Russian language lesson (project - research activities students)

Topic: Jargons and jargons. (Slide 1)

Goals: 1. Explore such a phenomenon in our life as jargon. 2. Continue the fight for the purity of the Russian language. (Slide 2)

A task: Prepare projects: jargon origins; jargon and jargon; words are weeds; thieves' jargon; school slang. (Slide 3)

During the classes:

I . Introduction by the teacher.

It is no coincidence that we begin our lesson with the lines of a poem by Viktor Poltoratsky. (slide 4) Guys, modern society needs a speech personality. Indeed, people spend more time on the exchange of opinions, ideas, knowledge, information than on any other activity. And today in our society there is a gradual destruction of the language. We observe how other people's words and phrases, profanity, rudely invade our speech. Even A.N. Tolstoy said: “To deal with the language in some way means, and to think in some way: inaccurately, approximately, incorrectly.”Many of you allow verbal sloppiness in colloquial speech. And not only in conversation. What are the reasons for this phenomenon?We often do not want to look for the right word to express a thought. We think: “As he said, so be it!”

The fashion for meaningless words and coarse street jargon turns into negative language. This is what we'll talk about today. What is the essence of the inability and unwillingness to find the exact word? In the fact that in colloquial speech, to define any object or phenomenon, many use the word approximate, similar, but not exact, thereby narrowing their vocabulary.

Today we will talk about jargon and jargon, about "fashionable" words, that is, about non-literary vocabulary.

Guys, we decided to explore such a phenomenon in our lives as jargon and create information projects based on research.

You were offered a plan of work on the design: (slide 5)


1. Determine the goal;

2. Formulate a problem;

3. Build tasks;

4. Draw up a research plan.

II. Planning:

1. Collect literature on the issue under study;

2. Process it, make extracts;

3. Compose questionnaire questions.


1. Conduct a survey among students;

2. Analyze questionnaires;

3. Systematize the collected material;

4. Document the result of the study.

IV. Self control:

1. Check the material of the information project;

2. Make changes, corrections, additions;

3. Prepare for defense.

V. Project protection.

I . The 1st student presents his project.

Topic: "The origins of jargon."

1. Origins of jargon and features.

Youth culture is its own world, unlike anything else. It differs from an adult in emotionality, sometimes even harsh and rude, in a manner of expressing thoughts, feelings, a kind of verbal absurdity that can only be used by young people who are brave and resolute, opposed to the whole world and created their own unique world.

The emergence of jargons is associated with the desire of individual groups to oppose themselves to society or other individual groups, to isolate themselves from them, using the means of language. In contrast to the common language, designed to facilitate communication between people, jargon is “a secret language, the purpose of which is to hide the meaning of what is said from the “stranger”. Such, for example, is the language of the Old Believers, schismatics, persecuted by the state and the church. They created the so-called "Ofen language" - the secret language of the offen - traders of schismatic books and icons. Here is how the well-known connoisseur of schismatic life, the prominent Russian writer P.I. Melnikov-Pechersky, describes this phenomenon:

... Some lad will run into the shop, straight off the chain, and, without saying a word, without saying hello to anyone, will shout to the owner: - Slab and dudorga moping, shishling! ..

And the owner suddenly becomes alarmed and starts to hastily clean up the tent. Whoever understood the speech of the boy who came running, without saying a word, immediately get out of the shop ... . No matter how much one studies, no matter how many languages ​​one knows, if he is not an offender or a schismatic, he will never understand why the boy scared the owner so much. And it was he who cried out to him in the language of fire: "The authorities are going to the shop to read the paper."

From the explanatory dictionary of Vladimir Dahl we learn that the jargon arose from the language of old Russian merchants (wandering pedlars-ofen), leaving their villages to work. Hence the other name for the jargon - fenya (to work on a hair dryer).

All jargon words are stylistically folded vocabulary and are outside literary language. They, like any word of a literary language, dialect, become obsolete and disappear over time, or instead of some jargons, others appear.

So, jargon is no longer found among the names of money: crunch (1 ruble), fifth (5 rubles), red, dean (10 rubles), corner (25 rubles), piece (1000 rubles), redheads (money), but others appeared: piece (1000 rubles), lemon ( million), grandmas, loot (money).

In the youth environment, jargon has existed for a long time (the jargon of seminarians, high school students). The generations of the young change in five to seven years, and the jargon changes with them. New or old, the jargon remains with the youth as a condition of indispensable play, as an island of naturalness and freedom in the world of adults.

As time goes by, the pace of life accelerates. Accordingly, growing vocabulary, because each new concept must correspond to at least one word. Accordingly, the vocabulary of jargon is expanding.

So what are the sources of their formation?:

. Development of cellular telephone communication, computer technologies. The Internet, its wide possibilities, rapidly developing computer technologies have always attracted young people. In this regard, many new jargons appear. Here are some of them: virusnyak - a computer virus; Netik - Internet; emoticons - funny faces in chats; buggy - a malfunction in the computer; soap - e-mail; fleas - errors in the program; mouse - computer mouse; user - computer user;

Modern musical culture. One of the students' hobbies is music. She is part of their life. Jargon related to the field of music contains the names of various musical styles: pop, popsyatina - pop music; fresh - new music; the name of the actions of musicians is to sbatsat.

II . Next participant's speech research work(protection of the project). Topic: "Jargon and jargon".

- I want to define the exact words jargon and jargon

jargon (fr. jargon ) - the speech of any social or other group united by other interests, containing many words and expressions that are different from the common language.

Jargon can occur in any group. Exists jargon schoolchildren, jargon students, youth and army jargon, jargon musicians and athletes jargon merchants, jargon criminals, etc. So, to the youth jargon words include: botanist- an excellent student, a diligent student; cool, classy- the highest degree of positive evaluation; cool, cool- above all praise, strain - tire, bother, etc.

jargon- this is a slang word or expression that is included in the category of "passive" vocabulary.

