ancient left behind a lot of mysteries over the solution that the best scientists of the Earth are still struggling with. Hermit archaeologist David Hatcher Childress has made many unimaginable journeys to some of the most ancient and remote regions in the world. Describing lost cities and ancient civilizations of the world, he published 6 books: a chronicle of wanderings from the Gobi Desert to Puma Punka in Bolivia, from Mohenjo-Daro to Baalbek. Specially for Atlantis Rising magazine, he was asked to explain secrets of civilizations and write this article.

1. Mu or Lemuria

According to various secret sources originated 78,000 years ago on the giant continent known as Mu or Lemuria. And it existed for an amazing 52,000 years. Civilization was destroyed by earthquakes caused by the shift of the earth's pole, which occurred approximately 26,000 years ago, or in 24,000 BC.

While Mu civilization did not achieve as high technology as other, later civilizations, however, the peoples of Mu succeeded in erecting mega-stone buildings that were able to withstand earthquakes. This building science was the greatest achievement of Mu.

Perhaps in those days there was one language and one government on the whole Earth. Education was the key to the prosperity of the Empire, every citizen was versed in the laws of the Earth and the Universe, by the age of 21 he was given an excellent education. By the age of 28, a person became a full citizen of the empire.

2. Ancient Atlantis

When the continent of Mu sank into the ocean, today's Pacific Ocean was formed, and the water level in other parts of the Earth dropped significantly. Small in the time of Lemuria, the islands in the Atlantic increased significantly in size. The lands of the Poseidonis archipelago formed a whole small continent. This continent is called Atlantis by modern historians, however, its real name was Poseidonis.

Atlantis had high level technology that is superior to today's. In the book "The Inhabitant of Two Planets", dictated in 1884 by philosophers from Tibet to the young Californian Frederick Spencer Oliver, as well as in the continuation of 1940 "The Earthly Return of the Inhabitant", there is a mention of amazing among which are such inventions and devices as: air conditioners for cleaning the air from harmful vapors; vacuum cylinder lamps, fluorescent lamps; electric rifles; transport on a monorail; water generators, a tool for compressing water from the atmosphere; aircraft controlled by anti-gravity forces.

The clairvoyant Edgar Cayce spoke of the use of planes and crystals in Atlantis to generate tremendous energy. He also mentioned the misuse of power by the Atlanteans, which led to the destruction of their civilization.

3. Rama Empire in India

Fortunately, the ancient books of the Indian Empire of Rama have survived, in contrast to the documents of China, Egypt, Central America and Peru. Now the remains of the empire are swallowed up by the impenetrable jungle or rest on the bottom of the ocean. And yet India, despite numerous military devastation, has managed to preserve much of its ancient history.

It was believed that civilization ancient india appeared not much earlier than 500 AD, 200 years before the invasion of Alexander the Great. However, in the last century, the cities of Mojenjo-Daro and Harappa were discovered in the Indus Valley on the territory of modern Pakistan.
The discovery of these cities forced archaeologists to move the date of the Indian civilization thousands of years ago. To the surprise of modern researchers, these cities were highly organized and were a brilliant example of urban planning. And the sewerage system was more developed than it is now in many Asian countries.

4. The civilization of Osiris in the Mediterranean

During the time of Atlantis and Harappa, the basin mediterranean sea was a large fertile valley. The ancient civilization that flourished there was the progenitor of dynastic Egypt, and is known as the Osiris Civilization. The Nile previously flowed in a completely different way than today and was called the Styx. Instead of emptying into the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt, the Nile turned west, formed a huge lake in the region of the central part of the modern Mediterranean Sea, flowed out of the lake in the area between Malta and Sicily and emptied into Atlantic Ocean at the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar). When Atlantis was destroyed, the waters of the Atlantic slowly flooded the Mediterranean basin, destroying big cities Osirians and forcing them to resettle. This theory explains the strange megalithic remains found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

It is an archaeological fact that at the bottom of this sea there are more than two hundred sunken cities. Civilization of ancient Egypt, along with the Minoan (Crete) and Mycenaean (Greece) are traces of one large, ancient culture. The Ossyrian civilization left huge earthquake-resistant megalithic structures, owned electricity and other amenities that were common in Atlantis. Like Atlantis and Rama's empire, development of civilization The Osirians reached a high level and they had airships and other vehicles, mostly electrical in nature. Mysterious paths in Malta, which are found under water, may be part of the ancient transport route of the Osirian civilization.

Probably best example high technology of the Osirians - an amazing platform found in Baalbek (Lebanon). The main platform is made up of the largest cut rock blocks. Their weight is from 1200 to 1500 tons each.

5. Civilizations of the Gobi Desert

Many ancient cities The Uighurs existed in the time of Atlantis in the place of the Gobi desert. However, now the Gobi is a lifeless land scorched by the sun, and it is hard to believe that the waters of the ocean once splashed here.

