Public lesson In Russian in the 7th grade

Topic: "Formation of perfect participles".


1. To acquaint students with the method of forming perfect participles;

strengthening the ability to distinguish gerunds from other parts of speech.

2. Develop thinking, attention, spelling vigilance; ability to compare, analyze,

draw conclusions.

3. Cultivate independence, organization, purposefulness, ability to work

in a collective.

Lesson type: assimilation of new knowledge.

Lesson organization form: game lesson.

Teaching methods: verbal, practical, partially exploratory.

Forms of study: aboutschclassroom, steam room, individual.

Visibility: table "Formation of perfect participles", a map with the stages of the lesson,

evaluation sheets, tests.

Resources: multimedia installation, demonstration slide material.

During the classes

Organizing time (preparing students for the lesson, creating a working mood).

Our today's lesson can be called unusual.

Like climbers who overcome hard-to-reach mountain peaks, you will conquer the pinnacle of knowledge. Here is a map of the stages of the lesson that everyone needs to go through. She looks like a ladder. Having passed all the steps of the ladder and overcoming all the obstacles, you can rightfully call yourself climbers who have conquered the pinnacle of knowledge.

(Grades are displayed on the map of the stages of the lesson).

Map of the stages of the lesson.

pinnacle of knowledge






into silence







Checking students' knowledge.

I - stage - "Brain attack"

Target: testing students' knowledge of previous topics; development of logical thinking.

    What is called adverb?

    In what century did this term originate, and what does it mean?

    What is another word for adverb?

    Signs of what parts of speech does the adverb combine?

    What are the signs of a verb in a gerund?

    What are the signs of an adverb in a gerund?

    What do participles and participles have in common?

    What is the difference between the verb signs of participle and participle?

Why do adverbs have no tense form?

    What suffixes does the gerund have?

    How are imperfect participles formed?

    Which verbs cannot be used to form imperfect participles?

    What is the peculiarity of the formation of the imperfect participle from the verbto be ?

II - stage - "Practical Obstacles" (students check each other's

completed tasks)

1. Auditory dictation.

Purpose: the ability to distinguish the participle from other parts of speech.

Exercise: from this list of words, write down only participles.

Rustling, rustling, rustling, rustling, rustling.

Playfully, overplayed, playing, playing, winning, toys, overplayed.

2.Task: form imperfect gerunds from the verbs smile, protect,

worry, wait.

Purpose: to consolidate the ability to form imperfect participles.


Smile - smile - smile.

protect - protect - protect

Worry - worry - worry.

Wait - the imperfect participle is not formed.

Goal setting.

Teacher: To overcome the obstacles further, we need new information. Therefore, the goal of our next stage and the whole lesson as a whole will be the assimilation of the rules for the formation of perfect participles.

III - stage - "Information exchange"

Explanation of the new topic.

1. Perfective gerunds are formed from the stem of the infinitive (past tense) of perfective verbs mainly with the help of a suffix-in :

buy - buy in , decide - decide in .

    From a number of perfective verbs, gerunds are formed using the suffix-and I ( enter - entering, subtract - subtract etc.) or suffixes- lice, - shi ( offended, upset and etc.).

    In the vast majority of cases, forms with the suffix-in : they are more concise and more euphonious. Discordant forms of typehaving written M. Gorky especially emphasized. But it should be borne in mind that reflexive verbs usually have only one form -laughing, curled up . Suffix use-shi instead of a suffix-in typical for many verbs with a stem on a consonant:grow up - grown up; save - save .

    Suffix use-and I in the formation of perfect participles (cf .:putting - putting, hearing - hearing, noticing - noticing ) was quite common in the 19th and early 20th centuries. For example, such forms were widely used by M. Gorky:stooping, approaching, descending and others. Currently, many of these forms are out of use.

2. The main mistake in the formation of gerunds is the use of one suffix instead of another.

For example, in a sentence:I dialed the number, hung up - the form of the gerund with the suffix was mistakenly used-a . From verbs with stems to sibilant, perfective gerunds are usually formed with the suffix-a , but the normative variant is the form with the suffix-in ( putting handset ).

    Errors of this kind are quite frequent when using phraseological units. Many of them contain obsolete forms of gerunds (posit a hand on heart I head ). Arbitrary replacement of such forms with modern forms in some idiomatic expressions (rushed out of the way in head ) is a mistake!

    Quite regularly in speech, the so-called filling of "empty cells" is also observed, that is, the erroneous formation of gerunds from verbs, which in literary language cannot have adverbial forms at all (for example:sleeping he winced ).

    The perfect participle is used if the action expressed by it occurs before the main participle:After reading the book he took it to the library (that is, he first read it, and then took it).

3. Work on the reference table

Perfect participle

Having done what?


