Bibliographic description: Panteleeva I. I., Benzionok K. S., Choban A. S., Kalenov A. A. Slang in modern English // Young scientist. 2016. №5. S. 28-30..11.2017).

In English, as in Russian, there are not only combed and neat words suitable for business communication, but also such words that are in the language, but either do not have time to enter them into the dictionary, or are embarrassed.

In 1999, a student at the California technical university Aaron Packham decided that traditional dictionaries reflect "how English was spoken, not how it is spoken now" and created an online urban dictionary. Now it is the largest and most famous online dictionary English slang.

In general, slang is special words (or ordinary words in a special sense) used in certain age, social and other groups. They appear in the language, spread widely and exist for a while, and then disappear, giving way to new ones, along with new fashion and new trends.

But at the same time, it is always worth understanding where slang expressions will be appropriate, and where they should be abandoned. Firstly, people may simply not know them and not understand what you want to say. And secondly, slang phrases are very emotionally colored, always ironic, and in some places even rude. Therefore, it is better to say them to someone only if you are 100% sure that you will be understood correctly. There is a whole sea of ​​slang in English, some linguists even believe that it makes up about a third of the entire language.

Slang in English plays a rather important role, which determines the development of the entire language as a whole, its originality and difference from other languages ​​of the world. In addition, slang in English allows you to communicate on a completely new level, without using classical sentence structures and grammatical foundations. And this suggests that people can communicate more relaxedly and understand each other perfectly. Every generation has its own slang and colorfulness. And who knows, maybe in five years people will speak a completely different language, which will entail ease in words, or maybe difficulty. One way or another, there will be changes.

The main reasons for the appearance of slang in the language are a clearly expressed desire to isolate oneself from the world of adults, to “encrypt” one’s language, attempts to shorten words for more convenient communication in chats, and the desire to simply stir up the mirror surface of a respectable of English language.

There are several ways to form slang expressions:

  1. Derivation.

Derivation or word formation is the formation of new words from the same root. Derivation in the English youth jargon is represented by the same methods of education as in the literary language.

For example: stupidness - stupidity, stupidity; I'm screwed up - I'm finished.

  1. rhyming slang.

Rhyming slang originated among London workers and consists of replacing ordinary words with phrases that rhyme with the replaced words.

For example: loaf of bread = head; Adam and Eve = believe; you and me = tea.

  1. foreign borrowings.

Foreign borrowings in English youth jargon are quite wide use.For example: adios (from Spanish) - goodbye, see you; avatar (from Sansk. "descent, incarnation, appearance, manifestation") - a small image representing a specific person (user) in virtual reality(forums, blogs, ICQ, etc.).

  1. Polysemy.

Polysemy is the presence of two or more meanings in a word, interconnected in meaning and origin.

For example: sand - sugar, sand; wood - wood, grove; ok - okay, everything is fine, don't worry.

  1. initial abbreviations.

Initial abbreviations or abbreviations in English youth jargon are usually written with or without dots after the initial letters.

For example: B. F. - best friend; O.M.G. - oh my God; BTW - by the way.

  1. Univerbization (contraction) .

For example: Burger from hamburger; motel from motor hotel; smog from smoke-fog; university-vercity.

  1. Tmesis.

Tmesis is a linguistic phenomenon in which a word is divided into two parts, remote from each other, between which any other words are inserted.

For example: abso-bloody-lutely, inde-goddamn-pendent; beauty-bloody-ful.

  1. truncationroots (apocope).

For example: zam = exam; pre sci = preliminary science examination; soph = sophomore; ret = tobacco cigarette.

  1. Metaphor (portable)meaning).

For example: to live in a birdcage (birdcage) - live in a student hostel.

  1. Metonymy (word replaced by another, related concept).

For example: Visit lady Perriam (visit lady Perriam) - go to the toilet. Lady Perriam gave one of the British colleges a building in which the toilets were located.

  1. Punching substitution.

For example: Bastard - basket.

  1. Antonomasia (replacement of a name or name by indicating some essential feature of an object or its relation tosomething).

Example of antonomasia: Baltic - very windy weather.

  1. Metathesis (mutual permutation of sounds or syllables inwords).

An example of metathesis: Brofessional = brother professional - a real brother.

  1. The addition of roots.

An example of adding roots: Eduhater = education hater - a teacher who hates his job.

  1. Telescoping (addition of two andmore words).

Telescoping example: Bri-utiful = Brianna beautiful

Nowadays, English slang is used in many areas of society, between different people. Slang is most popular among teenagers and young people, but this does not mean that others do not use it at all. Slang is present in politics, art, the criminal world. Everyone uses it in his speech as he wants, someone replaces ordinary words with obscene expressions, while others replace them with more witty ones, for some the replacement is related to their occupation.

Slang is an indispensable part in the life of teenagers. They use it when talking with their parents, at school, at various events. All this, first of all, in order to establish oneself among the "Cool". Most teenagers have a positive attitude towards slang. Some believe that thanks to this modern language, you can succinctly formulate your thoughts, spend less time talking and quickly convey important information. Also, slang is a kind of "secret" language among teenagers, not understandable to adults, which allows you to stand out from the crowd and express yourself.

Slang has had a great influence on traditional English. It is thanks to him that the British language has become more modern and extraordinary, because against the background of aristocratic English slang looks bright, expressive and informal.


  1. Antrushina G. B., Afanaseva O. V., Morozova N. N. Lexicology of the English language / G. B. Antrushina. - M.: Bustard, 2000. - 208 p.
  2. Arnold I. V. Lexicology of the modern English language / I. V. Arnold. - M.: graduate School, 1959. - 318 p.
  3. Berestovskaya E. M. Youth slang: formation and functioning // Questions of linguistics / E. M. Barannikova. - 1996. - No. 3. - p. 32–41.
  4. Vilyuman V. G. On the ways of forming slang words in modern English / / Questions of linguistics / V. G. Vilyuman. - 1960. - No. 6. - p. 137–140.
  5. Galperin, I. R. On the term "slang" // Questions of linguistics / I. R. Galperin. - 1956. - No. 6. - p. 107–114.

Kamennova Ekaterina

Communication is one of the most important areas of life for a teenager and a high school student, which is an independent value for them. Informal communication is subject to such motives as the search for the most favorable psychological conditions for communication, the expectation of sympathy and empathy, the thirst for sincerity and unity in views.

Rapid and constant acceleration and renewal are the leading characteristics modern life, which lives a Russian teenager. Scientific and technological revolutions make communication an extremely dynamic system, stimulating a radical change in social ties and forms of human communication.

Modern technologies push the limits of communication. For example, the advent of the Internet has allowed modern youth to “hang out” in chat rooms (from the English word chat - chatter) and thereby significantly expand their circle of friends.

When communicating, the speech of modern youth infuriates teachers, parents, representatives of the older generation with an abundance of vocabulary, sometimes completely incomprehensible to them. Young people believe that it is very fashionable and, speaking in youth jargon “cool”, to use words of English origin in their speech.

At present, slang is one of the most interesting language systems of modern linguistics, and the problem of slang has interested and interests linguists both abroad and in our country, because there is nothing secondary in a living language. In the relationship between Americans, the culture of speech and its style, the so-called "slang", plays an important role.

As for me, I study English not only at school, but also on my own. I enjoy learning this language because this moment this language is global and it is necessary to know it, I also plan to study English in the future. To expand my knowledge and enrich my vocabulary, I watch American films in the original with English subtitles. While watching films, I found expressions and words unfamiliar to me in the speech of the actors, the meaning of which I tried to find in translation, but some kind of nonsense turned out. This interested me, and I turned to the teacher for help in translating these expressions and words. She explained to me that such expressions are slang. In order to carefully analyze for myself what slang is, I decided to devote my research work to this topic.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Average comprehensive school No. 12"


Scientific Society of Students

English slang in Russian speech.

Completed by: Kamennova Ekaterina,

10th grade student

Scientific adviser:

Davydova A.V.,

English teacher





  1. Features of youth culture……………………….…..….5
  2. Ways of communication of adolescents in modern society……..….8

Chapter 2 Slang. What it is?

2.1 The concept and types of slang………………………………….…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….

2.2 English-language slang in Russian and ways of its borrowing…………………………………………………………..…..….15

2.3 SMS-slang as one of the types (methods) of communication of youth subculture………………………………………………………….………..….19

3.1 Observation of the use of English slang in communication and the results of the survey………………………….………...….25


List of used literature……………………….….…………..…30



Communication is one of the most important areas of life for a teenager and a high school student, which is an independent value for them. Informal communication is subject to such motives as the search for the most favorable psychological conditions for communication, the expectation of sympathy and empathy, the thirst for sincerity and unity in views.

Rapid and constant acceleration and renewal are the leading characteristics of the modern life that the Russian teenager lives. Scientific and technological revolutions make communication an extremely dynamic system, stimulating a radical change in social ties and forms of human communication.

Modern technologies push the limits of communication. For example, the advent of the Internet has allowed modern youth to “hang out” in chat rooms (from the English word chat - chatter) and thereby significantly expand their circle of friends.

When communicating, the speech of modern youth infuriates teachers, parents, representatives of the older generation with an abundance of vocabulary, sometimes completely incomprehensible to them. Young people believe that it is very fashionable and, speaking in youth jargon “cool”, to use words of English origin in their speech.

Relevance of this work is that at present slang is one of the most interesting language systems of modern linguistics and the problem of slang has interested and interests linguists both abroad and in our country, because there is nothing secondary in a living language. In the relationship between Americans, the culture of speech and its style, the so-called "slang", plays an important role.

