The concept of degrees of comparison

In accordance with their general grammatical meaning, qualitative adjectives have two degrees of comparison, showing the extent to which the attribute is manifested in the subject. These are comparative and superlative degrees of comparison.

Comparative adjective

The comparative degree of an adjective denotes a greater or lesser manifestation of a feature in a particular subject. For example:

This cake is sweeter than cake.

The comparative degree can be simple and compound.

A simple comparative degree is formed using the suffixes -ee-(-ee-), -e-, -she-/-same.

Beautiful - more beautiful

Wise - wiser

Before the suffix -e-, the consonants of the stem usually alternate:

Sweet is sweeter

Low - below

Adjectives in the form of a simple comparative degree do not change either by gender, or by cases, or by numbers. In sentences, they can perform the functions of a predicate and a definition. For example:

This city is more beautiful than our own.

Adjective more beautiful stands in the form of a simple comparative degree. In this sentence, it performs the function of a predicate.

Let's find a prettier place.

The same adjective in a simple comparative degree will be a definition.

Compound comparative degree is formed by adding words to the adjective more or less.

Sweet - more or less sweet

High - more or less high

Adjectives in the form of a compound comparative degree change by gender, number and case as follows: the first word - more or less- remains unchanged. And the second word changes:

To a higher

About the less beautiful

In a sentence, adjectives in the form of a compound comparative degree can be both predicates and definitions:

The weather is warmer today than a week ago.

In this sentence, we see that the adjective in the form of a compound comparative degree performs the function of a predicate.

Kolya liked the warmer water.

The same form of comparative degree would be a definition.


The comparative degree of adjectives cannot be formed at the same time in a simple and compound way.

It would be erroneous to use the “sweeter” construction. The correct options are more sweet and sweeter .

Superlative Comparison of Adjectives

The superlative degree denotes the superiority of a given subject in comparison with the rest on any basis:

Everest is the highest peak in the world.

The superlative, like the comparative, can be simple and compound.

The simple form of the superlative degree is formed using the suffixes -eysh- or -aysh-:

Quiet - the quietest

Wise - the wisest

Adjectives in the form of a simple superlative degree of comparison can change in gender, number and case. In a sentence, they are both definitions and predicates.

Everest - the highest peak in the world.

Adjective highest is a definition.

This crater is the deepest.

Adjective deepest- predicate.

Compound superlatives of adjectives can be formed in two ways:

1. Adding words to the adjective most, most, least:

Smart is the smartest

High - the highest

In the form of a compound superlative degree with the word most by gender, cases and numbers, both words change:

To the smartest

About the most beautiful

In the form of a compound superlative degree with words most and least only the second word is changed:

about the highest

In a sentence, this superlative form can serve as both a predicate and a definition.

2. The word is added to the form of a simple comparative degree of the adjective Total if this is a comparison with inanimate objects, or a word all if this is a comparison with living objects or with a number of the same objects.

This house is the tallest in the area.

This house is taller than all the houses in the area.

This boy is the tallest in the school.

In sentences, such superlatives can only be predicates.


The superlative degree of comparison of adjectives cannot be formed at once in both a simple and a compound way.

Forms like "deepest" are erroneous.

You need to use other forms of superlatives - either deepest, or deepest.


  1. Russian language. Grade 6: Baranov M.T. and others - M .: Education, 2008.
  2. Russian language. Theory. 5-9 cells: V.V. Babaitseva, L.D. Chesnokova - M.: Bustard, 2008.
  3. Russian language. 6th grade: ed. MM. Razumovskaya, P.A. Lekanta - M.: Bustard, 2010.
  1. About degrees of comparison ().
  2. ().


Write down the proverbs, forming a comparative degree:

True (bright) sun.

Old friend (best) of the new two.

Morning evening (tricky).

Rainy summer (bad) autumn.

Health (expensive) gold.

Choose adjectives that have degrees of comparison. Form all possible degrees of comparison from these adjectives.

