Meet Oleg Alekseenko, engineer of the Dushanbe airport of the state airline "Tojikiston" of the Republic of Tajikistan. He talks about his invention, the patent application for which was accepted under the name “Engine O.A. Alekseenko for a vehicle”. What is it: a physical paradox, a fraud for the purpose of another sensation, or a reality that will bring us closer to unraveling one of the most intriguing mysteries and give us another turn in the spiral of technological progress? We are sure that this publication will interest the inquisitive reader.

A few words about the inventor. Born in 1949 in Tajikistan. Graduated from the Riga Institute of Civil Aviation. Until 1975 he worked in the North, in the city of Ukhta. Here is what O. Alekseenko said about his invention.

What can we hypothetically (but highly likely) say about UFOs? First of all, this apparatus is heavier than air. Experts calculated the mass of the device (approximately 600-900 kg). It moves almost silently at high speed, withstanding significant overloads, approximately 20-30 units. Further. It is assumed that this apparatus is propelled by a reactive type of force, but without a visible smoky plume and without noise. According to eyewitnesses, the object is most often a round cabin with two discs rotating in opposite directions, fixed on the cabin.

Let's leaf through a physics reference book and determine the appropriate force, an alternative to the reactive force of a jet or rocket engine. There is such a power. This is the so-called Coriolis force of inertia. (“Handbook of Physics”, B.M. Yavorsky, Nauka Publishing House, 1980, p. 82).

Let us pay special attention to the opposite rotation of the propellers (disks). Thus, the reactive moment is removed during their promotion. In addition, the disks are mutually supporting when creating a portable rotation of the disk, because the Coriolis force of inertia is proportional to the rotation speed of the disks, the speed of the portable rotation.

You can go to the theoretical scheme. Two rotating disks are connected by an axle with hinges for the possibility of portable rotation of the disks. Between them, a power cylinder is mounted on hinges, which is attached to the inner races of the bearings, on which the disks rotate. When the power cylinder is working to increase the distance, a portable angular velocity v arises. A Coriolis force appears on the disks, directed vertically upwards. This force is equal to twice the product of the revolutions of rotation of the disks, the speed of the portable movement and the static moment of the disk.

There is such a pattern here: the Coriolis force of inertia will be greater than the perturbing force of the power cylinder as many times as the distance from the disk to the hinge of the power cylinder will be greater. With the displacement of the disk to the axis of the static moment, the Coriolis force increases according to the hyperbolic law.

Final, final calculation: with a disturbing force of the power cylinder of 500 kgf and an arm ratio of about 60, the Coriolis force will be about 30,000 kgf for each disk, which will probably meet the technical requirements for noiselessness, environmental friendliness, significant overload, high speed, etc. Why not a UFO!

I think that this working scheme will not undergo revolutionary changes in the next 200-300 years.

Now you can move on to a specific design. The cabin is spherical with windows, equipped with shock absorbers for installation on a plane. The cabin accommodates the crew, controls, power plant, necessary equipment, etc.

Two discs are attached to the cab on spherical plain bearings through cassette bearings. These discs rotate on cassette bearings and have the ability to rotate on spherical surfaces. Spinning and rotation of the disks occur under the action of magnetic forces from magnets built into the body of the disk and interacting with the electromagnets of the second disk. The rotational speed of the discs depends on their diameter and is approximately 70-80 percent of the limit.

The rotation of the disk also comes from the interaction of electromagnets built into the body of the disk, only more distant from the center. The speed of rotation of the disks depends on the force and directly affects the value of the Coriolis force of inertia.

The electromagnets are controlled from the on-board computer according to a given program. The discs have the ability to slow down relative to the cabin to orient it in a certain azimuth, as well as to repeat the thrust impulse at the maximum opening of the discs.

As you can see, there are no otherworldly forces, only physics and theoretical mechanics in its purest form.

I gave a description (incomplete!) of a large-scale, ultimate engine for a new type of aircraft. However, this engine with a certain upgrade can be used not only on spaceships, but also on an airplane, car, trolley bus, sea vessel, submarine, train, etc., up to children's toys. In all cases, a wonderful effect will be obtained. You can almost completely abandon the propeller, on cars - from the clutch, gearbox, transmission and even brakes.

The greatest changes with the use of such engines are expected by aviation. Installing them together with existing engines will allow you to remove the slats, flaps, spoilers, ailerons, rudders and elevators, keel and stabilizer. The layout of the aircraft will change, the range of center of gravity will expand, the technique and methods of piloting the aircraft will completely change.

The use of the described engine is especially effective for urban transport, given its environmental friendliness, on the one hand, and inertia, on the other hand, depending on the type of work (batteries must be recharged at the current level of technology development after 80-400 km of run). Gas contamination of city blocks will disappear, it will be possible to remove poles, wires, rails. It seems that the efficiency will be at the level of the electric motor, i.e. within 0.7-0.9. For comparison: the efficiency of motor vehicles is about 0.2, propeller - less than 0.12. The design of the engine is not more complicated than the piston.

The production of a new engine is quite difficult: it will require research work, since one will have to look into the world of little-studied sections of physics. New materials and technologies are also needed. However, I do not think that here we will have to meet with insurmountable obstacles. We just need a serious organization with a good theoretical and experimental base like Rolls-Royce, Prat-Whitney, General Electric. AT Russian Federation At least three firms have the necessary potential. However, Japan is closest to the creation of a patent-pending type engine, according to my information.

Cooperation with any company that has shown interest in my developments would be mutually beneficial. The main thing is that the company gives guarantees for the production and use of the invention only for peaceful purposes, for the benefit of man. This engine is the future. I am sure that its design is no more complicated than the RB-211 or NK-144 engines.

For those who understand: comparing many well-known piston, jet, rotary and other engines with the one I offer, one conclusion can be drawn - whoever starts earlier will win more.

Perpetual motion technology has attracted people at all times. Today, it is considered more pseudo-scientific and impossible than vice versa, but this does not stop people from creating more and more outlandish gizmos and gizmos in the hope of breaking the laws of physics and causing a world revolution. Here are ten historical and extremely entertaining attempts to create something similar to a perpetual motion machine.

In the 1950s, the Romanian engineer Nicolae Vasilescu-Carpen invented the battery. Now located (albeit not on display) at the National Technical Museum of Romania, this battery still works, although scientists still disagree on how and why it even continues to work.

The battery in the device remains the same single-volt battery that Karpen installed in the 1950s. For a long time, the car was forgotten until the museum was able to display it well and ensure the safety of such a strange contraption. Recently found that the battery works and still produces a stable voltage - after 60 years.

Having successfully defended his doctorate on the topic of magnetic effects in moving bodies in 1904, Carpen certainly could have created something out of the ordinary. By 1909, he was engaged in the study of high-frequency currents and the transmission of telephone signals over long distances. Built telegraph stations, explored heat environment and advanced technologies fuel cells. However, modern scientists have not yet come to unanimous conclusions about the principles of operation of his strange battery.

