Neither myself nor the people ... Spelling Dictionary

Not for myself, not for people. Not for myself, not for people. See GULBA DRUNKING ...

Adverb, number of synonyms: 1 none (1) ASIS Synonym Dictionary. V.N. Trishin. 2013 ... Synonym dictionary

- … Synonym dictionary

neither to myself nor to people- neither to yourself nor to people ... Russian spelling dictionary

He lies so much that he doesn’t give himself or people a break. See FALSE FALSE... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

- (i.e. live on yourself in such a way that people feel good too). See YOUR ALIEN... IN AND. Dal. Proverbs of the Russian people

BY ITSELF- 1. who, less often what to be; do smth. One; separately, at your discretion. This means that a person, a group of persons (X) lives and carries out its activities alone, not depending on anyone, acting according to its own will and in accordance with its desires. speech ...

Cases of shooting at people in the world in 2013-14- 2014 October 22 in Ottawa at the same time in three places there was shooting. According to Canadian police, shots were fired near the country's parliament, the National War Memorial near the parliament and at the Rideau Center shopping complex. Details and number ... ... Encyclopedia of Newsmakers

UNCOMFORTABLE- who to be; become, become Bad, uncomfortable; unusual, not like always. This means that a person, less often a group of persons (X) are in an unusual state of mental discomfort, confusion, confusion, uncertainty, etc., experience ... Phraseological dictionary of the Russian language


  • How to treat yourself and people, Kozlov Nikolai Ivanovich. This is a modern version of D. Carnegie's books, only based on Russian material and including a wider range of issues: not only business and everyday communication, but also personal growth, ...
  • How to treat yourself and people, or Practical psychology for every day, Nikolai Kozlov. This is a modern version of D. Carnegie's books, only based on Russian material and including a wider range of issues: not only business and everyday communication, but also personal growth, ...

Everything happened a long time ago. Read and understand for yourself that a man who cheated once will do it again.

I won't write too much. Briefly. I met my husband, he was still married, but they did not live together then with his wife. They began to communicate, I fell in love immediately, because I had never met such men. I was 20, he was 33. Twisted, twisted. I made decent money, gave him money (yes, don’t be surprised), I tried to show him everything that I was not like all his girls, that I was with him for love and would give the last ... I noticed that someone was always with him writes, but then there was no relationship status ...

Over time, when everything went far with us, he already filed for a divorce from his wife, he said that he had a girlfriend. She broke his previous family, but he does not dare to leave her ... Despite all that, she is wildly scary, just horror, all bony. She is also 33 years old. Married to a rich oligarch, and got a lover in the form of him for sex. Well, my husband, however, is so in bed that everyone who slept with him is just in awe of him. I then decided that to hell with her, I would get over her, and she would fall off herself, and he already wanted to leave her.

Everything was getting better with us, except that he showed wild outbursts of jealousy towards me ... This sometimes reached insanity. Then we began to live together. He swore that everything was over there, at that moment I became pregnant, as a result I had an abortion, because according to all the tests, I was forbidden to give birth to this child ... The abortion was difficult because it was a late period, and I started bleeding. They operated twice, much later I found out that everything was mine free time and the time he supposedly was at work, he spent with that bitch. Then she told him that she couldn’t live like that, in constant lies, that she would never betray her husband, and broke up with my husband.

He crawled to me on his knees, and at the very least we lived for a while longer, then we got married. And then I found out that during all this time he still continued to see her. She liked that he was already busy again, and nothing threatened her marriage on his part. He repeatedly told her that he would hand her over to her husband, show the photo and all the correspondence. I forgave, forgave, forgave... Every time, as if spellbound, I believed that it would pass, you just have to be wiser... But then it fucked me so much, their fucking romance, that I myself found it and overlaid it with hu * mi so, that she disappeared altogether.

Then I went to rest for a week, gather my thoughts. He, damn it, at that moment managed to hit the road with her to Greece for 3 days. Well okay?! When it all came out, I can't describe what happened to me. I am a tough, strong person, I don’t scandal, but I never cried like that ... In the end, I forgave him for the last time ...

As it turned out: I packed my things, went to a friend for a while, while I was looking for an apartment. The worst thing is that I'm stupid. To pay off his loan for the car in which he fucked her (he himself confessed to me drunk that he first came to me at lunchtime and slept with me in the same car, and then went to her and did the same thing - the bunny was unloaded ... took out a loan in her name. And now I have no money, fun, in general. He convinced me to come back...

From that moment on, all my love died. I realized this only when we again began to live under the same roof. Behavior became disgusting. I tried to raise my hand, I shook the frying pan so that he was stunned. I wrote two statements to the police, but they, men, are fucking in solidarity. They said: “You will end up in intensive care, and then we will talk.” Well, what's there.

The result is this. We are driving in a car the other day (I am pregnant, by the way) ... This creature calls, word for word, it turns out that she is already 4 months pregnant, she flew in just then with him in Greece.

