« Six P is the rule for professional and personal success. Here is her formulation: “The pre-planning process determines a productive approach.”

Planning ahead has 7 benefits.

1. In the planning process, you will certainly think through everything to the smallest detail, which will certainly help you achieve success.

2. careful thinking about future actions contributes to their effective planning, while saving time, effort and money.

3. A well-thought-out and well-thought-out plan will help you find some omissions and shortcomings that can then harm your business. Ask yourself “what if…?”. For example: “What bad thing can happen if I act in one way or another?”.

4. Thanks to pre-planning, you can determine in advance weak link in terms of insurance. You will find a fatal mistake that could go unnoticed and ruin your whole idea. This is exactly what planning is for.

5. When planning, potential prospects and strengths are identified that can be used in the future. Sometimes you don't even know what your strengths are until you do some careful planning.

6. Planning can accurately allocate time, finances, and resources to a few major goals. Without a clear focus, it is hardly possible to avoid scattering and wasting energy with unimpressive results.

7. Planning saves many hours, months, and sometimes years of failed attempts, frustration, and wasted energy.

Planning is a skill, a discipline, as well as an ability and a habit. Therefore, it can be learned and developed to the highest degree through repeated exercises and practice. And learning this skill is quite easy than you think.
If to speak plain language, then the plan is just a list of all the actions needed to get the result. Write down on a piece of paper what you think will help you achieve your goal. When you have a new thought, immediately write it down on the list. Review it regularly, add something new and, if necessary, correct it. Let this list be the blueprint for building your “dream home” to great results.

Even the very fact of planning can improve the quality of the entire process of achieving the desired goals. Do you want to achieve a successful and bright finish? Then make every effort and make a plan as carefully and in detail as possible. The better your work is, the more opportunities and ideas you can achieve.

Remember that the ability to clearly define and articulate your desires, write them down, make a plan and work according to it is the key to personal effectiveness, growth and the highest rate of progress.

The rhythm in which most of us live can hardly be called calm and measured. Lack of time, work rush and tight time pressure are tests that not everyone can cope with. Constantly being in a state of “don’t know what to grab onto” is hardly appropriate when we are talking about personal effectiveness.

Emotional stress blocks productivity, leads to fatigue and apathy. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of stress or, even worse, chronic fatigue syndrome, let's deal with time management or time management.

All successful people do it.

All successful people are very productive. They work hard and have time for a lot, but this is not the same thing. Productivity, first of all, means the result, not the process. If you're determined to increase your productivity, be determined to do so. People are wasting time because they never decided to improve their productivity.

And if you've made up your mind, then don't back down and repeat what all successful people do until it becomes second nature to you. The main secret of personal effectiveness lies in the correct distribution of time. Time management helps to avoid the unenviable fate of being a hostage to your own business or career.

Planning frees up time

Those who have achieved success in their lives devote a lot of time to planning. Daily planning is essential to improve productivity and manage time effectively.

Rule 6 "P" says: proper pre-planning prevents bad performance.

Planning and thinking should always be on paper. If the goal is not on paper, then it does not exist. The task list is a kind of map that will not let you go astray towards the intended goal. Peter F. Drucker, in The Effective Manager, provides a good analogy to encourage getting things on paper:

“People held in a dark room quickly lose their sense of time. But even in complete darkness, most people retain a sense of space. Being in a lighted, but closed room, you will no longer feel the movement of time in a few hours. And if you want to calculate how long you are in such a room, you will be greatly mistaken in your calculations. Therefore, if we rely on our memory, we do not notice what our time is spent on ... "

Working with a to-do list on the first day increases productivity by 25%. In the evening, prepare a list of tasks that need to be done tomorrow. Coming to work, you will always know where to start your day.

Continue to work with the list throughout the day: when a new task appears, add it to the list, taking into account the priority in relation to previously planned tasks. When you complete a task on your list, be sure to cross it off. This will give you a sense of satisfaction with your work, add enthusiasm and energize.

