How is it carried out ship control in Eve Online? How to get the most out of your boat? In this post, we introduce beginner capsuleers to the basics of piloting.

The main thing is ingenuity

Ship control in Eve Online is quite schematic. This factor is regarded by many casual players as a drawback of the game, but such a concept is best suited to the spirit of thoughtful gameplay. As in the novels of Isaac Asimov, the pilot solves mathematical problems, operates mainly with numbers, and sees enemies most often in the form of colored crosses on the screen.

“Eve” is called “excel in space” for a reason. Developers from CCP Games set themselves the goal of creating not a mass-produced product, but a game with unique mechanics. key role in the life of a capsuleer, it is not reaction that plays, but the ability to think analytically, regardless of whether he connected his life with industry or military affairs. Start playing today, explore the ships, experiment - everything is in your hands!

Basic ship management in Eve Online

Ships in Eve Online are controlled in 3D, but are not particularly difficult even for novice players. In most cases, you will not have to set a direction, but choose a specific action in relation to some object: another ship, an asteroid, a station, etc.

The list of standard actions includes:

  • Move to X- approaching the target;
  • Follow- following at a certain distance;
  • Orbit- your ship enters the "orbit" relative to the target and begins to cut circles around it;
  • warp jump- hyperspace jump, a special mode that allows you to overcome long distances. Unavailable at short distances, cannot be interrupted after initiation.

If necessary, the ship can be set the direction and speed manually - usually this function is used in battle for more precise positioning.

Bookmarks play an important role in navigation. bookmarks) - "bookmarks" with coordinates. Keep in your journal all the places you plan to return to.

Managing a ship in the game Eve Online: working with modules

"Professional" ship control in the game Eve Online involves the competent use of active modules. It is far from always the characteristics of the vessels that allow you to keep all the equipment on all the time, and the charge of the onboard battery must be used sparingly.

In emergency cases, you can turn on the “overheating” mode, which significantly increases the performance of the equipment, but it is subject to periodic damage. Damage can be reduced by using a special composite paste (nanite compound). This feature can be useful for getting the most out of shields or turrets in combat, or for avoiding collisions in afterburners.

Active modules of the same type can be grouped for more convenient control in battle. Remember that each type of weapon has its own optimal and maximum effective range - consider these parameters when choosing your tactics.

The ability to navigate a ship in EVE comes with experience. After dozens of battles, you will begin to take into account parameters that were not considered important before, to more fully perceive the picture on the battlefield. Remember that each sortie is, first of all, valuable experience.


You've been chosen captain somehow. Congratulations! Now you have a team of ten human slaves who report to you.

This guide is intended to provide an overview of things related to commanding a ship in Blackwake.

You can't learn everything just by reading this manual. There are many elements that you will need to understand yourself, draw conclusions after hours spent at the helm of the ship.

I have never seen a game where the crew itself chooses its leader, where the captain must control the entire course of the battle. The captain physically controls the movement of the entire vessel. The situation in Blackwake is dictated, basically, only by the captains of the ships. This is unique to games. And this makes the management of the ship the most important part of the game.

The captain controls the fate of the entire crew. Not enough good management ship can lead to the loss of the entire team. As captain, you are responsible for the success of your entire team. Do not take this responsibility lightly.

Welcome to Blackwake!

Know your ship!

On the this moment There are only two ships in the game: the Galleon and the Hoy.
The Galleon is capable of carrying a crew of 16, while the Sloop is capable of carrying 8. The optimal number of crew is debatable, but in general a ship will be fully effective with about three-quarters of the crew.

In mixed battles, care must be taken to supply the crew of the larger vessel to ensure maximum effectiveness.

Comparison of the size of the Galleon (rear) and Sloop (front). Going into battle against the Galleon on the Sloop is not a gift, but if you succeed, it will be extremely useful for the team.

The sloop is a single-masted ship, with one sail aft and two sails forward.
It carries 8 cannons, 4 on each side, as well as two falconets with cannonballs on the sides and two on the nose with knipels.

The Sloop has no precise aiming instructions. You just need to aim perpendicular to your movement.

The main strengths of this ship are its speed and maneuverability. Unfortunately, this vessel also has bad qualities: the frequency of volleys, height and strength. The sloop has a much lower freeboard than the Galleon, and thus it is very difficult to board the Galleon unless it is low in the water.

Plan of the Sloop from above. Please note that the captain's helm is located on the poop (stern / rear). Three guns on each side are located on the deck and two more in the hold, under the helm.

Also note that the Sloop's side salvo is only 4 shots. Be careful when approaching the Galleon.

