At the forefront of the learning process is the formation of UUD. The complication of the content of the educational material of school education without due attention to the task of forming educational activities leads to the lack of formation of the ability to learn among students. Indeed, today's information society requires a learner, able to independently learn and relearn many times over the course of a constantly lengthening life, ready for independent actions and decision-making.

That is why the problem of independent successful assimilation by students of new knowledge, skills and competencies, including the ability to learn, has become acute and currently remains an urgent problem for the school. Great opportunities for this are provided by the development of universal educational activities (UUD)

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"Formation of universal educational activities in the educational process"

Formation of universal educational activities in the educational process

The main task of the modern education system is the formation of "universal educational activities" (hereinafter UUD). UUD - the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience; a set of student actions that ensure his cultural identity, social competence, tolerance, the ability to independently acquire new knowledge and skills, including the organization of this process.

The main types of UUD can be divided into four blocks:

    Communicative actions - provide social competence and conscious orientation of students to the positions of other people (primarily a partner in communication or activity), the ability to listen and enter into a dialogue, participate in a collective discussion of problems, integrate into a peer group and build productive interaction and cooperation with peers and adults.

    Personal actions - provide a value-semantic orientation of students (the ability to correlate actions and events with accepted ethical principles, knowledge of moral norms and the ability to highlight the moral aspect of behavior) and orientation in social roles and interpersonal relationships. With regard to educational activity, two types of actions should be distinguished: 1) the action of meaning formation; 2) the action of the moral and ethical evaluation of the content being assimilated.

    Regulatory actions - provide students with the organization of their learning activities. These include: goal setting, planning, forecasting, control in the form of a comparison of the method of action and its result, correction, evaluation, volitional self-regulation.

    Cognitive actions include general educational, logical actions, as well as the actions of setting and solving problems.

The learning process sets the content and characteristics of the child's learning activity and thereby determines the zone of proximal development of these universal learning activities and their properties. Universal educational activities represent an integral system in which the origin and development of each type of educational activity is determined by its relationship with other types of educational activities and the general logic of age-related development.

Conditions for the development of UUD :

The formation of UUD in the educational process is determined by the following three complementary provisions:

    the formation of UUD as a goal determines the content and organization of the educational process;

    the formation of UUD takes place in the context of the assimilation of various subject disciplines and extracurricular activities;

    universal learning actions can be formed only when students perform academic work of a certain type based on the use by teachers of technologies, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities that are adequate to the age of students.

The selection and structuring of the content of education, the definition of forms and methods of teaching - all this should take into account the goals of the formation of specific types of UUD.

Examples of forms of educational activity as a condition for the formation of UUD:

Academic collaboration

Educational cooperation allows the formation of communicative, regulatory, cognitive and personal universal learning activities.

The teacher perceives the child as an equal partner, an active, influential participant educational process, organizes interaction, dialogue.

Participants in the process are emotionally open and free in their statements. The child freely uses the help of a teacher or peers.

With such cooperation The teacher acts as a facilitator which acts indirectly, rather than direct instructions. Such communication is as close as possible to the child. Organization of work in pairs, groups, independent work using additional information sources.

Creative, design,

educational - research


Artistic, musical, theatrical creativity, design, conception and implementation of socially significant initiatives, etc.

Work on projects harmoniously complements class-lesson activities in the educational process and allows you to work on obtaining personal and meta-subject results of education in more comfortable conditions for this, not limited by the time frame of individual lessons.

The focus of projects on the original final result in a limited time creates the prerequisites and conditions for achieving regulatory metasubject results.

The joint creative activity of students when working on projects in a group and the necessary final stage of work on any project - the presentation (defense) of the project - contribute to the formation of meta-subjectcommunicativeskills.

Personal results when working on projects can be obtained by choosing the subject of projects.

Control and evaluation and

reflective activity

Self-esteem is the core of a person's self-consciousness, acting as a system of assessments and ideas about oneself, one's qualities and capabilities, one's place in the world and in relationships with other people.

The central function of self-assessment is regulatory function. The origin of self-esteem is associated with the communication and activities of the child.

The development of self-esteem is significantly influenced by a specially organized educational action of evaluation.