As for me, I study English not only at school, but also on my own. I like learning this language, because at the moment this language is a world language and it is necessary to know it, I also plan to study English in the future. To expand my knowledge and enrich my vocabulary, I watch American films in the original with English subtitles. While watching films, I found expressions and words unfamiliar to me in the speech of the actors, the meaning of which I tried to find in translation, but some kind of nonsense turned out. This interested me, and I turned to the teacher for help in translating these expressions and words. She explained to me that such expressions are slang. In order to carefully analyze for myself what slang is, I decided to devote my research work to this topic.

Target of this work - to study where it came from, how slang is formed and used in the English language, and also how widely English-language slang is usedin Russian speech, to identify the most commonly used English words in the speech of schoolchildren.

To achieve this goal, the following tasks :

  1. To consider the features of youth culture and ways of communication of adolescents in modern society.
  2. Define the concept of "slang", its types.
  3. To study ways of forming youth slang from the English language.
  4. Monitor the use of English slang among teenagers.
  5. Draw conclusions from your own observations and surveys.

Object of study: the speech of youth.

Subject of study: English slang in the speech of young people.

Hypothesis : English-language slang is firmly included in the speech of Russian youth, and the speech of schoolchildren is enriched by vocabulary borrowed from English, mainly due to television and other media.

Research methods: questioning, observation, comparative analysis, generalization.

Chapter 1 Communication of youth in modern society

1.1 Features of youth culture

Youth culture is one of the most complex phenomena. This is evidenced by the fact that, until recently, its very existence was questioned. Today, the number of those who doubt its existence has become insignificant, but the problems and difficulties associated with it remain.

The starting points in the study of youth culture are the concepts of youth and youth. Youth is a long phase or stage of life during which each person passes from childhood to adulthood. The content of this transition is the process of socialization. Since this transition is not carried out alone, to the extent that all those who make such a transition constituteyouth .

Youth is a socio-demographic group within the age range of 14 to 18 years. Its share in the total population is about 20%, which is a very significant quantitative indicator to leave it out of consideration. And so, youth is an integral part of any society, regardless of its essential characteristics. It is a socio-demographic group, the unifying features of which are age, social status and socio-psychological properties.

Culture refers to beliefs, values ​​and means of expression, which are common to a group of people and serve to streamline the experience and regulate the behavior of members of this group. Reproduction and transmission of culture to subsequent generations underlie the process of socialization - the assimilation of values, beliefs, norms, rules and ideals of previous generations.

youth cultureis one of the consequences of the process of socialization in general and cultural in particular. Its socio-psychological origins are in the desire of a young person and youth in general for self-awareness, self-affirmation, self-expression and self-realization. These natural aspirations do not always receive the necessary support.

The system of norms and values ​​that distinguish a group from most societies is called subcultural. It is formed under the influence of factors such as age, ethnicity, religion, social group or place of residence. The values ​​of the subculture do not mean a rejection of the national culture accepted by the majority, they reveal only some deviations from it. However, the majority, as a rule, refers to the subculture with disapproval or distrust.

The youth subculture is born and exists in connection with the certain needs of young people to socialize and at the same time actively declare themselves. It is generally accepted that young people “are characterized by a spirit of contradiction, that for them there are no prophets in their own country”, in other words, they are essentially in many ways reputed to be nihilists, oppositionists in relation to traditional conservative values ​​and processes. They are closely within the framework of those life norms and rules that their fathers and grandfathers professed. Often, young people are characterized by categorical judgments, maximalism, rejection of advice, they are burdened by subordination to existing models of social development, they have a negative attitude towards everything normatively regulated, they are characterized by dynamism, openness to the world, vulnerability, increased emotional reaction, optimism, romantic aspirations, idealization of novelty.

Youth subcultures perform special functions. It is necessary to recognize the ability of youth subcultures to help young people in solving their specific problems - without such recognition it is impossible to explain the regular emergence of more and more new youth structures and their exceptional attraction for some part of adolescents and youth. Subculture, first of all, helps, albeit illusory, to solve young people's psychological problems. The specificity of all youth subcultures is that they are trying to form their own worldview, their own culture, different from the worldviews and culture of older generations. The entry of samples and standards created by them into the fund of maternal culture, the culture of society, humanity is problematic, although their influence on the cultural and historical process of the development of society is not excluded. Thus, in social groups with their own subculture, there is enough creative process acceptance, processing, rejection of the official culture and the development of samples, standards, style of their own microculture. In this sense, such groups, carriers of subcultures, are peculiar subjects of culture, capable to a certain extent and under certain circumstances (Christians) to influence the development and enrichment of world human culture.

Youth subcultures are almost always distinguished by the desire to consolidate the worldview meanings that are most important to them in a vivid expressive form, perhaps incomprehensible to the bulk of people in society, but arousing interest. Young people, organized into a community as a result of unity around an idea, quite often show a tendency to create a new aesthetic reality. It naturally, in its own way, comprehends the aesthetic qualities of the world, filling with new meaning the old concepts, such as beauty, artistic taste, aesthetic ideal. She is trying to change the space in which she exists, to aestheticize it from the position of her ideas about beauty.

Informal communication is subject to such motives as the search for the most favorable psychological conditions for communication, the expectation of sympathy and empathy, the thirst for sincerity and unity in views, the need to assert oneself. In the light of all of the above, communication with comrades becomes a great value for a teenager. It often becomes so attractive and important that the teaching is relegated to the background, the opportunity to communicate with the father and mother no longer looks so attractive. Full communication in the youth environment is impossible without knowing its language. And great importance in the speech of young people has English slang, which helps young people in self-expression.

1.2 Ways of communication of adolescents in modern society

According to psychologists, the need for communication is one of the basic needs of the individual. Why is it so important? Communication is one of the guarantees of the harmonious development of the personality, a condition for both spiritual and physical health, as well as a way of knowing oneself and others. And even despite the fact that communication between people has always been the basis of the social existence of mankind, the direct object psychological research it became only in the 20th century. Communication is what accompanies us everywhere. We communicate from infancy: we learn to smile at our parents and recognize unfamiliar faces. Then we learn to speak.

What is the role of communication in human life? This is not only a type of activity, but also a multifaceted process that includes such components as the interaction of two or more people, the exchange of information between them, the formation of behavior patterns, relationships between people, the image of the inner "I" of the individual, and so on. In psychology, the concept of communication is defined as the process of interaction between two or more people, which consists in the exchange of information, which is both cognitive and emotional in nature. In the course of communication, interpersonal relationships arise, find their manifestation and form. Also, the concept of communication involves the exchange of feelings, thoughts and experiences.

Scientists distinguish two types of communication: verbal (conversation) and non-verbal (body language). In addition, contactbetween people can be direct(for example, at a meeting) and indirect, using special means and tools (for example, the exchange of letters). When communicating through letters, telephone conversations, there is also a mutual exchange of information and emotions between real people; This is the difference between reading a letter and reading fiction: the latter enables a person only to jointo literature and poetry. In recent years, the method of communication through electronic means has become more widespread. Its feature is the absence of direct physical contact between people.

As for communication among young people, it increasingly goes beyond educational activities and schools, captures new interests, activities, relationships and stands out independently and is a very important sphere of life for a teenager. In a teenager, as a researcher of psychological problems writes adolescence T.V. Dragunov, new needs, interests, aspirations, experiences, requirements for adults and comrades arise, as well as values ​​are formed that are more understandable and clear to a peer than to an adult. And the relationship of a teenager with comrades, classmates, is more complex, diverse and meaningful than that of a younger student. During adolescence, relationships of various degrees of closeness are formed, which are clearly distinguished by adolescents: they can be just comrades, close comrades, personal friends.

Thus, communication, as a sphere of a teenager's social life, is full of various events and incidents, struggles and clashes, victories and defeats, discoveries and disappointments, sorrows and joys, which together constitute real life a teenager in which he acts and reflects, to which he devotes a lot of time and mental strength.

In informal teenage associations, a kind of slang or slang is formed (or borrowed from older groups) - words or expressions used by certain age groups, social strata. Slang has the effect of strengthening the sense of "We" by reducing the distance between those who communicate through the identification of all members of the group with common signs of communication. The speech of adolescents can be entirely slang, but it can also have 5-7 slang words in circulation.

The language culture of adolescents contains the desire for several trends:

  1. Master the system of verbal and non-verbal signs that form the language, acting in the meanings of the native culture;
  2. Master the system of verbal and non-verbal signs that form the language of the teenage subculture;
  3. Develop the ability to operate in a social space among real people(peers and adults) with the meanings of the modern (and sometimes bygone) system of verbal signs, giving individual meanings unique meanings and thereby asserting oneself as a unique personality.

And so, communication is very important in life in teenagers. And the main type of communication is verbal, in which young people express their thoughts and feelings in different ways. The use of slang in the speech of teenagers makes it colorful and emotional, according to the young people themselves. Often, teenagers also use English slang to express their thoughts, which is sometimes understandable only to young people.

Chapter 2 Slang. What it is?

2.1 Concept and types of slang

There are no clear boundaries between general literary colloquial vocabulary and phraseology, and some groups of non-literary vocabulary. General literary colloquial vocabulary almost imperceptibly passes into the category of words that are no longer included in the norms of literary use. Especially close to the category of commonly used literary colloquial vocabulary are the words of the so-called "slang".