Plan from big to small, from long term to short term, from life goals to a daily plan. Give each task a fixed deadline.

Always divide a complex task into small subtasks. A decision tree helps a lot here, where the key task is a tree, and the subtasks for its implementation are branches. Continue branching until the process of completing the entire task becomes simple and transparent.

Before you start doing anything, remember the 10/90 rule: 10% of the time spent planning before the start of the task will save 90% of the time in solving it.

The most important thing is to determine the main thing

The task of time management is to determine the main thing in time. Prioritization allows you to effectively manage your to-do list by assigning each task its own level of importance.

The ABCD method is well suited for prioritization. This is a very simple way to plan, and it consists in assigning a priority to each task in the to-do list.

Thus, the task marked with the letter A indicates the most important case with the most serious consequences if not completed. The main rule of the method is not to take on case B until task A is completed, but on case C while task B is open, and so on.

The letter D means "down with it!". This letter should be used to mark unimportant tasks that do not affect anything. To prioritize each group of tasks, use the numbers that will indicate the sequence of tasks. So the most important thing on your list should be A1.

Law of Forced Efficiency

The main secret of time management lies in focus and focus. Start with the solution of priority tasks and do everything sequentially, that is, one thing in certain period time. Throwing a case and returning to it again and again, you reduce your efficiency by 5 times.

Mozart could work on three compositions at once and create real masterpieces. But this is more the exception than the rule. Bach, Haydn or Verdi could only work on one piece at a time. They did not start work on the next work without finishing the previous one.

Use the law of forced efficiency, which says that there is never enough time for everything, but there is always enough time for the most important. Therefore, it is important to get together and force yourself to do first of all what will bring the greatest benefit and result.

All cases can be divided into 4 groups:

  1. Urgent and important;
  2. Important but not urgent;
  3. Urgent but not important;
  4. Not urgent and not important.

This classification bears the name of the American president and is called the method (window, principle) of Eisenhower.

  1. Priority tasks are things that are urgent and important. An attempt to postpone such matters for later will create unnecessary problems for you - you need to take care of them yourself and immediately.
  2. Next come the things that are important, but not urgent. Such tasks can be postponed, but they can have a strong impact in the long run. Non-urgent and important things tend to become urgent and important if they are constantly put off. To prevent this from happening, provide a temporary reserve for them in advance.
  3. Urgent but not important tasks have little effect on your success. Doing urgent, but not important things does not give results and can greatly affect your efficiency. Such cases take up most of your time reserve. These are exactly the tasks that, if possible, need to be delegated or reduced in number.
  4. It is logical to assume that non-urgent and unimportant things do not matter in principle and do not bear any consequences if they are not done. Such cases can be safely crossed off your list.

What does it mean to "eat a frog"?

The old proverb says that if you have to eat a live frog first thing in the morning, the consolation is that this is the worst thing that can happen to you all day.

Brian Tracy, a successful business consultant, likens a frog to the most unpleasant and important thing to do today. Postponing it, you create unnecessary emotional stress and undesirable consequences. It is necessary to act without unnecessary thought and delay - just take it and do it. This will give you a boost of energy for the whole day.

The word "no" saves an unexpected amount of time.

The most important word for organizing your own time is a polite “no”. Learn to refuse and say "no" to tasks that are not among your chosen priorities. Be tactful and refuse so that the person understands that you are not rejecting him personally, but the task.

Keep track of what you spend your work and free time. Notice the activities that are eating up your time (for example, discussing the news with colleagues, aimlessly changing TV channels, or reading flyers and newspapers).

3 questions for your efficiency

Always ask yourself what the long-term consequences of a given task are, and what will happen if you don't complete it at all. Ask yourself the following 3 questions throughout the day:

  1. What are the most important and valuable things?
  2. What can I, and only I, do that will greatly improve the situation?
  3. How can you make the most of your time?

