Every year, various human activities and natural phenomena cause environmental disasters and economic losses around the world. But apart from dark side, there is something delightful about the destructive power of nature.

This article will present you the most interesting natural phenomena and cataclysms that happened in 2011 and 2012, and at the same time remained not very well known to the public.

10. Sea smoke on the Black Sea, Romania.

Sea smoke is called evaporation sea ​​water, which is formed when the air is cold enough and the water warmed by the sun. Because of the temperature difference, the water begins to evaporate.

This beautiful photo was taken a few months ago in Romania by Dan Mihailescu.

9. Strange sounds coming from the frozen Black Sea, Ukraine.

If you've ever wondered what a frozen sea sounds like, here's the answer! Reminds me of scratching wood with nails.

The video was filmed on the coast of Odessa in Ukraine.

8. Trees in the web, Pakistan.

Unexpected side effect big flood that flooded one-fifth of the land of Pakistan is that millions of spiders, escaping from the water, climbed trees and formed cocoons and huge web plexuses there.

7. Fire tornado - Brazil.

A rare phenomenon called "fire tornado" was caught on camera in Aracatuba, Brazil. A deadly cocktail high temperature, strong winds and fires formed a whirlwind of fire.

6. Cappuccino Coast, UK.

In December 2011, the seaside resort of Cleveleys, Lancashire was covered in cappuccino-colored sea foam (first photo). The second and third photos were taken in Cape Town, South Africa.

According to experts, sea foam is formed from molecules of fat and proteins created as a result of the decomposition of tiny sea creatures (Phaeocystis).

5. Snow in the desert, Namibia.

As you know, the Namibian Desert is the oldest desert on earth, and it would seem that, apart from sand and eternal heat, there can be nothing unusual here. However, judging by the statistics, it snows here almost every ten years.

The last time this happened was in June 2011, when snow fell between 11 am and 12 noon. On this day, the lowest temperature in Namibia was recorded -7 degrees Celsius.

4. Huge whirlpool, Japan.

An incredibly large whirlpool formed off the east coast of Japan after the sensational tsunami last year. Whirlpools are common in tsunamis, but such large ones are rare.

3. Waterspouts, Australia.

In May 2011, four tornado-like tornadoes formed off the coast of Australia, one of which reached a height of 600 meters.

Waterspouts usually start as tornadoes - above the ground, and then move to a body of water. Their size in height starts from a few meters, and the width varies up to a hundred meters.

It is noteworthy that local residents in this region have not seen such phenomena for more than 45 years.

2. Massive sandstorms, USA.

This incredible video shows the huge sandstorm that engulfed Phoenix in 2011. The cloud of dust grew up to 50 km wide and reached 3 km in height.

Sandstorms are a common meteorological event in Arizona, but researchers and locals unanimously declared that this storm was the largest in the history of the state.

1. Volcanic ash from Lake Nahuel Huapi - Argentina.

The massive eruption of the Puyehue volcano - near the city of Osorno, in southern Chile, has created an incredible spectacle in Argentina.

Northeast winds blew some of the ash onto Lake Nahuel Huapi. And its surface was covered with a thick layer of volcanic debris, which is very abrasive and does not dissolve in water.

By the way, Nahuel Huapi is the deepest and cleanest lake in Argentina. The lake stretches for 100 km along the Chilean border.

The depth reaches 400 meters, and its area is 529 square meters. km.

Devastating tsunamis in Asia in 2004 and 2011, Hurricane Katrina in the southeastern United States of America in 2005, landslides in the Philippines in 2006, earthquake in Haiti in 2010, floods in Thailand in 2011 ... This list can be continued for a long time ...

Most natural disasters are the result of the laws of nature. Hurricanes, typhoons and tornadoes are the result of various weather phenomena. Earthquakes occur as a result of changes in the earth's crust. Tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes.

Typhoon - a type of tropical cyclone that is typical of the northwestern part of the Quiet Ocean. The word comes from Chinese. The typhoon activity zone, which accounts for a third of the total number of tropical cyclones on Earth, is enclosed between the coast of East Asia in the west, the equator in the south and the date line in the east. Although a large part of typhoons develops from May to November, other months are also not free from them.

The 1991 typhoon season was especially destructive, when a certain number of typhoons with a pressure of 870-878 bar raged off the coast of Japan. Typhoons are attributed to the shores of the Russian Far East, in most cases, after how they main blow taken over by Korea, Japan and the Ryukyu Islands. The Kuril Islands, Sakhalin, Kamchatka and Primorsky Territories are more prone to typhoons. Many managed to fix the typhoon in Novorossiysk on personal photo and video cameras, mobile phones.

