A year ago we wrote that . We repent, then, at the stage round tables and public discussions, we decided that "at the top" they plan to shift the focus from the family placement of children left without parental care to the rehabilitation of families of consanguineous, but disadvantaged. The direction is promising, although very labor-intensive. In fact, everything resulted in the next draconian prohibitive measures.

  • What will happen to custody and adoption now?
    • Limiting the number of children in a family
    • Adoption Frequency Limit
    • The conclusion of a psychologist will be decisive
    • Moving - only with the permission of guardianship
    • Prohibition on adoption by HIV-infected people
  • Are there any arguments about reform lobbyists
  • Ban or prevent?

The scandal erupted last Friday, August 17, when "the awl came out of the bag" - the TASS agency wrote about the bill sent to the regional divisions, which radically changes the system of guardianship and adoption.

Let's make a reservation right away, the bill is not yet a law, but everything is moving towards it. Changes, if any, are very minor.

What will happen to custody and adoption now?

So, let's move on to the bill itself. Many changes are expected, so let's focus on the main ones.

Fourth is redundant

Probably the most scandalous point: according to the Ministry of Education

A family should have no more than three children, including relatives, adopted children, and wards. Previously, 8 children were considered the “norm”, but the norm, generally speaking, is rather arbitrary, since the size of a family with adopted children was stipulated only in the recommendations.

Exceptions are made, of course. For example, when adopting siblings, if separation is not in the interests of children; when adopting children of a spouse; when adopting children who were under guardianship of the family. But in general, we can say that families with many children are automatically excluded from the number of potential guardians and adoptive parents, regardless of their financial situation.

Frankly, after studying the bill, we were not able to understand whether these restrictions apply to kinship custody. For example, will a family with three children be able to take custody of an orphaned nephew, or will he be sent to an orphanage? Formally, the fourth is superfluous ... We hope that common sense will prevail after all.

Not all at once

Only one child per year will be allowed to adopt (take care of). The exceptions are the same as in the previous case, that is, "trains" of brothers and sisters and children who already live in the family.

In fact, cases when parents take a child from an orphanage, and another baby clings to the heart, are not at all rare. Now you have to decide which of the kids to take to the family immediately, and who will “marinate in the system” for another year.

The psychologist is in charge!

The conclusion of a psychologist is now becoming mandatory for future adoptive parents. Actually, progress in this direction has already been made: recently, adoptive parents have to attend courses for adoptive parents, in which, among other things, they worked with a psychologist.

However, only now such an examination will become mandatory, and the document under the conditional name “conclusion on the validity of adoption” will be decisive. Moreover, all relatives living with potential adoptive parents should come to the psychologist.

Travel restrictions

Moving a family with a ward child is now possible only with the permission of the guardianship authorities.

Notify the intention to move to another area or locality it was necessary earlier, but it was to notify. Now, a family with an adopted child will find itself in the position of a “serf” under its guardianship.

Health is great!

Finally, one more point for which we will not be praised in Europe is the requirements for the state of health of the adopter. They still exist today, and quite reasonably. The conclusion on the possibility of becoming an adoptive parent will not be given to incapacitated people; those who have serious diseases in the stage of decompensation (for example, progressive malignant tumors) or dangerous for adopted children (for example, an open form of tuberculosis).

Now, it looks like HIV and hepatitis C will be added to them - not transmitted by household means and successfully controlled with antiviral therapy.

It seems that the only argument for such a decision is the personal hostility of the Minister of Education, Olga Vasilyeva, to these diseases, since she answered the questions of journalists about HIV-positive adoptive parents briefly: "I do not consider this idea."

So, no foster children for large families and HIV-infected people! But why?

Are there any arguments about reform lobbyists

The main lobbyists for the new bill were Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva and Children's Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova. Both in their emotional speeches appeal to recent tragedies that ended in the death of children in foster families.

Minister of Education Olga Vasilyeva reminded me of a monstrous story in the Smolensk region, where a shepherd and a nanny went to a rural family kindergarten gave immediately four children from six to ten years. When his wife was away, a man raped and killed a seven-year-old girl.

It is from such cases, according to Olga Vasilyeva, that psychological testing of potential adoptive parents will save them.

Children's Ombudsman Anna Kuznetsova blames poor-quality work to the guardianship authorities, which, in her opinion, often show incompetence when dealing with potential adoptive parents.

She recalled a very recent (just a couple of weeks ago) situation in Tatarstan, where the adoptive father was blamed for the death of a nine-year-old girl. In addition to her, three more children were taken into the family - her brother and two sisters. According to the assurances of the adoptive parents, the girl, according to the kids, choked on an apple. Investigators also discovered that the child had a traumatic brain injury. The trial in this case has just begun, so we cannot make any assumptions about the cause of the tragedy.

