Integration means the inclusion of children with disabilities and children with disabilities in society as full members of it, actively participating in all spheres of life. Domestic and foreign science and practice have identified various ways to ensure gradual integration. In the process of integration, the role of education and upbringing, the organization of their active participation in all areas of life is obvious. The integration process is based on the concept of normalization, which states that the life of this category of people should be as close as possible to the conditions of life of the whole society. The principles of normalization today are enshrined in the following international legal acts: the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities, the Declaration on the Rights of Persons with Intellectual Disabilities. Currently, both terms are used in literature and periodicals: inclusive and integrative education and upbringing (education).

The new educational program of the school should involve the creation of conditions and the introduction of changes necessary for its successful development by children with special educational needs. Supporters of strong-willed decisions in the field of inclusive education like to refer to positive foreign experience. At the same time, they, as a rule, lose sight of the fact that the radical and quick measures they propose cannot be regarded as an analogue of Western approaches, since they are implemented in the absence of the necessary legislative, economic, and personnel base. Not declarative, but true educational integration, which is provided in the countries of Germany, the USA and others, in monetary terms, is not only not cheaper than traditional special education, but also much more expensive. An advanced integration model involves the creation of a unique learning place within a regular class, the introduction of a second teacher in addition to the subject teacher, the adaptation of the infrastructure to the student's capabilities, and much more.

Not declarative, but true educational integration, which is provided in the countries of Germany, the USA and others, in monetary terms, is not only not cheaper than traditional special education, but also much more expensive. An advanced integration model involves the creation of a unique learning place within an ordinary class, the introduction of a second teacher in addition to the subject teacher, the adaptation of the infrastructure to the student's abilities, and much more, that is, a kind of organization within the walls of a “mini-special school” class. According to UNESCO representative H. Olsen, “studies of problems related to the education of students with disabilities, conducted in seventeen European countries showed that if financing is not provided in sufficient volume, then the idea of ​​integration can hardly be realized in practice”.

Considers the diversity of cultures as a new reality. modern school should be ready to teach children from different ethnic groups and cultures who speak different languages with different social and economic status, with different abilities, interests and learning goals. Thus, the school should not be limited to one curriculum and a single approach to teaching all children. Students must complete a general education program appropriate to their educational needs, but each in an individual manner and sometimes with varying degrees of success. “integrated education – joint education of persons with disabilities and persons without such limitations…”; - "educational institution of integrated education - an educational institution of general purpose, in which special conditions have been created for the education of persons with disabilities together with persons who do not have such disabilities

Such access increases chances by providing greater freedom of choice for each student. This principle is the main goal of education, therefore, all activities of an inclusive school are subject to this principle and its reflection in the activities of students, their families, teachers and all those involved in this process.

Children learn in different ways. The task of the teacher is to help students (children and young people) understand various phenomena, acquire life experience. Teachers use different approaches and methods, but they are united by the personalization of the learning process in accordance with individual needs, abilities, goals and teaching methods. An inclusive school always provides students with the opportunity to achieve more high results and improve your knowledge.

Teachers must believe in each student, evaluate his abilities and talents at their true worth. Every child is expected to succeed and achieve, regardless of their nationality, culture, language, gender, abilities or family circumstances. In an inclusive school, children learn and further apply their knowledge. Theatrical performances, conferences held by the students themselves, round tables, exhibitions and other types of activities provided for by the educational program are innovative and have proven themselves well when teaching children in a similar school

This is a school where the learning process and working conditions take into account the needs of all children, a school that embodies the best in education. Inclusive schools help children develop and find their place in society by realizing the premise that all children are capable of learning. Inclusive schools are those in which: “…everyone is included, accepted, supported, supported by peers and other members of the school community in the process of meeting their educational needs”

Potential various kinds educational institutions in the organization of integrated learning Mass institutions: Permanent full Permanent incomplete Combined: Permanent full; Permanent incomplete; Constant partial i; Temporary partial Special: Permanent incomplete; episodic

