Next week, on June 7, at the Lyndon Johnson Space Center in Houston, NASA will name 8-14 new astronaut candidates who will participate not only in the agency's missions to the ISS, but also, possibly, fly to the Moon and Mars. A little later, in December 2017, Roscosmos will also announce the names of candidates for its unified cosmonaut corps. The state corporation plans to recruit from 6 to 8 people. Some of these people are likely to be part of the crew of the Federation spacecraft, which will go on a research mission to our satellite in 2025.

We tried to compare the selection criteria for NASA astronauts and Roscosmos cosmonauts, their training process and ... salaries. Here's what came out of it.


1. The number of people who want to go into space in the USA and in Russia

NASA announced its 22nd astronaut recruitment two years ago. The application window was open from December 2015 to February 2016. The number of applicants to become astronauts turned out to be impressive: about thirty thousand applications were submitted in three months, NASA approved 18,353. This significantly exceeds the previous record set in 1978. Then the agency approved 8037 questionnaires.

The news that Roscosmos is starting the second open recruitment of cosmonauts was published on the website of the space corporation on March 14, 2017. Acceptance of applications from all comers will end on July 14. According to the online publication MIR 24, as of May 4, 230 applications were submitted to the Cosmonaut Training Center (CTC), and only 30 were approved, that is, two hundred applications were rejected by Russian specialists due to “non-compliance of applicants with the requirements or an incomplete set of documents”. The new set is the seventeenth in a row since 1960. The previous one took place in 2012. Then 304 applications were approved, the total number of applications submitted to the CPC is not reported.

2. Citizenship and age

The NASA astronaut team may be US citizens or persons with dual citizenship, one of which must be American. It is also interesting that there are no age restrictions in the selection criteria. Last time (in 2013) the age requirements for candidates were from 26 to 46 years old.

As for Roskosmos, only citizens of the Russian Federation not older than 35 years old are enrolled in the cosmonaut corps. True, as an exception, they can take a 36-37 year old candidate if he is good in all respects (education, profession, physical characteristics). In 2012, the age limit was even lower - up to 33 years.

Men and women are accepted into the detachments of both NASA and Roscosmos on equal terms.

3. Education that the candidate must have

In contrast to previous years, when astronauts were enrolled only with a PhD (analogous to our PhD), in this set it is enough to have a bachelor's degree. A person needs to be a specialist in the field of engineering, information technologies, natural / biological sciences, or mathematics.

People with higher education in engineering or flight specialties, or those who have great experience work in rocket and space and aviation industry. An important condition is proficiency in English. Preference is given to pilots and candidates with a master's degree.

4. Flight hours and work experience

Astronaut candidates are not required to have flight experience. It is enough to work 3 years by profession or fly 1000 hours on jet / civil aircraft.

Future cosmonauts of Roskosmos are required to have at least 3 years of work experience in their specialty, and applicants from among the flight crew must have a flight education, a class rating of at least 3 classes, and 3 years of flight experience.

5. Medical requirements

The growth of a NASA astronaut must be from 150 to 190 centimeters, vision is either 1 or 0.1 and above, provided that it is corrected with glasses and lenses to normal, blood pressure is up to 140/90.

The astronaut's vision should be 1, height 150-190 centimeters, weight - 50-90 kg, maximum foot length - 29.5 centimeters (46th size).

Candidates for both the NASA astronaut corps and the Roscosmos cosmonaut corps must have exceptional physical endurance, they must pass sports standards (running, swimming, pull-ups) with the highest marks. The standards are the same for both men and women.


General space training of astronauts lasts two years. After completing a two-year training, they are accepted into the NASA squad, and they are already considered full-fledged astronauts.

The first months of training are focused on acquiring the basic skills of an astronaut. Theoretical and practical classes are held. Astronautics experts give lectures to future astronauts on aerodynamics, robotics, physics, etc. Also, since 2016, the study of the Russian language has been included in the program.

Candidates are trained to perform a complex mechanical work in conditions of weightlessness. Such training takes place in a huge pool with a volume of more than 23 million liters at the Lyndon Johnson Space Center in Houston. Astronauts put on space suits with weights hooked to them to stabilize themselves at a given depth and practice the maneuvers they will need during a spacewalk.

Also on full-size mock-ups simulating the ISS modules and spaceships, astronauts learn how to carry out station maintenance and spacecraft docking.

It is interesting to note that if the candidate does not have aircraft piloting experience, he is trained to fly on the NASA T-38 main jet trainer.

Then begin training in extreme conditions. NASA astronauts master the technique of survival in the desert, in the Arctic, in the mountains. They learn to build a temporary shelter, make a fire, get water and food. These skills are essential in case the spacecraft lands in the wild.

When the training ends, the astronaut is put in line for a space flight. How long he will have to wait is unknown. For example, Dick Slayton from the first detachment of NASA astronauts (60s) waited in the wings for 16 years.

As the astronauts wait in line, they are given a position at the Lyndon Johnson Space Center in Houston. There they can work in the flight control department or in the development department. spacecraft.

All those who will be enrolled in the NASA team in 2017 will be able to take part in a flight to the ISS, in two commercial space flights, and also go to the Moon or Mars on the Orion spacecraft.

The training of Roscosmos cosmonauts consists of four stages.

The first stage takes up to two years and provides for general space training. At this stage, a person acquires the skills that form the basis of the profession of an astronaut. In large audiences and small classes, lectures are given to candidates on the theory of flight, navigation, control systems, they are told about the principles of creating launch vehicles, spacecraft, and launch complexes. Future cosmonauts acquire basic technical knowledge about the ship on which they will fly into space, and how to work with the systems of the device. After graduation, an exam is taken, you need to pass it with an “excellent” mark.

