"Great and mighty ..." youth slang

and culture of speech

(Research work)

8th grade student

MOU Komsomolskaya secondary school

Leader: Polyakova

Natalya Petrovna,

teacher of Russian language

and literature MOU KSOSH



I chose this topic not by chance. Youth slang is a special form of language,one of the componentsthe process of language development, its replenishment, its diversity. Slang words and phrases are not something new in our speech and they did not arise yesterday. But the problem is that these "dead words" persistently seep into the speech of schoolchildren and are firmly established in it, thereby displacing literary words and expressions, common words, making speech vulgar and aggressive.

In work rises problem use of slang words in Russian, slang.

The novelty of the work due to the fact that the study was conducted on the basis of high school, the material obtained characterizes the environment in which interaction takes place between people of different age groups.

Relevance The topic is the active use of slang in the speech of school students at all times, the increased interest of schoolchildren in slang as a codified language. It follows from the topic problem which the Russian language has encountered at the present stage: the dominance of slang expressions in the speech of today's teenagers. It turned out that slang became an integral part of schoolchildren's communication at the end of the 20th century, and even now students of our school cannot do without it.

Love for the Russian language, interest in scientific and practical activities, the desire to benefit peers in terms of speech culture caused a desire to explore this topic.

The purpose of my work- to study the features of the speech of modern schoolchildren.

Research objectives:

1) finding out the reasons for the appearance of jargon among schoolchildren;

2) classification of jargon words and expressions of school vocabulary;

3) compilation of the "Dictionary of jargon".

Object of study– the language environment of students .

Subject of study - youth slang.

Hypothesis: slang has a great influence on the formation of the speech culture of adolescents.

Research methods:

    study of literature on the research topic

    conversations with students and teachers, questionnaires, interviews

The main stages of the study.

The study was conducted from November 2010 to the present and had several stages.

On the first stage the literature on the research topic was studied.

On the second stage a survey of schoolchildren and teachers was conducted, and the results were analyzed.

Practical significance work lies in the fact that the material can be used in elective courses in the Russian language, in classes with in-depth study, classroom hours, in the Russian language lessons when studying the topic “ Common vocabulary and restricted vocabulary.

Chapter 1. Theoretical aspect research

1.1. Place of slang in Russian

The entire vocabulary of a particular language is divided into literary and non-literary. The literature includes:

1) book words;

2) standard colloquial words;

3) neutral words.

All this is vocabulary used either in literature or in oral speech in an official setting.

There is also non-literary vocabulary:

1) professionalism;

2) vulgarisms;

3) jargon;

4) slang.

This part of the vocabulary is characterized by a colloquial informal character.

Professionalisms are words used by small groups of people united by a certain profession.

Vulgarisms - these are rude words not used by educated people in society, a special vocabulary used by people of lower social status: prisoners, drug dealers, homeless people, etc.

jargon - these are words used by certain social or common interest groups that carry a secret meaning that is incomprehensible to everyone.

Slang - these are words and expressions used by people of certain age groups, professions, classes. With the development of mass information: press, radio, television, Internet technologies, the concept slang lost its original meaning.

Now, in my opinion, the definition of slang should be different.

Slang - words that live in modern language full life, but considered undesirable for use in the literary language. With the help of slang, the speaker tries to express his feelings and emotions as fully and freely as possible.

1.2. Reasons for the emergence of youth slang

Studying the reasons for the spread of slang among modern youth, we can conclude that the main ones are:

    contemporary pop culture;

    young people's passion for European, especially American culture;

    Internet, its wide possibilities, rapidly developing computer technologies;

    craze for computer games;

    young people's need for self-expression and mutual understanding;

    low level of education in the family;

    thoughtless passion for low-grade film products, the media.

1.3. Sources of replenishment of youth slang

As before, the sources of replenishment of slang are foreign languages, thieves' slang, borrowings from the language of musicians and athletes. A new source, perhaps, in the 90s was the computer language and, unfortunately, the vocabulary of drug addicts. However, as before, so now the source of slang is the usual literary language. It's just that the meaning of individual words of normal speech is changed by schoolchildren.
The 1970s and 1980s became a time of mass study of foreign languages. In the same years, the hippie youth movement came to us. Many foreign (especially English) words have penetrated into the Russian language. Of course, this could not but affect the slang of high school students. Gerla- girl, diminutive - gerlenysh; Trusera- trousers, pants; khairat- long-haired young man, hippie; shoemaker- any shoes; session- a party; hippie- behave independently, neglecting the general rules.

New things appeared, and with them new words. Thus arose, for example, the word pinwheel to refer to the player and the word video recorder- for VCR. Many of these words have passed into the school slang of our time.

1.4. school slang

School slang can be qualified as corporate youth slang. It singles out a lexical group, which is the "core" of school slang - the units included in it are realized in the speech of most schoolchildren without any (for example, territorial) restrictions. The use of these words does not have the function of evaluating the called people ( teacher - this is not a "bad teacher", but just a "teacher"). It clearly demonstrates the intention of the speaker to lower the social status of these people in the eyes of the listener and in his own, and thereby, as a rule, to increase his own status (at least at the moment of speech).

The carriers of youth slang are people 12-25 years old. Until the age of 16-17, each of us is inseparable from the school, and all problems are associated with it. It can be said that the school language is an age language that everyone knew at the time of teaching. school slang includes names subjects, school grades, some school facilities, individual school employees, types of learning activities. As seen from school jargon, a favorite way to form new words is to reduce the word or cut off part of it: mafon- record player, disc player- disco, denyukha or birthday- birthday, people- a young man and others. Also, the speech of young people is rich in words - interjections, the origin of which cannot be determined: “type”, “shorter”, “damn”, “estimate” and others. Probably, in all schools there have always been and will be such words that are understandable to any person.

