Tell me, please, dear readers of the Diary of Success, have you ever found yourself in a conflict situation?

I think yes!

After all, conflicts await us at every corner: at home, at work, on the street, in public transport and even on a bench in the park.

Like any fire, conflict can flare up in just a second.

However, it may take much longer to pay it off.

And if you do not know how to get out of this situation correctly, then you just need to study ways to get out of conflict.

What is conflict and where does it come from?

Conflict is a social phenomenon between two hostile parties.

Depending on the chosen strategy of behavior, the conflict may fade or flare up more strongly.

And so that in your case there is no flare-up, you must choose the right tactics of behavior to get out of the conflict.

So to get out of conflict You can use the following tactics:

  • violence;
  • compromise;
  • depreciation;
  • parting;
  • struggle;
  • non-conflict.

Now let's look at each method in more detail in detail.

Violence is not the best way out of conflict

In this case, one thing can be said - the strongest wins.

The weaker side is subject to the requirements of the alpha male (or female).

Similar conflict resolution options can be encountered daily at work when the boss threatens with fines, reprimands, or disciplinary action.

Naturally, in this case, violence only aggravates the situation and the loser begins to look for ways of revenge, resistance or rebellion.

Domestic violence, on the other hand, leads to the fact that husbands begin to go “to the left”, children run away from home, and the victorious cannot enjoy his victory to the fullest.

On a global scale, violence leads to riots, fights and even wars between countries.

So remember, from violence you can only see violence.

Do you need it?

Let me give you an example of how violence works.

As a student, moonlighting at a hotel, I needed time off to go to a concert of my favorite band.

The event fell just in time for my shift.

Without a second thought, I bought a ticket (which cost me a lot of money) and asked the manager for a day off.

I was denied a day off - a conflict was brewing.

I tried different variants, but the leader said that he was in charge and would do as he said. And if I leave without permission, he will quickly get me.

Do you think the conflict is over?

But no!

In the end, I thought this: “If you don’t want to let me go for one day, I won’t work for 2 weeks!”

And when I got sick, I did not go to work for 2 weeks. And even more so, it was not my fault that the disease fell just before the concert ...

Or here is another real situation from my life...

Once I went on an excursion to Lviv and looked after myself to buy a fancy iron (I decided to give it to my grandmother for her birthday).

A very tempting promotion was just taking place for all the goods in one of the technical stores, and you understand that the prices were fabulously cheap ... the iron I chose was left alone ...

And what do you think?

I, along with another young lady, clung to this unfortunate iron)) ...

We probably looked at each other for about a minute and, without releasing the goods, waited for one of us to give in ..

Since I am Capricorn by the zodiac sign (stubbornness is my main feature), I was not going to give away my grandmother's already chosen gift.

The young lady began to argue with me, to prove that she was the first to pick up this iron, that I should give in to her, period ... but it wasn’t there! 🙂

This incomprehensible situation continued for several more minutes.

Honestly... I thought it would come to a fight, until I remembered that the official website of the Comfy store presents the same products as in the store, only cheaper... plus they will pack this thing for you and bring it home ..

Therefore, with a smile, I gave this iron to the nervous young lady and went to enjoy delicious Lviv coffee.

If there was no online store, I can’t even imagine what this whole situation would have resulted in!

Now do you understand what the phrase means: violence begets violence?

Don't use this technique if you don't want to get bogged down in conflict.

To get out of the conflict, it is better to seek a compromise.

I consider this option to resolve the disputed situation the most optimal and effective.

In this case, both parties to the conflict go towards each other and look for an intermediate solution.

This situation allows its participants to get out of the situation with at least something.

After all, otherwise you can be left with nothing at all.

For example, if in my situation the manager let me go, but in return he would demand to work one extra shift.

Agree, such a solution would be much smarter and everyone could win in a controversial situation.

Or, for example, in the case of a valuable employee, .

The parties can converge somewhere in the middle and remain in the black.

Compromises are good because they teach both sides to interact and seek possible solutions the situation.

Use depreciation as a way out of conflict

The way out of conflict It will help you when interacting with strangers.

Imagine a situation: you are traveling in transport / sitting in a government institution / standing in line and suddenly a boor comes up to you and says something like: “What fell apart?” or “Here the youth has gone, there’s only one hamlo, they won’t give up their place to the old man.”

In such situations, people usually begin to be rude in response or quietly walk away, transferring their nervousness to the husband / wife / child.

In order to calmly get out of this situation, you must “absorb” the behavior of your opponent.

To the phrase “What fell apart?” you can calmly answer: “Yes, it fell apart. And what?"

Believe me, such phrases immediately put the conflicting person into a stupor and he is lost!

Such phrases can immediately end the argument and save your peace of mind!

Sometimes the best way out of a conflict is separation.

Sometimes the conflict between two people can be so strong that the best way out is to part.

That is why spouses break up, children leave as far as possible, and best friends stop being the best.

In the case of difficult relationships with colleagues, it is sometimes easier to leave than to keep trying to do something.

This is the last and saddest stage of the conflict. If people break up, it means that they have tried all possible options.

However, you should not be sad about this, because the termination of relations with some people promises new relationships with other people.

Someone has to win

This option is suitable for players, for those who put their interests above the interests of other people.

In the case of a fight, dishonest rules of the game, cheating, setting up, etc. are often used.

It is about the struggle that we are talking about between participants in a beauty contest, Olympic medalists or just colleagues fighting for the right to take the director's chair.

In any case, until one person wins, the tense situation will not end.

A few facts about conflicts, the causes of their occurrence

and how to get out of them

see also in the video:

If you want to quickly get out of the conflict - do not enter into it

How to check this receiver?

Now I will teach.

In situations where:

  • you got stepped on on the bus
  • someone's child kicked you,
  • in line in front of you squeezed an impudent woman,

we always do the same.

We begin to yell furiously, we burn someone else's backbiter, we tell the wench everything that we think about her, etc.

But you must admit that by doing this we ourselves only inflame the conflict.

Instead of flashing sharply, we can take a deep breath and give the offender our claim in a mild form like: “My dear sir, are you aware that you put your foot right on mine?”

Agree, if someone gave you something like that, you would be tormented to apologize.

So that other people will respond to your similar remarks in the most kind way.

And finally .. I want to wish you get out of conflict only with the benefit of both parties, as well as with minimal nerve loss.