The second stage is group - a person is trained in a group (takes from 2 to 3 years). Candidates are trained to be in zero gravity. The training takes place in the water - in a special pool of the Gagarin Cosmonaut Training Center, and in the air - for example, on the Il-76 MDK aircraft. The state of free flight inside the apparatus lasts only 25 seconds and is achieved due to the movement of the aircraft along a special trajectory. For one flight, the weightlessness mode is created about ten times.

As for flight training, in Russia much less time is allocated for it than in the United States. Future cosmonauts are trained on L-39 aircraft.

Candidates are also taught how to survive in extreme environments. In winter, training sessions are held at a special Roscosmos base in the Moscow region. In summer, spring and autumn - in the mountains and desert areas.

The third stage is training as part of an approved crew (lasts about two years). At this stage, cosmonauts are trained to use on-board documentation, Soyuz spacecraft and ISS modules. The entire training takes place on simulators that imitate the ISS modules and SOYUZ spacecraft, in addition, communication skills are practiced (work with psychologists).

The fourth stage is the training of the crew on board a manned spacecraft (lasting from 1 year). Inside special models (“SOYUZ”, ISS), cosmonauts are trained to set up scientific experiments and conduct the necessary research.

For the 2017 recruitment, the waiting period for a flight could be 15 years, or even more. For example, Nikolai Tikhonov, who was enlisted in the cosmonaut corps back in 2006, is still waiting for his turn to go into space.

Some of the new candidates will probably fly to the moon on the Federation spacecraft.


Salaries for civilian astronauts (they pass as civil servants) are accrued on the General Schedule scale from GS-11 to GS-14 and depend on skills and experience. The GS-11 (Low Experience) salary starts at $66,026 per year, while the GS-14 (Large Experience) salary ranges from $110,000 to $144,566 per year. Astronauts also receive per diems, usually a small amount, and about $1,000 is accumulated over six months.

If the astronaut has a military rank, the accrual is on a scale of O-4, O-5 and O-6 (major, lieutenant colonel, colonel, respectively). On average, they receive between $78,000 and $104,000 a year, and they also receive additional payments for flying hours, food allowance, and housing allowance, totaling about $1,600 a month.

The salary is accrued regardless of whether the astronaut is in orbit or on Earth.

Unfortunately, there are no official figures on the salary of Roscosmos cosmonauts on the Web, but you can find out about the monthly salary from news publications. According to the newspaper "VZGLYAD" dated 19.12. 2012, a cosmonaut candidate received from 60.9 thousand Russian rubles a month, a test cosmonaut - 63.8, an instructor cosmonaut - 88.45 thousand. Plus good allowances and bonuses for experience and merit.

But all this is flowers compared to paying for a six-month stay on the ISS. For six months spent aboard the International Space Station, Russian cosmonauts received about $ 130,000 -150,000 (data for 2010). It should be noted that the dollar at that time cost 30-32 rubles.

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To date, 121 Soviet and Russian cosmonauts have flown into space. And each of them can serve as an example of how to go to your dream. This path is not easy, but it is not completely insurmountable either. So, let's imagine that you have a child who is raving about space. An excellent option for him is the all-Russian network of children's technoparks Quantorium, which has courses Cosmoquantum and Aeroquantum. The local teachers teach classes in manned space exploration and satellite development. There is also an excellent program "Space Squad", opened at the Museum of Cosmonautics at VDNKh, where children can even meet with members of expeditions to the ISS.

If you do not live in Moscow, first of all you need to ask if there is a suitable circle in the local planetarium. Very strong circle Nizhny Novgorod- there are even space simulators and a spaceship simulator. Also widely known is the youth cosmonautics club in St. Petersburg, where several active astronauts came from. The club is already 50 years old.

Immerse yourself in the world future profession can be in the children's camp. For example, aerospace shifts are carried out in Orlyonok. There is a youth space center at the TsPK im. Gagarin. One of his programs is "Weekends in Space", where children can come with their parents.

From personal qualities First of all, the child needs to develop the ability to work in a team. No one needs solo astronauts anymore. The issue of health is very important. And this is, first of all, the task of parents, who, together with the child, must embark on a long journey towards the realization of a dream. Accustom the offspring to constant physical education. No need for super-overloads - bones broken during training, stretched ligaments and pumped muscles will only hurt. Enough regular general strengthening exercises. Even if there were some health problems in childhood, this can be corrected. The main thing is the mental attitude.

From school to the stars in 5 steps

1. First approach Sign up for courses additional education. Children's technoparks are opening, many museums have thematic circles - for example, the Space Squad is engaged in the Museum of Cosmonautics at VDNKh. 2. Search for an idea The child must decide how he can be useful in space. The ideal option is if he came up with a project or an idea for an experiment. 3. Study In the centers of youth innovative creativity, as well as at many universities (for example, Polytechnic University) and planetariums, survey courses on astronautics are given and classes are held with an emphasis on programming, physics, mathematics, and three-dimensional modeling. 4. Dive In the children's camp "Orlyonok" aerospace shifts are held. Specialists from the aerospace industry and astronauts come there, there is the House of Aviation and Cosmonautics, where children can learn simulators. In the CPC them. Gagarin, the program “Weekends in Space” is running, where children can come with their parents. 5. Health The child should be accustomed to physical education. Overloads are not needed, pumped muscles will only get in the way. Regular general strengthening exercises are enough - running, pulling up, push-ups, dumbbells. Proper nutrition is very important - no hamburgers and cola!

After school

So, your child - or rather, already a young man - has already graduated from school and is still determined to connect his life with space. What institute teaches this profession? To get a chance to be selected for the cosmonaut corps, you need to choose one of two options.

The first is to become a pilot. One of the most important pilot skills is the ability to work in a combined activity, that is, simultaneously control the aircraft, control a huge number of parameters on the instrument panel, maintain a visual horizon control and enter into fighting. All this is extremely valuable for the future cosmonaut.

