How to distinguish antediluvian pyramids from post-Flood ones? What language did the pyramid builders speak and write? What building technologies did the civilization that built the ancient temple complexes possess? Are pyramids and dolmens the same thing? If so, why are they completely different? Candidate of Physical and Mathematical Sciences, researcher Sergei Sall presents his versions of the answers to these questions.

A very simple dating may be by the orientation of the pyramids. That is, if the pyramids are oriented towards Greenland with their face, then they are antediluvian. If to the modern North Pole, then post-Flood. This means that the Egyptian pyramids are post-Flood, that is, apparently, they were built somewhere 8-9 thousand years ago. That is, when the climate there was already more or less established after the flood. At one time I was surprised by Chudinov's research. He discovered giant inscriptions near three Egyptian pyramids. The inscriptions are: the Temple of Yara, the Temple of Mary and the Temple of Rod. The Temple of Childbirth is the largest pyramid of Cheops. At first I did not believe it, I got into the Google Earth program, and indeed, near the middle pyramid, I found the inscription Temple of Yara. Here are two other inscriptions that Chudinov found, I could not establish. But Chudinov, of course, is an expert in this matter. This increases the contrast of the image, specially examines it. I can confirm that such an inscription was 4 years ago when I watched it. Whether it is now, I, frankly, did not check. That is, yes, the pyramids were built by the ancient Russian civilization. These were temples. Temples. In this case, the temple of Yara, the temple of Mary and the temple of Rod.

As for the other pyramids, they were also temples, but they were scattered all over the earth. This means that they were built in places of power, that is, in special nodal points of the Earth. And imagine, if at that time they could create such gigantic structures, then the level of technology was completely different. This means that a person could also move with the help of now non-existent aircraft, yes. And, apparently, it was one civilization, so the same techniques in the construction of such gigantic structures are used on all continents. It was the Ancient Vedic civilization, which had gigantic technical capabilities. And unfortunately... You see, apart from granite and hard rocks, no others exist for a long time. If you make a building of reinforced concrete, then it will definitely collapse in 2-3 thousand years. Iron will rust, yes, concrete will turn into crumbs. That is, it is either special concrete, or granite, basalt and other hard rocks - such buildings will exist for tens of thousands of years. The Basnian pyramid is one such example. This is an antediluvian pyramid, because it was covered with a large layer of soil. This is truly a phenomenal recent find. This is another confirmation of the existence of the Ancient Vedic civilization. If the structures are not made of solid rock, they will quickly collapse. And in Russia, as you yourself understand, there was a lot of forest, so the main buildings were made of wood. Therefore, nothing was saved at all.

In my opinion, Dolmens are the same temple complexes. Like the pyramids, like Stonehenge for example, yes. Such structures are scattered throughout all regions of the Earth. So, they are not only in the Caucasus. So this is also a temple complex. Special temple complex. This is simple different representative of this civilization, the ideas about the structure of the world were a little different, this is natural. Therefore, various structures were built.

* Additional Information:
On the site "" you will find a detailed story about artifacts and evidence of the ancient history of mankind. -

, "shedding light" on the ancient history of Mesopotamia, provide extraordinarily interesting information about the life time of antediluvian people. So, in the passage "On the Chaldean kings and the Flood" in the presentation of Abiden it says:
"They say that the first king in this country was Alor, who said that God himself wished to make him a shepherd of the people; he ruled ten saros. The duration of a saros is 3600 years ...
After him, Alapar ruled for three saros; he was succeeded by Amillar from the city of Pantibiblona, ​​who ruled for 13 saros ...
There were later other kings, the last of them Sisistre, their total number is ten, and the reign time is 120 saros.

Thus, Beroz describes the antediluvian history of "modern" (living in cities and ruling states) mankind, in Mesopotamia alone lasting 432,000 years. This fact itself is quite remarkable, if we take into account that traditional science reduces the time of existence of such communities of people by at least 100 times. But this is not the main thing.
The most important information contained in the quoted passage is the lifetime of antediluvian people, it was at least 10 thousand years and could reach 65 thousand(Megallar ruled 18 Saros) and more years.
Although these figures exceed the age of Adam and other biblical forefathers by 10 or even 100 times, they coincide with the lifetime of the Adityas, Daityas, Danavas and other antediluvian inhabitants of the Earth in Indian traditions. So, despite all the seeming improbability, such a long life expectancy of ancient people, apparently, has a rather serious argument.
Why did the antediluvian inhabitants of the Earth live so long and what happened to our planet during the Great Flood, after which the life expectancy of people was reduced by more than 100 times? I will answer this question in my other articles.

Chapter " Longevity and immortality" / Lifetime of people and gods in ancient Egypt (according to Herodotus)

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© A.V. Koltypin, 2009

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Read my works " Where did the material remains of the ancients disappear? They number in the thousands!", " Traces of humans and other intelligent beings in Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Cenozoic deposits", " Oil and gas - products of processing of plants, animals and people who died during disasters"
Read also my work ", "5,184,000 - 12,500 years ago - the time of the life of modern mankind from the Creation of the world to the Flood. Once again on the comparison of mythological history with the geochronological scale", " Once again about the time of the Creation of the world and the biblical (Noah's) flood. Adjustments made by geology and folklore"

About why “the Lord repented that he created man on earth” (Gen. 6: 6), what the ark built by Noah represents, how the holy fathers interpret its structure, what is the first act of Noah after salvation and what it teaches us, in another conversation on the book of Genesis Andrei Ivanovich Solodkov.

For an Orthodox Christian, the theme of the death of an antediluvian civilization sounds like a warning about the cause of death and the apostasy of the modern world. The Savior in the Gospel of Matthew warned about the end of this world and instructed the disciples: “Truly I say to you: this generation will not pass away until all these things take place; heaven and earth will pass away, but my words will not pass away. No one knows about that day and hour, not even the angels in heaven, but only My Father alone; but as it was in the days, so it will be at the coming of the Son of Man: for, as in the days before the flood they were eating, drinking, marrying, and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered into the ark, and did not think until the flood came, and did not destroy them all, so will the coming of the Son of Man; then there will be two on the field: one is taken and the other is left; two grinders in millstones: one is taken and the other is left. Watch therefore, for you do not know at what hour your Lord will come. But you know that if the owner of the house had known what watch the thief would come in, he would have been awake and would not have allowed his house to be broken into. Therefore, be ready also, for at an hour you do not think the Son of Man will come” (Matt. 24:34-44).

