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Innovative shapes methodical work as a booster professional excellence preschool teachers

« Innovative forms of methodical work - as a factor in improving the professional skills of teachers DOW in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard DO "

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the urgent problems of modern pedagogy in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard. The leading role in ensuring the effectiveness of the educational process is played by teacher, his professionalism.

Improving the skill level of teachers- priority activity methodical work, which occupies a special place in the management system of a preschool institution and represents an important link in a holistic system advanced training of teaching staff, since, first of all, it contributes to the activation of the personality teacher development of his creative personality.

Persistent content link methodical work with the results of the work of teachers provides a continuous process of improvement professional skills of each educator. In the same time methodical work is of a leading nature and is responsible for the development and improvement of the entire work with children, in line with new developments in pedagogical and psychological science. Therefore, it is impossible to agree with the understanding methodical work, as soon as the service for correcting errors in the activities of the educator, although in the course of it one has to solve these problems. The main thing is to provide real, effective and timely assistance teachers. However, the problem improving the professional skills of each teacher preschool still remains one of the most difficult. It's no secret that sometimes a lot of effort is spent on organizing events, and the return is negligible. How to explain all this? Traditional forms of methodical work, in which the main place was given to reports, speeches have lost their importance due to their low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work that tend to involve teachers into activity and dialogue involving the free exchange of opinions.

Activation of creative activity teachers possible through non-traditional, interactive methods and active forms of work with teachers.

Methods active learning - totality pedagogical actions and techniques aimed at organizing educational process and creating conditions by special means that motivate students to independent, proactive and creative development of educational material in the process of cognitive activity (V.N. Kruglikov, 1998).

Peculiarities methods consist in their focus on the activation of cognitive, communicative, professional activity and improve their quality(thinking, speech, actions, emotional-personal relationships, which is consistent with experimental data, which indicates that no more than I - -30% is absorbed during the lecture presentation of the material information, with independent work with literature - up to 50%, with pronunciation - up to 70%, and with personal participation in the activity being studied (for example, in a business game)- up to 90%).

In the conditions of problematic content, creative nature and competitiveness of activity, a quick, sharp commissioning of the body's reserves takes place. Emotions arising at the same time activate, induce a person, initiate his focus on the performance of activities.

Many major methodological innovations associated with the use of interactive teaching methods. Word "interactive" came to us from of English language from the word ”interact”, where “inter” is "mutual", “act” - to act.

Interactive means the ability to interact or is in a conversation, dialogue with something (e.g. computer) or anyone (e.g. human). From this it can be concluded that the active learning is, first of all, dialogue training, during which interaction is carried out teachers or a teacher and the head of a methodological event.

It should be recognized that interactive learning is a special the form organization of any activity. It has in mind rather specific and predictable goals. work. One of these goals is to create a comfortable learning environment, such that teacher(teachable) feels his success, his intellectual viability, which makes the whole learning process productive and effective.

What is the essence of interactive learning?

The interaction process is organized in such a way that almost all participants are involved in the process of cognition and discussion. They have the opportunity to understand and reflect on what they know, understand what they think. Joint activity in this process means that each participant makes his own special individual contribution, has the opportunity to exchange knowledge, his own ideas, methods of activity, to hear a different opinion of colleagues. Moreover, this process takes place in an atmosphere of goodwill and mutual support, which makes it possible to obtain not only new knowledge on the problem under discussion, but also develops the pedagogical activity and transfers it to higher forms cooperation and cooperation.

Interactive activity involves the organization and development of dialogue communication, which leads to interaction, mutual understanding, to a joint solution and adoption of the most common, but significant tasks for each participant. With interactive learning, the dominance of both one speaker and one opinion is excluded.

During the dialogue, teachers is formed the ability to think critically, reason, solve controversial problems based on the analysis of what was heard information and circumstances. teachers learn to weigh alternative opinions, make thoughtful decisions, express their thoughts correctly, participate in discussions, professionally communicate with colleagues.

It is valuable that with such an organization work teacher can not only express their opinion, view, give an assessment, but also, having heard the convincing arguments of colleagues, abandon their point of view or significantly change it. At teachers is formed respect for other people's opinions, the ability to listen to others, to draw reasonable conclusions and conclusions.

The value of interactive methods- achievement of such important goals, how:

1. Stimulation of interest and motivation for self-education;

2. Raise level of activity and independence;

3. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of their activities;

4. Development of the desire for cooperation, empathy.

What are the advantages of such work?

First, significantly the motivation of professional activity of teachers increases, their social and cognitive activity.

Secondly, those aspects of a person are realized that in everyday, rather monotonous life, do not find application, development.

Thirdly, the experience of collective activity, mutual respect, support, cooperation is acquired, without which work in human society is impossible.

Interactive forms and methods of teaching

Traditional New Newest

Training Business game Coaching session

Pedagogical exhibition-fair living room pedagogical ideas Method"Cases"

KVN Bank of ideas Quality mugs

Round table Master class SWOT analysis method

Pedagogical ring creative hour Method"Moderation"

Pedagogical situations Pedagogical workshop Method"Brainstorm"

Methodical theater

Workshop Quick setup

The main focus of interactive forms is the revitalization teachers, development of their creative thinking, non-standard way out of a problem situation.

Classification methods active learning and their features

One of the effective interactive the form, work with teachers preschool educational institution - training(fast response, fast learning).

Target - development of professional skills and abilities.

Training - the word is English - a special, training mode. Training can be self-guided form of methodical work or be used as methodical reception during seminars.

Widely used in training pedagogical situations, handouts, technical training aids. It is advisable to conduct training in training groups of 6 to 12 people.

Basic principles in work of the training group: confidential and frank communication, responsibility in discussions and when discussing the results of training.

Pedagogical ring - orients teachers to study latest research in psychology and pedagogy, methodical literature, contributes to the identification of various approaches to solving pedagogical problems, improves skills logical thinking and argumentation of one's position, teaches conciseness, clarity, accuracy of statements, develops resourcefulness, a sense of humor. Such the form provides criteria for evaluating responses, speeches and actions participants:

General erudition;

professional knowledge, skills, skills;

The ability to get out of a difficult situation, impromptu.

