Those who were born in the USSR remember red scarves, public moral punishments, the fear of standing out or appearing "not like everyone else." I won't say that it was bad in the Union, on the contrary, the level of satisfaction with life and confidence in the future are almost unattainable for the majority of our fellow citizens, although we live in a democratic society.

Who does not believe, see how Cubans live. They adore Fidel Castro, get tattoos of Che Guevara and enjoy socialism. Yes, they have poverty, yes, they are almost cut off from the world, but what soulfulness is there. So we will not argue today with those who are nostalgic for Soviet era. Let's just pay attention to such a concept as "equalization". What better way to drive into the minds of children that everyone is equal than school uniform? Imagine a picture, everyone, as one, is dressed in the same suits and, except for shoes, nothing distinguishes them from each other. And when leveling is also practiced in teaching methods, one should not be surprised by low grades and dislike for school.

The school uniform came back in 1834. As a rule, the color of dresses and suits was black, gray or brown. Sometimes the boys were completely shaved, and the girls were forced to walk with a long braid.

Given the influence of clothing on self-perception and self-awareness, schools are forced to buy or sew green dresses with lace, to purchase blue ties or expensive buttons with the image of the school symbol on a voluntary-compulsory basis. Good intentions to “equalize” schoolchildren turned into empty wallets for parents. Only paid gymnasiums provide uniforms. State educational institutions do not finance the clothes of their wards.

How to radically change the education system

Our editors are interested Facebook post Lilia Burnt, which raised the issue of the effectiveness of education in modern society. Not only do parents have to buy school uniforms, make repairs, often pay for lunches in canteens, but also influence changes in the education system. The Parents' Committee of the school where the author's child is studying has organized its own system to compensate for the shortcomings of the educational system in the country. Lilia is asking fathers and mothers who care about the future of their offspring to join the fight for quality education.

For example, each parent can hold classes where they will share their own experience and knowledge. Managers will teach children how to communicate with people, programmers will help them master computer science, which will undoubtedly come in handy in the future.

Let's educate children so that they have the opportunity to receive invaluable knowledge for 11 years. Their future, career, success depend largely on you.

Lilia Gorelay encourages parents to join her innovative education system and give children good start for future success in adulthood.

It's all about school uniforms

Many countries have abandoned the school uniform, as its constant wearing stupefies the population. For example, Alexander Kuznetsov, president of the Association of Child Psychologists, argues that egalitarianism can sometimes dull a child. Sameness and fear of standing out can make a child narrow, and fear of developing and expressing one's individuality will affect the future life. By the way, do not forget that most teachers attended school in uniform. Maybe that's why they are not ready to develop individuality in students and make the educational system more ideal?

Again, the habit of living “like everyone else” affects our reality. Imagine if from early childhood you show the child that he is a person, determine the level of his interests and help the entire parent committee master the skills that are really necessary in life, the child will confidently climb the social ladder.

Many countries of the world have already abandoned the practice of "equation". Maybe if we decide to teach children in a new way, without focusing on their appearance, our children will be able to achieve greater success than you and I?

And how are they?

In England, they are proud of their school clothes and even attend additional classes not in jeans, but in uniform. But this is one of the few countries where the queen rules and they love to pass on long-term traditions from generation to generation.

Countries such as Belgium, Australia, India, Ireland, Cuba do not even consider a different version of clothing for students, except for the traditional school uniform. Girls wear dresses of medium length (color can be brown, blue, dark gray), and boys wear suits with shirts.

An interesting variant of the form in Japan. Girls dress in the style of "sailor fuku" or "black bottom - white top". Be sure to wear leggings and low-heeled or platform shoes. Boys wear suits, shirts and ties.

The US maintains its reputation as a free state even in matters of school clothing. Private schools have the right to set their own dress code (clearly expressed in Gossip Girl), but state institutions provide complete freedom.

Why school uniform is not needed

Newspaper " TVNZ” in 2012 became seriously interested in this topic. Journalists turned to lawyers with the question: “Do children have to wear a uniform?”. Yes, even though the Cabinet of Ministers of Ukraine has approved a sample of clothing for students, no one has the right to oblige students to wear it. Coercion by the school administration, class teachers or heads of parent committees can be seen as a violation of human rights.

