change from this, and commas in the sentence are placed on both sides.

Our maid as an extremely curious person, loved to eavesdrop at the door.

In this case, you can ask a clarifying question: Why did the maid like to eavesdrop at the door? Because she was a curious person.

When an application does not have any additional value, then it must also be separated by commas.

Such a thing, like paint, is in the workshop of every artist.

When Commas Are Not Necessary

1. If the union located between the subject and the predicate can be replaced by a dash.

Eyes how diamonds. (Eyes are diamonds)

2. The turnover, which includes the union, is a stable phraseological unit.

By the evening he was fresh like a cucumber.

Unfortunately, there are no rules that help to recognize phraseological units. Usually they are distinguished intuitively.

3. If the turnover plays the role of the circumstance of the course of action.

like hail buckshot rained down.

Very often, instead of turnover, you can put a noun or adverb. For example: buckshot rained down in hail. The meaning will remain the same.

Such turns can be difficult to distinguish from the circumstances of comparison, before which you need to put commas. It is these cases that cause the most difficulties in writing. Therefore, only regular practice and performance of exercises will help to automatically recognize what we see before our eyes: the circumstance of the mode of action or the comparative turn.

4. If turnover is part of the predicate.

We have already considered this case when we talked about introductory sentences preceded by commas. Finding out if the union is part of the introductory sentence, or is it part of the predicate, is quite simple. The proposal simply doesn't make sense without it.

He looked how Greek god.

If words are removed from the phrase "like a Greek god" then it becomes meaningless. Therefore, such a turnover becomes an integral part of the predicate.

It is worth noting that, unlike the previous example, in this case it is impossible to paraphrase without losing the meaning.

5. If there is a negation in the sentence.

You do not need to put a comma if the sentence contains the following particles:

  • Exactly;
  • Exactly the same;
  • Absolutely;
  • Nearly;
  • At all;
  • Just;
  • Like.

Everything in the Addams family house not like in people.

When is a comma placed before “how”, and when is it not necessary to put it?

The conjunction "how" often causes difficulties in writing. The reason is that this union is used in many cases, and sometimes a comma is placed, and sometimes not. This article will be devoted to the rules for the design of turnovers and sentences starting with the union "how".

When a comma is placed before "as"

1 With the union "as" a comparative turnover begins.

Airplane(like who?) , like a bird, has wings and a light elongated body.

(comparison of an airplane with a bird).

2 The union "as" is included in the introductory sentence, as well as such turns of speech as:

  • "as if on purpose";
  • "like before";
  • and etc.

The sun went down earlier than usual today, as you can see.

In May, as a rule, there are both snowfalls and hot days with temperatures around 30 degrees.

3 The union is part of a turnover that begins with the words "as well as ...".

To us today, as well as last weekend, grandparents will come.

Outside, as in the basement, it was cold and damp.

4 The main part of the sentence contains the words:

  • "so";
  • "that".

In the spring, there are many such beautiful flowers in the forest as snowdrops, kandyks, honeydews.

5 The union "as" is present in the composition of revolutions:

  • "none other than";
  • "nothing but";
  • "such as";
  • "as well as".

Looking up at the sky, he saw nothing but a military aircraft.

Domestic cats love raw meat as much as their wild counterparts.

6 The union "as" is part of an application that has the meaning of reason for another part of the sentence:

Antonina Petrovna, as a mother of three boys, was very tired of endless household chores.

7 With the union "how" begins as part of a complex sentence. The union “how” in this case acts as a subordinating union.

I look out the window and see tree branches and grass swaying in the wind on this warm spring day.

When there is no comma before "how"

1 A turnover with the union “how” matters the circumstance of the course of action. To make it easier to understand this rule, the union “how” can be replaced by a noun in the instrumental case (answers questions "By whom?" or "How?") or an adverb (answers the question "How?").

The hawk, like a stone, rushed to the ground for prey.

You can say: "The hawk with a stone (with what?) Rushed to the ground for prey."

2 A turnover with the union “how” is part of the predicate or is very closely related to it in meaning. If you remove this turnover, then the sentence will lose or change its meaning.

This dark-haired woman looks with Ivan Petrovich like his wife.

AT this example the predicate "looks like his wife." If you remove the turnover with the union "how", then the sentence turns out to be meaningless:

This dark-haired woman looks with Ivan Petrovich.