Many conjectures have been put forward, from the conversion of thermal energy into mechanical energy in the process of a cycle, the thermodynamic principle of which we have not yet discovered. Mathematical apparatus his inventions seem incredibly complex, potentially involving concepts like the thermosyphon effect and temperature equations scalar field. Although we have not been able to create a perpetual motion machine capable of generating infinite and free energy in huge quantities, nothing prevents us from enjoying a battery that continuously works for 60 years.

Joe Newman Energy Machine

In 1911, the US Patent Office issued a huge decree. They will no longer issue patents for perpetual motion devices, since it seems scientifically impossible to create such a device. For some inventors, this meant that the fight to have their work recognized as legitimate science would now be a little more difficult.

In 1984, Joe Newman got on the CMS Evening News with Dan Rather and showed something incredible. People living during the oil crisis were delighted with the idea of ​​the inventor: he presented a perpetual motion machine that worked and produced more energy than it consumed.

Scientists, however, did not believe a single word of Newman.

The National Bureau of Standards tested the scientist's device, which consisted mostly of batteries charged by a magnet rotating inside a coil of wire. During the tests, all Newman's statements turned out to be empty, although some people continued to believe the scientist. So he decided to take his energy machine and go on tour, demonstrating how it works along the way. Newman claimed that his machine gave out 10 times more energy than it absorbed, that is, it worked with an efficiency of over 100%. When his patent applications were rejected, and the scientific community literally threw his invention into a puddle, his grief knew no bounds.

As an amateur scientist who didn't even finish high school, Newman didn't give up even when no one supported his plan. Convinced that God had sent him a machine that would change mankind for the better, Newman always believed that the true value of his machine was always hidden from those in power.

Water screw by Robert Fludd

Robert Fludd was a kind of symbol that could only appear in certain time in history. Half scientist, half alchemist, Fludd was describing and inventing things around the turn of the 17th century. He had rather strange ideas: he believed that lightning was the earthly embodiment of the wrath of God, which strikes them if they do not run. At the same time, Fludd believed in a number of principles that we accept today, even if most people in those days did not accept them.

His version of a perpetual motion machine was a waterwheel that could grind grain by constantly spinning under the action of recirculating water. Fludd called it "the water screw". In 1660, the first woodcuts appeared depicting such an idea (the appearance of which is attributed to 1618).

Needless to say, the device did not work. However, Fludd was not only trying to break the laws of physics for his machine. He was also looking for a way to help farmers. At that time, the processing of huge volumes of grain depended on flows. Those who lived far from a suitable source of running water were forced to load their crops, haul them to the mill, and then back to the farm. If this perpetual motion machine could work, it would make life much easier for countless farmers.

Wheel of Bhaskara

One of the earliest references to perpetual motion machines comes from the mathematician and astronomer Bhaskara, from his writings of 1150. His concept was an unbalanced wheel with a series of curved spokes inside filled with mercury. As the wheel turned, the mercury began to move, providing the push needed to keep the wheel spinning.

Over the centuries, variations of this idea have been invented a huge number. It is quite understandable why it should work: a wheel that is in a state of imbalance tries to bring itself to rest and, in theory, will continue to move. Some designers believed so strongly in the possibility of creating such a wheel that they even designed brakes in case the process got out of hand.

With our current understanding of force, friction, and work, we know that an unbalanced wheel will not achieve the desired effect, because we cannot get all the energy back, we cannot extract it much or forever. However, the idea itself was and remains intriguing to people unfamiliar with modern physics, especially in the Hindu religious context of reincarnation and the circle of life. The idea became so popular that wheel-shaped perpetual motion machines later entered Islamic and European scriptures.

Cox's watch

When famed London watchmaker James Cox built his perpetual motion clock in 1774, it worked exactly as described in the accompanying documentation explaining why the clock did not need to be re-wound. The six-page document explained how the watch was created based on "mechanical and philosophical principles."

According to Cox, the clock's diamond-powered perpetual motion machine and reduced internal friction to almost no friction ensured that the metals that make up the watch would decay much more slowly than anyone had ever seen. In addition to this grandiose statement, then a lot of presentations new technology included mystical elements.

In addition to being a perpetual motion machine, Cox's clock was an ingenious clock. Encased in glass that protected the internal working components from dust while allowing them to be looked at as well, the clock worked from changes in atmospheric pressure. If the mercury rose or fell inside the hourly barometer, the movement of the mercury turned the inner wheels in the same direction, partially winding the watch. If the clock was constantly wound, the gears would come out of the slots until the chain loosened to a certain point, after which everything fell into place and the watch began to wind itself again.

The first widely accepted example of a perpetual motion clock was shown by Cox himself in the Spring Garden. Later, he was seen at the weekly exhibitions of the Mechanical Museum, and later at the Clerkenville Institute. At that time, the display of these watches was such a miracle that they were captured in countless works of art, and crowds of people who wanted to gawk at his wonderful creation regularly came to Cox.

"Testatika" by Paul Baumann

Watchmaker Paul Baumann founded the spiritual society Meternitha in the 1950s. In addition to abstaining from alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, members of this religious sect live in a self-sustaining, environmentally conscious environment. To achieve this, they rely on the marvelous perpetual motion machine created by their founder.

A machine called Testatika can take supposedly unused electrical energy and turn it into energy for the community. Due to its closeness, the "Testatik" was not fully explored by scientists, although the machine became the object of a short documentary film in 1999. Not much was shown, but enough to show that the sect almost idolizes this sacred machine.

The plans and features of Thestatica were sent directly to Baumann by God while he was serving a prison sentence for seducing a young girl. According to the official story, he was saddened by the darkness of his cell and the lack of light for reading. Then he was visited by a mysterious mystical vision, which revealed to him the secret of perpetual motion and infinite energy, which can be drawn directly from the air. Members of the sect confirm that the Thestatica was sent to them by God, noting also that several attempts to photograph the car revealed a multi-colored halo around it.

In the 1990s, a Bulgarian physicist infiltrated the sect to ferret out the design of the machine, hoping to reveal the secret of this magical energy device to the world. But he failed to convince the sectarians. After committing suicide in 1997 by jumping out of a window, he left a suicide note: "I did what I could, let those who can do better."

Bessler wheel

Johann Bessler began his perpetual motion research with a simple concept, like the wheel of Bhaskara: apply weight to the wheel on one side and it will be constantly unbalanced and constantly moving. On November 12, 1717, Bessler sealed his invention in a room. The door was closed, the room was guarded. When it was opened two weeks later, the 3.7-meter wheel was still moving. The room was sealed again, the scheme repeated. When they opened the door in early January 1718, the people found that the wheel was still turning.

Although becoming a celebrity after all this, Bessler did not expand on the principles of the wheel, noting only that it relies on weights that keep it unbalanced. Moreover, Bessler was so secretive that when an engineer sneaked in to take a closer look at the engineer's creation, Bessler freaked out and destroyed the wheel. Later, the engineer said that he did not notice anything suspicious. However, he saw only the outer part of the wheel, so he could not understand how it works. Even in those days, the idea of ​​a perpetual motion machine met with some cynicism. Centuries earlier, Leonardo da Vinci himself had scoffed at the idea of ​​such a machine.

