Oryol State agricultural university is a large, dynamically developing scientific and educational complex and Cultural Center region.

The history of the university began with the formation in 1975 of the Oryol State Agricultural Institute. In 1995, he acquired the status of an agricultural academy, which in 1999 was transformed into the Oryol State Agrarian University.

Today, Oryol State Agrarian University is the winner of the national project "Education" (2007), winner of the competition "100 best universities Russia” in the nomination “The Best Innovative University of Russia” (2012), winner of the “National Mark of Quality” award (2015), multiple laureate of the project “The Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia”. In 2014, the university took the first place among the Oryol universities and the fourth place among the agricultural universities of Russia in " National ranking Universities" according to the information group "Interfax".

Since 2011, the Orel State Agrarian University has been a member of the Visegrad Association of Universities - the union of agricultural and natural science universities in Eastern Europe. In 2015, the Oryol State Agrarian University was the first among agricultural universities to be admitted to membership in the Eurasian Association of Universities, which unites more than 130 universities in Azerbaijan, Armenia, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine. Oryol State Agrarian University is a co-founder and active participant of the Association of Agricultural Universities of the Central Federal District of Russia, supervising scientific direction organization's activities.

Corresponding members of the Russian Academy of Sciences, honored workers high school, Honored Workers of Science, Honored Workers Agriculture, Honored Economists, Honorary Workers of the Higher vocational education, agro-industrial complex, science and technology, the sphere of youth policy of the Russian Federation. The degree level of scientific and pedagogical staff is 83.5%, average age teacher - 42 years old.

Multilevel system, structure and scientific and educational activities at the university

Oryol State Agrarian University is an established scientific and educational complex, which includes a branched structure of a multi-stage system of pre-university training, higher, secondary vocational education, training of highly qualified personnel and additional professional education.

The university is licensed Federal Service on Supervision in the Sphere of Education and Science of the Russian Federation. In June 2015, the Russian Register Certification Association conducted an inspection to confirm the issued certificates of compliance of the management system with the requirements of GOST ISO 9000-2011 and GOST ISO 9001-2011.

The system of training students at the university is multi-level: 13 undergraduate programs, 17 specialty programs, 11 master's programs, 9 postgraduate training programs for scientific and pedagogical personnel, 2 doctoral studies by branches of science, 8 training programs for mid-level specialists, 20 professional training programs and 97 - additional education.

Today, the university provides targeted advanced training of specialists for the innovative economy, implementing educational programs that correspond to priority areas: 13.03.02 Electric power industry and electrical engineering; 03/23/03 Operation of transport and technological machines and complexes; 19.03.01 Biotechnology.

Traditional agrarian areas of training - "Agronomy", "Agrochemistry and Agrosoil Science", "Zootechnics", "Veterinary Medicine", "Food of Animal Origin", "Economics", "Agroengineering" by the Guild of Experts in the Field of Vocational Education and the National Center for Public and Professional Accreditation within the framework of the project "The Best Educational Programs of Innovative Russia" were recognized as leaders in agricultural education.

The university consists of 4 faculties (agribusiness and ecology, biotechnology and veterinary medicine, agricultural technology and energy supply, economics); civil engineering institute; institute of professional retraining and advanced training; multidisciplinary college; scientific Library with a total area of ​​1869.6 m2, information and technical support department; laboratories distance learning; veterinary diagnostic center, etc.

The university has specialized classrooms of domestic and foreign manufacturers of advanced agricultural equipment: Rostselmash, Amazonen, John Deere, Lemken, Westfalia Serge, Murska, etc.

To ensure the educational process with modern equipment, business structures are actively involved, providing equipment for safekeeping on contractual terms with the possibility of using it for educational purposes. A testing ground for the study of electrical equipment and electrical networks has been created on the territory of the university to train specialists in the field of power supply. A training meat workshop was purchased and installed, which is successfully used in the educational process for students of the direction "Food products of animal origin". The Laboratory of Biotechnology and Molecular Forensics presents the latest equipment for microbiological analysis.

Oryol State Agrarian University has its own scientific and industrial base for the acquisition and development of students' competencies, formed in the process of passing different kind practitioner

Ample opportunities for conducting all types of practices, students are represented by the following structural divisions of the university:

  • demonstration platform for resource-saving technologies in the agro-industrial complex;
  • a network of centers for the collective use of scientific equipment;
  • innovative research and testing center;
  • veterinary treatment and diagnostic center;
  • Research and development center "Integration".

The system of organizing and passing internships by students of the Oryol State Agrarian University is built in such a way as to orient the potential employer to specific graduate students as much as possible, and provide students with the opportunity to get the most complete picture of their future profession.

