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Tester: I touched it, then... oh wait, it's working now.
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  • We don't have time for this "refactoring"
  • I promise we will do it later
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Console .WriteLine("Hello World" );

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static int Main(string args)
// at this point the program really should be outputting text to the
// console. we must take into account 78 character maximum line length
// and ensure that we use Environment.NewLine for line endings.
// ideally should provide multi-region language support and UTF-8 /
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(Based on the material of Russian and English languages)

11th grade
gymnasium No. 1541,

The article was published with the support of the Linguistic Center "Lexxis". Today, without knowing foreign language, nowhere. At work and leisure, knowledge of a foreign language will be useful to you. The Lexxis Linguistic Center offers courses in English, German, French and many other languages, in a program convenient for you. Visit the official website of the center and get acquainted with the services offered.

The topic of my work is the description of computer jargon, i.e. specific language of computer users, programmers and electronic engineers. The material for the study was computer slang dictionaries obtained from the Internet, explanatory dictionaries of computer terms and publications in the journals Computerra and Home Computer.
This topic is relevant in connection with the computerization of our society, which is proceeding at a very fast pace. More and more people use the computer in their professional activities, studies, at home and for entertainment. Knowledge of computer jargon unites people, facilitates real and virtual communication of Internet users, allows information to be exchanged in a concise form, thereby saving time and money.
The main objectives of the report:

- classification of slang vocabulary by thematic groups;
– consideration of the main models by which words are formed in computer jargon;
- highlighting the functions performed by computer jargon.

Classification of slang vocabulary by thematic groups

Computer jargon arose simultaneously with the advent of electronic computers in the United States in 1946. With the development of computer technology in Russia, a specific language also began to take shape, which was used by professional computer scientists. The spread of personal computers and the creation of the Internet involved in this area the general population, who accepted and enriched computer jargon. Relatively young age of specialists employed in this field professional activity, as well as the popularity of computers among young people, who, due to their age, tend to use jargon and slang expressions, determine the fashion for computer jargon among this category of users.
The vocabulary that makes up computer jargon can be conditionally divided into the following thematic groups.

1) Names of equipment, parts and components of computers:

bandura, apparatus, bank, kerogas, wheelbarrow, chiselgryz- Personal Computer;
rope, lace- the wire;
pocket, turntable, floppy drive- disk drive;
vzhikalka- matrix printer;
mouse, rat, tailed– manipulator type "mouse";
armpit, mouse pad, rag– pad for the “mouse” type manipulator;
brains, professor– central processing unit;
cockroaches- small microcircuits;
spinner, screw, fan, jujulator- HDD;
pedal, clave, keborda- keyboard.

2) Names of software products, individual programs, commands and files:

filet, file– file;
living creature, beetle, animal- computer virus;
glitch, jamb, glitch- failure of the program;
dosya- DOS disk operating system;
axle shaft– OS/2 operating system;
aibolit- antivirus program;
cyrillizer- screen Russification program.

3) Names of operations and individual actions:

blow up, blow up, break through- destroy the defense system;
keys stomp- work with the keyboard;
click on icons- work with the mouse;
hang, slow down- do not respond to questions from outside;
think- play the computer game DOOM;
take a chord– restart the computer using three keys.

4) System messages to the user:

disabled girl(from English. invalid device) – the device name is incorrect;
gamover(from English. game over) is the end of the game.

5) Names of people engaged in a particular type of activity:

user, user– user;
hacker- hacker programmer;
kettle– unqualified user;
chimney sweep– a programmer writing in Turbo-Pascal;
rapist is a programmer who writes in the C language.

6) Names of firms - manufacturers of equipment and programs:

Plumbing– equipment from Sun Microsystems Computer Corporation;
Small pulp, Necrosoft– MicroSoft company;
Bima- IBM company;
Hulit reserved seat- Hewlett Packard Company.

Basic word-formation patterns in computer jargon

Computer jargon replenished by borrowings from English. The factors determining the predominance of words of English origin in computer jargon are the following:
firstly, the presence of English-language terminology accepted throughout the world, which is associated with the dominance of American firms in the world market that produce computers and programs for them;
Secondly, the fashion for English among the youth and in society as a whole, which leads to the clogging of the Russian language with English words (cf .: impeachment, speaker, marketing, management etc.);
third, a fairly high educational level of people employed in this field of activity.
However, not every foreign word is immediately perceived by the borrowing language. In order for it to enter a foreign language, certain conditions are necessary. One of them is whether it is possible to convey a foreign word by phonetic means of the borrowing language? Most often, finding themselves in a new borrowing language environment, words lose the form that they had at home and undergo phonetic changes. As a rule, foreign words adapt to the requirements of a new phonetic environment, to new pronunciation standards. Only a few borrowed words in computer jargon have fully retained their pronunciation. These are words like bug- an error in the program, news- an email message.
Much more often in computer jargon, English words are borrowed using transliteration, i.e. transmission of the literal image of the borrowed word. In this case English rules readings are usually ignored and the word is reproduced in Russian letters based on the Latin alphabet or letters similar to English in style. For example: they have(from English. UNIX user(from English. user) – user; gamer(from English. gamer) - a fan of computer games; computer(from English. computer) - computer, etc.
Foreign words adapt not only to the phonetic system of the language they enter. To a large extent, they are also influenced by the grammatical system. Foreign words are distributed according to the established types of declension, change in cases, participate in the formation of other parts of speech, new phrases. For example:

gamble(from noun. game- game) - to play;
executable- file with extension exe;
reboot(from English. reboot- restart) - restart the computer;
helper(from English. help– help) – hint block
work in windows- work in Windows system;
destroy bugs- fix bugs in the program.