Unspecified forms of the verb owl. kind

Checking the understanding of the topic. Analysis of new material. Answers on questions:

    From what kind of verbs are the gerunds of the perfect form formed?

    What form are the original verbs in?

    What suffixes are used to form perfect participles?

    What are the special cases of the formation of perfect participles?

IV - stage- "Immersion in Silence"

Students spend 2 minutes looking at the material that the teacher explained, as well as the material given in the textbook.

V - stage - "Author's chair". Individual work.Cleaving the linguistic narrative.

At this stage, one of the students should retell the studied material.

VI – stage– "Knowledge Update".

Target : application of the acquired knowledge in practice (the ability to form perfect participles from verbs).

Blackboard work.

Performing exercise 143 p. 74 - form and write down gerunds of the perfect form, highlight the suffixes of gerunds. Make up several sentences with perfective adverbs.

Meet, meet, dispel, develop, out of breath, sit down, renounce, decide, decide, get carried away, hear, lose.

Performing exercise 146 p. 74 - write off proverbs, replacing verbs with gerunds that are suitable in meaning and form; place punctuation marks.

    Do not (know) the ford do not poke your head into the water. 2. (Starting) the matter does not think about the end. 3. (Remove) the head does not cry for the hair. 4. (Plant) a cactus don't wait for the grape harvest. 5. (Run away) from the smoke fall into the fire. 6. (Send) nine fools on business, follow them so as not to be the tenth.

VII - stage "Diagnostic Assimilation". Test.

    The participle is:

A) A special form of the verb, denoting the sign of the subject by action.

B) A special form of the verb, denoting an additional action with the main, expressed verb.

2. The signs are combined in the participle:

A) verbs and adverbs.

B) verb and adjective.

C) participles and verbs.

3. The participle changes:

A) By numbers and persons.

B) By gender, cases and numbers.

B) do not change.

4. Not with gerunds it is written:

A) Slick.

B) separately.

C) Depending on the conjugation of the verb from which it is formed.

5. Find the correct statement:

A) The participle answers the questions what to do? what to do?

B) The gerund answers the questions what is doing? having done what?

C) The participle answers the questions what? whose?

6. What sign is missing from the participle?

A) view.

B) return.

C) time.

7. Specify the perfect participle:

A) rush.

B) acknowledge.

B) frozen.

8. The adverbial turnover is:

A) The participle and the verb to which it refers.

B) A gerund with a dependent word.

9. Specify the imperfect participle:

A) completed.

B) coming back.

B) Starting.

10. How perfect participles are formed:

A) From the basis of the present tense of the verb with the help of suffixes -em-, -im-.

B) From the stem of the indefinite form of the verb with the help of suffixes -v, -lice, -shi.

C) From the stem of the present tense of the verb with the help of suffixes –v, -vsh, -sh, -im.

Key to the test











    VIII - stage "The pinnacle of knowledge".

    Summing up the lesson. Post ratings.

  1. What is the purpose of the lesson and did you achieve it?

    Which part of the lesson did you like the most?

    How do you rate your knowledge?

    Have you managed to conquer the pinnacle of knowledge?

  2. Homework assignment. Theory - § 24.

    Practice - exercise 145 p. 74 - in writing;

    exercise 147 p. 75 - orally.

slide 1

Perfect participles The lesson of the Russian language in the 7th grade was prepared by the teacher of the secondary school No. 46 of Belgorod Zakharova L.N.

slide 2

Purpose Acquaintance with the meaning of perfect participles and the way they are formed Consolidation of information about imperfect participles

slide 3

Selective dictation Read the text Write out from it: Option 1: imperfect participles, indicate the way they are formed Option 2: sentence with participial turnover, highlight it graphically, indicate the word being defined. A person who "swallows books" is like a traveler getting to know the country from the window of a train car. Force yourself to read slowly, memorizing, thinking, imagining yourself in the midst of those events and the situation that the book is filled with, making yourself, as it were, their direct witness and even participant. Only then will the big and beautiful world created by the writer open up to the end before you. (K.G. Paustovsky)

slide 4

Syntactic Five Minute Write a sentence; Explain punctuation marks and missing spellings in it. If you are fluent in ... the technique of swimming, then, from ... leaning back from the walls ... bass ... eyna, you quickly pass ... about ... le ... the required distance.

slide 5

Formation of perfective gerunds Say + -v- = saying Be interested + -lice- = interested Bring + -shi- = bring Draw a conclusion from the observation

slide 6

Training exercises Explain why in the sentence the union And was separated by commas on both sides? Suddenly there was a clatter of a galloping horse; she stopped abruptly at the very fire, and, clinging to the mane, Pavlushka deftly jumped off it.

