Art is a figurative expression of reality, which the author is able to bring to life with the help of various factors that distinguish one type of artistic and creative human activity from another. Each artist sees the reality around him in his own way and, accordingly, creates a masterpiece in an original and unique way, which, perhaps, will turn out to be really significant for his era and even for the entire history of mankind.

Art is a special way of knowing and reflecting reality through artistic images. It is presented in artistic activity a person designed to satisfy the needs of people in enjoying beauty.
The specificity of art as a form of cognition of the world lies in the emotional-sensory comprehension of being and, consequently, the emotional regulation of a person's relationship with the outside world. Despite the significance of the rational experience of world perception for human life, the sensory-emotional reflection of reality, expressed in an aesthetic reaction to it, does not lose its significance.
The aesthetic worldview of a person is manifested in the corresponding images, impressions and then reproduced in the process of functioning of the actual culture. Works of art act as such materialized objects.
Art is a complex object and can be represented by various types, each of which has its own artistic and expressive means ( artistic language). An art form is a specific way of artistic representation of the world, embodying its images in a certain material (in a word, sound, stone, metal, body movements, etc.). The art forms complement each other, and none of them has an advantage over the other. The main types of art include literature, painting, graphics, sculpture, architecture, arts and crafts, music, theater, ballet, dance, cinema, circus, photography.

The main social functions of art as a way of knowing the world: in the formation of a person's aesthetic taste, art plays a fundamental role. Yes, it does aesthetic function. Since childhood, a person has a desire to create, which is noticeable in the example where young children often choose the most beautiful things or objects from the many offered. Even children who do not have the opportunity to fully contact the world due to congenital pathologies or past diseases have developed an instinct for beauty that helps them enjoy beauty in their own way and receive aesthetic pleasure. performing social function, art transforms society and social reality, which allows people to unite in groups depending on their interests. With this feature, people have general knowledge, ideas, thoughts, which gives impetus to the development of interpersonal relationships. to make up for the lack of beauty in everyday life, for relaxation, art performs a compensatory function. It provides an opportunity to recover from stress, solve urgent psychological problems of a person, and also restore his peace of mind after difficult working days. understand reality through a variety of artistic images allows cognitive function art. In society, education often depends on the cultural upbringing of a person, since from childhood parents introduce the child to art by going to museums, theaters, listening to classical music, etc. the hedonistic function helps a person to get real pleasure from art. To become involved in the author, to understand his work - this is pleasure. Also in Ancient Greece drew attention to the special, exceptional nature of aesthetic pleasure, which is not similar to carnal pleasures. This is a spiritual pleasure, where manifestations of the material and utilitarian needs of a person are not possible. a huge role is assigned to the educational function, which deals with the socialization of the individual. Art develops certain thoughts and feelings in people, thanks to which the formation of a personality that interacts with the whole society becomes real. The influence of this function extends to all aspects human life and therefore everyone is subject to this positive influence. do not forget about the predictive function. Different types arts are able to predict the future, which makes it even more interesting and mysterious. One of the most remarkable features of this prediction is the ability to make predictions without having complete and sufficient information about a particular phenomenon under study. And these are only the main functions of art that it performs every day. Creative activity has many other functions that reveal and distribute a number of basic obligations.

Lesson summary on the topic

« Art as a way of knowing the world"

Grade 11. Social science.

Target: Formation of an integral system of knowledge about the methods of cognition of the world.


    Assimilation of knowledge about the possibilities of knowing the world through art;

    Development of the emotional-sensory ability to perceive and cognize the world through poetry, music, fine and theatrical art;

    Education of a value attitude to art as a way of knowing the world and satisfying spiritual needs.

Lesson type : combined.

Lesson Form : presentation of group creative projects.

Lesson equipment: multimedia system, book exhibition on the topic of the lesson.

During the classes:

    Actualization of knowledge about the methods of cognition in the form of an "open microphone".

    Presentation of group creative projects.

    Sharing impressions about presentations.

    Summing up, evaluation for work, homework.

    Knowledge update.