Yet the concept of the Bessler wheel has never gone completely out of sight. In 2014, Warwickshire engineer John Collins revealed that he had been studying the design of the Bessler wheel for years and was close to cracking the mystery. Bessler once wrote that he destroyed all evidence, drawings and drawings about the principles of his wheel, but added that anyone who was smart and quick-witted could understand everything for sure.

Otis T. Carr UFO Engine

Included in the Register of Copyright Objects (third series, 1958: July-December) objects seem a little strange. Although the US Patent Office long ago ruled that it would not grant any patents for perpetual motion devices because they could not exist, OTC Enterprises Inc. and its founder Otis Carr are listed as the owners of the "free energy system", "peaceful atom energy" and "gravity engine".

In 1959, OTC Enterprises planned to make the first flight of its "fourth-dimensional space transport" powered by a perpetual motion machine. And while at least one person had a brief look at the erratic parts of the heavily guarded project, the device itself was never opened or "lifted off the ground." Carr himself was hospitalized with vague symptoms on the day the device was due to depart on its maiden voyage.

Perhaps his illness was a clever way to get away from the demonstration, but it wasn't enough to put Carr behind bars. By selling options on technology that did not exist, Carr interested investors in the project, as well as people who believed that his apparatus would take them to other planets.

To get around the patent restrictions of his crazy designs, Carr patented everything as an "entertainment device" that simulated trips to outer space. It was US Patent # 2,912,244 (November 10, 1959). Carr claimed that his spacecraft worked because one had already left. The propulsion system was a "circular foil free energy”, which provided an endless supply of energy needed to deliver the device into space.

Of course, the strangeness of what is happening has opened the way for conspiracy theories. Some people have suggested that Carr actually assembled his perpetual motion machine and flying machine. But, of course, he was quickly pressed by the American government. Theorists could not agree, either the government does not want to disclose the technology, or it wants to use it on its own.

"Perpetuum Mobile" by Cornelius Drebbel

The strangest thing about Cornelius Drebbel's perpetual motion machine is that although we don't know how or why it worked, you've definitely seen it more often than you think.

Drebbel first demonstrated his car in 1604 and amazed everyone, including the English royal family. The machine was something like a chronometer; it never needed winding and showed the date and the phase of the moon. Driven by changes in temperature or weather, Drebbel's machine also used a thermoscope or barometer, similar to Cox's clock.

No one knows what provided movement and energy to Drebbel's device, since he spoke of harnessing the "fiery spirit of the air" like a real alchemist. At that time, the world was still thinking in terms of the four elements, and Drebbel himself experimented with sulfur and saltpeter.

As stated in a letter dated 1604, the earliest known representation of the device showed a central globe surrounded by a liquid-filled glass tube. Gold arrows and markings tracked the phases of the moon. Other images were more elaborate, showing the car adorned with mythological creatures and ornaments in gold. Drebbel's Perpetuum mobile also appeared in some paintings, notably those by Albrecht and Rubens. In these pictures, the strange toroidal shape of the machine does not at all resemble a sphere.

Drebbel's work attracted the attention of royal courts throughout Europe, and he toured the Continent for some time. And, as is often the case, he died in poverty. As the uneducated son of a farmer, he received the patronage of Buckingham Palace, invented one of the first submarines, became a regular in pubs towards old age, and eventually got involved in several projects that tarnished his reputation.

David Hamel's anti-gravity machine

In his self-proclaimed "incredibly true life story", David Hamel claims to be an ordinary carpenter with no formal education who was chosen to be the keeper of the eternal energy machine and spacecraft, which should work with it. After an encounter with aliens from the planet Kladen, Hamel claimed to have received information that should change the world - if only people would believe him.

Although all of this is a little discouraging, Hamel said that his perpetual motion machine uses the same energies as spiders jumping from one web to another. These scalar forces cancel out the pull of gravity and allow us to create a device that will allow us to reunite with our Claden relatives, who provided Khamel with the necessary information.

According to Khamel, he has already built such a device. Unfortunately, it flew away.

After working for 20 years to build his interstellar device and drive using a series of magnets, he finally turned it on and this is what happened. Filled with the glow of colorful ions, his anti-gravity machine rose into the air and flew over the Pacific Ocean. To avoid a repeat of this tragic event, Khamel builds his next car out of heavier materials like granite.

To understand the principles behind this technology, Hamel says you need to look at the pyramids, study some forbidden books, accept the presence of invisible energy, and imagine scalars and the ionosphere almost like milk and cheese.

is an Austrian talented scientist (1885-1958). He is the father of the vortex engine, on the basis of which the flying saucer was designed. This scientist said that it is very important for a person to be in interaction with nature.

There are two points of view on the Internet about Schauberger. First - he is a talented inventor of aircraft - "flying saucers". The second is a brilliant inventor who drew inspiration and, thanks to his observations of how nature works. But in fact, both of these points of view are true.

Viktor Schauberger was born in small town Plekenshten. His uncle is the last imperial huntsman in Bad Ischl during the reign of Franz Joseph I, Emperor of Austria-Hungary. The father of the future scientist is the chief forester. He wanted his son to go to university to study forestry. But Victor did not agree, arguing that the teachers would only distort his natural vision of nature, so he entered a simple forest school.

Hitler's Secret Science

Schauberger's observations

Viktor Schauberger often watched forest streams, thanks to which he made an extraordinary discovery that the Greeks, Incas, Egyptians had previously made: water swirls in natural water drains, and thanks to this it is self-purifying, it retains healing power, it receives. Thanks to the energy of swirling water, it can flow from the bottom up - as happens in many rivers, and as it did in ancient aqueducts. The ancients did not have electric pumps, but, nevertheless, they, like modern people used plumbing. For example, on the island of Crete in the Palace of Knossos, water rose from the bottom up through ceramic pipes, overcoming the slope. Thanks to the spiral watercourses, the walls of the pipes have never been overgrown with salt deposits, which cannot be said about our pipes.

Victor saw the following miracle of nature several times: on a cold moonlit night in the whirlpool of a mountain stream, rounded stones 15 cm in size float up from the bottom of the reservoir. And at the same time, only polished stones in the shape of an egg rise, and the angular ones remain lying at the bottom.

Science for a long time could not explain these paradoxical discoveries and ignored them.

All of Schauberger's observations later helped in his developments.

Third Reich - Operation UFO

Schauberger inventions

Schauberger in the 30s of the 20th century created the first vortex heat generator, which generated heat from the energy of water that is spinning. Most scientists accused him that he did not create his own inventions, since he was not a scientist.

Studying water, Schauberger came up with the idea to study the engine, the principle of its operation was based on implosion (a process that occurs in a vortex).