But they constantly justify themselves, they say, children come from different families, and it is necessary that differences in social status do not affect the morale of schoolchildren. Although, you see, even if everyone walks in the same clothes, this will not prevent someone from wearing diamond earrings or driving up in the morning in their father's Lexus. And even now, when all children have phones of various brands, various subcultures are popular, and there is an opportunity to dine not in the canteen, but somewhere in a cafe, social equalization is simply impossible.

When schools hide behind the words "It's beautiful," the administration is only trying to show their native land with better side. The same, neat children with emblems speak of the ability to educate the younger generation and inspire respect for the school. And the ability to stand out from the background of others adds pluses during checks.
Sometimes school uniforms have a terrible look - sometimes too short skirts in which plump girls feel fat, turning every “school” day into stressful situation. These are the plaid suits for boys that the guys in the yard laugh at.

The main thing is that the child is comfortable

Many Ukrainian and Russian schools abandoned the form altogether. The main thing is that the child does not wear defiant clothes, does not dye his hair in bright colors that are inappropriate for age and status, and look neat. The administration monitors what kind of manicure and jewelry children have, does not allow bright makeup or high heels.

It is important that children do not smoke or drink alcohol on school grounds. It is important that they study well and set goals for themselves. And then, whether they wear a school uniform or not - let the parents decide.

So, let's think

Is a school uniform required? This question is asked by thousands of children, parents and teachers around the world. Why has the issue of introducing a mandatory uniform school uniform become so relevant? Why can't society come to a consensus? We think that the reason lies in the contradiction between the desire for collective unity and the possibility of self-expression.

Three arguments FOR school uniform

  • Creating a business environment in the classroom

Everyone knows that before the introduction of school uniforms, children could show up to classes in any clothes. And frayed jeans with a pullover are not the worst of the options. Some girls, especially high school girls, wear short miniskirts that are out of place at school. Reprimands and comments from the school administration do not always help. Therefore, the introduction of a single standard of clothing for schoolchildren helps to solve this problem.

  • Smoothing out social inequalities

At school, children from families with different incomes can study in the same class. Some parents buy the best and most fashionable things for their daughter or son. Others buy the cheapest stuff from sales and stock. Because of this, the children of poor parents feel insecure, their self-esteem decreases. And the children of rich parents assert themselves at the expense of the money of their father and mother. Neither one nor the other is useful for the harmonious development of the child.

  • Formation of good taste and ability to wear business clothes among schoolchildren

It's no secret that in adolescence clothing preferences are marginal. Teenagers choose clothes that parents are ashamed to look at. At the same time, the formation of taste remains entirely in the hands of the parents. But not all parents can and want to instill a sense of style in their children. Therefore, an officially approved school uniform will help the child navigate the world of fashion.

Three arguments AGAINST school uniforms

  • School uniforms deprive children of individuality

Wearing the same clothes every day, looking exactly the same as all classmates - is it really a dream modern teenager? In a world where it is possible to create your own style even for little money, many teenagers want to express themselves through clothing. In fairness, we note that children still have ample opportunities for self-expression outside of school.

  • Business attire is not always comfortable and practical

Schoolchildren are children, and children tend to want to move, play, run, ride in the snow, and so on. Moreover, if the student is dressed in a uniform, then the games become difficult. It increases the likelihood of spoiling the uniform, rubbing the trousers or tearing the blouse. Pupils of elementary grades, instead of being active after school, which is natural for this age, are forced to restrain themselves, run and play less, being afraid to break their uniform and be punished for it.

  • The high cost of school uniforms or low-quality materials

The school uniform should be made of high-quality natural materials with a small admixture of synthetics. But such materials are quite expensive, so the school uniform comes out to parents "a pretty penny". Many schools go the other way - they order cheap school uniforms mainly from synthetic materials. Such clothes do not allow the skin to breathe, which negatively affects the health of children.

