6 institutions and 27 study programs. This section includes English language schools in Prague. We have added the best and most prestigious educational institutions in Prague for Russian children, schoolchildren and teenagers, as well as foreign students, described in detail their international programs and rankings, and indicated the cost of education to make it easier for you to choose from the list. Perhaps you will be interested in the feedback of students - and our specialist is always ready to answer questions that arose during the selection process. FREE enrollment services at partner institutions, places are limited. Assistance in the selection of institutions, advice on what documents you need to collect, what are the requirements for filing and enrollment deadlines.

A small excerpt from the description of educational institutions in this section:

The Czech Republic and especially Prague have long become one of the most popular places in Europe for getting an education - students from all over the world come to the Educational Center of the Association OCA Prague OCA Association Prague every year, who appreciate the affordable cost, convenient conditions, urban infrastructure and quality of educational programs.

Educational center Association OCA Prague OCA Association Prague began its work more than 10 years ago: the specialists of the institution helped foreign students who arrived in the Czech Republic for various training programs - they gave valuable advice, oriented in the local educational system, advised on schools and universities. Such work helped to more accurately understand the needs and needs of foreign students in the Czech Republic, which eventually led to the opening of their own school - today OCA Prague operates as a permanent branch of the Center for Continuing Education at the University. Purkin. From the moment of foundation to the present day, the number of schoolchildren in the center has increased by more than 10 times - this showed the need for large-scale expansion and modernization: in 2014, the institution moved to a new modern building with excellent conditions for study and recreation, which meets all high world educational standards.

Each employee and teacher of the Association educational center is not only a highly qualified specialist and great experience is also a true friend for students: responsible, understanding, helping in various situations, interested in transferring their knowledge and skills. Good teacher should not just lay this or that knowledge - it should instill in the student a craving for learning, a desire for self-improvement and development individual features and abilities. From the moment of its foundation to the present day, the school has been led by Radim Knobloch: he personally communicates with students and parents, participates in all school events, in international student exchange programs, organizes presentations of the Center at consulates and at various international seminars and lectures.

If you are planning to get or work, then you will surely like the idea of ​​​​going to summer courses. Czech language to Prague and other cities of the Czech Republic. Courses last, as a rule, a month, during which you will learn how to explain simple topics in Czech. And, as you know, it is the language barrier that creates the main difficulties when moving to another country, in this case, to the Czech Republic.

Summer Czech language courses are offered by language schools in Prague, Brno and other Czech cities. Classes are taught by qualified Czech teachers, some of whom speak Russian. This helps to immediately completely immerse yourself in the language, because. no one will explain new topics and words in Russian to you.

Classes are held every weekday for 4-5 academic hours per day (1 academic hour = 45 minutes). The maximum number of students in a group is 12 people. A monthly course in language schools in Prague, for example, costs 640 - 760 Euros. This is not much, considering that studying English abroad or German will cost you the same amount, but for 1 week. In addition, the flight to the Czech Republic is inexpensive.

The course fee includes in most cases, study materials and passing an exam after completing the course (with the issuance of an appropriate certificate indicating yours).

The course price does not include food and accommodation, visa and travel expenses. Accommodation is provided in a hostel or in a rented apartment. The cost in a hostel for single occupancy is 225 Euro for 1 month, for double occupancy - 150 Euro for 1 month.

Within 1 month in the Czech language courses you will receive the basic minimum knowledge for life in the Czech Republic and learn how to express yourself in shops, at a bank, or at the post office. If you already live in Prague, you can also take a summer course to improve your Czech. In some courses there is the possibility of studying not from the initial, but from the advanced level.

In their free time, the administration of language schools offers interesting excursions for course students for a fee, so you don’t have to worry about the leisure of your child sent to the Czech Republic to study. When I studied at the language courses, the language school organized the leisure of students both after school and on weekends.