AT last years, due to the active development of the media, have become quite common "many slang the words: drove, shod, shuttle, about step, chop, box, run over, throw. They are used in the speech of people, and in newspaper and magazine articles.

The words put on, shuttle, chop, box, run over, throw used as slang, have a different meaning: put on shoes- deceive (deceive) shuttle- small private importer, chop- deceive box- television, run over- threaten, throw - deceive, leave with nothing.

Youth jargon also called slang. Slang is a relatively recent borrowing from English, originally denoting exclusively the language of youth. (hippie slang) or professional jargon any new, actively developing area (business slang, computer slang). Recently, the compatibility of the word has been expanding (medical slang, military slang), the new term is gradually replacing the word jargon .

In literature, jargon is used to a limited extent when depicting the speech of representatives of certain social groups.

I researched the students' slang and compiled a mini-dictionary:

Khavchik - lunch

Dude is a guy

Bullshit - nonsense

dragged - came

cool - good

Purple is all the same

III . The 3rd student will tell about the words - weeds in our speech.

Her project is called “Weed Words”.

Purity of speech - the absence of unnecessary weed words in it. They become so in the speaker's speech due to their frequent, inappropriate use. Unfortunately, many actively insert “favorite words” into their speech: “so to speak, it means, here, as a matter of fact, you see, it’s understandable, yes, that’s how others understand.” This makes a very unpleasant impression. In the book of S. Soloveichik "Teaching with passion" there is a letter from three girlfriends.

“When we are called to the blackboard,” they write, “some kind of timidity and fear appear. And then all the necessary words disappear meaninglessly and without a trace, but the language generously supplies speech with such phrases: “This is like her ...”, “Well, then”, “so on”. And most importantly, if you didn't know! We know, we learn, we understand.”

One of the newspaper readers TVNZ”Payed attention to the fact that in the speeches of journalists on radio and central television, introductory phrases began to sound too often: “let's say this”, “we will say this”. For example: "Each school got the opportunity, let's say, to become bright, original", "I visited, let's say so, a souvenir shop."

Words-weeds do not carry any semantic load, do not have information content. They simply clog the speaker's speech, make it difficult to perceive, divert attention from the content of the statement. In addition, extra words have a psychological effect on listeners, who begin to count the number of such words in an oral presentation. A similar situation was described by journalist A. Sukontsev in one of his feuilletons:

My electrician friend, a man with humor, came one day from a lecture.

Well, how, - I asked, - did you like it?

He silently placed in front of me a piece of paper, all covered with crosses and circles.

What's this?

The cross is “means”, and the circle is “so to speak”. 118 crosses and 184 circles in two academic hours ...

You understand, I didn't feel like talking about the content of the lecture.

Why do weed words appear in our speech? This is the excitement during speaking, and the inability to think publicly, to select the right words to frame their thoughts, and, of course, the poverty of the speaker's individual vocabulary. Taking care of the purity of speech improves the quality of speech activity.

We are now as if we're all dumb

All steel as if forget,

What as if we can't even

Without " as if» connect a couple of words.

It would be good as if in business

Even as if at random.

And then after all as if clumsily.

And more often as if out of place.

I V . What is the thieves' jargon will tell the 4th student:

Thieves' jargon ("fenya", "thieves' music") is a rather old phenomenon. Its roots go back to ancient times. Initially, the "empire of jargon" meant a community of thieves and swindlers. Even the story of the end has been preserved XVI century, which was written in the language of thieves. Jargon criminals learn from each other.

What is "thieves' jargon"? It's conditional, secret Information system, which connects antisocial elements in conflict with the law into criminal groups, this is a kind of indicator of belonging to a criminal community, part of its subculture.

Criminal jargon quickly penetrates into the everyday speech of adolescents, as well as into the literary language. Therefore, it would be wrong to assume that minors become familiar with criminal jargon only when they are in a special school or colony. In such institutions, they already receive daily practice of its use.

The beginning of a teenager's familiarization with jargon is associated with the time when he studies in high school and sometimes still not going to school. Many preschool children, especially those whose parents were serving sentences, easily understand and operate with terms of criminal jargon, offensive words. Mastering criminal jargon is activated when a teenager enters a criminal group, when there is a real need for its use.

It should be noted that criminal jargon is easily spread among minors and young people. This is due to its imagery, mystery, irony, which attracts teenagers and young people. Compare: the word "run away" in the jargon sounds "tear claws", talking nonsense - "twist the dynamo", appear, come - "draw", leave, disappear - "slip away". Mocking, sarcasm, causticity, irony are essential features of criminal jargon.

Now many words “feni” are outdated, they have ceased to be used, some have become public, they can also be found in colloquial speech, some have acquired a different meaning ...

For example:

Openwork - all is well, okay

Atas - alert

Dad - cook in the colony, commander of the construction battalion

paddle - a spoon

Move - go, go, steal

Detect - notice, know

Zakidon - abnormal behavior

light up - to be discovered, to be identified

V . Survey questions that were offered to students :

(5th student)

1. Do you use jargon:
a). Yes;

AT). Sometimes;

2. Why?
a). Want to better express your thoughts;

B). Do not want to be different from your peers;

AT). Fear of being ridiculed by others:

G). Can't replace jargon:

D). Other options.

3. What jargon do you use most often?

4. How do you understand the meaning of these words?

5. How many times a day do you use these words:

BUT). 1-5 times;

B). 6-10 times;

AT). More than 10 times.

6. In your opinion, as a result, speech becomes:

a). Better;

AT). I find it difficult to answer.

VI . The 6th student will introduce you to the analysis of the student survey:


Vocabulary experience

Dasha Yaduta's essay includes a small dictionary, apparently compiled by her with the help of her mother, Anna Sergeevna. We found it more convenient for readers to place this glossary separately, as an appendix to the abstract. Unfortunately, the authors do not indicate which of the words they heard in the speech of their acquaintances, and which ones they took from published sources. A number of words and expressions included in the dictionary are not, strictly speaking, youth, but belong to common speech ( chatter, market), thieves' jargon, general jargon. However, all these words are used in youth speech and are important for a correct understanding of its composition. We did not make any corrections in the interpretations - any information about irregular speech is valuable in its original form.