Answering these questions will double your productivity.

What is a wastebasket capable of?

Good performers work at a clean desk. For unproductive and uncollected people, wild chaos reigns on the table. Develop the habit of sorting papers in a timely manner, throwing out unnecessary ones, and work at a clean desk. It has been noticed that up to 30% of working time is spent looking for the right paper. The trash can is one of the most effective time management tools.

Balance principle

The easiest way to avoid panic at the sight of an ever-increasing amount of work is to take a deep breath and say, "I can only do what I can," and start calmly making a list. Analyzing the tasks facing you, you will always see that you have enough time to solve vital issues.

Be careful to keep balance in your life. Working to exhaustion, you will not be able to deceive the body, it will take its toll anyway, and if you do not stop, it will do it forcibly. And this is clearly not included in your plans.

But in order to be effective, just time management is not enough. It is important to take care of your health and keep yourself in good physical shape. Your life should be eventful, there should always be time for your family and recreation.

The basic principle of balance is the amount of time at home and the quality of time at work.

In the first place should always be you and the main people of your life - for the sake of this, it is worth working on your own efficiency.


Lack of time - important question which worries many. You always want to do more than you can. People are accustomed to blaming the crazy rhythm of life and excessive workload. Cases are constantly piling up and it becomes more and more difficult to deal with them. Not everyone knows how to properly prioritize, all tasks seem important and urgent. Time management as a literate skill managing your time, will solve this problem.

  • Content:

What is time management?

This is a foreign term, which literal translation means "time management". It sounds incorrect, because we are not subject to its course. But personal time management, which everyone is given 24 hours a day, has the right meaning. Success is inextricably linked with the concept of time management.

The correct distribution of tasks during the day increases the efficiency and quality of life. It is not difficult to regulate relations over time, most of the tools are known to many. In fact, not everyone uses them. Such important elements as setting goals and priorities, planning personal time, finding motivation, analyzing time spent are often overlooked.

Development information technologies spawns new time wasters: e-mail, social networks, entertainment resources, ICQ, Skype, online games, video services... How to stop the minutes and hours flowing like sand through your fingers? reveals the reserves of time, entering into a struggle with its absorbers.

A complete rejection of idle pastime will not make you happy. Sometimes you need to indulge yourself in doing nothing, it is good for mental health. You just need to learn how to manage attachments. Quantity reduction time eaters frees you up for important work or family time. By the way, planning a vacation in time management has a special place.

Organization of the working day

The ability to properly organize the working day is important for all employees, especially for managers. They carry a double burden on their shoulders. managing your time and assigning tasks to subordinates. Ordinary employees also need to plan their work correctly in order to achieve career success.

Currently, there are a number of independent time management schools, each of which interprets the rules of time management in its own way. Basically, these norms are universal. Here are a few of these rules, adhering to which, you will significantly improve your production performance.

Rule 10/90

Labor productivity increases by 25% if you stick to a predetermined plan. In the morning, you do not need to rack your brains on where to start work. The gradual resolution of issues and the implementation of priority cases will significantly reduce the time spent on them. This is exactly what it says time management rule called "10/90". Its essence lies in the fact that it is necessary to spend 10% of the time on task planning. Subsequently, this contribution will save 90% of the time to solve it.

  • Proper Advance Planning Prevents Poor Performance

You need to be able to clearly identify the highest priority tasks, based on their importance and urgency. Complex problems can be broken down into smaller ones by building a decision tree. At the same time, the main thing is not to dig into the little things, moving away from the final goal. An excessive number of subtasks can interfere with the solution of the main task.

Forced efficiency

  • The main thing is to succeed

The law also calls for highlighting the most important in the work " forced efficiency". It must be clearly understood that there is never enough time, therefore, initially it is necessary to solve the issue that will bring the greatest benefit as a result. Each completed item of the plan is recommended to be crossed out. This will not only unload the head, but also bring moral satisfaction, which will give a new boost of energy for work.