Slide 7

Training exercises Show from which verbs these gerunds are formed (Ex. 178) Find a verb from which it is impossible to form a perfect participle (Ex. 180) Perform exercise on your own. 182: 1st option - from 1st to 3rd sentence; Option 2 - from 4 to 6 sentence Independent exercise. 183: Option 1 - 1 and 4 sentences Option 2 - 2 and 3 sentences


Novik Nadezhda Grigorievna,

teacher of Russian language and literature

GBOU JSC "Vychegodskaya SKOSHI"


  • to summarize and systematize the material on the topic: “Perfect imperfective gerunds”;
  • repeat the spelling of alternating vowels at the root of the word and NOT with different parts of speech;
  • repeat the rules for constructing sentences with participial and adverbial phrases;

Good afternoon! We came here to study Don't be lazy, but work hard. We work diligently And listen carefully!


How to spell NOT with gerunds?

- When is NOT written together with gerunds?

The game "Be Careful!"

(Not) demanding, (not) good, (not) arriving, (not) folding, (not) reading, (not) understanding,

(not) speaking, (not) seeing, (not) smiling, (not) overcoming, (not) saying goodbye.


Written separately

It is written together

without requiring


Not arriving


Without folding


Not reading

Not talking

not smiling

without saying goodbye

Parsing a sentence

1 option

(Not) recognizing grief, (not) recognizing joy.

Option 2

(Not) after waiting for a green signal, a traffic light (do not) leave the house.

Game "Catch the question"

-What are gerunds?

What does gerund mean?

- Signs of what parts of speech does the adverb have?

What is a gerund in a sentence?

How are gerunds written with the particle NOT?

How are adverbs formed? What does the type of adverb indicate?

-How to determine the type of participle?

Physical education minute

Now guys get up

Raise your hands slowly

Squeeze your fingers, then unclench,

Hands down and so stand.

Leaning right, left

And we're back to business.

Practical work Touch, suggest, jump out, grow up, get wet, spread, lock, grind, sunbathe, illuminate, offer

Practical work touch - touching suppose - suppose jump out - jump out grow up - growing up get wet - getting wet spread out - spread out lock up - lock up to rub - to rub sunbathing - sunbathing illumine - illumine offer - offering

creative work

1st group.

(Meet) adults or (enter) the premises, say hello first. (Hello) with the elders ... do not stretch out your hands, wait until they do this themselves ... i.e. (Remove) at the same time, the truck ... ku or sha ... ku, do not put it on until you shake ... your hand.

Check yourself!

Replace the verbs in brackets with gerunds.

1st group.

When meeting adults or entering a room, say hello first. When greeting the elders, do not stretch out your hands, wait until they do it themselves. Having taken off your cap or hat, do not put it on until you shake your hand.

creative work

Replace the verbs in brackets with gerunds.

2nd group.

(Give) a hand, take off the glove from it, lean a little ... lean forward .... (Bow), only bend your head, and don’t bend ... cut in half and don’t wave your arms .... (Take) a tram or a bus, pr ... let your companion in the door first.

Check yourself!

Replace the verbs in brackets with gerunds.

2nd group.

As you give your hand, take off your glove and lean forward a little. When bowing, bend only your head, and do not bend in half and do not swing your arms. When sitting on a tram or bus, let your companion through the door first.

creative work

(Not) knowing the ford (do not) poke your head into the water. (Not) after killing a bear, the skins are (not) sold. (Not) looking at the pie (do not) say that you are full. (Not) bowing to the ground fungus (not) raise. (Not) working, you will (not) be full.

Check yourself!

Not knowing the ford, do not poke your head into the water. Without killing the bear, the skins are not sold. Without looking at the pie, do not say that you are full. Without bowing to the ground, you will not raise the fungus. If you don't work, you won't be full.

Complicated cheating

(Not) having agreed on the shore (do not) go to the river. (Not) grumbling the cat will not eat a piece. (Not) seeing the bear of its tracks (do not) be afraid. (Not) having checked your hearing (do not) convey it and someone else's ear. One can be modest (not) being wise, but one cannot be smart without (not) being modest.


1.Run test tasks(Appendix No. 1);

2. Write down excerpts from poems, find participles, determine their type (Appendix No. 2)


learned well

well understood and can be put into practice

well done but have questions

much is unclear

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Slides captions:

A mouse ran over the sleeping lion's body. The lion woke up, grabbed her and prepared to eat. The mouse begged to be released, assuring her that she would repay her salvation with kindness. Leo, laughing, let her go. But it so happened that the mouse actually thanked the lion by saving his life. The lion was caught by the hunters and they tied him with a rope to a tree. And the mouse, hearing his groans, immediately ran, gnawed through the rope and freed him, saying this: “Then you laughed at me, did not believe that I could repay you for the service. And now you will know that even a mouse can be noble.”

