Oleg and Valentina Svetovid are mystics, specialists in esotericism and the occult, authors of 15 books.

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Occult and esoteric schools

We are sometimes asked where to find real esoteric or occult school to get real knowledge that is not found in books or on the Internet.

Let's start with the occult school. What is this school?

As you can see many occult sciences. All of them are diverse and have their own specifics. The study of every occult science takes time. There are sciences that can be studied quickly enough and without a teacher. For example, numerology, physiognomy, palmistry. You can study astrology on your own and become a good astrologer. All other sciences require specific abilities (spiritual developments), increased sensitivity and a mentor.

The question arises: if someone suddenly wants to open an occult school, then where to find teachers in the above occult disciplines? You can find a good level astrologer, physiognomist, palmist, numerologist, tarot reader.

But where will you find a teacher of magic? Magic - even for professionals who have been working in magic for many years - is a dark forest.

Where can I find teachers in occult botany (plant energy), occult mineralogy (stone energy), occult medicine, symbolism? The teaching of these disciplines requires a very high level of spiritual development. The teacher must be a mystic and understand the essence of things. As you understand, there are no such people in the world: one, two, and there is no one.

As for psychology. Psychology, from the point of view of spiritual development, is a false science. All psychological techniques reinforce the false personality. If you engage in psychology, then you need to do it consciously, to see the goal.

The study of the occult sciences requires time, effort, constant study. Usually a person becomes a specialist in one occult science. Although in the Middle Ages, almost all prominent astrologers were magicians. And vice versa - outstanding magicians knew astrology.

There are people who have real knowledge in this or that occult science, but not all of them can become occult teachers. Because an occult teacher should not only know, but also be able to convey knowledge to students. These are special developments.

Where to find an esoteric school?

The last true esoteric school is the school of Gurdjieff-Ouspensky. An esoteric school does not need a staff of teachers. The esoteric school is the school of one man. Only a person with high level development of consciousness, with the level of spiritual development of the mystic. Least.

In the history of mankind, several mystics are born in every century. Some of them are engaged in social activities, promote knowledge and therefore are famous - Sathya Sai Baba, Osho, Krishnamurti, Vivekananda, E. Blavatsky, G. Gurdjieff, P. Uspensky, P. Deunov, M. Aivanhov, A. Besant and others.

If there are mystics, then not all of them want to teach. Many of them prefer to live in seclusion and continue to engage in their own development. Nobody knows about them.

Most famous mystics give lectures and talks. It's much easier than running a school. A conversation is a conversation, a conversation on a topic. The talks are vague, their purpose is to arouse people's interest in spiritual work. And the school gives a clear, systematic knowledge. You can listen to the conversation of a mystic teacher and go home, mind your own business. But if the student is lucky to study in an esoteric school, then the school obliges him to work on himself around the clock. And most importantly, the students of esoteric schools know what they need to do. Conversations don't do that, they leave a lot of questions.

The conversations of the mystics are also important. They help to form the right worldview for those who want it. At least give direction, guidelines, a sense of another, true life, new opportunities.

But the value of the esoteric school in that it promotes intensive development. The esoteric school gives a clear system of priorities, structure, specific areas of work on oneself. And he explains what results this or that spiritual practice will give. School is an effective, fast, correct way of development.

Currently, some schools and centers position themselves as esoteric schools. But immediately under the name "Esoteric School" or "Esoteric Center" occult areas are listed - healing, extrasensory perception, bioenergetics, numerology, magic, astral travel, the study of occult techniques and more.

It says that people do not know what they are teaching. Perhaps beginners who are taking the very first steps in the study of esotericism and the occult can learn from such schools. But we believe that you need to learn right away right away.

For example, shooting experts say that it is easier to teach a beginner to shoot correctly than to retrain someone who has already learned to shoot incorrectly. In esotericism and the occult, the same is true. It is better to immediately find people who really understand this.

Question answer


Good evening, Oleg Petrovich and Valentina Vladimirovna!

My name is Alexandra. I am interested in occultism and esotericism, but I do not have the ability and gift. I have a strong desire to study in this area. The information provided on your site is interesting. Advise what to do and where to start.

