2016 for Russian civil aviation was ambiguous. On the one hand, there were no new major bankruptcies, as happened in 2015 with Transaero, air traffic with other countries was not interrupted, positive trends were outlined with the resumption of flights to Egypt.

On the other hand, 2016 was also remembered for tragic events...

On March 19, at 03:50 Moscow time, a FlyDubai Boeing 737-800, which arrived from Dubai on flight FZ-981, crashed at the Rostov-on-Don airport. There were 55 passengers and seven crew members on board.

On the morning of June 9, returning to the base in Kubinka after performing demonstration flights at the opening ceremony of the monument to Russian aviators in the village of Ashukino near Moscow, the Su-27 of the Russian Knights aerobatic team crashed. Guard Major Sergey Eremenko was at the helm. The plane crashed in the forest near the village of Muranovo. The pilot did everything possible to take the falling car away from residential buildings, there was no longer enough time for ejection.

In the early morning of July 1, in the Kachugsky district of the Irkutsk region, an Il-76 aircraft of the Emergency Rescue Company of the Russian Emergencies Ministry crashed while on a mission to extinguish a forest fire. There was a crew of 10 on board.

Read also: The "special" situation on board the Tu-154 developed over 10 seconds

On December 25, at about 5:40 Moscow time, 70 seconds after takeoff from Sochi airport, a Tu-154 aircraft of the Ministry of Defense, tail number RA-85572, fell into the sea. On board was the ensemble. Aleksandrova, chief military conductor of Russia Valery Khalilov, journalists from three federal TV channels, servicemen and Elizaveta Glinka - Dr. Lisa, 92 people in total. The plane was heading to Syria to congratulate the Russian military at the Khmeimim air base on the New Year, and Dr. Lisa was carrying medicines to the University Hospital of Latakia.

Brief results of 2016

Enterprises of the Russian military-industrial complex produced 30 civilian and 109 military aircraft, as well as 22 civilian and 186 military helicopters.

In 2016, Sukhoi Civil Aircraft (SCAC) produced 22 Sukhoi Superjet 100 (SSJ 100) aircraft and delivered 28 aircraft. Both indicators exceeded the level of 2015, when the GSS assembled and handed over 17 and 25 aircraft, respectively. In addition, the company exceeded the production plan: at the beginning of 2016, it was expected that it would assemble only 20 SSJ 100s.

On June 8, a presentation (roll-out) of a new Russian medium-haul aircraft MS-21-300 took place in Irkutsk. This is a significant event, because the liner embodies all the most modern technologies aircraft construction - its composite wings are made using a technology that has not yet been used anywhere in the world aircraft industry, and the level of comfort for passengers is comparable to the comfort of wide-body aircraft - its fuselage diameter is larger than that of direct competitors - A320-321 and B737.

The Superjet expands the geography of its presence - in late spring - early summer 2016, the first European operator - the Irish CityJet began commercial exploitation Superjets, at the end of the year there were three aircraft in the company's fleet.

Read also: SSJ 100SV - second chance for Superjet

In the second half of the year, two aircraft were transferred to the Royal Thai Air Force and one each to the Border Guard Service of Kazakhstan and Comlux, all four aircraft were made in a VIP cabin configuration. A total of 18 Sukhoi Superjet 100s were produced in Komsomolsk-on-Amur in 2016. In 2017, UAC plans to increase the production of SSJ-100s to 40 aircraft.

Sukhoi Civil Aircraft has completed the development of a preliminary design (Gate 3) of an extended version of the Superjet - SSJ 100SV, designed for 120 passengers. In 2017, at the Le Bourget air show and at MAKS-2017, the company will be ready to present the aircraft to potential buyers.

In 2016, a decision was made to finance work to resume production turboprop aircraft local air lines Il-114-300 and wide-body long-haul Il-96-400M.

Work continues on the project of the Frigate Ecojet wide-body medium-haul aircraft. The design bureau has completed the conceptual design stage, and a digital mock-up of the aircraft has already been fully developed. With the broad participation of international cooperation, aerodynamic and strength calculations and experiments were carried out. The development of the main aircraft systems, on-board radio-electronic equipment, and the power plant begins.

2016 was an eventful year for Russian transport aviation.

Read also: Test flights of Il-76TD-90VD to Antarctica have begun

At the end of the year, the press service of the AK them. S.V. Ilyushina announced the completion of factory flight tests of the first experimental modernized heavy military transport aircraft Il-76MD-M. According to the program of preliminary (factory) tests, 17 flights were performed on the aircraft with a total flight time of more than 110 hours. In 2017, the aircraft is planned to be presented for state joint tests.

On December 14, the second stage of factory testing of the first prototype of the Il-76MD-90A heavy military transport aircraft (serial number 0102) began in Ulyanovsk. The flight and navigation complex was modernized on the aircraft, an airborne defense complex and a new generation airborne communications complex were installed.

In November, as part of the test program, Il-76TD-90VD flights to Antarctica began on the Cape Town-Novolazarevskaya-Cape Town route.

In Voronezh, at the VASO plant, intensive work was underway to assemble the first flight prototype of the Il-112V light military transport aircraft. At the beginning of the year, it is expected to roll out, and before July 1 - the first flight.

Special aviation did not stand aside in 2016 either.

Read also: The new Be-200ChS made its first flight in Taganrog

On May 30, the roll-out of the first serial Be-200ChS aircraft took place in Taganrog. Previously, these aircraft were assembled at the facilities of the Irkutsk Aviation Production Association. In 2008, it was decided to transfer the production of aircraft of this type to Taganrog. The Be-200ChS has proven itself in the course of firefighting and rescue operations, including abroad - in Greece, Portugal, France. The aircraft has passed the European certification procedure, it is planned to be certified in the United States.

On June 16, within the framework of the XX St. Petersburg International Economic Forum, the leasing company OJSC Ilyushin Finance Co (IFC) and the Russian Post signed an Agreement on the main conditions for the delivery of two Tu-204C cargo aircraft. On December 2, from Vnukovo Airport, Russian Post began flights on these aircraft to Siberia, Far East and to East Asia.

Work continues on the creation of the AWACS aircraft A-100. The aircraft is at the stage of development work under the code "Premier-476", the first flight of the A-100 will be made in 2017. The standard aircraft for the A-100 Premier flying radar will be the transport Il-76MD-90A, the production of which has been established at the Aviastar-SP plant in Ulyanovsk.

Military aviation and helicopters in 2016.

Read also: Flight of Su-35S fighters arrived in Petrozavodsk (video)

2016 was the first full year of operation of the new type armed forces Russia - Aerospace Forces (VKS). Over this year, more than 50 military trainings were held in the Aerospace Forces, and the Aerospace Forces military personnel conducted about 30,000 bombings and missile launches.

Also during the year, work continued on the re-equipment of formations and units of the VKS with modern models. military equipment. During the year, more than 350 units of weapons, military and special equipment were delivered. Among them are Su-35S, Su-30SM, Su-34 aircraft, Ka-52, Mi-28N, Mi-26T, Mi-35M, Mi-8AMTSh helicopters, S-400 anti-aircraft missile systems, anti-aircraft missile and gun systems "Shell-S", various radar stations of the radio engineering troops. Long-range aviation formations received two upgraded Tu-160 missile carriers and two Tu-95MS missile carriers.

In total, according to known data, in 2016 the Russian Armed Forces received 69 new production combat aircraft:

  • 12 MiG-29SMT
  • two Su-30M2
    • These are the last two two-seat Su-30M2 fighters built at the Komsomolsk-on-Amur Aviation Plant named after Yu.A. Gagarin under a contract dated December 2012 for the supply of 16 Su-30M2 aircraft to the Ministry of Defense. Aircraft with blue tail numbers "89" and "90" (serial numbers 88522 and 88523) entered the 38th Fighter Aviation Regiment of the 27th Mixed Aviation Division of the 4th Air Force and Air Defense Army of the Southern Military District at the airfield in April 2016 Belbek (Crimea), however, in fact, since the summer of 2016, they have been used at the Flight Research Institute named after M.M. Gromov in Zhukovsky as "sparks" for training Chinese flight personnel on Su-35 aircraft.
  • 17 Su-30SM
  • 16 Su-34
  • 12 Su-35S
  • 10 Yak-130.

This is somewhat less than in the peak years of 2014 and 2015, which is primarily due to a slight reduction in the supply of Su-30SM and Yak-130 aircraft from the Irkutsk Aviation Plant, partly due to the implementation of export programs by the enterprise.

Deliveries of combat aircraft in 2008-2016
According to the news agency "Arms of Russia"

Type of 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016
MiG-29STM - 28 - - - - - 4 12
MiG29UMB - 6 - - - - - 2 -
MiG-29KR - - - - 2 8 10 -
MiG-29KUBR - - - - - 2 2 - -
Su-27SM3 - - 4 8 - - - - -
Su-30M2 - - 2 2 - 3 8 3 2
Su-30SM - - - - 3 14 21 27 17
Su-34 1 2 4 6 10 14 18 18 16
Su-35S - - - - 2 8 24 12 12
Yak-130 - 3 6 3 15 18 20 14 10
Total 1 39 16 19 29 61 101 90 69

On August 19, the 100th Su-34 bomber was launched in Novosibirsk. Four of these aircraft are based at the Khmeimim air base in Syria.