We continue to form an integral system of knowledge about a person, society and the world around us in our lessons. From his very birth until the end of his days, a person cognizes the world around him and himself in this world. Let's remember what methods of cognition we have already learned? We turn on the "free microphone", speak out and pass the word to another.

(students take turns, optionally call rational and sensual methods of cognition)

    Motivation for learning a new topic.

"Art has as its task to reveal the truth in a sensual form."

G. Hegel

Initially, even the ancient Greeks, a high degree of skill in any business was called art. This meaning of the word is still present in the language when we talk about the art of a doctor or teacher, martial art or oratory.

Later, the concept of "art" began to be increasingly used to describe a special activity aimed at reflecting and transforming the world in accordance with aesthetic norms, i.e. according to the laws of beauty.

The subject of art is the world and man in the aggregate of their relations with each other.

The form of existence of art is a work of art.

The purpose of art is twofold: for the creator it is artistic self-expression, for the viewer it is knowledge of the world through beauty. In general, beauty is as closely connected with art as truth with science and goodness with morality.

Art is important component spiritual culture of mankind, a form of knowledge and reflection human environment reality.

In terms of the potential for understanding and transforming reality, art is not inferior to science.

However, the ways of understanding the world by science and art are different: if science uses strict and unambiguous concepts for this, then art uses artistic images.

Today at the lesson we will plunge into the world of art and try to feel and imagine everything that we will see and hear on a sensual level. And at the end of the lesson, we will try to reproduce our feelings and the feelings that we will experience.

    Presentations of group creative projects.

Previously, 4 creative groups were created in the class, which were given the task of presenting art as a sensual way of knowing the world. Namely - to select and present works of art in the following types of art:





1 group - "Poetry"- 4 participants ( time limit 6 minutes)

1st: "The laws of Art originate not in the material, but in the ideal world where Beauty lives, matter can only indicate the boundaries within which artistic inspiration spreads" - Delia Steinberg Gusma argued.

“Inspiration is the disposition of the soul to the living acceptance of impressions, therefore, to the quick understanding of concepts, which contributes to the explanation of them,” wrote Alexander Pushkin.

The knowledge of the world as being excited not only philosophers, but also poets. It is they who show us the world in images and feelings that they convey through the artistic word...

Take a piece from the sky.

Look under the fabric of the universe.

There blooms a magic flower,

That will save you from suffering.

Its petals are infinity,

And the leaves are the basis of creation.

Its roots go back to eternity.

Its time is the beginning of flowering.

He is like the radiance of the luminary,

Bliss comes from him...

In him lives an unfathomable force,

Because he is perfection.

2nd: Is Omar Khayyam inferior to philosophers in his reflections, who artistic word reveals pictures of life ...

I have made knowledge my trade,
I am familiar with the higher truth and the baser evil.
I untangled all the tight knots in the world,
Except death tied in a dead knot.

Do not mourn, mortal, yesterday's losses,
Do not measure today's affairs by tomorrow's measure,
Do not believe in the past or the future,
Believe the current minute - be happy now!

Months followed months before us,
Wise men were replaced by wise men before us.
These dead stones are under our feet
Before they were the pupils of captivating eyes.

Like a firebird, like a princess in a fairytale castle.
Truth must be hidden in the heart.
And a pearl to shine
In the same way, deep secrecy is needed.


You can hardly surpass the former wise men,
You can hardly find the solution to the eternal mystery.
Why not heaven for you - this earthly lawn?
After death, you can hardly get into another ...

Know, the favorite of fate born in a shirt:
Your tent is propped up by rotten poles.
If the soul is covered with flesh, like a tent -
Beware, for the stakes of the tent are weak!

Those who believe blindly will not find a way,
Those who think are always oppressed by doubts.
I'm afraid that the voice will be heard one day:

"Oh, ignoramuses! The road is not there and not here!"

1st: For centuries, thinkers and poets have tried to unravel the mysteries of the universe and comprehend the meaning of life. The famous poet of the twentieth century, Eduard Asadov, created a portrait of a whole generation in its searches, aspirations and hopes, and left us to continue his legacy ...

Remember us while we're here!

After all, we still have a lot to do.

Nobody knows how long we'll last

But now we are with you, next to you, here,

2nd: Who are we? In youth - soldiers.