Tin soldier, pewter eyes, cold day, long train, brave deed, kind person, stupid question, heart muscle, cordial hello, stone house, stone face, short dress, fat boy, blue scarf, Moscow metro, children's literature, double chin , woolen suit, lead bullet, lead clouds, city park, heavy briefcase, heavy industry, deaf old man, deaf consonant, grandfather's office, Machine work, tit nest, goose paw, dog kennel, wolf's mouth, wolf coat, wolf's appetite, deer horns, marines, dog cold, katyushin bicycle, grinder, snake venom, snake smile, vegetable oil, lean face, mouse tail, neighbor's garden, grandiose plans, observant person, tragic fate, wooden voice, chicken paw, chicken soup, squirrel collar, iron will, grandfather's words, bird hubbub, hare hat, December frosts, school uniform, Serezhin portfolio, Barents Sea, Bering Strait.

Lesson number 91 Russian language in grade 6

TOPIC: "Degrees of comparison of adjectives."


To introduce students to the concept of "degrees of comparison of adjectives." Develop skills in the formation of a simple and composite form of a comparative degree;

Develop the ability to find adjectives in a comparative degree, determine their role in a sentence;

Cultivate patriotic feelings

LESSON TYPE: combined.

EQUIPMENT : textbook, notebook for vocabulary work, individual cards, diagrams - formulas.


I . Organizing time.

II . Oral syntactic five-minute.

Bright toys decorated the Christmas tree, and from them a cheerful light poured into the room.

Draw up a proposal.

Write out the phrases "adjective + noun", putting them in the initial form.

What do these adjectives mean? Can something be brighter than toys?

3. Record with explanation:

Bright - brighter - brightest;

Cheerful - more fun - more fun - the most fun.

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Writing on the board:

A beautiful landscape opened up before us.

This landscape was more beautiful than the previous one.

- Tell me which adjectivebeautiful ormore beautiful shows that the symptom is manifested to a greater extent?

- So, adjectives can have degrees of comparison: comparative and superlative. The comparative degree shows that in one or another subject the feature is manifested to a greater extent than in another:The landscape was more beautiful than the previous one. If it is necessary to show that one or another object is superior to other objects in some way, then in this case the superlative degree of the adjective is used:Before us opened a beautiful landscape.

2. Performing exercise. 281.

2. Drawing up a scheme "Degrees of comparison of adjectives"

3. Work with the textbook. Reading the theory § 49 on pp. 116-119.

- Complete the scheme with examples of simple and compound forms of degrees of comparison.

Write the formula in your notebook, inserting the missing information:

Adjective stem + suffixes …= simple comparative

+ adjective = compound comparative degree

4. Individual cards:

one). Write it down using the adjectives given in brackets in a simple comparative degree.

As a child, everything was different. (Bright) there was the sun (strong) smell of the fields, (loud) there was thunder, (abundant) rains and (tall) grass. And (wide) was the human heart, (sharp) grief, and a thousand times was (mysterious) earth, motherland- the most magnificent thing that we have been given for life.

(According to K. Paustovsky )

2). Write the text, open the brackets, forming the comparative degree of adjectives.

Some imagine that what (high) rises (?) Into the air, so becomes (?) Xia (warm), but this is (not) true. Than (high), (cold). Why is this? But because the co(?)ntze weakly heats the air with its rays, since the air is very transparent(?)ny. From below the air is always (warm). Co(?)ntse..heats the earth with its beams..mi, air heats..vails(?)sya from the h..mli in the same way as from the oven(?)ki. Heated air is (light) cold and therefore rises (?) Xia up. The (high) he raises (?) Xia, the (much) cools down. Therefore, at a high altitude, it is always cold.. the bottom.

(N. Nosov )

Dynamic pause

5. Form simple and compound comparative forms from adjectives. Point out the adjectives that do not have degrees of comparison.

Red, stormy, bad, important, terrible, naked, expensive, wet, brief, golden.

Write one sentence each with a comparative adjective and a superlative adjective.

Underline the adjectives as parts of the sentence.

6. Entry in the section of the dictionary "Speak correctly": more beautiful, freer, more comfortable, calmer.

Make sentences with these words; determine the role of adjectives in a comparative degree in invented sentences.

IV . Summing up the lesson.