Currently, more than 170 agreements and agreements on cooperation and strategic partnership have been concluded and are in force, of which about 40 agreements are with educational institutions of the countries of near and far abroad, more than 100 agreements with enterprises and institutions of the city of Orel and the Oryol region and more than 45 agreements with enterprises and institutions in other regions of Russia.

Places of practice for students of various fields are: Grimme-Rus OJSC, TekhnoDom LLC, Rostselmash CJSC, Electro Stroy Montazh LLC, Znamensky SGC LLC, Orlovskoye Breeding Works OJSC, APK CJSC Orlovskaya Niva, JV Saburovo, insulin plant Sanofi-Aventis Vostok, CJSC GRINN Corporation, LLC Bryansk Meat Processing Plant, OJSC Rosselkhozbank, Orel Regional Branch of OJSC Sberbank, OJSC Schelkovo Agrohimkombinat, LLC Dubovitskoye, CJSC Orel-Nobel-Agro, LLC OSU-2, JSC Orelstroy, JSC Oreloblkommunproekt, etc.

The following student teams function annually: "Bricklayer-Plasterer", "Origins", "Repairer", "Renaissance", "Dawn", "Trudovik", "Flower grower", "Landscaper", "Land surveyor", "Realtor", "Agromanager " and etc.

The Institute for Retraining and Advanced Training of the Oryol State Agrarian University carries out educational activities in 97 programs of additional professional education (APE), of which 70% are for advanced training programs.

Among the specialists of the agro-industrial complex, advanced training programs were most in demand: “Technology of slaughter and primary processing of livestock”, “Improving soil fertility and restoring farms”, “State supervision and control of quarantine organisms and regulated products”, as well as an increased demand for professional retraining programs in such areas as "Technology of production and processing of raw materials, feed and food", "System and control over the safety and quality of raw materials and products at grain storage and processing enterprises".

Professional retraining programs were completed by 192 students, among whom the programs in technosphere safety, veterinary medicine, economics, marketing, food processing and landscape architecture were in the greatest demand.

More than 600 people received an additional working profession under such programs as “Electric and gas welder”, “Tractor driver of categories “B”, “C”, “D”, “E”, “F”, “Cynologist”, “Driver of category B, C ”, “Bricklayer”, “Plasterer”, “Tiler”, etc. These professions are included in the Top 50 most in demand in Russia, which was published in 2015 by the Ministry of Labor.

Oryol State Agrarian University is located in 18 educational and laboratory buildings. On the territory of the main building of the university there is a large beautiful park of valuable trees and shrubs.

The university has five dormitories for 1305 places. For classes physical education There are 3 sports halls, a sports ground equipped with modern fitness equipment.

Integration of science and education

The scientific infrastructure of the university is represented by a modern powerful scientific base, which distinguishes the Oryol State Agrarian University from the vast majority of higher educational institutions of the agricultural profile. The university has five centers for the collective use of scientific equipment, each of which is engaged in a specific field of activity, VNII social development villages, 4 departments of the leading industry research institutes of the Russian Academy of Sciences (FGBNU VNIIESKh - Oryol Department of the Economics of the Material and Technical Base of the AIC, FGBNU GOSNITI - Sector No. 17 "New Technologies", FGBNU VIZH - Oryol Department of FGBNU VIZH, FGBNU VNII Phytopathology), 9 small innovative enterprises. The scientific and educational production center "Integration", created on the basis of the former state farm "Lavrovsky", is actively working at the university. Separately, it should be noted that the innovative research and testing center (INITS) is unique in its kind. It includes six laboratories that perform biochemical, immunological, molecular genetic, cytogenetic, cytological, histological and other studies at a high level. The equipment of laboratories makes it possible to carry out effective diagnostics of the state of animal health, control the quality of feed, livestock and crop products.

In 2001, on the basis of the university, the Association "Scientific and Educational Complex - Oryol State Agrarian University" was created, which included leading research institutions: the All-Russian Scientific Research Institute of Legumes and Groats, the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crops Breeding , State Scientific Institution Shatilovskaya Agricultural Experimental Station, Federal State Institution National Park "Orlovskoye Polesye", etc. The correctness of this decision has been confirmed by time: now one of the options for the development of agricultural education is being considered to unite educational institutions with specialized research institutes in the region.

Today, the Oryol State Agrarian University is no longer just a scientific base, but a center for scientific, innovative and cultural development of the Oryol region, which is a popular venue for major scientific events with international and all-Russian status. Such events are attended not only by leading domestic and foreign scientists, but also by representatives of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Orel Region, heads of leading agricultural enterprises and processing industries, and representatives of business structures. Traditionally, the university takes an active part in the preparation and holding of the Oryol Field Day and Variety Fair.