Coincidentally or not, but both official ladies refer to families where there were exactly four adopted children.

Unfortunately, there are many similar tragedies throughout the country - even too many, in families with any number of children and with the most different options their presence in the house.

... Kaluga region, 2017. A woman was sentenced to 14 years for beating her four-year-old adopted daughter to death with a mop handle. She became the guardian of three minor children after the death of a distant relative, their mother ...

… in Kemerovo region a family of guardians who took away three teenagers from a local boarding school for mentally retarded children are on trial. For some time they tried to educate them, but then they killed their 18-year-old stepson, and then his 16-year-old brother. They were detained while trying to move to the Krasnodar Territory ...

... in the Krasnoyarsk Territory, a 25-year-old man was sentenced to 18 years. He and his wife raised two children, but also took custody of a four-year-old girl. The man repeatedly raped the baby, and killed her because she peed herself in a dream ...

... in the Republic of Altai, a 56-year-old guardian of four little sisters beat a three-year-old girl to death with a carpet-beating cracker ...

According to the Investigative Committee, in 2015, 146 criminal cases were initiated on crimes against life, health and sexual integrity against adopted children, in 2016 - 189 cases. In 2015, 142 children left without parental care were recognized as victims (95 of them were raised in families of adoptive parents). In 2016, the number of affected children was 130 people (82 children were raised in families. (From the explanatory note to the bill).

Ban or prevent?

Something needs to be done about this horror, but what? Obviously, restrictions on the "extradition" of children will not save the situation, as well as tougher selection of potential candidates. How tough was the selection into the ranks of the KGB, and there were defectors and traitors to the motherland. How difficult it is to get into the ruling circles, and then one or another minister is caught on kickbacks and bribes. Is it really possible to accurately weed out all latent domestic tyrants with a single psychological test?

We need to change the system of support for foster families: we need to turn it around to face the adoptive parents, reorient it to the interests of children and parents, and make it as accessible and friendly as possible. For at least a year, the family needs constant help from a professional psychologist, most favored nation treatment in medical care for children, school teachers and kindergarten teachers will also need professional advice, and finally, for the first time, an inexpensive social nanny will not interfere with the mother.

Today, assistance to a foster family often consists of a senselessly meticulous control of spending: each pair of sandals or panties must be confirmed by a check that must be shown to the ladies from the guardianship authorities. Their return visits to foster families are usually remembered by guardians and adoptive parents without any pleasure. At best, a formal cursory inspection; at worst, strange quibbles about the lack of soup in the refrigerator, unfriendly cats, or unwashed windows. Human factor what you want!

What is offered instead?

As you already understand, no additional assistance and support is offered to foster families at the legislative level. But they came up with how many more ways to "drag and not let go."

First, it is a strange idea to limit the number of children in families to three. Is there any evidence that in families with four or more children, illegal acts are committed more often? We did not find any justification for this figure, except for the well-known sentence “God loves a trinity”.

Secondly, the idea, which does not fit into the constitution, to restrict the freedom of movement of foster families. Where they can and where they cannot live will now be decided by the guardianship authorities.

Thirdly, the reform of the guardianship bodies, it seems, will be limited to the appointment of "duty switchmen" in the role of which psychologists will now act. It is they who must separate the lambs from the goats with their sharp eyes, and, given that no one thinks to deal with escort in the field (soup and checks are the main criteria for well-being), the psychologist's decision is final and not subject to appeal. If anything - with him and the demand.

Hand on heart, in such circumstances, would you sign a conclusion on the validity of the adoption of even Mother Teresa, even President Putin, even to yourself?

It seems that faith in the power of psychology is acquiring a religious character in our country. Judging by the expectations placed on them, these are such “X-ray people” who are able to see with their powerful eyes the darkness of the past and the future.

Dina Magnat, psychologist, head of the School of Adoptive Parents of the Institute for the Development of Family Devices:

“Everything about this bill is outrageous. He proposes to introduce a psychological examination of candidates for adoptive parents. The creators of this legislative norm have a strange fantasy that somewhere there are magical psychologists who have magical methods that will allow them to say for sure whether a person can be a foster parent or not, whether he will beat his adopted child or not. But there are no such methods, they do not exist ... "

For reference: today in the database of children who need family placement, there are 48 thousand children's questionnaires. Every year 50,000 parents lose their parental rights.