Changes can be made to transliterated words and stems that generate a comic effect due to phonetic similarity with the corresponding Russian words, for example:

Durdos(from English. DR DOS) is the name of the operating system;
sterver(from English. server) – file server (computer network node).

Both Russian and transliterated English stems allow you to create a huge variety of new lexical units that are part of computer jargon. In this case, various methods of word formation are used. In my report, I trace how the word-formation models identified by E.A. Zemskoy for neologisms in Russian, on the example of computer jargon. These models are as follows.

1. Suffix

The most frequent way of word formation in Russian and the most productive in computer jargon:

runner- ticker;
jet- jet printer;
butyavka(from English. boot) – boot floppy disk;
visyuk(or hanging) - a program that causes the computer to freeze;
blink(from English. blink) – blink (about indicator lights).

Nouns have the most common suffixes -Nick- and -to-, as well as diminutive suffixes -ishk-, -yashk-, -ink- and others, for example: pentyashka- Pentium processor motherboard- motherboard.
Verbs are formed from the stems of nouns with the help of verb suffixes -at, -it, -ut: job(from English. job work) work glitch, crash– perform actions incorrectly (about the program), chat(from English. chat- conversation) - to exchange messages over the Internet.

2. Prefix

This way of word formation is more typical for verbs:

throw off, drain- copy the files to a floppy disk;
cut down- switch off;
hack, blow up- violate the security system;
hold(from English. hold– hold) – leave files for the recipient.

It should be noted that almost all verb prefixes used in computer jargon translate verbs into the perfect form, indicating a one-time action.

Editorial Clarification

Of the examples given here, only the verb hold can be considered a case of prefixing within computer jargon. All other verbs are taken from the literary language and subjected to rethinking in computer jargon by similarity, i.e. relate rather to point 10. Here are two more examples of the actual prefixing: to play - to play; attach (from English attach - attach) - attach a file to a letter.

3. Suffix-prefix method

This pattern is also more characteristic of verbs: change shoes(from English. boot- loading) - reboot, there are also nouns formed in this way: armpit- mouse pad, windowsill- a program that runs under Windows window- window).

Editorial Clarification

Of the 3 nouns, only the armpit is an example of the actual suffix-prefix formation of jargon. The armpit and window sill are rather examples of ironic rethinking literary words close to those described in paragraph 10.

4. Building the foundations

The most commonly used way of wording is with the help of a connecting vowel:

number of gnaws- a computer;
tech-rat- author and distributor of virus programs;
flea, bedbug- a program for finding errors and debugging programs;
flop drive(from English. floppy- slang name for a floppy disk) - a disk drive.

The composition mainly involves Russian stems, but some words use well-known borrowed elements - drom, background and others: mousedrome- mouse pad.

5. Abbreviation

Abbreviations, or abbreviations, are alphabetic (each letter is pronounced separately) and sound (an abbreviation is pronounced like a word). A feature of computer jargon is that abbreviations in it can be rethought, acquire humorous or punning shades, and also often serve as the basis for the formation of new full-fledged words:

FAQ- Frequently Asked Questions and Answers to them - section of the Internet;
frame(from RAM - Random Access Memory) - RAM;
Romka(from ROM - Read Only Memory) is a permanent storage device;
seat (seat) is a compact disc (CD-ROM).

Editorial Clarification

A pure example of word formation through abbreviation among those given by the author is only FAQ - Frequently Asked Questions and Answers to them. Other examples illustrate, in fact, the accompanying process - not the spelling of the phrase, but the formation full word with morphological design from a foreign language abbreviation, moreover, read (as in the case of SD) in accordance with the rules of phonetics of the source language.

6. Compound words

There are not so many compound words in computer jargon. These are mostly nouns:

Vika- video card;
primacy- applied mathematician.

7. Truncation

Some words are formed by truncation, i.e. discarding initial, final or intermediate syllables in a word: vir– virus; winch- hard drive, hard disk; Yaha- Japanese firm "Yamaha".
Often truncated parts of words acquire endings: conf– news conference; programs- programs; Windows- Windows program.

8. Substantivation

Substantiation is the transition to the category of nouns of other parts of speech. In computer jargon, numerals are most often subjected to substantiation, adjectives are somewhat less common:

three (three)– personal computer with 80386 processor;
caudate- mouse type manipulator.

9. Punning word formation

A well-known property of jargon vocabulary - rethinking commonly used words and creating on their basis lexical units with a double meaning, correlated with words that are far in meaning - is also widely manifested in computer jargon:

croak- play the computer game Quake;
do business - delete files with command del.

