"Sciences feed young men ..."

Teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU secondary school No. 2 I.A. Zinina

Almost 300 years have passed, but these words of Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, whose name is known far beyond the borders of Russia, still sound very relevant today. It was M.V. Lomonosov who stood at the origins of the formation of public ideas about the native language. His assessment and philological activity found a particularly vivid expression in the Russian Grammar. Thanks to the work of the great scientist, the role Russian Academy Sciences and the literary magazine "Interlocutor of lovers of the Russian word", the activities of various societies began in the 18th century, the revival of the national culture of the Russian people, the basis of which was and remains the Russian language.

Lomonosov tried to turn his science, first of all (and most of all), to serve the living needs and needs of the "Russian world" and the Russian people. He sang about the importance of science and education, believed that it was possible to improve the life of the people through the spread of culture and education, the acquisition by young generations of the basics of scientific knowledge, the formation of a person must be associated with the specific socio-historical conditions of his life, with the level of development of society as a whole. The goal of education, according to Lomonosov, is the formation of a patriotic person, whose main qualities should be high morality, love for science, knowledge, diligence, selfless service to the motherland. The anthem of Russia, the great, powerful country, science and the young "daring" generation are the words from the ode of M.V. Lomonosov "Ode on the day of accession to the All-Russian throne of Her Majesty Empress Elizabeth Petrovna in 1747":

Oh you who are waiting

Fatherland from its bowels

And wants to see them

Which calls from foreign countries,

Oh, your days are blessed!

Be emboldened now

Show with your care

What can own Platos

And quick minds Nevtonov

Russian land to give birth.

Lomonosov's views are by no means outdated: sciences and knowledge make a person strong, able to grow spiritually. Without knowledge, a person is not able to develop spiritually .

GEF of the new generation is focused on the formation personal characteristics graduate ("portrait of a graduate of the basic school"). If we compare with Lomonosov's vision of the problem of upbringing and education of a young person entering adulthood, then we will find a lot in common. Of course, time makes its own adjustments, but, in my opinion, ... the essence remains the same.

So, a graduate of a basic school is a person:

Loving his land and his Fatherland, knowing Russian and his native language, respecting his people, their culture and spiritual traditions;

Understanding and accepting values human life, family, civil society, multinational Russian people, humanity;

Actively and interestedly knowing the world, realizing the value of labor, science and creativity;

Able to learn, aware of the importance of education and self-education for life and work, able to apply the acquired knowledge in practice;

Socially active, respecting the law and order, commensurate their actions with moral values, aware of their duties to the family, society, Fatherland;

Respectful of other people, able to conduct a constructive dialogue, reach mutual understanding, cooperate to achieve common results;

Consciously fulfilling the rules of a healthy and environmentally sound lifestyle that is safe for humans and their environment;

Oriented in the world of professions, understanding the meaning professional activity for a person in the interests of sustainable development of society and nature.

Every school subject is aimed at "creating" such a young person. But, perhaps, the Russian language and literature, more than other subjects, contribute to the spiritual and moral education and development of the child's personality. In the Philology section of the Standard, attention is drawn to the following:

"The study of the subject area "Philology" - language as a sign system underlying human communication, the formation of civil, ethnic and social identity, allowing to understand, to be understood, to express inner world person must provide:

Gaining access to the literary heritage and through it to the treasures of national and world culture and the achievements of civilization;

Forming the basis for understanding the characteristics of different cultures and fostering respect for them;

Awareness of the relationship between one's intellectual and social growth, contributing to the spiritual, moral, emotional, creative, ethical and cognitive development;

Formation of basic skills that provide the opportunity for further study of languages, with an orientation towards bilingualism;

Enrichment of active and potential vocabulary to achieve more high results while studying other subjects.

From this it is quite clear that the role of the Russian language as a subject is very high, since the student must perfectly master all types of speech activity (listening, reading, speaking and writing); learn to interact with other people in various situations, freely expressing their thoughts and feelings in accordance with the situation and style of communication; in the process of education and self-education with the help of language, develop their intellectual and creative abilities; expand and systematize knowledge about the language, realizing the relationship of its levels and units; master the basics literary language and speech etiquette and gain experience in their use in speech practice when creating oral and written statements; strive for speech self-improvement; to form responsibility for linguistic culture as a universal value. All this he can achieve under the guidance of a teacher and on condition that he learns to learn.

K.D. Ushinsky, who gave great importance natural-scientific subjects, wrote: “Language is the most lively, most abundant and strong bond that connects the obsolete, living and future generations of the people into one great historical living whole. It not only expresses the vitality of the people, but is precisely this very life. When the national language disappears, there are no more people! According to the great teacher, the language is not only a chronicle of the entire centuries-old life of the people, “but also the greatest mentor of the people”: “A child, having learned his native language, already enters life with immense strength. Not only does a child learn conventional sounds by learning his native language, but he drinks spiritual life and strength from the native breast of his native word. It explains nature to him as no natural scientist could explain it, it acquaints him with the character of the people around him, with the society in which he lives, with its history and its aspirations, as no historian could acquaint him with. Today we are all witnessing the destruction of the traditional Russian culture of speech. Language A.S. Pushkin, I.S. Turgenev, I.A. Goncharov can be admired, you can enjoy him, you can be surprised and shrug your shoulders, how can you be surprised at how a significant part of today's youth is switching to the language of text messages, her speech is replenished with criminal jargon and "words" youth slang. The “clip consciousness” formed by the modern information environment (the inability to systematically perceive information, to think systematically and, accordingly, to express one’s thoughts, the unwillingness of a person to try to understand the spoken or written phrase as a whole, but snatches out a piece of irritant, to which he already has an answer ready in advance, unwillingness concentrate and draw conclusions) interferes with the acquisition of full-fledged skills of coherent presentation of thoughts, logical reasoning. The Internet is increasingly turning from an ally for modern schoolchildren into the worst enemy: there is no need to painfully think, reflect, search, compare and analyze. Opened - and on those to you: anything! The student ceases to think, remember, analyze.