It is natural that the number of children who will be in families after this reform will decrease to a minimum. Along with this - naturally! - The number of cases of violence in foster families will also decrease. And that orphanages will start filling up again, so what? There it is much easier to control whether someone beats a child with a mop, and therefore guarantee the physical well-being of the child. Well, mental well-being is a dark subject and is not subject to statistics.

Frankly speaking, all this is a bit reminiscent of the inexpensive canteens of the times of developed socialism, where knives were absent as a class. God forbid, visitors will grab knives and start cutting each other! And you can pick a cutlet with a spoon, for this so much bread is put in it ...

The best home for children - children's?

Opinions of adoptive parents are quoted from a publication on the websitepravmir.ru

The text of the bill and the explanatory note to it were copied from the website of lawyer Anton Zharov, who specializes in protecting the rights of foster families.

1. The number of participants in a limited liability company must not exceed fifty. Otherwise, it is subject to transformation into a joint-stock company within a year, and after the expiration of this period, to liquidation by judicial procedure, if the number of its participants does not decrease to the specified limit.

2. A limited liability company may be founded by one person or may consist of one person, including when created as a result of reorganization.

Commentary on Art. 88 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation

1. A limited liability company may have one participant (“one-person company”) or several.

By virtue of paragraph 3 of Art. 7 of the Law on Limited Liability Companies, the number of participants in the company should not exceed 50. If the number of participants in the company exceeds this limit, the company must be transformed into an open joint stock company or a production cooperative within a year. If within the specified period the company is not transformed and the number of participants in the company does not decrease to 50, it is subject to liquidation in a judicial proceeding at the request of the body that carries out state registration of legal entities, or other state bodies or local governments that have been granted the right to make such a claim. federal law.

Statutory limit number participants - feature limited liability companies. Unlike a joint-stock company, a limited liability company does not involve the creation of a complex corporate structure. It is generally accepted that a joint-stock company, having an authorized capital in large sizes than a limited liability company, and concentrating it by attracting funds from many participants, it needs a special management system.

2. A company of one person (company) may be established by one person, it is also possible that the company will become a company with one participant as a result of the acquisition of all other shares by one person. The society of one participant has some peculiarities. Firstly, if a company is established by one person, the decision on its establishment is made by this person alone and determines the size of the company's authorized capital, the procedure and terms for its payment, as well as the size and nominal value of the founder's share. Secondly, in the event of foreclosure on the share of the sole member of the company in the authorized capital for the debts of the member of the company, the rules on payment to creditors of the actual value of the share of the member (clause 2 of article 25 of the Law on Limited Liability Companies) do not apply. Thirdly, the exit of the sole participant of the company from the company is not allowed. Fourthly, special rules are applied on the adoption by the sole participant of decisions on issues related to the competence of the general meeting of participants in the company. In a company consisting of one participant, decisions on issues related to the competence of the general meeting of participants in the company are taken by the sole participant of the company individually and are drawn up in writing.

3. The commented article is called "Participants of a limited liability company", however, it establishes only provisions related to their number.

Members of the society may be citizens and legal entities. This rule has exceptions. By virtue of paragraph 4 of Art. 66 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, the participation of certain categories of citizens in business partnerships and companies, with the exception of open joint-stock companies, may be prohibited or limited by law.

Thus, in accordance with the Federal Law "On the State Civil Service Russian Federation» in the event that the possession by a civil servant of income-generating securities, shares (stakes in the authorized capitals of organizations) can lead to a conflict of interest, he is obliged to transfer the specified securities, shares (stakes in the authorized capitals of organizations) belonging to him to trust management in in accordance with the civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

As indicated in paragraph 4 of Art. 66 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, state bodies and local governments are not entitled to act as participants in companies, unless otherwise provided by federal law (see commentary to article 66). At the same time, it would be wrong to assume that in the cases provided for by law when the said bodies join the company, the body becomes a member of the company. state power or local government. Only the public legal entity itself (the Russian Federation, a constituent entity of the Federation, a municipality) can be considered such a participant, and the relevant body acquires rights for such a subject and on its behalf (Article 125 of the Civil Code).

So, the Budget Code of the Russian Federation in Art. 80 establishes that the provision of budget investments to legal entities that are not state and municipal institutions and state or municipal unitary enterprises, entails the emergence of the right of state or municipal ownership of an equivalent part of the authorized (reserve) capital of these legal entities, which is formalized by the participation of the Russian Federation, constituent entities of the Federation and municipalities in the authorized (reserve) capital of such legal entities in accordance with the civil the legislation of the Russian Federation. Registration of the share of the Russian Federation, the subject of the Federation, the municipality in the authorized (reserve) capital belonging to the Russian Federation, the subject of the Federation, the municipality, is carried out in the manner and at prices that are determined in accordance with the legislation of the Russian Federation.