For example, pedagogical ring: "Ways to improve the learning process in preschool educational institutions".

"Aquarium" - dialogue form, when teachers offer to discuss the problem "in front of the public". The group chooses to have a dialogue about who they can trust. Sometimes it can be several applicants. Everyone else acts as a spectator. Hence the name - "aquarium".

What does this method give teachers? The opportunity to see your colleagues from the outside, that is, to see how they communicate, how they react to someone else's thought, how they resolve the brewing conflict, how they argue their thought and what evidence they give, and so on.

Or such the form: intragroup Work where a group is formed (6-7 people, Work which is open for observation. Rest teachers together with the leader, without interfering, they observe the implementation of roles in solving the cognitive task. However, at the end of the session, observers, group members and, finally, the leader sequentially sum up various results. (more informative, communicative, etc.). A prerequisite for successful discussions: participants should not know about the positions of the others, but behave in accordance with the assigned role.


Seize the initiative from the very beginning, defend your position with the help of arguments and emotional pressure.


To meet with hostility any proposals put forward and defend opposing points of view; in a word, stick to the position Porthos: “I fight because I fight. ”


Express your agreement with any points of view and support all the statements of the speaker


Do not get involved in an argument, but from time to time put forward any unexpected proposals.


It is necessary to organize the discussion so that all participants have their say, ask clarifying questions.


Avoid directly answering the question in every possible way, no one should understand what point of view you hold


Disrupt the smooth flow of the discussion all the time (drop something, giggle at the wrong time, ask the neighbor to move in a loud whisper)

Method"Brainstorm" or "Brain attack" (brainstorming)- a procedure of group creative thinking, more precisely, it is a means of obtaining a large number of ideas from a group of people in a short period of time.

This method can be actively used at meetings of the creative group to discuss the plan or conduct various activities: children's holidays, competitions, pedagogical competitions, methodological associations, etc..

For brain assault:

1. A problem is chosen for discussion;

2. Formed the creative team is noticeably out of ten human: the discussion of the problem takes place in a comfortable and relaxed atmosphere;

3. The brainstorming process itself is divided into three stage:

Introduction. During which the problem is announced and written on the board. The facilitator explains the reason for putting forward the chosen topic, then asks the participants to offer their options. wording;

Generation of ideas. Participants in the discussion in free form express their ideas, which are recorded on the board. At this stage, criticism is strictly prohibited, because the best are the so-called "crazy ideas".

At the stage of analyzing ideas and searching for opportunities for their implementation, treatment of the proposals made, it is proposed to consider the ideas from the point of view of originality and the possibility of implementation. Each idea is labeled with a card icons:

«++» - very good, original idea;

«+» - not bad idea;

«0» - could not find a construct;

HP - impossible to implement;

TR - difficult to implement;

RR - really implement.

4. At the end of the brainstorming, ideas are selected that received either two "plus", or icon "RR", or both of these icons.

Method"Moderation" (moderator - intermediary, regulator). This method allows"force" people to act as one team for development in the shortest possible time, specific proposals to be implemented aimed at solving the problem.

When using this method each teacher can:

Focus on content;

Show independence to each participant in the discussion;

Conduct discussions in a free and collegial atmosphere.

Method involuntarily creates a collegial environment, not a poll or a speech in turn, but a decision in the process work.

Method"Moderation" can be used as a separate method or be synthesized with Open Space Technology, which is also provides: active participation of everyone, creation of a democratic atmosphere, equality of opportunity, openness and cooperation, interaction, communication, development and exchange of ideas.

Open space is seen as interactive method successful promotion teachers for creative activities. It can be used both by itself and at the teachers' council.

It should be noted that when using the TOP at the teachers' council, it is not necessary to developed agenda and plan work, as well as additional materials, they will only interfere work. This is the fundamental difference between this forms organization of the teachers' council from the traditional ones.

Method"Cases" (Casestudy)- non-game method analysis and solution of situations where teachers participate in direct discussion of business situations and tasks taken from real practice. This method, as a rule, is applied in the process of situational business game, which itself is also an interactive game method and involves the deployment of a special (game) activities teachers– participants in a simulation model that recreates the conditions and dynamics of the educational process or cooperation with the parents of pupils.

Using method"Cases" all discussed situations are divided on the:

Situations - illustrations;

Situations - exercises;

Situations - estimates;

situations are problems.

A symposium is a discussion during which participants make presentations representing their points of view, after which they answer questions from the audience.

Debate - a discussion built on the basis of prearranged speeches by representatives of two opposing groups.

Dispute (from Latin disputable - to argue, argue) involves a dispute, a clash of different, sometimes opposing points of view. It requires the parties to be convinced, a clear and definite view of the subject of the dispute, the ability to defend their arguments. Such a pedagogical council is a collective reflection on a given topic, problem.

Laws of Dispute

Dispute is a free exchange of opinions.

Everyone is active on the board. Everyone is equal in a fight.

Everyone speaks and criticizes any situation,

with which I do not agree.

Say what you think and think what you say.

The main thing in the dispute - data, logic, ability to prove. Facial expressions, gestures, exclamations are not accepted as arguments.

A sharp, well-aimed word is welcome.

Whispering on the spot, inappropriate jokes are prohibited.

Subject dispute should be a problem that causes conflicting opinions, is solved in different ways. The dispute does not exclude, but suggests the depth and comprehensiveness of the disclosure of the problem. Where there is no subject of dispute, but there are only speeches that supplement or clarify certain arguments, there is no dispute, it is at best a conversation.

Wording topics should be sharp, problematic, awaken the thought teachers, to include a question that in practice and in the literature is solved differently, causes different opinions, for example:

"Does kindergarten need standards?",

What should preschoolers be taught today?

"Innovative technologies: pros and cons",

"What are the goals of education today?",

"What are universal human values?",

"What is the role of family education today?"