It is necessary to start preparing for admission to the flight school in advance, especially for the medical-flight expert commission. In addition, a young man must be mentally prepared to leave for another city where he will study. After training, he is waiting for service in the aviation units of the RF Armed Forces, from where, after a few years, he can apply for a cosmonaut corps.

Another way is to enter technical higher educational establishments who train engineers for the rocket and space industry. After graduation, it is worth going to work for enterprises involved in the creation of manned space systems. Many active astronauts come from such firms. The level of technical training they have is very high, because they were directly involved in the creation of space systems.

In principle, if there is an inclination, one can try the path of a medical specialist. Of course, it is much more difficult for medical candidates, since they have to independently study the basics of spacecraft design, the mechanics of space flight, etc. In fact, sooner or later they will have to retrain as an engineer. However, medical experience will be an advantage. There are several institutions that deal with medical and biological problems of astronautics, support and post-flight rehabilitation of astronauts. The Federal Biomedical Agency (FMBA) and the Institute of Biomedical Problems (IMBP) can be recommended.

Path to space for a conscious young man

Where to go? Option I One of the professions that can open the way to space is a pilot, preferably a fighter aircraft. There are traditionally many pilots among cosmonauts, because they undergo regular medical examinations, work with complex equipment under overload conditions. Suitable educational institutions: Ulyanovsk VAUGA, St. Petersburg GUGA, Krasnodar VVAUL, Syzran VVAUL. Option II Another way to get closer to your dream is to enroll in technical university, which trains engineers for the rocket and space industry. These specialists receive the necessary knowledge and tools for six years of study at the university. Suitable MAI, MSTU them. Bauman, Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology, Faculty of Physics of Moscow State University, National Research Nuclear University MEPhI, SSAU. Option III Medical cosmonauts made a huge contribution to manned cosmonautics. After studying at a medical university, you should take a closer look at the FMBA and IBMP. Where to work? After graduation, it is desirable to get a job at one of the enterprises involved in the creation of spacecraft, spacesuits, on-board systems, etc. Many employees of RSC Energia named after. Koroleva, NPP "Zvezda" them. Severin, GKNPTs im. Khrunichev, etc. enter the cosmonaut corps.

Mission for the commission

Motivation is very important when selecting a cosmonaut corps. The question will inevitably arise at the commission: if you wanted to become an astronaut so badly, then where were you before, what did you do to make your dream come true? If the candidate did not have experience in engineering, design or medical work, he will almost certainly be rejected.

If everything is in order with education and work, it's time to focus on physical training. It is necessary to constantly update the results of the in-depth medical commission. The candidate must be ready at any time to present all the necessary certificates, documents, results of medical examinations, etc. Requirements for candidates for the cosmonaut corps and a complete list of documents that must be sent to Gagarin, can be found on the official website of the center.

In the case of an initial positive result, an invitation will come from the CPC for an in-depth examination in Star City. The final stage has been passed! At the training center, a young man is waiting psychological tests and examinations on special simulators (Coriolis acceleration chair, centrifuge, pressure chamber). Then comes the personal interview. A couple of days before him, the candidate will be offered to study one of the on-board systems of the Soyuz spacecraft or the International Space Station. So the commission will evaluate the ability to absorb new material for a short time.

The final decision on the fate of the applicant is made by the Interdepartmental Commission. Having received the official position of “candidate for the Roskosmos cosmonaut corps”, you can quit your previous job. There are two years of general space training ahead. This is a completely new life: constant study of the design and onboard systems of spacecraft and station modules (occupies 90% of all training), tests in a pressure chamber, in a centrifuge and in a hydro laboratory, flights in the Il-76 MDK laboratory aircraft, parachute training. Monthly assignments and exams.

Excellent exam results guarantee a new status - "test cosmonaut". It usually takes 8-10 years from its receipt to the first space flight. Congratulations - a dream come true!

The most important space news of the past week is the new recruitment of Roscosmos cosmonauts. For only the second time in the history of domestic cosmonautics, you do not need to be a military pilot, work at RSC Energia or the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences to apply. The beginning of a new selection is an excellent opportunity to talk about how cosmonauts and astronauts were recruited at different times.

Russian cosmonaut squad for April 2016, freeze frame video

First then and today

If the first space teams of the USSR and the USA were magically swapped and their documents were submitted for the then ongoing selection for astronauts / astronauts, then for the most part both teams would not be able to pass the selection in another country.

The first detachment of cosmonauts of the USSR, 1960, RGANTD archive

In the United States, disputes were raging about what professions are most suitable for becoming astronauts. Even submariners and stuntmen were considered suitable. But by strong-willed decision of President Eisenhower, the specialty of a military test pilot was chosen. This choice had another serious plus - the number of potential candidates was reduced to a number convenient for work, no more than a thousand, moreover, the military could be selected in an atmosphere of strict secrecy. The requirements for a future astronaut included a higher education (at least a bachelor's degree or equivalent), an age of up to 40 years and a flight time of at least 1,500 hours. If we impose these requirements on the Soviet First Detachment, then only Belyaev and Komarov managed to graduate from the air force academies before being enrolled in the cosmonaut detachment, and only Komarov worked as a test pilot. It is difficult to say whether Vladimir Komarov managed to fly 1500 hours by 1960, but according to known criteria, only he could receive a secret invitation to the selection.

"Mercury Seven" - the first detachment of US astronauts, NASA photo

In the USSR, future cosmonauts were looked for among fighter pilots, without making high demands on education. But more stringent than the Americans were the requirements for growth (USSR - 175, USA - 180) and age (USSR-35, USA - 40). As a result, the first seven American astronauts, for the most part, are older than the limit requirements. Only Grissom, Carpenter and Cooper are under 35 as of early 1960. But Carpenter is eliminated from the competition because he flew patrol planes, not fighter jets. But Grissom and Cooper both flew just on fighters before moving to test pilots. In terms of height, they both also pass, Grissom with his 1.65 with a margin, and Cooper with 1.73 - back to back.