In American lexicography, the term "slang" became widespread around the beginning of the last century. The etymology of this term is controversial and has not been accurately established by any of the Soviet or foreign linguists who have dealt with this problem.

Indicative in this regard is the figurative description of "slang" in famous work J. B. Greenough and J. L. Kittridge: "Slang is a vagabond language that wanders around the neighborhood of literary speech and is constantly trying to make its way into the most refined society." Figurativeness in scientific prose, as is known, is used to further explain certain described phenomena, as well as to express the author's attitude to these phenomena, and not to determine the essence of the phenomenon. In this case, the use of a metaphor to define "slang" does not explain this phenomenon, but, on the contrary, obscures its content.

In modern foreign lexicography, the concept of "slang" is mixed with such concepts as "dialectism", "jargon", "vulgarism", "colloquial speech", "vernacular", etc.

However, despite the fact that many foreign theoreticians-lexicologists expressed the most diverse and contradictory points of view on the issue of "slang", they all come to the same conclusion: "slang" has no place in the literary language. This is explained by the fact that the concept of "slang" in English lexicography is mixed with words and phraseological units that are completely heterogeneous in terms of their stylistic coloring and areas of use.

In various dictionaries marked "slang" some categories of words and phrases are given (see Appendix 1).

Thanks to the inclusion of a wide variety of jargon in "slang", the latter begins to differentiate. Thus, varieties of "slang" appear in English and American lexicography: military "slang", sports "slang", theatrical "slang", student "slang", parliamentary and even religious "slang".

Many colloquial words and expressions - neologisms, inherent only in live informal communication, are also classified as "slang".

The main qualities of these words are the freshness of their use, novelty, the unexpectedness of their use, that is, the typical features of a conversational neologism. But it is precisely these features that contribute to the enrollment of such words in the category of "slang". For example, words and expressions such as for good - forever, to have a hunch - anticipate show - in the meaning of theater, referred to as "slang"; to get someone - meaning understand, cut-throat - in the meaning killer, and many other colloquialisms in a number of dictionaries are also labeled "slang".

The distinction between literary colloquial words and some words classified as "slang" is so difficult to determine that double stylistic labels appear in authoritative English and American dictionaries.: (colloquial) or (slang). Such, for example, are the words: chink - money; fishy - suspicious; governor - father; hum (from humbug) cheating, etc.

Under "slang" are also summed up random formations that arose as a result of literary associations and the meaning of which is due to their semantic connections with the original concept. So, for example, "Abbreviated Slang Dictionary" fixes the word Scrooge in the meaningevil and mean personmarked "slang". This word is formed on behalf of the hero of Dickens's work "A Christmas Carol".

Figurative words and expressions.

Here it is necessary to distinguish, on the one hand, figurative professionalisms, for example, shark (literally - shark) - meaning excellent student(from student vocabulary); suicide ditch (literally -suicide trench)- meaning advanced (from military vocabulary); black coat - (literally - black cassock) - a priest; and on the other hand, commonly used figurative words; for example: rabbit heart (literally - hare heart) in the meaning of a coward or belly-acher (literally -stomachache), i.e. a person who always complains about something.

Many English and American dictionaries refer to "slang" words formed as a result of using one of the most productive ways of word formation in modern English - conversion (see Appendix 2).

Even the most common words and phrases of the English literary language are included in the category of "slang". For example, to go halves - in the meaning enter into a share; to go in for - in meaningget involved in something; to cut off with a shilling disinherit: affair- love adventure; in a way - in general; how come - why and others. "A Concise Dictionary of English Slang" refers to "slang".

Of course, not all dictionaries classify words in the same way in terms of their stylistic characteristics. But most of all it is observed in those cases where there is a litter "slang". For example, the noun charmer in the meaningattractive womanis considered by the Bury and Bark Dictionary as belonging to slang, by the Oxford Dictionary as an archaism, and by Webster's American Dictionary as a stylistically neutral word.

expression to listen in in value to listen to the radio is considered by the Bury and Bark dictionary as "slang", by the Webster dictionary - as a colloquialism, by the Oxford dictionary - as a stylistically neutral word.

Expression to get the better oftake over someonein the "Abridged Dictionary of English Slang" it occurs with the label "slang", while in the Webster and Oxford dictionaries it is given without any labels.

The distinction between "slang" and dialectism is also often not given. This is evidenced by the fact that in many cases dictionaries give two labels: sl. or dial. For example, in Webster's dictionary, the expression hook it - in the meaning run away, run away has two litters - "slang or dialect". ("slang or dial."); in Webster's dictionary, the word swallow-pipe means the pharynx has the same two.

Fluctuations in attributing a particular word to a certain stylistic category of words is a completely natural phenomenon, since the language is in the process of constant development, and words from one sphere of communication inevitably fall into another sphere of communication and begin to exist already as independent and full members of it.

However, "slang" covers too many stylistic categories of words, the most diverse in their essence and functions. Even vernacular phonetic, morphological and syntactic forms are considered “slang”, for example, the word ain "t, the form gi" n (given), the turnover of one of them slippers, the misuse of conjunctions such as as instead of whom or which, the pronunciation of the sound [ n] instead of [η] in present participles, etc.

Precisely because the term "slang" combines heterogeneous phenomena, one of the most characteristic features of this lexical layer is its instability. Many words and expressions that began their existence as "slang" are now firmly established in the English literary language.

To distinguish between heterogeneous groups of words of the non-literary layer of the literary language, it seems most appropriate to understand by "slang" that layer of vocabulary and phraseology that appears in the sphere of living colloquial speech as colloquial neologisms, easily passing into the layer of commonly used literary colloquial vocabulary. Slangisms are brightly emotionally colored, most often figurative (see Appendix 3).

However, despite the fact that many foreign theoreticians-lexicologists expressed the most diverse and contradictory points of view on the issue of "slang", they all come to the same conclusion: "slang" has no place in the literary language.

2.2 English slang in Russian and ways of borrowing it

English slang is peculiar and unique. It was born and is being born in the depths of the English language itself, in various social spheres and age groups as a desire for brevity, expressiveness, sometimes as a protest against a boring or long word, as a desire to christen an object or its properties in its own way. In youth circles, where slang creation is especially common, among other things, the desire to isolate oneself from the world of adults, to “encrypt” one’s language, and also the desire to simply stir up the mirror surface of respectable English is clearly expressed - Queen "s English.

Slang creation develops especially strongly during periods of major social changes, wars, economic and cultural shifts, when there is an urgent need to name something new that one has to face every day.

Youth slang is one of the functional styles used by native speakers with a relatively high level of education (its "anglization" is a strong proof of this) only in certain situations of communication.

An important role in the speech of young people is played by English slang, which helps young people in self-expression. Communication in slang is subject to such motives as the search for the most favorable and psychological conditions for communication, the thirst for sincerity in one's views, the need to assert oneself. Based on the above, communication with friends becomes more valuable for teenagers, which becomes much more important and attractive than study, which is relegated to the background and communication with parents is not a priority in their lives.

Youth slang is similar to its carriers - it is sharp, loud, impudent. It is the result of a peculiar desire to change the world in a different way. The language here reflects the inner aspiration of the young to be brighter and stronger than clothing, lifestyle.

According to E. Partridge, there are thirteen reasons for using slang:

1. For fun.

2. As a manifestation of a sense of humor.

3. In order to emphasize their originality, dissimilarity.

4. To make speech more vivid and figurative.

5. In order to surprise.

6. To avoid verbosity and cliches.

7. To enrich your vocabulary.

8. To give specificity to abstract phenomena.

9. To minimize sadness, tragedy.

10. In order to become "one's own" in the company.

11. To create a friendly atmosphere.

12. To demonstrate belonging to any social group, class, following fashion.

13. In order to hide the subject of communication.

Borrowed slang immediately actively enters into the inflection system. And immediately the derivation mechanism is actively activated.

The first reason for such a rapid emergence of new words in youth slang is, of course, the rapid, “jumping” development of life. If you look at the numerous magazines that cover the latest market news, we will see that more or less significant phenomena appear almost every week. In addition, there are other areas that replenish the number of words related to English slang:

Internet. The advent of the global computer network led to the emergence of a large number of computer vocabulary: site, chat, hacker, file, etc.

Sport. Due to the emergence of new modern species sports, new vocabulary has appeared: snowboarding, diving, fitness, surfing, etc.

Fashion industry. With the development of this sphere in our country, many new borrowed words have also appeared: top model, make-up, trend, must-have, fashionist, print, bow, etc.

Cosmetology. In the pursuit of beauty, our specialists in this field have borrowed several words of English origin, such as lifting, peeling, etc.

Economics and business: manager, distributor, businessman, price list, promoter, office, etc.

Technique. In connection with the development of modern high-tech tools, the following borrowings can be noted: gadget, device, laptop, smartphone, copier, etc.

Mass media. Television plays an important role here, it introduces a huge amount of new borrowed vocabulary, which teenagers often use in their speech. For example, talk shows, reality shows, prime time, mass media. casting, etc.

Sphere of entertainment. Foreign music and cinema, especially American, have gained immense popularity among Russian youth, and this has led to the emergence and use of new English vocabulary, such as single, remix, remake, soundtrack, animation, sitcom, action, etc.

Professions. Today, when we open newspapers with job offers, we see many vacancies, the meaning of which is not clear to everyone. For example, a freelancer, merchandiser, provider, realtor, handmaker, etc.