10. Metaphorical and functional transfer

Metaphorical nomination occurs when the name is transferred on the basis of any similarity of two objects (in shape, size):

lace, rope- a wire connecting two computers;
hose– wide cable for connecting devices.

Functional transfer is another type of rethinking nomination, in which the name is transferred to another item based on some common function:

stopper, stopper– a device that prevents unauthorized access to programs and equipment;
doctor- a program that restores ("heals") corrupted files.

Thus, the ways in which the lexical composition of computer jargon is replenished are extremely diverse and include almost all known word-formation models.

Functions performed by computer jargon

Any jargon has a limited scope. The scope of computer jargon covers people who professionally work with computers, and just users, i.e. it is wide enough. Therefore, we can distinguish a number of different functions performed by jargon, depending on who uses it.

1. First of all, like any other "language" characteristic of a particular group of people, computer jargon is means of self-expression participants of communication who are brought together by a common cause, one specialty. The use of jargon allows professionals and users of different levels to communicate freely. Often the speech of specialists is completely incomprehensible to people far from computers and even causes their irritation.

2. The most important function of computer jargon is the expression of emotions (for example, sterver- server), evaluative attitude (for example, dismissive butyavka- boot disk print- print on a printer; diminutive bow- "pretty" in the program). The use of emotionally colored jargon allows you to spice up a boring professional conversation.

3. The function of saving language is very important, because there are many words in computer jargon that are equivalents to cumbersome terms, for example: weed, or weed(from English. poll– survey) – conduct a survey of network users; chat(from English. chat- conversation) - a special program on the Internet that allows you to conduct a dialogue in real time.


1. Valedinsky V.D. Informatics. Dictionary of computer terms (for high school). Moscow: Aquarium, 1997.
2. Golanova E.I. How Names Arise: A book for high school students. Moscow: Education, 1989.
3. Zemskaya E.A. Word formation as an activity. Moscow: Nauka, 1992.
4. Internet from BUT before I// Children's encyclopedia. 1999. No. 2.
5. Mikitich L.D. Foreign vocabulary. L .: Education, 1967.
6. Dictionary PC user. St. Petersburg: Aton, 1998.
7. Khomyakov V.A. Three lectures on slang. Vologda: VGPI, 1970.
8. Shakhova N. Horsepower Products // Computerra. 1995. Nos. 35–36. pp. 40–42.
9. Encyclopedic dictionary of a young philologist (linguistics) / Comp. M.V. Panov.
Moscow: Pedagogy, 1984.
10. Yakubovich T.D. New words. Book for students. M.: Education, 1966.

P. V. Likholitov

According to the newspaper "Capital" (see: Vostryakova L. Language of the market // Capital. 1996. April 16), "with the appearance on the domestic market in the mid-80s of personal computers and the release in 1988, at first 100% translated magazine "PC World", which became very popular, there was a "collapse": English-language terms and abbreviations, often in English spelling, filled the pages of magazines and littered the speech of specialists. Simultaneously with the professional language of programmers, a specific jargon of experts in computer technology and just people who are fond of computer games began to form.

Computer jargon (so for simplicity we will call it) contains vocabulary that is distinguished by colloquial, rudely familiar coloring. In it, as well as in the professional vocabulary of programmers, there are quite a lot of anglicisms. However, foreign borrowings are by no means the only source of replenishment of the jargon of computer scientists.

Using the proposed K.N. Dubrovina's model for the analysis of student jargon (see: Student Jargon // Philological Sciences. 1980. No. 1), we will try to find out the ways and means of forming computer jargon. They are very varied.

Some words of this lexical system are borrowed from the jargons of other professional groups: for example, "teapot" (an inexperienced programmer) and "movement / k" (the algorithm is the core computer program) are taken from the jargon of motorists, where they refer to an inexperienced driver and a car engine, respectively. The jargon "makru/shnik" (a programmer using the "macroassembler" programming language) is a lexical borrowing from criminal slang, in which the word "mokru/shnik" means "murderer" (see: Explanatory Dictionary of Criminal Jargons. M., 1991. S. 108). "Wheelbarrow" in urban folklore is a car (see: Yelistratov V.S. Dictionary of Moscow Argo. M., 1994. P. 465), and this word has passed into computer jargon with the meaning "computer". For example, they say about the Pentium-200 computer: "A fashionable car with a two hundredth engine" (see: How to buy a computer ... // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1996. 1 December).

It happens that borrowings change semantically, for example, as a result of metaphorical transfer. So, the word "mofo/n" in youth interslang means a tape recorder, and in computer jargon, "mofo/nom" can be called any device with a magnetic tape (say, a streamer). The similarity in meaning, on the basis of which the transfer occurs, is a magnetic tape that allows you to record information.

For most jargon systems, the method of metaphorization turned out to be productive. With its help, the following words were formed in computer jargon: "pancake" - a CD, data from which is read by a computer; "rat" - a Soviet-made mouse (very large, compared to the standard one); "tile" - printed circuit board; "resuscitator" - a specialist in the "revival" of a disconnected computer; "garbage" - interference in the terminal or telephone network.

