"Zashkvar" - what is it? The meaning of this word is revealed in this article. Today's youth slang is often so different from the usual literary language that it is time to create a special profile at the philological faculties of universities to study this phenomenon.

Semantics of the word "zashkvar"

Initially, this word came into Russian from the jargon of prisoners. In prison, it meant any kind of contact with a "lowered" or "cock." It could be contact with this person or his things. For example, to sit in the place reserved for the "lowered" means "to get sick," that is, to humiliate oneself.

"Zashkvar" is simply a humiliation, a disgrace. You can "get drunk" just by accidentally touching the "cock" or drinking from a perforated mug. Any contact with the "lowered" or things belonging to such a person means the automatic lowering of the one who contacted him. In other words, a person seen in contact with a "rooster" "gets sick" and becomes a "rooster" himself.

"Zashkvar" - what is it in youth slang?

Having migrated from prison slang to the youth environment, the word has changed a bit and taken on a new meaning. Today, teenagers use the word "zashkvar" in a slightly different sense. Let's look at what it means to "get bored" in school and student slang.

The essence of the word remained the same - shame, disgrace. However, young people use it in cases where a person wears something unfashionable or stupid, as well as in situations that somehow defame or disgrace a person.

There are many situations in which the word "zashkvar" can be applied. That such a word is used very often among schoolchildren, students and just young people is no secret to anyone.


Youth slang is very diverse, and it is sometimes very difficult for a person who is far from this to understand and understand the meaning of certain words and even entire phrases. In addition, the language of adolescents is constantly changing and replenishing with more and more new words and jargon. Many of them come to Russian from of English language or prison slang. To understand what is at stake, you need to find out the semantic meaning of the word and determine where it came from and in what situations it is used.

Scientific Society of Students

Educational area - "Philology"

Youth slang

1. Annotation …………………………………………………………………………………3pp.
2. Theoretical part of the study…………………………… 5p.
3. The practical part of the study…………………………… 14p.
4. Conclusion…………………………………………………… 17p.
5. List of used literature………………………… 18 p.


Youth slang , according to researchers, is a social dialect of people aged 13-30, which arose from opposing themselves not so much to the older generation as to the official system. Youth slang exists among both urban and rural youth.
Slang is most noticeable and very often negatively perceived by outside observers in the teenage environment (school youth 13-16 years old). Especially often accusations are made against school youth by parents and teachers who consider the use of slang as a clogging of speech, leading, ultimately, to the impoverishment of the culture of young people and, consequently, future generations of our society.
Meanwhile, youth slang as a phenomenon continues to successfully emerge, update and be consistently present in the language subculture of youth.
This observation allowed us to assume that the successful existence and development of slang in adolescence has objective reasons.
For many years, there has been an active (often irreconcilable) discussion between supporters and opponents of youth slang in society and in the scientific community. This fact makes this problem relevant not only from a linguistic, but also from a socio-pedagogical point of view.
All this served as a logical impetus for the organization of our study.

The object of our study work is youth slang.

The problems that concern today's youth are also reflected in the language, and not in the well-established literary, but in the dynamically changing colloquial.

The theme we have chosen isrelevant , because it is impossible to ignore the processes taking place in the native language, and most importantly, we must remember that not only we influence our language, but it, in turn, influences us.

Problem, which the Russian language has encountered at the present stage: the dominance of slang expressions in the speech of today's teenagers. It turned out that slang has become an integral part of schoolchildren's communication; most students of our school cannot do without it.


1. To study the causes of the emergence and use of lexical innovations in the language of modern schoolchildren;

2. Reveal what influences youth jargon;

3. Determine the degree of influence of slang on the formation of a teenager's personality;

4. Determine whether youth slang can be called a separate language;

To achieve this goal, the work provides for the solution of the following tasks:

    find out the reasons for the emergence and use of youth slang;

    conduct practical research

The product of this project the created presentation will become.

As a result of this work, welearn :

1. what is slang;

2. reasons for the emergence and use of slang;

3. is slang a separate language;

4.Study of the level of slang use in the speech of students of our school

this work develops and stimulates :

    creative mental activity;

    ability to plan research;

    interest in the topic being studied;

    written and oral speech within the framework of the topic under study;

    terminological language;

    ability to use in your work computer programs(Microsoft PowerPoint, Microsoft Word);


During the study, we put forwardhypothesis, consisting in the fact that youth slang is not a "foreign" language for Russian speakers, but is a kind of language in the language that can dominate the speaker's speech, and only slightly affect it.

Theoretical part of the study

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, as is clear from its nomination itself, but also by social, temporal and spatial limits. It exists among urban student youth - and in separate more or less closed referent groups.

Like all social dialects, it is only a lexicon that feeds on the juices of the national language, lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

Slang (from English slang; s(sub) - a prefix indicating secondary importance, non-priority; lang (language) - language, speech.) - a set of special words or new meanings of already existing words used in various human associations (professional, social, age groups Oh). This is how the free Internet encyclopedia "Wikipedia" defines the concept of slang ( ).

    Slang - these are words and expressions used by people of certain age groups, professions, classes.

    Slang - these are words that are often seen as violating the norms of the standard language. Very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects that are spoken of in Everyday life.

    Slang - this is youth jargon, which makes up a layer of colloquial vocabulary, reflecting a rudely familiar, sometimes humorous attitude to the subject of speech.

    Slang - words that live in modern language full life, but considered undesirable for use in the literary language.

    Slang are words that are often seen as violating the norms of the standard language. These are very expressive, ironic words that serve to designate objects that are spoken about in everyday life.

    Jargon is a kind of language within a language. Strictly speaking, jargon is a kind of speech of a group of people united by a single profession (jargon of pilots, miners, sailors), occupation (jargon of athletes, collectors), etc.

Youth jargon is often called slang (from the English slang) or slang (from the French argot).

    jargon - these are words used by certain social or common interest groups that carry a secret meaning that is incomprehensible to everyone.

The term "slang" appeared in the Russian language relatively recently; it is not recorded in Dahl's Dictionary

The penetration of this word into the Russian language, as the researchers of this phenomenon emphasize, was associated with the study of English-speaking cultures. Initially, only foreign words were called slang, but later the scope of the use of this word was expanded.
One of the main reasons for the very rapid emergence of new words in youth slang is, of course, the rapid, “jumping” development of life. Slang seeps into the language of the press very intensively. Almost all materials that deal with the life of young people, their interests, their holidays and idols contain slang words and expressions in greater or lesser concentration. Newspapers, television, the Internet are a valuable source, because they quickly reflect the current state of the language. Common slang vocabulary gets into them very quickly, and we once again we get the opportunity to objectively judge its frequency.
The flow of this vocabulary never dries up completely, it only becomes shallow at times, and in other periods it becomes full-flowing. This is connected, of course, with the historical background against which the Russian language develops. But this connection cannot be interpreted too straightforwardly, explaining the noticeable revival and intensive word formation in slang only by historical cataclysms.

At the beginning of the century, three stormy waves in the development of youth slang were noted. The first dates back to the 1920s, when the revolution and civil war, having destroyed the structure of society to the ground, gave rise to an army of homeless children, and the speech of adolescent and youth students, who were not separated from the homeless by impenetrable partitions, was colored with many "thieves" words;

The second wave falls on the 50s, when "dudes" took to the streets and dance floors of cities. The emergence of the third wave is not associated with the era of turbulent events, but with a period of stagnation, when the suffocating atmosphere of public life in the 70s and 80s gave rise to various informal youth movements, and "hippie" young people created their own "systemic" slang as a linguistic gesture of opposition to the official ideology.

In the conditions of the technological revolution, each new phenomenon must receive its verbal designation, its name. And since they are spread all over the world in the conditions of the rapid development of global means of communication, then, of course, in international English. In Russia, for most of them, of course, there is no equivalent in Russian. You have to use the original terms.
Thus, English names are increasingly filling the Russian language. The lack of a sufficiently standardized translation of a significant number of branded and advertising terms has led to a trend towards the emergence of such a number of youth slang words.
Youth slang contains many words with identical or extremely close meanings - synonyms. Such a phenomenon as the emergence of synonyms is due to the fact that in different regions of Russia (and there are quite a lot of them) for the same term, different slang correspondences may appear. Parents, for example, are called "rodok", and "ancestors", and "skulls", and "laces", and "dinosaurs".
But at the same time, it should be noted that, like all social dialects, youth slang is only a lexicon that, in addition to anglicisms, feeds on the juices of the national language, lives on its phonetic and grammatical soil.

Beregovskaya E.M. identifies more than 10 ways of forming functional units of slang, thereby confirming the thesis about the constant updating of the vocabulary of slang.