The closer to the age norm is the level of development of the child and his psychological readiness for joint learning, the more complete integration is shown to him, although in this case the need for individual corrective assistance remains. Permanent full integration involves teaching a child with one or another developmental disorder on an equal footing with normally developing children in the same classes. Full integration can be effective for those children whose level of psychophysical and speech development corresponds to or approaches the age norm and who are psychologically ready for joint learning with healthy peers. The rules for completing classes with full integration are as follows: children with developmental disabilities, 1-3 people each, are included in regular school classes. children spend the whole day with normally developing peers. The content of joint activities is not regulated: children with disabilities attend all classes together with normally developing peers. In conditions of constant full integration, the process of integrated learning is provided by teachers mass education

It may be effective for those children school age, whose level of mental development is slightly below the age norm, who needs systematic and significant corrective assistance, but at the same time is able to study together and on an equal footing with normally developing peers in a number of subject areas, and also spend most of their extracurricular time with them. Permanent, but incomplete integration can be useful for schoolchildren and different levels mental development, but not having combined (behavioral and cognitive) disorders. The meaning of the constant incomplete integration of schoolchildren is the maximum use of the full potential of the child already available and quite significant opportunities for communication, interaction and learning with normally developing children. This is an attempt to achieve the maximum possible for the child in this moment his life to normalize the ways of social and educational interaction with the aim of further expanding the opportunities already available in the field of educational and social integration

The students of the class are together with normally developing peers in those lessons and extracurricular activities that are available to them, in the remaining time they unite with other children with disabilities to work on special correctional programs. Children with disabilities are combined with normally developing children in one class called "flexible". The rules for the recruitment of flexible classes are as follows: flexible classes can only be organized in those mass schools where there are several Parallel classes, since 2-3 children with disabilities are included in the flexible class (primarily we are talking about children with mental retardation and uncomplicated mental retardation), In case of incomplete integration in the learning process in a mixed group and a flexible class, teachers of mass education and defectologists are equally involved. In a flexible class, part of the subjects is taught by a mass teacher, and part by a defectologist, he also prepares children for training sessions in the general stream.

The meaning of temporal integration is to create conditions for acquiring the initial experience of communication with normally developing peers. Temporal integration is, in fact, a stage of preparation for a more advanced form of integrated learning, which is possible in the future. This integration model can be implemented in public schools, where special classes are opened. In order to take advantage of even the most minimal opportunities for social integration, each special class must be "associated" with a class of normally developing children of the same age or a year younger. Communication and interaction of children is ensured in the process of joint walks, preparation and holding of holidays, entertainment, etc. Schoolchildren with disabilities are combined with normally developing children as part of additional education. Together they attend circles and sports sections.

It is focused on special school institutions, which are limited in their ability to carry out targeted work on the upbringing and education of their pupils together with normally developing children. The meaning of episodic integration is the purposeful organization of at least a minimal social interaction children with severe developmental disorders with peers, overcoming technical-objective limitations in social communication which are created in the conditions of special (correctional) institutions, where only children with disabilities are trained. Episodic integration implies that pupils of special institutions, studying separately almost all the time, occasionally unite with children from mass institutions on certain time. Social interaction is provided in holiday camps, specially organized trips, holidays, competitions, in organizing and holding exhibitions of children's works, circles. Such an association is of great educational importance, but is associated with significant organizational difficulties.

Apply experimental, stimulating learning methods; apply active methods learning, including discussions, communication; pay more attention to mastering the key concepts of a particular subject; apply methods of gradual assimilation of new material; spend more time reading fiction; make students understand that they are responsible for completing assignments; give students greater freedom of choice; to introduce the principles of democratic tolerant relations at school; pay more attention to the emotional needs and changing behavior of each student; use unifying activities that help bring the class together; proceed from the individual needs of students, using individualized activities, but do not divide the class into groups, for example, based on the abilities of students; provide specialized assistance to students with special needs who are enrolled in a general education school; involve teachers, parents, school administration and other interested organizations and the public in cooperation; rely on the teacher's assessment of student progress, including assessment of learning progress

Use of the system of differentiated education The focus on the individuality of each student has always been considered a strength of specialized education. With the arrival of students with special educational needs in a general education school, teachers began to realize the importance of communicating with each child as an individual. Special education educators recognize that the system general education proven to be effective for students with disabilities. Teachers of a general education school, in turn, turn to the system special education In Search of New Methods to Improve Outcomes of Students with Special Needs

The desire of parents to educate their child along with normally developing peers, the desire and willingness to seven and systematically help the child in the learning process; - the ability to choose for the child the option of organizing integrated learning that is accessible and useful for his development; - the availability of the opportunity to systematically provide the integrated child with the qualified special medical, psychological and pedagogical assistance he needs; - psychological readiness of a child with special educational needs for co-education with normally developing peers; - the readiness of the educational institution to accept children with disabilities.

