The so-called fixed stars, as we know, are not fixed at all, but for an earthly observer their movement is so insignificant that they are usually considered as such. In reality, the fixed stars move through the zodiac at about 50.25 arcseconds per year.

Fixed stars in the horoscope

It so happens that natal astrologers ignore the fixed stars entirely, but some of them are undoubtedly valid as far as horary interpretation is concerned.

When the significator, Moon or Angle falls within 1° in conjunction with a particular fixed star, the matter inquired about will be influenced according to the nature of the signification of the star.

The major fixed stars taken into account in horary astrology are listed below, along with brief description their nature and their zodiac position for 1982.

Hostile stars in the horoscope

ALGOL - 25 about 55 'Taurus.

This star is considered to be of Saturn/Jupiter nature. This is a strong influence and can mean physical danger. This is reputedly related to the head, since it (influence) can make a person lose his head literally or metaphorically.

ALCYONE - 29 about 44 'Taurus.

Known as the "Weeping Sisters", she has a Moon/Mars nature. This is a star of sadness (grief) and it can be assumed that the case on which the question is asked will end in tears.

VINDEMIATRIX - 9 o 42 'Libra.

This is the star of Widowhood and nature Saturn/Mercury. Obviously, attention to it is important in matters related to marriage.

SHEAT - 29 about 7’ Pisces.

This star is said to have "great malice" (extreme misfortune) and is known to be related to death, suicide (especially drowning), severe addiction and imprisonment.

SERPENTIS (Northern Libra) - 19th degree of Scorpio

This is a strange and powerful degree. It has been known since ancient times as "the cursed degree of the cursed sign." It is a tragic, Mars/Saturn nature and nothing is known to flourish under its ray. When this degree is emphasized in a horary chart, its influence is enough to destroy the whole thing. Oddly enough, what was responsible for the malevolence of this degree in ancient times no longer occupies this degree, yet this did not lessen the traditional hostility of 19-20 degrees Scorpio. From a horary point of view, it remains the worst degree of the Zodiac. At present, this degree is occupied by the Northern Cup of Libra, which is considered in natal astrology as the gift of outstanding intelligence.

Fixed stars associated with blindness

There is an opinion that the following fixed stars are related to blindness, and in all probability it would be unwise to have surgery or other treatment affecting the sight when their degrees are underlined in the chart.

NORTHERN DOS - 7 o 17’ Leo

ANTARES - 9 about 31’ Sagittarius

ASUMEN - 28 o 27’ Sagittarius

SOUTHERN DOSER - 8 o 28’ Leo

ACULEUS - 25 o 31’ Sagittarius

FACIES - 8 o 4’ Capricorn

auspicious stars

REGULUS (REGUL) - 29 o 35 'Leo.

Known as the Heart of the Lion (Royal Star) - Mars/Jupiter natures; brings happiness in affairs related to status and leadership.

SPICKA - 23 about 35’ Libra.

The luckiest star in the Zodiac is Venus/Mars nature. All businesses flourish under her influence.

VEGA - 15 o 4 'Capricorn.

Considered a lucky star - Venus/Mercury nature. She is usually associated with dexterity (art) and good luck in politics.

A complete list of fixed stars requires a long time to study and verify in terms of their influence from both the horary and natal points of view. More complete information about the stars can be obtained in Vivian E. Robson's book "Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology". Meanwhile, the stars listed above are most often used in horary astrology.

Critical degrees of the horoscope

There are twenty-eight critical degrees in the Zodiac. The determination of these degrees is based on the average daily motion of the moon. The general opinion about the critical degrees regarding horary astrology is as follows. When the Moon, being a significator, falls into a critical degree, this means that the crisis must be resolved in the near future. The matter about which the question is asked is likely to be resolved rather quickly in one way or another in the manner indicated by the house in which this degree is involved.

This is another area deserving promising research. These critical degrees, otherwise known as "lunar dwellings" ("lunar stations"), which we find in Arabic, Indian and Chinese astrology, and each system gives each "dwelling" (each "station") the appropriate interpretation. Thorough information can also be obtained regarding the "moon stations" from the already mentioned book by Vivian Robson.

Critical degrees:

In cardinal signs: 1 o 13 o 26 o

In fixed signs: 9 o 21 o

In mutable signs: 4 o 17 o

The section of the fixed stars is considered the most difficult in astrology. Either from the fact that there is very little information on this topic, or from the deep mythological meanings of the stars.

Now there are disputes about how stars manifest themselves in a person's life. But there is absolutely no information on how to work out the negative influence of a star in your chart. I will try to fill this gap today.

How do the fixed stars manifest themselves?

The fixed stars cannot manifest themselves, they need a guide. Therefore, stars can only connect with planets and important points on the map (for example, corner Houses). Stars cannot take aspects, but they can greatly strengthen or weaken the planet or House with which it is in conjunction.

Good stars (Regulus, Sirius, Fomalhaut, etc.) give the native a significant advantage and strength, but only if the native uses the energies of the stars.

For example, your Ascendant is in conjunction with Regulus, which denotes royalty, material success, social heights.

But if you do not strive anywhere on the career ladder, you behave modestly, you are afraid once again express your opinion, then Regulus will win back with great internal unrealized ambitions, you will become a kind of idealist who wants to do everything perfectly and therefore does nothing.

At a negative level, Regulus will also give laziness, arrogance, self-centeredness. It all depends on you, how exactly you will manifest the energy of the star and your card.

How to work with evil stars?

But what if the planet is hit by an evil star? There is only one way out - to play the semantic meaning of the star, but in the direction you need.

For example, Algol in the natal chart is considered the most sinister star, as it means literally and symbolically the loss of the head, madness, physical or psychological violence. Nature of the planets Saturn and Pluto.

Symbolically, Algol personifies the head of Medusa cut off by Perseus. On the one hand, Medusa, a terrible monster that kills with one look. On the other hand, it was the head of Medusa that helped Perseus win several important victories.

So that Algol does not create problems for you, you need to use its qualities to your advantage. Show symbolic violence, selfishness, cunning and uncompromising rigidity where this sinister Star is located.

For example, in a native in a chart, Algol is connected to the cusp of the Second House of Money.

On a negative level, this can give permanent financial problems. Moreover, according to this provision, the native not only has no money, but there are constant monetary losses, some kind of symbolic violence in terms of the wallet. Fate, as it were, harshly takes money from a person.

If a person shows himself aggressively in all monetary matters, does not give anything to anyone, literally “squeezes out” every penny, then the negative influence of Algol will no longer interfere, emptying his wallet, and will move to another level. Yes, the solution is not simple, but still it is better than constant money problems.

How to work Algol through the planets?

Another example, Algol is in conjunction with Mercury. To avoid the negative manifestation of the star, the native must use Algol for its intended purpose. For example, become a critic, (the star is also associated with the poison of Medusa). With Mars - take up a dangerous sport. With the Moon - at times destroy or destroy something. With Venus - add something provocative to your image.


Remember, any, even the most difficult aspect of the map, you can always use to your advantage. In the case of fixed stars, the situation is the same. Study the mythological history of the star you need and consider how you can benefit from the signification of the star, even the most evil one.

Yours, Pavel Dementiev

The discovery of the movements of "fixed" stars belongs to the famous English astronomer Edmund Halley, who discovered in 1718 that some bright stars from the Hipparchus-Ptolemy catalog noticeably changed their positions among other stars. These were Sirius, which had shifted to the south by almost one and a half diameters of the Moon, Arcturus, by two diameters to the south, and Aldebaran, which had shifted by 1/4 of the diameter of the Moon to the east. The observed changes could not be attributed to Ptolemy's catalog errors, which, as a rule, did not exceed 6C (1/5 of the moon's diameter). Halley's discovery soon (1728) was confirmed by another English astronomer, James Bradley, who is better known as the discoverer of the annual aberration of stars. Later, Tobias Mayer (1723-1762), Nicola Lacaille (1713-1762) and many other astronomers up to Friedrich Bessel (1784-1846) were engaged in determining the movements of stars, who laid the foundation for the modern fundamental system of star positions.

Curiously, it took almost 2,000 years to break down the prevailing notion of fixed stars in order to begin looking for and finding the movements of stars. Fixed stars move forward through the Zodiac at a rate of about 50 seconds of arc in one year. In ten years, fixed stars move about 8 minutes and 21 arc seconds. On average, every 72 years, these stars move forward in the Zodiac by a whole degree (in apparent motion).

This must be remembered, because. during a lifetime, a star can move away from the planet to the distance of an orb, thereby destroying the connection. It also happens vice versa, when the star in the chart does not fall into conjunction with the planet, or is located at a distance of a permissible orb from it, and after a certain number of years of life it enters into exact conjunction with the planet.

Orbis for fixed stars is very small:

And only for Algol an orbis of 5 degrees is allowed.

When working in a chart, only the conjunctions and only the planets and Angles of the chart with the Fixed Stars are taken into account. Of all the Lots, only the connection of the Part of Fortune with the Stars will be significant, with the rest of the Lots, you need to approach the analysis of the card individually. The conjunction of the fixed stars with the Antis of the planets can play a significant role in the life of the native. The hit of fixed stars on the cusps of intermediate houses can be ignored, i.e. their coordinates are highly dependent on the chosen house system.

To date, among astrologers there is no unequivocal, confirmed by experience and practice, opinion on the use of fixed stars. In the literature, in reference books, a huge number of stars are listed, and for each a description of the symbolism is given, an interpretation of the influence of the star on the fate of the native. Of course, the most difficult task is precisely the study and confirmation of this influence in practice, because even in the interpretation of the influence of the same star in different reference books there are a lot of discrepancies.

Of the many literature written about fixed stars, I can recommend the books of V. Robson "Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology" and the book of the Serbian author Alexander Imshiragic "Pillars of Fate".

A huge amount of work on the systematization of the use of fixed stars was done by the famous modern astrologer Denis Kutalev. You can read his book.

I quote here a chapter from the book by D. Kutalev, in which he sets out the basic principles for interpreting fixed stars:

3.3. Theoretical principles for the interpretation of fixed stars.

“When we observe any constellation ... we are, as it were, sure in advance that harmony, rhythm unite the stars included in it; Of course, we ourselves exalt them, but we exalt them because there is something in the constellation that determines this harmony - something deeper and more significant than individual stars. You did not notice that the stars that are not included in the constellations seem insignificant next to the constellations, these undeciphered letters ... From the very beginning, a person should have had a presentiment that each constellation is a kind of clan, society, race

J. Cortazar "Winnings".

have astrological significance ALL stars. A layer of information of a more karmic plan, a deeper causal level, is associated with them than with the planets.

This deep information, being refracted in the mentality of various peoples and epochs, can acquire special ways of manifestation in each case. Therefore, astrologers of different countries and eras often attribute completely different meanings to the same star.

Real the stars matter visible naked eye (up to 6 m visual magnitude inclusive). They can be compared with the visible planets, with which the main astrological information is associated; while the less luminous stars are like the higher planets, their vibrations are so subtle and high that at present they have no appreciable influence in the horoscope.

The brighter the star, the more people feel its vibrations. Wherein no matter, whether it is possible to see a star in a given area or not (similar to how it does not matter whether this or that planet is visible). The apparent stellar magnitude indicates the significance of the star principle for modern humanity (over time, this magnitude can change significantly, indicating an increase or decrease in the relevance of the star).

The basic level of information that the stars carry for a particular cultural paradigm is associated with the distribution of stars according to constellations (as well as asterisms or groups of stars) adopted in this paradigm. The constellations represent the global archetypes, and the levels and types of their concrete manifestation are expressed through the stars.

The accepted order of the stars in the constellation (that is, the distribution of stars on a scale of "key - significant - insignificant - insignificant") reflects the stages of revealing the meaning of the constellation. In astronomy and astrology of different cultures, different principles of the hierarchy of stars in the constellation are established. In modern astronomy, two approaches are used to order the stars in a constellation. One of them, introduced by the German astronomer Bayer in 1603, is the assignment of Greek letters to the stars in each constellation in approximately decreasing order of brightness (beginning with alpha in alphabetical order, and after omega, Latin letters). Another approach, used by the Englishman Flamsteed in his catalog of 1725, is to designate stars by numbers in ascending order of the right ascension coordinate. It seems that for the tasks of astrology it is advisable to use the first classification, since it seems natural that the brightest stars are associated with the key manifestations of the constellation; whereas in Flamsteed's catalog, the number of a star is not related to its magnitude, so that under the first number in the constellation there may be a star that is not even visible to the naked eye. But perhaps the main objection to the Flamsteed system is its focus on the equatorial coordinate system, while in astrology (at least modern) the correlation with the ecliptic is more significant. Note also that many stars have their own names (which is one indication of the importance of the information associated with them). Almost all of these stars are designated by Greek letters in the Bayer system, but not all of them have a Flamsteed designation. The predominance of Bayer's classification today is also confirmed by the fact that after the establishment in 1925 by the International Astronomical Union of the boundaries and names of constellations, this system was also used for "new" constellations. southern hemisphere sky.

Significant information for our cultural paradigm is carried by those stars that are designated in the Bayer system by the letters of the Greek alphabet. Symbolically, the first four stars of the constellation correspond with the first, most direct, elemental and unequivocal manifestation of the principle of this constellation. In this case, alpha corresponds to the elements of Fire, beta - to the elements of Earth, gamma - to the elements of Air, delta - to the elements of Water. The next four stars correspond to the next, increasingly subtle levels of manifestation of the constellation (epsilon - Fire II ... omega - Water VI). The influence of the stars of the fifth and sixth levels is already so “refined” that it can only be perceived by people who have reached the highest level of development. Therefore, at the sixth level, in fact, the limit of usefulness for interpretation is reached.

The meaning of the constellation is determined not only through the mythology associated with it, but also through inclusion in the overall structure starry sky, formed by 88 constellations (see Chapter 4).

adopted in the 20th century. the system of astronomical classifications can also be used in the astrological analysis of charts built for past centuries (see subsection 3.4. for justification).

Due to the fact that the fixed stars are at a much greater distance from us than the planets, one should take into account the influence of stars in the horoscope within very rigid orbs. It seems that the orb of a star depends primarily on its apparent magnitude and distance from the ecliptic. Let's say a star of the fifth magnitude, located at a distance of 85 degrees from the ecliptic, is unlikely to have an orbit of more than one or two minutes.

The nature of the manifestation of a star (its "ascendant") is associated with its spectral class. It is natural to assume that the seven main spectral classes correlate with the qualities of the Septener planets. At the same time, if we distribute the classes from the coldest stars to the hottest (M, K, G, F, A, B, O) according to the Star of Mages, we will see that the two most common spectral classes are correlated with the luminaries (K, orange stars, 31% of all stars - the Sun; A, white stars, 22% - the Moon), and the colors of the stars adequately correlate with the planets (M, red stars - Mars; G, yellow stars - Venus; F, yellowish-white stars - Mercury ; B, bluish-white stars - Saturn; O, blue stars - Jupiter). This is a completely adequate system, confirmed by the empirical data of astrology. Rare classes of stars, respectively, are associated with distant planets.

The main level of manifestation of the vibrations of a star on the earthly plane is determined by the distance of the star from the solar system. The closest stars have a tangible effect on physical body person and a specific household plan. As the distance from us increases, the stars influence more and more subtle levels of the human body and society (etheric-energetic, astral, mental, etc.).

The nature of the manifestation of a star is corrected by the physical features of the star - its multiplicity and variability.

The change in the value of a star within one paradigm is characterized by its precessional motion in coordinate systems not related to the position of the stars. For modern culture, the position and movement of stars in the ecliptic and (to a lesser extent) equatorial coordinate systems matters.

The age and physical dimensions of a star are insignificant in themselves (just like for planets).

A star is "on" in the horoscope if it is in conjunction with any of the planets or is located exactly on the cusp of the house (primarily the angular one).

Perhaps it makes sense to analyze the relative position of the stars (oppositions, ecliptic parallels and counter-parallels, etc.).

For stars, as well as for other elements of the horoscope, there is no unambiguous assessment at what level a person will perceive their influence; different levels of development are possible here. There are no "good" and "bad" stars.

D. Kutalev draws attention to the fact that famous creative personalities or famous politicians do not necessarily become such, thanks to the influence of fixed stars, more often they realize the potential of their chart, which is written in it by natal planets.

In my work with the horoscope, I use several main stars. Here is a list of them and their position today.

The values ​​of the fixed stars are modified by other elements of the chart, and far from always their effect will be fatal: in many cases we are talking about very subtle semantic nuances that can be neglected (especially when connecting fixed stars with minor elements of the chart - cusps of intermediate houses, fictitious stars, etc. .P.); however, in a number of cases (first of all, in the case of the most accurate connection with an important point on the map), the influence of fixed stars turns out to be decisive.

Thus, if there are no strongly manifested fixed stars in the horoscope, this simply means that the native has "quite enough" problems and opportunities associated with the objects of the solar system; and if a lot of fixed stars are manifested in the horoscope, this indicates the need to include a number of factors in the analysis of the chart, but does not mean that the native is completely “crushed” by factors that do not depend on him. Both geniuses and mediocre people can be born both with a pronounced influence of the fixed stars, and without it.


Magic star, patroness of astrologers. This star of revelations, prophecy, inventions, penetration into the past. Gives unexpected luck, luck, winnings (fortune). With Mercury - resourcefulness and striking from around the corner. On Asc and MS - a very good indicator. The star is the patroness, except for astrologers, she leads all strange people, prophets and holy fools. Especially patronizes lonely people. On the border of the 8th house, it is associated with magic or with survival in extreme conditions.

(*) Has a Martian nature with a strong admixture of Saturn, gives an unbalanced, irritable, eccentric character. If a person born under the influence of this star has a generally disharmonic cosmogram, and especially if Sertan connects with Mars, the Sun or Uranus, then this can give an imbalance in the psyche and even helplessness. Coincidence with Saturn can portend great disappointments in life, difficult trials and misfortunes, difficult emotional experiences, anxieties, losses, enmity, disputes and deceptions.

/ Uranus, Naptune, Sun.


This is a star of extraordinary spirituality, high spiritual uplift, self-sacrifice, as a result of which wisdom, understanding, and a high spiritual mission come to a person. A person with Acrux can be considered marked. In conjunction with the luminaries or at the culmination of the MC - a high mission in life, a bright path. Acrux gives a person the love of animals, plants, living creatures in general, the love and respect of foreigners, unimaginable ability to learn languages, very long trips. With Mercury - a scientific feat and the disclosure of the spiritual lot. With Venus - an unusually spiritual marriage. But it is believed that a person whose Akrux is strongly expressed cannot find understanding among his relatives and relatives. A man's enemies are his household. At another level, Akrux gives participation in mystical ceremonies, presenting mystical gifts. At the household level, religiosity can manifest itself if the horoscope confirms.

(*) The influence of the brightest star in this constellation, which has the qualities of Jupiter, is most noticeable if its latitude is close to that of the Ascendant. It is believed that this star endows a person with intuition, understanding of the inner, innermost human nature, a penchant for occult pursuits, the ability to investigate hidden processes, and an inventive spirit. People under the influence of this star are deeply religious, associated with mysticism and theosophy.

Such an interpretation of the Southern Cross is especially true if the sign of Scorpio has a favorable cosmic status in the chart, that is, the negative manifestations of the sign are removed.

/ Sol Yupt Npt


This is a cluster of stars in the sting of the constellation Scorpio. Causes blindness in one or both eyes if in conjunction with the afflicted luminary or in conjunction with an evil planet that afflicts the luminary. The opposition to this star has the same influence as the connection.