Foreign borrowings take the first place in terms of productivity (dude - guy (from gypsy language), mostly in English. This method is organically combined with affixation, so that the word immediately comes in a Russified form. For example: thank you (thank you) - Senka; parents (parents) - parents, prints; birthday (birthday) - bezdnik, beznik.

Appearing in such a grotesque guise, borrowed slangism immediately actively enters the system of inflection: street (street) - on the street, bow (look) - bow, etc. And immediately the derivation mechanism is actively activated:

Drink (alcoholic drink) - drinkach, drinker, drink - team, drink, drink.

Some foreign words, long assimilated into the Russian language, are, as it were, re-borrowed in a different meaning:

rally (meeting), ring (telephone), speech (conversation), etc.

Among the less expressive suffixes that act in the word formation of nouns, we will name the following:

Lk(a), with the help of which nouns of different semantics are formed from verbal stems, for example, naming types of children's folklore and children's games: horror stories, shooters (according to the well-known type: counting rhymes, teasers);

Ota is used to produce nouns with a collective meaning: narcota (from drugs);

The hedgehog forms from the verb bases the names of actions and states of the type: baldezh (from balding), buzzing (from buzzing);

Derivatives that have a local meaning are not very typical for general jargon. For example, noun. bomzhatnik (from homeless), modeled after the names of premises for animals (calf house, chicken coop), noun. rocking chair (sports club) is modeled after colloquial reading room, smoking room.

In replenishing the vocabulary of slang, neutral suffixes are also widely used, which are productive in the literary language. To produce nouns denoting actions or the result of an action, the following suffixes are used:

A: collision, rollback, gain;

K (a): cheating, laundering, excuse, exposure, promotion, tension;

Neither (e): laundering, welding, tinkering.


The word formation of the verb is less rich. It has no specific suffixes.

Derivatives with -nu, -anu are especially active, denoting instantaneous, one-time action: slow down, burst, rush. But the main role is played by prefixing, prefixes, productive in literary colloquial speech:

c - with the meaning of removal: slip away, dump (leave, leave);

to roll away, roll back, rake (lit. move away);

from - with the meaning of destroying the result of another action: launder (dirty money), smear (sya), rewind.


The word formation of adjectives is even less ramified than the word formation of verbs. It does not contain specific prefixes and suffixes. The most active are the same as for the literary language: -ov, -n-, -sk-: scrap - dray, plague - plague, goon - zhlobsky.

In slang, there is a specific kind of words like: banged up, crazy, correlative with verbs in -anuty. Anuty derivatives resemble passive participles in form (bend - bent), but their semantics and the nature of their use (inability to control dependent nominal forms (bent by whom ...)) shows that they should be considered as a special kind of adjectives.

3. The second place after suffixation is occupied by such a method as truncation. With its help, names of various kinds are easily generated, as a rule, from a polysyllabic word: shiza - schizophrenia; demobilization - demobilization; cash cash;

4. The next powerful source of the formation of the lexical composition of slang is metaphor.

Metaphors: an aquarium, a monkey house - “a bench in the police for detainees”, a beggar - a complete absence of anything, extinguish - beat, fly away - feel great.

In metaphor, there is often a humorous interpretation of the signified: shaggy - bald, a basketball player - a small man, a pedal Mercedes - a bicycle.

Metonymy: hairy - hippies, crusty - diploma.

Metonymy such as: grass - drugs for smoking, puff - smoke drugs, sniff glue are euphemistic in nature, obscure the negative essence of the named denotations.

5. Development of polysemy: throw: 1) steal something from someone; 2) take something from someone and not give it back; 3) to cheat when making a transaction; 4) do not keep a promise, deceive; nishtyak: 1) all right; 2) it is not important, not essential; 3) not bad, tolerable; 4) please; hang around: 1) be under the influence of a drug; 2) get great pleasure, both physical and spiritual;

Borrowing of thieves' argotisms: lawlessness - complete freedom, revelry; cool - good; wet - beat, kill;

Youth jargon similar to its carriers - it is sharp, loud, impudent. It is the result of a peculiar desire to change the world in a different way, as well as the sign "I am mine." The language here reflects the inner aspirations of the young brighter and stronger than clothes, hairstyles, lifestyle.

The generations of the young change in five to seven years, and the jargon changes with them. New or old, jargon remains with the youth, as an indispensable condition for an indispensable game, as an island of naturalness and freedom in a strictly regulated world of adults, like a bauble on a hand or a hairatkin on a head.

A striking feature of youth jargon is its rapid renewal. Another feature of youth jargon is the limited subject matter. There are about a dozen semantic classes of names, within which there are many synonyms. These are the names of faces (dude, forehead, small, horses), body parts (lanterns, knife switch, claws), clothes and shoes (shoes, swinger, outfit), money (bucks, grandmas, piece, lemon), positive ratings (cool, cool, fly away, fall away, out), the names of some actions and states (pass out, pin, drag), etc.

Full communication in the youth environment is impossible without knowing its language.

Moreover, the swear word used by a teenager (of course, in a proper setting) can be more effective than lengthy arguments and long conversations at the right time and place.

The element that feeds the youth language is everything new, unconventional or rejected: the speech of music fans, music television, in particular MTV, and the speech of drug addicts, computer jargon and urban vernacular, English and thieves' slang. Each of these components has its own sphere, its own subject and at the same time represents a wide field for borrowing (do not load me - from the jargon of computer scientists; I trudge, I stick out from Decl - from the jargon of drug addicts).

Elements borrowed from the literary language are rethought in a playful, ironic way: it is absolutely parallel to me, purely violet, on the drum (does not matter )

For youth jargon, in addition to alienation, an emotional and playful beginning is characteristic.

The game technique used in youth jargon is the convergence of words based on sound similarity, sound transfer: for example, lemon instead of a million, soap, emel instead of e-mail (from English word Email).

So the joke, the game is a positive element youth speech. Hardly anyone can seriously fight this.

Another important characteristic of youth speech is its “primitiveness.

Another sign of the "primitiveness" of youth jargon is the uncertainty, blurring of the meanings of the words included in it. Dumb, cool, I prus can be both positive and negative assessment of the situation. They treat like hell! and fir-pals!, used in jargon only as emotional exclamations, and words like crust (peel), joke, cool, fly away, plague. Being used as emotional interjections, they almost completely lose their meaning, which is displaced by the emotional component of meaning, which is strongly accentuated in a certain situation. The same group includes the phrases full atas, full paragraph.

What influences youth jargon?

1. Development of computer technologies.

The Internet, its wide possibilities, rapidly developing computer technologies have always attracted young people. In this regard, many new jargons appear. Here is some of them:

Virusnyak - computer virus,netik- Internet, emoticons - funny faces in chat, soap - e-mail , mouse - PC mouse,gamer - player.

A lot of slang words come to the speech of young people from computer games, but most often these words are specific in use, they are used mainly by young people for whom games are a hobby. Many words are borrowings from English. Computer youth language is very widespread in recent times.

Preved, bear! - traditional greeting

handsome - positive evaluation of someone

I cha laf- I love you

Uzhs- horror

2.Contemporary music linen culture.

One of the hobbies of young people is music. It is part of the life of young people. Modern music is a mixture of different cultures, musical trends, the result of composer's experiments.

Youth jargon related to the field of music contains the names of various musical styles ( pop, poppyatina - pop music , Dark - hard music,fresh - fresh, new music,playlist – list of musical compositions).

Foreign music is now more popular among young people, and Russian performers and compositions are sometimes perceived with distrust and contempt.

3. English, German and French, Estonian.

English in youth circles is considered the most "fashionable" and the most promising for learning. Many young people are familiar with it. Therefore, many youth jargon- these are words that are borrowed from English, but have not been translated into Russian. The following is interesting: these jargons are understood even by those people who have never learned English in their lives, so jargon words have merged into modern speech.

Laptop- notebook, fifty-fifty (fifty-fifty) - 50 to 50,loser - Jonah, drink - drink , people - people, big up!- Keep it up!

4. Criminal vocabulary
Some young people think that using such vocabulary in speech makes them “cool”, authoritative and elevates them above everyone around them. Therefore, it can often be heard from those young people who are trying to be leaders in a company, class.

The main feature of youth slang is constant emotionality, expressiveness, appraisal and figurative speech of young people. Along with speech, youth jargon develops and is constantly updated. It contributes general dynamics Russian literary language.
Summing up the theoretical research, I want to give the prevailing arguments "for" and "against" youth slang:


1. Slang is a mask, a game, an attempt to overcome the dull routine.

2.Slang is constantly updated.

3. Slang has within itself a certain lexical and derivational richness.

4. Slang is emotionally colored.

1. Slang is limited thematically.

2. Slang cannot be the basis of national culture.

3. Slang words have a vague lexical meaning and cannot convey accurate information.

4. Slang has a limited emotional coloring, does not convey the full range of emotions.

5. Slang reduces communication to primitive communication.
Summarizing all of the above, the following should be noted.

Firstly, youth jargon is characterized by relative stability. However, a number of thematic groups related to the spheres of leisure and everyday life are subject to quite noticeable changes due to the influence of fashion and other extralinguistic factors.

