This dictionary of computer jargon will help you communicate with computer scientists:

Sysadmin- a system administrator, i.e. a person who has full access to system administration.

IPishnik- IP address.
Upgrade- Improving the parameters directly by replacing old components with newer ones.
Asya or Aska (ICQ)- a program for instant messaging between users of the system or a unique subscriber number (UIN).
Bug- a failure in the program caused by its flaw.
blank- a blank CD (or DVD) with the function of one-time or multiple recording
Varese— pirated software and license keys to it.
The weight- any information on the computer, in B, Kb, Mb, Gb, etc.
Windows — .
Unlim— access to with unlimited traffic.
gamat- play computer games.
Guru- cool programmer
Gamer- computer game player

Ping-Pong Development Methodology

French computer terms can be divided into 3 categories. In most cases, the French equivalent is literal translation English term. Sometimes even hardcore conservatives French are lost, and so such terms become commonplace.

The entry of slang into the language

The internet is weird because people either use it with the article in front or they don't. To accident = "planter". . One thing that some of you may not be aware of is that the French keyboard has a different key layout than what you are used to.

Vidyukha- video card.
Hectare or Gig- gigabyte.
engine is the core of the program.
glitch- an unexpected error that occurred in the program or incorrect operation of the equipment.

backup- backup copy.
Demo– evaluation (incomplete) version computer program or games.
Firewood- drivers.
google- search for information using the Google search engine.
Iron- system components (parts) of the computer.
Screw- hard drive (computer hard drive).
Device or gadget- any device that has a specific functional purpose.
nerd is an avid computer gamer.
Zvukovuha- audio card.
InternetNet- Internet.
Casper- Kaspersky anti-virus program.
Poppy Macintosh computer (Mac OS), manufactured by Apple.
click- press the computer mouse button.
Kwaka- Quake computer game.
Proc the central processing unit of a personal computer.
Contra or KS- computer game Counter-Strike.
connect, connect- connect to something
locale- the local network.
Klava- keyboard.
CompCarApparatus- a computer.
crackMedicineTablet- program cracker.
BrainRAM- random access memory of the computer (RAM, RAM).
Laser- laser printer.
Login- The name used to log in to the system.
MotherMothermotherboard- Mother - motherboard.
Lamer- an inept PC user with high self-esteem.
Meter- megabyte.
noob— newbie.
Soap- e-mail (e-mail).
Nick- pseudonym, nickname.
Axis- operating system.
Office- application software package.
Moped- modem.
Blue screen of death— message text (in the form of white letters on a blue background) about a critical Windows error.
plank- RAM module.
Trousers- a shareware program for (from the English shareware).
Password pass- password (from English Password).
Sidyuk— CD-ROM.
Armpit- mouse pad.
Prog- program.
PentyukhStumpStump- Pentium processor.
Programmer- programmer.
Register- register.
Server- Server - server.
FAQ- frequently asked Questions, FAQ.
Lace- wire, connecting cable.
Blue Tooth- Bluetooth interface.
demolishkill- delete information.
Soft or ON- computer software.
Network card- Network Card.
inkjet- jet printer.
Air vents- derogatory title operating system Windows
Plume- stranded flat.
Enikey- any key (from English anykey).
User is a computer user.
Kettle- a novice computer user (not to be confused with a lamer).
Fix- correct mistakes.
Piggy– Windows XP

It is commonly said that computers "don't think", a task reserved for the machine programmer's system. However, journalism often disseminates information about the so-called "fifth generation of computers", from which it can be expected that such a degree of perfection will make them really "smart". What does "fifth generation computer" mean? What can you expect from this?

To answer this question, we must first define what we mean by "machine". Usually, when a person is not an expert in this field and does not talk about a machine, he refers to a physical machine, which is known in jargon as hardware, that is, a set of circuits and devices that make up a computer. The concept of a machine for a specialist is something else. The machine, from this point of view, is a set formed by hardware and certain programs that the specialist "sees" at the level at which he works.

And this is not a complete list, which can be continued without end and edge.

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For example, a mathematician who has a computer "loaded" with a program to solve equations can "see" the whole as a machine that solves it. In contrast, the chief of staff who uses the calculation program on the same computer "sees" the machine that does the calculations. Suppose now that someone builds, using a program that solves equations, a new program for calculating the trajectories of a projectile; this person will "see" another machine, formed in turn by three others: physics that solves equations and one that calculates trajectories.

Students, graduate students, young scientists who use the knowledge base in their studies and work will be very grateful to you.

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