I. Nouns

a) Words that name people:

Koresh, bro- friend, friend
Dude- guy.
Kent- fashionable guy.
Mareha- girl.
Switchman The one who is blamed by others.
Shingles- Prostitute.
Bruise- an alcoholic.
Cheburashka- a man with big ears.
Narik- a drug addict.

b) Offensive names for a person:

Radish, goat, tusk, sheep, purse, deer, toad, stick, tambourine, pretzel, elk, pig, cormorant, woodpecker, slapstick.

From the same line:

Zashugan- a downtrodden person.
loch- A person who is easily deceived.
Miser- greedy.
Rotan- glutton.
snitch- informer.
trembling, trembling- talker, liar.
Brake- a person who does not understand well or a person with a slow reaction.
Storage room - informer.

c) Derogatory naming of juniors:

Salaga, shellfish, small fry.

d) Words that name parts of the body:

Flippers- legs.
Locators - ears.
Zenki- eyes.
Fall, hawk - mouth.

e) Nouns that are difficult to combine into any group:

funny- joke.
Ugar, bark- fun.
Rams- quarrel, conflict.
Arrow- fight.
chatter- chatter, lies.
Bazaar- conversation, chatter.
Bullshit- nonsense.
Gon- a lie.
Chased, whoops- nickname.
Khavchik- food.
Cant, cant- something that spoils the view; (in the jargon of drug addicts, another meaning).
Bummer- an unexpectedly bad result.
Chirik- ten rubles.
Wax - vodka.
Sam- moonshine.
Hooves- high platform shoes
Filki, grandmas, cabbage- money.
Shmon- search.
glitch- hallucination.
Otpad- something outstanding.
Decyl- a little, a little.
Cropal- even less.

II. Verbs and verb forms

The second largest group in school jargon is a group of verbs. It should be borne in mind that sometimes the verb word exists only in the form in which it is used by native speakers (jargon), and in its original form it has a completely different meaning. For example, the list includes the word form Not okay, the form of the infinitive will not reflect the exact meaning of this word in the jargon.

go crazy- have fun.
Wali - leave.
get stuck- get caught.
stuck- was in an awkward position.
Move, move- get out.
Get it- get bored.
drift- to coward.
Puff- steal.
mess up- spoil.
steam up- get very bored.
Throw- deceive, substitute.
get pissed off- goof off.
Not okay- won't fit.
We won't get caught- will not meet.
break off- to get an unsuccessful, unexpected result.
Oborzet- become impudent.
back off - leave me alone.
break away- to have fun, bypassing all conventions.
go nuts- be surprised.
Ofonaret- become insolent; to be greatly surprised, to be shocked.
stomps(same as cockroach) is unwell.
Shave- the same as break off.
get blown up- jump.
Burn, burn- have fun, rejoice.
count up- imagine this.
pin up- to joke, to laugh.
wash away- go away.
Knock- deliver.
cockroach- cm. stomps.
Goggle- enjoy.
Sticking up- to be delighted.
Sharpen- eat, eat.
poke- chatting around.
Shut up- shut up.
hippie- to be fashionable.
Encrypt- to hide something.

III. Words close to adverbs

Cool, cool, class, cool, awesome, nishtyak, fly away, cool, carbon monoxide - an expression of a high degree of quality, a high appreciation of something.
get hurt- there is nowhere better.
Strim, strenuous- poorly.
Glooms- it's hard, it's terrible.
Anyway- Definitely, sure.

IV. Adjectives

Dumb - bad, bad, ugly.
Cool, cool, cool- a high degree of quality of something.
drunk- drunk.
Spontaneous- bad.
Mastery- humiliating, insulting about a person.
efficient- enterprising.

It can be assumed that the small number of the group of adjectives is explained by the fact that each word of jargon already carries expression, contains an assessment, therefore, slang carriers do not need additional "determinants".

V. The only use of the word,
in the form of a numeral:

Fourteen- a lot, an unlimited amount of something.

VI. Phraseologisms that exist in school slang:

Filter the market- follow the speech.
Cover your ears with wax- do not listen.
shut up the mouth(or fasten your hooves, concrete the fountain) - shut up.
Move the tomatoes(or rolls, crutches, pantyhose) - go faster.
Bot on the hair dryer- to speak in thieves' jargon.
Actually- in truth, indeed.
Am I bald? I am no worse than others.
Flag in hand, drum around the neck- approval of the action.
Don't chase the cartoon- don't cheat.
Blue trash killed in snot- very drunk.
Without a bazaar- is beyond doubt.
Put out the light- a complete nightmare.
Pret suit- luck.
Trample the clearing, we will fight- a call to fight.
Lyba crush- smirk.
(Everyone) has their own cockroaches in their head- (everyone has) their own opinion.

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A culture of speech


Modern youth jargon

Work completed:

Nevmyanova Svetlana Dmitrievna

student of group 31МНв1

Scientific adviser:

Lebedeva Tatyana Alekseevna

Moscow 2013Introduction

Communication is one of the most important areas of life for young people. The formation of the future personality depends on how communication develops. When communicating, the speech of modern youth infuriates teachers, parents, and representatives of the older generation, who react sharply to expressions that cut their ears. Indeed, there is something to worry about: according to latest research, in adolescence, the degree of jargonization of speech (defined in such a seemingly harmless sphere of general evaluative synonymous words: “good” - “bad”) exceeds 50% for boys and 33% for girls, i.e. zashib, ult, otpad, super, cool, cool, cool and similar words half replace literary expressions.

Speech is a specific form of reflection of reality. It follows the changes taking place in our lives, associated with a change in cultural orientations, values, attitudes. What was characteristic of tsarist Russia was at one time denied and rethought within the framework of Soviet culture. What we are seeing now is largely due to the denial of Soviet culture. And, of course, the properties of speech and the properties of the environment are interconnected. Just as a teenager does not exist outside the family, school, etc., so these social institutions do not exist separately from the individuals interacting with them and thanks to them, thereby influencing speech.