So far, no traces of this civilization have been found. However, vimanas and other technical devices were not alien to the Wiger area. In the press, notes about the finds of burials appeared more than once, which indicate that the most tall man on Earth was from these places, but they have not received scientific confirmation. The famous Russian explorer Nicholas Roerich reported his observations of flying discs in the region of northern Tibet in the 1930s.

Some sources claim that the elders of Lemuria, even before the cataclysm that destroyed their civilization, moved their headquarters to an uninhabited plateau in Central Asia which we now call Tibet. Here they founded a school known as the Great White Brotherhood.

The great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu wrote famous book Tao Te Ching, where he tried to reveal secrets of ancient civilizations. At the approach of his death, he went west to the legendary land of Hsi Wang Mu. Could this land be the domain of the White Brotherhood?

6. Tiwanaku

As in Mu and Atlantis, construction in South America reached megalithic scale in the construction of earthquake-resistant structures.

Residential houses and public buildings were built from ordinary stones, but using a unique polygonal technology. These buildings are still standing today. Cusco, the ancient capital of Peru, which was probably built before the Incas, is still pretty populated city even thousands of years later. Most of the buildings located in downtown Cusco today unite walls that are many hundreds of years old (while younger buildings, already built by the Spaniards, are collapsing).

A few hundred kilometers south of Cusco lie the fantastic ruins of Puma Punqui, high in the Bolivian altiplano. Puma Punca is not far from the famous Tiahuanaco, a massive magalic site where 100-ton blocks are scattered all over the place by an unknown force. This happened when the South American continent was suddenly subjected to a great cataclysm, probably caused by a pole shift. The former sea ridge can now be seen at an altitude of 3900 m in the Andes mountains. A possible confirmation of this is the many oceanic fossils around Lake Titicaca.

Mayan pyramids found in Central America have their twins on the Indonesian island of Java. The Sukuh Pyramid on the slopes of Mount Lavu near Surakarta in central Java is an amazing temple with a stone stele and a stepped pyramid, which is more likely to be located in the jungles of Central America. The pyramid is virtually identical to the pyramids found at the Vashaktun site near Tikal.

The ancient Mayans were brilliant astronomers and mathematicians whose early cities lived in harmony with nature. They built canals and garden cities in the Yucatan Peninsula.

As pointed out by Edgar Cayce, artifacts Maya civilization, records of all the wisdom of this people and other ancient civilizations are in three places in the earth. Firstly, it is Atlantis or Poseidonia, where some of the temples may still be discovered under many years of bottom overlays, for example, in the Bimini region off the coast of Florida. Secondly, in temple records somewhere in Egypt. And finally, on the Yucatan Peninsula, in America.

It is assumed that the ancient Hall of Records can be located anywhere, probably under some kind of pyramid, in an underground chamber. Some sources say that this repository of ancient knowledge contains quartz crystals that are capable of storing large amounts of information, similar to modern CDs.

8. Ancient China

Ancient China, known as Hanshui China, like other civilizations, was born from the vast Pacific continent of Mu. Ancient Chinese records are known for descriptions of celestial chariots and the jade production they shared with the Maya. Indeed, the ancient Chinese and Mayan languages ​​seem to be very similar.

The mutual influences of China and Central America on each other are evident, both in the field of linguistics and in mythology, religious symbolism, and even trade.

great civilization Ancient China invented everything from toilet paper to earthquake detectors and rocket technology and printing methods. In 1959, archaeologists discovered aluminum strips made several thousand years ago, this aluminum was obtained from raw materials using electricity.

9. Ancient Ethiopia and Israel

From the ancient texts of the Bible and the Ethiopian book Kebra Negast, we know about the high technology of ancient Ethiopia and Israel. The temple in Jerusalem was built on three giant blocks of hewn stone, similar to those found in Baalbek. Solomon's temple earlier and a Muslim mosque now exist on the site, whose foundations are obviously rooted in the civilization of Osiris.

Solomon's Temple, another example of megalithic construction, was built to contain the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was an electrical generator, and people who carelessly touched it were electrocuted. The ark itself and the golden statue were taken out of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid by Moses at the time of the Exodus.

10. Aroe and the Kingdom of the Sun in the Pacific

At the time when the continent of Mu sank into the ocean 24,000 years ago due to the pole shift, the Pacific Ocean was later repopulated by many races from India, China, Africa and America.

The resulting new civilization Aroe in the islands of Polynesia, Melanesia and Micronesia built many megalithic pyramids, platforms, roads and statues.

In New Caledonia, cement columns have been found dating back to 5120 BC. before 10950 BC

The Easter Island statues were placed in a clockwise spiral around the island. And on the island of Pohnpei, a huge stone city was built.
The Polynesians of New Zealand, the Easter Islands, Hawaii and Tahiti still believe that their ancestors had the ability to fly and traveled by air from island to island.

