Recently, there has been a noticeable trend that spoken English is gradually moving along the path of simplification. It will be extremely interesting for people who study English to try to understand the nuances of everyday slang, which sooner or later they will have to face. The fact is that many well-known words can take on a completely different meaning in slang expressions, and even a real professional translator may not understand the speech of a person from the states of Colorado, Texas or any other, since the language is somewhat different in each individual region. It's all about everyday slang.

Yes, the English also laugh, satirize and tease you to smooth things over; In fact, it is one of the most popular and used British slang terms. So, you know, use this expression when explaining that you are teasing something, parodying or just being sarcastic.

Possibly one of the most famous in the world English words and that's what the British use it for everything. Feeling surprised? ¿Rabia? Do you feel like you are laughing at someone? You know, "hurts!" And, of course, this also applies to the testicles. Did you sleep with Kate Upton yesterday?

Got it!

Let's take the verb "to get" as an example, it has many meanings and is used very often by Americans. Moreover, many other verbs are often replaced by it.
For example:

  • It seems to me that I've forgot money. Don't worry I got it. — I think I forgot the money. Don't worry, I have.
  • Do you understand how to drive this boat? - Yes I got it. “Did you understand how to steer this boat?” - Yes I understand.
  • I got the vase in the last second before I dropped it. I managed to catch the vase at the last second before dropping it.

It's important to be careful how you use "get" with animate entities. If you say, for example, " I got Bobby"- then this phrase can be translated as" I shot Bobby. If the same phrase is applied to a woman, then it can be understood as an attempt to harass a woman. It follows that the verb "get" is replaced by other verbs. For example: "I've loved you since I got you". Here is another slang meaning of the word get. Even though it is applied to a person, it translates as "I have loved you since I found (found, met) you." Here is the verb get full of positive meaning, unlike the first example.

This is a British slang term that is commonly used by almost everyone in the UK to mean "two weeks". My wife gave me sighs for picking dry clean road on the way home. Excellent! But also ironic. "Nice" is used in the British lexicon to say "no" to something, but with a "yes", you know. Didn't you understand this explanation?

Did you mix up Rutherford's order? The English use "copper monkeys" to tell us that it's cold from those unbearable ones that leave you stiff. The phrase comes from "cold enough to freeze a copper monkey's balls" - cold enough to freeze a copper monkey's balls.

The verb “get” can also be used in such slang expressions: get a load of something- see, see, understand something.

For example: Are you getting load of what he saying? Do you understand what he is saying at all?

get a life- Get busy, don't get in the way.

For example: just get a life and do not come here. “Go do your thing instead of coming here.

You should be wearing a coat today, it's brass monkeys on the outside. These British slang terms refer to a mixture of something dangerous, suspicious, corrupt and even immoral. I had my father's contraption clock for Christmas. Leg Walker was absolutely embarrassed.

Kerfuffle is a mixture of hubb or quarrel, when opposing points of view appear in the middle of a conversation, what a scandal! Do not use american words"car park" or "garage", we are in UK and UK park in "Car park". The word is used by Britons who miss work, school or any other obligation due to a "feigned" illness.

Grammatical features of slang

Of course, you can feel the obvious differences between colloquial and slang immediately upon arrival at any English speaking country. For example, attempts to shorten phrases and words result in the following slang expressions.

  • gonna- going to
  • wanna- want to
  • gotta- have to
  • Ama—I'm,
  • Yep, ye-yes,
  • Dis— this,
  • U- you,
  • Dunno don't know
  • cause because,
  • Got it! Got it, got in.

Even the most ordinary words can take on different slang meanings, for example:

This guy just stabbed me in traffic, what a jerk off! Yes, the office is very bad. He uses damn in several expressions, eg. To be less rude, you can use a darn instead of a curse. What do you think about cursed words? Send your comment to us at the bottom of this page. Thank you very much for your interest.

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  • Cool- cool, fresh; cool, cool;
  • Bless you- I bless you; be healthy (after sneezing).

It should be remembered that slang as such has no grammar. However, grammar will still have to be learned in order to understand how to embed slang expressions into sentences. After all, the meaning of the whole phrase can radically change one letter or word form. You need to be extremely careful, both during a conversation and a letter. For example, the word as- if you write it with two "s" it can turn into a mat. This is especially important when writing letters.

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Do not think, therefore, that by listening to these terms often in films, texts, etc. it's "cute" to use them on English language in any situation. Use them with caution if necessary. Beware, because if this vocabulary is generic, some words are also vulgar and therefore should not be used in all circles.

Be careful (some tricks)

Abbreviations, abbreviations and shortened forms are also very common in everyday slang. You may be told: "Hey man, XYZ". This is a warning. You are just politely asked to check the lock on your trousers. "Examine your zipper" - the first letters of each word - XYZ(It is read: "ex-wi-z"). Surely you have seen in chats how American youth writes such words:

Therefore, we will make small cuts and cuts in American English. It sucks! This sucks shouldn't be taken literally! This expression simply means "this is zero". Of course, you can apply it to any object, feeling, or even person, for example: "Jim sucks football" - Jim is bad at football. Obviously, this expression comes from a familiar language.