Thus, the issue of introducing a single school uniform is full of contradictions. It is difficult to give an unambiguous answer to it, since it is necessary to take into account many nuances. We only note that the school uniform has long been successfully introduced in many countries of the world, such as Great Britain or India. Here, students take pride in their uniforms and sincerely love this uniform.

During the first week of school, many mothers are already quite tired of washing and ironing school uniforms for boys and girls, primary school students and teenagers. Does your child also have a uniform at school? And how do you feel about it? Arguments "for" and "against" school uniforms are expressed by psychologist Lyudmila Petranovskaya.

School uniform, who is in favor?

There are usually three arguments "for" school uniforms.

1. Uniform creates equality, levels the difference in the wealth of families. Very funny.

First, the difference in the prosperity of families has long existed not so much between children in the same class, but between different schools. The probability that the son of a cleaner and the son of a deputy/prosecutor/businessman/showman will be next to each other is close to zero. It's too late to drink Borjomi here. And in those schools where abilities are important, where there is no corruption in admission and such a neighborhood is quite possible, they usually don’t bother with the form, and children, like teachers, are purple, whose parents are richer.

Secondly, the difference in prosperity will still be visible. In addition to uniforms, there are shoes, sneakers and a suit for physical education, outerwear, watches, a phone, a way to spend holidays and a whole lot more. Shall we equalize everything?

On the other hand, the difference between expensive and cheap clothes is now very small in appearance. This is not the difference between velvet with pearls and rags with bast shoes, but only nonsense like brands and "latest collections". Jeans that my daughter bought in the summer on sale at some chain store like the New Yorker for 10 euros do not differ in appearance from jeans for 1000 euros just at all (and are cheaper than half the lousy synthetic shiny and hanging school uniform trousers, and not lousy - five times). What such a huge difference in appearance are we talking about?

Thirdly, who ever said that solving the problem by sweeping garbage under the carpet - The best way? Social inequality exists. The task of parents and teachers is to teach children to adequately cope with this circumstance, without equalizing the value of a person with the value of his rags.

2. The second argument also delights with its hypocrisy. The uniform, they say, supports the feeling of belonging to the school, corporate pride, it is not in vain that the best private schools in Europe have it. Wonderful. That is, our schools are anyhow, there is absolutely nothing to be proud of, children do not like them and, to put it mildly, do not value belonging to them - but the uniform will DESIGN what we have like in Europe.

It would be interesting to make a correlation - how the quality of the school, including the love of students for it, and the degree of zeal in demanding uniforms from its administration correlate. Something tells me that the dependence will be very telling. Not to mention the fact that in those very "best schools in Europe" the autonomy of the school operates, and if there is a form, this is the decision of the school itself, its personal tradition, and not a consequence of something said and imposed from above.

3. Well, about the fact that school teaches you to wear a suit. This is without comment at all. And why did someone get the idea that a child will certainly need an office suit in his future? I now live without it and do not complain. And my daughter, I hope, will manage. And the son wears it with pleasure on occasion, although he went to school in jeans. Can my children not be programmed in advance on how to dress and how to live?

That's where the "for" arguments ended. At least I haven't heard from others.

Arguments against school uniforms

Now let's see what we have to say against the school uniform.

1. Form comes first bullying mothers. Because a normal second-grader boy (and many girls) wears an average of three sets of clothes per school week. And either mom has to wash, dry and iron the arrows at night, or invest in three sets to wash and dry all weekend.

The fabrics and styles of a school uniform are usually impractical: either it is wrinkled, and there are all these folds, tucks, buttons, you are tormented by ironing, or it is with a large percentage of synthetics, and these are puffs, spools and a very short service life. All over the place the label states that washing in the machine is prohibited. How is that in general? Hire a maid for the sake of external social equality?

2. Form is expensive. For example, I often have work on weekends, and even business trips. So I always buy my daughter a lot of clothes, with a spare for when I can’t help her with her weekend school fees. Buying four jeans and a dozen blouses, t-shirts, sweaters is an order of magnitude cheaper than four uniform sets. And besides, the same jeans and T-shirts are suitable to go to visit, to the section, to go for a walk, to go on vacation.