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Conflicts exist exactly as long as a person exists, since they arise only in the process of communication between people. A person spends most of the time at work, interacting with superiors and subordinates, communicating with colleagues, building joint activities with company partners. With such a busy schedule of communication, there are a lot of reasons why people do not quite understand each other correctly, which leads to disputes. If the situation that has arisen poses a threat to the achievement of the set goals for at least one of the participants in the interaction, then a conflict arises. People have different ideas, interests, motives, needs, goals, attitudes, actions, and often they contradict each other. A conflict situation is created.

Conflicts have existed and will continue to exist, they are an integral part of human relationships, and one cannot say that conflicts are useless or pathological. They are normal in our lives. They arise due to differences between people, due to the fact that the actions, ideas, feelings of each of us are not the same with each other. Each person has his own positive and negative traits, his own special advantages and disadvantages. Which side, positive or negative, he acts in relationships with people depends on these people and the social environment, on the characteristics of the team in which he is included in this moment time. In other words, the behavior of a person in a group is determined not only by the personality, but also by the peculiarity of the group.

To find ways to resolve the conflict, you need to consider the following tasks:

The concept of conflict

ü Types of conflict

The stages of conflict and the causes of its occurrence

ü Conflict functions

ü Subject and object of the conflict situation

the participants in the conflict


Conflict- active mutually directed actions of each of the parties to achieve their goals, colored by strong emotional experiences.

Conflictology- the science of the causes, features and patterns of the emergence, development and functioning of conflicts, methods and methods for their resolution and prevention, as well as overcoming their negative consequences and the use of specific elements in order to increase the effective operation of social systems.

social conflict- this is an open confrontation, a clash of two or more subjects and participants in social interaction, the causes of which are incompatible needs, interests and values.

When the conflict in the organization is uncontrollable, it can lead to the degradation of the team and the organization as a whole. Most associate conflict with aggression, arguments, hostility, war. As a result, there is an opinion that the conflict, if possible, should be avoided or immediately resolved.

If conflicts contribute to the adoption of informed decisions and the development of relationships, then they are called conflicts. constructive.

Conflicts that impede effective communication and decision making are called − destructive.

80% of conflicts arise in addition to the desire of their participants. This happens because of the peculiarities of our psyche and the fact that most people either do not know about them or do not attach importance to them.

The main role in the emergence of conflicts is played by the so-called conflictogens.

conflictogens- these are words, actions (or inactions) that can lead to conflict.


Subject- an active party capable of creating a conflict situation and influencing the course of the conflict depending on its interests (it is also called an opponent)

Conflict situation- conflicting positions of the parties on any occasion. The desire for opposite goals, the use of various means to achieve them, a mismatch of interests, desires.

Structural elements of the conflict.

F.M. Borodkin and N.M. Koryak distinguish 4 types of conflict situation:

1. objective purposeful - forms of education are introduced

2. objective non-targeted - the need for training develops in conflict with the possibilities

3. subjective goal-oriented - a person goes into conflict in order to solve a problem

4. subjective unfocused - one tool and two contenders.

But not every controversial conflict situation leads to conflict. Must be an INCIDENT.

Incident- this is a combination of circumstances that are a cause for conflict.


CS - conflict situation

I - Incident

K - conflict

F.M. Borodkin and N.M. Koryak distinguish 3 types of incidents and possible behaviors of the conflicting parties:

I. The incident as a signal to resolve the contradiction, to find a compromise.

II. Incident as a desire to get away from the conflict - pretending that nothing happened.

III. The incident as a signal for open confrontation.

Thus, an incident can exist:

In an external open form (quarrel, crisis)

In an internal psychological form

Object of conflict is a specific reason, motivation, driving force conflict. Identification of the main object is an important condition for resolving any conflict.


1) The emergence of a conflict situation

2) Incident

3) Awareness of the conflict situation by at least one of the participants social interaction

4) The beginning of an open conflict action

5) Development of open conflict

6) Conflict resolution (outcome)


Conflicts arise where people cannot realize their goals. Tension, dissatisfaction, confusion appear. Often, to find solutions, we lack emotional maturity, human wisdom; often we cannot decide what is more important relationship (friendship) or achieving a goal (victory)?

Here are the main reasons for the conflict:

Ø Psychological - a feeling of resentment, envy, incompatibility of characters

Ø Inconsistency of purpose - fuzzy distribution of rights and responsibilities.

Ø Limited resources (material and human)

Ø The contradiction between the functions, duties of the employee and what he must do at the request of the head.

Ø Unreasonable, public censure of some and undeserved praise of others

Ø Unfavorable physical conditions (noise, heat, cold).


1. Depending on the participants:

Interpersonal (most common)

Intrapersonal - when the requirements for a person are not consistent with his personal needs

Between the individual and the group - when the individual takes a position different from that of the group




  1. By the nature of the reasons:



  1. In the field of public life:






Family and household


  1. By run time:

Fleeting (dynamic)

Lingering (static)

  1. By scale:



  1. By area of ​​application:

Constructive (business, creative)

Destructive (personal, destructive)

  1. According to the consequences:



  1. According to the mental state of the parties:



  1. According to the degree of manifestation:

Hidden - when people hide their confrontation

Open - this is a clear conflict, on the face of a collision



1.per person:

Knowledge of each other by the participants of the contact (their interests and the interests of the other)

Relief of mental tension

Stimulation of human activity

Improving the quality of activities

Personal development (performs a diagnostic role)

2.per group:

Elimination of contradiction in the functioning of the group

Push to change and develop the system (road to innovation)

Stimulation of social processes (opening unresolved problems)

Paying like-minded people.


1.per person:

Deterioration of mood

Feeling the violence

Deterioration in the quality of individual performance

Consolidation of social passivity

Health threat.

2.per group:

Violation of interpersonal relationships

Deterioration of the socio-psychological climate

Deterioration in the quality of compatibility of activities (misunderstanding of each other)

Decreased group cohesion

Threat to human life and health.

Participation in a conflict situation involves the expenditure of emotions, nerves, strength, and this can lead to one-time or chronic stress. This can unbalance both the psychological and physical functions of the body.


K. Thomas and R. Kellman identify 5 main dependencies on:

To what extent are the parties to the conflict interested in obtaining benefits for themselves (X-axis)

How much they are interested (not interested) in others getting certain advantages in the conflict (Y-axis)

1) Competition (compulsion of confrontation) is a high perseverance on one's own at any cost.

2) Compromise - here the actions are aimed at finding a solution that would fully satisfy both parties, that is, yielding something in exchange for concessions to the other.

3) Evasion is the transfer of the conversation in a different direction.

4) Cooperation (problem solving) is the recognition of differences of opinion and the willingness to get acquainted with other points of view in order to understand the causes of the conflict and find a course of action acceptable to both parties.