It is curious, but if both detachments are moved to the present, then they, for the most part, will not pass the selection of Roscosmos either. Americans will be cut off at the same age limit of 35, and many Soviet cosmonauts they will not pass even as military pilots, because for the most part they graduated from ordinary, and not higher, pilot schools, but in the requirements of this year's selection, higher flying education. For example, it would not make sense for Gagarin to submit documents - he graduated from a regular flight school and by 1960 had only 2 years of flight experience (with three years required today).

Historical changes

After the first sets, the space agencies each developed their own system. In the United States, open recruitment was carried out, but with rather stringent requirements, which at first only test pilots met. However, there were exceptions, for example, in 1965, six scientists took the fourth set, and, for example, Harrison Schmidt ("Apollo 17"), after being enrolled in the detachment, learned to fly an airplane. The turning point was the eighth set in 1978, when the Space Shuttle required a lot of astronauts, and not all of them had to be pilots. The requirements for non-pilots were lowered, and this set became a record number of applications - as many as 8,000. The selection was made by 35 people, among whom were both military pilots with combat experience and civilian scientists. The class's motto was "We deliver". And they really delivered, both literally and humorously. The class of 1978 set a number of "first" achievements for US space exploration - the first woman, the first African American, the first mother in space, and others. And the humorous component is perfectly described in the memoirs of the astronaut from this set, Mike Mullane, "Riding the Rockets: The Outrageous Stories of the Space Shuttle Astronaut."

Class of 1978, Mullane third from left, front row. Photo by NASA

Shuttles flew frequently and with large crews, so the golden time came for American astronauts - recruitments were held regularly, people were recruited a lot. In 1996, as many as 44 new people were enlisted in the detachment - 35 Americans and 9 foreigners for joint flights. Even after the Columbia disaster, when it became clear that the career of the shuttles was over, another set was made in 2004, and out of 11 people, 10 managed to fly on the shuttles. But then it became clear that such large NASA detachments were no longer needed, the sets became rarer and smaller in volume. In 2009, 14 people were recruited for expeditions to the ISS, of which half managed to fly. In October 2011, NASA announced a new set of astronauts. As mentioned, the astronauts of this set will have to go to the asteroid on the new Orion spacecraft, so there was no shortage of applications. In just two months, NASA received 6,372 applications, only the 1978 intake had more. Of these, 8 people were selected - 6 military and two civilians, who became the class of 2013, 21 in a row at NASA.

21 set of NASA astronauts, photo NASA

Now there is a selection process of 22 groups of astronauts. The mention of Mars as a possible target for flights of the winners of this set led to a record number of applications - 18300, more than twice as many as in 1978. Applications were accepted in February 2016, now we are working with the finalists, the final results will be announced in the summer. As expected, a group of 8-14 people will be selected. Interestingly, in the selection criteria, NASA completely removed the age limit. It probably remained, but hidden - with so many applications, even if you select those born on the same day, there will be fierce competition among them. The requirements for health and height also look low - the pressure is not higher than 140/90 and vision, which can be corrected up to 20/20 with lenses. But, again, with a competition of two thousand people for a place, it will not be difficult to select absolutely healthy people. The education criterion is not high - just a bachelor, but in 2013 PhD (an analogue of our candidate of sciences) and a person with two bachelor's degrees and one master's degree passed the selection. Additionally, pilots require 1,000 hours of jet flying.

There are currently 44 active astronauts listed on NASA's website.

Departmental detachments of cosmonauts appeared in the USSR - military pilots from the Air Force, engineers from RSC Energia, and a small detachment of doctors from the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. And the sets in them were closed - the necessary criterion was service as a military pilot or work at a specific enterprise, it made no sense to announce the recruitment widely. On the other hand, no secret was made of this mechanism, and a person who wanted to become an astronaut could become a military pilot, RKKE engineer, or physician at the Institute of Biomedical Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences. Of those mentioned on the website of the Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin, the largest is the third set of 1965, when 23 people were selected. Alas, the number of cosmonauts at first greatly exceeded the number of seats on the ships, and only six of this group flew into space. In the future, the situation improved somewhat, and most of those who passed the selection went on a flight.

The last closed additions to the detachment were the sets of 2006 and 2010. And if you read the story about the course of recruitment in 2006, then a sad picture arises - there were few people who wanted to become astronauts, and of those who wanted, many did not pass according to medical requirements. It even came to campaign trips to specialized universities in search of senior students. And the students, in turn, did not want to become cosmonauts or work at RSC Energia, knowing about the low salaries there. As a result, in 2006, 7 people were accepted into the detachment - 5 from the Air Force and 2 from the RKKE. But it was this detachment that got Elena Serova, who became the first Russian woman on the ISS and ended her career as an astronaut last year, retraining as a State Duma deputies. The names of the cosmonauts of the 2006 recruitment are well known - they flew recently (Misurkin, Ovchinin) or are in orbit now (Novitsky, Ryzhikov).

Set of 2006, photo by Roscosmos

In the recruitment of 2010, the majority of candidates were represented by RSC Energia, as a result, eight people were selected, none of whom have yet flown, and two have already left the detachment.

In 2011, the Russian cosmonauts were reorganized, combining three separate detachments into one. The military suffered the most from this, because they had to quit their jobs. military service and lose the accumulation of specific military bonuses. Alas, this decision does not seem rational, in NASA military astronauts retain their military status, often continue to serve after leaving NASA and grow to high ranks.