3 The union "as" means "as" or characterizes the subject from some side.

You definitely have appendicitis, that's me to you(like who?) as a doctor I say.

We remember our class teacher(like whom?) as a hardworking, sympathetic and very talented teacher.

4 Turnover with the union "as" acts in the sense of identity or equating to something.

He presented this to his listeners as the only thing that could give confidence.

5 Union "how" is part of the phraseological turnover. Phraseologisms- these are very expressive and stable, lexically indivisible combinations of words, to which, according to the meaning, one can pick up synonyms consisting of one or two words. Such turns with the union "as" are not separated by commas.

He was doing things like clockwork .

Can be replaced by: "Things were going very well for him."

Multiplication table you need to know like the back of your hand .

Can be replaced by: "The multiplication table must be known by heart."

Important! There is no clear and exhaustive list of phraseological units, you just need to learn how to recognize them in the text.

6 Union "how" is part of a compound compound union: "like...and so..." or "because", as well as revolutions:

  • "since";
  • "since the time";
  • "as";
  • “as little/more as possible”;
  • "meanwhile";
  • "after";
  • "similar to".

Mom cooked dinner for the whole family, while dad played board games with the children.

We hurried home as it was already raining.

Both guppies and zebrafish live in our aquarium.

7 The union “how” connects homogeneous members of a sentence in the subordinate part of a complex sentence:

You can endlessly watch how the fire burns and how the waterfall runs.

Katya gradually sank into sleep, listening to the wind howl outside the window and how it knocks rain on the roof.

8 Before “how” there is a negative particle “not” or the words:

  • "nearly";
  • "like";
  • "simply";
  • "exactly the same";
  • "absolutely";
  • "exactly".

You sound exactly like your grandmother.

Now I am talking to you not as a teacher, but as a mother.

9 In revolutions "as possible", "as impossible", as well as in some other cases, giving the sentence a brighter meaning, expressiveness.

In warm weather, walk as much as possible.

Today we have worked hard as never before.

This article described the rules for putting a comma before the union "as".

Do I need a comma before the word "how" in all cases? Not at all. Whether a comma is used before "as" depends on the context in which the word is used.

The word "how" is separated by commas

Before the word

1. A comma before the word "how" is placed if the lexeme is used in the phrases "nothing else but" and "nothing but".

  • Nothing but snow fell on the street in May.
  • None other than my old friend came to me for dinner.
  • None other than the teacher nurtured in me a love of literature.

2. If we are talking about comparison.

  • Her skin was as white as alabaster.
  • She was beautiful like a rose.
  • He was rich like Croesus.

3. If the sentence contains demonstrative words: so, such, such, that.

  • Write everything as shown in the example.
  • Such cold winter Like last year, it didn't exist today.
  • People like you will always find a way out of a difficult situation.

4. Before the phrase "like" a comma is also always placed.

  • The bedroom, like the living room, was cozy.
  • In the village, as in the city, the Internet is always available.
  • At school, as at the university, you need to study diligently.

5. A comma is placed before "as" in the phrases "as one" and "as a rule." In this case, the entire phrase is separated by commas.

  • Schoolchildren, as one, were in the same uniform.
  • People are generally divided into two types: optimists and pessimists.
  • All, as one, came out in her defense.

6. If the sentence has the meaning of the reason, then from one part of it you can make a question, and from the other - the answer.

  • She, as a prima ballerina, was chosen for the main role.
  • Sasha, as the best student, represented the school at the Olympiad.
  • Masha, as the best employee, was awarded the prize.

No comma needed

1. A comma is not put before the word "as" if the lexeme is used in the meaning of "as".

  • His speech at the meeting was taken as a call to fight.
  • As a surgeon, she was superbly versed in anatomy.
  • He, as a teacher, was responsible for these children.

2. At the beginning of sentences, compound conjunctions with the word “how” are not separated by commas.

  • Since you joined us, the firm has flourished.
  • Until he stopped smoking, his health was not very strong.
  • Since Lisa came to visit her grandmother, the house has come to life.

3. In phraseological units with the word “how”, a comma is also not put.

You already know that union- this is a service part of speech, with the help of which they draw up a connection between parts of sentences, separate sentences in the text or between words in a simple sentence.