3. The form is a discrimination of children with a non-standard figure. The difference in physique, which jeans and knitwear hide, uniforms emphasize. It is in advertising photos that we always see slender girls who wear pleated skirts, ruffles on blouses and waist-length sarafans. And the suffering of girls who are not so slender or, on the contrary, very thin, forced to fit themselves in sarafans or walk in something like a bag with buttons, the discomfort of tall and short children, or adolescents whose width is still childish, in length - quite adult and everything sticks out from everywhere, they are not taken into account.

4. The form is inconvenient. Shirts tucked into trousers, hard-shouldered jackets, skirts that go up or stick to tights, buttons that come off easily. It presses, cuts and presses, it must be constantly corrected and pulled, and for a child with sensitive skin, typical uniforms are just torture. What kind of education is this?

5. Form provokes conflicts. Where there is arbitrariness, there will be protest. Teenagers will fight for their right to walk without a uniform, violating the requirements without prior notice. They will be scolded for it at school and at home. They respond by snarling. Parents will bully their children or make trouble with the school. And for the sake of what, you can find out, to create a deliberate point of tension? Little stress in life?

6. Sometimes parents say: but you don’t have to think about what to put on him (her), otherwise he will start sorting out all morning. There is such a thing, some start. But is not one of the tasks of childhood - learn to manage your appearance as well? Learn to dress appropriately and comfortably, and to please yourself? Why not set requirements that help you learn how to think and decide what to wear?

For example, the requirement of modesty and rigor of clothing is of high quality, reasonable and developing. There is an opportunity to think and evaluate: jeans with holes and rhinestones - is this suitable? And the inscription on the T-shirt - can it be any? And again, there may be different traditions in different schools. OWN traditions, and somewhere it’s normal to come in a T-shirt with the inscription: “I’m some kind of strange today,” but somewhere it’s not worth it, and you need to navigate this. No, of course, if the goal is to talk less with children in general, but only give instructions, then, of course, the form is better.

7. At this point, psychologists usually talk about the harm of equalization and leveling of individuality, that the form prepares for the role of "cog" or "office plankton" but I won't. It's not so easy to level individuality with clothes. The kids will kick back. Their eyes, smiles, characters cannot be leveled with sarafans.

It seems to me that the harm from violence is much stronger. The same clothes for everyone are generally characteristic of places created not for joy: the army, prison, hospital. If the form is not about love for your school and not about being proud that you study here, then it is about the fact that the state has you as it wants, and teachers and parents, instead of protecting you from it, help him with this . However, perhaps this is precisely the true deep message of innovation.

In short, the only school uniforms that I can consider reasonable are jeans (skirts) without frills with T-shirts, sweaters, sweatshirts in the color of the school or with the emblem-slogan of the school, which the children themselves want to wear and wear when the school board decides. And if someone for some reason does not wear it, then you can too.

First, do not exaggerate the possibility of school tyranny. No one has the right to restrict your child's access to education or bully him because of his uniform. Whatever the rulings and decisions, the law is stronger, and the law speaks of your child's right to an education. You, as a parent, are obliged to provide him with the conditions for this - clothes suitable for going to school. CLOTHES. Not a form.

The school can decide on a mandatory form - has the right. The parent committee of the school can appeal against this decision - it also has the right. If a parental committee bends or he yearns for equalization - it is very easy to re-elect him at the next meeting.

If obvious nit-picking begins with the stripes-width of pants, if the child is expelled from school and class on the day when for some reason he is out of shape (did not have time to dry), do not run to buy other shirt-pants and do not start making excuses.

Say that you and your child respect the school's choice of uniforms and will follow it TO THE EXTENT POSSIBLE. No, you will not smooth out the creases on your trousers, you have no time and you do not like it. And no, you won’t get up at 6 in the morning to have time to dry the only correct vest with a hair dryer. And if your child has sensitive skin, then he will not walk in a jacket with a chafing collar and cutting underarms, but you promise - when you can - buy a knitted jacket that matches the color.