And here is the largest and best-preserved Neolithic (New Stone Age) settlement discovered. The earliest found cultural layers date back to 7400 BC. e. The settlement existed until 5600 BC. e.

Chatal Guyuk - ancient city in Anatolia. Anatolia in translation from ancient Greek literally means East. So the ancient Greeks called Asia Minor. Since the 20s of our century, the Asian part of Turkey has been called so. Anatolia had not previously attracted researchers of ancient civilizations, but in 1961-1963 the English archaeologist D. Mellart unearthed here an amazing and unique ancient settlement of Chatal-Guyuk. It sparked a heated debate. Most immediately recognized this first real city.

Other scientists have argued that this is the very first true civilization in the world.

Science has long been dominated by the belief that the most ancient civilization on Earth was the Sumerian. Having originated in Mesopotamia, the agricultural culture spread first in the Middle East, and only then its centers arose in Turkey and Europe. As for Anatolia (a region of central and southern Turkey), it has a reputation as a "barbarian outskirts". And what was the amazement of the scientific world when it turned out that it was Anatolia that was the first center of human civilization!

This sensational discovery, which radically changed our understanding of the course of history and the level of development of people in the Neolithic era, is associated with the name of the English archaeologist Professor James Mellart. However, starting in 1956 to search, he was just a young and not very experienced graduate student. Subsequently, Mellart admitted that he did not count on such a sensational result at all. He just wanted to check what exactly was hidden under a small hill near the village of Hadjilar, about which a local teacher had told him. Peasants came across various finds here from time to time.

The hill was small - 130-140 meters in diameter and five meters high, and its appearance did not seem to promise anything promising. Nevertheless, Mellart began to dig. And then it became clear why the height of the hill is so small. Usually, if people live in the same place for a long time, for many centuries, then the level of the earth gradually rises as the so-called cultural layer accumulates. But in this settlement, the level of the earth almost did not rise, because every time after another disaster - a fire, an attack by enemies, etc. - the settlement was rebuilt again in a new place, next to the old ashes.

Thus, a kind of "horizontal cut" of various eras was formed. Radiocarbon analysis data showed that the best preserved layer belonged to the 5th millennium BC. And the most ancient one was two thousand years older and dated from the end of the VIII - the beginning of the VII millennium BC. And it was not just an ancient settlement - it was a settlement of the most ancient farmers! This was clearly evidenced by clayed storages for grain, stone inserts for sickles, barley grain, emmer wheat, wild einkorn and lentils. And, as in Jericho, the local people did not know pottery. Archaeologists in Hadjilar did not meet clay figurines either.

When about 80-85 centuries ago a long transgression of the Caspian Sea began and the waters of all the large lakes of Africa still continued to overflow their banks, then the construction of Chatal-Guyuk began. This was the longest period of the "flood". Undoubtedly, a very large rise in humidity occurred throughout the entire hemisphere at this time, and perhaps throughout the Earth, and the usually arid valleys of Antalya were covered with lush vegetation. There were herds of onager, wild boar, red deer, bear, lions and leopards. Grapes, pears, apples, pomegranates, walnuts, fig palms grew. The remains of all these animals and plants were found during excavations in Chatal-Guyuk.

Photo 3.

Due to the originality of the exit system, the outer part of the settlement was a massive wall, and other defensive structures were not needed. The defenders, armed with a bow with arrows, slings and spears, could well repulse bands of marauding robbers who would dare to attack the town, so no evidence of murders was found.

Photo 4.

Inside each house there is a large platform (ottoman) made of clay for sleeping and working, a stove with a flat arch and a niche in the wall, which usually serves as a kitchen. It is difficult to say how many inhabitants were in the city, but if it was all built up just as densely, then the population could reach 20 thousand. However, given that it was still stone Age, experts suggest that there were 5-6 thousand inhabitants. But since in most of Europe no more than 100-150 people lived in settlements at that time, this figure was also very significant. Therefore, many people call Chatal-Guyuk a city.

Photo 5.

Life expectancy was quite high at that time. On average, judging by the burials, men lived for about 35 years, women - about 30, the elders lived up to 60 years. Child mortality was high, so the average life expectancy was quite low. On average, 4.2 children were born for each woman, of which 1.8 died on average, 2.4 children survived for each family.

Photo 6.

The main occupation of most of the inhabitants is the cultivation of cereals. To irrigate the fields at that time, they already began to build the simplest canals. Mostly cattle were bred, a sheep appeared, but it still did not differ much in its structure from the wild one, but the goat was already completely domestic. They continued to hunt onager, half-donkey, wild boar, red deer, bear, lion (or leopard). Even fish and vulture bones have been found. They also ate vegetables and fruits, which, judging by their bones and remains, grew here in abundance.

Photo 7.