Students are always involved in the research activities of the university. Them scientific work receive high marks at competitions and olympiads held annually at the regional federal and international levels. In 2015 alone, 183 undergraduate and graduate students received nominal scholarships from the President of the Russian Federation, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Governor of the Orel Region, Rosselkhozbank OJSC, Znamensky SGC LLC, and others. 186 university students took part in 23 nominations of the XXII Interuniversity Student Olympiad. In 6 nominations, students won in the individual standings, in 13 nominations they won prizes in the team standings.

Contribution to the innovative development of the region

The most significant research by the university is carried out by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia as part of the thematic task plan for R&D at the expense of the federal budget, on competitive projects of various grantmakers, as well as on orders from organizations and enterprises of the Oryol region. In 2015 alone, the university received 42 patents for inventions, won a grant in the amount of 20 million rubles in the competition of research projects that are especially significant for the agro-industrial complex of Russia.

Within the framework of the project for the development of dairy cattle breeding, with the active support of the Department of Agriculture of the Oryol Region, on the basis of the Oryol State Agrarian University, the Reference Analytical Center for monitoring and controlling the quality of milk and dairy products in the region has been established and is effectively functioning.

The aim of the project is to provide consumers of the Oryol region with high-quality and safe dairy products by increasing the productivity and quality of dairy products by agricultural producers of the Oryol region.

The reference center was created on the basis of an innovative research and testing center (INITS) of the university, accredited in the national accreditation system - Rosakreditatsiya and included in the register of genetic laboratories under the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia. Its work is provided by several specialized laboratories engaged in scientific assessment quality of feed, water, milk and dairy products. Besides, in organizational structure includes an analytical center dealing with the processing of information received and feedback from customers and administrative bodies of regional government, a mobile center for the delivery of selected samples, a center for advanced training of specialists and farm managers.

International activity

An integral part of the activities of the Oryol State Agrarian University is cooperation with leading foreign universities, participation in international programs and projects for grants, internships for teachers, students and graduate students abroad.

International activities are carried out in the following areas:

  • Expansion of active international relations of the university with leading foreign universities;
  • Participation in international programs and projects for grants;
  • Internships for teachers, students and graduate students abroad;
  • Invitation of foreign specialists to the university to exchange experience and give lectures;
  • Admission to FSBEI HE Oryol State Agrarian University of foreign delegations;
  • Preparation of agreements / agreements on academic cooperation with foreign universities, higher educational institutions and organizations.

Development prospects scientific activity opens the membership of the Oryol State Agrarian University in the Visegrad Association of Universities, in particular, it allows you to participate in many international events, including those held by FAO and UNESCO. The main goal of the Association is the interaction of partner universities of the Visegrad Agreement countries and neighboring regions in order to ensure the quality of education and the scientific environment, to promote closer cooperation on all issues of sustainable development. The Association provides for:

  • holding international summer schools for bachelors, masters and graduate students (InternationalVisegradSummerSchool). International summer school is one of the chances to take part in the construction of a unified international educational space;
  • publication of the Association's international scientific journal devoted to bioeconomy and sustainable development (Journal on Bioeconomy and Sustainable Development), publication of monographs and teaching aids;
  • organization of international symposiums, seminars and conferences on the topics of agricultural science with the participation of teachers, university researchers and graduate students. One of promising directions cooperation is the VUA Youth project (youth association of the Association), according to which students of participating universities should become direct beneficiaries of the existing wide international relations of universities in Eastern Europe. In order to achieve high personal development and receive the best and high-quality education, students of partner universities must themselves initiate, organize and conduct various scientific, educational and cultural events.

Membership of the Oryol State Agrarian University in the Eurasian Association of Universities opens up new opportunities for moving forward and participating in international scientific and educational programs.

Educational work at the Oryol State Agrarian University

It should be noted that the Oryol State Agrarian University takes part in holding all-Russian actions and events included in the program " Patriotic education citizens Russian Federation for 2011 - 2015".

Almost all mass cultural events are organized and held on the initiative of the students themselves: the Student Council Leisure Committee, activists of creative circles and studios of the Youth Center.

Creative studios of the Youth Center play a huge role in the education of young people. The following studios operate on the basis of the Youth Center of the Oryol State Agrarian University:

  • folk choir of the Oryol State Agrarian University;
  • ballroom dance studio;
  • historical dance studio "Noble Nest";
  • theater studio "Variant";
  • pop vocal studio "Rhythm";
  • stagecraft studio "Student'stars".

Demand for university graduates (employment)

Successful employment of graduates is one of the key performance indicators of the university and the result of successful cooperation with employers. On the market educational services Oryol State Agrarian University occupies a special place. This is the only university that trains agricultural specialists. In general, the training of agricultural specialists is in demand in the economy of the Oryol region, which is focused on the development of the agro-industrial complex.

