The scenario of the thematic lesson dedicated to May 9 in the senior group


Expand knowledge about the Great Patriotic War, cultivate respect for the elderly people: war veterans, home front workers - participants in the Great Victory;

Strengthen the feeling of patriotism and love for the Motherland;

Leading. On May 9, all our people celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. Many years have passed since German troops attacked Russian soil. Our people, young and old, men and women, even children, began to defend our Motherland from the enemy.

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Holy war", music A. Alexandrova.

Get up people!

Hearing the call of the earth

The soldiers of the Motherland went to the front.

The soldiers bravely marched into battle

For every city and for you and me!

Wanted to take revenge

Per old people, for women, for children!

Leading. "Get up, the country is huge.". This music, these words were familiar to every person during the war. This song was a call to battle, to fight against the enemy.

We gratefully remember our defending warriors who defended the world in a fierce battle.

To all our defenders, today's veterans and those who are not with us, we owe the fact that we now live under peaceful, clear sky. Eternal glory to them!

Children read poetry.


Victory Day is a holiday

It's fireworks tonight.

Lots of flags in the parade

People sing joyfully.


Veterans with medals

Remembering the war

Talk to us

About that victorious spring.


Everyone was screaming: "World! Victory!

Let's go home!"

To whom is joy, to whom is trouble,

Who is dead and who is alive!


We can never forget

We are talking about the exploits of soldiers.

“Peace is the most precious thing for us!” -

That's what the guys say.

The children sit down. A presentation about the war is included.

Leading: On cold autumn evenings, in moments of calm between battles, the soldiers rested, sitting by the fire, mended their clothes, cleaned their guns, remembered peaceful days, sang songs and wrote letters to their relatives.

Letter from the front from son to mother.

Read to the soundtrack of the song "Dark night"

Hello dear mother. Your son is writing to you. I'm fine. Yesterday we repulsed the enemy attack. A lot of our soldiers died. Every day further and further, we are moving towards Stalingrad. The German keeps defeat. When there is no battle, the soldiers sit and dream about when they will return home to their beloved wife, mother and children. And never see this fighting again. Many people are now dying of hunger. Because we are not getting food because of the heavy rains. All the roads are wrecked, the vehicles cannot get to our division and cannot even take out the wounded. Mom, how I miss home. When I fall asleep, I dream of our house, garden and you are a mother in it, in white. That dream is dreaming every time. I am finishing my letter. Goodbye.

Your beloved son.

Leading: And the soldiers also remembered their wives, beloved girls, sisters, mothers. They remembered how it was good, cozy, warm with them at home. They knew that they were waiting for them from the war, they believed that they would return alive and with VICTORY! And it always made my heart warmer.

Such letters were necessary for the soldier. It is no coincidence that the girl Katyusha from the song that everyone now knows, both adults and children, has become a symbol of loyalty and hope. This song was dear to everyone and everyone. And in the days of the war, the fighters called "Katyusha" a formidable artillery weapon, which the enemies were terrified of.

Children sing a song "Katyusha"

Leading: Many guys went to the front straight from school. The war scattered young guys - some into tankers, some into anti-aircraft gunners, some into telephone operators, some into scouts.

Leading. Shells burst with a roar, machine guns fired, tanks rushed into battle, crushing everything around. The earth was on fire.

For the native country people

gave away my life,

We will never forget

Fallen in valiant combat.

Many soldiers did not return home from that war. We will never forget heroes: no matter how many years pass, the descendants will always carefully keep the memory of their fathers and grandfathers and thank them for defending the world in the name of our bright life! Let's remember all the fallen heroes and bow our heads before their feat! A moment of silence is announced!

Leading (with a lit candle):

Look, children, at a hot candle. Do you see how the flame of the flame trembles?

There is a fire that evokes special feelings and special memories in people. This is the fire on the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. (The slide with the image of the eternal flame is included). There are many such graves in our land.

Soldiers who died during the war are buried in these graves. People will always remember that the fallen soldiers defended their Motherland, their relatives and friends, their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. In honor of the victory over fascism, the Eternal Flame burns so that people do not forget about the exploits of our heroes.

The children of the preparatory groups.

Dance "Scarlet Sunsets".

Let wars disappear forever

So that the children of the whole Earth

We could sleep peacefully at home

Could dance and sing

To make the sun smile

Reflected in the bright windows

And shone over the earth

To all people

And we are with you!

Thank you soldiers

For life, for childhood and spring,

For silence, for a peaceful home,

For the world we live in!

Let the machine guns not scribble

And the formidable guns are silent,

Let there be no smoke in the sky.

Let the sky be blue.

Let the bombers over it

They don't fly to anyone.

People, cities don't die...

Peace is always needed on earth!

Children perform a dance "Alyoshka"

Leading. Thanks to our valiant soldiers for winning that cruel war. And now the day of May 9 is proclaimed World Victory Day!

The soundtrack of the song sounds "Victory Day".

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Children to the song "Serve Russia" enter the music hall.

1st leader. May 9 is a national holiday. Soldiers fought, and women raised children - the future of the country. By common efforts, victory over the enemy was achieved! This year our people are celebrating the 72nd anniversary of the Great Victory.