Names of subjects

Matesha, fizra, liter, rusish, english

Grade names

Double - 2, troiban - 3, nickel - 5

Free time

Discach, dances, change

Names of school premises

Tubzik, tubarkas, canteen

Names of types of educational activities

Control, homework, laboratory

Names of employees and teachers

Teacher, chemist, physicist

1.5. Features of school slang

School jargon has existed and exists in many languages. They also exist in modern Russian. Like other professionally and socially limited varieties of language, they are specific in the field of vocabulary ( rodoks, ancestors, shoelaces- parents; homeworkhomework etc.). But compared to many social and professional jargons, school jargons have a pronounced distinguishing feature: for carriers of school jargon, a game with words and words is characteristic, a change in its meaning and form in order to create expressive, emotionally colored means ( botanist- a student who is engaged in "4" and "5"; fucked up- made a mistake; loser- loser, etc.).

In this linguistic phenomenon, there is a departure from everyday, gray life, a game, fiction. School jargon is similar to its carriers - it is just as mobile. This is a product of the desire of children and teenagers to change the world, to reshape it in their own way, to assert themselves, to show their "I".

School jargon quickly and easily absorbs words from the criminal language: filter the market- watch your speech; do not sweep with a broom– stop talking, etc. Students actively use borrowing from different languages: boyfriend- the guy with whom the girl meets; clean the face- to physically deal with someone.

In the vocabulary of school jargon, there are two extremes: one side, clarity and specificity these definitions: brake- a slow person, poorly thinking. On the other hand, blurring of values . Sometimes slang words cannot be translated into literary language: funny game- it is difficult to determine the positive characteristics of the subject; run over- Perform an aggressive act. AT last years school jargon is very actively replenished computer vocabulary: hacker, teapot, frozen, throw it on a USB flash drive etc.

Another feature of school jargon is its updateability. Generations change, jargon changes too. Five or seven years will pass, and the old jargon will be replaced by new ones.

As an example, I will give excerpts from the television children's humorous magazine "Yeralash" different years full of jargon.

80s. An excerpt from the story of N.V. Gogol "May night or a drowned woman"

“The cool Dnieper in cool weather, when, roaming and showing off, it cuts its cool waters through forests and mountains. You hatch your zenks, you open the mitten and you don’t know if he saws or doesn’t saw. rare bird with a schnobel it will comb to the middle of the Dnieper. And if he finishes combing, he will hoot so much that he will drop his hooves.

Late 90s. Feedback from a high school student on a film based on the novel by L.N. Tolstoy "Anna Karenina"

“Got it, damn it, she wound it up. And he - once and - no, no, and that one - walk to her, and she, in the water, under the train - and a dick!

2004 An excerpt from a poem by N.A. Nekrasov "Peasant Children", written by V.A. Vlasov and published in the magazine "How to Entertain Guests".

Once upon a merry winter time

I ran out of the house into the cold.

I look and bastard: from the forest to the mountain

The mare is pulling her own tail.

And then I noticed: next to her so decorously

The kid is scurrying… this, well, Gingerbread man.

In cool shoes and in a robust outfit,

And the growth did not come out - a little more than boots.

Both funny and sad. After all, the use of slang words among schoolchildren indicates a low level of culture of the speakers.

Chapter 2. Practical aspect of research

2.1. Observation of students' speech

To study the problemuse of slang words in RussianI interviewed 40 people aged 10 to 16 years.Observation of the speech of students in our school showed that children, unfortunately, use slang words in their speech that are not commonly used, that is, they should not be used in public places. (Attachment 1 ) Teenagers also use criminal jargon in their speech. Both girls and boys, without being embarrassed by anyone, pronounce words at school that are clearly negative in nature:schmuck, zhrachka, eat, tear your mouth, blink your eyes out, sucker, head, shut up, sew, shave and others.

I conducted a survey on the topic "Why do I use slang words?" Teenagers gave such answers.


peers understood me – 25%

keep up with life – 27 %

save time when communicating - 6%

to fit into one or another company - 5%

keep up the conversation - 8%

Express your emotions and feelings - 3%

be modern (th) - 8%

not to be retarded (th) - 8%;

look more cool – 44%;

it was more interesting with me – 6%;

reduce communication time – 3%;

follow fashion - 5%.

The results of the next survey showed that the standard of speech for many adolescents is the speech of their classmates, as well as older comrades ( Appendix 2 ). The main purpose of using slang expressions is the desire of students to give their speech more humor and liveliness.

2.2. Reasons for the sharp increase in the number of jargon

in the speech of schoolchildren

How do students learn about slang words? Here is what the guys answered: “I heard at school from classmates”, “from the Internet”, “from older friends”, “from my parents”. But, besides subjective, there are objective reasons.

1. The desire of the media to gain popularity at any cost.

2. Low level of speech culture.

3. Decreased interest in Russian classical literature

4. Change in moral guidelines.

5. Constant use of computer services

6. Ignorance of language norms and violation of the rules speech etiquette

For some people, jargon is a game with words, for others it is the style and norm of communication, for others it is a kind of tribute to the times. For me, this kind of verbal communication is unacceptable. I am a Russian person and a native speaker of the great language, the language of A.S. Pushkin, M.Yu. Lermontova, N.V. Gogol. The words of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev sound like a testament today: “Take care of our language, our beautiful Russian language, this treasure, this property, betrayed to us by our predecessors ... Treat this powerful tool with respect; in the hands of the skilful, it is able to perform miracles.