In April, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation and PJSC Irkut Corporation signed a new contract for the supply of more than 30 Su-30SM multipurpose fighters to the Aerospace Forces for the period until the end of 2018, the press service and information department of the Ministry of Defense reports. Deliveries will be carried out as part of the state defense order 2016-2018.

Read also: State tests of the fifth generation fighter PAK FA are being completed

In 2016, the seventh, eighth and ninth copies of the PAK FA were built, and work on the newest aircraft for the Russian Aerospace Forces continues. On November 11, at the Lytkarino Experimental Design Bureau named after A. Lyulka (Moscow, a branch of PJSC "UMPO"), the first launch of the bench model of the demonstrator engine "product 30" took place. Engine tests on the PAK FA aircraft will begin at the end of 2017. Testing of the PAK FA is coming to an end, in 2017 the first batch of five mass-produced vehicles will enter the VKS.

On November 24, the first prototype of the new Russian multifunctional light fighter MiG-35, tail number "702", took to the skies. Tests of the fighter will begin in January 2017.

On December 25, the first four Su-35S multirole fighters were delivered to China. In total, 24 super-maneuverable fighters will be transferred to China under the contract.

During 2016, more than 60 new helicopters, including the Ka-52 Alligator, Mi-28N Night Hunter, Mi-35, Mi-8AMTSh Terminator, Mi-26, Ansat-U, arrived from manufacturing plants in parts army aviation. In October 2016, during the tests of the “high-speed helicopter technology demonstrator” (PSV) based on the Mi-24, a speed of 405 km / h was reached. The maximum speed of Mi-28N and Mi-35 is about 300 km/h.

In 2016, an agreement was signed to establish a joint venture for the production of Ka-226T light helicopters in India. At the very end of December, it became known that at the Ulan-Ude Aviation Plant (U-UAZ), in order to quickly fulfill the intergovernmental agreement on the production and supply of this newest light helicopter to India, a duplicate production of the Ka-226T would be launched.

In accordance with the intergovernmental agreement signed by Russia and China, work is underway to create a joint promising heavy helicopter.

Strategic aviation

Read also:

Work has begun on resuming the production of the Tu-160 strategic bomber in the Tu-160M2 version. To design work all leading design bureaus of the country - Tupolev, Sukhoi, Yakovlev, Beriev, Mikoyan - were involved. In 2016, the "glass cockpit" of the upgraded machine was demonstrated. At the aircraft plant in Kazan, where the aircraft will be produced, the modernization of production lines began, in parallel, the production of individual units and components of the bomber was launched, and serial assembly of NK-32-02 engines began at PJSC Kuznetsov. The first flight of the experimental upgraded Tu-160M2 is scheduled for the end of 2018.

The Tu-95MS turboprop is being upgraded to the Tu-95MSM version. After modernization, the vehicles are capable of carrying the latest Kh-101 long-range strategic cruise missiles. The aircraft were demonstrated during an air parade over Red Square on May 9, 2016. In 2017, in Zhukovsky, at the flight test and development base (a branch of OAO Tupolev), work on the modernization of the next machines will continue.

In Russia, the Tu-160M2 and a promising long-range aviation complex - PAK DA are being developed in parallel. The modernization capabilities of the Tu-160 turned out to be significantly higher than originally planned during the design. In terms of its flight performance, it is still the long-range bomber unsurpassed in the world. It has the best flight performance, although it has not been produced for almost 30 years.

Tu-160M2 will be a completely different aircraft. Only the former fuselage and external appearance will be preserved. The power of the NK-32-02 engine is 10% higher than that of its predecessor NK-32. The control system, navigation, weapons control system, aviation weapons will be of a completely new generation. Thus, the combat capabilities of the Tu-160 aircraft manufactured in the mid-1980s and the Tu-160M2 aircraft are different machines. Serial production of the Tu-160M2 will begin after the completion of all tests - from 2021.

As for the PAK DA, the nature of hostilities is beginning to change, conventional air weapons are being replaced by hypersonic air weapons with greater range and greater accuracy. And a promising carrier aircraft at the turn of 2025-2030 does not need to have such characteristics as supersonic speed. It is necessary to be on combat duty in the air for as long as possible and imperceptibly, in order to, without entering the affected area, release their weapons at the intended targets.

The Ministry of Defense is coordinating with the industry the organization of all work, so that the preparation for the production of Tu-160M2 and PAK DA is carried out simultaneously. The maximum number of technological operations will be the same, the production equipment will be used the same - both for the Tu-160 and for the PAK DA, i.e., the money will be spent on the preparation of production once. At the same time, given the secrecy of the PAK DA program in 2017, a large flow of news on a promising aircraft is not expected.

Training aircraft

In 2016, two types of training aircraft were sent for testing at once: SR-10 and Yak-152.

Read also: SR-10 - aerobatic aircraft

In December 2015, factory tests of the CP-10 demonstrator aircraft began at the Oreshkovo airfield in the Kaluga region, and preliminary tests were carried out in Kubinka in the spring and summer of 2016, on which about 30 flights were completed according to a pre-planned program. In 2017, the Smolensk Aviation Plant is expected to assemble the first two flight prototypes, the first of which will go to state tests. The start of serial deliveries of the UTS SR-10 is planned for 2018.

On August 27, 2016, the first flight prototype of the Yak-152 piston trainer for initial flight training was rolled out in Irkutsk. On September 29, the aircraft made its first flight. IAP will build four prototypes of the Yak-152. Two aircraft are designed for flight testing, one for ground static testing, and one for ground endurance testing. After the completion of state tests, IAP will begin serial production of Yak-152 aircraft.

Unmanned aerial vehicles

In 2016 to the Armed Forces Russian Federation delivered 105 unmanned aerial systems, including 260 unmanned aircraft(UAV). The total number of UAVs for various purposes in service is almost 2 thousand units.

Airlines and air travel

In the field of civil air transportation, the year will be remembered for two events: on July 22, the Federal Air Transport Agency lifted the ban on flights to Turkey, and in the fall, the decision of the Transaero management to restart the company was announced.

After a nine-month break, since the beginning of September, charter flights to Turkey have resumed, while regular flights between the countries have practically not been interrupted. Travel industry experts predicted that by the end of 2016 we should not expect a full-fledged charter flight. However, the restoration of charter flights to Turkish resorts, although it happened at the end of the high season, had a positive impact on both tour operators and airlines.

At the end of 2015, Transaero was unable to service its debts, which, together with leasing obligations, amounted to about 250 billion rubles. The monitoring procedure at Transaero, according to Sberbank, was introduced back in December 2015. In autumn 2016, the carrier offered its creditors to become shareholders of the new company. According to Alexander Burdin, CEO of the company, the world practice of bankruptcies of air carriers shows that the only chance for creditors to return investments is to restart the company, restructure loans and convert them into shares.

Read also: Transaero is considering options for restoring the air operator's certificate

The largest creditors, however, have made it clear that they are not interested in such a plan, as the head of VTB Andrey Kostin said, Transaero is "a phoenix that will never rise." Lenders do not believe in restarting the company, any normal investor would prefer to invest in the company from scratch, experts say.

Many airlines were able to improve their financial results against the backdrop of Transaero's exit from the market. After the cancellation of Transaero's air operator's certificate in October 2015, the Aeroflot group received permits and commercial carrier rights for a year for the most profitable 56 international destinations from Moscow. Aeroflot itself received 23 destinations by increasing the frequency of flights or opening new flights. Another 33 routes were received by the subsidiary "Russia" (flights on them began after the transfer of aircraft to "Transaero"). Also, Orenburg Airlines (now part of Rossiya) received eight permits. Later, the group refused access to 13 destinations: from 3 of them - Aeroflot, from 10 - Rossiya.

But the growth of indicators (see Table 1) of the company UVT AERO looks especially impressive - passenger turnover increased by 6.8 times. This is due to the fact that the company itself was founded in April 2015, on July 8, 2015 received an air operator certificate, and on July 15 - a license to carry out commercial passenger flights. On July 17, 2015, the first regular flight from Bugulma to Moscow was performed.

Starting from March 27, Donavia and OrenAir began operating flights under the code of the Rossiya air carrier (FV), a subsidiary of Aeroflot - the merger of the companies announced at the beginning of 2016 took place.