Verbal metaphors are numerous: "slow down" - to spend time playing computer games, to mess around; "demolish" (sov. type "demolish") - delete unclaimed information (computer mail) from the computer's memory; "buzz" - establish a connection using a modem, etc.

In addition to metaphors, other ways of transference can be found in computer jargon. For example, the use of the words "boss" (from the English colloquial boss - boss) and "sadist" in the sense of the main "villain" (opponent) in all computer games without exception is a synecdoche. In the magazine "Country of Games" (1996. No. 7) we read: "Any most difficult to kill, strong and big enemy in the game can be called a" boss ". It is generally accepted that he should logically complete the level in the game with his appearance. In the "Encyclopedia of Computer Games" (St. Petersburg, 1995, p. 4) we find another example of the use of "boss" jargon: "Game levels almost always end in a duel with the "boss" - a particularly large and harmful opponent. To destroy the "boss" you need to find his weak point and skillfully use it with the appropriate use of tactics.

The use of jargon "hardware" in the meaning of "computer" (mechanical and electronic parts of a computer) is an example of metonymy.

There are argotisms in computer jargon. These words should not be understood as belonging to a secret, secret language. Argotisms are simply devoid of their own linguistic motivation, or it is incomprehensible to the uninitiated. This kind of conditional names include the lexeme "probkotron" - a powerful device that creates interference in the electrical network. When the computer fails due to a power surge, they say: "The neighbors turned on the corktron again!" To "shoe" a floppy means to prepare it for loading into a computer. A software product that produces only video effects and does not contain dialogs is called a "glukal" (or "glukal"). A computer that shuts down spontaneously is said to be "hanging". An inexperienced programmer whose computer often "hangs" (that is, refuses to work) is called a hangman.

A special place in computer jargon is occupied by words that do not have a semantic motivation. They are distinguished from argotisms by their connection with those common words and computer terms, instead of which they are used in the jargon system. This connection is based on the relationship of partial homonymy: words that do not have a semantic motivation are characterized by separate morpho-phonetic coincidences with commonly used words and professional terms of programmers (the phenomenon of phonetic mimicry).

For example, programmers call a laser printer (printing device) "la / zarem" due to partial sound coincidences in the roots of semantically dissimilar words: Lazar and laser. So, the word, which in the national language has the meaning of the male name Lazar, has acquired a completely new content in computer jargon.

The vocabulary of this kind includes jargon: “waxa” (VAX operating system) and “sivuha” (slang name for the computer game “Civilization” - “Civilization”), as well as “pentyuh” - a Pentium modification computer (Pentium).

Many computer jargon words are formed according to the word-formation models adopted in the Russian language. In an affixal way, for example, jargon "flying" is formed. From the verb to fly using the characteristic for colloquial speech suffix -k- formed the noun "flying" - a computer game that simulates a flight on a combat aircraft or spaceship. In the magazine "World of Entertainment" (1996. No. 7) we read: "Fans of flying games can be reminded of the game "US Navy Fighters", the previous flight simulator in the whole series of "Jane" s Combat Simulations "".

According to one model with the word "flying" jargons "brodi/lka" and "arrow/lka" are formed. "Brodi/Lka" is a game in which you are invited to go on a "journey" through an unknown area, where you need to find a certain object ("artifact"). "Shooter" is usually referred to as a computer game with a simple plot. Winning in such a game depends only on the speed of the player's reaction and his ability to use the computer keyboard. In the "Encyclopedia of Computer Games" we find the following example: "... there are developed template themes and genres, just like the genres of" Western "or" love story"in the world of literature. First of all, these are the most primitive "shooters" ... Airplanes crushing myriads of enemies, lone supermen with superweapons in their hands ... You can't list all the different topics! .. For their primitiveness, some "shooters" got the nickname "spinal cords".

In the words "pussy / k" (from the English abbreviation PC personal computer) and "sit / k" (from the English abbreviation CD - compact disc) there is a suffix -yuk, characteristic of colloquial speech. Here are examples of the use of these jargon: " will learn all this from the introduction, which completely occupies the first disc (there are 3 CDs in the game)" (Mir Entertainment. 1996. No. 7). In "Moskovsky Komsomolets" we read: "Ask a person who claims to be a programmer to show his pussy. If he shows you anything different from a PC, you can slap him and drive him out."

One of the ways to replenish computer jargon is to borrow vocabulary from the English language. Borrowings that are not grammatically mastered by the Russian language include the words: "gamo / ver" - an unauthorized stop of a computer program (from the English game over the end of the game); "sma / yli" (from English smily) is a funny face, which is a sequence of punctuation marks (:-)) typed on a computer keyboard.

Among grammatically assimilated borrowings, jargons should be mentioned: "mail /" (from the English mail - mail) - a letter transmitted over a computer network; "ge / ymer" (from the English slang. gamer) - a lover of computer games. The grammatical assimilation of some borrowings by the Russian language is accompanied by their derivational Russification. Here we mean jargon: "conne / ktitsya" (from English to connect) - to communicate using computers; "print / wat" (from English to print) - print; "keel / t" (from English to kill - completely stop) - stop any operations performed by the computer; "program / mmm" (from English to programm) - to engage in programming; "click" (from the English. to click - onomatopoeia "click") - press the mouse buttons.