(*) Affects sensory sensations, but most of all - on the sense of smell. It often appears in the horoscopes of people who are highly prone to allergies. These allergies are incurable. Aculex is associated with epileptic manifestations. Often it manifests itself in the horoscopes of people with episyndrome, an unexpected transformation of consciousness, with flashes, as it seems to them, of superconsciousness. Aculex is a terrible nebula that can make a beast out of a person, bringing him to completely unbridled manifestations. Then the person himself may regret it. The influence of Aculex is associated with periodic eclipses of reason, when a person creates all sorts of "miracles", at times he experiences an indestructible craving for destruction, and then again becomes a normal person. His actions are unpredictable. In ancient times, this type of epilepsy was considered a sacred disease.

/ Urn Npt Lun


It strongly affects hearing, vision and all sensory sensations (sweet can seem bitter and vice versa). There may be a loss of taste sensations - a person is not happy with the taste of food, and this is an incurable, irreversible disease. It can manifest itself through poisoning. Terrible manias appear. Such a person often imagines himself (and not rarely feels) as a different person, up to physical sensations. This is perhaps the most terrible nebula, because it has a strong effect, bringing a person to an animal state, not in the figurative, but in the literal sense of the word. It is difficult to imagine what a person is capable of in whom this nebula occupies a prominent place in the horoscope, and especially if it is on Asc, or in conjunction with one of the luminaries in the IV, VII or VIII houses. After all, houses give a form of manifestation on the earthly plane. In the 2nd trine of houses, it does not act so strongly even on cardinal points - on MC, Dsc, i.e. in the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses. These houses delay its manifestation. But in the houses of the trigon of destruction, its action is much more inevitable and threatening. This nebula, first of all, calls on a person to dissolve in nature and through nature, through other forms of consciousness surrounding him (trees, flowers, animals) to go to completely different worlds and make an evolutionary leap. Passing by this task, a person disintegrates, his psyche and physical body are destroyed.

/ Prz Pt Npt Lun


"Donkey". It happens in people who, under the influence of extraordinary circumstances, awaken superconsciousness, new abilities, or there are sharp, cardinal shifts in fate. Often there are catastrophes that radically change life, abruptly and irreversibly; may be clinical death. On the border of the VIII or XII houses, it can make a person a complete idiot (not congenital, but acquired) or lead to dementia (dementia, weakening of abilities). On the MC gives a hero, heroic deeds. In conjunction with Mars - the same thing. With the Sun in the houses, the trine of destruction (IV, VIII, XII) gives blindness, the danger of explosions, fires. Having this star in the horoscope, a person can suddenly speak in other languages, even remember past lives. In particular, spirits can broadcast through it. There is a danger from séances and, in general, the danger of mental illness. With Mercury and the Moon - schizophrenia.

(*) Sun: happy fate. Moon: influential friends, valuable gifts, love of respectable women.

/ Prz Mer Mrs

Alphecca (Haoma)

This star is considered the patroness of art, the star of patrons. In addition, she gives mercy, altruism, understanding, happy love. Bestows beauty, great abilities, creative possibilities, preservation of creative potential for many years, brilliance, grace. With Venus and the Moon gives women physical attractiveness that lasts for the rest of their lives. For men, this may also be true, although it is not so important for them. On MS - early takeoff, early shine.

(*) Combines Mercury-Venusian qualities under the influence of the Moon and Neptune. In contrast to the Southern Cross, the Gemma has a large northern declination. The stars also differ in right ascension, this difference is more than a quarter of an arc. celestial sphere. But according to the ecliptic longitude, it is quite difficult to distinguish them and isolate the influence of each of the stars.

Due to the Mercury-Venusian character of Gemma, if it has a good position in the chart and is on the Ascendant, it gives a love of literature, art and science, artistic talent, and also contributes to success in trade and commerce.

Connecting with the Sun and Moon and having a favorable position in the chart, Gemma promises a person exaltation and honors. According to tradition, Gemma is associated with the "Lord of the House of Death", and if there is a connection with Neptune or Mars, then this can mean the threat of infectious diseases and poisoning.

/ Mer Npt Sat; Mer Mrs Sat; Sol Wen Lun Yupt


A star associated with sophistication, dandyism, with universal respect, honor. Gives many children, a wonderful family, a great house, a lot of real estate, an abundance of money. But on another level, there will be a seduction of it all. And at the household level, this is a blessing, happiness, a lot of money, everything, anything, except for women. This star does not give happiness in marriage, in love. On the MS, the star is a private sign of a millionaire, a billionaire. With Mercury or Jupiter - similarly. With the Moon - entrepreneurship, commerce, many acquisitions and sales, cooperation in the field of commerce. It can give some promiscuity in means, but it does not allow to bloom to the limit, the inner core of a person will always be preserved (at least external honesty and respectability). On the border of the XII house - a very good secret business. On the border of the VIII house - a huge inheritance, and not from relatives.

(*) Carries a strong Venusian influence, combined with some tinge of Jupiter. If a star, when projected onto the ecliptic, has a connection with Mercury or falls on the Ascendant and connects with "beneficial" planets, then this is the key to happiness and success. However, when combined with Venus, this star gives a pronounced sensuality, if in addition to this it is associated with Mars, Saturn or Neptune, then the native under its influence can become the object of gossip and slander.

/ Wen Yupt Lun


The star on top of Pegasus' wing. Associated with Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Often manages the military. Gives adventurism, explosiveness, surprise. With Mars gives anger, unbridled, with Saturn - a lot of material losses in life. On Asc - homelessness, wandering, especially in the 12th house.

(*) Has the nature of Mars and Mercury. Therefore, it gives a sharp mind and a strong will, determination, expressive speech, oratorical gift.

In conjunction with the Sun gives a warlike character and a thirst for knowledge.

In conjunction with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, one can count on popularity, fame, interests in the field of art and literature, if other indicators also indicate such talents. Conjunction with Saturn is generally considered to be a hindering factor, but signifies a good memory. In conjunction with Mercury and Uranus in the corners of the map, Algenib promotes invention.


A very good star. Associated with Jupiter, the Sun, Mars. Provides overcoming temptations. Star of spiritual power, pedagogical abilities, initiations. People with this star set an example for others, retain their creative abilities for a long time, have a stable creative energy, a strong physical body. This star, being in a strong position in the horoscope, gives a person the opportunity to be a priest, a preacher. Gives activity and the ability to expand the scope of their activities, help other people, popularity and prestige, good organizational skills. In conjunction with Venus - spiritual marriage, with Jupiter - many long trips, with the Moon - inheritance. Lewis Carroll had this star in conjunction with Pluto.


(Sirrhach) Manifested by the Sun, Mars, Uranus. This star is associated with great honors, sharpness of manifestations, the ability to achieve everything on your own. With Mars gives some wild manifestations, happiness in new directions, forging new paths. "There are many pastures and rams" - it is said in the ancient Persian text for the person who will have an ascending (on Asc) Alferatz. The star is not friends with Venus. She will not interfere in obtaining wealth, but a person can lose everything because of a woman (and a woman - because of a man). Love will stand in the way of a person as an insurmountable barrier. This can be regarded as the fatal influence of Venus.

(*) Has the properties of Jupiter and Venus. With good aspects, it means a harmonious nature, which carries a good attitude towards people, which contributes to popularity. If its properties are combined with the qualities of the planets and individual points - MC, Asc, Sun, Moon, one can count on popularity among the masses.

If Sirrah conjuncts the Sun, the native may lose popularity, he is in danger of falling from social heights. In addition, if the transiting Saturn passes through this star, which is in conjunction with another planet, this indicates a weakening of attractiveness in society.


The ancients called her Scylla. Typhon (a filthy serpent) - the continuation of Tartarus - was also associated with her. Her servants are Mars, Neptune, Pluto and Saturn. Many terrible crimes are associated with this star. Under it, rapists and murderers are born. Gives an attraction to crimes on sexual grounds. Debauchery, moral degradation and many other nasty things are associated with this star. But each star is like a nesting doll - many meanings are hidden in it. Therefore, at a household level, a star can be very bad, but at a high level, it can be very good. And you only need to transfer the consciousness of a person from the everyday level to another, so that this star influences in a different way. It happens the other way around: at the everyday level, a good star, and at another - a very bad one. Star Alfarg on another level is associated with tantra and magic, with the mastery of enormous energies.

Almak (Alamak)

Leg of Andromeda. Associated with Jupiter, Venus, Pluto. Artistic career or career as an artist, sometimes as a director. Great popularity, influence on the public. Manager, philanthropist. Can make money on works of art. It often manifests itself among black marketeers and those who sell works of art, icons, paintings. With Mercury or Jupiter, as well as on the MC, the star promises great elevation and capital. A person stands firmly on his feet, does not turn off the path. With Mars - a rentier, one who will live on his savings. With the Sun - an acting career or the fate of an artist.

(*) Has the nature of Venus, combined with a slight Jupiterian influence. It is believed that it gives liveliness of nature, love for change, entertainment, fun. People under the influence of this star are popular and help other people.

Algol (Ahriman)

"Eye of Medusa Gorgon", or the Devil. Associated with Saturn, Lilith, Neptune. Gives seduction from the true path. On the path of man, everything becomes sinister. often gives different types madness, incl. paranoia, mania, seduction. If Algol is on the MC, then the person will be a "seductive demon", but having great fame, often bad - through blood and killing others.

Alcyone (Fravashi)

Part of the Pleiades star cluster. This is the first of the Pleiades, the "seven sisters", which is the key to all the Pleiades and their main projection. She is the ruler of the forces of nature. Alcyone is an ever-weeping kingfisher bird. Associated with elemental spirits, brownies, irresistible forces interfere in a person's life. The spiritual guidance of men is carried out through the mother, sister, wife, in general through women. And for women - through a man. Gives high patronage, great connection with nature, energy supply from nature. The love of animals for such a person is manifested, and help is given to him from the animal world. In conjunction with Mars and Saturn, it gives great trouble, the ability to make irreversible changes in life, metamorphoses. It is very unpleasant on the ascendant - all the negative power of the Pleiades is manifested there, the possibility of blindness, spiritual searches, eternal delusions. At the medical level, it, like all nebulae, can give both physical blindness and, in general, disruption of the senses, deafness, etc.

(*) The main star in the Pleiades star cluster. Therefore, Alcyone, being a representative of all the stars from the Pleiades, has an orb larger than usual, like a star of the 2nd magnitude.

In their influence, the Pleiades correspond to the combination of the Moon and Mas. In other words, with good connections, they indicate ambition, a desire for promotion, a good reputation and even fame.

However, when conjoined with other appropriate planets, this star gives strong passions and cruelty.

Finally, it should be noted that Alcyone is not a good omen in matters relating to relationships with the other sex. Connecting with Neptune, she gives inclinations towards homosexuality.


Influence: Sun, Venus, Moon. A good star, associated with art and the hearth. Gives a rich home, a strong family, foundations, a strong position. The star is associated with great vitality, longevity, patriarchy. With Mercury gives the ability to art, especially to the fine arts, with the Sun and the Moon - to dance, music and general artistic abilities, with the Cross of Fate and on the border of the VIII house - accidents.

(*) Has the qualities of Venus under the influence of Jupiter. It gives spiritual orientation to people under its influence, as well as artistic inclinations, combined with an interest in the sciences.


Bow of the Archer. Gives haste, anticipation of events, purposefulness, detachment from the roots, lack of strong attachments. Man always tramples on what he honored yesterday, he is an eternal wanderer, a wanderer. Lives everywhere except at home. In conjunction with the luminaries, as well as with Mercury, a significant success abroad. On Asc - oratory, on MS - secret military elevation or secret elevation under extraordinary circumstances. Such people always reach the goal, albeit late, but they do. And wherever they are distracted, all the same, all their roads "lead to Rome."

/ Mrs Sol Urn


Neck of the Swan. Gives longevity, happiness in love and a long, fruitful life. Peace is established around such a person, he calms everyone. But the star gives fatalism and weak will on the MC on Asc or in conjunction with Mars. On the border of the VIII house - non-survivability, weak immunity and weakness in times of danger. With Mercury - stuttering or mental retardation. But still it is one of the best stars. It manifests itself negatively with the VIII house, because this person is submissive to fate, he is a fatalist, does not fight, because he is weak. Often a star happens to singers, actors. On MS promises popularity.

/ Sol Wen Sat

Altair (Vayu)

Eagle heart. Gives the height of the flight of thought, courage, career. Makes a man a warrior who is not afraid of anything. Altair is also associated with divination, anticipation of the age, the occult, and magic. It often manifests itself in people with a huge outlook. Gives unexpected and strange events in life, travel. But on the border of the VIII house - death is in the air.

(*) Has a Martian character combined with the influence of Mercury and Jupiter. Connecting with a beneficent planet, Altair endows a person with endurance, courage, generosity, especially if he is on the Ascendant. If Mercury or the Moon is here, a person, striving for self-affirmation, can become arrogant and impudent. Near the upper climax and with good aspects, Altair promises to take off, rise, honor. Having sincere convictions in his soul, such a person is very purposefully moving towards the implementation of his plan. To achieve his goal, he will not give up anything. Altair is good for a career as a lawyer, lawyer and military.

/ Urn Mrs; Sol Mrs Urn


Associated with religious activities, with missionary work in life. Often manifested in travelers, adventurers. Gives fame abroad. On MS gives the danger of emigration. With Jupiter - happiness abroad. With Mars - the ability of a conquistador, conqueror. With Mercury - enterprise and ingenuity. All the stars of the Big Dipper are not simple, they are also related to occult work, they are associated with the seven occult gurus (Rishis), i.e. with spiritual teachers.

Aliot (Asha-Vahishta)

Associated with religious activities, missionary work in life. Often manifested in travelers, adventurers. Gives fame abroad. On MS gives the danger of emigration. With Jupiter, happiness abroad, with Mars - the ability of a conquistador, conqueror, with Mercury - enterprise, ingenuity.

/ Jupiter, Sun, Neptune.

Algorab (Nanhatya)

Vulture. Gives a person shame and dirt, everyone mocks him.

A person, both figuratively and literally, can eat leftovers, malnourished. Shameful life. Often gives a person a collision with something bad, lustful, unclean. On the border of the XII house - everyone turns away from a person, death is alone. In conjunction with the Moon, Mercury, and also on the border of the 4th house - such a person will be a harbinger of the misfortune of other people ("karkakal"). For more high level this is not a Vulture, but a Raven - a wise sacred bird: independence, travel, non-attachment to material wealth, the gift of prophecy and the help of invisible forces in difficult times.

(*) Carries the qualities of Saturn and Mars and is believed to create all sorts of obstacles, especially if the Saturnian influence predominates. Indicates delays, delays, hindrances and restrictions, which are replaced by losses, failures, bad business conduct and hostility.

The conjunction of Algorab with the Sun or Moon, or with one of the "harm" gives misfortunes and physical injuries, which are very difficult to avoid.

/ Sat Plt Mrs; Lun Wak

Arcturus (Ramman)

Bear Shepherd. Gives tremendous strength and often not only physical. It appears in trainers, healers, magicians. But in conjunction with Mars, Saturn, and also on the border of the VIII house indicates the danger of natural disasters. With Venus and the Moon - this is often attraction to the same sex (homosexuality) and other perversions (for example, bestiality), with the Sun - perversions of the spirit (this star was with Oscar Wilde). In principle, Arcturus can be considered an evil star, but in fact he is neither evil nor kind, but gives great strength, and hence the danger of being crushed by this force.

Arcturus does not allow cowardice. As soon as a person is afraid, all misfortunes fall on him. Arcturus sets a task for a person to go to the end in any business, otherwise he will be crushed. On the border of the IX house gives a craving for sea travel or a tendency to very big things. Ha Asc - romanticism. At a higher level, Arcturus allows you to accept and assimilate very distant traditions and teachings.

(*) Has the energies of Jupiter and Mars. It is associated with the establishment of justice by force. Therefore, it makes people warlike and pugnacious, especially when coinciding with Mars or Jupiter.

As a rule, the influence of Jupiter-Mars is manifested in enterprise and energy. The star promises long-term success if harmonious aspects are present. On the contrary, if there are critical aspects to this star, the favorable influence will weaken, there will be a lot of interference. A person with such influence, being involved in legal, legal affairs, risks losing everything.

When comparing the coordinates of Spica and Arcturus, we see that the difference between them in longitude is small, but in latitude it is very significant. Often their influences seem to be mixed, superimposed on each other, although Spica is much larger in magnitude than Arcturus, and its influence, of course, dominates. Such mutual influence multiplies the positive power of these stars.

/ Yupt Mrs Sat; Sol Plt Lun; Plt

North eye of Taurus. Has the nature of Venus and the Moon. Connecting with the Sun, it makes it possible to succeed in life, to achieve a high social position and wealth. With Neptune or Venus gives an artistic nature. With Jupiter means success in the arts or business related to the arts. But if a star connects with Saturn, which gives a stress aspect to the Sun, then this means that after the rise there will be a fall.


"Eye" of Taurus. One of the sacred stars, but associated with the devil and evil. Serve her Mars, Jupiter. Gives submission to evil, violence, constant misfortune, oppressive evil, attracting violent death. In some cases, it clearly promises violent death - according to Uranus, Mercury and the Moon. With Jupiter gives impudence, desire for violence, cruelty and unceremonious suppression of others. With the Sun and Mars - rudeness, demonic possession, indomitable anger, rage, rabies. In conjunction with the Wheel of Fortune, as well as on the MC, it promises a big take-off, many fans, many servants. Glory will always be negative, but such a person will always be served by many.

(*) This is a royal star of Martian nature. Connection with Asc or the Sun means exceptional energy, a person with this aspect is able to be ahead of others, he will achieve leadership positions and recognition, but will also make enemies from whom dangers may come.

Saturn in conjunction with Aldebaran and in unfavorable aspects with other planets brings danger and loss through water, i.e. from floods, storms, shipwrecks, drowning.

The connection of Aldebaran with Uranus gives tremendous energy and efficiency, thanks to which the native will achieve prestige and recognition. On the other hand, this aspect activates opponents.

Traditionally, the conjunction of Aldebaran with the Moon indicates the danger of poisoning if Neptune also joins this configuration.

Venus, being in conjunction with Aldebaran, is similar in effect to "energy directed in the wrong direction", giving anomalies in love relationships. This, however, must be viewed in a general context.


Servants - Moon, Neptune, Pluto. Associated with mental insanity, obsession, sometimes with concentration, meditation, often with sexual mania, unhappiness in marriage. With the Moon or Mars for women creates the danger of rape. With Mercury or the Sun, or on the border of the 8th house - persecution mania. On MS - success in meditation. With Venus - a henpecked husband, attracting a grumpy wife. This is a very strange, binary star.


2nd star from Orion's belt. Manifested by Jupiter, the Sun, Neptune. It means spiritual elevation, religious cult, love of rituals. Gives honors, ideological guidance, support. Fortune outside the home. With the Wheel of Fortune, on the MC it gives a big boost, but in the nadir (on the IC) it not only gives nothing, but also takes away. Gives homelessness, detachment from the roots. Such a person has enemies among his loved ones, he will not fit into their circle.


The second horn of Taurus. Often this star appears in scientists, testers. Experimentation, materialism, fearlessness, with Uranus and Saturn - often loneliness. All the qualities of a worker. If she is on the MC or is associated with the VIII house, or with the Cross of Fate, then this gives a lot of accidents. victim of the experiment. With the Moon - a person loves to torment his victims (biologists). This star is very interesting, a person passes everything through himself and holds a lot. The instinct of holding, the instinct of possession.

(*) Sun: unfavorable for health. Tendency to military campaigns, along with the danger of deception and ambush. Moon: quarrels, bad habits, fever, venereal disease.


