Everyone who already knows about the possibility of contacting the Higher Mind, sooner or later wants to go directly to practice.

Today we will learn how practical channeling begins, how to open a channel of communication with your Mentors, and how you can establish extraterrestrial communication. We hope that before that you have already managed to read at least a few books about contacts with the Universal Mind and are now ready to start studying consciously.

Step 1. Finding a suitable location

It is very important to be completely alone during the first lessons on opening a channel of communication with the Higher Forces. Nothing should distract you and knock you out of the setup process. Therefore, choose a convenient time when no one and nothing can disturb you and turn off your mobile phone.

If you are having a session in summer time, close the window so that extraneous sounds cannot distract your attention.

Later, when you have already practiced enough, you will be able to open the channel in the presence of strangers, but loneliness is very important for the first attempts.

Step 2 Relax

You can lie down or sit down as you like, the main thing is that your posture allows you to fully relax. Just in case, you can put a piece of paper and a pen next to you, if suddenly messages start to come to you in writing, but usually the first contacts take place mentally, so additional tools may not be needed.

So, take a relaxed pose, close your eyes and feel how the tension leaves all the cells of your body. You can visualize your toes relaxing first, then your shins, calves, thighs, and so on until you reach the top of your head. Only when you feel that the body is completely relaxed, you can proceed to the next step.

Step 3. Purification of consciousness

If the first steps are usually easy for almost everyone to cope with, then the next step is not so easy for many to complete. Every second dozens and hundreds of thoughts rush through our head, we are almost never in a state of “thinking nothing”, but in order to open the channeling channel, we will have to get rid of absolutely all thoughts.

Forget about all the issues that worry you, try to drive away from yourself all thoughts about your well-being, the events of the past day and affairs, and just try not to think about anything.

If the first time does not work out - try again and again until the desired state comes.

The following exercises can help get rid of your thoughts.

Technique "Clouds"

Imagine that your every thought is a cloud. in your head in this moment there are a lot of them: some particularly obsessive thoughts are heavy cumulus clouds, fleeting ones are small and light. Now try to disperse these clouds, completely remove them from the horizon.

You can blow hard on them so that they scatter or disperse them with your hands. The main thing is to completely clear the sky. Visualize how, under the influence of your consciousness, they easily and quickly scatter in different directions and an immaculately clear horizon opens before your mind's eye.

Technique "Mental account"

This technique is used to achieve a light trance in self-hypnosis techniques. Remember how in childhood, when you could not sleep for a long time, your mother advised you to “count sheep”? In some ways, this technique is very similar to it, but not quite.

You need to give yourself a mental setting: "When I count to one hundred, my thoughts will disappear, and I will enter a light trance." And then mentally begin to count from one to one hundred. Later, when you get comfortable with channeling, you will be able to enter this state faster and it will be enough for you to count to twenty or thirty, but at first it is better to use a longer count.

If you clearly and consciously commanded yourself to enter a trance, then after the end of the count you will actually find yourself in this state.

Technique "Meditation"

Any meditation can be used to clear thoughts. This is not necessary, but often this is the way visual people disconnect from reality. You can use absolutely any mental pictures, the main thing is to observe them, immerse yourself in visualized sensations, and not think about what you see.

You can use meditation on the sea, imagine the flames of a fire, or walk through a green meadow or forest. Any picture you like will do.

Step 4. First question

After you have found yourself in inner deep silence, listen to it. And then you can mentally ask your first question. You can introduce yourself to your Mentor, greet him, ask him his name. For the first time, this will be enough.

The answers that come with the first contacts are usually not long phrases, but single words.

Later, when you learn to open the channel at any time and feel confident during contact with the Mentor, you will be able to process the information received more quickly, and then you will definitely need recordings of the sessions, since the answers will come in large sentences.

Step 5. End contact

When you get to know your Mentor and have a little chat with him, do not forget to thank him for contacting you and say goodbye. After the end of the session, sit or lie down for a while, think over the information received, feel how the familiar state is gradually returning to you. After that, write down everything you heard during the contact.

So, now you know how to open a channel of communication in channeling. At first, try to arrange small but frequent communication sessions with the Higher Forces - this will allow you to practice turning off thoughts and setting up a connection with the Mentor. In subsequent sessions, be sure to prepare a pen and notebook - very soon you will learn to record all the information that comes to you without turning on your brain at this moment.

Our entire world is permeated with energy. And, as a result, a person by nature is an energy being, which is confirmed by both ancient esoteric teachings and modern ones. Unfortunately, few people know how to use their energy, the energy that comes from other people, to receive energy from the Cosmos. But cosmoenergy is a huge, richest resource for each of us - at a certain stage of life and consciousness, to be able to change ourselves, become the master of our lives, help others. Of course, it should be understood that cosmoenergy is not a panacea, but with skillful work with energies it can bring many benefits. Our book deals with most aspects related to cosmic energy. These are the laws of karma, illuminated from various positions, and work with the aura and chakras, Ayurveda, yoga and meditation. The book contains methods for energy interaction with the Cosmos, talks about modern models of the Universe.

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The following excerpt from the book Conversation with the Cosmos. Work with cosmic energies (M. M. Bublichenko, 2006) provided by our book partner - the company LitRes.

Chapter first. Laws of the great cosmos

We live more the life of the Cosmos than the life of the Earth, because the Cosmos is infinitely more significant than the Earth.

K. E. Tsiolkovsky.

The beginning of time. Spiritual growth as the main goal of man on the scale of the universe

Strengthening the spirit, leading a clean, correct life, or, on the contrary, making a certain number of mistakes, a person can realize the perniciousness of excessive passions and disproportionate desires and comes to wisdom.

Free will in animals is associated with instinct and is used for survival, but it must be recognized that each living creature has its own individuality. And, consequently, the choice that it makes is dictated not only external forces or reflexes, but also something unrelated to the struggle for existence and the survival of their species.

But, one way or another, free will is one of the most fundamental properties of a human being. Man, like all living things, uses free will in two main directions: survival and bringing harmony to the world. Let us note again that the instinctive desire for harmony is characteristic of all living things, but with the manifestation of spirituality in a person, he is able to realize this desire, and therefore, to direct his choice towards this goal consciously. At the same time, manifestations of free will begin to somewhat change their character.

With spiritual growth, a person more and more clearly sees in each specific case the possible consequences of his choice not only within the framework of his personal destiny, but also the destiny of the world. At the same time, the assessment of these consequences and the choice itself are determined by the unique individuality of this person. With spiritual growth, the possibility of assessing the consequences of a choice improves: a person increasingly perceives the world as a whole and is increasingly aware of the impact of his actions on the fate of the world. However, the criteria for each person remain individual.

Consider the main factors that contribute to the development spirituality in a person.