- What degrees of comparison can adjectives have?

- The simple form of the comparative degree is formed by adding to the stem...

- The compound form of the comparative degree is usually formed ....

V . Homework message.

Run ex. 283, 284.

VI . Grading a lesson.

KSU "Bulaevskaya secondary school No. 2, Bulaevo, North Kazakhstan region, M. Zhumabaev district

Teacher of Russian language and literature - Burlakova Olga Vasilievna

Topic: Superlative adjective

Type of lesson: learning new material.

Lesson form: lesson-research. (according to the technology of development of critical thinking)

Tasks: 1. repetition of what has been learned about the comparative degree of adjectives, familiarity with the methods of forming the superlative degree, developing skills in the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives.

2. development of group work skills.

3. education of love for the native land.

Lesson equipment: reference table of the degree of comparison of the adjective; multimedia projector, screen, computer presentation made in Power Point, tests

During the classes

    Organizational moment.

    Target setting

    D/Z check

Teacher's word: In the last lesson, we met with the topic - the degree of comparison of adjectives and talked about the comparative degree of the adjective

1. Lexical 5-minute: write out adjectives from the text, form a comparative degree from them in a simple and compound form

Winter came. There is severe frost in the morning. Fluffy snow often falls.

The house has a large snowdrift, snow covered all the paths. The children put on warm

coats and hats. They play snowballs, slide down the hill and go home joyfully. (SLIDE)

strong - stronger - less strong

fluffy - fluffier - more fluffy

Big - Bigger - Bigger SLIDE

Warm - warmer - less warm

joyful - more joyful - less joyful

2. Tell us how the comparative degree of an adjective is formed. What adjectives form degrees of comparison?



Slide Comparative degree shows that in one or another subject a feature is manifested to a greater or lesser extent than in another.

A comparative degree in a simple form is formed using:

Suffixes -her(s)sharp - sharper

suffix –e + final vowel alternationexpensive - more expensive

suffix –shethin - thinner

Prefixes and suffixesby + -she (-e)big - bigger

From other basesgood is better

They do not change, they are predicated in a sentence

The comparative degree in compound form is formed using:

words more, lessharder, less weakSLIDE

3. Problematic task: correction of errors. Write the sentences in the corrected form, Underline the adjectives as members of the sentence.

This task is easier. This task is easier

The river is deeper towards the middle. In the middle the river is deeper

In summer the sun is hotter. The sun is hotter in summer

(on SLIDE) (then on SLIDE correct sentences)


IV. Explanation of new material

SLIDE Superlative adjective

Adjectives in the superlative degree indicate the highest or lowest degree of quality.


Change by gender, number and case

There are more definitions in a sentence

simple form Composite (complex) form

The basis of the initial form of the adjunct + the initial form of the adjunct +

AYSH + alternation of the final according to the base MOST, LEAST,



BRAVE - BRAVE Compar. Degree + ALL



    Primary fastening

Task: Form degrees of comparison from adjectives, highlight the suffixes of adjectives.High (higher, higher, highest, highest)sad (sadder, less sad, saddest, saddest)small (smaller, smaller, smallest, smallest)quiet (quieter, less quiet, quietest, quietest)SLIDE


1) Write adjectives in simple and compound superlatives, highlighting suffixes and alternating vowels (do 3 examples at the blackboard)

An interesting work, a brave soldier, a difficult task, a bright flower, a strong blow, a short story, high speed, an expensive gift. SLIDE

2) Development of auditory memory.

Write out from the text of V. Belov adjectives in a compound superlative degree. Then form a simple superlative degree.

Except for snowy cranberries, strawberries were the first to appear in the forest after winter. It is hard to even imagine how many people this earliest, brightest, most fragrant, sweetest berry brought up! It brought up, because the main education takes place in childhood. (The rarest, the brightest, the sweetest, the sweetest)

3) Independent work - a test for mastering the material SLIDE

1. Indicate the correct statement:

The degrees of comparison are

A) relative adjectives

C) quality adjectives

C) possessive adjectives

2. Indicate the incorrect forms of formation of the comparative degree of adjectives:

A) dry - drier;

B) sweet - sweet

C) thin - thinner;

3. Choose the wrong construction of the degree of comparison

A) The stone of everything in the world is stronger, and the head is stronger than the stone

B) In central Russia, July is usually hotter than August.