Conditions for the development of the action of evaluating educational activities:

    setting the task for the student to evaluate their activities (it is not the teacher who evaluates, the child is tasked with assessing the results of their activities);

    the subject of assessment is learning activities and their results;

    ways of interaction, own opportunities for carrying out activities;

    organization of objectification for the child of changes in educational activity on the basis of a comparison of his previous and subsequent achievements;

    the formation of a student's attitude to improve the results of their activities (assessment helps to understand what and how can be improved);

    the formation of the student's ability to cooperate with the teacher and independently develop and apply criteria for a differentiated assessment in educational activities, including the ability to analyze the causes of failures and highlight the missing operations and conditions that would ensure the successful completion of the educational task;

    organization of educational cooperation between a teacher and students, based on mutual respect, acceptance, trust, and recognition of the individuality of each child.

Labor activity

Self-service, participation in socially useful work, in socially significant labor actions. Systematic work develops the positive qualities of a person: organization, discipline, attentiveness, observation. Work

younger students allows the teacher to get to know them better individual characteristics, to find out their creative possibilities, to develop certain abilities.

Labor activity allows to form personal universal learning activities.

sports activities

Mastering the basics of physical culture, acquaintance with various types sports, the experience of participating in sports competitions will help to form volitional personality traits, communicative actions, regulatory actions.

Forms of organization of the educational space that contribute to the formation of UUD.

problem situation;

mutual learning;

free lesson;

Lesson of different ages

cooperation, etc.

Form of educational activity for setting and solving educational problems

training session

Place of various group and individual practices

Consultative session

The form for resolving the problems of a younger student at his request to the teacher

creative workshop

To organize the skills of creative collective activity

Conference, seminar

The form of summing up the results of creative activity

Individual lesson

Form of organization of activities for the construction of individual educational trajectories

extracurricular forms

Place of implementation of personal tasks and interests of younger students.

The task of the teacher as an educator is to support good initiatives of children and provide opportunities for their implementation.

How to generate UUD (list of technologies for forming UUD)

    To develop the ability to evaluate their work, the children themselves, according to the proposed algorithm, learn to evaluate their task.

    The teacher draws attention to the developmental value of any task

    The teacher does not compare children with each other

    The teacher shows why this or that knowledge is needed, how it will be useful in life

    The teacher talks in class new material, involving children in the discovery of new knowledge

    The teacher teaches children how to work in a group

    The teacher shows how to come to a common solution in group work.

    The teacher intervenes in educational conflicts by pronouncing (guiding, showing) a sample

    The teacher in the lesson pays great attention to self-examination of children, teaching them how to find and correct a mistake.

    The teacher sets goals in the lesson and works with the children towards the goals

    The teacher teaches children the skills that will be useful to them in working with information - retelling, drawing up a plan, introduces various sources

    The teacher pays attention to the development of memory and logical operations of thinking

    The teacher draws attention to the general ways of acting in a given situation.

    The teacher uses project forms of work in the classroom and in extracurricular activities.

    The teacher prefers to form the necessary values ​​by resorting to dialogical communication and including children in the process.

    The teacher teaches children to make moral choices in the framework of working with valuable material and its analysis

    The teacher finds a way to captivate children with knowledge

    The teacher shows the meaning of the teaching, does it in a “correct” form

    The teacher includes children in constructive activities, collective creative activities

    The teacher gives a chance to correct the mistake

    The teacher shows and explains why this or that mark was given, teaches children to evaluate the work according to the criteria

    The teacher allows other children to participate in the assessment process.

    The teacher helps the child find himself by making an individual route

    The teacher teaches the child to set goals and look for ways to achieve

    The teacher teaches children to make a plan of action before starting to do something

    The teacher unobtrusively conveys positive values ​​to children, allowing them to live them by their own example.

    The teacher teaches different ways of expressing one's thoughts, the art of arguing, defending one's own opinion, respecting the opinions of others.

    The teacher organizes activity forms within which children could live and acquire the necessary knowledge.

    The teacher teaches children how to effectively memorize and organize activities.