Heart of the Hydra. A terrible star associated with the "serpent-tempter". Gives a person vitality, wisdom, understanding, but serving evil. Such a person is a terrible seducer, a creator of evil and violence. He can afford everything, he calculates everything, he knows in advance all the moves and games of other people. He is characterized by heartlessness, coldness. You won’t catch him, you won’t buy him, you won’t touch him, especially if this star is a guiding one. Such people are recruited into the conscious service of Satan. On Asc, in conjunction with evil planets, and especially at the top of the 8th house, it gives cunning and deceit. On the MS - incredible vitality, tissue regeneration, connection with magic, practicing satanic alchemy, creating golems, the ability to influence other people. The presence of knowledge without spirit is characteristic. Such a person can be changed if he is transferred to another, higher level of this star.

(*) Has the qualities of Saturn. However, to some extent it combines the properties of Venus and Neptune. In most cases, this combination of influences is unfavorable, since it brings with it something that is somehow connected with poisons or has a "bad taste": blood poisoning, murder by poisoning, poisonous hatred of women, gas poisoning, danger to life if drugs are misused. , overindulging in delicacies, smoking, choking hazard, being bitten by snakes, poisonous insects or a rabid dog. These dangers are indicated by the conjunctions of Alphard with both the Sun and the Moon, Mars, Neptune, the Ascendant or the Meridian. In the relationship between a man and a woman in marriage, something "poisonous" is also possible. This is especially true for the female cosmogram. In material terms, the action of Alphard is almost always unfavorable, although if a person is able to perceive its vibrations on a spiritual level, the Saturn-Neptune combination can give enlightenment.

/ Pluto, Proserpine, Saturn.


Lion's mane. Gives a propensity for violence, criminal inclinations, ingenuity in criminal matters, large speculation. Many lawsuits are possible. Gives the danger of prison, poisoning and bodily harm. Sometimes this star gives physical injury, it happens to hunchbacks, armless, legless. Such people should be feared as potential killers, executioners (subconscious propensity to kill). The MC celebrates her only good position, which allows her to go through violence to a great victory. On the border of the VIII house - complicity in crimes or harboring criminals. With Jupiter - blackmail or extortion.

/ Mars, Uranus, Pluto.

Al Jabah

It gives fury, the desire to insist on one's own, indefatigable activity, loneliness. Nobody understands such a person. Betrayal by loved ones, meanness on their part, leaving in a moment of danger. Abandonment. But on the other hand - a huge vitality, endurance and the ability to subdue people in an extreme situation. Misfortunes while traveling, the danger of death in mass catastrophes, during revolutions, unrest, pogroms, arson.

(*) Directions of the Sun and Moon: losses, dangers, impulses to intemperance and violence. In the case of a military leader, the danger of rebellion, murder by his soldiers.

/ Pluto, Saturn, Neptune.

Asellus borealis

Gives courage, recklessness, heroism, victories, propensity to travel. He often visits lawyers. With Mars gives the ability to heroic deeds, selflessness for the cause, for the sake of a great goal. Peacefulness, the establishment of peace, are also associated with this star.

/ Mars, Sun, Neptune

Asellus Australis

Gives poverty, poverty, loneliness, intrigues against a person. All this is piled on a person, making him a beast of burden.

There is a danger of beatings, false accusations, slander. On MS gives a fall. With Mars - impotence. With Mercury - stuttering, speech delay, delay in mental development. This does not mean that the person is a fool, but to give the impression of a fool. To avoid this, he needs to work on this star. With Venus gives patience and endurance.

(*) This star corresponds to the action of the Sun and Mars. Therefore, it is considered to have a favorable influence if it is associated with the Ascendant, the Meridian, or planets of the same nature, but especially with the Sun and Mars. These people are characterized by belligerence, they are not so easy to offend. Often, due to their own recklessness and recklessness, they expose their lives to dangers, and do not hesitate to use cruel and crude means. When it hits the Ascendant, there is danger from large animals (horses, bulls). Uranus, connecting with this star, can portend all sorts of surprises, with a tragic outcome: accidents, falls, emotional stress.

/ Saturn, Neptune, Mercury.

Antares (Shatavaesh/Tarmy)

At the household level, the star is terrible, at higher levels it is better. Star of black magic, often Satanism. On MS - a person falls under the power of magic. On the ascendant - satanic initiations, a person becomes a conductor of the forces of evil. On the border of 4 houses - this is the inevitable destruction associated with parents, an abandoned child, a terrible childhood, children's complexes for life. Antares always gives fears for life, constant clashes with evil power. It is one of the four cardinal stars in our galaxy. Associated with the element of water. "Guardian of the West"

(*) Has, as follows from its Greek name (Ant-Ares - "instead of Mars") a Martian nature with an admixture of the energies of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Antares makes a person stubborn, quarrelsome and warlike. This star is important to the military. In addition, it gives a quick mind, quick wits, strategic abilities, courage, recklessness, if it is associated with Mercury.

If there is a connection with Mars, then courage often becomes recklessness, which leads to increased risk and danger. People who have such configurations in their cards should always be ready for surprises and accidents. In accordance with tradition, Antares has a warlike character and can portend violent death both in battles and by sentence. On the other hand, the danger may come from fire, weapons or equipment.

/ Mrs Sat Plt; Prp

Akrab (Azh-Dahaka)

Claw of the Scorpion. Gives cunning, deceit, greed, deceit, a tendency to violence against others. A person does not respect the interests of others at all, likes to interfere in someone else's life, gossip, spoil his reputation. But this man is weak, devoid of authority. This star is considered the classic star of poisoners and poisoners. On the border of the VIII and XII houses, as well as in conjunction with the Moon, the person himself may fall victim to poisoning or a deliberate attempt in another way. The most real evil can come from such a person. He never forgives anyone. On Asc - this is an avenger, on the MS - power through crimes.

(*) It is believed that it corresponds to the energies of Mars with an admixture of the influence of Saturn. It is traditionally believed that it gives the ability to research activities, especially in the study of hidden, internal, mysterious processes. However, it is necessary that the sign of Scorpio be manifested, and also that Mercury and Uranus be here. Preferably, said planet is on the Meridian or Ascendant or near another planet responsible for mental abilities. The lower types, however, tend to be deceitful and unfaithful. The star does not portend material wealth, but rather, on the contrary, gives obstacles or losses depending on its position in the cosmogram. In mundane charts it is an indication of mass catastrophes if Mars or Saturn or Uranus is in the first degrees of Sagittarius, especially in angular positions.

/ Mer Plt Mrs; dr


"Poor". This is one of the most unfortunate stars in the constellation Capricorn. Gives inconstancy, wandering, wandering, lack of a core, poverty, deprivation, loneliness, lack of property, impecunious condition, disasters, debts. With Mercury, Jupiter and the Moon - lawsuits, proceedings. In the character of such people contempt, grouchiness, obnoxiousness, eternal dissatisfaction with everything in the world are noted.

/ Sat Lun Mrs


Sword of the Archangel (Alpha Eridani - Heavenly River). This is one of the most sacred stars, a "fiery sword", a sword of protection, a star that at one time heralded the birth of Zoroaster and the battle with world evil. It is associated with the "burning out" of evil, wickedness. This star is also called "Angel". Promotes uncompromisingness, honesty and dedication. A very scary star cracks down on traitors, it does not allow a person to stumble. Highlighted in the horoscope, this star gives a person success in spiritual affairs, spiritual honors and always protection.

(*) It has the character of Jupiter with an admixture of the energies of Mars and Uranus. With a good position in the map, it promises happiness and success, endows a person with good manners, integrity, adherence to a certain religious direction and a philosophical mindset. It is traditionally believed that Achernar patronizes church hierarchs, and receiving a high spiritual dignity can be associated with this star, especially if there is a conjunction with Jupiter.

/ Npt Yupt Sol; Sel Npt Yupt; Yupt Sol NPT

Apex of the Sun 244°44.00

This point is important to consider in any horoscope. The Apex of the Sun turns a person's life into an indomitable, unstoppable perpetual motion. A person is wound up like a machine, he never knows fatigue, he does not need rest, he is always on edge, as if tipsy. Such a person is always exalted, as if with a hangover, always upbeat, full of optimism, excited, unnaturally cheerful. A certain manic behavior. Usually such people are annoying, because they do not fit into the general context and even fall out of it. Everyone is crying, but he is laughing, he is always having fun. He is always in a hurry somewhere, striving, never stopping anywhere. Shows fussiness, stupidity. He himself is in the same hurry as the solar system is in a hurry. He is influenced by her movement.


Associated with Mars, Pluto and Uranus. The star of war, violence, cruelty, chaos, collapse, turning everything into dust. She seeks to erase everything into powder, to destroy. A strongly pronounced Bellatrix in the horoscope gives a person who cannot sit still, who is always drawn to swear, scandal, just do anything, in spite of everyone. With the Moon - violently crazy are born. With Venus - the danger of rape (true for men). Hitler had it in conjunction with Lilith, and this largely determined his criminal inclinations.

(*) The name of the star - "Amazon" - indicates its Martian nature. In addition, she carries the influence of a Mercurial character. From here character traits which she projects: quick decision-making, bold and energetic implementation of plans and ideas, a warlike spirit, strategic talent, organizational skills, insight, but also gives some sort of reckless warlike daredevils.

Baten Kaitos

"Belly" of Keith. Associated with Pluto, Saturn and Uranus. Star absorption, malice. The Greeks associated it with the mythological Charybdis, the "funnel", a monster that devoured everything. This is the belly into which everything falls. Complete loss of strength. A lot of misfortunes and trials fall upon a person. Homelessness. Misfortune in a foreign land if the star is in conjunction with Mars, Jupiter, the Sun. With Moon and Mercury gives danger of floods, generally danger from water.

(*) Carries the qualities of Saturn. The properties of Saturn - such as depression, restraint, caution, a tendency to solitude, simplicity are often imposed on such people by both earthly and higher powers. Sometimes the thought is held that the life of the native will be difficult and restless. In the life of such people there are often many fatal changes. Therefore, people with a pronounced influence of this star are prone to depression and thoughts of death. Life is often full of humiliations, rejections and obstacles. But the position of the star as a whole in the chart is always important.

Benetnash (Wohu-Man)

The handle of the Big Dipper bucket. Very good for women and for arts. Gives harmony, intuition, mercy, help in

danger. Promotes universal love to this person and compassion for him. Having this star active or guiding one can turn to the Mother of God, to Isis and his prayers will be heard. With the Wheel of Fortune, with Mercury or the Moon, it gives the ability to "beat for pity", achieving everything. A very difficult occult star. Gives knowledge of the harmony of the world. Not a single good deed of a person remains unrewarded - for everything he immediately receives a reward.

(*) If the action of this star manifests itself, then as a combination of the qualities of Mars, Uranus and Saturn. Experience shows that the star is associated with the mourning of a large number of people.

According to the ideas of the ancients, this star is associated with the realm of the dead and therefore is associated with death, sorrow and mourning. With an underlined position in the mundane map, Benetnash brings all sorts of disasters to people - accidents during explosive work, destruction of houses and bridges, landslides and collapses in the mountains, earthquakes and other natural disasters.

It is believed that in the natal cosmogram, the conjunction of Benetnash with Saturn reduces vitality. If Mars and Uranus are badly placed in the chart, then this may serve as an indication that sudden death is possible.

/ Venus, Moon, Neptune (Mercury, Jupiter, Moon).

Botein (Albatein)

"Kurdyuk Sheep". Her servants are Saturn, Pluto, Venus. Love for animals, for nature. Star of pagans, elemental spirits, communication with them and help from them. Gives people solitary, restless in the first half of life and calm in the second. Bestows property acquired in various ways. Promotes asceticism. This is the star of full-blooded people who can work. On MC it promotes blat, on Asc - guardianship of parents. With Mars - the danger of being executed, with Venus - betrayal of loved ones, with Mercury - curiosity, good memory, fruitful knowledge.

A gloomy and nasty star. Gives lifelessness and lack of strength, "drinks" the whole person vital energy. With this star, it is simply necessary to transfer consciousness to another level, because at the everyday level a person is crushed by a whole load of hopeless events, and he becomes a powerless, suffering wanderer. With Venus and the Moon - unhappy love, passing through a lifetime, affection, and often often bad, terrible complexes, hopelessness. Connection with Asc or with the border of the 8th house is suicide. According to medical indicators, Bos is a depressive star, which means the presence of a mass of internal diseases. A person is decomposed not morally, but physically.

/ Sat Plt Ven


/ Neptune, Pluto, Saturn

Pluto was discovered next to it. It is associated with toxic substances, poisons, gases, total destruction, weapons of mass destruction, atomic bomb(in world astrology). In a person's horoscope, this is gloating, demonic forces. In case of breakdowns - insanity, schizophrenia, in which consciousness is torn apart. Terrible depressions and no less terrible manic periods. With Mercury - a tendency to poison others, with the Moon - the ability to chemistry, alchemy, alchemical magic.

(*) Has the nature of Saturn. With the luminaries, the influence is directed towards evil. Handling chemicals, poisons, gases, etc.


(*) It is believed that on the Meridian or Ascendant, this star, carrying Saturnian-Mercurian properties, promotes mental concentration and patronizes those people who are engaged in business or architecture. Associated with Mars, it gives a powerful intellectual energy, which is sometimes expressed in sarcasm and polemical spirit.

In a bad position, and especially in conjunction with Saturn or Neptune, this star can cause depression, skepticism, incredulity and suspicion. Connecting with Mercury and in a bad position, Vindemiatrix can give painful excitability and irritability.

/ Urn Mrs Plt (Prz Wen Lun)

Vega (Ardvisura-Anahita)

Vega promises great luck, but far luck, gives the search for happiness. Star of surprises, accidental successes, adventurous, unplanned elevations, brilliance. People with Vega should not become attached to the fruits of activity, otherwise luck will leave them. Rising, on Asc, Vega gives loneliness, rejection, with the Moon - demonism. Fortune will definitely be, but it is elusive. As soon as a person feels calm, luck leaves him. As soon as everything goes badly, the anxiety of the spirit wakes up or suffering sets in, good luck will come again, it will be lucky. On another, higher level, Vega is the star of magic, mystical purposes, idealism, and in this gives full support and patronage. Through it, people prophesy, it carries excellent information. The Chinese and Arabs called her the Turtle. In astromedicine, it is a healing star, found in the horoscopes of healers. People who have it in their horoscopes in a weaker form bring healing from serious ailments.

(*) Has the properties of Venus mixed with the influence of Neptune and Mercury.

The Babylonians called Vega "the star of the queen of life". In a good cosmic configuration, Vega gives artistic talent, especially musical and acting ability, but also a craving for pleasure. Such eccentric bohemian natures can lead a dissolute and disorderly life. If there is a connection of Vega with Jupiter or Venus, the path to wealth and glory opens. However, if other influences are present, this wealth may be lost. Vega promises great success if she is on the Horizon or Meridian. Vega, with the appropriate aspect, can be found in the natal charts of statesmen and politicians, personalities who have played a large role in history. Conjunction with the Moon or Neptune gives a tendency to the occult and mysticism.

/ Urn Sol Npt; Npt Sol Wen; Urn Sol Yupt; Urn Sol Me


This is a huge galaxy. Those who have this nebula in their horoscope begin to slowly but surely leave the usual earthly rhythm of life: chaos, deceit, exaggeration, painful fantasies, inadequate reaction to life. The Andromeda Nebula has a very strong effect on vision (especially in conjunction with the luminaries or in the VIII house) - it manifests itself in blind-born or in people with initial weakness of vision, damage to the optic nerve.

This nebula is also associated with some unearthly militant force. It is noted that such people often disturb their environment, generate a negative field, which has a very strong effect on other people. On Asc, it manifests itself in people who can be declared maniacs with hallucinatory delirium, obsession, self-torture. On the MS - the path of a person in real earthly life will be empty and thoughtless.


This star is considered the patroness of art, people-philanthropists. In addition, she gives mercy, altruism, understanding, happy love. Gives beauty, great opportunities, creativity, preservation of creativity for many years, brilliance, grace. With Venus and the Moon gives women physical attractiveness that lasts for the rest of their lives. This can be true for men too. On MS - early takeoff, early shine. Gemma is one of the most interesting stars.


Causes blows, broken limbs, disorientation, fog in the head. It often manifests itself in "shifted" people and maniacs, obsessed, with delirium tremens, paranoia. Gives non-alcoholic delirium, blows of fate. Generally hits physically. "Blows with a baton" - written by the ancients. Causes the danger of public punishments, executions, but not executions.

(*) This is an open star cluster with the main star Gamma Tauri. The stars carry the Martian-Neptunian properties combined with the qualities of Uranus. The influence of these stars manifests itself in the body-shattering sexual urges in the pursuit of self-preservation, which leads in general to greed, gluttony, hypersexuality, debauchery, excess and licentiousness, and also manifests itself in the desire for prestige and political power. If these tendencies are curbed, then the energy of a positive nature increases, which leads to great success in life. If a career has reached its peak, then there is a danger that inherent qualities will again come to the fore and, if vigilance is lost, will lead to failure and fall. Speaking of Hyades, it is doubly important to emphasize that strength and power should not be used to suppress and enslave other people.

It is believed that the Hyades on the MC or Asc or in conjunction with the Sun or Moon gives the ability to the military profession. Connecting with Saturn, the Hyades indicate the possibility of falling and accidents.


Star of cunning, viciousness. It is known from astrodiagnostics that a person with this star is very susceptible to infectious diseases, a variety of fevers, especially during an epidemic. This is one of the stars of the collision with crime, robberies, loss of property. A person is a victim of revenge, persecution, vendetta. On Asc - vile, terrible life and eternal discontent.

(*) Has the nature of Mars and Saturn. Sun: Wealth and promotion combined with danger of violence, disaster and disease. Moon: power, honors, wealth, criticism, success after hardship, belated fortune and gain.

/ Sat Lun Mrs

Giedi Prima

"Goats". The star is evil and nasty. Means serving evil, abomination. Very strange events in life, danger from evil spirits, demons, brownies, witches, self-deception. On Asc in conjunction with Mercury, with the Moon - suicide. On the MC makes a person a victim.

In astrodiagnosis, it indicates skin diseases, a disorder in the endocrine system. Here a man can become a woman and vice versa, there is an endocrine rebirth, a sex change. Often such a star occurs in hermaphrodites. On the border of the IV house, in conjunction with the luminaries or with Venus - eunuchodoism, but this does not interfere with masturbation. This star is one of the devil's.

/ Sat Plt Urn


The man is a detective. The star gives secret knowledge. With Mercury - eternal suspicion, with the Moon - insecurity and wandering, on the border of the XII house - landing in prison. In other cases, especially in conjunction with the luminaries - the disclosure of secrets, success in the sciences, a secret life. On MC gives secret power and participation in secret occult organizations.

(*) Sun: loss through friends, responsibility, timidity and suspicion. Moon: success in business and subsequent resignation from disgrace, problems with sex life, well-deserved criticism, condemnation.

/ Npt Mer Yupt


It is considered the magical center of the entire "bucket" of the Big Dipper. Shine, significance is associated with this star. To be born under this star was considered happier than under Regulus. On the ascendant, it gives good health, the ability to endure any overload and gravity, good regeneration, if it is a guiding star. The star is associated with the occult, religion and magic.

/ Sun, Jupiter, Pluto Neptune; Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Neptune.


Eagle tail. The star of scientists, pioneers, but, unfortunately, loners who can cut the branch on which they sit. People with this star are failures in life, successful only in science or in one chosen business. In conjunction with the Moon, Mercury - failure with children, childlessness. In women, a star, as a rule, promises late or unsuccessful birth. On the border of the VIII house - a disaster, a plane crash is especially likely.