2.3. Research results

It is significant that in our school, teenagers do not consider slang words to be some kind of evil (Applications 3.4 ). The data obtained in the course of the study confirm that there is a tendency towards an increase in the level of use of slang in the everyday speech of schoolchildren. Slang was, is and will be in school vocabulary. Is it good or bad? The question appears to be inappropriate. Slang can neither be banned nor abolished. It changes over time: some words die, others appear, just like in any other language. Of course, it's bad if slang completely replaces normal speech for a person - then it's just some kind of cannibal Ellochka. But it is impossible to imagine a modern student without slang at all. The main advantages here are expressiveness and brevity.But do not encourage the guys to give a "solemn promise" never to use the words of youth jargon. It is much more important, in my opinion, to make each student think about how he speaks, what words he uses, how appropriate it is to use slang words in his speech.


As a result of the work, I came to the following conclusions.

1. Slang, which is actively used by modern youth, is a kind of protest against the surrounding reality, against typification and standardization.

2. Slang is characterized by an absurd play on words. This is a kind of "coding" of a concept.

3. Slang words have a negative impact on the development of students' interests.

4. Jargon clogs our language and interferes with normal communication between people of different generations.

5. The main thing that is happening in our time is the liberation of the language from the fetters of morality. It's just a little scary that the Russian language is freed from any morality. Do any of us understand the implications of this freedom? But you need to think about it...

For those who wish to exclude jargon from speech, I advise

2) include self-control over speech, one's own and someone else's;

3) practice public speaking and friendly


4) increase self-esteem in order to be confident in your words.

All this leads to an increase in the level of general culture, including the culture of speech.

In the future, the collection of lexical material for the classification of jargon by name will continue.


1. Vinogradov, V.V. History of the Russian literary language. [Text] / V.V. Vinogradov. – M.: Enlightenment, 1978. – 156 p.

2. Gorshkov, A.I. Russian Literature: From Word to Literature. 10-11 cells. [Text] / A.I. Gorshkov. - M .: Bustard, 2001. - 464 p.

3. Krysin, L.P. Sociolinguistic aspects of the study of the modern Russian language. [Text] / L.P. Krysin. – M.: Nauka, 1989. – 64 p.

4. Krongauz, M. I. Russian language on the verge of a nervous breakdown. [Text] / M.I. Krongauz. - M.: Languages ​​of Slavic cultures, 2007. - 90 p.

6. Lokshina, S.M. Concise Dictionary foreign words. [Text] / S.M. Lokshin. – M.: Russian language. 1979. - 352 p.

7. Rozina, R.I. State and development trends of common Russian slang. [Text] / R.I. Rosina. - M.: Russian language, 2000. - 142 p.

8. Ozhegov, S.I., Shvedova, N.Yu. Dictionary of the Russian language: 57000 words. [Text] / S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. - M.: Russian language, 1984. - P.382.

10. Encyclopedia for children. T.10. Linguistics. Russian language. - 2nd ed., Rev. / ed. M.D. Aksenova. – M.: Avanta+, 1999. S. 679.

Internet resources:

Attachment 1

Appendix 2

Appendix 3

Appendix 4

Appendix 5

Jargon dictionary

Bazaar - a conversation, a discussion of a topic.

Base is home.

Baldezh is a pleasure.

Cormorant is a friend.

Go ahead - speak.

Everything in chocolate is good.

To show off, to show off, to attract attention.

Woka - keys.

Drive - lie.

Globe - head.

Sneer - have fun.

Catch up - understand.

The woodpecker is a stupid person.

Dybnut - look.

Debosh - showdown.

To fool - to be stupid.

Hedgehog is a bully.

To live in raspberries is to live richly.

We live - everything is fine, good.

Check it out - try it.

Quit - Stop doing something.

Ignite - catch.

Noticed - agreed.

To stir up - to start a business.

Soak - kill.

Ispers - shoes with wide soles.

Glue - flirt, make acquaintances.

Jamb - something done wrong.

The roof is protection.

Kent is a guy.

Cool - great.

Stick - a girl of easy virtue.

Boilers - hours.

The box is the train.

Crap is a lie.

Sculpt - lie.

Left is wrong.

Crap is nonsense.

To blurt out is to say something inappropriately.

Lepen, clouses - clothes.

Lapotnik - wallet.

Maza is a thought.

Mutate - make friends.

Ment is a policeman.

To find - to find.

Nishtyak - good.

strain , straighten - to force something to do.

A bummer - something doesn't work.

Sucks is nonsense.

Otpad, ofiget - great.

Relax - have a good time.

Leave - move away.

Window - back pocket.

Cool - great, great.

In parallel, it doesn't matter.

Lucky - lucky.

Drop - leave.

Stopudovo - exactly.

Stebno - great.

The scoreboard is the face.

Party - disco.

Slow down - slow down.

Crack - yes.

A wheelbarrow is a car.

Fly - cool.

The corner is a suitcase.

Figet - to be perplexed.

The bullshit is nonsense.

Fuflo - face, mug.

Khilyak - weakling

Heal - go.

Hawat - there is.

Havchik is food.

Hut is an apartment.

Skulls are parents.

Chel is a person.

Chmo is a morally degraded person.

Shnyaga is a thing.

Shercher - seek.

Schniffs are eyes.