In short, girls ... I will not blur my pain. She herself knew from the first day what I was going for, she created an illusion for herself that I could change a person, and so on .... Now I have no means of subsistence, but I do not quit my job. Although he (pathologically jealous) deleted me from all social networks, forbade me to communicate even with relatives, cut off communication with outside world maximum. I'm saving money for housing. I will pull the child, I can afford to hire a nanny or then send the child to the mother for a while. But I won't live like that. Endure, hope, wait for something ... His lack of money is due to the fact that he spent time with her when he was like at work, and she just gave him money, like me. Here is such a story.

Now there is no trace of the love that I once had for him. One hatred for him and for all men. But I don’t want to live my life like this, I won’t have an abortion for anything, the child is not to blame for the fact that his dad is an asshole. I can handle it.

Giving advice on how to love is, of course, stupid. To love correctly is simply to love. But still I want to pay attention to the subtleties of the relationship between women and men.

Love brings great joy to the lives of each of us, but often our inner fears and unresolved problems turn the joy of love into suffering and everyday quarrels, into showdowns and mutual reproaches.

If you could follow all the advice in the relationship of men and women - it would be easy. Probably, there would be much more happy couples and people.

No advice will bring peace and harmony if these tips do not come from your depths.

If in your unconscious you do not respect a man and in your inner world he is already devalued, then no matter how hard you try to follow the advice and be the RIGHT woman, there will be no result.

I think that such advice is of great use in knowing them and better understanding your weak points, thinking about your inner female state, about your deep perception of men.

First of all, one must understand that in a relationship, external behavior is not so important as the internal state of each.

A man, oddly enough, loves first of all his condition next to a woman. Depending on how he feels, there will be his desire to be with her.

If he feels like a MAN next to a woman, then he will try to do everything possible for her.
A woman should also feel like a WOMAN next to a man, then she will see a MAN in him. But the main responsibility for women's condition lies with the woman. No one will take care of you more than yourself. Alas, it is.

To love correctly is, first of all, to take care of your inner state, well-being and mood. Therefore, at the beginning we will talk about us, about women, and only then about our men, what and how they love and how to love them correctly.

How should you take care of your inner state?

1. Do not turn your relationship with a man into obligations for yourself, do not deprive your relationship of life and joy.

If you work 2-3 jobs, come home and the whole house falls on you, then what kind of joy in a relationship can we talk about?
You should not be exhausted, tired, lack of sleep - all this leads to your energy exhaustion, lack of strength and loss of mood, which affects all loved ones and, first of all, a man.

2. Taking care of yourself and your condition means being able to hear yourself and your desires.

Very often, wanting to help and please others, you forget about yourself. It’s good if caring for others really brings you joy and you are recharged. For God's sake!

And if, on the contrary, it exhausts you? So think about how to take care of yourself first.

Maybe it is right to allocate responsibilities in your family, learn to say NO, feel the boundaries of your personal space and, in general, have it, both in reality and internally.

3. To love correctly is not to impose your love, not to strangle a man with love and not to demand love and attention from him.

A woman should take care of her inner world so that harmony and peace reign there. If you are overcome by the fear of being abandoned, becoming unnecessary, you are afraid of loneliness and you do not see the joy in life without a man, then whether you like it or not, you will spoil your relationship and your life.

To love correctly is not to lose yourself in a relationship, not to try to merge with a man into one whole, depriving yourself and his personal space.

You should have your own interesting life without a man. Do not leave your hobby, do not stop communicating with friends and relatives, do not get hung up on a man as the most important, ONLY, interesting object.

Know how to dissolve in a man and not lose yourself, forgetting about everything and, most importantly, do not forget to return to yourself again.

4. Taking care of your condition is being able to enjoy the process.

When you cook, try not to cook for the result - if only there is something to eat, but try to cook in a way that you will enjoy during the cooking process.

Learn to enjoy everything you do. Every morning give yourself 15 - 20 minutes, be alone with yourself, with a cup of your favorite tea or coffee, tune in to a pleasant wave of a new day.

5. To love correctly is, first of all, to be able to communicate correctly.

It is difficult to do this when emotions take over you, you are upset and offended, therefore it is important to keep your inner world in order, deal with your grievances, the pain of the past. Get rid of all negative attitudes that interfere with life, then a wave of rage and anger will not overwhelm you, and you will be able to control yourself in a conversation and choose the right words.

When you are hurt, you escape your pain by hurting a man, thereby burning bridges to further understanding of each other.

You need to be able to communicate with a man “I am messages” - talk about your feelings: “I am angry”, “I am angry”, “I am offended”, “I feel you do not need me.

Then be sure to voice the reason why you feel all this and offer a solution that would suit you.

This is how you will maintain a man’s masculine state in a man, because “You messages” in which you accuse him always have a very negative effect on a man, and as a result you get nothing, only more pain and resentment.

