The session, as always, crept unnoticed. No one knew that she would come at all, did they? And so there was no time for preparation. Yes, and not before it was at all. There are so many interesting things around!

As a result, circumstances somehow developed in such a way that only three days remained before the exam. Although, this is how to look. For some, this is “only”, but for someone “whole!”. In any case, there is no choice, and therefore the only way out is to use these three days as efficiently as possible.

There are three universal ways that will allow you to perform such a seemingly impossible task. And the first step is to choose the one that is more suitable for you personally. You are an individual, right? Therefore, there is no need to talk about any universality here. Only a personal approach!

1. Why not divide everything by three?

The first method, which we will talk about, is ideal for those students who have an almost phenomenal memory. In the sense that one reading is enough for them to master the material well for the next few days. What else is needed for successful delivery exam or test?

The point here is simple. We take the entire list of questions, take a serious look at it, and then divide it into three equal parts. For example, if there are only 60 questions, then 20 questions come out for each day. Is that a lot? Well, did you go to lectures? At least occasionally? So in in general terms imagine what you are talking about. It remains only to go through the material one more time (especially the one that for some reason passed by) - and, lo and behold, the desired entry in the student's record book was received. Which? It all depends on your diligence in the previous three days.

Here, as you understand, you can not do without repetition. Therefore, we do so. In one day we study all the material. And there is no need to make such big eyes, simultaneously broadcasting about the impossibility of performing such an overwhelming task. After all, it is important for us not only to study everything, but also to have time to repeat at least a couple of times, right? Therefore, we will run all the material three times, using a special approach each time.

Here, as you understand, you can not do without repetition. Therefore, we do so. In one day we study all the material. And there is no need to make such big eyes, simultaneously broadcasting about the impossibility of performing such an overwhelming task. After all, it is important for us not only to study everything, but also to have time to repeat at least a couple of times, right? Therefore, we will run all the material three times, using a special approach each time.

So, on the first day, we read only class notes, and also study the training manual (if we have one at all). Here, you only need to fully concentrate on the process, as a result of which there will be a refreshment in the memory of the material covered, and some structured knowledge will also be acquired. That is, you must understand exactly what questions are related to each other and what follows from where. This will allow you not only to use the same knowledge when answering different questions, but also to more consciously approach the development of the material as a whole. It is possible that these efforts alone will be enough to get a "three". But if your ambitions require more, then move on to the next step.

We devote the second day to the fact that we “drive” the same material, but already according to the textbook. Here we are additionally refreshing yesterday’s “reading” in our memory, discovering new details, and therefore we have the right to count on at least a “four-handed” answer. At least in the event that the teacher does not have a “tooth” or other “special views” on you. Here, as you yourself understand, the case is individual, which is extremely difficult to fit into the framework of general laws.

If you expect to get "excellent" (which no one can forbid you either!), Then on the third day you should not play the careless fool either. Before us is a serious question of "polishing" the acquired knowledge. That is, the main work has already been done, but additional intellectual polish and an aura of academic meticulousness may not be enough to get an “excellent” grade. It's about about small details, the importance of which has not yet been canceled. Agree, it will obviously not be superfluous to find some additional facts and interesting features. In the eyes of the examiner, they will look especially advantageous and professional. And if you are at least partially aware of the favorite questions of the exam taker, then you cannot avoid the “five”.

3. "Two plus one"

The third way to learn material in three days is somewhat of a hybrid. That is, he absorbed the elements of method No. 1 and method No. 2 in approximately equal proportions. In short, the essence of this approach is as follows: two days for study and one for repetition. If we explain it in more detail, the picture is as follows.

We study the required amount of information by dividing it into two approximately equal parts. We study one half on the first day, the second, as you might guess, on the next day. And the third day we spend on briefly repeating everything, filling in possible gaps and finally digesting everything that needs to be known. And, importantly, this option of preparing for exams does not at all seek to “squeeze all the juice out of you”. On the contrary, everything flows somehow harmoniously, harmoniously and confidently.

Well, which of the three ways of preparing for a meeting with the examiner described above do you like the most? Here it is and take it into service. And don't waste your time. There are only three days left. Oh yes, sorry, “whole” three days!

We are all different, so our strategies for preparing for the exam will be different. Get away from your individual features. If you are auditory, read textbooks and notes aloud, if you are kinesthetic, write according to your notes and plan your answer.

Another effective method- mind map. This is a great way to structure information, refresh knowledge and quickly get to the heart of the subject even after a long time. We talked about how to make mental maps and how to work with them in more detail.

What questions to learn first? If during the semester you have a good understanding of the subject, proceed to the questions about which you have at least some idea.

If each new block cannot be understood without the previous one, then there is only one option: learn everything strictly in order.

It also makes sense to start with difficult questions, allocating enough time to study them. It's best to deal with them before you get tired and lose focus. Save the easy questions for later.