Shkars are pants.

Shoelaces in a glass - parents at home.

Squeeze - crawl forward.

Yuzat - use.

The box is a TV.

Dictionary "School slang"

Algebroid is an algebra teacher.
Grandmas are money.
Bazaar - conversation. Stop the market - shut up.
Bandana - a scarf tied around the head or knee.
Bro, brother, brother - any person.
Bykovat - to attack, to be aggressive towards someone.
Waxa - Negro.
Vidak - VCR.
Visa - face, physiognomy.
To cut in - to understand.
Extinguish - beat.
Load - lie, talk a lot.
Gutalin - Negro.
Jeans are jeans.
George - dollar.
Diskotryaska - dancing, disco.
Melon - head.
Cabbage - dollars.
Well done hammer.
Chassis - legs.
Spur, bomb - cheat sheet.
To score an arrow - to beat.
Sweatshirt - jacket.
Piece - 1000.
Kettle - head.
Loser is a loser.
Cool - good.
The teacher is a teacher.
Petrosyan is a man with unfunny jokes.
Break off - get by accident.
Sucks - bad, unsuccessful.
In scrap - laziness.
Purple is the same.
Mobile phone.
Glitch is a bug.
A party is a gathering.
Shukher is a danger.
Banana, couple - deuce.
Window - a lesson that was canceled.
Kamachatka - back desk.
The botanist is excellent.
To stare - to look.
Sucks - bad, unsuccessful.
A brake is a person who thinks slowly.
White, hare - computer mouse.
Wasp's nest - teacher's room.
Animal trail - the road to school.
A bright path is the road from school.
The Road to Calvary - academic year.
45 minutes of interrogation is a lesson.
Buchenwald alarm - a bell for a lesson.
Golden symphony - call from the lesson.
Ali Baba and 40 thieves - parent meeting.
On the ruins of the count - cleaning in the classroom.
The servant of two masters is the head of the class.
Dead souls - students in the lesson.
Sleeping Beauty is a student.
Tiger Tamer - classroom teacher.
What the coming day is preparing for us is a point in the magazine.
The hero of our time is a repeater.
The voice of one crying in the wilderness is the cry of a teacher.
Reportage with a noose around the neck - the answer is at the blackboard.
The feat of the scout - the answer is at the board.
Ivan the Terrible - director.
Hostile whirlwinds blow over us - the director's voice.
One in the field is not a warrior - a call to the director.
Do not have 100 rubles, but have 100 friends - test.

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We are sure that one of two things is going to happen in Russian speech: either to send it out to the utmost, or, sensibly, to turn onto a different path, taking with it all the stocks abandoned in a hurry.



At school we study Russian from the first to the eleventh grade. This is one of the hardest school subjects. No one has any doubts that it is necessary to study the Russian language. Comunado? Me. To my friends, classmates. To those who come to school after us. To my children, grandchildren. To the children of my friends. To all of us, the Russian people. I think that the words about the greatness of the Russian language, its beauty and richness, written in every textbook of the Russian language, are not an empty sound, not a set of beautiful phrases. I personally sincerely believe that the Russian language is “great and mighty”.

Unfortunately, this is a difficult time for the Russian language. Rapid negative changes that occur in it. make many scientists and researchers more and more often say that it is being depleted, losing its brilliance and depth.

Here are the facts and figures supporting this opinion:

· AT In the USSR, 286 million people spoke Russian. At present, the population of the 14 former republics of the USSR is 140 million people, of which 63.6 million people are active in Russian, 39.5 million people are passive, and almost 38 million people do not speak Russian. According to forecasts, in 10 years the number of people who do not speak Russian will increase to 80 million people. The number of those who speak Russian among the younger generation is declining especially rapidly. There is a reorientation of young people to European, English and Turkish languages. These processes in some new states - the former republics of the USSR - in the zeal to "rewrite history" go beyond the legal, decent and reasonable - millions of our compatriots are subjected to linguistic pressure, for example, in the Baltic countries, where the concept of "linguistic inquisition" has already arisen in relation to Russian language.

· By 1990, the number of Russian speakers in the world reached 350 million people. In 2005, it dropped to 278 million people.

· In terms of prevalence, it will be ahead of French, Hindi, Arabic, Portuguese and Bengali. Russian is the only one of the world's leading languages ​​that has been losing ground over the past 15 years, and this trend may continue in the next 20 years if measures are not taken to support the Russian language, culture and science.

· Russian is currently the native language of 163.8 million people in Russian Federation, countries - the former republics of the USSR, Germany, USA, Israel; 114 million people speak Russian as a second language. In the countries of the near abroad, the majority of those who actively speak Russian are in Belarus, Kazakhstan, and Ukraine; the least Russian speakers are in Turkmenistan, Tajikistan, Lithuania, Uzbekistan and Georgia

However, the evidence-based statements of those scientists who say: "The authority of the Russian language is still very high in the world" remain significant.

Here are just a few figures and facts.