An approximate leisure program for summer language courses:

  • excursions to Czech castles and;
  • picnics with students from other countries - Korea, Canada, England;
  • free sightseeing tour of Prague;
  • excursions to Germany - to Munich and;
  • visiting interesting bars and restaurants;
  • watching Czech films and discussing them with directors.

I think the Czech summer courses are perfect for all those who are planning to move to the Czech Republic for the sake of getting an education and want to take a closer look at the language, culture and country. In addition, during the course you can make new acquaintances and friends.

For a tourist visit to the Czech Republic, it is not necessary to know the state language - an average knowledge of English obtained at school is quite enough to clarify the way, make an order in a restaurant or make a purchase in a store. In addition, many Czechs, especially the older generation, understand and speak Russian quite well. However, if you are going to stay in the country for a long time, you will certainly have to learn the Czech language. Language courses in the Czech Republic will help in this - the most successful and effective method for a newcomer in 2019 to quickly master the language and adapt to life in a foreign country.

Who are the Czech language courses for?

First of all, language courses are designed for the following categories of foreigners:

  • Graduates Russian schools those wishing to receive free higher education in the Czech Republic (perhaps even in Russian, but paid);
  • persons who want in the Czech Republic;
  • citizens of other countries who intend to obtain (permanent residence) in the Czech Republic;
  • Czech foreign residents wishing to improve their language skills;
  • cooperating with Czech entrepreneurs.

For applicants to universities in the Czech Republic, language courses are of particular relevance, since entrance exams in state universities are taken in Czech on a common basis with local applicants.

Choice of Czech language courses

There are several types of language courses in the Czech Republic. Depending on the initial level of language proficiency, finances and the time that needs to be spent on training, a foreign citizen can choose the most suitable language courses for him:

1. Annual courses. Aimed at a thorough preparation of the applicant for the entrance exams and study at a Czech university. The program includes the study of all language aspects:

    • grammar;
    • letters;
    • reading;
    • the formation of conversational skills.

By the end of the program, participants, as a rule, master the language at the B1-B2 level.

2. Semester courses. Designed for those who speak Czech at least at an elementary level and want to improve it. Duration - 1 semester, that is, about six months.

3. Monthly courses - short-term, more aimed at familiarizing foreigners with the Czech language. There are programs for both adults, winter and summer.

4. Summer courses - from June to September. Suitable for those who want to combine summer rest in the Czech Republic with the study of the language.

5.Intensive courses. The program usually includes daily classes of 3-4 hours (30-40 hours per week) that last from 2 to 4 weeks. Small groups (6-8 people) and intensive immersion allow you to build up faster vocabulary and overcome the language barrier. Suitable for those who need to use the Czech language on a daily basis at work or in everyday life.

6. Individual courses are one-on-one lessons with a Czech teacher. The duration and number of classes is negotiated on an individual basis. Aimed at solving the problems, tasks and needs of a particular student.

7. Special courses - are developed based on the specialty of the student. For example, there are specialized programs for lawyers, artists and other professionals.

8. Online courses. A great option if you can't attend classes in person. Provides the opportunity to study free time, in a convenient place and at your own pace using the Internet.

Popular courses and schools in the Czech Republic for learning Czech for foreigners

You can study the Czech language productively and comfortably both in the capital of the Czech Republic, and in Pilsen, Usti nad Labem and others.

The most popular are language courses for foreigners operating at large universities and specialized private language schools.

The most popular language courses for foreigners in Prague are tied to the leading (according to The World University Rankings-2018 and QS World University Rankings-2018) universities - and CTU (). One of the best Czech educational institutions in the field of economics is considered, as evidenced by the Czech periodical Hospodářské noviny, which analyzed the work of the university according to a number of different criteria: international relations, popularity among applicants, the quality of teaching, assistance in finding employment.

The ranking is headed by language courses at the Charles University (Univerzita Karlova), Prague. All current offers can be found at the university (Ústav jazykové a odborné připravy, ujop). You can choose from programs of various intensity - from annual to short-term summer, as well as online courses. An excellent opportunity for foreigners to qualitatively prepare for admission to this or any other university. It involves obtaining a certificate of a certain level of knowledge after passing the CCE exam.