We live in a world oversaturated with information. Any information is, first of all, a text, which is the source of any knowledge for a person, incl. and a schoolboy. At present, the problem of the text, its perception and generation has acquired special significance in connection with the above reasons, as well as in connection with the orientation of teaching the Russian language to the ultimate goal - the formation of communicative competence and the development of the personality as a whole. The leading direction in the study of the Russian language is the development of the mental and speech activity of schoolchildren based on a sense of language and the maximum use of texts. The concept of text is one of the main concepts school course Russian language, school speech science, tk. it is the work with the text that ensures the children's mastery of all types of speech activity, the formation of which is the ultimate goal of the speech development of children at school. The connection between language and activity through text is well known. The language system functions in the text and satisfies certain requirements for the construction of texts, and the text itself must have explanatory power in relation to the system. The use of language units in the role of a structural or text-like potential is the implementation of a functionally systematic approach that involves the use of all language units at all levels of the language system.

All this allows us to talk about two directions in the work on the speech development of schoolchildren: the first direction is connected with the development of the communicative skills of students in the study of basic language units: sounds, words, word forms, phrases, sentences (simple or complex); the second - with the formation of communicative skills in the process of development of coherent oral and written speech of schoolchildren. It is at the lessons of the Russian language that the ability of children to plan their statement in accordance with the logic of science, to understand what they read, to highlight the main idea of ​​the text is formed.

Of course, the text is the basis of speech development lessons. It is the text that is the main component of the structure of the textbook on the Russian language, it is through the text that all the goals of learning in their complex are realized: communicative, educational, developing, educational. Thus, the text-centric approach is a necessary condition for achieving a new quality of education, the main content of which is the formation of key competencies in students.

It should be noted that working with text is understood as the use of ready-made texts in the lesson, as well as their compilation by the students themselves (compositions, presentations, etc.). But grammar lessons cannot do without the use of this language unit. Work with the text can be carried out at various stages of the lesson on various grammatical topics, in the lessons different type(explanation of new material, consolidation, etc.).

So, if the grammatical categories, as well as spelling or punctuation rules, which will be studied in this lesson, are already familiar to students to some extent and do not complicate them, then working with the text is also possible during the explanation of new material. But, as a rule, texts are necessary at the stages of consolidation, as well as generalization of the studied material. A well-chosen text has an important educational function.

Due to the fact that an increasing role in the lessons of the Russian language is given to the text, there is a need for a better selection of didactic material,

selection of meaningful texts that allow one to assimilate “the fruits of thought and feelings of thousands of previous generations” (K. Ushinsky), as well as those related to the development of the city, region, region, country as a whole.

Recently, under the auspices of the Government of the Ulyanovsk Region, with the support of the State Corporation Rosatom, the Regional Target Program for Supporting the Development of the Innovation Territorial Cluster "Nuclear Innovation Cluster of Dimitrovgrad, Ulyanovsk Region" for 2013-2020 was developed and approved, in which our city of nuclear scientists became the base platform for creation and development of a nuclear innovation cluster. In this regard, it is planned to implement several large projects in Dimitrovgrad innovative projects in the field of nuclear science, industry and medicine, as well as in parallel with the medical center, the construction of an academic campus, a hotel complex and a plant for the production of dosage forms based on radionuclides obtained at RIAR will be carried out. The main tasks of the scientific community of the city will be to improve the quality of education and training of scientific and technical personnel, increase the competitiveness in the labor market of graduates of higher educational institutions in the region, as well as the development of fundamental science. “Such a serious association will be aimed at improving the efficiency and quality of scientific, educational and innovation activities on the basis of cooperation of higher educational institutions and scientific organizations", - said the governor of the Ulyanovsk region Sergey Morozov.

This important and significant event could not but affect the life of our city. The teachers of our educational institution did not leave indifferent either. For three years now, the school has been working on the topic of innovation: "Creating conditions for professional and personal self-realization of teachers and students through the integration of an educational institution into a nuclear innovation cluster." Within the framework of this topic, I have compiled didactic material in Russian, which can be used by school teachers; it can be recommended for independent work of students.

The didactic material is built taking into account the most important rules that determine the spelling of words and the use of punctuation marks. The material is grouped into classes and arranged by topic. The collection offers different kinds exercises: dictations (dictionary, explanatory, selective, etc.), presentations, test tasks. The exercises placed in the collection are connected by one theme - the theme of science. The main goal is not only to test the knowledge of students, but also to awaken their thoughts and feelings, to encourage them to get acquainted with scientists, especially Russian scientists, to think about issues related to the problems of science. Therefore, the "Didactic Material" contains many texts about people of science, about scientific discoveries, about the search for ways to science. These texts are saturated with orthograms and reflect modern norm word usage.

In this manual, scientific and popular science texts are widely used, which present terminology known to students from courses in physics, biology, mathematics, that is, this collection focuses on the interdisciplinary connections of disciplines studied at school.

The collection is completed by test tasks that can be used both to prepare for the exam, and autonomously in lessons on certain topics. Texts can serve as material for repeating the rules of spelling and punctuation and for consolidating literate writing skills.

I will give a few exercises from the didactic material. For example, to consolidate the topic “Spelling of case endings of nouns” in grade 5, you can use a short text about the natural radiation background of the Earth:

Read the text. Write off. Indicate the case endings of nouns.

There are places on Earth where natural radiation background significantly increased but this does not create any problems for their inhabitants. Areas with this level of radiation .. is in France .. , in Italy .. , USA, Sweden .. , indie .. , Brazil .. , Iran .. , to Madagascar .. , Volcanic Islands Of The Pacific Ocean. In Russia .. there are also areas with a high natural background, for example, some areas Altai and Kareli .. .

These are not all "hot spots", but for the Earth they are quite natural.

In addition to the main task, the teacher can ask a number of questions related to this text. For example: What is the text about? What level of radiation is considered normal? (8-12 microR/hour) What are the proper names found in this text. What is the meaning of "hot spots"? In what other meaning can this combination be used?

During the study of the topic “Homogeneous members of the proposal. A generalizing word with homogeneous members ”fifth-graders can be offered a text about M.V. Lomonosov with the following task:

Rewrite the text with appropriate punctuation marks. Explain their setup.

M. V. Lomonosov

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov is a great Russian scientist. Lomonosov's ability in his writings to be ahead of the whole decades, his deep love for his people, courage in destroying old views, all these features make him close to us. Lomonosov's genius manifested itself in various fields of science and art, in history and astronomy, in chemistry and mineralogy, in painting and in poetry.