As an example of semantic borrowing, one should cite the word kick (Sov. kind of kick). Russian to kick in computer jargon received a figurative meaning "download into a computer operating system or program", which arose under the influence of the figurative meaning of the English to boot "kick". Perhaps due to another figurative meaning English expression to boot Russian kick came to mean in the slang speech of programmers also "to send a letter or file via computer connection". They say: "Let's ask Microsoft to kick us the Windows sources" (Let's ask Microsoft to give us the source materials for the Windows program).

It is noteworthy that words that are stylistically neutral in English in the jargon of Russian programmers acquire a functionally reduced stylistic coloring: rudely familiar, ironically dismissive, or simply colloquially laid-back.

In the jargon of programmers, abbreviations are often found. For example, Macintosh computers are called "poppies". Here is an example: "Personal computers are IBM-compatible and Macintosh. Today we will talk only about the first variety, and the owners of poppies can only wish for endurance until the next release" (Mosk. Koms. 1996. Dec. 1)

Sometimes phrases are reduced to one word (reception of univerbization). So, the name of the computer game "Wolfenstein" (translated from German "Wolf's Lair") was reduced to the jargon "wolf" (from German Wolf "wolf"). In the August 1996 issue of the Land of Games magazine, we read: “The fans quickly dubbed the released demo version “Wolf” and with great pleasure began to save their hero from the fascist dungeons.”

An example of univerbization can also serve as a jargon strategy, formed from the phrase " strategy game". The category of "strategies" includes all computer games where it is necessary to direct military operations at the level of a commander of any rank. Often in these games it is necessary to manage not only troops, but also economic resources, that is, the "rear" (See: "Encyclopedia of computer games". P. 6, 7). Here is an example of the use of strategy jargon from the magazine "Pro Games" (1996. No. b): "Strategies, strategies ... There have been so many of them! Well, Close Combat (the name of the new computer game. - P. L.) is not so different from its relatives, but still deserves our attention. "

The lexicon of computer jargon contains words with the same or extremely close meaning - synonyms. You can even single out entire synonymous series: "computer / ter" - "ta / chka" - "apparatus / t" - "machine / on" (computer); "povi / s" - "fell" - "ru / hnul" - "speeded / growled" - "sweat / x" (as they say about a computer that refused to work); "screw" - "hard" - "disk" - "berda / n" - "heavy drive" (a hard drive is a hard disk installed inside a computer where all programs are placed).

In computer jargon, one can also observe the phenomenon of homonymy. For example, "slow down / t" (bad, slow work - about the computer) and "slow down / t" (kill time by playing computer games). Moreover, one can find examples of homonymy both internal (between the words of the jargon itself) and external (with the words of the national language). Let's compare, for example, such homonyms as "click" ("call someone" in Russian colloquial speech), on the one hand, and "click/kat" in the above slang meaning, on the other.

In some cases, we can talk about homonymous relationships that arise between words from different slang systems.

For example, in youth interslang, the word "glitch" means hallucination, mirage, vision. "And in computer jargon, a "glitch" is an unintentional error in a program that gives an unpredictable result.

Domestic programmers have replenished the language with numerous phraseological turns. Most of them are characterized by bright emotional coloring and stylistic decline. Among the verbal phraseological units are the following: "tread the buttons" - work on the computer keyboard; "reap the loaves" - work with the mouse; "glitch / kalo polish / t" - to engage in excessive embellishment of an already written computer program, etc. Phraseological turns should be attributed to substantive phrases: "fa / for the Moon" - a popular explanation for the unexpected inclusion of a computer or program that suddenly "came to life" and began to do what is required of her; "three-finger salute" ("exit with three fingers") - turn off the computer by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys; "native mother" - the main (or motherboard) board in a computer, etc.

The original folklore of programmers is interesting, in which terminological vocabulary is used in a broad figurative sense in various situations that are not directly related to the professional activities of computer technology specialists. For example, when a programmer does not want to fulfill someone's request, he can say: "Can" t open (or "Invalid request") - "I can't open" (or "Unreasonable request"). It is this English-language text that is displayed on the computer screen when the machine cannot complete the task assigned to it. "Divide overflom" ("overload") - says a computer scientist when, due to fatigue, he is unable to perceive incoming information. In a similar situation, such a phrase is issued by a computer. Falling asleep in the evening of a hard day, the programmer admonishes himself for the coming dream with the words: "System halted" ("The system is stopped"). The same thing, turning off, "says" and the computer.

In the professional speech of programmers, there is an expression "boot the computer", that is, enter a certain program into the machine. The word "load" today in the jargon of computer scientists and youth interjargon has received a new meaning - "to bore someone with long and "abstruse" speeches." The correspondent of Moskovsky Komsomolets writes: "In order not to burden the people, I will cite some interesting passages from her work..." (MK. 1996, December 12).

What is the difference between computer jargon and dialects of a different type? The emotionally colored vocabulary of programmers differs from Russian colloquial speech and vernacular by being "obsessed" with the realities of the computer world. Out-of-this-world phenomena don't encourage programmers to give them jargon names.