Courses at CTU - Czech Technical University in Prague (CVUT, České vysoké učeni technické v Praze) for foreigners. These are long-term - annual or semester - training courses for the study of the Czech language. The goal is to achieve B2 level and the possibility of entering any Czech university. Advantages:

    • groups up to 15 people;
    • teachers from the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​at the university with extensive experience;
    • Upon completion of the course, graduates receive a certificate confirming the level of knowledge of the language.

Possible specialized training applicants (detailed information on the ChVUT portal).

Preparatory language courses of Czech for foreigners at the HSE, Prague economic university(VŠE, Vysoka Škola Ekonomická v Praze):

    • annual;
    • semester;
    • summer;
    • individual;
    • remote programs,

The university helps with obtaining a visa and gives students the opportunity to prepare in other subjects, taking into account the entrance exams to HSE. Semester, year and summer courses can count on accommodation. The cost depends on the type of rooms in the hostel and starts from 460 euros for 2 months, including the registration fee.

In Brno, applicants are more likely than others (according to Hospodářské noviny) to choose the following preparatory courses for the study of the Czech language:

  1. Courses for foreigners at the University of Masaryk, Masarykova Univerzita (MU) - detailed information on the portal of the Center for Language Education MU. The program is designed for an annual study of the Czech language with the aim of further passing entrance exams at universities in the Czech Republic (CR). In the first semester, students learn the basics of the Czech language, and in the second, specialized disciplines in Czech are connected: engineering, humanitarian or medical. The cost is from 2500 euros.
  2. Language courses at the Mendel University, Mendelova Univerzita - annual intensive and semi-intensive courses for beginners. Detailed description on the university. Effective study in one of the prestigious universities of the Czech Republic, groups of 10-14 people, modern, well-equipped classrooms, specially designed teaching materials and the latest methods, individual counseling, the possibility of living in a hostel - these are just some of the services that can be obtained by studying at courses at Mendel University. Cost - from 2000 euros for 560 hours. It is possible to take this course in Prague.
  3. Courses at the Technical University in Brno (Vysoké učeni technické v Brné, VUT) - the second largest technical university countries. Current intensive courses for foreigners are presented at. The target audience is foreigners, especially from Russian-speaking countries, who plan to get an education in Czech universities. It is possible to stay in a hostel. Price - from 1700 euros for 560 teaching hours.

Some of the most famous specialized language schools in the Czech Republic:

  • Populo language school with branches in Prague, Brno, Ostrava, Olomouc. At school they study various items to prepare for entrance exams, including language courses for foreigners. For those who wish are offered:
    • courses for adults and children;
    • individual lessons with an experienced tutor;
    • free educational materials;
    • modern comfortable classrooms;
    • preparation for official language exams for adults or school exams for children.
  • Pelican Language School. The widest range of different courses, the study of English, Czech and other languages. Language training for foreigners is carried out at the highest level; upon completion, graduates take an exam in state language and receive a school certificate. The price for 1 semester is 150 euros, for a year - about 300, for a month - from 77 euros.
  • SS language school. Located in České Budějovice, it offers a variety of programs: children/teenagers/adults, online, corporate, individual, exam preparation. A non-standard approach to classes makes learning at school easy and interesting and ensures high performance.

Summer courses for foreigners are popular, which allow you to spend your holidays combining study and pleasant pastime (festivals). Price - from 130 euros per week of classes.