Then - hard workers, modestly speaking.

But many solemn dates

We entered in the calendar sheets.

We have defeated the devil's fire

And raised above the ashes of the city.

You see, we will always be front-line soldiers

And in the days of war, and in peaceful years!

Are you conceited? No, it's funny and nothing!

We wouldn't have thought of that.

When you pass through the coolest

Then you spit on this mess.

What are our ranks, the delights of interjection!

Yes, we almost did not know them.

It is important to us that you can find

All that we have achieved in hard times.

And to live you a bright fate

And soar under the stars a hundred times higher -

Take all the good things from us

And we will take the cons with us ...

We would always be happy to interpret with you,

But all the winds will once carry away ...

Remember us while we're here

Then there is no need to scroll through the archives!

When then, in distant years,

Memories fade threads

You go to the mirror then

And take a good look at yourself.

And from our mutual warmth

The world will flare up suddenly, agitated and unsteady.

And we, having stepped through your features,

We will smile at you with a friendly smile ...

And we, today's lyceum students, are ready to give an answer to the generation leaving us ...

We remember everything that you bequeathed to us,

We will keep it carefully

So that thoughts and hearts do not cool down,

And so as not to break the living thread.

We would like to finish the poetic page with some more lines of our own:

Live and enjoy here and now

The creature of life, the gift of being!

Find yourself, love and admire

Every moment, giving light and peace!

Thank you for your attention! We hope that poetry has not left you indifferent!

Group 2 - "Theater". 4 members (time limit 6 minutes)

1st: “The whole world is a theater.

In it, women, men - all actors.

They have their own exits, departures,

And everyone plays more than one role.

These words of Shakespeare have long become winged, just as Shakespeare himself is still in first place among the world's playwrights.

2nd: Perhaps no dramatic work has been staged in the theaters of the world as often as Hamlet. Perhaps, precisely because no one so passionately and reverently asked the question of the meaning of life as Hamlet, whom every generation rightfully considers his contemporary?!

3rd: Let's pay attention to just one episode from the immortal work of Shakespeare, which is played by Russian actors staged by Yuri Butusov.

(Video fragment of the performance "Hamlet" - dialogue between Hamlet and Ophelia)

(Staging of the poem "Dream", musical background, waltz fragments)

1st: The whole world is a theater and we are all actors in it! Thank you for your attention!

3- group - "Fine art"- 4 participants (time limit 4 minutes).

1st: “Painting is poetry that is seen, and poetry is painting that is heard,” said Leonardo da Vinci many centuries ago.

2nd: "The painter should depict not what he sees, but what will be seen" - these are the words of Paul Valery.

3rd: Everyone sees the world around us in their own way, for someone it is a habitat, for someone being, but how do artists see the world of nature ?!

4th: “Painting argues and competes with nature,” said Leonardo da Vinci. And if you give it a musical sound, it will make a unique impression. Let's turn to the theme of the landscape in the performance famous artists and plunge into sensual contemplation ...

(Video clip "Paintings of famous artists")

1st: There is no one indifferent to the beauty of nature in our lyceum. We are not artists in the professional sense, but we love to capture the masterpieces of nature with our videos and cameras. And now we want to bring to your attention only some fragments of the photographs that the lyceum students prepared for the "Masterpieces of Nature" competition.

(photographs on A-4 are attached to the board with magnets)

I will scoop up natural freshness

And at dawn I will only wash myself,

I understand every living soul,

I am very concerned about nature.

Natural gifts without further ado

Disperse right and left

But what is nature? This is blood life

And life itself in nature is the queen!

Thank you for your attention!

Group 4 - "Music"- 4 participants ( time limit - 8 minutes).

1st: “What is music? It occupies a place between thought and appearance; like a pre-dawn mediator, she stands between spirit and matter; related to both, it is different from them; this is a spirit in need of measured time; it is matter, but matter that dispenses with space,” Heinrich Heine wrote about music.

And Thomas Cateil said: "Music with its melody brings us to the very edge of eternity and gives us the opportunity to comprehend its greatness within a few minutes."

Let's move into the element of music and life, immerse ourselves in the sound of violins in the sands of the desert, as if on the edge of eternity...