Solving unpleasant and global problems

  • Eat the frog and cut the elephant

Do not postpone unpleasant things for later. This is one of the most important mistakes that lead to emotional overstrain. eat frog means at the beginning of the day, without any thought, to close an unpleasant question, after which the burden will fall off your shoulders and a good mood will appear. A new surge of energy will increase efficiency, and the remaining cases will not require excessive effort.

If the case is so big that it can’t be tackled in any way, then you need to “cut the elephant into steaks” - break the big deal into interconnected cases of “digestible” size. In the scientific world, this approach is called decomposition.

Today, many companies have begun to implement time management technologies. The basic rules for organizing time help employees manage it more rationally and correctly. On the this moment methods and principles of time management are covered in some detail by leading Russian and foreign authors. Vivid examples and many useful tips can be found by anyone who is interested in time management in more depth.

Competent organization of recreation

When managing working time, we must not forget about organization of recreation. Continuous work can exhaust even the most hardy employee. In order not to feel tired and driven out, you need to skillfully plan short-term and periodic rest. Only rhythm and maximum disconnection from work will allow you not to lose your taste for it. In addition, a good distraction will allow you to relax more effectively.

Rhythm of breaks and switching of attention

As the snapshot of working hours shows, most employees have breaks for rest spontaneously. They can easily be distracted by a cell phone call, an article on the Internet, a personal question from a colleague. A coffee break, a smoke break or communication with loved ones are also non-rhythmic. Time management calls for holiday planning with observance of certain intervals of time, because even school lessons are held in a similar vein. For one hour of work, you need to allocate 5-10 minutes of a break.

Switching attention improves performance. Monotonous and monotonous activity must be contrasted with active exercises, a walk or a business trip. If you have been sitting at the computer for a long time, it's time to do something with your hands. Even talking on the phone can bring you out of fatigue.

Great rest - a detailed plan

Competent organization of leisure involves not only the management of working time and breaks. It is necessary to carefully plan all free time, since we spend much less on rest than on work. Work forms professional experience, and rest forms moral attitudes and life perception.

In order to enjoy life, you need to be able to have a good rest. This is a real problem for many people. After a vacation, someone feels even more overwhelmed. That's why tight time management sometimes it is the best assistant in the competent organization and planning of recreation. A to-do list should be drawn up for each day so as not to waste precious time. But this does not mean at all that on vacation you need to be loaded with endless work around the house or in the country. Weekday evenings, weekends and holidays, if possible, you should try to plan so as not to regret the lost time.

New mom time management

With the advent of a newborn in the family, the usual life of the spouses changes. New worries require additional time. When caring for a child, you need to find time for visiting medical institutions, daily walks, development and games. Having children adds a new category to time management skill.

Women's time management

Time management for women and mothers it is a discipline in its own right, as frail shoulders are always assigned many specific household and childcare responsibilities. Torn between household chores, a young mother does not have time to redo everything. There is practically no time and energy left for yourself. For desperate women, time management is a lifeline that brings moral relief and the release of temporary reserves.

Competent organization of household chores and caring for a baby will allow a young mother to make sure that order reigns in the house, dinner is cooked on the stove, and the child grows up, feeling the attention and care of a precious person. At the same time, it is important that the mother remains a well-groomed and beloved woman. To do this, you need to develop a flexible daily routine, according to the change in the sleep and wakefulness of the baby.

Time management for new moms incorporates many of the standard time management techniques, as childcare is comparable to a job in terms of workload. The right combination of rules and techniques will make a woman friends with time, bringing new colors and pleasure to life.

The game of relatives with children is a vacation for mom

A young mother needs to be able to accept the help of her parents. The husband should be the first assistant in household chores. Children like to spend time with their dad, grandparents, do not limit them in this. Any care from relatives is an additional reserve time. You need to thank your relatives for their interest and help, but do not forget to praise yourself. This should become an important rule that will bring personal satisfaction and self-respect. After all, there is nothing more honorable than the upbringing and development of a child on its feet.