Which is the equivalent of our "new". This is a very popular form in America. You can use collapse to say "sleep" or "sleep". In other words, Rest and Rest, it is used to talk about a moment of relaxation or relaxation. These forms are very commonly used, so it's good to know them.

  • night- nite - evening,
  • humor- humor - humor,
  • program- program - program,
  • often- ofen - often.

No, these are not errors in words, they simply shorten them, turning them into everyday slang, and without a twinge of conscience.

Pay attention to pronunciation, intonation and stress in words. Saying a seemingly harmless phrase, you can get into a mess, because in slang this phrase can sound completely different. For example, "big mouth" can be perceived as bigmouth- talker, yap. Having said in America such a familiar and harmless Russian word like "bananas", everyone might think you're screaming the word bananas- "crazy". If you learned a language from a Bonk textbook and want to tell your English-speaking friends about it, be careful, they may think that you are swearing. Word bonk perceived as a mate, in fact the same as fuck.

Take, for example, a correct sentence in English. What are you going to do tomorrow? This sentence, uttered by an American, may well be reminiscent of: What are you going to do tomorrow? Recognize that this is essential.

Finally, let's finish a rather special word: don't

We've talked about this before, but we'll never tire of repeating it: in business, communication is everything. Often what you have to say and how it is said is the secret weapon to show off at the right time. Anglophones know this well and are among the best in the world in communication and business.

Russians do not abandon their

In some situations, you can resort to the Russian language for help, because in English there are slang words that sound similar to Russian:

  • bastard- illegitimate, bastard;
  • gaga- dumbfounded, eccentric;
  • tits- breast.

There are also words that have migrated from English slang to us and do not require translation:

In English offices, it is common and accepted practice to address colleagues in specific jargon, which has become so consolidated that it has become a parallel language. Some examples, such as “think outside the box,” have become such common expressions that they have found their way into refrigerator magnets around the world.

Given the growing demand for business content and support materials, we are currently working on clarifying the aforementioned corporate jargon or business jargon. While we advise against going beyond its use, it's always good to know what's being discussed: how embarrassing would it be if an English colleague was talking to us and didn't understand why the post is office slang?

  • baby- baby,
  • fail- failure, failure
  • cop- cop, policeman,
  • fake- fake, tease, fool,
  • cash down- money for a barrel.

The most common slang expressions

There are often common slang expressions and words that can be easily learned.

  • Wasted- very drunk
  • Threads- outfit, clothes,
  • Gee- Wow!,
  • Bullshit- Say stupid things,
  • back out- fail to keep a promise
  • Rack one's brain- strain your brain
  • Shut up- shut up
  • Kick back- give a bribe
  • so long- see you.

For better or worse, the fact remains that people in Everyday life not only limited to literary language, in this case, communication would not be sufficiently expressive and emotional. Slang helps to give the necessary shade of meaning that is most appropriate for a particular situation. By learning how to use slang correctly, you can feel free and at ease in any company.

Basic expressions to use

When a colleague advises you to "contact someone", you just want to tell them to contact them. Very often this phrase is used when someone you want to contact is not interested in receiving your news. Even though there is no more abstract world of numbers, today's managers talk about data as if they are dealing with stones, splitting, grinding, grinding them. It's easy to say they "analyze": you don't have to use it, but you do need to understand that you are not finished at the construction site!

List of useful words

got smth - to have, to catch, to understand, to acquire, to find (something)
get a load of something - see, view, understand something
get a life - do business, do not interfere
gonna - going to - get together (do something)
wanna - want to - want (to do something)
gotta - have to - must
ama - I'm - I
yep, ye - yes - yes
dis - this - this
u - you - you
dunno - don't know - I don't know
cause - because - because
got it - understood, entered
cool - cool, cool, cool
bless you - bless you, be healthy (after sneezing)
XYZ - examine your zipper
night - nite - evening
humor - humor - humor
program - program - program
often - ofen - often
bigmouth - yap, talker
bananas - crazy
bastard - illegitimate, bastard
gaga - dumbfounded, eccentric
tits - chest
baby - baby
fail - failure, failure
cop - cop, policeman
fake - fake, tease, fool
cash down - money for a barrel
wasted - very drunk
threads - outfit, clothes
gee - wow
bullshit - talk nonsense
back out - do not keep a promise
rack one's brain - strain your brains
shut up - shut up
kick back - give a bribe
so long - see you soon

This business software allows users to drill down from yearly to monthly sales figures. In the current language, the word-dialogue is just another synonym for talking, talking. When you walk through the doors of an office, it takes on a much more specific meaning: you use this term when you want to make a speech so that you have a clear and systematic mind about what to say and how to say it. This is a very useful phrase if it is used in its office version: check it out!

Today's companies encourage their employees to follow "best practices" rather than providing everyone with good behavioral guidance. It's a new way to make you more productive without playing too overbearing, authoritarian. Think very creatively, as if I didn't even have a cloud to interfere with the flow of your creative process. Business is also used to refer to a group of people who are looking for new opportunities for success and pursuing a flood of ideas without giving up on any of them.