Administrative regulation of the integration process in a general educational institution; Justified choice of integration models; Reasonable choice of forms of education (frontal, individual, home, distance); Availability curricula and educational programs (including individual educational programs); Availability of corrective work programs; The work of the psychological and pedagogical support service; Methodological and advisory assistance to teachers; Professional development and professional retraining of teachers; Methodological support of educational programs; Educational correctional and developmental environment; Advisory assistance to parents and systematic work with the family.

1) education in ordinary classes of a general education school; 2) education in special correctional classes of a general education school; 3) education in a correctional institution and transfer of a student to a general education school; 4) full or partial integration of persons with developmental disabilities in the course of vocational training

term "integration" usually denote the selective placement of students with special needs in regular general education schools. Proponents of this approach believe that the student must "deserve" the opportunity to study in a regular general education school, demonstrate their "ability" to cope with its program. The system of special education remains generally unchanged. Thus, in parallel, there are three models of education: general, special and integrated. Children with developmental disabilities are also provided with traditional forms of services: they attend a mass school, but study in special classes, not being included in the process of joint education with other children, i.e., there is partial integration.

Term "inclusion" characterizes deeper processes: the child is given the right to attend a regular school, but for this the necessary adapted educational environment and support services are provided. Full inclusion means that all students, regardless of the type, severity and nature of developmental disabilities, study in a general education class, receiving, if required, Additional services while benefiting from co-education with their healthy peers.

The main difference between an inclusive approach and an integrative one is that with inclusion in ordinary schools, the attitude towards children with disabilities and their parents changes. The ideology of education is changing towards greater humanization educational process and strengthening the educational orientation of training. This, however, does not cancel the rather strict requirements of discipline, which all students, without exception, both healthy and with developmental disabilities, must obey. An example can be given when a child suffering from early childhood autism is taught not to scream when moving from one room to another, which is quite typical for children in this category. A child who is screaming is shown a red card and told: “Today you were screaming, so you won’t go to the sensory room” (which he loves very much), and the next time he screams, they show the red card again and repeat the same words . Discipline can take quite harsh forms. The child can be brought to the sensory room, take off his shoes - this means that you can enter, but if he screamed again, he will again be shown a red card, put on shoes and with the words: “You screamed again, and you won’t study today,” - taken out of the sensory room.

An example worthy of emulation, we can consider the integration model that exists in the UK, in which specialists begin systematic studies with all children from the age of nine months, not trying to establish an accurate diagnosis, but trying to maximize their potential. At preschool and primary school age, integration is very voluminous, but this is due to the specific focus of the education system. Age stage from 5 to 11 years corresponds to preparatory school. The methods and content of education during this period are very similar to our preschool education. In middle and high school, the approach to integration is modified. Studying in the classroom with other children, each "integrated child" at the same time has his own teacher, his own individual program, taking into account his capabilities and the pace of learning. Prospects for the development of a “special child” are carefully planned, this process includes all school teachers who are in contact with the child, a methodologist, tutor and parents who are informed about the possibilities of his further socialization.

What is inclusion in education

Modern system education of a developed democratic community is designed to meet the individual educational needs of the individual, including:

Needs for a full and varied personal formation and development - taking into account individual inclinations, interests, motives and abilities (personal success);

Needs for the organic entry of the individual into the social environment and fruitful participation in the life of society (social success);

The need for the development of the personality of universal labor and practical skills, readiness to choose a profession (professional success).

Creating opportunities in schools to meet these individual educational needs is the foundation of many learning systems around the world. At the same time, there are groups of children whose educational needs are not only individual, but also have special features. Special educational needs arise in children when, in the process of their education, difficulties arise in the discrepancy between the capabilities of children and generally accepted social expectations, school educational standards for success, and socially established norms of behavior and communication. These special educational needs of the child require the school to provide additional or special materials, programs or services.

Inclusion of children with special educational needs (children with disabilities, children with disabilities, children with special needs) in the educational process in schools general type at the place of residence - this is relatively new approach for Russian education. This approach is terminologically related to the process called inclusion in education, and, accordingly, education in line with this approach is inclusive education.