  1. International language school in Prague MSM - MSM Academy. Collaborates with the Czech Agrotechnical University (ČZU), Prague Technical University(ČVUT), football club "Slavia". Available language training for foreigners:
    • monthly courses (up to A1-A2 level) - from 140 euros;
    • three months;
    • annual in ČZU, ČVUT;
    • semi-annual in ČZU, ČVUT;
    • annual "Football + ČZU" and others.
  2. Prague Education Center (PEC or PEC) is a Czech language school with the right to take the state exam in the Czech language. The centers are located in Prague, Brno, Liberec. The school cooperates with all major universities of the country. The cost of basic annual courses in Prague starts from 3,760 euros (for 600 academic hours), the semester program will cost less - 2,560 euros (in other cities the price is lower). Students are offered accommodation in comfortable residences, payment in installments is possible.

How to enroll in language courses in the Czech Republic

In order to enroll in a language course, you first need to fill out an online application on the website of the institution. After receiving confirmation, the applicant sends a copy of his passport and certificate of secondary education to the e-mail of the language school. Payment can be made in parts (1/2 of the total amount), and if the visa is denied, the money is returned to the applicant's account.

In this case, it is advisable to opt for short courses: summer, intensive - one or two weeks, monthly or on an individual program.

Longer programs - annual or semi-annual - require registration (D category). The issue of issuing an entry permit of the first type is usually considered within 30 days, while the second type may take 2-4 months.

To obtain a visa, you must submit a package of documents, which includes:

  • and civil passports;
  • according to the sample;
  • from the Czech language school;
  • receipt of confirmation - 35 euros (regular visa), 70 euros - urgent processing;
  • a document confirming the availability of sufficient - about one and a half thousand euros for a category C visa and twice as much - for a category D visa;
  • proof of availability for the duration of the trip.

You can apply for a visa at the visa center or consulate of the Czech Republic in the country of residence.

Take a sociological survey!

Tuition fees for language courses in the Czech Republic

Speaking about how much you have to pay for language courses in the Czech Republic, it should be noted that it depends on many factors:

  • duration of the program;
  • intensity;
  • additional services for students;
  • the location (city) of the school (courses);
  • place of residence of the student;
  • level initial training listener;
  • student's age.

For example, the cost of a children's summer program at a college at Charles University is 345 euros per month, and an intensive course (100 lessons) for adults is 1390 euros.

By city, prices fluctuate within the following limits (for an annual course for applicants):

  • in Prague - 1500-4000 euros;
  • in Brno - 2900-3500 euros;
  • in Olomouc - 3450 euros;
  • in Liberec - from 3000 euros;
  • in Ostrava - from 3500 euros.

Accommodation in the Czech Republic for foreigners

If the language school does not provide accommodation for students from another country, there are several options for where you can stay:

  • in a host family with two or three meals a day. For 1 person, it will cost from 150 to 300 euros per week;
  • in a hotel - for 1 or 2 people, a week of accommodation will cost from 70 to 600 euros;
  • apartment rental: one-room - from 385 to 530 euros per month, two-room - 615-690 euros per month.

In a residence from the school, the cost of living in a room for 1 or 2 people with breakfast and dinner will be from 55 to 155 euros per week.

Features of learning the Czech language in the Czech Republic and in Russia

Teaching the Czech language is also possible without leaving the country. Russian Federation. However, agreeing to this option, you need to take into account some of the nuances of passing language training in the Czech Republic and the Russian Federation. In particular:

  1. When studying the Czech language in the Czech Republic, there is an opportunity to completely immerse yourself in the language environment. At the same time, you involuntarily have to not only hear how the locals speak, but also communicate with them. This technique greatly accelerates language acquisition.
  2. The cost of education in the Czech Republic is cheaper than in Russia.
  3. In the Czech Republic, native speakers teach - experienced and qualified teachers of the country's leading universities with a solid experience of such work.
  4. In language schools, students are often offered exciting options for free time and Additional services: excursions with discounts, transfer, accommodation, visiting entertainment venues, hiking, etc.
  5. After completing accredited language courses in the Czech Republic, graduates have the opportunity to take an exam and receive a CCE certificate (Certifikovaná zkouška z češtiny, certified exams in the Czech language), which is accepted by many universities without additional passing a language test. A list of such establishments can be found here. Many language schools and courses also offer their students training in specialized subjects for subsequent admission to a university.