The destruction of the river banks of the Northern Dvina by water, the icy mountains of the Arctic Ocean, the majestic spectacle of the northern lights, all this was preserved in his memory forever. From childhood, Mikhail Lomonosov begins a hard life full of difficulties. As a ten-year-old boy, he accompanies his father on his distant, often dangerous journeys. natural phenomena harsh climate floods rivers secrets of nature desire to know the world around him a huge desire for knowledge inexhaustible reserves of spiritual energy all this made him leave his native village for Moscow in his youth. First here and then abroad, he began to learn to learn to learn... Craving for knowledge and hard work, as well as great abilities made him an outstanding scientist.

In the 6th grade, after studying the topic “Numerical Name”, the teacher can conduct a control dictation:


Antarctica is the south polar region of the Earth. The seas around it freeze in winter, and the width of the ice ring ranges from 500 to 2000 km. In summer, currents carry the ice north along with icebergs. They are over 150 km long and rise 80-100 m above the water.

Discovered an icy continent 1820 year Russian sailors. The turning point in the history of Antarctic exploration came in 50 -s XX century when 11 countries organized 57 research stations and bases on the coast and inland.

Antarctica is the continent of the world. It belongs to all mankind and is used for scientific purposes.(According to the Encyclopedic Dictionary of a Young Geographer-Localist.)

grammar task

    1. Write out two verb phrases formed: a) without a preposition, b) with the help of a preposition.

      Parse the last sentence by member.

      Separate the underlined word according to its composition.

When studying and consolidating the topic “Communion”, sixth graders can be given an assignment.

I) write out participles in combination with the main word in the nominative case; 2) designate the forms of participles.

Sample. flashing sparks- action., and. in.; emitted light- suffer., n. in.

Explorers-travellers, penetrating into the wilds of the forest, into the desert, into the mountains and tundra, are interested in everything: minerals found in the thickness of the earth, wild animals and birds living everywhere, trees and grasses growing in the area under study.

Explorers visit the sultry subtropics, and on a smoking volcano, descend to the bottom of the sea, climb into caves.The records and observations they make, the collections they collect,the drawings made, the maps drawn, provide rich material for further work in offices and laboratories. So createdthere are works enriching science with valuable discoveries, expandingour knowledge of nature.(83 w.)

Or offer to write down the text, graphically indicate the participle suffixes.

Kamchatka is rich in natural wonders. The hot springs -one of those wonders. But the most fabulous thing in Kamchatka is itsgeysers. They were discovered here recently by a geographer, accidentally discoveredwho lived on the peninsula, a valley of bubbling fountains of steam and griefwhose water. Now this valley, called the Geyser,known to every student. Tourists who come here fromall parts of the country admire its inexpressible beauty. And ifyou happened to hear from your acquaintances who visited Kamchatka about potatoes boiled in a stream, about a cup of tea scooped from the same stream, believe me, they are not exaggerating. Kamchatka's water is heated by the planet's giant boiler plant due to the Earth's internal heat.(93 w.)

The topic “Spelling NE-NOR with different parts of speech” has always caused certain difficulties for students. As an explanatory dictation in grade 7, you can offer the following text.

The ancient Greek philosopher Democritus, developing the idea of ​​his teacher Leucippus about the atom as an indivisible, non-destructive and non-arising particle of matter, laid the foundations of the atomistic doctrine. He believed that the properties of a substance are determined by the shape, mass and other characteristics of the atoms that form it: "The atoms of fire are sharp, so fire is able to burn, and the atoms of water are smooth - it flows ..."

Over the next two millennia, ideas about the atom changed and improved, but its indivisibility was not subjected to the slightest doubt. 1896 was a turning point for atomic physics. It turned out that the atoms of some elements are radioactive. Even the great Mendeleev doubted the possibility of transforming some atoms into others, and Rutherford believed that humanity would not soon learn to use the energy of the atom. But there were scientists for whom the search radioactive elements and the study of the phenomenon of radioactivity became the goal of a lifetime. These are outstanding Frenchmen - Henri Becquerel, Pierre and Marie Curie.

In the 8th grade, a systematic and in-depth study syntax and punctuation. The text about N.I. Pirogov will allow to consolidate the knowledge of students on the topic “Separate definitions and applications” (as practice shows, students do not master the topic “Application” well). Assignment to the text: rewrite the text, putting the necessary punctuation marks (text can also be used as an explanatory dictation).

N. I. Pirogov

Nikolai Ivanovich Pirogov, a remarkable Russian doctor and scientist, was called the "Wonderful Doctor".

N. I. Pirogov was born in Moscow. The son of poor parents, the grandson of a serf, he recognized the need early. Due to poverty, he had to leave teaching in a private boarding school, but the case helped him. The Pirogovs often visited E. O. Mukhin, a well-known Moscow doctor, professor of the university. His eyes did not escape the unusual interest of Nikolai, who carefully followed every word and movement of the doctor at the bedside of his sick brother. Mukhin sent his fourteen-year-old teenager to be examined at the medical faculty of Moscow University. Entry exams Nikolai endured on a par with everyone.

Pirogov perfectly graduated from the university. To prepare for a professorship, he went to Yuryev (now Tartu), a small town in Estonia. In the surgical clinic of the University of Pirogov, a twenty-two-year-old young man made the first scientific research who showed it to talented scientists.

Four years have passed. He is a young scientist who has already surpassed his peers in the vastness of knowledge and brilliant operating techniques so much that at the age of 26 he was able to become a professor at Yuryev University.

N.I. Pirogov, the largest specialist in the field of medicine, also left behind a lot of works on pedagogy.

