The ArtNaive Gallery is the only gallery of naive and outsider art in Russia. We represent the work of self-taught artists, talented people without art education, as well as artists with a difficult fate. At the moment, the gallery offers to the attention of viewers and collectors works of naive and outsider art by more than 100 remarkable authors from Russia, the CIS, Europe, America and Southeast Asia.

For many, the term "naïve art" conjures up the green valleys and happy villages of Anne Mary Robertson Moses, the lush vegetation and exotic jungles of Henri Rousseau, and the palm islands of the South Sea and the pristine Tahitian women of Paul Gauguin. Eastern European naive art is associated with powerful village scenes Ivan General and flower fields of Ivan Rabuzin.

In Israel, we recall the rich biblical scenes and kabbalistic imagery of Safed Siegermacher Shalom Moskowitz, affectionately known as "Shalom Zfafa", and we enjoy the anachronistic phantasmagoria of Gabriel Cohen. But whatever our association with the term "naïve art" may be, one is struck by the almost universal appeal of this exhilarating art form. Perhaps this appeal stems from the heavenly, pleasing palette of colors chosen by naïve artists to portray their subjects. Maybe it's the simplicity of the genre that reminds early era when life was less crazy, when the telephone was new and the typewriter was a godsend.

Naive art is very sincere and authentic, it is absolutely spontaneous, intuitive, not hindered by cultural and social rules, prohibitions and restrictions. "Artists of the Sacred Heart" often have an amazing biography, and write about what excites them, what they really love, what they have experienced and suffered. The plots of their works are extremely diverse, completely non-standard, often humorous or, on the contrary, full of pain and suffering. Whether it is a naked woman walking towards a dinosaur across a beautiful summer meadow with a flag tied around her head, or a man making love to a rooster, or a joyful and bright landscape depicting a terrible concentration camp theme, or such works as "Bird Flu", "Gangster the cat is with us, he knows who to cross the road”, “How old women threw bricks”, “Soyuzmultfilm: Peydodyr”, etc. Works of naive art differ greatly in form, the author's style of each artist is unique. But they are often united by the lack of a linear perspective (the depth is transmitted due to the different scales of the figures), the flatness of the image, a certain symmetry.

Or could it be the timeless nature of the subject, reminding us of missed opportunities, wondrous roads less traveled? One conclusion is certain: this is art that warms the heart and soothes the soul! Napwe art is characterized by a refreshing innocence and charming use of bright colors, childlike perspective and idiosyncratic scale. He depicts simple, easily understood and often idealized scenes. Everyday life. The naive artist—often self-scientific—applies to us with a uniquely literal, yet extremely personal and coherent, vision of what the world was, is, or should be.

We are looking for talents all over Russia, we help in organizing exhibitions, publishing and realizing works. The gallery has existed since 2008, more than 100 exhibition projects have been held in Russia and abroad. Around the same time, we began to collect our own collection of naive art, which currently contains about 1000 works of both Russian and foreign authors.

He offers us, often in painstaking detail, an eternal and optimistic portrayal of ancient history or a biblical tale, a common occurrence or current event, a special ceremony or daily activity. Naive painting is bustling with color and excitement, with brief humor and frankness, bubbly with unbridled empathy and love.

From cave paintings to the present day, naive art has passed thousands of years. As noted in The World Encyclopedia of Naïve Art, the so-called "primitives" living in the Stone Age looked to their immediate surroundings for inspiration, depicting the animals they feared and those they herded; female figure - a symbol of fertility; and man in his manifold roles as hunter, shepherd and farmer.

Who is interested in Naive Art and Outsider Art?

Speaking about the investment potential of this direction, the low entry threshold is very attractive. The average price of a work by a modern naive artist is up to $1000, and there are many works by naive artists worth $300-500. It's a nice contrast to professional and highly commercialized contemporary art or antiques. But, nevertheless, there are expensive naive artists living today.

Who is interested in Naive Art and Outsider Art?

AT North America naïve art emerged in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries from the work of coach builders, cabinet makers, and domestic and iconic artists, whose art—chiefly upper-class portraits, landscapes, and historical scenes—was often an ancillary to their professional employment. These naive works were often painted on ancient wood and boards using natural colors, such as lapis lazuli and other minerals, vegetable dyes, metal dust, and egg yolk.

How to invest in naive art? How to choose the right naive artist? There are many more self-taught artists than professional ones, but there are not so many true talents and those who will significantly increase in price. We give lectures in collectors' clubs and museums, help build collections and advise on opportunities to make money in this area. We also provide services for assessing the authenticity of works of naive art.

Despite the cultural melting pot that developed among newcomers flocking to the United States, immigrants who settled in Canada sought to maintain their ethnic identity by portraying their new environment with originality and freshness. Since most of the Canadians were dipping far from settlements countries, their artwork is filled with themes of nature and isolation, the hearth and rural life, reflecting the rustic, overwhelming beauty of Canada, along with its harsh, almost icy conditions.