5) Adaptation (compliance) is a concession for the sake of another person, a victim of one's views, actions are aimed at maintaining favorable relations.

The following factors play an important role in the constructive resolution of the conflict:

The adequacy of the reflection of the conflict;

Openness and effectiveness of communication between the conflicting parties;

Creation of a climate of mutual trust and cooperation;

Definition of the essence of the conflict.


Very often in a situation of conflict, we misperceive our own actions, intentions and positions, as well as the actions and points of view of the opponent.

Typical perceptual distortions include:

1) “Illusions of our own nobility” - in a conflict situation, we often believe that we are a victim of attacks by an evil enemy, moral principles which are highly doubtful. It seems to us that truth and justice are entirely on our side and testify in our favor. In most conflicts, each of the opponents is confident in his rightness and striving for a fair resolution of the conflict, he is convinced that only the enemy does not want this.

2) "Searching for a straw in the eye of another" - each of the opponents clearly sees the shortcomings and errors of the other, but does not mean the same shortcomings in himself. As a rule, each of the conflicting parties is inclined not to notice the meaning of their own actions in relation to the opponent, but instead reacts with indignation to his actions.

4) “Everything is clear” - very often each of the partners oversimplifies the situation of the conflict, and in such a way that it confirms general ideas that his actions are good and correct, and the partner’s actions, on the contrary, are bad and inadequate.

These and similar misconceptions inherent in each of us in a conflict situation, as a rule, aggravate the conflict and prevent a constructive way out of the problem situation. In any conflict, partners experience the so-called mixed feelings. On the one hand, everyone feels hostility, anger, or even hatred towards the other, a desire for the opponent to give up his position, on the other hand, opponents have, albeit very muted, more benevolent feelings generated by the totality of previous relationships, as well as the desire to understanding and agreement.

Conclusion: If the distortion of perception is excessively large, there is a real danger of being trapped in your own prejudice, because you clearly see and feel only the partner's hostility, not noticing any other feelings on his part.

This can lead to the so-called self-validating assumption: assuming that the partner is extremely hostile, you begin to defend yourself from him, going on the offensive. Seeing this, the partner experiences hostility towards us, and our preliminary assumption, although it was incorrect, is immediately confirmed. Knowing in such representations, in conflicts, try to carefully analyze your feelings in conflict situations: do you have similar distortions when you try to resolve this or that conflict.


This is the main condition for a constructive conflict resolution, however, unfortunately, in a conflict situation, communication, as a rule, worsens. Opponents are more likely to use communication methods that make it difficult to understand what is actually happening. They basically try to hurt the enemy, while they themselves take a defensive position, hiding any information about themselves.

Indeed, when a person is "overwhelmed" with emotions and captured by the conflict, it is difficult for him to express his thoughts and listen carefully to the opponent. Therefore, sometimes it makes sense at the very beginning of the conflict to take risks and as fully as possible, even in a harsh form, express to each other what you feel. At this moment, it is pointless to try to decide something, the main thing to take care of is not to offend or humiliate your partner. The Japanese, for example, came up with a kind of ritual for this and soft pillows for beating. Sometimes even shouting or hitting the table is better than a calm, cold-blooded retort that the opponent will remember for a lifetime. Sometimes, under the guise of good manners and a polite tone, people go to the deliberate psychological murder of another, destroying in him the image of himself. As a result, partners refuse to look for constructive conclusions from the conflict, but only “lick their wounds” and think about mutual revenge. Mutual expression of feelings, even if only in part, can help create the conditions for using communications to constructively exchange thoughts.

It would be nice if each of the opponents could, at least partially, tell the other the following:

What would I like to do to resolve the conflict?

What kind of reactions do I expect from the other?

What am I going to do if my partner doesn't behave the way I expect?


The conflict is resolved successfully if both parties are interested in achieving some common result that encourages them to cooperate. The experience of joint activities in the name of achieving a common goal unites partners, allows you to discover new additional ways to overcome the difficulties and troubles associated with conflict resolution.

The successful solution of joint tasks also increases the degree of mutual trust, which facilitates the risk of openness in communication. This is a moment of extreme importance, since people often do not even imagine that it is possible to cooperate with a person with whom they are in conflict situations.


The more precise the definition of the essential elements of the conflict, the easier it is to find a means for effective behavior. It is highly desirable that partners be able to agree on how to define a conflict situation. Consistent behavior aimed at overcoming the conflict as a whole involves several stages.


a) How do I understand this problem? What actions and what actions of the partner led to the emergence and consolidation of the conflict?

b) How does my partner see the problem? What are my actions, in his opinion, are at the heart of the conflict?

C) Is the behavior of each of us appropriate in the current situation?

D) On what issues do we disagree with a partner?

e) On what issues do we stand in solidarity and understand each other?

It is very important to realize the points of contact between the conflicting parties and the differences between them.


Even if we know exactly what we like and dislike about our behavior, there is still a strong possibility that a conflict like the current one will happen again in the future. Therefore, it is important to understand the causes of conflict. Knowing these causes will limit the number of conflict clashes on this issue or avoid them altogether.

A) It is necessary to clarify for yourself as completely and truthfully as possible what in the actions of the enemy seems to me unacceptable.

B) I need to understand what my actions in a conflict situation are unacceptable.

C) It is necessary to determine what exactly caused the conflict.


a) What can I do to resolve the conflict?

b) What could my partner do for this?

C) What are our common goals, in the name of which it is necessary to find a way out of the conflict?


When making this decision, it is necessary to take into account the possible consequences of each of the ways to resolve the conflict and realize that only the joint efforts of partners can lead to the desired result:

A) What are the likely consequences of each of the possible ways in resolving the conflict?

b) What needs to be done to achieve the intended goals?

C) Which of the ways of resolving conflicts makes you feel satisfied with its constructiveness?



If the problem could not be solved, it is necessary to repeat all the previous steps, while trying to be aware of the experiences that arise both in the case of a successful solution to the problem, and in the event that the desired results were not achieved again.

There is no one size fits all solution for every situation. Our only "resource" is our personality.


The life practice of people shows that interpersonal relationships often proceed in conditions of conflicts, which are an integral part of human relations. A special place in a number of crisis situations is occupied by conflicts in organizations. The conflict in the organization is an open form of existence of contradictions, interests that arise in the process of interaction between people in solving issues of production and personal order.

Any conflict, as a rule, has a strong destructive charge. The spontaneous development of the conflict very often leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the organization. It is usually accompanied by powerful negative emotions that the parties experience towards each other. When the conflict reaches its extreme stage, it is already difficult to deal with it.