2nd leader. There is no family in Russia that the war would bypass. On this day, they remember those who remained on the battlefields, those who, after the war, established a peaceful life. They also congratulate those soldiers of the Great Patriotic War who live today.

1st child:

May holiday

Victory Day,

The whole country celebrates.

Our grandfathers put on

Military orders.

2nd child:

The road calls them in the morning -

To the solemn parade

And thoughtfully from the threshold

Grandmothers are watching after them.

1st leader. For many of today's boys and girls, the Great Patriotic War is a distant past. The past that they know about from the stories of their grandfathers or learn about the war from films and books.

3rd child:

When fireworks rumbled from end to end.

Soldiers, you gave the planet

Great May, victorious May!

4th child:

Even then we were not in the world,

When in a military storm of fire,

Destiny, deciding future centuries,

You fought a holy battle!

5th child:

Even then we were not in the world,

When you came home with victory,

Soldiers of May - glory to you forever!

From all people, from all the earth!

All (together): Thank you, soldiers!

6th child:

The war is long over

Soldiers have come from the war.

And on the chest of their orders -

They burn like memorable dates.

2nd leader:

For Brest, for Moscow, for Stalingrad

And for the blockade of Leningrad,

For Kerch, Odessa and Belgrade,

For all fragments from shells.

7th child:

And at night you still

The battles under the Bug are dreaming somewhere,

And the "messers" scribble at point-blank range,

And do not rise from the hollow.

1st host:

The lieutenant calls to attack,

But then he falls, smitten,

And at home they will wait a long time,

But just wait for the funeral.

8th child:

Russia defended! Glory to you!

A harsh war, hard workers!

You have protected our banners

And gave life and happiness to us!

Children sing a song "Good Soldiers"

2nd leader: In many families, soldiers' letters-triangles were preserved, which were sent from the front by fathers and grandfathers, husbands and sons, brothers. They wrote that they would return home alive and only with victory.

The presenter takes a cap with soldiers' letters

9th child:

If you want to know about the war

And about the May victorious spring,

Ask a soldier's mother

The presenters, together with their parents, pass the cap with letters to each other and read them.

1st presenter (reads the letter):

Years are frozen on the pages.

He will always be twenty-two.

"Mom, I'm healthy and alive..."

And in the morning the last fight.

1st parent (reading the letter):

Forgive me for the letter

Hurrying, breaking away, carelessly

I write like a diary boy

And as a navigator-magazine.

Here it begins again ... Do you hear?

Rushing with third speed

Fire-filled metal...

2nd parent-dad (reads the letter):

Hello, dear Maxim!

Hello my beloved son!

I write from the front

Tomorrow morning, fight again!

We will drive the Nazis.

Take care, son, mother,

Forget sadness and sadness

I'll be back victorious!

I will hug you at last.

Goodbye. Your father.

3rd parent (reads the letter):

My dear relatives!

Night. The flame of a candle flickers.

I remember not for the first time

How do you sleep on a warm stove.

In our little old hut,

What is lost in the deaf forests,

I remember the field, the river,

Again and again I remember you.

The host reads the letter with a lit candle:

My brothers and sisters,

Tomorrow I'm going to fight again

For their Fatherland, for Russia,

That got into a dashing misfortune.

Gather my courage, strength,

I will beat the Germans without pity,

So that nothing threatens you,

So that you can learn and live.

1st leader. These touching letters were sung in wartime songs... And they have everything: the bitterness of retreat in the first months of the war and the joy of returning to their families; pictures of the life of soldiers.

2nd leader.

And though many years have passed

But we will never forget

Those difficult victories.

Heroes will always be remembered!

I propose to honor the memory of the heroes who died for the Motherland with a minute of silence.

A moment of silence is announced (under the metronome).

10 child. Over the haze valley the sky trembles,

And over eternal peace - do not go out the fire!

Steel "hedgehogs" became a formidable symbol ...

Here I bow my head in mournful silence...

And the flowers that made their way out of this land -

These are the souls of fighters who fell in mortal combat ...

They saved their debt and love to the end,

They perished for their native Fatherland!

Children sing the song "My grandfather is a hero"

Children on the background of the music of the song "Dark Night" read poetry.

11 child.

Honors the great Victory Day,

All Russian land.

On Victory Day our children

They put on orders.

We are talking about the first Victory Day,

We love listening to their story

How our grandfathers fought

For the whole world and for all of us.

12 child.

For everything we have now

For every happy hour we have.

Because the sun shines on us

Thanks to the brave soldiers.

That defended the world once.

1st leader.

The children of the whole Earth are playing at war,

But do children dream of war?

Let only laughter break the silence

On a joyful cloudless planet!

Guys, the war ended many years ago. During the war, the cities and villages of our country were destroyed. It was necessary to resume peaceful life. And the soldiers who returned from the war began to restore the country from ruin. Are you still going to Kindergarten but when you grow up, you will also work. In the meantime, I propose to show their dexterity and strength in the competition.

13 child.

And to become a soldier

There's a lot to know

Be agile and skillful

Very clever, very brave.

1. Competition "Minefield"

The child snakes the parent blindfolded through the "minefield", having reached the goal, both take the ball (grenade) and run back.