Table 1
According to Rosaviatsia

Passenger transportation and passenger turnover for January-November 2015-2016 (international and domestic transport)
N Airline Passengers carried,
Passenger turnover,
thousand pass.km.
Employment percentage
passenger seats, %
Jan-Nov 2016
to Jan-Nov 2015
Jan-Nov 2016
to Jan-Nov 2015
Jan-Nov 2016
to Jan-Nov 2015
1 Aeroflot - Russian Airlines 24 063 999 26 616 730 110,6 68 342 160,20 75 978 747,10 111,2 79,9 81,6 + 1.7
2 Siberia 7 572 987 8 860 354 117,0 14 496 324,00 16 817 815,00 116,0 80,5 85,8 + 5.3
3 Russia 4 478 289 7 480 121 167,0 8 228 197,55 17 131 592,86 208,2 76,1 82,4 + 6.3
4 PJSC UTair Aviation 5 169 343 6 148 039 118,9 9 338 956,91 10 037 757,51 107,5 71,1 72,3 + 1.2
5 Ural Airlines 5 102 095 5 995 826 117,5 12 344 496,42 14 258 038,24 115,5 75,9 78,6 + 2.7
6 Victory 2 759 242 3 945 599 143,0 4 190 237,91 6 171 399,18 147,3 81,4 87,9 + 6.5
7 the globe 2 240 296 3 338 657 149,0 5 600 992,00 8 300 972,00 148,2 81,0 84,5 + 3.5
8 AZUR air 2 223 965 2 172 602 97,7 8 232 961,04 10 963 905,69 133,2 93,5 94,5 + 1.0
9 VIM-AVIA 1 508 185 1 967 060 130,4 2 999 954,12 4 622 772,58 154,1 74,2 74,7 + 0.5
10 North wind 2 595 111 1 644 705 63,4 7 967 817,33 5 314 423,67 66,7 92,1 90,4 - 1.7
11 Aviation transport company "Yamal" 1 343 721 1 358 570 101,1 2 822 836,13 2 722 951,20 96,5 73,3 67,9 - 5.4
12 Aurora 1 046 421 1 268 344 121,2 1 746 059,81 2 062 195,59 118,1 72,0 73,4 + 1.4
13 NordStar 1 050 035 1 206 238 114,9 2 440 122,59 2 641 585,42 108,3 72,1 74,6 + 2.5
14 ROYAL FLIGHT 829 772 917 323 110,6 2 720 394,43 3 968 117,20 145,9 91,9 92,1 + 0.2
15 Icarus 1 021 953 912 976 89,3 4 526 674,47 4 632 378,14 102,3 85,3 83,2 - 2.1
16 Nordavia-regional airlines 676 332 889 400 131,5 914 736,80 1 327 982,77 145,2 70,4 76,6 + 6.2
17 Red Wings 980 785 887 348 90,5 1 680 489,24 1 679 032,55 99,9 79,5 85,8 + 6.3
18 Yakutia 592 010 632 097 106,8 1 489 903,85 1 678 031,69 112,6 75,7 82,9 + 7.2
19 RusLine 538 511 557 420 103,5 492 768,53 546 001,09 110,8 67,1 66,0 - 1.1
20 Orenburg Airlines 2 703 435 491 346 18,2 6 021 782,56 1 494 308,67 24,8 73,8 77,8 + 4.0
21 Saratov Airlines 491 745 465 686 94,7 574 487,00 589 534,00 102,6 87,1 82,1 - 5.0
22 i fly 599 866 401 436 66,9 1 900 238,63 1 233 109,19 64,9 86,2 83,3 - 2.9
23 ALROSA 319 359 394 674 123,6 849 893,21 1 025 632,78 120,7 74,6 78,5 + 3.9
24 Angara 354 796 384 236 108,3 394 723,11 437 746,99 110,9 70,4 77,2 + 6.8
25 Izhavia 251 854 284 957 113,1 340 272,76 403 944,03 118,7 78,8 80,1 + 1.3
26 KrasAvia 185 618 237 709 128,1 200 129,92 304 106,18 152,0 57,1 64,5 + 7.4
27 Gazprom avia 274 679 226 530 82,5 509 497,22 429 153,27 84,2 61,2 58,5 - 2.7
28 Turukhan 212 847 220 503 103,6 200 482,99 175 927,89 87,8 65,0 58,2 - 6.8
29 IrAero 251 065 213 770 85,1 292 607,62 301 327,79 103,0 71,0 63,2 - 7.8
30 DONAVIA 1 400 816 209 478 15,0 1 846 781,34 268 372,33 14,5 72,0 66,7 - 5.3
31 Severstal 173 055 202 609 117,1 153 358,01 142 412,15 92,9 54,2 47,5 - 6.7
32 UVT AERO 33 845 190 632 at 5.6 p 39 933,98 271 086,49 at 6.8 p 66,5 75,2 + 8.7
33 Komiaviatrans 136 303 179 556 131,7 133 500,05 204 333,34 153,1 68,5 70,8 + 2.3
34 polar airlines 110 131 106 607 96,8 75 470,62 70 344,53 93,2 52,7 56,3 + 3.6
35 Orenburg International Airport 89 673 86 348 96,3 43 966,55 38 063,55 86,6 61,0 59,5 - 1.5
Total by airlines 73 382 139 81 095 486 110,5 174 153 208,90 198 245 102,66 113,8 - - -
In general for GA 86 540 149 81 905 392 94,6 213 364 787,81 198 853 091,13 93,2 80,2 81,5 + 1.3

In autumn, Minister of Transport Maxim Sokolov announced that a new airline, Azimuth, could be created in Russia. It is assumed that the airline will be engaged in transportation in the south of Russia, and its fleet will consist of ten regional Sukhoi Superjet 100 aircraft. Platov, which is under construction in Rostov-on-Don, is considered as the base airport. Investments in the creation of a new airline can reach up to $300 million.

As a legal entity, the Azimut company has been established, for its full launch it is necessary to obtain a license for commercial transportation.

Read also: SSJ 100 is not enough for everyone

On the whole, the passenger air transportation market in Russia continued to fall during the year (see Table 2). For 11 months of 2016, a total of 81,905,392 passengers were transported, which accounted for 94.6% of the same period in 2015, including international flights amounted to 29,707,372 people or 79%. Transportation on domestic flights amounted to 52,198,020 people (an increase of 106.7% compared to 2015), of which 1,745,811 passengers or 104.6% were transported on local flights compared to the same period of the previous year.

In January-February 2017, a decision is expected to be made on the resumption of flights with Egypt. If this happens, then first of all the planes will start flying to Cairo, then the restoration of flights to Sharm el-Sheikh and Hurghada will begin. Undoubtedly, this will have a positive impact on the growth of the passenger turnover of Russian companies that will receive permits for charter flights to Egypt.

table 2
According to Rosaviatsia

Passenger transportation people 86540149 81905392 94,6
International shipping 37617338 29707372 79
of them:
between Russia and foreign countries outside the CIS 30885288 23956142 77,6
between Russia and CIS countries 6732050 5751230 85,4
Domestic transportation 48922811 52198020 106,7
of them:
local transportation 1669203 1745811 104,6

aircraft engines

In November, the second stage of flight tests began at the Il-76LL flying laboratory of the new Russian turbofan engine PD-14. On December 1, the aircraft took off with the prototype PD-14 No. 100-07 operating at maximum mode.

When a country develops civil aviation, the fabrications that it is preparing for war in this way cannot be called anything other than nonsense, Vitaly Sokolovsky, an experienced military and civil aviation pilot, is sure. This is how he commented, at the request of PolitExpert, on the publication of the Carnegie Moscow Center.

The Carnegie Moscow Center, it is known whose money it sponsored, was puzzled by the question of why Russia is restoring the production of Soviet aircraft. The organization's specialists named the amount of money that the Russian government is going to spend on this project - 109.3 billion rubles. On the one hand, the Center's experts agree with the opinion of the authorities that, having a huge engineering and technical base and a variety of time zones, it is a shame to use foreign liners in aviation. And they immediately refute this quite logical statement by the fact that the restoration of the construction of the Il-114 and Il-96-400 will turn out to be absolutely uneconomical.

In her article published on the Inosmi.ru website, Anastasia Dagaeva recalled the words of Deputy Prime Minister Dmitry Rogozin that the country needs long-haul aircraft Il-114, Il-96, MS-21. With the exception of the MS-21, the listed aircraft appeared back in the USSR and today their production has been stopped, the journalist pointed out.

So, IL-114 is a development of the 1980s of the last century, like IL-96. The first is designed for a flight range of 1500 km, the second, depending on the modification, up to 9000 km. And it is on Il that Rogozin is betting.

An analyst at the Carnegie Center recalled the history of this aircraft. So, she writes, there has never been a full-fledged passenger version of this model. First, four boards were built for the Polet company, and after its abolition, one was rebuilt into an elite version for the needs of the FSB, the other for the Ministry of Defense. Strange, but the cunning journalist knows nothing about the fate of two more aircraft.

One way or another, Russia is going to revive both projects, for which subsidies will be paid to producers from the state treasury, and various benefits will be provided. Il-96-400 is planned to be assembled in Voronezh, Il-114 - in Lukhovitsy. The first planes should take to the skies in 2019.