His principles of implosion are the opposite of those by which engines are developed today, which are based on explosion. Implosion uses self-sustaining vortex flows of gas or any liquid that are ordered, collected during circulation, reduce the temperature of the given substance in which they occur.

Searl's flying saucer

Working for the Nazis

During the Second World War, the Nazis really wanted to win it, so they needed to use the energy of the air, which had not yet been used, and they recruited an Austrian scientist into the service.

Schauberger was just researching the principles of vortex dynamics at that time and was developing water locks to transport wood. Thanks to this invention, it became possible to move very heavy logs through the water, which was previously impossible. He managed to achieve this by controlling the eddy currents and the temperature of the water. Following this success, he developed high speed flying discs and other hydroelectric projects, including the vortex engine.

Schauberger in 1942 arrived at the Messerschmitt plant (city of Augsburg), where he continued his work. The production of the aircraft in this plant ended sadly. After launching the created sample and reaching the maximum speed of rotation of the engine turbine, a meltdown occurred. Maybe this happened due to unusual casting methods or because of the use of low quality alloys in the creation of the turbine. It began to seem to Schauberger that someone ordered to completely stop creating an aircraft according to his design.

The scientist had good reason for this. After the destruction of his second apparatus, assembled at the Messerschmitt factory, the Ernst Kubizhnak company, located in Vienna, received Hitler's order to repair the Schauberger apparatus, but the matter was never moved forward. Work was suspended for almost a year. Schauberger in 1944 was instructed to recruit scientists from the Mauthausen concentration camp in order to realize all his projects.

In the second half of 1944, Schauberger worked diligently on the creation of drawings and working models. Then he began to create a flying disc Rudolf Schriever. He continued to work on the creation of his aircraft "Repulsin". In April 1945, this unit was ready. The scientist wanted to test the disk on May 6, but on that day he discovered that the SS officers who were responsible for the operation had disappeared. Schauberger's team stopped all work on May 8, 1945. According to the official version, Schauberger's Repulsin never took off.

After the end of World War II, those Schauberger research materials that survived ended up with the Soviet and American military.

Further work of the scientist after the war

Schauberger continued to work on his own invention after the war, he improved the principle of operation of the generator, which was based on water, transformed the action of vortices, which were the source of energy for the first aircraft. At the end of the 50s of the 20th century, Canadian and American companies invited him to North America, promising that future developments and applications of its technologies would be well funded. But as soon as he found out that he would not cooperate with the military industry, he terminated the contract.

It was said that an American consortium took away Schauberger's patents and records and allowed him to leave on the condition that he sign documents in which he would promise not to develop his projects in the future.

When Schauberger returned to Austria in 1958, he died five days after his arrival, broken and unable to realize his dreams of additional development and research.

Schauberger engine theories

One of the theories about how the engine of this talented scientist works was this:

The turbine is, in fact, a unipolar motor, a simplified version of a voltage generator. The turbine has an outlet and an inlet. The supplier is simple atmospheric air. Air is sucked into the turbine through the inlet central hole, and through the gap between the disks it is thrown out using the work of the blades and centrifugal force. First, the turbine must be accelerated, and then it will begin to work itself. To do this, it must be attached to the shaft of the starting motor from the side of the upper disk; during operation, excess power can be removed from the same shaft.

The force that rotates the disk lies in the charges of air ions. Air entering the gap between the disks gives its own charge to the upper disk. Charges, as the laws of physics say, tend to move away from each other as much as possible, because of this, an electric current passes from the center to the periphery. The same current deviates from the bottom, dragging the disk with it. The blades play the role of an air centrifugal pump. The air at the inlet gives its own charge to the disk, and during the exit from the turbine, the air again takes the charge and breaks it off the tips of the blades. So, the disk seems to be connected to a battery, there are always a lot of charges in its center, and there are not enough of them on the periphery, because of this, a constant electric current always flows from the center to the periphery. This current causes the turbine to rotate, since the turbine is essentially a unipolar motor.

Second theory:

The Schauberger aircraft operated on the basis of a spiral turbine, which was located in a curved base plate. The space between the base plate and the turbine was in the form of a whorl, similar to the curved horn of an antelope. The turbine, rotating rapidly, spread the air over the entire surface under the influence of centrifugal force.

The funnel-like movement of air created by the shape of the space between the plates caused it to "condense" and cool rapidly, creating a very high pressure vacuum and causing a decrease in volume, which drew more air into the turbine. The car needed a small starter, but when the turbine was spinning up to a rotation speed of 15,000 - 20,000 rpm, the motor turned off, and the device began to move by itself. If this device is connected to the gearbox, then it is able to generate electricity, and if it is turned off, then it will be able to climb by itself.

Other inventions by Schauberger

  • One was intended to purify water.
  • The other could generate high power electrical discharges.
  • The third was designed to "biosynthesis" hydrogen fuel from water.
  • Fourth, it produced cold or heat in a “natural” way.
  • Fifth - "flying saucer", which was an unusual engine.
  • The last invention worked, most likely, based on the principle of anti-gravity.

Schauberger's papers, describing the designs of his flying saucer, due to the nature of his creative process was difficult to decipher. In addition, many believe that his ideas were not developed due to interests in the extraction of fossil fuels.

Currently, Viktor Schauberger is highly respected by Green Movement researchers because his work is based on sustainable food sources.

Unidentified flying objects have been the subject of discussion among scientists for more than a dozen years. The unique abilities of UFOs are baffling, not allowing any definite explanation of the principle of movement of these objects.

Yuri Koinash, candidate technical sciences and a researcher, made a sensational statement announcing that he understood the principle that drives UFO engine. Yuri Alekseevich suggested that the shape of a flying saucer is a round wing, creating lifting force. He was prompted to this idea by the angle at the base of the UFO, which is close to 45 degrees, which is the optimal value in the case of creating lift. Only the mover of this design is inside; it can be a rotating liquid or ionized gas, which can be set in motion electromagnetic field. The liquid layer itself can be very thin, which is enough to provide the desired effect. According to Yuri Koinash, in the case of some improvement in the design, as well as an increase in size, the effect will be sufficient for the lifting force to acquire the necessary value for the creation of flying vehicles. An open UFO engine, if successful, could provide earthlings with a universal engine that would allow, for example, a flying taxi to cheaply get to another city, bypassing traffic jams and traffic lights on the roads. The same engine would make it possible to create interstellar ships at near-light speed.

According to the author's calculations, mercury, which has a high density, has the best performance for such an apparatus. It is curious that the Indian vimanas, according to the description, also had a device inside them in which mercury rotated. A normal airplane wing is affected by air particles that act on it from the outside, while a force acts on the body of a UFO from the inside, creating a colossal lifting effect. The researcher conducted a series of experiments with liquid on the model, inside which the impeller rotated, forcing the water to move along the body of the disk-shaped model, creating lift. He conducted an experiment with a completely closed environment, finding that the apparatus loses weight for a while.

Bold ideas always run into opposition, and only after a while people understand them. Perhaps this is how the anti-gravity engine is destined to appear.