Finally, you can always write a statement addressed to the principal that, due to financial circumstances, you cannot provide your child with the required school uniform and hope very much that this will not affect the attitude of teachers and administration towards him. Are we all for the sake of equality between the poor and the rich?

It doesn't matter what your circumstances really are. After all, you are in charge of the budget and you may think that it is better to spend money on a child's vacation in England or on his diving lessons than on uniforms. And you don't have one or the other. In some cases, this may sound mocking, but who was the first to start mocking? You submit an application for recording, and after the first case of brain removal for a child because of a form, write up a complaint about the fact that your child is being bullied because the family is not rich enough. Of course, this is an option for teenagers who themselves are so reluctant to wear a uniform that they are ready to withstand some pressure and are confident in the support of classmates.

It is not necessary to artificially put a child in the role of an outcast, then it is easier to change schools. Well, the clothes in which the child walks instead of the uniform should look decent - not defiant, not be very worn, dirty, obviously not in size. And then you will have problems with custody.

You can also write a statement about a child with sensitive skin. Just prepare the child himself what to answer if it "begins." The best option: "Marya Petrovna, I put on what my mother (father) orders. All questions are for my parents."

In short, I really sympathize with everyone who "hit", let it poison the life of you and your children less. Don't offend them.

IN 2014 academic year The uniform has become an obligatory attribute of school life. As always, the decision of the Ministry of Education split the public into two camps, because absolutely all citizens of our country were, are or will be schoolchildren. Involvement in the discussion of why a school uniform is needed, mass, and the number of arguments against the dress code usually outweighs sentimental memories of the proponents of the uniformity of the appearance of students about their own wonderful school years. But this is due to the inability to participate in the discussion. Let's leave emotions and turn to facts, rehabilitating the school uniform and even speaking in its defense.

Form and discipline

Discipline is not the phenomenon when children walk in formation and praise the party in chorus, as many people think. Discipline is the observance of certain rules adopted in a certain organization, even unspoken ones. The school is first and foremost an educational institution, and it is very short-sighted to talk about the complete anarchy of self-expression within the walls of the school. There are some absolute rules: come to certain time, during the lesson, sit at a desk, politely address the teacher, work on assignments. Everyone observes them, and it never occurs to anyone to resent such violence.

For some reason, the school uniform falls out of this range in the eyes of the public. As an optional element: it seems that both in uniform and in “civilian” children follow the same rules. This is true, but a student who wears the same clothes in the classroom, plays football, walks the dog, goes to the cinema, in a word, goes about his daily business, ceases to perceive the school as a special place. And then the rules established within its walls begin to seem like a burden. A person, of course, observes them, but this observance brings internal discomfort.

What happens when a student puts on a uniform? There is a feeling of detachment from out-of-school life, study comes out of a number of everyday activities, entertainment, activities and becomes a special, solid and responsible business. And there is a mindset to follow the rules, because the school is a place where the rules should work without causing an internal rebellion.

Here you may come across the opinion that for this it is not necessary to introduce a school uniform, just some general uniformity is enough. Indeed, if a child has a more or less strict classic suit “for school” in his wardrobe, he will fulfill his disciplinary function without in any way affecting the child’s sense of taste, the parents’ wallet and the ability of both of them to express themselves. You can limit the color scheme and length of the skirts, and leave the color, style, cut, material at the discretion of the parents and the students themselves. This would be true if the form was designed to work only for the discipline, but its functional purpose is much wider.

Uniform and social equality

The favorite argument of supporters of school uniforms is the memories of how in Soviet times all students were equal, and the children of ministers and cleaners studied in the same class, formally no different from each other. In reality, of course, this is a myth revealed to us by altered memory. The children of high-ranking officials always studied separately, and if anyone ended up in regular school still different from the others. The form itself does not socially equalize children, and the antagonists are absolutely right in this: gadgets, accessories, costume jewelry, cars and cash will do the trick, even if the children are dressed alike.

School uniform only excludes one element from this set of status criteria. Here, the shape of one material and a standard model plays into the hands: there is less reason for emotions. True, the best solution should still be the choice between similar outwardly styles, which are designed for fundamentally different types of figures. Children are different, just like adults, and it would be foolish to force them to wear clothes that, for a number of reasons, do not suit them.