Rogozin’s quite reasonable arguments that, with Russia’s potential, it’s a shame to fly on other people’s planes, the journalist was not satisfied, and she came up with a conspiracy theory about why Moscow needs this long-range equipment after all. In her fabrications, she relies on statistics that show that even large air carriers, such as Aeroflot, S7, UTair, have only a fifth of the fleet of long-haul aircraft. And this fact makes her conclude that Russian civil aviation does not need such liners.

This conclusion is followed by versions about why Russia nevertheless undertakes such an economically inexpedient project. According to one of them, which, frankly, is on the verge of insanity, the state is ready to spend almost 104 billion rubles to promote the idea of ​​"Russia is a great power." By the way, this is understandable.

IL-96 Photo: flickr.com/photos/ [email protected]

The second idea is no less odious. The analyst at the Carnegie Center does not claim, but suggests that these projects are being revived as a cover for dividing budget money. As is customary in conspiracy theories, the “evidence base” is attracted to the put forward idea, as they say, by the ears. In this case, too, the specialist remembered that the start of aircraft construction is scheduled for 2018, when the presidential elections will be held in Russia, which means, the “analyst” suggests, a “personnel shake-up” is quite possible. Preparing for it, the first persons of the state started this money project, allegedly in order to have time to "grab a piece of budget money."

Well, the third version of the reasons for the resumption of aircraft construction is framed in the question "what if there is a war tomorrow?". This idea, according to the opinion of the publicist of the Moscow Karngegi Center, is allegedly supported by the fact that Rogozin's father in the USSR Ministry of Defense was involved in the creation of new military equipment. So, as the publication hints, Russia needs the Il-114, Il-96 aircraft for a possible imminent war.

Vitaly Sokolovsky, an experienced military pilot, retired major, civil aviation pilot of Aeroflot, is sure that fabrications like these cannot be called anything other than delusional.

“Of course, this is nonsense that we hear during the time when the coup d'état took place in Ukraine. Nonsense of newspapers, politicians who in Russia and abroad are trying to accuse Russia of all mortal sins. The restoration of Soviet, and now Russian aviation is a program created under Yeltsin. The only thing is that lobbyists from certain circles did not allow this to be done, and foreign aircraft were bought, ”Sokolovsky recalled.

The expert added that any power like Russia is simply obliged to have its own aviation industry and produce its own aircraft that are competitive on the world market, then the state will gain even more weight on a global scale. In addition, a developed aviation industry will make Russia independent of foreign suppliers. The specialist noted that aircraft construction projects involve the production of conceptual modern models, and existing plans indicate that these modifications will be carried out at a high level and will compete with foreign long-haul liners.

As for the assumption that Russia is hiding preparations for war behind the idea of ​​resuming the construction of Soviet "silts", Sokolovsky noted that when the state has plans for aggressive actions, then, of course, it is engaged in the construction of special military equipment.

“On the contrary, the restoration of the construction of civil aviation according to human ordinary logic suggests that people are striving for a peaceful life. Apparently, very sick minds invent nonsense and try to undermine our Russia,” the source of PolitExpert has no doubts.

According to the tradition that has developed over the past few years aircraft manufacturing in the Russian Federation is at a fairly high level. This is evidenced by the 2nd place in the world in terms of military aircraft production and the 3rd place in terms of the helicopter market. But what about the production of passenger and transport aircraft? How did some individual states applied against the Russian Federation influence the development of these important sectors of the national economy?

Aircraft production in Russia in 2014

We hasten to reassure our readers. Despite difficult economic conditions, aircraft production in Russia in 2014 increased by 1.2 times compared to the same period of the previous year.

  • During the year, 38 brand new cars were handed over to purchasing firms (of which 16 were produced earlier, but were tested).
  • Another 21 already finished machines will be tested and given to customers in 2015 (or later).
  • SSJ100

The Sukhoi SuperJet 100 had a particularly positive impact on the statistics of the domestic aviation industry. Its growth looks especially constant and rapidly growing: the production of aircraft in Russia (of this particular type) increased by 1.45 times, and deliveries actually doubled (27 aircraft against 14 last year).

During the year, 34 SSJ100s were completed and made their first flight, a third of them have an increased range. The resource model SSJ100-95LR (#95075) is also currently being tested. As for buyers, the production of aircraft of these models was mainly intended (12 pieces), in addition, in accordance with the contracts, the aircraft were supplied to VEB-Leasing, Sberbank Leasing and Gazpromavia. A few more finished copies will reach the consumer in the near future.

Six SSJ100-95LR units were manufactured for UTair, but due to post-sanctions problems with financing from foreign companies, they will most likely be transferred to Aeroflot or its subsidiaries. Nine SSJ100-95Bs were made to order for a Mexican airline. But so far only 1 copy of the 2014 issue has hit Mexico, the rest - 2013. The only SSJ100 is ready for delivery to the Ministry of Emergency Situations of the Russian Federation. In the last month of the year, the first flights with passengers were carried out on the SSJ100-95B (by order of JSC Rosoboronexport). The entire volume of SSJ100 was produced in Komsomolsk-on-Amur. Already flying 27 of these models, which is twice as much as the previous year.


The main production program for 2014 of VASO for organizing the production of An-148 aircraft was strictly directed to requests from the state. Three copies of the An-148-100E are intended for the Ministry of Defense (and even four have been handed over - one was released earlier). Two cars ended up in the FSB of the Russian Federation. In fact, six cars were sent to VASO, which is half more than in the previous year.

Other Russian-made aircraft

The production of aircraft in Russia implies the manufacture of such traditional models as the Il-76MD-90A, Il-96, Tu-214, An-140 and Be-200.

  • CJSC Aviastar-SP has developed transport Il-76MD-90A. The Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation acted as a customer, one of which was given to the TANTK them. Beriev to be converted into a prototype of an ultra-modern radar surveillance aircraft complex. The second will be delivered next year.
  • IL-96, produced by VASO OJSC, was not produced in 2014. But the cargo Il-96-400T was re-equipped into the passenger model Il-96-400VPU. Actions on reorganization and other similar modifications have begun.
  • One of the newest Tu-214SRs was manufactured and delivered to the customer by the Kazan plant of JSC Tupolev, a new Tu-214 was also made and put to the test for testing, and the Tu-214ON observation machine made a year earlier was delivered to the Russian Air Force.
  • JSC "Aviakor" produced 2 passenger An-140-100s in agreement with the Ministry of Defense (one for the Air Force, the second for Naval Aviation). In total, 14 copies of the An-140 were ordered, but only 8 have been handed over to the buyer so far. And due to the increased complexity, there will be no planned new deliveries in 2015, focusing on the maintenance of the previously released Tu-154 and An-140.

Not all aviation enterprises were able to fulfill the plans laid down for the past 2014. These include OAO TANTK im. Beriev, which planned to produce Be-200ChS amphibians, and CJSC Aviastar-SP, which did not produce a single new Tu-204 or Tu-204SM. But this could not spoil the overall positive statistics of domestic aviation industry, which managed to show a significant increase in output in such a difficult period for the country.

Oleg Smirnov and Magomed Tolboev - about what is happening with the civil aircraft industry in Russia

In a studio: Oleg Smirnov - Chairman of the Civil Aviation Commission of the Public Council of Rostransnadzor, Honored Pilot of the USSR. Magomed Tolboev - Honorary President of the International Aviation and Space Salon MAKS, Hero of Russia

Oksana Galkevich: This begins, one might say, a stormy discussion of our last topic, friends. The fact is that on Monday the famous international air show began in France. It takes place traditionally 12 km from Paris in Le Bourget.

Konstantin Churikov: So it is unofficially called just.

Oksana Galkevich: Yes, the salon at Le Bourget. Russia, of course, takes part in this event of international importance. This year the state holding "United Aircraft Corporation" showed there at this air show mockups of our entire civilian line, but only mockups.

Konstantin Churikov: I wonder why it is the layouts after all, and not the planes themselves at least. After all, we have. We have Sukhoi Superjet 100.

Oksana Galkevich: By the way, the layout is presented. Of the entire line of aircraft presented, there is only one operational aircraft - this is SukhoiSuperjet 100.

Konstantin Churikov: As far as I remember, the Mexicans presented the Sukhoi Superjet 100 in its pure form, they leased it at their stand.

Oksana Galkevich: In your shell. But not us.

Konstantin Churikov: What is happening in the domestic aviation industry, why we fly on Airbus, on Boeing, and when the domestic aircraft does take off, we will now figure it out.

Oksana Galkevich: We ask for a reason, friends, because we are not indifferent people, in fact, we all know very well what kind of school we have, what achievements our wonderful industry has, what wonderful, great engineers we had, what wonderful machines we had. Where is all this? About 20-25 years ago, maybe 30 years ago, we flew the Tu-154, moved from one end to the other, moved. This is what I remember. But there were other absolutely wonderful cars. And now, no matter what ticket you buy, it must be either Boeing or Airbus.

Konstantin Churikov: There is, of course, the Sukhoi Superjet.

Oksana Galkevich: There is, but not much.