(Video clip performed by violin quartet)

2nd: “Music is the mind embodied in beautiful sounds,” wrote Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

You heard classical music in modern processing. And it was a riot of sensual shades of perception of the world. And now we invite you to immerse yourself in the harmonious beauty of the harmony of the universe with the help of classical music... Chopin. Waltz of the Flowers.

(video clip to Chopin's music "Waltz of the Flowers")

3rd: No wonder it was called the "Melody of Paradise", listening to this music the soul is filled with joy and bliss. But perhaps the most powerful music is the music of love.

"Music should strike fire from people's hearts," said Ludwig van Beethoven. And when she connects with poetry, then listening to her, the soul not only rejoices, she sings and loves ...

(video clip of their film "Midshipmen, forward!" -

episode of the meeting of Alyosha and Sophia in the forest)

4th: We really hope that your soul was filled with music and opened your eyes to another world around you, which you may have seen today for the first time. Listen to music and fill your inner world joy and beauty! After all, "Music inspires the whole world, supplies the soul with wings, promotes the flight of the imagination ..." Plato said this.

Thank you for your attention!

    Exchange of impressions.

“Happy is the one who is able to cry while reading poetry, whose face reflects the sublime excitement that is born at the sounds of beautiful music,” said Jorge Angel Livraga.

I am grateful to our creative teams who managed to immerse us in the wonderful world of art and learn about the world around us through its prism.

What impressions did the presented works of art make on you? We turn on the "open microphone" again, and I ask you to answer the following questions:

    What paints, colors prevailed in your feelings?

    What emotions, feelings did you experience?

    What images remained in your memory, made a special impression?

    What thoughts arose when immersing yourself in a work of art?

    Summing up, evaluation, homework.

So, back to the purpose and objectives of our lesson. Have we been able to achieve them? Who wants to comment on the answer?

Job grades.

Homework: write an essay on the topic "How I see the world around me."

In the section on the question, how is the knowledge of the world through art? given by the author Alexandra Mironenko the best answer is It is customary to call art a specific form of social consciousness and human activity, which is a reflection of the surrounding reality in artistic images. Through the creation of works of art, such a type of cognitive activity of people as artistic knowledge is realized. The subject of art is a person, his relationship with the outside world and other individuals, as well as the life of people in certain historical conditions. The specificity of art as a form of artistic knowledge lies in the fact that: - firstly, it is figurative and visual. The subject of art - the life of people - is extremely diverse and is reflected in art in all its diversity in the form of artistic images. The latter, being the result of fiction, nevertheless reflect reality and always bear the imprint of real-life objects, events and phenomena. The artistic image performs the same functions in art as the concept in science: with the help of it, the process of artistic generalization, selection essential features known objects. The created images are cultural heritage societies and are capable, having become symbols of their time, to have a serious impact on public consciousness; - secondly, artistic knowledge is characterized by specific ways of reproducing the surrounding reality, as well as the means by which artistic images are created. In literature, such a means is the word, in painting - color, in music - sound, in sculpture - volumetric-spatial forms; - thirdly, a huge role in the process of knowing the world with the help of art is played by the imagination and fantasy of the cognizing subject. Artistic fiction allowed in art is completely unacceptable, for example, in the process scientific knowledge. If for a scientist the means of understanding the world are theoretical constructions and logical conclusions, then for an artist such a tool is precisely the artistic image - an individual perception of reality born by the artist's imagination. Unlike public and humanities studying individual parties life of people, art explores a person as a whole and, along with other cognitive activities, is a special form of cognition of the surrounding reality. Art, like spiritual culture as a whole, develops, on the one hand, on the basis of the accumulation of cultural values, their transmission from generation to generation, the preservation of integral works of art and, on the other hand, in the process of creating new spiritual wealth.
original source MHC