What is called adverbial turnover? gerund + dependent word = participial turnover What part of the sentence is he? circumstance _ . _ . _ . _ . _ . _ How are gerunds and participles distinguished? , / . _ . _ . _ . _ . . _ . _ . _ . _ . /,

"Imperfect participles"

Participles do not have an independent meaning of time, since they denote an action either simultaneous with the main action or preceding it, indicate the time in relation to the time of the action being explained. Imperfect gerunds, as a rule, denote actions that are simultaneous with the actions being explained: We are talking. We walked talking.

Participles What questions are answered How are Examples of the Imperfect Form formed (an unfinished additional action that occurs simultaneously with the main one) What are you doing? Present tense stem of imperfective verb + suffix -а(-я) look → looking shout → shouting smile → smiling

To love love - I love (general participle of non-sov.v.)

From the verb to be, an imperfect participle is formed with the help of the suffix - teach: will be - being: “But know the reader, I composed these lines, lying on my side with joy, while on the road, from service, as if on vacation.” (A. Tvardovsky) The form of imperfective participles with the suffix -uchi (- yuchi) has been preserved in the folk language: walking, playing, looking, regretting, singing, skillfully: And the neighbors looked at the gate, laughing, pointed at us. (M. Lermontov)

Write off, designate the suffix with which the imperfect participles are formed. Underline the participles as members of the sentence. 1) The cat ran along the roof, (not) wondering where to jump. 2) The boys cheered with laughter, looking at her despair. 3) The poor girl cried for a long time, imagining everything that expected .. gave her. 4) The prince, without losing his pr .. lack of spirit, took out a road pistol from his side pocket and shot at the masked (n, n) robber. (A. S. Pushkin)

1) The cat ran along the roof, / wondering / where to jump /. 2) The boys were dying of laughter, / looking at her despair /. 3) The poor girl cried for a long time, / imagining everything that awaited her /. 4) The prince, / without losing his presence of mind /, took out a traveling pistol from his side pocket and fired at the masked robber. (A. S. Pushkin)

It is impossible to form imperfect participles from some verbs: with a stem on g, k (run, flow); with a basis for hissing (smear, scratch); with a base consisting of only consonants (sew, pour, beat); from verbs with the suffix -nu- (dry, die, freeze); from verbs with alternation s - sh (write - write)

Lesson summary - How are imperfect participles formed? How are imperfective participles formed? What verbs cannot be used to form imperfect participles?

Homework 1. Learn the theoretical material of the textbook on the topic of the lesson. 2. Complete exercise 177 (in writing).

1 slide

Imperfect gerunds The purpose of the lesson: to get acquainted with the ways of forming imperfect gerunds; the formation of the ability to form gerunds from verbs, preserving the form.

2 slide

Examination homework Read from ex. 173 adverbial phrases. Read from ex. 173 verbs with the particle not. Read from ex. 174 all participles with particle not. Explain their spelling.

3 slide

Write out from ex. 174 all participles with particle not. Explain their spelling. Write out from ex. 174 adjectives and nouns with not. Explain their spelling. The word is unusually spelled together. You will study this rule later.

4 slide

Write out from ex. 174 other words with orthograms. 6. Write down the adverbial turnover without claiming success. Make a proposal with him orally.

5 slide

Introduction to new material. 1. Consider the table on p. 82 (§ 29). From the stems of which verbs are imperfect participles formed? What suffix is ​​used to form imperfect participles?

6 slide

What happens after the suffix of imperfective participles if they are formed from the stem of a reflexive verb? Read the rule after the table on p. 82. How is the imperfect participle formed from the verb to be? What question does the imperfect participle answer? What does the imperfect participle end with?

7 slide

Training exercises. Do ex. 174. - Write down the participles of rzha'veya, scooping, dabbling with stresses. Orally do ex. 175. What verbs cannot be used to form gerunds?

8 slide

Write off the statement of L. Tolstoy. Name the imperfect participles. From what stems of what verbs are they formed? It is necessary to write in draft, without considering the place and the correctness of the expression of thoughts. Rewrite for the second time, excluding all unnecessary and giving the real place to each thought. Third time to rewrite, processing the correctness of expressions

9 slide

Why is there no comma before the conjunction and in the second sentence? What punctuation marks would you add if you format this text as direct speech, including the words of the author?

10 slide

Dictionary words: pool, distance, shine. Pool (French bassin "pool, basin, bowl"). 1. An artificial reservoir built for swimming, bathing. 2. The totality of tributaries of a river, lake, as well as the area of ​​surface and groundwater runoff into a reservoir. 3. The area of ​​occurrence of minerals.

11 slide

Distance (Polish distancja, Latin distantia "distance, gap"). 1. Distance, gap between something. 2. A section on communication routes, as well as a section where sports competitions take place.

12 slide

Shine (original) 1. Radiate. 2. trans. Shine, expressing some joyful feelings (about the eyes), or glow with joy, happiness, love (about the face).