Well, the last one was completed in 2012, the first open to everyone. In addition to restrictions on age (up to 33 years) and height / weight, candidates were required to have a higher education and five years of work experience in their specialty, of which three were in one place. Also, the requirements for physical fitness were indicated and a large list of analyzes was attached, which had to be collected independently. When the deadline for submitting applications ended, it turned out that there were only 113 of them, and the acceptance of applications was extended by almost two months. As a result, 304 applications were received, of which: 42 employees of the space industry, 153 applicants from other organizations, 17 military personnel (4 from the space industry), 24 women (4 from the space industry). 51 people were admitted to the full-time stage of the competition, of which 10 people passed all the tests. Two were refused by the competition commission, and 8 people entered the detachment. To date, two have already left the cosmonaut corps.

Set of astronauts in 2012, photo by CPC

Now 32 cosmonauts are listed as active on the CPC website. By breaking news at the forum "Cosmonautics News" Sergei Volkov leaves the detachment, and it turns out that there are 31 active cosmonauts UPD: the list does not formally include RKKE cosmonauts Kaleri and Vinogradov, who are still formally in the detachment, 13 of them have not yet flown into space (cosmonaut Sergei Ryzhikov is listed on the website as having no flight experience, but he is now working on the ISS).

Also worth noting is the cosmonaut squad of China. There is little information on him, but it is known that the detachment began to be recruited in the late 90s, and military pilots were considered as candidates. According to rumors, in 2017 China may hold another set of astronauts to form the crews of the future modular space station. In this case, 2017 will be the year of recruitment of astronauts in three space powers at the same time.


In this year's preselection, the age requirements were somewhat relaxed, increasing to 35 years. Other requirements remained similar to the 2012 selection:

  • Astronaut Candidate Candidate Russian Federation may be a citizen of the Russian Federation.

  • The age of applicants must not exceed 35 years.

  • Applicants must have a higher education in engineering, science or flight specialties and have work experience. Priority in the selection is given to persons with experience in the aviation and space industry of the Russian Federation.

  • Applicants must meet the following requirements for subsequent preparation for space flight, in particular:

    1. have the ability to study space technology (demonstrate the ability to understand the basics and principles of building technical systems, understanding their physical essence, the ability to memorize technical information, terminology and technical characteristics);

    2. have knowledge of interaction with computer technology;

    3. know foreign language(English) within the framework of the requirements of the programs of non-linguistic universities of the Russian Federation, etc.

With a complete list of requirements for candidates and a list required documents can be found on the website of the State Corporation "ROSCOSMOS" and the CPC.

This time, prudently, the closing date for applications is not clearly indicated; oral interviews say that it will last until the end of the year. On the one hand, due to the reduction of Russian crews, those who pass the selection will have to wait longer for their flight, not the usual ten years, but maybe all fifteen. Astronauts' salaries are not a record - from 80 to 200 thousand, and newcomers will obviously receive the minimum. On the other hand, those who passed the competition will be able to fly on the new Federation ship, even preparing for a flight is a unique experience, and those who dream of space will get a chance to realize their dream. It's also interesting to see how many entries will be made for the competition - space seems to be more popular now than it used to be. In general, it will be interesting to look at the selection process, and who will eventually win the competition.

Selection for astronauts is a long process. Specialists need to assess what the knowledge of the applicants is, whether their practical experience is sufficient, and the state of health needs to be checked.

No one is forced to become an astronaut, only those who have expressed their desire to master this difficult and dangerous profession are allowed to be selected. But you need to understand that an astronaut is a rare profession. The country does not yet need hundreds and thousands, but only a few dozen astronauts.

The next set of cosmonauts is usually announced by a government organization - the Federal Space Agency of Russia. It is it that determines how many new cosmonaut candidates need to be accepted today, establishes requirements for them and instructs the Interdepartmental Commission (MVK) for the selection of cosmonauts, which includes representatives of various organizations that create space technology and train specialists to work in orbit.

Anyone who decides to become an astronaut is required to write a statement that he wants to master this profession and fly into space. If the submitted documents on education and work experience in a design bureau, scientific institute or medical institution are recognized as sufficient, then the applicant will be admitted to one of the most difficult competitions in the world - to the selection of people worthy of flying to the stars.

The selection of cosmonauts is understood as measures, methods and procedures that make it possible to select for work on manned space objects persons who, for health reasons, education and individual qualities, are most meet the requirements for professional activity astronaut.

The professional activity of an astronaut is flight and space activities for the development, design, testing (including flight design tests) and operation of space technology, space exploration (including scientific research in space flight), as well as participation in practical activities for the use of outer space and celestial bodies.

The International Space Committee for the selection of cosmonauts makes decisions on holding competitions for the purpose of the primary selection of candidates for cosmonauts of the Russian Federation for general space training (GST). The form of the competition, open or closed, is determined by the federal executive body for space activities (currently - Roscosmos). Any citizen of the Russian Federation who has reached the age of majority and has a higher education can participate in an open competition. When organizing a closed competition, an invitation to take part in it is sent to a certain circle of organizations (persons) at the choice of the organizer of the competition.

A closed competition happens when a minimum replenishment of the cosmonaut detachment is required, for example, two people, or there is a recruitment of candidates to solve a specific problem in space. So, for example, in the late 1970s, the general designer of NPO Energia, V.P. Glushko, had the idea to send an elderly cosmonaut on a space flight. The study of the reaction of his body to the factors of space flight would expand the age limits of the space profession (and at the same time break the record of US astronaut R. Slayton, who flew into space at the age of fifty-one). For this purpose, in 1982, 56-year-old Konstantin Petrovich Feoktistov, who had already completed a space flight 18 years ago, was selected. To conduct a study of his body, a doctor of the All-Union Cardiological scientific center Academy of Medical Sciences Oleg Yuryevich Atkov, who was fully trained for the flight. And although Feoktistov's flight was cancelled, the prepared Atkov later made his space flight as part of another crew.

A lot of people take part in the complex complex procedure for selecting candidates for cosmonauts - doctors, experienced cosmonauts, engineers, heads of the Cosmonaut Training Center, training specialists and many others.