Work is very an important factor In human life. It is impossible to find energy in inaction and immobility: only movement, action give rise to it. Labor, both physical and mental, as well as the "labor of the soul" - this is one of the main channels through which the energy that strengthens his aura comes to a person. Labor must be conscious and joyful.

Thought underlies all events, from cosmic to personal. Even understanding the qualities and characteristics of one's own aura is not enough if there is no conscious aspiration of thought to constantly strengthen and improve it. It has already been said above that the more consciously a person perceives the world, the greater the power of his thought. One must master one's thought: a disorderly and fragmentary thought will not reach the goal; an evil and selfish thought does not bring good - only pure and sublime thoughts give a person inner strength.

Love. The strongest and best feeling in this world is love, but only true love, that is, one that seeks to give, not take. A person whose heart is filled with love gives without measure, but receives without measure. No wonder the commandment of love is the basis of all world religions.

Joy. Ancient wisdom says that joy is the health of the spirit. In the East there is also a proverb: "joy is a special wisdom." It is clear that Joy is meant with capital letter, from a person's awareness of the wisdom and all-consuming beauty of all things, the ability to see this beauty and tirelessly admire it. Such joy gives a person special strength.

Art. Art not only decorates a person's life, but elevates and ennobles him, refines feelings, brings joy. Brilliant creations of art can sometimes completely transform a person. The ability to see beauty is just one example of what art gives people.

If the influx of psychic energy from the cosmos transforms a person physically and spiritually, then its loss leads to very serious consequences. Therefore, it is important to know what deprives us of life-giving power.

Anger is a strong destroyer of psychic energy. In a state of irritation, a person begins to intensively absorb the accumulated reserves of psychic energy, and often this is reflected not only in the state of his own aura, which quickly weakens, but also negatively affects the aura of others interacting with such a person. Even with ordinary irritation, if you do not fight it, you can weaken your aura so much that its protective level will drop sharply. That is why it is necessary to learn in any situation to quickly restore the lost peace of mind and return to a calm, harmonious balance of emotions and feelings.

Fear- perhaps the most insatiable devourer of psychic energy of all. It is dangerous not only because it depletes energy reserves: under the influence of uncontrolled fear, a kind of “spasm” occurs that blocks the flow of energy from the outside. Fear is the coarsest of all “subtle” vibrations, seriously injuring the bioenergetic shell, weakening the aura and blocking the work of the chakras. At the level of the physical body, fear leads to the appearance of muscle clamps, and at the “subtle” level, it sharply disrupts the normal circulation of energy - a coward ceases to fully exchange energy with other people and with the cosmos. Life is a process of interaction. We are all different; Each person has his own outlook on life, which affects his behavior. An incorrect worldview also gives rise to incorrect life behavior, however, in moments of fear, such behavior is generated exclusively by emotions. Fear is one of the most negative emotions. In the folklore of all times and peoples, fear is considered a grave vice, and cowards are an object of contempt. A person experiencing fear perceives the situation inadequately - the danger seems greater than in reality. Often, under the influence of fear, a person forces himself to be cruel, aggressive. Such aggression is a dangerous consequence of the clouding of consciousness, which is characteristic of fear. One of common causes the emergence of fear is a break in the internal connection of a person with the Highest Beginning (God). The presence of such a connection allows a person to overcome obstacles and dangers without experiencing humiliating fear. Divine energy fills a person with strength and calmness; it displaces destructive fear from the aura, giving confidence in the care of the Higher Forces. And the lack of spiritual connection with the Higher instills a feeling of uncertainty, inexplicable guilt, which only exacerbates the power of fear. We must not allow confusion in this case, mixing the destructive energy of human fear with what is called "the fear of God." This fear has nothing to do with human weaknesses. To fear God means to live by his laws and accept divine justice. That is why sometimes people experience fear on the path of self-improvement when they fully realize their greatest responsibility for every mistake - to themselves, to other people, to God. The causes of fear, its true roots are diverse, from the most primitive (as in the case of physical danger) to very complex mechanisms associated with the processes of self-consciousness. But, one way or another, the worst option should be considered the transition of fear into relatively stable thought forms.

Laziness dangerous both physical and spiritual, but when we are talking about the loss of mental energy, the second, of course, is more important. Energy by its very definition is movement, just like life in general. Any development and self-improvement that form a powerful aura is work, constant and persistent. Psychic energy grows with active action and is depleted by inaction. Laziness is a hundred times more dangerous because it is akin to a drug: a person gets used to laziness and his mind gradually loses interest, and his feelings lose sharpness and immediacy. The lazy one lives with a misty eye.

selfishness associated with the total concentration of consciousness on self. Why is it dangerous? When a person concentrates on his personality, he thereby distinguishes himself not only from society. The egoist forgets the main thing - that each of us is a particle of the great and indivisible Whole. Fencing off from the world and closing in on himself, a person deprives himself of the exchange of subtle energies with the surrounding space, the life-giving influx of energy from outside. Being preoccupied with physical health, people often forget that the primary in relation to the body is the spirit, and not vice versa. A person is healthy when the physiological processes in his body proceed correctly. But it largely depends on the psychophysical processes. At the heart of the latter lies the exchange of psychic energy between the subtle information-energy structures of man and the Cosmos - they are the basis of spiritual health. And already the spiritual health of a person creates the prerequisites for long-term physical health. Selfishness and spiritual health are completely incompatible things.

How to build your life to be healthy physically and spiritually?

A person must by all means develop in himself the ability to hear his being at all levels of his nature, since without this harmony in general and a harmonious perception of the world in particular are impossible.

It's a hard day-to-day job; in order to move forward, sometimes a complete reassessment of oneself, one's value system or one's habitual way of life is necessary.

If a person strives for awareness, he will never accept chaos or disorder as the normal state of things.

In this regard, work on the development of a correct system of values ​​is especially important. The Higher Self is always invisible with a person at any moment of his life. It is important to remember this in the process of long-term work on oneself and comprehending the real meaning of values ​​- false and true. But at the same time, it's important from the start mental work: the very fact of this beginning already serves as the starting point of development, which brings such results as self-confidence, peace of mind, peace of mind.

Here we call the Higher Self that spark of the divine mind, the existence of which speaks in one form or another of any religion. Whatever views a person holds, the knowledge of divine love, which was the source of his very existence, is always present in his soul from the very beginning. This source is the center around which the soul is built, it is the beating of that Higher power that lives in each of us.

How to understand what is right and what is not? There is no stricter judge for a man than himself. The most accurate, the deepest knowledge is inherent in us, it is thanks to him that we can evaluate our actions and strive for some ideals. We know everything that is needed from the very beginning, and only the environment around us sometimes brings such confusion, which is very difficult to understand.