Konstantin Churikov: Let's look at the screen, show you a small graphic. This SukhoiSuperjet 100 aircraft, so publicized, is, in fact, in the fleet of only one of the five largest airlines in Russia - this is Aeroflot, which only uses 30 SukhoiSuperjet liners. Such, one might say, dry residue. And 84% of the fleet, in particular Aeroflot, are European Airbus and American Boeing. It would be nice to recall that over the past six years, the company " Civil aircraft Sukhoi produced only 113 Sukhoi Superjet.

Oksana Galkevich: This is just what you mean when compared with these giants - Boeing, Airbus, right?

Konstantin Churikov: Airbus produces exactly the same amount in two months. We specially counted with the editors. And it doesn't even matter that these are liners different type. Experts say that about 100 aircraft of the same class as the Sukhoi Superjet 100 are sold in the world every year, that is, it makes no sense to produce more aircraft from the market point of view. At the same time, let's not forget that SukhoiSuperjet is, in principle, not so Russian. 2/3 of its components are produced abroad. Let's all talk about what's going on.

Let's introduce our guests.

Magomed Tolboev: Hello.

Oksana Galkevich: Thank you for your loud voice.

Konstantin Churikov:Good evening.

Magomed Tolboev: I have the honor.

Konstantin Churikov: And for the time being, not very loudly, but already ready to talk with us closely on this topic Oleg Smirnov, chairman of the civil aviation commission of the public council of Rostransnadzor, honored pilot of the USSR. Oleg Mikhailovich, good evening. Welcome.

Oleg Smirnov: Good evening.

Oksana Galkevich: Hello, Oleg Mikhailovich.

Magomed Omarovich, what did you bring to our studio? Same layout, by the way. Actually like...

Magomed Tolboev: No. Unlike Le Bourget, Farnborough, Dubai, Singapore, Zhuhai (China) against the air show in the city of Zhukovsky, which will have an opening on the 18th, and there will be Russian President Putin, who has been visiting since 2001, they have nothing for us stand. These are small things. The Russian air show is the real one, but this is an indicator for you. IL-96, which we want to talk about, and so on. Our president, Air Force One, flies this aircraft.

Oksana Galkevich: So we have one such plane, am I right?

Magomed Tolboev: No, there are four. These are special communications, and so on. But the question is not only this. I would not like to go over to the identity of the aircraft, although we have lost them.

What will the Ministry of Defense fly on? Where is board number 1? It is called like this: from the Minister of Defense, the commander of the districts, the commander of the army, and so on. At that time, it was Tu-154, Tu-134, Il-62, An-24, Yak-40, and the famous Il-18 postman, who delivered mail to all military districts.

Oksana Galkevich: What nostalgic names, straight to the point of shivering.

Magomed Tolboev: Where is today? Today there is nothing. Zero! And we will fly on Airbus, Douglas. And, do you know how the history of Iran ended? After the revolution, America banned it, and all aviation was shut down. Today we have a Superjet, Superjet engines are French. Tomorrow America will say: "Stop!", as the French did not sell us two of our helicopter carriers, they will also stop, and the Superjet will land.

Oksana Galkevich: Yes, we all had them, but the design bureaus remained. Okay, we don't manufacture. Only Ukraine fell off with us, An? What else?

Magomed Tolboev: Ukraine is not torn off, everything is Russian there. There is nothing in Ukraine except Russian.

Oksana Galkevich: Did Russian design bureaus remain?

Magomed Tolboev: Yes. Yakovlev, Ilyushin, and so on.

Oksana Galkevich: What happens to them?

Magomed Tolboev: Now we have come to that global issue: Presidential Decree No. 217 of February 20, 2008, where the national center of the aircraft industry, the city of Zhukovsky, was determined, and it was killed by those who created it, such as Chemezov and others. They, who were the lobbyists of this decree, they killed him now. 10 years have passed. The question is, if the 10-year plan, two five-year plans, are not fulfilled, the presidential decree, then who to ask?

Konstantin Churikov: Oleg Mikhailovich, you are in the civil aviation commission at Rostransnadzor. Rostransnadzor, probably, is familiar firsthand with the state of our fleet, he understands that basically we fly on foreign aircraft, that it is expensive, unprofitable, and so on. How does the state actually plan to solve this big problem today? Is there an understanding?

I saw the April news - we have seriously reduced funding for the Russian aviation industry for this year, the budget has been adjusted. In addition, I recently flew with a European airline for a short distance, and noticed that they have in the Austrian Airlines fleet, according to their in-flight magazine, Embraer Brazilian 18 pieces. Does the state understand that the problem needs to be solved?

Oksana Galkevich: That Embraer is already on our heels.

Magomed Tolboev: Brazil is on its heels.

Oleg Smirnov: I am very pleased to be on your channel, because it is called "Public Television of Russia", and you just speak with the aspirations and dreams of our Russian people, because we are the only country that has 17 million square meters. km area. No country in the world has such an area. The United States closest to us has only an infrequent 9 million, we are 17. And all the leaders of our state since 1990 understood this very well, and until 1990 our country was a great aviation and aircraft building power. It is very nice to hear from a young host lady when she recalls the year 1990, when she flew Tu-154, Il-96, Il-86 and so on, and we were a great aviation power. Modern youth, like this lady, cannot boast of this, because in 1991, as a result of the grossest mistake of our first Russian government headed by Gaidar, who declared publicly through your colleagues on television that we do not need domestic aircraft construction, because it is expensive, expensive, many factories are needed to make components, this need a lot of intelligence and so on. "I agreed with Boeing, - attention, this is the Russian prime minister, - that he will provide us with any number of any types of aircraft." And since then, this unfortunate expression of our first prime minister has grown into public policy destruction of civil aircraft.

Konstantin Churikov: There is the term "food security", and, perhaps, it is worth remembering that there is also transport security.

Oleg Smirnov: Quite right.

Konstantin Churikov: Imagine creepy. Sanctions, we no longer lease either Airbus or…

Magomed Tolboev: How will we move? On carts? Peter I? Oleg Mikhailovich, I will add, I was then deputy chairman of the State Duma committee from 1993 to 1995.

Oleg Smirnov: So here is the culprit.

Magomed Tolboev: And when such things were lobbied, the same diocese lobbied, holy people, duty-free tobacco. Diocese, holy people, Alexei II? I had his messages. And then there were Okulov, who was a deputy minister, a traitor to the motherland, was Marshal Shaposhnikov. It should be likened to compare yourself with our Zhukov, Konev, Tolbukhin and so on. Marshall at present. How is that?! HE, under the leadership of Berezovsky, also told me: "Duty-free import." Until now, the duty-free import of aircraft is preserved. I told them: "Give us a fee. We take it, we give it to our design bureaus. Shall we?" No, it is still preserved. So it was not noted. Alexy II was canceled, and the duty-free import of foreign equipment is still preserved.

Oksana Galkevich: Since you are the honorary president of the MAKS International Aviation and Space Salon, you just said a few minutes ago: "How is it? We need to ask questions to decision makers." We are opening the official website of MAKS, which will take place on July 18-23, our big international, very important, the best, as Magomed Omarovich said ...

Magomed Tolboev: The most powerful.

Oksana Galkevich: And it says "About the salon." "At MAKS, the first persons of the state are available for business communication. For everyone involved in the aviation and space industries, MAKS provides a rare opportunity to get acquainted with the opinions of decision-makers on key issues of development, production and sale of aviation equipment and weapons. "And what is happening there? You have the opportunity to ask these people a question this one that you just asked us, viewers.

Magomed Tolboev: At the last aviation show, I spoke with the president 1 on 1 right in the open field. Thanks to Vladimir Vladimirovich, we respect and appreciate each other. And he knows my opinions. I am a patriot of Russian aviation. I am an Avar, but I am a Russian officer. This is a big difference.

We talked about it. Do you know what's going on? Again, officials surround the president, this crowd with their pieces of paper, suitcases run around, but Putin is not allowed to approach the people. This year, we almost agreed. The President will conduct a dialogue both in the format of public communication (Direct Line), also at the air show. Gather the general directors, general directors of factories, leading test pilots, leading engineers, and talk about the situation, Vladimir Vladimirovich. Do not listen to these ministers.

I do not respect any minister except Shoigu and Lavrov because they are the sixth column of Russian industry. We have the Ministry of Industry and Trade. There is no industry, but there is trade. How to understand it? How?!

Konstantin Churikov: Let's now also turn to our viewers, let's go to the people, as they say. Alexander from St. Petersburg is on the air with us. Alexander, good evening.

- Hello. Aviation problems are discussed many times in your country. I have a specific question. For example, the IL-96 is not produced, but we have, say, the Kazan aircraft plant, we have the Taganrog aircraft plant. Be-200, a boat that puts out fires, is produced in Taganrog. Why is it impossible to make a tubular body on its chassis, and would it replace the Yak-40, for example? Build on the basis of the Be-200.