Recently, there has also been a craze for young people in computer games. This again served as a powerful source of new words. Various words have appeared for certain concepts, these include"arcade" "walker", "boss"(meaning the most important enemy in the game),"doomer" (a person playing the game "DOOM"),"croak" (play the game "Quake"), etc. The ways and means of forming youth slang from the English language are very diverse, but they all boil down to adapting the English word to Russian reality and making it suitable for permanent use.

To attract foreign words language should always be treated carefully, and even more so when this process has such a speed.

Linguist L.P. Krysin identifies several of the most important reasons for the appearance of English-language slang in Russian speech:

The emergence of new terms. Since modern society is rapidly developing information technologies, many new objects and phenomena have appeared that require a name. For example, Internet, file, website, laptop.

Following fashion trends. Nowadays, knowledge of the English language is considered prestigious and teenagers, using anglicisms in their speech, want to look more modern and show that they are keeping up with the times.

Beautiful sound. Some expressions and words in Russian, according to teenagers, sound unattractive. For example, the word soundtrack sounds much brighter and more attractive than the expression "music that accompanies the film."

Replenishment of the vocabulary of the Russian language with more expressive, emotionally colored and new words for the definitions of new phenomena and concepts.

2.3 SMS slang as one of the ways of communication of youth subculture

SMS (Short Message Service) - service short messages) is a technology that allows the reception and transmission of short text messages by a cell phone. The first SMS message was sent in the UK in 1992 with personal computer to the phone, since then humanity has been actively using this service. SMS messages quickly became one of the main means of communication, and for good reason.

Firstly, this service allows you to instantly exchange information without going online. All that is required to send a message is a mobile phone, network coverage area and funds on the SIM card, and secondly, this service is useful in cases where the communicants are unable to speak on the phone, you can simply send a message that the recipient will read in any time convenient for him. Thirdly, and not least, such messages have a very low price. The only disadvantage of SMS messages was the limited number of characters for one message, which is 70 characters in Cyrillic and 160 characters in Latin. But humanity solved this problem: simple abbreviations began to be used in messages, but today the “telephone” dialect has changed significantly, many new words, rules have appeared, SMS slang has appeared.

The trend to use SMS slang quickly took root in society, as it significantly saved time when typing a message and money for communicants, thereby allowing more information to be included in the message. In addition, it is a lot of fun and the author of the message can convey his emotions and feelings in it.

Nowadays, linguists distinguish the concept of SMS slang from other types of slang. SMS slang, like any dialect form of a language, is opposed toliterary languagea normalized supradialectal form of the language that exists in oral and written varieties and serves all spheres of the social and cultural life of the people.

For many people, the emergence of a special language for SMS messages caused dissatisfaction, as the younger generation communicates through SMS slang, sometimes does not see the boundaries of its use and, getting used to "simple" words, becomes illiterate. However, linguistics professor David Crystal from the University of Wales (Bangor) believes that the emergence of a new language style and word forms in connection with the development of the Internet and cellular communications should be taken with enthusiasm and even delight. "The prophets of the death of language have appeared every time a new technology has begun to affect language." Now that the language is in the "power" of phones and computers, these prophets speak with horror about the change in punctuation, spelling and other aspects of the language. The scientist believes that SMS slang is "the greatest opportunity for the development of the English language since the invention of the printing press in the Middle Ages." And new technologies lead to the creation of new stylistic forms and the strengthening of the expressive means of the language, especially in its colloquial part.

However, written speech also suffers from this kind of innovation, there is a movement of the language in the opposite direction, to its origins - to phonetics. This is due to the fact that the authors of messages strive to speed up the typing process, and if the writing system allows you to convey a whole word with a single character, why use signs that correspond to only one sound or are not pronounced at all.

SMS slang has a rather short history of development, but despite this, it is an important component of the English language.

SMS - text, like any linguistic phenomenon, has its own unique distinctive features. One glance at the SMS text is enough to see its graphic and linguistic originality. Based on the study of A.I. Shilonosov, the following linguistic features of SMS messages can be distinguished.

One of the important linguistic features SMS texts is non-compliance with spelling rules.

Often the text of English SMS messages resembles a distorted transcription, proving a strong connection between spelling and phonetics, i.e. The fundamental principle of spelling for SMS text is the phonetic principle, in which the pronunciation of a word is important, and not its spelling correct spelling. For example, the verb "be" can be written with just one letter of the English alphabet "b". And the adjective "some" is phonetically similar to "sum".

In the SMS text, many letters and combinations of letters, and even whole words of the English language, acquire "understudies" in the form of numbers. There are a large number of such "understudies". This is due to the fact that English letters and their combinations can be freely replaced by numbers that are similar in pronunciation or spelling. For example, the English preposition "for" can be replaced without loss of meaning by the number "4 (four)", whose pronunciation is almost identical to the pronunciation of this preposition. By the same principle, the preposition "to" is replaced by the number "2 (two)". The use of these or those "understudies" is largely individual, if several "understudies" are used, then they should be familiar to other communicants.

Also in English there is a special group of words: someone, anyone, everyone, threesome, their peculiarity lies in the fact that they end or begin with the numbers "1 (one)" and "3 (three)", which, in order to save typing time and places in the message can be replaced by the symbols of the numbers "1" and "3".

Another violation of the spelling rules in the SMS text is the use of characters of the same case, i.e. write all the text only in capital or capital letters. This is due to the fact that the author, wanting to save time typing a message, does not switch keyboard registers. In addition, often writing words (phrases) in capital letters performs the function of additionally attracting attention, being an analogue of a raised tone or even a scream. Sometimes, trying to fit as much information into one message as possible, the author does not use spaces between words, while starting each new word with a capital letter.

English SMS texts are characterized by also non-compliance with punctuation rules.

Most often this is the absence of a comma. In SMS text, a comma may not be placed between simple sentences as part of a complex, after introductory words, calls, between homogeneous members. In addition, a common punctuation error is the absence of a colon after the generalizing word. Rarely dots end a sentence. Sometimes the period can be replaced by a smiley (a picture made up of punctuation marks, letters and numbers that conveys the mood of the speaker). In this case, the absence of a period is easily explained by the desire to avoid overloading the section of the sentence under consideration with punctuation marks.

One of the most "valuable" punctuation marks for SMS text is the ellipsis. An ellipsis (in some cases, their number can be practically unlimited) marks pauses, can serve as the beginning of a phrase, end, separate one sentence from another and take on the function of a “space”. In this case, as a rule, the more points, the longer the pause or the greater the semantic load. An increased degree of emotion accompanying the message is also conveyed by the number of characters. For example, two or more characters "?" at the end of an interrogative sentence to convey the highest degree of surprise or shock. A smiley that stretches greatly in the space of the text, thanks to the huge number of signs ")" and "(" - to communicate the highest degree of joy or sadness.

In addition, English SMS texts are characterized byuse of slang, neologisms, dialectisms.This is due to the fact that SMS-messages are more often used by young people - native speakers of their own, separate language. With the advent of the Internet, SMS slang migrated to the virtual space in order to imitate spoken language and convey such details that can often be conveyed only by means of oral speech. For example, a combination of words want to spelled as slang wanna. And going to successfully replaced gonna. Currently, SMS slang includes thousands of words, and even special dictionaries of Internet and SMS slang are published (see Annex 4).

The next feature of the SMS text is the graphics, which helps to imitate the process of live oral speech. This is facilitated by:

  • phonetic principle of spelling;
  • the use in one text of many different punctuation marks, the number of which sometimes goes beyond reasonable;
  • Emoticons composed, as a rule, of punctuation marks - pictures aimed at the most accurate transmission of the emotions and mood of the author.

We will try to find the identified linguistic and graphic features of SMS texts, as well as the structural features of SMS slang in English-language chats.

After analyzing some messages and relying on the study, we structurally divided SMS slang into three types: abbreviations, abbreviations, graphons.

Abbreviations are words formed from the first letters of several words. In SMS communication, such constructions are used, as a rule, for writing stable phrases, phrases. For example, btw translated into literary language as By the way. ASAP means as soon as possible . And known among chat users lol stands for laughing out loud. Also, sometimes single words like see and be replaced with first letters C and B based on phonetic similarity.

Abbreviations are also used to remove unnecessary parts of words while maintaining their meaning. Vowels are often eliminated, but the full form of the word can be easily restored. For example, the word please in SMS slang it is written as pls . The reduction is built on the same principle. thx-thanks . Also, in abbreviations, unpronounceable letters can be deleted. in the verb are you can abbreviate the first and last letter, and without compromising the meaning, leave only the letter r .

graphons - words that use symbols: numbers, punctuation marks. For example, a number 8 (eight) , pronounced like , can replace a phonetically similar combination of letters ate , pronounced like in the word later - l8r . Also often used 2(two) instead of to and 4(four) instead of for. In addition, the suggestion at often replaced by"dog" - @.

Thus, messages containing SMS slang are a new type of texts, characterized by an "economical style", due to the peculiarities of communication in chats, and at the same time, the presence of numerous signs of conceptual orality in written messages.

The tables (see Appendix 5 and 6) show the most commonly used words in the SMS language with translation. By this principle, you can compose your own words. Nap example, WERV U BIN? PPL R starting to use SMS abbreviations all the time, OTOH not everyone understands what BCNU means. 2 SIT W/ SOM1 by MOB or email, SMS abbreviations R GR8. :-)Where have you been? People are starting to use SMS abbreviations all the time, on the other hand not everyone understands what "be seeing you" means. To stay in touch with someone by mobile or email SMS abbreviations are great.