A person must love work and see the benefit in it both for the common good and for himself. But at the same time, it is necessary to develop a sense of beauty, interest in art, learn to understand and feel it: although not everyone can become a creator of works of art, everyone can learn to feel their beneficial effects on themselves. Art teaches to understand and love beauty, and beauty gives a person a powerful influx of pure, life-giving energy. It is also necessary to remember the responsibility that we bear for our thoughts, because a person creates his own destiny with motives and thoughts, as well as with deeds. And that means it is important to own your thoughts, not to allow dark and destructive things in them, striving for disinterestedness, knowledge, love.

Despite its exceptionally complex structure, a person is a surprisingly harmonious combination of a great variety of different structures, primarily energy ones. This harmony, constituting the strength of the personality, at the same time gives rise to an exceptionally powerful aura.

The power of subtle energies is invaluable for maintaining inner integrity, which is a necessary condition for a physically and spiritually fulfilling life. Self-knowledge and constant spiritual development, in turn, are indispensable conditions for comprehension of higher values, gaining unity with the cosmos and harmonious merging with it, gaining cosmic consciousness. This is a person's comprehension of his own value through the realization of his unity with the Universe. Of course, everything is by no means limited to self-knowledge and self-awareness alone. Because nothing comes by itself; in addition to striving for a goal, active action is also necessary - spiritual practice in one form or another. The choice of a particular school already depends only on the individual preferences of a person and the characteristics of his mindset and personality. Man, like all living things, uses free will in two main directions: survival and bringing harmony to the world. Note that the instinctive desire for harmony is characteristic of all living things, but with the manifestation of spirituality in a person, he is able to realize this desire, and therefore, to direct his choice towards this goal consciously. With spiritual growth, a person more and more clearly sees in each specific case the possible consequences of his choice not only within the framework of his personal destiny, but also the destiny of the world. At the same time, the assessment of these consequences and the choice itself are determined by the unique individuality of this person. With spiritual growth, the possibility of assessing the consequences of a choice improves: a person increasingly perceives the world as a whole and is increasingly aware of the impact of his actions on the fate of the world. However, the criteria for each person remain individual.

Nevertheless, the truth is that the destiny of a person is not only to enjoy the beauty and grandeur of life, but in an effort to understand his high destiny, which is impossible without an exalted spirit, without constant self-improvement, which fills our earthly life with the highest meaning.

law of karma

How much a person is deprived of because of the lack of sensitivity, which does not allow one to feel the reality of the Cosmos and hear its voice... And how much one can learn about oneself by listening attentively to this voice! After all, even the great Cosmos goes through practically the same stages of birth and death as its integral component, man. The cosmos generally conceals in itself an innumerable number of images of truth, and this wealth of spatial interconnections of a single Whole can be accessible to the consciousness of every person - but only on condition that he is able to control his psychic energy, subordinate it to the great rhythm of spatial energies, in which the whole change is imprinted. cosmic incarnations, which ordinary narrow consciousness is not able to contain.

But at the same time, the Cosmos requires knowledge of its laws, among which one of the most important is the universal law of Karma. According to this law, the individuality of a person is formed over the centuries during his many lives, in which there was an accumulation of abilities and aspirations. At physical birth, a person receives from his parents only physical body, which contains characteristics races, individual genetic programs of the physiological level, and so on. Everything else a person must bring into his new life himself. What exactly can be introduced already entirely depends on the evolution of consciousness, which is repelled from certain preferences, abilities, and character that have developed in previous lives. Man's life on earth is not only the result of his efforts: predestination has been worked out by numerous generations of ancestors for thousands of years.

Nevertheless, the main orientation of consciousness, coupled with motivations, determines individuality - and hence, ultimately, the personal fate of each person. Human evolution is the evolution of consciousness. The law of Karma is the law of the highest cosmic justice and cosmic reward, according to which everyone receives his own. If a hard fate has fallen, this is a chance, an opportunity to alleviate the karma of descendants with your whole life. And the great meaning of evolution on the scale of the universe is for a person not in the development of intellect, but in the development of consciousness, and consists in striving for spirituality, understanding the great unity of all mankind, due to its ability to consciously create the future, consciously accept the unity of man and the universe, to live for the benefit of mankind - only then can one truly become the master of one's destiny, no longer needing reincarnations, incarnating only at will for the purposes of evolution.

Each person has an immortal soul, which, changing physical shells (bodies), constantly reincarnates, obeying the great law of reincarnations. In the process of this continuous series of reincarnations, there is an ascent ever higher on the path of spiritual development, which leads to the beginning of the beginnings - the Absolute, or God, of which each of us (or rather, each human soul) was once a part.

The ultimate goal is to merge with it. This is karma (or, in its religious incarnation, rather, our earthly fate). At the level of physical existence, we see and understand the manifestation of this global, structuring law of being, as a spiritual "growth".

However, all this can have real meaning (that is, serve as the basis for purely practical conclusions and actions) only if it is accepted in its entirety, with the awareness of many unpleasant moments.

Esoteric knowledge asserts that through the hardships of this world, the negative karma accumulated by him returns, thanks to overcoming life's adversities, the spirit is strengthened, the will develops, and spirituality, purity, love and the pursuit of truth receive a powerful impetus for development. Figuratively speaking, the thicker the darkness, the brighter the light shines in it.

And each person is able to partially see, if not karma, then the visual manifestations of its laws in the surrounding world - but the measure of such vision is determined by the level of his spiritual development.

At the first stage of spiritual evolution, a person has a mystical sense of connectedness, unity of the world, the concept of fate (or fate, primordial predestination) - instead of perceiving life as a chain of perfect random events. Then comes the understanding of the need to determine one's place in this world - a person already perceives himself as a structural unit of the Macrocosm.

Finally, there is a feeling of one's real responsibility to the Higher powers - and not just a banal "retribution for our sins."

Now a person can already see the "signs of fate" or karmas on his way and consciously strive for this.

All human weaknesses, clamps, complexes are easily divided into two main categories - those that are invested in us by society (through upbringing, lifestyle, stereotypical norms of morality and behavior) - and those that are innate, that is, karmic.

But it is important to understand that group karma is realized through complexes originating from society. After all, individual karma does not exist and cannot exist “by itself”, it is inextricably linked with group, social, and public karma.

Only such a position enables correct perception and attitude. And a correct understanding of the essence of the process is always the first step to learning how to control this process in the desired direction.

Heavy emotional states, feelings of guilt or depression, negative attitudes and ideas alien to a person have a powerful effect on a person.

Having penetrated into the depths of the subconscious, such images, ideas and attitudes may not be felt by a person at first, but later on they begin to work imperceptibly, but constantly, resembling a virus or a cancerous tumor.

They grow and imperceptibly for a person can put him in front of a ready-made solution. But not necessarily.

The trouble is that even if these negative ideas or programs are not translated into concrete actions, the degree of their negative impact is by no means lower. On the one hand, this is a painful and stressful feeling of unfinished action; on the other hand, an unfavorable internal background, a feeling of internal conflict.