In addition, schoolchildren dressed in the same way receive relatively equal opportunity for self-affirmation, feeling the status superiority of comrades only at the moment of obsessive demonstration of this superiority. Until a desk mate gets a new smartphone or game console, he is equal to you. When an opportunity arises to demonstrate one's superiority through appearance, it is exploited as fully as possible: both simply and the effect is permanent, and the feeling of equality does not appear at all.

Form and educational process

It seems that the school uniform and the process of obtaining knowledge are in no way connected, and the tasks of the teacher do not include either the education of taste, or controlling the appearance, or tracking the moral character of the student. The main thing is that children learn and do not interfere with others doing the same, and whether they will sit at their desks in jeans, in tracksuits or classics is the tenth thing.

In fact, clothes of bright colors and catchy styles distract from classes. Our visual apparatus is arranged in such a way that something different from the general background attracts attention, not even necessarily a red sweater among gray jackets. With the same success, the eye will catch on to the calm blue among the green. When attention is involuntarily dispersed between the text, bright spots of clothing, extraneous sounds, it is quite difficult to keep a thought, especially since it strives to fly away by itself. The variegation around and the variety of forms are good for relaxation, while in collective work uniformity can only be a boon for the central nervous system and sense organs: the brain should not be overloaded with information that comes at the same time and belongs to different categories and categories.

In addition to schoolchildren, the teacher is also involved in the educational process. Imagine what it's like to stare at the diversity for many hours every day, trying to focus on the lesson. Both the eyes and the head will ache, by the end of the day there will be no strength left, because others are constantly added to the color stimulus. And what will a constantly tired teacher teach?

In addition to distracting unconditional attention, clothing also distracts conditional attention. The deep neckline of a high school student can make not only classmates, but also teachers forget the basics of arithmetic. Discussion of the appearance and related psychological characteristics of a person is becoming an important part of school life, especially since teachers are sometimes unable to resist remarks. A powerful distraction factor has a negative impact on the learning process, but what if there are thirty such factors?

To be fair, it’s worth saying that not only bright, expensive and open outfits disturb the peace of the class, but also just something different and arousing curiosity. So, in mixed schools, women's hijabs are the subject of constant attention of both children and adults. Any non-standard clothing can play a similar role, from ripped jeans to a grandmother's knitted skirt.

Form and expression

It turns out that our students express themselves solely through clothing. This argument is one of the main ones in the declared confrontation. As soon as it comes to school uniforms, parents begin to demand respect for the right to express self. This, of course, is very important in the period of its formation.

But what do we see without rose-colored glasses and theories? Self-expression ends where the fashion backed by the parent wallet begins. Some teenagers who identify themselves with informal subcultures are somewhat freer in this respect, but some trends set the tone in small groups as well. Another, who expressed something personal through clothing, has every chance of becoming a pariah. Brands, price and catwalk combination of color and model have nothing to do with self-expression. Most schoolchildren want to look “like everyone else”, and they look like that. Only the details vary. Will a young person want to go to school in a formal suit if everyone around is in jeans and bright trendy sweatshirts? Will he want to sit in class in a tracksuit, if the trend is classic? Very doubtful.

The mantra of the Soviet times “become interesting in uninteresting clothes” is thoroughly forgotten today, because due to “interesting clothes” you can attract attention without making any effort. You don't need knowledge, hobbies, charisma, you don't need to build relationships and be able to listen to others. Just looking is enough. Is this what parents want? After all, children are not forever children, and once in the real, not the school world, they can break down in a clash of worldviews: personal and professional qualities are valued, self-expression should have a solid foundation. The form, equalizing everyone outwardly, allows you to pay attention to other human features (in fairness - not always of real value outside the school).

Needless to say, taste in clothing may develop over time or not develop at all, so the aesthetics of such self-expression can be very illusory. The inability to dress in fashion or wear certain things (formal suits, for example, dress pants, high heels) can make a young person the butt of jokes. Compulsory wearing of a uniform eliminates this stress factor: for those who do not understand and are not interested in fashion, life with a uniform is much easier.