/ Mer Yupt Urn

Deneb Adige

Gives ease in achieving the goal, independence, moments of insight, transformation. The mind of such a person is mobile, the perception is fresh, the imagination is creative. He has a lot of friends, everyone is trying to do him a favor, help. On the border of the II house or in conjunction with the planets in this house, or with its ruler - happiness in flights, travels, long trips. It happens to pilots. With Mars - good luck in all new brilliant undertakings, with Venus - charm, charm, success with the opposite sex.

(*) Corresponds to the combination of Mercury and Venus and therefore good for artistic and scientific activities, and profitable and profitable.

/ Urn Mer Sol

Deneb Algiedi

Tail of Capricorn. Heavy star. Gives a constant choice between good and evil, eternal seduction, hesitation. A man cuts the branch on which he sits. This is bad for the family, constant failures, discontent. Bad for children on the border of the 5th house - either childlessness or not their own children; dependence on children, social burden. On MS - good luck in science, that is, where a person must give up. On Asc - complete confusion in life, a person will get tired of himself. On the border of the VIII house - the danger of murder.

(*) Has the qualities of Saturn softened by the influence of Jupiter. Depending on the position in the cosmogram, it gives a person a life full of changes. According to Arabic tradition, Deneb Algedi is the star of advisors, people of special trust. It is believed that it gives a desire for honesty and justice, as well as a good knowledge of human nature. Thus, we see here the manifestation of more subtle, higher vibrations of Saturn, which is possible with a good position in the chart.

/ Mer Sat Urn

Deneb Kaitos

"Tail" of the Whale. Associated with Pluto, Saturn and Mars. The star of destruction, absorption, terrible, insurmountable obstacles, when a person is finished off on a grand scale. Irreversible changes in fate. In conjunction with Mars and Lilith, it is especially powerful. With Jupiter - can contribute to the total destruction of a whole team of people (parties, groups, movements).


Back of Capricorn, backbone. Man will always carry an unbearable burden, like a beast of burden. The star gives suffering, deprivation, busting trials in life. In conjunction with the Moon or Mars, or on the border of the VIII house - the bite of poisonous animals, the danger from poisons.

/ Sat Npt Pt


"Fin" Keith. Associated with the Moon, Jupiter, Mars. Star of weak social opportunists. Gives forced changes, shakes a person from side to side. Fate will be unstable if this star is with an orb of 10" on the MC. Saturn in conjunction with it gives instability of consciousness. Mercury - promiscuity and misfortune in commerce.

(*) Has the qualities of Saturn. Associated with obstacles and limitations in everything - psychological and physical.

Denebola (Aki-Mana)

Gives good beginnings ending in dishonor and disgrace.

(*) Has the properties of Uranus. It is believed that she "launches" world catastrophes in the mundane maps. Depending on the position in the individual cosmogram and aspects with the planets, this star promises either elevation, advancement, or a collapse, a fall. Being on the Ascendant and especially conjunct Mercury, gives a scandalous personality with a predilection for public speaking. Denebola can be the cause of very disturbing events. With a bad position in an individual chart and if it coincides with Mercury or Uranus, it can serve as an indication of mental illness, in most cases incurable. The good aspects, however, will favor progressive, reformist activities.

/ Saturn, Venus, Mercury.

Jenakh Gurab (Hyena)

4 Gamma Raven. According to the European tradition, coming from Ptolemy, Jenah influences similar to Mars and Saturn.
In the theory of system interpretation of stars D. Kutaleva Jenah how the gamma of the constellation correlates with the element of Air - at the first, lowest level of manifestation, and how a class B8 star is associated with Saturn. Jenah means difficulties in contacts with people, trade, travel. These predicaments can lead to catastrophic consequences if the native does not understand that he needs to transform. If a person is ready to fearlessly embark on the path of cardinal changes in his life, he will feel divine help; but to go or not along this path, the person decides for himself.


Constellations - areas of the starry sky, characterized by a certain placement of bright stars. In the era of antiquity, S. called characteristic figures formed fixed stars, which were traditionally associated with any mythological or historical character, and many stars were not included in any C. In the Middle Ages, the meaning of this term became wider, and it also began to mean the entire area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe sky occupied by the figure of C.
The astronomers of antiquity counted 48 S., some of which were borrowed from the astronomy of Ancient Babylon, and some were Greek origin. The scientific description of S. began with Eudoxus, whose studies received canonical completion in the famous "Phenomena" of Aratus. Thanks to him, the Greek names of S., which almost entirely refer to the northern sky, have survived to this day almost unchanged. The Romans had parallel names for S., most of which have not been preserved.

Beginning approximately in the 16th century, practically every compiler of star atlases found it necessary to add a few stars in those places that remained free on the ancient planisphere. When all the free space turned out to be exhausted, some astronomers began to redraw the ancient S. Since in different editions of celestial atlases there were discrepancies in the number, composition of S. and their boundaries (which were not clearly defined at all), and the number of S. by the beginning of our century was about 120, it became necessary to streamline this area of ​​astronomical nomenclature.

In 1922, the First Congress of the International Astronomical Union adopted a single list for all countries of 88 S. (47 ancient, 37 innovative and 4 S., into which the huge ancient constellation Ship Argo was divided). The boundaries of all S. were strictly defined. 29 S. Congress score was unsuccessful and they were removed from the star charts. Among these non-fixed S.: "Antina" (was introduced in the 2nd century), "Goose" and "Cerberus" (introduced by the Polish astronomer Hevelius in the 17th century), "Harp George" (proposed at the end of the 18th century by the English astronomer Hell ), "Regalia of Friedrich II" (German astronomer Bode); "Cat" (French astronomer Lalande; 1799); in 1808, some German scientists proposed to rename the constellation Orion to the constellation Napoleon.

Thus, on this moment there are 88 S. 31 S. is in the northern hemisphere of the sky, 48 - in the southern, and 9 lie on both sides of the celestial equator. At the Congress of 1922, Latin names of stars were recommended for scientific use.

In 1559, the Italian astronomer Alessandro Piccolomini (1508 - 1578) designated the stars of each constellation in Greek letters as their brightness decreased. This tradition was fixed in 1603 by the German astronomer I. Bayer.

The use of S. in astrological practice dates back to ancient times. Before the introduction of the signs of the zodiac, the position of the planets in S. served as one of the main keys to the interpretation of their astrological significance. Almost all states ancient world who had developed astrology, the interpretation of S. was given great importance(. Chinese astrology, Babylonian astrology, Egyptian astrology, Ancient astrology).

In astrology Ancient Greece and Rome's analysis of S. did not leave astrological practice even after the system of zodiac signs began to be used. In the largest monument of ancient Roman astrological literature - "Astronomics" by Mark Manilius - a whole book is devoted to the astrological interpretation of non-zodiacal S., ascending at the time of birth. In Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos, the most famous work of ancient astrology, correlations are given between the astrological influence of all the celestials known at that time and the energies of the planets, and the analysis of the position of the planets in the celestial is naturally woven into the general analysis of the horoscope.

The astrology of S. and the fixed stars continued to develop in Arabic astrology, which was the heir to the traditions of antiquity. However, in European astrology, the secrets of astrological analysis of S. were lost, and up to the present time, the study of S.'s influences in horoscopes is not included in the traditional set of astrological methods of the Western astrologer.

Among the few studies of European astrologers, the work of Vivian Robson "Fixed Stars and Constellations in Astrology" (1923) should be highlighted. This researcher believes that "the action of each S. is concentrated in one or several special places, about which little can be said today. And yet, it seems that the centers of influence are, firstly, near the most important stars and, secondly , near the borders of S. - the latter, obviously, play the same role as the tops of the houses of the horoscope. At the same time, Robson emphasizes that a single star can have an influence that differs from that of its own S. (the latter is determined by the mixed action of a group of stars), and that such subtleties should be taken into account when trying to find the most sensitive centers. Moreover, Robson is inclined to believe that in each S. there are a number of sub-influences that vary depending on the part of the figure.

According to V. Robson, the impact of S. is maximum when the Sun, Moon or Ascendant are on its longitude. Square, opposition and parallel should also play a role. It is interesting that, according to Robson, the characteristics of many S. resemble the properties of signs with which they coincide in longitude. This was also noted by Sepharial, who proposed not to explain all the properties of certain sections of the ecliptic solely by the influence of the signs of the Zodiac, as is usually done, because some characteristics are more suitable for the constellations. So, for example, the enterprise that is attributed to those born under the sign of Cancer is easier to correlate with the constellation Unicorn, their passion for dogs - with Big Dog, and the love of the sea - with the Argo Ship. And this should be kept in mind when we try to accurately distinguish between the properties of signs and stars.

One of the few schools that use the interpretation of S. in their practice is the Avestan School of Astrology. In this school (which focuses on the zodiacal S.), three levels of S.'s manifestation in the horoscope are distinguished.

The first level is the leading constellation. This is the rarest case when S. is the dominant factor in the interpretation of the horoscope due to the fact that at least half of the main stars of S. are in conjunction with the points of the horoscope. Leading S. means an emergency mission. A person's life will be saturated with an absurd, incomprehensible meaning to anyone, because he is a "wanderer", "aliens", through him the bond of two egregors is manifested - ours and another worlds. A person must be qualified according to the characteristics of S., who is the leader.

The second level is the helmsman constellation. It is formed with the participation of two extreme (according to ecliptic longitude) stars and one more star of this S. Then information on S. begins to act, and some important issues other world interfere in the life of a person, forcing him to work for himself. The horoscope will show how the characteristics of C will be imprinted in life. If, for example, C. Ursa Major is manifested at this level, then a person will have tremendous powers: with C. in the tenth house, he will be able to advance to power, in the second house - forces through property, etc.

The third level is the "dead zone". It is formed when the two extreme stars in ecliptic longitude fall on important points in the horoscope. It creates a zone of increased danger, a barrier through which a person cannot so easily step over. So, if S. "falls" on the ninth house of the horoscope, a person will never be able to teach anyone, will not be able to travel long distances.

In the Avestan School, it is considered essential that the stars of S. also appear through their epigones. Then, when several stars of one solar system appear, the information of the solar system displaces the information of the stars.

A new system, including the stars of all S. in the analysis of the horoscope, was proposed by the Russian astrologer D. Kutalev. This researcher points out that the consideration of the fixed stars manifested in the horoscope is a necessary step in the work of an astrologer. And to determine the astrological influence of fixed stars, you must first find out the values ​​of C.

D. Kutalev believes that the meanings of S., like the meanings of the signs of the Zodiac, can be derived based on two points:

1. the mythology of S., the symbolism of its name, and

2. the place of S. in the general structure of the starry sky, formed by 88 modern S.

This author notes that the number 88 indicates the possibility of correlating the values ​​of S. with a number of very energy-rich symbolic systems built on the number 22. These are 22 "senior" ("great") arcana Tarot, 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet (Kabbalah), 22 planetary abodes in the signs of the Zodiac and 22 signs of the "horoscope of the Druids" (Druid horoscope). In addition, a number of peoples had other systems associated with the number 22. zenith, noon, Sun, nadir (identified with darkness and midnight), Polaris.

D. Kutalev came to the conclusion that the systems associated with the number 22 are summarized in a single table, and the structure of 88 S. correlates with this table. So, with the axis Jasmine (Star) - Poplar (Lovers) are connected:

"an axis connecting the poles of the ecliptic (the constellations Draco and Dorado);

three axes, the poles of which in ecliptic latitude are located at an equal distance from each other and from the ecliptic poles (i.e. they have latitude + 30 ° and -30 °), and in longitude - at an equal distance from each other (i.e. have a longitude difference of 120°):

"Axis Perseus (pole near the star alpha; longitude today - approx. 62 °, latitude + 30 °) - Wolf (242 °, -30 °);

" Axis Hair of Veronica (182°, +30°) - Sculptor (2°, -30°);

"Axis Eagle (alpha; 302°, +30°) - Unicorn (122°, -30°).

D. Kutalev explains the allocation of these S., along with the polar S. of the Dragon and the Golden Fish, into a separate group as follows. The celestial equator and the galactic equator intersect at two points located precisely in the constellations Aquila and Unicorn. In the constellations Coma Veronica and the Sculptor are the poles of the galactic coordinate system. And finally, the last pair (Perseus - Wolf) is equidistant from the other three axes.

Around the S. Dragon and around the S. Golden Fish, there are 8 circumpolar S., correlated with the signs of the horoscope of the Druids, marking the points of equinoxes and solstices, and the first four Tarot cards:

"Northern Hemisphere: Cygnus, Lyra, Hercules, Bootes, Ursa Major, Giraffe, Ursa Minor, Cepheus;

"southern hemisphere: Clock, Cutter, Painter, Keel, Flying Fish, Table Mountain, Southern Hydra, Grid.

The remaining S. form four belts of 16 S.; each of these belts contains 4 S., representing 4 levels of manifestation of "intermediate" tree signs of one of the squares:

"the belt of the northern S. (associated with the square of Fire in the table of number 22): Cassiopeia, Andromeda, Pegasus, Lizard, Chanterelle, Arrow, Dolphin, Small Horse, Shield, Snake, Northern Crown, Hounds Dogs, Small Lion, Lynx, Charioteer, Triangle;

"ecliptic S. (square of Water): Pisces, Whale, Aries, Taurus, Orion, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Sextant, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Ophiuchus, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius;

"the first southern belt (square of the Earth): Small Dog, Pump, Compass, Hydra, Bowl, Raven, Compass, Southern Triangle, Square, Altar, Peacock, Telescope, Southern Crown, Microscope, Crane, Southern Fish;

"the second southern belt (square of Air): Octant, Toucan, Phoenix, Eridanus, Oven, Dove, Hare, Korma, Big Dog, Chameleon, Fly, Southern Cross, Centaurus, Sails, Bird of Paradise, Indian.

Further, D. Kutalev correlated with 22 elements of the table "Tarot - "Zodiac" of the druids - planetary abodes" by 4 S., representing four levels / variants of values. Thus, this author offers an exit to the level of interpretation of S., similar to the signs of the Zodiac: inclusion in the general structure of 88 elements will help to understand what stage in the disclosure of the mystery of the starry sky this S. symbolizes, and its name will reveal to us an additional meaning of this constellation through mythological archetypes.

D. Kutalev emphasizes that the unequal sizes of the sky and the uneven distribution of stars along the sky have a special astrological meaning. Some areas of the sky are "overloaded" with stars, while in other areas of the sky there are few of them (we are on the outskirts of the Galaxy, after all). Therefore, in any case, it is impossible to divide the starry sky into such sectors that they contain an equal number of fixed stars. Using the generally accepted S., we see how significant this or that archetype associated with a particular S. is for humanity. Let's say, S. Ursa Major contains many more bright stars and has a larger area than S. Chanterelles. However, over time, a number of stars in Ursa Major may decrease in brightness, while a new star may flare up in Chanterelle, which will indicate a change in the relevance of the values ​​of these stars for humanity. A similar redistribution of accents in the starry sky occurs constantly.

Fixed stars, fixed stars

Fixed stars (Z.n.), fixed stars - the astrological name of the stars (with the exception of the Sun), and in a broader sense - all points in the sky that are practically fixed relative to the sidereal Zodiac, but in the tropical Zodiac they shift - mainly due to precession and nutation (not counting minor proper motions of the order of several arc minutes per century). Thus, to Z.n. in the broad sense of this term, nebulae, galaxies, quasars, etc. are included. Name "Z.n." appeared in antiquity and served to designate a class of "fixed" celestial objects, as opposed to "wandering" stars, i.e. planets.

In the astrological systems of the Ancient World (in China, India, Persia, Mesopotamia, Egypt, Greece, Rome, etc.) Z.n. played a very important role. They were studied and used by astrologers both as independent objects and as elements of larger areas of the sky - constellations. In particular, K.Ptolemy in the "Tetrabiblos" gives the astrological meanings of Z.n. all known constellations in his era. At the same time, Ptolemy speaks of the influence of Z.n. in terms of the planets. Commenting on this approach of Ptolemy and his followers, Vivian Robson explains: “If it is said about any star that it has the “nature of Mars”, this means: its characteristics are similar to those of the planet Mars in the horoscope. More often, however, a pair of planets is indicated. In such cases, it is understood that the first of these planets fundamentally characterizes the star, while the second introduces some corrections into the main influence.Say, a star about which it is said that it has the nature of Mars and Jupiter acts like Mars, but the influence here is not purely Martian, to the influence of Jupiter is mixed in. That is, there is great openness, optimism and luck. The effect is similar to the combination of a promissor with a significator in predictive astrology, with Mars being the significator and Jupiter the promissor. The situation would be somewhat different if the star had the nature of Jupiter and Mars : the emphasis would be on Jupiter, and Mars would add its fieryness and energy to its characteristics.

At a later time, Z.n. actively studied by Arab astronomers and astrologers. Evidence of their great contribution to the observations of Z.n. is the fact that the vast majority of modern proper names of stars are of Arabic origin.

In Western astrology, the use of Z.n. never been systematic. The tradition dating back to the Middle Ages to consider only a few large stars survived until the 20th century. Moreover, the interpretation of these stars (apparently going back to Arabic sources) was passed down from generation to generation without explaining why this particular set of stars is considered significant and how it is known that Z.n. have just such an impact. As a result, by the middle of our century, Z.n. turned out to be practically the only ancient branch of astrology that has not been rethought from a modern point of view. Very many astrologers generally refused to use Z.n. in their practice, despite their undoubted astrological significance. This position is explained by the unsystematic nature of this branch of astrology and the unconvincing interpretations of ZN, which differ significantly in different sources.

However, a number of astrologers continue to use Z.N. personal experience that Z.n. act as important factors in a variety of cases - from horary charts to mundane studies, from individual forecasts to medical diagnoses by horoscope. In addition, the fact that many astrologers note the increase in the importance of taking into account higher planets in the analysis of natal horoscopes also speaks of an increase in the relevance of the study of stars representing the next level of influence in depth.

One of the first astrologers of the 20th century, who reached a new level of comprehension of the stars, was D. Rudhyar, who wrote:

“When a person achieves true individualization and is able to act as an autonomous and authentic self, his consciousness is able to participate not only in Everyday life society, but also to contact transcendental fields of experience and special types of energies. In accordance with the new level of astrological symbolism, this is a field of stars, i.e. cosmic, galactic space. In a person standing upright, the spine becomes part of a line that connects through it the center of the Earth and one single star just above his head. This star is a potentially great symbol; it shows the spiritual identity of a person, his "place" in a huge galaxy. "But at the same time, Rudhyar admits that" today in astronomical practice it is impossible to identify such a star ... Moreover, even if we define this star, we do not know its symbolic meaning ".

The most popular among Western astrologers is Vivian E. Robson's "Fixed Stars in Astrology" guide, which gives the coordinates of a number of stars in 1925 and their interpretation. In domestic astrology, Z.n. used in the Avestan School of Astrology.

In the Avestan astrological tradition, Z.n. and nebulae are karmic indicators of a higher level than the Lunar Nodes, Black Moon and White Moon. Z.n. show the degree of manifestation through us of other worlds. It is assumed that the planets that are in conjunction with ZN manifest a higher sound and a higher degree of energy - either destructive or creative. The strongest karmic indicator is the connection of Z.n. with the corner points of the horoscope, which means that global energy flows act on a person, that a person is connected with a powerful egregore, and the task of such a person is either to develop in himself the means of neutralizing these influences, or to raise himself to the level of perception of these energies, tk. otherwise they can become destructive.