Giants who neglected God

Let's turn to the Book of Genesis. In chapter 6 we read:

“When people began to multiply on the earth and daughters were born to them, then the sons of God saw the daughters of men, that they were beautiful, and took them as their wife, which one they chose. And the Lord [God] said: It is not forever for My Spirit to be despised by men [these], because they are flesh; let their days be a hundred and twenty years" (Gen. 6:1-3)

Who are the sons of God and the daughters of men, and why were these marriages not pleasing to God, moreover, such unions are called "neglect of the Spirit of God"?

So, we see what these people were like - “strong and glorious of old”: they were famous and boasted precisely of their flesh, their outward beauty and strength, and at the same time they neglected the Spirit of God.

“And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth is great (This is also confirmed by the words of the Holy Scriptures, because corruption really increased on earth. - A.S.) and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times…” (Genesis 6:5).

Can you imagine what state mankind reached in the antediluvian world, if all their thoughts were evil, and there was almost no good left?

“...and the Lord repented that he had made man on earth, and he was grieved in his heart” (Genesis 6:6).

The word "repented" is used in relation to God as an anthropomorphism. There are many such anthropomorphisms applied to God in the Bible, for example, it is said that God has hands, feet, mouth ... In Holy Scripture it is attributed to God for our human understanding.

“And the Lord said: I will destroy from the face of the earth the men whom I created, from man to beasts, and creeping things and birds of the air, for I repented that I created them” (Gen. 6: 7).

Why before cattle and reptiles and birds? For the reason that man is the crown of creation. Man was placed by God to be responsible for the world that God created for him. But in connection with the fall, the departure of man from God, a predatory, consumerist attitude to nature has developed and is developing in man according to the principle “after us, even a flood.” No wonder this expression has been preserved, it reflects the whole character and the whole degradation of the antediluvian world. That is why God says, "I will destroy them."

Opposition to God is not only an open fight against God, but also when a lie is presented as the truth of the gospel Gospel

Because of the neglect of the Spirit of God, degeneration began, as they say today: “the degeneration of the nation,” “the degeneration of the people.” What do these words mean? Neglect of the Spirit of God is blasphemy against the Holy Spirit, that is, conscious opposition to God's will, God's Law, neglect of grace and all the means that God has given us to accomplish the work of our own salvation from the death of sin. But this opposition is not necessarily open rebellion. The opposition to God is also expressed in the spirit of Antichrist, when a lie is presented as the truth of the gospel message, when the Truth is refracted to the standards of this age to please human desires and ideas. The words come to mind: "Divine Revelation is not a hanger to hang human ideas on it."

The people have perverted. So it is said: “And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth was great, and that all thoughts and thoughts were evil at all times.”

“But Noah found grace in the sight of the Lord. Here is the life of Noah: Noah was a righteous man and blameless in his generations” (Genesis 6:8-9).

Righteous does not mean "holy, sinless." Only God is sinless. Here it is said of Noah that he was righteous, but not sinless; that he was righteous "in his generation" - that is, Noah was a righteous man in an antediluvian corrupt society, at that historical moment.

"Noah walked with God" (Gen. 6:9).

“Noah begat three sons: Shem, Ham and Japheth. But the earth was corrupt before the face of God, and the earth was filled with evil deeds. And God looked upon the earth, and behold, it was corrupted, for all flesh had perverted its way upon the earth” (Genesis 6:11-12).

People began to live, neglecting the Spirit of God, to live according to their own will. They began to perceive freedom as permissiveness. As the Russian philosopher N. Berdyaev wrote: “People began to perceive freedom not “for”, but “from”. Not to serve God and people, but from serving God and people. When today's youth says: “Oh, tired in a week! Let's go party on the weekend”, I always ask: “Who will we break away from? From God Who is Love and Life? And indeed, in those places where people go to “break away”, it is possible to break away from God and from life in full - so that after such a separation you won’t come to your senses at all and not return to life.

The ark

“And God said to Noah, The end of all flesh is come before me, for the earth is filled with violence because of them; and behold, I will destroy them from the earth. Make yourself an ark out of gopher wood; you shall make compartments in the ark, and cover it with pitch inside and outside. And make it thus: the length of the ark is three hundred cubits; its width is fifty cubits, and its height is thirty cubits. And thou shalt make a hole in the ark, and bring it down to a cubit at the top, and make a door into the ark at its side; build in it a lower, second, and third dwelling” (Gen. 6:13-16).

As you can see, there were three compartments in the ark, it was pitched both outside and inside and had two holes: one was up and the other was on the side.

The ark is a type of the Church. The fathers of the Alexandrian school saw meaning and prototypes in the most small details arrangement of the ark. For example, from within, resin is resin that is preserved for the Judgment of God on those who go to the Church but do not seek God. He just walks, but without repentance, looking for something of his own, at his own discretion. Because it is said in that the judgment of God begins from the house of the Lord. And the outer pitch is for the outer ones, those who heard the call, but never came to the Church. That is, this is an indication to us that not everyone who goes to the temple and even resorts to the Sacraments will be saved. What is necessary for salvation? How to approach the Sacraments? Having a "contrite and humble heart" (Ps. 50:19). Going to church in and of itself does not guarantee salvation for a person. But we must not forget that there is no salvation without the Church.

The hole in the top of the ark is the prayer of the Church to God, and the hole on the side is the prayer of the Church for the people

About the holes that were made in the top and side of the ark, Blessed Augustine writes as follows: the hole on top is the prayer of the Church to God, and the hole on the side is the prayer of the Church for the people. This is the commandment of love - to God and to your neighbor.

God tells Noah:

“But I will establish my covenant with you, and you will enter the ark, you, and your sons, and your wife, and your sons’ wives with you. And bring into the ark two of every animal and of every kind of flesh” (Genesis 6:18-19).