By virtue of Art. 66 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, institutions may be participants in limited liability companies with the permission of the owner, unless otherwise provided by law. This provision has been clarified not so long ago. Federal Law No. 217-FZ of August 2, 2009 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation Concerning the Creation of Budget Scientific and educational institutions business companies for the purpose of practical application (implementation) of the results of intellectual activity” allowed in a number of cases the participation of scientific and educational budgetary institutions in business companies “without the consent of the owner of their property with notification of the federal executive body that performs the functions of developing public policy and normative-legal regulation in the field of scientific and scientific-technical activity”. At the same time, the current version of paragraph 1 of Art. 298 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation still prohibits budgetary institutions from alienating or otherwise disposing of property assigned to it by the owner or acquired by this institution at the expense of funds allocated to it by the owner for the acquisition of such property. It follows from this that a budgetary institution has the right to become a member of the company only if the share in the authorized capital of the company is paid with funds received from independent activities, or property acquired at the expense of these funds (clause 2 of article 298 of the Civil Code).

51 years ago, on October 8, 1967, for the first time in the UK, a law was passed regulating the content of alcohol in the blood of drivers.

The use of alcoholic beverages is dangerous for drivers of all types of transport - even a slight decrease in reaction and attention leads to an increase in accidents and the number of fatal accidents.

Drivers of transport in a state of intoxication drew attention to themselves as early as the 19th century.

In 1872, the first official document appeared in England, which defined as a violation of public order "the state of intoxication of the driver of a carriage, wagon, and also a steam engine on the roads or in other public places."

In 1925, an addition was made to this document: "the driver of any mechanical vehicle."

In 1932, Professor Vidmark (Sweden) first developed a device for the scientifically based determination of alcohol in the blood. This year should be considered the beginning of the era of testing the blood of drivers for alcohol.

In 1935, the British Medical Association published the results of a study entitled Alcohol-Related Road Accidents. In 1936, a widespread campaign began to introduce a scientifically based method for testing blood for alcohol. In 1939, a committee of the House of Lords recommends that this analysis be introduced to control drivers, but only on a voluntary basis.

In 1966, the first attempt was made to pass a law through parliament that regulates the content of ethanol in the blood: 0.8 ppm as the maximum permissible level and a maximum speed of 70 miles / hour. Exceeding these figures should be considered as a serious violation.

On October 8, 1967, the law was passed. The consequences were impressive: the number of deaths on the roads of England fell by almost half.

The rule of 25 students per class was explained by the press service of the Astana Education Department, reports .

AT in social networks parents began to discuss the norm, according to which there should be no more than 25 children in the classes, and no more than 20 in the senior classes. Information about this was published by lawyer Zhangeldy Suleimanov in Facebook.

"Yes, indeed, according to the new sanitary requirements to educational facilities, this is an order of September 13, 2017 of the Ministry of Health. And there is a clause here that no more than 25 people can be in a class," said Zhazira Asanova, press secretary of the Astana Department of Education.

"Today, our schools average more than 30 children per class. This is a top priority for us. Our goal is to reduce the number to 25 children per class. Today we have 85 public schools and about 30 schools are considered overcrowded. In them attend classes daily for 35-38 children in classes. This is due to the fact that we have a good birth rate and migration," Asanova added.

According to her, for non-compliance with these norms, liability is provided.

“There are penalties for non-compliance with these rules. Where 45 children really sit, penalties are imposed. But, of course, we are actively working with government agencies so that they meet us halfway,” she explained.

The representative of the Department of Education added that the problem is being solved at the government level. New buildings are added to the most overcrowded schools. Private schools are also being built, in which the state order is placed. Over the next five years, more than 20 schools and 10 outbuildings are planned to be built in the capital.

She also explained that in most cases the schools are overcrowded due to the popularity of some.

"There are schools that are very popular among parents, and everyone wants to go there, due to this they are overcrowded. But we cannot forbid parents to send their children to these schools. We recommend that parents send their children to schools located in their area. This is a question safety of children in the first place," Asanova added.

Also, according to her, the sanitary rules indicate that the number of lessons per day should not exceed six, and the load should be agreed with the parents. The lawyer Zhangeldy Suleymanov also spoke about this.

"If you look at the 72nd paragraph of the same rules, there is such a moment for the weekly load. There is a certain number of hours for each parallel, which are recommended by the Ministry of Health. (...) Conventionally, in some parallel for a week there should not be more than 32 hours If parents have any comments and suggestions on how to better or more effectively spend optional or variable hours, what is the best way to keep the child busy. parent committees, boards of trustees," Asanova noted.