The purpose of this work is to study the reasons for the use of modern youth in the speech, a large number of jargon and the role of society in shaping the culture of speech, ensuring the expedient and uncomplicated use of the language in order to communicate not only with peers.

To achieve this goal, the work provides for the solution of a number of phased tasks:

The role of social factors in the formation of the speech of modern adolescents.

The need of modern youth for self-expression and mutual understanding.

The expansion of the sphere of youth communication is the embodiment of the need to experience new experiences, to test oneself in a new role.

1. The concept of the term jargon

In addition to the generally accepted concept of "jargon", there are such concepts as "slang", "slang" or "fenya". Essentially, they mean the same thing.

"Jargon" - from the French "jargon" - the speech of a social or professional group that differs from the general spoken language a special composition of words and expressions "1. This is a conditional language, understandable only in a certain environment, it contains many artificial, sometimes conditional words and expressions.

The word "argo" "comes from the French "argot" - the speech of certain, closed groups, which is created for the purpose of linguistic isolation." 2 This is mainly a special or peculiarly mastered common vocabulary.

The so-called "slang" is opposed to the official, generally accepted language and, according to lexicographers, is fully understood only by representatives of a narrow circle of people belonging to one or another social or professional group that introduced this word or expression.

The gap between "classical" speech and slang is widening every day due to not just democratization, but also the "vulgarization" of public life. A significant role in the emergence of new words is played by the media, especially television, which everyone watches. Jargon crowds out respectable speech and, thanks to mass culture, leaves its mark on the language of the whole nation.

With the passage of time (especially in the 20th century), the pace of life accelerates. Accordingly, the vocabulary grows, because each new concept must correspond to at least one word. Accordingly, the vocabulary of slang is expanding. With the explosion of mass communication, thousands of new words have been added to reflect political and social change. New words also arise in order to refresh old concepts.

Linguistic innovations are reflected in the media, naturally, they are reflected in the jargon. It is a challenge to the “correct” life.

Slang faster than other language layers reflects the tendency of "conciseness" in the word. This trend is observed quite strongly in colloquial speech. Even the terms "slang" and "jargon" themselves are becoming obsolete, giving way to a shorter, monosyllabic "slang".

The social dialects of the Russian language are divided into 3 large groups: slang, jargons and conditionally professional languages.

Jargons are class-stratified, industrial, youth, jargons of groups of people according to interests and hobbies. Production jargons include "slang" of any profession, it is very difficult for the "uninitiated" to understand them, for example, the slang of programmers and office equipment dealers: "mother" - motherboard, "red assembly" - equipment made in Russia, "pent" - a computer with a pentium processor (by the way, there is also the tendency of "compression" mentioned above).

Youth jargons are divided into industrial and household. The production vocabulary of students is closely connected with the learning process, the soldier - with military service. The general household dictionary is much broader than the industrial one; it includes words that are not related to the process of study, work or service. For example, drug addiction introduced into the language such words as “machine” - a syringe, “wheels” - tablets (initially - with a drug content, but now any tablet can be called this word), expand - inject, and the like. The fact that everyone knows these words speaks of the increasing activity of drug addicts, the increase in their number. Jargons of soldiers and sailors of military service: “liteha” - lieutenant, “spirit” - a soldier who serves for the first six months; jargons of schoolchildren: "teacher" - a teacher, and the like; student jargon: "war" - classes in military training; common youth jargons: "bottleman" - a bottle; jargon of informal youth groups: “hair” - hair (the word is borrowed from the English “hair” - hair), the slang of musicians is very closely intertwined with the last jargon, since the entire “informal” culture is built on music.

Young people are attracted to jargon by unusual sounding, emotionally expressive coloring.

In order to penetrate the literary language, one or another jargon must be often used in speech, have a bright emotional and expressive coloring, give a good description of an object or phenomenon and not be rude and vulgar. For example, the word "lawlessness", originally a violation of the laws of thieves, but now it expresses a different concept and everything is going to become literary.

Currently, jargon is used in the press and even in literature to make speech livelier, because even the president uses colloquial words in conversation, therefore, jargon cannot be treated as something that pollutes the Russian language, it is the same integral part of the language on an equal footing with spaciousness.

2. The role of social factors in shaping the speech of modern youth

Youth speech reflects the unstable cultural and linguistic state of society, balancing on the verge of the literary language and jargon. In different periods of the development of society, the language was also different. In the 20-30s. colloquial speech overwhelmed by waves of street elements - homeless children, thieves - as well as the rally language of revolutionary sailors and soldiers (from them - the appeal brother). The question arose sharply about "preserving the literary language, about the ways of its further development" in connection with a change in the contingent of speakers "- in this formulation of the outstanding linguist E.D. Polivanov one can feel not only the revolutionary enthusiasm of the era, but also bitterness, and awareness of the tragedy of the moment that caused this is the very change in the contingent of speakers.And the Russian language has survived, survived - in accordance with the paradox of E.D. Polivanov: the development of the literary language consists, in particular, in the fact that it changes less and less.Jargon, apparently, is not a new phenomenon in our language history. And not only in ours. Jargon - English slang, French slang is a phenomenon characteristic of language development. In different periods of history, communities of people, united by a common cause, common interests, and most of all, by the consciousness of brotherhood and alienation from the rest of society, invented their own special ways of communicating, oral and written. It was important for them that outsiders did not understand them - and hence all sorts of methods of encryption and metaphorization, transferring the meanings of words.

Now the so-called common jargon - an understated style of speech that blurs both the norms of the language and the norms of speech etiquette - is becoming familiar not only in everyday communication, but also sounds on television and radio. And also the relevance of the cultural achievements of Western civilization present in modern society is a completely natural price for a step taken towards it. What is associated with the show industry, which is based on several socially exploited ideas related to money, sex, violence, jargon, and what is perceived there mainly as a kind of spectacular form, sounds like a kind of guide to action for us.