Inclusive education- this is such an organization of the learning process in which ALL children, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual, cultural, ethnic, linguistic and other characteristics, are included in the general education system and study at the place of residence together with their peers without disabilities in the same same general education schools- in such general schools that take into account their special educational needs and provide their students with the necessary special support. Inclusive education of children with developmental disabilities together with their peers is the education of different children in the same class, and not in a specially allocated group (class) at a general education school.

concept of integration. N.M. Nazarova defines this concept as a process and result of granting a child with special educational needs and limited ability to work the rights and real opportunities to participate in all types and forms of social life (including education) on an equal footing and together with other members of society in conditions that compensate such a child for developmental disabilities and limitations opportunities.

M.I. Nikitina defines the concept of "integration" as a process of including people with disabilities in all spheres of society as equal members of it, mastering the achievements of science, culture, economics, education.

N.N. Malofeev and N.D. Shmatko determine the integration of children with special educational needs as the inclusion of these children in regular educational institutions.

Analysis of N.N. Malofeeva and N.D. Shmatko testifies that in the process of implementing integrated education, they distinguish the following models of integration: permanent full, permanent incomplete, permanent partial, temporary partial and episodic. Let's give a brief description of them.

Permanent full integration involves teaching a child with one or another developmental disorder on an equal footing with normally developing children in one preschool groups and classes. This model can be effective for those children whose level of psychophysical and speech development corresponds to or approaches the age norm and who are psychologically ready for joint learning with healthy peers. .

Permanent incomplete integration can be effective for those children of school age whose level of mental development is slightly below the age norm, who needs systematic and significant corrective assistance, but at the same time is able to study together and on an equal footing with normally developing peers in a number of subject areas, as well as to spend with them most of the extracurricular time. Permanent, but incomplete integration can be useful for preschoolers with different levels of mental development, but without concomitant disorders. The meaning of such integration is the maximum use of the full potential of the child already available and quite significant opportunities for communication, interaction and learning with normally developing children. .

Permanent Partial Integration can be useful to those who are able, along with their normally developing peers, to master only a small part of the necessary skills and abilities, to spend only part of their study and extracurricular time with them. The meaning of permanent partial integration is to expand the communication and interaction of children with disabilities with their normally developing peers.

Characterizing the organizational foundations for the implementation of educational integration N.N. Malofeev and N.D. Shmatko notes the following: temporary and partial integration all pupils of a special group or class, regardless of the level of development achieved, unite with their normally developing peers at least 2 times a month to conduct joint activities, mainly of an educational nature. The meaning of temporal integration is to create conditions for acquiring the initial experience of communication with normally developing peers. Temporal integration is, in fact, a stage of preparation for a more advanced form of integrated learning, which is possible in the future. This integration model can be implemented in preschool institutions of a combined type, which have both groups for normally developing children and special groups, as well as in public schools where special classes are open.

next model integration "episodic", focused on special preschool and school institutions that are limited in their ability to carry out targeted work on the upbringing and education of their pupils together with normally developing children. The meaning of episodic integration is the purposeful organization of at least minimal social interaction of children with severe developmental disabilities with their peers, overcoming those objective restrictions in social communication that are created in the conditions of special (correctional) institutions where only children with disabilities study.

Thus, all of the above allows us to talk about the selection of an accessible and useful model of integration for each child with disabilities in the general educational environment.

Analysis of N.N. Malofeeva, N.D. Shmatko allows us to single out an institution of a combined type as one of the promising types of educational institutions that implement integrated education for children. It is in these institutions that it is possible to create both ordinary, and special, and mixed groups of children, which makes it possible to carry out all forms of integration, selecting for each child the necessary qualified special pedagogical assistance, and establishing genuine interaction between teachers of general education schools and defectologists. At the same time, in a combined institution, it is possible to provide special education for children with severe developmental disabilities and high-quality education for normally developing children, enriching their social and emotional development with a unique and necessary experience in their future adult life of interacting with those people who, due to circumstances beyond their control, turned out to be less capable, intelligent, skillful, but no less kind, responsive and capable of observing moral norms and laws


In special and integrated classes education is carried out according to specially developed programs based on general education.