Both clean and unclean animals were collected into the ark to preserve the animal world. Unclean animals were considered those that were not suitable for food. Although the command to eat meat will be given only after the flood, the giants and antediluvian people who apostatized from God arbitrarily violated the commandment, killed animals and ate meat food.

But the question is: if the ark is a type of the Church, then why were there both clean and unclean animals in it? Because in the Church different people. Let me remind you: a sin in the Church is not a sin of the Church, but a sin against the Church.

“And Noah did everything: as God commanded him, so he did” (Genesis 6:22).

This is a very important note! Noah, as righteous in his generation, does everything that the Lord instructed him to do.

Chapter 7 begins with the words:

“And the Lord said to Noah: Enter you and all your family into the ark, for I saw you righteous before Me in this generation…” (Genesis 7:1).

Let us pay attention: the words “in this generation” are repeated again - this is always emphasized.

“... and take seven of every clean livestock, male and female, and of unclean livestock, two each, male and female; also from the birds of the air, seven each, male and female, to keep a seed for the whole earth, for in seven days I will rain on the earth for forty days and forty nights; and I will destroy everything that I have created from the face of the earth. Noah did all that the Lord commanded him” (Gen. 7:2-5).

And the words that we have already read are repeated again: "Noah did everything that the Lord commanded him." See why Noah was saved? And who will be saved in the Church? - The one who does as the Lord commands him.

For 120 years Noah built this ark, for 120 years a sermon about salvation and a warning against death sounded. But people said, “Noah, are you crazy? Where are you going to swim? There is no rain! (At that time, the land was irrigated with abundant dew.) It is far from the sea, and you are building such a huge ship ... How are you going to get to the sea on it? And Noah answered: "It will rain - and not just rain, but a flood!" And I heard: “What flood?! What are you saying? Water from the sky is incredible. Everything is in order, there will be no flood, everything is fine! You, Noah, are just a fanatic."

Today, Christians are also made fun of. The Orthodox say: "The Lord will come for us and take us to Heaven." Unbelievers object: “Will your wings grow? How are you going to get up? What about the law of gravity? And if you rise, then burn in the atmospheric layers ... "The world has its own idea, the world measures by its own standards. But for God, who created all the physical, chemical laws, laws of biology and thermodynamics, there are no obstacles to eliminate them at His discretion. He is the Almighty, that is, he can do anything. That is why Christ says, "You are not of this world." I repeat: the world measures by its own standards, it has its own idea of ​​God and man. We talked about these ideas in our previous conversations when we analyzed the first chapters of the Book of Genesis. God is not an old man sitting on a cloud. Such an idea of ​​God is primitive, and, of course, such a God cannot do anything, and it is hardly worth believing in such a thing.

So, the ark, according to the interpretation of the holy fathers, is a prototype of the Church. Note that God does not offer, in case someone disagrees with Noah, to build an alternative ark. In the conversation, we talked about the fact that only that service is pleasing to God and useful, which is consistent with His will. So here. God's will is that everyone who wants to be saved must enter the ark. So it is today: all who wish to gain salvation, the first thing they must do is enter the Church through the Sacrament of Baptism and begin the work of their salvation. Just as there was no alternative to salvation outside the ark, so today there is no salvation outside the Church - outside of Christ, because the Church is the Body of Christ, and we are the living cells of this Living Organism, and Christ Himself is its Head. And when the Orthodox Church addresses people of other religions with the words of the uncorrupted Gospel, we do this not because we are fighting against them, we are fighting precisely for them, for their immortal souls, whose salvation is possible only in Jesus Christ. St. Theophan the Recluse writes about this in the book “The Way to Salvation”: “The Protestants wanted to improve Catholicism, but they did it even worse. They want to be saved outside the ark of the Church on their boots…” And he reminds that all those who did not enter the ark perished. It is not enough to call yourself a Christian, you also need to become one, and you can become one in the full sense of the word, only in the Church, where through the Sacraments there is a union with the Lord through His goodness to man.

“After seven days the waters of the flood came to the earth. In the six hundredth year of Noah's life, in the second month, on the seventeenth day of the month, on that day all the fountains of the great deep broke open, and the windows of heaven were opened; and it rained on the earth for forty days and forty nights. On this very day Noah entered the ark, and Shem, Ham, and Japheth, the sons of Noah, and Noah's wife, and the three wives of his sons with them” (Genesis 7:10-13).

The Lord said, “And behold, I will bring a flood of water on the earth to destroy all flesh that has the breath of life under the heavens; everything that is on earth will lose its life” (Gen. 6:17). Some say today that only a certain part of the Earth was flooded with waters - only Palestine. Strange judgment. Repeats three times that died all living things on earth. Reading:

“And all flesh that moved on the earth, and birds, and cattle, and beasts, and all creeping things that crawled on the earth, and all people, lost their lives; everything that had the breath of the spirit of life in its nostrils on dry land died. Every creature that was on the face of the earth was destroyed” (Genesis 7:21-23).

What else needs to be proved to people who believe that only some part of the earth was flooded?! It is said that the concept of geography at the time Genesis was written was limited. But Moses, its author, wrote while moved by the Holy Spirit! He was not an eyewitness to all these events, but the Holy Spirit revealed to him how it all happened. By the way, scientists who believe that the world and all the laws in the world and in the Universe were created by God, speak about this in the following way: after the Flood, the climate on earth changed, before the Flood, the Earth's axis was not tilted by 12 degrees, during the Flood, God shifted the Earth's axis by 12 degrees, so the poles were formed - North and South, the climate changed, the greenhouse period ended, when the earth was irrigated with abundant dews, atmospheric precipitation began to fall on the earth after the flood. Today, the remains of mammoths are found at the North Pole. A baby mammoth was found even with a flower in its mouth, which he chewed: so with this flower he died. There was an instant catastrophe on the earth - and the whole earth lost its life!

“And God remembered Noah, and all the beasts, and all the cattle that were with him in the ark” (Genesis 8:1).

Events then unfold like this:

“After forty days, Noah opened the window of the ark that he had made and sent out a raven, which flew out, flew off and flew in until the earth was dry from water” (Gen. 8: 6-7).