And be consistent. Stick to the chosen strategy, even if you start to panic with the approach of the exam.

Seek understanding, not memorization

Delve into the ticket, and do not try to memorize it. Memorization is a deliberately losing strategy, which also takes more time. Find logical connections in questions, invent associations.

Of course, in each subject there is information that you need to know by heart: dates, formulas, definitions. But even they are easier to remember if you understand the logic.

Do not tell the material in your own words, speculate so that the answer is more detailed.

Method "3-4-5"

A good method when you need to prepare for an exam in a short period of time. It will only take three days, but there is a lot of work to be done. Every day you need to work through all the material, but at a different level, constantly deepening.

On the first day, you read your entire abstract or training manual so that knowledge on the subject, roughly speaking, gets involved. We conditionally believe that you can already pass the exam for a triple.

On the second day, you deal with the same questions, but already from the textbook, in order to learn more details and subtleties. If you prepare diligently, you can already count on the four.

On the last day, you bring your answers to the ideal: repeat, fill in the gaps, remember. After the third day, you are ready to pass the exam with excellent marks.

Two days to study, one to review

The system is very simple: all the material must be divided into two identical parts and learned in two days. The third day is entirely devoted to repetition.

Set a time limit

You can delve into each topic indefinitely, so do not try to remember all the subtleties. From a large chapter in the textbook, highlight the main thoughts: structured material of a small volume is easier to perceive.

In we divided all the tickets between classmates and each prepared a short summary of his part. If your group does not develop mutual assistance, you can ask for materials and cheat sheets from senior students.

Don't get stuck

If you feel like you're sitting on one question for too long, skip it. The best motivator when preparing is a timer. Decide how much time you can spend on one ticket, such as 30 minutes, and when the time expires, move on to the next one. Set aside a few hours before the exam to deal with missed questions.

Make a ticket response plan

Any, even the most extensive question can be described in a few words. Moreover, each thesis should evoke associations.

Such a plan can be quickly reviewed before the exam to tune in to the working mood. There is a well-known method of three sentences: write out for each question a problem, a main idea and a conclusion.

Study depends on the subject

Not only you have individual characteristics, but also the subject under study. For example, the exact sciences - physics - require practice. For humanities important is the ability to process large amounts of information, remember dates, names, definitions.

But, I repeat, the study of any subject must be approached actively: to delve into the issue and strive for understanding.

The format of the exam is also important. If you are preparing for an oral exam, say your future answers out loud. My favorite tactic is to retell the material to someone at home or, when they are not enthusiastic, to myself in front of a mirror. Even better, if someone will not only listen to you, but also ask questions when something is not clear.

If you are preparing for testing, it is worth solving a dozen typical tests, writing out your mistakes, repeating problematic topics and solving everything again.

If the exam is written, you need to think over the structure of the answer in advance.

Prepare for two or three

Write down the most difficult, in your opinion, topics - the collective mind will help you deal with them faster. It is better to cooperate with classmates who are determined to study, otherwise the preparation for the exam can turn into an ordinary pleasant meeting with friendly conversations.

No, this does not mean that joking and relaxing is forbidden. Just remember the main purpose of the meeting.

Viktor Kiryanov/
  1. Take breaks. This will help you relax and sort out new information.
  2. Turn off your phone, don't go to social networks, stay away from the TV. If you can't resist the temptation, read up on dealing with distractions.
  3. Get enough sleep.
  4. Do not forget about food: it will give extra strength to your body. However, you shouldn't overeat. Usually, after an overly heavy lunch, he begins to sleep, and he doesn’t want to study at all.
  5. Avoid negativity from other people. The atmosphere during classes should be as favorable as possible.
  6. Don't rely too much on cheat sheets and cheating. And if you don’t know how to write off well (you must agree, you also need to be able to do this), you shouldn’t even start.
  7. Arrange a place for classes: bright, comfortable, with everyone necessary materials at hand. The bed is not the best option: there is a high probability of falling asleep on a boring topic.
  8. Make bulleted lists: they are easier to remember.
  9. Sports will help to relax and stretch the muscles that have become stiff during prolonged sitting. In addition, while running, cycling, or similar physical activity, you can slowly reflect on complex issues.
  10. If you feel that you are not in the mood to study, start with the topic that seems most interesting to you. This will help you get on track.
  11. Walk in the evening. During preparation, the nerves are usually on edge, so you need to relax a little.
  12. Make a clear preparation plan.

You do not know how to prepare for the exam quickly, and most importantly, efficiently?
Gathering your meager life experience and the experience of older generations of students, I have developed my own methodology for passing exams, which allows you to:

1. prepare for any exam in 2 days;
2. do not use the spurs and smart heads of university comrades;
3. pass the exam itself with a “good” or even “excellent” mark.