Education of disabled people with children without developmental disabilities is called inclusive (included). This innovation in the educational system is based on the ideology of tolerance. The main goal of such education is to prevent discrimination of children with developmental disabilities by healthy peers. Students of such an educational institution, along with basic knowledge, will receive knowledge of the basics of human rights, and how to apply them in practice. All students of such institutions have the opportunity to take an active part in all public events.


Such education also has disadvantages: first of all, it is the imperfection of the staff of teachers, the difficulty of connecting general educational programs with special needs, the presence of children with several disabilities and a number of others. In addition, in addition to general education subjects, children with developmental disabilities also need special ones that ensure the integration of children in society by developing skills that do not require attention in healthy children. correctional teachers.

It must be remembered that in Western Europe parents can pay for the services of special teachers separately, but for residents of our country this is not always realistic. It is very important to pay more attention to children with special needs than to healthy children.

If we assume that there are children with different disabilities in the same class while studying in a general education school, the teacher must have a set of special knowledge and skills: sign language translation, the Braille system, and many more special skills. And all this the teacher should do for not too much salary.

A lot of money is needed to create conditions for inclusive education. But the funding that is allocated to schools today is sometimes not enough even for current repairs, not to mention the fact that many educational institutions closed due to emergency conditions.

If we talk about the choice of the place of education by parents, you need to understand that they know little about the needs and potential of their children.

The need for a special attitude towards “special” people, towards the “sick”, towards the “weak” members of society is not a new problem. Different communities in different centuries solved it in different ways. Why do such people appear? How to treat them? Can they be helped and should they be helped? Is it possible to make sure this doesn't happen again? The same very small set of approaches can be observed during the change of times and scenery: either we recognize the “special” person as equal to ourselves, at some level just as perfect, or we are not ready to accept him as an equal being. A review of historical examples shows that those civilizations, societies, regimes that purposefully got rid of "special" and "weak" members of the community quite quickly (of course, on the scale of the historical process as a whole) ceased to exist.

The position that is stronger in a given society determines public policy. Depending on the dominant approach, the whole life of a “special” person and his relatives is formed from birth (manifestations or appearance of anomalies). So is it necessary to isolate a disabled person? This is not a question for a family that has already left a disabled child and is raising him at home. The rest usually does not occur to think about it ahead of time. Until they themselves or their loved ones find themselves at the edge of the abyss and will be forced to build their lives with this in mind.

However, we note that a step towards someone who is in trouble, who is very dependent on others, because he cannot survive without them - this is the essence of integration. Integration is not mixing and implanting someone "abnormal" into something "normal". This is a step towards each other of all divided. Integration is not a paradise for people with disabilities. Neither hell nor heaven is suitable for development and solving life problems. When it's too good or too bad, it doesn't develop. The integration of children with disabilities into society is a way to real life. it usual life in a well organized environment.

At the same time, it is wrong to understand integration simply as the inclusion of a child with developmental disabilities in an arbitrary community, in an environment that is neither materially nor spiritually ready to accept him. Such integration of children with disabilities into society can be detrimental to both parties. We understand integration as a complex process, as a careful construction of a consistent chain of adequate communicative-cognitive environments, each of which would contribute to the expansion of the child's capabilities and would prepare him for the transition to the next level of integration. Integrity is directly related to the set of paths, to the set of possibilities.

A child was brought to school who was cognitively close to the "norm", but behaviorally too complex. They do not take him to the class, but agree to deal with him individually. This is a purely habilitation approach. How can the same situation develop within the adaptation approach? After looking at the child, the teachers decide that it is impossible to put him in a class with ordinary children. His cognitive abilities are not bad, but in behavior and personality traits he cannot yet be in the classroom with everyone else. If you put this child in an ordinary class, he “crawls out” with his own characteristics and turns out to be maladjusted.

But there is a very good auxiliary school, they will cope with him there, he will find himself there. In an auxiliary school, there is less cognitive load, teachers can pay more attention to behavior, establishing contact with the child, etc. Indeed, he adapted very well there, but as a result, his capabilities turned out to be unrealized. Consider integrative options for the sequence of actions.

Strategies may vary. On the one hand, it is possible to build a program according to which he sometimes, with accompaniment, finds himself in general classes, and the rest of the time he studies individually, at the same time building psychological climate in the classroom - to solve a set of integrative tasks so that in the end this child would be accepted by classmates.