“It is not known when the very last hour will come, and you say: I am correcting myself. When will you improve, when will you change?

Very interesting verse! Blessed Augustine, giving an interpretation on it, turns to a Christian who is in the Church, but is fickle in his ministry and puts off the work of his salvation: “It is not known when the very last hour will come, but you say: I am correcting myself. When will you change, when will you change? Tomorrow, you answer. And every time you say: tomorrow, tomorrow. You have turned into a crow. And I tell you: when you croak like a crow, death awaits you. After all, the raven whose voice you imitate flew out of the ark - and did not return. But you, brother, return to the Church, which that ark signified.”

“Then he sent out a dove from himself to see if the water had gone off the face of the earth, but the dove did not find a resting place for its feet and returned to him in the ark, for the water was still on the surface of the whole earth; and he stretched out his hand, and took him, and received him into the ark. And he tarried another seven days, and again sent out the dove from the ark. The dove returned to him in the evening, and behold, a fresh olive leaf was in his mouth, and Noah knew that the water had gone down from the earth” (Genesis 8:8-11).

In many schools of the Soviet period, in the corridors and assembly halls, a poster hung all over the wall, on which the globe was drawn, and against its background - a dove of peace with an olive branch in its beak. This image is taken just from the Old Testament. A dove with an olive branch is a type of the Spirit that descended on the apostles in. We are anointed at Baptism with holy chrism, the type of which was the olive branch.

“He delayed another seven days of others and released a dove; and he returned no more to him” (Gen. 8:12).

The following verses of chapter 8 of Genesis are the command of the Lord:

“And God said to Noah, Get out of the ark, you and your wife and your sons and your sons' wives with you; bring with you all the animals that are with you, from all flesh, from birds, and cattle, and all creeping things that creep on the earth: let them disperse on the earth, and let them be fruitful and multiply on the earth. And Noah went out, and his sons, and his wife, and his sons' wives with him; all beasts, and all creeping things, and all birds” (Gen. 8:15-19).


What is the first thing Noah does when he leaves the ark?

“And Noah built an altar unto the Lord” (Genesis 8:20).

He thanks God! For what? For the work of salvation done for him and his family. Because building an altar is always prayer. I repeat again: “A sacrifice to God is a broken spirit, a contrite and humble heart God will not despise” (Ps. 50:19). Noah arranges an altar: the first thing he does is serve God a thanksgiving service.

With us, unfortunately, it is different. When we have difficulties, we: “Lord, Lord, help me!” And how relieved - we forgot God. How often do we forget to thank God! Even at the meal, before we start eating, we will read “Our Father”, but after “We thank Thee, Christ our God,” we forget. So in the morning we will read the morning rule so that nothing bad happens during the day, and in the evening - rather sleep. Noah doesn't do that. He thanks God:

How often do we forget to thank God!

“I took from every clean livestock and from every clean bird, and offered it as a burnt offering on the altar” (Genesis 8:20).

Noah brings clean animals to God. Clean and undefiled animals for the Old Testament sacrifice - this was the best and most effective sermon for the people who lived in those days. This announced that the Son of God would come without spot or wrinkle, like us in everything except sin, and would save the human race. We live in a different time, and we need different sermons.

God accepts this sacrifice because it was clean, organized, grateful.

The closing verse of chapter 8 of Genesis is a very important one. This is the promise of God who says:

“And henceforth all the days of the earth sowing and reaping, cold and heat, summer and winter, day and night shall not cease” (Genesis 8:22).

We see how the climate changes: for the first time in the Holy Scriptures, winter and summer are spoken of.

So the waters of the flood cleansed the whole earth from sin and sinners. This is the answer to the question for those who ask: if there is a God, why doesn't He clean up the mess? God put things in order from a position of strength, but people didn’t get any better because of this. Why? I will answer. The cause of sin is rooted in the human soul, and therefore it is in the soul that order must be put in place. According to the Fathers, the soul is made up of three components - mind, feelings and will. Order begins with a repentant attitude of mind. A person needs to understand what state he is in, what is happening to him, what is the meaning of his life. If a person does not want to think about these issues, then his life becomes insane and no external changes (reformist, social) are able to change life for the better, both for the person himself and for society as a whole.

We will talk about this in more detail in our next conversation.

Deprived of their blessed home, the first people settled east of Eden. This eastern out-of-paradise country has become the cradle of humanity. Here began the first labors of everyday harsh life, and here the first generation of "born" people appeared. “Adam knew Eve his wife; and she conceived and gave birth" son, whom she gave the name Cain, which means: “I got a man from the Lord” (). Adam and Eve probably hoped that in the person of Cain they saw the fulfillment of the promise of a Redeemer, but their hope was not justified. In their first son, for the forefathers, only the beginning of new suffering and grief, still unknown to them, appeared; however, Eve soon realized herself that she too soon began to cherish herself with the hope of the fulfillment of the promise, and therefore, when her second son was born, she named him Abel, which means a ghost, par. The increase in the family required more and more strength to get food. Soon his sons began to help him in this matter. Cain began to work the land, and Abel was engaged in cattle breeding. But original sin was not slow to manifest itself with cruel force already in the first family.

One day Cain and Abel offered a sacrifice to God. Cain sacrificed the fruits of the earth, and Abel the firstborn ram from his flock. But Abel offered a sacrifice with faith in the promised Savior and with a prayer for mercy, and Cain offered it without faith and looked at her as his merit before God (). Therefore, Abel's sacrifice was accepted by God, while Cain's was rejected. Seeing the preference shown to his brother, and seeing in him a clear denunciation of his "evil deeds" (), Cain was greatly upset, and his darkened face drooped. It has sinister features. But the merciful God, wanting Cain to improve, warned him against an evil deed. He said to Cain: "Why are you sad? why did your face droop? ... ... it draws you to itself, but you rule over it ”(). Cain disobeyed God's call and opened the door of his heart to sin. Calling his gullible brother into the field, he killed him, having committed a crime never seen before by the earth. The terrible crime, which for the first time introduced destruction into the order of nature, could not go unpunished.