There is IL-78. Why is it impossible to make a sealed building, an armchair, put toilets? Especially since it has been upgraded. There was an Il-76 with new engines, they showed it to Putin. To make a passenger plane directly on their Il-78 base for a while until some additional factories are restored.

Konstantin Churikov: Until they make MS-21, which we will talk about later. Alexander, thanks. Let's ask Oleg Mikhailovich first. How do you like this idea?

Oleg Smirnov: I continue to answer your first question. The fact is that civil aviation is a very complex sector of the economy, and innovative, which is interesting. There, everything that is contained inside the aircraft, from metal products, engines, to electronics, everything is innovative.

I answer your question: "What's the matter? Why?". The policy was erroneous these 25 years in relation to civil aircraft construction, and innovations were not carried out, and we lagged behind in such a way that we ended up in the "Stone Age". It is impossible to lag behind even one day in this industry. Therefore, today we fly on both Boeing and Airbus aircraft, and feed the citizens of the United States of America and Europe, having lost millions of jobs in our country. But this leads to both economic losses and national security losses.

Small examples of economic plan. We buy Boeing, Airbus for dollars, spare parts (thousands of them) for dollars, simulators for dollars, train engineers, pilots, technicians for dollars, and sell tickets for rubles. The ruble collapsed, and today airlines do not have enough rubles to convert into this huge mass of billions of dollars to pay.

Konstantin Churikov: It's a huge business. It is beneficial for them to put us on this conditional aircraft needle.

Oleg Smirnov: Of course.

Oksana Galkevich: Software, buy licensed.

Oleg Smirnov: Now an example on national security. In every state was, is and will be. Civil aviation is a hot reserve of the country's Armed Forces. We, civilian pilots... Here Magomed is a military man, I am a civilian.

Magomed Tolboev: In the event of a war, this is especially important.

Oleg Smirnov: In case of war, we do not need to be taught. We need to change shoulder straps and set combat missions for us. All. And the points determine where we should fly.

Magomed Tolboev: Yes. Transport aviation.

Oleg Smirnov: Now, if the time "H" suddenly appears, our country is deprived of this help. Boeing and Airbus will all stop at any moment.

Oksana Galkevich: This is exactly the same aviation security that we talked about.

Oleg Smirnov: Yes. More about national security. If tomorrow the sanctions lists are supplemented by Boeing and Airbus, all of us, including Magomed, as a test pilot, despite this, will switch to dog and reindeer teams, because out of 17 million areas 60% settlements They do not have railways or roads.

Magomed Tolboev: No connection.

Oleg Smirnov: The bond provided by the constitutional requirement for movement...

Magomed Tolboev: 27th article.

Oleg Smirnov:…missing. it National security.

Konstantin Churikov: How then, dear guests, MS-21? Here is a short reference. Literally on the eve of the opening of the salon in Le Bourget, he made his first test flights. In terms of technical characteristics and economy, this aircraft is considered to be superior to competitors. This is me reading the press release. And experts call it a direct competitor to the Boeing 737 and AirbusA320, and passengers are promised the highest level of comfort. What do you think?

Magomed Tolboev: I spoke about this even earlier, just as I criticized the Superjet against the Tu-134 when they killed the Tu-134 (the best aircraft of the era that flies even from the grass, at least somehow), instead of this. At the same time, I already knew. Oleg Demchenko and I talked, and the Superjet was being developed. But not only MS-21, it needs engines. This is PD-14. These are engines that were created in 1968, only new technologies have made it possible to increase traction. What is traction? This is an increase in temperature to 1400 degrees on the turbine, and it is impossible to increase it, because the metal melts at 1100 degrees, and this the latest technology, thoughtfulness of each blade, small, large and so on, a chain. This is electronic fuel control and the like.

Oksana Galkevich: New materials.

Magomed Tolboev: At one time, when we were making Buran, during the creation of Buran, the latest 860 new technologies were worked out in Russia in 10 years. Even Buranovskaya tiles 10 by 10 cm weighing 10 grams, in a blast furnace it was replaced by a 2.5 kg brick. Can you imagine? That's what new technologies are. Therefore, aviation is the locomotive of all technology in Russia. And space as well. Aviation is the beginning of everything: electronics, software, programming.

Konstantin Churikov: Known. First in the sky, first on earth.

Magomed Tolboev: Yes. Therefore, Russian aviation, here is the IL-96 in front of you, it is no worse. These wings are thought out, these endings are thought out in Russia, because when air flows around, air flows from here to here, and the resistance grows. These little things allowed to reduce fuel consumption by 13%. It's a thing. And now everyone is using it.

Konstantin Churikov: Wait a second, what year did this appear?

Magomed Tolboev: 1986

Konstantin Churikov: I think here that only now Airbus just released the plane ...

Magomed Tolboev: Yes. And Embraer too. They all moved on after that. I flew an L-39 aircraft when these endings were tested for the first time. Angle of 3 degrees, 5 degrees, more, less, and so on. This is called "inductive reactance". They are simply trying to kill Russian aviation thought.

Oksana Galkevich: Magomed Omarovich, we are not arguing with you. If you think about it, we are not very good at cars, but we actually have a lot of beautiful planes, great cars.

Konstantin Churikov: Planes are generally beautiful.

Oksana Galkevich: We have two calls, and for some reason, as one famous designer said: "An ugly plane will not fly."

Magomed Tolboev: Tupolev said yes.

Oksana Galkevich: Call from Voronezh. Yuri, hello.

- Hello. I entered the technical school from the Novikov Aviation Plant in 1961, and graduated in 1962. I made small things, stiffening ribs for the wing, fuselage, we had procurement workshops. I want to say that from 1957 to 1960, 108 An-10 aircraft were produced in four years, these are four-engine passenger aircraft, and from 1961 to 1965 An-12 was already produced, also four-engine, only transport, 258 aircraft. And now they showed the pilot, IL-96. There must have been 49 of them, but only four of them were made. Why are these our planes not allowed to be made? They want to do with the Chinese, with the Indians. Why not in Voronezh? After all, there were 40 thousand workers at the Voronezh plant, the plant worked in three shifts when I worked in 1962-1963, I was taken into the army in 1963 in November, and I served in the airborne troops in the city of Kaunas in a separate guards 743- m communications battalion. And we jumped from these An-12 planes, and did not stand there in Kedainiai, Panevezys, our planes stood in Tartu in Estonia. And now ours... There are four or six thousand workers working in one shift.

Konstantin Churikov: We are talking about MS-21, we call it our aircraft.

Magomed Tolboev: Yes, 100%.

Konstantin Churikov: He's all ours, right?

Magomed Tolboev: Since 2019, the engines are very much needed now, but after the PD-14s fit ... These are the series. There are 9 tons, 12 tons, 18 tons engines. They are about to fit, and it will be 100% our aircraft.

Konstantin Churikov: Why am I reading Vedomosti now, and here is this quote: "The medium-haul MS-21 is a Russian-Chinese long-haul aircraft."

Magomed Tolboev: This is different already, this is the next stage.

I want to answer the person who sincerely said. I call them "the old guard", "I'll die for the Soviet Union". Do you know why all this is happening? Because corrupt ministers are simply corrupt. I call them "the sixth column".

I spoke with a representative of the European agency here for the sale of aircraft. He says, "You know, I have to give 10% kickbacks to everyone. That's millions of dollars."

Konstantin Churikov: In Europe?

Magomed Tolboev: I say: "How do you give?" - "Very simple. Envelope - there. Envelope - and there. That's it." Until the Russian ministers stop stealing, only then will order come. I want to ask. Vladimir Vladimirovich Putin, I want to say humanly, we are two colonels, we are two patriots of Russia, he is in the highest position, I am in the same position, only lower. But, Vladimir Vladimirovich, you need to change your fur coat by spring, it is covered with moths, this is a coryazina. By March, you need to change your fur coat!

Oksana Galkevich: Magomed Omarovich, you say that you are a patriot. We are all patriots here too. Here you are an honored person, many people write to us about this, we are very glad to see our guests in the studio. But there is another patriot, also an honored person, well, cream, Artur Nikolaevich Chilingarov.

Magomed Tolboev: Yes, this is my teacher.

Oksana Galkevich: And he, for example, believes that short-haul transportation in our country will be perfectly handled by a foreign company. Planes are assembled in the Czech Republic. Why not with us? One honored person says one thing, the second honored person says another. Do we not have our own medium and short-range capabilities?

Magomed Tolboev: Tomorrow, Arthur may say differently: "I was not interpreted that way." I don't believe it. Arthur, I'm sorry, first of all, a hero Soviet Union, a hero of Russia, and a very respected person.

Oksana Galkevich: The positions are just different, but the person is respected.

Magomed Tolboev: How they interpreted it, I don't know. But I know one thing: any Russian person should root for their homeland.

Konstantin Churikov: I have vague suspicions. Excuse me, but after we discovered foreign stuffing in the SukhoiSuperjet, then, having burned yourself in milk, you are already blowing into the water. MS-21, what kind of aircraft is this, will it be Russian, and why do they write to us that the Chinese are somehow participating in this project there?