    The teacher unobtrusively broadcasts the meaning of the teaching to children

    The teacher shows how to allocate roles and responsibilities while working in a team

    At the end of the assignment, at the end of the lesson, the teacher, together with the children, evaluate what the children have learned, what worked and what did not

    The teacher in the lesson uses specialized developmental tasks, asking questions

    The teacher and the child communicate from the position of "equals"

    The teacher actively includes everyone in the learning process, encouraging learning cooperation between students, students and the teacher

    The teacher builds a lesson in the activity paradigm

    The teacher in the classroom uses the interactive capabilities of ICT

    The teacher organizes work in pairs of shifts

    The teacher allows the children to choose their own tasks from the proposed

    The teacher organizes constructive joint activities

The Ministry of Education, in order to improve the educational process, constantly introduces some innovations into it, fills it with new terms and concepts. A simple layman, studying methodical literature or reading news about education, very often comes across an incomprehensible phrase UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard. How does this abbreviation stand for and what does it mean in simple words?


The concept of "UUD"

UUD is a universal educational activity. It includes:

  • The ability to learn and acquire new knowledge, the ability to learn;
  • A person's desire for self-improvement through the acquisition of new experience;
  • Understanding the need to acquire knowledge and a conscious approach to the educational process;
  • Understanding the essence of education itself and its constituent parts;
  • Purposeful actions of a person to search for opportunities for a broad orientation both in different subject areas and in the structure of the educational activity itself;
  • Understanding the target orientation of the educational process, its value-semantic and operational properties.

The development of UUD was carried out back in the 20th century in the Soviet Union. At that time, pedagogical science was undergoing active development and the foundation of its new trends was being laid. The concept of "universal learning activities" has become very popular at the present time, the scope of its application is quite wide and covers almost all possible levels and types of education. The development of UUD is based on the activity approach, which was developed by L.S. Vygotsky, A.N. Leontiev, D.B. Elkonin, P.Ya. Galperin, V.V. Davydov and other scientific schools.

Elkonin and Davydov are the founders of the theory of developmental learning, the key concept of which is UDD.

What is FGOS?

This is the federal state educational standard. It includes:

  • List of requirements for state educational institutions;
  • The Law "On Education" is the basis of the Federal State Educational Standard;
  • The updated standard is valid in all schools from September 1, 2011 - GEF primary general education(NOO).

GEF requirements relate to:

  • Structures of the educational process. Every year it is necessary to draw up and approve a work plan aimed at the optimal promotion of students to acquire new knowledge, guided by this plan, periodically improve the educational and methodological complex (TMC) of disciplines.
  • Implementations educational program. If the structure of the educational process lies in the area of ​​responsibility of the administration and methodological departments, then the teaching staff of schools is directly responsible for the implementation of the plan;
  • Education outcomes. Student achievement is a clear demonstration and evidence of the success of the developed structure and education program, compliance with all requirements. The average performance score for the entire school is taken into account.

Basic groups UUD?

The requirements for UUD depend on the grades at which level - elementary, middle or senior - students study. Compliance with the put forward requirements for the age of children must be met. For all of them, the requirements for the use of computer technology and information technology in educational activities have recently increased.

There are the following basic groups of universal learning activities:

  • Personal - aimed at finding opportunities to know oneself and comprehend self. Their goal is to form in students the correct, adequate moral and ethical assessment of themselves;
  • Cognitive - relate to the possibilities of forming the basic skills and abilities of perception of information, its processing and analysis, on the basis of which certain conclusions and conclusions are drawn. The group of cognitive actions includes a system of general and logical learning actions, the process of posing and solving a problem;
  • Communicative - contribute to the socialization of students, the formation of skills for effective interaction with others - classmates, teachers, friends and other people. At school, every child goes through the most important stage social development. If problems that arise in the process of communication are not resolved in time, they can pass into adulthood and will remind of themselves for many years to come, even after graduation;
  • Regulatory - aimed at developing the ability to draw up a plan of one's actions and change it under the influence of various factors environment. This useful skill, acquired within the walls of the school, will be useful in later life.

Pupils master UUD in the process of studying various academic subjects. The result of successful mastering is the formation of initiative, the desire of students to independently acquire knowledge and acquire competence. Students should be able to independently organize the learning process without the help of adults.

Advantages and disadvantages of home schooling

Homeschooling is an alternative to school education. When the reason for this choice of parents is medical reasons (diseases of a physical or mental nature), home schooling is the best option. But in the event that parents are guided by other motives - fears of the socialization of the child, unwillingness to send children to school because they will not be able to independently solve school problems without a mother or father - all this leads to the most unpredictable negative consequences.