Another type of knowledge gives art. It deals with the artistic development of the world. Of course, art is not limited to the knowledge of the world, its purpose is much broader. Art expresses the aesthetic attitude of man to reality. (Further on, the originality of aesthetic activity will be discussed specifically. Here we will restrict ourselves to pointing out the cognitive side of art.) Thus, it is possible to study the historical past from archival documents and archaeological finds, systematizing and generalizing them. But you can learn about the past with the help of works of art created by masters of literature, painting, theater. A work of art gives an emotionally colored and vivid idea not only of what the heroes of the past looked like, but also of what they thought and felt, how they behaved in certain circumstances, helps to feel the spirit of the time. At one time, the literary critic V. G. Belinsky called the novel by A. S. Pushkin "Eugene Onegin" "an encyclopedia of Russian life." Indeed, readers get acquainted with various aspects of the life of Russian society early XIX in. A specific way of artistic cognition is an artistic generalization, an image. Being a reflection of reality, the image has certain properties of a real-life object. A literary story about an event is not the event itself, but makes it possible to recreate it with the help of the reader's imagination. Marble is not living flesh, but it is worth “cutting off the superfluous from the block”, as the great sculptor Michelangelo claimed, giving the cold stone the form of an artistic image - and here before the admiring viewer is the powerful body of a handsome athlete or the face of a philosopher illuminated by the light of wisdom. The plane of the canvas used by the painter with the help of skill, color, line, composition, turns into a three-dimensional space. Such a substitution of one object for another originates from the primitive worldview, according to which all things can turn into each other. One object can replace another, while the essence and purpose of both becomes clearer. In ancient and medieval art, the place of the artistic image was occupied by the canon - a code applied rules art or poetry. Following it was a necessary condition for artistic activity. In the Renaissance, the idea of ​​​​style appeared as the right of an artist to create a work in accordance with his creative initiative, that is, to create the world according to his own idea of ​​​​it. In the 18th century, when knowledge about nature was rapidly developing, the artistic form began to be perceived as a kind of organization, orderliness, subordinated to internal goals. The artist, knowing the world, transformed it in artistic images. The understanding of art as “thinking in images” originates from G. Hegel. G. Hegel wrote that the image stands "in the middle between immediate sensibility and thought that belongs to the realm of the ideal." In other words, the image helps to present an ideal thought through a real incarnation and understand this incarnation as an expression of thought. Let's explain this with an example. In M. Yu. Lermontov's poem "The Poet" we find an image: poetry - "a bell on a veche tower." Here real-life objects that are far from each other are compared. But by replacing one with the other, it becomes possible to discover in poetry such a property as the ability to unite people, convene them at moments important for life, etc. Agree that you can write many books on the topic “What is poetry”, or you can offer a vivid image, and much becomes clearer, penetration into the world of poetry becomes deeper. At the same time, it is not easy to explain the meaning of the artistic image in words. At the same time, its impoverishment inevitably occurs, some important details are not translated into the language of words, the mystery of the sounding poetic image remains. The poet of antiquity Hesiod owns the words: "The Muses speak a lie that looks like the truth." Being an ideal, and not a real object, the image has some properties of concepts, ideas, hypotheses and other mental structures that a person uses when cognizing the world. It not only reflects the world, but, as it were, generalizes the important properties of many real objects. The image reveals in a single, transient, accidental essential, unchanging, eternal. In our example from Lermontov, the specific characteristics of the bell are insignificant; what is important for us is the purpose of poetry, which the found image conveys succinctly and deeply. With the help of an artistic image, art creates a kind of hypothesis of the surrounding world or its parts. This hypothesis certainly requires from the one who perceives and cognizes the world his own fantasy, creativity, deep mental activity, and finally, the readiness to perceive the world in this way. So, we agree that cognitive activity is very diverse. It cannot be presented as a solemn procession towards absolute truth, in the course of which more and more new truths grow. On the path of knowledge of a person, delusions, disappointments, and mistakes await. Advanced scientific knowledge can coexist with prejudice and ignorance. All this does not cancel the significance of scientific knowledge, but only emphasizes that the diversity of manifestations of man and the richness of the world around him require a variety of cognition of reality, a combination of different methods and forms of cognitive activity.

The concept and essence of art. specificity of art. Artistic image as a person's expression of the result of cognition of the world through art. The role of art in understanding the world. The main social functions of art as a way of knowing the world. Relevance and development prospects various kinds art...