Chapter 3 The use of English slang in the speech of adolescents

3.1 Observation of the use of English slang in communication and the results of the survey

During the month, English words were recorded in the speech of the heroes of the series that young people watch on Russian channels - Yu, 2x2, TNT, STS. In addition, an analysis was made of the lyrics of the most popular performers among young people. Also viewed social networks, where the largest number of slang expressions was revealed.

The generalized results of observations are presented in a comparative table of generalized results (see Appendix 7), as well as their own observations of the speech of schoolchildren (how many times this or that word was encountered in the speech of classmates) (see Appendix 9).

An analysis of the results obtained allows us to conclude that the words “ok”, “hi”, “sorry”, “please” are most often used in the speech of adolescents, these same words are most often found in the speech of the heroes of youth series, and in songs of contemporary artists. Such words as “bye”, “wow”, “respect”, “crazy”, “sorry”, related mainly to the sphere of communication of teenagers, can be attributed to the number of frequently used words (see Appendix 12).

This statement is confirmed by the results of a survey of schoolchildren, which was conducted in order to investigate how widely English-language slang is used in the speech of Russian teenagers, and to identify the most commonly used words of English origin. Tables No. 1, 2 (see Appendix 8) present the results of students and teachers. The questionnaire (see Appendix 10) was offered to students of the 11th, 10th, 8th grades studying English, 49 students took part in the questionnaire.

The results of the survey show that 43% of respondents often use words of English origin in speech, in particular slang, 55% of respondents rarely, but still use words of English origin in speech, and 2% answered that they do not use slang at all. Moreover, mostly at school (43%) and on the Internet (38%) and in public places (13%) and less often at home (6%). 86% of the children answered that the use of these words had become a habit with them, which means that English-language slang has already become firmly rooted in the speech of Russian teenagers. The main sources of the appearance of English words in speech, as respondents note, were friends - 47%, the Internet - 40%, the media - 8%, rarely from teachers - 5%, and none of the students mentioned their parents. It is interesting to note that 86% of students answered that they know the meanings of foreign words, 11% - that they do not quite understand the meaning of slang expressions that they use in speech, and 3% answered that they do not understand their meaning. To the question: “Do they use in speech English words your teachers? 14% answered yes, 37% - no, 49% - sometimes. As for the use of English words in the speech of parents, the results were as follows: yes - 6%, no - 85% and sometimes - 9%. By the way, about the need to use English words in speech, 4% answered “yes”, and 96% - “no”. 51% of respondents believe that English words clog Russian speech, and 49% think the opposite.

All students surveyed noted that they consider the use of English words an integral part of communication among peers. Such words allow them to assert themselves, to support a good relationship with schoolmates, exchange information and learn new things.

The conducted studies allow us to conclude that English slang is widely and firmly fixed in the speech of schoolchildren and the main sources of the appearance of English words are the speech of heroes from youth series, the Internet, and that television and the Internet are the main source of enriching the vocabulary of schoolchildren with English words. In our study, students noted a high level of jargon in the speech of the presenters in television and radio programs, in the publications of newspapers and magazines.

A survey was also conducted among teachers (see Appendix 11) MBOU secondary school No. 12. 10 teachers took part in the survey high school. All teachers know what slang is, but not everyone uses it in their speech. I noticed this pattern: older age teacher, the less he knows about slang, and the less often he uses slang words in his speech. Among young teachers, such slang expressions have become the most popular: “ok”, “please”, “eu”, “know”, “hi”, “respect”. Older teachers either do not use slang at all in their speech, or very rarely use the words “ok”, “hi”. Based on this, we can conclude that the older the generation, the less new, foreign and slang words and expressions in his speech.

Appendix 11 contains a questionnaire, based on the results of which I made the following conclusions (Appendix 8, Table 2). Teachers believe that a large number of slang and slang words of English origin in the speech of a girl (young man) indicates a desire to be like other young people (20%), a desire to give their speech an informal character (50%), a person’s low culture ( thirty%). 60% of the teachers surveyed answered that the appearance of slang words in speech leads to a loosening of the norm, clogging the Russian language, and 40% believe that the use of slang is not always justified. When asked whether it is prestigious to use English slang words when communicating with young people, 40% of teachers answered positively, 50% doubt that it is prestigious, and 10% answered negatively. As for the use of slang expressions in their speech, 20% noted that they use slang in their speech on a daily basis, 40% of the respondents answered that they rarely use slang and also 40% answered that they never use it in their speech. Half of the teachers answered that they often hear slang expressions in the speech of people they know, 30% noted that only in rare cases they manage to hear slang expressions in the speech of acquaintances, and 20% noted that their acquaintances never use slang in their speech. It is interesting to note that when summing up the results of the survey, I concluded that women use slang in speech much more often than men. This was noted by 80% of the teachers surveyed. When asked whether teachers understand the slang language, 30% answered that the practical ones always understand the modern language of youth, and 70% noted that they sometimes do not understand slang expressions. Half of all teachers surveyed confirm the statement that it is necessary to significantly limit the possibility of penetration of slang words into the Russian language, actively fighting for the purity of the Russian language in educational institutions, 30% of percent believe that it should only be somewhat limited (by editorial editing, etc.) .) the introduction of slang words and expressions into the Russian language, 20% believe that there should not be any language policy aimed at curbing the flow of slang words into the Russian language.


aim this study, as mentioned above, is the study of the degree of penetration of English slang into the speech of modern schoolchildren.

The data obtained in the course of the study confirm the hypothesis put forward by us about the widespread use of English words, slang in the Russian language in general, and in the speech of schoolchildren in particular.

As we can see, youth slang in most cases is English borrowings or phonetic associations, cases of translation are less common, and even then thanks to the wild imagination of young people. The attraction of foreign words into the language should always be treated carefully, and even more so when this process has such a high speed.

To the main reasons for the increase in the share of slang in speech modern teenager and high school students include:

  1. social factors.
  1. The importance of "one's own" (slang) language for communication with peers (the desire of a teenager to establish himself both among his peers and in his own eyes).
  1. The influence of the media and the Internet, as well as reading newspapers and youth magazines, watching TV shows on the speech of a teenager.

Without a doubt, the Russian language is one of the greatest, most powerful and richest languages, despite the fact that the Russian language in general and the speech of young people in particular is under the direct influence of foreign languages, especially English. But the Russian language will never lose its uniqueness, so I would like to quote I. S. Turgenev: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language is a treasure, it is a property handed down to us by our predecessors. Treat this mighty weapon with respect."


  1. Aguzarova K., Youth slang. // Daryal. - No. 6. 2004.
  2. English as a global language. M. All the world, 2001. ISBN 5-7777-0114-0 (original: English as a global language, Cambridge University Press, 1997, second edition 2003)
  3. Beregovskaya E.M. Youth slang: formation and functioning // Questions of linguistics, 1996, no. 3, p. 32-41
  4. Jeus N.A. Lexico-semantic word formation in youth slang: dis. cand. philol. Sciences / Dzheus Natalya Alexandrovna. - Krasnodar, 2008. - 171 p.
  5. Krysin L.P. "Foreign words in modern Russian", Moscow, 2008
  6. Levikova S.I. "Youth subculture" Tutorial. Moscow: "Grand", 2004
  7. Dictionary of the latest foreign words (end of XX-beginning of XXI centuries) / Ed. Shagalova E.N. - AST, 2009 - 944 p.
  8. Eric Partridge:” Partridge E. Slang Today and Yesterday. London: Routledge and Kegan Paul”
  9. Britannica. Desktop Encyclopedia / Britannica: Concise Encyclopedia, AST 2007. - 2360 p.
  10. Harper D. Online Etymology Dictionary. – 2001
  11. Hotten J.K. The Slang Dictionary, or the Vulgar Words, Street Phrases, and "Fast" Expressions of High and Low Society. - London, 1869. - pp.305
  12. Longman Dictionary of English Language and Culture. – Pearson Education Limited. - 2005. - 1620 p.
  13. Oxford Dictionary & Tesaurus of Current English. – 2007. – pp.506
  14. Partridge E., Dalzell T., Victor T. The New Partridge Dictionary of Slang and Unconventional English. - Taylor & Francis, 2006. - pp.2189
  15. Robertson R., Globalization: Social Theory and Global Culture. -London: Sage, 1992

Internet resources:


Attachment 1.

Words related to thieves' jargon, for example, barker - meaning revolver; to dance- to be hanged; to crush - run away; idea pot - meaning head.

Other examples of clearly slang words and expressions are: dirt - meaning money; juice - sip coca cola,a famous drink in the USA; dotty- crazy.

Words related to other jargons, such as big-boy - meaninglarge-caliber gun;knitting needle - meaning saber (from military vocabulary); to eat the gingeract in the best role;smacking - in the meaninghaving a huge success; dark (literally dark) meaning closed (from theatrical vocabulary); dead hopper in meaning bad dancer; sleeper - in the meaning of a course of lectures (from student vocabulary), etc.

Appendix 2

noun agent meaning agent does not have a "slang" litter; the verb to agent formed from it - in the meaning be an agent has the litter "slang". The word altar is stylistically neutral, it has no mark in dictionaries; the verb to altar formed from it - in the meaning get married in one of English dictionaries is given with the mark "slang".

The same can be said about the adjective ancient -old, ancient.The noun ancient formed from it by conversion in the meaning old-timer has the litter "slang".