Union"HOW" very often requires the separation of different syntactic constructions.

To understand when to put a comma before the union " HOW", and when not, see the following examples.

Comma before conjunction "HOW" is put

1. Commas stand out or separate turns that begin with a union"HOW"

1) if they denote assimilation , without other shades of meaning (" HOW" has the meaning " like»).

For example: Below him is the Caucasus , like the edge of a diamond, shone with eternal snows. Her voice rang , like a bell. Her eyes shone, green , like a gooseberry. And he saw himself rich , like in a dream. (Krylov) His hands were shaking , like mercury. (Gogol) The air is clean and fresh , like kissing a baby...(Lermontov) Like a seagull , the sail there is white in height.

Comparative phrases in our language not only convey similarities or differences, but also give beauty and expressiveness to the language.

The punctuation rule about comparative turnover is not so difficult: it is always separated by commas on both sides.

For example: At the bottom , like a mirror , glittering water. Around the high brow , like clouds , curls turn black. (Pushkin) Downstairs , like a steel mirror, jet lakes turn blue. (Tyutchev) Flashed brightly in the sky , like a living eye , first star. (Goncharov) Anchar , like a formidable sentinel, stands alone in the whole universe (A. S. Pushkin).

What are the difficulties and where do the mistakes come from?

First difficulty- insufficiently thoughtful attitude to the text. If you do not understand that something is compared with something in a sentence, you will not notice the comparative turnover. Hence the simple conclusion: always try to understand the text you write.

Second difficulty consists in the fact that among comparisons there are syntactic "dwarfs" and syntactic "giants". Here's what comparisons can look like - "dwarfs", they can be accidentally overlooked.

For example: I myself , like a beast , was a stranger to people and crawled and hid , like a kite(M. Yu. Lermontov).

And here is what comparisons - “giants" might look like: In front of them , like ocean waves petrified during a storm, mountain ranges spread out.

What trouble can be done with such a proposal?

First, just forget to close the turnover with a comma. This misfortune happens with all common turnovers: having "caught" its beginning, many do not keep it in memory until the end - and then goodbye, second comma!

Secondly, without thinking about the meaning of the turnover, cut the "giant", hastening to put a comma ahead of time, for example, after the word petrified, and thereby turn the sentence into complete nonsense.

2) if in the main part of the sentence there is a demonstrative word so, such, that, so.

For example: Lyceum gave Russia such people , like Pushkin, Pushchin, Delvig. The coachman was in the same amazement at his generosity , like the Frenchman himself from Dubrovsky's proposal. (Pushkin) Nowhere at a mutual meeting do they bow so nobly and naturally , like on Nevsky Prospekt. (Gogol) His facial features were the same , like her sister. (L. Tolstoy) Laevsky is certainly harmful and just as dangerous to society , like a cholera microbe... (Chekhov) Everything around is somehow ecclesiastical, and the oil smells as strong as in the church. (Bitter)

3) if turnover begins with a combination like.

For example: Trees , like people , have their own destiny. To Moscow , like the whole country, I feel my sonship , like an old nanny(Paustovsky). In her eyes , as in the whole face, there was something unusual. Just like last year's competition, athletes of the Russian Federation were ahead;

4) if union "HOW" included in the introductory sentence . Most often used as introductory proposals the following expressions:

As I remember now, how they said, how we learned, how some people think, as well as combinations as now, as one, as a rule, as an exception, as usual, as always, as before, as now, as now, as on purpose etc.

For example: It was , as you can guess, our heroine. All residents of the house , as one , spilled out into the yard. I see , as it is now , the owner himself ... (Pushkin) Classes have begun , as usual , at nine o'clock in the morning. remember , like now , his first teacher at school. as if on purpose , I didn't have a penny in my pocket. commas , usually , stand out adverbial phrases. Spartakiad , as usual , takes place in the summer.

But! These combinations are not separated by commas if they are part of the predicate or are closely related to it in meaning.

For example: Classes start as usual. Snowfalls occur in December as a rule (=usually). Yesterday went as usual.(i.e., as usual);

5) in revolutions none other than and none other than; like and just like.

For example: Rhine Falls in front nothing else , how low water ledge (Zhukovsky). But before her was none other , how traveling Aigle, a famous collector of legends, fairy tales, legends. This was none other , how Rylov.