In ASHA, it is believed that the energy mobilization of Z.n. happens very often not at the level of pure events, but forms only their background, a common field that tunes in to future changes. The events themselves are played out on deeper planes, and Z.n. most affect the change in the consciousness of a person or his subconscious. Therefore, in people who are rather limited in their life program, these Z.n. will act as a side effect, either as an obstructive factor, or as a strengthening one, and the qualitative coloring of the events of Z.n. for such people do not give.

P.Globa notes that the destructive Z.n. - this is a star that calls for active action, for active involvement in work, in the process of modifying one's own essence; it indicates a negative connection with the whole society or with a black magic egregor. "Good" Z.n. indicates that a lot of favorable potential was accumulated in past lives. It gives a connection to a high egregore, which can lead a person along. The stars indicate the connection of a person with collective karma, the karma of humanity. Z.n. they talk about the collective problems of egregor, therefore a person with strong Z.n. in a horoscope, he is less able to show his free will: he has to decide not only for himself, but also for other people whom he has drawn into his orbit in this or past lives. P.Globa also indicates that the action of Z.n. most clearly manifested in the years of life, when transit Z.n. enters into exact conjunction with a planet or corner point in a horoscope. This action can create unpredictable situations, inevitable events associated with the value of Z.n. This method can also be used in the analysis of oppositions Z.n. to the points of the horoscope.

In the Avestan tradition, it is believed that the exact opposition to Z.n. implies a lack of qualities given by this Z.n., shows what the native strives for, but does not receive. Opposition Z.n. should be taken into account especially for people who have already left the narrow destination of the philistine way. This should be done only for the main planets of the horoscope (by cosmic status), for example, the dispositor of the Sun. Orbis of the opposition with Z.n. two times less than for the connection. As soon as the exact opposition to the transit Z.n. to significant element horoscope, a person experiences an acute shortage of qualities associated with Z. n., for example, opposition to Algol gives the absence of criteria for evaluating black magic situations; such a person needs to urgently develop a system of protection.

To determine the "on" time Z.n. ASHA uses a progression of stars.

By the strength of the influence of Z.n. are divided into groups according to the astrological value, which does not always coincide with the astronomical value.

Orbis intervals for the connection Z.n. with planets and corner points (according to P. Globe):

for stars of the 1st astrological magnitude 30 "

for stars of the 2nd astrological magnitude 20"

for stars of the 3rd astrological magnitude 10"

for stars of the 4th astrological magnitude 4"

The influence of any Z.n. carried out through 2-3 planets associated with it. They are called epigones or servants of the star. This relationship has been established empirically. Among the epigones there is always one most significant planet. Being in conjunction with the planets or important points of the horoscope, Z.n. they can, as it were, erase other indicators, and the interpretation of the horoscope depends on the characteristics of the manifested Z.n. People with similar influence Z.n. have a single direction for life, life deprives them of the opportunity to be distracted by other problems. For such a strong manifestation of Z.n. the following conditions are required:

1. epigon planets Z.n. must form arc aspects among themselves in the horoscope;

2. epigon planets must be significant in the horoscope in terms of a combination of characteristics (status, aphetic, strength, etc.);

3. one or more epigonal planets must be in conjunction with this Z.n.

Z.n. The 1st and 2nd astrological magnitudes can "overlap" information related to the degree of the Zodiac in which they are constellated within their orbis. For example, the "evil" Z.n. in a royal degree neutralizes the favorable influence of this degree, and vice versa, "good" Z.n. in a destructive degree or anarety degree neutralizes the negative information of these degrees.

Manifestations Z.n. also depend on the color of the star. In total, about a hundred stars are taken into account in ASHA.

This is the concept of the Avestan school in brief. However, a number of astrologers criticize it, as well as the concepts of Western researchers of ZN, in many positions. First of all, no astrologer who uses Z.N. gives any convincing reason why he uses this particular set of Z.N. (usually 50 - 120 stars), while other astrologers use some more Z.N., and in any case, the vast majority of Z.N. (and everything in the sky is visible to the naked eye approx. 6000 Z.N.) remains unaccounted for. In addition, in different ASHA books dedicated to the stars, different correspondences of Z.n. and epigones, thus There is no clear established system in this matter either. The most difficult is the practical verification of the correctness of interpretations (in different sources, the interpretation of the same ZN is sometimes directly opposite). Not a single astrologer gives a sufficiently clear theory of the interpretation of Z.N., from which it would be clear why this characteristic corresponds to a given star.

The most serious attempt to solve the problem of using Z.n. in modern astrology is a theory of systemic interpretation of Z.N., developed by D. Kutalev in 1994.

Under Z.n. D. Kutalev means astronomical objects that are outside the solar system, but at the same time - within our galaxy. In addition, the scope of this concept does not include star clusters, nebulae, objects that are not visible to the naked eye and emit mainly outside the visible spectrum (radio stars, infrared and X-ray sources, etc.); Kutalev considers it necessary to base the analysis of these objects on an approach somewhat different from the approach used in the analysis of "ordinary" stars.

The basis of his theory of interpretation Z.n. Kutalev puts the following principles:

" ALL stars have astrological significance. A layer of information of a more karmic plan, a deeper causal level, is associated with them than with planets.

"This deep information, refracted in the mentality of different peoples and eras, can acquire special ways of manifestation in each case. Therefore, astrologers of different countries and eras often attribute completely different meanings to the same star.

"Z.n., visible to the naked eye (up to 6m visual magnitude inclusive) are of real importance. They can be compared with the planets of the septener, with which the main astrological information is associated; while less bright stars are like higher planets, their vibrations are so thin and high that currently do not have a tangible impact in the horoscope.

"The brighter the star, the more people feel its vibrations. It does not matter whether the star can be seen in a given area or not (just as it does not matter whether this or that planet is visible). The apparent magnitude indicates the significance of the star principle for the modern humanity (over time, the magnitude can change significantly, which will indicate an increase or decrease in the relevance of a star).

"The basic level of information carried by Z.N. for a particular cultural paradigm is associated with the distribution of stars according to constellations (as well as asterisms or groups of stars) adopted in this paradigm. Constellations represent global archetypes, and the levels and types of their specific manifestation are expressed through Z.n.

"The accepted order of the stars in the constellation (that is, the distribution of stars on the scale" key - significant - insignificant - insignificant ") reflects the stages of revealing the meaning of the constellation. Astronomy and astrology of different cultures have established different principles of the Z.N. hierarchy in the constellation. Modern astronomy uses There are two approaches to ordering stars in a constellation, one of them, introduced by the German astronomer Bayer in 1603, is to assign Greek letters to the stars in each constellation in approximately decreasing order of brightness (beginning with alpha in alphabetical order, and after omega - Latin letters). Another approach used by the Englishman Flamsteed in his catalog of 1725 is the designation of stars by numbers in ascending order of right ascension coordinates.Kutalev points out that for the tasks of astrology it is advisable to use the first classification, since it seems natural that the most striking manifestations of the constellation are associated with the key manifestations stars; while Flamsteed's catalog number stars is not related to its magnitude, so the first number in the constellation may be a star that is not even visible to the naked eye. But perhaps the main objection to the astrological significance of the Flamsteed system is its focus on the equatorial coordinate system, while in astrology the correlation with the ecliptic is more significant. The predominance of the Bayer classification in our days is also confirmed by the fact that after the establishment in 1925 by the International Astronomical Union of the boundaries and names of the constellations, this system was also used for the "new" constellations of the southern hemisphere of the sky.

" Significant information for our cultural paradigm is carried by those Z.n., which are designated in the Bayer system by the letters of the Greek alphabet. Symbolically, the first four stars of the constellation correspond with the first, most direct, elemental and unambiguous manifestation of the principle of this constellation. At the same time, alpha corresponds to the elements of Fire, beta - the elements of the Earth, gamma - the elements of Air, delta - the elements of Water.The next four stars correspond with the next, more and more subtle levels of manifestation of the constellation (epsilon - Fire II ... omega - Water VI). levels is already so "refined" that it can be perceived only by people who have reached the highest level of development. Therefore, at the sixth level, in fact, the limit of usefulness for interpretation is reached. Thus, about 1500 stars are considered to carry important astrological information in this theory. The interpretation is based on the following keywords:

o Alpha - delta - a bright, direct and egocentric manifestation (I initiation); each of the four letters corresponds to one of the elements and to one of the quadrants:

"alpha - Fire, I quadrant - activity, impulsiveness, thoughtlessness, inspiration, idealism, great energy, childish spontaneity;

"beta - Earth, II quadrant - concreteness, inflexibility, stubbornness, materialism, stability, inflexibility, design, fruitfulness, self-interest;

"gamma - Air, III quadrant - communication, contacts, partnership, susceptibility, maneuvering, reasonableness, trade, travel, interest in fine art;

"delta - Water, IV quadrant - sensitivity, emotionality, interest in internal processes, moral assessment, perception, internal processing, deepening.

o Epsilon, zeta, eta, theta - concrete study at a higher level (II initiation): epsilon - Fire, I quadrant (activity is more creative than that of alpha, infantilism decreases, energy is more subtle and more manageable); zeta - Earth, II quadrant, etc.

o Iota, kappa, lambda, mu - mental and spiritual comprehension (III initiation).

o Nu, xi, omicron, pi - deep understanding, transition to the subtle plane (IV initiation).

o Ro, sigma, tau, upsilon - participation in cosmic karmic programs (V initiation), the highest of the really accessible levels of perception of the vibrations of stars.

"The meaning of the constellation is determined not only through the mythology associated with it, but also through inclusion in the general structure of the starry sky, formed by 88 constellations (see Constellations).

"The system of astronomical classifications adopted in the 20th century can also be used in the astrological analysis of charts built for past centuries. D. Kutalev substantiates this statement by analogy with asteroids and higher planets (according to research, their astrological influence is quite noticeable in the horoscopes of people who lived before them discovery), the system of geodetic equivalents, as well as with the signs of the Zodiac (despite the fact that the name of the sign "Libra" was established in astrology less than 2000 years ago, replacing the old name "Claws of Scorpio", an analysis of the maps of prominent people of the pre-Christian era with this sign manifested showed full performance of the image of the scales with their sensitivity to changes in the weight of the scales, with their ability to "adjust" to the new weight, the desire to restore and maintain balance, etc.).

"Due to the fact that Z.N. are at a much greater distance from us than the planets, one should take into account the influence of stars in the horoscope within very rigid orbs. It seems that the orb of a star depends primarily on its apparent magnitude and distance from ecliptic (see Orbis).

" The nature of the manifestation of a star (its "Ascendant") is associated with its spectral class (see Spectral classes of stars).

"The main level of manifestation of the vibrations of a star on the earthly plane is determined by the distance of the star from the solar system. The closest Z.N. tangibly affect the physical body of a person and the concrete everyday plan. As the distance from us increases, Z.N. influence more and more subtle levels of the human body and society (etheric-energetic, astral, mental, etc.).

"The nature of the manifestation of a star is corrected by the physical features of the star - its multiplicity and variability (see. Multiple stars, Variable stars).

"The change in the meaning of a star within the framework of one paradigm is characterized by its precessional movement in coordinate systems not related to the position of the stars. For modern culture, the position and movement of Z. n. in the ecliptic and (to a lesser extent) equatorial coordinate systems are important. So, Z. n ., ingressing into the zodiac sign, indicate the problems that are relevant for the next generations and ways to work out this sign.The stars located in the center of the sign show the easiest and most natural in the manifestations of this sign. liberation from which it is impossible to move to the next level and comprehend the meaning of the sign for the outgoing generations.Stars north of the ecliptic indicate new paths and opportunities that humanity should use.Zn south of the ecliptic indicate the accumulated spiritual experience and karmic baggage of mankind Stars in the region of the ecliptic (having a modulus of latitude less than the maximum latitude a Moon) indicate the best opportunity to use karmic experience for the realization of the goals of mankind. Z.n., having a northern declination, show ways of solving social problems and practical problems of civilization. Stars with a southern declination allow you to join the specific achievements of civilization. Z.n. equatorial region most actively accompany the activities of mankind in the fields of politics, economics and material culture.

"The age and physical dimensions of the Earth's surface are insignificant in themselves (as well as for the planets).

" ZN is "on" in the horoscope if it is in conjunction with any of the planets or is located exactly on the cusp of the house (first of all, the angular one).

" Perhaps it makes sense to analyze the relative position of the stars (oppositions, ecliptic parallels and counter-parallels, etc.).

"For Z.N., as well as for other elements of the horoscope, there is no unambiguous assessment at what level a person will perceive their influence; different levels of elaboration are possible here. There are no "good" and "bad" stars.

D. Kutalev considers it important to emphasize that Z.n. will not necessarily be powerfully manifested in the horoscopes of outstanding personalities or people with the deepest creative potential - often such people realize what is laid down by the planets. The manifestation of Z.n. only indicates the existence in the life of the native of such semantic layers that cannot be explained by the influence of traditional planets. Here we are talking about a deeper causal level of what is happening to a person, about the presence of a certain karmic burden that a person carries through life "into a load" to his "usual" horoscope. Values ​​Z.n. are modified by other elements of the chart, and far from always their effect will be fatal: in many cases we are talking about very subtle semantic nuances that can be neglected (especially when connecting Z.N. with minor elements of the chart - cusps of intermediate houses, fictitious planets, etc.). P.); however, in a number of cases (first of all, in the case of the most accurate connection with an important point on the map), the impact of Z.n. turns out to be decisive. Thus, if there are no strongly manifested ZNs in the horoscope, this simply means that the native has "quite enough" problems and opportunities associated with the objects of the solar system; and if a lot of Z.n. is manifested in the horoscope, this indicates the need to include a number of factors in the analysis of the chart, but does not mean that the native is completely "crushed" by factors that do not depend on him. Both geniuses and mediocre people can be born both with a pronounced influence of Z.N., and without it. The assumption that the stars are not unequivocally bad or good was also confirmed; each star can show both negative and positive characteristics - it depends on the study of its influence in the horoscope, everything is in the hands of the person himself. Here are some specific examples.

Porrima - a star that speaks of the manifestation of the features of the Virgo constellation (generally favorable) in contacts with surrounding people (gamma) - is manifested in the horoscopes of Stalin (connection with the Moon) and Hitler (on the cusp of the XII house of Placidus); a more natural version of the effect of the Virgo gamma is the conjunction with Venus in Oscar Wilde's chart. And such a traditionally considered evil star as Algol showed its most positive features in the case of Helena Ivanovna Roerich (exactly coincided with Pluto). The star of unequivocal temptations Capella was strongly highlighted in the natal charts of such people as F.M. Dostoevsky (conjunction with the Moon), A.Ch. The life and work of these outstanding cultural figures shows that they were able not only to "overcome" these temptations, but also to direct the energy of the Chapel in a creative direction. Antares is strong in the cards of writers Nikolai Gogol (Neptune), Andrei Bely (MS), Rudyard Kipling (VI) and Grigory Gorin (VI), artist Rene Magritte (V), musician Louis Armstrong (Uranus), tennis player Boris Becker (ASC), the man-phenomenon Uri Geller (Mercury), as well as in the charts of many other famous people - famous not for their destructive, but for their creative creative activity; this means that even a "negative" constellation like Scorpio can manifest in a positive way. This pattern is also observed on other, less bright and famous stars. Thus, the theta of the Altar on the cusp of the IX house of the Challenger explosion chart in 1986 can assure us of the negative meaning of this "sacrifice", but the alpha of the Altar on the cusp of the XII house of Swami Vivekananda's horoscope convinces us of the opposite. The stars of the Southern Cross appear not only in the charts of religious leaders, but also in homicidal maniacs. The stars of the constellation Cepheus are strong both in the horoscope of Porfiry Ivanov, emphasizing his responsibility for his choice of lifestyle, and in the accident map on Chernobyl nuclear power plant(Alfirk in exact coincidence with the Sun), showing the impossibility of changing the course of events in this terrible tragedy.

It should be noted that the majority of modern astrologers involved in the study of ZN believe that the stars manifest their influence primarily when they are in ecliptic conjunction with planets or corner points. This approach is used in V. Robson's manual, and in Ebertin's cosmobiology, and in J. Rigor's book, and in the Avestan School, and by D. Kutalev. However, in ancient astrology, more attention was paid to the position of Z.n. in the horizontal coordinate system, namely the connection of stars with the horizon and the celestial meridian. As you know, any star that does not lie directly on the ecliptic will cross the horizon at the same time with a degree of the Zodiac that differs from the ecliptic longitude of the star itself (see Paranatellonta). Indeed, to determine the longitude of a star, a perpendicular to the ecliptic is drawn through it, and the horizon in most cases is not perpendicular to the ecliptic.

Based on the foregoing, a number of astrologers propose to take into account the influence of Z.n. from the point of view of the horizontal system. Such a return to ancient methods is promoted, in particular, by American astrologer Michael Mancasey and Australian Bernadette Brady.


[188] Difda

"Fin" Keith. Associated with the Moon, Jupiter, Mars. Star of weak social opportunists. Gives forced changes, shakes a person from side to side. Fate will be unstable if this star is with an orb of 10" on the MC. Saturn in conjunction with it gives instability of consciousness. Mercury - promiscuity and misfortune in commerce.

It has the qualities of Saturn. Associated with obstacles and limitations in everything - psychological and physical.

[39] Algenib

The star on top of Pegasus' wing. Associated with Mars, Mercury and Jupiter. Often manages the military. Gives adventurism, explosiveness, surprise. With Mars gives anger, unbridled, with Saturn - a lot of material losses in life. On Asc - homelessness, wandering, especially in the 12th house.

Has the nature of Mars and Mercury. Therefore, it gives a sharp mind and a strong will, determination, expressive speech, oratorical gift.

In conjunction with the Sun gives a warlike character and a thirst for knowledge.

In conjunction with Mercury, Venus and Jupiter, one can count on popularity, fame, interests in the field of art and literature, if other indicators also indicate such talents. Conjunction with Saturn is generally considered to be a hindering factor, but signifies a good memory. In conjunction with Mercury and Uranus in the corners of the map, Algenib promotes invention.

[15] Alferatz

Manifested by the Sun, Mars, Uranus. This star is associated with great honors, the sharpness of manifestations, the ability to achieve everything on their own. With Mars gives some wild manifestations, happiness in new directions, forging new paths. "There are many pastures and rams" - it is said in the ancient Persian text for the person who will have an ascending (on Asc) Alferatz. The star is not friends with Venus. She will not interfere in obtaining wealth, but a person can lose everything because of a woman (and a woman because of a man). Love will stand in the way of a person as an insurmountable barrier. This can be regarded as the fatal influence of Venus.

It has the properties of Jupiter and Venus. With good aspects, it means a harmonious nature, which carries a good attitude towards people, which contributes to popularity. If its properties are combined with the qualities of the planets and individual points - MC, Asc, Sun, Moon, one can count on popularity among the masses.

If a star conjuncts the Sun, the native may lose popularity, he is in danger of falling from social heights. In addition, if transiting Saturn passes through this star, which is in conjunction with another planet, this indicates a weakening of attractiveness in society.


This is a huge galaxy. Those for whom this nebula appears in the horoscope begin to slowly but surely leave the usual earthly rhythm of life: chaos, deceit, exaggeration, painful fantasies, inadequate reaction to life. The Andromeda Nebula has a very strong effect on vision (especially in conjunction with the luminaries or in the VIII house) - it manifests itself in blind-born or in people with initial weakness of vision, damage to the optic nerve.