Let's take a look at the advantages and disadvantages of homeschooling.



Attacks, mockery from classmates are excluded, the child will not become the object of bullying

Students lack motivation, in the classroom, students observe each other, compete, reach out for each other, strive for a better result, have richer material for analysis

Greater flexibility in the study schedule compared to school education, the ability to independently plan the number of lessons per day

There is no opportunity to learn how to interact with each other within the team, the world of building social relationships remains closed

Learning material in less time as student and teacher work together one-on-one

They do not learn to make new acquaintances, defend their point of view, do not contact with anyone except family and close friends

There is more free time that can be spent on visiting circles and sports sections

At the time of learning at home, the child is in a comfort zone, and as soon as he is left alone with himself, he becomes completely defenseless and does not know how to behave in a given situation

The possibility of individual study with the child of all the difficulties and weak points that arise during the development of the curriculum

Home schooling excludes the possibility for a child to develop effective ways to counter the infringement of their rights

The impact of UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard on schoolchildren is contradictory, since each child is a unique personality, individuality, each has different abilities and talents. UUD contributes to the assimilation of moral norms and principles developed by society, which leads to the formation of a holistic personality. At the same time, the Federal State Educational Standard limits the child to rigid limits, does not allow them to show initiative and love of freedom.

Important! UUD according to GEF is a set of requirements for the educational process. The development of standards is based on the desire to provide each child with the opportunity to receive and learn all the knowledge that will be useful to him in the future. The task of the school is to form such skills that will not only be useful in further education, but also ensure the normal life of every person in society.

Sections: Primary School

At present, the main task of education is to educate a person who can learn independently. This is important due to the high rate of renewal scientific knowledge, technologies, when a person constantly has to learn and relearn. The standards of the second generation put forward “the development of students on the basis of their mastery of universal educational activities” as the goal and main result of education. In a broad sense, the term “universal learning activities” means the ability to learn, i.e. the ability of the subject to self-development and self-improvement through the conscious and active appropriation of new social experience. The universal nature of educational actions is manifested in the fact that they are of a supra-subject, meta-subject nature, i.e. each subject depending on its content and ways of organizing the educational activities of students, opportunities for the formation of universal educational activities.

In other words, universal learning activities (hereinafter - UUD) should provide students not only with the successful assimilation of knowledge, the formation of skills, abilities, competencies in any subject area, but also the opportunity to independently carry out learning activities, set learning goals, seek and use the necessary means and methods. their achievements, monitor and evaluate the process and results of activities.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the main educational program includes four types of UUD: personal, communicative, regulatory and cognitive.

Personal actions reflect the system of value orientations of the younger student, his attitude to various aspects of the world around him.

Regulatory actions provide students with the ability to organize their educational and cognitive activities.

cognitive actions provide the ability to cognize the world around: readiness to carry out directed search, processing and use of information.

Communicative actions provide the ability to carry out productive communication in joint activities, showing tolerance in communication, observing the rules of verbal and non-verbal behavior, taking into account the specific situation.

The formation of UUD in the educational process is determined by three complementary provisions:

    the formation of UUD as a goal determines the content and organization of the educational process;

    the formation of UUD takes place in the context of the assimilation of various subject disciplines and extracurricular activities;

    UUD can be formed on the basis of the use of technologies, methods and techniques for organizing educational activities that are adequate to the age of students.

The task of the teacher is to learn how to organize the educational process in such a way that the mastering of the basic concepts by students occurs simultaneously with the accumulation of experience of actions that ensure the development of the ability to independently seek, find and assimilate knowledge, i.e. the competence to “teach to learn”. The selection of the content of educational subjects, the definition of forms and methods of teaching - all this should take into account the goals of the formation of specific types of UUD.

Each academic subject, depending on the subject content, has certain opportunities for the formation of UUD. Consider priorities subject content in the formation of UUD.

Russian language

Literary reading


The world




meaning formation

moral and ethical orientation

creative self-realization


goal-setting, planning, forecasting, control, correction, evaluation, algorithmization of actions
(mathematics, Russian language, world around, technology, Physical Culture and etc.)

general education.

modeling (translation of spoken language into written language)

semantic reading, arbitrary and conscious oral and written statements

modeling, the formation of a common technique for solving problems, the choice of the most effective ways problem solving

wide range of information sources

Modeling and Displaying a Transformation Object
in the form of models

Cognitive logical.