It should be noted that jargon is often derived from professional terms borrowed from the English language.

From the professional terminology of programmers, slang vocabulary differs in emotional coloring and some blurring of the meanings of words, which are not typical for terms. As a rule, jargons act as stylistic synonyms for professional terms. Let's compare, for example, synonymous constructions: "shooter" (slang) and arcade (prof.); "walker" (slang) and quest (prof.); "flying" (slang) and aviation simulator (prof.), etc.

Computer jargon is a new phenomenon in the Russian language. Its novelty is determined by the fact that the carriers and creators of this vocabulary are representatives of a relatively young profession - programmers. The existence of computer jargon allows specialists in the field of programming not only to understand each other perfectly. Thanks to the knowledge of this special language, computer scientists feel like members of some kind of closed community, isolated from the "uninitiated". The phenomenon of such linguistic isolation is characteristic of almost all professional groups, and not only programmers.

We've only scratched the surface of the broad vocabulary that is computer jargon. The development of this linguistic phenomenon and its distribution among all more native speakers of the Russian language is determined by the introduction of computer technology into the life of modern society. It seems that computer jargon should become the object of close attention of linguists, because, as examples of other jargon systems show, special vocabulary sometimes penetrates into literary language and stay there for many years.

Word check:

Russian speech

Computer jargon

P. V. Likholitov

According to the newspaper "Capital" (see: Vostryakova L. Language of the market // Capital. 1996. April 16), "with the appearance on the domestic market in the mid-80s of personal computers and the release in 1988, at first 100% translated magazine "PC World", which became very popular, there was a "collapse": English-language terms and abbreviations, often in English spelling, filled the pages of magazines and littered the speech of specialists. Simultaneously with the professional language of programmers, a specific jargon of experts in computer technology and just people who are fond of computer games began to form.

Computer jargon (so for simplicity we will call it) contains vocabulary that is distinguished by colloquial, rudely familiar coloring. In it, as well as in the professional vocabulary of programmers, there are quite a lot of anglicisms. However, foreign borrowings are by no means the only source of replenishment of the jargon of computer scientists.

Using the proposed K.N. Dubrovina's model for the analysis of student jargon (see: Student Jargon // Philological Sciences. 1980. No. 1), we will try to find out the ways and means of forming computer jargon. They are very varied.

Some of the words in this lexical system are borrowed from the jargon of other professional groups: for example, "teapot" (an inexperienced programmer) and "movement/k" (an algorithm is the core of a computer program) are taken from the jargon of motorists, where they denote, respectively, an inexperienced driver and a car engine. The jargon "makru/shnik" (a programmer using the "macroassembler" programming language) is a lexical borrowing from criminal slang, in which the word "mokru/shnik" means "murderer" (see: Explanatory Dictionary of Criminal Jargons. M., 1991. S. 108). "Wheelbarrow" in urban folklore is a car (see: Yelistratov V.S. Dictionary of Moscow Argo. M., 1994. P. 465), and this word has passed into computer jargon with the meaning "computer". For example, they say about the Pentium-200 computer: "A fashionable car with a two hundredth engine" (see: How to buy a computer ... // Moskovsky Komsomolets. 1996. 1 December).

It happens that borrowings change semantically, for example, as a result of metaphorical transfer. So, the word "mofo/n" in youth interslang means a tape recorder, and in computer jargon, "mofo/nom" can be called any device with a magnetic tape (say, a streamer). The similarity in meaning, on the basis of which the transfer occurs, is a magnetic tape that allows you to record information.

For most jargon systems, the method of metaphorization turned out to be productive. With its help, the following words were formed in computer jargon: "pancake" - a CD, data from which is read by a computer; "rat" - a Soviet-made mouse (very large, compared to the standard one); "tile" - printed circuit board; "resuscitator" - a specialist in the "revival" of a disconnected computer; "garbage" - interference in the terminal or telephone network.

Verbal metaphors are numerous: "slow down" - to spend time playing computer games, to mess around; "demolish" (sov. type "demolish") - delete unclaimed information (computer mail) from the computer's memory; "buzz" - establish a connection using a modem, etc.

In addition to metaphors, other ways of transference can be found in computer jargon. For example, the use of the words "boss" (from the English colloquial boss - boss) and "sadist" in the sense of the main "villain" (opponent) in all computer games without exception is a synecdoche. In the magazine "Country of Games" (1996. No. 7) we read: "Any most difficult to kill, strong and big enemy in the game can be called a" boss ". It is generally accepted that he should logically complete the level in the game with his appearance. In the "Encyclopedia of Computer Games" (St. Petersburg, 1995, p. 4) we find another example of the use of "boss" jargon: "Game levels almost always end in a duel with the "boss" - a particularly large and harmful opponent. To destroy the "boss" you need to find his weak point and skillfully use it with the appropriate use of tactics.

The use of jargon "hardware" in the meaning of "computer" (mechanical and electronic parts of a computer) is an example of metonymy.