Development of agriculture, increase investment attractiveness industry determines the need for young professionals to work on modern equipment using resource-saving technologies, able to assess risks and make forecasts for the socio-economic development of the region. Graduates of the Oryol State Agrarian University at all times possessed the qualities that make an employee a true professional.

A center for promoting the employment of graduates has been created at the Oryol State Agrarian University. The main activities of the Center are: informing students and graduates about the state and trends of the labor market, ensuring interaction between graduates and potential employers.

The activities carried out by the university give positive results. The employment of graduates in 2015 amounted to 76.2%, including 74% for agricultural enterprises, and 2.2% for non-agricultural organizations. To date, graduates of the Oryol State Agrarian University are employed in 31 regions of the country.

The demand for graduates who are largely employed is characterized by the level of wages, which acts as an evaluating indicator of labor efficiency. The average salary of graduates in the first year of employment, according to the portal for monitoring the employment of graduates, amounted to 20,536 rubles.

Date of registration of the operator in the register: 30.06.2016

Grounds for entering the operator in the register (order number): 47

Operator location address: 302019, Orel region, Oryol, st. Generala Rodina, 69

Start date of personal data processing: 08.12.1992

Subjects of the Russian Federation on the territory of which the processing of personal data takes place: Oryol Region

Purpose of personal data processing: accounting and personnel records, fulfillment of the functions, powers and duties assigned by the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, control over the reliability of information about the results of the Unified State Exam submitted by applicants, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, accounting for residents of the hostel and visitors, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of data processing of dissertation councils, execution and maintenance of legal documents, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel, compliance with the requirements of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education for the training of foreign citizens, migration registration, Ensuring social protection of students, Provision of reference and bibliographic and library services, services for the use of archives, Maintaining military records and booking citizens, Implementation of editorial, publishing and printing activities, Maintaining the university website

Description of the measures provided for by Art. 18.1 and 19 of the Law: The operator has appointed a person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data, approved the instructions for the person responsible for organizing the processing of personal data. Audited information systems of the operator's personal data for compliance with the requirements of the Federal Law of the Russian Federation of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FZ, local acts have been developed on the processing of personal data, as well as local acts establishing procedures aimed at preventing and detecting violations of the legislation of the Russian Federation, and eliminating the consequences of such violations. The operator exercises internal control over the compliance of the processing of personal data with the Federal Law "On Personal Data" and the regulatory legal acts adopted in accordance with it, the requirements for the protection of personal data, the operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data, and local acts of the operator. The plan of internal checks of the personal data protection regime is approved by the operator's local act. The operator's employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are familiar with the provisions of the legislation of the Russian Federation on personal data, including the requirements for the protection of personal data, documents defining the operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data, local acts on the processing of personal data (under signature) and/or training of said employees. The operator's employees directly involved in the processing of personal data are obliged to respect the confidentiality of personal data. Employees of the operator who process personal data without using automation tools are informed of the fact that they are processing personal data, the processing of which is carried out without the use of automation tools, the categories of personal data being processed, and signed a notice of the fact of processing personal data without using automation tools. The operator has issued and published on the website a document that defines the operator's policy regarding the processing of personal data. When maintaining a journal containing personal data necessary for a single pass to the territory of the operator, the conditions stipulated by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2008 No. 687 are observed. data, the places of storage of personal data (tangible media) are determined and a list of persons processing personal data or having access to them is established. Accounting for machine carriers of PD is carried out. Rules for access to PD processed in ISPD have been established. The level of protection of personal data during their processing in ISPD is determined in accordance with the requirements for the protection of personal data during their processing in personal data information systems, approved by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 01, 2012 No. 1119. Control is exercised over the measures taken to ensure the security of personal data and security of personal data information systems. Threats to the security of PD in specific conditions of functioning of the ISPD have been identified, Models of threats to the security of PD have been developed during their processing in the ISPD of the operator. The responsible user of cryptographic tools has been appointed as the Operator, the users of cryptographic tools have been identified, the Instructions for the responsible user of cryptographic tools and the Instructions for the user of cryptographic tools have been approved.