Option pedagogical council-dispute is the decision pedagogical situations. The head or senior educator selects a bank of complex pedagogical situations on the problem and offers it to the team. The form presentation can be varied: targeted, by lottery, with division into groups. The administration of the preschool educational institution can play the role of a jury, presenter, consultant, opponent, etc.

Pedagogical Council - Protection of innovations

Each group of participants pedagogical council(department, department) given the task - to prepare in advance (get to experience) and in a concise form(10-15 min.) present ideas and features pedagogical innovation, to get acquainted with the specific experience of using pedagogical technology.

The group chooses the performers of the following roles:

Optimists are the defenders of the idea, its propagandists;

Conservative pessimists and skeptics are opponents of ideas;

Realistic analysts who can weigh everything<за>and<против>and draw the necessary conclusions.

Depending on the number of people and discussed innovation it is possible to distinguish creative groups in role areas, and in other (pupil - educator - parent, educator - leader, etc.). As a result, the teachers' council comes to a decision on the expediency or inexpediency innovation.

methodical bridge.

It is a type of discussion. To this forms of methodical work teachers are involved various educational institutions of the district, city, leaders of the Moscow Region, parents.

aim methodical bridge is an advanced exchange pedagogical experience, Spread innovative technologies of training and education.

Pedagogical situations, impromptu - method of activating the pedagogical knowledge in the process of everyday communication, relationships with children, parents, colleagues. For example, a child says teacher that mom and dad have separated, and he will now have a new dad. What could be the reaction teacher.

Methodical festival.

This form of methodical work involves a large audience, aims to exchange experience work, introduction of new pedagogical ideas and methodological findings.

Here comes the acquaintance with the best pedagogical experience, with non-standard activities that go beyond traditions and generally accepted stereotypes.

During the festival a panorama of methodical findings and ideas works.

job application, methodical ideas, festival participants submit receptions in advance.

Methodical gatherings.

Target- formation correct point of view on a certain pedagogical problem, creating favorable psychological climate in this group teachers.

The form holding - round table.

Methodology organizations and holding:

For discussion, questions are proposed that are essential for solving some key tasks of the educational process.

The topic of discussion is not announced in advance. Mastery leader and consists in calling listeners in a relaxed atmosphere for a frank conversation on the issue under discussion and leading them to certain conclusions.

Methodical dialogue.

The goal is to discuss a certain topic, production joint action plan.

The form holding a round table.

Methodology organizations and holding:

Listeners get acquainted with the topic of discussion in advance, receive theoretical homework.

Methodical dialogue between the leader and teachers or groups of listeners on a particular topic.

driving force dialogue is the culture of communication and activity of listeners. Great importance has a general emotional atmosphere that allows you to evoke a sense of inner unity.

In conclusion, a conclusion is made on the topic, a decision is made on further joint actions.

efficient form, in my opinion, is the holding of an exhibition - a fair pedagogical ideas, auction. Properly prepared and carried out, it stimulates teachers to creativity and self-education. Therefore, the main result of the exhibition-fair is a noticeable professionally-personal growth of educators. Thanks to this form of work with teachers conditions are created for the public presentation of the best samples of their professional activity, the emergence of new ideas, the establishment and expansion of business and creative contacts with colleagues.

Quality circles are organized at the initiative of the administration, taking into account the delegation of authority. Leading method -"brain attack" or "brainstorm". A prerequisite for organizing a circle is the presence teacher able to train colleagues without the help of the administration.

Pedagogical"studio" or pedagogical workshop. Them goal: teacher-master introduces the members of the pedagogical team with the main ideas of their educational system and practical recommendations for its implementation. There is also the implementation of individual practical tasks with an eye to further use in working with children. For example: "Development creative imagination preschooler means fiction, creative activity, experimentation".

"Coaching session" or "coaching session"- interactive communication, developmental counseling, discussion (question answer). Principle "Do it for me" practically does not work here teacher does not receive advice and recommendations, but only answers the questions that the consultant asks him, and he himself finds ways to solve problems. Confucius spoke: “Give instructions only to those who seek knowledge. Help only those who do not know how to clearly express their cherished thoughts. Teach only those who are able, having learned about one corner of the square, to imagine the other three. ”In this process, individual support is provided teachers who set themselves the task professional and personal growth , raise personal efficiency. For example: « Working with a certified teacher» .

Very interesting interactive method - SWOT analysis method(strengths - strengths, weaknesses - weaknesses, opportunities - opportunities, threats - threats) - these are method analysis in the form of procedures for collecting data and establishing a correspondence between the internal strengths and weaknesses of the institution, favorable and unfavorable environmental factors.

SWOT analysis can be used as the form holding the entire teachers' council, and as a separate interactive method. Typically used for strategic planning.

Another one the form which can be used before open events for educators of the city, region, parents - this is the mood teacher for successful work -"Quick - setting":

1. If you want people to like you, smile! A smile, a ray of sunshine for the sad, an antidote created by nature for trouble.

2. You are the best and most beautiful, let all the fashion models of the world envy you.

3. There are people like golden coin: the longer work, topics

are more valued.

4. There is no better beloved friend than a beloved one. Work: does not age, and

does not get old

5. Difficulties harden on the path to happiness.

Summing up, we can say that a well-built system of interactive forms of work with teaching staff, - will lead to raising level of educational work DOW and rally the team teachers.

Tokareva Galina Alexandrovna
Job title: Physics teacher
Educational institution: MBOU "Average comprehensive school №15"
Locality: city ​​of Kursk, Kursk region
Material name: article
Topic:"New forms of methodical work with teaching staff as the basis of their professional development"
Publication date: 17.02.2018
Chapter: complete education

“The teacher should in education

be on a par with the age.

A. Pushkin

New forms of methodical work with teaching staff as

basis for their professional development.

The quality of education and its effectiveness is one of the urgent problems

national pedagogy. Leading the way for efficiency

the educational process is played by the teacher, his professionalism.