The art of recognition, education of an internal observer in oneself, the ability to cleanse the consciousness and subconscious from psychological and spiritual negativity is necessary for every person who strives for spiritual development.

Human thought is the decisive moment for the transformation of karma, it is even more important than just actions (which also affect karma). In fact, this means that the act itself is not at all necessary: ​​it is enough to think about it. All thoughts sooner or later are realized, which implies the need for each person to constantly and fully realize his greatest responsibility for own thoughts. This responsibility is truly global in nature: after all, if thoughts have a subtle nature, then every thought of any person on the planet has an undeniable impact on the moral, spiritual, psychological state of all other people.

Life develops in an endless spiral of death and rebirth; every end marks a beginning; man again and again returns to life like the earth, each time coming to life in the spring after the winter cold. A person is born, matures, grows old, dies - but this death is only a natural transitional period between the end of the old and the beginning of a new life.

short human life does not allow to fully realize too many things, to comprehend the whole integrity and unity of being - only reincarnations (repeated incarnations) provide such an opportunity.

People become mature with age, just as souls acquire knowledge and wisdom, developing from one earthly life to another.

Each reincarnation requires a greater measure of responsibility, the demands increase; this is how the evolution of the soul takes place. We must learn honesty, compassion, and love for ourselves, others, and the Higher Powers, whatever you choose to call them.

spiritually developed person is a warrior in a cosmic battle that is constantly taking place in mutually destroying waves and vibrations of chaos. The redemption of karma occurs as a person lives, but at the same time a new, mixed karma is created, the quality of which already depends on his own wisdom, but even more so on the desire for spiritual perfection. A new karma awaits those who have stopped on the path of spiritual development, for the reason that from the point of view of the great cosmos, the whole point of human perfection lies in developing one’s spiritual powers, not only to pay off one’s own karma, but also to alleviate the consequences of negative karma on the scale of all mankind .

Karma allows you to connect all the lives of a person to choose the path of teaching his soul. And every soul must survive everything - both good and bad. After all, to really understand what it is like to be a criminal, you need to live the life of a criminal at least once.

The great laws are harsh: every mistake will invariably be followed by suffering, until the law is recognized, understood and accepted. The Cosmic Law cannot be violated, and even ignorance of it is not a reason that can prevent its implementation. At the same time, knowledge of the law comes to a person from everywhere, if his spirit is awake and is in a high striving for perfection.

The cosmic law also says that it is impossible to avenge the injustice caused, since this is in the will of the law of karma, and a person cannot determine whether a karmic blow is deserved or not. Resistance to evil is a necessary condition for evolution, but any of its ways has a boundary condition for implementation exclusively by the forces of the spirit, otherwise it aggravates karma. The wise know that any rebuff is a hundred times stronger when it is given without malice in the heart.

Majority esoteric schools always considered a series of reincarnations in combination with the laws of karma as the basis on which the entire Universe is built.

This is the central point for understanding most of the processes that happen to a person, both during his earthly journey and after its completion.

Moral and spiritual self-purification is impossible without purification from accumulations of negative karma. The greatest spiritual doctrines speak about this in their own way: Buddhism (cleansing the imprints of images on a thin film of consciousness), Christianity (the doctrine of atonement for sins), Agni Yoga (“dissolving unnecessary memory”).

The law of energy similarity, or cosmic resonance

individuality and life experience it is largely determined by the direction in which he is accustomed to think. Any person, by virtue of the universal cosmic law vibrational resonance, attracts not only very specific moments or situations, but also things much more essential, as will be shown below. It is only important to understand what exactly depends on us.

A person is a carrier of powerful energies, and therefore some especially strong desires and clear thoughts acquire their own energy-informational flight. Being carriers of certain information and radiating from the human aura into space, they sometimes achieve a completely independent existence. This can be called thought forms that are able to influence through their energy-information and sensual-emotional charge at truly vast distances, there are no barriers for them in this (by the way, it is believed that it is through them that suggestion and telepathy are carried out).

Suppose you have created a bright, positively directed thought in your mind. It brings joy, but does not turn into a real event or an act. It is quite possible that this is hindered by another thought, directly opposite in direction, the energy of which neutralizes the original one. The only way to achieve a preponderance of a lighter and desirable thought over a dark and undesirable one is to strengthen it and make it much stronger. To do this, you need to imagine the thought as clearly as possible in the form of a clear image; invest in this image a maximum of desire and inner strength, turn to the Higher Forces and ask them for help.

So, first of all, it is important to compare a positive thought with a beautiful and fairly clear image. Then the thought goes through the first stage of transformation, turning into a mental image. The mental image can be given a very clear, partly akin to a crystalline form. By imagining it in a variety of images (arrows, sparks, waves), you charge it more and more with energy, which condenses its structure to the level of a thought form, which can become a very stable formation, although it is created from subtle energies - but this requires hard work.

The thoughtform can be too blurry when your knowledge and/or beliefs are unclear or inaccurate. But when all your beliefs are stable and complete, on the contrary, it is outlined very clearly.

We perceive, store and retrieve information from memory in the form of thought forms. That is, when studying the brain, one can talk about the potentials and zones of excitation that appear when some information is retrieved from the memory, a person who sees this information from the inside sees exactly the thought form, and not the zones and potentials.

What is the relationship between the concepts of sensation, perception, representation, image, etc. and thought forms? Obviously, all these concepts are just separate aspects of the thought form, which is a synthesis of all the above concepts, that is, it is their unity. No less obvious is the fact that the thought-form is not a simple set of properties, but, as an integral entity, has a number of qualities.

It is always individual, and one of a kind. At the same time, the thought-form is very changeable. A closely turned inner gaze can significantly change it.

The thought-form, as already mentioned, is integral, but at the same time it can be included in the mental system as its element. Finally, no thought-form can be transmitted and described in words.

Whatever a person pays attention to, mental activity arises, and, as a result, vibrations of a certain frequency spread outward. Their nature depends on the degree of interest shown and attitude to the subject (positive or negative). We are all very different, so the same thing may be indifferent to one person, and look attractive to another.

But each thought, without exception, by virtue of its nature, emits a certain signal, since any thought is a vibration. At the same time, the fact that each of our thoughts simultaneously attracts certain signals from the outside, attracting similar vibrations, is of paramount importance. Considering this process as a whole, one can understand the regularity: the totality of radiation outward and attraction of something similar from the outside can be defined as the law according to which like tends to like, or the law of cosmic resonance. On the global scale of the universe, this law works in such a way that all close vibrations (including coinciding thoughts) were distributed according to their energy characteristics and ordered.

When you tune into a certain wave in your thoughts, it has about the same effect as tuning a radio receiver to a certain frequency - only in our case you are both a receiver and a transmitter. But, one way or another, first of all, a coincidence of frequencies is necessary - whether it be radio waves or thoughts. You can imagine it like this: desiring something, a person acts as a transmitter: he sends a signal (thought). And it is quite obvious: in order to receive a response signal (in this case, the result, the fulfillment of the desired), you need to become a receiver. But the receiver and transmitter must match in frequency for the music to sound.