This nebula is also associated with some unearthly militant force. It is noted that such people often disturb their environment, generate a negative field, which has a very strong effect on other people. On Asc, it manifests itself in people who can be declared maniacs with hallucinatory delirium, obsession, self-torture. On the MS - the path of a person in real earthly life will be empty and thoughtless.

[337] Worlds

The central star of Andromeda. Manifested by the Sun, Venus, Mercury. Associated with a successful marriage, family love, large families. On the border of the 5th house, this star warns women against promiscuity because there may be children. On MC it gives rise through a woman (for women - through a man), on Asc - self-admiration, narcissism, with the Moon for women - hidden sexual relations. Such a woman always gets more pleasure from her lover than from her husband.

Corresponds to the nature of Venus with the influence of Neptune in a positive sense. Gives cheerfulness, happiness, love of society, multilateral interests, but also altruism, inspiration, mediumship as the basis of artistic creativity. These people have a beneficial effect on others, make friends easily, and are often helped in life. This is especially true in the presence of aspects with Venus, Jupiter and the Sun and if there is a conjunction with MC and Asc. However, if the overall cosmic picture is unfavorable, then the influence of these good configurations is noticeably weakened.

[553] Sheratan

Associated with Mars, the Sun and Pluto. Gives an irresistible desire to fight, to fight for truth, for justice, to push everyone with their elbows. A person who makes his way through blood, obstacles and misfortunes. It is associated with courage, but often gives unscrupulousness. The principle of such a person is strength. There are few moral and ethical attitudes. He has his own morals. With Saturn, Uranus, Mercury gives danger of wounds, fires and natural disasters. This star is somewhat similar to Hamal, but Hamal makes a person a boor, insolent or a criminal. There is an absolutely unrestrained person. The people of the Sheratan star have some kind of bright beginning. On the MS - a military career, on the border of the 7th house - a violent death or death from a fire, on Asc - rudeness, anger. Conjunction with Venus gives violence in love. Such a person may become a victim of rape.

Combines the energies of Mars and Saturn, which makes her nature warlike. In appropriate compounds indicates danger in impulsive and reckless actions.

[ 617] Hamal

Includes the negative power of Mars and the Moon. Gives cruelty, unscrupulousness, deceit. On Asc - criminal inclinations. On the MC and with the Wheel of Fortune, it gives huge penetration power and the ability to get away with it. With the Moon (especially for a woman), a person gets away with it thanks to his impudence.

Its action is equivalent to the unlucky Mars/Saturn combination. It manifests as if Mars and Saturn are fighting each other for dominance, and this influence can be dangerous in the material realm. If there is an exact connection, the life of a person will be periodically endangered, for example, if a native under this influence climbs up or down, or starts jumping or diving. When connected with beneficent planets, the effect of this star will be weakened. If El-Nat is conjunct Mars or Venus, and other factors are equally present, then this indicates suffering in love and the threat of sadistic conversion.

[911] Menkar

Mouth of the whale. Associated with Pluto, Mars, Neptune. This is a classic underdog star. Constant bullying, destruction, danger of natural disasters. Such a person will always be bitten by snakes, wild and domestic animals.

It has the nature of Venus, combined with a weak Jupiterian influence. It is believed that it gives liveliness of nature, love for change, entertainment, fun. People under the influence of this star are popular and help other people.


The role of "scapegoat" falls on such a person. All other people's misfortunes are attributed to him, he gets one for all. A normal, good person suddenly begins to suffer. Terrible, irreversible phenomena and illnesses occur in his life. Like a house of cards, his whole life collapses. But this happens up to a certain point, and then everything freezes and becomes hopeless. This nebula is associated with an irreversible collapse in human life. Actually, Capulus is a "builder". Such a person must rebuild everything, build new form life, peace, new relationships, and he can do it if he wants to. Even a new physical body. If a person with Capulus stumbles and his life collapses, then this is a pointer to the destruction of all people around him, like a chain nuclear reaction. People with Capulus often die so that their graves are unknown or there is nothing to bury there.

[936] Algol (Ahriman)

"Eye of Medusa Gorgon", or the Devil. Associated with Saturn, Lilith, Neptune. Gives seduction from the true path. On the path of man, everything becomes sinister. Often gives different types of madness, incl. paranoia, mania, seduction. If Algol is on the MC, then the person will be a "seductive demon", but having great fame, often bad - through blood and killing others.

Alcyone (Fravashi)

Part of the Pleiades star cluster. This is the first of the Pleiades, the "seven sisters", which is the key to all the Pleiades and their main projection. She is the ruler of the forces of nature. Alcyone is an ever-weeping kingfisher bird. Associated with elemental spirits, brownies, irresistible forces interfere in a person's life. The spiritual guidance of men is carried out through the mother, sister, wife, in general through women. And for women - through a man. Gives high patronage, great connection with nature, energy supply from nature. The love of animals for such a person is manifested, and help is given to him from the animal world. In conjunction with Mars and Saturn, it gives great trouble, the ability to make irreversible changes in life, metamorphoses. It is very unpleasant on the Ascendant - all the negative power of the Pleiades is manifested there, the possibility of blindness, spiritual searches, eternal delusions. At the medical level, it, like all nebulae, can give both physical blindness and, in general, disruption of the senses, deafness, etc.

The main star in the Pleiades star cluster. Therefore, Alcyone, being a representative of all the stars from the Pleiades, has an orb larger than usual, like a star of the 2nd magnitude.

In their influence, the Pleiades correspond to the combination of the Moon and Mars. In other words, with good connections, they indicate ambition, a desire for promotion, a good reputation and even fame.

However, when conjoined with other appropriate planets, this star gives strong passions and cruelty.

Finally, it should be noted that Alcyone is not a good omen in matters relating to relationships with the other sex. Connecting with Neptune, she gives inclinations towards homosexuality.


"Eye" of Taurus. One of the sacred stars, but associated with the devil and evil. Serve her Mars, Jupiter. Gives submission to evil, violence, constant misfortune, oppressive evil, attracting violent death. In some cases, it clearly promises violent death - according to Uranus, Mercury and the Moon. With Jupiter gives impudence, desire for violence, cruelty and unceremonious suppression of others. With the Sun and Mars - rudeness, demonic possession, indomitable anger, rage, rabies. In conjunction with the Wheel of Fortune, as well as on the MC, it promises a big take-off, many fans, many servants. Glory will always be negative, but such a person will always be served by many.

This is the royal star of the Martian nature. Connection with Asc or the Sun means exceptional energy, a person with this aspect is able to be ahead of others, he will achieve leadership positions and recognition, but will also make enemies from whom dangers may come.

Saturn in conjunction with Aldebaran and in unfavorable aspects with other planets brings danger and loss through water, i.e. from floods, storms, shipwrecks, drowning.

The connection of Aldebaran with Uranus gives tremendous energy and efficiency, thanks to which the native will achieve prestige and recognition. On the other hand, this aspect activates opponents.

Traditionally, the conjunction of Aldebaran with the Moon indicates the danger of poisoning if Neptune also joins this configuration.

Venus, being in conjunction with Aldebaran, is similar in effect to "energy directed in the wrong direction", giving anomalies in love relationships. This, however, must be viewed in a general context.


"Heel" is one of the lower stars of the constellation Orion. Associated with Saturn, Jupiter, Mars. Gives exaltation, wealth, spiritual rank or makes a person an ideological worker. When Rigel culminates, is on the Ascendant, such a person will have a spiritual teacher and generally strong guidance. He will never be abandoned, there will always be support. With Jupiter - belonging to a party, with the Moon - the patronage of ancestors, with Venus - a great inheritance.

The action is similar to the combination of the energies of Mars and Jupiter. If Rigel connects with the Sun, Moon, Meridian or Ascendant, he promises a quick take-off in life due to innate willpower, activity and enterprise. A person is forced to constantly fight to maintain the achieved position. At the same time, as a result of this struggle, energy awakens with renewed vigor.

Even despite the presence of unfavorable aspects, due to such a strong concentration, success and achievement of the goal are ensured. However, if one born under this star is not careful and prudent, or succumbs to weaknesses, failures and disappointments, success will be followed by a fall.


Associated with Mars, Pluto and Uranus. The star of war, violence, cruelty, chaos, collapse, turning everything into dust. She seeks to erase everything into powder, to destroy. A strongly pronounced Bellatrix in the horoscope gives a person who cannot sit still, who is always drawn to swear, scandal, just do anything, in spite of everyone. With the Moon - violently crazy are born. With Venus - the danger of rape (true for men). Hitler had it in conjunction with Lilith, and this largely determined his criminal inclinations.

The name of the star - "Amazon" - indicates its Martian nature. In addition, she carries the influence of a Mercurial character. Hence the characteristic features that she projects: quick decision-making, bold and energetic implementation of plans and ideas, a warlike spirit, strategic talent, organizational skills, insight, but also gives some kind of reckless warlike daredevils.

Chapel (Aishma)

"Goat". Her servants are Mercury and Mars. Associated with devilish seduction, cunning. Often gives a loss of state and constant meanness around. Shakespeare had it in conjunction with Venus. In the worst case, gigolos and kept women are born. Deceit and secret magical power over people who are turned into slaves. Tendency to secret societies, confusion of the concepts of good and evil.

It has a Mercury-Martian nature. The properties of Mercury are more significant and are manifested in love for learning, knowledge, research interest. These qualities are accentuated if the Capella connects with the Moon, Mercury or the Ascendant. Ordinary people these qualities make persistent, annoying, intrusive curious. In accordance with tradition, this star makes people somewhat strange, eccentric, capable of all sorts of antics. This can be considered another manifestation of the weak influence of Neptune. If there is conjunction with benefic planets, the native will have popularity, honors and success in material affairs.

Mercury, the Moon, Neptune serve her. Occult star, gives prophetic dreams, promotes mediumship, subtle sensations, hypnotizability, suggestibility. But in conjunction with the Moon, as well as Mars, it gives the danger of succumbing to bad influences. With Saturn on the border of the 8th house, it means that a person can be used as a victim (sacrificial dove), on the MC - travel misfortunes.

Corresponds to the nature of Mercury-Venus with a slight influence of Uranus. In a good configuration, this star should give a deep understanding of form and rhythm, artistic talent, and a keen interest in science.


1st star from Orion's belt. A very auspicious star. Gives support, is associated with prophecies, with spiritual gifts, favorable information. Support through children, happiness in old age. Its only unfavorable conjunction with Mars means abandonment by children.

Has the nature of Saturn and Mercury. Sun: Caution and prudence. Moon: business success, many enemies.

El Nat

The first horn of Taurus. The star is evil. Associated with cruelty, violence, crimes. Often it is isolated from murderers, terry criminals. It gives crimes against the law, against humanity, the desire to reach everything on your own, rejection. Man is a loner. With Jupiter, Mars - a rebel, a revolutionary, a rebel, a troublemaker. With the Sun - elevation in extreme circumstances.

Has the nature of Mars. Sun: Spiritual achievement, honors through science, religion or philosophy. Moon: success in business, however damage from wife, partner or relatives.


Associated with a pronounced feminine principle. Its influence is very strong, frightening, disturbing. It is a highly luminous huge collection of interstellar gas and dust. This nebula is associated with a strong tendency to self-destruct, to passively follow fatal inevitable circumstances. A person is involved in some kind of terrible wheel, a whirlpool that breaks him very slowly, but constantly. Life is weakened, feelings are dulled, first a deaf, and then a pronounced depressive state occurs. A person retires, withdraws into himself, becomes antisocial, in some cases even a renegade. Rarely, this person is dangerous to others, but people in his presence feel uncomfortable, and with many people with whom he resonates, phenomena of the same kind occur: depression, depression and even the destruction of the family, loneliness, accidents. Ensis acts on vision and in to a large extent touch, skin sensitivity.


2nd star from Orion's belt. Manifested by Jupiter, the Sun, Neptune. It means spiritual elevation, religious cult, love of rituals. Gives honors, ideological guidance, support. Fortune outside the home. With the Wheel of Fortune, on the MC it gives a big boost, but in the nadir (on the IC) it not only gives nothing, but also takes away. Gives homelessness, detachment from the roots. Such a person has enemies among his loved ones, he will not fit into their circle.

Teyat Posterior, Calx

Influence: Jupiter, Saturn, Pluto. Magic star. Gives great authority in a narrow circle, informal power, leadership. The star often appears in mafiosi. With Jupiter gives great patronage, secret protection. With Mercury - lawsuits with a win.

Directions to this star bring energy, power and patronage to a person. The directions of both luminaries are favorable, but she gives more support to the Moon than to the Sun.

[424] Polar

(Ariemon) Manifested by Uranus, Neptune, Moon or Uranus, Mars, Moon.

It is equivalent to a star of the first magnitude. Gives variability, unpredictability in character, throwing from side to side. The Wheel of Fortune is projected through the North Star, which is the symbol of this star. You can't rely on her. This is a changeable lot. It deprives a person of calm hope, and events deprive him of a solid status. Everything is unsteady, everything is shaky, but you need to get used to it, then you can live with it. It gives eternal aspiration somewhere up. With Mercury - solid deceptions and losses in the game. On the MS - a changeable fate and a fall from the height reached. With Venus - immorality, lust and insecurity in relationships with women. With Jupiter gives difference in teaching, possession of knowledge. A person with this star can be a conductor of occult teachings. With Saturn gives the opportunity to overcome weaknesses and delusions. In general, it is believed that a person with this star is somehow connected with Manichaeism, not settled either for good or for evil.

Has the nature of Saturn combined with the qualities of the Sun and Venus. The polar star serves as a guide and pointer. If it connects with planets in the angular fields of the horoscope, the native will have common sense and prudence, will follow his instinct, "inner voice". He will clearly understand his tasks, follow the intended path and achieve the goal.


Influence: Sun, Venus, Moon. A good star, associated with art and the hearth. Gives a rich home, a strong family, foundations, a strong position. The star is associated with great vitality, longevity, patriarchy. With Mercury gives the ability to art, especially to the fine arts, with the Sun and the Moon - to dance, music and general artistic abilities, with the Cross of Fate and on the border of the VIII house - accidents.

It has the qualities of Venus under the influence of Jupiter. It gives spiritual orientation to people under its influence, as well as artistic inclinations, combined with an interest in the sciences.

Sirius (Tishtriya)

Being a symbol of spiritual and mystical help, it gives the highest authority and spiritual support. Combines the qualities of Mars and Jupiter. From time immemorial, she was considered "royal", but also aggressive. With favorable connections, it promises fame, honors, wealth. On the Ascendant and in conjunction with Mars, Sirius can be quite dangerous. Too ambitious aspirations often lead to dangerous obstacles and even attempts on life. According to tradition, Sirius, if he is in the 8th house, can give a "glorious" death with honors and respect for the deceased.

In good aspect to Mars and Jupiter and near Meridian, promises great wealth, good fortune in business or business. government controlled. In this position, the star is most good for the military, lawyers, civil servants.

Sirius in conjunction with the Sun and having a favorable position in the cosmogram, we often find in the horoscopes of the most famous and famous people. Perhaps the growth of social status was possible due to the patronage of influential people.


Alpha Carina (Ship Argo). Gives restlessness of the spirit, craving for travel, melancholy, nostalgia, often even in the homeland. The prodigal son complex, seduction, misdirection.

Combines the energies attributed to Jupiter and Saturn. When combined with a poorly standing Saturn, a tendency to depression and suicide appears. However, if Saturn and Jupiter are well positioned in the chart, this star awakens the forces of harmony and spirit. According to tradition, on the Ascendant, Canopus gives a love of travel, but also provokes disputes and scandals, often ending in litigation. However, one born under the influence of this star can conduct its energies constructively if he is serious and insightful.


Star of scientists, experimenters, adventurers, travelers. Gives happiness in a foreign land, laying new paths. Successes accompany science, teaching, information, disinformation. With Mercury, Jupiter - speaks of many lawsuits.


Mortal Twin. Gives a person rudeness, lack of subtlety. Danger of bodily injury, wounds, both gunshot and cold steel, fractures, cracks.

Castor holds the influence of Mercury in combination with Jupiter. Connecting with the Moon and Mercury, it endows people under its influence with good nature and high moral qualities. It is believed that it gives a person refined manners. Conjunction with the Sun or Mars promotes energy, also gives irony and a tendency to cynicism, which depends on the position of Mercury and Mars in the chart as a whole.


Immortal Twin. The star that rules rebirth. Previously, it was associated with immortality and life extension. This is the star of a person engaged in active magic, the star of a kshatriya, a warrior, a person who wins battles. It gives protection in any righteous deed, and it also makes a person absolutely defenseless in any unrighteous deed. A person can prolong his life if he defends justice, if he is brave and fearless. As soon as he starts helping cowards and scoundrels, as soon as the worm of doubt is born in him, everything, everything collapses in such a person, and he descends into the lower world. Pollux patronizes only unquestioning brave men who do nothing for themselves. A person with a strong Pollux, who tries to "squeeze", attract, hide something for himself, not give it to others, can immediately lose everything (treasures, social position, etc.) and greatly shorten his life. On the MC it can give splendor, honors, a military career, with the Sun - sparkling, great optimism. In some ways, Pollux can be compared with Regulus.

It has a pronounced Martian influence. In accordance with its nature, this star informs a person of rudeness, despotism, aggressiveness and cruelty, if there is a connection with the luminaries, the Ascendant, Meridian or with malefic planets. Just as Mars has a positive influence if its vibrations are carried out constructively, so Pollux is not always an unlucky star. If a fixed star has a bad position, it can manifest itself as negative, but not because a person abuses its energy, but because others deceive him, and fate plays cruel jokes with him.


The star is associated with danger from poisons, poisonous gases, snake and insect bites, abscesses, wounds, festering lesions. For example, Emile Zola had it in conjunction with the Cross of Fate - he died from gas poisoning.

It has a Martian-Mercurian nature, and therefore makes people quick-tempered, jealous, stubborn, but also gives them willpower and the ability to translate ideas and plans into reality. It is believed that people under its influence tend to get annoyed, get excited, and be bold. This star can give both successes and ups, and falls from heights later. A business created in a hurry is short-lived. People who want to break through the wall with their heads are only harming themselves. Procyon gives a person a lot of energy and endows him with a sharp mind. The conjunction of a star with benefic planets multiplies success, but such a person must be very prudent so as not to fail. Procyon is especially dangerous in configuration with Mars and Pluto. If a star conjuncts the Sun, it may indicate courage and valor.

Presepa (Crèche)

The influence is similar to the combination of the radiations of the Moon and Mars. There is also the influence of Neptune. On the Ascendant Presepa (Manger) does not do anything good, especially for the head and eyes. If the Moon is weak in position, then there may be an increased susceptibility to infectious diseases. A tendency to gluttony, abuse of gourmet foods, alcoholic beverages, craving for narcotic drugs, such as tobacco, has been noted. If, in addition, the Moon is afflicted, there is a serious danger to the sight. If other planets have conjunctions here, the result can be quite critical.

This is a gas and dust nebula. This nebula is considered one of the most interesting, mysterious and mysterious. She was involved in the horoscope of Christ. It is no coincidence that in the Gospels the birth of Christ is noted "in a manger", which means a starry manger. The presence of this nebula in the horoscope is evidence of a certain rejection, fury, isolation. In some cases, Prezepa contributes to a softening of the brain, pronounced infantilism, dementia, which a person will have all the time. The threat of suicide, self-restraint, phobia, senseless imposition of an artificial system looms over him. Nebula sometimes strongly affects vision, lungs and the entire autonomic nervous system. With Presepa, outcast maniacs are often born, capable of anything. Terrible dangers are brought upon the head of this man. Sometimes he develops a masochistic complex, he loves suffering, goes for it and enjoys it. A person with great abilities can reject them, consign them to oblivion.