Formulation of personal, linguistic, moral problems. Independent creation of ways to solve problems of a search and creative nature

Analysis, synthesis, comparison, grouping, cause-and-effect relationships, logical reasoning, evidence, practical actions

Formation of an internal plan based on phased development
subject-transformative actions


Using the means of language and speech to receive and transmit information, participation
in joint productive activities and productive dialogue; self-expression:
monologues of various types.

So, the connection of universal educational actions with the content of educational subjects is determined by the following statements:

    UUD is an integral system in which it is possible to single out interrelated and interdependent types of actions:
    - communicative - providing social competence,
    - cognitive - general educational, logical, related to problem solving,
    - regulatory - ensuring the organization of their own activities,
    - personal - determining motivational orientation.

    The formation of UUD is a purposeful, systemic process that is implemented through all subject areas and extracurricular activities.

    The UUD specified by the standard determine the emphasis in the selection of content, planning and organization of the educational process, taking into account the age-psychological characteristics of students.

    The scheme of work on the formation of specific UUD of each type is indicated in thematic planning, technological maps.

    Ways to take into account the level of their formation - in the requirements for the results of development curriculum in each subject and in the mandatory programs of extracurricular activities.

    The pedagogical support of this process is carried out with the help of the Portfolio, which is a procedural way of assessing the achievements of students in the development of universal educational activities.

    The results of mastering UUD are formulated for each class and are a guideline in organizing monitoring of their achievement.

In each school, each teacher, the content of UUD should vary depending on various conditions: from the age of students and their individual characteristics, from the class, from pedagogical style and priority pedagogical approaches of the teacher, subject specificity, etc.

Consider the activities of students at each stage lesson and select those UUDs that can be formed with the right organization learning process.

1. Goal setting.

The teacher leads students to understand the topic, purpose and objectives of the lesson and formulate them. It is important for students to realize at this stage the boundaries of their knowledge and ignorance. This activity contributes to the formation of cognitive, regulatory (goal-setting), communicative (objective communication) and personal (motivation) UUD.

2. Planning.

Students plan ways to achieve the intended goal, and the teacher assists them in this, advises. At the same time, students develop regulatory UUD (planning).

3. Practical activities of students.

Students carry out learning activities according to the planned plan. Here you can use group work or individual work. The teacher advises students. At the same time, cognitive, regulatory, communicative UUDs develop.

4. Control.

Students exercise control themselves (it can be self-control, mutual control). The teacher also acts as a consultant.

UUD are formed: regulatory (control, self-control), communicative.

5. Correction of activity.

Students formulate difficulties and carry out their own correction. The task of the teacher is to provide the necessary assistance.

UUD are formed: regulatory, communicative.

6. Assessment of students.

Students evaluate activities based on their results (self-assessment, mutual assessment). The teacher advises.

UUD are formed: regulatory (assessment, self-assessment), communicative.

7. The result of the lesson.

Reflection is underway. In this activity, UUD are formed: regulatory (self-regulation), communicative, personal.

8. Homework.

It is useful to offer students tasks to choose from (taking into account individual capabilities). At the same time, cognitive, regulatory and communicative UUDs are formed.

Of course, the UUDs are presented here in a generalized form. But it is precisely this kind of work that helps to see at what stage of the lesson what meta-subject results can be formed if the activities of students are properly organized.

And now let's consider more specifically what methods, techniques, teaching aids, forms of organization of students' activities can be used when conducting a lesson aimed at forming not only subject, but also meta-subject results.

1. Goal setting. Conducting problematic dialogue.
2. Planning. Work with the lesson map.
3. Practical activities of students.

a) group, pair, individual shape organization of students' activities.
b) Work on solving design problems.
c) Conducting role-playing games.
d) Work with the textbook. It is necessary to make maximum use of the possibilities of the main learning tool - the textbook, because all the textbooks have been examined for compliance with the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of the IEO and allow us to achieve the necessary results.
e) Application of dictionaries, reference books, encyclopedias, ICT-technologies.

4. Control.

a) Application of the method of unmarked learning (“magic rulers” - author G.A. Tsukerman).
b) Self-control and mutual control by in advance certain criteria.

5. Correction of activity.

a) Mutual aid organization;
b) the use of various memos.