Thus, when a person strongly desires something, his thought sends a very specific vibrational signal - but this is not enough to get the desired result. It is still necessary to find a way to bring your own vibrational structure into complete harmony with the one that corresponds to this desire; only then will it be fulfilled.

For example, if a person passionately desires to have something, he must first of all concentrate his attention on this subject. The law of resonance, of attracting the like, must be activated, and then the probability of obtaining the desired becomes quite real even without additional efforts. You just need to understand that in this case we are talking more about the spiritual - say, abilities and skills, than about material objects. However, constantly thinking about some material, material object, a person is also able to create a specific vibration, which in many cases can attract what is desired.

In addition, the opposite is also possible. That is, when a person does not have something that is not needed and undesirable, he needs to focus his attention precisely on this state of affairs: no, and in no case do I want it to be. Thus, the vibration necessary for resonance is excluded, there is no signal, and vibrations similar to the undesirable state of affairs begin to bypass the person. This trend grows until there is an active intervention on the part of a person - when he offers some of his energy vibration, instead of the original one. Then already this conscious vibration begins to prevail, attracting all vibrations similar in frequency and harmonious to it.

The resonance of such vibrations has a remarkable property - when a person understands well that he can get exactly what (and how) he thinks, and is also able to consciously control the course of his thoughts - he comes close to completely controlling own life. So, often people's thoughts about each other are literally transformed into real relationships between them. Or another example - a person who wants to improve his financial situation, first of all, needs to understand that this cannot be done as long as he envies a rich neighbor: after all, the desire for well-being and envy are associated with negative emotions and are simply incompatible with the vibrations of well-being.

By carefully listening to yourself, to your thoughts, you can quite easily understand what your attention is really focused on - on the desire itself or on the absence of what is desired. Feelings themselves will tell you if you are in a state of vibrational harmony. If so, the general emotional background can range from a sense of joyful anticipation to inner satisfaction. Otherwise - when a person is mostly focused on the absence of the object of desire or even its unattainability - the feelings will be completely different: from despondency and anxiety to pessimism and even depression.

Thus, having learned to be aware of your emotions, it becomes possible to control the entire process. For a person who purposefully and creatively works on himself, the benefits of such control can hardly be overestimated. First of all, you will always know if you have turned off the right path; in addition, a conscious assessment of one's own feelings allows one to correctly interpret the causes of various life phenomena.

Understanding your own vibrational nature makes it possible to form the surrounding reality quite consciously, in the right direction, and without special efforts. With the accumulation of such experience, you will soon be able to make sure that any desire is feasible - nothing is impossible in the world. Emotions and feelings are an indicator, or a compass - of course, provided that a person is able to evaluate them rationally and draw the appropriate conclusion. In this case emotional sphere- a wonderful guide on the way to moving towards the goal, no matter what we want to achieve.

Just by thinking about things that are pleasant and about what he personally would like, one person, even unconsciously, but orients his life positively; the other, constantly expecting trouble and sorting through the worst-case scenarios in his mind, already thereby creates problems that he will certainly face sooner or later. Whatever you think about, remember that these thoughts to some extent shape the future events of your life. When a person evaluates, doubts, fears - he builds, by and large, his own destiny. A case in point is the tendency to over-anxiety over trifles. it the best way create trouble that might not have happened; man stubbornly generates them only by the power of his stormy imagination.

So, any thought of a rational being has a vibrational nature, like everything that exists. This explains the fact that when a person focuses on something - even for a short period of time - his vibrational structure reflects the vibrations of the object to which attention is paid (or the idea that the person is considering). And the more you think about something, the more tangible the incorporation of the vibrations inherent in the object of thought into your own vibrational structure - and, therefore, the more it attracts any similar vibrations to itself. This is the law of cosmic resonance.

And in conclusion, we can add: The energy, vibrational flows of the cosmos have two sources: the first of them is human, the second is the highest (or divine). And if the power of the first is limited, then the second is infinite. A person not only generates energy flows himself, he (more importantly) is the resonator through which energy flows of the second order pass.

Immobility as vibration protection

Our internal state is an individual atmosphere that serves as a protective shell, thanks to which we can feel and stop negative (anger, depression) mental vibrations from the outside before they enter us. But the ability to recognize vibrations and act on them means nothing more than the actual control of them. How is such management carried out?

Vibrations are always abundant outside, but it depends only on us whether to accept it or reject it. Feeling, for example, anger, we thereby let in the corresponding painful vibration. If you teach to neutralize it by the ability to turn off the consciousness from this "frequency", it will not be accepted.

Here it is necessary to repeat again: any vibrations, including human communication, both higher (they include spiritual experiences, love, joy) and lower (fear, anger, hatred), are contagious and have the property of mutual attraction.

Not responding to painful vibrations, accepting only those that enrich us with vitality, a person can only be in a state of emotional immobility, or inner peace.

It is clear that in Everyday life, in addition to the vital (life) vibrations coming from other people or from the cosmos, one constantly has to deal with vibrations of a completely different kind - oppressive, obsessive, negative. Let us conditionally define them as hostile forces. They are most powerful precisely at the moments of any spiritual beginning - when choosing one's path or implementing good intentions, expressed as a feeling of the impossibility of overcoming obstacles, depression. The more persistently a person strives for spiritual transformation and the acquisition of cosmic consciousness, the stronger these hostile forces manifest themselves. But there is another side of the issue, there is a great meaning in the presence of such forces: interfering with a person’s spiritual path, it is they who prevent such a dangerous phenomenon as self-complacency and, ultimately, force one to constantly improve.

Here I want to emphasize one point that is extremely important for a correct understanding of the strategy. correct behavior towards hostile forces. The essence of this strategy is internal immobility. She is able to overcome any hostile forces. Let a person experience upheavals on the surface of his being, but deep down he must remain wisely calm. This is important for the development of an effective mechanism for self-management. In everyday life, we too often recklessly surrender to our troubles, sorrows, negative emotions, which sometimes leads to the fact that a person simply burns out in them, losing his energy and strength. Emotions, moreover, by their nature, are distinguished by such properties as duality and inconsistency. Love easily turns into hatred, and chagrin into joy; there are many examples of this. However, even the most superficial can take the form of truth - such is the power of emotions. They cannot do anything in this world, in order to act, energy, Life Force is needed. And we must remember that at the level of cosmic consciousness, any feelings are joy. The experience of misfortunes and powerlessness before them is the lot of our narrow, earthly consciousness; when it is expanded, the whole perception changes.