You need to be able to calmly and correctly defend your positions and desires.

6. It is important to pay attention to your facial expressions and intonation when you are talking to a man.

Without noticing it yourself, you can send signals to a man about your real attitude towards him, which is hidden deep inside you. Often you don’t even realize your true attitude towards him.

The relationship is not formed with a specific man with whom you live or meet. It is made up of those attitudes that you absorbed from your mother, the relationships that you had in your family, your mother's attitude towards your father and men in general.

7. To love correctly is to be able to be open and speak directly, without hints about your feelings, experiences, desires.

Men do not understand women's ornate conversations.

A self-confident woman will not hint, she will speak directly about her desires.

Very often, women, due to complexes and insecurity, do not know how to ask and do not know how to receive.

For some reason, it seems to them that a man should guess everything himself, sometimes forgetting simple things - ask, be heard. You need to be able to voice your requests and desires directly, without hints.

You need to ask sincerely and at the same time always leave a place in your soul for refusal, but there is no doubt that the request may remain unfulfilled. And you definitely need to be patient. Every man has his own speed of perception. Someone needs a few days to fulfill your request and desire, someone needs a few months. Asked and forgotten. If this is very important, then write lists to him and attach them to a conspicuous place, periodically reminding him.

A self-confident woman will rarely think about rejection, and if she gets a rejection, she will not be very upset, at least she will not connect it with the fact that she is not loved.
When a woman sincerely asks a man, he feels his need and necessity. This maintains his state of being a MAN.

8. To love correctly is to be able to be grateful, to be able to sincerely thank and rejoice in what a man does, it is important to be able to see the good in his actions, and not focus on the shortcomings.

Living next to a man, we begin to treat him as our property, completely forgetting that he is a separate person. We begin to take everything coming from him for granted, as if all this should be, sometimes not considering it necessary to say from the bottom of our hearts: “THANK YOU.” It is important not to say the duty phrase, but to sincerely thank you.

Receiving a little from unfamiliar people, we begin to warmly thank them, but we rarely indulge our man with our gratitude.

9. To love correctly is not to wash dirty linen in public, telling your mother and friends about what a monster he is.

Firstly, you do not present yourself in the best light - you chose him and live with him.

And secondly, you undermine his authority and turn your loved ones against him, thereby cutting the branch on which you are sitting. In difficult moments, when relationships are cracking, it is unlikely that after your stories, one of your loved ones will help you save them.

You can only hear one thing: “Why do you need him like that?” It won't give him respect at all.

10. To love correctly is to know what language of love your man speaks, what is important to him - your hugs or a deliciously cooked dinner, a clean apartment or your praise, a little surprise.

This does not mean that you need to communicate only in his love language, you have your own (what you need to tell the man about). It is advisable to remember this. Sometimes a simple misunderstanding of love languages ​​leads to quarrels.

You can clean the apartment thoroughly, and he will feel unnecessary and unloved, because you did not fry delicious meatballs, such as his mother cooked for him.

Or vice versa, you cook him a dinner from overseas dishes, and he will pay attention to the scattered things in the house.

You don’t need to try to be perfect in everything, it’s enough just to understand when your man feels your love and care for him.

11. To love correctly is also to respect a man.

Moreover, respect has nothing to do with intimacy. Intimacy creates an attraction to each other for no reason or reason. Intimacy may come from being nice to someone, but that doesn't guarantee that you will develop respect for that person.

Respect is always based on real achievements, not necessarily material, but spiritual qualities that require no less work than material ones.

Any person has qualities, achievements for which he can be respected. It all depends on whether you see them or not.

To respect a man is to respect the boundaries of his personal space and his desires.

Men are very sensitive to any pressure, they immediately begin to show stubbornness.

A loving woman will not put pressure on a man, she will be able to express her desires in a respectful way, giving the man a choice.

12. To love a man correctly is to believe in him, not to doubt him and his abilities.

To believe is to see the potential, and if you don’t see and don’t believe in his abilities, don’t take your own, leave it for another woman who will see in him what you didn’t see and not because you are bad or couldn’t see You just have a different point of view.

Why is it so important for a woman to take care of herself in the first place? Because a man is very sensitive to a woman's mood, although he does not show it.

Everything that a man does, he does it only for the sake of a woman, family, children, and it is very important for him to see a woman contented and happy.

If a woman is irritated and tired, then a man receives for himself the information “I'm BAD”, “I can't make her happy”, “She feels bad with me”. And who likes to feel bad all the time?

Sometimes a woman specifically demonstrates her displeasure, wanting a man to think about it and start changing his behavior or attitude, but the woman does not realize that her discontent and reproaches have the opposite effect - the man closes.

Now you understand how important it is to take care of not only your own appearance but also with your inner world? Being in harmony with yourself, you will create harmony around you.