Rousseau's freedom of expression and approach became a source of inspiration for French nats from the twentieth century. Like Rousseau, these artists belonged to ordinary people: Louis Vivin was a postman; André Baukant, gardener; Jules Lefranc, rancher; Emile Blondel, farmer. Their originality of style, combined with a Rousseau-like search for a harmonious relationship between man and nature, resulted in works that were very popular with art historians and the public, a trend that has continued to this day.

  • museums
    Works of Naive Art and Outsider Art have long attracted a lot of attention from museums, collectors and just art lovers, both in Russia and abroad. In the world, interest in Naive and outsider art is huge, at the moment there are about 100 specialized galleries and museums. In Russia, this direction is still little promoted, recently whole collections have appeared, new museums are opening. In Moscow, there is practically the only state museum of naive art in Russia and one of our art gallery "ArtNaive". In Pskov, there is a municipal gallery of naive art in the Menshikov Chambers. A private museum of Soviet naïve opened in Perm. In Yekaterinburg, in 2015, Evgeny Roizman also opened the Museum of Naive Art. There are several large collections of naive art. We cooperate with Russian and foreign museums, help them find good Russian authors and replenish their funds.
  • collectors
    The art market of naive art began to emerge 20 years ago, when such names as Pavel Leonov, Elena Volkova, and a little later Alexander Lobanov were discovered. Their works were exhibited at the international festivals of naive art in Bratislava INSITA, publications were published in foreign media. Art historians Natalya Shkarovskaya and Ksenia Bohemskaya did a lot for the world fame of Russian naivists. At the moment, a very small number of narrow specialists in this area somewhat complicates the good knowledge of collectors of naive art. There are not so many collectors of naive art in Russia yet. According to one of the most famous and largest collectors, Katya Medvedeva, there are about 150 people in Moscow who seriously and enthusiastically collect Naive.
  • art lovers
    People who have not previously encountered naive art, just connoisseurs of beauty, those who at least sometimes go to exhibitions, art galleries and museums, can either deeply penetrate and fall in love with Naive, or they will be rejected and bewildered, but for sure will not be indifferent. The works of naive artists inspire optimism, cheerfulness, and cause a smile, surprise and a sea of ​​vivid emotions. We help to decorate interiors in a naive style, for example, a children's room, or a non-standard office, it can also be a country house.

We will be glad to cooperate if you have known talented self-taught artists or ideas for joint projects or a desire to purchase works by naive artists.

rich artistic history and the traditions of Belgium, along with its familiar sites and architecture, form the basis for the freshness and elegance of the country's Navisism. There seems to be a link between the medieval realism of Pieter Brueghel the Elder and the pictorial precision and poetic vision of today's leading Belgian artists. The timeless charm and simplicity of the lakes and legends of Belgium, cities and castles, houses and gardens, provide irresistible temptations for these artists, whether Flemish or Walloon.

The naive art of the Netherlands reflects a refreshing freedom from the characteristic limitations of the country's "academic" works. Dutch naive art romanticizes the peaceful interaction between nature, humanity and the animal kingdom. Capriciousness prevails in one work, replaced with a cheerful sweetness by melancholy solemnity in another. Although the country's gray weather is palpable in most Dutch naïve writings, an exceptional sense of light prevails—both in breathtaking depictions of idealized memories and in powerful scenes of dramatic events.

In a broad sense, the style of "naive art" means art, which is distinguished by simplicity, clarity and formal immediacy of the pictorial and expressive language. Due to the fact that in Russian the word "primitivism" has a negative meaning, the term "naive art" has become widespread in Russia. The art of talented primitivist artists of the 20th century, who did not receive a professional art education, but felt the gift of artistic creativity in themselves and devoted themselves to its independent realization in art, glorified the new direction. Frenchman Henri Rousseau and Georgians Niko Pirosmani created real masterpieces included in the treasury of world art. In terms of its vision of the world and the ways of its artistic presentation, naive art is somewhat closer to the art of children, on the one hand, and to the work of the mentally ill, on the other. But, in fact, it is neither one nor the other. Plots artists of naive art most often take from the life around them, folklore, religious mythology or their own fantasy. It is easier for them than many professional artists to manage spontaneous, intuitive creativity, not hindered by any rules and prohibitions. As a result, original, surprisingly pure, poetic and sublime artistic worlds in which some ideal naive harmony prevails between nature and man.

The twentieth century was a period of great political and economic upheaval in Spain and Portugal. As a result, social unrest has awakened, among naive artists, in particular, the desire to preserve on canvas the culture and traditions of the nation, as well as the timeless moments of the bygone century. Although the naïve art of both Spain and Portugal has all the traditional Nauvism elements, a closer look reveals significant differences in theme and style. While Spanish naive art reflects the fertile soil of the idealized imagination, Portuguese naive art applies the idealized imagination to the fertile soil.