When studying this topic, students can be offered a text dedicated to the outstanding scientist and science fiction writer Ivan Anatolyevich Efremov, whose fantastic predictions, like many other science fiction writers, came true after a while (for example, in 1944, in the story "Diamond Pipe", the writer spoke about the discovery of a diamond deposit in Yakutia, and in 1954, just 300 km south of the places described in the story, the first Yakut diamond deposit, the Mir pipe, was discovered; large deposit mercury ores in the Southern Altai - in the story "The Lake of Mountain Spirits" (1943); holography - in the story "The Shadow of the Past" (1945); a feature of the behavior of liquid crystals - in the story "Atoll Fakaofo" (1944); in the novel The Andromeda Nebula (1955): three-dimensional television with a parabolic concave screen, a geostationary satellite that is always above the same point earth's surface, and an exosuit ("jumping skeleton") that allows people to overcome increased gravitational attraction). In terms of its encyclopedic nature, the strength and power of the intellect, and its contribution to science, he complements the galaxy of great natural scientists, such as Ch. Darwin, V. Vernadsky, A. Chayanov, N. Vavilov, A. Chizhevsky, whose destinies, as you know, are deeply different.

The biography of Ivan Anatolyevich Efremov is the story of a stormy, exceptionally versatile life full of fascinating events.

A pupil of the Red Army company, a twelve-year-old boy, Efremov during the years of the civil war, along with the smell of the smoke of battles, absorbed the romance of the revolution, gained an irresistible craving for knowledge.

A young sailor who sailed in the Caspian and the Pacific Ocean, he was in love with a violent wind, a stormy or sleeping sea, but always beautiful, giving birth to courage and pride.

In order to satisfy his desire to penetrate the secrets of the earth's interior, he graduated from the Mining Institute as an external student. A member of many expeditions, the scientist is busy not only searching for treasures hidden in the earth, but looking for answers to the great questions of the origin of life.

A geologist and explorer of Siberia, Efremov, pointed out the geographical similarity of some of its regions with regions of the African continent, foreseeing finds of Siberian diamond placers similar to African deposits. A paleontologist, Efremov was the leader of more than forty expeditions in the Caucasus, Central Asia, Yakutia, Eastern Siberia, and the Far East. Summarizing his findings and observations, Efremov created a new science - taphonomy - about the patterns of occurrence in the layers of the earth's crust of the remains of prehistoric animals and minerals of plant origin. A historian, a connoisseur of Africa, Hellenic culture, he looked into the distant past of Egypt or Hellas, into the palaces of the pharaohs and the secret sanctuaries of the priests. A world-famous writer, a thinker with a keen perception of the world, with a depth of judgment about the essence of things, Efremov was first of all a scientist, remained so in literature, with his imagination of an artist sometimes quite unexpectedly awakening thoughts even in distant areas of science.

He was noticed as a scientist in 1927, as a writer - in 1944. And the scientist, having come to literature, left a trace in it, like the professor of chemistry Alexander Borodin in music.(According to A. Kazantsev.)

Topic "Dash between subject and predicate "can be consolidated by selective recording of sentences for the studied punctogram, preceded by the following tasks and questions: Listen to the text. Determine its topic, main idea. What chemical terms do you know from the course of chemistry? What did you learn about fluorine from the given text? Write a miniature essay “What motivates scientists, despite the danger, to continue research?)

In search of the elusive fluorine

The ninth element of the periodic table - fluorine - along with chlorine, iodine and astatine belongs to the halogens. All halogens are active oxidizers. Fluorine is the most aggressive of them, therefore it occurs in nature only in the form of compounds. Chemists different countries stubbornly tried to obtain fluorine in its pure form, but it turned out to be one of the most difficult experimental problems in the history of chemistry.

Fluorine is a pale yellow diatomic gas with a pungent odor reminiscent of the familiar smell of ozone or chlorine. Translated from Greek, fluorine means "destruction, damage, harm." This is how Henri-Marie Ampère suggested calling it, because the interaction of fluorine with other substances is accompanied by ignition and even an explosion. Many chemists who tried to "tame" this element became its "victims". An outstanding experimenter, the French chemist Henri Moissan, who obtained fluorine by electrolysis, managed to conquer the wayward element. The scientist's joy knew no bounds.

In 1906, Henri Moissan was awarded Nobel Prize in Chemistry "for obtaining fluorine and introducing into laboratory practice an electric furnace named after him." (According to E. Subbotina, M. Boronoev.)

(Additional note: Electrolysis is a process in which a cell containing a solute is passed through electricity, as a result of which the components of the solution are released on the electrodes).

Explanatory dictation on the topic " Introductory words” will contribute to the consolidation of the specified topic.

The most romantic profession

For some reason, professions such as, for example, a pilot, an astronaut, a seafarer, a geologist are considered romantic ... But it seems to me that the greatest romance is in the everyday work of a scientist. After all, a scientist is the person whom society, humanity instructs to learn new things about the world around us and about ourselves, that is, to make discoveries. And how happy is a person who makes discoveries all his life, every day!

And who has not dreamed of making some great discovery or inventing something that people need? Let this discovery concern, it would seem, at all insignificant things, for example, the history of one word and even one sound.

Such a discovery does not necessarily make its author famous, except for a narrow circle of scientists who deal with the same problems.

One of my acquaintances, who worked at the Nauka publishing house, liked to tell scientists: "The whole world is waiting for your book...". Here he paused, and then added: "...eleven people." But it's still a revelation.

True, scientific discoveries are not always correctly assessed by contemporaries ...

Complex sentences are studied in the 9th grade. When studying the topic "Unionless complex sentences" dictation "A little science" will allow students to pay attention to the semantic relationships between parts of the BSP and punctuation marks in them.

1. Surgeons have now paid attention to laser technology: a powerful beam of such a generator can replace a scalppel. 2. Achievements of modern biology and biotechnology havegreat economic importance: they are aimed at satisfyinghuman needs. 3. Fish need clean water - we will protect our water bodies. 4. Science is a deeply individual matter. One scientist cannot replace another: each scientistny unique and creatively original. 5. Science, its rapid development is now increasingly affecting our lives:it expands and deepens the knowledge of the world. 6. The correct way is: learn what your predecessors did and move on. (L. T.)(86 w.)

D. Granin's text "Two Wings Lifting Up" can be the final dictation at the end of grade 9.

Two wings lift up

The happiness of creativity... I think that this feeling is diverse: the creator is not only an artist (writer, scientist or designer), but also the one who touches the created work, comprehends its meaning and beauty.

Of all the arts, literature and music still require the greatest activity of a person, the activity of fantasy, imagination, thought ...

Science and art now have much more points of contact than before. Man has become more educated, he thinks more scientifically and more logically. In turn, the artist also thinks more scientifically. This means that the rational and the emotional should not be separated by an insurmountable barrier. Knowledge does not kill emotions...