The Russian language, as before, remains the key to knowledge in all branches of science and technology;

Speaking about the place and role of the Russian language in modern Turkey, Professor H. Arslan notes: “Knowledge of the Russian language has become an important factor for a successful professional activity many citizens of Turkey, which served as an impetus for the start of teaching the Russian language in public and private universities”;

Russian language teacher at the University. Jawaharlal Nehru (in India) Manu Mittal talks about the work of the Center for Russian Studies, one of the most advanced centers where the Russian language is taught, for forty years has been graduating specialists in the Russian language and literature, translators who work in various fields around the world;

After some lull in Slovakia, there is a real explosion of interest in the Russian language: in the new economic conditions, it becomes vital, in demand for many, many people;

At the University of Nantes (France), the desire to learn to speak Russian embraces an increasing number of young people. Over the past two years, the number of students studying Russian has more than tripled;

In general education schools, the Russian language is studied in Germany, France, England, Austria; in Belgium, Ireland, Iceland, Spain, the Russian language is studied in higher educational institutions;

The Russian language is taught in China, Mongolia, North Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, the Philippines;

Thanks to graduates of Russian (Soviet) universities, the Russian language is preserved in lyceums, schools and universities in African countries, such as Egypt, Mali, Senegal, etc.;

In the countries of America, where small groups of the population consider Russian as their native language, there is a growing demand for Russian-speaking specialists for business and government agencies;

In Cuba, Russian is still the most widely spoken foreign language;

Knowledge of the Russian language provides each person with the opportunity to communicate with people of other nationalities and opens up new prospects for international and interethnic cooperation.

If we conditionally combine these opinions, we can conclude that the Russian language has largely lost its significance in the world community, but there are opportunities to restore these positions.

What is the reason for the negative trends in the development of the Russian language? Most researchers agree that the problem is based on too active penetration into the literary language of the colloquial, colloquial language. Highlight youth slang, considering him the "culprit" of the fact that the Russian language threatens to die, and calling for a decisive struggle against it. Is it so? Or, after all, as others believe, youth slang is just a natural phenomenon in the development of Russian society, and should we treat it calmly? The ability to answer this problematic question became the basis relevance of my research.

Objective:study of aspects of the interaction of the literary language and youth slang.


1. the study of theoretical sources of youth slang, its interaction with the literary language;

2. study, comparative analysis of the attitude towards youth slang of my peers, adults on the basis of a questionnaire, linguistic analysis of the chat in Solnechny, data posted on the Internet;

3. study of existing areas (including in the village of Solnechny) of youth policy on this topic;

4. generalization and systematization of data, formulation of conclusions and proposals on the stated problem;

5. registration of the results of the study in the form of written work and multimedia presentation.


So, what is Russian youth slang?

It is now called the most interesting linguistic phenomenon, the existence of which is limited not only by certain age limits, as its name implies, but also by social, temporal, and spatial limits. It exists mainly among young students, but is understandable for the rest.

History reference .

· The beginning of the twentieth century marked four turbulent waves in the development of youth slang .

· Firstdates back to the 20s, when the revolution, the civil war, having destroyed the structure of society to the ground, gave rise to an army of homeless children, and the speech of adolescent and youth students, which was not separated from the homeless by impenetrable partitions, was colored with many "thieves" words.

· Second wavefalls on the 50s, when the streets and dance floors of the cities came "dudes".

· Appearance third wave connected not with an era of turbulent events, but with a period of stagnation, when the suffocating atmosphere of public life in the 70s and 80s gave rise to various informal youth movements and “hippie” young people created their own “systemic” slang as a linguistic gesture of opposition to the official ideology.

· Start fourth wave It is now customary to associate with the beginning of computerization.

According to linguists, most new slang words arise quite naturally from specific situations, reflecting the emergence of newobjects, things, objects, ideas, or events. As an example, consider the reasons stormy education of computer slang:

The first reason for such a rapid emergence of new words in computer slang is, of course, the rapid, "jumping" development of computer technologies themselves. If you look at the numerous magazines that cover the latest computer technology market, we will see that more or less significant developments appear almost every week. And in the conditions of such a technological revolution, each new phenomenon in this area should receive its verbal designation, its name. And since almost all of them appear in America, they naturally receive it in English. When, after some time, these developments become known in Russia, then for their vast majority, of course, there is no equivalent in the Russian language. And so Russian specialists have to use original terms. Thus, English names fill the Russian language more and more.

Many of the existing professional terms are quite cumbersome and inconvenient in daily use. There is a strong tendency to shorten, simplify words. For example, one of the most frequently used terms is "motherboard", it has such a correspondence in Russian as "motherboard". In slang, this word corresponds to "mother" or "matryoshka". Or another example: "CD-ROM Drive" is translated into Russian as "laser disc drive", in slang it has the equivalents "sidyuk", "seated box". Recently, there has also been a craze for young people in computer games. This again served as a powerful source of new words.

Special mention should be made of linguistic phenomena on the Internet. Becoming an integral part of our modern life, along with the progressive Internet community uses the telegraphic style of communication. Over the past few years, there has been a lot of talk about such a phenomenon as the “Albanian” (“Albanian”) language of communication on the Internet. A joking, but cutting eye appeal, “Foreward, kag dila?” or the expression "I like it" and a host of others. This language causes philologists many fearful and gloomy forecasts. But it is encouraging that not all the Internet community happily switched to "Albanian". Several actions were held, the meaning of which is united by the motto "I can speak Russian!". Signs "I am writing in Russian, please do not disturb" Authors "," I want to read texts in the correct Russian language "decorated many diaries of live journals and personal pages of users. Some not very literate schoolchildren, who, however, entered the struggle for the purity of the Russian language, suddenly sat down at explanatory dictionaries so as not to accidentally “blurt out” something on their page of a live journal and not be ridiculed by a “bear” wandering there.

What kind functions of youth slang allocate? Firstly, heacts as a means of informal communication for young people people: helps to assert themselves, to feel their unity. That is, it becomes a kind of protest against formalism, a way of opposing oneself to the older generation. It is now obvious that the full communication in the youth environment is impossible without knowing its language. Secondly, the phrases used by young people sound more playful than usual, giving the speech a humorous character and turning into a "collective game". Do not show off, toads, the whole swamp is ours!