C) The word of an akyn is sharper than a blade and softer than a hair

4. Choose the right statement

A) Adjectives in the superlative degree denote a higher or lower degree of quality.

C) adjectives in the superlative degree indicate a greater or lesser degree of quality

C) adjectives in the superlative degree denote the belonging of an object to any person

5. Indicate the correct suffixes of the superlative degree of the adjective

A) - HER, -HER

B) -SH, -SHE


ANSWERS then on SLIDE (Self Test)

C, B, B, A, C

VII. Reflection

Express your opinion about the lesson using comparative or superlative adjectives.

VIII. Lesson summary, grading

IX. Homework: § 51, creative work p. 144 ex. 374SLIDE

Russian language lesson in grade 6 on the topic "Degrees of comparison of adjectives." Lesson #1 of two. (Series "FGOS").

§ 57. Degrees of comparison of adjectives.

Note: the lesson is designed in accordance with the new textbook of the Russian language for educational institutions"Russian language. Grade 6 ", redesigned in accordance with the new federal state educational standard(FGOS) main general education. The updated textbook implements the idea of ​​integrated language and speech teaching, which involves the formation of linguistic and communicative competencies, as well as the involvement of a large amount of cultural information.

The purpose of the lesson:

To give students an idea about the degrees of comparison of adjectives, how they are formed and their syntactic role.


1) educational:

Introduce the concept of "degrees of comparison of adjectives";

Give an idea about the ways of forming forms of comparative and superlative degree of adjectives;

To acquaint with the syntactic role of adjectives in the form of a comparative degree and in the form of a superlative degree of comparison;

2) developing:

To teach to find adjectives in different forms of comparative and superlative degrees of comparison in sentences and in the text;

Give an idea of ​​the correct formation of simple and compound forms of comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives;

To teach how to make sentences with adjectives in different forms of degrees of comparison;

Develop the ability to identify syntactic function adjectives in different forms of degrees of comparison;

To improve the skills of using adjectives in speech in different forms of degrees of comparison.

3) educational:

- development of independence, evidence, ability to self-assessment;

Education of curiosity, the desire to develop horizons.

Lesson type: combined (lesson of studying and consolidating new material).

Methods and forms of work: work with theoretical material from the textbook, commented writing on the board and in notebooks, performing additional didactic material ( tasks, see lesson summary).

Equipment: textbook, didactic material.

During the classes

I. Work with theoretical material from the textbook.


Qualitative adjectives have two degrees of comparison: comparative and excellent.

Comparative degree shows that in one subject the sign is manifested to a greater extent than in another: Brother older sisters for three years.

excellent degree shows that one or another object is superior to the rest in some way.

Volga - largest river in Europe.

The initial form of the adjective is positive degree:

Black, healthy, young.

Degrees of comparison of adjectives







Adjective stem + suffixes:

-e: big - big e ;

-her(s): cute - cute her , mil her ;

-she: old - old she .

The full form of the adjective + the words " more", « less":

bold - more daring;

loud - less loud.

Adjective stem + suffix:

-esh-: cute - cute esh ii;

-aish-: soft - soft aish uy.

Sometimes a prefix can be used nai -:

nai complicated esh ii, nai watchman aish ii, nai deep aish uy.

1. Full form of adjective + words most , most , least :

bold - the most daring, the most daring, the least daring.

2. Simple comparative degree + words everything, everyone :

loud - the loudest, the loudest.

They do not change either by gender, or by numbers, or by cases.

In the sentence are predicates:

Brother oldshe me for two years.

The second word changes grammatically (according to cases, numbers and genders).

In a sentence, there are usually predicates and definitions:

This year winter more snowy than in the past.

Home we returned on broader road.

Decline change by cases, numbers and gender).

Words are invariable most , least:

in most inaccessible place.

In a sentence, there are usually definitions or predicates:

Baikaldeepaish her lake on the ground.