Relatively recently, especially in Japan, large-scale work was carried out on a new generation of engines for ships that used the Lorentz force with the electrical conductivity of water, that is, attempts were made to assemble an engine for UFOs with their own hands. But over time, the attention of developers switched more to the development of plasma jet engine for an aircraft, since plasma is also capable of conducting current, which may help to unravel the operation of a UFO engine. After all, a flame with hot gases flowing from a jet engine is practically also a plasma. And if electrodes are placed in it to pass an electric current, then the efficiency of using the speed of the outflow of gases will increase many times, which will simultaneously increase the traction force.

The secret of the circuit design of this UFO engine is the use of powerful superconducting magnets. The magnetic field created by them at a perpendicular intersection with lines of force electric current causes the emergence of the Lorentz force and the formation of thrust acting at an angle relative to electric current and magnetic field along the axis of the aircraft. Due to this, hot exhaust gases escape from the engine nozzle, which is similar to the operation of the UFO engine in the video. A significant limitation is the creation of a powerful magnetic field, which requires superconducting high-temperature electromagnets.

For example, from an alloy of thallium with bismuth, producing the most powerful fields- 30,000 times the parameters of a conventional magnet, with virtually no consumption of electricity in a state of superconductivity. And the traction force directly depends on the strength of the supplied electric current. Experimental developments created by scientists made it possible to better understand how the UFO engine works.

At the same time, as the calculations showed, if we use atomic power plants submarines, then the power of the electric current will be sufficient for high-speed movement in a straight line, for sharp braking, and turning almost on the spot. Using the principle of operation of the UFO engine, it is possible to accelerate the outflow of a jet of gases from a jet engine. This idea was applied in the Russian Design Bureau "Fakel", having developed an electroplasma engine for movement in space. The first samples had insignificant thrust, which did not allow them to be used for launching into orbit, but in a plasma jet engine, the power is much higher, since hot gases flowing from the engine nozzle initially give good thrust, and being simultaneously plasma, they can be used for additional acceleration using Lorentz force electric current.

In this design of the UFO engine, electrical energy is used to accelerate the ionized gas, while the speed of the outflow of gases reaches 50 km / s.

Similar developments were carried out by the Lockheed aerospace company under the F-117A project. It is not yet known exactly what further work will lead to, but it is assumed that the aircraft will be able to achieve an acceleration of 5 km / s and jump out into space.


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The material presented here sometimes contradicts itself. I deliberately do not remove these contradictions - let everyone try to find for himself what he likes and awakens technical thought.

In a nutshell, here is the real design of the flying saucer engine. Perhaps not quite Schauberger. It's interesting though, sometimes some ideas pop up. Different people, in different places, different times, and similar thoughts come. Either people are the same, or the laws of nature. Would you believe that I have never read or even heard of the works of Schauberger before (I mean his engine powered by the energy of the environment, and besides, it has levitating properties)? But when by chance (thanks to the Internet) I came across a description of his designs, I was simply amazed how much what I have been thinking about for a long time is similar to his ideas. Externally, the Schauberger engine looks like this:

Its internal structure is as follows (turned upside down in relation to the photographs):

So that you understand that I do not cling to someone else's glory, I will try my best plain language explain its device, because nowhere is it really described how it works, despite its seemingly rather extensive representation on the Internet. In some places, the opinion slips that this engine is generally a hoax and cannot work at all. But I think it's not. I'll try to explain. Undoubtedly, the main part of the engine is this strange at first glance wheel (in the figure above it is marked on the left with an incomprehensible inscription, obviously "turbine").

Despite the apparent complexity of the main part, it can be easily manufactured. A similarity scan of such a turbine is shown below and can presumably be cut out of a metal plate 250x500 mm 1-2 mm thick and bent accordingly. The alignment of the turbine will occur automatically during rotation (it is proposed to attach the turbine to the axis of the motor-generator using 3 radial springs at 120 degrees - the turbine will "self" find its center of rotation).

The turbine itself will look like a jester's crown. It is the "jester" and not the "king" - I apologize for such a non-normative term-comparison. But in my opinion, this is the most convenient way to explain that the turbine has helical blades, radially curved from the center to the periphery.

At first glance - some kind of devilry of 24 corkscrews rotating around the circumference for opening bottles. Why is this needed? Here I link to my own site for a chapter on the origin of tornadoes. Schauberger, in this design of his, created ideal conditions for the formation of a group of mini-tornadoes and the central tornado itself, which is driving force of this design. Air at the first stage with the help of such a wheel is twisted around the axis of the electric motor. But the same air, when thrown to the periphery due to centrifugal force, passes through the corkscrews of the wheel and receives rotation along the axis of each of the 24 corkscrews. Air swirls around 2 axes of rotation at the same time. A rotation simultaneously around 2 axes this is such an amazing thing! Try to pick up a high-speed electric motor with a handwheel on the axis and rotate it around the axis of your own hand. Very interesting sensations. When turning the motor, forces are felt that act in completely different directions than you expect.

So this wheel forms 24 mini-tornadoes, which, bending around the inner surface of the upper part of the engine (looks like a copper basin in the photo below), along a very interesting trajectory (still turn the motor!) Break out onto the inner cone of the engine and move further to the outlet.

It is better to observe the process further in transverse section to understand what a tornado looks like when viewed from above. The first cut just below the "copper basin" is this cross section of a tornado. The other 2 are closer to the outlet. It was inconvenient to draw 24 balls, so I leave only 9, the principle is still the same. Moreover, this drawing somehow strangely echoes the drawing on wheat fields in England. Further, everywhere to the place and out of place, I will try to draw these wild analogies. Moreover, I saw photographs of the drawings in the margins much later than I completed all of the above. Isn't it strange: this cartoon below and the drawing on the wheat field were created absolutely independently of each other? However, even the number of minivortices coincided.

So 24(9) balls, twisted from small whirlwinds, roll inside along the wall of the circle. The walls of each ball in relation to the neighbors rotate in opposite directions. I will consider these balls as a dual medium: it seems to be a ball, since it rolls like a part of a ball bearing and the laws of mechanics apply to it, but at the same time it is air, which is subject to the laws of hydrodynamics. These balls, in any collision of a neighbor with a neighbor, have the intention to "run into" each other and thus move to the center of the structure, all at the same time (try to see this in the cartoon on the left), and at the same time, the opposite movement of the walls of the neighboring balls is according to Bernoulli's law is a rarefied medium, it turns out the balls are "attracted" to each other. As a result, all this mass of rotating air is drawn to the center, accelerates significantly (because the diameter of the structure decreases), moves lower and finally flies out through the nozzle from the bottom of the structure. The wheel with corkscrews, as it rotates, constantly feeds these mini-vortex-bearings and draws in air from outside. Schauberger claims that this process becomes self-sustaining. Indeed, a natural tornado can exist for a long time and its very existence is obviously supported only by the presence of a pressure difference between external environment and the inner cone of the tornado. And inside the engine, just in the center, a vacuum zone is formed. This means that the surrounding air should strive there, falling on the turbine blades with "corkscrews" and being involved in a complex rotation trajectory, which could be called a "self-turning donut". That's how it seems to me the basic principles of this engine. In my opinion, such a process can really be called some kind of opposite to a conventional explosion ( explosion), since the substance does not scatter to the sides, but vice versa strive to converge to one point(to the base of the vortex). Schauberger called this process implosion.