Tsunami. Long high waves generated by a powerful impact on the entire water column in the ocean or other body of water. Most tsunamis are caused by underwater earthquakes, during which there is a sharp displacement (raising or lowering) of a section of the seabed. Tsunamis are formed during an earthquake of any strength, but those that arise due to strong earthquakes (with a magnitude of more than 7) reach a large force. As a result of an earthquake, several waves propagate. More than 80% of tsunamis occur on the periphery of the Pacific Ocean.

It should be noted that quite recently the Japanese company Hitachi Zosen Corp has developed a tsunami barrier system that automatically responds to a wave strike. At the moment, it is known that barriers will be installed at the entrances to the underground parts of buildings. In the normal state, the metal walls lie on the surface of the earth, however, during the arrival of a wave, they rise under the pressure of the advancing water and take a vertical position. The height of the barrier is only one meter, ITAR-TASS reports. The system is completely mechanical and does not require any external power source. At present, a number of coastal cities in Japan already have similar barriers, but they are powered by electricity.

Tornado (tornado). A hurricane is an extremely fast and strong movement of air, often of great destructive power and of considerable duration. A tornado (tornado) is a vortex horizontal movement of air that occurs in a thundercloud and descends to the earth's surface in the form of an overturned funnel, the diameter of which is up to hundreds of meters. Usually, the transverse diameter of the tornado funnel in the lower section is 300-400 m, although if the tornado touches the water surface, this value can be only 20-30 m, and when the funnel passes over land, it can reach 1.5-3 km. The development of a tornado from a cloud distinguishes it from some outwardly similar and also different in nature phenomena, for example, tornado-whirlwinds and dusty (sandy) whirlwinds.

Very often tornadoes occur in the United States. More recently, on May 19, 2013, about 325 people were affected by a devastating tornado in Oklahoma. Eyewitnesses speak with one voice: “We thought we were going to die because we ended up in the basement. The wind tore out the door and pieces of glass and debris began to fly at us . To be honest, we thought we were going to die." The wind speed reached 300 kilometers per hour, more than 1.1 thousand houses were destroyed.

earthquakes- tremors and fluctuations of the Earth's surface caused by natural causes (as a rule, tectonic processes), or artificial processes (explosions, filling of reservoirs, collapse of underground cavities of mine workings). Small tremors can also be caused by the rise of lava during volcanic eruptions. About a million earthquakes occur every year on the whole Earth, but most of them are so small that they go unnoticed. Strong destructive earthquakes occur on the planet about once every two weeks. Most of them occur at the bottom of the oceans and are not accompanied by catastrophic consequences (unless a tsunami occurs).

Kamchatka is a particularly seismically active zone in our country. The other day, on May 21, 2013, she again found herself at the epicenter of seismic events. Off the southeastern coast of the peninsula, seismologists recorded a series of earthquakes with a magnitude of 4.0 to 6.4. The centers of earthquakes lay at a depth of 40-60 kilometers under the seabed. At the same time, the most tangible were the tremors in Petropavlovsk-Kamchatsky. In total, according to experts, more than 20 underground disturbances were registered. Fortunately, there was no tsunami threat.

A catastrophe is a sudden natural phenomenon or human action that caused numerous casualties or caused damage to the health of a group of people who simultaneously need emergency medical care or protection, which caused a disproportion between the forces and means or forms and methods of daily work of health authorities and institutions, with on the one hand, and the emerging need for emergency medical care on the other hand.
Between 2000 and 2012, more than 700 thousand people died as a result of disasters, 1.4 million were injured, and about 23 million were left homeless. In total, 1.5 billion people have been affected by disasters in one way or another. The total economic damage amounted to 1.3 trillion dollars (for comparison: Russia's GDP for 2013 was 2.097 trillion dollars).
Natural and man-made disasters cause damage that affects all areas of society. The devastating effects of disasters are often long-term.
Disasters testify to the physical, social, economic and environmental vulnerability and insecurity of the human population.
An important task of our time is to improve the prediction of disasters and the development of methods for the rapid and effective elimination of their consequences.
Most destructive disasters are of natural origin (earthquakes, extreme weather events). However, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has demonstrated that a number of measures can be applied to reduce the severity and frequency of extreme weather events caused by anthropogenic climate change. They consist in the introduction of sustainable development practices, which will be aimed at protecting the environment and at the same time improving the health and well-being of people.
In order to avoid man-made disasters, regular inspections of the equipment of enterprises and infrastructure facilities that pose a potential danger (railways, factories, stations) for wear and tear and other necessary measures to prevent man-made disasters and eliminate their consequences should be carried out.
This paper will consider the main types of natural and man-made disasters, their causes, consequences, as well as examples of the world's largest natural and man-made disasters.