However, don't despair! A competent captain on this ship can use his speed and maneuverability to avoid the Galleon's shots, as well as find blind spots in the Galleon's turn. 45 degrees from the side of this ship is a very safe place, and if you can stay there and fire on the hull and sails, then the Galleon is in real danger.

Fighting other Sloops is also a challenge. It is difficult to aim at a fast moving vessel. Pay attention to the misses of the guns and correct your movement.
Stay in touch with your crew at all times.

The Galleon is currently the largest ship in Blackwake.
It carries a formidable firepower.

When in command, a successful salvo from the Galleon evokes amazing feelings. You have at your disposal one of the deadliest weapons in multiplayer games.

The galleon is very strong, it has two pumps, three masts, guns on the port, starboard, bow and stern.

The command center of the Galleon is the quarterdeck.

Its main armament consists of sixteen cannons. Eight are located on the starboard side and eight on the port side. Of these, twelve are installed on the lower deck (six on each side), they are completely hidden from enemy small arms fire. And four on the upper deck (two on each side), they are completely open to small arms enemy.

Use this reticle to aim.

Also, the Galleon has two guns, standing in front and mounted on the lower deck, as well as two falconets loaded with knippels. Two more guns are located behind, at the stern. Note that in order to fire with these guns, you will have to listen to your gunners, because the main mast and the rise of the poop behind you will interfere with your aim.

Your broadside can be supplemented by two falconets, one per side of the ship. But note that they can only be effective on close range. At long range, this weapon is useless.

While the Galleon is a sturdy and powerful vessel, its maneuverability leaves a lot to be desired compared to the Sloop, and if both ships are intact, with proper command, the Sloop can have the upper hand in this fight. But woe to the ship that enters the zone of the onboard volley of the Galleon.

The experienced crew and captain of the Galleon are a formidable force, though they are not invincible. Any opponent should expect a tough and bloody fight when encountering this vessel.

Your weapon

your guns
A good gunner can load a cannon in 5 seconds if he works fast. Then the volley of guns takes exactly three seconds. After the guns have been lit, do not rock the ship. The guns shoot where they are pointed, so try to aim well before firing.

Your team
Each crew member has a different weapon: muskets, pistols, grenades, sabers, broken bottles, knives, etc. Any of them is able to feed the enemy team with lead. Make sure your team knows what to do in different situations. If the enemy is low in the water, you need to focus the attack on their pumps and repairmen to send their ship to the bottom.

Prow of the ship
This is not a joke, a ram can be effective in various situations. However, be aware that in a collision you break your bowsprit and cannot budge until you repair it. In doing so, you inflict 4 holes on the enemy. The enemy ship is also slowed down, so you can take advantage of this opportunity and try to board the enemy. However, rest assured, they will try to get away from you as quickly as they can.

Falconets, which are located on the bow of the ship, are loaded with knipples. They are very effective at destroying enemy sails.


Nuclei- cannonball shots make holes in the body of the enemy, deadly for those who are nearby. Holes are the reason why a ship sinks. Sinking enemy ships = victory. The main type of projectile, is effective at any distance. Anyone who charges cannons with buckshot when firing at long range must be strung up on a yardarm or executed!

Buckshot- is deadly at close range. Disastrous for the enemy crew. Shooting buckshot at long range is just a waste of supplies.

cats-God knows whose idea it was to shoot cats with cannons, but go figure it out ... Releases a large hook from the cannon, if you hit an enemy ship, the ships approach each other, all previous damage is ignored. Respawn time increases by 6 times and becomes about 2 minutes! Matches in CS:GO end in a shorter amount of time. Should only be used in cases emergency when you need a miracle. If your team is winning, avoid this option.

Ammo boxes for your gunners will be replenished with ammo boxes, they are located in the rear cockpits of the Galleon and Sloop. Once the ammo has been used up, it's best to be ready to board because you don't have anything else to shoot. It should be noted that in low crew conditions, ammo boxes are not required and are endless.

Called by enemy shots using cores. Can be repaired by one person. Pumps must be used to pump water. Your ship will only be cleared of water when all openings are repaired and the pumps are running. The Galleon has two pumps and the Sloop has one. If only one pump is running on the Galleon, then the flooding of the ship is slowed down by 20%, if both, then by 40%. The pump in the Sloop always runs at 40% efficiency.
Both ships take damage at different rates. I would rate the severity of damage in each vessel as follows:


  • 1 hole - Not dangerous. This should not interrupt the normal operation of the ship and the hole should be repaired when convenient. But try not to delay it, over time the performance of the ship will decrease.
  • 2-3 holes - Moderate danger. 1-2 crew members should deal with the holes, and the rest of the crew should continue the normal operation of the ship.
  • 3-5 holes - Serious danger. It is necessary to consider the option of withdrawing from the battle. The performance of your vessel will be greatly affected. Your weapons may become inoperable due to flooding if these holes are not quickly repaired.
  • 6+ Holes - Critical Hazard. If the holes are not quickly repaired, the ship will begin to sink rapidly. Your weapons will become inoperable very soon. The pump will slow down the rate at which your ship fills with water, but if quick repairs are not undertaken, your ship will sink to the bottom very soon.