I myself am a lover of money [hence], a lover of getting an increased scholarship [hence], a lover of passing exams with excellent marks. Moreover, I don’t know what the shank looks like and in general where it should be taken. And let me be the confirmation that this exam preparation strategy works. Yes, yes, modesty is the last quality on my list of virtues.

There are two days left before the exam.

The exam is on the nose, but you didn’t move a finger or convolutions? I won’t scold you, because I myself like to lie down for another hour on the couch. And certainly not with a summary in hand. But you still need to prepare, so let's get started.

2. At the end of the first step, most likely you will find that you do not have answers to all questions. To restore this gap, pick up a textbook or a keyboard with a mouse. And for recording, use notepads like this [see. photo 2]. Write the answer to the question on one sheet [both sides]. Why exactly? But because it is precisely such a volume of oral and written answers that will satisfy even a picky teacher. And it is to prescribe, and not to print on a computer. Our brain has an amazing ability to remember what we write with our own pens. I especially recommend this method to “visuals” [people who perceive information well visually]

So, by the end of the second day, we have the answers to all the questions in writing, which in itself is already wonderful and amazing.

There is only one day left before the exam.

I don’t know about others, but it is on this day that laziness overcomes me especially strongly. So much so that you don’t even want to get up from the couch, and even more so get up, teach, write, get nervous. But we are smart and registered all the questions yesterday. Therefore, putting a cat under one side, and a box of chocolate cookies under the other, we begin to read what we have written. Personally, three readings are enough for me to memorize all the material of a humanitarian subject. Luckily, I don't have any technical experience. On the same day, I advise you to go to bed before 12 o'clock. The information you read will fit into the brain compartments in the right composition and proportions, and you will not become the owner of a morning headache and general lethargy.

Exam day.

Well, here he is. As usual, having a good nerve, the student begins to create a small pile. No, not what you thought, the student is still not a bear. Create a bunch of questions, three of which [the most interesting] I will try to answer.

What to wear?
As a being belonging to the female sex, I love this question very much. And I won't be surprised by the answer. Get dressed in business style or close to him. She herself watched how the teachers were delighted with a student in a suit. I do not advise girls to lean on short skirts and necklines. This can make the teacher very, very angry. And also ambiguously hint at the lack of knowledge in your head. Also use a minimum of cosmetics and a minimum of perfume [I say “minimum”, not “absence”, because few people are capable of such a sacrifice].

Where to spit, how to shout and what to scratch?
Even the most cynical and pragmatic people during the exam begin to put their heels under their heels, and whisper “catch a freebie”. You can also put notes and textbooks under the pillow overnight, in a dream all the information will be absorbed into your bright and empty head. It is not yet advisable to wash your hair and shave before the exam, you will wash off and scrape off all knowledge. And it’s better to pull the ticket with your left hand, so that it’s closer to your heart, dear. "The effectiveness of these drugs has not been confirmed, not tested on animals."

How and when to speak?
I advise you to enter the exam in the top ten. Teachers have an opinion that only excellent students are the first to answer. That is, you already have one plus for dressing correctly, now we get a second plus for entering among the smart and knowledgeable.
If the exam is written, that's all the advice is over. We write - we sell.
If the exam is oral, everything is just beginning. It's no secret that oral exams are passed either by those who are well prepared or those who speak well. If you neglected the first points of my advice, then we will focus on the second option. Your main task now will be - hang out the teacher for a dialogue. To do this, you must say something for about a couple of minutes. Preferably on topic. Even if you are not sure about the correctness of what you say, say it anyway. Just make your tone more confident and at the same time look the teacher in the eye. Your tone and not being afraid to show shameless eyes [plus a suit and a desire to rush into battle] can give the teacher the confidence that you have been preparing hard, but “you messed up something because you are very nervous.” And he will rightly start asking leading questions, which is exactly what we need. But most importantly, don't overdo it. A cheap one-man theater is not the best option for seeing a teacher who is already tired of life and the stupidity of the world. And lastly, during your monologue, do not try to ask questions to the teacher. Receiving a response is unlikely. But the proposal to take a walk behind the shank will come immediately.

This concludes the list of ways to survive during the session. I'm going to stick the stickers myself, and I wish you good luck in preparing and during the delivery. Hope I helped you in some way.
Break a leg! ;)

(c) Olga Smotrina

Tomorrow is an exam and you didn't prepare for it because you didn't have time or you put off studying until later? You can prepare for the exam in one day if you are disciplined and attentive. It is better to prepare in advance, for example, a week before the exam, but there are situations when this cannot be done. In this article, we will tell you how to prepare for the exam in one day.



    Find a suitable place to practice. Nothing and no one should distract you - neither friends, nor any objects in your bedroom. Find a study area where you can focus on the material you are learning.