Ivanovstrongerish uy from all players.

II. Consolidation of new material. Work with the textbook and additional didactic material.

Exercise number 330: commented writing on the board and in notebooks, working with synonyms (in the box on page 10).


The adjectives "giant", "gigantic", "colossal" do not form degrees of comparison.

Exercise number 332: oral analysis, orthoepic work, written performance.

Additional didactic material

Task No. 1: form a simple form of the comparative degree from these adjectives. Underline alternating consonants:

Pattern: pro st oh - about sch e.

(1) Strict, (2) young, (3) dry, (4) loud, (5) solid, (6) rich, (7) thick, (8) expensive, (9) soft, (10) clean.


(1) Stroh G ii - stro and e, (2) molo d oh - young and e, (3) su X oh-su sh e, (4) thunder to uy - thunder h e, (5) tver d th - tver and e, (6) god t th - god h e, (7) gu st oh-gu sch e, (8) doro G oh dear and e, (9) soft to y - soft h e, (10) chi st yy - chi sch e.

Task No. 2: form simple and compound forms of the comparative and superlative degree from these adjectives. Write it down like this:

Sample: beautiful - more beautiful - more beautiful - most beautiful - the most beautiful, most beautiful of all.

(1) Happy, (2) deep, (3) kind, (4) interesting.


(1) Happy - happier - happier - happiest - happiest, happiest of all.

(2) deep - deeper - deeper - deepest - deepest, deeper than all.

(3) kind - kinder - kinder - kindest - the kindest, kindest of all.

(4) interesting - more interesting - more interesting - most interesting - the most interesting, most interesting of all.

Task number 3:Underline the underlined words as part of the sentence:

(1) Good words better soft pie. (2) Do the gloomy and fun more boring, have fun and boredom more fun. (3) Thin world better good quarrel. (4) Truth lighter gold. (Proverbs).(5) Richest (6) He chose the easiest solution. (7) The Borovitskaya Tower is one of the most famous towers of the Moscow Kremlin. (8) AT the worst (9) This is a performance the most interesting.


(1) Good words better soft pie. (2) Do the gloomy and fun more boring , have fun and boredom more fun . (3) Thin world better good quarrel. (4) Truth lighter gold. (Proverbs).(5) richest once the land of this region was covered with ravines. (6) He chose the easiest solution. (7) Borovitskaya tower is one of the most famous towers of the Moscow Kremlin. (8) AT the worst He went on a storm at night on the road. (9) This is a performance the most interesting .

Task number 4: determine the degree of comparison of adjectives and perform their morphemic analysis:

(1) Rounder (2) less, (3) whitest, (4) longer (5) hotter (6) the richest (7) more expensive (8) cleaner (9) farther, (10) highest, (11) thinner (12) tastier (13) the bravest (14) the quietest (15) lower.


(1) Krugl her

(2) less she is a simple comparative degree of an adjective.

(3) white esh ij is a simple superlative adjective.

(4) long her is a simple comparative degree of an adjective.

(5) hot e is a simple comparative degree of an adjective.

(6) richest is a simple superlative adjective.

(7) more expensive is a simple comparative degree of an adjective.

(8) cleaner is a simple comparative degree of an adjective.

(10) highest is a simple superlative adjective.

(11) thinner is a simple comparative degree of an adjective.

(12) tastier is a simple comparative degree of an adjective.

(13) the bravest is a simple superlative adjective.

(14) the quietest is a simple superlative adjective.

(15) inferior is a simple superlative adjective.

Task number 5: find errors in the formation of the form of the comparative degree of the adjective; write down the correct options; select suffixes:

(1) prettier (2) above, (3) softer, (4) smaller (5) longer (6) lighter, (7) worse, (8) sweeter.


(1) handsome her , (2) higher e , (3) softer, (4) melch e , (5) long her , (6) light her , (7) worse e , (8) sweet e .

Task number 6: write down qualitative adjectives from which it is impossible to form degrees of comparison:

(1) Soft, (2) barefoot, (3) solid, (4) blind, (5) white, (6) alive.