And expanding consciousness, one should strive not for self-control, which is only an external form of self-control, but for true control of the internal state, which can be achieved only as a result of genuine acquisition of internal immobility. Example: being near a person who throws out negative vibrations (anger, fear, etc.), try not to give an emotional response to this (that is, remain internally still). Without receiving nourishment from your side, the flow of vibrations will soon come to naught and disappear - the person will calm down. Otherwise, in case of a pronounced emotional response, for example, in a reaction with anger to anger, no matter how you hide it outwardly, both will suffer from the action of negative vibrations, which are amplified and fed by two people already.

Thus, vibrations do not go anywhere, they are always there, but if you are able to selectively let them in or not, depending on the nature of the impact, this will protect you from negative vibrations and enrich you with positive energy.

More about the law of karma

A person most often directs his logic not to comprehend the world, but to momentary actions, and his mind cannot compose power knots in his mind that would focus information that stimulates the evolution of an individual. The characteristic qualities of a person amplify one information and suppress another.

Karma can be viewed from the standpoint of cosmic consciousness as a kind of energetic debt of an individual to the universe. The main type of energy in the world is zero energy, which, condensing into energy lumps, turns into quarks, the building blocks of the universe. The law of Karma, the law of conservation of energy, also known as the law of reverse force action, is the basis for the functioning of the whole world. Everything in the cosmos has an energy nature - that is why any action, word, thought carries a retroactive effect, a reverse effect. The energy of any action, word, thought, changing, returns to the person. If a person is full of lofty thoughts and love, he positively structures the space and quickly evolves, enriching himself with information.

In most cases, the acquisition of positive karma means the elimination of those manifestations that hinder evolution. Negative karma is given by unwillingness to improve one's intellectual, biological and moral level. Very often, a person's negative karma is the result of rather small, momentary, even poorly conscious thoughts and actions. Therefore, one must remember that both thoughts and actions create karma without exceptions and discounts on how fleeting or strong they were subjectively. The craving for knowledge, the correct use of this knowledge - this is what invariably enriches the individual, at the same time elevating the whole of humanity by improving its cosmic karma.

Subjective logic is the limited logic of the subject. Objective logic is the laws of vibrational relations that exist apart from consciousness. From the degree of objectivity of the subjective logic of a person to the objective one, the possibilities open to him to realize the interconnections of the individual with the whole, by and large, the person with the cosmos, deity, and the universe, depend.

Only when a person comprehends the truth as a result of a fully conscious striving for it, he becomes able to overcome the inertial forces of his own plane of being and reach the next level.

Law of harmony

The interaction of worlds and entities in our universe is possible due to the exchange of basic elements - matter, energy and information. Energy exchange (of all levels) is constantly taking place between people and other living beings, taking innumerable forms. Here, the presence of the Higher Principle and its influence are already found at the level of matter, but at the level of information and energy this influence is especially strong. There is also a reverse process: the lower ones give their part of the information to the higher ones - in the form of stable creative thought forms. All this is part of one great process - the endless and purifying cycle of karma.

Evolution is an unshakable law not only of human existence, but of all nature, of the vast cosmos. All living things are in constant change due to the exchange of energy. At the same time, every living form experiences the action of inertia, that is, it simultaneously strives for both movement and rest. Activity and passivity, will and laziness are balanced in a certain way both in nature and in man. Ancient Indian philosophy reflected the relationship of these three forces (calm, movement and their balance) in the concept of the three gunas - the fundamental qualities that form the basis of the first matter. The first guna, or property, called tamas, expresses the idea of ​​inertia, psychologically manifested in a person as laziness, immobility, inertia. The second guna, or property, called rajas, personifies the idea of ​​activity, dynamics, struggle, psychologically manifested in a person as passion, desire or will. And finally, the third guna is sattva, which balances tamas and rajas with the help of wisdom and psychologically manifests itself in a person as harmony and enlightenment.

A person is a part of a very complex energy system of the highest level, since it has an energy nature, and these energies are of a subtle level, that is, they belong to the category of formative ones. Our thin shell - the aura - fills us with energy and supports our being. energy level; thus, it can be considered as a formation of a universal creative force, which is the same for all living things in this world and is the initial one. As an energy form, the aura performs many functions; but the most important point is that our energy component allows a person to connect and interact with other energy formations and systems - including other people and larger ones - society, nature, the planet, and finally, the entire great cosmos.

The energy of the aura comes from the inner energy of man, an inexhaustible source, which also ensures our inseparable connection with the cosmos. The energy structure of a person is similar to the structure of the universe, and it is this structure that is the basis for the interaction of a person with higher levels being, from where miraculous subtle energies of life come.

We have been given an amazing ability to merge in a single rhythm with the pulsations of the cosmos, while remaining a separate energy structure. And here lies the answer to so many questions. When our spirit is in harmony, a state of unity in relation to the deep cosmic rhythms of life, this not only gives us an amazing feeling of peace and deep harmony with the universe, but also opens the way for a person to higher powers. Harmony is the key to physical, mental and spiritual perfection.

The energy of a person reflects the degree of his spiritual development, all the weaknesses and strengths of the personality. This is due to the fact that it is highly subject to constant changes, many external and internal factors have a constant impact on it, determining its development. And here the circle closes: the correct use of energy force opens the way for a person to practically unlimited opportunities for spiritual growth.

It is known that individual factors can significantly change the energy possibilities. However, the danger of negative energy must be repeated again and again. For every negative thought shortens our life, because it has its own physiological embodiment. Negative energy weakens the spiritual strength of a person, and his body becomes vulnerable to diseases. Moreover, negative energy is contagious. It affects not only the individual, but also large social groups. It must be remembered that the aura of a person, as his energy shell, along with the ability to adapt and restore, also has the ability to attract any positive influence, repelling any negative. We live on Earth for a short time, and everyone is given their share of suffering, including diseases - but the more harmoniously our spirit fits into the structure of the universe, the easier it is to fight negative energy - and this is exactly what we are able to change consciously. The influx of positive energy is crucial for spiritual growth - without it there is no unity with higher powers. This is why love is the surest way to connect with the divine energy of the universe; it is stronger than any negative energy, it heals.

If a person wants to gain some new experience, achieve a goal, all this can be ensured through harmonization. That is, the vibrations of the desire for something must be in harmony with the vibrations of what the desire is aimed at. This correspondence can be called vibrational harmony - and the ability to achieve such harmony by the easy way provides imagination. You just need to imagine that you have already achieved your goal and have everything you want. Imagine it so vividly that you feel the pleasure of a dream come true. Those who have succeeded become a source of vibrations that are quite in harmony with the object of their desire. And if such harmony is stable enough, they are already on the verge of real acquiring what they initially aspired to.

A person is unique in terms of the possibilities inherent in him, he can exert a conscious influence on the forces that control his life, and get rid of everything that hinders development. But in order to reveal its potential, a person must constantly strive for harmony in all aspects of being - mental, physical, spiritual.