GOST 25328-82

Group G12




masonry cement. Specifications

ISS 91.100.10
OKP 57 3811

Introduction date 1983-01-01


1. DEVELOPED AND INTRODUCED by the Ministry of Industry building materials USSR

2. APPROVED AND INTRODUCED BY Decree State Committee USSR on construction matters dated 04/09/82 N 93



Item number

2.1, 4.1, 6.1

5. REPUBLICATION. December 2003

This standard applies to cement obtained on the basis of Portland cement clinker and intended for mortars used in the production of masonry, facing and plastering works, as well as for the manufacture of unreinforced concrete grades M 50 and below, for which frost resistance requirements are not imposed.



1.1. Cement must be produced in accordance with the requirements of this standard according to technological regulations approved in the prescribed manner.

1.2. Cement for the construction of mortars is a product obtained by joint grinding of Portland cement clinker, gypsum, active mineral additives and filler additives.

1.3. The materials used for the manufacture of cement must comply with the requirements stipulated in the standards or specifications for these materials.

1.4. Additives

1.4.1. Active mineral additives - according to normative and technical documentation (NTD).

Granulated blast-furnace or electrothermophosphoric slags - according to GOST 3476.

1.4.2. Filler additives

Quartz sand with a silica content of at least 90%. The content of clay, silt and fine pulverized fractions of less than 0.05 mm should not be more than 3%.

Crystalline limestone, marble and dust from electrostatic precipitators of clinker kilns - according to NTD.

1.5. Gypsum stone - according to GOST 4013. It is allowed to use phospho- and borogypsum according to NTD.

1.7. It is allowed to introduce plasticizing or water-repellent additives into cement that improve the quality of cement. The amount of plasticizing additives should be no more than 0.5%, and water-repellent additives - no more than 0.3% of the mass of cement.

1.8. It is allowed to introduce air-entraining additives into cement in an amount of up to 1% of the mass of cement.

1.9. In the manufacture of cement to intensify the grinding process, it is allowed to introduce technological additives that do not impair the quality of cement, in an amount of not more than 1% of the mass of cement.

1.10. The compressive strength of cement at 28 days of age must be at least 19.6 MPa (200 kgf/cm).

1.11. The beginning of cement setting should occur no earlier than 45 minutes, and the end - no later than 12 hours from the start of mixing.

1.12. The water separation of the cement paste made at W/C=1.0 should not be more than 30% by volume.

1.13. Cement samples shall show uniform volume change when tested by boiling in water.

1.14. The fineness of cement grinding should be such that when sifted through a sieve N 008 according to GOST 6613, at least 88% of the mass of the sieved sample passes.

1.15. The content of sulfuric anhydride in cement must be at least 1.5 and not more than 3.5% of the mass of cement.


2.1. Cement acceptance rules - according to GOST 30515.


3.1. Chemical composition cement is determined according to GOST 5382.

3.2. The physical and mechanical properties of cement are determined according to GOST 310.1 - GOST 310.6.

3.4. The water separation of cement is determined by the following method.

3.4.1. Equipment

Porcelain glass with a capacity of 1 l.

Metal spatula.

Technical scales.

Graduated cylinder with a capacity of 500 ml.

3.4.2. Testing

350 g of cement and 350 g of water are weighed with an accuracy of 1 g. Water is poured into a porcelain glass, then a sample of cement is poured into the glass for 1 min, continuously stirring the contents with a metal spatula. The resulting cement paste is stirred for another 4 minutes and carefully poured into a graduated cylinder. The cylinder with the cement paste is placed on the table and the volume of the cement paste is immediately counted. During the experiment, the cylinder must stand still and not be subjected to shocks and shaking.

The volume of settled cement paste is noted 4 hours after the first reading.

The coefficient of water separation (volume) as a percentage is calculated by the formula

where is the initial volume of cement paste, cm;

- the volume of settled cement paste, see


4.1. Packaging, marking, transportation and storage of cement is carried out in accordance with GOST 30515.


5.1. Cement must be used in accordance with the Instructions for the preparation and use of mortars approved by Gosstroy.

Due to the delayed hardening at low temperatures, this cement should generally be used at environment not lower than 10 °С.


6.1. The manufacturer guarantees the compliance of cement with all the requirements of this standard within a month, subject to compliance with its transportation and in accordance with the requirements of GOST 30515.

Electronic text of the document
prepared by CJSC "Kodeks" and checked against:
official publication
Moscow: IPK Standards Publishing House, 2004