However, conflicts have to be dealt with and are an integral part of life. Moreover, in many cases it is the presence of conflicts that is an indication that a group or individual is developing.

Both foreign (K. Thomas) and domestic (N.V. Grishina) psychologists consider it necessary to focus on such aspects of the study of conflicts as forms of behavior in conflict situations, as well as factors influencing the choice of a particular form of behavior. Five main strategies have been identified: rivalry, cooperation, compromise, avoidance, and accommodation. The choice of one strategy or another to resolve the conflict depends on various factors: personality traits, the level of damage, possible consequences, the significance of the problem being solved, the peculiarities of the working atmosphere in the team, the specifics of team management.


1) Volkova N.V., Volkov B.S. "Conflictology"

Moscow, 2000

2) Grishina N.V., "Psychology of conflict"

St. Petersburg, 2000 464 s

3) Gromova O.N. "Conflictology"

Moscow, 2000 320 p.

4) Davydov V.V., Zaporozhets A.V., Zinchenko V.P. "Psychology and pedagogy"

Moscow, 1999

5) Dmitriev A.V. "Conflictology"

Moscow, 2000

6) Zhuravleva A.L., "Social psychology"

Moscow, 2002

7) Koshelev A. N., N. N. Ivannikova "Conflicts in the organization: types, purpose, methods of management"

Moscow, 2007

8) Lokutov S.P., "Conflicts in the team: causes, management, minimization"

Moscow, 2001

9) Melibruda E. "Psychological opportunities for improving communication"

10) Somova L.K. "Conflict resolution"

OOO Professional

Speech at the pedagogical council

« Types of conflicts and ways out of conflict situations »





Evpatoria, 2018



The concept of "conflict"_________________________________________ 4 pages

Kindsconflicts _____________________________________ 6 pp

Ways and meansway out of conflict situations _______________8 p.

Techniques for effective interaction in a conflict situation ______ 11 p.



Conflicts exist exactly as long as a person exists, since they arise only in the process of communication between people. Most of the time a person spends at work, communicates with superiors and subordinates, colleagues, builds joint activities with partners of the company. With such a busy schedule of communication, there are a lot of reasons why people do not quite understand each other correctly, which leads to disputes. When the situation poses a threat to the achievement of the set goals for at least one of the participants in the interaction, then a conflict arises. People have different ideas, interests, motives, needs, goals, attitudes, actions, sometimes they come into conflict with each other. Then a conflict arises.

Conflicts have existed, will exist, they are an integral part of human relationships, and one cannot say that conflicts are useless or pathological. They are normal in our lives. They arise due to differences between people, due to the fact that the actions, ideas, feelings of each of us are not the same with each other. Each person has his own positive and negative traits, his own special advantages and disadvantages. What side, positive or negative, he acts in relationships with people depends on these people and the social environment, on the characteristics of the team in which he is included at a given time. In other words, the behavior of a person in a group is determined not only by the personality, but also by the peculiarity of the group.

The purpose of this essay is to study conflicts, conflict situations, identify their types and ways to resolve conflicts.

The concept of conflict.

Conflict - active mutually directed actions of each of the parties to achieve their goals, colored by strong emotional experiences.

Conflictology is the science of the causes, features and patterns of the emergence, development and functioning of conflicts, methods and ways of resolving and preventing them, as well as overcoming their negative consequences and using specific elements in order to increase the effective operation of social systems.

Social conflict is an open confrontation, a clash of two or more subjects and participants in social interaction, the causes of which are incompatible needs, interests and values.

When the conflict in the organization is uncontrollable, it can lead to the degradation of the team and the organization as a whole. Most associate conflict with aggression, arguments, hostility, war. As a result, there is an opinion that the conflict, if possible, should be avoided or immediately resolved.

If conflicts contribute to the adoption of informed decisions and the development of relationships, then they are called constructive.

Conflicts that impede effective interaction and decision-making are called destructive.

80% of conflicts arise in addition to the desire of their participants. This happens because of the peculiarities of our psyche and the fact that most people either do not know about them or do not attach importance to them.

The main role in the emergence of conflicts is played by the so-called conflictogens.

Conflictogens are words, actions (or inactions) that can lead to conflict.


The emergence of a conflict situation:


Awareness of the conflict situation by at least one of the participants in social interaction

The beginning of an open conflict action

Development of open conflict

Conflict resolution (outcome)


Conflicts arise where people cannot realize their goals. Tension, dissatisfaction, confusion appear. Often, to find solutions, we lack emotional maturity, human wisdom; often we cannot decide what is more important relationship (friendship) or achieving a goal (victory)?

Here are the main reasons for the conflict:

Psychological - a feeling of resentment, envy, incompatibility of characters

Inconsistency of purpose - fuzzy distribution of rights and duties.

Limited resources (material and human)

The contradiction between the functions, duties of the employee and what he must do at the request of the head.

Unreasonable, public censure of some, and undeserved praise of others

Unfavorable physical conditions (noise, heat, cold).

According to W. Lincoln, the positive impact of the conflict is manifested in the following:

Conflict accelerates the process of self-awareness;

Under its influence, a certain set of values ​​is affirmed and confirmed;

Promotes a sense of community, as it may be that others have similar interests, and they strive for the same ends and results and support the use of the same means - to the extent that formal and informal alliances arise;

Leads to the unification of like-minded people;

Promotes détente and pushes other, unimportant conflicts into the background;

Facilitates prioritization;

Acts as a safety valve for a safe and even constructive release of emotions;

Thanks to him, attention is drawn to dissatisfaction or proposals that need to be discussed, understood, recognized, supported, legalized and resolved;

Leads to working contacts with other people and groups;

It stimulates the development of systems for the just prevention, resolution and management of conflicts.

The negative impact of conflict often manifests itself in the following:

The conflict is a threat to the declared interests of the parties;

He threatens social system ensuring equality and stability;

Hinders the rapid implementation of change;

Leads to loss of support;

Makes people and organizations dependent on public statements that cannot be easily and quickly abandoned;

Instead of a carefully considered response, it leads to quick action;

· as a result of the conflict, the trust of the parties to each other is undermined;

Causes disunity among those who need unity or even strive for it;

As a result of the conflict, the formation of alliances and coalitions is undermined;

The conflict tends to deepen and widen;

The conflict changes priorities to such an extent that it threatens other interests.

Types of conflicts.

According to their direction, conflicts are divided into "horizontal" and "vertical", as well as "mixed". Horizontal conflicts include such conflicts in which persons who are subordinate to each other are not involved. Vertical conflicts include those in which persons who are subordinate to one another participate.