"Where is Abel, your brother? the Lord asked Cain. “I don’t know if I am my brother’s keeper? - the killer answered with impudence. (). In this answer one can see what a terrible step forward evil has taken since the fall of the first parents. This audacity, this shameless denial did not allow the possibility of further testing of Cain, and the Lord pronounces his sentence: “... The voice of your brother's blood cries out to Me from the ground; and now you are cursed from the earth, which has opened its mouth to receive the blood of your brother from your hand; you will be an exile and a wanderer on the earth". Cain trembled, but not from repentance, but from fear that he would be avenged for his brother.

“My punishment is greater than you can bear he said to the Lord, anyone who meets me will kill me". In response, the Lord said: “For that, whoever kills Cain will be avenged sevenfold”. And the Lord spoke a sign to Cain, so that no one who met him would kill him. ().

The fratricide could no longer stay with his parents. He left them and settled in the land of Nod, further east of Eden. But Cain did not move here alone. No matter how great the atrocity and insult he inflicted on the purity and holiness of brotherly love, from among the brothers, sisters and subsequent generations that multiplied during this time, there were people who decided to follow Cain to the country of exile. Cain settled in a new place with his wife. Soon a son was born to him, whom he named Enoch.

Removed from the rest of human society, left to his own fate, Cain, by nature stern and stubborn, had to fight with nature and external conditions life. And he really gave himself up to hard work to ensure his existence and was the first person who built the city as the beginning of a settled life. The city was named after his son Enoch.

Descendants of Cain and Seth

The generation of Cain began to increase rapidly, and at the same time, the struggle against nature, begun by his ancestor, continued. In the struggle with nature, the descendants of Cain learned to extract copper and iron and make tools from them. Carried away by material well-being and purely worldly concerns, the Cainites cared least of all about the spiritual life. Such neglect of the spiritual life developed countless vices among them. With such a direction of life, Cainites could not become true representatives of the human race and, moreover, keepers of great spiritual treasures - the first promise of the Savior and the primitive religious and moral institutions associated with it. The generation of Cain, with its crude worldly materialism and atheism, was only capable of perverting the historical course of development destined for humanity. This one-sided direction needed a counterbalance. And he really appeared in the generation of the new son of Adam - Seth, who was born after the murder of Abel.

From the birth of Seth in antediluvian mankind begins a generation of people who, in their spiritual mood, represented the complete opposite of Cain. In the generation of Cain, people worshiped the only material force and turned all their abilities (until they completely forgot God) to acquire material goods. In the generation of Seth, on the contrary, a completely different, more exalted direction of life was developed and developed, which, awakening in people a humble awareness of human helplessness and sinfulness, it directed their thoughts to God, who gave fallen people hope for deliverance from sin, damnation and death. Such a spiritual direction of life among the Sethites manifested itself noticeably already under the son of Seth, Enos: "Then, says the Writer, started calling on the name of the Lord[God]" (). This, of course, does not mean that until that time there were absolutely no prayers in use in which it is called. Religion began to be expressed in external forms, and consequently in prayer, even under Adam. This expression only means that now in the generation of Seth, the calling of the name of the Lord God became an open confession of their faith in God, in contrast to the generation of Cainites, who, for their godlessness, began to be called the sons of men. The highest spokesman and representative of the spiritual life of the Sethites was Enoch, who "Walked Before God"(), i.e. always in his life embodied the height of the original human purity and holiness. At the same time, he was the first to realize to what abyss of depravity and sinfulness the godlessness of the Cainites could lead, and he acted as the first preacher and prophet who announced the terrible coming judgment of God over the "wicked" (). As a reward for this high piety and fiery faith, the Lord took him alive from the sinful earth ().

The generation of Seth, being the bearer of the true and related promise, naturally had to become the root from which the whole “tree of mankind” was to develop. In this generation, patriarchs appear one after another - the great representatives of antediluvian mankind, who, being strong in spirit and body, were called upon to develop and preserve spiritual principles through many years of work, which were to form the basis of the moral life of all future generations. For the successful fulfillment of their purpose, they, by a special providence of God, were endowed with extraordinary longevity, so that each of them could be a living guardian and interpreter of the promise entrusted to them for almost a whole millennium. The first man Adam lived 930 years; his son Seth - 912 years; Seth's son Enos - 905 years; representatives of subsequent generations: Cainan - 910 years, Maleleel - 895, Jared - 962, Enoch - 365, Methuselah - 969, Lemech - 777 and Noah - 950 years.

global flood

The unusual longevity of the patriarchs was necessary in the primitive history of mankind and for the speedy settlement of the earth and the dissemination of useful knowledge, and, especially, for preserving the purity of the original worship of God and faith in the promise of the Redeemer given to the first people. The patriarch of each generation could pass on his knowledge for centuries to the ancestors of other generations. So, Adam was a living witness of primitive traditions until the very birth of Lemech, and Lemech's father, Methuselah, lived almost until the flood.

But, on the other hand, the longevity of wicked people could serve as a means of multiplying and spreading evil in humanity. And now, indeed, evil began to spread rapidly in the world. His higher development it reached as a result of mixing among themselves the descendants of Cain and Seth. At this time, the earth was already significantly populated, and along with its settlement, a terrible evil of depravity and corruption spread. “And the Lord [God] saw that the corruption of men on earth was great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts were evil at all times”. (). This, obviously, was not a simple natural depravity of a corrupted nature, but a general domination of open and daring sin and rebellion against God. From the criminally voluptuous communication of the Sethites with the Cainites, giants began to be born. Relying on their strength, they contributed to human society the horrors of violence, lack of rights, predation, voluptuousness and general disbelief in the promise of a future deliverance. And now, at the sight of such a state of people "... The Lord repented that He had created man on earth, and grieved in His heart. And the Lord said: I will destroy from the face of the earth the people whom I created, from men to cattle and creeping things and the birds of the air, for I repented that I created them.(). As created together with man and for man, animals must also share the fate of man. But the waves of vice have not yet flooded the whole of humanity. Among him was a man who "found grace in the eyes of the Lord." It was Noah, the son of Lemech, "a righteous man and blameless in his generations." He "walked with God" like his ancestor Enoch.