Another sequence of actions for the integration of the same child is possible. Having set the task to ultimately prepare him for studying in a regular school, for some time accustom the child to a class in a good auxiliary school, separately studying cognitively with him so that he does not lag behind the program of a regular school. And when the pedagogical tasks are solved, it is time to introduce the child to the class of a regular school.
What is an integrative institution

To ensure the possibility of full integration, it is necessary to build a single integration space for all members of the community. And each educational institution is a subspace of this space. Consider an organization that from the very beginning builds its work on the basis of an integrative approach - the Center for Curative Pedagogy. For us, it is important that it allows you to competently approach integration: to create groups of children, for each child in the best way to build a chain of groups - adequate communicative-cognitive environments, each of which would help expand the child's capabilities and prepare him for the transition to the next level of integration . While traditional defectology reduces the structure of the system to a primitive level, we are moving towards building complex productive structures.

It has already become customary for the specialists of the Center that the condition of each child studying at the Center is gradually improving. And often it improves quite a lot. Among the main principles of activity of the Center for Curative Pedagogics are the following:

- treating the child as an equal. Recognition in every child of human dignity, no different from our human dignity. Non-manipulative methods;

- flexibility and variability of the structure, allowing you to tune in to provide effective assistance to each specific child, build individualized work programs, optimally combine diagnostic, advisory, various forms and types of correctional work;

- close attention to the sphere of relations as a whole, not as a side, additional, but as a fundamental shaping factor. The extent to which all these relationships can be built - relations between children, relations between an adult and a child, relations between adults - largely depends on the results of the work;

- open character, i.e. orientation to the maximum possible interaction with parents, the close environment of the child, society as a whole.

Within the framework of an institution that sets itself integration tasks, the child must gain social potential, which will determine in the future the scale of the world in which a person can adapt. How much we can socially “disperse” a child, how big will then be the world into which he enters. regular school solves the same problem as far as possible - to bring a person through education to the best possible larger world. Any educational institution, including the integration one, is engaged in this. There can be no bad relations in an integration institution. Not between employees, not between employees and children. Otherwise, the community is guaranteed to fall apart. The experience of more than ten years of work of the Center for Curative Pedagogics allows us to draw some conclusions.
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  • 4. Connection of special pedagogy with other sciences.
  • 5. Scientific foundations of special pedagogy: philosophical and sociocultural.
  • 6. Scientific foundations of special pedagogy: economic and legal.
  • 7. Scientific foundations of special pedagogy: clinical and psychological.
  • 8. The history of the development of special education and special pedagogy as a system of scientific knowledge.
  • 9. Outstanding scientists-defectologists - scientific activity and contribution to the development of defectological science.
  • 10. The personality of a special education teacher.
  • 11. Fundamentals of didactics of special pedagogy.
  • 12. The concept of special educational needs.
  • 13. Content of special education.
  • 14. Principles of special education.
  • 8. The principle of the need for special pedagogical guidance.
  • 15. Technologies of special education.
  • 16. Methods of special education.
  • 17. Forms of organization of training.
  • 18. Forms of organization of correctional and pedagogical assistance.
  • 19. Means of ensuring the correctional and educational process.
  • 20. Modern system of special educational services.
  • 21. Psychological-medical-pedagogical commission as a diagnostic and advisory body: regulatory framework, goals, objectives, composition.
  • 22. Medical and social prevention of developmental disorders.
  • 23. Early comprehensive assistance to children with disabilities.
  • 24. Medical and pedagogical patronage of children with disabilities.
  • 25. Preschool education of a child with disabilities.
  • 26. School system of special education.
  • 27. Vocational orientation of persons with limited ability to work.
  • 28. The system of vocational education for persons with limited ability to work.
  • 29. The system of primary, secondary and higher vocational education for persons with developmental disabilities.
  • 30. Additional education for persons with developmental disabilities.
  • 31. Social and labor rehabilitation of persons with limited ability to work.
  • 32. Socio-pedagogical assistance in socio-cultural adaptation to persons with disabilities in life and health.
  • 33. Pedagogical systems of special education for persons with various developmental disabilities.
  • 34. Modern priorities in the development of the system of special education.
  • 35. Humanization of society and the education system as a condition for the development of special pedagogy.
  • 36. Integrated and inclusive education.
  • 36. Integrated and inclusive education.