2. Classification

There are several criteria for classifying disasters. These include: damage caused, flow time, coverage area, number of victims, and others. One of the most common criteria is the nature of origin. On this basis, they usually distinguish:

  • Anthropogenic disasters - arise due to human activities (shipwrecks, accidents at nuclear power plants);
  • Natural disasters - occur under the influence of the forces of nature (tsunamis, earthquakes, floods).

It should be noted that man-made disasters in the broadest sense can be of a natural nature (landslides in settlements caused by malfunctioning water supply systems; floods resulting from dam breaks). Here, man-made disasters will be considered as opposed to natural ones. In other classifications, man-made disasters are distinguished.

3. Natural disasters

Classification of natural disasters

Natural disasters are divided according to their origin into two types:

  1. endogenous - associated with the internal energy and forces of the Earth (volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, tsunamis);
  2. exogenous - due to solar energy and activity, atmospheric, hydrodynamic and gravitational processes (hurricanes, cyclones, floods, storms).

Causes of natural disasters

One of the reasons for the occurrence natural disasters is a natural disaster, a natural phenomenon that leads to the destruction material assets, loss of life and other consequences.
Main types of natural disasters:

1. Geological

  • Earthquake
    Earthquake - tremors and vibrations of the earth's surface resulting from sudden displacements and ruptures in the earth's crust and upper mantle and transmitted over long distances.
  • Eruption
    Volcanic eruption - volcanic activity in which volcanic lava and hot gases erupt to the surface. In addition to the direct volcanic eruption, volcanic ash and pyroclastic flows (a mixture of volcanic gases, stones, ash) cause great damage.
  • Avalanche
    An avalanche is a mass of snow or ice that falls or slides down steep mountain slopes. Particularly destructive avalanches can completely destroy settlements.
  • collapse
    Collapse - separation of rock masses from the slope and rapid downward movement. They occur on the banks of rivers, seas, in the mountains under the influence of precipitation, seismic shocks, human activity
  • Landslide
    Landslide - the separation of earthen masses from the slope and their movement along the slope under the influence of gravity.
  • sel
    A mudflow is a powerful mud, mud-stone or water-stone stream, which is formed in the beds of mountain rivers due to a sharp flood caused by heavy rains, snowmelt and other reasons.

2. Meteorological

  • hail
    Hail - a type of precipitation in the form of dense ice particles (hailstones) of irregular shape of different sizes.
  • Drought
    Drought - prolonged dry weather, often at elevated air temperatures, with no or very little precipitation, leading to the depletion of moisture reserves in the soil and a sharp decrease in relative humidity air.
  • Blizzard
    A blizzard is the transport of snow by the wind over the surface of the earth.
  • Tornado
    A tornado is an extremely strong atmospheric vortex with air circulation closed around a more or less vertical axis.
  • Cyclone
    Cyclone - an atmospheric vortex with reduced pressure in the middle and air circulation in a spiral.

3. Hydrological

  • Flood
    Flooding is the flooding of an area with water.
  • Tsunami
    Tsunamis are very long sea waves that occur during strong underwater and coastal earthquakes, as well as during volcanic eruptions or large rockfalls from a coastal cliff.
  • Limnological catastrophe
    A limnological catastrophe is a rare natural phenomenon in which carbon dioxide dissolved in deep lakes is released to the surface, causing asphyxiation of wild and domestic animals and people.

4. Fires

  • Forest fires
    Forest fires are spontaneous or human-induced fires in forest ecosystems.
  • Peat fires
    Peat fires - burning of a layer of peat and tree roots.

In a separate group of causes of natural disasters, the impact of space objects on the Earth is distinguished: a collision with asteroids, the fall of meteorites. They pose a great threat to the planet, since even a small heavenly body upon impact with the Earth, it can cause devastating damage.