Improving the skill level of teachers is a priority

direction of methodological work, which occupies a special

place in the management system of an educational institution and represents

an important link in a holistic system of advanced training of pedagogical

personnel, since, first of all, it contributes to the improvement of professional

competence of the teacher, the development of his creative initiative.

To grow and improve the professional skills of teachers

various forms of work are used.

By way of organization

(collective, individual), as well as the degree of activity

participants (passive, active).

collective forms: seminars, workshops, scientific and practical

conferences, schools of excellence, methodological associations,

creative teams, open lessons, workshops, methodological

decades, methodological festivals, master classes, methodological bridges,

discussions, methodical rings, trainings, video trainings, pedagogical

readings, professional exhibitions, project defenses, educational,

organizational and activity, business, role-playing and other games,

creative reports, extracurricular activities, excursions, meetings with

innovative educators.

Individual forms: self-education, internship, development

creative theme, mutual attendance of classes, introspection, mentoring,

interviews, consultations, attending classes with subsequent analysis,

Traditional forms, in which the main place is still given

reports, messages and direct transfer of knowledge, lose their importance

due to low efficiency and insufficient feedback. Today

it is necessary to involve teachers in active educational and cognitive

activities using forms and methods called

"Active learning methods". They are built mainly on dialogue,

implying a free exchange of opinions on the ways of solving this or that

problems, on independent acquisition of knowledge in the process of active

cognitive activity.

Today it is necessary to use new, active forms of work, which

it is common to involve teachers in activities and dialogue, which involves

free exchange.

Importance of using active methods in educational institution:

1. Improving the quality of the educational process at school.

2. Stimulating the interest and motivation of teachers for self-education.

3. Increasing the level of activity and independence.

4. Development of skills of analysis and reflection of their activities.

5. Development of the desire for cooperation.

In addition, active learning creates an atmosphere

relieves tension and anxiety in adults due to the inclusion

in educational activities, opens up new possibilities, is

a necessary condition for the development of competencies.

Active forms of work with teaching staff:

training: involves preliminary and final diagnostics

(questionnaire, assessment of professional skills, selection of practical tasks and

game exercises) that are performed in situations of programmed

success, and then transferred to situations of real practical

activities of teachers.

can be short-term - we are talking about the formation of highly specialized

skills and long-term - we are talking about the formation of a complex

professional skills of teachers.

Briefing: meeting at which a position is summarized on one of the

topical issues. It can be carried out by a manager or

specialist who prepares in advance to answer questions on

a certain topic and allows you to maximize the activation of educators.

Two teams are created: one asks questions, the other answers; organizer

asks questions, teachers answer.

business game: contribute to increasing interest in the considered

problem, help to form creative thinking teachers,

finding new ways to solve complex problems, form and train them

practical knowledge and skills. The business game is, to a certain extent,

rehearsal of the teacher's activity. It makes it possible to lose any

pedagogical situation in persons, which allows to understand the psychology

person, standing in the place of the child, his parents, director or colleague.

Methodical ring: Here it is supposed to attack the opponent with questions,

which must be promptly answered. Questions can be asked and

game leader. The content of the questions may refer to the same or different

problems, depending on the purpose of its implementation: clarify and

systematize classes on one problem or conduct a mini-

diagnostics of teachers' knowledge on a whole range of issues. For example,

pedagogical ring: "Ways to improve the educational process in

Round table: The topic and problem are highlighted in advance. maybe

prepared speakers. Participants can be divided into groups

discussion different types on one question. Required for the host

form conclusions and suggestions. Topics for roundtables can be

different, but they must contain in their wording

alternative elements. For example, - "Problems of interaction

public and family education at the present stage”,

“Educational institution – what should it be like? »

When holding a round table, it is important to pay attention to the design

premises. For example, it is advisable to place tables around the perimeter

rooms. The host of the "Round Table" determines his place in such a way that

see all participants. Guests may also be here.

specialists, administration, etc. In the course of work, each issue of the problem

discussed separately. The floor is given to teachers with experience

work on the problem. The facilitator summarizes the results of the discussion of each issue.

At the end, he offers a variant of the general position, taking into account the comments

additions, corrections.

Symposium- a discussion in which the participants speak with

messages representing their points of view, after which they respond to

audience questions.

Debate- a discussion built on the basis of predetermined

speeches by representatives of two opposing groups.

Discussion- one of the ways that will help teach teachers to lead

professional, constructive dispute capable of leading to a solution

problems, the development of a common opinion. Discussion (translated from Latin -

research, analysis) consists in a collective discussion of any

question, problem or in comparing ideas, opinions, suggestions. She is

can be used as an independent type of work with teachers, and

as well as a business game staging a discussion. Taking part in

discussion, the teacher first of all formulates a thesis - a thought or position,

the truth of which must be proven. Before the discussion should

to formulate the problem and goals of the discussion in front of the teachers, that is,

explain what is being discussed, why the discussion is taking place, and what should be

give a discussion. At the same time, it is necessary to interest teachers, indicating to them

to unresolved or ambiguously solved pedagogical problems or

questions. Rules should also be established for the discussion and for each


The leader of the discussion should create a friendly environment,

positive emotional background, as well as make sure that all teachers

understand the essence of the problem under discussion and are familiar with the relevant

terminology common to all participants.

The manager's goal is to collect more and less opinions, so he

activates teachers and supports their activity, offers

formulate proposals, expresses himself, trying to identify different

approaches, different opinions to come to the desired result.

discussion swing(discussion): the audience is divided into groups (2 and

more). Each group defends opposing opinions one at a time.


Brainstorm: a group of several people actively discussing decides

some kind of problem. The leader of the group announces the general decision.

Lecture using feedback technique: The teacher after each

the finished thought appeals to the audience. Based on the answer to this

regulates the content of the next lecture.

Lecture for two: a teacher with a teacher or a parent in a pair illuminates

topical issues. The material of this type of lecture is pre-distributed. By

At the end, listeners are allowed to ask questions to both lecturers.

Lecture "question - answer": questions are asked throughout the lecture,

lecturer answers.