Features of time management for children

Children's time is mainly controlled by parents. It is the adults who set child mode, allocate time for games, determine tasks around the house, write them down in circles, control the implementation of school assignments.

In order for the child to grow up organized, parents need to make efforts, including in working on themselves. Often grandparents, and the parents themselves, “invalidate” their child, denying children the acquisition of independence.

  • more freedom - more responsibility

Gradually expand the boundaries of freedom for the child and at the same time limit your fathers and mothers in overprotectiveness of their grandchildren. With the expansion of freedom, personal responsibility must also increase. Any person, even a small one, must learn to organize their time on their own.

Time management for kids this is NOT an increase in the number of cases per unit of time! Primary goal - free up the child's time, teaching him to quickly cope with his duties.

Game approach

Children learn new information much faster when it is presented in game form. With this approach, it is never boring, and the guys willingly perform the proposed tasks. For example, a timer can be chosen as a toy, with the help of which the child will learn to complete tasks without exceeding the set time. With the help of pictures or drawings, you can talk about the daily routine and try to make a visual list of daily tasks.

Adults, before starting to teach children, should look at themselves from the outside and give themselves an objective assessment. Training will only be effective personal example when parents themselves know how to competently organize their time, make clear plans and adhere to the established daily routine. In this case, children will reach for their parents and will imitate them with pleasure.


Children quickly get used to a certain regime, the observance of which acts as a kind of guarantee of safety for them. Violation of the way of life can cause feelings of excitement and anxiety. That's why sequencing certain activities are so important for children. Parents should strictly monitor this, while not deviating from the implementation of the designated plans.

Learning to plan

An important step in the process of teaching children time management is teaching them to plan their time. For kids, you need to say out loud the procedure, note what has been done and what needs to be done next. Children school age must be able to make to-do lists and plan personal time.

Reward system

When teaching time management to children, adults must develop reward system. It is desirable that it be visual and understandable even for kids. You can reward with stickers or give grades for completed tasks. Using the accumulative system, you can determine a more meaningful reward. Parents should definitely not forget to praise their children for successes and their achievements, albeit small ones. This will be a good incentive for development, which will eventually develop into real skills.

Time management and life management

As we noted at the beginning of the article, the term "time management" in the strict sense is not entirely correct. Time flows regardless of whether we want to manage it or not. We can only efficiently manage our affairs, which ultimately results in savings. time of our lives. There is a less common but more appropriate term - life management or control of your life. That is why we titled the article Time management - managing the time of your life».

Whatever we call this useful skill, it is vital for every person. Those who call planning boring are missing the other side. Is it really more interesting to live without a goal, to go with the flow in an unknown direction, drowning every day in the chaos of unsolvable cases? Is it worthy to spend precious time on inefficient work, depriving loved ones of your attention?

They used to say that time is money. Now more and more people are saying that time is more valuable than money! More money in the information age can be earned at any time, and lost time is lost forever, it is an irreplaceable resource. If you often ask yourself a question, it's time to do some personal time management.

User-friendly versions of instructions P-6 "On the procedure for acceptance by quantity" and P-7 "On the procedure for acceptance by quality"

Visitors to this site asked me more than once a question, something like this: "Instructions P-6 and P-7 are printed on 11 pages each. There is a lot of" water ". Apparently their bureaucratic origin left its mark. Someone wanted to paint and regulate everything in more detail possible options actions, and the result is an unnecessarily cumbersome and difficult-to-read document. And, of course, difficult to perform. Not everyone, even a specialist, will have the patience and attention to read these instructions to the end, let alone implement their use. Is it possible to creatively rework it and place on this site light versions of these instructions outlining the main ideas and provisions?" I tried to state the main important provisions of these instructions in a convenient form for use. Below are light versions (light versions) of instructions P-6 "O acceptance by quantity" and P-7 "On acceptance of goods by quality".