6. Assessment of students.

a) Application of the method of non-grading learning - author G.A. Zuckerman;
b) self-control and mutual control of oral and written answers according to criteria defined in advance.

7. The result of the lesson. Conducting reflection using:

a) Reception "palm" (the higher the activity in the lesson, the higher the position of the pencil on the palm);
b) emoticons;
c) colored circles in feedback sheets, etc.

8. Homework.

a) The use of creative tasks, practical-significant tasks;
b) the use of differentiated tasks.

Of course, these are not the only possibilities for constructing a lesson aimed at the formation of UUD. The new standard, having defined the requirements for educational results, requires the teacher to build a lesson in a new way. However, if the methods of work used by the teacher before can work for new results, they certainly need to be applied in the new educational environment.

So, learning success primary school largely depends on the formation of universal educational activities. The development of UUD ensures the formation of psychological neoplasms and abilities of the student, which, in turn, determine the conditions for the high success of educational activities and development academic disciplines. If in elementary school students develop universal learning activities to the full extent, then it will not be difficult for them to study in the main part of the school.

To control the mastery of UUD students, it is important to diagnose them (twice a year). The criteria for assessing the formation of universal learning activities should take into account two components:

    compliance with age-psychological regulatory requirements;

    property matching universal action predetermined requirements.

Age-psychological standards are formed for each type of UUD, taking into account a certain stage of their development. The properties of actions to be assessed include: the level of performance of the action, completeness, consciousness, generality, criticality and mastery.

Let us dwell on those positions that we diagnose when studying the level of formation of UUD of younger schoolchildren through the performance of tasks.

To study the formation of cognitive UUD, the following skills are diagnosed:

    determine the need and sufficiency of information to solve the problem;

    select sources of information necessary to solve the problem;

    extract information from texts, tables, diagrams, illustrations;

    compare and group facts and phenomena;

    determine the causes of phenomena and events;

    draw conclusions based on the generalization of knowledge;

    present information in the form of tables, charts, diagrams.

To study the formation of regulatory UUD, skills are diagnosed :

    independently formulate the purpose of the activity;

    draw up an action plan;

    act according to plan;

    compare actions with the goal, find and correct errors;

    check and evaluate the results of the work.

To study the formation of communicative UUD, the following skills are diagnosed:

    read information given explicitly;

    explain the meaning of words and phrases;

    read information given in implicit form;

    understand the meaning of the text as a whole (the main idea);

    interpret the text (through creative retelling).

To study the formation of personal UUD, the following skills are diagnosed:

    evaluate actions from the position of moral values;

    explain the assessment of an act from the position of moral values;

    determine important rules of conduct for yourself and others;

    choose behavior in accordance with generally accepted rules;

    to separate the assessment of the act from the assessment of the person himself;

    define an act as ambiguous (it cannot be unambiguously assessed as good or bad).

It must be remembered that the student-centered approach to the diagnosis of UUD does not imply a comparison of the student's results with the results of his classmates, and personal results are not evaluated individually, but only in the class as a whole.

The diagnostic results enable the teacher to determine the effectiveness of the implementation of the educational process, correct if necessary own activities and the content of education, to see the possibilities of implementation individual approach to the development of each student. Repeated diagnostics allows you to track the dynamics of the formation of universal learning activities and influence their further development.

In conclusion, it should be noted that if the formation of UUD is not given due attention, this will lead to acute problems of school education: lack of formation of educational and cognitive motives and low curiosity of a significant part of students, difficulties in arbitrary regulation of educational activities, a low level of general cognitive and logical actions, difficulties in school adaptation , growth of deviant behavior . It is purposeful systematic work on the formation of UUD that is the key condition for increasing the efficiency of the educational process in the new conditions of the development of society.


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Due to the fact that the Ministry of Education has switched to a new standard for teaching children in kindergartens, schools, colleges and universities, the teacher immediately has several tasks. One of them is to raise an active, successful and talented student.

Our task is to explain to teachers what personal ULDs are in elementary school and how they are formed. But for this it is necessary to understand the structure of universal actions. So, first things first.

What are UUD (educational universal actions)

According to the new educational standard, it is customary to distinguish 4 types:

  • Personal.
  • Cognitive.
  • Communicative.
  • Regulatory.