Thank you. Alexandra


If you study esoteric, then you need to read the mystics. Not less. These are the works of Ivankhov, Osho, Deunov, E. Blavatsky, Gurdjieff, Uspensky and others. You must have read about this on our website.

Occultism- it's complex complex direction represented by many occult sciences. You need to choose the direction in which you want to develop: numerology, physiognomy, astrology, herbs, divination, etc. And study this direction. Or multiple directions.

General education, basic, fundamental books on the occult, written in good professional level, we have not seen.

We can recommend that you join our esoteric club. In the club you can get esoteric and occult knowledge. You will have a foundation of knowledge, thanks to which you will be able to read esoteric and occult books, receive occult information from other sources - and you will understand at what level they are written.

On the this moment(2013) our club entered the 9th year. Among the members of the club there are beginners, and there are professionals.

Oleg and Valentina Svetovid

Our email address: [email protected]

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When reprinting any site materials, a link to the authors and the site - Oleg and Valentina Svetovid - required.

Love spell and its consequences - www.privorotway.ru

Also our blogs:

"Magic is the Science and Art of producing change in accordance with one's own Will."

Aleister Crowley.

"Everyone knows that this is impossible. But here comes an ignoramus who does not know this - it is he who makes the discovery."

Albert Einstein.

Alena Plyas School - training in psychology and esotericism in Moscow.

As life in the new millennium shows, the secret of success in our world lies at the intersection of ancient knowledge and the achievements of modern science.

Psychology is the science of the human soul.

Esoteric psychology is a synthesis. A fusion of academic disciplines such as NLP, hypnosis, body-oriented therapy, and esoteric practices passed down from teacher to student, from generation to generation.

You are at the intersection of science and esotericism, where on the other side of conservative psychology is the world of extrasensory perception: tarot magic, clairvoyance, healing. Because in different cultures and countries, the deep meaning remains the same:

The Master is the one who sees, knows, knows how to control the Reality and conduct a dialogue with the Space.

School of teaching esotericism and psychology in Moscow.

Training program "Psychology of a magician" (120 academic hours) for those who want to:

  • work in the workshop self". Learn to transform the concept of "my problem" into another concept "my task". And then solve your problem and go your own way: "Problem" + "Resources" = Solution.
  • Unleash and develop your natural sensory abilities. Develop information channels: systemic vision and clairvoyance. Get practical skills to increase energy and manage your energies.
  • Master the techniques of neuro-linguistic programming and non-directive hypnosis.

A course of study on the Tarot deck of White and Black Magic. Theory and practice (68 academic hours - 17 lessons).

  • Go through the Tarot Arcana the path of growth "from the Jester to the Master."
  • Learn predictive and corrective work with the Tarot deck. Working out of the channel of clairvoyance.
  • Master the art of psychological tarot counseling.

Curator Schools of Veda: Alena Plyas - esoteric psychologist, NLP Master Trainer, Tarot Master, hypnotherapist. Certified specialist in body-oriented therapy - MPU. Diploma in non-directive (Ericksonian) hypnosis - Institute of Psychotherapy and Clinical Psychology.

For School subscribers free of charge:

  • Audio and video recordings of lessons on the programs: Magician's Psychology, Tarot Magic, Meditations, Healing trances.
  • Access to the Reading Room on the School of Veda website.

Individual counseling

At the first consultation, your task or problem is discussed. Analysis and diagnostics are being carried out. The schedule and cycle length of therapy sessions are discussed next. Practical recommendations and homework assignments are given.

The first consultation takes about 1.5 hours. Further therapeutic sessions for 60 minutes.

A cycle of therapeutic therapies from 7 sessions, 1-2 times a week.

Individual face-to-face consultation - 3500 rubles.

Individual remote consultation via Skype - 2500 rubles.

Individual Coaching

The high art of victory to unlock the potential of a person, to achieve maximum results.

Coaching is professional assistance to a person in defining and achieving his personal goals. This is success therapy..

Until now, psychologists, business coaches, consultants from various areas of human activity are arguing - what is coaching? Psychotherapy for the healthy? Consulting? Personal training? There are many metaphors, stories and parables that have led to coaching being called the "new religion of management".