14 child.

A sharp eye is the key to success,

Any soldier will tell you.

So that the desired victory

Finished the right fight!

2. The game "Sharpshooter"

The children have small balls in their hands, in front of each team there is a basket, after the “Fire” signal, the children, aiming, throw the balls into the baskets. The team that scores the most goals wins.

2nd leader. The song helped the soldiers at the front. In the days of the war, the song was a weapon, an oath, a password and a dream. I dream of meeting family and friends, meeting with the places where they lived.

3. Performance of the song "Katyusha"

Parents together with children and veterans perform the song "Katyusha".

14 child.

The sun shines on Victory Day

And we will always shine

In fierce battles, our grandfathers

The enemy was defeated.

15 child.

Columns march in order,

And songs are pouring here and there,

And in the sky of hero cities

Fireworks sparkle.

Children perform the dance "Childhood is a wonderful land"

15 child.

And now at the walls of the Reichstag,

Fierce battle rages on

Soviet soldiers courage

Win the last fight.

And over the fascist capital,

Piercing through the blue

Like a messenger of glory, a free bird,

The banner of victory ascended.

16 child.

you heroically passed

With fights all four years,

You were able to defeat the enemy

And earn the love of the people.

17 child.

Thank you fathers and grandfathers

Thank you brothers and sons

For your gift for Victory Day,

Per main holiday the whole country!

Children sing the song "I will be a military man"

1st leader.

Let the sky be blue

Let smoke not swirl in the sky,

Let the formidable guns be silent,

And machine guns do not scribble,

So that people live, cities ...

Peace is always needed on earth!

2nd leader.

May the sky be clear above you

May life be kindly bright.

Live surrounded by care

And all the best to you, health and warmth!

1st leader. Our holiday dedicated to the Great Patriotic War is coming to an end. Happy holiday, Happy Victory Day! .

Children give gifts made with their own hands.

To the song "Russia is a huge country" the children leave the hall.

For cognitive development

Abstract of the lesson on patriotic education "Remember those days" in the senior group (on the occasion of Victory Day)

Mulyar Nadezhda Vladimirovna, nursery school No. 31 "Crane", Stary Oskol, Belgorod Region

Program tasks:

  1. Educational: fostering respect for the defenders of the Motherland based on vivid impressions, specific historical facts accessible to children and causing them strong emotions, pride in their people, love for their homeland.
  2. Developing: to develop an idea of ​​\u200b\u200bdifferent types of troops, to consolidate knowledge about the national holiday of warriors, to clarify who the defenders of the fatherland are; develop speech, thinking, support the initiative of children.
  3. Educational: to continue acquaintance with proverbs about the war, to teach to understand and explain their meaning, to cultivate a sense of pride in one's people, the army, the desire to defend one's country.

Preliminary work: Conversation about the Motherland, memorizing poems, looking at albums, books, illustrations. Making albums about museums of military glory.

Equipment: Photo of the "Brest Fortress", the inscription "I am dying, but I do not give up", the painting "Defense of Sevastopol", Crossword, Photo "Eternal Flame", "Letter Triangle". Tape recorder, audio cassettes with the songs "Holy War", "Soldiers on the Road!", "Last Letter". White sheets of paper, colored pencils for writing letters.

The song "Holy War" sounds music. A. Alexandrova sl. V. Lebedev-Kumach.

Lesson progress:

A long time ago the smoke won't stop

Heaven, and the flood is bright,

Where fellow countrymen stood to death,

Covering the Fatherland with yourself.

On the border, washed in blood,

We are in memory of those who went to battle,

With fragrance and love

We bow our heads.

(children bow their heads)

“Today at 4 o’clock in the morning, without declaring war, German troops fell on our Motherland,” such an announcement people heard on June 22, 1941. The peaceful life of the people was stopped. The Great Patriotic War began. The war destroyed the lives of millions of people. Every person felt the breath of war: the extended howl of sirens, volleys of anti-aircraft guns, explosions of bombs. But people were not afraid, they got up and went to meet the dark forces. By sacrificing their lives, they became the defenders of the fatherland.

Guys who can be called the defenders of the fatherland? (soldiers, sailors, pilots)

Yes, everyone, those who defended their homeland from enemies.

There is a knock on the door. To the music of F. Schubert, "Military March" enters the march of soldiers (employee, parent, school student).

Soldier: Hello guys, I brought a report from headquarters for you.

Educator: It's good that you came soldier. Who else but you will be able to tell our future defenders about the soldiers' mutual assistance, courage, bravery, the feat of a soldier.


Me guys at war

Went into battle, burned in the fire.

Merz in the trenches near Moscow

But, as you can see, it's alive.

I am alive, but the people remember those who died defending their city, their homeland.

Educator: Guys, how does he remember them? (composes songs, poems, erects monuments, keeps material about the defenders of the fatherland in museums).

Soldier: I invite you guys to one of these museums.

This museum has organized a photo exhibition of military battles. Pay attention to this photo. It depicts the Brest Fortress. The heroes of the border guards were the first to meet the enemy. On June 22, 1941, at dawn, the first German shells and bombs exploded here. The roar and howl of aircraft covered everything. Bomb after bomb, shell after shell. But the outpost did not flinch. The border guards shielded the fortress with their chests. And here, for the first time, the Nazis learned what Soviet fortitude and Soviet courage are.