Secondly, the most productive for youth jargon are affixed ways of education. However, cases of formation based on metaphorical and metonymic transfer, as well as fusion, are quite common.

Thirdly, the youth jargon is characterized by the widespread use of phraseological units, and most of them have a playful coloring.

In general, youth jargon is a constantly renewing phenomenon, and therefore ageless. It is necessary to pay attention to the opposition of jargon and the norm for the concept.

In addition, it should be noted that youth jargon is inherently a school of word creation, and various new formations are initially benevolent and joking. However, it is necessary to fight against rude words in youth jargon, as a manifestation of violence at the speech level, because. unlike adults who use rude words for emotional release, teenagers operate with these jargons in order to impress their peers. This way of speaking often becomes a bad habit that is hard to break.

Slang cannot be called a separate language because:

1) it does not have its own rules of phonetics, grammar;

2) it differs from the common language, mainly in vocabulary;

3) slang can be used only in colloquial speech, in other cases, the common literary language is clogged;

4) a person can convey all the necessary meanings in the words of the literary language.

Practical part of the study

1. We conducted a survey among students of our school "Knowledge and use of youth jargon" (table below)

Note: the slang words given in the table are taken arbitrarily and on purpose in a small amount, because I didn’t want to contribute to their distribution and “introduction” into the speech of those who do not know them yet, do not use them; however, it should be noted that there were no adolescents who did not know any of the proposed words at all.

2. A sociological survey was conducted among high school students of the 9th grade of our school in order to find out the reasons for using slang expressions in speech.I use slang because it is:

50% - makes speech clearer to friends

50% - fashionable

38% - for a bunch of words

29% - make up for the lack of words

50% - do not lose status in the company

27%- helps to express emotions and feelings

10%- I want to be modern

19%- all my friends say that

20%- it has become a habit

15% - I want to look cool

This leads to the conclusion that high school students use in their speech slang expressions because it's fashionable. in order to assert themselves, for some it helps to express their emotions and feelings, and for some it has already become the norm of communication among peers.

3. We also conducted a linguistic experiment. The purpose of which was to find out whether the use of jargon is appropriate in children's folklore. We took the beginning of the Russian folk tale "Turnip"

and tried to tell it using youth slang

Original fairy tale

Grandfather planted a turnip. The turnip has grown strong, sweet big and big. Pulls - pulls, can not pull. Grandpa called grandma.

In our essay

Think about it, Dedok planted some kind of vegetable. It turned out to be a turnip. And she waved so cool, my grandfather saw and was stunned.

Dedok decided to cut down the dough. He figured out how to pull it out, he called all his relatives and his animal.

The experiment showed that slang words absolutely do not fit into the folklore text.

It looks funny and ridiculous. We really hope that our work will make others think about the responsibility for the words they say.


In conclusion, I would like to note that the study and understanding of youth slang helps teenagers to join the language environment.
The importance of learning slang in the learning process was also pointed out by the survey participants, who noted that ignorance of slang makes it much more difficult to communicate with each other.

The results of our study allow us to state that our hypothesis was confirmed.
It seems that youth slang should become the object of close attention of linguists, and there are several reasons for this. As examples of other slang systems show, special vocabulary sometimes penetrates the literary language and is fixed there for many years. The fate of slang words and expressions is not the same: some of them take root so much over time that they turn into common speech; others exist only for some time together with their speakers, and then are forgotten, and, finally, the third slang words and expressions remain slang for a long time and the life of many generations, never completely pass into the common language, but at the same time and are not completely forgotten.

Despite the fact that youth slang in general and, in particular, modern school slang, is not at all intended to be fully understood by all Russian speakers, it is not a “foreign” language for Russian speakers, but is a kind of language within a language that can dominate the speaker's speech, and only slightly affect it. That is why there are such young people whose speech is so sprinkled with youth slang that what they say is understandable only to a few, and there are those who only slightly include slang words and expressions, as well as turns and phrases in their speech.
No matter how trite it may sound, but to complete this work I would like to remind you that the basis of the speech of any person (and young too) should still be the literary Russian language!


1. Beregovskaya E.M. Youth slang: formation and functioning // Questions of linguistics. - 2006. - 3. - S.32-41.

2. Grachev M.A., Gurov A.I. Dictionary of youth slangs. - Gorky, 2004. - 366 p.

3.Mazurova A.I. Dictionary of slang common among informal youth associations // Psychological problems of studying informal youth associations. - M., 2004.

4. Matyushenko, E.E. Modern youth slang as an attribute of youth subculture / E.E. Matyushenko // Vestnik SNO. 19 / comp. O.V. Ivankovskaya. - Volgograd: Change, 2003. - 19. - S. 97-102

5. Nikitina T.G. Explanatory dictionary of youth slang. - M.: AST, 2003. - 736 p.

6. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. M. - 1992

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Discipline: "Culture of speech"

Topic: "Modern youth jargon"

I've done the work:

1st year student, correspondence department

Specialty: "Psychology"

Shiryaev I.A.

Introduction………………………………………………………………...p. 3

Chapter I The concept of the term "jargon"……………………………………p. four

Chapter II

2.1. The role of social factors in the formation of speech

modern youth…………………………………………..p. 6

2.2. The need of youth for self-expression and understanding………p. 7

2.3. The scope of youth jargon usage…..………………..p. eight

Conclusion…………………………………………………………….p. eleven

Literature……………..………………………………………………p. 12


Communication is one of the most important areas of life for young people. The formation of the future personality depends on how communication develops. When communicating, the speech of modern youth infuriates teachers, parents, and representatives of the older generation, who react sharply to expressions that cut their ears. Indeed, there is something to worry about: according to recent studies, in adolescence, the degree of jargon of speech (defined in such a seemingly harmless sphere of general evaluative words-synonyms: "good" - "bad") exceeds 50% for boys and 33 % for girls, i.e. zashib, fly away, waste, super, cool, cool, cool and similar words half replace literary expressions.

Speech is a specific form of reflection of reality. It follows the changes taking place in our lives, associated with a change in cultural orientations, values, attitudes. What was characteristic of tsarist Russia was once denied and rethought within the framework of Soviet culture. What we are seeing now is largely due to the denial of Soviet culture. And, of course, the properties of speech and the properties of the environment are interconnected. Just as a teenager does not exist outside the family, school, etc., so these social institutions do not exist separately from the individuals interacting with them and thanks to them, thereby influencing speech.

The purpose of this work is to study the reasons for the use of modern youth in the speech, a large number of jargon and the role of society in shaping the culture of speech, ensuring the expedient and uncomplicated use of the language in order to communicate not only with peers.

To achieve this goal, the work provides for the solution of a number of phased tasks:

    The role of social factors in the formation of the speech of modern adolescents.

    The need of modern youth for self-expression and mutual understanding.

    The expansion of the sphere of youth communication is the embodiment of the need to experience new experiences, to test oneself in a new role.

The concept of the term jargon

In addition to the generally accepted concept of "jargon", there are such concepts as "slang", "slang" or "fenya". Essentially, they mean the same thing.

"Jargon" - from the French "jargon" - the speech of a social or professional group that differs from the general spoken language a special composition of words and expressions "1. This is a conditional language, understandable only in a certain environment, it contains many artificial, sometimes conditional words and expressions.

The word "argo" "comes from the French "argot" - the speech of certain, closed groups, which is created for the purpose of linguistic isolation." 2 This is mainly a special or peculiarly mastered common vocabulary.

The so-called "slang" is opposed to the official, generally accepted language and, according to lexicographers, is fully understood only by representatives of a narrow circle of people belonging to one or another social or professional group that introduced this word or expression.

The gap between "classical" speech and slang is widening every day due to not just democratization, but also the "vulgarization" of public life. A significant role in the emergence of new words is played by the media, especially television, which everyone watches. Jargon crowds out respectable speech and, thanks to mass culture, leaves its mark on the language of the whole nation.

With the passage of time (especially in the 20th century), the pace of life accelerates. Accordingly, the vocabulary grows, because each new concept must correspond to at least one word. Accordingly, the vocabulary of slang is expanding. With the explosion of mass communication, thousands of new words have been added to reflect political and social change. New words also arise in order to refresh old concepts.

Linguistic innovations are reflected in the media, naturally, they are reflected in the jargon. It is a challenge to the “correct” life.

Slang faster than other language layers reflects the tendency of "conciseness" in the word. This trend is observed quite strongly in colloquial speech. Even the terms "slang" and "jargon" themselves are becoming obsolete, giving way to a shorter, monosyllabic "slang".


1. Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. M., 1992

The social dialects of the Russian language are divided into 3 large groups: slang, jargons and conditionally professional languages.

Jargons are class-stratified, industrial, youth, jargons of groups of people according to interests and hobbies. Industrial jargons include "slang" of any profession, it is very difficult for the "uninitiated" to understand them, for example, the slang of programmers and office equipment dealers: "mother" - a motherboard, "red assembly" - equipment made in Russia, "pent" - a computer with a pentium processor (by the way, there is also the tendency of "compression" mentioned above).

Youth jargons are divided into industrial and household. The production vocabulary of students is closely connected with the learning process, the soldier - with military service. The general household dictionary is much broader than the industrial one; it includes words that are not related to the process of study, work or service. For example, drug addiction introduced into the language such words as “machine” - a syringe, “wheels” - tablets (initially - with a drug content, but now any tablet can be called this word), expand - inject, and the like. The fact that everyone knows these words speaks of the increasing activity of drug addicts, the increase in their number. Jargons of soldiers and sailors of military service: “liteha” - lieutenant, “spirit” - a soldier who serves for the first six months; jargons of schoolchildren: "teacher" - a teacher, and the like; jargons of students: "war" - classes in military training; common youth jargons: "bottleman" - a bottle; jargons of informal youth groups: “khair” - hair (the word is borrowed from the English “hair” - hair), the slang of musicians is very closely intertwined with the last jargon, since the entire “informal” culture is built on music.

Young people are attracted to jargon by unusual sounding, emotionally expressive coloring.

In order to penetrate the literary language, one or another jargon must be often used in speech, have a bright emotional and expressive coloring, give a good description of an object or phenomenon and not be rude and vulgar. For example, the word "lawlessness", originally a violation of the laws of thieves, but now it expresses a different concept and everything is going to become literary.

Currently, jargon is used in the press and even in literature to give liveliness to speech, because even the president uses colloquial words in conversation, therefore, one cannot treat jargon as something that pollutes the Russian language, it is the same integral part of the language on an equal footing with spaciousness.

2.1. The role of social factors in shaping the speech of modern youth

Youth speech reflects the unstable cultural and linguistic state of society, balancing on the verge of the literary language and jargon. In different periods of the development of society, the language was also different. In the 20-30s. colloquial speech was overwhelmed by waves of street elements - homeless children, thieves - as well as the rally language of revolutionary sailors and soldiers (from them - the appeal brother). The question arose sharply about "preserving the literary language, about the ways of its further development" in connection with a change in the contingent of carriers "- in this formulation of the outstanding linguist E.D. Polivanov one can feel not only the revolutionary enthusiasm of the era, but also bitterness, and awareness of the tragedy of the moment that caused this is the very change in the contingent of speakers. And the Russian language has survived, survived - in accordance with the paradox of E.D. Polivanov: the development of the literary language consists, in particular, in the fact that it changes less and less. Jargon, apparently, is not a new phenomenon in our language history. And not only in ours. Jargon is English slang, French slang is a phenomenon characteristic of language development. In different periods of history, communities of people, united by a common cause, common interests, and most of all, by the consciousness of brotherhood and alienation from the rest of society, invented their own special ways of communicating, oral and written. For them, it was important that outsiders did not understand them - and hence all sorts of methods of encryption and metaphorization, transferring the meanings of words.

Now the so-called common jargon - an understated style of speech that blurs both the norms of the language and the norms of speech etiquette - is becoming familiar not only in everyday communication, but also sounds on television and radio. And also the relevance of the cultural achievements of Western civilization present in modern society is a completely natural price for a step taken towards it. What is connected there with the show industry, which is based on several socially exploited ideas related to money, sex, violence, jargon, and what is perceived there mainly as a kind of spectacular form, sounds like a kind of guide to action for us.

3. Bobakho V. A., Levikova S. I. Modern tendencies youth culture: conflict or continuity of generations?//Social sciences and modernity. - 1996. - No. 3.

"Young people, being the predominant bearer of jargon, make it an element of pop culture, which in turn makes it prestigious and necessary for self-expression" 3 . There are enough examples of this in the lyrics (“I don’t care about everything” - the Spleen group, “You hesitated” - the Disco Crash group, the words from Mikhey Jumanji’s song: “... in order or to understand the price of life ...” (from the English word life - life), in radio programs and musical television, which modern youth is guided by.

Rapid and constant acceleration and renewal are the leading characteristics of modern life, which Russian youth lives. Scientific and technological revolutions make communication an extremely dynamic system, stimulating a radical change in social ties and forms of human communication. In modern culture, there is a pronounced layer of innovations that constantly hack and rebuild the cultural tradition, thereby complicating the processes of socialization and adaptation of a person to the constantly changing conditions and requirements of life. The complication of the socio-cultural reality, accompanied by the breaking of traditions and norms of various spheres of life, the rapid and all-encompassing spread of mass culture products determine the threatening scale of the modern crisis of communication.

2.2. Young people's need for self-expression and understanding

Another reason for the use of jargon in youth speech is the need of young people for self-expression and mutual understanding.

Despite the established ideas about high school students as people who are completely turned to the future, one can find a lot of evidence of their preoccupation with the present. Even self-determination, although directed with all its goals, expectations, hopes for the future, is nevertheless carried out as self-determination in the present - in the practice of living reality and about current events. From these positions, the importance of communication should also be assessed - an activity that occupies a huge place in the lives of adolescents, high school students and students and represents an independent value for them.

Informal communication is subject to such motives as the search for the most favorable psychological conditions for communication, the expectation of sympathy and empathy, the thirst for sincerity and unity in views, the need to assert oneself. In the light of all of the above, communication with comrades becomes a great value for a teenager. It often becomes so attractive and important that the teaching is relegated to the background, the opportunity to communicate with the father and mother no longer looks so attractive. Full communication in the youth environment is impossible without knowing its language.

The youth language implies the use of slang words, swear words as a kind of interjections or simply ways of connecting sentences that do not express negative emotions. Nevertheless, the rough aggressiveness of such a form of speech, even devoid of an offensive direction, is unattractive and can hardly serve as evidence of taste and eloquence. Rather, it is a manifestation of a "linguistic disease" - thoughtlessness and denial of norms, primitivism and linguistic atavism, inherent in adolescence. It's one thing when without the "article b ..." a person cannot speak and is able to reduce the entire breadth of the Russian language to countless derivatives of 3-4 roots. But it is also impossible to unambiguously put an end to this side of the tongue. It is possible to turn away from this, to pretend that this does not exist, but it is called hypocrisy. Moreover, the swear word used by a teenager (of course, in a proper setting) can be more effective than lengthy arguments and long conversations at the right time and place. Apparently in certain period As young people grow, they have to overcome this disease in order to overcome its primitive element and realize the dignity and strength of the Russian language.

Adults should educate their wards in such a way: do not rush to the “embrasure” of the TV when there are films with the use of inappropriate vocabulary, mindlessly “absorb” all the vocabulary taken from the Internet, in particular chats. It is much more important to show what is beautiful and what is vile, what is really pleasing to the ear, and what is only disgusting. Then the children will not write on the walls and use the “Russian folk word” in their speech, and they will know that a swear word used in the presence of an adult is regarded as an insult and will try not to do this.

2.3. Scope of youth jargon

The most important processes of the transitional age are the expansion of the life world of the individual, the circle of her communication, group affiliation and the type of people she focuses on. Modern technologies push the limits of communication. For example, the advent of the Internet has allowed modern youth to “hang out” in chat rooms (from the English word chat - chatter) and thereby significantly expand their circle of friends. And since the bulk of those who communicate in this way are young people, it is not surprising that the corresponding norm of speech is being mastered. And since the behavior of a teenager, a young man is determined, first of all, by the intermediateness of his position, then moving from children's world into an adult, a teenager does not fully belong to either one or the other, thereby seeking support from peers and building a wall of alienation from an adult. The specificity of his social situation and life world is also manifested in the psyche, which is characterized by internal contradictions, the uncertainty of the level of claims, increased shyness and at the same time aggressiveness, a tendency to take extreme positions and points of view. This tension and conflict is the greater, the sharper the differences between the world of childhood and the world of adulthood and the more important the boundaries separating them. Therefore, the degree of "adolescent behavior" is never the same. It takes different forms: in particular, the language of a teenager serves as a protest. And the element that feeds this youth language is everything new, unconventional or rejected: the speech of music fans, music television, in particular MTV, and the speech of drug addicts, computer jargon and urban vernacular, English and thieves' slang. Each of these components has its own sphere, its own subject and at the same time represents a wide field for borrowing (don't bore me - from the jargon of computer scientists;). Elements borrowed from the literary language are reinterpreted in a playful, ironic way: it is absolutely parallel to me, purely violet, on the drum.