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Abstract on the topic: "Art as a form of knowledge of the world"


1st year student Yu-1401 group

Dubrovina Elizabeth


Fedchuk D.A.

Associate Professor, Candidate of Philosophical Sciences

St. Petersburg



Until now, scientists have not been able to come to a general conclusion about how the creative activity of man originated. The diversity of opinions on this subject speaks of the importance of art and allows us to consider it as a spiritual activity of man and one of the main forms of knowledge of the world. It is difficult to find a compromise, thanks to which a general theory would be formulated, because each researcher relies on his own knowledge and personal opinion.

Art is a figurative expression of reality, which the author is able to bring to life with the help of various factors that distinguish one type of artistic and creative human activity from another. Each artist sees the reality around him in his own way and, accordingly, creates a masterpiece in an original and unique way, which, perhaps, will turn out to be really significant for his era and even for the entire history of mankind.

Since ancient times, people have sought to enrich their lives with various decorations and add color to their permanent place of residence. So, they made earrings, unusual necklaces, various totems, masks, bracelets, and on the walls of the dwelling, with the help of vegetable and animal dyes, drawings appeared that reflected the main occupation of a person in those days. Late art was considered as a desire to repeat the unique phenomena of nature and reproduce the specific features of the world. And in the era of computer technology, art is used as one of the methods of encrypting information, which ensures not only the reliability of its preservation, but also the relevance of use. Such a diversity of the content of human creative activity indicates its versatility and the historically established experience of previous generations. But the emergence of art cannot be compared in any way with the moment of the emergence of material wealth, which it clearly uses today, because no one knows for sure whether the need for spiritual enrichment was the impetus for creating the necessary resources. Perhaps people cherished their ideas in memory and, passing them by verbal signs, tried to save them for their descendants, who, in turn, had already found a way to create those very benefits.

Probably, the factor that distinguishes art from other forms of knowledge of the world is the special and exclusive information in the artistic field. Still, art got its development, based on the knowledge that is not able to find and structure other ways of mastering the surrounding reality.

In public life, art plays a very important role and its importance for many individuals is difficult to overestimate. Any reform of social order and foundations is directly related to art. People prepare clear and understandable slogans at demonstrations, draw campaign posters, wear clothes that distinguish them in the crowd, and so on. Thus, it is before us as a significant component of social knowledge.

Concerning contemporary art, it is a practical reflection of the existing reality and technological progress. The emergence of new forms, types, genres of art allows anyone who wants to do what is most interesting and exciting for him.

The concept and essence of art

The very term of art was originally mundane, reflecting only the more advanced skills and abilities of individuals relative to others. Now, when we talk about art, we imagine something refined, spiritual, such works that are not similar to the creations of nature and do not echo the products of technological progress and science. Creative activity conveys an aesthetic feeling, a sense of beauty, which is not alien to anyone. She is able to create her own world, where there is no place for selfish and pragmatic human needs, where the enjoyment of beauty manifests itself as a more lofty goal.

During practical activities, a person develops certain thoughts, opinions, judgments, which are embodied in a variety of interpretations, ranging from pain and suffering to laughter and joy. Works of art are created by the authors due to the presence of many material resources, such as sounds, paints, costumes, masks, words, clay, sand and many others.

The uniqueness of art lies in the fact that, engaging in creative activity, a person creates work, showing himself from all sides, and does this in a holistic and structured way. This is impossible in the implementation of individual, private sciences, which are based on theoretical facts and evidence and do not carry an aesthetic character. An artist who paints a picture puts his soul, all his emotions and experiences into painting it, which cannot be said about specific types of activity, where a person reveals himself only from one side.

The subject of aesthetics. The development of aesthetic thought as a manifestation of the artistic knowledge of the world by man

Dividing the ways of knowing the world into scientific and artistic, scientists grant them the right to be fundamental for the development of aesthetics. After all, her attitude and attachment to beauty show the philosophical and theoretical consideration of the art world as a way to identify the differences between these forms of knowledge.