For a long time the Germans bombed the fortress.

Couldn't take it for long.

How much strength did they put

About this piece of earth.

Every day the defense weakened

Only the fighting spirit did not weaken.

But the German army prevailed

Fell over the onslaught "Hero City".

Educator: You listened carefully to the story, and now tell me, who fought for the Brest Fortress? (soldiers of the border guards) What can be said about the border guards? What are they? (brave, courageous, courageous)

Soldier: That's right, and one of these soldiers wrote the inscription "I'm dying, but I don't give up!"

Educator: How do you understand these words?

Soldier: Now pay attention to this photo, who do you think is depicted here? That's right, they are soldiers. Soldiers of Sevastopol.

A severe and difficult test for Sevastopol residents and sailors Black Sea Fleet was the Great Patriotic War. Sevastopol was among the first cities to be raided by fascist aircraft. The sailors of the Black Sea Fleet, the inhabitants of the city organized themselves to defend Sevastopol. The fighters and commanders of the Marine Corps showed courage, bravery and stamina in battles.

Educator: What feelings does this picture evoke in you? Guys, do you think the sailors won this fight? (Yes). Why? (they are brave, brave, courageous). Yes, guys, thanks to precisely these qualities, only strong, skillful, dexterous warriors were able to win this war.

Educator: Soldier, and our guys are the same strong, skillful, dexterous.

Who is the strongest of the guys?

Well, let's get on the ropes.

The one who pulls

It will become the strongest.

Physical education:

A competition is being held "Pull the Rope".

Soldier: Well done! And what proverbs do you know about the courage of a soldier?


Whoever is faithful to the Motherland is exemplary in battle.

Stand up for the right cause.

Know the Russian commandment - do not yawn in battle.

Soldier: And I know another proverb about ingenuity. Hard to learn, easy to fight.

Educator: How do you understand this proverb? (children's answers).

Soldier: Now look at this photo, in front of you is a military crossword puzzle. Let's solve it together with you.


1. What sailors serve.

3. What all soldiers protect.

5. Lies in the ground, if you step on it, it will explode.

6. What does a soldier have on his feet?

7. One in no box. ..

8. What they throw and say: "Lie down!"


2. What animal sometimes also serves?

4. Where do all the guys go to serve when they grow up?

8. Hospital for wounded soldiers.

9. Special pocket for a pistol.

10. Equipment for the protection of the air border.

11. Winter outerwear of a soldier.

12. Vehicle on tracks.

Soldier: All of you resourceful, quick-witted and savvy have worked hard, but it's time to take a break.

Educator: Guys, do you know how the soldiers rested after the battle? (Joked, sang songs, wrote letters to relatives, etc.)

Soldier: And I suggest you sing one of these songs "Soldiers on the road!" (V. Solovyov-Sedoy - M. Dudin)

(Children march).

Soldier: We rested, but we still have the latest photos, pay attention here, what is shown here (children's answers)

Correct "Eternal Flame"

Eternal flame- constantly burning the fire, symbolizing the eternal memory of something or someone, and to whom this monument was erected.

Children: Soldiers who did not return from the war, unknown soldiers.

Soldier: And in our museum one of the letters of a soldier from the war is kept. The soldiers wrote letters on a piece of paper, and then folded it in a special way to make a triangle. Such triangles were given to military mail. They were without stamps, but only with the seal of the field mail.

The music is "The Last Letter" ("You will receive a letter, as usual, without a stamp, a soldier"; S.Tulikov - M. Plyatskovsky)

Educator: On May 9, veterans meet at the monuments and accept congratulations. Come on, children, and we will issue congratulatory letters to veterans and pass them on through a soldier. Children send congratulatory letters.

(for students with severe mental retardation and complex defects)

Compiled by: Primochenko Elena Borisovna

Purpose: to draw the attention of students to the holiday - Victory Day.


1. To enrich the knowledge of students about the great and bright holiday- Victory Day.

2. Develop attention, memory.

3. Raise love for the Motherland, interest in its warrior-defenders.

Equipment: presentation, flags, envelopes with riddles, holiday card, napkins, glue, stapler, musical accompaniment.


Children enter the hall to the song of Tukhmanov "Victory Day".

1st Leader: Guys, on May 9, all our people celebrate a great holiday - Victory Day. Many years have passed since the German troops attacked Russian soil. Our people, young and old, men and women, even children, began to defend our Motherland from the enemy. Shells burst with a roar, machine guns fired, tanks rushed into battle, crushing everything around. The earth was on fire.

For the native country people

They gave their lives

We will never forget

Fallen in valiant combat.

2nd Leader: The Great Patriotic War continued for four and a half years. Our soldiers fought bravely in battles. Those who remained in the rear, women and children, worked in factories, factories, made weapons, tanks, sewed clothes, treated the wounded. On the seas, rivers, on land and in the sky, in forests and marshes, fierce battles were fought .. Finally, the enemy was broken! The soldiers liberated not only our Fatherland, but also many European countries from the fascist invaders. They reached Berlin and hoisted a red flag on the Reichstag. Many did not return from the war, but the memory of them lives forever in our hearts. We always remember them.