And so, when the earth “corrupted before the face of God and was filled with ... evil deeds,” when “all flesh perverted its way on the earth,” the Lord said to Noah: “The end of all flesh has come before me, ... I will destroy them from the earth. Make yourself an ark ... I will bring a flood of water on the earth to destroy all flesh in which there is the spirit of life under heaven ... But I will establish My covenant with you, and you will enter the ark, and your sons, and your wife and your sons' wives are with you" (). God appointed one hundred and twenty years for the repentance of the human race, and during this time Noah had to carry out his extraordinary construction, which could only cause ridicule and threats from those around him. But Noah's faith was unwavering.

Having received a revelation from God, he set about building the ark. The ark was built according to the exact instructions of God - from gopher wood and was pitched inside and out. The length of the ark is 300 cubits, the width is 50 cubits, and the height is 30 cubits. At the top, a long hole was made all over the ark, a cubit wide, for light and air, and on the side, a door. It was supposed to consist of three tiers with many compartments intended for livestock and feed. And Noah did everything: as he commanded him[Lord] God…» ().

Of course, during the entire construction Noah did not stop preaching, calling people to repentance. But his most eloquent sermon was, of course, his construction of a huge ship on land, far from water. The longsuffering of God was still waiting for the awakening of a sense of repentance in the wicked people during this building, but it was all in vain. By mocking and blaspheming Noah's preaching, people became even more carefree and lawless. They are "they ate, they drank, they married, they were given in marriage, until the day Noah entered the ark, and the flood came and destroyed them all" ().

By the time Noah finished the ark, he was 600 years old, and then, seeing no more hope for the repentance of sinful mankind, the Lord ordered Noah to enter the ark with all his family and a certain number of animals, both clean and unclean. Noah obeyed God and entered the ark. And so "... all the fountains of the great deep were broken up, and the windows of heaven were opened; and it rained on the earth for forty days and forty nights(). After the end, the water kept coming and coming to the ground. For one hundred and fifty days its level rose, so that even the high mountains were covered with water. “And every flesh that moved on the earth lost its life” ().

Thus, the great punishment of God was accomplished to mankind, corrupted and drowning in evil. All people perished, and only one Noah's Ark, containing the chosen seed for the development of a new life, rushed across the boundless sea, foreshadowing the coming Christ.

“And God remembered Noah, and all ... who were with him in the ark; and God sent a wind upon the earth, and the waters stopped.”(). Gradually, the water began to subside, so that on the seventh month the ark stopped on one of the peaks of the Ararat mountains. In the twelfth month, when the water had subsided significantly, Noah let out a raven through the window to see if he would find a dry place, but the raven either flew away or returned to the ark again. Then, after seven days, Noah released the dove, but he returned, not finding a place where he could rest. Seven days later, Noah released him again, and then in the evening the dove returned, holding a fresh olive leaf in its beak. Noah waited another seven days and released the dove a third time. This time he did not return, for the ground had already dried up. Then the Lord commanded Noah to get out of the ark and release the animals to breed on the earth. Coming out of the ark, Noah first of all gave thanks to the Lord for the miraculous deliverance. He built an altar to the Lord, took clean animals and offered them as burnt offerings. Such piety of Noah was pleasing to the Lord, and He "said in my heart, I will no longer curse the earth for man's sake" ().

Since Noah and his family were the new ancestor of mankind on earth, God repeated to him the blessing given to the forefathers: And God blessed Noah and his sons, and said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth[and possess it]." ().

After the Flood, along with vegetable food, the Lord allows a person to eat animal meat, but forbids eating blood along with meat, for "their soul is in the blood of animals." At the same time, a law was given against homicide - on the basis that all people are brothers, and each of them bears in himself the image and likeness of God. “Whoever sheds human blood,” says the Lord, “his blood will be shed by the hand of man” ().

After the flood, religion was renewed by the new alliance that God made with Noah. By virtue of this union, the Lord promised Noah that "all flesh will no longer be destroyed by the waters of the flood, and there will be no more flood to destroy the earth." The rainbow was chosen by God as the banner of this eternal covenant. Of course, the rainbow physical phenomenon, was before the flood, but now it has become a symbol of the covenant.

Descendants of Noah

After the flood, everyday life began again with its usual cares and labors. Noah was an example of piety, diligence and other virtues for his sons. But man is weak in the fight against sin. Soon righteous Noah himself showed his sons an example of vicious weakness. Once Noah drank grape wine, intoxicated he threw off his clothes and naked fell asleep in his tent. Ham, who did not have respect and love for his father, rejoiced when he saw that the one who served as a model of a strict life and curbed his malevolence, is now himself in an indecent position. He hurried to his brothers and with a feeling of gloating began to tell them about his father. But Shem and Japheth showed filial love for their father: averting their eyes so as not to see his nakedness, they covered him with clothes. When Noah woke up and found out how Ham behaved, he cursed his descendants and predicted that they would be slaves of Shem and Japheth. Addressing Shem and Japheth, he said: “Blessed be the Lord, the God of Shem; may God spread Japheth, and may he dwell in the tents of Shem" ().

Primitive society was patriarchal, Patriarch, i.e. the head of the family, had unlimited power over his children and their descendants. At the same time, he performed the role of a priest, making sacrifices, was the guardian of the true and the herald of future destinies. Therefore, what Noah said to his sons was indeed decisive for their future destiny. The meaning of this prophecy is this: the earth will be divided among people, and the descendants of Japheth will occupy the largest space ( Indo-European peoples), the true religion will be preserved among the descendants of Shem - the Semites, or Semites (Jews), in their tribe the Redeemer of the world will appear. The descendants of Japheth will move into the tents of Shem, i.e. they will believe in Christ, while the Semites (Jews) will reject Him.

Noah lived another 350 years after the flood and died 950 years after birth. Nothing more is said about him in the biblical record, which proceeds to a description further fate his descendants. From the sons of Noah came offspring that populated the earth. The descendants of Shem, the Semites, settled in Asia, mainly on the Arabian Peninsula with the countries adjacent to it; the descendants of Ham - the Hamites settled almost exclusively in Africa, and the descendants of Japheth - the Japhetites settled the entire southern part of Europe and Central Asia, where they formed the Aryan kingdom.