Abbreviations are also treated as "slang" in some dictionaries. Words like rep (short for reputation)─ reputation; cig (from cigarette) - cigarette; lab (from laboratory) - study room and others are ranked among the youth "slang".

Words ad (short for advertisement) - announcement and flu (from influenza) - influenza The Abbreviated Dictionary of English Slang also cites with the note "slang".

It is characteristic that such common abbreviations, most often used in colloquial speech, (short for mama) - mother, or sis (from sister) - sister also have the litter "slang".

Appendix 3

A similar example is found in Dickens:

" That edge his way along the crowded paths of life, warning all human sympathy to keep its distance, was what the knowing ones call "nuts" to Scrooge."

The combination nuts to (a person) in the 19th century was a colloquial neologism denotingsource of pleasurefor anyone. AT modern language this nineteenth-century slangism is no longer used in this sense.

Appendix 4

Here are some English words written in SMS slang:

  • H8-hate
  • L8r-later
  • Thx-Thanks
  • Neva - never
  • U - you
  • 2moro-tomorrow

The formation of SMS slang is characterized by various abbreviations. Neologisms that make up slang, as a rule, are shorter in writing their counterparts in the literary language, which saves time when typing and space in the message. Under the influence of these factors, the process of compression is observed in English SMS messages. For example, the question What are you waiting for? in an SMS message of an "advanced" user will look like this: Wot r u w8ting 4? which is much shorter in writing a literary correct version and more convenient when typing. In addition, the use of SMS-slang liberates the interlocutors, allows you to convey the emotional mood of those who communicate.

Appendix 5

Expression of emotions

I smile

I'm sad



I'm angry

I wink; kidding

I scream

clown; kiss

I yawn



I frown; I don't approve

Deprived of speech

Appendix 6

SMS abbreviations and abbreviations



as far as I know


all the best


mind your own business


be back late(r)

no one


be seeing you

oh I see


please call me

be right back


by the way



are you okay?


see you later

stay in touch

face to face


free to talk


thank you

for your information


talk to you

get a life




have a nice day


want to talk?



I see




I love you

what's up?


in my humble opinion


just in case



just kidding


hugs and kisses

keep in touch



know what I mean






lots of luck / laughing out loud

Appendix 7

Table #1

Student survey results


Answer options

21 \43%



























Table number 2

The results of the survey of teachers


The number of people who answered yes to this question

Answer options























The results of the survey of students of school No. 12 in the form of diagrams

The results of the survey of teachers of school No. 12 in the form of diagrams









Annex 10.

Questionnaire for students

  1. How often do you use English words in your speech? (Ok, buy-buy, No, etc.)
  1. Yes
  1. Not
  1. Sometimes
  1. What English words do you use most often in your speech? (Give an example)
  2. Where do you use English words?
  1. Houses
  2. At school
  3. In public places
  4. In the Internet
  1. Why do you use English words in your speech?
  1. Habit
  2. fashionable
  3. To stand out from the crowd
  1. Do you understand the meaning of the English words you use in your speech?
  1. Yes
  2. Not
  3. Not really
  1. Where did you learn these words from?
  1. From the media
  2. From friends
  3. From teachers
  4. From parents
  1. From the Internet
  1. Do your teachers use English words in speech?
  1. Yes
  2. Not
  3. Sometimes
  1. Do your parents use English words in speech?
  1. Yes
  2. Not
  3. Sometimes
  1. Do you think it is necessary to use English words in Russian?
  1. Yes
  2. Not
  3. Your own answer:
  1. Do you think that English words clog Russian speech?
  1. Yes
  2. Not
  3. Your own answer:

Annex 11.

Questionnaire for teachers

1. Do you know what slang is?

2. In your opinion, what does a large number of slang and slang words of English origin testify to in the speech of a girl / young man?

A) About the desire to be like other representatives of youth

b) About the desire to make your speech more vivid and expressive

c) On the desire to give his speech an informal character

d) About the low culture of man

e) On the desire to emphasize their opposition to other groups of people

f) About the low level of education

g) About the desire to protest against rigid language norms

3. What is the best way to describe your attitude to the words and expressions of youthEnglish slang in Russian?

A) I welcome the active use of words and expressions of youth slang - these words and expressions enrich the Russian language

b) The use of youth jargon seems to be largely justified

c) The use of youth slang is not always justified

d) The appearance of slang / jargon words in speech leads to a loosening of the norm, clogging and damage to the Russian language

4. Do you think it is prestigious to use slang English words whencommunication with young people?

A) Yes, it is

b) It seems so

c) doesn't seem to be

d) no

5. How often do you use slang and slang words in your own speech?

A) I often use

b) I use

c) rarely used

d) never use

6. How often do you hear slang English words in the speech of people you know?

A) I often hear

b) I hear

c) I rarely hear

d) never hear

7. Among your acquaintances, who uses slang words more often, men or women?

A) Women use more

b) Women use slightly more often

c) Men use slightly more often

d) Men use more

8. Do you understand the meaning of words and expressions that are found in the speech of modern youth?

A) always clear

b) Almost always understandable

c) Sometimes it's not clear

d) often misunderstood

9. An opinion is expressed that a special language policy should be carried out in relation to slang and jargon words and expressions so that these words do not penetrate into the Russian literary language. Which of the following statements do you support?

A) There should not be any language policy aimed at curbing the flow of slang words into the Russian language

b) The introduction of slang words and expressions into the Russian language should be somewhat limited (by editorial editing, etc.)

c) It is necessary to significantly limit the opportunities for the penetration of slang and slang words into the Russian language, by actively fighting for the purity of the Russian language in schools and other educational institutions, by conducting explanatory work in journalism

10. What English slang expressions, words do you know?

Annex 12.

List of the most used words in the speech of schoolchildren

School No. 12 in Balakhna

Word in Russian

Lexical meaning

English word


friend, boy



Everything is fine



A party



Girl, girl












Cool, cool



super, brilliant





Ai'll bi back

I'll be back

I'll be back

make up


make up








forever and ever






Respect, respect






I'm sorry, I'm sorry


State Institution "Secondary School No. 25

city ​​of Pavlodar"

Direction: "Historical monuments of Kazakhstan and promising tourist routes."

Section: Linguistics

Topic: "Youth slang in English and the use of English slang in the Russian-speaking youth environment."


10th grade student Қ anat Іңкәр

Scientific adviser:

Beisekeyeva Ilmira Akylbekovna,

English teacher

Pavlodar, 2016


Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………… 2

I. Characteristics the concept of "slang" …………….……………………… 4

II. Factors influencing the development of slang …………...………………………….7

III. Ways of formation of youth jargon .......................................................... ......eleven

IV. The role of youth slang in English ……….…………………….13

V. English equivalents of Russian youth jargon in the Republic of Kazakhstan .............................14

VI. Practical part …………………………………………………………...17

Conclusion................................................. ................................................. 9

List of used literature ……………………………………….…….21


Relevance : Youth slang is one of the components of the process of language development, its replenishment, its diversity. After all, language cannot develop on its own, possessing mystical and mythical subjectivity. It is being developed. It absorbs other languages ​​through communication into our more technical age. And, of course, the language is formed by poets and writers, masters of the word. Youth slang should be known to everyone who wants to interact more actively, at a good level with the world around us, and therefore have a good command of the main international language.

aim work is a comprehensive description youth slang as one of the subsystems of the modern Russian and English language: identifying its differentiating features, describing the features of the use of slangisms, establishing the meanings of slang units and expressions,study the extent to which the English language is widely usedslang in the speech of schoolchildren and identify the most commonly used slang.

The above goal was achieved through the following tasks:

    determine the scope and content of the concept of "slang";

    identify the place of youth slang in the system of modern Russian and English languages;

- consider different kinds slang, give examples of the use of slangisms and provide an adequate translation;

    Draw conclusions from your own observations.

Object of study: youth slang component broader education in modern English.

Subject of study :

Word-building, lexical-phraseological and stylistic levels of youth slang, as well as phrases, phraseological units used for the expressive designation of objects, concepts, signs of actions and states associated with educational activities, general cultural interests and everyday life of modern youth.

Hypothesis : If you study the slangisms that came from English into the Russian language, then you can identify ways to form slangisms, as well as ways to replenish the student's vocabulary.

Research methods : questioning, observation, comparative analysis, generalization.


Youth culture is its own world, unlike anything else. He differs from an adult in his expressive, sometimes even harsh and rude manner of expressing thoughts, feelings, a kind of verbal absurdity that can only be used by young people who are courageous and resolute, opposed to the whole world and created their own unique world. As a consequence of this - the emergence of youth slang.

The concept of slang is increasingly beginning to gain the attention of modern philology. Currently, there are a fairly large number of definitions of slang, often contradicting each other. These contradictions concern, first of all, the scope of the concept of "slang": the dispute is, in particular, about whether to include in slang only expressive, ironic words that are synonymous with literary equivalents, or also all non-standard vocabulary, the use of which is condemned among educated people.

It is noteworthy that the term "slang" is more often used in English, although recently it has been actively used in relation to the Russian language. Often the word "slang" is used simply as a synonym for the word "jargon".

Therefore, it would make sense to try, firstly, to give a clearer definition of slang, and secondly, to clarify the difference (or identity) between the concepts of slang and jargon.

It is advisable to start with etymology. According to one version, slang comes from sling (“to throw”, “throw”). In such cases, they recall the archaic to sling one "s jaw - "to speak violent and offensive speeches." According to another version, "slang" goes back to slanguage, and the initial letter s was allegedly added to the language as a result of the disappearance of the word thieves; that is, originally it was about the thieves' language thieves" language.