Categories of personal data: surname, name, patronymic, address, marital status, education, field of study or specialty according to the document on education, information contained in orders, information about ownership foreign languages, other information necessary for the implementation of the legislation of the Russian Federation in the field of education, information on the availability of individual achievements, address of residence, information on education, USE results, qualifications according to the document on education, information about academic performance, form of education, citizenship, specialty, contact numbers, gender, information about the presence of citizenship of another state, information about Olympiads, group number, information about social benefits, information about changing citizenship, information about children , place of work, course, photograph, information about the change of full name, faculty, data of an identity document, information about passing a medical examination, place of study, information about close relatives, registration address, details of orders

List of actions with personal data: collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), extraction, use, transfer (provision, access), blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data

Processing of personal data: mixed, without transmission over the internal network of a legal entity, without transmission over the Internet

Legal basis for the processing of personal data: Constitution of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”, Labor Code of the Russian Federation, Civil Code of the Russian Federation, Tax Code of the Russian Federation, Budget Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law of December 6, 2011 No. 402 -FZ “On Accounting”, Federal Law No. 173-FZ of December 17, 2001 “On Labor Pensions in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law No. 167-FZ of December 15, 2001 “On Compulsory Pension Insurance in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of 01.04.96 No. 27-FZ "On Individual (Personalized) Accounting in the System of Compulsory Pension Insurance", Federal Law No. medical insurance”, Charter, approved by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation of July 28, 2015 No. 109-u, Certificate of state parental accreditation dated January 30, 2017. Series 90A01, No. 0002611, License to carry out educational activities dated November 16, 2016. Series 90L01, No. 0009537, Agreements concluded between the operator and the subject of personal data, Consent of personal data subjects to the processing of personal data, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated July 25, 2014 N 793 (as amended on June 3, 2015) “On approval of the rules for the formation in a notification procedure a list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results dissertations for competition degree Candidate of Sciences, for the degree of Doctor of Science and requirements for peer-reviewed scientific publications for inclusion in the list of peer-reviewed scientific publications in which the main scientific results of dissertations for the degree of Candidate of Science, for the degree of Doctor of Science must be published, "Policy of the Federal state budget educational institution higher education Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhin” with regard to the processing of personal data”, the Family Code of the Russian Federation, Federal Law No. 159-FZ of December 21, 1996 “On Additional Guarantees for social support orphans and children left without parental care”, Law of the Russian Federation of March 11, 1992 N 2487-1 “On Private Detective and Security Activities in the Russian Federation”, Federal Law of December 29, 1994 N 78-FZ “On Library Science ”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2006 N 719 “On approval of the Regulations on military registration”, Federal Law of March 28, 1998 No. 53-FZ “On military duty and military service”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of August 15, 2013 N 706 “On approval of the Rules for the provision of paid educational services”, Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 6, 1995 N 309 “On the establishment of scholarships of the Government of the Russian Federation for graduate students and students of state organizations providing educational activity on educational programs of secondary vocational education and higher education”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of June 6, 2013 N 443 “On approval of the Procedure and cases of transition of persons studying in educational programs of secondary vocational and higher education from paid education to free ”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 14, 2015 N 1147 “On approval of the Procedure for admission to study in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of 03.26.2014 N 233 “On approval of the procedure for admission n and training in educational programs of higher education - programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of July 1, 2013 N 499 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities for additional professional programs”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of February 13, 2014 N 112 “On approval of the Procedure for filling out, recording and issuing documents on higher education and qualifications and their duplicates”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia of December 19, 2013 N 1367 “On approval of the Procedure organization and implementation of educational activities in educational programs of higher education - bachelor's programs, specialist's programs, master's programs", Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 19, 2013 N 1259 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and implementing educational activities in educational programs of higher education - programs for the training of scientific and pedagogical personnel in graduate school (adjuncture)”, Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of November 27, 2015 N 1383 “On Approval of the Regulations on the Practice of Students Mastering Basic Professional Educational Programs of Higher Education”, Federal Law of August 23, 1996 N 127-FZ "On Science and State scientific and technical policy”, Federal Law No. 59-FZ of 02.05.2006 “On the Procedure for Considering Appeals from Citizens of the Russian Federation”, Federal Law No. 109-FZ of July 18, 2006 “On Migration Registration of Foreign Citizens and Stateless Persons in Russian Federation".

Availability of cross-border transmission: No

Database location details: Russia

Agriculture, forestry and fisheries

Veterinary and animal science

Technique and construction technology

Industrial ecology and biotechnology

Forms of study


Levels of Education


Admissions Committee OrelGAU

schedule Working mode:

Mon., Tue., Wed., Thu., Fri. from 08:00 to 17:00

Latest reviews OrelGAU

Tatyana Romanova 11:37 07/08/2013

Talking about my future career after graduation, I made a firm decision to become an engineer with the specialty “Expertise and Property Management”, and the choice of my new place of study fell on one of the largest universities in the city of Orel - OSAU. Why did he attract me? Perhaps the biggest advantage of this university is the presence budget places for medalists. For those who studied at school with excellent marks, the doors of this educational institution are always open. As for the rest of the applicants, the competition is...