On Victory Day, early in the morning

Come out to the city, take a look:

Veterans walk down the street

With orders on the chest.

Both tankers and artillerymen,

And rocket launchers

Both infantrymen and sailors.

1st Leader: The war was hard and bloody. But the fighters did not spare themselves, defending their homeland. And to become a soldier, you need to learn a lot. Be nimble and skillful, very dexterous, very brave.

The sun is shining brightly,

Shines on all of us in the sky.

Thank you Russian soldier!

Let the kids have a good life!

And our children are growing up

And they play fun games!

Games are played:

1. "Be careful".

The facilitator shows the children three flags: blue, green, red. - Guys, be careful. If I raise a blue flag, you will swim; if it is green, you will stomp your feet; if it is red, you will shout "Hurrah!"

The host hides behind his back and quickly raises the flags. Children imitate the movements of sailors, pilots, cavalrymen, shout "Hurrah!" Flags are raised in a different sequence.

2. "Give the message."

The leader shows two envelopes-reports that must be delivered to the headquarters (leader). The guys sit in a semicircle and pass 2 envelopes from hand to hand from the middle to the edge.

3. "Guess the Riddles"

Guys, do you want to know what's in these envelopes? (opens the envelopes) Here are the riddles (the presenter reads the riddles).

A turtle is crawling, a steel shirt,

The enemy is in the ravine, and she, where is the enemy.

Knows neither sorrow nor fear.

What is this turtle?


Like never-before-seen wonderful flowers,

Umbrellas flew from the sky.


Iron fish swims underwater

The enemy is threatened with fire and misfortune.

Iron fish dives to the bottom.

She guards the native seas.


I don't have my eyes

And it helps to see the enemy.


2nd Lead : Four long years, 1418 days and nights, the most terrible bloody war. Our people defeated fascism and saved the peoples of the whole world from it. The victory came in the spring of May 9, 1945. The first Victory Parade took place on Red Square in Moscow. And since that day, every year on May 9, our people celebrate the Victory Day.

1st Lead : And now let's look at episodes about how the war began and how in our time the memory of the defenders of our country is honored (viewing the presentation).

Now we will make a big greeting card for our veterans. (Making a postcard).

2nd Leader: Dear Guys! You and I live on a big planet - the Earth, there is a place for everyone on it: for people, and animals, and water, and fish, and forests, and fields. To never have a war, we need to protect this fragile planet, it is our home. And for this, all people on earth need to live in peace.

We need peace to build cities

Plant trees and work in the field

We need peace forever, forever!

We are for world peace.

Let's say together: "No to war!".

Let the children sing about happiness

In our sunny country!

Thank you for attention.

Text for presentation slides

    The war started suddenly

2.3. All men went to defend our homeland

4,5,6. Our Motherland was defended from land, air and water

7. Sk. days the war lasted

8,9,10. Nowadays, in every city of our country there are monuments to our defenders.

12-15 And in our city there is a monument to the unknown soldier, which is located in our Novoilinsky district. There is a tank on the Victory Square - a monument to the feat of the KMK workers during the WWII. Even in our city there is the Boulevard of Heroes in which it burns Eternal flame.

16-20. An eternal flame burns in every city in memory of our defenders

21-22. Whose minute of silence honors the memory of those who died in the war

23-26. Every year on May 9, festive events and parades are held in all cities with the participation of veterans, young soldiers-defenders and military equipment

27-29. The parade ends with fireworks

Summary of the script for an educational lesson for children in grades 5-9, dedicated to the celebration of Victory Day - "It is impossible to repeat, it is impossible to forget"

Kalashnikova Olga Ivanovna, educator of the daytime department of social rehabilitation of the MKU "Topka Social and Rehabilitation Center for Minors", Topki Kemerovo region
Description of the material: I offer you an outline of a festive event for children of middle and older school age on the topic "It is impossible to repeat, it is impossible to forget." This material will be useful for teachers of middle and senior classes, class teachers for class hours and extracurricular activities. The summary of the lesson is aimed at fostering love for the Motherland, respect for the exploits of their ancestors.
Target: education of patriotism, respect for the older generation, pride in the history of their homeland, the formation of moral self-awareness, responsibility to their country.
Materials and equipment:
Multimedia projector with screen or TV with USB output; to decorate the hall: air balloons, paper doves, A4 letters to create the text "Happy Holidays!", children's drawings with the theme of the Great Patriotic War, paper stars with a diameter of 2 to 5 cm and satin, nylon ribbons to simulate fireworks on the curtain, posters 2 pieces: "The Motherland is calling!" and Victory Day.

Lesson progress:
Projected onto the screen film "Can't be repeated, impossible to forget" consisting of 10 videos. The duration of the film is about 30 minutes, so the event itself lasts.

1. Video "At the dawn of the 41st ..."(the film consists of several videos: 1. “Pre-war waltz”, 2. “Are you ready for trials ...”, 3. “To the front”. Musical background: 1 video clip superimposed: audio track “Graduates Waltz” (backing track), on 2 and 3 - backing track "Song of the Dnieper" (M. Fradkin)
Against the background of the first video, two or three pairs of children are spinning to the sounds of a waltz. Children are dressed in the spirit of that time. With the beginning of the second video, the guys freeze, clinging to a friend; two partners of one of the couples are standing at a distance from each other - the girl looks into the distance, pressing her hands to her chest. In the third video, this couple is reading poetry.