"Youth jargon is characterized, in addition to alienation, by an emotional and playful beginning. Why, if young people know how to speak correctly, does it speak incorrectly? Why does it prefer to use condemned forms of speech, knowing prestigious, normative ones? Yes, simply because it has a different system of values , a different prestige, a different norm - an anti-norm. And in this anti-norm, the main principle is an element of shock, shake-up, in order to "sway the people", and an element of mockery, so that it is not boring, but funny, "cool". society, and the rejection of its norms, its models, its propriety" 4 . Fly away, fall away, orgasm! - this is how today's schoolgirl can express delight, a depressive person will call boring music, and a nerd will call an exemplary classmate.

Another game technique used in youth jargon is the convergence of words based on sound similarity, sound transfer: for example, “lemon” instead of a million, soap, “emelya” instead of e-mail (from the English word e-mail).

So, a joke, a game is a positive element of youth speech. Hardly anyone can seriously fight this.

Another important characteristic of youth speech is its "primitiveness". The association with the language of some primitive society arises when teachers observe the instability, the constant change of jargon, both in time and in space. Not having time to gain a foothold, some forms of speech give way to others: for example, the not so old slang "mani" (from the English word money - money) was replaced by "bucks" and "lava". Similar processes were noted at the beginning of the century by ethnographers in the languages ​​of the South American Indians, for which the missionaries did not have time to rewrite dictionaries. This is the natural state of any language education in the period of its formation.


4. .L. Fedorov. Is speech of a teenager the norm or the anti-norm? Internet portal WWW.rus.1 september.ru

Another sign of the "primitiveness" of youth jargon is the uncertainty, blurring of the meanings of the words included in it. "Dumb, cool", "I prus" can

be both positive and negative. This is referred to as "Damn!" and "fir-trees!", used in jargon only as emotional exclamations, and words like "fun", "fly away", "plague", "burns". Being used as emotional interjections, they almost completely lose their meaning, which is displaced by the emotional component of meaning, which is strongly accentuated in a certain situation. The same group includes the phrases "full atas", "full paragraph", "full scribe". Depending on the situation and circle of communication, these words can express a variety of - up to the opposite - emotions: disappointment, irritation, admiration, surprise, joy, etc. At the same time, more or less adequate "recognition" of the expressed emotion by the listener cannot be carried out without intonation, facial expressions, gestures of the speaker, as well as context.

So, the main reprehensible quality of youth jargon, which is formed by the adolescent's social circle, is its pronounced "atavistic primitivism." In addition to "... vague semantics, it also manifests itself in the understatement of those areas of vocabulary from which its resources are drawn, and in the stylistically understated grammatical means used in speech; these are, in particular, derogatory suffixes - -nyak, -nya (otkhodnyak, depressnyak, tusnyak , tusnya), truncations (botan), familiar suffixes in personal names (Dimon, Kolyan, Yurets). And, finally, a significant proportion of borrowings from colloquial vocabulary "5. All these techniques are a conscious choice made in speech behavior between adolescents. And speech behavior is also regulated by the norm or antinorm. Modern youth jargon chooses an anti-norm.


5. .L. Fedorov. Is speech of a teenager the norm or the anti-norm? Internet portal WWW.rus.1 september.ru


The purpose of this work is to study the jargonization of the speech of modern youth. Analysis of the obtained results allows us to draw the following conclusions:

    The dominance of jargon of speech today is due to the changed social conditions- a priority material assets, the division of society (into rich and poor), changing interpersonal relationships, and so on. Young people are increasingly faced with indifference, rudeness, anger. And this, in turn, leads to protest, which is expressed, in particular, by increased jargon of speech during communication. Communication with peers, as well as with older friends, continues to be significant. It can be noted that they want to spend as much time with them as possible - to walk, relax, have fun, which means they should speak their "own" (slang) language.

    Modern youth consider jargon to be an integral part of their communication among peers. Such words allow them to assert themselves, to support a good relationship with friends, share information and learn new things.

    When studying the level of jargonization of speech, it can be revealed that swear words occupy the first place among young men, for girls, jargon is primarily a play on words, which gives speech a light humorous connotation.

Thus, the data obtained in the course of the study confirm that there is a tendency towards an increase in the level of jargon among young people. If we summarize the data obtained, we can formulate the reasons for the increase in the share of jargon in the speech of modern youth:

    social factors.

    The importance of "one's own" (slang) language for communication with peers (the desire to establish oneself both among one's peers and in one's own eyes).

    The influence of the media (reading newspapers and youth magazines, watching television) on the speech of modern youth.


    Beregovskaya E.M. Youth slang: formation and functioning // Questions of linguistics, 1996, No. 3

    Belicheva S. A. The complex world of a teenager. - Sverdlovsk, Middle Urals. Book. Publisher, 1984

    Bobakho V. A., Levikova S. I. Modern trends in youth culture: conflict or continuity of generations?//Social sciences and modernity. - 1996. - No. 3. - S. 56-60.

    Bodalev A. A. Personality and communication: Selected. tr. - M .: Pedagogy, 1983

    Brudny A. A. Understanding and communication. - M.: Knowledge, 1989

    Kon I.S. Psychology of a high school student. - M.: Enlightenment, 1982

    Mudrik A.V. The most difficult years. - M.: Knowledge, 1990

    Nesterenko V. The language of intolerance and the language of trust.//Free Thought. - 1992. - No. 2. - S.

    Tolstykh A. V. A teenager in an informal group. - M .: Knowledge, 1991. - (New in life, science, technology. Pedagogy and psychology; No. 2).

    Youth Modern youth jargon//Russian speech. - 2004. - No. 5. 7. Berlyand I.E. Game ... - M, 2005. - 102 p. 10. Borisova - Lukashanets E.G. Modern youth jargon// IT. 2006. - No. 5. 11. Grachev M.A., Gurov...

Hizhenkova Olesya

This work is devoted to the problem of studying youth slang, its influence on the modern Russian language, its functioning in the speech of adolescents. The work is exploratory in nature.

The paper proves the relevance of the chosen topic, formulates the goal and objectives, indicates the methods and techniques used by the author during the research part of the work, and draws conclusions.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 13"

Scientific and practical conference

"Way to success"


Linguistics Section

completed by a student of 6 "A" class

MBOU secondary school No. 13 of Dzerzhinsk

Hizhenkova Olesya

supervisor: Russian language teacher

Belyakova Elena Gennadievna




II. Main part……………………………………………………...4

1. The concept of slang………………..…………………………………...4

2. Three stages in the development of slang ..……………………………………………5

3. Types of slang…………………………………………...................................6

4. Sources of replenishment of the vocabulary of youth slang……………8

III. Practical part..…………………………………………….....9

1. The study of the speech of students of their parents……………………….9

2. Observation of the ways of word formation of slang words ... 13

IV. Conclusion..…………………………………………………….....14

V. References.……………………………………………......15

VI. Applications.………………………………………………………………16

1. Questionnaire…………………………………………………………………..16

2. Comparison table…………………………………………….16

I Introduction

Violent socio-political processes are taking place in our society, and the language lives and changes along with the society that uses it. Many researchers are trying to describe the processes taking place in the modern Russian language, but this task seems to be extremely difficult due to the transience of changes.

Relevance of this topic is due to the fact that youth slang is one of the components of the process of language development. Youth slang is a special form of language. From a certain age, many of us plunge into its element, but over time, as it were, "emerge" on the surface of the literary colloquial language. This phenomenon, despite its objective existence, has not settled down in time, it is mobile and changing, therefore there are difficulties in studying this topic.

At the time of grandparents, money could be called “rupees”, “tugriks”, at the time of parents - “coins”, “mani”, today's youth use “grandmothers”, “bucks”, “loot”.

The purpose of my work

The study of youth slang, ways of its functioning in the Russian language.

Work tasks

1. Study the literature on this issue.

2. Expand the concept of slang.

3. Consider ways of forming youth slang.

4. Determine the ways of forming slang words.

5. Reveal the attitude of people of different generations towards youth slang.

In solving the above tasks, the following methods and techniques:

1. Descriptive method with techniques for observing linguistic phenomena.

2. Sociological survey, questioning, observation.

II. Main part

  1. The concept of slang

The concept of the Russian language is very broad. Russian literary language - greatest achievement speech culture people. This is the highest (exemplary) form of the national language, which has a rich lexical fund, an ordered grammatical structure and a developed system of styles. All vocabulary can be conditionally divided into two large parts: commonly used vocabulary (or vocabulary of unlimited use) and the so-called vocabulary of limited use.