    • Study somewhere quiet and peaceful, such as a private room or a library.
  1. Prepare everything you need. Before you begin to study the material, prepare everything you may need, such as textbooks, notes, markers, a computer, a light snack and water.

    • Remove everything that will distract you.
  2. Turn off your phone. If you don’t need your smartphone to study, turn it off so that it doesn’t distract you from studying the subject. So you can focus solely on the material being studied.

    Consider whether you should study on your own or in a group. Since time is limited, it's probably best to study on your own, but sometimes it's helpful to study the material in a small group to better understand the concepts and terms. If you decide to work in a group, make sure that it consists of people who are as prepared as you are; otherwise, the efficiency of work in the group will not be very high.

    Learn to work effectively with a textbook. You will not remember the material if you just read the textbook (especially if your time is limited). When reading a textbook, pay special attention to summary chapters and key information in bold type.

    • Find the questions that are given after each chapter (or at the end of the textbook). Try to answer these questions to test yourself and understand what you should learn.
  3. Create tutorial. It will allow you to better understand the material and quickly review it on the day of the exam. In the study guide, fill in the most important concepts, terms, dates, and formulas and try to state the main concepts in your own words. Self-formulation of concepts and writing them down on paper will allow you to better understand and remember the material.

    • If you don't have time to create a study guide, ask a friend or classmate for one. But it will be better if you create your own study guide, as stating and writing down the main concepts will help you remember the information better.
  4. Prepare for the appropriate exam format. If you are pressed for time, be sure to keep the format in mind when preparing for the exam. Ask your teacher about the format of the exam or look at curriculum or ask your classmates.

Lesson plan

    Create a lesson plan. Include material that will definitely be on the exam, such as important dates, certain scientific concepts, math formulas or equations. If you don't know what will be asked on the exam, ask your classmates. To pass the exam successfully, it is important to know what material you need to learn (especially when time is limited).

    Create a class schedule. Schedule the whole day leading up to the exam and determine the hours that you will devote to studying the material. Don't forget to make time for sleep.

    Create a list of topics to study. Review the textbook, study guide and notes and write down the topics that will be present on the exam.

Firstly, force yourself to do something. As you know, before the exam, you want to do anything, just not to prepare for it. Just don't overdo it. At this time, one can recall long-forgotten and postponed cases. Distract under the pretext that it would be time to have a bite. Show yourself as an exemplary son (daughter) and fulfill some parental assignment (go to the market, fix the shelf, sweep the floor). But no more. Made? Secondly, now you have to make an effort. Set a rate - say, one hour or, for example, one ticket. We have sorted out the topic of one ticket - take a breather. Thirdly, if you need to remember some historical date, try to remember what this date means to you personally? Maybe it's mom's or aunt's birthday? Or maybe on this day you did something for the first time or went somewhere? What if this date resembles someone's phone? Fourth, What is the best way to remember material? There are different opinions on this matter. For example, I am categorically against cramming. I consider mnemonics to be the most successful way of remembering. What is this "beast"? The thing is quite complex, including, in particular, memorization by associations. Need to remember the formula? Try to look at it from a different angle and read it like a word. Match each letter in the formula with a word and make a funny sentence that will “get stuck” in your head. I'll tell you a secret: the more indecent the association, the better it is remembered. It is convenient to memorize any definitions, phenomena, events, reducing them to what you already know. Memorize some long definition and compare it with some phenomenon. Moreover, it is important to understand the essence of the definition, and not memorize it. It is rare for teachers to take hostility to your explanation of the definition in your own words instead of a memorized version. On the contrary, if you can retell the definition in your own words, then you understand the material. Fifth, at different people developed different types memory: visual, auditory, motor. People with a developed visual memory will benefit from reading the material. Then I remember the page on which it is stated desired topic. For those who have developed motor memory, it is better to prescribe the material (that is, write cheat sheets). If you feel that the process has finally started, you understand the material, you can explain it and are not tired yet, continue!

At sixth, allow yourself to relax in the evening. Take a walk, chat on the phone, read a detective story, visit a friend (girlfriend). But be home before midnight. If you do not get enough sleep during the night, sleeping on the exam is fraught with a retake!

Seventh, Before going to bed, I advise you, if not to teach, then at least to scroll through the material covered. Try, looking at the title, to remember the general content of the question (if you can't, look at the section). Psychologists say that the information received during falling asleep and waking up is best remembered. What not to do First, never go to extremes. If you cover yourself with textbooks, turn off your phone and barricade yourself in your room - I doubt that the effectiveness of such preparation will be high. Secondly, I do not advise you to prepare for the exam with a friend or girlfriend (unless he (she) understands the material better than you ). Such preparation most often turns into a long chatter and a waste of time. Thirdly, even if you wrote cheat sheets, I do not advise you to use them. When such a “burning” paper lies in the pocket, the head does not work well. It is better to write and leave it at home.