I drew these 3 frames with spinning balls-rollers and again a strange thought came to mind. On television again there was a story about the next appearance of unusual circles in the wheat fields of England (and not only there). But if I didn’t have an animator to illustrate my ideas, I would try to describe the contraction of the vortex to a point in the first graphics editor I came across with something like this drawing. In my opinion, this drawing on a wheat field is an unambiguous illustration of the processes taking place in a tornado and calls for the following main conclusion: the rotating minivortexes that make up a tornado are attracted to each other and tend to the main center of rotation. And here minivortices are drawn. Pay attention - next to each main circle, several additional circles are carefully drawn, directly indicating that several mini-processes are depicted here, moving in a spiral towards the center. More precisely, there are 6 of them and they work exactly as shown in my cartoon a little higher. It is absolutely certain that a volumetric process is drawn here on a plane (a whirlwind - a tornado - a tornado). Who drew it and why is a separate big question. Even during the day, creating several such geometrically accurate circles is a big problem. And draw about 400 at night? It is unlikely that just a crazy person could do this. Maybe this can be understood as a kind of drawing-hint?

Let's go back to Schauberger. Witnesses to the operation of the Schauberger engine claimed that only air and water served as fuel. Maybe they were a little wrong. Most likely it was air and obviously alcohol (by the way, it looks like water). The engine in the process of operation should literally devour the surrounding air and then it's time to put fuel on it and set it on fire, further contributing to the process of vortex formation. With a large amount of oxygen, the flame of alcohol is almost invisible. So the result was a "flameless and smokeless engine" as described in some publications.

Approximately the same type of construction I came to in my conclusions and propose something remotely reminiscent of Schauberger's "windmill", the work is generally based on the same principles. I was inspired by the funnel of water pouring out of the bathroom and what happens inside the structures below follows the same laws.

The difference from the Schauberger mechanism is the absence of an external cone, along which the vortex is pulled to the center and ejected through the nozzle, as well as a simpler design of the wheel for forming a vortex (in fact, this is a conventional centrifugal pump). My simplification of Schauberger's design (the cartoon on the left) is due to the simple idea that a natural tornado does not need all such tricks (although the "corkscrew" wheel that he invented causes nothing but admiration - the simplest and most effective way spins the air flow along 2 perpendicular axes of rotation!). My task is to spin the flow into a small tornado as simply as possible and preferably with the complete absence of mechanical parts. This can be achieved by using not a centrifugal pump impeller for spinning, but by using something similar to the MHD engine described on the Electric motor page. The design is completely devoid of moving parts (with the exception of the vortex itself). It turned out something like the one shown on the right cartoon. in yellow- an attempt to depict burning fuel (possibly kerosene?). Moreover, for an MHD engine, there must be conductive kerosene (perhaps salted?). Then they suggested to me that there should be a sodium additive. Roughly speaking, this is an attempt to reproduce the formidable natural phenomenon in a can. And even more precisely the process, the essence of which is clear from the bottom cartoon.

"Tornado in a glass" "Just a tornado"

For the first time, Einstein saw the left drawing in an ordinary glass with tea and floating tea leaves (let's call it Einstein's glass). Take a closer look: the central ascending part is the "tornado's trunk" (only in the left figure it raises tea leaves, and on the right there are houses and cars). It is strange that Einstein himself did not draw such conclusions. And Schauberger seems to have done it. Almost all the designs that are offered on this site are based on the process that takes place in this glass.

So to speak - some points for the main engine of a flying saucer. True, only for the atmosphere. And the questions of horizontal flight have not yet been considered. Can you imagine how useful a device with such an engine would be for, say, the Ministry of Emergency Situations? Remember the fire at the Ostankino television tower and the complete helplessness of a helicopter flying around? And by the way, photographs of some UFOs, even by their very appearance, make one think that they have a central engine operating on the principles of the tin can described above, and such a machine would be much more useful than an ordinary helicopter. Simply irreplaceable. Torque is compensated by the presence of several engines on the same platform. Like in the bottom photo. In my opinion, there are 3 inverted Schauberger engines (such as Repulsine B) working for one central nozzle. And it’s probably more correct to place Repulsin like this:

In the photo UFO Adamsky relies on 3 (or 4?) engines similar to Repulsine B. These engines are attached to the bottom of the "hat" and generate 3 or 4 tornadoes on which the whole structure "dangles". One large and three smaller.

Let us return again to the Schauberger engine as an energy generator. The processes occurring in the Einstein glass are undoubtedly the basis of the engine. Let's try to achieve a stable passage of the process. To do this, spin the water in the tank using a disk on the axis of the electric motor motor. Water after spinning will move along a complex trajectory. (fluid movement is described on the site, a computer drawing from this site is given). Very interesting conclusions can be drawn from this figure. The linear speed of water movement along this ornate path is constant and is determined by the linear speed movement of the edges of the disc. The liquid dispersed by the disk spirals down and is further pushed towards the center. At this moment there is an increase in the angular velocity of water rotation. (A vivid analogue of such an increase in the speed of rotation is the rotation of a thread with a load when winding this thread around a finger). The fluid rises with an increased angular velocity and rests against the central part of the disk. Here is the most interesting. The speed of rotation of water in the central region is higher than the speed of rotation of the disc! The water "pushes" the disk in the direction of rotation. The rotating stream supports itself! Almost like a perpetual motion machine. But as always, friction forces interfere. And the process is quite stable and low-damping. By the way, a little distracted: if you spin water in an ordinary bucket, even without the help of a disk, the water will still rotate according to the same laws and the water will rotate for quite a long time, because here there is self-support of water rotation - just no one ever pays attention to it (it is enough to tightly close the lid of the bucket filled exactly to the brim - the rotation will stop pretty quickly). What do I want to say? Only one thing - a vortex is very easy to obtain when spinning a liquid or gas under unequal conditions of rotation from above and below, and this is an almost ready-made self-supporting system. You need quite a bit of energy and the process will be undamped. Furthermore: the vortex absorbs energy in the form of heat from the environment! Now I will try to explain. Consider a simplified diagram of the Schauberger engine. If we ignore everything secondary, then the design fits into the following simple scheme, which in fact is nothing more than a continuation of the idea glass Einstein a.

Inside at the top - a rotating disk (red). Below is a small vertically standing plate. This achieves uneven conditions during rotation for the lower and upper layers of water (air?). On the left is a heat exchanger (more on that later). Above - a motor-generator, at first it works as a process starter, after entering the tornado mode - to extract energy. The valve on the heat exchanger is a process switch. The arrow on the left is the working body of the device heated by the environment.