Form and family budget

Highly interesting point— dependence of the family budget on the school uniform. What do parents who oppose usually say? School uniforms are made to order, often in Russian style, in one designated atelier for a designated amount, which is clearly not comparable to the cost of a set of clothes from a stock store. School becomes very expensive. There will no longer be a single uniform for everyone (as it was - brown dresses, blue jackets), and the school administration is not holy seraphim, and if the opportunity arises, someone will somehow weld on tailoring.

This is fair, but these are problems of the system, not the school uniform itself. However, it costs much more than what is written on the price tag: it requires two sets of shirts or blouses, a pair of trousers and a changeable jacket is highly desirable. No one will like to wear one set for months and put it on immediately after washing. Moreover, children grow very quickly, sometimes they lose weight or get better so that they have to adjust the shape. Accordingly, the cost increases.

On the other hand, the thesis “we are not rich enough to buy cheap” is very true in our case. Instead of a uniform made of wearable and resistant materials, a growing person will wear casual sweaters, T-shirts, skirts, jeans to school, and after school they will walk, play, and do their own thing. Naturally, every day children do not want to walk in the same clothes, and clothes deteriorate at the speed of rolling down a hill on their own fifth point. The cheaper, the lower the quality. Schoolchildren do not really want to wear cheap clothes. So instead of a couple of uniform sets, you will have to purchase non-uniform sets several times a year. Considering that parents themselves are not eager to buy synthetics or cheap knitwear, the difference in cost is reduced: jeans, a shirt and a sweater may turn out to be only slightly cheaper than a school suit, but you can’t get by with one thing. The savings are questionable.

Another important point: the school uniform saves parents from the constant desire of children to dress in something even more fashionable and new. Indeed, within the walls of the educational institution, the young shoots spend most of the day (in any case, I want to believe in it), so refusing to buy Armani will not lead to the fact that for many hours in a row the young lady will feel like Cinderella, or even a pumpkin. Enough of these impressions outside of school.

Antistress for parents [Your child goes to school] Tsarenko Natalia

Why do you need a school uniform?

Why do you need a school uniform?

Many parents, bringing their child to first grade, are faced with the need to purchase a school uniform for the child. And, despite the fact that most moms and dads wore it themselves at one time, their attitude to the form is completely ambiguous. Some people don’t like the very idea of ​​“equalization”, someone is not satisfied with the design or convenience of a specific form of a particular school (although globally they have nothing against it), someone, on the contrary, happily agrees, because they see a way out for your child due to the financial situation of the family ... In a word, how many parents, so many opinions.

And children ... children are wonderful barometers and sensitively catch our adult moods. And if the mother herself could not stand the uniform in her school years and, gritting her teeth, puts it on her own child, it is difficult to expect a positive and respectful attitude towards uniform from him (especially if the mother expresses her opinion aloud).

So, what are the pros and cons of a school uniform? Is it necessary, is it expedient, what problems does it solve, which ones do not, and which, on the contrary, does it generate?

Let's start with the bad.

Firstly, the form is, indeed, leveling. Children have completely different shapes, height, physique. Finally they have different type appearance. Thus, what works for one will look completely ugly on another. To avoid this, it should be possible to choose a style within, say, a single fabric, color scheme and a set of items (suits, skirts, vests - from the same fabric but with variations in cut for different figures). However, where is it seen, where is it heard, where is it done, who can afford it? You can count such schools on your fingers, alas.

Secondly, the form should ideally be comfortable and beautiful. However, reality often makes its own adjustments: in many schools, colors and fabrics are not coordinated with parents, but are done according to the principle “it happened”. For example, they introduce a uniform of absolutely monstrous colors (in a red-green checkered) only because such a fabric was purchased cheaply “through the channels” of the director.