Anna Filatova 00:20 04/25/2013

Oryol is called the city of students, as there are about 15 higher educational institutions in this administrative center with 400 thousand inhabitants. Therefore, aiming at obtaining the profession of an accountant, the choice of an educational institution was quite wide. Why did I choose OrelGAU? At the time of admission (2006) Faculty of Economics OSAU was considered the best in the city, since all the teachers of the accounting department worked part-time as accountants. As a gold medalist, she entered without problems, one ...

general information

federal state budgetary educational institution higher education "Orel State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhina

Colleges OrelGAU

  • College Oryol State Agrarian University. N.V. parakhina


No. 02468 is valid Indefinitely from 11/16/2016


No. 02485 valid from 01/30/2017

Monitoring results of the Ministry of Education and Science for OrelSAU

Index2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 2014
Performance indicator (out of 5 points)4 5 6 7 5 4
Average USE score in all specialties and forms of education56.85 57.72 58.51 57.22 56.30 58.62
Average USE score credited to the budget62.05 62.18 63.97 63.72 59.63 60.77
Average USE score enrolled on a commercial basis53.93 52.96 52.44 53.06 51.14 57.22
Average for all specialties minimum score USE enrolled in the full-time department55.59 52.83 55.12 55.45 40.68 45.55
Number of students4480 4453 4362 5217 5842 6224
full-time department1826 1825 1966 2171 2696 2839
Part-time department5 5 8 29 0 0
Extramural2649 2623 2388 3017 3146 3385
All data

The Oryol Construction College was organized in 1952 on the basis of a one-year school of master builders, it had only one full-time department in the specialty "Industrial and Civil Engineering".

On April 17, 1958, the construction college was merged with the industrial college and carried out admission in the specialties "Industrial and civil construction" and "Production of building parts".

In 1991, on the basis of the construction technical school, the Orel Construction College was formed.

In 2001, the Oryol Construction College became part of the Oryol State Agrarian University as a structural unit.

In 1956, the Agricultural College was founded, which later became part of the Oryol State Agrarian University.

October 5, 2011 by merger Construction College and the Agricultural College, the Multidisciplinary College of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education Oryol GAU was formed

On September 15, 2014 FGBOU VPO Oryol GAU was reorganized by FGBOU VPO Orel State Agrarian University by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) No. 357.

On June 15, 2016, the college became known as the Multidisciplinary College of the FGBOU HE Oryol State Agrarian University in connection with the transformation of the Oryol State Agrarian University into the federal state budgetary educational institution of higher education "Oryol State Agrarian University named after N.V. Parakhina (FGBOU VO Orlovsky State Agrarian University) by order of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia) No. 237

In our college studying proccess lead by more than 70 highly qualified teachers. The teaching staff has great experience work, which allows high level theoretical and practical training of graduates.

For the successful development curriculum academic scholarship provided. Students who provide a certificate for the right to receive benefits receive a social scholarship, and for excellent studies they are appointed to a scholarship from the Governor of the Orel Region.

The Multidisciplinary College successfully implements programs for the training of mid-level specialists (MSSP) in eight full-time specialties and four - correspondence forms learning. One of the forms of integrated training of SVE specialists, of course, is the practical orientation of training. In accordance with educational programs of all specialties in the college, educational and production (according to the profile of the specialty, pre-diploma) practices are organized.

List of practice bases:

Specialty 07.02.01 Architecture

  • BUZ of the Oryol region "Children's polyclinic No. 1"
  • JSC "GRINN Corporation", Oryol
  • OJSC Grazhdanproekt, Oryol
  • Oryolrestavratsiya LLC
  • JSC "Orelagropromproekt"
  • LLC ZAO Gorproekt, Oryol, etc.

Students of the 3rd year of the specialty 07.02.01 Architecture at the production (according to the specialty) practice in CJSC "Sanatorium" Pearl of the Sea ", Gelendzhik

Students of the 3rd year of the specialty 07.02.01 Architecture at the production (according to the specialty profile) practice in the Oryol Region Children's Polyclinic No. 1, Oryol

Specialty 35.02.12 Gardening and landscape construction

  • Municipal Unitary Enterprise of Orel "Zelenstroy"
  • Green Style LLC, Oryol, etc.

3rd year students of the specialty 35.02.12 Gardening, park and landscape construction at the production (according to the specialty) practice at FGBNU VNIISPK, Oryol

Specialty 23.02.03 Maintenance and repair road transport

  • IP "Pisarev V.V.", Oryol
  • JSC "Livensky plant of fire-fighting engineering", Oryol region, Livny
  • JSC "Passenger transport company" Kromskoy branch, Oryol region, town. Kromy
  • Motor depot No. 9 FAO "Oreldorstroy", Oryol
  • Atlant-M Auto LLC, Oryol
  • Vozrozhdenie LLC, Oryol
  • JSC Avtokolonna 1142, Oryol
  • LLC "Business car Orel", Orel
  • SelkhozInvest LLC, Oryol
  • OJSC "Zvyaginki", Orel region, Orlovsky district
  • Avangard-Agro-Orel LLC, Oryol region, Sverdlovsk district
  • KH "Demin V.V." Oryol region, Soskovsky district
  • JSC "Breeding Plant named after. A.S. Georgievsky, Oryol region, Livensky district
  • KarCity LLC, Oryol
  • Spetsmontazhsvyaz LLC, Oryol
  • LLC "Vivataim" Oryol region, Orlovsky district, town. Znamenka and others.