We must immediately make a reservation that the instructions are not binding on the participants in the economic process. All the procedures described in them are applied in the relationship between the participants in the process, only in the case of references to following these instructions in contracts between organizations. And working according to these instructions is very convenient, since the instructions set certain process standards that clearly define the areas of responsibility and the procedure for dealing with problem situations.

Instruction P-6. On the procedure for accepting products by quantity

The instruction obliges the sender to pack, seal and mark each package in such a way as to ensure safety during transportation and simplicity and ease of acceptance of a specific cargo. Also, the sender is obliged to supply the cargo with all the necessary accompanying documents, in accordance with the standards and current legislation. It is necessary that the accompanying documents make it easy to determine the number of places, the number of products in each of the places, the cost of production, the point of departure, the destination, all the necessary volumetric and weight characteristics of the cargo, as well as other characteristics that the recipient and transport organizations need to know about specific cargo.

When accepting cargo from a transport organization, the recipient is obliged to check the sealing or the absence of signs of opening the packages. If such are found, or (and) there is no seal, then an act must be drawn up on the discovery of this fact by the recipient and the representative of the transport organization.
The recipient is obliged to check that the marking of the cargo and the number of packages and (or) their weight correspond to what appears in the accompanying documents. If discrepancies are found, an appropriate act must be drawn up with the signature of the recipient and the representative of the transport company (driver).
The recipient is obliged to check the safety of the packaging of each package. If problems with safety are found, an appropriate act must also be drawn up.

When accepting cargo from a representative of a transport organization, if the packaging is not damaged, the actual number of pieces and weight correspond to those indicated in the accompanying documents, the check of intra-package investments is not performed. Otherwise, such a check must be carried out and, based on its results, an appropriate act must be drawn up, signed by the representatives of the recipient and the representative of the transport company (driver).

A full check of intra-package attachments must be carried out at the recipient's warehouse by the recipient. The recipient can and should invite the sender (his representative) to participate in the verification. In case of refusal of the sender to participate in the acceptance, the recipient makes the acceptance on his own. The term for a full inspection is 24 hours from the receipt of perishable goods, 10 days from the receipt of all other types of goods. For areas with early delivery - the Far North, etc., their acceptance periods are 30 days for industrial and technical goods, 60 days for consumer goods, 40 days for food products (not perishable), 48 hours for perishable food products.

If there is not enough information in the accompanying documents to describe the parameters of the products received, then upon acceptance, an act is drawn up, which indicates the actually detected values ​​of these parameters (FOR EXAMPLE: the assortment and number of boxes are indicated in the accompanying documents, but the number of units for each article of the assortment is not indicated. Then and an act is drawn up - a specification indicating the actual number of units for each article).

In the place at the consignee's warehouse where the products are accepted, their safety must be ensured. There should be no access by persons not participating in the acceptance.

If during acceptance a shortage or any other discrepancy in quantity or weight is detected, then acceptance must be stopped. The recipient must send a message to the sender (of which the sender must acknowledge receipt) describing the problem found and requesting that a representative of the recipient be sent to proceed with the acceptance. If the sender allows the acceptance to continue without his representative, then he must send the recipient an official letter confirming this. In both cases, based on the results of full acceptance (including intra-package attachments), the recipient signs a copy of the accompanying document, which is sent to the sender as confirmation that the goods have been received in full compliance with the accompanying documents. If there are any discrepancies, then an act of the established form is drawn up, which is signed by the representative of the sender and (or) authorized persons of the recipient. A copy of the act is transferred (sent) to the sender.