Girl: That night is full of June charms
For them, the world did not spare.
Upcoming matriculation
They were lit up this summer.
History exam in the morning.
They so wanted to excel!
Happy insomnia echoed
Ages, events and faces.

Boy: Above the dawn spaces
The bombers were looming
And that means a new course of history
Started by tenth graders.
Dear heroes, dear fathers
Fearless people walk
And in the hour of testing everyone is ready
Close your homeland with your chest.
With the advent of the leader, the children leave.

Host: The station was quiet, small and sad.
Horses chewed oats with a crunch,
But gravel crunched under the sleeper,
And the rails trembled from the wheels.
And the carriages sailed to the half-station,
The birch trees at the platform stood up,
And belatedly gasped ditty,
Filled with pain and longing.
And instantly burst the tension,
It whipped into the heart hot and tight,
And soared with a shudder female voice:
- Zhenya,
And how can we be without you ... take care of yourself! -
And he went, already a soldier of Russia,
To the teplushki, to the saddened countrymen,
And his sons next to him are barefoot
In an adult way, they walked on the sides.
And the woman remained small, -
It would be sad to write Russian from her!
She fumbles frantically in her pocket
And all the handkerchief cannot be found.
And in the crush she managed to peer -
Husband kisses crying guys...
And through the village, as if through the heart,
The train departed into the blazing sunset.

2. The background is replaced by the video "Combat Chronicle". Background music: backing track "Army", group "Night Snipers"
Presenter: On June 22, 1941, at exactly four o'clock in the morning, when the inhabitants of our entire country were sleeping in a serene, peaceful sleep, without any declaration of war, violating the ten-year non-aggression pact, fascist Germany treacherously attacked the borders of our Motherland.
Girls come on stage and read poetry.

1 child: Oh, war, what have you done, vile.
Our yards have become quiet,
Our boys raised their heads,
They have matured for the time being.
On the road they barely loomed and left
Behind the soldier is a soldier.

2 child: Goodbye boys!
Boys, try to get back!
No, don't hide, be tall
Spare neither bullets nor grenades,
And do not spare yourself, but still,
Try to get back!

3. Video "Brest Fortress". Background music: backing track of the song "From the heroes of bygone times ..."

Presenter: Exactly 1418 days and nights this terrible war. And the first blow of the enemy, which had to be accepted, fell on the heads of the border guards of the Brest Fortress. Eight days, long eight days, our defenders held back the onslaught of the enemy. The fighting was fierce. But none of the border guards left their positions. On one of the walls of the Brest citadel, a soldier wrote in blood “I am dying, but I do not give up! Farewell, Motherland! They fought to the death! Even having received permission to withdraw, the soldiers did not leave their Citadel. Let eight days, but this piece of Belarusian land was ours! For every span native land they paid high price- their lives. In one of the Komsomol tickets of the fighters, a note was later found “Let the enemy remember, the Russians do not surrender, but they have to - they die as heroes!”
The leader leaves. Children take the stage.

1 child: Night fog still stood over the Bug.
Soldiers sleep and see their dreams.
Nothing for them this morning
That the Germans will cross the border of their country.
The enemy hid, waiting for the start of the offensive,
Everyone was looking at the clock in suspense.
And suddenly the rocket lit up in the sky,
The signal was given for the start of an undeclared war.

2 child: The soldier's dream was interrupted by breaks,
Fire was fired at the fortress from both heaven and earth.
A yoke came to our land from Germany,
And bloody battles began for everyone.
The soldiers defended the fortress heroically,
And day and night there were hot battles.
"Motherland, farewell! wrote on the walls
Your sons will fulfill their duty to the end.

4. Video "125 grams of blockade bread ...". Background music: backing track "Melody of Tears"
With the advent of the leader, the children leave.
Terrible trials befell our compatriots in those years. Hungry, collapsed from fatigue and lack of sleep... They helped the front: behind the machines, in the fields. Even in besieged Leningrad not for one second did the lathe stop. During the 900 days of the blockade, the factories of the city gave the front more than two thousand tanks, 1500 aircraft, 150 heavy naval guns, 4500 field guns of various calibers, 12 thousand mortars, 212 thousand units small arms, more than seven million artillery shells and mines. But the city was starving. He was under siege by the enemy. And the only way communication with Leningrad was Lake Ladoga, "Road of Life" - that's what they called it.
A boy comes on stage and reads a poem:

It seemed like the end of the earth.
But through the cooled planet
Cars went to Leningrad.
He is still alive! He's around somewhere.
To Leningrad! To Leningrad!
There's bread left for two days,
There mothers under dark skies
Crowds stand at the bakeries.
And it was like that all the way
The rear car settled
The driver jumped up, the driver on the ice.
"Well, it is - the engine is stuck."
Repair for five minutes, a trifle.
This breakdown is not a threat,
Yes, do not straighten your arms in any way.
They were frozen on the steering wheel.
A little warm up - it will reduce again.
Stand? What about bread? Wait for others?
And bread - two tons? He will save
Sixteen thousand Leningraders.
And he moistened his hands in gasoline,
I set them on fire from the motor
And the repair went fast.
In the burning hands of the driver.
Forward! How the blisters ache.
Frozen palms to mittens,
But he will deliver the bread, bring
To the bakery until dawn.
sixteen thousand mothers
Rations will be received at dawn -
One hundred twenty-five blockade grams
With fire and blood in half.
The child leaves.