It is not known when the word slang first appeared in oral speech in England. It was first recorded in writing in England in the 18th century. Then it meant "insult". Around 1850, the term began to be used more widely, as a designation for "illegal" colloquial vocabulary. At the same time, synonyms for the word slang appear - lingo, used mainly in the lower strata of society, and argot - preferred by the colored population.

Consider some of the many scientific definitions of slang.

In linguistics, the definition of V.A. Khomyakova: “Slang is relatively stable for certain period, a widely used, stylistically marked lexical layer (nouns, adjectives and verbs denoting everyday phenomena, objects, processes and signs), a component of expressive vernacular included in the literary language, very heterogeneous in its origins, the degree of approximation to the literary standard, which has a pejorative expression".

A completely different interpretation is offered in the Dictionary linguistic terms» O.S. Akhmanova: Slang - 1. Colloquial version of professional speech. 2. Elements of the colloquial version of a particular professional or social group, which, penetrating into the literary language or in general into the speech of people who are not directly related to this group of people, acquire a special emotionally expressive coloring in these languages.

As you can see, in the first definition, slang is just a series of non-term words used in a terminological sense, like “janitor” or “spare tire” for motorists. Such words are not suitable for official instruction, but are convenient for business conversation professionals.

In the second case, this is already something completely different: before us are words that have already left the professional sphere and have come out “into the light”. Probably, the "six" could be cited as an example: in the thieves' world, one of the meanings of this word is "a person who serves thieves." In modern colloquial Russian, "six" is a contemptuous term for any insignificant person, possibly (but not necessarily) with criminal tendencies. One more thing noted by O.S. is very important. Akhmanova quality: all such words are brightly expressive.

"Dictionary-reference book of linguistic terms" 1995. simply puts an equal sign between slang, jargon and slang: Slang - words and expressions used by persons of certain professions or social strata. Slang for sailors, artists, cf. slang, jargon.

Thus, it can be stated that, for all its popularity (and perhaps precisely because of it), slang currently does not have terminological accuracy. Nevertheless, the above points of view allow us to somehow generalize its most significant properties:

    Slang is not literary vocabulary, i.e. these are words and combinations that are outside of literary English (Standard English);

    Slang is a vocabulary that arises and is used, primarily in oral speech;

    Slang is an emotionally colored vocabulary;

    Slang is characterized by a more or less pronounced familiar coloring of the vast majority of words and phrases. This property of slang limits the stylistic boundaries of its use;

    The familiar emotional coloring of many words and expressions of slang is distinguished by a wide variety of shades (joking, ironic, mocking, dismissive, contemptuous, rude and even vulgar);

    Many words and slang expressions are incomprehensible or obscure to the general population (especially during the period of their emergence and transition to a wider sphere of use), because they are primarily associated with a peculiar form of expression - for example, in numerous cases of meaning transfer (figurative use ), so characteristic of slang. Incomprehensibility may also result from the fact that these slangs are borrowed from the dialects and jargons of foreign languages;

    Slang includes various words and phrases with which people can identify themselves with certain social and professional groups;

    Slang is a bright, expressive layer of non-literary vocabulary, a style of language that occupies a place directly opposite to highly formalized speech. Slang is a living, mobile language that keeps up with the times and reacts to any changes in the life of the country and society.


The slang of young people in Kazakhstan, like the general jargon, is heterogeneous, it covers almost all spheres of life. The jargon is focused on a person - the spheres of his being, relationships with other people. It often happens that the slang words used by young people “move” into the speech of adults and become an integral part of it.

What influences the slang of Kazakhstani youth?:

Development of computer technologies. The Internet, its wide possibilities, rapidly developing computer technologies have always attracted young people. In this regard, many new jargons appear. Here are some of them: virusnyak - a computer virus; tyrnet, netik - the Internet; emoticons - funny faces in chats; system glitch, buggy - computer malfunctions; soap - e-mail; throw inoff- leave a message; humiliate - send letters by e-mail; fleas - errors in the program; fotozhaba - photoshop; RAM - operating system; mouse - computer mouse; user - computer user, gamer - player, windows - pop-up windows, hardware, pieces of iron - computer, gamble - play;

Contemporary music linen culture. One of the hobbies of young people is music. It is part of the life of young people. Modern music is a mixture of different cultures, musical trends, the result of composer's experiments.

Youth jargon related to the field of music contains the names of various musical styles: pop, popsyatina - pop music; dark - heavy music; dream, house, drum, drum (Dru m'n'bas s) - trance and compositions: fresh - fresh, new music; release - a composition that has gone on sale; track - musical composition; playlist - a list of musical compositions; the names of the actions of the musicians - sbatsat, play. [10 ]

Often young people come up with nicknames for musical groups and performers: Asi-Basi, Jennifer Popez, Zhenya Lenin, Patricia Kvas, Pasha Makarov, Marmeladze, Bari Karabasov, Bari Alabaster, Andrey Buben, Kretinushki International, Bolvanushki International, Mikhail Shukherinsky, Filya;

English, German and French.

English in youth circles is considered the most "fashionable" and the most promising for learning. Many young people are familiar with it. Therefore, many youth jargon- these are words that are borrowed from English, but have not been translated into Russian. The following is interesting: these jargons are understood even by those people who have never learned English in their lives, so jargon words have merged into modern speech. For example: otpanason - film, take a picture; laptop - laptop; fifty-fifty (fifty-fifty) - 50 to 50; respect - respect; change - exchange; loser - loser; drink - drink; people - people; crazy (crazy) - crazy, crazy; price list - expensive; best, bestovy - the best; love story - love story; darling - dear; Yankees, go homegohome) - Yankees, go home!. [5]

The writing of these slang words is free, you can use both Latin and Cyrillic. For example: the song made in the basement is a poor-quality musical composition (a combination of Russian and English words is used); partyboy - party-goer; know problems (No problems) - No problems; pliz (please) - please; OK (ok) - Good; c orry ( sorry)- sorry.

Some English words have Russian elements of word formation. For example, the following expressions: face on the table - face on the table; face - face; sour - kiss, sour - kiss.

Criminal vocabulary. Some young people think that using such vocabulary in speech makes them “cool”, authoritative and elevates them above everyone around them. Therefore, it can often be heard from those young people who are trying to be leaders in a company, class.

The vocabulary associated with the criminal sphere includes the names of persons (fraer - authority; garbage - policeman), actions (soak, bang - kill; knock - report), places (cop, mentura - police station).

Computer games, videos, cartoons. A lot of slang words come to the speech of young people from computer games, but most often these words are specific in use, they are used mainly by young people for whom games are a hobby. Many words are borrowings from English: the third level has passed, the guild is an association of players; noob - novice player; char - character; mob - monster; item (item) - thing; vendor - merchant; manchit - increase the level; grow - revive.

Hobbies and hobbies of young people. Young people have various hobbies to which they devote their free time. And the world of jargon associated with this or that hobby is bright and original. The guys who are interested in billiards and snooker (a subspecies of billiards) remake the names of the players, give them nicknames. For example, the snooker player Ronnie was given the nicknames Busya, Ronnius, Murphy - Dumpling, Svintus, Oink, pigpaw, Hamilton - the musketeer. Also in the game, the word kicks (not fair to play) is often used.

At all times, football has been popular among young people, and in this regard, slang words (feint, drive tricks) cannot be dispensed with either.

From the above, we have come to the following conclusions:

Slang, which is actively used by modern youth, is a kind of protest against the surrounding reality, against typification and standardization. This is reflected in the appearance of young people (shocking hairstyles, clothes, piercings, tattoos). So the young man stands out from the crowd. But on the other hand, a peculiar language, appearance is a kind of herd sign, belonging to one or another youth group (Goths, rockers, bikers). The young man admits that he is not like everyone else. The main feature of youth slang is the constant emotionality, expressiveness, appraisal and figurative speech of young people. Along with speech, it develops and is constantly updated. youth jargon. It contributes general dynamics Russian literary language;

Youth slang, like any slang and more broadly - like any sublanguage, is characterized by some blurring of boundaries. It is possible to isolate it as a closed subsystem, as an object of observation, only conditionally. The gradual spread of youth slang goes from the center to the periphery, and on the periphery it takes root minimally;

Slang is characterized more by semantic humor. Most of all, a successful - sometimes gloomy-absurd - play on words is appreciated. Thus, it is possible to single out the main differences between youth jargon and jargon of other types.

Firstly, these words serve to communicate people of the same age category. At the same time, they are used as synonyms for English words, differing from them in emotional coloring. Secondly, youth slang is distinguished by its "fixation" on the realities of the world of the young;

The term youth slang, as words used only by people of a certain age category, replaces ordinary vocabulary and is distinguished by colloquial, and sometimes rudely familiar coloring. In addition, as already mentioned above, most of the words related to youth slang are derived from professional terms, almost all of which are borrowed from the English language.


Along with lexico-semantic word formation, word production is widely used in slang. The most productive is the affixal type of word formation. (homers from homework - homework). When forming slangisms, the same suffixes are used as in neutral vocabulary, but in slang they acquire a wider range of meanings. The most common is the -er suffix. In the middle of the 20th century, this suffix began to be actively used in the speech of Oxford students, and then became widespread in other universities and colleges.

A large group consists of verbs used in stable combination with postpositives down, off, out, up, around. The most productive are out and up (wash out - do not pass exams, be expelled).