Babylonian pandemonium and dispersion of peoples

But people settled on the earth not immediately. At first they lived in the Ararat valley as one big family and spoke the same language. Wanting to return to the homeland of their fathers, people began to move to the Senaar valley, which was located between the Tigris and Euphrates rivers. The fertile soil and other favorable conditions of Mesopotamia attracted post-Flood mankind, and civilization soon began to develop here. The first post-Flood states arose, such as Sumerian, Akkadian and Babylonian. The Bible tells that the founder of the first Babylonian kingdom and the conqueror of Assyria was Nimrod from the offspring of Ham ... He was a "strong hunter" and in his character resembled the first builder of the cities of Cain. Nimrod founded a city (Babylon), which quickly grew into a large proud capital, which became the head of a large population with a number of other cities. No wonder such success filled Nimrod and his descendants with extraordinary pride. They began to dream of founding a world monarchy in which the descendants of Ham would occupy a dominant position. Their pride reached the point that, having formed a council, they decided, as a sign of their political power and obvious rebellion, to build a "tower as high as heaven." The undertaking was undoubtedly insane and impossible, but at the same time it was criminal and dangerous. Criminal because it stemmed from pride, turning into apostasy and theomachism, and dangerous because it came out of the environment of the Hamites, who had already managed to distinguish themselves by their wickedness.

And so the work began to boil. People began to burn bricks and prepare earthen tar. Having prepared the building material, people began to build the tower. “And the Lord said, Behold, there is one people, and all have one language; and this is what they began to do, and they will not lag behind what they have planned to do; let us go down and confuse their language there, so that one does not understand the speech of the other. And the Lord scattered them from there over all the earth.” (). People, not understanding each other's language, stopped building the city and the tower and dispersed in different directions, settling on free lands and creating their own culture there. The city that they built along with the tower they called Babylon, which means mixing.

The event "mixing of languages" cannot be identified with the emergence of new languages. Languages ​​appeared gradually, at the same time, during the construction of the tower. The Lord confused their concepts so that people did not understand each other. The event - the mixing of languages ​​​​and the scattering of peoples over the earth - had a positive meaning.

First, the people escaped oppression and political despotism, which would have inevitably happened if they had fallen under the rule of such despots as Nimrod. Secondly, by scattering mankind, the Lord prevented the possibility of extreme religious and moral corruption; and thirdly, humanity, settled throughout the earth in the form of separate tribes and peoples, was given complete freedom to develop its national abilities, as well as arrange its life in accordance with the conditions of residence and historical features.

Beginning of idolatry

But, going farther and farther into the lands unknown to them, people gradually began to forget the traditions about the true God. Under the influence of formidable phenomena of the surrounding nature, people first began to distort the true concept of God, and then completely forgot Him. Forgetting the true God, people, of course, did not become absolute atheists, a religious feeling lived in the depths of their spiritual nature, they still had a need for spiritual life, their souls gravitated towards God.

But, having lost the concept of the invisible God, they began to deify objects and phenomena of visible nature. This is how idolatry was born.

Idolatry was expressed in three main forms: Sabeism - the deification of the stars, the sun and the moon; zootheism - deification of animals; and anthropotheism - the deification of man. These three kinds of idolatry subsequently found their strongest expression in Mesopotamia, Egypt, and Greece.

Waves of sin and superstition, flooding the earth, again threatened to uproot the true religion in the hearts of people, and with it the hope of the coming Messiah, who should free people from slavery to sin and moral death. True, on earth, among the general idolatry and wickedness, there were still individuals who retained the true faith. But environment could quickly carry them away with the general stream of unbelief. Therefore, in order to preserve the seeds of the true faith and prepare the way for the coming Savior of the world, the Lord among the pagan world chooses Patriarch Abraham, strong in spirit and faith, and in his person the entire Jewish people who were to descend from him.

"Some Preliminaries"

In Russia, history begins to be studied in the fourth grade. high school. Children trustingly absorb historical material, fully believing that this is the truth. Children do not yet know how to critically consider what they are studying, historians, who are few, are engaged in this. The study humanitarian disciplines influences the formation of a person's social outlook, and the study of history, I think, is especially strong. Therefore, it is important for history lovers to decide: where is the truth? Or “What is good and what is bad!?”
Any way of displaying the surrounding world and the events taking place in it selects only a part of the subject and cannot claim to be comprehensive. Always a significant part of the world will remain outside the camera lens, i.e. the subject or event will be recorded in the perspective chosen by the author. And if so, then the personal properties of the author and his worldview strongly influence the documents left to his descendants.
It is clear that written sources are of paramount importance, but what does science have at its disposal?
Type in the search engine "List of ancient Egyptian papyri". Look in the table for the content of the texts. Is it possible to compile a history textbook based on them? Of course not! Some fragments, most often, unimportant. Parchment began to be widely used from the 2nd century BC. There are also texts on stone products and rocks, but you can’t write a big book on them. There are well-known clay tablets, and studying them is not without problems. Modern history has relatively reliable sources, starting from the first millennium BC. More ancient times are reflected very vaguely.
There is another problem:“And this word (deceit) has spread among the Jews to this day” (Matthew 28:15). Those. lies uttered in antiquity often reach us. And this is not the only example of human lies given in the Bible.
The oldest written monument is the Bible, it describes the events human history from the creation of the world. We Orthodox believe in the revelation of Holy Scripture. And although modern universities study the subject of the Bible as a historical source, most learned historians would rather believe an ancient pot or an ancient poet than the Word of God. Considering the above, let's talk about ancient history using both the Bible and the data of historical science. We will not consider the question of the creation of the world and the creation of man. Those interested can read thesis"Creation of the World" on our website.