What is the essence of personal actions

Already by the name it becomes clear that personal UUD in elementary school should be directed by students to themselves. In other words, personal universal actions are needed in order for children to be able to correlate their actions and incidents with accepted cultural and ethical principles. In addition, they provide knowledge and assimilation of moral norms, as well as the orientation of the child in social roles and relations in society.

The teacher should understand that personal UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard will never be formed if the child takes 40 minutes to outline a paragraph of the textbook in the classroom.

Action types

If actions are applied to the learning process in the lesson, then today they should be divided into three types:

  • Self-determination - through this action, students seek their place in the world and society.
  • Meaning formation - students establish a connection between the educational process and the motive. In other words, the child in the lesson should ask himself the question: “What is the significance of this teaching for me?” In addition, he must also find the answer to this question.
  • A moral and ethical guideline is necessary so that children can make personal and relying on social values.

Groups of personal UUD

Teachers and methodologists jointly developed 2 groups of personal universal learning activities:

1. Personal UUD are important because they reflect the child's attitude to social values ​​in society.

The junior student must:

  • Establish a connection and belonging not only to your people, but also to the state.
  • Understand and respect the values ​​and cultures of other nationalities.
  • Be interested in the culture of the people and the country in which he was born and lives.
  • To be able to distinguish between the main moral and ethical norms and concepts.
  • Identify actions and actions with moral standards; feel how he acted - “good” or “bad”.
  • Understand and feel emotional condition others, and with this in mind, build a constructive dialogue with them.
  • Analyze situations and events from the point of view of morality and ethics.
  • Explain your actions, show in situations such feelings as goodwill, attentiveness, trust, and so on.

2. Personal UUD reflect the child's attitude to the educational process.

The junior student must:

  • Understand the speech of the teacher and classmates.
  • Strive for the process of cognition, that is, the child should be surprised and interested, show attention and desire to learn as much as possible.
  • Evaluate your actions.
  • Learn to collaborate with classmates. In other words, to accept the opinion of the opponent during a dispute or discussion, to be patient and friendly, to show confidence in the participant or interlocutor of a common cause, and also to reckon with the point of view of another person.

How personal UUDs are formed in elementary school

It should be noted that this process is lengthy. The teacher needs to be patient. But what needs to be done for this?

First, the actions of the teacher must be meaningful.

Secondly, the teacher, like the child, needs to develop internal motivation in himself, that is, to move up.

Thirdly, the task set by the teacher for the student should be understandable, but also internally pleasing to the baby, which means that this matter will become significant for him.

Fourth, an atmosphere of success should reign in the classroom.

Fifthly, not only the teacher, but also the classmate should help the child.

Sixthly, the teacher should not skimp on praise and encouragement, because a competent teacher must have an assessment system that children should know.

Seventhly, the teacher himself needs to learn how to be a creator, so that his every step becomes a discovery for the child.

And now let's consider practical advice for teachers on the formation of personal UUD in the classroom.

Literary reading

The lesson should work with literary works. And children need to trace the fate of the main characters in the course of the text. In parallel with reading, students should compare the image of "I" with the heroes of the works they read. But that's not all. Interested readers should identify themselves with the characters in the tale or story. Children need to actively correlate and compare their positions, views and opinions. The teacher should be helped to identify the moral content and moral significance of the characters' actions. Educational component in the classroom literary reading should acquaint children with the heroic past of the people and the country in which they live. Such familiarity should not be represented by watching a "dry" presentation. The presentation should be carried out in the classroom in such a way that the children experience feelings of experience and pride in the citizens of the country. Thus, the development of universal actions will proceed smoothly.

For example: when studying the works of Boris Zakhoder, students in the lesson compare the image of "I" with the heroes of the works, and also identify themselves with them in order to discuss different opinions and positions.

If in the calendar-thematic planning there is a lesson devoted to fairy tales, then after studying them, you can give the children a task: come up with a character and compose a fairy tale. At this stage of the lesson, the development of personal UUD takes place. It consists in revealing the moral meaning and morality in the actions of the character. As a result of this task, a collage called "Characters of new fairy tales" can be created. The main task of the teacher is to ensure that at the lesson the students are not afraid to do not “as it should be” at the creative stage, but as they see fit in accordance with the norms of morality.