Common vocabulary includes words, the use of which is free. Such vocabulary forms a stable basis of the modern Russian language (words that name phenomena, concepts of socio-political life; economic concepts; phenomena of cultural life; household names, etc.). In the vocabulary of limited use, from the point of view of the socio-dialect sphere of distribution, words are distinguished, firstly, inherent in certain territorial dialects, dialects, and secondly, special, professional-terminological, as well as jargon-argotic.

jargon are words and expressions that are outside the literary norm belonging to some jargon (or, in other words, slang - English Slang - words and expressions used by people of certain professions and class strata), i.e. Speaking any social group, which is an offshoot of the national language and differs from it by the presence of specific words and expressions that reflect the needs, tastes, habits, interests, occupations and social status of this group. Social jargons arise on the basis of literary vocabulary, by rethinking it, borrowing from other languages.

Based on the foregoing, the following definition of the word "slang" can be given. Slang - words or expressions used by people of certain age groups, professions or class strata. From English, the word slang can be translated in different ways: 1) referring to slang, slang; 2) loose, vulgar, frivolous, offensive; 3) bright, flashy.

Slang is used in communication by young people who are in familiar, friendly relations. The carriers of slang are, as a rule, people 12 - 25 years old.

  1. Three stages in the development of slang

Russian youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, but also by social, temporal, and spatial limits. It exists among urban student youth and in separate, more or less closed groups. Each generation, as scientists note, has its own language.

Youth jargon cannot be called a "young" phenomenon in the history of the language. It appeared at the time of the formation of the first educational institutions, i.e. in the middle Ages.

Since the beginning of the 20th century, three stormy waves in the development of youth slang have been noted. The first is associated with the First World War, the revolution of 1917 and the civil war and devastation that followed it. The period of not only the decisive oblivion of the classical Russian language of the 19th century, but also the time of the most powerful jets of new words and grammatical updates. All revolutionary grammar, style and vocabulary were introduced into the Russian language not only and not so much by the leaders of the revolution, but by young revolutionaries. The speech of students of teenagers and youth, which was not separated from the homeless by impenetrable partitions, was colored with a lot of "thieves' words." The class of homeless children is quite comparable in number to the class of proletarians; according to the data of 1922, there were up to seven million of them, or about five percent of the total population of the country. The words "godfather", "stand on the lookout" and others came.

The second wave is associated with the Second World War. In fact, almost everything happened again: state-owned children (Suvorov and Nakhimov) homeless children, fatherlessness ... The influence of the war and the hardships associated with it affects the formation of the younger generation. The teenagers had a break in their studies. Many wandered from city to city, were evacuated, and parents did not always have enough time to monitor the proper development of children. If the first, revolutionary, situation of abandoned and abandoned children was hooligan, due to the complete orphanhood of children, then the second is a military thieves' situation due to fatherlessness. At that time, reflexive verbs arose, such as: study (study), wash (wash), hail (greet).

The third wave was the most powerful and longest. It has been going on since the mid-1980s and it is not known how long it will go on. The Soviet man collapsed, Soviet morality, the Soviet family - the ideological unit of society.

If in the two previous waves the destitute childhood and its language were opposed by official morality, now there is nothing like that.. "Lawlessness", "common fund", "strelka", "party", "trunks", "confused", "greenery" - all this poured out of the zones into newspapers and television. All this was discussed and used by comedians, politicians, rulers, businessmen, columnists.

The problem of fathers and children from the point of view of the development of the Russian language means today an unprecedented and unparalleled explosion of the language.

3. Types of slang

  1. Emotional words and expressions

This includes, first of all, such lexemes as “pancake”, “fir-trees”, “yo-my”, are used in jargon only as emotional exclamations. The words: “fly away”, “plague” as emotional interjections almost completely lose their meaning. The same group includes phrases: “full atas”, “full paragraph”, “cinema and Germans”, which perform an emotional-interjection function in speech.

Depending on the situation, these words and expressions can express a variety of emotions: disappointment, irritation, admiration, surprise or joy.

Emotional units expressing generally positive emotions: “cool”, “high”, “suitable”. The meaning of the above words can be conveyed by the words "good", "excellent".

Emotional units expressing general negative emotions: “darkness”, “in the bastard”, “death to the chick”, etc. The meaning of these words and expressions is reduced to the meaning of “bad”, “terrible”.

  1. Words and expressions with emotional meaning

These emotional units are characterized by the fact that, while functioning in speech, they not only express emotional condition the speaker, but also name the emotion experienced by him. This, first of all, includes such verbs: “go crazy”, “get high”, “dragging”, “hanging out”. It should be noted that, as in the previous case, the experienced emotions are not expressed specifically, but in the most general view, a state of psychological comfort or, conversely, discomfort.

  1. Words with an emotional component of meaning

These lexical units have a certain meaning and an emotional component that conveys the emotional attitude of the speaker to the listener. Among the units of this category, vocabulary prevails, which we tend to characterize as familiar. At the same time, familiarity means an emotional connotation that occupies the first step in a series of emotions: familiarity - contempt - neglect - humiliation. The words of this lexical layer do not have an evaluative value, but their use in speech demonstrates the familiarity of the speaker in relation to the subject of speech, expressing in an effort to reduce its (the subject of speech) social significance. So, in the speech of schoolchildren there are jargons: "teacher", "classwoman". The use of these expressions has no function of evaluating the people called. “Teacher” is not a “bad teacher”, but simply a teacher, but clearly demonstrates the speaker’s intention to lower the social status of these people in the eyes of the listener and in his own, and thereby increase his own. In the use of slang, there is a tendency to use familiar vocabulary in relation to socially significant phenomena that are traditionally respected in society. For example, “parents” (“ancestors”, “skulls”), the relationship between a man and a woman (“mutate”, “glue”), etc.

Why is this happening? Phenomena that are significant from the point of view of social norms are often interpreted by young people as the values ​​of "fathers" and, therefore, are perceived skeptically. In some expressions, familiarity is manifested due to the commonness, familiarity, everyday earthiness of any phenomena (“box” - “TV”, “row” - “go”, “havalnik” - “mouth”).

  1. Emotional Sayings

In their form, they are similar to incentive structures that have "the meaning of an expression of will addressed to the interlocutor." But unlike these constructions, emotional sayings by no means suggest immediate execution by the addressee of the will of the speaker, especially since from a logical point of view it would be absurd (“Go feed the hedgehogs”, “Go vacuum the desert”). All these expressions demonstrate the speaker's irritation with the interlocutor, and, as a rule, the desire to stop communicating with him.

These are the main categories jargon associated with the expression of feelings and emotions. Of course, even with a superficial glance at the slang material, it becomes clear that the available lexemes do not reflect the entire spectrum emotional experiences and human conditions. But we should not forget that youth slang quickly updates its lexical composition, replenishing with new units.

  1. Sources for replenishing the vocabulary of youth slang

There are several sources of replenishment of youth slang: borrowings from foreign languages ​​(often from English), professional jargons (especially computer jargons) and other jargons.

Among the main sources of the emergence and replenishment of youth slang, the following should be noted.

1. Speech creation.

1) Metaphorization. This is one of the main ways of forming new lexical units. This technique helps to rethink words, give them new meanings. ("Pussy" are narrow, triangular or oval sunglasses. "Basketball player" is a person of very large stature or (ironically) small stature.

2) Word formation. Most often, youth slang words are created in a suffix way (“klikuha”, “calm”, “stipukha”, “journalist”, “dormitory”, “snack”, etc.)

3) The development of synonymy, antonymy, homonymy of jargon vocabulary (“cool”, “beautiful”; “dumb”, “gloomy”; “kandybat”, “row”, “chapat”, etc.)

2. Borrowings from other languages.

1) Borrowings not mastered by the Russian language. The word is borrowed entirely with its pronunciation, spelling, meaning ("boyfriend", "face").

2) Partial borrowings. When a word passes from foreign language in Russian, it adapts to the norms of Russian phonetics and grammar (“connect”, “click”, “diskette”, “chat”).

3. Borrowing from other jargons.

1) Slang easily borrows words from jargon, for example, computer specialists (“hang”, “clave”, “gamer”).

2) From the criminal language (“arrow”, “lawlessness”, “shmonat”).

  1. Practical part
  1. The study of the speech of students of their parents

I divided the practical part of my research work into two parts. The first part is dedicated sociological research this problem. The second part of the work is devoted to observing how slang words are formed, how slang lives and functions in the speech of my peers.

I conducted a sociological survey among representatives of different generations. The survey involved 50 people aged 12-14 years and 40 people aged 30-40 years. The purpose of the survey is to identify the attitude of adolescents and adults to such a linguistic phenomenon as slang.

Students and their parents were offered a questionnaire (Appendix No. 1). The survey showed that 64% of children and only 35% of adults have a positive attitude towards slang, and 24% of children and 67.5% of adults have a negative attitude towards it.

72% of students and only 15% of adults often use slang words in their speech. 6% of children and 47.5% of adults try not to use slang words.