Tools were made from large stone knife-like plates: bow, arrows, slings, spears. And magnificent daggers made of large retouched pieces of stone. The tools were made of excellent volcanic glass - obsidian. There were a lot of them in the settlement. This is not surprising, since the city is located near large deposit this most valuable raw material for tools. From here, obsidian spread for thousands of kilometers throughout the Near and Middle East. Mellart writes about this: "Chatal-Guyuk had a monopoly on the obsidian trade with western Anatolia, Cyprus and the Levant.

A wonderful wall painting from the sanctuary of horizon VII depicts the city and, at some distance from it, the eruption of a volcano, possibly Khasan-Dag (deposits of obsidian formed as a result of its eruption. - G. M.). Blanks of obsidian spearheads are found in bags under the floors of houses, their number sometimes reaches 23: apparently, they were kept here as a treasure. In exchange for obsidian, beautiful layered flint was delivered from Syria, from which daggers and other tools were made.

Photo 8.

Shells for beads, as well as alabaster, marble, black and brown limestone and other types of stone were brought from the Mediterranean coast in large quantities, from which magnificent vessels, beads, pendants, polishes, grain grinders, mortars, pestles, figurines were made. From diorite, which was brought from the outskirts of the valley, polished adzes, axes and jewelry were made. In horizon VI, a dagger was found, processed by squeezing retouch, that is, by chipping thousands of miniature scales from the surface of the dagger, with a handle made of bone in the form of an intertwined snake. This is an unsurpassed work of ancient art. Such daggers, even after 3.5 thousand years, were found only in the tombs of the pharaohs.

Photo 9.

A lot of all kinds of jewelry, especially women's beads, made of precious and colored stones from tin, copper. There are baskets of rouge, cosmetic spatulas, obsidian mirrors, fixed in the handle with a lime mass. Often, elegant Mediterranean shells with ocher mixed with some kind of creams were placed in female graves. At this time, women's cosmetics appeared. Even a needle did not pass through the holes in the obsidian beads.

Photo 10.

Lots of wooden utensils. These are flat dishes with figurines, curly protrusions-handles, and goblets with legs, and boxes different forms with tight fitting lids. There are many bone and horn vessels, wicker and leather receptacles. "The fine fabrics," writes Mellart, "perhaps woolen, were of such high quality that even a modern weaver would not be ashamed."

Photo 11.

It should be noted that all residents had a high level of well-being. After all, it was the Stone Age, and the division into rich and poor had not yet taken place. There was no property difference yet, although trade was carried on, and, it would seem, it was not difficult for a successful "merchant" to accumulate wealth. It was probably an exchange, not modern look trade. Although they exchanged, apparently, not only goods, but also ideological ideas. Indeed, in Chatal-Guyuk there were already real temples, and there were a lot of them.

Chatal-Guyuk perishes at the very beginning of the third ecological crisis (the second half of the 6th-5th millennium BC).

Photo 12.

The Çatal Huyuk culture has generated significant debate about its origins. It has also been given various interpretations. Of course, researchers could not avoid the problem of the origin of the people who made the "Neolithic revolution" in the Middle East. Today, evidence has been found - although so far insignificant - of the continuous development of Anatolian culture from the Upper Paleolithic to the Neolithic, that is, the Çatal Huyuk phenomenon was born on local soil. An important role in the study of the origin of this phenomenon was played by the discoveries of Professor K. Kekten and Dr. E. Bostanchi in the Antalya region, which showed that in Anatolia there was an Upper Paleolithic art of the Western European type. Some anthropologists believe that the oldest remains of people of the Euro-African race, recorded in the cemeteries of Anatolia, are the descendants of the European Upper Paleolithic man, the very one who created the magnificent murals of Altamira.

Photo 13.

In addition to the reliefs, often reaching a height of two or more meters, the Chatal Huyuk sanctuaries are decorated with magnificent frescoes - probably the oldest in the world. These drawings, applied with red, pink, white, cream and black paint on walls that are still damp, whitewashed or covered with pinkish plaster, were made in the 6th millennium BC.

The bright, extremely diverse paintings of Chatal Huyuk reflect both the ancient cultural traditions of the Stone Age hunters and the new customs and beliefs of the first farmers. Some plots recreate hunting scenes, where numerous beaters surround a wild bull that has fallen into a trap, or overtake a rushing deer.

Often there are paintings depicting human hands. They are made on a red background or painted with red, pink, gray or black paint, completely covering the walls or forming a border around the central compositions. Many samples of geometric paintings were also found, often very complex, reminiscent of colorful Anatolian carpets. In other murals there are magical symbols - hands, horns, crosses. Some frescoes seem to be entirely composed of symbols, most of which remain incomprehensible to us. At the same time, picturesque images are combined with relief, carved, etc. Among the fifty sanctuaries of Chatal-Hyuk, it is impossible to find two similar to each other, and their diversity is simply amazing.