5. Video "Women at War"(the film consists of several videos: 1. “Women and War”, 2. “Our Katyushas”). Background music: for the first video, the backing track "Rus" (S. Mikhailov), for the second - the backing track "Katyusha"
Presenter: Who said that the war is not female face? Women, along with men, went to the front. Nurses, they brought shells, nurses - they carried the wounded from the battlefield, they were snipers, and gunners, and pilots, and soldiers. And most importantly, they were fighting friends, encouraging and reassuring the fighters when it was hard for them themselves and their hearts were breaking from pain and grief. But, despite the spiritual wounds, to the evil of all enemies, they had fun, sang and danced. But, perhaps, not a single song gladdened the hearts of soldiers as much as the famous "Katyusha", instilling confidence and giving strength to them. That is why in those years multi-barreled rocket mortars or multiple rocket launchers were called "Katyusha". When our Katyushas “talked”, the Nazis abandoned their positions, trying to hide in a safe place. They were frightened even by the sound of working Katyushas.
With the departure of the presenter, the girls come out to the backing track "Katyusha".
The girls sing the song "Katyusha":

Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore,

Came out, started a song
About the steppe gray eagle,
About the one you loved
About the one whose letters she kept. 2 times
Oh, you are a song, a girl's song.
You fly after the clear sun
And a fighter on the far frontier
Say hello from Katyusha. 2 times
Let him remember a simple girl.
Let him hear her sing
May he protect his native land.
And Katyusha will save love. 2 times
Apple and pear trees blossomed
Mists floated over the river.
Katyusha went ashore,
On a high bank, on a steep one. 2 times
With the advent of the host, the girls leave.

6. Video "Bells of Khatyn". Background music: backing track "Khatyn", A. Navolotsky
Presenter: Courage, perseverance and great love for the Motherland of our soldiers, led to confusion German soldiers. They were furious and committed atrocities from powerlessness in the face of the steadfastness and selflessness of the Russian people. The strength of the spirit of the Soviet people caused them animal fear. The Nazis wondered why a simple Russian person had such a sense of duty to his country, his people. And with every minute, with every moment, panic seized them. They drowned out their panic fear of unbroken people with terrible fanaticism. And the traces of the crimes of fascism are still kept by our land.
Under the mourning alarm, a boy comes out and reads a poem:
Have you heard in Khatyn
Funeral chime?
The blood runs cold with fear
He only distributes.
Looks like you're in the desert
Everything is burnt to ashes
In this military Khatyn
The bells are crying.

Presenter: On that spring morning, the inhabitants of Khatyn could not even imagine what a terrible account awaited them. On March 22, 1943, a detachment of SS punishers surrounded the Belarusian village. They burst into every hut, pushing Khatyn children, old people, women with their rifle butts. Peaceful villagers did not understand anything, but the death sentence was pronounced on everyone, to a single one. They were herded into one huge barn. Even when the barn doors creaked shut and the bolt clanged, even then people had no idea what the Nazis had in store for them. The Germans surrounded the barn with straw and set it on fire. The barn burst into flames. People, choking in the smoke, clinging with all their might to their lives, tried to escape from the burning captivity. But all was in vain. Those who managed to get out into the air were waiting for the German machine-gun fire, which mowed down the Belarusians like scythe grass. Women's cries, children's crying and pleas for help, all merged into one inhuman howl. But this only provoked the Nazis, they furiously, with the grin of the beast on their faces, burned the already blazing barn with a stream of hellish flame from flamethrowers. On that March military morning, Khatyn was burned to the ground. 26 courtyards will never meet guests, 149 people will never see the blue sky, 75 children will not hug their fathers and mothers.
To the sound of a heartbeat, a girl enters the stage:

Did you promise us to die
Life promised, love promised
Are children born for death
Did you want our death
Quietly said: "Get up to help ..." -
Glory, no one asked you
Everyone just had a choice
Me or Motherland!
7. Video "Yellowed letter triangles". Background music: backing track "We only know about the war by hearsay"
Presenter: In dashing terrible time when all around death, hunger and explosions stand up like black bushes. When you don’t know if you will be alive or if an enemy bullet will overtake you. Letters from relatives and friends helped our defenders. As if they kept a piece of their home in their overcoats. Photographs of wives and mothers, letters in neat, childlike handwriting. How much love, how much hope was in those letters. They were so necessary for the soldier!
With the departure of the presenter, the children enter the stage.

1 child: Soldiers went to the west
On the paths of war.
Dropped out among the volleys,
Maybe an hour of silence.

2 child: And then on a halt,
At this hour of serenity
People wrote letters
To your loved ones, with hope.
The children leave.