We can definitely say that you will not be able to get such services without going to the Czech Republic. This should be remembered, first of all, by those whose goal is to enter a state Czech university and study for free. After all, only advanced language skills will help a foreigner to successfully compete with Czech applicants.

Answering questions from readers

Those who decide to take language courses in the Czech Republic often have questions. Let's try to answer the most common of them.

What kind of visa do I need to apply for language courses

Depending on the duration of the selected courses, a short-term or long-term visa (C or D) is issued. In the first case, the document limits the stay in the Czech Republic to 90 days, in the second - to one year.

Is it possible to work in the Czech Republic during language courses

The main purpose of being in the Czech Republic while taking a language course is to study, so you cannot work full-time on a visa. It is possible, but the number of hours of such activity is limited - no more than 100 per year.

Are there corporate Czech language courses in Prague

Teaching the Czech language to the staff of the whole company is, of course, beneficial for its leader. He can be sure that all his employees have mastered the necessary skills at the same level and according to the same program. Such courses necessarily take into account the wishes of the customer regarding their duration, time of classes, topics. Popular schools in Prague that offer corporate language courses are MSM Academy, Berlitz, Presto, Populo, CC, Hermes.

Can foreigners take language courses in the Czech Republic for free?

Yes, there are charitable organizations in the Czech Republic whose task is to integrate foreigners into the Czech environment: the Prague Integration Center, ICP (Integračni centrum Praha); meta organization; Center for the Integration of Foreigners, CIC (Centrum pro integraci cizinců). With the participation of professional teachers - native speakers of the Czech language, for foreigners are held free courses.

Summing up

Czech universities are attractive to Russians due to the free higher education they provide. The only requirement is knowledge of the Czech language. Moreover, the level of language proficiency of the applicant must be at least B2.

Language courses at universities and language schools in the Czech Republic are called upon to provide high-quality and effective training of foreigners. Students are offered comfortable conditions and a variety of programs to choose from.

Upon graduation, graduates can take the CCE language exam and receive a certificate that is recognized by all Czech universities.

Language courses in the Czech Republic. Student visa to the Czech Republic: Video

Voltaire, one of the greatest French philosophers - enlighteners, owns the following statement: "To know many languages ​​means to have many keys to one castle." As in the time of Voltaire, and now the knowledge of a foreign language remains valuable and in most cases mandatory knowledge that an educated person should have. And it also broadens the horizons and perfectly trains the memory.

Often there is not enough time and money to learn a foreign language. And if you have to deal with the first point yourself, then this article will help you with the second. As it turned out, in Prague there is an opportunity to study different languages absolutely free. Find only time and motivation. Good luck!


In order to learn a foreign language, it is not at all necessary to pay money, especially in this regard, students are lucky. In large Czech universities, every year courses are opened to study not only common and popular (English, French, Spanish, Chinese), but also rare languages- at the Charles University, for example, they teach Armenian, Georgian and Azerbaijani both for students and for those who simply wish, or the so-called free listeners. For this, the student receives loans (you can read more about the credit system) and the opportunity to learn a foreign language from scratch, sometimes with a native speaker. The schedule of subjects can be found on the Charles University website.

Tandem partner

In the same place, at the university, it is worth studying in more detail the bulletin board, on which information about the search for a tandem partner is usually posted. For example, you want to learn French, and in return you are ready to teach Russian. Then look for or apply for a tandem with this language combination yourself.

Photo: Jirka Matousek / https://www.flickr.com/photos/jirka_matousek/8482316842

Language Exchange in Prague

The Language Exchange in Prague group helps you find a native speaker of the language you are learning to improve your language skills. Anyone can place an ad about searching for a tandem partner. Also here they post information about multicultural parties taking place in Prague, where you can have fun and practice the language.