Thirdly, the form oppresses children with its monotony. Every day is the same! This is really annoying, especially from the age when children become indifferent to their appearance and they want to be liked by classmates and classmates. True, here inventive schoolchildren (and especially schoolgirls) will always find a way out - how to stand out and how to excel. Well, if they think of doing it with the help of clothing details. I remember what we didn’t do within the limits of what was permitted: the uniform was decorated with unusual collars, and cuffs, and beautiful aprons were sewn. Girls will always find a way to decorate themselves. And the length! Yes, and the boys could always put on an unusual shirt, suspenders, a belt - whoever is in what much. It is much worse if other methods are used to draw attention to oneself - behavioral ones.

And lastly, some schools make form a disciplinary lever, a way to control the behavior of children. If the position of the administration in matters of compliance with the form is excessively rigid, this should alert you as parents: the main function of the school is to teach children, not to discipline, and if the emphasis is not on that, then it will not be easy to study there, because paying attention, most likely, First of all, they will be by no means on the quality of study, but on loyalty and "obedience".

Now - about the good. So, the school uniform allows you to solve the following tasks.

First: thanks to the introduction of uniforms, children at school cannot impress each other with clothes. For educational process this is a big plus, after all, that is not why they go to school, after all ... I would like both children and parents to remember this. Children will find something to stand out, and it’s good (just great!), If these are personal achievements and talents. Much more often, these are just banal phones, bags, stationery, outerwear, conversations on the topic “who has what kind of house, what kind of car”, visiting each other and spending time together - children will have a place to “turn around” and in addition to clothing. The social and financial situation of different families is not a secret for any of the children in the class, and now they talk about it freely, and the children know just as well (or even better) than we do what it costs. So, alas, the form will not be able to “solve the problem of social inequality”. However, property inequality is much easier to bear when, at least during the educational process (and this is the main school function), everyone has the same clothes. Yes, just put yourself in their place: someone in a chic suit is having an important conversation with you, catching you in inappropriate clothes - a casual home T-shirt or an old sweater ... How will you feel? Now imagine the same conversation when you are in a business suit, not even in such an expensive one. When will it be more comfortable?

Second: 15-20 years ago, the financial situation was very tense for the vast majority of the population, and the form was a good way out for many. Our times - taking into account the crisis - promise to be no better, so the uniform can again be considered a good material help: after all, one set of clothes is cheaper than several. True, some schools manage to make a business out of this, and the uniform turns out to be quite expensive, but this is on the conscience of the administration.

Third: children do not look like a motley mass, but a kind of integrity, this is useful both in the sense of aesthetics and in the sense of psychology - an additional moment that unites the group into a team, allowing you to educate the so-called "corporate culture". For example, the daughter of my friends is studying in the UK, in her educational institution the form is required (as in all "good" schools - these are traditions that have developed over the centuries). And the girl (teenager!) is proud of her, how proud she is and in general belonging to this educational institution. Indeed, the shape is very beautiful ...

Fourth: not all children and their parents have a taste, so modern schoolchildren are dressed simply monstrously, often both expensively and monstrously “in one bottle”, because aesthetics does not depend on the material resources of the family. And the form, if chosen successfully and well sewn, removes these moments.

Fifth: during puberty, girls actively seek to attract attention. With the help of everyday clothes, they sometimes get simply depressing results. Often, girls come to class in transparent blouses with translucent bras, or in skirts-belts in which you absolutely cannot bend over - only squat (hello to the sixties!), Or in jeans with a low belt, in which it is also better to stand exactly like a tin soldier : any forward movement brings out the girl's panties and half of her priests for everyone to see. I can say with an absolute guarantee that if a girl is dressed that way, then no matter what she says, her thoughts will not be about studying - just like the whole boy half of the class. And, as a result, the girl's too. Do not deceive yourself, physiology is physiology, especially generously warmed up by hormones. And here the point is not the high morality of the administration, but the fact that they simply do not want to waste their time. As you can see, there are still more pluses than minuses, although not by much. However, it is up to you to choose which arguments are more meaningful to you. After all, form is an inevitable reality in many schools, so isn’t it better, not being able to change circumstances, to change your attitude towards them and see the positive where, at first glance, it does not exist and cannot exist? And having accepted the situation, you can always turn it in your favor: well, at least it will be easier for you and your child to live - one less annoying and stressful moment.

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