The duration of the initial selection of candidates (the time from the start of examinations, testing and until the decision of the IAC on the selection) is from six to twelve months, depending on the number of contestants.

Persons who, according to the conclusion of the IAC for selection, meet the professional requirements, that is, a set of conditions, including the availability of professional training in specialties in demand in the field of space activities, work experience in at least one of these specialties and a state of health suitable for carrying out the professional activities of an astronaut.

Persons who have passed the competitive selection are enrolled in the cosmonaut corps for general space training (GST).

The selection of cosmonauts as a whole is of a prolonged nature. At the OKP stage and subsequent stages of training, cosmonaut and cosmonaut candidates continue medical and psychological examinations, study and master space technology. Based on the final results, decisions are made on their admission to further training. Applicants, candidates for cosmonauts and cosmonauts pass the following types of selection:

selection for compliance with the requirements for education and professional qualifications;

selection for compliance with medical requirements; selection for compliance with the requirements for the level of physical fitness ( physical development);

selection for compliance with psychological and moral requirements;

selection for compliance with social requirements (resistance to the effects of social factors, ability to adapt to a new social environment, interests and needs, motives for wanting to become an astronaut);

selection for compliance with functional requirements (the ability to learn and perform the professional functions of an astronaut).

All these types of selection together constitute professional selection for the purpose of admitting an astronaut to the professional activity.

Nowadays, in order to become an astronaut, one can be not only a pilot, but also an engineer, doctor, scientist, which means that one must have a higher education. You need to learn to be an engineer or a doctor, a biologist, an astrophysicist, or master other specialties. Without scientific and technical knowledge, it is impossible to control a ship, work in zero gravity, and conduct experiments. You won't even be able to use a space suit if you don't know how it's done and why it's done that way. And one more thing. The astronaut trains a lot, but he is also constantly learning. And he will learn - both during preparation and after the flight. After all, life does not stand still - spaceships are becoming more complex, instruments and equipment are changing, which means that astronauts constantly have to acquire new knowledge. When selecting cosmonauts, it is important to understand the candidate's ability and readiness to study a lot, to study throughout his professional life.


In the first detachments of cosmonauts and astronauts, respectively, only fighter pilots and test pilots with extremely excellent health were accepted. These were the requirements of time and scientists for that period.
Over time, the requirements became softer, and the opportunities to get into the cosmonaut corps expanded significantly.
The sons of the first generation of cosmonauts - Volkov, Romanenko, Alexander Skvortsov - are already flying into space. Richard Garriot.\. And it seems that astronauts in the third generation will soon be flying - grandchildren.
In any case, the plans for space exploration in both Russia and the United States are very large. And for their implementation, more and more cosmonauts and astronauts will be needed.
In Russia, the last competitive selection for the cosmonaut corps took place in 2012. What is he talking about? There were just over 200 applications from those who wished. Of the eight candidates recruited for the cosmonaut corps in 2012, only one pilot and one woman. Two from the CPC itself. True, in the finals of the general space training, the G8 had losses. Yes, and Anna Kikina did not receive the coveted test cosmonaut certificate the first time. So it must be admitted that the popularity of the cosmonaut profession in Russia has fallen catastrophically.
I often hear questions about how to become an astronaut. And this question is best answered by the regulation itself on the selection of candidates for the cosmonaut corps as of 2012. There is something to think about and make appropriate decisions. The regulation is published on the website of the Cosmonaut Training Center. Here it is.. General provisions
1.1. The Temporary Regulations for holding an open competition for the selection of candidates for astronauts in 2012 (hereinafter referred to as the Regulations) is a document regulating the procedure for performing work on the selection of candidates for astronauts in the Russian Federation within the framework of an open competition.
1.3. The selection of candidates for cosmonauts is carried out on the basis of normative and legal acts regulating space activities in the Russian Federation.
1.4. The basis for holding a competition for the selection of candidates for astronauts is the decision of the Interdepartmental Commission for the selection of astronauts and their appointment to the crews of manned spacecraft and stations.
II. Terms and definitions used
Applicant for selection - a person from among the citizens of the Russian Federation, whose application for participation in the selection procedures for candidates for astronauts has been accepted by the Competition Commission.
Competitive Commission - a commission that carries out the procedures for selecting applicants.
Candidate for astronauts - a person selected from among the applicants for selection to undergo training for a manned flight according to an approved program.
The professional activity of an astronaut is a type of space activity, which consists in the training of an astronaut and the performance of a manned space flight by him.
Professional selection is a procedure for selecting persons who, in terms of health, education and individual qualities, meet the professional requirements for astronaut candidates.
III. Accepted abbreviations
MVK - Interdepartmental Commission for the selection of cosmonauts and their appointment to the crews of manned spacecraft and stations
PKA - manned spacecraft
TsPK - Federal State Budgetary Institution "Scientific Research Testing Cosmonaut Training Center named after Yu.A. Gagarin"
VIII. Criteria for selection of candidates for cosmonauts
8.1. General requirements
Only a citizen of the Russian Federation can become a Roscosmos cosmonaut candidate.
The age of applicants must not exceed 33 years.
The applicant may be recognized as unsuitable for further selection if he does not meet any of the established requirements (criteria).
The following persons are not allowed to select astronaut candidates:
who are being prosecuted;
having an unexpunged (unspent) conviction;
violating the legislation of the Russian Federation on the protection of state secrets.