"Young people, being the predominant bearer of jargon, make it an element of pop culture, which in turn makes it prestigious and necessary for self-expression" 3 . There are enough examples of this in the lyrics (“I don’t give a damn” - the Spleen group, “You hesitated” - the Disco Crash group, the words from Mikhey Jumanji’s song: “... in order or to understand the price of life ... " (from English word life - life), in radio programs and musical television, which are focused on today's youth.

Rapid and constant acceleration and renewal are the leading characteristics modern life which Russian youth lives. Scientific and technological revolutions make communication an extremely dynamic system, stimulating a radical change in social ties and forms of human communication. In modern culture, there is a pronounced layer of innovations that constantly hack and rebuild the cultural tradition, thereby complicating the processes of socialization and adaptation of a person to the constantly changing conditions and requirements of life. The complication of the socio-cultural reality, accompanied by the breaking of traditions and norms of various spheres of life, the rapid and all-encompassing spread of mass culture products determine the threatening scale of the modern crisis of communication.

3. The need of youth for self-expression and understanding

Another reason for the use of jargon in youth speech is the need of young people for self-expression and mutual understanding.

Despite the established ideas about high school students as people who are completely turned to the future, one can find a lot of evidence of their preoccupation with the present. Even self-determination, although directed with all its goals, expectations, hopes for the future, is nevertheless carried out as self-determination in the present - in the practice of living reality and about current events. From these positions, the importance of communication should also be assessed - an activity that occupies a huge place in the lives of adolescents, high school students and students and represents an independent value for them.

Informal communication is subject to such motives as the search for the most favorable psychological conditions for communication, the expectation of sympathy and empathy, the thirst for sincerity and unity in views, the need to assert oneself. In the light of all of the above, communication with comrades becomes a great value for a teenager. It often becomes so attractive and important that the teaching is relegated to the background, the opportunity to communicate with the father and mother no longer looks so attractive. Full communication in the youth environment is impossible without knowing its language.

The youth language implies the use of slang words, swear words as a kind of interjections or simply ways of connecting sentences that do not express negative emotions. Nevertheless, the rough aggressiveness of such a form of speech, even devoid of an offensive direction, is unattractive and can hardly serve as evidence of taste and eloquence. Rather, it is a manifestation of a "linguistic disease" - thoughtlessness and denial of norms, primitivism and linguistic atavism, inherent in adolescence. It's one thing when without the "article b ..." a person cannot speak and is able to reduce the entire breadth of the Russian language to countless derivatives of 3-4 roots. But it is also impossible to unambiguously put an end to this side of the tongue. It is possible to turn away from this, to pretend that this does not exist, but it is called hypocrisy. Moreover, to the place and time used by a teenager a swear word (naturally, in a proper setting) can be more effective than lengthy reasoning and long conversations. Apparently in certain period As young people grow, they have to overcome this disease in order to overcome its primitive element and realize the dignity and strength of the Russian language.

Adults should instill such a view in their wards, such as: do not rush to the “embrasure” of the TV when there are films with the use of inappropriate vocabulary, mindlessly “absorb” all the vocabulary taken from the Internet, in particular chats. It is much more important to show what is beautiful and what is vile, what is really pleasing to the ear, and what is only disgusting. Then the children will not write on the walls and use the “Russian folk word” in their speech, and they will know that the swear word used in the presence of an adult is regarded as an insult and will try not to do this.

4. Scope of youth jargon

The most important processes of the transitional age are the expansion of the life world of the individual, the circle of her communication, group affiliation and the type of people she focuses on. Modern technologies expand the boundaries of communication. For example, the advent of the Internet has allowed modern youth to “hang out” in chat rooms (from the English word chat - chatter) and thereby significantly expand their circle of friends. And since the bulk of those who communicate in this way are young people, it is not surprising that the corresponding norm of speech is being mastered. And since the behavior of a teenager, a young man is determined, first of all, by the intermediateness of his position, then moving from children's world into an adult, a teenager does not fully belong to either one or the other, thereby seeking support from peers and building a wall of alienation from an adult. The specificity of his social situation and life world is also manifested in the psyche, which is characterized by internal contradictions, the uncertainty of the level of claims, increased shyness and at the same time aggressiveness, a tendency to take extreme positions and points of view. This tension and conflict is the greater, the sharper the differences between the world of childhood and the world of adulthood and the more important the boundaries separating them. Therefore, the degree of "adolescent behavior" is never the same. She accepts different forms: in particular, the language of a teenager serves as a protest. And the element that feeds this youth language is everything new, unconventional or rejected: the speech of music fans, music television, in particular MTV, and the speech of drug addicts, computer jargon and urban vernacular, English and thieves' slang. Each of these components has its own sphere, its own subject and at the same time represents a wide field for borrowing (don't bore me - from the jargon of computer scientists;). Elements borrowed from the literary language are reinterpreted in a playful, ironic way: it is absolutely parallel to me, purely violet, on the drum.

"Youth jargon is characterized, in addition to alienation, by an emotional and playful beginning. Why, if young people know how to speak correctly, does it speak incorrectly? Why does it prefer to use condemned forms of speech, knowing prestigious, normative ones? Yes, simply because it has a different system of values , a different prestige, a different norm - an anti-norm. And in this anti-norm, the main principle is an element of shock, shake-up, in order to "sway the people", and an element of mockery, so that it is not boring, but funny, "cool". society, and the rejection of its norms, its models, its propriety" 4 . Ult, Otpad, Orgasm! - this is how today's schoolgirl can express delight, depressnyak will call boring music, and a nerd will call an exemplary classmate.

Another game technique used in youth jargon is the convergence of words based on sound similarity, sound transfer: for example, “lemon” instead of a million, soap, “emelya” instead of e-mail (from the English word e-mail).

So, a joke, a game is a positive element of youth speech. Hardly anyone can seriously fight this.