A vivid example of such a game is all kinds of chats, which, having appeared relatively recently (no more than 10 years ago), have already taken a strong position in the communicative sphere of society. In my native village, for more than five years there has been a local network, whose users have the opportunity to use chat to communicate on-line. I studied the language of this communication and came to the conclusion that all the trends that are written about in the media are also characteristic of our area.

I analyzed a printout of two randomly selected hours of a chat conversation. This analysis does not inspire any joyful feelings: lack of punctuation, many spelling errors, many abbreviations, etc. Positive, from a linguistic point of view, is still difficult to see, or rather, there is nothing positive. But young people are more and more attracted to this way of communication. Obviously, we need to look for the social causes of this phenomenon. And if chats can no longer be excluded from our lives, then it would be logical to create a concept of the struggle for the purity of the Russian language, for general literacy in this area. I think that chat language is an area of ​​linguistic research in the future. In this sense, I would like to recall the words of S.A. Yesenin: "You can't see a face face to face, a big one is seen at a distance." Who knows, maybe chats will be the start of a massive craze for literacy, a desire to revive the "rich and mighty" Russian language?

Further. If 20-30 years ago, before the existence of youth slang, they spoke or only sometimes and not very confidently, now they talk about it openly and loudly. I found many theoretical articles on slang and its classifications. There is already a whole series of dictionaries-books and virtual dictionaries.

For example, I discovered on the Internet a site where more than 60,000 slang words have already been collected, and anyone can replenish the dictionary. The comments say that this dictionary has existed for 9 years, and all readers are advised: “Enter words, read what others have entered, and think. Think not only about what you say, but also about how you say it. AND LET YOU ALWAYS UNDERSTAND!”. Personally, I took great interest in this term and I think that this is a very good thing.

The researchers note that the fate of slang words and expressions is not the same: some of them take root so much over time that they turn into common speech; others exist only for a while together with their carriers, and then are forgotten even by them; and, finally, the third slang words and expressions remain slang for a long time and the life of many generations, they never completely pass into the commonly used language, but at the same time they are not forgotten at all.

So, for example, earlier slang words "shuffle" (in the sense of being embarrassed), "pickle" (in the sense of: "intentionally delaying someone, postponing a decision for a long time, doing something"), "disguise" (in the sense of: "doing something, someone imperceptible”), “to joke” (in the sense: “to joke”) have passed into common speech, and we rarely think about their slang past; such slang words of the second half of the twentieth century as "limita", "dudes", "coffin" (in the sense of: "civil defense"), "net" (in the sense of: "truant, shirking a person"), " firma "," old duha ", etc., although they are still used from time to time, they practically become a thing of the past; the same words as "jiving", "to kick", "to get high" remain slang for a long time and are unlikely to ever enter into common speech.

Summing up the theoretical research, I want to give the prevailing arguments "for" and "against" youth slang.

1. Slang is a mask, a game, an attempt to overcome the dull routine.

2.Slang is constantly updated.

3. Slang has within itself a certain lexical and derivational richness.

4. Slang is emotionally colored.


1. Slang is limited thematically.

2. Slang cannot be the basis of national culture.

3. Slang words have a vague lexical meaning and cannot convey accurate information.

4. Slang has a limited emotional coloring, does not convey the full range of emotions.

5. Slang reduces communication to primitive communication.

This analysis shows that the existence of youth slang has its positive aspects, although they are less thannegative.


To get a more objective idea of ​​the interaction between the Russian literary language and slang, I conducted a survey among my peers and teachers of the school where I study.Many conclusions support the above thoughts. However, there are some interesting data that I would like to dwell on in more detail.

50 students in grades 10-11 and 12 teachers were interviewed.

The vast majority of them, although they use slang words, but want to get rid of it. Is this fact reassuring? That is, most of the young people still understand the advantages of the literary language, make, albeit in the future, a choice in the direction of correct, clear, beautiful speech.

40% of students and 33% of teachers now use these words, because they give liveliness, humorous meaning to speech.

No, on the one hand, it is ethological. But on the other hand, why do young people think that so few teachers participate in this (only 22%)? I can only tentatively answer this question: most teachers themselves were brought up in a slang environment. Therefore, they relate to this phenomenon relatively calmly. By the way, only 14% of the students called the teachers' speech a standard.

Questions about the media (which media do you prefer? Do you use local chat to communicate?) helped to determine the direction of the research - following the preferences of the young.It seems to me that my peers are not cunning when they say that now there is no standard speech (38%). Evidence for this is plentiful. All media are saturatedslang (100% believe that the media has an impact on speech). Malokto now does not use slang words in speech (among the teachers categorically do not use slang words in speech

only 33%!). This fact makes us think and look for a solution to this problem. Can, indeed, reconcile - as suggested by 58% of teachers? Why do 83% have doubts that it is necessary to fight this phenomenon of linguistic culture? It is difficult to answer these questions so far.

According to my observations, the culture of speech depends on the general culture, development and literacy of its speakers. It turns out that the presence or absence of slang expressions in the speech of young people is directly related to their academic performance. As a rule, in many slang words, those who are not attracted to study as such, who perceive it as a duty.