Method "Quadro"(a form of discussion after the teacher's lecture). The host asks

agree, but; 3 - disagree; 4 - agree if. The leader then combines

a group of teachers with the same cards and a discussion is organized.

Conclusions are made by the leader.

creative hour: work in small teams, where they develop

works, non-traditional drawing techniques are being introduced.

Master class (workshop). Its main purpose is to get to know

which helped the teacher to achieve the best results.

Pedagogical workshop or pedagogical "studio": teacher -

the master introduces the members of the teaching staff to the main ideas

its educational system and practical recommendations

for its implementation. For example: "The development of creative imagination

schoolchildren by means of fiction, art,


Bank of ideas: it is a rational way of collectively solving problems, not

amenable to solution by traditional methods at this stage.

Exhibitions - fairs of pedagogical ideas, auction: public

presentation of the best examples of professional activity. Competently

prepared and conducted, it stimulates teachers to be creative and

self-education. Leads to new ideas

Coaching - session: interactive communication. developmental consulting,

discussion (question - answer). The teacher does not receive advice and recommendations, but

only answers the questions that the consultant asks him, and he himself finds

ways to solve problems.

Quick - setting: this is the mood of the teacher for successful work.

1. If you want people to like you, smile!

2. You are the best and most beautiful, let all the fashion models of the world envy you.

3. There are people like a gold coin: the longer they work, the more expensive

Case - method: a non-game method for analyzing and solving situations. Where are the teachers

participate in direct discussion of business situations and tasks,

taken from real practice.

The essence of the case method is that the assimilation of knowledge and the formation

skills is the result of active independent activity of teachers in

conflict resolution, resulting in creative

mastering professional knowledge, skills, abilities and development

creative abilities.

Technology open space : involves active participation

each teacher, creation of a democratic atmosphere, equality

opportunities, openness and cooperation, interaction, communication,

development and exchange of ideas.

The use of TOP at the teachers' council (no need for a detailed

agenda and work plan).

Presentation: a visual version of the lecture and practical material.

Creative Group

created to test new learning technologies and to develop

Tasks of the creative team:

The study new technology, innovation, organization of experiment on


Development of the experiment program and its implementation;

Formulation of the conclusions of the experiment, generalization of the results and development

Problem groups

temporary groups of teachers created to solve a particular

problems that are relevant for individual teachers or for pedagogical

team as a whole

Tasks of the problem group: -analysis of individual pedagogical

the difficulties that led to the problem; -study

problem status; -study of ways to solve the problem, based on

individual experience of group members, as well as ways to solve,

presented in the pedagogical or methodical literature.

trainee couple

structural unit of the methodological service, aimed at mastering

innovations in the conditions of different levels of development of motivation and

professional competence of teachers.

What methodological means are typical for the work of trainee pairs?

Working in a trainee pair implies joint actions on:

Designing training sessions taking into account the technology being mastered,


Mutual learning of innovative techniques and technologies that meet

standard requirements

Analysis of mutually attended classes

– development of teaching aids, didactic handout


Summing up, we can say that a well-built system of forms

methodical work with teaching staff will lead to the disclosure

creative potential of the teacher, will unite the team of teachers and is

way to improve the skills of employees.

Methodological activity is the most important link in the system of continuous education of members of the teaching staff.

Goals, objectives and content of the activities of the methodological service in institutions additional education children are provided with a wide range of organizational forms - a variety of classes (sessions), which are determined by the structure of the methodological service, the relationship of all its links, although they have some independence. Organizational forms either contribute to the successful implementation of the program methodological activity institutions, or doom it to failure.

Forms of activity of the methodological service.

Traditional: Innovative:
Work on a single methodological theme. Psychological and pedagogical problem seminars. Theoretical and scientific and practical conferences. Pedagogical readings. Subject-methodical associations. Creative microgroups of teachers. Methodical exhibitions, newspapers Mentoring. Open events. Pedagogical, methodological, expert advice. Training. Schools of Excellence. Informal associations of teachers, clubs. Business games. Role-playing games. Experimental work. Methodical meetings. Solution of situational problems. Subject departments. Competitions for teachers and methodologists. Internship sites. Publication of manuals, prospectuses, programs. Creation of a data bank of methodological materials.

The forms of activity of the methodological service are divided into individual, group and collective. They must be judiciously combined in practice.

The individual forms of activity of the methodological service include:





Visits to the classes of experienced teachers;


Creative workshops;

Work on a personal methodological topic, etc.

The group forms of activity of the methodological service include:

Meetings of methodical associations;

Meetings of creative groups;

Young Specialist School;

Creative reports of teachers;

Theoretical seminars (reports, messages);

Workshops (posts with a practical demonstration);

Disputes, discussions (round table, dialogue-argument, debates, “aquarium technique”, etc.), etc.

Deserving the most attention collective forms activities of the methodological service, among which the most effective are the following:

Scientific and practical pedagogical conferences;


Competitions of pedagogical skills;

Business games, role-playing games;

Lectures by scientists, psychologists, sociologists, defectologists, speech therapists and doctors on psychological and pedagogical problems;

Various exhibitions, reports on self-education in the form of reports, abstracts, development of classes, production of didactic and visual aids; exhibitions of the best creative works of students (essays, crafts, drawings, etc.);

Discussions of the latest methods, technologies, scientific achievements, individual open classes, events or their cycles, copyright programs, teaching aids etc.;

The work of the team on a single methodological theme.

Theoretical seminars(reports and messages) - this form of classes is necessary to familiarize teachers with the latest achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience.

Workshops- the form of meetings at which teachers acquaint colleagues with the results of their own research work on theoretical and practical matters conducted under the guidance of scientists for a long time.

Discussion (dispute) - purposeful exchange of experience, opinions, ideas, discussion-dispute, i.e. clash of different points of view, positions in order to find the truth.

The game- a form of communication associated with certain rules (conditions) for the players; This is a competition of several groups, the purpose of which is to achieve a certain goal or solve a specific problem.

Lectures of scientists - organization of a series of lectures on current topics for teachers, parents and students.