  • 1-3 holes - Not dangerous. This should not interrupt the normal operation of the ship and the hole should be repaired when convenient. But try not to delay it, over time the performance of the ship will decrease.
  • 3-5 holes - Moderate danger. 1-2 crew members should deal with the holes, and the rest of the crew should continue the normal operation of the ship.
  • 6-8 holes - Serious danger. It is necessary to consider the option of withdrawing from the battle. The performance of your vessel will be greatly affected. Your weapons may become inoperable due to flooding if these holes are not quickly repaired. Extremely dangerous are additional holes on the top of your boat.
  • 9+ Holes - Critical Hazard. If the holes are not quickly repaired, the ship will begin to sink rapidly. Your weapons will become inoperable very soon. The pumps will slow down the rate at which your ship fills with water, but if quick repairs are not undertaken, your ship will sink to the bottom very soon.
sail damage
Called by enemy land rats being shot with knippels. Can only happen if the enemy is facing you, which probably means you're running away. Can be repaired by one person who will have to climb the masts. Each sail must be repaired individually. Pay special attention to the rear mast, with which you turn your boat.

Panic! Fire! Fire is a real pain if it spreads in the wrong places (like the captain's helm). Another terrible thing about him is that he can ruin your sails. Fire can be extinguished in two ways. First, fill it with water using buckets.
Second, submerge your ship in water. Naturally, the author prefers the second way. Fire shouldn't be overstated, however, while scary, especially for new players, fire doesn't cause lasting damage to a ship or cause holes in a ship's hull. After a while, the fire goes out.


Your fellow captains.

So this new thing for you is called teamwork.

Now you are the captain! First of all, make sure you: A) know which ship is friendly to you. B) Keep in touch with your gunners. Many times I have seen matches abandoned because friendly gunners fired at each other.

So what to do with these friendly ships? B key! Use it to talk to your fellow captain and figure out tactics. For example, pounce on lonely, unsuspecting enemy ships that are distant from friendly ships. Make sure both your fellow captain and you know what to do. Ramming one ship at a time is very effective. Try to stay together all the time and not separate.

Next, don't use faction chat to talk to your crew. The exception is when you are trying to raise the morale of the whole team. If you are going to board an enemy ship that is fighting your comrade, then chatting in the faction chat will be very useful. Otherwise, chat on your own ship's channel.

Where to start as a captain?

You are new to the game. You've only played a few matches as a crew (never go straight to the manual).
So how do we learn to be a good captain?

  1. We watch YouTube. Consider every move a captain makes. Are his commands effective? And most importantly, what would you do if you were at the helm?
  2. We play as a crew. Pay attention to how your captain plays, could you do better? Do they need to communicate more or less? When playing with good captains, try to understand why they do so well. Hear how they act when things go wrong. What do they do when the ship sinks?
  3. We play as a captain. Don't ignore other captains. Be confident, be brave, be aggressive. Take on the fight against the enemy.
Write down your mistakes. Where are things going wrong? Why did this salvo fail? Was the crew distracted? Dead? Didn't they know what to do? Was there enough communication? Don't be afraid of other captains. They are playing the same game as you. They will sink with holes, just like you will.
Also pay attention to the failures of the opponent. You survived what should have killed you, but why? What mistakes were made by them? Are you making this mistake too? Can you fix this in the future?

For now, that's all. I hope that old players as well as new ones have learned something useful from this. I'm looking forward to the day I'm on your team. If at least one player has improved his skills after reading this guide, then his goal has been fulfilled.

Guide author:
Translated and edited by:
This one on English language.
Lots of information in

Game control World of Warships in many ways similar to the standard control in World of Tanks or other similar games, but there are important differences. In this article you will find both the basics of control in the game and some secrets of skill.

Main control

To control the ship and fire, you can use the following keys:

  • W, S- increase/decrease travel speed.
  • A, D- turning the steering wheel.
  • Left mouse click (LMB)- gun fire.
  • Shift- switch to the "Binoculars" mode.
  • Use the mouse scroll wheel to zoom in/out the camera. In the free camera mode, you can also use the PgUp / PgDn keys for these purposes.