Industrial (according to the specialty) practice 4th year students of the specialty 23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles in Avtokolonna 1142 OJSC and Atlant-M Auto LLC, Orel

Industrial (according to the specialty) practice 4th year students of the specialty 23.02.03 Maintenance and repair of motor vehicles in Vivataim LLC, Oryol

Specialty 08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures
Orel organizations:

  • CJSC "Inzhilkom"
  • Agrostroyinvest LLC
  • OOO "Khimprodukt"
  • Spetsmontazh-M LLC
  • JSC "Orelstroyindustriya" PJSC "Orelstroy"
  • DOOO SMU-10 CJSC Zhilstroy
  • OOO "Stroygrad"
  • LLC "Vista-technics"
  • Stema+ LLC
  • FAO Oreldorstroy SU-831
  • LLC "RegionInvest"
  • LLC "Regionstroy"
  • DOOO "Orlovsky KSK" LLC "Orelagropromstroy"
  • OOO "Santekhservis"
  • Municipal unitary enterprise "Tram and trolleybus enterprise"
  • Promstroydetal LLC
  • CJSC "Zhilstroy"
  • LLC "Housing"
  • LLC "Prom-Alp"
  • OOO "Artifex"
  • OOO SU#5, etc.

Students of the 4th year of the specialty 08.02.01 Construction and operation of buildings and structures in the production (according to the profile of the specialty) practice. Construction kindergarten leads LLC "SK MPMK No. 3", Oryol

Specialty 35.02.05 Agronomy

  • KFH IP Sychev A.G. Oryol region, Korsakovsky district
  • OOO " Motherland» Orel Region, Mtsensk District
  • FGBNU "Shatilovskaya SHOS VNIIZBK" Oryol region, Novoderevenkovsky district
  • SPK "OTKORMSOVHOZ KSHENSKY" Kursk region, Sovietsky district, Work settlement Kshensky
  • CJSC Orelagroyug, Orel
  • IP Koryachkin V.G. Oryol region, Shablykinsky district
  • FSUE "Streletskoye" Oryol region, Orlovsky district
  • SPK "Leninsky" Oryol region, Sverdlovsk district
  • LLC "Viko" Oryol region, Krasnozorensky district
  • KFH IP. Yudin A.N. Oryol region, Novosilsky district, etc.

Educational practice according to MDK.01.03. Technologies for the production of vegetables, fruits and berries. Students of the 3rd and 4th courses of the specialty 35.02.05 Agronomy are studying the technology of planting apple trees at the All-Russian Research Institute of Fruit Crop Breeding

A 4th year student of the specialty 35.02.05 Agronomy Ilyin K.P. takes part in the production (according to the profile of the specialty) practice in the preparation of agricultural machinery for sowing at CJSC Orelagroyug, Oryol region

Specialty 36.02.01 Veterinary

  • JSC "Potato Niva Orlovschiny" Oryol region, Oryol district.
  • Maslovo LLC, Baklanovo branch, Orel region, Orlovsky district.
  • Veterinary center "BIO" IP Filatov P.I., Orel
  • LLC "Bryansk meat company", Oryol region, Shablykinsky district
  • Znamensky Selection and Hybrid Center LLC, Orel
  • JSC "Berezki" Oryol region, Oryol district, settlement Beloberezovsky.
  • JSC "Orlovskoye" for breeding work "Oryol region, Oryol district, Znamenka village
  • JSC "Agrofirma Livenskoye myas", Oryol region, Livny
  • Veterinary center "Hunter" IP Tsvetinsky S.G., Orel
  • Novoderevenkovsky branch of BUOO "Oryol Regional Veterinary Center" Oryol region, Novoderevenkovsky district, Khomutovo settlement
  • Oryol branch of BUOO "Oryol Regional Veterinary Center". Orel region, Orlovsky district, Zarechensky settlement.
  • FSUE "Streletskoye" Oryol region, Oryol district, Streletsky village
  • BU OO DO "DYUKSSH" Oryol region, Uritsky district, Ledno village.
  • JSC APK Orlovskaya Niva Joint Venture Factory for the production of poultry meat
  • BUOO "Sverdlovsk district SBBZH" Oryol region, Sverdlovsk district, Zmievka village, etc.