There are argotisms in computer jargon. These words should not be understood as belonging to a secret, secret language. Argotisms are simply devoid of their own linguistic motivation, or it is incomprehensible to the uninitiated. This kind of conditional names include the lexeme "probkotron" - a powerful device that creates interference in the electrical network. When the computer fails due to a power surge, they say: "The neighbors turned on the corktron again!" To "shoe" a floppy means to prepare it for loading into a computer. A software product that produces only video effects and does not contain dialogs is called a "glukal" (or "glukal"). A computer that shuts down spontaneously is said to be "hanging". An inexperienced programmer whose computer often "hangs" (that is, refuses to work) is called a hangman.

A special place in computer jargon is occupied by words that do not have a semantic motivation. They are distinguished from argotisms by their connection with those common words and computer terms, instead of which they are used in the jargon system. This connection is based on the relationship of partial homonymy: words that do not have a semantic motivation are characterized by separate morpho-phonetic coincidences with commonly used words and professional terms of programmers (the phenomenon of phonetic mimicry).

For example, programmers call a laser printer (printing device) "la / zarem" due to partial sound matches in the roots of semantically dissimilar words: Lazarus and laser. So, the word, which in the national language has the meaning of the male name Lazar, has acquired a completely new content in computer jargon.

The vocabulary of this kind includes jargon: “waxa” (VAX operating system) and “sivuha” (slang name for the computer game “Civilization” - “Civilization”), as well as “pentyuh” - a Pentium modification computer (Pentium).

Many computer jargon words are formed according to the word-formation models adopted in the Russian language. In an affixal way, for example, jargon "flying" is formed. from the verb fly with the help of the suffix -k- characteristic of colloquial speech, the noun "letalka" is formed - a computer game that simulates flying on a combat aircraft or spaceship. In the magazine "World of Entertainment" (1996. No. 7) we read: "Fans of flying games can be reminded of the game "US Navy Fighters", the previous flight simulator in the whole series of "Jane" s Combat Simulations "".

According to one model with the word "flying" jargons "brodi/lka" and "arrow/lka" are formed. "Brodi/Lka" is a game in which you are invited to go on a "journey" through an unknown area, where you need to find a certain object ("artifact"). "Shooter" is usually referred to as a computer game with a simple plot. Winning in such a game depends only on the speed of the player's reaction and his ability to use the computer keyboard. In the "Encyclopedia of Computer Games" we find the following example: "... there are developed template themes and genres, just like the genres of" western "or" love story "in the world of literature. First of all, these are the most primitive "shooters" ... Airplanes crushing myriads of enemies, lone supermen with superweapons in their hands ... It's impossible to list all the different topics!

In the words "pisyu / k" (from the English abbreviation PC personal computer) and "sit / k" (from the English abbreviation CD - CD) there is a suffix -yuk, characteristic of common speech. Here are examples of the use of these jargon: " will learn all this from the introduction, which completely occupies the first disc (there are 3 CDs in the game)" (Mir Entertainment. 1996. No. 7). In "Moskovsky Komsomolets" we read: "Ask a person who claims to be a programmer to show his pussy. If he shows you anything different from a PC, you can slap him and drive him out."

One of the ways to replenish computer jargon is to borrow vocabulary from the English language. Borrowings that are not grammatically mastered by the Russian language include the words: "gamo / ver" - an unauthorized stop of a computer program (from the English game over the end of the game); "sma / yli" (from English smily) is a funny face, which is a sequence of punctuation marks (:-)) typed on a computer keyboard.

Among grammatically assimilated borrowings, jargons should be mentioned: "mail /" (from the English mail - mail) - a letter transmitted over a computer network; "ge / ymer" (from the English slang. gamer) - a lover of computer games. The grammatical assimilation of some borrowings by the Russian language is accompanied by their derivational Russification. Here we mean jargon: "conne / ktitsya" (from English to connect) - to communicate using computers; "print / wat" (from English to print) - print; "keel / t" (from English to kill - completely stop) - stop any operations performed by the computer; "program / mmm" (from English to programm) - to engage in programming; "click" (from the English. to click - onomatopoeia "click") - press the mouse buttons.

As an example of semantic borrowing, the word kick(owl view kick). Russian kick in computer jargon, it received a figurative meaning "to load an operating system or program into a computer", which arose under the influence of the figurative meaning of English to boot "kick". Perhaps, thanks to another figurative meaning of the English expression to boot, the Russian kick came to mean in the slang speech of programmers also "send a letter or file via a computer connection." They say: "Let's ask Microsoft to kick us the Windows sources" (Let's ask Microsoft to give us the source materials for the Windows program).

It is noteworthy that words that are stylistically neutral in English in the jargon of Russian programmers acquire a functionally reduced stylistic coloring: rudely familiar, ironically dismissive, or simply colloquially laid-back.

In the jargon of programmers, abbreviations are often found. For example, Macintosh computers are called "poppies". Here is an example: "Personal computers are IBM-compatible and Macintosh. Today we will talk only about the first variety, and the owners of poppies can only wish for endurance until the next release" (Mosk. Koms. 1996. Dec. 1)

Sometimes phrases are reduced to one word (reception of univerbization). So, the name of the computer game "Wolfenstein" (translated from German "Wolf's Lair") was reduced to the jargon "wolf" (from German Wolf "wolf"). In the August 1996 issue of the Land of Games magazine, we read: “The fans quickly dubbed the released demo version “Wolf” and with great pleasure began to save their hero from the fascist dungeons.”