Mixed conflicts have both vertical and horizontal components. According to psychologists, conflicts with a vertical component, that is, vertical and mixed, are approximately 70-80% of all conflicts.

According to their significance for the group and organization, conflicts are divided into constructive (creative, positive) and destructive (destructive, negative). The first is beneficial, the second is harmful. You can’t leave the first, you need to leave the second.

According to the nature of the causes, conflicts can be divided into objective and subjective. The former are generated by objective reasons, the latter - by subjective, personal ones. Objective conflict is more often resolved constructively, subjective, on the contrary, as a rule, is resolved destructively.

M. Deutsch classifies conflicts according to the criterion of truth-falsity or reality:

- "genuine" conflict - existing objectively and perceived adequately;

- “random, or conditional” - depending on easily changeable circumstances, which, however, is not realized by the parties;

- "displaced" - an explicit conflict, behind which lies another, invisible conflict, which lies at the basis of the explicit one;

- "incorrectly attributed" - the conflict between the parties who misunderstood each other, and, as a result, about misinterpreted problems;

- "latent" - a conflict that should have occurred, but which does not exist, because for one reason or another it is not recognized by the parties;

- "false" - a conflict that exists only due to errors in perception and understanding in the absence of objective grounds.

Classification of conflicts according to the type of social formalization: official and informal (formal and informal). These conflicts are usually associated with organizational structure, its features and can be both "horizontal" and "vertical".

According to their socio-psychological effect, conflicts are divided into two groups:

Developing, affirming, activating each of the conflicting individuals and the group as a whole;

Contributing to the self-affirmation or development of one of the conflicting individuals or groups as a whole and the suppression, limitation of another individual or group of individuals.

According to the volume of social interaction, conflicts are classified into intergroup, intragroup, interpersonal and intrapersonal.

Intergroup conflicts suggest that the parties to the conflict are social groups pursuing incompatible goals and hindering each other with their practical actions. This may be a conflict between representatives of different social categories (for example, in an organization: workers and engineers, line and office personnel, trade union and administration, etc.). In socio-psychological studies, it has been shown that the "own" group in any situation looks better than the "other". This is the so-called phenomenon of in-group favoritism, which is expressed in the fact that members of the group in one form or another favor their group.

Intra-group conflict includes, as a rule, self-regulatory mechanisms. If group self-regulation does not work, and the conflict develops slowly, then conflict in the group becomes the norm of relations. If the conflict develops quickly and there is no self-regulation, then destruction occurs. If the conflict situation develops according to a destructive type, then a number of dysfunctional consequences are possible. It can be a general dissatisfaction, a bad state of mind, a decrease in cooperation, a strong loyalty to one's group with a lot of unproductive competition with other groups. Quite often, there is a perception of the other side as an "enemy", about one's goals as positive, and about the goals of the other side as negative, interaction and communication between the parties decreases, more importance is attached to "victory" in the conflict than solving the real problem.

Intrapersonal conflict is a conflict that takes place in inner world human, caused by a collision of oppositely directed motives, interests, needs. This is a mental process due to the complexity of the human psyche and the mental structure of the individual.

Interpersonal conflict is a clash of opposing desires, interests, needs of people in the process of their communication and joint activities.

Sometimes the satisfaction of the needs of one individual infringes on the interests of another.

ways out of the conflict.

The end of the conflict can be achieved either by the conflicting parties themselves without the help of any third parties, or by involving a third party. There are three ways in which conflicting parties can attempt to resolve a state of conflict without the involvement of a third party:

1. violence


3. reconciliation.


The weaker side is forced by force to obey and comply with the requirements of the stronger side.

The desire to resolve the conflict in this way can lead to fisticuffs, domestic crimes, and when large social groups act as conflicting parties, then to wars, uprisings, revolutions. Violence resolves the conflict according to the principle: "The strong is always right." This means not only the use physical strength: in human society Violence can take the form of administrative, official and legal pressure.

The ability to quickly end the fight is perhaps the only advantage of force. However, the forceful resolution of the conflict is always ineffective. The side suppressed by force remains dissatisfied with the solution of the conflict achieved in this way. This pushes her towards covert resistance, and sometimes open rebellion, which again and again require violence to suppress.

An employee who does not agree with the decision of the boss will pretend that he obeyed the order, but in fact he will sabotage this decision in every possible way. The child behaves similarly - he obeys and performs, under the threat of punishment, what he had just been strongly forbidden. The conflict can finally be resolved only with the complete destruction of the weak side: as long as it is alive, its discontent remains to live. But even with the complete destruction of the weak side, the winners still often receive moral condemnation in history.

2.Disconnection. In this case, the conflict is resolved by terminating the interaction, breaking off relations between the conflicting parties, for example, divorce of spouses.

Separation of the conflicting parties can be accomplished by their divergence. This is how, for example, a quarrel between bus passengers ends when they exit at a bus stop. Another way of separation is the flight of one of the conflicting parties. This method is usually used by the weaker party to avoid violence. It is known from history that not only individuals but also numerous social groups fled. Of course, the separation of the conflicting parties completely resolves the conflict. However, it is not always possible. Spouses are connected by children (if there are any, of course), and divorced people are not always able to leave in our conditions; warring national groups cannot and do not want to leave the territory where they live side by side.

But even if disengagement is in principle feasible, it leads to a post-conflict situation that can be painful for one or both of the conflicting parties. The parted parties, having got rid of conflict relations with each other, are forced to look for a replacement with new contacts, and it is not known whether the latter will become even more conflicting. After the separation, both sides realize what problems they will have to face. Therefore, it is not surprising that after some time the conflictants who parted sometimes renew contacts, and even converge again.

3. Reconciliation.

Peaceful settlement of differences can happen by itself, on the basis of the cessation of hostilities by the conflicting parties against each other. In this case, the conflict subsides, but at any moment it can flare up again if someone even inadvertently does what the other side perceives as an unfriendly act. But, as a rule, reconciliation is achieved only as a result of negotiations between the conflicting parties, ending in a decision about each other's behavior. In order for the conflict to be resolved, it is important that the conflicting parties agree among themselves, so that they themselves find the most convenient way out of the conflict situation. the resolution of the conflict, as a rule, is achieved only through negotiations.

Wars sooner or later end with the fact that the belligerents, convinced of the inexpediency of continuing hostilities, sit down at the negotiating table. If none of the opponents managed to achieve military superiority over the other, they are forced to make some kind of mutual concessions in order to agree on a peace treaty. And even in the event of a military defeat, the vanquished enter into negotiations with the victors on the terms of surrender. When the conflicting parties, convinced of the impossibility of continuing the joint business, decide to disperse and terminate it, negotiations begin between them (on the terms of divorce, dissolution of the organization, closing of the company, division of property).