Aesthetic thought originated as an awareness of the importance and value of the whole world as a whole, separately of a person and the results of his activity. For a long time, art existed only in mythological representations, legends that had no evidence, but were the main subject of exaltation of a hero and his exploits. Later it acquired a more realistic character and interpretation became possible in all languages ​​of the world. In various spheres of public life, the differences between beauty and goodness, usefulness, truth and sacredness were associated with the awareness of the unequal nature of these concepts. Therefore, the question arose of the need to find some common features and factors in all its manifestations, in order to establish the framework on which ignorant or novice creators could rely.

Art manifests itself fully in aesthetics and is its subject in relation to all the magnificent facets that allow you to know the world, to engage in and develop that kind of it that comes closer to the personal worldview. Thus, we can say that art acts as a manifestation of the human soul.

The specificity of art

Expression of reality in art form with the help of images is specific to art as an activity, so it can be easily distinguished from other practical actions of a person. This feature contains the knowledge of all previous generations and at the same time is a product creative process present tense.

Artistic image as a person's expression of the result of cognition of the world through art

In this case, the artistic image appears before us not just as a copy of reality, but as one of the methods for the author himself to add or change some of its content in order to convey his feelings to members of society.

An artistic image is a reflection and recreation of the surrounding world precisely from the positions of the author, taking into account his interests and character. It can be realized as a piece of music (opera, symphony), as a literary creation (novel, drama), as a theatrical performance (performance, ballet), as a visual work (picture, photograph), as architectural monument(building, cathedral), etc.

Speaking about the uniqueness and specificity of art, we can distinguish the following characteristic features, which are some of its distinguishing features:

  1. Art is figurative and visual, which is quite logical and natural. Human life is undeniably diverse in all its manifestations. It reflects many artistic images, which usually turn out to be the result of fiction, but still carry a truthful character and assessment. Both a concept in science and an artistic image in art realize the selection of necessary and important features of the object under study and create some generalized information about it. In a specific period of time, an artistic image can have different influence on society, their mood and opinions, and even become a certain symbol of this era.
  2. To express the emotions of the author, there are many ways to reflect reality or fiction. In musical creativity, this method is notes, in literature - the word, and sculpture - three-dimensional forms. There are many such examples, so it will be much easier and easier to find out everything that this or that author thinks.
  3. The creation of a masterpiece also depends on the imagination of the creator. Endowing his work with certain features, the author shows us the reflection of reality in his own interpretation. In comparison with scientific activity, where fiction has no place to be, art is endowed with great possibilities and colors.

The role of art in understanding the world

Development of the content of the concept of artistic knowledge of the world by man in different eras

As far as we know, not a single historical period has ended without imprinting on the next, which makes it possible to understand the foundations and customs that were in force at that time and their connection with art. It is especially important to remember that the development of art throughout people's lives is a natural process of the formation of aesthetics as an artistic consciousness.

More recently, the views of the entire era were identified with the saying of one or another philosopher according to various aspects public life. But now in the mind of a person there are thoughts about comprehending oneself and conjectures about the various prerequisites for the creation of art as such. Based on the well-known and reliable facts of the entire historical process, one can consider and analyze the versatility of artistic consciousness, as well as its historical progress. In fact, this factor is the most important moment in the knowledge of the world through art, since people of each era, creating famous monuments unshakable in the future and leaving behind a cultural heritage, were guided only by the then existing knowledge and experience of practical activities that were popular at that time.

The main social functions of art as a way of knowing the world:

  1. art plays a fundamental role in the formation of a person's aesthetic taste. Yes, it doesaesthetic function. Since childhood, a person has a desire to create, which is noticeable in the example where young children often choose the most beautiful things or objects from the many offered. Even children who do not have the opportunity to fully contact the world due to congenital pathologies or past diseases have developed an instinct for beauty that helps them enjoy beauty in their own way and receive aesthetic pleasure.
  2. performing social function, art transforms society and social reality, which allows people to unite in groups depending on their interests. Thanks to this function, people have common knowledge, ideas, thoughts, which gives impetus to the development of interpersonal relationships.
  3. to make up for the lack of beauty in everyday life, for relaxation, art performscompensatory function. It provides an opportunity to recover from stress, solve urgent psychological problems of a person, and also restore his peace of mind after difficult working days.
  4. understand reality through a variety of artistic images allowscognitive function art. In society, education often depends on the cultural upbringing of a person, since from childhood parents introduce the child to art by going to museums, theaters, listening to classical music, etc.
  5. real pleasure from art helps a person to receivehedonic function. To become involved in the author, to understand his work - this is pleasure. Even in ancient Greece, attention was paid to the special, exceptional nature of aesthetic pleasure, which is not similar to carnal pleasures. This is a spiritual pleasure, where manifestations of the material and utilitarian needs of a person are not possible.
  6. a huge role to playeducational functionwhich deals with the socialization of the individual. Art develops certain thoughts and feelings in people, thanks to which the formation of a personality that interacts with the whole society becomes real. The influence of this function extends to all aspects of human life, and therefore everyone is subject to this positive impact.
  7. don't forget aboutpredictive function. Different types of art are able to predict the future, which makes it even more interesting and mysterious. One of the most remarkable features of this prediction is the ability to make predictions without having complete and sufficient information about a particular phenomenon under study.

And these are only the main functions of art that it performs every day. Creative activity has many other functions that reveal and distribute a number of basic obligations.

Relevance and prospects for the development of various types of art

Art is characterized by such factors as the search for new directions and forms, an irresistible desire for the unknown, the identification of the most modern means of creating works of art, but they are not the main components in the development of artistic activity. In its design, the social needs of people, as well as the way in which a certain type of art is able to satisfy these needs, play a crucial role. It is easy to confirm this by an example, when in the Renaissance fine Arts reached such extraordinary heights that, speaking of this historical period, literally everyone will be able to give an estimated characteristic of the cultural development of that century.

The actual form of art will always most fully express the social needs of not only one person, but the whole society. All these types of art are, of course, changeable and influenced by society, as the needs of people change in connection with progress, and the views of the subject on the artistic process also change.

Society often focuses on certain types art, which gives them a real opportunity to develop in conditions of acute social need for them. After all, it is known that during any era there were certain trends and almost every second person followed the fashion. Naturally, those who understood and followed all the changes in the world of creativity were the part of the population whose opinion was the most significant. Accordingly, it was they who were able to finance the arts they liked and develop these areas for the better.

In society, the development of modern technologies and means of communication takes place again with the participation of aesthetic needs. For example, television arose as a result of the need to quickly and efficiently convey information to all segments of the population. Now we can easily find out the news that happened recently, or watch a live broadcast, becoming to some extent a participant in the events that are happening on the screen. But no matter how we are satisfied with the properties of television, human needs are limitless, and therefore technologies are improving every day.

This is very good for many other types of arts, since music, theater and many other things would be able to directly broadcast the performance, opera without problems and delays, and each person would have the opportunity to enrich his inner world and enjoy art on the TV screen.

Only a truly artistic impact can evoke inspiration and moral feelings in a person, with the help of which a creative personality is formed. For her active actions, a certain impetus is required, which can awaken the senses of beauty and give the world a new masterpiece.

Also important was the emergence of recording musical works. Now everyone can use various means of reproducing music and thereby get closer to art. It is noteworthy that many products containing modern technologies, are on the shelves of the store, and anyone, whether a professional, an esthete or just an ordinary listener, can purchase the goods he needs. Thanks to professional recordings, there is a synthesis between theater, television, etc.

From one point of view, sound recordings play an important role, passing on all available information to the next generations, the music of the classics or contemporary artists. On the other hand, their significance is manifested in the territorial issue. A person, being outside one state or region, can still hear, buy or download a song he likes that was created in a certain place, maybe even overseas.

Summing up, we note that absolutely all types of arts are dynamic and are in constant development, helping society to improve, and every day, month, year, new ways of interaction of various forms of knowledge of the world are found. And art is progressing both as a form of transferring knowledge from generation to generation, and as the introduction of fresh information.matii in the spiritual sphere of society.

List of used literature

  1. Tolstikova I. I. Sadokhin A. P. " World culture and art";
  2. Silichev D. A. "Culturology";
  3. Markova A. N. "Culturology. History of world culture";
  4. Khrenov N. A. " The Social Psychology of Art: A Transitional Epoch".

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