No true works of art, killing good, distorting the human soul. Genius and talent are arranged in such a way that they are directed to the benefit of man.

. . .Scientific research is always associated with a moral choice. And the moral experience of a scientist is no less important than his discoveries. The moral qualities of great scientists are no less important for generations than their purely intellectual achievements. The moral greatness of Einstein, Rutherford, Bohr, Lomonosov, Tsiolkovsky, Vavilov, Kurchatov, Korolev has an independent value, creating criteria for serving science and people.

. . .Scientific and technological progress and art, its moral content are two wings for a person. In their connectionin a wave of both wings - balance, harmony of humansouls.(D. Granin.) (189 w.)

The above texts allow students not only to learn the language phenomenon, certain spelling and punctuation rules, but also to discover new things from different fields of science, to hear a word about the great scientists who have made a huge contribution to Russian and world science to feel admiration for your country and the people who are the pride of our country. After all, love for one's native country begins with the realization of belonging to the fate of the country, with the realization that you are a citizen great state with a rich history, the creative and scientific potential of which is inexhaustible. This is one of the components patriotic education of the younger generation, part of the educational value of the Russian language.

Often, students perceive scientific knowledge, which the school gives, are isolated from each other, distant and therefore unclaimed. But in modern conditions When a teacher prepares students for the Unified State Exam, it is very important that the children are ready to meet with texts on any problems, incl. and with texts that raise problems related to science, and there are plenty of such texts in the KIM USE in the Russian language. Here are some examples.

Read the sentences and do the tasks A1-A6.

(1) Through law gravity and Newton's laws were determined by the trajectories of the planets solar system, and also their coordinates were calculated at any time for many years to come. (2) ... (З) Then, using Newton's second law, the acceleration with which the planet moves around the Sun was calculated. (4)Acceleration was used to determine other quantities characterizing the movement, including the coordinates. (5) At the same time, the influence of other planets of the solar system on the motion of this planet was also taken into account.

A1. Which of the following sentences should be the second in this text?

1) As a result of many years of observations of the motion of Uranus in the first half of the 19th century, scientists finally became convinced that the real orbit of Uranus does not coincide with the calculated one.

2) To do this, first, according to the law of universal gravitation, the force of the gravitational interaction between the Sun and this planet was calculated.

3) In 1781, the English astronomer William Herschel, through observations, discovered the seventh planet of the solar system, which he named Uranus.

4) Wishing to emphasize that the discovery of these planets was made theoretically, i.e. solely through calculations that Neptune and Pluto were discovered at the "tip of the pen."

A2. Which of the following sentences should replace the gap in the sixth sentence in this text?

1) Thus, the correctness of the calculated orbits of the planets and their position at any time was confirmed by the results of astronomical observations.

2) So, the correctness of the calculated orbits of the planets and their positions at any moment of time was confirmed by the results of astronomical observations.

3) The correctness of the orbits of the planets calculated in this way and their position at any moment of time was confirmed by the results of astronomical observations.

4) However, the correctness of the calculated orbits of the planets and their position at any time was confirmed by the results of astronomical observations.

A3. What combination of words is the grammatical basis in one of the sentences or in one of the parts complex sentence text?

1) there were trajectories (proposal 1)

2) the coordinates were calculated (sentence 1)

3) calculated acceleration (proposition 3)

4) take into account the impact (proposal 5)

A4. Indicate the correct description of sentence 3 of the text.


    complex subordinate with an adjectival attributive

    complex unionless

    complex subordinate with an adjective explanatory

A5. Indicate the correct morphological characteristic of the word AROUND from (sentence 3) of the text.

1) derived preposition 3) adverb

2) pronoun 4) adjective

A6. Indicate the meaning of the word TRAJECTORY (sentence 1).


    line of motion of the center of mass of the body from the point of departure to the point of meeting with another body

    line described by a point in motion

    unity formed by three separate parts

Answers: A1 - 2; A2 - 3, A3 - 2; A 4 - 2; A5 - 1; A6 - 3.

A27. Read the text.

The current earth's atmosphere is final result evolution, which lasted more than 4 billion years. There are several very reasonable hypotheses regarding the composition and properties of the Earth's primary atmosphere. One of the first hypotheses was put forward by Louis Pasteur in the second half of the 19th century. Pasteur suggested that the Earth's early atmosphere contained no oxygen.

Which of the following sentences correctly conveys the main information contained in the text?

    One of the first reasonable hypotheses regarding the composition of the earth's atmosphere was expressed in the second half of the 19th century by Louis Pasteur.

    The primary terrestrial atmosphere, formed more than 4 billion years ago, according to the hypothesis of Louis Pasteur, did not contain oxygen.

    In the second half of the 19th century, Louis Pasteur was the first to put forward a hypothesis regarding the composition of the earth's atmosphere, according to his hypothesis, more than 4 billion years ago there was no oxygen in the earth's atmosphere.

    Louis Pasteur suggested that the Earth's atmosphere was formed over 4 billion years ago and initially did not contain oxygen.

Answer - 2

Read the text and complete tasks A29-A31; B1-B8; C1.

(1) Science is hard to do. (2) The one who devoted his life to her knows this well. (3) A scientific vocation is always connected With a great deal of risk and courage, since the scientist takes on his shoulders a deliberately difficult burden and is obliged to show truly sophisticated patience in his work, not to mention the daily drama of his personal struggle with intellectual darkness in the name of achieving clarity. (4) Scientific thought is remarkable in that it is one of the organizing principles of the human psyche and is aimed at preserving, constantly updating, correcting, revising the results of its activities. (5) That is why it implies courage, constancy, perseverance, which gives the everyday work of a scientist a genuine drama.

(6) Doing science is not only difficult. (7) It is necessary to do science. (8) Research activity - a wise teacher - educates a personality, develops memory and observation, accuracy and subtlety of thinking. (9) In my opinion than more people get research skills, the better society. (Y) With the help of the mind, a person can not only cognize the world, but can change the environment with his will, create a new quality that did not exist before in nature.

(P) Science is not only necessary. (12) Do science […]. (13) Firstly, because the difficulty overcome brings a small, but strong enough, bright happiness, makes you want to repeat your own feat and re-experience the sweetness of victory. (14) Secondly, because research activity gives meaning to everyday life. (15) Thirdly, because a real scientist enjoys the most rough, personally performed work.