Consequences of natural disasters

Killed and wounded

Between 1965 and 1999, 4 million people fell victim to major types of natural disasters.
Geographically, the number of deaths from natural disasters is divided as follows: more than half (53%) are in Africa, 37% in Asia. The most destructive in Africa were droughts, and in Asia - cyclones, storms, tsunamis.
In terms of the number of people affected by natural disasters, Asia dominates over all continents (89%). In second place is Africa (6.7%), followed by the Americas, Europe and Oceania, totaling 5%.
The number of victims of various natural disasters in Asia:

  • 55% from floods
  • 34% of droughts
  • 9% from tsunamis and storms

Economic damage

The vulnerability of countries to natural disasters is related to their social and economic development. Cities with high population density and developed infrastructure bear the greatest economic, social and material damage.
In absolute terms, the economic damage is greater for developed countries due to the extensive infrastructure and high concentration of capital. However, the ratio of direct damage to GDP shows that low-income countries suffer more damage.
The economic damage from natural disasters is growing rapidly every year. In the 1960s, it amounted to about 1 billion dollars, in the 1970s - 4.7, in the 1980s - 16.6, in the 1990s - 76. There were cases when the damage caused to the economy from the catastrophe exceeded GDP.
The most economically destructive natural disasters are typhoons, storms, floods and earthquakes. This can be seen by examining the diagram of the economic damage to Europe from natural disasters (Figure 1)

Figure 1. Economic damage to European countries from natural disasters (1989-2008)

Impact of natural disasters on the environment

Under the influence of natural disasters, large-scale changes in the geographical situation or landscape type occur, which lead to certain sequential changes in the state of biogeocenoses of the area (successions).

4. Man-made disasters


Typically, man-made disasters are divided into two main groups:

  1. industrial (radiation, chemical emissions)
  2. transport (air accidents, railway accidents)

This is not an exhaustive classification. Fires, social catastrophes (wars, terrorist acts) are sometimes distinguished into separate groups.
Another classification criterion is origin. Man-made disasters can be caused by negligence and ill-conceived actions on the part of personnel, external causes (in the case of shipwrecks), equipment malfunction and many other reasons.
At the scene of the accident: accidents at nuclear power plants, chemical industries, bacteriological laboratories, emergencies on the water, railway, air crashes and others.


The main causes of man-made disasters are:

  • Equipment failure, failure engineering systems, violation of the operating mode of equipment
  • Erroneous actions of personnel, non-compliance with safety regulations
    External influences

The most frequent man-made disasters:

  • explosions and fires at enterprises storing, processing or producing explosives
  • in coal mines, underground
  • traffic accidents

The main cause of fires is a violation of safety rules, technical defects leading to fire, human negligence, as well as malicious intent.
Explosions occur due to human error, the presence of a high concentration of flammable gases and dust in the air, violations of the rules for storage, transportation and processing of hazardous substances.
Most experts believe that major aviation accidents are usually caused by a malfunction of the engine and other aircraft systems, pilot error, weather conditions, and collisions with objects in the air.
Accidents on railways occur due to defects in the railway track, rolling stock, overloading of the railway line, errors of the track operator and driver.
There are hundreds of chemical enterprises and nuclear power plants in the world, and the accumulated radioactive and chemical waste is enough to destroy all life on the planet several times.
Chemical accidents are a violation of the production process, accompanied by damage or destruction of pipelines, tanks, storage facilities, vehicles and leading to the release of chemical pollutants into the biosphere.
Radioactive disasters occur as a result of loss of control over radioactive material.

Consequences of man-made disasters

According to the material and energy characteristics, the consequences of anthropogenic disasters can be divided into:

  • mechanical
  • physical (thermal, electromagnetic, radiation, acoustic)
  • chemical
  • biological

The consequences of man-made disasters are divided into short-term (destroyed infrastructure) and long-term (radioactive contamination of the environment) according to the period of influence and the time spent on their elimination.
When assessing the scale of man-made disasters, various indicators can be taken as a basis: the number of deaths; the total number of victims; the nature of the damage to the environment; financial losses and others.
Like natural disasters, man-made disasters inflict heavy economic damage, although they are inferior to the first in terms of the number of victims.
A distinctive feature of man-made disasters is the serious environmental damage they cause.
Accidents in the fuel and energy complex, air and shipwrecks, accompanied by a leak in environment substances dangerous for ecosystems, entail the death of organisms, mutations in species, habitat destruction.
The release of radioactive substances in catastrophes caused by accidents at nuclear power plants has long-term consequences: death of people from cancer, radiation sickness, hereditary diseases in subsequent generations, and radioactive contamination of the environment.
In general, industrial accidents and catastrophes are a very significant negative factor for the state of the environment. natural environment and public health. Violations resulting from catastrophes natural ecosystems and the death of many biota components can be irreversible.