The world

This lesson is loved by many guys, as they consider it one of the most interesting. It's hard to argue with that. Personal UUD in elementary school at the lesson of the world around them are formed by the formation of the worldview, as well as the life self-determination of the child. In addition, in this lesson, children form the basics about the near and distant past. But that's not all. At the lesson of the surrounding world, elementary school students develop competent and nature-like behavior. All this will become a reality, thanks to design work, for example: "Life of birds".

A few words about diagnostics

It has already been established that every year children should undergo a diagnosis of personal UUD. In some schools, prospective first-graders are tested upon admission. It is necessary to do this in order to understand how ready the child is for school, is oriented in social roles, and also how he interacts with others.

Remember that the diagnosis of personal UUD takes place as at the beginning school year, and at the end. Collections for determining the level of formation of UUD have already been developed for each educational program. It is enough for the teacher to contact the nearest bookstore.


It should be understood that the types of universal learning activities, in particular personal ones, will be formed more effectively if the teacher uses the following methods in his work:

  • Problem learning.
  • Group and paired forms of work in the classroom.
  • Methods that are directed to the independent activity of students.
  • Methods of self-assessment and reflection.
  • And others.

UUD, GEF, those who are familiar with the educational process, read the methods, know the meaning of these abbreviations. For most of the rest, it is likely that these combinations of letters mean little. However, if your child goes to school, then one way or another, you will have to face these concepts. And this is important, because every parent is interested in the quality education of his child.

If you do not follow all the changes in the educational sphere, if you are poorly versed in the nuances of the educational process, then it will be impossible to control this process itself. Although now, and there are many complaints about modern school curriculum, in this article we will consider the concepts on which today's educational process is based.

What is UUD according to Wikipedia?

UUD - Universal Learning Activity. This concept includes the ability of each person to learn and acquire new knowledge. It can be said more simply that it is the ability to learn. Each of us perceives learning differently. And that's okay. We are all different, someone learns quickly, someone slower, someone needs very little time to get, at times, a small amount of new knowledge, and someone spends days and even months on it. But at the same time, we must understand the entire learning process and, most importantly, perceive it. Without this, learning is not even worth it. After all, you must admit that if you don’t understand something, or don’t accept it, then nothing will work out.

The concept of UUD arose and took shape in the last century, at the time Soviet Union. But it so happened that it has taken root to the present day and is actively used.

What types of UUD exist?

In order to better imagine what UUD is, let's consider what types of this very educational activity exist.

Let's start with the personal one.

Based on the name, this activity refers to each specific person and determines the ability of this person to correctly correlate their actions, their actions with the accepted norms of behavior in society.

There is a regulatory UUD. What does she mean?

This is when the student knows how to properly plan and organize their studies. Therefore, this UUD is characterized by such areas as planning, evaluation, correction (correction) and control.

Cognitive UUD

represents various logical actions of a person and his actions to solve any problems. This is the ability to analyze, build logical chains of reasoning, correctly formulate the problem.

Communicative UUD,

associated with the ability of a person to communicate, find mutual language. The main thing here is the ability not only to speak for yourself, but, first of all, to listen to others. Communicative UUD determines the ability to join various groups of other potential interlocutors. This is the ability to resolve conflicts, as well as control and evaluate your partner.

Particular attention in the teaching of school disciplines is given to various "above-subject" actions, which are aimed at the analysis and management of students of their cognitive activity.

What is FGOS?

After deciphering, this abbreviation becomes much more understandable even without explanation. So, GEF is the Federal State Educational Standard.

It is a list of specific requirements that apply to educational institutions. This standard was developed in accordance with the "Law on Education" and was adopted for execution in all schools from September 1, 2011.

What are the GEF requirements for schools?

The first is the very structure of the educational process. Each educational institution should have an optimal clearly drawn up and approved training plan. The second is the direct implementation of the approved plan. If the first requirement of the Federal State Educational Standard falls on the shoulders of the school administration, then teachers are fully responsible for the second. Well, the third requirement is the results of the educational process. Moreover, this third requirement is important in the learning process, since it is the results that all students of each particular school will show that will show the viability of the plans developed.

So, UUD according to the Federal State Educational Standard is a whole set of different requirements for the entire educational process. And here is not only the desire to give schoolchildren the opportunity to acquire and assimilate the necessary knowledge, but also the need to form a personality that will be able to continue learning.