(16) The subject of knowledge is inexhaustible not only for the mind, but also for our love, our feelings. (17) "Why have you been dealing with worms all your life?" one scientist was asked. (18) “The worm is so long, and life is so short,” he replied. (19) These words have been spoken for a long time, and recently a Worm Museum was opened in one of the towns of Australia, where visitors are offered to feel like a worm, crawl through a maze, and be “inside” a worm. (2nd) Would you like to visit this museum? (21) Would you like to take your children there? (22) Would you be proud of this museum if it were in your city, would you tell your guests about it? (23) And you think, it all started with the love of lone researchers for their subjects of study.

(24) Labor and love. (25) Labor and pleasure. (26) Labor and joy from labor, immediately - joy, not when the fruits and results, but joy before the fruits ripen, in anxious expectation of them and growing them.

(27) It is pleasant to do science because, like an umbrella over your head, it protects you from small, corrosive, landslide troubles, not allowing them to dominate the soul. (28) Resentment at a friend who said something wrong or wrong, criticism from the authorities, a scandal in the family, an incomprehensible malaise - any negative factor loses its force as soon as we plunge into the world of our own research. (29) Even the most skillful brain is not able to simultaneously classify the accumulated material and the accumulated troubles. (30) In this regard, science is healing for health. (31) Science helps to survive even trouble, because, although for a short time, it strongly and firmly takes possession of the affected consciousness.

(According to V. Kharchenko)

A28. What word should be in place of the gap in sentence 12?

    easy 3) unpleasant

    vain 4) nice

A29. What type(s) of speech(s) is presented in proposals 11-15?



    storytelling and reasoning

    narration and description

A30. Indicate the meaning in which the word SKILL is used (sentence 29).

    highly skilled

    done with great skill and finesse

    made like a real, natural

    well developed, able to perform complex tasks


When completing the tasks of this part, write down your answer in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the task number (B1-B8), starting from the first cell. Write each letter or number in a separate box in accordance with the samples given in the form. Words or numbers when transferring separate with commas. Put each comma in a separate box. When writing answers, spaces are not used.

Answers to tasks B1-B3 write down in words.

IN 1. Indicate the way the word UPDATE is formed (sentence 4).

IN 2. From sentences 16-18 write out all the unions.

AT 3. Indicate the type of subordination in the phrase DESIRE TO REPEAT (sentence 13).

Write down the answers to tasks B4-B8 in numbers.

AT 4. Among sentences 18-23, find a complex one, part of which is (are) one-part (s) indefinitely personal (s) sentence (s). Write the number of this compound sentence.

AT 5. Among sentences 4-10, find the sentence with a separate application. Write the number of this offer.

AT 6. Among sentences 26-31, find complex sentences with a clause of reason. Write the numbers of these compound sentences.

AT 7. Among sentences 4-8, find one that connects with the previous one using a contextual synonym. Write the number of this offer.

Read a fragment of a review based on the text that you analyzed while doing tasks A29-A31, B1-B7.

This fragment examines the language features of the text. Some terms used in the review are missing. Fill in the gaps with the numbers corresponding to the number of the term from the list. If you do not know which number from the list should be in place of the gap, write the number 0.

The sequence of numbers in the order in which they are written by you in the text of the review at the place of the gaps, write down in the answer sheet No. 1 to the right of the task number B8, starting from the first cell.

AT 8. “The author of the article widely uses various syntactic
sical means of expression: such a technique as (sentences 20-23), ___________________ (sentences 8, 27). Wishing to convince the reader, V. Kharchenko uses such means of expressiveness as (sentences-1, b, 7, 11, 12) and _________________ (“experience the sweetness of victory”, “not allow to rule”, etc.)”.

List of terms:

    rows of homogeneous members


    expressive repetition




    book vocabulary

    dialogue with the reader

    exclamatory sentences


C1. Write an essay based on the text you read.

Formulate and comment on one of the problems posed by the author (narrator) of the text (avoid overquoting).

Formulate position of the author (narrator). Write whether you agree or disagree with the point of view of the author (narrator) of the read text. Explain why. Argument your answer based on knowledge, life or reading experience (the first two arguments are taken into account).

The volume of the essay is at least 150 words.

A work written without relying on the text read (not on this text) is not evaluated.

If the essay is a paraphrase or a complete rewrite of the source text without any comments, then such work is evaluated by zero points.

Write an essay carefully, legible handwriting.

Answers: A28 - 4, A29 - 2, A 30 - 4.

IN 1. suffix.

IN 2. not only, but, but

AT 3. contiguity

AT 4. 19

AT 5. eight

AT 6. 27, 31

AT 7. eight

AT 8. 8137

The ability to analyze text, linguistic phenomena, apply the knowledge gained in the classroom, compare and perform other mental actions will allow students to eventually cope with the proposed tasks. Similar texts give rise to interest in science and its achievements, in the personality of scientists, create great respect for human knowledge, show what accomplishments the mind is capable of.

Unfortunately, it should be noted that the narrowness of the outlook of modern schoolchildren, their inability to remember, compare this material with what is already known or heard once manifests itself when writing an essay-reasoning of part C of the Unified State Exam in the Russian language, when students cannot lead to as an argument for information from other areas of science. This information, obtained in other lessons, is not used when working with a text on problems related to science, although information about scientists, researchers, their discoveries is covered by teachers of biology, physics, geography ... For example, students themselves could not cope with the selection of arguments to the problems of the text by A.A. Leontiev (I.P. Tsybulko, 2012), which were formulated as follows: the problem of the romance of the work of a scientist, the problem of the joy of discovery, the problem of evaluation scientific discoveries contemporaries. Therefore, in the didactic material, I included texts that can be cited as arguments without using the "services" of the Internet.

So, the successful mastering of the Russian language (and literature) will allow students to achieve good results when studying other school disciplines.