Magic star, patroness of astrologers. This star of revelations, prophecy, inventions, penetration into the past. Gives unexpected luck, luck, winnings (fortune). With Mercury - resourcefulness and striking from around the corner. On Asc and MS - a very good indicator. The star is the patroness, except for astrologers, she leads all strange people, prophets and holy fools. Especially patronizes lonely people. On the border of the 8th house, it is associated with magic or with survival in extreme conditions.

Has a Martian nature with a strong admixture of Saturn, gives an unbalanced, irritable, eccentric character. If a person born under the influence of this star has a generally disharmonic cosmogram, and especially if Sertan connects with Mars, the Sun or Uranus, then this can give an imbalance in the psyche and even helplessness. Coincidence with Saturn can portend great disappointments in life, difficult trials and misfortunes, difficult emotional experiences, anxieties, losses, enmity, disputes and deceptions.


Heart of the Hydra. A terrible star associated with the "serpent-tempter". Gives a person vitality, wisdom, understanding, but serving evil. Such a person is a terrible seducer, a creator of evil and violence. He can afford everything, he calculates everything, he knows in advance all the moves and games of other people. He is characterized by heartlessness, coldness. You won’t catch him, you won’t buy him, you won’t touch him, especially if this star is a guiding one. Such people are drawn to the conscious service of Satan. On Asc, in conjunction with evil planets, and especially at the top of the 8th house, it gives cunning and deceit. On the MS - incredible vitality, tissue regeneration, connection with magic, practicing satanic alchemy, creating golems, the ability to influence other people. The presence of knowledge without spirit is characteristic. Such a person can be changed if he is transferred to another, higher level of this star.

It has the qualities of Saturn. However, to some extent it combines the properties of Venus and Neptune. In most cases, this combination of influences is unfavorable, since it brings with it something that is somehow connected with poisons or has a "bad taste": blood poisoning, murder by poisoning, poisonous hatred of women, gas poisoning, danger to life if drugs are misused. , overindulging in delicacies, smoking, choking hazard, being bitten by snakes, poisonous insects or a rabid dog. These dangers are indicated by the conjunctions of Alphard with both the Sun and the Moon, Mars, Neptune, the Ascendant or the Meridian. In the relationship between a man and a woman in marriage, something "poisonous" is also possible. This is especially true for the female cosmogram. In material terms, the action of Alphard is almost always unfavorable, although if a person is able to perceive its vibrations on a spiritual level, the Saturn-Neptune combination can give enlightenment.


"Lion's Heart. Royal star. Regulus is one of the key stars of our Galaxy. He is associated with the element of fire and is the guardian of the North. The star gives power, strength. On Asc or with planets near sunrise gives respect and popularity in the early years, early fame. With evil planets - this fame is scandalous. In the culmination of the MS - makes a person famous, gives honor, respect. Setting Regulus on Dsc or having a connection with planets in the 7th house gives public popularity.

She projects "royal" qualities: nobility, sincerity, openness, courage. The importance of this star is also emphasized by its proximity to the ecliptic. Its action combines best qualities Jupiter and Mars.

On the Ascendant, it gives courage and openness, especially in conjunction with the Sun, Moon, Jupiter or Mercury. On the Meridian, Regulus contributes to the achievement of a high social position, far superior to the environment from which a person came out. In accordance with tradition, this star gives connections with the authorities, with respected and famous people if the cosmogram as a whole indicates such a possibility. Jupiter conjunction Regula is one of the best configurations for success. People with such a connection can reach heights in society, responsible positions, fame, position, fortune. Wealth and power can suddenly "fall on their heads" to such people.

The culminating Regulus is a good omen not only for a military career, but also for professions associated with public institutions, such as lawyers, civil servants, bankers, clergymen, etc., especially if Regulus connects with one of the luminaries (the Sun or the Moon ) or with a favorable planet.


It is believed that on the Meridian or Ascendant, this star, carrying Saturnian-Mercurian properties, promotes mental concentration and patronizes those people who are engaged in business or architecture. Associated with Mars, it gives a powerful intellectual energy, which is sometimes expressed in sarcasm and polemical spirit.

In a bad position, and especially in conjunction with Saturn or Neptune, this star can cause depression, skepticism, incredulity and suspicion. Connecting with Mercury and in a bad position, Vindemiatrix can give painful excitability and irritability.


Back paw of a Lion. Gives great conceit, self-love, narcissism, the acquisition of a large number of beautiful things, the ability to acquire them. Rich collection. The star promotes collecting, gathering, the presence of passbooks, gives happiness in property. Such a person puts his hand on everything. The MS gives lawsuits. On the border of the VIII house - a prison because of the love of luxury. With Venus - immorality and immorality, with the Moon - impotence in men.

It has Saturnian-Venus properties. It is believed to give a lively mind, but also a tendency to melancholic moods. Compounds with so-called "pests" may indicate the danger of poisoning or diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. Such an interpretation is permissible with the utmost accuracy and severe restrictions.

Denebola (Aki-Mana)

Gives good beginnings, ending in dishonor and disgrace.

Has the properties of Uranus. It is believed that she "launches" world catastrophes in the mundane maps. Depending on the position in the individual cosmogram and aspects with the planets, this star promises either elevation, advancement, or a collapse, a fall. Being on the Ascendant and especially conjunct Mercury, gives a scandalous personality with a predilection for public speaking. Denebola can be the cause of very disturbing events. With a bad position in an individual chart and if it coincides with Mercury or Uranus, it can serve as an indication of mental illness, in most cases incurable. The good aspects, however, will favor progressive, reformist activities.


Galaxy in the Hounds of the Dogs. Gives eternal meaningless search for something incomprehensible, wandering, wandering, homelessness, rejection. In character - instability, lack of a core, collapse. In life - the factors of persecution, abandonment, persecution. This nebula can give a person a terrible weapon in the form of directed manias, he himself can senselessly poison other people, because. believes in slander.

He becomes suspicious, there is a terrible suspiciousness, hallucinations, schizoidness, a clear fragmentation of consciousness, inadequacy of reactions, alertness of behavior. This nebula is noted in the horoscopes of many patients with schizophrenia. The copula most of all of the senses affects the ear. Such people often have auditory hallucinations, deafness, especially if Copula is on Asc.


Star Entrepreneurship, Property Acquisition. With Mars - speculation, the danger of prison. With Saturn or in the XII house - dirty tricks, with the Moon - adventurism, with the Sun - good luck in the game.

Has the nature of Mercury and Mars. Influence, success, strength, militancy.

Algorab (Nanhatya)

Vulture. Gives a person shame and dirt, everyone mocks him.

A person, both figuratively and literally, can eat leftovers, malnourished. Shameful life. Often gives a person a collision with something bad, lustful, unclean. On the border of the XII house - everyone turns away from a person, death is alone. In conjunction with the Moon, Mercury, and also on the border of the 4th house - such a person will be a harbinger of the misfortune of other people ("karkakal"). At a higher level, this is not the Vulture, but the Raven - a wise sacred bird: independence, travel, non-attachment to material wealth, the gift of prophecy and the help of invisible forces in difficult times.

It carries the qualities of Saturn and Mars and is believed to create all kinds of obstacles, especially if Saturnian influence prevails. Indicates delays, delays, hindrances and restrictions, which are replaced by losses, failures, bad business conduct and hostility.

The conjunction of Algorab with the Sun or Moon, or with one of the "harm" gives misfortunes and physical injuries, which are very difficult to avoid.


This is a globular cluster of stars. Gives irreversible changes in the psyche: jumps of consciousness, incarnation in other forms, obsessive delirium, terrible delirium (non-alcoholic). Associated with this nebula is dependence on other people, on medicines, drugs, and so on. It often manifests itself in alcoholics, drug addicts, also in sexual maniacs, homosexuals, bestialists, lesbians. Many sexual experimenters have this nebula in their horoscope. It is especially strong in the houses of the trigon of destruction. Of the medical disorders, it gives a violation of the sense of smell or its exacerbation, as well as allergies (nebula of allergy sufferers). At the highest level, Foramen is tied to the knowledge of the karmic code, to reincarnation, to the knowledge of other forms of consciousness (mercurial form). Something similar is described by Stanislav Lem in Solaris, that is, the incarnation in different forms, contacts with beings of a completely different nature, strange interaction with some human cosmic entities, the ability to be "in the shoes" of another person.

Spica (Daena)

Ear. Gives constancy and success in everything. On MC, men are promised prosperity in marriage. With the Moon - wealth, longevity, with Venus - prosperity and wealth. On the border of the VIII house - a huge inheritance. With the Cross of Fate - a happy quick death, favorable for the next birth. With Mercury - a brilliant mind, the accumulation of the necessary information, the ability to recognize the Truth. With Jupiter (if he is not evil and strongly expressed) - respect, prestige for almost a lifetime. Ha Asc harmonizes the horoscope as a whole.

Spica is one of the luckiest stars. Increases happiness, prolongs it, gives good luck for a long period of time. The trends that Spica outlines are always very long lasting, often continuing after death.

This star, due to its size and proximity to the ecliptic, is of great importance. Combines the qualities of Venus and Mars.

It is believed that it gives honors and glory, favors scientists, writers, artists (artists, painters, sculptors, musicians). If Spica is on the Ascendant or Meridian, or has a conjunction with Jupiter or Venus, she promises patronage, promotion and wealth even to people of modest abilities. If there is a conjunction with Mercury or Venus, or Spica is on the Meridian or Ascendant, she gives artistic talent, ability to draw and music, understanding of literature, as well as a scientific mind. However, if Spica is in angular houses and conjuncts Saturn, Mars, Uranus, Neptune or Pluto, and if these planets are afflicted, then the rise will be followed by a fall with a tragic ending.

In the individual cosmogram, Spica gives refinement, people under her influence are distinguished by refined manners. What gives the conjunction of Venus with Mars - increased sexuality - is not typical for the influence of Spica, since it allows you to sublimate these energies, transform them through artistic and creative channels.

Arcturus (Ramman)

Bear Shepherd. Gives tremendous strength and often not only physical. It appears in trainers, healers, magicians. But in conjunction with Mars, Saturn, and also on the border of the VIII house indicates the danger of natural disasters. With Venus and the Moon - this is often attraction to the same sex (homosexuality) and other perversions (for example, bestiality), with the Sun - perversions of the spirit (this star was with Oscar Wilde). In principle, Arcturus can be considered an evil star, but in fact he is neither evil nor kind, but gives great strength, and hence the danger of being crushed by this force.

Arcturus does not allow cowardice. As soon as a person is afraid, all misfortunes fall on him. Arcturus sets a task for a person to go to the end in any business, otherwise he will be crushed. On the border of the IX house gives a craving for sea travel or a tendency to very big things. Ha Asc - romanticism. At a higher level, Arcturus allows you to accept and assimilate very distant traditions and teachings.

Has the energies of Jupiter and Mars. It is associated with the establishment of justice by force. Therefore, it makes people warlike and pugnacious, especially when coinciding with Mars or Jupiter.

As a rule, the influence of Jupiter-Mars is manifested in enterprise and energy. The star promises long-term success if harmonious aspects are present. On the contrary, if there are critical aspects to this star, the favorable influence will weaken, there will be a lot of interference. A person with such influence, being involved in legal, legal affairs, risks losing everything.

When comparing the coordinates of Spica and Arcturus, we see that the difference between them in longitude is small, but in latitude it is very significant. Often their influences seem to be mixed, superimposed on each other, although Spica is much larger in magnitude than Arcturus, and its influence, of course, dominates. Such mutual influence multiplies the positive power of these stars.


Gives a penchant for serving a secret cause, a secret organization, associated with magic and the occult sciences. On the border of the 8th house and in conjunction with Mars, it is very dangerous - it is harassment, blackmail and a clash with a criminal organization. In conjunction with any planets gives a great attraction to the mysterious and to the mastery of secrets. On IC, it gives victory over arcane forces. Promotes the disclosure of secret sources and treasure hunting.


Star of warriors, adventurers. Grants exaltation in extreme circumstances. In conjunction with the luminaries - the Sun and the Moon, as well as with Mars, the star makes it possible to "rake in the heat" with the wrong hands. She brings a long reign. With Mercury, advances in science and wonderful scientific discoveries.


This is a star of extraordinary spirituality, high spiritual uplift, self-sacrifice, as a result of which wisdom, understanding, and a high spiritual mission come to a person. A person with Acrux can be considered marked. In conjunction with the luminaries or at the culmination of the MC - a high mission in life, a bright path. Acrux gives a person the love of animals, plants, living creatures in general, the love and respect of foreigners, unimaginable ability to learn languages, very long trips. With Mercury - a scientific feat and the disclosure of the spiritual lot. With Venus - an unusually spiritual marriage. But it is believed that a person whose Akrux is strongly expressed cannot find understanding among his relatives and relatives. A man's enemies are his household. At another level, Akrux gives participation in mystical ceremonies, presenting mystical gifts. At the household level, religiosity can manifest itself if the horoscope confirms.

The influence of the brightest star in this constellation, which has the qualities of Jupiter, is most noticeable if its latitude is close to the latitude of the Ascendant. It is believed that this star endows a person with intuition, understanding of the inner, innermost human nature, a penchant for occult pursuits, the ability to investigate hidden processes, and an inventive spirit. People under the influence of this star are deeply religious, associated with mysticism and theosophy.

Such an interpretation of the Southern Cross is especially true if the sign of Scorpio has a favorable cosmic status in the chart, that is, the negative manifestations of the sign are removed.

Alphecca (Haoma)

This star is considered the patroness of art, the star of patrons. In addition, she gives mercy, altruism, understanding, happy love. Bestows beauty, great abilities, creative possibilities, preservation of creative potential for many years, brilliance, grace. With Venus and the Moon gives women physical attractiveness that lasts for the rest of their lives. For men, this may also be true, although it is not so important for them. On MS - early takeoff, early shine.

Combines Mercury-Venusian qualities under the influence of the Moon and Neptune. In contrast to the Southern Cross, the Gemma has a large northern declination. The stars also differ in right ascension, this difference is more than a quarter of the arc of the celestial sphere. But according to the ecliptic longitude, it is quite difficult to distinguish them and isolate the influence of each of the stars.

Due to the Mercury-Venusian character of Gemma, if it has a good position in the chart and is on the Ascendant, it gives a love of literature, art and science, artistic talent, and also contributes to success in trade and commerce.

Connecting with the Sun and Moon and having a favorable position in the chart, Gemma promises a person exaltation and honors. According to tradition, Gemma is associated with the "Lord of the House of Death", and if there is a connection with Neptune or Mars, then this can mean the threat of infectious diseases and poisoning.


A star associated with sophistication, dandyism, with universal respect, honor. Gives many children, a wonderful family, a great house, a lot of real estate, an abundance of money. But on another level, there will be a seduction of it all. And at the household level - this is a blessing, happiness, a lot of money, everything, anything, except for women. This star does not give happiness in marriage, in love. On the MS, the star is a private sign of a millionaire, a billionaire. With Mercury or Jupiter - similarly. With the Moon - entrepreneurship, commerce, many acquisitions and sales, cooperation in the field of commerce. It can give some promiscuity in means, but it doesn’t let it bloom to the limit, a person’s inner core will always be preserved (at least external honesty and respectability). On the border of the XII house - a very good secret business. On the border of the VIII house - a huge inheritance, and not from relatives.

It carries a strong Venusian influence, combined with some tinge of Jupiter. If a star, when projected onto the ecliptic, has a connection with Mercury or falls on the Ascendant and connects with "beneficial" planets, then this is the key to happiness and success. However, when combined with Venus, this star gives a pronounced sensuality, if in addition to this it is associated with Mars, Saturn or Neptune, then the native under its influence can become the object of gossip and slander.

Bungula TOLIMAN (Rashnu)

A beautiful star. Gives great vitality. All the time a person is "on his feet". The spread of activity and influence of this person. choleric temperament. The art of conquering everything. Such a person is inclined to "take the bull by the horns", achieve everything on his own, never stop there, uncontrollably strive for perfection. Great creative activity.

On its lower levels, its influence is very favorable. But she patronizes only those who develop. Toliman does not give anything to the lazy and loafers, but exposes them, even "puts" them in jail.

On the border of the XII house or in conjunction with Jupiter gives the danger of prison, imprisonment for inactivity, On the MC - incredible glory in the middle of life.

It is the closest star to Earth. The light from it to us takes only 4 years.

Bunghula also has a Venusian-Jupiterian nature, with the peculiarity that often under its influence relations with women deteriorate or successful relationships are suddenly interrupted by extraordinary circumstances. With a good position, Bunghula contributes to the achievement of power and fame.


Eye of the Scorpion, Eye of Argus. Associated with sudden attacks, danger of falling from a height. Danger from air and flights.

Such a person should also be wary of birds. Mercury in this star is just associated with movements and flights. With the Moon - the danger of slander and an innocent "landing" in prison, that is, a person will be guilty without guilt. With Venus - a terrible destruction of the family, a person will outlive all his loved ones. On the border of the VIII house - the danger of being bitten or even bitten to death by insects.

Akrab (Azh-Dahaka)

Claw of the Scorpion. Gives cunning, deceit, greed, deceit, a tendency to violence against others. A person does not respect the interests of others at all, likes to interfere in someone else's life, gossip, spoil his reputation. But this man is weak, devoid of authority. This star is considered the classic star of poisoners and poisoners. On the border of the VIII and XII houses, as well as in conjunction with the Moon, the person himself may fall victim to poisoning or a deliberate attempt in another way. The most real evil can come from such a person. He never forgives anyone. On Asc - this is an avenger, on the MS - power through crimes.

It is believed that it corresponds to the energies of Mars with an admixture of the influence of Saturn. It is traditionally believed that it gives the ability to research activities, especially in the study of hidden, internal, mysterious processes. However, it is necessary that the sign of Scorpio be manifested, and also that Mercury and Uranus be here. Preferably, said planet is on the Meridian or Ascendant or near another planet responsible for mental abilities. The lower types, however, tend to be deceitful and unfaithful. The star does not portend material wealth, but rather, on the contrary, gives obstacles or losses depending on its position in the cosmogram. In the mundane charts, it is an indication of massive catastrophes if Mars, or Saturn or Uranus are in the first degrees of Sagittarius, especially in angular positions.

Antares (Shatavaesh/Tarmy)

At the household level, the star is terrible, at higher levels it is better. Star of black magic, often Satanism. On MS - a person falls under the power of magic. On the Ascendant - satanic initiations, a person becomes a conductor of the forces of evil. On the border of 4 houses - this is the inevitable destruction associated with parents, an abandoned child, a terrible childhood, children's complexes for life. Antares always gives fears for life, constant clashes with an evil force. It is one of the four cardinal stars in our galaxy. Associated with the element of water. "Guardian of the West"

It has, as follows from its Greek name (Ant-Ares - "instead of Mars") a Martian nature with an admixture of the energies of Mercury, Jupiter and Saturn. Antares makes a person stubborn, quarrelsome and warlike. This star is important to the military. In addition, it gives a quick mind, quick wits, strategic abilities, courage, recklessness, if it is associated with Mercury.

If there is a connection with Mars, then courage often becomes recklessness, which leads to increased risk and danger. People who have such configurations in their cards should always be ready for surprises and accidents. In accordance with tradition, Antares has a warlike character and can portend violent death both in battles and by sentence. On the other hand, the danger may come from fire, weapons or equipment.