5. Catastrophe prediction

To predict a catastrophe means to determine its place, time and force. A feature of modern natural disasters is that when they occur, there is a combination or simultaneous action of several initiating factors. Seismologists monitor changes in various characteristics of the Earth in order to establish the relationship between them and the occurrence of natural disasters.
However, there are a number of obstacles in determining the causes and the possibility of predicting dangerous natural phenomena and emergency situations, which are related to the peculiarities of the functioning of the existing monitoring and forecasting system.
The difference between man-made disasters and natural disasters is that they are sudden and it is impossible to predict them. But there are prerequisites for man-made disasters and ways to predict them.
The preconditions for man-made disasters are physical phenomena, which provide objective evidence of a potential man-made disaster. Timely detection of the prerequisites allows taking measures to eliminate the catastrophe or, in case of its inevitability, to minimize the damage.
Such prerequisites include a defect or equipment failure due to technical reasons or as a result of meteorological, seismic activity; geophysical factors associated with the concentration of hazardous substances at enterprises and others.
The experience of creating and operating complex engineering systems has allowed humanity to develop and implement methods for monitoring their safety and performance.
Catastrophe forecasting is a complex and important task of our time. The security and development of mankind depends on this.

6. Examples of major disasters

Hurricane Katrina

Flooded New Orleans August 23-30, 2005, USA.
Hurricane Katrina is the most destructive hurricane in US history.
The hurricane hit coastline along the northern Gulf of Mexico, which is highly vulnerable to storm surge. The states of Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama and Florida became the disaster zone. Total number the number of victims of the hurricane is approaching 2000. Thousands of people were left without homes and jobs, infrastructure facilities in dozens of cities were partially or completely destroyed. The hurricane caused coastal erosion and oil spills. About $100 billion was spent on the restoration of the affected regions.

The Chernobyl accident

Destroyed fourth block Chernobyl nuclear power plant April 26, 1986, USSR.
The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant is the explosive destruction of the fourth power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant with the release of a large amount of radioactive substances into the environment. The largest accident of its kind in the history of nuclear power
the number of victims and economic damage.
On April 26, 1986, an explosion occurred at the 4th power unit of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant, completely destroying the reactor. The main cause of the accident is believed to be human error. The consequences of the accident are long-term. The number of victims can only be estimated. It is estimated at tens of thousands (the victims include people suffering or dying from radiation sickness, cancer, children with developmental disabilities, born after the accident, and others). The accident caused a tragic environmental disaster. The cloud formed from the burning reactor carried various radioactive materials across Europe and the USSR. Vast territories were exposed to radiation contamination.

Indian Ocean earthquake (2004)

December 26, 2004, Asia.
An underwater earthquake in the Indian Ocean triggered a tsunami, considered the deadliest natural disaster in history. 18 countries were in the disaster zone, 300 thousand people suffered - local residents and tourists. In Sri Lanka, the tsunami caused the largest railway disaster in history.

Bhopal disaster

December 3, 1984, India.
The Bhopal disaster is the largest man-made disaster in terms of the number of victims, caused by an accident at a chemical plant producing pesticides in the Indian city of Bhopal. As a result of the release of vapors of methyl isocyanate, 18 thousand people died. The number of victims varies from 150 to 600 thousand. The official reason has not been established. It is believed that the crash was caused by a safety violation.

The crash of the Doña Paz

December 20, 1987, Philippines
The collision of the Philippine ferry "Dona Paz" with the tanker "Vector" is considered the largest maritime disaster in peacetime.
The collision resulted in a spill and fire of oil products from the tanker. Both ships sank. About 1500 people died. It was revealed that the ferry was overloaded, and the tanker was without a license.

Flood in China (1931)

1931, China.
In 1931, south-central China was subjected to devastating floods that claimed the lives of between 145,000 and 4 million people. The largest rivers of the country came out of their banks: the Yangtze, Huaihe, Huanghe. This natural disaster is considered the largest natural disaster in history.

Winter of terror

1950-1951, Europe.
The Winter of Terror is the 1950-1951 season, during which 649 avalanches descended in the Alps. Avalanches destroyed several settlements in Austria, Switzerland, Yugoslavia, Italy. About 300 people died.

Fires in Russia (2010)

Smoke over the European part of Russia 2010, Russia
Due to lack of precipitation and abnormal heat from July to September European part Russia was engulfed in forest fires. As a result of the disaster, 55,800 people died.
Dozens of cities were subjected to heavy smoke.

Limnological catastrophe on Lake Nyos

Lake Nyos after a limnological catastrophe on August 21, 1986, Cameroon.
A limnological catastrophe occurred on Lake Nyos, which released a huge amount of carbon dioxide gas. Gas rushed in two streams
along the mountain slope, destroying all living things at a distance of up to 27 km from the lake. The disaster claimed the lives of 1700 people.