Oleg Smirnov: Before moving on to MS-21, I would like to continue logically from your first question. When the first person who understood from the top – of course, we have been insistently talking about this for 25 years, that this is a mistake, such an orientation towards Western technology, which negatively affects both the economy and flight safety – our president was the first to understand this. And he gave, omitting details, a task to the Government - import substitution. And after his command, not at the initiative of the Government, I notice, or the ministers, but at his command, this movement began on the import substitution of our park. This is the Superjet 100, this is the MS-21, this is the Il-114, this is the Russian-Chinese heavyweight aircraft, as they say. And the Superjet 100 is already clear, it is passing its critical period. And the birth of a child is always a problem, and an airplane is also a problem. "Children's diseases" are appropriate. I hope that he is already beginning to recover from these diseases.

Konstantin Churikov: You want to say that during this timelessness we have somewhat lost shape, so the mistakes that we have… We understand that the Sukhoi Superjet should be in demand, it is in reality…

Magomed Tolboev: He survived four years. What should have been four years, invested public money, they are gone.

Oleg Smirnov: Interestingly, four budgets are invested in this aircraft. But you and I, our society, TV viewers have never been told where did this money go, why four budgets. "Where's the money?" as the president said. We would like to hear. We also have the Accounts Chamber, and all sorts of other chambers that are obliged to deal with this. To tell us where the four budgets for the SukhoiSuperjet 100 have gone. If they went for revision - questions, but if they went somewhere ...

Konstantin Churikov: Listen, we are building stadiums in some cities. Where are the distinguished guests, our patriots are rushing to the air, I think people are not indifferent.

Voronezh. Sergey, hello.

- Good evening. It is very nice to see such honored people. A little about myself. All my life I served in aviation in the engineering and technical staff, went from technician to deputy commander. In my line of work, I had to communicate with repair enterprises, hence my question is about the Voronezh Aircraft Building Association, the Voronezh Plant.

It is clear that a person who has never had anything to do with aviation has been appointed to the position of general manager here. But the people who sit next to you, they know that every aircraft repair plant has a ground and flight test station. Due to the fact that the plant is not currently loaded at full capacity, the CEO wants to dismiss some of the staff of the ground and flight test station. And when it comes to the production of aircraft, qualified engineers who could fully inspect, prepare the aircraft and release it on the first test flight, then they will not be found. Or you can just take a person from the street to put your signature on the form. What do you think about it?

Konstantin Churikov: Thank you for calling. Because when we talk about new aircraft, we just think about hardware, about some kind of technical stuffing. There are people who have to experience it, experts.

Magomed Tolboev: Of course. Starting from vocational schools, the free system was debugged. And today, by decree of the President, a system of education from technical school, which is in Zhukovsky, faculties in MAI, MIPT, Baumanka and so on. And then there is the system. Instead of being done in 10 years, it was destroyed. The center of construction, aviation, where is the flight research institute, where is Ilyushin, Yakovlev, Tupolev, Mikoyan, Sukhoi, Myasishchev, if he was crushed, then what to talk about? What is Voronezh?

They will sell it as a Saratov plant, they will simply steal the stoves from their airfield and workshop for beer, sausage smoking, and they will take the stoves to the dachas. Even such a fate awaits Russian aviation. Until we fight, each one speaks in his place... We must stand up for this, we must defeat these corrupt people. That's it. We have nothing more to do. It is not necessary to read smart lectures with a smart look, they are not needed round tables in State Duma, in the Federation Council. They don't decide anything.

We have one person to decide. Putin said: "Where is the Il-114?". Instructed Rogozin. "Why is there no money allocated? Where? Well, come on, you have to." Made. "Why isn't it? Come on." You can't do that. Here is created "UAC", this is a corporation. I ask: "Where is this corporation? Where is this general, who has never twisted a bolt anywhere in his life, did not know anything? And is in charge."

Konstantin Churikov: This happens very often in our country.

Magomed Tolboev: because run not aviation, but finance. Money there, money here. Me here, me there. I have a dacha in Greece, you have a dacha in Italy. They live it. Not by the Russian spirit, not by our pain in the soul, but they live by personal enrichment. Until these people leave, we will have nothing.

Konstantin Churikov: And yet, our correspondents were interested, does Russia have something to be proud of in the aircraft industry? They asked people about it in different cities of the country. Let's hear what the answers were.

Konstantin Churikov: Note that with regard to modern civil aircraft, even with difficulty the names remember what the indicator is.

Oksana Galkevich: Valentin from Moscow is in touch. Hello.

- Hello. I am a reserve officer, at one time I served in the space industry, in the aviation industry, I also worked to provide enterprises with turbo-refrigerators, I worked in Tupolev, I was a member of the author's supervision commission. Around 2005, in Tupolev, we had a Tu-334 aircraft ready, ready for operation, for release, but for some reason they cut it down, and our competitors cut it down, we will assume, from a neighboring design bureau.

Konstantin Churikov: That is, such an internal strife that interferes with doing a common cause? Is that what you want to say?

- Yes Yes. Because then the MS-21 appeared and further, further and further, which you are talking about now.

Regarding aircraft repair. We have factories that are engaged in repair, there are no components. This is IL-76 and beyond. In the "UAC" people are appointed to Yakovlev, Tupolev and other organizations incompetent, directors and above. It was correctly said that people who have no idea how and from which side to approach the plane. And competent people are not allowed to develop.

Konstantin Churikov: Thank you for your call, Valentin. Who appoints these incompetent people, leaders?

Konstantin Churikov:, where do these cadre creatures come from?

Oleg Smirnov: Magomed noticed a detail that has been characteristic of all our industrial areas for the past 25 years - put an absolutely incompetent person ...

Magomed Tolboev: successful manager.

Oleg Smirnov:... at the head of an airline or an aircraft factory, which cannot distinguish the nose from the tail of the aircraft. And this effective manager begins to rule. And not only that, if this effective manager is stealing like the Minister of Defense, then his Prime Minister says that " Yes, he stole billions with his madam, it's not good, but he was an effective manager". That is, in order to get the title of an effective manager in our modern country, you first need to steal a billion from the budget, and then you and I will be effective managers. And this lack of professionalism is ruining civil aviation. It is ruining all those shoots What's more, our ministers, as a rule, have an education, for example, the minister of industry... What is a minister of industry?

Oksana Galkevich: Engineer, techie, something like that, right?

Oleg Smirnov: He must be a terry engineer. And our Minister of Industry is a sociologist by education. A sociologist never studies physics, mechanics, higher mathematics, the sociologist is taught only to play along with his superiors. This is the education of a sociologist. So what do all our ministers do? Share financial flows. Financial flows can be managed by an accountant with a secondary education. You do not need to be a minister with a salary of 0.5 million rubles. per month. An accountant is enough for 10 thousand rubles, and she is fine with these flows ... Why should they be divided? What mind is needed? If the budget gives you money, and then the minister says from the rostrum: "I gave so many billions to this one, so many to that one." We do not need this information from the ministers, but we need information on how the industry is developing. That's what we all expect, professionals, from the minister's speech. Farther. All ministers beat their chests and say: "I have released a development strategy."

Konstantin Churikov: He doesn’t even talk about tactics, but about global strategy.

Oleg Smirnov: It's about the strategy.

Magomed Tolboev: Until 2025, when it won't. He made a strategy, but he will no longer exist.

Oksana Galkevich: It is called " advanced planning".

Oleg Smirnov: See what anecdote is going on with these ministers. The aircraft building strategy was until 2015, but it has not been implemented.

Magomed Tolboev: Absolutely.

Oleg Smirnov: This is an empty document. The strategy was adopted, the minister tapped his chest, and threw it under the bottom shelf.

Oksana Galkevich: Wrote the next until 2025.

Magomed Tolboev: Khristenko left and left.

Oleg Smirnov: Then this anecdote continues, and for some reason no measures are taken top level. The year 2015 has come, the strategy ended before 2015. Today is 2017 - there is no strategy yet, the work is going back with the next strategy. Big money is spent to write a strategy, these empty words. And what should be the strategy, which is not in modern strategies? Responsible. "Ivanov is responsible for this item, minister." Further - what fate awaits if this strategy is not implemented. Down with the post of this minister who has this strategy... This is not the case. That is some plan for the implementation of this strategy. Then there is no point in banging your fist on the minister's chest, that "I wrote a strategy." This is an empty, just a working document.

Oksana Galkevich: You said that they are destroying the civil aviation industry, those sprouts of intelligence that appear there. But let's go to the sprouts. Let's just on the fingers, bending. We are all about SukhoiSuperjet. Who else? Tupolev, Yakovlev.

Magomed Tolboev: No. Let's start with local airlines. I really love small aircraft, I test hundreds of them.

Oksana Galkevich: Are they doing something? What, the world has converged like a wedge on SukhoiSuperjet and MS-21?