Mastery Secrets

In-game description of the control, available by pressing F1.


In the game, the control of the direction of movement of the ship is represented not only by standard buttons WASD, but also additionally with buttons Q and E, which allow you to fix the deviation of the rudders in certain positions. This works similarly with the engine room, you can set the left rudder, 1/2 left rudder, straight ahead, 1/2 right rudder, right rudder. The ship will constantly turn in the direction you choose. The buttons do not need to be constantly held, which is very convenient.

Such a constant movement "in a circle" is called circulation.

Using circulation with buttons Q and E, the commander can concentrate on other aspects of the game without being distracted by holding down the keys. Both ways of turning have the right to life, everyone chooses the one that is convenient for him. Try both and choose yours or a combination.

Minimap and tablet

Minimap and tablet mode.

In the lower right corner of the screen there is always a minimap, the size of which can be changed with the buttons + and - .

Button M will take you to the tablet mode, which is indispensable for aircraft carrier commanders, but useful for everyone else. In this mode, you can set the ship's route for the autopilot.

Quick Commands

In-game description of the control, available by pressing F1.

For the convenience of communication between players in battle, the functionality of quick messages and commands is provided.

Messages can be sent to the general or team chat, while commands are given only to allies. The text of messages and commands is duplicated in the game chat, and an indicator lights up for a short time above the speaker's ship icon in the world and on the minimap.

List of available commands:

  • F2- "No way!".
  • F3- Indication of the target (the target can be a ship, a base or a point).
  • F4- "There is".
  • F5- "Support is required!".
  • F6- "We need help with air defense!".
  • F7- "Reconnaissance is needed!"
  • F8- "We need a smoke screen!".
  • F9- "Back!"

List of emotional commands:

  • F10- "Good luck to all!".
  • F11- "Great fight!"
  • F12- "Thanks!".
  • SHIFT+F12- one of the provided curses.

The assignment of the keys can always be changed in the settings.

Camera Features

Button Z or Middle mouse button will allow you to switch the camera to your projectile, torpedo or aircraft. This makes it possible to see the battle from an unexpected angle and see the explosion of your opponent's ship in all its glory.

To control the camera without rotating the turret, hold the right mouse button.

The ship is partially interactive, namely:

1. Gangways on both sides of the ship (rope ladders from the water)
2. Ladder from the water
3. Mast - you can get to Mars through it
4. Mars - nest on the mast
5. Sails - fold / raise
6. Anchor capstan - anchor/remove anchor
7. Lanterns - for viewing at night
8. Guns - for firing
9. Boarding bridges - a ladder for moving to the opponent's ship during boarding
10. Steering wheel - to control the ship

Any player can interact with the interactive part of the ship, except for the steering wheel and guns, to interact with them, you must be in a group with the owner of the ship

The anchor capstan is active for all players, whether they are in a group with the owner of the ship or not. That is, any player can climb on any ship and anchor, thereby immobilizing it. The same is true with sails.

Any member of the group, and not just the owner of the ship, can stand at the helm (that is, control the ship).

Ship management

After calling the ship and when the team boarded, you can start sailing (do not forget your friends in the water)

To control the ship, 1 person must stand at the helm

If the main sail is not raised, then the ship is subject to a speed penalty (approximately 50%). So don't forget to raise the main sail.

Also the ship will not move if it is at anchor.

The ship has arcade controls, meaning it can move in all 4 directions (forward, backward, left and right). When turning left / right without moving, the ship rotates around its axis.

There is no wind in the game, and there never will be.

When steering a vessel, it is necessary to take into account the depth of the fairway (so as not to run aground). Depth can be determined by the color of the water (the darker the deeper).

The ship takes damage when colliding with another ship (the amount of damage is not yet known)

Conducting combat operations

The armament of the ship consists of 8 guns, 4 guns on each side.

To interact with a cannon, the player must double-click on it (only for those who are in a group with the owner of the ship).

When a player takes a place behind one of the guns, a torch appears in the character's hand (for lighting the fuse, looks very realistic)

When controlling a cannon, the player has 2 skills: 1) a shot from a cannon 2) exit the cannon control mode

Shooting from a cannon is carried out according to the principle of "non-target"

The damage of one shot is approximately 400 HP of the ship, the cores also have a zone of destruction, the player who gets into this zone also receives damage (the shot must be fired in the area of ​​​​the deck of the ship)

The guns have a reload time, they also have restrictions on the firing range, on the angle of rotation, as well as a dead zone in front of them

Important! For effective shooting, you need to keep a distance with the enemy

A shot from a cannon also deals damage to buildings (the list of buildings / buildings is not yet known)

ship repair

Ship repairs are carried out with the help of hourglass, which are produced by the Alchemy profession.