The presenter reads the lines of the original letter:
“Hello, mother, brother Vanya, sisters Anfisa and Verochka! I am alive and well, and I wish you the same. I was wounded in the right leg by shrapnel. Awarded with the medal "For Courage!" And soon I will be back in action. Should receive the Order of the Red Banner. If I die for the Motherland, I will be an order bearer. The other day a mine exploded near me, killed my comrades, and I survived. I live well, I have enough of everything. We drive the Germans in such a way that they run and leave everything behind. I captured one German in a trench, wrapped him in a blanket and brought him to his own. Write more often.
Your son, M. Vlasov
October 5, 1943"

Presenter: It was not destined for him, a simple village boy from the village of Aleksandrovka, Izhmorsky district of the Kemerovo region, to hug his mother, sisters, brother. Mikhail Vlasov died heroically on October 19, 1943, in the battles near Gomel. By decree of the Presidium of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of January 15, 1944, Sergeant Mikhail Maksimovich Vlasov was posthumously awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union.
The girl comes out

The nerves have become thinner ...
The girl is 14 years old.
She was tired of carrying the funeral envelope.
There is no worse, no worse news;
And this cry is unbearable to listen to:
“Why did the Lord give me children?! -
Mom will pay. - Petenka! Petrusha!
No worse, no worse news
It seems to her an unbearable burden:
“Well, how can I raise three children?! -
The wife will cry. - My Alyoshenka! Alyosha!!!"
The girl leaves.

8. Video "Eternal memory". Background music: W. A. ​​Mozart's audio track "Requiem for a Dream"
Host: Listen, people!
Listen with your heart!
And you will hear the heavy clatter of forged German boots and the muffled groans of the dead. This is the earth itself groaning, having accepted the torment, blood and death of over 26 million people: innocently tortured in concentration camps, missing and forever remaining there, on the battlefields ... an eternal flame burns in memory of them. They look down on us in bronze and granite.
With the departure of the leader, the children come out.

1 child: Wherever you go, you go, but stop here.
Bow to the grave of this dear with all your heart.
And for you and for me, he did everything he could.
He did not spare himself in battle, but saved his homeland.

2 child: Let's bow to those great years,
To those glorious commanders and fighters,
And marshals of the country and privates,
Let's worship both the dead and the living.
Readers leave.

Presenter: We will honor the memory of those who did not return from the war with a minute of silence. And let everyone in their hearts thank the dead soldiers for this happy world in which we live.
A moment of silence is announced
9. Video "Happy May". Background music: backing track of the song "About that spring", E. Plotnikova.
Children sing the song "About that spring":

The movie is on - a platoon is fighting.
A distant year on an old film.
Hard way - a little more
And the fires of war will burn out.
Happy May!.. Beloved land,
Meet your soldiers soon!
From wounds, insults, the earth trembles.
We will warm her with the warmth of the soul!
And all about that spring
I saw in a dream.
The dawn has come
And smiled at the world,
What the blizzard brushed aside
that the willow blossomed
And my great-grandfather from the war
Returned home!
In a dashing battle, in a foreign land
Let love and faith keep
So that more of them come alive -
Both privates and officers.
They will come in the spring, like my great-grandfather,
And the doors to the native house will be opened.
I remember the light of distant years.
I will believe in my country!
And all about that spring
I saw in a dream.
The dawn has come
And smiled at the world,
What the blizzard brushed aside
that the willow blossomed
And my great-grandfather from the war
Returned home!

10. Video "Joy of Victory". Background music: backing track of the song "Victory Day" (D. Tukhmanov, V. Kharitonov)
On the ninth day of jubilant May,
When silence fell on the ground
The news rushed, from edge to edge:
The world has won, the war is over!
The children leave.

Presenter: Exactly 70 years ago on that distant spring day, May 7, 1945, a preliminary protocol for the surrender of Nazi Germany was signed. On May 8, the signing of the final act of unconditional surrender took place in Berlin. Germany declared itself defeated. And on May 9, fireworks, unprecedented for those years, burst out. Thirty volleys, thirty victorious rounds soared into the night sky, scattering stars of millions. So the whole world learned about the coming of the Great Victory.
Two children come out to the leader and stand on the sides.

1 child: The sun shines on Victory Day
And we will always shine.
In fierce battles, our grandfathers
The enemy was defeated.
Columns march in order,
And songs are pouring here and there,
And in the sky of hero cities
Fireworks sparkle!
2 child: May there never be a war!
Let the cities sleep in peace.
Let the sirens howl
Doesn't sound over my head.
Let not a single shell burst,
None of them scribbles an automatic.
Let our forests announce
Only birds and children's voices.
And let the years pass peacefully
May there never be a war!
During the reading of poems, all the participants of the holiday take the stage.

Presenter: This one was hard to come by a great victory. And I want to say:
A low bow to all those who defended their homeland ...
1 child: Who stood at the machine
2 child: Who worked in the fields
3 child: Who fought those
Terrible military battles
4 child: Who healed your wounds
5 child: Who supported you...
6 child: you take a bow
Down to earth, at this hour.
7 child: The memory of your victories
Will live forever...
Presenter: She won't rub off
Together: Never! Never!

Everyone bows and leaves.