If there are grounds for laying responsibility for the problems found during the acceptance of the goods on the transport organization, the one who hired this transport organization to provide delivery and forwarding services (sender or recipient) is obliged to present these claims. (My comments: the original text of the instruction says that the recipient must do this. I believe that the instruction was created at the time state economy. Therefore, each link in the supply chain - the sender, the transport organization, the recipient, was not coordinated with each other, they were not united by anything, and each performed its function, obeying its own leadership. And this responsibility had to be assigned to someone. And it was assigned to the recipient, as a link that receives the goods and detects problems that arose with the goods during transportation).

Instruction P-7. On the procedure for accepting products in terms of quality and completeness

The instruction obliges the sender to ensure the packaging, marking and sealing of each package in such a way as to ensure the safety of the quality and completeness of the delivered products during transportation.
Products that have not been tested for quality and completeness by the manufacturer and (or) the sender should not be shipped.

The sender is obliged to ensure that the actual quality and completeness of the supplied products comply with what is indicated in the accompanying documents - certificates, veterinary certificates, technical passports, etc.
The quality of the supplied products must correspond to the quality of the sample (standard) approved by the parties.

In the application for transportation to the transport organization, all the rules and conditions for the transportation and securing of cargo in the body must be detailed. This must be exactly carried out by the transport organization in order to maintain the quality of the transported cargo.
Upon acceptance of the cargo by the recipient from the transport company (when the driver transfers the cargo to the recipient), the recipient must check the compliance with the declared conditions of transportation and the condition of the received cargo for external damage to the package. In case of detection of inconsistencies and damage, an act of the established form is drawn up. The act is signed by a representative of the transport company (or driver) and a representative of the recipient.
If the representative of the transport organization refuses to cooperate (the cargo was handed over by the driver-forwarder without checking any compliance), the corresponding note of the recipient must be made on the accompanying transport documents.

Products received without damage to the packaging are accepted at the warehouse of the final recipient by the recipient.

Terms of acceptance of products in terms of quality and completeness:

    for perishable products - up to 24 hours from the moment of receipt of the cargo;

    for all other products - up to 20 days - when delivered from another city, up to 10 days - when delivered from a supplier to a recipient in the same city;

    for hard-to-reach areas with early delivery - industrial and technical products are accepted up to 30 days, consumer goods - up to 60 days, food products (not perishable) - up to 40 days, perishable food products - up to 48 hours from the moment you receive the shipment.

Retail trade organizations can activate detected, in the process of preparing products for sale, production deficiencies within 4 months from the date of receipt of the goods. An act on the discovery of production defects must be drawn up and sent to the sender and (or) the manufacturer within 5 days from the date of detection of production defects.

If latent deficiencies are discovered during processing, which is carried out successively by two or more enterprises, validation must be carried out within four months from the receipt of the product by this enterprise, which discovered the deficiencies.

An act for products with warranty periods of storage and operation must be drawn up no more than five days after the discovery of defects, but no later than the end of the warranty period. If the preparation of the act requires the arrival of the manufacturer (sender), then the time required for his arrival is added to 5 days.

Activation of goods, the warranty period of which is calculated from the moment of sale at retail outlets, may occur during the period of their storage before sale, regardless of the time of their receipt.

Hidden flaws are product flaws that cannot be detected only during processing, preparation for installation and installation, testing, use and storage.

Only persons with the appropriate competencies and training should be allowed to accept the quality and completeness. The admission of persons not employed in the reception to the reception area must be closed.

In the absence of documents or information in the documents about some quality parameters of the received products, an act is drawn up in which the actually detected values ​​of the missing quality parameters or data on completeness are entered.

If there is a corresponding agreement between the supplier and the recipient (reflected in the contract), then the recipient can carry out a random check for quality and completeness, the results of which can be extended to the entire batch of received products.

If during the acceptance process a discrepancy between the quality level declared by the supplier in the relevant documents and obligations is revealed, then the acceptance is suspended and the representative of the supplier is called to continue the acceptance in his presence. If the supplier authorizes the acceptance in writing without his representative, then the acceptance continues to the end with the drawing up of an act in which all identified non-conformities are recorded. A copy of the act is sent to the supplier, or the supplier's representative. If the supplier is located in the same city, and the products are perishable, then the supplier's representative must appear no more than within 4 hours from the receipt of information about the identified deficiencies from the recipient of the products.