Magomed Tolboev: During the year I test 20-50 different aircraft, from Kazan, Vladivostok, to Murmansk, Arkhangelsk and so on. Where in general are such lakes, lakes, villages, villages, and there is no access anywhere. They all ask, they say: "Governor, give me a plane." Now I say: "What will replace the An-2?". We make An-2 in Novosibirsk thanks to Anatoly Vasilyevich Kvashnin, former boss general staff Sibinstituta, they do it. This motorization is so hard! Can you imagine, we have 1600 An-2 aircraft. Instead of giving them away, say: "Make it so" - "No, it's impossible, it's impossible, it's impossible." Do you know who does it? There is such a friend Neradko. This is a nail in the heart of Russian aviation.

Oksana Galkevich: It's good that you found this turnover instead of this word.

Magomed Tolboev: Yes. We say: "Who will replace the Yak-40, An-24 and so on?". Instead of flying from Makhachkala to Rostov with a stopover in Kavminvody, people are resting, round-trip, now they fly: "Makhachkala - Moscow, Moscow - Rostov, Rostov - Kavminvody". Like this?! But people don't get that kind of money, it's simple people, sick people go to be treated. Where are you, where are you?

Oksana Galkevich: Look, we had the Tu-244 project, supersonic, long-haul. What happened to him? It's cancelled. For what reasons? How much did they do there? One at least?

Tu-204, medium-haul, 1996. Three Su-80s were made just for local regional airlines. Where is he?

Magomed Tolboev: For 10 years, I flew Tu-334 to Iran, to the Kish Island for their exhibition for sale. Americans banned. And instead of doing his own, he was killed for the sake of Superjet.

Oksana Galkevich: Is work on the Tu-334 project going on?

Magomed Tolboev: Continues. Russian people never give up. As the T-34 was secretly made during the war, we are doing the same. We are working.

Oksana Galkevich: We were at war with ourselves.

Konstantin Churikov: I specifically opened SMS. From the Voronezh region they joke: "We urgently need to switch to airships." Samara writes: "The aircraft industry in Russia was ruined by the one who allowed buying second-hand aircraft over the hill." A little about the plant Tushino Machine-Building Plant, Moscow, which produced "Buran", now it is in the process of bankruptcy. "What to talk about, even if such plants are dying?". Let's take a call, we have Victor from Samara on the line.

Oksana Galkevich: Victor, hello.

- Hello. My name is Viktor Mikhailovich, I worked as an engine builder for 40 years, for the last 15 years I have been making crankcases for the Tu-95. Now the first Tu-95 is being repaired at the aviation plant, and more behind it. They don’t make a single new engine, they don’t make a Tu-160 either, the plant is falling apart. I made these crankcases last on the Tu-95 eight years ago. The territory on which the barrels were rolled - you probably know these are the future crankcases - was destroyed, given to another workshop for machine tools. Who is leading? Economist, firefighters, former who guarded prisoners, whose parents, acquaintances, relatives are deputy directors there. We also have the Minister of Industry, but he only receives money, and the Governor, whom it is useless to call, because he now has stadiums, roads, infrastructure, and so on. Please, bring it to the president's ears. This is our pride - Tu-95.

Konstantin Churikov: Just now, they personally brought it to the president's ears, as you said.

Magomed Tolboev: Necessarily.

Oksana Galkevich: Come, break through the suitcases.

Magomed Tolboev: They won't follow me.

Oksana Galkevich: A viewer from the Voronezh region writes to us here: "Are you afraid to show my message? What should I talk about with you?" My friends, we have already said so much in this studio that it is not scary to show any message. Yuri, city of Samara. We really work without censorship, everything is for real. Yuri, hello.

- Hello. The director of this plant was a man who had worked in forestry all his life.

He was told about the problems. He said: "What's so terrible about it? There's nothing terrible about it. Launching an airplane is no more difficult than launching a sausage line." First a pig farm, and then a factory and a sausage.

Magomed Tolboev: Saratov plant - the same situation, now sausage and bread are baked at an aviation plant.

Oksana Galkevich: Our industry in Soviet times, one way or another, was built into a single complex. The relationship of institutions, schools, production associations, factories. Maybe we still can't recover that those ties were severed at some point? What do you think, Oleg Mikhailovich?

Oleg Smirnov: Of course. What is the wisdom of China, which has become the world's second largest economy in 25 years? We would be the second economy in the world if at one time we got caught during this change of our leader, neither Gorbachev, a tractor driver, but our Russian Deng Xiaoping. What is the strength of Deng Xiaoping? He said not to destroy anything that was done during socialism in China, but to make the next steps market. Here is the secret. They have become a second economy. If we had our Deng Xiaoping instead of Gorbachev, then we would be the second economy in the world.

Oksana Galkevich: He did not get us, it happened.

Konstantin Churikov: For some reason we are always unlucky.

Magomed Tolboev: It's already over, you have to do it. It's better to talk about the future.

Oksana Galkevich: Again look back somewhere. In the situation in which we are now, are we able to find some internal resources?

Oleg Smirnov: Moreover, not only capable. Russia is doomed to be a great aircraft-building power, because the largest country in terms of area, to fly from Kaliningrad to Kamchatka or the Kuriles, there is no such type of transport to get there. Or on foot, or on horseback, or by plane. And we are doomed to be, because without aviation Russia will not be Russia. And it will definitely happen, because in last years there is an increased desire, observed on the part of the Government to help restore our domestic civil aircraft industry.

Konstantin Churikov: Only a few posts can be quoted. Tatarstan: "The Kazan Helicopter Plant is being destroyed. Help!". Kemerovo region: "What is there to talk about? There is no drawing in schools. Shame and disgrace." And they write: "As long as sidekicks and relatives are in key positions, nothing good will happen."

Let's hear what Alexander from St. Petersburg has to say.

- Hello. I would like to turn more to Magomed Tolboev. I'm a former civilian pilot... well, there are no former pilots. I am a civil aviation pilot.

Magomed Tolboev: Correctly.

- You say a lot that corrupt officials, bribes, squandering. And how was it with us at Aeroflot? 5 rub. - not money. Let's reset: a thousand, five, ten. Retirees, current pilots lead. Or Alexander - please, too. Head. We'll transfer the money. Let's. It's the same thing.

Konstantin Churikov: Do you mean what is now called the buzzword crowdfunding?

- An-20, An-40 An-24. But not now. Look. There used to be a pilot, it's nice to look at him. Maybe you know this, he flew in Central Asia, rest in peace, Yuri Ivanovich Timofeev, he was my first commander.

Konstantin Churikov: That is, you want to say, in other words, why are we always waiting for help from the state? Is it time to take all this into private, people's hands?

Oksana Galkevich: People's plane, friends, yes.

“I say a thousand, two, three. Lord, yes to former and current pilots, forgive me, from the pension I unfasten this amount every month.

Oksana Galkevich: I think that for such a thing ... And you, in fact, Magomed Omarovich, are smiling in vain. Now crowdfunding is our everything.

Magomed Tolboev: And what is it? I dont know.

Konstantin Churikov: This is a collective fundraising, when people donate, collect.

Oksana Galkevich: People collect money. Here is some idea.

Magomed Tolboev: For what?

Konstantin Churikov: To implement some project that these people think is important. Alexander, thanks for your suggestion.

Oksana Galkevich: Thank you, Alexander. There are stories on the internet. People are rescued, built, raised. Truth. It is very interesting.

Konstantin Churikov: Actually yes. Someone has to take responsibility. You know, it happens with us that people just ...

Oksana Galkevich: While the aerospace corporation, the aircraft manufacturer is chasing money ...

Magomed Tolboev: During this time I built the Voskresensky airfield, a first-class airfield on the site of the former agricultural airfield of the USSR. A school for Sunday children, they study from 9 to 11. I talked with Minnikhanov in Tatarstan, and this is the only republic that has preserved small aircraft, pre-Saafovskie airfields completely. For example, my homeland Dagestan destroyed everything in the bud, where world and European champions are brought up, and so on. He is not in Dagestan. They don't need to. Let the sheep feed. And Tatarstan saved. You know who's like. I support anywhere and everywhere. I fly with everyone, I teach many people, dozens, hundreds a year.

Oleg Smirnov: I once again confirm that Russia will get out of this hole into which it has fallen in the field of civil aircraft construction over the past 25 years. And I really hope that those government officials who allowed such a treacherous event, when we switched completely to Western aviation technology, will be punished.

Konstantin Churikov: I won't quote. Literally all our viewers who sent SMS thank you.

Oksana Galkevich: Yes, Konstantin and I ourselves did not notice how this hour flew by. Thank you dear guests. Oleg Smirnov, chairman of the civil aviation commission of the public council of Rostransnadzor, honored pilot of the USSR, was in our studio today.

Konstantin Churikov: And Magomed Tolboev, Honorary President of the MAKS International Aerospace Salon, Hero of Russia, test pilot." Thank you very much.

Magomed Tolboev: I invite everyone to the air show.

Konstantin Churikov: We also invite spectators with pleasure.

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