2. If application with union"HOW"has a causal value, it is separated by commas.

For example: Like a true French, in Trike's pocket he brought a couplet to Tatyana (A. S. Pushkin). Why did he bring a couplet to Tatyana? - like a true Frenchman.

If the application has no additional values, it is separated by a comma.

For example: Such a tool , like a screwdriver , always useful in business. Neither question can be asked here.

3. In a complex sentence when attaching a subordinate clause:"HOW"acts as a subordinating union and connects the subordinate clause with the main one.

For example: He sees , like a field father cleans up. Love jumped out in front of us , how it pops out of the ground killer, and hit us both at once. I looked for a long time , how the candle burns.

(Reminder: how to distinguish a complex sentence from a complex one? You can ask a question in a complex sentence from one part of the sentence to another. Using the example above: " I looked for a long time- for what? - how the candle burns". AT compound sentences parts are equal).

Comma before union"HOW" not put

1. Turnovers with a union"HOW"not separated by commas

1) if the meaning of the circumstance of the mode of action comes to the fore in the turnover (to the question how?); usually such turns can be replaced by the instrumental case of a noun or an adverb.

For example: Buckshot rained down like hail.(Lermontov) (Compare: hailed .) Like smoke dissipated dreams. (Lermontov) Like a demon insidious and evil(Lermontov) (Compare: demonically insidious.)

The ring burns like heat.(Nekrasov) In anger, he roared like thunder, flashed like steel. The horse flies like a blizzard, like a blizzard in a hurry. Like lightning in the sky they blazed, like a fiery rain fell from the sky.

2) if the main meaning of turnover is equalization or identification.

For example: …You loved me as property, as a source of joy, worries and sorrows ...(Lermontov) (Compare: ... loved me, considering me his property.) …He[Judas] gave his stone as the only what could he give(Saltykov-Shchedrin);

3) if union "HOW"means "as" or turnover with the union "HOW" (Appendix) characterizes an object from any one side.

For example: Rich, good-looking, Lensky was accepted everywhere as a groom. (Pushkin) I speak as a writer. (Gorky) My ignorance of the language and silence was interpreted as diplomatic silence. (Mayakovsky) We know India as a country ancient culture . The public appreciated the early Chekhov like a subtle humorist. We know Lermontov better as a poet and prose writer and less as a playwright. I will keep this letter as a keepsake. Yuri Gagarin went down in history as the world's first astronaut. The question of ecology rises as the main question of today.

4) if turnover forms the nominal part of the compound predicate or in meaning is closely related to the predicate (usually in these cases the predicate does not have a complete meaning without a comparative turnover).

For example: Some are like emerald, others are like coral. (Krylov) She herself walked like a wild. (Goncharov) Like a child, I became a soul. (Turgenev) Her father and mother are like strangers. (Dobrolyubov) I looked like. (Arseniev)

She behaves like a hostess.(If we take the predicate " holding on» no turnover « like a hostess", then it turns out" she's holding on”, and you might think that she is holding on to something.)

Compare also: feel like one's in one's own element, act like a deranged person, take it as a hint, take it as a praise, perceive it as a danger, look at it like a child, greet it like a friend, appreciate it as an achievement, regard it as an exception, take it for granted, present it as a fact, qualify as a violation of the law, mark as a great success, interest as a novelty, put forward as a project, justify as a theory, accept as inevitable, develop as a tradition, state as a proposal, interpret as unwillingness to participate, define as a case of a separate application, characterize as a type, stand out as a talent, formalize as an official document, be used as a phraseological phrase, sound like a call, enter as component, figure as a representative, feel like a foreign body, exist as an independent organization, emerge as something unexpected, develop as a progressive idea, complete as an urgent task etc.;

5) if comparative turnover is preceded by negation not or words completely, completely, almost, like, exactly, exactly, directly, simply etc.

For example: I brought up in myself this feeling of a holiday not as a rest and simply a means for further struggle, but as a desired goal, the completion of the highest creativity of life. (Prishvin) It was almost as bright as day. Children sometimes talk just like adults. The girl's hair curls exactly like her mother's. The newspaper did not come out as usual. He just like a child.

6) if turnover has the character of a stable combination .