Many themes of the murals are obviously connected with the afterlife cult. On the walls of two large sanctuaries are depicted, for example, huge vultures tormenting decapitated human bodies. A scene from another shrine shows a man armed with a sling and defending himself against two vultures.

Photo 14.

Photo 15.

Photo 16.

Photo 17.


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The whole history of the world is represented by great achievements and great dates, but it all started far from that. So, the closest ancestors of man - Australopithecus - survived more than one million years of evolution, mastering agriculture, hunting, gathering and simultaneously inventing new tools. And only when all the stages of development were passed, the turn of civilization frowned. This stage was characterized by local wars and civil strife, the development of religion, architecture and social classes. One civilization came to replace another.

In general, the term "civilization" comes from Latin and means "civilian" or "state". The era in which ancient civilizations existed is more than one thousand years old, and many medieval scholars even use this term to separate civilized society from primitive. If we talk about the signs characteristic of civilization, then there are quite a lot of them due to the fact that every historian sees them from a subjective point of view.

Over the past few billion years, the world map has undergone significant changes. According to geologists, initially there was only one continent on the planet, which was called Pangea and was located in the middle of a huge ocean. Later, this continent broke up into several separate formations: Laurasia, which included modern North America, Central and North Asia, Europe, as well as Gondwana, which included Africa, South America, India, Antarctica, Australia. Between these continents lay the Mediterranean Sea, which at that time was called Tetris. For many centuries, these two continents were overgrown with forests, which were later destroyed due to drastic climatic changes. Later, under the influence of glaciers and underground pressure caused by changes magnetic field planets, huge slabs of crust began to crack and separate from each other until they reached the modern form.

Ancient people were sure that the very first earthly civilization appeared in the Far North, and this happened many years before it was covered eternal ice. Here was the so-called Kingdom of the Gods. According to the Chinese, the emperor of this kingdom received power from the god Dragon, who was located at the Heavenly North Pole and was the personification of the King of the Cosmos. The ancient Egyptians worshiped some radiant beings who stood behind Osiris and oriented the Great Pyramid to the brightest star in the constellation Draco Thuban, which in those years was the North Star. There is a legend that the Mahabharata and the Vedas contain astronomical data that can be understood only if one is at the North Pole.

In the memory of the Eskimos, the Shining Spirits of the North have been preserved. The Sioux Indians have stories about the northern island, the cradle of their ancestors, which was swallowed up by the waters. And even in modern world Santa Claus, according to legend, lives at the North Pole.

In addition, researchers of anomalous phenomena, in particular, UFOs, note that these objects, as a rule, appear in the north. Perhaps they pass through some passages in the planetary radiation belts, or head to the underground civilization of Agartha, which exists many kilometers deep.

Scientists are sure that in ancient times the lands of the North Pole, which were then the tropics, extremely attracted the inhabitants of space, since it was the real cradle of mankind, idyllic Eden.

The second great ancient civilization is the fabulous Hyperborea. It was a subpolar continent over which the sun did not set. It was in Hyperborea that Apollo periodically visited in his winged chariot. According to ancient evidence, the Hyperboreans were very tall, had light skin and hair, and blue eyes. Thus, it can be assumed that they were a kind of ideal Nordic type. According to legend, the Hyperboreans were space aliens who colonized this part of the planet. The polar region, which, as mentioned above, was tropical. And the aliens chose her only because she was very reminiscent of their own planet. It was the Hyperboreans who later became the progenitors of the human race.

In the legends of many nations, information about that terrible cataclysm that led to the devastation of the beautiful northern lands has been preserved. Legends say that the sun changed its course, and the Moon or a comet that fell to Earth shifted the axis of the planet. Thus, one of the ages of the Earth was completed. And the legends of the Hindus and Mayans contain information that a nuclear war took place between the magicians of Lemuria and the gods of Hyperborea, which shook the entire planet, causing climate change and the onset of the ice age.

The sons of the Hyperboreans, the Scythians, erected mysterious menhirs to their ancestors. And the Divine Kings taught people the arts and sciences, because people could not live on the earth, which turned into a piece of ice.

A new civilization has emerged on the continent known as Lemuria. It was up to the Himalayas to the north and to Antarctica and Australia to the south. The first population of Lemuria consisted of hermaphrodites of gigantic stature. Over several million years of development, they turned into women and men and decreased in height from 365 to 215 centimeters. The Lemurians were very similar in appearance to the red-skinned Indians, even though their skin was a bluish tint. Their forehead protruded forward, and in the middle of it there was a large lump resembling a walnut (the so-called third eye, which testified to a developed mental strength).

According to ancient legends, teachers who came from Venus passed on cosmic secrets to the initiated inhabitants of Lemuria, which subsequently formed the secret knowledge of the East. After many centuries, men became like gods, acquired the color of the rising sun, and women became graceful and bright, developed a feminine intuition, which many times exceeded scientific logic. Marriage was seen as a sacred bond, sex as a spiritual communion, and there were no divorces at all.