Discussion of open classes- Expression of opinion by each visitor.

Exhibitions on self-education of teachers- visual demonstration as the results of the teacher's work (reports, abstracts, lesson development, didactic and methodological aids, control tasks, tests, etc.) and students' achievements (the best works).

Scientific and practical pedagogical conference- a kind of summing up the results of work for a certain time.

Contests"The best teacher of additional education", "Methodist of the year", "Out-of-school student of the year". No special description is required here, since there are regulatory, program and methodological documents (instructions, regulations, etc.) on this subject that contain detailed information on the conditions for holding the competition.

Master classes. Author's classes in which highly qualified teachers share their experience and the results of their work. The task of the master classes is to increase the motivation to master the author's methodology and technology of activity.

Fair of Pedagogical Ideas- demonstration of originals, originals of creativity of teachers; the creators themselves reveal the secrets of their art and the secrets of pedagogical skills, share knowledge, didactic and methodological findings.

Work on a single methodological theme of the institution- one of the most important forms of methodological activity, unfortunately, undeservedly forgotten today.

The actual question for practice is discussion and dissemination of advanced pedagogical experience- generalization, systematization and description of the achievements of teachers, taking into account:

High efficiency and effectiveness;

The duration of the functioning of the experience;

Rationality of time and effort;

Possibilities of reproducing this experience by another teacher.

The work of a self-education teacher includes:

A topic that should reflect the personal and professional
the problem of teacher's self-education;

The purpose of the work on self-education;

a) studying the literature on the problem;

b) studying the state of the problem in practice;

c) design own activities(knowledge, ways to achieve it, professional skills, etc.);

d) experimental testing of own projects;

The structure of such self-education is aimed at a meaningful approach of the teacher to professional activity.

Questions and tasks for self-control

1. Compare and analyze traditional and innovative forms of activity of the methodological service.

2. List customized molds work.

3. Analyze and compare group and collective forms of activity of methodological services.

4. What forms of activity of the methodological service are best used to familiarize teachers with the latest achievements of science and advanced pedagogical experience? Justify your answer.

5. Compare the concepts of "discussion" and "controversy". What do they have in common and how do they differ?

6. What other forms of discussion can be practiced in the work of methodological associations?

7. In your opinion, how necessary is the discussion of open classes in the work of methodological associations?

8. What is the main goal of the master class?

9. Analyze the scheme for choosing a methodological topic from the point of view of a teacher.

10. Do you think that all forms of organizing methodological activities should be used in every institution? What determines the choice of forms?

business game

Target - development of certain professional skills, pedagogical technologies.

The game as a form of learning is characterized by great flexibility. In the course of it, you can solve problems of varying complexity. It activates the creative initiative of teachers, provides high level assimilation of theoretical knowledge and development of professional skills.

Conduct form - collective or group work.

The process of organizing and conducting the game can be divided into 4 stages.

1. Game design:

clearly formulate the general goal of the game and private goals for the participants;

develop general rules games.

2. Organizational preparation of a specific game with the implementation of a certain didactic purpose:

the leader explains to the participants the meaning of the game, introduces the general program and rules, distributes roles and sets specific tasks for their performers that must be solved by them;

experts are appointed who observe the course of the game, analyze the simulated situations, and give an assessment;

the time, conditions and duration of the game are determined.

3. Game progress.

4. Summing up, its detailed analysis:

general assessment of the game, detailed analysis, implementation of goals and objectives, good and weak sides, their reasons;

players' self-assessment of the performance of assigned tasks, the degree of personal satisfaction;

characterization of professional knowledge and skills revealed during the game;

analysis and evaluation of the game by experts.

Approximate order of the business game:

The leader informs the audience of the purpose, content, procedure for conducting a business game. Recommends to carefully study the literature, introduces the issues to be discussed.

The participants of the game are divided into subgroups of 3-5 people. In each subgroup, a leader is elected, whose responsibilities include organizing the work of the subgroup. An expert group of 3-5 people is selected from among the participants in the game.

The leader distributes questions between the game subgroups, gives the floor to representatives of the game groups on each issue, organizes discussions on the problem under discussion. For a speech, each participant in the game is given up to 5 minutes, during which it is necessary to briefly, but reasonably, highlight the main thing, justify the idea, argue, "defend" it.

Based on the presentations of the participants and their opinion, the expert group can prepare draft recommendations ( practical advice) on the problem under consideration, to discuss and determine the common positions of the members of the pedagogical team in practical activities.

The expert commission also reports its decisions on the evaluation of the content of the speeches, the activity of the participants, the performance of the subgroups in the business game. The criterion for such an assessment can be the number and content of the put forward ideas (suggestions), the degree of independence of judgments, their practical significance.

In conclusion, the leader summarizes the results of the game.


Target - development of certain professional skills and abilities.

training (English) - a special, training mode, training, can be an independent form of methodical work or used as a methodological technique during a seminar.

During the training, pedagogical situations, handouts, technical teaching aids are widely used. It is advisable to conduct training in training groups of 6 to 12 people.

Basic principles in the work of the training group: trusting and frank communication, responsibility in discussions and when discussing the results of the training.

Pedagogical KVN

This form methodological work contributes to the activation of existing theoretical knowledge, practical skills, the creation of a favorable psychological climate in a group of teachers. Two teams, a jury, are formed from the trainees, the rest are fans. Teams first get acquainted with the theme of KVN, receive homework. In addition, they prepare mutual playful greetings on the topic of this KVN. The leader offers entertaining tasks that require non-standard solutions (including the "Captains Competition"), directly related to the topic being studied.

Game progress:

1. Greeting teams, which takes into account:

correspondence of the speech to a given topic;


presentation form.

Performance time is 10 minutes.

2. Warm-up (teams prepare three questions each for knowledge of the psychology of the student's personality and interpersonal relationships). The time to think about the question is 1 minute.

3. Homework: checking the preparation of a business game on a given topic.

4. Competition of captains.

5. Competition of wise men. Two members per team are selected. They are asked to choose the best way to solve this issue.