4. Violence. Violence with the involvement of a third participant is capable of being committed by a weaker side over a stronger one (as opposed to violence at the level of pair interaction). Thus, the involvement of a third party dramatically changes the balance of power of the conflicting parties. The principle “the strong is always right” ceases to operate. When an additional force Z intervenes in the interpersonal conflict between X and Y in the form of a whole group of “good fellows”, speaking, say, on the side of X, then the question of who is physically stronger - X or Y - no longer matters. The physical abilities of the conflict participant - powerful biceps, mastery of karate techniques or mastery of handling the "colt" - are decisive only in acute conflicts and, mainly, in one-on-one fights. Action movies cultivate the image of a "superman" who deals alone with hordes of enemies, but in real life a loner is rarely able to overcome many. Usually, the side that wants to resolve the conflict through violence creates a group of accomplices or seeks support from a mafia organization, a gangster “roof”, hired “killers”. The power support factor plays a huge role in social conflicts of various scales - from children's fights to wars between nations.

SUD.Sud - one of the most remarkable inventions of mankind. In court, a third party is a representative of public authority. The power of power, much more powerful than the power of each of the parties to the conflict, prevents the use of violence by any of them as a means of resolving contentious issues. The judicial solution of the conflict is based not on the ideas of its participants about their rightness and not by virtue of one of them, but on the system of law and the strength of public power. Law is the regulator of relations between people, which comes from the state and is protected by it from violations.

In litigation, they act according to the principle: “he is right on whose side the law is”. The most ancient system of laws is customary law, based on traditions, customs

However, the resolution of conflicts in court, for all its merits, has its drawbacks.

Firstly, no code of laws can take into account the nuances of human relationships and actions. Considering any case, the court is forced to “adjust” it to a certain standard, to a category of similar situations specified by law. a simpleton "guilty without guilt." Often there are also legal conflicts - contradictions between laws, between legal norms of different levels. Such collisions not only put the judge in a difficult position, but also lead to the admission of elements of subjectivity and arbitrariness in the judgment. Thirdly, the fairness of the judgment depends not only on the application of the law, but also on the ability judiciary deep enough to get to the heart of the matter. The resolution of a conflict in court requires from judges, in addition to knowledge of the law, insight, the ability to understand people and the motives of their actions, wisdom, and creativity.

Techniques for Effective Interaction in a Conflict Situation

Code of conduct in conflict16 rules:

1. Let your partner blow off steam.

If he is irritated and aggressive, then you need to help him reduce internal stress. Until this happens, it is difficult or impossible to negotiate with him. During his “explosion”, you should behave calmly, confidently, but not arrogantly. He is a suffering man no matter who he is. If a person is aggressive, then he is overwhelmed with negative emotions. In a good mood, people do not rush at each other. The best technique at these moments is to imagine that there is a shell (aura) around you through which the arrows of aggression do not pass. You are isolated, like in a protective cocoon. A little imagination and this trick works.

2. Require him to calmly substantiate the claims. Say that you will only consider facts and objective evidence. People tend to confuse facts and emotions. Therefore, sweep away emotions with questions: “What are you saying, refers to facts or opinion, conjecture?”. 3. Knock down aggression with unexpected tricks.

For example, ask a conflicting partner confidentially for advice. Ask unexpected question, completely different, but significant for him. Remind yourself of the things that connected you in the past and were very pleasant. Give a compliment (“You are even more beautiful in anger ... Your anger is much less than I expected, you are so cold-blooded in an acute situation ...”). Express sympathy: for example, that he (she) has lost too much.

The main thing is that your requests, memories, compliments switch the consciousness of an angry partner from negative emotions to positive.

Do not give him negative assessments, but talk about your feelings.

5. Ask to formulate the desired final result and the problem as a chain of obstacles.

6. Invite the client to express their views on resolving the problem and their solutions. Do not look for the guilty and do not explain the situation, look for a way out of it. Don't stop at the first acceptable option, but create a range of options. Then choose the best one from it.

7. In any case, let your partner “save face.” Do not allow yourself to loosen up and respond with aggression to aggression. Don't hurt his dignity. He will not forgive this, even if he yields to pressure. Don't touch his personality. Let's evaluate only his actions and deeds. You can say, “You have already broken your promise twice,” but you cannot say, “You are an optional person.”

8. Reflect as an echo the meaning of his statements and claims.

It seems that everything is clear, and yet: “Did I understand you correctly?”, “Did you mean to say ...?”, “Let me retell, to make sure whether I understood you correctly or not.” This tactic eliminates misunderstandings, and in addition, it demonstrates attention to the person. And this also reduces his aggression.

9. Hold yourself as if on a knife edge in a position of “equals”. Hold firmly in a position of calm confidence (position of equals is “adult”). It also keeps the partner from aggression, helps both not to “lose their face”.

10. Do not be afraid to apologize if you feel guilty. Firstly, it disarms the client, and secondly, it makes him respect. After all, only confident and mature individuals are capable of apology.

11. Nothing needs to be proven. In any conflict situations, no one can ever prove anything to anyone. Even by force.

Negative emotional influences block the ability to understand, take into account and agree with the “enemy”. The work of thought stops. If a person does not think, the rational part of the brain turns off, there is no need to try to prove something. This is a useless, empty exercise.

12. Shut up first Do not demand from the “enemy”: “Shut up! ... Stop!”, but from yourself! This is the easiest to achieve.

Your silence allows you to get out of the quarrel and stop it. In any conflict, there are usually two parties involved, and if one has disappeared - with whom to quarrel?

If neither of the participants is inclined to shut up, then both are very quickly captured by negative emotional arousal. The tension is rising rapidly. In such a “dialogue”, the mutual reactions of the participants only add fuel to the fire. To extinguish this excitement, you need to remove what kindles it.

Silence should not be offensive to a partner. If it is colored with mockery, gloating or defiance, it can act like a red rag on a bull. In order for the scandal to stop, it is necessary to silently ignore the very fact of the quarrel, the negative excitement of the partner, as if none of this had happened.

13. Do not characterize the state of the opponent. Avoid negative verbal statements at all costs. emotional state partner: “Well, got into the bottle! ... why are you nervous, why are you angry? ... What are you mad about?”. Such “soothing” words only strengthen and intensify the development of the conflict.