So,candoconclusion:slangwas,there isand will be in the vocabulary of youth. Is it good or bad? The issue appears to be debatable. Slang can neither be banned nor abolished. It changes over time, some words die, others appear, just like in any other language. Of course, it’s bad if slang completely replaces normal speech for a person. But modern youth Absolutely without slang it is impossible to imagine. The main advantages here are expressiveness and brevity. It is no coincidence that slang is currently used in the press and even in literature (and not only in the detective genre) to give liveliness to speech. Even high-ranking statesmen use in their speeches slang expressions. Therefore, one cannot treat slang as something that only pollutes the Russian language. This is an integral part of our speech. But it’s also not worth letting your eyes down, closing your ears, hiding from this problem.

The most effective, in the opinion of the majority of respondents, will be promotional and educational activities. In fairness, it should be noted that in our village and even in the school, if such events are held, thenthey are of a one-time nature. But it is generally known that a meaningful result is only the action that is performed in the system.

Don't encourage young people to make a "solemn promise" to never use youth jargon. It is much more important, in my opinion, to make every young person think about how he speaks, what words he uses, how appropriate it is to use slang words in his speech.

The Government of the Russian Federation in 2006 approved the Federal Target Program "Russian Language" for 2006-2010, aimed at maintaining the Russian language culture. But most of the youth do not know about this program. On the other hand, everyone is hard at work learning how to solve tests in the Russian language for the successful passing of the Unified State Examination, which the leading people of the scientific and pedagogical community evaluate as a national catastrophe.

I think that:

· at the state level need put a legal barrier to slang words in literature, on television, in cinema, in theatrical productions, in the media, in advertising, etc.;

· at the level of the region and district a special program is needed that could really help young people make a choice between slang and beautiful language;

· at the school levelsystemic measures are needed that would be aimed at the formation of love for a pure language;

If the activities are carried out in the system by knowledgeable and interested people, then the youth will make their choice towards the purity of the language not when they actually cease to be youth (after 25-30 years), but at an earlier age. Hence, the Russian language is more likely to restore the level of its greatness.


1. Zapesotsky A.S., Fain L.P. This incomprehensible youth. M.: 1990.2.

2.Beregovskaya E. M. Youth slang: Formation and functioning // Problems of linguistics. - M., 1996.- N 3.-S.32-41

3. Krysin L.P. Youth jargon // Krysin L.P. Russian word, one's own and someone else's. - M., 2004 .- S. 372-376.


Today slang is part of youth culture. These words convey a certain liveliness and humorous meaning to the speech, but one should not forget about the normative literary Russian language. Of course, youth slang is a fairly bright component of the modern Russian language, and the main advantages here are expressiveness and brevity. But we live in the country of A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky and A.P. Chekhov, and we must not allow the “virus of illiteracy” to infect all of us. We must remember that slang is only part of our language. And our language must be protected, we must speak and write in Russian.









Article "Youth slang as a component of the modern Russian language"

literature the highest category GBOU secondary school No. 544

With in-depth study of English language

Makarova Tatyana Vasilievna

Makarova Tatyana Vasilievna, teacher of Russian language and literature of the highest category, GBOU School No. 544 of the Moskovsky district of St. Petersburg

Youth slang as a component of the modern Russian language

Why are we interested in this topic? Somehow, preparing for a lesson on the topic " General information about the language”, we saw a text on the Internet: “When it’s like kumar, when, in nature, it tears the tower from golem glitches about what the hell, strained on the haze, you’re the only one who gets me high, cool, boyish, awesome, purely Russian market! At first we did not understand what it was. An attempt was made to translate the text into literary language. And this is what we got: “In days of doubt, in days of painful reflections about the fate of my homeland, you are my only support and support, O great, powerful, truthful and free Russian language.” Do you recognize? It turns out that this famous poem in the prose of I.S. Turgenev "Russian language". That's when we decided to take up youth slang, since the relevance of this topic, in our opinion, is obvious and lies in the fact that youth slang today is one of the components of the modern Russian language, the process of its development, its replenishment. We, of course, made the emphasis in our work on school slang.

In linguistics, there is no clear definition of slang, or rather, there are several of them. The term "slang" in translation from English means:

  1. the speech of a socially or professionally isolated group, as opposed to the literary language;
  2. a variant of colloquial speech that does not coincide with the norm of the literary language.

What is slang?

Slang (from English - slang) is a terminological field, a set of special words or new meanings of existing words used in various human associations (professional, social, age).

Slang is a variant of colloquial speech that does not coincide with the norm of the literary language.

Slang is words that are often seen as breaking the rules of the standard language. These are very expressive ironic words that serve to designate objects that are spoken about in everyday life.

Slang are words that live a full life in the modern language, but are considered undesirable for use in the literary language.

The most successful definition of slang, in our opinion, is the following:

Slang is a type of speech used mainly in oral communication by a separate, relatively stable social group that unites people on the basis of profession or age.

The carriers of youth slang are people 12-25 years old. Until the age of 16-17, each of us is associated with the school, but school slang does not stand out in a separate group, since after graduation educational institution he "leaves" the speech of young people.

What are the reasons for the emergence of youth slang?

After 11 years, the individual consciousness of the child develops into a more complex formation. The child, on the one hand, wants to “be different from everyone else”, and on the other hand, he wants to “be like his own”. This is reflected in the language by the creation of a specific vocabulary, namely the slang of teenagers united by common interests and lifestyle.