Another important characteristic of youth speech is its "primitiveness". The association with the language of some primitive society arises when teachers observe the instability, the constant changeability of the jargon, both in time and in space. Not having time to gain a foothold, some forms of speech give way to others: for example, the not so old slang "mani" (from the English word money - money) was replaced by "bucks" and "lava". Similar processes were noted at the beginning of the century by ethnographers in the languages ​​of the South American Indians, for which the missionaries did not have time to rewrite dictionaries. This is the natural state of any language education in the period of its formation.

Another sign of the "primitiveness" of youth jargon is the uncertainty, blurring of the meanings of the words included in it. "Strmno, cool", "I prus" can

be both positive and negative. This is referred to as "Damn!" and "fir-trees!", used in jargon only as emotional exclamations, and words like "fun", "ult", "plague", "burns". Being used as emotional interjections, they almost completely lose their meaning, which is displaced by the emotional component of meaning, which is strongly accentuated in a certain situation. The same group includes the phrases "full atas", "full paragraph", "full scribe". Depending on the situation and circle of communication, these words can express a variety of - up to the opposite - emotions: disappointment, irritation, admiration, surprise, joy, etc. At the same time, more or less adequate "recognition" of the expressed emotion by the listener cannot be carried out without intonation, facial expressions, gestures of the speaker, as well as context. jargon youth communication

So, the main reprehensible quality of youth jargon, which is formed by the adolescent's social circle, is its pronounced "atavistic primitivism." In addition to "... vague semantics, it also manifests itself in the understatement of those areas of vocabulary from which its resources are drawn, and in the stylistically underestimated grammatical means used in speech; these are, in particular, derogatory suffixes - -nyak, -nya (otkhodnyak, depressnyak, tusnyak , tusnya), truncations (botan), familiar suffixes in personal names (Dimon, Kolyan, Yurets). And, finally, a significant proportion of borrowings from colloquial vocabulary "5. All these techniques are a conscious choice made in speech behavior between adolescents. And speech behavior is also regulated by the norm or antinorm. Modern youth jargon chooses an anti-norm.


The purpose of this work is to study the jargonization of the speech of modern youth. Analysis of the obtained results allows us to draw the following conclusions:

The dominance of jargon of speech today is due to the changed social conditions- a priority material assets, the division of society (into rich and poor), changing interpersonal relationships, and so on. Young people are increasingly faced with indifference, rudeness, anger. And this, in turn, leads to protest, which is expressed, in particular, by increased jargon of speech during communication. Communication with peers, as well as with older friends, continues to be significant. It can be noted that they want to spend as much time with them as possible - to walk, relax, have fun, which means they should speak "their" (slang) language.

Modern youth consider jargon to be an integral part of their communication among peers. Such words allow them to assert themselves, maintain good relations with friends, exchange information and learn new things.

When studying the level of jargonization of speech, it can be revealed that swear words occupy the first place among young men, for girls, jargon is primarily a play on words, which gives speech a slight humorous connotation.

Thus, the data obtained in the course of the study confirm that there is a tendency towards an increase in the level of jargon among young people. If we summarize the data obtained, we can formulate the reasons for the increase in the share of jargon in the speech of modern youth:

social factors.

The importance of "one's own" (slang) language for communication with peers (the desire to establish oneself both among one's peers and in one's own eyes).

The influence of the media (reading newspapers and youth magazines, watching television) on the speech of modern youth.


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Dictionary Russian / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. M., 1992

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Studying Russian and world literature, each student is faced with turns of speech that are not characteristic of the literary language. The question arises of what is the classical definition of these expressions, what is the history of their occurrence and the role in the communication of our contemporaries.

What is jargon?

This is a lexical unit (both a single word and a phrase), which is not characteristic of the canons of the literary language. The use of these turns is common in Jargon - this is a conditional colloquial word and expression used in separate ones. Moreover, the appearance, development, transformation and withdrawal of those from speech circulation occurs in a clearly isolated part of society.

Jargon is the duplication of a literary language in a form understandable only speaking people in a certain group. These are non-normative, not recognized synonyms for the classical definitions of objects, actions and definitions. The slang words of each social unit of society form a language of communication inaccessible to the understanding of the uninitiated, the so-called slang.

Origin and differences

The word "jargon" comes, according to V. Dahl ("Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language"), from the French jargon. Its differences from the standards of the literary language:

  • Specific vocabulary and phraseology.
  • Brightly colored, expressive turns.
  • Maximum use of derivational forms.
  • Absence of own phonetic systems.
  • Disobedience to the rules of grammar.

Today, jargon is not only oral communication, but also effective expressiveness. AT contemporary literature these words are deliberately used along with metaphors, synonyms, epithets to enhance and give a special color to the content.

Initially, dialectisms-slang were the intellectual property of certain strata of society, in some cases no longer existing. Nowadays, this is both a popular vocabulary, which has its own social dialects, and a vocabulary of a literary language, which uses several figurative meanings of the same word, established in a particular group of society. Now the conditionally called “general fund” has been formed and is expanding, that is, words transformed from their original meaning in one type of jargon into a public definition. So, for example, in the language of thieves' slang, the meaning of the word "dark" is "to hide the loot" or "to avoid answers during interrogation." Modern youth jargon interprets this as "to keep silent, to speak in riddles."

How is jargon formed?

Words and combinations are based on the dialect differences and morphemes of the language available in the environment of their appearance. Ways of their formation: giving a different meaning, metaphorization, rethinking, reshaping, sound truncation, active assimilation of the vocabulary of foreign languages.

Examples of jargon in Russian that arose in the above way:

  • young man - "dude" (comes from gypsy);
  • close friend - "gelfriend" (from English);
  • authoritative - "cool";
  • apartment - "hut" (from Ukrainian).

The associative series is also actively used in their appearance. For example: "dollars" - "brilliant green" (according to the color of American banknotes).

History and modernity

Social jargons are common words and expressions, first noticed in the 18th century in the circle of the nobility, the so-called "salon" language. Lovers and admirers of everything French often used distorted words of this language. For example: "pleasure" was called "plaisir".