Big and friendly family EnglishDom

English slang mainly distributed by teenagers, as in any country and in any other language. So, if we want to keep up with the times, our task is to listen to teenage jargon.

Not all dictionaries can find a translation of these buzzwords. However, they often slip into, in movies, social networks and other media.

Hey, can we take it offline?

The origins of governance clichés may be obscure, but it speaks volumes about the emptiness of heaven—there should be no prejudice in blue skies. When technology forges language. When we use this expression, we mean that we would like to "talk about something privately", but this does not mean that our interlocutor is on the other side of the screen and that you are chatting. The strange thing is that it could be right in front of you!

Literally, you can translate it in one: don't spend too much weed on something. The metaphorical or idiomatic meaning of work jargon refers to time, so you might use this expression with a colleague who works very hard on the same design so the grass has grown. The addictive Italian verb makes the meaning of this expression clear.

Where can you hear English slang

Technology is helping to spread new trends in language, especially when it comes to teenage slang. You would have to spend a lot of time interacting with teenagers to understand all the new English slang.

And then, you have to be very lucky to hear this jargon in the conversation of teenagers, since they do not talk like that to adults, most of them would die of embarrassment if adults spoke to them like that.

Crunch time is a limited period of time during which you feel a lot of stress and stress because you have to work hard to reach your goal. Our less attractive Hard times' may be a valid translation. A way of saying what makes you smile, if translated literally, because it means "put all your papers in line." But be careful, because when someone says it's in the office, they don't want to praise you. In work jargon, it actually means "organize work effectively."

Popularity -ism because people like to invent new words to add humorous notes to speech. For example, if your friend Sarah always uses the same expression when she is happy, you could call this expression "Sara-ism".

Even this phrasal verb can be very helpful in the commercial realm, especially when you want to put your hands in front of you before making inquiries. Find as a means of "show", "result". Try using it during negotiations and you will notice its effectiveness!

We do not intend to face such requirements, but these requirements must be met if we wish to partner with your company. You may hear this phrasal verb from your colleagues or your boss with the meaning of "decision" or "organize, create, steal". You extrapolate the correct value according to the context!

Bound friend with a friend social networks, teenagers are quickly spreading their slang around the world. They are always at the forefront, language and jargon are no exception. The language cannot move forward without culture and without teenagers who are simply perfectly - (simply perfect) broadcasting English slang around the globe.

Before we go on a business trip, we need to understand all the tasks that need to be done and assign them to the appropriate employees. If you are the leader of a conference call, this is the phrase for you: the phrasal verb "jump" means "view, view, view." Do not want to get through to the bell without knowing the issues of your agenda?

The first of them is used as a synonym for "of course, of course", and the second means "nothing", "for nothing". Remember that English does not allow double negatives, so the formula "by no means" is always used with affirmative phrases! If you have questions, ask me or my assistant. . The most relevant translation for this expression is simply "hitting the sign". Use it if you want to congratulate a colleague or if you are a manager when an employee has achieved an important goal!

Below are some examples of the best slang expressions used by teenagers in both conversations and text messages. More words can be found on the website

So, English slang used by teenagers in 2016.

This slang expression means something well made, of high quality, impeccable. The expression may come from the ballet stand "on pointe", or on the tips of the toes.

Just like the previous one, this term is another way to describe something very close to perfection, especially in the eyes of teenagers of course. You can also use fleekin or fleeking .


This adjective is used to describe something typical, ordinary, ordinary. Suitable for describing the appearance of girls, women.


Maybe once in a store you heard a conversation between teenagers and thought: “do they really speak English?” Well, yes, it is! And "obvi", which you didn't understand, is a lazy variant from obviously.


This expression can be used both as a verb and as an adjective. turn up used as a verb. turnt it is an adjective form. This means being intoxicated after using drugs or alcohol. Of course, this is not a guide to action, but it can be useful to know when people are talking about it.

Probably the least polite cold expression of the teenage jargon of the year. When someone says they're leaving and you don't care at all, their name becomes Felicia . Where it came from is unknown. It is also used when someone wants to get rid of an annoying person.


English slang, which was discussed above, is used mainly in conversations. When sending text messages, no less abbreviations are used. One of them tbh - "to be honest" (Honestly) . Similar expression"to be fair" which means fair.


This term can mean a compound from the first letters " before anyone else " (before someone else), but it can also just be a shortened version of the word babe (chit). You can call your friend, girlfriend or spouse that way.


If you have succeeded in something incredibly amazing, you deserve this term. It means being the best of the best. If you are the best, you slay . If you have done something really well, then you layered . Other similar terms − killed it, badass.

Can you hear slay many, many times in Beyoncé's newest hit "Formation".

It would be nice to never hear this expression addressed to you. It means that you did something not cool, or not very popular.

It can be seen that there is a connection between teenage slang and modern life. According to the site Internet slang and abbreviations like LOL were created as an attempt to save energy on keystrokes.

New English slang comes from a variety of sources, including bulletin boards, forums, chat rooms, email, and text messaging. Teenagers tend to speak in an encrypted language. But to us their jargon became more obvi than before, we are now language learning experts.

Michelle Suzanne Snyder