14. When you leave, don't slam the door.

The quarrel can be stopped if you calmly and without any words leave the room. But if at the same time you slam the door or say something offensive before leaving, you can cause the effect of a terrible, destructive force. Tragic cases are known, caused precisely by the insulting word “behind the curtain”.

15. Speak when the partner has cooled down. If you are silent, and the partner regarded the refusal of the quarrel as a surrender, it is better not to refute this. Keep pausing until it cools down.

The position of one who refuses to quarrel should completely exclude anything offensive and insulting to the partner. It is not the one who leaves the last smashing attack behind him who wins, but the one who manages to stop the conflict at the beginning will not give him acceleration.

16. Regardless of the result of resolving the conflict, try not to destroy the relationship.


The life practice of people shows that interpersonal relationships often proceed in conditions of conflicts, which are an integral part of human relations. A special place in a number of crisis situations is occupied by conflicts in organizations. The conflict in the organization is an open form of existence of contradictions, interests that arise in the process of interaction between people in solving issues of production and personal order.

Any conflict, as a rule, has a strong destructive charge. The spontaneous development of the conflict very often leads to disruption of the normal functioning of the organization. It is usually accompanied by powerful negative emotions that the parties experience towards each other. When the conflict reaches its extreme stage, it is already difficult to deal with it.

Both foreign (K. Thomas) and domestic (N.V. Grishina) psychologists consider it necessary to focus on such aspects of the study of conflicts as forms of behavior in conflict situations, as well as factors influencing the choice of a particular form of behavior. Five main strategies have been identified: rivalry, cooperation, compromise, avoidance, and accommodation. The choice of one or another strategy for overcoming the conflict depends on various factors: personal characteristics, the level of damage caused, possible consequences, the significance of the problem being solved, the characteristics of the working atmosphere in the team, the specifics of team management.


1. Andreev V. I. Conflictology: The art of dispute, negotiation, conflict resolution. M., 1995.

2. Antsupov A.Ya., Shipilov A.I. Conflictology. Textbook. –M.: Unity, 2000.

3. Volkova N.V., Volkov B.S. "Conflictology" Moscow, 2000

4. Vorozheikin I.E. Conflictology. M.: Infra-M, 2001.

5. Grishina N.V., "Psychology of conflict" St. Petersburg, 2000 464 s

6. Gromova O.N. "Conflictology" Moscow, 2000 320 p.

7. Davydov V.V., Zaporozhets A.V., Zinchenko V.P. "Psychology and Pedagogy" Moscow, 1999

8. Dmitriev A.V. "Conflictology" Moscow, 2000

9. Zhuravleva A.L., "Social psychology" Moscow, 2002

10. Koshelev A. N., N. N. Ivannikova "Conflicts in the organization: types, purpose, methods of management" Moscow, 2007.

11. Linchevsky E.E. Contacts and conflicts. Communication in leadership. –M.: Economics, 2000.

12. Lokutov S.P., "Conflicts in the team: causes, management, minimization" Moscow, 2001.

13. Martin D. Difficult conversation. How to deal with difficult situations. Mn., 1996.

14. Melibruda E. "Psychological opportunities for improving communication"

15. Thomas F. Kram. Managing the energy of conflict. -AST REFL-book, 2000

1. Restoration. Its meaning is in the return of society to the pre-conflict state. Of course, a return literally to the former state of society is impossible. It's about about former forms of social life, social institutions that continue to exist given the new situation. A classic example of such a path is the restoration in France in the 19th century, the return of the Bourbons, but with the recognition of the rights of a new class - the bourgeoisie and new social relations, formed in the course of revolutionary transformations and enshrined in the Napoleonic code.

2. Non-intervention (waiting). Its essence is in the hopes of the authorities that "everything will work itself out." This is the path of delaying and delaying reforms, marking time. In a closed society, and even weighed down by the burden of unresolved problems, this is a dangerous path. In an open society, if the confrontation does not threaten a general collapse, the path of non-intervention under certain conditions can be fruitful.

3. Update. This is an active way out of the conflict by discarding, rejecting the old, developing the new. To implement this path, it is necessary to see the prospect, to feel the new being born, to have the will and determination to change, to be able to plan, to carry out the planned.

Every social conflict is concrete, it takes place in certain social conditions. Therefore, the way out of it should correspond to the current specific situation.

General strategy way out of social conflict should be to combine these three ways. Update is necessary, this is the key to resolving any conflict, but it is impossible to update everything due to inertia human consciousness. A natural process of rollback (reaction) to some old values ​​and forms should be envisaged.

Scheme 12.6. Goals of conflict resolution

170 ________________________________________ Chapter 12

Goals of conflict resolution:

Change in the correlation of forces of social groups, classes; in Ros
These, for example, are connected with the creation of the middle class as the most
more active, mobile, enterprising, having
certain incomes and property (hence the answer

Modernization of political and economic system, i.e. from
change of old forms, reform of socio-political and eco-
nomic institutions;

Finding a new balance in national relations;

Resolution of religious confrontation;

Fight against separatism, terrorism.

In addition to the general strategy for resolving the conflict, goals and means should be outlined. The implementation of any way to resolve a social conflict presupposes the existence of a plan or program that takes into account goals and means, and also outlines a set of measures to overcome the crisis.

Chapter 12

It is clear that any person, collective, social community faces a conflict situation. Why does one team work in a calm atmosphere, while the other does not, one

family lives to a ripe old age in love and harmony, while the other breaks up? In any team, in any family, there are problems, conflict situations arise, but not everyone knows how to adequately get out of them, avoid their destructive influence on people's relationships, and resolve them.

This is the main reason why we turned to the consideration of conflict situations in the school. Any teaching staff, the teacher has to resolve conflict situations that arise in the school. The correct choice of a strategy of behavior in such circumstances, ways out of the conflict, on the one hand, allows you to maintain efficiency in the teaching staff, the school as a whole, on the other hand, is a clear example for children. And this circumstance emphasizes the particular relevance of studying the problems of conflict in school. It is the teacher who faces the solution of conflict situations, as well as the problems of his students, their parents. The behavior of the teacher in such cases is one of the standards for the younger generation. Unfortunately, in our country, teaching children the right behavior in conflict situations has not been given due attention (in Japanese practice, such training begins in kindergarten) (5). Our rising generation at present can get such knowledge only from the practice of communication.