The original purpose of the jargon was to keep the transmitted information secret, a kind of encoding and recognition of "us" and "them". This function of the "secret language" is preserved in the gangster environment as the speech of asocial elements and is called "thieves' slang". So, for example: a knife is a “pen”, a prison is a “theatre”, a call is “to dial numbers”.

Other types of jargon - school, student, sports, professional - have practically lost this property. However, in youth speech, it still has the function of identifying "strangers" in the community. Often for teenagers, jargon is a way of self-affirmation, an indication of their belonging to the number of "adults" and a condition for acceptance into a certain company.

The use of special slang is limited by the topic of conversation: the subject of the conversation, as a rule, expresses the specific interests of a narrow circle of people. A distinctive feature of the jargon from the dialect is that the main share of its use falls on informal communication.

Varieties of jargons

A single, clear division of jargon at the moment does not exist. Only three areas can be accurately classified: professional, youth and criminal slang. However, it is possible to identify patterns and conditionally single out vocabulary from jargon that is inherent in individual groups of society. The following types of jargons are the most common and have an extensive vocabulary:

  • Professional (by type of specialty).
  • Military.
  • Journalistic.
  • Computer (including game, network jargon).
  • Fidonet jargon.
  • Youth (including directions - school, student slang).
  • LGBT.
  • Amateur radio.
  • Slang for drug addicts.
  • Football fan slang.
  • Criminal (fenya).

Special variety

Professional jargons are words simplified by reduction or association of vocabulary used to denote special terms and concepts in a particular professional environment. These sayings appeared due to the fact that most technical definitions are rather long and difficult to pronounce, or their meanings are completely absent in modern official language. Jargon words are present in almost all professional associations. Their word formation does not follow any special rules for slang. However, jargon has a pronounced function, being a convenient means for communication and communication.

used by programmers and Internet users

For the uninitiated, computer slang is rather peculiar and difficult to perceive. Here are some examples:

  • "Winda" - operating system windows;
  • "firewood" - drivers;
  • "Job" - to work;
  • "failed" - stopped working;
  • "servak" - server;
  • "clave" - ​​keyboard;
  • "progs" - computer programs;
  • "hacker" - cracker of programs;
  • "user" - user.

Thieves slang - slang

Criminal jargon is very common and peculiar. Examples:

  • "malyava" - a letter;
  • "pipe" - mobile phone;
  • "ksiva" - passport or identity card;
  • "rooster" - a prisoner, "lowered" by convicts;
  • "parasha" - toilet;
  • "urka" - a prisoner who escaped;
  • "fraer" - a person who is at large;
  • "crosses" - prison;
  • "godfather" - the head of the regime unit in the colony;
  • "goat" - a prisoner cooperating with the administration of the colony;
  • "zariki" - dice for playing backgammon;
  • "correspondence student" - a girl, acquaintance with whom took place in a colony;
  • "lean back" - to be released after the conclusion;
  • “filter the market” - think what you say;
  • "mistress" - the head of the correctional colony;
  • "nema bazaar" - no questions;
  • "no air" - ran out of money.

school slang

Jargons are peculiar and widespread in the school environment:

  • "teacher" - a teacher;
  • "historian" - a history teacher;
  • "klassukha" - class teacher;
  • "kontrokha" - control work;
  • "homework" - homework;
  • "Fizra" - physical education;
  • "nerd" - excellent student;
  • "spur" - cheat sheet;
  • "pair" - deuce.

Youth slang: examples

Slang words used among teenagers:

  • "gavrik" - a boring person;
  • "chick" - a girl;
  • "dude" - guy;
  • “Remove a chick” - seduce a girl;
  • "klubeshnik" - a club;
  • "diskach" - disco;
  • “throw show-off” - stick out your dignity;
  • "base" - apartment;
  • "ancestors" - parents;
  • "Crack" - talk;
  • "umatovo" - excellent;
  • "Otpad" - wonderful;
  • "clothes" - clothes;
  • "Pret" - I like it very much.

Features of foreign language vocabulary

English lexicology has three synonymous terms: cant, slang, jargon. To date, a clear separation between them has not been established, but areas of their use have been outlined. So, cant denotes the conditional vocabulary of certain social groups, such as thieves' slang or school slang.

The mark in jargon dictionaries is present in the designation of specific technical terms, that is, it corresponds to the Russian subspecies of professional jargon.

Also jargon, cant and slang denote colloquial expressions and vulgar words. They are characterized not only by a peculiar environment of use, but also by violations of grammar and phonetics of all existing literary norms.

AT English language jargons are cant and jargon, including individual words, phrases and turns of speech. They arise both under the influence of entire social groups, and thanks to individuals.

English jargon is often present in the works artistic style when transferring the characteristics of the characters. Usually the author gives an explanation of the used slang words.

Many words that were originally exclusively colloquial means have now won the right to be used in classical literature.

In modern English, jargon plays an important role in the communication of representatives of different professions. Especially often you meet them in the student sphere, the field of sports, among the military.

It is worth emphasizing that the presence of jargon, their unreasonable use in everyday communication clogs the language.

Translation of jargon

Dialects and slang expressions- concepts familiar to many linguists and translators. Although generalizing information about them and scientific papers There are many, but today there is a particular lack of information on how to correctly and adequately convey the translation of these lexical units.

An important point in the selection of Russian-language analogues: do not forget that jargon is inherent in specific social strata and has a certain connotation. Therefore, it is important to find such a way of interpreting them in order to convey the sensations or concepts inherent in the original source.

AT modern language jargon received wide use in all walks of life, media, films and even literature. To ban their use is senseless and ineffectual, but to form right attitude to his speech is important and necessary.

The language of any nation is its historical memory, embodied in the word.

Mother tongue is the soul of a nation. In language and through language, national psychology, the character of the people, the way of thinking, the originality of artistic creativity, the moral state and spirituality, and the general culture of the people are revealed.