Death was considered a transition to more high world, so the Lemurians could die whenever they wanted. Legends say that they did this often, because the world in which they lived was imperfect, devastated natural disasters. Ultimately, after another volcanic eruption, their continent split in half and disappeared into the ocean depths. It is likely that part of the Lemurians returned to other planets with the acquired knowledge, which became inaccessible to earthlings.

The Lemurians built huge cities, from underground lava and marble they made divine statues in their own image and likeness and worshiped them. The houses of the inhabitants of Lemuria were tall, had a rectangular shape and a wide projecting roof, which gave a lot of shade. Temples and palaces were huge, they were built of durable white stone. By the way, they have not completely collapsed over time and to this day they can still be seen in Asia and America.

This people had a lot of silver and gold, but precious metals were not used for minting coins, but exclusively for decorative purposes. Diamonds were very widely distributed, and therefore they were valued no higher than ordinary glass. Most of all, brightly colored rare feathers were valued among the Lemurians.

Lemurian scientists were engaged in the study of radionics, based on cosmic and solar energy, and brought heat and light into homes.

But soon civilization began to destroy itself. Strength and great knowledge gave rise to excessive pride. Black and white magicians fought each other until they destroyed civilization.

In some legends of the peoples of Asia, data have been preserved that from Venus and Mars flew spaceships to save the elect. Meanwhile, the continent was split and went inland sea ​​waters. After him, only the peaks of the mountains remained, which now represent a series of Pacific islands (Malekula, Caroline Islands, Easter Island).

The remnants of civilization took refuge under the leadership of Manu in the western tip of Lemuria. From there, they could presumably reach Atlantis, which had just emerged from the depths of the ocean. Some Lemurians moved to America, China and India, where they revived the culture of their dead country.

Note that the considered civilizations are the most majestic and significant. They have had a great influence on the culture of mankind for many thousands of years. Later, civilizations better known to earthlings appeared. These are the Olmecs, who invented the calendar and hieroglyphs, created networks of trade and communications. This is the Maya civilization, which by modern standards was the most primitive civilization of the Stone Age, but which, nevertheless, built dozens of wonderful cities, the basis of which are pyramids, perfect in sophistication and beauty. In addition, the Maya invented hieroglyphic writing and the solar calendar, were able to predict the lunar and solar eclipses. These are the Aztecs, who in just two centuries have gone through a difficult path from a nomadic tribe to formidable rulers of a large territory. These are the civilizations of South America (Chavin, Paracas, Nazca, Mochica, Chimu, Incas, Machu Picchu). This is the well-known Atlantis, Celts, Scythians, Phoenicians, Hittites. Each of these civilizations had a great influence on the development of mankind. But that, as they say, is a completely different story ...

Archaeologist David Hatcher told what happened to the Maya and the Atlanteans.

Like Indiana Jones, solo archaeologist David Hatcher Childress has made many incredible trips to the most ancient and remote places on earth. Describing lost cities and ancient civilizations, he published six books: a chronicle of travels from the Gobi Desert to Puma Punka in Bolivia, from Mohenjo-Daro to Baalbek.

We caught him preparing for another archaeological expedition, this time to New Guinea, and asked him to write the following article especially for Atlantis Rising.

An artist's fantasy of an ancient civilization building stone towers using high technology

1. Mu or Lemuria

According to various secret sources, the first civilization arose 78,000 years ago on the gigantic continent known as Mu or Lemuria. And it existed for an amazing 52,000 years. Civilization was destroyed by earthquakes caused by the shift of the earth's pole, which occurred approximately 26,000 years ago, or in 24,000 BC.

While the civilization of Mu did not achieve as high technology as other later civilizations, however, the peoples of Mu succeeded in erecting mega-stone buildings that were able to withstand earthquakes. This building science was the greatest achievement of Mu.

Perhaps in those days there was one language and one government on the whole Earth. Education was the key to the prosperity of the Empire, every citizen was versed in the laws of the Earth and the Universe, by the age of 21 he was given an excellent education. By the age of 28, a person became a full citizen of the empire.

2. Ancient Atlantis

When the continent of Mu sank into the ocean, today's Pacific Ocean was formed, and the water level in other parts of the Earth dropped significantly. Small in the time of Lemuria, the islands in the Atlantic increased significantly in size. The lands of the Poseidonis archipelago formed a whole small continent. This continent is called Atlantis by modern historians, but its real name was Poseidonis.

Atlantis possessed a high level of technology that surpassed the modern one. In the book "The Inhabitant of Two Planets", dictated in 1884 by philosophers from Tibet to the young Californian Frederick Spencer Oliver, as well as in the continuation of 1940 "The Earthly Return of the Inhabitant", there is a mention of such inventions and devices as: air conditioners, for cleaning the air from harmful vapors; vacuum cylinder lamps, fluorescent lamps; electric rifles; transport on a monorail; water generators, a tool for compressing water from the atmosphere; aircraft controlled by anti-gravity forces.