An example of univerbization can also serve as a jargon strategy, formed from the phrase "strategic game". The category of "strategies" includes all computer games where it is necessary to direct military operations at the level of a commander of any rank. Often in these games it is necessary to manage not only troops, but also economic resources, that is, the "rear" (See: "Encyclopedia of Computer Games", pp. 6, 7). Here is an example of jargon strategy from the magazine "Pro Games" (1996. No. b): "Strategies, strategies ... How many of them have already been! Well, Close Combat (the name of a new computer game. - P. L.) is not so different from its relatives, but still deserves our attention."

The lexicon of computer jargon contains words with the same or extremely close meaning - synonyms. You can even single out entire synonymous series: "computer / ter" - "ta / chka" - "apparatus / t" - "machine / on" (computer); "povi / s" - "fell" - "ru / hnul" - "speeded / growled" - "sweat / x" (as they say about a computer that refused to work); "screw" - "hard" - "disk" - "berda / n" - "heavy drive" (a hard drive is a hard disk installed inside a computer where all programs are placed).

In computer jargon, one can also observe the phenomenon of homonymy. For example, "slow down / t" (bad, slow work - about the computer) and "slow down / t" (kill time by playing computer games). Moreover, one can find examples of homonymy both internal (between the words of the jargon itself) and external (with the words of the national language). Let's compare, for example, such homonyms as "click" ("call someone" in Russian colloquial speech), on the one hand, and "click/kat" in the above slang meaning, on the other.

In some cases, we can talk about homonymous relationships that arise between words from different slang systems.

For example, in youth interslang, the word "glitch" means hallucination, mirage, vision. "And in computer jargon, a "glitch" is an unintentional error in a program that gives an unpredictable result.

Domestic programmers have replenished the language with numerous phraseological turns. Most of them are characterized by bright emotional coloring and stylistic decline. Among the verbal phraseological units are the following: "tread the buttons" - work on the computer keyboard; "reap the loaves" - work with the mouse; "glitch / kalo polish / t" - to engage in excessive embellishment of an already written computer program, etc. Phraseological turns should be attributed to substantive phrases: "fa / for the Moon" - a popular explanation for the unexpected inclusion of a computer or program that suddenly "came to life" and began to do what is required of her; "three-finger salute" ("exit with three fingers") - turn off the computer by simultaneously pressing the Ctrl-Alt-Del keys; "native mother" - the main (or motherboard) board in a computer, etc.

The original folklore of programmers is interesting, in which terminological vocabulary is used in a broad figurative sense in various situations that are not directly related to the professional activities of computer technology specialists. For example, when a programmer does not want to fulfill someone's request, he can say: "Can" t open (or "Invalid request") - "I can't open" (or "Unreasonable request"). It is this English-language text that is displayed on the computer screen when the machine cannot complete the task assigned to it. "Divide overflom" ("overload") - says a computer scientist when, due to fatigue, he is unable to perceive incoming information. In a similar situation, such a phrase is issued by a computer. Falling asleep in the evening of a hard day, the programmer admonishes himself for the coming dream with the words: "System halted" ("The system is stopped"). The same thing, turning off, "says" and the computer.

In the professional speech of programmers, there is an expression "boot the computer", that is, enter a certain program into the machine. The word "load" today in the jargon of computer scientists and youth interjargon has received a new meaning - "to bore someone with long and "abstruse" speeches." The correspondent of Moskovsky Komsomolets writes: "In order not to burden the people, I will cite some interesting passages from her work..." (MK. 1996, December 12).

What is the difference between computer jargon and dialects of a different type? The emotionally colored vocabulary of programmers differs from Russian colloquial speech and vernacular by being "obsessed" with the realities of the computer world. Out-of-this-world phenomena don't encourage programmers to give them jargon names.

It should be noted that jargon is often derived from professional terms borrowed from the English language.

From the professional terminology of programmers, slang vocabulary differs in emotional coloring and some blurring of the meanings of words, which are not typical for terms. As a rule, jargons act as stylistic synonyms for professional terms. Let's compare, for example, synonymous constructions: "shooter" (slang) and arcade(prof.); "walker" (slang) and quest(prof.); "flying" (slang) and flight simulator(prof.) and others.

Computer jargon is a new phenomenon in the Russian language. Its novelty is determined by the fact that the carriers and creators of this vocabulary are representatives of a relatively young profession - programmers. The existence of computer jargon allows specialists in the field of programming not only to understand each other perfectly. Thanks to the knowledge of this special language, computer scientists feel like members of some kind of closed community, isolated from the "uninitiated". The phenomenon of such linguistic isolation is characteristic of almost all professional groups, and not only programmers.

We've only scratched the surface of the broad vocabulary that is computer jargon. The development of this linguistic phenomenon and its spread among an increasing number of native speakers of the Russian language is conditioned by the introduction of computer technology into the life of modern society. It seems that computer jargon should become the object of close attention of linguists, because, as examples of other jargon systems show, special vocabulary sometimes penetrates into the literary language and is fixed there for many years.