In recent years, we, unfortunately, wean ourselves from the beauty of the word, from the culture of the language. In modern Russian, there is an intensive convergence of traditional written and oral means with everyday colloquial speech, vernacular, professional and social dialects. Oral and written speech is stylistically reduced and coarsened. The Russian language needs protection and respect. That is why the words of I.A. Bunin, taken as an epigraph to the topic of the project, are so relevant today. That is why we turned to the problem of the purity of the Russian language at the present stage of development of our society.

The word "jargon" was used in French from the middle of the 12th century in the meaning of "chirping", then it began to mean "incomprehensible language", and even later it had the meaning of "spoiled language".

Jargon came to Russian speech with the meaning "incomprehensible language". There were a lot of jargons in the Russian language. There was, for example, from the 16th century the jargon of the ofenes - small itinerant merchants. The Ofenian language used Russian grammar, distorting the forms and words of the literary Russian language, rewriting words according to some models.

For example: kuloto - "gold". Kustra - "sister".

For the first time, the conditional language of the Ofenei was recorded in the Comparative Dictionary of Languages ​​and Adverbs by P.S. Pallas at the end of the 18th century.

The word "jargon" has another meaning: rough and vulgar speech. This is argo. Unlike professional and corporate jargons, slang is the property of closed groups. Argo is typical primarily for the social lower classes of society and the underworld.

Due to their expressive and stylistic coloring, professional and corporate jargons turn into colloquial everyday speech that is not bound by strict rules. literary norms. For example: salaga, chief, toss and others. From thieves' jargon: drip, haza, rope.

Jargons penetrated not only into colloquial speech, but also into the pages of Russian literature. A great connoisseur of jargon among the writers of the 19th century was N.V. Gogol. He perfectly knew bureaucratic, social-professional and other jargons and masterfully used them in his works. Here is an example from the poem "Dead Souls": "... there will be bulkheads, scolding, stirring up ...". Petrovich's language in "The Overcoat" is filled with expressions typical of the tailor's profession: "... it's ... rotten", "put a marten on the collar", "put on a hood" and others.

Like other varieties of spoken language, jargon is used in fiction for a brighter image of the described environment, for the linguistic characteristics of the hero, as a means of creating an image.

N. Pomyalovsky in "Essays of the Bursa" used the slang vocabulary of the Bursaks in order to more vividly show the life of students in such closed educational institutions like a bursa. "Right here Nonsense was playing on the white cassocks." “Omega stuck out his lappet (face).

V.V. Krestovsky in the novel "Petersburg Slums" with the help of jargon showed the rapid stratification of society into rich and poor, doomed to ignorance and poverty, vice and crime.

The history of the flowering of conditional languages ​​began at an early stage in the development of industrial and commodity production and continues at the present time.

Linguists note the moments of weakening and strengthening of the use of jargon in speech. The history of our state is the clearest confirmation of this. Linguists have noted three waves of jargon in the 20th century:

Since the 90s (the period of perestroika and the beginning of capitalization), the fourth wave of jargonization of speech began.

The first wave of jargon penetration into the spoken Russian language was noted after the 1917 revolution. Some linguists elevated the language of the poor and homeless to the rank of "the language of the future". But at the same time, jargon was not perceived by society in the same way: some considered it a “proletarian language”, opposed to the language of the intelligentsia, others considered it a conductor and carrier of the thieves' ideology, threatening the purity and integrity of the Russian language.

The events of this troubled time, which dramatically changed the fate of many hundreds of thousands of people, are also reflected in literature.

V. A. Gilyarovsky was an excellent connoisseur of his era and Moscow of the 1920s. For many years he studied the slums of the city, the life of the inhabitants of the “Moscow bottom”, Khitrovka, and in his works he used slang and slang: “... we worked together, and slammed in half ...”, “... you, zatyrka, I’m like a screen, you are a shoveler ".

The second wave of speech jargon refers to the mid-30s and post-war 40s. The influence of "thieves' music" on colloquial speech is associated with mass repressions, with the rampant banditry in the first post-war years.

In A.I. Solzhenitsyn’s story “One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich”, the undisguised truth about the camp world, about the people whom the system tried to turn into mechanical parts of a totalitarian machine, was first told. Elements of thieves, prison and camp argots are naturally woven into the linguistic fabric of the work: “… in the medical unit to bite… the guards keep count…”.

Linguists call the 60s - 70s the 3rd wave of speech jargon. During the hippie period, cultural values, norms of behavior, and social ideology were rejected. All this was manifested in the desire to create their own "counterculture".

During perestroika, there was a real "boom" in the use of jargon. This was due to the explosion of civil and linguistic freedoms. Swift social processes significantly changed the style of oral and written speech. Speech is coarsened.

These changes again affected literature. If jargon was used quite justifiably in the works of writers of the 19th and first half of the 20th century, then the use of jargon in modern children's literature is difficult to explain. For example, in the book by Eduard Uspensky for the younger school age about Uncle Fyodor, such words were used: “became cloudy”, “put on the counter”.

We are witnessing the use of slang vocabulary not only in the press, but also on television, on the radio, on the stage. Reasonable alarm is caused by the argotic elements that have poured into the press and the lyrics, which are used to “revive the texts”. For example: “pump rights”, “powder brains”, “political parties”, “acid outfit”, “youngsters in the dead” and others.

Youth jargon - slang - is singled out as a special group. At the heart of this linguistic phenomenon is not a social reason, but the desire to make speech bright. The main thing in slang is a departure from the ordinary.

Good - cool, admire - stick around, trudge. Slang is harsh, loud, brash. It is the result of a desire to change the world in a different way.

The peculiarity of slang is fast updating. Now no one remembers the ratings “amazing”, “iron”, so widespread in the 60s and 70s. 20th century, but a new word appeared - "cool". This expansion of jargon distorted the Russian language. The language that young people now speak cannot be called colloquial, much less literary.

Exploring the problems of the influence of jargons on state of the art Russian language and the general culture of modern man, we conducted a sociological survey among middle and senior students, among adults with higher education.