6. Competition of fans: solving pedagogical problems from the practice of the school.

7. Competition "What would it mean?" (situations from the life of the school). Resourcefulness, accuracy of expression of thoughts, humor are taken into account.

methodical bridge

The methodical bridge is a kind of discussion. Teachers from different schools of the district, city, heads of the Moscow Region, parents are involved in this form of methodical work.

The purpose of the methodological bridge is the exchange of advanced pedagogical experience, the dissemination of innovative technologies of education and upbringing.


This is one of the methodological techniques that contributes to the development of practical skills, creativity, and the development of the correct point of view on certain issues. pedagogical theory and practices. This technique is convenient to use when discussing the methodology for passing a certain topic, for making decisions on a specific problem.

The leader should think through the questions well so that the answers are short and concise. Preference is given to answers-fantasies, answers-insights. It is forbidden to criticize ideas, evaluate them. The duration of the brainstorming session is 15-30 minutes. This is followed by a discussion of the ideas expressed.

Solving pedagogical problems

Target - get to know the features pedagogical process, its logic, the nature of the activities of the teacher and students, the system of their relationships. The fulfillment of such tasks will help to learn how to single out the essential, the main thing from the variety of phenomena.

The mastery of the teacher is manifested in the way he analyzes, explores the pedagogical situation, how he formulates, on the basis of a multilateral analysis, the goal and objectives of his own activity.

Pedagogical tasks should be taken from school practice. They should introduce individual methodological methods of work. the best teachers, warn against the most common errors.

Starting to solve the problem, it is necessary to carefully understand its condition, evaluate the position of each actor, to imagine the possible consequences of each proposed step.

The proposed tasks should reflect effective forms and methods of organizing and conducting educational work.

Methodical festival

This form of methodical work, used by methodologists of the city, district, school leaders, involves a large audience, aims to exchange work experience, introduce new pedagogical ideas and methodological findings.

At the festival there is an acquaintance with the best pedagogical experience, with non-standard lessons that go beyond traditions and generally accepted stereotypes.

During the festival there is a panorama of methodical findings and ideas.

Participants of the festival submit an application for a lesson, methodological ideas, techniques in advance.

Active forms of organizing methodological work


Target - involvement of listeners in active discussion of the problem; identification of contradictions between worldly ideas and science; mastering the skills of applying theoretical knowledge to analyze reality.

The form of the event is a collective discussion of theoretical issues.

Organization methodology:

Determining the purpose and content of the problem under discussion, forecasting the results.

Identification of the key issues on which the discussion will be organized
(Random, secondary questions are not submitted for discussion).


Preliminary acquaintance of the teaching staff with the main provisions of the topic under discussion.


Familiarize the audience with the problem situational task.
Questions are presented to listeners sequentially in accordance with the plan.

Organization of the discussion of different points of view on the merits of the problem under consideration.

Conclusion of the discussion.

In the final speech, the presenter notes the activity or passivity of the audience, evaluates the answers of the listeners, if necessary, reasonably refutes incorrect judgments, supplements incomplete answers, draws a general conclusion based on the results of the discussion, thanks the listeners for participating in the discussion.

The leader must:

know the subject, the topic of discussion well;

study the position and arguments of opponents;

not to allow the conversation to go away from the subject of discussion, the substitution of concepts.

Methodical ring

Target - improving the professional knowledge of teachers, identifying general erudition.

Conduct form - group work (opponents, support groups of opponents and analysis group).

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

Option 1 - a methodical ring as a kind of discussion in the presence of two opposing views on the issue.

For example, in the methodical ring on the topic "A school without discipline is like a mill without water" (Ya. A. Komensky), the question is proposed for discussion: "How do I achieve discipline in the lesson - by switching students' attention to another type of activity or by disciplinary measures?".
Two opponents are preparing in advance. Each opponent has a support group that helps its leader if necessary.
The analysis group evaluates the level of preparation of opponents, the quality of protection of a certain version, sums up.
To relieve tension in pauses, pedagogical situations, game tasks, etc. are offered.

Option II - methodical ring as a competition of methodological ideas in the implementation of the same problem.

For example, a methodical ring on the topic "Activation of the cognitive activity of students in the classroom" involves the competition of the following methodological ideas:

application of game tasks;

use of active forms of education;

organization of group interaction of students;

increasing role independent work students in the learning process, etc.

Creative groups for the defense of methodological ideas are created in advance.

The course of the methodical ring (the order in which ideas are defended) is determined by a draw.

The analysis team assesses the level of preparation of the participants.

The competition of methodological ideas ends with a general conclusion.

Methodical gatherings

Target - the formation of the correct point of view on a specific pedagogical problem; creation of a favorable psychological climate in this group of students.

Conduct form - round table.

Methodology for organizing and conducting: For discussion, questions are proposed that are essential for solving some key tasks of the educational process.

The topic of discussion is not announced in advance. The skill of the leader lies in the fact that in a relaxed atmosphere to call the audience to a frank conversation on the issue under discussion and lead them to certain conclusions.

Methodical dialogue

Target - discussion of a specific problem, development of a plan of joint action.

The form of the event is a round table.

Methodology for organizing and conducting:

Listeners get acquainted with the topic of discussion in advance, receive theoretical homework.

A methodical dialogue is conducted between the leader and students or between groups of students on a specific issue.

The driving force of the dialogue is the culture of communication and the activity of the listeners. Of great importance is the overall emotional atmosphere, which allows you to evoke a sense of inner unity.

In conclusion, a conclusion is made on the topic, a decision is made on further joint actions.

ABC of methodical work: planning, forms and



The process of updating and restructuring the educational system requires the reconstruction and improvement of not only the content of education and upbringing, but also the methodological service. Focusing on the humanization of education and upbringing, on the formation of the student's personality, recognition of its value and necessity for modern society, first of all, it must be remembered that it (personality) is formed by the personality of the teacher himself. Therefore, it is necessary to create all conditions for the growth of professional skills of the teacher. And for this an effective and efficient structure of the methodological service in an educational institution is needed. The skill of a teacher is formed through constant, systematic professional training in the field, therefore, methodological work is the most important link in the education system for members of the teaching staff. In addition, daily professional development activities are closely related to the educational process, and the teacher has the opportunity in the course of his work to consolidate his theoretical knowledge in practice every day.