    Comparing these different models of organizing school education, we can conclude that with an integration approach, a child with special educational needs adapts to the education system, which remains unchanged, and with an inclusive approach, the education system goes through a cycle of transformations and acquires the ability to adapt to special educational needs. the needs of students.

    Integrated learning- this is training (education) in a joint educational environment for children with disabilities (children with mental retardation, with severe forms of speech impairment, children with disabilities, etc.) and children who do not have such disabilities, by providing children with disabilities health special conditions of education/education and social adaptation that do not reduce the overall level of education for children who do not have such restrictions in the classroom.

    One of the main aspects of integration in education is properly organized learning conditions for a particular child. In terms of integration, the child must be ready to master a program designed for healthy peers, in this case, we can talk about the readiness for this process of both the child himself and his environment, that is, about the external and internal conditions of integration.

    The external conditions that ensure the effective integration of children with special educational needs include:

      early detection of violations (in the first year of life) and corrective work from the first months of life;

      the desire and willingness of parents to help the child in the learning process, the desire of parents to educate the child together with healthy children;

      availability in the institution of opportunities to provide an integrated child with qualified assistance;

      creation of conditions for the implementation of variable models of integrated learning.

    Internal conditions or indicators that contribute to effective integration include:

      the level of mental and speech development corresponding to the age norm or close to it;

      the possibility of mastering the general educational standard in the terms provided for normally developing children;

    Inclusive education- this is such an organization of the learning process in which ALL children, regardless of their physical, mental, intellectual, cultural, ethnic, linguistic and other characteristics, are included in the general education system and study at the place of residence together with their peers without disabilities in the same general education schools - in such general schools that take into account their special educational needs and provide their students with the necessary special support.

    Inclusive education of children with developmental disabilities together with their peers is the education of different children in the same class, and not in a specially allocated group (class) at a general education school.

    Inclusion- deep immersion of the child in an adapted educational environment and the provision of support services to him.

    Inclusive (inclusive) education enables everyone to fully participate in the life of the team kindergarten, schools, institutes. Thanks to this, the school turns into an educational space that stimulates and supports not only students, but also their own employees. A community that supports and appreciates the achievements of each member.

    This education is based on eight principles:

      The value of a person does not depend on his abilities and achievements.

      Every person is capable of feeling and thinking.

      Everyone has the right to communicate and to be heard.

      All people need each other.

      Genuine education can only take place in the context of real relationships.

      All people need the support and friendship of their peers.

      For all learners, progress may be more about what they can do than what they cannot do.

      Diversity activates all aspects of human life.

    Inclusive schools are open to everyone - for every child and teenager. Inclusive schools accommodate all children, regardless of their psychological, mental, social, emotional, linguistic or any other characteristics. They can train children with disabilities and special talents; children belonging to a linguistic, ethnic or cultural minority; children from disadvantaged regions and disadvantaged social groups.

    Education of children in such institutions should be organized in such a way as to meet the special needs of each child. Therefore, the main difference between integrated education and inclusive education is that integrated education implies ensuring the availability of a regular educational program inside the school walls for students with disabilities, primarily with disorders of the musculoskeletal system, and inclusive education and education - creating and maintaining conditions for joint education in the classroom of ordinary children and children with disabilities in various educational programs that correspond to their abilities.

    The concept of "Integrated learning" in general pedagogy

    The process of integration (from Latin integratio - connection, restoration) is the unification into a single whole of previously disparate parts and elements of the system based on their interdependence and complementarity. Integration is a complex interdisciplinary scientific concept used in a number of humanities: philosophy, sociology, psychology, pedagogy, etc. The problems of integration in pedagogy are considered in different aspects in the works of many researchers. In the works of V.V. Kraevsky, A.V. Petrovsky, N.F. Talyzina considers the issues of integration of pedagogy with other sciences. G.D. Glazer and V.S. Lednev reveal the ways of integration in the content of education. In the works of L.I. Novikova and V.A. Karakovsky, the problems of integration of educational influences on the child are revealed. Integration in the organization of learning is considered in the works of S.M. Gapeenkov and G.F. Fedorets. The named and other scientists determined the methodological foundations of integration in pedagogy: the philosophical concept of the leading role of activity in the development of the child; position on a systematic and holistic approach to pedagogical phenomena; psychological theories about the relationship between the processes of education and development. Based on the identified methodological provisions, scientists distinguish a number of concepts: the process of integration, the principle of integration, integrative processes, integrative approach. By integration in the pedagogical process, researchers understand one of the aspects of the development process associated with the unification of previously disparate parts into a whole. This process can take place both within the framework of an already established system, and within the framework of new system. The essence of the integration process is qualitative transformations within each element included in the system. The principle of integration involves the interconnection of all components of the learning process, all elements of the system, the connection between systems, it is the leading one in the development of goal setting, determining the content of training, its forms and methods. An integrative approach means the implementation of the principle of integration in any component pedagogical process, ensures the integrity and consistency of the pedagogical process. Integrative processes are processes of qualitative transformation of individual elements of a system or the entire system. Many studies in domestic didactics and in the theory of education are based on the above provisions in the development of specific ways to improve the educational process.