»We have got acquainted with the method of obtaining information through a dream. In this article, I suggest that you get acquainted with the method of establishing a connection with your Higher Self, or, in other words, the Wise Mentor, the Higher Mind, or the Universal Mind.

By establishing this communication channel, you will be able to receive any information from your Higher Self in order to do Good and live according to the laws of justice. By installing this channel, you can find answers to such difficult questions as “Why did I appear on this Earth?”, “What is the meaning of life?”. Agree that a life filled with meaning becomes brighter and cleaner. It becomes spiritualized and brings satisfaction with its very existence. Now you will be able to know the higher meaning of the situation in which you find yourself.

You can use with the Higher Mind for purposes, training, healing, revealing your creative abilities. You can learn to achieve everything without much effort. You can ask him a wide variety of questions, ranging from everyday and ending with questions about the meaning of life.

So, get ready for a Great and exciting journey to the Highest spheres of the Universal Mind.

  1. Sit up straight, while positioning yourself comfortably, releasing unnecessary tension. Be aware of your body, starting from the feet, torso, arms, head. Calm your breathing by taking a few deep breaths in and out. Enter an altered state of consciousness (calm and deep relaxation)
  2. Imagine that you are moving upwards in an open cosmic elevator and ascending into higher and higher realms, going beyond ordinary reality. Ahead is only Love, Joy and Light. Feel at last how you enter into the space of beautiful white Light.
  3. You are flying farther and you are surrounded by beautiful luminous Creatures filled with Love and care. You open your heart to them. You realize how long you have held back love, and now you are joyfully opening yourself up to unconditional Love.
  4. You realize that this meeting is not accidental. Think about the books you read, your interest in the unknown, your feeling of a loving presence in your life. Your Luminous Guides know about you and are also looking forward to this meeting with joy.
  5. You fly up to the arch, behind which the World of light, Higher vibrations and accelerated spiritual growth is spread. Ask yourself if you are ready to take responsibility and enter the Path of Service. Once you feel ready, boldly fly under the arch and plunge into the world of Light that heals and cleanses you. You understand that your life will now begin to change according to your higher purpose. If you're not ready yet, don't worry, you can always come back here as soon as you feel ready.
  6. Realize that there is a Plan for the evolution of Humanity. From this day on, your life will begin to change in accordance with this Plan. Whatever earth path development you have not chosen, you will always be in agreement with the Plan of Evolution on a larger scale. The Light of the Upper planes, higher vibrations will go through you.
  7. Continue to rise higher into the Space of Light. Ask your Guide to come out to you. Don't be afraid to let your imagination run wild. In fact, imagination is your channel of communication with the Mentor. Be open in heart and you will feel the Love of your Mentor.
  8. Take a close look at your Guide. The more you can describe his image, the more vividly he appears before you, the more powerful will be the communication channel established between you.
  9. Ask how your Guide makes you feel. If He is disturbing you in some way, then most likely this is not your mentor. Ask him if he has anything of value to you? Then ask him to leave. Summon your high teacher Come to you. Once you feel good, you can move on.
  10. Ask your Mentor to begin his activities to open a channel for you. Communicate your willingness to take responsibility and that you are ready to become a clear channel for higher vibrations.
  11. Now express your gratitude to all Beings of Light and feel that they appreciate and love you. Also express your gratitude to your Guide and ask him (or her) to help you. Say goodbye and back to normal reality. Now you have contact with the Mentor.

If you did not fly under the Arch and could not take responsibility (and these are very important steps) - think again about the question, why do you need a communication channel with your higher Self, the Universal Mind?

If you want to get a consultation via Skype, leave a request in the comments to this article with your e-mail, I will certainly contact you. I will help you get the answer from your unconscious, your Wise Guide.

Stay tuned for new articles on the site on this topic.

Readers often ask how to strengthen their connection with higher powers, the Divine - connection with the Higher Self, spirit guides and their spiritual family.

There are not answers to all questions here, but just thoughts on how be in touch with your senior management which can greatly help us in our travels.

With an increasing number of souls starting to awaken, it seems that this can be very helpful.

You are always connected, but ...

First you need to understand that you are never alone: ​​you may not feel it, but you always connected to your Higher Self, spirit guides and spiritual family.

They are always listening and always answering you and sending messages. The only question is whether you accept these messages or not, whether you hear the information transmitted to you.

The communication mode may vary. Some people can literally HEAR the messages - they hear the sounds of the words (this is called clairaudience).

But most of us don't have that kind of clairaudience, at least not yet.

For the majority of people, communication and guidance from their Higher Self and mentors come in the form of intuition: unexpected thoughts that seem to randomly come to mind; the ideas that suddenly pop into your head and the feelings associated with them.

Keep in mind that the spirit usually communicates with us in whispers - gentle whispers in our head and our heart, it will almost never scream.

His messages are so subtle that it is very easy not to hear them, or to dismiss them as if they were our imagination.

Many people are so busy and their analytical minds chatter so loudly that they don't notice or hear the subtle messages from the spirit.

Even if they discover them, their rational minds, with to a large extent chances of rejecting or ignoring these messages.

Therefore, it seems that we have no connection! And indeed, there is no active connection, but only because you were unable to receive messages.

Another way the spirit communicates with you is through signs and symbols given to you by the outside world.

Often this mode of communication is more specific and unambiguous than messages coming through your intuition, and the spirit uses it as an auxiliary communication channel when appropriate.

As always, you must pay attention and trust what you see and feel for this channel to be effective.

Let's first explore the reasons why you're not receiving your gut messages and what you can do to fix the situation.

Top 3 Reasons Why You're Not Receiving Messages

The first three reasons why you are not receiving messages sent to you are:

1. You don't notice them because you're too busy and distracted.
2. You can't hear them because they are drowning in too much psychic noise.
3. You don't trust them and simply ignore or reject them.

Let's look at each cause in more detail and discuss the implications.

Busyness and distraction

People often do not notice the intuitive messages coming from the spirit because they are too busy and their attention is diverted by the hectic daily life.

They are immersed in business, problems and events; interaction with friends, family, colleagues; into any other options for worries, and they simply do not pay attention to messages from the spirit.

These messages are usually very subtle, so you really have to strain your attention to recognize them.

We are all busy people to one degree or another, and we can be very busy at certain times - this is not unusual.

But if you want to have a good connection with the spirit, you still need to try to set aside some quiet and solitary time, preferably every day.

A small period of time when you slow down, relax, and you have the opportunity to hear and feel the connection and the messages that come from this.

It could be some form of daily meditation if that kind of activity resonates with you. Any quiet time will work: solo nature walks, running, gardening, whatever.

Anything you enjoy doing that relaxes you, leads to relative thoughtlessness, allows the relatively subtle thoughts and feelings of your intuition to be heard.

If you can’t find time for solitude every day, then don’t worry - every other day is also good.