The Language House TEFL

This organization provides free English courses, you only need to pay 300 CZK as an administration fee and a refundable deposit of 1200 CZK. According to the organization, the courses are free because the lecturers are just starting their professional activity and have no experience. Classes run from Monday to Thursday at educational center SPUSA (Educational Center SPUSA) at: Na Poříčí 6, Praha 1. The course is designed for three weeks. You can register and find out more information in person at the reception of the Education Center.

Take Your Time Cafe

From Monday to Saturday, the Take Your Time coffee shop at: Legerová 76, Praha 2 (I.P. Pavlova metro station) hosts absolutely free classes in foreign languages. Classes are taught by native speakers.

Monday - French lessons
Tuesday - Chinese lessons
Wednesday - English Conversation
Thursday - Spanish for advanced and Spanish for beginners
Saturday - Italian and Japanese lessons

The schedule of classes should be specified by phone: 728 701 065

Photo: Centrum pro integraci cizinců / https://www.facebook.com/centrumprointegracicizincu


Charitable organizations involved in the integration of foreigners into the Czech environment arrange free Czech language courses. Classes are held professional teachers, native speakers.

Centrum pro integraci cizincu

From May 15 to June 12, the organization conducts free courses for beginners to learn the Czech language.

Integračni centrum Praha

Czech language courses for adults and children throughout the year are free of charge, only a mandatory registration fee of 500 kroons for adults and 300 kroons for children is paid. Registration for the summer language course will begin on June 29 at 9:00.

Organization "META"

Classes for children of foreigners are free of charge and are divided into several categories. Lessons are organized for children attending Kindergarten and separately for schoolchildren.

Dates: July or August 2019, July+August 2019, July+August+September 2019
An excellent opportunity to combine holidays in the Czech Republic with the study of the Czech language! If you want to study English in the summer, then you are here.

You can also choose a summer Czech language course, which includes 7 days of study in a seaside resort in Italy. The price of this course includes:

  • hotel accommodation;
  • 3 meals a day;
  • medical insurance;
  • curator;
  • transport.

Format: Czech courses


1 month - 985 euros, with training at the resort 7 days - 1300 euros

2 months - 1700 euros, with training at the resort 7 days - 2015 euros

3 months - 2300 euros, with training at the resort 7 days - 2615 euros

Age of participants: From 16 years old to 99 🙂

Location: city of Pilsen

teachers: Professional Czech teachers with rich experience and higher education by specialty. During outside classes, a Russian-speaking teacher-coordinator works with the students of the school.

Short description: conversational topics with a focus on the Czech Republic and Europe + basic grammar. In a month the level A1 is reached, in 2-3 months - the level A2 in the Czech language. It is possible to come already with a certain level and be joined to a group with your level based on the test.
In free time - joint trips to cities and sights of the Czech Republic (Prague, Pilsen, Pilsen Brewery and Museum, underground, Karlovy Vary, the city of Strshibro and the Museum of Silver Mines, Radyne Castle and more). Opportunities for active recreation: rafting on the Czech river, hiking. Required: consultation on studying in the Czech Republic and a tour of universities.
In July-August, the city of Pilsen hosts many different events - for example, the Street Festival or the Theater Festival. You need to have money with you for transport and entrance tickets.

Arrival: meeting in Prague at the airport / train station and delivery by car to the hostel, check-in, upon departure - pick-up.
How is the day structured? Before lunch - classes, after lunch - free time or activities. On weekends, major events (trips, rafting, etc.), on weekdays, small events (consultations, photo marathon, swimming in good weather, etc.)

Summer course program: compiled according to the weather conditions and the wishes of the students.

Accommodation: student hostel in 2 and 3-bed rooms with internet, 10-15 minutes by public transport to the center.

Food A: not included in the course price. For food, a student needs an average of 200 kroons (7 euros) per day, if you eat 1 time in a restaurant, and cook breakfast and dinner in the hostel (there are kitchenettes at the disposal of students).

Monthly pocket money: 5000 crowns (200 euros)

In a group of 5 to 15 people.