“All knowledge about the world, including school subjects, is comprehended through language, through language. Language is not only the gymnastics of the mind and the main means of communication, but also the main tool for the formation of national identity. Russian language education, traditionally limited to learning the rules of spelling and punctuation, should be supplemented by teaching speech behavior skills.” That's what the report says working group Council under the President of the Russian Federation for Science, Technology and Education "School - 2020. How do we see it?" Therefore, the formation of communicative competence in Russian language lessons is of particular importance. The formation of communicative competence through working with text not only helps to prepare for a successful passing the exam, but also contributes to the versatile development of the student's linguistic personality. The school is designed to develop the student's ability to realize himself in new dynamic socio-economic conditions, to adapt to various life circumstances. The “portrait of a graduate” presented at the beginning of the article becomes a personality whose characteristic features are communication skills, the ability to cooperate and social speech interaction, mastery of the culture of the word, oral and written speech in various areas of language application.

Mikhail Lomonosov Balandin Rudolf Konstantinovich

"Sciences nourish young men"

"Sciences nourish young men"

In one of the odes, Mikhail Lomonosov translated the statement of Mark Tullius Cicero in a light "Pushkin" verse:

The sciences feed young men,

They give joy to the old,

Decorate in a happy life

Save in case of an accident.

The sciences in general are mentioned here, including theology and philosophy. However, since the 17th century, an increasingly sharp separation of the methods of science, philosophy, and theology (theology) began. One of the first to note this was Francis Bacon (1516-1626). According to him, “the most accurate interpretation of nature is achieved through observations and appropriate, expediently staged experiments. Here feeling judges experience, experience judges nature and the thing itself.

In Francis Bacon's fantastic City of the Sun, there are telescopes and microscopes, submarines, sophisticated machines and sound transmitters over a distance; halls where rain, snow and lightning are artificially induced, preserve the vitality of individual human organs ... This was the providence of the great achievements of science and technology.

At the same time, Galileo Galilei (1564–1642) made excellent use of scientific method about which Francis Bacon argued as a philosopher. Having created a telescope, Galileo observed the mountains and seas on the moon; proved that Milky Way- a cluster of countless stars, and called for "studying the great book of Nature." He conducted thoughtful experiments and, contrary to the prohibition of the Inquisition, published the book "Conversations and Mathematical Proofs Concerning Two New Branches of Science Relating to Mechanics and Local Motion." According to him, "no utterance of Scripture has such coercive power as any natural phenomenon."

In 1687, a member of the Royal Society of London, Isaac Newton, published his grandiose work The Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy, where mathematics and mechanics triumph, earthly nature is not taken into account at all, and a modest place is assigned to philosophy. Perhaps it would be more accurate to talk about the mathematical principles of celestial mechanics.

In Europe, since the time of Antiquity (the school of the Pythagoreans), there was an opinion about the structure of the Universe on the principles of harmony celestial spheres, which can be expressed in the language of mathematics. But only two thousand years later, primarily thanks to the work of Galileo, Newton, Leibniz and other scientists, this speculation was confirmed in mechanics and astronomy by specific developments.

A contemporary and compatriot of Newton, the poet Alexander Pop wrote a panegyric:

God's world was shrouded in pitch darkness.

"Let there be light!" And here comes Newton.

This is how the conviction was expressed that the whole of natural philosophy can be built on a mathematical foundation. Newton expressed his opinion: "It would be desirable to derive from the principles of mechanics and the rest of natural phenomena."

Such a desire was also characteristic of Mikhail Lomonosov. This is evidenced by his scientific work: "Elements of mathematical chemistry", "Theory of electricity, compiled according to mathematical method". Even during his apprenticeship, apparently, he learned about the existence of Newton's "Mathematical Principles of Natural Philosophy." He wanted to become more thoroughly acquainted with mathematics and physics, which ancient tradition considered the science of nature.

“The Zaikonospassky Library,” wrote Ya.Ya. Shtelin, - could not satiate his greed for the sciences ”(more precisely, the thirst for knowledge). He asked the archimandrite for permission to go to Kyiv for a year to study philosophy, physics, and mathematics. Permission was given - along with monetary allowance.

So the leadership educational institution there was a high opinion of his knowledge and diligence. Perhaps the patronage of Feofan Prokopovich had an effect. But it is not at all necessary that he intercede for Lomonosov. It was enough that such an authoritative thinker and religious figure highly appreciated the knowledge of the student.

Lomonosov stubbornly sought to continue his studies. At the end of 1732 his stepmother died. The father again became a widower, and it was important for him that his only son was nearby.

However, Mikhail is ready to go on a long and possibly dangerous expedition, but not to return home.

Biographer of Lomonosov E.N. Lebedev believes that the point here is hereditary "stubbornness"; they say, "neither father nor son did not want to take a step towards each other." Is not it? No, not really. According to Mikhail, he received letters from his father (more precisely, from his words, because his father was illiterate) with a request to return home. So, there can be no talk of the stubbornness of the father.

And what was the stubbornness of Michael? Could he not forgive his father for taking the side of his stepmother? But she is no longer there, and Michael was hardly so vindictive. He respected his father, realizing that he owed a lot to him. The stubbornness of Mikhail Lomonosov was manifested not in family discord, but in a different sphere - in a stubborn desire for knowledge.

For this reason, he left his father's house, risked being deceived into entering the Spassky Schools, endured hardships, and sat over books in the library. And in the monastery library, in addition to the works of Greek and Roman thinkers, the Fathers of the Church, there were books by Tycho Brahe, Galileo, Descartes. Did Mikhail Lomonosov read them then? Hard to say. Perhaps they were intended only for teachers. But it can be assumed that the inquisitive young man had an idea about ancient atomism, and about the Copernican system, and about Newton's fundamental work.

So, in an effort to expand his mental horizons, Mikhail Lomonosov, with the blessing of the archbishop, head of the Slavic-Greek-Latin Academy, went to Kyiv.

Alas, in the famous academy there, he, as Jacob Stehlin wrote, “against his own expectations, found only empty verbiage of Aristotelian philosophy; not having the opportunity to succeed in physics and mathematics, he stayed there for less than a year, practicing more in reading the ancient chroniclers and other books written in Slavic, Greek and Latin.

And here students were "protected" from books that could shake faith in the truth Holy Scripture. Lomonosov had to focus mainly on reading ancient chronicles. There is no information about the several months he spent in Kyiv. But they did not go unnoticed for him. In 15 years, he will have a serious discussion about the origin of the Russian people and scientific development this problem.