What happens during the operation of this device? Everything is simple. Centrifugal forces create increased pressure at the walls of the vessel. And a vacuum in the central part. Due to the higher angular velocity of rotation of the upper layers of water (air) in comparison with the lower layers, a meridional flow is created, descending along the walls of the vessel. And rising in the central part (in nature, this is nothing more than a "tornado trunk"). Liquid (gas), moving along its sophisticated trajectory, then gets into the area of ​​compression, then into the area of ​​rarefaction. Let's remember the simplest law of physics - the Boyle-Mariotte law. If we take a certain mass of gas, then with forced compression, the gas heats up. And when rarefied, it cools. It is in the central part of the device that the water-air mixture enters the region of forced rarefaction by centrifugal forces. In this case, for a finite mass of gas, decrease in temperature and increase in volume. This increase in volume gives an increase in the kinetic movement of the flow from bottom to top along the central axis of the device. This charged jet with new energy enters the turbine disk, causing it to spin faster and produce an even more intense whirlwind. which creates an even higher vacuum, and so on and so forth. The cooled moist air is expelled by centrifugal force into the heat exchanger tube. Ideally, the temperature of the heat exchanger is near absolute zero. The environment surrounding the heat exchanger, which is normal from our point of view, is an "environment with excess energy". The heat exchanger is heated by it and the thermal energy enters the device, eventually converting into the rotation of a "self-turning donut" from moist air inside the device.

I want to make a small note about the Ranque effect (temperature separation of a gas jet in the so-called "Ranque tubes"). No one really explains this effect. And in my opinion, everything is simple. There is the Boyle-Mariotte law (the product of pressure and volume at constant temperature- the value is constant) and everything happens according to this law. The gas circulating in the meridional direction in our device alternately experiences either compression or rarefaction. It heats up, then cools down in relation to the "normal" temperature. That's the whole effect of temperature separation. By the way, no one tried to inject water there? Should be a very interesting effect. Something like passing the "dew point" with a sharp cooling.

By the way, we can draw an interesting conclusion: but in this device it is also oscillatory process! And oscillations have a resonance - a sharp increase in amplitude with a minimum input of energy! Can you imagine how it is possible to stabilize the effect when finding here the dependencies between the amplitude of oscillations and all the influencing parameters? temperature resonance! It sounds good. And can find great use in refrigerating machines.

It is my deep conviction that Schauberger was great person and undeservedly unknown. It seems to me that he still managed to build a generator that extracts energy, it seems, from " NOTHING". More precisely, directly from the environment. Even if this is done very inefficiently, the freeness of this energy should outweigh all the arguments against it. What is still surprising? On the Internet, you can find quite a lot of information about the works of Schauberger. But, apparently, so far there is no technological revolution in energy production.It seems that there are photographs and drawings of structures.However, all the descriptions of the operation of the engine that I have met so far are so unintelligibly monotonous (and from my point of view are absolutely incorrect) that it becomes immediately clear - nothing working is simple No. I do not pretend to be the ultimate truth. Everything that is described on my website is a chain of continuous contradictions and inaccuracies. Only I am convinced that the engine is a generator with amazing properties that generates, or rather concentrates, energy from the energy of the environment is quite possible and can be manufactured right now.The socio-economic consequences of such an invention, of course, oh, will have no conceivable boundaries. This is a complete solution to energy problems and a change in the concept of vehicles.

Based on the foregoing, it remains only to draw a specific design. Well then. As a hypothetical, "virtual" engine, I propose the following "pan":

Vortex motor-generator

This device can perform the following functions:

1. Energy generator. Rather, a concentrator of energy from the environment. Do not turn your tongue to say "perpetual motion machine of the 2nd kind."

2. heat engine- the possibilities for cooling and air conditioning are especially great. By the way, the working fluid here is not necessarily water-air. It is possible air and freon.

3. Gravitational mechanism. That's a pretty cheeky statement, but I'll try to explain. And in 2 ways.

3.1. The effect of weight loss of rapidly rotating masses is known. Why does it depend? Let's go back to Fig. Everta. It is clear that with such rotation of air, incredible speeds can be achieved (due to a small mass of air). The device is not in danger of destruction, unlike, for example, a metal flywheel. By and large, despite the complexity of the trajectory, each point of this trajectory moves tangentially to the surface of the earth. And it is quite possible to achieve a linear speed of 8 km/sec on this trajectory. artificial satellite with an orbit of 1 meter? Will there be levitation? Hm...

3.2. Once upon a time, I got into the hands of the TM magazine with an article on gravitational mechanisms (inertioids). It described about 10 types of mechanisms and immediately explained. why they can not fully work, that is, fly. True, at the end of the article it was stated that there was still no final verdict on the operation of such devices and the question was open. Therefore, I suggest number 11. At one time, I was very interested in the rotation of a simple flywheel on the axis of an electric motor. I had the motor in my hands. Its power was 70 watts., 7000 rpm at U = 24v, the flywheel was an aluminum disk with a diameter of 10 cm, weighing 200 grams. I explain in detail. so that those who wish can try it for themselves. Unless, of course, it is interesting. When the handwheel is rotated, there is a complete feeling that you are already holding a working inertioid in your hands! It is enough to rotate the design around the hand - and a complete illusion of incomprehensible thrust in a very specific direction. Such an interesting effect is given by rotation around 2 axes simultaneously (the axis of the motor and the axis of the hand). Then an idea appeared which now, in a strange way, intersected with the essence of the Schauberger engine. Previously, it seemed to me frank nonsense, though quite interesting. I'll probably draw a little later.

And now a small conclusion to what is stated on this page. Some general basic principles can be formulated for the operation of devices that produce mechanical energy by "absorbing" energy from the environment:

1. A process is generated that is on the verge of self-support (for example, in hydraulics, a closed vortex like an Einstein glass is an extremely unstable and rather inertial state: examples are very often - a spinning funnel of water, air, a natural tornado; in electrical engineering, an electric motor and a dynamo connected on the same axis ). For real self-support, it is necessary to add to such a system external energy. Sometimes very small, compensating for friction or resistance losses.

2. Hyperbolizing process. Up to the resonance that occurs in such a device (in a vortex - heating and cooling of a water-air mixture, in electrical engineering, the induction of electromagnetic fields is obvious) ..

3. "Inversion" of the structure in relation to the environment in such a way that some part of this structure will have energy with a sharply reduced energy potential and become an energy absorber of the environment (for example, in hydraulics - the central part of the Schauberger engine - ideally this space is approximate to absolute zero in temperature and pressure, so the normal environment surrounding this part of the engine has an "excess" of energy. In electrical engineering - it's more complicated here - the overlap and resonance of fields is obvious, I'll leave the idea unfinished for now).

4. The release of energy "absorbed" from the outside from the closed space of the device in the form mechanical energy or electric.

Vivid examples of such devices:

Schauberger engine and very similar Clem engine

In electrical engineering, the Tesla generator and the Searl generator.