Based on this study, it can be concluded that slang as a linguistic phenomenon is primarily inherent in young people.

Youth slang is an important social factor. The use of slang words is a certain "code" that serves as a pass to a particular youth group. Computer scientists have their own language, which will immediately allow you to distinguish a “gamer” from a “hacker”, and even more so from a “user”. With the help of slang, snowboarders will find out who is a beginner: “goofy” or “normal”, etc. Football fans have their own language: "meat" - the Spartak team and its fans, "horses" - the CSKA team and its fans, "homeless" - the Zenit team and its fans, etc. These words are not a hindrance to the richness of our language, since they carry a specific social function, most of these words will disappear as soon as this or that social group leaves. This can be seen in the example of hippie slang. Who now remembers that "baton"- This is a shirt soft tissue with a floral pattern and an abundance of buttons; "wine" - wine; "white" - white?

The main thing in youth slang is a departure from everyday life, a game, irony, a mask.AT adolescence I want to be different from everyone else, to move away from the "boring" world of adults, parents, teachers, so a specific vocabulary is created among the young - the slang of teenagers, united by common interests, territory, lifestyle.

The fact that slang is a kind of game is also evidenced by our survey: 42% of children and 35% of adults believe that slang is a language game. 46% of children and 42.5% of adults believe that slang is a kind of “code” - “I am mine”.

In order to be included in the youth community, to become “one of them” in it, a young person needs not only to be young in age, but also to speak the language characteristic of his age group, namely, to own and use youth jargon.Slang is the result of the desire to change the world in a different way, as well as the sign "I am mine."

Despite the fact that 64% of children and only 35% of adults have a positive attitude towards slang, however, both the generation of "fathers" and the generation of "children" are united in one thing: the Russian language is capable of self-purification, the Russian language will not die under the pressure of slang. 88% of students and 92.5% of adults think so.

The generation of 12-14 year olds will grow up, move to the rank of "fathers", other "children" will come to replace them, and they will have "their own" language.

The fact that each generation has its own slang is evidenced by my following observation. The same respondents were asked to remember slang words (Appendix 2).

This table shows the words that people of different generations have most often used or use. This survey showed that, firstly, youth slang of different generations differs significantly from each other; secondly, the phenomenon under study is a constant phenomenon, but at the same time constantly changing, each next generation has its own youth language, among the studied language units, I found only two “crossings”: the words “cool” and “garbage”.

The generation of young people is replaced in 5-7 years, and slang changes with them. No one now understands the assessments of “iron” - good or “hippie” - to behave boldly, common in the 60-70s of the 20th century. I have noticed the following interesting fact: the generation of the 80s slang has a more positive emotional connotation than the generation of the 2000s, probably due to the mood in society as a whole.

Thus, based on my observations, we can say that, firstly, slang is a phenomenon that is rapidly updating, while none of the generations perceives this phenomenon as a threat to our language. Slang is "growing pains". However, representatives of the younger generation still use youth slang (we are not talking about professional slang here), representatives of the older generation try to avoid slang words.

  1. Observation of the ways of word formation of slang words

It was very interesting to observe the speech of my classmates and peers. Despite the fact that slang is a special language of young people, it has the same word-formation models as for the Russian literary language. I noticed the following word-formation patterns:

  1. Suffixal way of forming new words:

Loh - loh-ushk-a

Loch - losh-ar-a - loshar-ik

Loch - losh- ok

Okay - ok-yushk-i

Fig - fig-ov-th

Kaif - buzz-ow-th

Glitch - glitch-and -th

  1. Prefixed-suffixal way of forming new words:

Fig - o-fig-e-t - o-fige-va-t

Plague - o-plague-e-th

  1. Non-suffixal formation of nouns:

Set up and t - set up

Application - application

presenting and t - presenting

  1. Root truncation:

Man - people

nerd - nerd

University - university

Physical education - physical education

Mathematics - Mathematics

Computer - computer

Thus, we can conclude that new slang words often arise on the basis of existing ones - an existing one is being developed. vocabulary. Slang cannot be called a separate language, it does not have its own rules of phonetics, grammar, it uses ready-made word-formation models of the Russian language.

  1. Conclusion

The topic of my research work"Youth slang". AT this study I made an attempt to determine the attitude of people of different age categories to slang, to identify ways of forming slang words, as well as the main function of slang.

I analyzed the theoretical materials on youth slang. I conducted a study in order to identify the attitude of people of different generations to slang.

As a result of the study, I made conclusions on this topic:

1) Slang is used by the vast majority of young people aged 12-14, and only occasionally do people aged 30-40 use slang words.

2) Slang for teenagers is a game, an escape from everyday life, as well as belonging to “one's own” circle.

3) Slang is a phenomenon that does not threaten the purity of the Russian language, since slang does not remain constant. With the change of a fashionable phenomenon to another, old words are forgotten, they are replaced by others. This process happens all the time.

4) One of the sources of replenishment of the vocabulary of youth slang is the formation of new words with the help of word-building models of the Russian literary language.

Attention to the problem of slang is very important in connection with the processes that are taking place in the language today: the modern Russian language is characterized by the expansion of non-literary units. Expedient and dosed use of such units in the language is necessary.

The main purpose of this vocabulary is to be a means of emotionally expressive expression, self-affirmation of speakers.

I am of the opinion of the majority of the interviewed people who believe that there is no reason to worry about the fate of the Russian language, the problem lies not in the language itself, but in its inept command.

However, the beauty of languagelies in its originality, brightness and expressiveness. Let's not litter our beautiful Russian language with slang words and expressions!

  1. Literature and Internet resources

1. Barannikova L.I. "Basic information about language". A guide for teachers. M.: Education, 1982.

2. Skvortsov L.I. Language, culture and morality Moscow. 2001.

3. Journal "Russian language at school". M., 2003 No. 5

4. Tikhonov A.N. "School word-building dictionary of the Russian language". Moscow "Citadel-trade", 2012

VI. Applications

(Appendix No. 1)

  1. 1. How do you feel about youth slang, jargon?



A) negatively, it clogs the tongue;

B) positively;

B) don't care

2. Do you use slang (slang words) in your speech?

A) yes, often

B) sometimes

C) I try not to.

3. Reasons for using slang in the speech of young people

A) fun, this is a certain game;

B) the ability to distinguish "one's own" from someone else's";

C) poor vocabulary.

Loser is a loser

Malyavka is a child

Party - party

Chel - a person

Pipets - very bad

Cattle - a gray mass of people

Infa - information

Homework - homework

to joke - to joke

Make a mistake - make a mistake

Mouzon - music

cool - good

To be surprised - to be surprised

Bullshit - nonsense

Klava - keyboard

Chukcha is an eccentric

Chushok - a bad person

Beach - strong man

Zyko - excellent, good

Khlyshch - rogue

Violet - don't care

Brake is slow

Cool - fun

Super-excellent slide 2

The purpose of the work The study of youth slang, ways of its functioning in the Russian language. Tasks of the work 1. To study the literature on this issue. 2. Expand the concept of slang. 3. Consider ways of forming youth slang. four . Determine the ways of forming slang words. 5. Reveal the attitude of people of different generations towards youth slang.

The relevance of this topic is obvious. Youth slang is one of the components of the language development process. This phenomenon is mobile and changing, so there are difficulties in studying this topic. At the time of grandparents, money could be called "rupees", "tugriks", at the time of parents - "coins", "mani", today's youth use "grandmothers", "bucks", "loot".

Brief theoretical information Slang is words or expressions used by people of certain age groups, professions or class strata. From English, the word slang can be translated in different ways: 1) referring to slang, slang; 2) loose, vulgar, frivolous, offensive; 3) bright, flashy.

The history of youth slang Since the beginning of the 20th century, three stormy waves in the development of youth slang have been noted. The first is connected with the First World War, the revolution of 1917, the civil war and devastation: “stand on the lookout”, “godfather”, etc.

The history of youth slang The second wave is connected with the Second World War. Again homeless and fatherless. At that time, reflexive verbs arose, such as: “to study” (to study), “to wash” (to wash), “to hail” (to say hello).

The history of youth slang The third wave turned out to be the most powerful and longest. It started in the late 80s and continues to this day. "Lawlessness", "common fund", "strelka", "party", "trunks", "putana", "greenery" - all this poured out of the zones into newspapers and television.

Types of youth slang Emotional exclamations. Words used as emotional interjections. Depending on the situation, they can express different emotions: joy, irritation, disappointment or surprise, for example, “fly away”, “plague”, “complete atas”, “cinema and Germans”. Only positive emotions: "cool", "high". Only negative emotions: "gloom", "Bobby is dead."

Types of youth slang Words with an emotional component of meaning. With words that convey the emotional attitude of the speaker. "Teacher", "class woman", "nerd", "ancestors". "Teacher" is not a "bad teacher", it is a clear demonstration of the speaker's intention to lower the social status of a person or phenomenon, thereby raising his own.