Deepwater Horizon oil platform explosion

Fighting a fire on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform April 20, 2010, USA.
The accident in the Gulf of Mexico (80 kilometers from the coast of Louisiana) on the Deepwater Horizon oil platform. One of the largest man-made disasters. The accident was the largest oil spill in US history.
The accident claimed the lives of 11 people and caused a major environmental disaster.

7. Conclusion

A catastrophe is an unexpected, powerful and uncontrollable phenomenon of a natural or anthropogenic nature, entailing human casualties, economic, environmental and social damage.
From ancient times to the present, humanity has been confronted with disasters and is trying to counteract and control them. With the development of science and technology, it was possible to significantly improve methods for predicting disasters and eliminating the consequences of disasters, but at the same time, such problems as global warming, environmental disasters, and mutated life forms appeared.
Disasters include not only natural disasters (hurricanes, tsunamis, earthquakes), but also "man-made" or man-made disasters (accidents at work, wars, terrorist attacks), which also cause significant environmental damage.
Governments and public organizations join forces to develop an international strategy to reduce the impact of disasters. This is a difficult task requiring decisive economic and political action.
The subject of natural and man-made disasters is very broad and the world is becoming more and more interested in analysis, review and search for new solutions. The study of disasters is essential to the safety and prosperity of mankind.

8. References

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Sorry, nothing was found.

Problem global warming reminds me more and more of myself. This affects the life of earthlings already now, because in the middle latitudes with a temperate climate in last years the air temperature in the summer months began to regularly exceed the mark of 40 degrees Celsius, while the African heat is replaced by hurricanes and heavy rainfall. Such natural disasters cause a lot of inconvenience and losses, however, climate scientists predict that in the coming years climate shocks will become commonplace.

In particular, according to the Svopi.ru portal, climatologists from all over the world are calling for attention to global changes in the Earth's climate that are already taking place today, because, according to scientists, climate turbulence will fully make itself felt by 2020 with a series of natural cataclysms that could turn into a global catastrophe.

Experts predict that in four years the population of the Earth will feel the serious consequences of these changes. It is assumed that hurricanes and minor earthquakes will be the least of the troubles that await the Earth, however, researchers draw attention to the fact that climate change, which has been predicted for a long time, does not pass as evenly and gradually as experts predicted earlier. According to climatologists, these processes will manifest themselves unexpectedly, and where they are least expected. On the this moment there is a strong opinion in the scientific community that for the first time climatic turbulence will most acutely manifest itself in the UK, since the British Isles are located in the zone of cyclones from the subtropics and northern air currents at the same time.

Recall that one of the consequences of the currently observed global warming is also the catastrophic melting of Arctic ice and continental ice caps. They play a big role in climate balance by reflecting large amounts of sunlight, which keeps the Earth from overheating. At the same time, the dynamics of the growth of average monthly and average annual temperatures, which continue to break new records with each fixation period, also contributes to the stability of glaciers that have been untouched for tens of thousands of years in various parts of the world. Mankind has already forgotten about the snows of Kilimanjaro, scientists predict the complete melting of the Arctic ice in the coming years. At the same time, a serious threat looms over the Greenland ice sheet, the melting of which could raise the level of the world's seas by many meters.

According to climatologists from the UK, Holland and Germany, in the period from 2011 to 2014, as a result of observations, a record loss of ice cover was recorded in Greenland. The study devoted to this is published in the journal Geophysical Research Letters. The researchers found that during this period, the largest island of the planet lost a total of about a trillion tons of ice, which is equivalent to contributing to global sea level rise by 0.75 millimeters per year. At the same time, it was found that the most intensive ice melting occurred in 2012, when summer temperatures reached record high values.

This was established using observations by the CryoSat satellite, on which a radio altimeter is installed. The spacecraft's estimate of Greenland's loss of ice sheet was, according to the ESA, with the highest accuracy available and is close to data from NASA's Gravity Recovery And Climate Experiment (GRACE) satellites.

According to the United Nations Information Center, by 2030, 250,000 people will die annually from the effects of global climate change, and these data are in addition to previously announced forecasts. Infectious diseases such as malaria, diarrhoea, malnutrition and heat stroke will be the main causes of the increase in mortality. Expected further warming and the associated increase in humidity will lead to the spread of various disease-carrying insects, and crops will suffer due to droughts, rainstorms and extreme heat - all more people will starve.

As air pollution increases, the flowering period of plants will be prolonged, resulting in an increase in the number of people suffering from asthma and pollen allergies. As a result of pollution of water sources, floods and warming, diseases caused by dirty water will spread.