If the terms of delivery provide for the selection of samples (samples) for quality control, then it must be carried out by persons authorized to carry out quality acceptance. Samples are taken as follows: one copy - to the supplier, one copy - to the recipient, one copy (if necessary, or if it is provided for by agreements) - to the expert organization. All samples are labeled:

    number and date of the document, according to which the consignment of goods was received, from which samples were taken,

    members of the commission for the selection of samples and samples,

    time and place of drawing up the act on sampling and sampling,

    manufacturer (sender) of products,

    numbers of packages in the incoming consignment of goods from which samples and samples were taken,

    other necessary information.

If the inadequate quality of the goods is discovered by the end buyer after purchasing the goods in the store, the recipient provides the supplier with the following documents:

    the buyer's statement about the exchange of goods;

    standard documents from the store confirming the inadequate quality of the goods,

    receipt of the buyer on the exchange of goods, or on receipt of its value.

The manufacturer (supplier) has the right to double-check the quality of products rejected and returned by the recipient and to protest the fact of rejection if there is a sufficient evidence base or revealed facts for this.

If there is a corresponding agreement between the supplier and the recipient, then the losses incurred by the recipient due to the sale of products with detected defects at a reduced price are covered by the supplier.

New warehouse logistics 2001-2019

The rhythm in which most of us live can hardly be called calm and measured. Lack of time, work rush and tight time pressure are tests that not everyone can cope with. Constantly being in a state of “I don’t know what to grab onto” is hardly appropriate when it comes to personal effectiveness.

Emotional stress blocks productivity, leads to fatigue and apathy. Therefore, in order not to become a victim of stress or, even worse, chronic fatigue syndrome, let's deal with time management or time management.

All successful people do it.

All successful people are very productive. They work hard and have time for a lot, but this is not the same thing. Productivity, first of all, means the result, not the process. If you're determined to increase your productivity, be determined to do so. People are wasting time because they never decided to improve their productivity.

And if you've made up your mind, then don't back down and repeat what all successful people do until it becomes second nature to you. The main secret of personal effectiveness lies in the correct distribution of time. Time management helps to avoid the unenviable fate of being a hostage to your own business or career.

Planning frees up time

Those who have achieved success in their lives devote a lot of time to planning. Daily planning is essential to improve productivity and manage time effectively.

Rule 6 "P" says: proper pre-planning prevents bad performance.

Planning and thinking should always be on paper. If the goal is not on paper, then it does not exist. A to-do list is a kind of map that will keep you on track towards your goal. Peter F. Drucker, in The Effective Manager, provides a good analogy to encourage getting things on paper:

“People held in a dark room quickly lose their sense of time. But even in complete darkness, most people retain a sense of space. Being in a lighted, but closed room, you will no longer feel the movement of time in a few hours. And if you want to calculate how long you are in such a room, you will be greatly mistaken in your calculations. Therefore, if we rely on our memory, we do not notice what our time is spent on ... "

Working with a to-do list on the first day increases productivity by 25%. In the evening, prepare a list of tasks that need to be done tomorrow. Coming to work, you will always know where to start your day.

Continue to work with the list throughout the day: when a new task appears, add it to the list, taking into account the priority in relation to previously planned tasks. When you complete a task on your list, be sure to cross it off. This will give you a sense of satisfaction with your work, add enthusiasm and energize.

Plan from big to small, from long term to short term, from life goals to a daily plan. Give each task a fixed deadline.

Always divide a complex task into small subtasks. A decision tree helps here, where the key task is a tree, and the subtasks for its implementation are branches. Continue branching until the process of completing the entire task becomes simple and transparent.