8.2. Requirements for education, professional qualifications and work experience of applicants
Applicants must have a higher education, confirmed by a state document. Priority in the selection is given to persons with experience in the aviation and space industry in Russia.
Candidates with the following levels of higher education established by federal law are admitted to the primary selection:
higher education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, the qualification (degree) "certified specialist";
higher education, confirmed by the assignment to a person who has successfully passed the final certification, qualifications (degrees) "bachelor" or "master".
The documents certifying the higher education of persons admitted to the selection are:
diploma of a specialist higher education;
bachelor's or master's degree.
The mentioned documents must be of state standard, and higher educational institutions must have state accreditation. Higher education institutions must have one of the following statuses: university, academy, institute or higher schools equivalent to them.
Pilots, test pilots must have a higher flight education and class at least 3rd class, experience in flight work (service) in units, organizations, institutions involved in the operation, use, testing of aviation or space technology for at least three years in the flight specialty.
Persons with higher education must have at least 5 years of work experience in their specialty and at least 3 years at the same place of work.
Military specialists who have successfully passed the selection may be enlisted in the cosmonaut corps only after they have been discharged from military service.
8.3. Medical requirements
Medical requirements that determine the degree of suitability of cosmonaut candidates are set out in the Regulations on Medical Examination and Health Control of Astronaut Candidates, Cosmonauts and Cosmonaut Instructors.
8.4. Moral and psychological requirements
When selecting applicants for compliance with psychological requirements, the following qualities of candidates are evaluated:
personal: individual psychological, temperament, individual typological, character traits, type of higher nervous activity, abilities, needs, attitudes, motives, etc.;
professionally important psychological: memory, attention, thinking, perception;
moral: moral values, attitude towards people, readiness for self-improvement, etc.;
socio-psychological: the ability for positive interpersonal interaction, tolerance, conflict.
The intellectual and creative potential of applicants is to be assessed, including cognitive and creative activity readiness and ability to learn.
With the help of test methods, the following are also studied: noise immunity, ability to work under time pressure, cognitive behavior, etc.
When selecting applicants for compliance with moral requirements, the following are evaluated:
biographical data, including information about the identity of the candidate and his family;
educational and work activities, including data on behavior, activities and relationships in the team;
motivation to choose a new profession;
features of character and behavior in ordinary and extreme situations;
Availability bad habits and etc.

8.5. Physical Fitness Requirements
The composition of professionally significant physical qualities, assessed in the selection of candidates for cosmonauts, includes: endurance, strength, speed, dexterity, flexibility.
Based on the results of the exercises performed, marks are given for each exercise, physical quality and integral assessment of physical fitness, which are compared with the required level of fitness.

8.6. Requirements to professional competence
Applicants must meet the following requirements for professional competence required for subsequent preparation for space flight:
have at least 5 years of work experience in the specialty and at least 3 years at the same place of work;
have the necessary minimum general knowledge in the field of basics of manned cosmonautics;
have the ability to study space technology (demonstrate the ability to understand the basics and principles of building technical systems, understand their physical essence, be able to memorize technical information and technical characteristics);
have the ability to operator activities (determined by the results of special tests). Applicants with probation experience will be preferred;
knowledge of the Russian language (written and oral) must be at least good, in relation to the requirements high school Russian Federation;
knowledge of English for a grade not lower than "good" according to the requirements of universities of the Russian Federation;
ability to use personal computer, Internet, e-mail, anti-virus programs, etc.;
have the necessary awareness in the field of the history of world and domestic astronautics;
possess the necessary minimum of general knowledge in the field of cultural studies.
IX. Methodology for the selection of candidates for cosmonauts
9.1. General provisions on the selection of candidates for cosmonauts
The start of the selection of candidates for cosmonauts is considered to be the posting on the Roscosmos website of the decision of the International Space Commission on its conduct. The corresponding notice on the website of Roscosmos should contain information on the timing and form of submission of applications and documents for participation in the selection, the number of selected candidates for cosmonauts, the conditions and procedure for the selection.
Applicants for selection are persons whose application for participation in the selection, together with a package of related documents, is accepted by the Tender Committee before the deadline for submitting applications.
Applicants who, according to the conclusion of the IAC, are recognized as the best for performing the professional activities of a cosmonaut, are considered to have passed the selection.
The results of the selection and the decision of the IAC on the selected candidates for astronauts are published on the website
9.2. The sequence and content of the procedures for selecting astronaut candidates (testing)
9.2.1. Acceptance of applications and documents of applicants for selection.
The competitive commission, within the terms established in the notice on the selection of candidates for astronauts, accepts applications and documents for participation in the selection from individuals (in accordance with the list of personal documents given in Appendix No. 1).
In addition, applicants submit a package of medical documents in accordance with the mandatory list given in
application number 2.
Documents are sent by mail with a notification or delivered by the applicant personally to the address: 141160, Star City, Moscow Region, to the head of the Yu.A.
Documents received by the Tender Commission are not returned to the applicant. The confidentiality of information received by the Tender Commission is guaranteed in accordance with the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ "On Personal Data".
All documents submitted by the applicants may be checked by the Tender Commission for the accuracy of the information contained in them in accordance with the established procedure.
9.2.2. Consideration of documents by the Tender Commission.
The competition committee reviews the submitted documents and screens out applicants who do not meet the selection requirements. The remaining applicants are subject to personal verification (testing) for compliance with the requirements for professional suitability.
The competitive commission, in accordance with the established procedure, calls the applicants who have passed the preliminary selection to the CPC to check their compliance with the established requirements and organizes the work of its subcommittees for all types of selection.
9.2.3. Implementation of face-to-face professional selection (testing) procedures. Selection for compliance with medical requirements.
Medical compliance screenings include:
examination of internal organs;
psychoneurological research;
surgical research;
ophthalmological examination;
otorhinolaryngological examination;
dental research;
functional research;
gynecological examination (when selecting women);
psychiatric research.
The main procedures for testing and examining candidates are carried out on the basis of the CTC. If necessary, specialists from other organizations and departments can be involved in their implementation. Selection for compliance with psychological and moral requirements.
Psychological and moral qualities of applicants are evaluated according to the results of special psychological research, relevant interviews with applicants, study of documents characterizing their life activity, observations by psychologists-experts of candidates during other types of selection. Selection for compliance with the requirements for the level of physical fitness.
Assessment of professionally significant physical qualities of applicants, such as endurance, strength, speed, dexterity, is carried out based on the results of checking the applicants' performance of standard physical exercises (the standards are presented in Appendix No. 3). Selection for compliance with the requirements for education and professional competence.
Applicants for selection must have the appropriate education and professional qualification. Compliance with the requirements for education and professional competence is established by studying the relevant documents of the applicants and is checked during oral examinations and special tests.
9.3. Registration of the results of the selection of candidates for astronauts
At the end of the professional selection procedures, the Competition Commission analyzes the results of testing and examination of candidates.
From among the applicants who meet all the requirements, the required number of persons is selected, determined by the selection conditions, with the best results for submission to the IAC.
The IAC reviews the submitted documents and makes decisions on the approval of candidates for cosmonauts personally for each applicant and issues recommendations for their appointment to the positions of “candidate for test cosmonauts” or “candidate for research cosmonauts” of the Roscosmos Cosmonaut Detachment.
The decisions of the IAC on the selected cosmonaut candidates are published on the Roscosmos website and communicated personally to all selected cosmonaut candidates.
Refusal of a candidate for cosmonauts based on the results of an open competition does not require special justification and is brought to the attention of the candidate.