Working on this topic, we conducted a survey of school students from grades 5 to 11, that is, schoolchildren aged 11 to 17 years. And what did he show? In the speech of students of all ages, the word “damn” is constantly heard, which, according to our observations, expresses annoyance, disappointment, failure. In addition, students in grades 5-7 most often use the words: “couple” (deuce), “homework” (homework), “clothes” (clothes), “cool” (good, excellent), “funny” (joke) , “fuck off” (make a mistake, miscalculate), as well as the words “freebie” (getting something at someone else’s expense, for free) and “break off” (experience disappointment, failure).

Students in grades 8-9 more often than others use words such as “clothes” (clothes), “bazaar” (talk), “nerd” (a diligent student, excellent student), “fumbling” (understanding, thinking), “disco” (disco ),

"joke" (joke).

In the speech of students in grades 10-11, the words are heard more often than others: “bazaar” (talk), “drive” (lie, deceive), “freebie” (getting something at someone else’s expense, for free), “depressuha” (depression), “Fuck” (make a mistake, miscalculate), “high” (any pleasant emotions), “screw up” (get into an awkward position).

As a survey of students showed, slang has firmly entered the speech of young people and not only. Today it can be heard in television and radio programs, in the speeches of teachers and deputies, in newspapers and magazines, and even in fiction. And its use is not always appropriate.

Today slang is part of youth culture. Youth cannot be imagined without slang: this is the exchange of information, and jokes, and, finally, the Internet. Yes, these words give speech some liveliness, a humorous meaning, but one should not forget about the normative literary Russian language. And slang is gradually replacing literary speech. Recently, one can often hear that parents do not understand children, teachers - students, and it's not the difference in age, but the difference in speech.

Once, graduates of one of the St. Petersburg schools presented the teacher of the Russian language with the "Explanatory Dictionary of Youth Slang" with the words: "So that you understand us better." Of course, it is necessary to understand youth slang, especially for those who directly deal with young people - this will facilitate the process of communication and mutual understanding. But we must not allow slang to replace the "great and mighty" Russian language.

One of the sources of replenishment of youth slang is foreign languages, although, according to M.V. Lomonosov, “in it (in Russian) the splendor of Spanish, the liveliness of French, the strength of German, the tenderness of Italian ... the brevity of Greek and Latin". In other words, there is nothing in life that could not be expressed in Russian. And we are increasingly hearing words such as “phaser” (father), “gold” (gold product), “cracked” (crazy).

In one of the TV programs, the writer Sergei Alekseev said: “Today we are losing the great Russian language, and with the loss of the language, we are losing our culture, the bearer of which is the language.” Of course, slang cannot be banned or abolished, but slang cannot be allowed to completely replace literary speech. Indeed, in our time, even middle-aged and fairly educated people use the words in their speech: do not run over, do not slow down, do not load. Moreover, not a single word is used in its direct meaning, but it is clear to everyone.

It is generally accepted that youth slang is most firmly "settled" in Moscow and St. Petersburg. And only some of its minor elements are found on the periphery. Since youth slang is colloquial and informal, it falls into urban folklore: songs, jokes, built on puns. Youth slang is universal: it cannot be attributed to any single group of non-literary words - it must be considered as an independent phenomenon.

Youth slang is actively developing, replenishing with new words. This is due to the rapid development of life. It is used in small volumes in both prose and poetry. This use of slang is a way to turn it from corporate group property into the public domain.

Of course, youth slang is a fairly bright component of the modern Russian language, and the main advantages here are expressiveness and brevity. But we live in the country of A.S. Pushkin and L.N. Tolstoy, F.M. Dostoevsky and A.P. Chekhov, and we must not allow the “virus of illiteracy” to infect all of us. We must remember that slang is only part of our language. And our language must be protected, we must speak and write in Russian.

But now in schools, according to N.D. Solzhenitsyna, the number of lessons of the Russian language and literature has significantly decreased, and now in the first place is life safety and physical education. Is it correct? We think not.

In this article, we have not touched on computer slang, although computerization has a great influence on the development of youth slang. It seems that this direction is so voluminous and specific that it requires a separate discussion on this topic, and we will only partially touch on this direction in the development of youth slang.

Initially, these words served people of one profession - programmers; Nowadays, computer slang is owned by a huge number of people who use a computer for some purpose. Computer slang is distinguished by some isolation, obsession with the world of computers and refers only to this world, separating it from everything else. Often slang names are not clear to people who are not related to computers. Thanks to the knowledge of a special language, computer scientists feel like members of a closed community, which allows us to define the term "computer slang" as words used only by people who are directly related to computers.

Young people at all times sought to assert themselves in society, to create their own style of communication, different from the generally accepted among the older generation. Youth slang is the desire to get away from everyday life, from the boring world of adults, parents, teachers. Slang "lives" among young people as an island of naturalness and freedom.

But the task modern school- to develop coherent speech of students, which cannot be without a rich vocabulary. Consequently, the role of the teacher of the Russian language and literature is very great at school, since it is he who must teach children to express thoughts in the literary language.


  1. Ozhegov S.I. Dictionary of the Russian language. M. Soviet Encyclopedia. 1964
  2. Nikitina T.G. Youth slang: dictionary. M. Astrel AST. 2007
  3. Beregovskaya E.M. Youth slang: formation and functioning. Questions of linguistics. 1996, No. 3
  4. Borisova E.G. About some features modern jargon youth. Russian language at school. M. 1987, No. 3
  5. Bragina A.A. Neologisms in Russian. M. Enlightenment. 1973
  6. Ermakova O.P., Zemskaya E.A., Rozina R.I. Words We've All Encountered: A Common Jargon Dictionary. M. 1999

Encyclopedia for children. T.10. Linguistics. Russian