The clairvoyant Edgar Cayce spoke of the use of planes and crystals in Atlantis to generate tremendous energy. He also mentioned the misuse of power by the Atlanteans, which led to the destruction of their civilization.

3. Rama Empire in India

Fortunately, the ancient books of the Indian Empire of Rama have survived, in contrast to the documents of China, Egypt, Central America and Peru. Now the remains of the empire are swallowed up by the impenetrable jungle or rest on the bottom of the ocean. And yet India, despite numerous military devastation, has managed to preserve much of its ancient history.

It was believed that the Indian civilization appeared not much earlier than 500 AD, 200 years before the invasion of Alexander the Great. However, in the last century, the cities of Mojenjo-Daro and Harappa were discovered in the Indus Valley on the territory of modern Pakistan.

The discovery of these cities forced archaeologists to move the date of the Indian civilization thousands of years ago. To the surprise of modern researchers, these cities were highly organized and were a brilliant example of urban planning. And the sewerage system was more developed than it is now in many Asian countries.

4. The civilization of Osiris in the Mediterranean

During the time of Atlantis and Harappa, the Mediterranean basin was a large fertile valley. The ancient civilization that flourished there was the progenitor of dynastic Egypt, and is known as the Osiris Civilization. The Nile previously flowed in a completely different way than today and was called the Styx. Instead of emptying into the Mediterranean Sea in northern Egypt, the Nile turned west, formed a huge lake in the region of the central part of the modern Mediterranean Sea, flowed out of the lake in the area between Malta and Sicily and emptied into the Atlantic Ocean at the Pillars of Hercules (Gibraltar).

When Atlantis was destroyed, the waters of the Atlantic slowly flooded the Mediterranean Basin, destroying the large cities of the Osirians and forcing them to relocate. This theory explains the strange megalithic remains found at the bottom of the Mediterranean Sea.

It is an archaeological fact that at the bottom of this sea there are more than two hundred sunken cities. The Egyptian civilization, along with the Minoan (Crete) and Mycenaean (Greece) are traces of one large, ancient culture. The Ossyrian civilization left huge earthquake-resistant megalithic structures, owned electricity and other amenities that were common in Atlantis. Like Atlantis and Rama's empire, the Osirians had airships and other vehicles, mostly electrical in nature. Mysterious paths in Malta, which are found under water, may be part of the ancient transport route of the Osirian civilization.

Probably the best example of the high technology of the Osirians is the amazing platform found in Baalbek (Lebanon). The main platform is made up of the largest cut rock blocks, each weighing between 1200 and 1500 tons.

5. Civilizations of the Gobi Desert

Many ancient cities of the Uighur civilization existed during the time of Atlantis on the site of the Gobi desert. However, now the Gobi is a lifeless land scorched by the sun, and it is hard to believe that the waters of the ocean once splashed here.

So far, no traces of this civilization have been found. However, vimanas and other technical devices were not alien to the Wiger area. The famous Russian explorer Nicholas Roerich reported his observations of flying discs in the region of northern Tibet in the 1930s.

Some sources claim that the elders of Lemuria, even before the cataclysm that destroyed their civilization, moved their headquarters to an uninhabited plateau in Central Asia, which we now call Tibet. Here they founded a school known as the Great White Brotherhood.

The great Chinese philosopher Lao Tzu wrote the famous Tao Te Ching. At the approach of his death, he went west to the legendary land of Hsi Wang Mu. Could this land be the domain of the White Brotherhood?

6. Tiwanaku

As in Mu and Atlantis, construction in South America reached megalithic scale in the construction of earthquake-resistant structures.

Residential houses and public buildings were built from ordinary stones, but using a unique polygonal technology. These buildings are still standing today. Cusco, the ancient capital of Peru, which was probably built before the Incas, is still quite a populated city, even after thousands of years.

Most of the buildings located in downtown Cusco today unite walls that are many hundreds of years old (while younger buildings, already built by the Spaniards, are collapsing).

A few hundred kilometers south of Cusco lie the fantastic ruins of Puma Punqui, high in the Bolivian altiplano. Puma Punca is not far from the famous Tiahuanaco, a massive magalic site where 100-ton blocks are scattered all over the place by an unknown force.

This happened when the South American continent was suddenly subjected to a great cataclysm, probably caused by a pole shift. The former sea ridge can now be seen at an altitude of 3900 m in the Andes mountains. A possible confirmation of this is the multitude of oceanic fossils around Lake Titicaca.