(2) barefoot, (4) blind.

Homework:§ 57; exercise No. 333 (on assignment).

Russian language. 6th grade. Textbook for educational institutions. At 2 o'clock, Part 2 / [M. T. Baranov, T. A. Ladyzhenskaya, L. A. Trostentsova and others, scientific editor N. M. Shansky]. – M.: Enlightenment, 2012. – 175 p.: ill.

Open lesson on the topic: Degrees of comparison of adjectives Developed by a foreign language teacher Potekhina E.V. Lesson objectives: to introduce students to the formation of degrees of comparison of adjectives, to teach the use of degrees of comparison of adjectives in speech and writing, to develop the technique logical thinking- comparison. Course of the lesson Organizational moment Good morning, students. I'm glad to see you. How are you? Who is missing today? And who is on duty today? OK. Let's start our lesson. Today we'll talk about adjectives. Speech warm-up All children like to play. Let's play the game "An Interpreter". Translate into English the opposites. (Dirty - clean, fat - thin, big - small, tall - short, beautiful - ugly, young - old, old - new, sloppy - neat, hot - warm - cold, free - busy, tall - short, etc. .) I want to ask one question:

What adjectives do you know? Today our theme is “The degree of comparison of adjectives”. Let's start with the comparative degree of adjectives. One-syllable, two-syllable adjectives. A comparative degree is the quality of one subject compared to another. adjectives in English language have three degrees of comparison:    positive (the Positive Degree), comparative (the Comparative Degree) excellent (the Superlative Degree). The degrees of comparison of monosyllabic adjectives are formed by adding suffixes to adjectives in a positive degree: in the comparative degree, the suffix er is added, in the superlative degree, the suffix est. Listen, read and learn: Warm - warmer - the warmest Cold - colder - the coldest Clean - cleaner - the cleanest Kind - kinder - the kindest Tall - taller - the tallest In writing, the final consonant is doubled if a monosyllabic adjective ends in one consonant with a preceding short vowel: hot– hotter– the hottest big–bigger–the biggest

fat - fatter - the fattest If the adjective ends in y with a preceding consonant, then in the comparative and superlative degree, y becomes i. If y is preceded by a vowel, y remains unchanged. The final vowel e (mute e) is dropped before fixes er, est: large - larger - the largest white - whiter - the whitest nice - nicer the nicest wide - wider - the widest late - later - the latest Polysyllabic adjectives form degrees of comparison by adding special words to the adjective in a positive degree: the word more is added in the comparative degree, the word most in the superlative degree. Exception words: Good - better - the best Bad - worse - the worst Many / much - more - the most Little - less - the least Activation of the use of degrees of comparison of adjectives. Open your copybooks and make the comparative of adjectives. Translate them. The first task is to write down three degrees of comparison of adjectives: Noisy, nice, wide, green, deep, old, hot, fat, windy, merry.

The second task is to compare the animals. Use the words: useful, clever, big, strong, beautiful, funny. Ex: An elephant is bigger than a lion. Let's do the test Choose the right letter. I. 1. Who is the cleverest animal? a) dolphins c) hen; b) monkey; d) penguin. 2) Who is the biggest animal on the land? a) camel c) giraffe; b) elephant d) cow. 3) Who is the fastest animal on the land? a) tiger c) leopard; b) eagle d) horse. II. Choose the right answer: Africa 30,300,000 sq km North America 24,247,000 sq km South America 18,280,000 sq km Antarctica 13,975,500 sq km Asia 43,400,200 sq km Europe 10,354,600 sq km Oceania 1,260,000 sq km 1.a) Europe is the largest continent. b) Asia is the largest continent. 2.a) Africa is bigger than Oceania. b) Antarctica is bigger than Oceania. 3. a) North America is smaller than Europe. b) Oceania is smaller South America.

4. a) South America is as big as Antarctica. b) Europe is as big as Africa. 5.a) Africa is the smallest continent. b) Oceania is the smallest continent. The result of the lesson Our lesson is over. The bell has gone. You have worked well. I think that you will remember the rules of comparison of adjectives and you will use them perfectly.