  • Small retrograde clocks are needed to repair boats. Bought from a merchant.
  • The average retrograde clock is needed to repair trimorans. To craft, you need an alchemy level of 10,000 and a small reverse clock.
  • Large reversal clocks are required for large ships. To craft, you need an alchemy level of 20,000 and an average reverse time clock.

All types of hourglasses have the same icon. Check the title carefully when buying from an auction.

The water is rarely calm. Therefore, when moving, the ship has to experience the action of various factors that cause it to deviate from its normal position.

Under the influence of waves or other external forces, a floating ship experiences vibrations, or pitching . As a result, the speed of the vessel slows down. There are additional stresses in the case. And at large amplitudes, this can lead to a loss of stability. The ship may even sink.

ship stability

What happens to the ship at the moment of pitching from the point of view of physics?

Suppose the ship is listing to the right. The center of gravity of the ship itself remained in the same place. And the center of pressure will shift. The force of weight is always applied to the center of gravity of the ship, and the buoyant force, or Archimedes force, to the center of pressure. These forces during the roll are no longer on the same vertical, but form a pair of forces and a moment, which is called restoring. They will tend to turn the ship so that these forces are again on the same vertical line. That is, they will try to level the ship.

The point of intersection of the buoyant force with the axis of the ship is called metacenter. If it is located above the center of gravity, the ship is not afraid of even a large roll. He is in a stable position.

And if the metacenter is below the center of gravity, the ship is unstable. This happens if the ship is loaded incorrectly. For example, the hold is almost empty, and the bulk of the cargo is on the upper deck. In this case, the moment of gravity and the force of Archimedes will be overturning. In this position, the slightest roll is dangerous for the vessel, as it can turn it over.

The capacity of the ship that deviates external forces from the equilibrium position, to return to it, is called stability .

There are times when the ship is forced to go without cargo. In this case, ballast is specially loaded into the hold in order to increase its stability.

Distinguish between transverse and longitudinal stability. When rolling, when the ship rolls to the starboard or port side, one speaks of lateral stability. And with pitching, when the ship leans along the diametrical plane, we are talking about longitudinal stability.

ship propulsion

The ability of a ship to move at a given speed on a given course relative to wind and sea waves is called propulsion . It is believed that a ship that will develop a greater speed with less energy costs has a greater propulsion.

The speed of the ship depends on the resistance of water and air, the power of the main ship engines and the operation of the propellers. The main power of the engines is spent on overcoming the resistance of water.

A self-propelled vessel has an engine and a propeller.

The engines that are used on ships are divided into main and auxiliary. Main engine is the main source of energy and provides the movement of the vessel. Its power drives mover , which, in turn, converts the energy of the engine into useful work to move the ship. For example, a ship's propeller is a propeller.

Auxiliary engines drive electric generators, electric pumps, fans, etc.

AT different time ships were set in motion different types engines. On steamboats, it was a steam engine that turned a propeller or wheels. It was later replaced by a diesel engine. It generated electricity that ran the electric motor. And he was already turning the propeller shaft.

By the way, the mover can use not only the power of the main engine. So, on sailing ships, the mover is the sails. They convert wind energy into motion energy. The propeller on the boat is the oars, which convert the muscular strength of a person into the energy of movement.

The movement of the ship is provided by a diesel engine internal combustion, and the turbine is a steam or gas turbine. On nuclear-powered ships, the propeller drives a nuclear power plant.

On a modern ship, all machines and mechanisms are located in the engine room. This is where they are managed.

Ship management

The ship's course is changed with the rudder. In fact, this is a rather complex device, most often located in the stern of the vessel. The ship's rudder changes the direction of water movement around it. Water presses on the steering wheel with a certain force. And this force makes the ship rotate around its center of gravity. In still water, the ship does not obey the helm, but the greater the speed of the ship, the better it is controlled.

On older ships, the rudder changed its position with the help of the helm. And in our time, on some ships, the steering wheel has been preserved. But most often on a modern ship, the rudder is controlled from the wheelhouse, which is included in the pilothouse. In the wheelhouse there are navigation aids, as well as speedometers, barometers, etc.

The safety of the ship during movement is provided by location stations, which allow avoiding collisions with reefs and rocks. The ship alarm with the help of light and sound signals warns of the onset of a pre-emergency state if any of the parameters deviates from the norm. In the event of an emergency, an alarm is activated.