Specialty 21.02.05 Land and property relations

  • CJSC "Vector", Orel
  • LLC "Premium - assessment", Oryol
  • IP Isaev K.I., Oryol
  • Express-Estimation LLC, Oryol
  • OOO Objective Land, Oryol
  • Region Geo Project LLC, Orel, etc.

Industrial (pre-diploma) practice of 3rd year students of the specialty 21.02.05 Land and property relations on the basis of Region Geo Project LLC, Oryol

Passage of industrial (pre-diploma) practice of students of the 3rd year of the specialty 21.02.05 Land and property relations on the basis of OOO Objective Land, Oryol:

  • Departure to the city of Mtsensk for a judicial land management examination;
  • With a topographical engineer: installation of satellite geodetic dual-frequency equipment from Leica

Specialty 38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry)

  • JSC "Berezki", Oryol region, Oryol district
  • Branch of CJSC Agro-Grad, Oryol region, Pokrovsky district
  • Orel Agro-Product LLC, Oryol region, Kromskoy district
  • Shablykinsky agrocomplex LLC, Oryol region, Shablykinsky district
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Streletskoye", Oryol region, Oryol district
  • CJSC "Kurakinskoye", Oryol region, Sverdlovsk district
  • LLC "Tekino", Oryol region, Hotynetsky district
  • LLC "Zalegoshch" Agro, Oryol region, Zalegoshchensky district
  • Maslovo LLC, Oryol region, Oryol district
  • Znamensky SGC LLC, Oryol
  • JSC "Zvyaginki", Orel region, Orlovsky district
  • OJSC "Orlovskoe" for breeding work, Oryol region, Oryol district
  • OOO "Arta", Oryol region, Kromskoy district
  • SPK "Senkovo", Oryol region, Glazunov district
  • JSC Agrofirma Mtsensk, Oryol region, Mtsensk district, etc.

3rd-year students of the specialty 38.02.01 Economics and accounting (by industry) on the production (by specialty) practice at Berezki LLC, Oryol
The list of enterprises with which long-term cooperation agreements have been concluded:

  • CJSC Zhilstroy, Oryol;
  • DOOO "SMU-10" CJSC "Zhilstroy", Oryol;
  • DOOO "Orlovsky KSK", Oryol;
  • OJSC "Grazhdanproekt", Oryol;
  • Oreloblkommunproekt LLC, Oryol;
  • State Unitary Enterprise of the Oryol region "Sanatorium" Dubrava ", Oryol region, Orlovsky district, Zhilina village;
  • Municipal Unitary Enterprise of the city of Orel "Zelenstroy", the city of Orel;
  • OOO NiKa-Design, Oryol;
  • JSC Avtokolonna 1142, Oryol;
  • MU "PATP No. 1", Oryol;
  • CJSC Vozrozhdenie, Oryol;
  • Vozrozhdenie Vostok LLC, Oryol;
  • OOO Vozrozhdenie Sever, Oryol;
  • East Wind LLC, Oryol;
  • Real Motors LLC, Oryol;
  • LLC "Northern Wind", Oryol.
The list of enterprises with which long-term cooperation agreements were concluded in 2017:
  • Stroymagistral LLC, Moscow;
  • BUOO "Orlovsky OVTS", Oryol;
  • IP Tsvetinsky S.G. vet. Center "Hunter", Oryol;
  • OJSC "Orlovskoe" for breeding work, Oryol region, Orlovsky district, Znamenka town;
  • Veterinary center "Bio", Oryol;
  • FGBNU VNII SPK, Orel region, Orlovsky district, Zhilina village;
  • Federal State Unitary Enterprise "FKP Rosreestra", Orel and branches in the Oryol region
  • SUE OO "MR BTI", Orel and branches in the Oryol region
  • OOO Objective Land, Oryol;
  • OOO "Region Geo Project", Oryol.

Every year, excursions are organized for students, visits to exhibitions in different cities of the Russian Federation, trips to the sea, sports and recreational activities, sports sections, concerts are prepared for various holidays with the participation of students.

In our college there is a club of military-patriotic education of youth. Children with interest take part in actions in memory of those who died in the war; master the basics of combat and fire training; learn to assemble and disassemble weapons; make trips to the training ground together with the Bastion club.

Graduates of our college work in design organizations, heads of departments, leading specialists at enterprises of the city and region. Many graduates decide to continue their education in higher educational institutions in Russia and abroad.

Over the years of its existence, the college has trained a large number of competent construction technicians, mechanical technicians, architects, specialists in land and property relations, landscaping technicians, accountants, agronomists, and veterinary paramedics.