In just 60 years, more than 3,000 New Yorkers will die each year from climate change-related heatwaves, US scientists warn. According to official figures alone, more Americans die from heat waves than from all other natural disasters combined. According to American climatologists, over the next 60 years the situation will only worsen. This is stated in a new study published in the specialized journal Environmental Health Perspectives. The New York City Panel on Climate Change predicts that by 2080, the average annual temperature in the metropolitan area will increase by 5.3 to 8.8 degrees Fahrenheit (2.9 to 4 .9 degrees Celsius). According to the 2014 National Climate Assessment report, the number of hot days will triple by then.

“... In fact, humanity does not have not only 100 years, but even 50 years! The maximum that we have is several decades, taking into account impending events. Over the past two decades, alarming changes in the geophysical parameters of the planet, the emergence of a variety of observed anomalies, an increase in the frequency and scale of extreme events, an abrupt increase in natural disasters on Earth in the atmosphere, lithosphere, and hydrosphere indicate the release of an extremely high level of additional exogenous (external) and endogenous (internal) energy. As you know, in 2011 this process began to enter a new active phase, as evidenced by noticeable jumps in the released seismic energy, recorded during more frequent strong earthquakes, as well as an increase in the number of powerful destructive typhoons, hurricanes, a widespread change in thunderstorm activity and other anomalous natural phenomena ... » from the report

What awaits humanity tomorrow - no one knows. But the fact that our civilization is already on the verge of self-destruction is no longer a secret to anyone. This is evidenced by daily events around the world, to which we simply turn a blind eye. A great amount of material has been accumulated that reflects the reality of our life and future events. As an example, a very impressive video - taking place from September 2015 to the present day.

The subsequent photographs are by no means a method of shock therapy, this is the harsh reality of our life, which is neither THERE, but HERE - on our planet. But for some reason we turn away from this, or we prefer not to notice the reality and seriousness of what is happening.

Hanshin, Japan

Tohoku, Japan

Agree indisputable fact is that a huge number of people, as well as each individual separately, are not fully aware of the complexity and seriousness of the current situation on Earth today. For some reason, we turn a blind eye to this, adhering to the principle: "the less you know - you sleep better, you have enough worries, my hut is on the edge." But the fact that every day on the entire planet Earth, on different continents there are floods, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes - scientists, newspapers, television, the Internet inform. But, nevertheless, the media, for certain reasons, do not reveal the whole truth, carefully hiding the true climate situation in the world and the urgent need for urgent action. This is one of the main reasons why most people naively believe that these terrible events will not affect them, at a time when all the facts indicate that an irreversible global process of climate change has begun. And already in our time there is a rapid growth of such a worldwide problem as global cataclysms.

These graphs clearly demonstrate that over the past decade, the world has seen a significant increase in the number of natural disasters, and dozens of times.

Rice. 1. Graph of the number of natural disasters in the world from 1920 to 2015. Compiled on the basis of the EM-DAT database.

Rice. 2. Graph with a cumulative total showing the number of earthquakes in the United States of magnitude 3 and above from 1975 to April 2015. Compiled from the USGS database.

The statistics given above clearly show the climatic situation on our planet. Most people today, lulled and blinded by illusion, do not even want to think about the future. Many feel that something is happening to the climate around the world and understand that natural anomalies of this kind indicate the seriousness of everything that is happening. But fear and irresponsibility are pushing people to turn away and again plunge into the usual bustle. In modern society, it is considered quite normal to shift the responsibility for everything that happens to us and around us to someone. We live our lives relying on what state authorities they will do everything for us: they will create good conditions for living in a peaceful life, and in case of danger, the great scientists will warn us in advance and the state authorities will take care of us. The phenomenon is paradoxical, but this is how our consciousness works - we always believe that someone owes us something and forget that we ourselves are responsible for our lives. And here it is important to understand that in order to survive, people themselves need to unite. Only the people themselves can lay the foundation for the worldwide unification of all mankind, no one but us will do this. The words of the great poet F. Tyutchev fit perfectly:

Unity, - proclaimed the oracle of our days, -
Perhaps soldered with iron and blood only ... "
But we will try to solder it with love, -
And then we will see that it is stronger ...

It would also be appropriate to remind our readers of the current refugee situation in Europe. There are only about three million of them, according to official figures, but huge problems of banal survival have already begun. And this is in a civilized, well-fed Europe. Why, it would seem, even rich Europe is not able to adequately solve the problem of migrants? And what will happen if about two billion people undergo forced migration in the coming years?! The following question also arises: where do you think millions and billions of people will go if they manage to survive in global cataclysms?But the problem of survival will become acute for everyone: housing, food, work, etc. What will happen then if we, in a peaceful life, given the format of a consumer society, are constantly fighting for our piece of matter, starting from MY apartment, MY car and ending with MY mug, MY armchair and MY favorite, inviolable slippers?