List of personal documents submitted by applicants to the Competition Commission
The following documents are submitted to the Tender Committee for each applicant (individual):
1. application for participation in the competition;
2. a copy of the pages of the passport of a citizen of the Russian Federation containing information;
3. reference from the place of work, approved by the head of the enterprise;
4. a copy of the certificate of secondary education;
5. a copy of the diploma (diplomas) of higher education and extracts with grades;
6. copy of the work book (if any);
7. biographical data (autobiography);
8. contact information about the applicant (postal address, phone number, e-mail address, etc.);
9. other significant documents, from the point of view of the applicant, their copies.
List of medical documents submitted by applicants to the Competition Commission
The following medical documents are submitted to the Competition Commission for each applicant (individual):
1. Copy of outpatient medical record.
2. Results of the following examinations:
laboratory tests (general clinical blood test);
blood biochemical parameters (glucose, total cholesterol, triglycerides, bilirubin (total, direct, indirect), alanine aminotransferase, aspartate aminotransferase, gammaglutamyl transpeptidase, total protein, prothrombin, amylase, creatinine, urea, C-reactive protein, serum iron), blood group , Rh factor, Wasserman reaction, HIV, HbsAg, anti-HCV, general clinical analysis of urine, general analysis of feces, three-time test for eggs of worms, test of feces for enterobiasis.
3. Anthropometric data (the maximum allowable values ​​of the corresponding indicators are indicated in brackets):
height in a standing position (150-190 cm);
height in a sitting position (80-99 cm);
body weight (50-90 kg);
maximum foot length (29.5 cm);
maximum transverse dimension of the shoulder region (52 cm);
the maximum distance between the corners of the armpits (45 cm);
maximum hip width in sitting position (41 cm).
4. Results and conclusions of the following instrumental studies:
electrocardiography at rest in 12 leads;
organ radiography chest in 2 projections;
ultrasound examination of the abdominal organs, thyroid gland, kidneys, pelvic organs;
conclusions and results of examinations and examinations by clinical specialists: dentist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, surgeon, ENT specialist, therapist, (for women - gynecologist).
5. Conclusions of tuberculosis, dermatovenerological, narcological and neuropsychiatric dispensaries.
6. Conclusion of VLEK GA for the category of amateur pilots.
Standards for performing physical exercises by applicants
The physical fitness of applicants is assessed when performing the following exercises:
endurance assessment: 1 km run (result not less than 3 min. 35 sec.), crawl swimming 800 m (result not less than 19 min. 00 sec.), ski race 5 km (result not less than 21 min. 00 sec.);
strength assessment: pull-ups on the crossbar (the result is not less than 14 times), flexion-extension of the arms in emphasis on the bars (the result is not less than 20 times), the angle in the emphasis on the bars (the result is not less than 15 seconds);
speed assessment: 60 m run (result not less than 8.5 sec.), shuttle run
10 x 10 m (result not less than 26 sec.), long jump from a place (result not less than 2 m 30 cm), swimming 25 m (result not less than 19 sec.);
agility assessment: coordination of movements, exercises on a trampoline (jumps with a turn of 90, 180, 360 degrees, the height of the jump is not less than 60 cm), jumping into the water (jump - falling from the springboard head down, height 3 m);
special physical fitness: Romberg test, active orthostatic test (the conditions for performing the exercises are extremely simple and are brought to the applicant during the test), diving in length (the result is not lower than 20 m);
assessment of training prospects using on-board physical training facilities: running on a treadmill (time 11 minutes), manual bicycle ergometry (time 3 minutes).
The grounds for rejecting candidates during selection are:
unsatisfactory level of physical fitness;
the minimum level of physical fitness in comparison with other participants in the competitive selection;
the least balance of physical qualities with the same levels of physical fitness among several participants in the competitive selection.

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The next set of astronauts is scheduled for 2016. Those wishing to fly into space can apply and try to pass the selection sieve.
In the United States in 2012, they also conducted a selection of new candidates for the astronaut corps. Out of 6,000 candidates, 8 people were selected - four men and four women. The set was purposeful - the main goal of MARS.
Everything is changing in the traditions of astronauts. Previously, cosmonauts did not even give short interviews to anyone before their first flight. It was considered unethical, and it was a bad omen. And now. They did not have time to enroll as a candidate for astronauts, and already Blinov gives an interview. Yes, and Serova also could not resist, although she did not fly then yet.
And Kikina, having become a candidate for cosmonauts in 2012, immediately became Serova's understudy, whose flight was scheduled for 2014. There is no one else!

Lesnikov Vasily Sergeevich.