In this regard, let us dwell on ways out of conflict situations, strategies of behavior and their effectiveness. It is clear that the behavior of the participants in the confrontation is greatly influenced by what kind of relations have developed between them in the past, whether disagreements have been successfully overcome or not, i.e. what attitudes have developed relative to each other. If the previous communication was successful, then the conflict situation is perceived as a disagreement, the parties seek to interact in search of its solution. If the experience of communication in the past was not satisfactory enough, then this deprives them of confidence in the possibility of finding a solution to the problem, reaching an agreement. In this case, the participants in the conflict, limiting their communication, try to resolve it by resorting to the help of a third party or, taking a formal position, use the prescribed, accepted rules. If the previous communication was simply unsatisfactory, led to the accumulation of problems and negative emotions, then the occurrence of disagreements amplifies the negative effect of such communication (5).

Our study showed that in the most common confrontation at school (teacher - student), the teacher has formed a certain attitude towards the opposite side. A significant correlation between the number of teacher-student conflicts and the generation to which teachers refer their wards showed that with an increase in the number of such confrontations among teachers, the number of teachers increases.

who consider their students pragmatists, cynics, aggressors. Let's try to figure out why such a negative assessment was formed.

The stressful situation in which the whole society found itself, including teachers: the breaking of ideology, principles, foundations, leads to changes in ourselves, our children. The younger generation reacts to changes faster. Most of the teachers were formed earlier, and they cannot immediately reorganize within a few years. It is not available to any person. The growing gap between teacher and child makes it difficult for them to interact. The established traditional methods of influencing children (especially traditionally authoritarian ones) do not work today. They encounter active negative rejection in the child. New methods, techniques, approaches to children have not yet been developed, primarily because the teachers have not yet reflected on this moment, have not realized that they are dealing with a completely new object of interaction. The ineffectiveness of the old methods of influence, the absence of new ones puts the teacher in a difficult position. There is an effect of purely personal protection. The psychological defense is: "I can't handle them because they're bad." This is a natural psychological mechanism that works when a person encounters a new phenomenon. This was not taught at the university, since such a phenomenon simply did not exist. This is not taught in the professional development system. Society itself is only beginning to realize this phenomenon. In the literature on this issue, only the fact that children react faster and more sharply to changes is noted so far. The formed unconscious attitude towards children and the lack of ways to influence and interact with them create an enhanced (doubled) effect of the conflict, which will be a constant stress factor until the teacher understands this situation, and then proceeds to search for new forms of work. So far, they have realized this fact in only one aspect - the motivation of children to study has decreased, which is indicated by the majority as the reason for the conflict with students. The teacher's negative attitude cannot yet say that conflicts are becoming destructive. The behavioral strategy of the confrontation participants can change its outcome.

The situation of relationships with students in terms of the main circumstances or motives for the emergence of conflicts gives an idea of ​​what is the main factor that creates misunderstanding between teachers and students. Working earlier in a different system of representations, a different grid of rules of conduct, the teacher was able to control the situation and manage it. Today, the circumstances are such that teachers often experience a feeling of helplessness, because they do not have in their hands an “instrument” adequate to the situation to influence students. However, it seems that many of the “old”, well-established mechanisms can be used today, but they should be used with new semantic content, given that the motives for learning, attitudes towards school, and the perception of a teacher in last years students have undergone significant changes.

In order to understand all these issues, let's first look at exactly what methods of getting out of conflict situations are traditionally or massively used by teachers today. Based on ordinary everyday situations, we can distinguish four types of behavior in conflict interactions. The names of these types are very conditional and there is no estimated burden in relation to people falling into these groups. bear, especially since each person can vary his behavior in a conflict situation depending on a variety of reasons, while moving from one type of behavior to another.

Type 1 - passive behavior. It includes people who do not make any efforts to resolve or remove the conflict, they are waiting for the issue to be resolved “by itself”. But if they are met halfway, for example, with apologies or explanations, they are ready to go to the world.

Type 2 - evasive behavior. This behavior is demonstrated by people who are ready to get away from the conflict with all their might, tend to shift its decision onto anyone else's shoulders (for example, the administration)

Type 3 - active behavior, expressed in the impact on others. People who choose this behavior are ready to express everything they think on this issue to the participants in the conflict, and also to prove their point of view until the opponents accept it.

Type 4 - the behavior of "reasonable compromise". These people are not inclined to fight to the bitter end, it is more important for them to solve the problem, and not crush the opponent. Therefore, they are looking for ways to change the situation, and not the opinion of the participants in the conflict or their position. They can turn to an “arbitrator” (for example, a member of the team respected by both parties), try to understand what they themselves did wrong, try to take the first step towards reconciliation, moreover, they apologize if they understand that they were wrong.

This typology was compiled by us on the basis of the study of opinions, generalizations of teachers about conflict situations. Moreover, a number of statements that are the most typical (and therefore more familiar to our respondents) were used when formulating the answers to the questionnaire. Apparently, such a classification may turn out to be incomplete, but it seems to us that it provides interesting material. The question about typical ways of resolving conflicts or getting out of them included a much larger number of possibilities, of which, based on the typology, we analyzed the data of all respondents' answers.

As a result, we got that the most typical behavior is "reasonable compromise". This type of behavior has a constructive connotation, and leads to a decrease in the tension of the conflict situation, and to its resolution. The presence of such people in the team is the basis of its stability, benevolence. The behavior of "reasonable compromise" in conflict situations is demonstrated by 64% of teachers. Avoidant behavior is typical for 17%, active behavior was recorded in 16%, and passive behavior only in 3% of the total population. It is no doubt encouraging that most teachers tend to "reasonable compromise." But the 16% of "active fighters" who are inclined to defend their beliefs until their opponents accept their views are of some concern. Obviously, there are situations when it is impossible to give up your own view, but you should also remember that your opponent may think the same way. Moreover, it is logical to assume that his reasons for choosing this view are as important to him as to you. And if this is so, then there can be no way out of the conflict. For you can force a person to change behavior, but not views.

In conclusion, we note that the only way to change the views of teachers on conflict is only through training in this area. It was in recent decades that conflict began to receive great attention in foreign practice. The very attitude to the conflict as something indecent has changed to the idea that this phenomenon is natural, but requires a special approach to resolution. And if centers have emerged today that resolve conflicts between mafia groups, ethnic groups, etc., we can say that conflicts in the teaching environment are amenable to analysis and resolution. Moreover, more than one conflictological center has already appeared in St. Petersburg, in educational plans many universities as an academic discipline included conflictology. There is every reason to believe that under the influence of all these targeted efforts, the problems of confrontation will find optimal solutions. The path of change in this area is already visible today.


1. Grishina N. V. Dissertation work for the degree of Candidate. Psychology "Patterns of the emergence of interpersonal industrial conflicts", Leningrad State University, 1978, pp. 3, 9.

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5. Grishina N. V. Let's agree. St. Petersburg, 1993. S. 4.

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