The essence and objectives of methodological work

in an educational institution

Methodological work is a systematic collective and individual activity teaching staff, aimed at improving their scientific and theoretical general cultural level, psychological and pedagogical training and professional skills.

The most important and essential in the methodological work in an educational institution is the provision of real, effective assistance to teaching staff in developing their skills as a unity of professional knowledge, skills and abilities necessary for modern teacher.

To determine the goals and objectives of methodological work means to determine the most important desired, necessary results. The goal, first of all, is the growth of pedagogical skills.

When staging tasks it is necessary to take into account the functions of methodological work in relation to the national system of education and upbringing of students, pedagogical science and advanced pedagogical experience; functions of methodical work in relation to the teaching staff, to a particular teacher. Organizing individual work with a specific teacher, it is possible to formulate tasks in a more generalized form: formation and development of individually unique and effective system educational and upbringing activities of a particular teacher.

The correct formulation of the tasks of methodological work contributes to the optimal choice of means for solving these problems. The main of these means is the content of methodological work in an educational institution.

Areas of work of the methodical association:

Studying the issues of organization of educational and upbringing processes; mastery of scientific methodology;

Acquaintance with new provisions, documents, resolutions, etc.;

Deep Learning methods of conducting training sessions and extracurricular activities;

Anticipatory consideration of the issues of methodology for studying the most complex issues of extracurricular and extracurricular activities with a demonstration of open extracurricular activities, educational hours;

The study of the provisions of didactics, the theory of education, an attempt to apply them in practice;

The study of developmental and pedagogical psychology, psychological and pedagogical characteristics of children of different age groups;

Information about new books, guidelines, articles in the pedagogical press on the content and methodology of educational work;

Systematic study of the level of education and upbringing of students;

Collaboration class teacher and subject teachers.

System of methodical work

A system is a complex of interconnected elements that have such properties as purposefulness, integrity. Any system is open, i.e. connected with other system and non-system objects, and is part of the system more high order. The system of methodical work in an educational institution is part of the system of work with teaching staff, part of the system for managing the work of teachers, part of the system for improving professionalism.

Choosing the option of methodological work, Deputy. Director for OWRM (NMR) should take into account:

Tasks assigned to teachers;

Quantitative and qualitative composition of the teaching staff;

The results of studying the personality and activities of teachers, especially their difficulties;

Qualitative and quantitative analysis of current, end results educational - educational work;

Features of the content of methodological work;

Traditions of an educational institution; comparative effectiveness of various forms of methodical work;

A measure in the use of certain areas, content, forms, methods of methodological work;

Availability of time for the implementation of the planned methodological work (possible reduction in the number of activities, postponement, etc.)

Material, moral-psychological and other conditions; the real opportunities available at a particular moment to involve teachers in the organization of methodological work, to be the head of the MO, to be part of a creative group, etc.

Necessary conditions for methodical work: organizational and pedagogical(free time, coordination of activities), moral and psychological, sanitary and hygienic.

The content of the methodological work is formed on the basis of the following sources: documents, provisions that give a general target orientation of all methodological work; achievements of scientific and technological progress, new results of psychological and pedagogical research, including research on the problems of methodological work itself in an educational institution: instructive and methodological documents of the Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan on the organization of educational work in educational institutions; information about advanced, innovative and mass experience; data from a specific analysis of the state of the level of education and upbringing and the development of students, helping to identify the topics and problems of methodological work and self-education that are top-priority for a given institution.

Organization of methodical work

The organization of methodological work includes a wide range of functions and actions:

study, analysis of the state of educational work;

goal-setting - the choice of goals, objectives;

planning the content, forms and methods, ways and means of achieving goals;

creation of a rational organizational structure management;

setting educational tasks;

Instructing, stimulating, assisting teachers;

· control;

analysis and evaluation of results, etc.

Components of the organizational activity of the Deputy Director for Educational and educational work:

· speeches explaining the relevance and essence of the work on the chosen problem;

· preparation of documentation;

the activities of the pedagogical council, methodological association and creative groups in subjects on the chosen topic;

Creation of creative groups for the exchange of pedagogical experience;

organization of self-education;

open extracurricular activities;

personal example director;

operational assistance;

Summing up and setting new tasks;


Forms of organization of methodological work

The following structure of the links of methodological work is possible: a pedagogical council operating on the basis of a methodical office, a methodological association of teachers, theoretical seminars and workshops, pedagogical readings or scientific and practical conferences, schools of excellence.

Forms of work can be collective and individual.

Collective forms: seminars and workshops, scientific and practical conferences, methodological associations, schools of excellence, creative groups, methodological rooms, etc.

Individual forms: internship, mentorship, work on a personal creative theme, individual consultations, individual self-education, etc.

One of the most important forms of methodological work is the work on single methodological theme (problem) of an educational institution (for example: “Personally oriented training and education of students aimed at reviving national culture, morality and spirituality” defines a single methodological theme: “A new structure of the methodological service as a means of improving the professional skills of the teaching staff in the effective implementation of personality-oriented training and education students"). A single methodological theme organizes, makes the whole complex of forms integral, is a kind of system-forming factor. It is advisable to define a single topic for the future (more often for 5 years) broken down by years. It contributes to the cohesion of the team, which improves the quality of work, productivity.

One of the most common forms of collective methodical work is methodological associations of teachers . The MO meeting, as a rule, is held once a quarter. However, the activities of the Ministry of Defense should not be limited to meetings, it should be of a daily nature. The MO meeting should include as a theoretical part (reports, messages, review methodological literature), and practical (attending classes, educational hours, their discussion, open extracurricular activities, etc.). As a result of the work of the methodological association, there can be methodological products for subject teachers. In the end school year an exhibition, a conference, a methodological festival can complete the work of the MO.