"Global flood"

In the Orthodox tradition, adopted from Byzantium, the Creation of the World is dated March 21, 5508 BC, the waters of the Flood covered the Earth after 2242 years, i.e. in 3266 BC
Traditional European science denies the Flood, because. the flood does not fit into the evolutionary theory of the creation of the earth as a planet.
Science explains the formation of sedimentary layers of the earth's crust, containing the remains of both marine and land-dwelling organisms, by the movements of the earth's crust in a vertical direction. The land then rose from the oceans, then descended into the depths of the sea, and this happened several times. As a result of this movement, the flora and fauna in the area changed. There is logic in these arguments, but tectonics - a branch of geology - does not find a physical reason for the repeated movement of the earth's crust in a vertical direction. There are 25 theories trying to explain the tectonic movements of the Earth's surface (it is more correct to call these theories hypotheses). The very number of tectonic "theories" - 25 - shows that there are no physical reasons for the rise and fall of the land. That's the problem with evolutionary theory! Against! If we accept the Biblical story, then the formation of sedimentary layers is easily explained by the Flood. Nowadays there are many scientific research, the results of which confirm the Flood. Many facts have been found that do not fit into evolutionary theory.
In this work, we do not consider the issues of the Creation of the World, the Flood, the religion of antediluvian mankind. Those who are interested can look at the diploma work "Creation of the World" and test « Old Testament" on our website.

"Antediluvian Humanity"

The first people Adam and Eve, their descendants had a stronger physical nature, lived more than eight hundred to nine hundred years. What's amazing? After all, man was created by God for eternal life! People were engaged in agriculture, cattle breeding, hunting, fishing, making clothes, building. For example, Noah's ark, made of Gopher wood, is 300 cubits long, 50 cubits wide, 30 cubits high, three stories high. Complicated building!
No large antediluvian architectural structures have been found, although cities were also built. Most likely fenced villages. They knew how to make tools and hunting tools, harps and pipes, mobile tents from copper and iron. Under Enos, the grandson of Adam, the Lord gave people an antediluvian form of confession, the first religion that was preserved until Noah. There was no writing, there was no state structure and money. Tribal relations appear to have emerged after the Flood. They lived in large families, as we will see when we talk about Abraham.
Already under the first son of Adam, Cain, the first mankind was divided into two warring tribes, differing in appearance and relationship with God. And from inter-tribal marriages giants were born, from ancient times strong and glorious people. Everyone knows that Cain killed his brother Abel, the righteous one. This is not the only antediluvian murder.
“And the Lord saw that the corruption of men on earth is great, and that all the thoughts and thoughts of their hearts are evil at all times; ... And the Lord said: I will destroy men from the face of the earth ... ”(Genesis 6.5-7)This is the cause of the Flood. So, it took humanity 2242 years to completely corrupt, except for the only Noah with his sons. It must be assumed that there were already many people, they lived a long time, had a strong physical nature, several wives, so that everyone had many children.

"After the Flood"

So, the waters of the Flood cover the whole Earth, the water level is higher than the highest high mountains. And only the ark with Noah's family floats on the surface. A year later, Noah lands on dry land. The ark stops at the top of the city of Ararat, perhaps the parking lot of the ark is located near the place where Paradise was located during the creation of the Earth. In the 19th century, Noah's ark was discovered on the edge of the glacier in the city of Ararat. According to the interpreters of the Bible, on the mountains of Ararat Noah first gets acquainted with the fruits of the grape plant, if this is so, then some part of the plants used by man may have grown only in Paradise. And man was admitted to the plants of Paradise after the Flood.
The remains of animals and plants found in the sediments of the Flood testify that the Earth before the Flood had several climatic zones with peculiar flora and fauna. So, mass graves of everyone's favorite dinosaurs were found in two places: Mongolia and Canada, these are climatic zones of a warm climate. The north of Eurasia was cold even before the Flood, mammoths, woolly rhinos, giant deer lived - these colds were not afraid.
The Bible, describing the beginning of life on Earth, speaks of three places: 1) Paradise, 2) The face of the earth, where the most favorable conditions for living, 3) The rest of the earth. The Adamites lived around Paradise, then settled on the face of the earth. The Cainites have gone east of Paradise beyond the territory of the Face of the Earth. The farther people went from Paradise, the more wild they became. There is no paradise on Earth after the Flood. The face of the earth, I think, corresponds to modern territories with a Mediterranean climate.
The Bible says that only those in the ark with Noah survived. But the Bible in several places uses the words: all, all, when it comes to the greater part, i.e. almost everything, or almost everything. Why do you want to talk about it? AT modern humanity there are peoples that differ sharply from the majority in external structure, shorter life expectancy, quantitatively small offspring, inability to have offspring in mixed marriages, and other anthropological indicators. For example, the Ainu living in Japan, during marriages with the Japanese who moved to the islands, gave birth to barren offspring. There are many more wild peoples that do not succumb to civilization. Perhaps the Lord, by His providence, preserved several antediluvian people from other tribes besides Noah. So, when Israel conquers Palestine, it destroys the tribes of the Canaanites and several tribes of giants. Nomadic peoples who attacked in different centuries Kievan Rus, also included giants, but the Slavs did not. Are these the descendants of antediluvian giants?
“A rod rises from Israel… and crushes all the sons of Seth… but Cain will be ruined” – (Num., Ch. 24, Art. 17, 22)What Sethites and Cainites is the Bible talking about here? About survivors of the Flood?

"Tower of Babel"

For some time, Noah's family lived near Mount Ararat. After the flood, Noah lived 350 years, and in total Noah lived 950 years, he died around 2916 BC.
“Moving out from the east, they found in the land of Shinar(later the country of Babylon)plain and settled there” (Genesis, ch. 11.2),perhaps part of the descendants of Noah remained in the Caucasus Mountains, then the proto-language of mankind must be sought there. The whole earth had one language.
“And they said to one another, Let us make bricks and burn them with fire. And they became bricks instead of stones, and earthen tar instead of lime. And they said: Let us build ourselves a city and a tower as high as the heavens, and let us make a name for ourselves, before we are scattered over the face of all the earth” (Genesis, ch.11.3-4).
From this we see that initially the main building material there was natural stone, masonry made of stone on lime. Durable material! But people always try to take the easy way and find new problems. The Lord “mixed” their language so that one did not understand the speech of the other,“and they stopped building the city and the tower. Therefore, the name Babylon was given to her ... and from there the Lord scattered them over all the earth ”(Genesis, ch. 11. 8-9).
This happened after the death of Patriarch Noah, i.e. after 2916 BC

Priest Leonid Glebets.