Why did he begin to study the annals stored in Kyiv? He was deeply concerned about the theme of the past of Russia, the Slavic tribes that created the state, and the role of the newcomers - the Varangians in this. After all, at that time (and later) the Germans were on the Russian throne. Didn't this mean that statehood was alien to the Russian people? Do the Russians really remain barbarians, unlike the civilized peoples of Europe? Isn't that why in Russian Empire there are no major scientists of their own who have to be discharged from abroad?

(Since the end of the 20th century, lamentations have been constantly heard that the Russian people are “not ripe” for democracy, and therefore are prone to totalitarianism; the topic is painful, like a chronic splinter, and it is useful to comprehend it thoroughly.)

Apparently, it was in Kyiv that Lomonosov became seriously interested in the theory of poetry. The basis for this was Feofan Prokopovich's "Poetics", compiled on the basis of a course of lectures he gave at the Kiev-Mohyla Academy.

As A.I. Lvovich-Kostritsa, “unfortunately, what he hoped to get from the Kyiv Academy, she did not give him. There, Polish scholasticism subjugated everything, and instead of positive knowledge, which the young man so longed for, he met here, it is true, very sophisticated, but also quite empty, philosophical and theological debates. In them, mainly, all the classes at the Academy consisted.

Such discussions were not often empty of content. It is naive to believe that learned monks were only engaged in repeating the same theological truths. By joining the works of the Fathers of the Church, they improved the culture of thinking, albeit with an acute lack of knowledge about Nature.

For Mikhail Lomonosov, who spent his childhood and adolescence in the countryside, wandered in the forests, fished in the sea, the world around him was majestic and mysterious. Jesus Christ taught, "The kingdom of God is within you." Undoubtedly! But nature outside of us is also the Kingdom of God. If self-knowledge is a deepening into one's own world of the soul, then knowledge of the surrounding world is an expansion to the infinity of one's spiritual existence, familiarization with the plans and deeds of the Creator.

Mikhail Lomonosov could think something like this after the theological discussions. They no longer satisfied him. The learned monks-thinkers preferred to talk less about the material world, and for him earthly nature was the embodiment of the divine mind.

He became convinced that theology is limited to purely human relationships and problems, not to mention church institutions. But a Russian youth could join natural science only in foreign educational institutions.

No matter how talented and inquisitive a self-taught person may be, knowledge will remain his personal affair and property if he remains aloof from public life until his knowledge is in demand. There must be intellectual and social environment which favors the emergence and flourishing of talent, its recognition and encouragement.

In art or literature, many great creators have been recognized tens or hundreds of years after their death. Their works have entered the fund of world culture, retaining their significance for current generations.

The situation is different in science and technology. Here, discoveries or inventions are often made at about the same time, and those that were not appreciated immediately grow old relatively quickly, remain in the archives as the property of history. So, as they often say, something similar happened to the scientific heritage of Lomonosov. Although in reality it was not so simple, as we will see later.

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M. V. Lomonosov is a great scientist and poet. He became a luminary of science in the 18th century. and until now his works are not forgotten. Poetry for Lomonosov is not fun, not immersion in the narrow, in his opinion, world of a private person, but patriotic, civic activity. It was the ode that became the main lyrical genre in the work of Lomonosov.

One of the most famous works Lomonosov was the ode "On the day of the accession of Elizabeth Petrovna." Lomonosov begins it with the glorification of the world:

The joy of kings and kingdoms of the earth,

Beloved silence,

The bliss of the villages, the fence of the city,

If you are useful and red!

When she took the throne

As the Supreme gave her a crown,

I returned you to Russia

The war ended.

Sent a man to Russia

What has not been heard from the century.

Through all obstacles he lifted

Head, crowned with victories,

Russia, trample barbarism,

He lifted him up to heaven.

Describing Peter I, Lomonosov resorts to ancient mythology. The images of Mars and Neptune are used by him to denote war and the sea, which makes the ode even more solemn.

The ode "On the day of the accession of Elizabeth Petrovna" is not only a praise to the empress, but also an instruction to her. The Russia that Lomonosov wants to see - great country, she is powerful, wise and is at peace, but the main thing is that such a future is possible if Russia becomes a sacred power, the existence of which is impossible without an enlightened monarch. In a digression to the era of Peter I, Lomonosov seems to be telling Elizabeth that she should take an example from her father and continue his great deeds, in particular, promote the development of science, as her father did:

… divine sciences

Through mountains, rivers and seas,

Look at the high mountains

Look into your wide fields,

Where is the Volga, the Dnieper, where the Ob flows;

Wealth, hidden in them,

Science will frankly

What blooms with your generosity.

Such a huge country, the expanses of which stretch from the western plains, through the Urals and Siberia to Far East needs educated people. After all, only people, knowledgeable people will be able to reveal all the natural wealth of Russia:

Oh you who are waiting

Fatherland from its bowels,

And wants to see them

What calls from foreign countries!

Be of good cheer, now you are encouraged,

Show with your speech

What can own Platos

And quick-witted Newtons

Russian land to give birth.

In these lines, the poet also draws the attention of readers to the fact that the Russian land is able to give minds equal to those "which it calls from foreign countries!" He makes it clear that Russia is rich not only natural resources but capable people. People who can not only absorb science, but also sow their fruits. The natural continuation of the ode is the lines:

The sciences feed young men,

They give joy to the old,

Decorate in a happy life

In an accident, take care;

Joy in domestic difficulties

And in distant wanderings is not a hindrance.

Science is used everywhere, -

Among the nations and in the wilderness,

In the city noise and alone,

At rest they are sweet and in work.

Reading these lines, one cannot but agree with the author. A person without knowledge is not only uninteresting and boring in himself, he also leads the same life. Without knowledge, a person is not able to develop spiritually, therefore, while singing about science, the author also sings about the human soul. The glorification of man, his soul and genius is the main idea of ​​the ode, it is the connecting thread. Science and knowledge bind not only generations, but also peoples. Knowledge is the fundamental principle of everything.

Lomonosov's ode is more than just literary work is a message. The message is not only to the Empress and contemporaries, but also to descendants. An excellent example of the fact that the descendants followed his precepts - State University named after Mikhail Vasilievich Lomonosov.