It inclines a person to robbery, often with pickpockets, window sills. Either it gives duality: a person can be honest, but still a criminal, or, conversely, a seemingly good, noble person, but a complete scoundrel. With this star, swindlers and adventurers are born, prone to unexpected manifestations. The star stimulates the ability to kleptomania, the extraction of money in an unearned way. In conjunction with Mercury gives a victim of robbery, a person in life will constantly face theft. On Dsc or near it, as well as in conjunction with Jupiter - constant litigation, lawsuits.


Star of cunning, viciousness. It is known from astrodiagnostics that a person with this star is very susceptible to infectious diseases, a variety of fevers, especially during an epidemic. This is one of the stars of the collision with crime, robberies, loss of property. A person is a victim of revenge, persecution, vendetta. On Asc - vile, terrible life and eternal discontent.

Has the nature of Mars and Saturn. Sun: Wealth and promotion combined with danger of violence, disaster and disease. Moon: power, honors, wealth, criticism, success after hardship, belated fortune and gain.


Gives complete extravagance, failures in life. A man - a projector, a dreamer, a traveler, a tramp, a "tumbleweed", does not find a place for himself anywhere, and at the same time he is an adventurer. With Venus - an immoral, cheating wife (Globa, as always, is wrong), with Mercury - a person who spends money on travel. On the border of the VIII house - death from water.

Subic is to Uranus what the North Star is to Earth. Note that the axis of rotation of Uranus lies in the plane of the ecliptic. Through Subic and Uranus in solar system the "law of the galactic Logos" is translated.


A wonderful star associated with healing, with a good impact on other people, a high mission. Such a person sees much more than others, showing wisdom. But he has a sad fate. It is better for him to lead a lonely life, because there will always be misfortunes from women (for women - from men). In conjunction with the boundary of the 5th house - a perverted taste. On Asc or in conjunction with the planet - the ruler of Asc - marked in life and a high mission, the guidance of other people. On MS - pedagogical abilities.

This is one of the marked spiritual stars.

It has the character of Saturn, but there are also some undesirable features of Venus. In addition, Neptunian tendencies are also manifested, which give a tendency to toxic infections. People with a pronounced influence of this star are often carefree in the use of medicines, hallucinogenic drugs, intemperate in the use of stimulants and products, all kinds of delicacies, and are prone to the abuse of tobacco products and alcohol. For these people, there is a danger of being bitten by poisonous insects, snakes, they may be threatened by an attack by angry animals and rabid dogs. If there is a conjunction with the Moon, Mars or Neptune, it gives a greater tendency to infections in general, especially in epidemics. In addition to these lower evil influences, higher emanations also emanate from the Rasalag, although few people are able to tune in to their wave.


Tail or Sting of a Scorpion. Terrible star. Gives persecution mania or manic states requiring someone to pursue. Danger of degradation, insanity, flight from reality, asociality, abandonment, loneliness, collisions with ruthless trials, dangers on the way, in the mountains, especially on Mercury and Saturn. On the border of the VIII house - death alone or secret death. In conjunction with Mars - death from poison or from the bite of a poisonous animal, as well as infection after the bites of snakes, scorpions, etc.

This star has an almost exact conjunction with Lambda Scorpii.

The star carries the qualities of Mars with an admixture of Mercurial influence. It is traditionally believed that the connection of Lesat with Mars, Uranus or Saturn, Meridian or Ascendant indicates danger from wild animals (the threat of being bullied or torn apart by a beast). This medieval interpretation is no longer suitable for our days. At present, configurations with this star indicate accidents, disasters, or danger in operations. If there is a correlation with the sign of Scorpio, this danger can be expressed in appendicitis, surgery to remove the appendix or hemorrhoids.

If there is a connection with a beneficent planet, then if the energy of Mars, with which the star is associated, is directed in the right direction, significant achievements can be achieved.


This is a cluster of stars in the sting of the constellation Scorpio. Causes blindness in one or both eyes if in conjunction with the afflicted luminary or in conjunction with an evil planet that afflicts the luminary. The opposition to this star has the same influence as the connection.

Affects sensory sensations, but most of all - on the sense of smell. It often appears in the horoscopes of people who are highly prone to allergies. These allergies are incurable. Aculex is associated with epileptic manifestations. Often it manifests itself in the horoscopes of people with episyndrome, an unexpected transformation of consciousness, with flashes, as it seems to them, of superconsciousness. Aculex is a terrible nebula that can make a beast out of a person, bringing him to completely unbridled manifestations. Then the person himself may regret it. The influence of Aculex is associated with periodic eclipses of reason, when a person creates all sorts of "miracles", at times he experiences an indestructible craving for destruction, and then again becomes a normal person. His actions are unpredictable. In ancient times, this type of epilepsy was considered a sacred disease.


It strongly affects hearing, vision and all sensory sensations (sweet can seem bitter and vice versa). There may be a loss of taste sensations - a person is not happy with the taste of food, and this is an incurable, irreversible disease. It can manifest itself through poisoning. Terrible manias appear. Such a person often imagines himself (and not rarely feels) as a different person, up to physical sensations. This is perhaps the most terrible nebula, because it has a strong effect, bringing a person to an animal state, not in the figurative, but in the literal sense of the word. It is difficult to imagine what a person is capable of in whom this nebula occupies a prominent place in the horoscope, and especially if it is on Asc, or in conjunction with one of the luminaries in the IV, VII or VIII houses. After all, houses give a form of manifestation on the earthly plane. In the 2nd trine of houses, it does not act so strongly even on cardinal points - on MC, Dsc, i.e. in the 2nd, 6th and 10th houses. These houses delay its manifestation. But in the houses of the trigon of destruction, its action


Sinister. One of the scariest stars. The star is associated with black magic and the persecution of others. A person with this star is a secret enemy of those whom he does not love, a despot, an avenger who has set himself the goal of total destruction, genocide of others. From such a person can come obvious evil and destruction. If he does not transfer his consciousness to another level, he will have to reap the fruits of this evil during his life. By the way, Sinistra predicts a lonely existence. If a person does not bring harm to others, then he will be without a family and alone. With Venus, Mars, and also on the border of the V house - a person will not leave offspring. A very heavy star does not give light manifestations.

Has the nature of Jupiter and Venus. Sun: Inclination to laziness and vicious habits. Moon: lust, shame, scandal, witchcraft and corruption.


"seed", core, essence. The ability to get to the bottom of the matter is the highest value of the nebula. In real life, it is associated with abandonment, the complete oblivion of a person, a long stay in places "not so remote", in hospitals, unknown new diseases, infectious diseases, viral diseases. Man is used as a testing ground for all new diseases, as if "space tests" are being carried out on him. Often such people suffer from visual impairment, especially color blindness. This nebula is also associated with incredible suffering and deprivation, mental disorders, terrible depressive states, suicides, complete restriction in everything, senile psychology from childhood (unlike the Manger), early aging. This happens to the point that a person may have wrinkles already in early childhood, there may be gray hair, baldness, flabbiness of the skin, loss of teeth. But such people can live for a long time, as described by J. Swift in "Gulliver's Travels ...", immortal people who had an eerie appearance. And the longer they lived, the worse

Man must create a new body for himself, new nature to update the genetic code. Such an opportunity presents itself to him if he turns to other forms of consciousness. Transformation is possible within one lifetime.

When aspecting to the luminaries, there is a more than serious danger of damage to the eyes due to illness or accident. Has the influence of Mars and the Moon.


"City". A very good star. Gives ambition, success, happiness at home, a stable home, connections. On MS - the patronage of parents, elders will always help. With Mercury and Mars - a person will have a lot of cars, will be a good driver, it used to be - the art of riding and owning horses. On the border of the IX house - emigration, a house in a foreign land. On the border of the XII house - a house in solitude or a secret residence: most often such a person will live in a country house or somewhere in a dense forest. With the Moon secret diseases or hidden shameful diseases, for example, leprosy, syphilis.


"Link". Provides links to other hierarchies. A "new law" passes through it. In the life of this person, events are played out that must subsequently be played out in the history of mankind. This is also a kind of landfill. Through it, a lot of people are warned about some threatening trials. His life is a symbol, a lesson for all. It is believed that once a person came into contact with other forms of consciousness, with cosmic teachers, who now can broadcast through him. If such a person forgets his divine nature, plunges into a swine state, he can experience quite severe blows if other attempts to manifest his true nature fail. This happens in the form of collective misfortunes, a chain of some kind of terrible upheavals, epidemics. He himself can become a criminal of a paranoid warehouse. A person who once encountered other states of consciousness or who once visited other worlds does not necessarily keep this covenant until the present life. He could forget it, lose it, squander it, become completely and

Has the nature of the Sun and Mars. Her influence is similar to that of Ensis.

Nunki (Pelagus)

Has the nature of Jupiter and Mercury. Sun: success in public and domestic affairs. Moon: success in professional endeavors, victory over enemies, many friends.


"Donkey". It happens in people who, under the influence of extraordinary circumstances, awaken superconsciousness, new abilities, or there are sharp, cardinal shifts in fate. Often there are catastrophes that radically change life, abruptly and irreversibly; may be clinical death. On the border of the VIII or XII houses, it can make a person a complete idiot (not congenital, but acquired) or lead to dementia (dementia, weakening of abilities). On the MC gives a hero, heroic deeds. In conjunction with Mars - the same thing. With the Sun in the houses, the trine of destruction (IV, VIII, XII) gives blindness, the danger of explosions, fires. Having this star in the horoscope, a person can suddenly speak in other languages, even remember past lives. In particular, spirits can broadcast through it. There is a danger from séances and, in general, the danger of mental illness. With Mercury and the Moon - schizophrenia.

Sun: good luck. Moon: influential friends, valuable gifts, love of respectable women.

Vega (Ardvisura-Anahita)

Vega promises great luck, but far luck, gives the search for happiness. Star of surprises, accidental successes, adventurous, unplanned elevations, brilliance. People with Vega should not become attached to the fruits of activity, otherwise luck will leave them. Rising, on Asc, Vega gives loneliness, rejection, with the Moon - demonism. Fortune will definitely be, but it is elusive. As soon as a person feels calm, luck leaves him. As soon as everything goes badly, the anxiety of the spirit wakes up or suffering sets in, good luck will come again, it will be lucky. On another, higher level, Vega is the star of magic, mystical purposes, idealism, and in this gives full support and patronage. Through it, people prophesy, it carries excellent information. The Chinese and Arabs called her the Turtle. In astromedicine, it is a healing star, found in the horoscopes of healers. People who have it in their horoscopes in a weaker form bring healing from serious ailments.

It has the properties of Venus mixed with the influence of Neptune and Mercury.

The Babylonians called Vega "the star of the queen of life". In a good cosmic configuration, Vega gives artistic talent, especially musical and acting ability, but also a craving for pleasure. Such eccentric bohemian natures can lead a dissolute and disorderly life. If there is a connection of Vega with Jupiter or Venus, the path to wealth and glory opens. However, if other influences are present, this wealth may be lost. Vega promises great success if she is on the Horizon or Meridian. Vega, with the appropriate aspect, can be found in the natal charts of statesmen and politicians, personalities who have played a large role in history. Conjunction with the Moon or Neptune gives a tendency to the occult and mysticism.


Tail of the Swan. The star of scientists, pioneers, but, unfortunately, loners who can cut the branch on which they sit. People with this star are failures in life, successful only in science or in one chosen business. In conjunction with the Moon, Mercury - failure with children, childlessness. In women, a star, as a rule, promises late or unsuccessful birth. On the border of the VIII house - a disaster, a plane crash is especially likely.

Altair (Vayu)

Eagle heart. Gives the height of the flight of thought, courage, career. Makes a man a warrior who is not afraid of anything. Altair is also associated with divination, anticipation of the age, the occult, and magic. It often manifests itself in people with a huge outlook. Gives unexpected and strange events in life, travel. But on the border of the VIII house - death is in the air.

It has a Martian character combined with the influence of Mercury and Jupiter. Connecting with a beneficent planet, Altair endows a person with endurance, courage, generosity, especially if he is on the Ascendant. If Mercury or the Moon is here, a person, striving for self-affirmation, can become arrogant and impudent. Near the upper climax and with good aspects, Altair promises to take off, rise, honor. Having sincere convictions in his soul, such a person is very purposefully moving towards the implementation of his plan. To achieve his goal, he will not give up anything. Altair is good for a career as a lawyer, lawyer and military.


The man is a detective. The star gives secret knowledge. With Mercury - eternal suspicion, with the Moon - insecurity and wandering, on the border of the XII house - landing in prison. In other cases, especially in conjunction with the luminaries - the disclosure of secrets, success in the sciences, a secret life. On MC gives secret power and participation in secret occult organizations.

Sun: loss through friends, responsibility, timidity and suspicion. Moon: success in business and subsequent resignation from disgrace, problems with sex life, well-deserved criticism, condemnation.

Deneb Algedi

Tail of Capricorn. Heavy star. Gives a constant choice between good and evil, eternal seduction, hesitation. A man cuts the branch on which he sits. This is bad for the family, constant failures, discontent. Bad for children on the border of the 5th house - either childlessness or not their own children; dependence on children, social burden. On MS - good luck in science, that is, where a person must give up. On Asc - complete confusion in life, a person will get tired of himself. On the border of the VIII house - the danger of murder.

It has the qualities of Saturn, softened by the influence of Jupiter. Depending on the position in the cosmogram, it gives a person a life full of changes. According to Arabic tradition, Deneb Algedi is the star of advisors, people of special trust. It is believed that it gives a desire for honesty and justice, as well as a good knowledge of human nature. Thus, we see here the manifestation of more subtle, higher vibrations of Saturn, which is possible with a good position in the chart.


Vessel with dead water of Aquarius. A person with a dead soul, "stillborn". When Sadalsuud rises, at that moment many stillborn children come out of the wombs of mothers or there are birth injuries, and these injuries, as a rule, act for life. This star gives dishonor, gloom, loneliness, rejection, non-recognition, suicide. According to Mercury - this is a false path to life, according to the Moon - attachment to bad people, according to the Sun - lack of spirituality or physical ill health. In medicine, this is heart disease.

With this star, consciousness must be transferred to another level, since the spiritual path through real everyday life is impossible.


Vessel with living water of Aquarius. This is a good star associated with help, providence, religion, luck, leading a person in life, excellent authority, guidance. It is also associated with a good upbringing, indicates the mission of this person. On the border of the VIII house - a person pays for mistakes in this life.

The only trouble that this star brings when connected with the Cross of Fate is the death penalty.

Fomalhaut (Vanand, Srosha)

Guardian of the South, associated with the element of Air. The star is very good, lucky. Gives a great opportunity to rise. A person is "carried" to distant lands, or he starts a great deed. He has independence, activity, courage, royalty, brilliance, good luck. On MS - a person achieves everything. Fomalhaut is good for learning and getting information. A person achieves fame and honor with originality and skill. The one who lives under this star is always given extraordinary, super-original information.

Combines Mercurial-Venusian qualities mixed with Neptunian influence. According to tradition, the action of this star is changeable: it fluctuates from very favorable to very bad, depending on the general cosmic structure. However, it is believed that the favorable influence prevails if there is a conjunction with Mercury, as it stimulates the development of intellectual abilities and promises success in writing and scientific activities. On the Ascendant and in a good aspect, it contributes to the achievement of fame, a name that will "survive the ages." In conjunction with Venus gives advancement in the field of art. Conjunction with Jupiter or Meridian promotes patronage from the church hierarchy. Connecting with the Sun or the Moon, the star has a more pronounced influence.

Deneb Adige

Gives ease in achieving the goal, independence, moments of insight, transformation. The mind of such a person is mobile, the perception is fresh, the imagination is creative. He has a lot of friends, everyone is trying to do him a favor, help. On the border of the II house or in conjunction with the planets in this house, or with its ruler - happiness in flights, travels, long trips. It happens to pilots. With Mars - good luck in all new brilliant undertakings, with Venus - charm, charm, success with the opposite sex.

Corresponds to the combination of Mercury and Venus and is therefore good for artistic and scientific activities, moreover, profitable and profitable.

The hand of Aquarius holding the vessels. A very good star. A person achieves everything himself, builds his own well-being, has lasting happiness, good luck. This star is very good for work, a solid place of service, respect for superiors. Gives many children. On the MC - brilliant children, the glory of descendants, genetic glory.

Has the nature of Saturn and Jupiter. Sun: help for friends, unfavorable for physical labor. Moon: Benefit from friends or corporations.


Sword of the Archangel (Alpha Eridani - Heavenly River). This is one of the most sacred stars, a "fiery sword", a sword of protection, a star that at one time heralded the birth of Zoroaster and the battle with world evil. It is associated with the "burning out" of evil, wickedness. This star is also called "Angel". Promotes uncompromisingness, honesty and dedication. A very scary star cracks down on traitors, it does not allow a person to stumble. Highlighted in the horoscope, this star gives a person success in spiritual affairs, spiritual honors and always protection.

It has the character of Jupiter with an admixture of the energies of Mars and Uranus. With a good position in the map, it promises happiness and success, endows a person with good manners, integrity, adherence to a certain religious direction and a philosophical mindset. It is traditionally believed that Achernar patronizes church hierarchs, and receiving a high spiritual dignity can be associated with this star, especially if there is a conjunction with Jupiter.


Star of social hierarchy, exaltation, perseverance, onslaught. Gives the ability to achieve one's own, happiness in marriage, good luck through companions, patrons, the ability to pull. With Jupiter - a great social take-off, with Venus - exaltation through a woman (for a woman - through a man), with the Moon - prostitution for the sake of social position, weak moral attitudes.

It has a Mercurial-Martian character. By tradition, it is believed that in conjunction with Mars, Uranus or Saturn, this star brings danger from fire, weapons or explosions. Connecting with beneficent planets, Makrab has a greater influence on spiritual and intellectual people, gives a "bright head", mental alertness, intellectual energy in general, and finally, the ability to propagandize, if there are other relevant aspects.

Sheat (Andra)

Gives weak will, extreme unhappiness, danger of drowning, suicide (on the border of the VIII house or in conjunction with the Moon). On Asc - a victim of fate, with Mars - a prison, terrible opponents, with Mercury - a robbery, bad manias and obsessions.

A star with a pronounced Saturnian influence. Connecting with "evil" planets, it can portend for the native the danger of death as a result of catastrophes - for example, during floods, in a shipwreck, in a plane crash, in an incident in the mountains, or as a result of suicide. In a mundane chart, if in transit the MC or Asc joins a star, then a catastrophe can happen.

On the other hand, positive emanations also come from the star Sheat, but only a few people with high mental and creative potential can perceive these impulses.


Its influence can bring great success without complications. It is on the right hand, in the armpit or on the shoulder of the god, in this regard, representing that which is clear and strong. Betelgeuse and its companion stars from this constellation are one of the chart's pointers to fame or success locally or globally: the person affected by it will be productive, brilliant and lucky. Thus, this star is associated with the ability to succeed and for the work of a person to continue to live. In this sense, Betelgeuse gives a person a chance of immortality. Not every person whose card contains Betelgeuse will achieve great fame, but it is an essential ingredient for the possibility of such fame. The person it influences can experience success without having to "submit to the dark journey of the soul". A planet in contact with Betelgeuse will represent talents and abilities available that can be used for joy, success, or even glory.

Since Betelgeuse is a very powerful star, it is one of the few stars for which you can clearly see their expression change when they hit different corners of the map.

Any star in the nadir implies that its effect will not be obvious, as its influence will become apparent in old age or even after death.


According to the ancients, they are associated with rain, water, storms. Rising or culminating - give military honors (Lilly).

According to Brady, embody the concept of everything related to water.


Can bring dishonor or violent death.


Gives stamina, energy, strength and protection.


Encourages the search for the ideal. Gives mental strength, increases intellectual capabilities.

Brings fame and fortune.

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