Now we can assume what was inside Schauberger's Repulsine. Most likely it was a design similar to the illustration below. The vortex formed in the central part absorbs with the help of a heat exchanger (essentially a conventional centrifugal pump) that minimum heat from the air passing through the turbine blades, which is necessary to maintain rotation. The engine starts when the turbine spins up and a small amount of water is injected from below. Probably, after entering the tornado mode, water is no longer needed and only air is the working fluid. The pressure inside the engine during operation is lowered in the center, increased at the periphery. The Rank effect "works" to the full extent. Rather, it should work even more pronounced than in the "Ranque tubes" (this is because the air swirling in the Ranque tubes is thrown out instantly and rather wastefully, and here this effect "accumulates" during cyclic meridional rotation). Cooled from below, the heat exchanger-turbine is heated from above by the injected ambient air. The rejection of this cooled air creates the usual jet thrust.

In short, if it really works (I suppose if the Schauberger engine really existed, then it was something like this design) - we can consider it an absolutely universal engine-propulsion-generator. Super-ecological and fuel-free. With a stream of cold air as an exhaust.

Vortex motor-generator-propulsion

The design in terms of manufacturability is at the level of the beginning of the last century, maybe even earlier. Looks like a regular vacuum cleaner. Its simplicity makes you wonder - does it work? But I don't see much of a contradiction. I think this picture can get significant distribution on the Internet. At least as a discussion.

An industrial power generation plant might look something like this:

Vortex Power Plant Block (energy cell?)

The design is extremely simple. Who said that the "trunk of a tornado" should be directed downwards? Let's turn everything upside down (by the way, in Schauberger's pencil sketch at the top of the page is also questionable - where is "top and bottom"). In this way, the generation of an artificial vortex is greatly simplified. What is needed to form a vortex? The answer is - some ambient heat, moisture, and initial swirling of a mass of moist air. Ordinary water is poured into a bowl-shaped container. At the initial stage, the motor-generator, with the help of a turbine with spiral blades, begins to twist the water-air cone, and after the structure has entered the tornado mode, absorption of heat from the surrounding air , acceleration of the movement of rarefied air along the center of the vortex and the pressure of this flow on the turbine blades. The motor-generator can be switched to the energy harvesting mode. I leave the description of the operation of the installation as minimal - the picture is extremely clear. Although the processes occurring in this device are much more complex and diverse (I deliberately omitted the formation of a minitornado when the main vortex occurs, as well as possible electrostatic effects). In this picture, I was just trying to highlight the main thing - vortex self-support process is possible and in my opinion is quite simple. I don’t know what height the resulting vortex will have (it’s quite possible - this installation can become the “rotor” of a full-scale natural tornado in an open area). And if in nature the process of vortex formation occurs all the time, and sometimes it seems to be for no reason at all, then I propose to treat this device as a set of glands and other details that contribute to the "civilized" emergence of a very common natural phenomenon.

A separate question about the dimensions of this design. Criticism on the Internet does not like a different image when someone starts talking about the significant size of the proposed structures. Therefore, I will not talk about gigantic dimensions (such a negative example is the Messiah machine with a diameter of 50 meters). Much more I like the description of the Schauberger Home Machine Power - the dimensions of this device are about 1 meter in diameter. By the way, what I propose is a kind of symbiosis between these two devices. Only structurally simpler and perhaps better. And the minimum dimensions are still determined by the laws of nature - I have never seen an air vortex in wildlife less than a meter (a simple example is the usual turbulences on a dusty road). But if you imagine the maximum dimensions of such a station! The imagination can easily draw a huge installation in an open area, which will provoke the emergence of a real tornado in all its crushing power. Only this tornado is "tamed", therefore it always stands in one place - exactly above the power plant. And if you build a complex of large-scale vortex power plants that cool the surrounding space? Here we can already talk about the impact on the climate! It would be a wonderful contribution to the fight against global warming. Here is a little fantasy on the subject:

These structures, it seems to me, can be made within very wide limits in terms of size and power, but the most obvious is as a small-sized autonomous source of energy (for example, for a detached house). Remember how they "filled up" at one time personal computers"large computers"? We need to be closer to the consumer!

Everything certainly looks pretty fantastic, but still I want to enhance the impression. And finally figure out what is implosion, which Schauberger constantly talked about and try to understand - what did he want to offer?

Let's start with the fact that the entire technogenic civilization currently depends on Explosions. From Latin it is an explosion, an exhaust. The work of any modern heat engine (left side of the figure) is the combustion of fuel in some volume, a sharp increase in temperature and expansion of the working fluid as a result of this combustion. The working fluid increased in volume presses on the piston, the turbine, it is simply discarded to obtain a reactive impulse. Almost any engine runs on the expansion process as a result of fuel combustion, constantly wasting non-renewable resources in the form of gas-oil-coal-uranium. I don’t even want to talk about the waste of such technology - you can imagine. But after all, the expansion of the working body can be obtained as a result of a completely different process! An example is a natural tornado. I'll try to explain a little. Let's imagine. that in some container they began to rotate the working fluid. In the very simple case- this is ordinary air as in this figure on the right (a miniature model of a natural tornado). In the central part, an accelerating upward trend will immediately appear. forward movement. There are at least 3 reasons for this:

1. At the expense underpressure by centrifugal force the central part of the vortex some an increase in volume for a finite mass of gas and a decrease in its temperature. From the sides, this mass is "supported" by the walls of the vessel, from below its bottom. There is only one way to expand - up.

2. On rarefied part of the gas in the central part Archimedes' law applies- a lighter body "floats" - something like a balloon, only without a shell.

3. The third reason is the most exotic. When air rotates, it acquires a significant electric potential. Positive in the center, negative in the periphery. Despite all its simplicity, this model of a tornado (and the tornado itself in the original) is an excellent electrostatic generator (the best theory for the occurrence of such electrical potential reflected in the materials on the Searl generator). In a real tornado, a magnitude of millions of volts is reached and manifests itself in the constant occurrence of lightning in the "eye of the tornado" and its "trunk". Thus, in the body of a tornado, in the presence of such a high voltage, the air is electrified. BUT charges of the same name as is known repel! (positively charged air molecules - devoid of electrons, repel each other). This way it happens increase in gas pressure due to electrostatic forces!. And this extension again gives an additional impetus to the upward movement of air. I wonder if such an effect is formulated in physics - an increase in the volume of gas when it is electrified? If not, why are you not discovering? Rummaging around the Internet, I didn’t find anything like that, but the effect should clearly be. I want to explain everything that has been said with this cartoon and try to prove that tornado is an electrostatic machine, and structurally the simplest. On the Internet, you can find enough designs where the rotor is a simple dielectric cylinder, on the sides of which a high voltage of several tens of kilovolts is simply applied. An avalanche of charged particles flowing between the electrodes simply turns the rotor cylinder.

With this cartoon (a section of a tornado), I would like to summarize what the authors of such structures offer and offer their answer to the question - why does the tornado actually rotate?


tornado model

Consider a cross section of a tornado. We will see something like a ball bearing. Research

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