    The concept of "Integrated learning" in special (correctional) pedagogy

    In special (correctional) pedagogy, the approach to integration is deeply peculiar. In the work of N. M. Nazarova, this concept is defined as follows: “In the most general form, in relation to special pedagogy, the term“ integration ”means the process, result and condition in which disabled people and other members of society with limited health, intelligence, sensory sphere and others, are not socially isolated or isolated, participating in all types and forms of social life together and on an equal footing with others. In the education system, at all its levels, integration means a real, and not declared, possibility of a minimally restrictive alternative for children, adolescents, youth with developmental problems - education either in a special educational institution, or, with equal opportunities, in an educational institution general view, for example, in institutions of general secondary education. A similar definition is given in the work of M. I. Nikitina: “Under the process of integrating persons with developmental correctional pedagogy the process of including these persons in all spheres of society's life as its equal members, their mastering the achievements of science, culture, economics, and education” is understood. In the works of N. N. Malofeev and N. D. Shmatko, the integration process is considered as follows: the integration of children with special educational needs into ordinary educational institutions. Today it is already a global process, in which all highly developed countries are involved. Such an approach, as the researchers note, to the education of children with special needs is brought to life by many reasons of a different nature. Their totality can be designated as the social order of society and the state that have reached a certain level of economic, cultural and legal development. Integration is defined as a natural stage in the development of the system of special education, associated in any country of the world, including Russia, with a rethinking by society and the state of its attitude towards people with disabilities, with the recognition of their rights to provide equal opportunities with others in various areas of life, including education . In works on the integration of children with developmental disabilities, such a concept as socio-cultural integration is introduced. The content of this concept was developed in the studies of D. L. Shamsutdinova. “Socio-cultural integration can be represented as a system of interrelated activities and actions aimed at minimizing or resolving problems caused by certain costs in the field of rehabilitation, socialization, inculturation, etc.” N. M. Nazarova notes that the term integration has multiple meanings and variable interpretations. Integral part integration of children with developmental disabilities into society is their integration into educational institutions where they get the opportunity to learn together with normally developing peers. In domestic special pedagogy, a number of terms are used that define the processes of joint education of children with developmental disabilities and normally developing children. The most commonly used term is integrated learning. M. I. Nikitina, analyzing integrated learning, gives its definition, referring to the draft law of the Russian Federation “On Special Education”: “Integrated learning is understood as “joint learning of persons with physical and (or) mental disabilities, and persons who do not have such shortcomings, using special means, methods and with the participation of specialist teachers ". A similar definition of integrated education is given by S. S. Stepanov: "Integrated education for abnormal children is the education and upbringing of children with various defects in psychophysical development in institutions common system education together with normally developing children. The term integrated learning is used in the works of leading scientists in the field of special education: L. S. Volkova, N. N. Malofeeva, N. M. Nazarova, M. I. Nikitina, L. P. Ufimtseva, N. D. Shmatko and others Along with this term, the term integrated education and upbringing, integrated education is used. However, the authors put a similar meaning into their content. In addition to works analyzing approaches to integration and integrated learning written in the framework of special education, there are monographic studies on this issue written in the framework of general pedagogy and the sociology of education. D. V. Shamsutdinova uses the concept socio-cultural integration, the content of which echoes the content of the concept of integration used in special pedagogy. D. V. Zaitsev uses the concept of integrated education, based on the draft law of the Russian Federation "On Special Education".