7 Maya

Mayan pyramids found in Central America have their twins on the Indonesian island of Java. The Sukuh Pyramid on the slopes of Mount Lavu near Surakarta in central Java is an amazing temple with a stone stele and a stepped pyramid, which is more likely to be located in the jungles of Central America. The pyramid is virtually identical to the pyramids found at the Vashaktun site near Tikal.

The ancient Mayans were brilliant astronomers and mathematicians whose early cities lived in harmony with nature. They built canals and garden cities in the Yucatan Peninsula.

As pointed out by Edgar Cayce, records of all the wisdom of the Mayan people and other ancient civilizations are found in three places in the earth. Firstly, it is Atlantis or Poseidonia, where some of the temples may still be discovered under many years of bottom overlays, for example, in the Bimini region off the coast of Florida. Secondly, in temple records somewhere in Egypt. And finally, on the Yucatan Peninsula, in America.

It is assumed that the ancient Hall of Records can be located anywhere, probably under some kind of pyramid, in an underground chamber. Some sources say that this repository of ancient knowledge contains quartz crystals that are capable of storing large amounts of information, similar to modern CDs.

8. Ancient China

Ancient China, known as Hanshui China, like other civilizations, was born from the vast Pacific continent of Mu. Ancient Chinese records are known for descriptions of celestial chariots and the jade production they shared with the Maya. Indeed, the ancient Chinese and Mayan languages ​​seem to be very similar.

The mutual influences of China and Central America on each other are evident, both in the field of linguistics and in mythology, religious symbolism, and even trade.

The ancient Chinese invented everything from toilet paper to earthquake detectors to rocket technology and printing techniques. In 1959, archaeologists discovered aluminum tapes made several thousand years ago, this aluminum was obtained from raw materials using electricity.

9. Ancient Ethiopia and Israel

From the ancient texts of the Bible and the Ethiopian book Kebra Negast, we know about the high technology of ancient Ethiopia and Israel. The temple in Jerusalem was built on three giant blocks of hewn stone, similar to those found in Baalbek. Solomon's temple earlier and a Muslim mosque now exist on the site, whose foundations are obviously rooted in the civilization of Osiris.

Solomon's Temple, another example of megalithic construction, was built to contain the Ark of the Covenant. The Ark of the Covenant was an electrical generator, and people who carelessly touched it were electrocuted. The ark itself and the golden statue were taken out of the King's Chamber in the Great Pyramid by Moses at the time of the Exodus.

10. Aroe and the Kingdom of the Sun in the Pacific

At the time when the continent of Mu sank into the ocean 24,000 years ago due to the pole shift, the Pacific Ocean was later repopulated by many races from India, China, Africa and America.

The resulting Aroe civilization in the islands of Polynesia, Melanesia, and Micronesia built many megalithic pyramids, platforms, roads, and statues.

In New Caledonia, cement columns have been found dating back to 5120 BC. before 10950 BC

The Easter Island statues were placed in a clockwise spiral around the island. And on the island of Pohnpei, a huge stone city was built.

The Polynesians of New Zealand, the Easter Islands, Hawaii and Tahiti still believe that their ancestors had the ability to fly and traveled by air from island to island.

I know enough about the civilizations of antiquity - the question has been of interest to me since my school days. Unfortunately, most of the material that was taught at school was superficial, so I had to look for information on my own. Since the history of the indigenous peoples of America is of particular interest to me, I will talk about the most mysterious civilization that inhabited this continent.

Ancient Mayan Civilization

In the history of this people, it is characteristic that one of the first for their time they managed to determine the direct relationship between celestial objects and crop yield. The priests watched the heavens, accurately predicting the moment when the season favorable for sowing would come. In addition, we determined how the stars are moving depending on the specific time of the year. Astronomical knowledge was distinguished by the particular complexity of calculations, as a result of which the accuracy length of the year was calculated more accurately than even in the modern calendar. Mayan astronomers determined the time it takes for the moon to complete a revolution around our planet, and this allowed us to accurately predict satellite eclipses. Of considerable interest is the original calendar of this people, or rather two. One had 265 days, and the other 365.

Such a volume of information, accordingly, required fixing for future generations, which led to appearance of writing and calculation systems. This people is the only one of all that inhabited America of that era, whose writing was much more perfect than ordinary hieroglyphs. However, in the 9th century AD, for unknown reasons, these people leave their cities. Why? And where did they go? There is still no clear explanation for these questions.

Society structure

A special group of society was servants of the gods - priests, which were divided into castes:

  • ideologists;
  • astronomers;
  • predictors;
  • "all-seeing".

Power was inherited, and kings and their ancestors were equated with gods. The foundation of society were communities who lived at some distance from the city limits. Such a need was caused by the peculiarity of land cultivation, in which plots were changed every 5 years. AT free time community people engaged in construction or military affairs, which later led to the emergence of a new class - professional warriors supported by communities. The wars that were waged by these people were of a short duration - raids on neighbors and capture of slaves.