Prefix word production is not typical for English school and student slang.

The tendency to simplify, to save speech efforts, is manifested in the use of short words and the reduction of lexical units. 12% of student slangisms are shortened words. Types of abbreviations: 1. Word truncation (soph = sophomore, zam = exam, presci = preliminaryscienceexamination). In the student environment, the truncation of a phrase is very common, when only one of its constituent words, which carries a semantic load, is truncated, while the other is omitted (ret = tobacco cigarette). 2. Initial abbreviations: B.F = best friend. The structure of shortened words may be subject to further change (prog (from proctorise) + in + s = proggins). 3 Contraction. Quite interesting is the type of contraction in the formation of words like "sexology", "boyology" (the art of attracting men). They differ in the first components. The meaning of the second is repeated in all words and is a hint at some scientific discipline.

Student slang is characterized by a very wide use of such word-formation methods as conversion (shake-up - training room for a large class from shake-up - shake, stir) and word formation (blue + stocking = bluestocking). So, the main ways of forming new units in student slang are name transfer, affixation and various types of borrowing. In the United States, in the recent past, slang included such familiar expressions asofcourse, OK, togetup, lunch. Their "lunch" (our "Dinner") - a word that entered the English language after the First World War is still missing from some textbooks that are used in the old fashioned way.dinnerto signify dinner thoughdinnerThis is more of a "dinner" than a "lunch". Basics spoken language you can imagine how ABC - hey-bc, which is not so difficult. OK there is the first "az", or "hey". The second "az" or "bi" are words expressing a positive attitude:cool and Ohboy. And finally, "si" - words expressing negative feelings:shit and fuck . OK or OKayfamiliar to everyone from deep childhood by a characteristic sign. OK has several vital meanings:

1) "please" and "thank you"

2) "healthy", "healthy", "healthy"

3) "right"

4) "everything is fine"

5) “good”, “okay”.

Word " cool” in dictionaries is translated as something between warm and cold, that is, cool. In everyday communicationcoolsounds in those moments when we say: “great!”, “class!”, “cool!”, “clearly!”. Sometimes you can saygreat, which translates exactly the same. What matters here is who is speaking. If the word "great” says a decently dressed gentleman with a bow tie, thengreatwill be translated as "grand", if punk - then "cool", if hippie - "cool, hippy", if the girl - "awesome", and if the guy - then "great".Greatcan also be used as an adjective:agreatskirt.


Everyone known fact is that each language of the world has its own slang, and slang can have several types and be used in a particular area. Particular attention should be paid to youth slang, since it is used in colloquial speech by young people, the so-called modern generation. To begin with, it is worth noting that slang is a set of words that are characterized by a special scope, or these are words that replace existing ones, but they are also used exclusively by a certain group of people and in certain areas. If it is youth slang that is affected, then it is the most common, it is known not only by young people who actually use it in speech, but also by the older generation, this suggests that this species Slang is quite common and widely used in colloquial speech.

It is worth paying special attention to the English youth slang, which has long gone beyond the countries where they speak English and, so to speak, conquered the whole world. Youth slang in the English language plays a rather important role, which determines the development of the entire language as a whole, its originality and difference from other languages ​​of the world. In addition, youth slang in English allows you to communicate on a completely new level, without using classical sentence structures and grammatical foundations. And this suggests that young people can communicate more relaxedly and understand each other perfectly. It should also be noted that slang is constantly being improved and developed, new expressions appear that quickly become popular and are actively used in speech.


Words and expressions of slang are, as a rule, synonyms in neutral literary or special vocabulary, and their specificity can be identified in comparison with this special vocabulary.

newbie - fresh men


bazaar - a bullshit session, chitchat

mess - a big mess, a shambles, disorder; hell has broken loose or the shit hit the fan

no problem - no problem

pancake ! - Shoot! Darn! Fudge!

bro - man, bro, dude, ese, bra

actually - actually, for real

Vasya Pupkin - John Doe, an average Joe

everything is good ! all in a bunch ! all type - top ! - Everything's all right, it's all good

downloaded - a pig problem

yah ! - You don't say! Well I'll be!

friend , guy – boyfriend

everything is fine– everything is OK

a party– party

girl, young woman - girl

dinner - lunch

weekends– weekend

Hey– hi

cool, cool -cool

super, brilliant -wow

I'll be back– Illbeback

makeup– makeup

shopping -shopping

crap– shit!

forever and ever - forever

face - face

respect, respectrespect

mad– crazy

sorry, sorry - sorry

stupid / fool - a fool, a moron, an idiot

fool around - to play the fool, to mess around, to goof off

madhouse - the looney bin, the funny farm

nerd - a killjoy, a party poper, a bore

Shut up ! - shut up! shut it!

greens - green bucks, greenbacks

Internet - short for Internet

hearsay - to envy, to be eager

disappear ! - Get lost! Go away!.

Hey man - hey, dude

not so hard -ABC

fitness room -shakeup

Good - OK

scribbler, journalist - pen-pusher

clothes - duds

not all at home - a screw loose

are you joking ? are you kidding?

ass, ass - ass

addict - acid head

in all eyes, look in both - all eyes

thief - cracksman, crook

suddenly , suddenly - all of a sudden

wrong, erroneous - all wet

exchange - change

best - best

love story -lovestory

go home - gohome

kiss - kiss

in nature - forreal

get out from here - fuckoff

all nishtyak - itsallgood

miser - amiser

hesitated - youveannoyedme

teacher - teacher

Youth slang as an integral part of a broader education in modern English. The younger generation cannot but use English words in their speech, since some of these words have long penetrated into the Russian language. On the one hand, the appearance of new words expands the vocabulary of native speakers of the Russian language, and on the other hand, its originality and unique beauty are lost.

Listening to the speech of schoolchildren, we identified more than 100 slang expressions in it, some of them they pronounce in the Russian manner and cannot always express the same words in their native language.

Thus, we came to the conclusion that

Foreign borrowings, borrowings of lexical units of others educational institutions within one country and borrowing from the language of other segments of the population contribute to the expansion and enrichment of the vocabulary in the Russian language;

Youth slang in most cases is English borrowings or phonetic associations, cases of translation are less common, and even then thanks to the wild imagination of the young. The attraction of foreign words into the language should always be treated carefully, and even more so when this process has such a speed;

Slang reflects the lifestyle of the speech community that gave birth to it.


We conducted a survey of school students with in-depth study of English language. The purpose of the survey was to study the influence of English slang on the speech of young people. The students were asked to answer several questions regarding the use of English slang. The questionnaire consisted of the following questions:

    How often do you use English slang in your speech?

a) often

b) sometimes

c) don't use

    Where do you most often use this slang?

a) at school

b) in public places

c) at home

3. Do you know the meanings of English slang that you use in your speech?

a) yes

b) no

4. Why do you use slang in your speech?

a) to appear modern

b) to stand out among classmates

c) become a habit

5. Where did you first encounter these words?

a) television

b) magazines

in friends list

d) parents

6. Have you heard youth English slang in the speech of your peers?

a) yes

b) sometimes

c) no

    Indicate the most frequently used English slang words in your speech

    makeup /make up

    weekends /weekend

    without a market /no problem

    cool /cool

    let's party /let's paint the town red

    mad /crazy

    No /internet

    hey dude /hey, dude

After the above results, we can come to the conclusion that youth slang in English plays a big role, because it conveys all the flavor of communication of modern young people to her, dude /hey, dude! Slang, in particular in English, has its own uniqueness and coloring. It is characterized by brevity, expressiveness.

Among young people, slang is especially rooted, because with the help of certain words, you can encrypt your speech so that not everyone can understand what is being said. In order to use certain slang expressions, whether it be youth or another environment, you simply need to simply learn them.


This paper examined English and Russian youth slang, its features, factors influencing the timedevelopment of youth jargon in the Republic of Kazakhstan,sources and ways of slang formation in English-speaking countries.

The problem of this design work consisted in a comprehensive description of youth slang as one of the subsystems of the modern Russian and English languages.

In connection with the relevance of the topic we have chosen, in the course of the study, it was found that in slang occupies a very important place in the system of modern Russian and English languages. The study showed that jargon is not literary language that it arises and is used in oral speech, that slang is an expressive and emotionally colored vocabulary, that it is characterized by familiar coloring and is divided into two groups: common and well-known slang, and that youth jargon has a wide variety of shades and that many words are incomprehensible for the bulk of the population.

As far as operating conditions are concerned,We found that schoolchildrenuse slang in Everyday life to designate different specialties, for the name subjects related to student life to refer to various buildings and classrooms. They use jargon in interpersonal relationships, in the sphere of everyday life and leisure, in the sphere of accessories, as well as when naming teachers and teachers and to refer to parts of the body.

Slang plays a very important role in the life of young people, their life today is already unthinkable without slang, which not only helps young people communicate with each other, but also facilitates the process of learning new foreign vocabulary, expanding vocabulary.

The development of the latest information and computer technologies, the emergence of the global Internet also influenced the popularity of the English language and its widespread use in many countries, includingis in RK. Increased student interestspecifically to English due to the fact that it became possible to visit America, Great Britain and other countries where English is the official language.

Taking into account the tasks set, the following linguistic methods were used in the work: descriptive (such methods as observation, comparison, comparison, generalization, classification of the analyzed material, interpretation); word-formation analysis, contributing to the understanding of the formation of the structure of slang units; method of quantitative calculations and continuous sampling; also methods of observation, systematization and linguistic interpretation of the studied material.


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