It becomes clear that we can survive the period of global cataclysms only by joining our efforts. The coming trials will be possible to pass with honor and the least number of human casualties, only if we are a single family, united by friendship, humanity and mutual assistance. If we prefer to be a herd of animals, then the animal world has its own laws of survival - the strongest survive. But are we animals?

“Yes, if society does not change, then humanity simply will not survive. During the period global change due to the aggressive activation of the Animal nature (which obeys the general Animal mind), like any other intelligent matter, people will simply fight for survival on their own, that is, peoples will exterminate each other, and those who remain alive will be destroyed by nature itself. It will be possible to survive the coming cataclysms only with the unification of all mankind and the qualitative transformation of society in the spiritual sense. If, by joint efforts, people can still change the direction of the world community from the consumer channel towards true spiritual development, with the dominance of Spirituality, then humanity will have a chance to survive this period. Moreover, both society and future generations will be able to reach a qualitatively new stage in their development. But only now it depends on the real choice and actions of everyone! And most importantly, many smart people on the planet understand this, see the impending catastrophe, the collapse of society, but do not know how to resist all this and what to do. Anastasia Novykh "AllatRa"

Why do people not notice, or pretend not to notice, or simply do not want to notice those numerous threats of planetary global cataclysms and all other acute problems facing all mankind today. The reason for such behavior of the inhabitants of our planet is the lack of real Knowledge about man and the world. At modern man the concept of the true value of life has been replaced, and therefore today few people can confidently answer such questions as: “Why does a person come into this world? What awaits us after the death of our body? Where and why did this whole material world appear, which brings not only happiness, but also a lot of suffering to a person? Surely there must be some meaning to this? Or maybe the Great Divine Plan?

Today we have with you books by Anastasia Novykh that answer all these questions. Moreover, having become acquainted with the Primordial Knowledge about the world and man, set forth in these books, most of us accepted them as a guide to action for the internal transformation of ourselves into better side. Now we know the purpose of our life and we know what we need to do in order to achieve it. We gratefully meet obstacles on our way and rejoice in victories. And it's wonderful! In fact, this Knowledge is a great gift for mankind. But having come into contact with them and accepting them, we are responsible for our actions and for what is happening around us. But why do we forget about it? Why do we constantly forget about what is happening now on other continents, in other cities and countries?

"The personal contribution of each person to the common cause of the spiritual and moral transformation of society is very important"- book "AllatRa" "Now"- this is the right time to ask yourself the question: What contribution can I personally make to create the conditions necessary to unite all people in order to survive the impending disasters?

“It is important to raise public awareness of the problems of the near future. All socially active people need to take an active part in the unification and rallying of the world society today, ignoring all selfish, social, political, religious and other barriers that the system artificially separates people. Only by joining our efforts in the global community, not on paper, but in deed, it is possible to have time to prepare the majority of the inhabitants of the planet for those planetary climate, world economic global shocks and changes that are coming. Each of us can do a lot of useful things in this direction! By uniting, people multiply their capabilities tenfold ”(From the Report).

To unite all mankind into a single family, a general mobilization of our forces and capabilities is necessary. The fate of all mankind today hangs in the balance, and a lot really depends on our actions.

At the moment, ALLATRA IPM participants from all over the world are jointly implementing projects aimed at uniting all people and building a creative society. Everyone who remains indifferent to the future of all mankind and feels a sincere need to sincerely help people not in words, but in deeds, and is ready to lend a helping hand right now, can join this project to inform the inhabitants of the planet about upcoming cataclysms and ways out of the current circumstances through the unification of all the people of the planet into a single and friendly family.

It's no secret that time is running out. Therefore it is very important now understand that only together we can survive the coming cataclysms. The unification of people is the key to the survival of mankind.


Report “On the problems and consequences of global climate change on Earth. Effective Ways to Solve These Problems” by the international group of scientists of ALLATRA International Public Movement, November 26, 2014 http://allatra-science.org/publication/climate

J.L.Rubinstein, A.B.Mahani, Myths and Facts on Wastewater Injection, Hydraulic Fracturing, Enhanced Oil Recovery, and Induced Seismicity, Seismological Research Letters, Vol. 86, Num. 4, July/August 2015 link

Anastasia Novykh "AllatRa", K.: AllatRa, 2013 http://books.allatra.org/ru/kniga-allatra

Prepared by: Jamal Magomedov