We have come to the most interesting case - to phraseological turns. Our speech is permeated with phraseological units. These are stable phrases, colored with irony, cunning, cunning.

For example: the fifth leg is needed like a dog, it will help like a dead poultice.

Phraseologisms bring into our speech not only figurativeness, but also mischief, a smile. And what is very important - they do not require a comma before the union " HOW"!

For example: Everywhere he felt at home. Brother and sister look like two drops of water. At the lion like a mountain lifted off my shoulders.(Krylov) Yes, tell the doctor to bandage his wound and take care of him like the apple of an eye. (Pushkin) The young spouses were happy, and their lives flowed like butter. (Chekhov)

Strict grammar rules, helping to distinguish phraseologism from the usual comparative turnover, does not exist. You just need to be able to "recognize at a meeting" as many phraseological units as possible.

Among the stable phrases that are not separated by commas, there are also "dwarfs": works like an ox(or like a horse), tired or as hungry as a dog, as stupid as a cork, as white as a harrier, as mad, as crazed, as if rooted to the spot etc. No comma before " HOW"in combinations no like no and right here. Not distinguished by commas and the phrase of impressive size as if nothing had happened.

Compare also: white as a harrier, white as a sheet, white as snow, pale as death, glistens like a mirror, sickness vanished like a hand, afraid like fire, wanders like a restless man, rushed like a madman, mumbles like a sexton, ran in like a madman, spins like a squirrel in a wheel , squeals like a piglet, I see it like in the daytime, everything is like a selection, jumped up like a stung, looked like a wolf, stupid like a cork, naked like a falcon, hungry like a wolf, as far as the sky from the earth, trembling as if in a fever, trembling like an aspen leaf, everything is like water off a goose, waiting like manna from heaven, fell asleep like a dead man, healthy as an ox, knows like the back of his hand, walks beside him like a sewn one, rolled around like cheese in butter, sways like a drunk, swayed like a jelly, red like cancer, strong like an oak, screams like a catechumen, flies like an arrow, hit like a goat, bald as a knee, pours like a bucket, waves his arms like a windmill, rushes about like mad, wet like a mouse, gloomy like a cloud, people like a herring in a barrel, not to be seen like his own ears, dumb as a grave, worn like a stray, needed like air, stopped as if rooted to the spot, remained like a stranded cancer, sharp as a razor, different as heaven from earth, turned pale as a sheet, repeated as if in delirium, you will go like a pretty one, remember your name, hit like a butt on the head, they look like two drops of water, went to the bottom like a stone, betrayed like a dog, stuck like a bath leaf, fell like through the ground, disappeared as if sunk into the water, just like a knife through the heart, burned like fire, dispersed like smoke, grow like mushrooms after the rain, fell like snow on his head, fresh as blood with milk, fresh as a cucumber, sat as if on pins and needles, sat as if on coals, sat as if chained, listened as if spellbound, looked as if spellbound, slept as if dead, slender as a cypress, hard as a stone, dark as night, skinny as a skeleton, cowardly as a hare, died like a hero, fell down like a stump, rested like a ram, stubborn like a donkey, tired like a dog, whipping like a bucket, walked as if lowered into water, cold as ice, black as hell , feel at home, staggered like drunk, went as if to execution etc.

2. In addition, the word "HOW" may be part compound union like... so... or because, as well as turnover since, since, as, as little as possible or more. In such cases, a comma is placed either before " HOW", or before the whole complex union.

For example: He has excellent grades in both Russian and math. This topic is touched upon both in poetry and in prose. Fairy tales are loved by both children and adults. Avoid empty speeches, as their outcome is repentance.

He finished the story while they got to the place. Larisa worked at a hairdresser's while Ivan was graduating from college.

Since the eternal judge
He gave me the omniscience of the prophet,
I read in the eyes of people
Pages of malice and vice.

(M. Yu. Lermontov)

3. In a complex sentence with homogeneous subordinate clauses after coordinating conjunctions.

For example: It's nice to listen in a warm room to how angry the wind is and how the taiga groans.

4. Union"HOW" can be present in a sentence without attaching any semantic-syntactic block, but only as a means of expressiveness of speech.

For example: We have done our best; I tried to stay with my friends as long as possible; The weight of the luggage seemed to have decreased; I was just about to go to the skating rink etc.