In my personal case, sitting quietly and still is not for me, so meditation is not for me. I prefer solitary walks in nature and in the mountains. I don't do this every day, but quite often.

Exercise and being outdoors seem to revitalize me, and some of my best ideas, inspirations, and explicit messages come to me during and after.

What works best for you? Please share in the comments below because you can help other people with your ideas.

2. Mental noise

People often do not hear messages from the spirit because their minds are busy solving the problems of everyday life.

The constant chatter of our analytical and egotistical minds is psychic noise that can drown out the incoming messages delivered through our intuition.

Messages from the spirit are as silent as whispers and can easily be further weakened by our thoughts, fears and worries.

Take regular time to quiet the mind so you can hear the guidance and information coming from your Higher Self and guides.

Any quiet time will work, but the less physical sensory stimuli the better.

Of course, meditation serves this purpose very well if it resonates with you.

It turns off the volume of our mind and reduces anxiety, stress and anxiety, which are the main sources of noise and prevent us from hearing divine messages.

In meditation, you turn off the outer world and plunge into the inner world, which is your portal to the field of consciousness and facilitates listening to messages from the spirit.

The immortal essence of all beings is pure consciousness, and we are all part of a single field of consciousness, which is why diving into yourself is important to get in touch.

If meditation doesn't work for you, then use anything that allows you to relax and calm your mind. Absolute Zen, such as complete detachment, is not required.

Often, any repetitive, relatively easy, mindless task that you enjoy can serve this purpose.

Calming your mind in any way on a regular basis is the best first step. This will allow you to hear relatively subtle thoughts and feelings from your intuition.

3. Distrust your intuition

Perhaps the biggest problem with receiving messages from Spirit is that you notice incoming messages, but your rational mind rejects or ignores them.

You do not have a sense of trust that they are meant for you and that they are meaningful to you. This is one of the main reasons why people don't feel they have a connection with spirit.

They notice the messages, but immediately ignore or reject them because their rational mind doesn't understand or trust intuitive communication, or sees those thoughts and feelings as impractical, unrealistic, stupid, or whatever.

Developing trust in your intuition

To create a functional channel of communication with the spirit, you must learn to trust your intuition.

This is very difficult for many because of the rational approach that our culture nurtures in us.

You cannot expect that the process of communicating with the spirit will follow rational rules: the rational model of the world was developed on the basis of the study of the material world, and in this case we are not dealing with the material world.

Try to keep an open mind and pay more attention to your thoughts and feelings, as well as the things you see and hear around you.

First, it is really helpful to know that your Higher Self and mentors are always in touch with you and their main way of communicating with you is through your intuition.

You must trust that you are being heard and answered. And you must believe that you are capable of getting answers.

Don't expect this trust to develop overnight. This happens, but more often it may take some time.

If you set the intention to achieve a better connection, this is bound to happen.

Go ahead and tell your Higher Self, guides, and spirit family (either out loud or in your mind) that you want to be in constant contact with them.

Then all you have to do is start paying attention to your thoughts and feelings and what is going on around you.

Most likely, the beginning will be small coincidences and synchronicities. Make it a habit to observe them and write them down.

Also get into the habit of asking questions about things that bother you. Start with something small that you want to happen that day.

The goal is to make small gains that build your confidence that your channel to spirit is open and working.

After asking for help with something, pay attention to what appears.

Sometimes the answer comes in the form of what you desired. Another time, a helpful person will appear or you may stumble upon some useful information.

Often the answer will be as an inspiration or thoughts in your head.

Sometimes it will be obvious that the idea comes from the spirit, because there was absolutely no precedent for this idea in your previous thinking - it just came out of the blue.

Trust that these are indeed messages from spirit meant for you, and allow yourself to gain confidence and experience in how communication with spirit works.

Ask them to send you a sign of their presence

One way to build your conviction and trust is to simply ask them send you a sign of their presence.

They will give you the kind of sign they know will be the best to convince you. It can be something very personal since they know you better than you know yourself.

Some of the traditional signs that your angel guides may suggest are simple as hell: they place a coin or feather in your path, perhaps repeating this several times.

But honestly, it could be anything, so keep an open mind and pay attention to everything.

Another way they can show their presence around you is through repeating numbers.

If you see numbers such as: 11:11, 444, or any other number that appears repeatedly and often or in quick succession in a way that seems unbelievable, then it is very likely that this is a high-five greeting from the other side.

Repeating numbers is the way my mentors got my attention initially.

After they realized that I had noticed their frequent and unbelievable repeating numbers, they helped me stumble upon the book Angel of the Number 101, which explains what they mean.

As the book points out, not only do your mentors get your attention with repeating numbers, but they can be used as code messages and are an alternative communication channel that complements and is a backup to your intuition.

Ask for a sign of presence you can not only when initially trying to connect. You can do this whenever you feel that the connection is weakening or if doubts visit you, and you need to be sure of their presence.

They will be very happy to give you a sign of their presence any time you need confirmation.

They want you to trust their messages, and they know how important it is for you to trust their presence.

I have done this myself many times. Sometimes I'm busy or stressed and get distracted by my work and the world and start to feel like I'm disconnected.

When I'm in this state, I just say out loud, "You know guys (that's how I refer to my mentors - 'you guys'), I feel really disconnected and it would be very comforting to have a sign of your presence."

The sign always comes, and sometimes in the most amazing and delightful way!

Here in in general terms how to manage your main channel of communication with the spirit through your intuitive channel. But there is an alternative communication channel that you should be aware of.

Alternative communication channel - external signs and symbols

Another way to deliver messages is through the use of signs and symbols in the outside world.

Your mentors often use this mechanism by presenting you with an image or symbol, a word or phrase, a song, significant numbers, or anything else that serves as a symbolic message.

They may appear on license plates, road signs, music plays on the radio and the like.

Unfortunately, most of the time people don't even pay attention to such things. If they happen to notice something, they usually write it down as a nonsensical coincidence.

Start paying more attention to the symbols in the world around you and your first impressions of what they might mean. With practice, you can perfectly recognize them and begin to trust this symbolic communication channel.

Start asking questions and pay attention to the form in which the answer comes: it may come through your intuition as a hunch or inspired idea, but it may also come as a sign or symbol.

For example, you may see a license plate with some relevant and meaningful words on it, what you will feel as the answer - trust your feelings and message.

Strengthening the connection

With trust, patience and practice, using the methods outlined above, you will firmly strengthen your channel of communication with the Divine, as many thousands and thousands have already done.

Plus the many others that go online every day, and one of them will be you.

The spirit rejoices when each of us realizes and then firmly connects with the divine.

This allows them to start guiding us more effectively, and this is what they signed up for and agreed to do for us when we decided to dive into incarnation in the Earth game.

In this way, they can finally fulfill their goal to the fullest - it is very useful for them and brings satisfaction!

If you have anything you'd like to add to this, I'd love to hear it, and I'm sure other readers would too.