Types of youth slang Contemptuous and dismissive vocabulary. This vocabulary has an evaluative component of meaning. “Sheep”, “washcloth” - a girl; "woodpecker" - a stupid person; "loser", "loh" - a loser.

Sources of replenishment of the vocabulary of youth slang 1. Speech creation. 1) Metaphorization. There is a rethinking of the word ("Basketball player" - a person of very large stature or (ironically) small stature. 2) Word formation. (“Click”, “calm”, “dorm”, “journalist”, “snack”, etc.) 3) The development of synonymy, antonymy, homonymy of slang vocabulary (“cool”, “baldezhny”; “row”, “ kandybat", "chapat"; "stupid", "gloomy", etc.)

Sources of replenishment of youth slang vocabulary 2. Borrowings from other languages. 1) Borrowings not mastered by the Russian language. The word is borrowed entirely ("boyfriend", "face"). 2) Partial borrowings. The word adapts to the norms of the Russian language (“connect”, “click”, “diskette”, “chat”). 3 . Borrowings from other jargons. 1) From the jargon of computer specialists “hang”, “claudia”, “gamer” 2) From the criminal language (“arrow”, “shmon”, “chaos”).

Practical part. Questionnaire Your attitude to youth slang Students (12-14 years old) Adults (30-40 years old) A) positive 32 - 64% 14 - 35% B) negative, it clutters speech 12 - 24% 1 7 - 42.5% C ) indifferent 6 - 12% 9 - 22.5% 2. Do you use slang in your speech A) yes, often 36 - 72% 6 - 15% B) sometimes 11 - 22% 15 - 37.5% C) I try to do this do not do 3 – 6% 19 – 47.5%

What are the reasons for the use of slang by young people? I think that slang is a certain “code” that serves as a pass to one or another youth group. There is a “own” language, for example, computer scientists (“gamer”, “hacker”), snowboarders (“goofy”, “normal”), football fans (“meat”, “horses”, “homeless”) and other youth groups .

Practical part. Questionnaire 3. The reason for using slang in the speech of young people Students (12-14 years old) Adults (30-40 years old) 23 - 46% 1 7 - 42.5% C) poor vocabulary 6 - 12% 9 - 22.5% 4. Can the Russian language die under the pressure of slang? A) yes 6 - 12% 3 - 7.5% B) no 24 - 48% 19 - 47.5% C) the tongue is able to cleanse itself, reject the excess 20 - 40% 18 - 45%

Practical part Youth slang of the 2000s Youth slang of the 80s Tin - very bad Computer - a sucker, a sucker - a loser Loser - a loser Malyavka - a child Party - a party Chel - a man Kick - very bad Cattle - a gray mass of people Infa - information Homework - homework Joking - making fun of messing up - making a mistake Mouzon - music Cool - good Goof - surprised Garbage - nonsense Klava - keyboard Chukcha - eccentric Chushok - bad person Beach - strong man Zyko - excellent, good Khlysh - rogue Violet - indifferent Brake - slow-witted Cool - fun Superb - excellent Nishtyah - excellent Hare - enough To the light bulb - anyway Outfit - clothes Don't give a damn about it - anyway On the drum - anyway Garbage - nonsense Cool - good To make fun - to joke

Practical part Methods of word formation 1) Suffixal way of forming new words: Loh - loh-ushk-a Loh - losh - ar -a - loshar-ik Loh - losh-ok Ok - o'ke - yushk -i Fig - fig - ov - th Kaif - kayf - ov - th Glitch - glitch - and - t 2) Attachment-suffix way of forming new words: - e - t

Practical part Ways of forming words 3) Non-suffixal formation of nouns: Substitute - substitute Statement - statement present - present 4) Truncation of roots: Man - person Botanist - nerd University - university Physical education - physical education Mathematics - mathematics Computer - comp

Conclusion As a result of the study, I came to the following conclusions: 1) Slang is the language of young people. 2) Slang for teenagers is a game, an escape from everyday life, as well as belonging to “one's own” circle. 3) Slang is a phenomenon that does not threaten the purity of the Russian language. 4) One of the sources of replenishment of youth slang is the formation of new words with the help of word-building models of the Russian literary language.

Conclusion Given research work can be used in optional classes in the Russian language when studying vocabulary and stylistics, as well as in classes devoted to the culture of speech. It is important to make each student think about what he says, how language means enjoys how appropriate the use of slang in speech.

Conclusion How to relate to such a phenomenon as youth slang? We can say that slang corrupts the Russian language, makes it more rude. But most likely it serves for easy communication between teenagers. Slang unites people of the same hobbies, it is easy for teenagers to distinguish a "stranger" from their own. Slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon that can and even needs to be studied.

Nikolaenko Anna, Chuikova Ekaterina

The project "Youth slang" became a student of the school scientific conference"Success"




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Youth slang Russian language PROJECT B was completed by students of grade 6B MKOU Ivaninskaya secondary school Nikolaenko Anna Chuikova Ekaterina

The purpose of the project is to show the essence of youth slang as a social and linguistic phenomenon; explore slang at school. Project objectives: to find out if slang is a separate language; trace the development of slang in Russia; explore characteristics slangisms used by students of our school to determine whether the use of slang is a need modern youth for self-expression and mutual understanding; compile a dictionary of slang for students of the school. The object of the study is the students of the Ivanino school The subject of the study is the speech of the students of the school Hypothesis: youth slang exists in the speech of schoolchildren, it has become familiar to them and saves time when communicating.

What is youth slang? Slang - words that are considered as a violation of the norms of the standard language. Often these are very expressive words, with a figurative meaning, which serve to designate objects that are spoken about in everyday life. Slang is a desire for expressiveness, for expression: "a feast of metaphors and expression." Youth slang is an interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age (14-25 years), but also by social, temporal and spatial limits. It exists among young students. Youth slang is a special form of language.

Scientists note that modern communication is based on jargon, or criminalized vocabulary. In many ways, this is a game (it was impossible before, but now it is possible).

Stages of development of youth slang in Russia The first stage is associated with the First World War, the 1917 revolution and the subsequent civil war and ruin. The second stage is associated with the Second World War

The third wave falls on the 50s, when "dudes" took to the streets of cities. Their music, their dances, their clothes, their own special language. The appearance in the 60s and 70s of the 20th century in the USSR of the "hippie" subculture is the fourth wave.

The fifth stage is the time of perestroika and the subsequent collapse of the USSR. The sixth stage: the end of the 90s - the beginning of the 2000s and until now ...

Computer slang, these words are used to communicate people of the same profession - programmers, or just people who use a computer for some purpose. computer slang different "obsession" on the reality of the world of computers. The slang names in question refer only to this world, thus separating it from everything else, and are often incomprehensible to ignorant people. among this vocabulary are not uncommon and quite vulgar words

Thank you (thank you) - Senka; street (street) - walk along the street, ring (phone), speech (conversation), etc. affixation: from parents, parents - “prents”, “persnts”, from birthday - “bezdnik” or “beznik”, nickname - klikuha, etc. truncation: shiza - schizophrenia; demobilization - demobilization; cash - cash. metaphors: pussies are narrow triangular dark glasses, a bean is a complete absence of something, a pedal Mercedes is a bicycle and metonymies such as hairy are hippies,. crust - diploma. polysemy: throw: 1) steal something from someone; 2) take something from someone and not give it back; 3) to cheat when making a transaction; 4) do not keep a promise, deceive. borrowing thieves' argotisms: lawlessness - complete freedom, revelry; cool - good; wet - beat, kill. Full or partial abbreviation: KPZ: 1) pre-trial detention cell; 2) pleasant smell room; 3) Kyiv brewery; GDZ - ready-made homework. Telescoping: cerebellum - go crazy (cerebellum + clink glasses); Punching stand: bucharest - youth party (from "boo" - alcohol), bezbabie - lack of money (from "grandmother" - money); constipation - car brand "Zaporozhets". Ways of forming slang vocabulary - foreign borrowings:

Why do teenagers use slang? Slang is an island of freedom in the world of adults... Slang as a means of strengthening group solidarity Slang as a form of overcoming the feeling of social inferiority Slang as a way of freedom of expression of a teenager There is not enough literary vocabulary. Diversity. Always saying the right thing is boring. The desire for brevity conveys the emotionality of speech Slang as a kind of protest against an adult Slang as a manifestation of interest in any activity Slang as an imitation of a certain significant person.

conclusions * the vast majority of young people have a positive attitude towards slang; * the majority of respondents believe that this layer of vocabulary does more harm to the language than good; * the main purpose of using slang in speech is the desire of young people to save time when communicating; * slang has become commonplace for modern schoolchildren.