As an esoteric psychologist and Ericksonian hypnotherapist, I prefer the metaphor style:

The legend of King Arthur, as the founder of the heyday of British statehood, a symbol of its power and invincibility, has passed through time and space. No wonder - after all, his tutor, mentor and "trainer" was the great magician and sage - Merlin. So this metaphor entered the history of mankind - Merlin, the personal Coach of King Arthur.

Individual coaching - one cycle of 10 sessions. The cost is 35,000 rubles.

Individual remote coaching via Skype — one cycle of 10 lessons. The cost is 25000 rubles.

Most of all I individual work Like:

  • To help you become a self-made man. Growing up, we stop looking for support and authority outside ourselves. We find it in ourselves.
  • To help "ground" those who are detached from reality. To help find their place in society for those who have made an "escape from life" into the phantom world.
  • To help reveal their abilities to "controllers and critics." Those who really want and are afraid to believe in themselves and in their abilities.

Esotericism is a huge layer of knowledge based on various teachings, which official science classifies as mystical. This knowledge, which has its roots in ancient times, is based on teachings that contradict many postulates of official science. These esoteric teachings practice special ways of perceiving reality and they are available only to specially trained (initiated) people - esotericists.

Unlike official science, esotericism explains almost all the phenomena of our life that official science cannot explain. And, every year, the fidelity of esoteric teachings is more and more confirmed by various facts from our Everyday life which are made available to the public through the Internet.

Therefore, interest in esotericism in last years increased many times over. Although earlier, many people, despite an atheistic and materialistic upbringing, were interested in esoteric teachings.

More and more more people with the help of esoteric teachings, they try not only to understand the secrets of the world around us, but also to learn how to reveal the abilities hidden in themselves in order to change their lives for the better.

Esotericism itself has many directions. For example, the most famous are the occult, alchemy, Kabbalah and Theosophy. Esoteric teachings study the secrets of the human mind and mind control, hypnosis and trance states, dreams, energy work and meditation, Parallel Worlds, palmistry, divination, psychology, various rituals, clairvoyance, work on the body, yoga, qigong, karma, unusual phenomena and much more that has a touch of mystery and inexplicability from the point of view of modern official science.

On this page of the site, the site presents the most popular Russian-speaking authors teaching one or another direction of esotericism. Trainings, video courses, esoteric practices and books by these authors have received a huge amount of feedback confirming the high effectiveness of their training. Also at the end of this page you will find recommended free educational materials in various areas of esotericism.

The best authors and trainers for teaching esoteric teachings and practices, with the best reviews

Center for Human Development. The Alfa-Omega Plus Human Development Center brought together talented and experienced esotericists who conduct online learning in various esoteric directions, accompanying it with various esoteric practices.

Training center for teaching esoteric practices.

Academy of Healers.

Esoteric Center. Well-known esoteric professionals conduct training in this esoteric center. For example, a well-known numerologist and NLP specialist and the creator of exclusive energy-information technologies.

Transformational pills for the health of mind and body.

Energy of the New Age. Energy rejuvenation and recovery.

Fulfillment of desires and attraction of wealth into your life.

Healer, psychic and tarot reader. Online school self-development of hidden psychic abilities of a person.

Video courses and trainings of a psychologist on working with the subconscious.

Teaching esotericism at the Academy of Bioenergy Healer and Psychic.

School of Sleepers on entering the alpha state.

Meditation lessons for beginners at the University of the Evolution of Consciousness.

Esoteric School "Kailash". Also read about Andrey Duiko's products, created on the basis of the secret esoteric knowledge of Tibetan medicine.

Teaching astrology and courses on tarot cards.

Treatment of internal organs using the ancient Chinese philosophy of Wu-Sin.

Feng Shui and Ba Zi.

Entering the alpha state for the fulfillment of all desires.

Academy "Code of Destiny".

Training in neurographics.

From Doris Castillo Mendoza, Dmitry Voronov and more.

Courses on the development of the brain and the latent potential of man.

Better World.

— School of Understandable Tarot.

Total sale of all courses and trainings on finance, numerology and personal growth of the Esoteric Center "Irlemian" by Elena Gladkova


Hurry up to pick up the legendary courses and trainings at super low prices! The promotion may be terminated at any time.

Online marathon by Alexei Mitrofanov “Evolutionary path. your true self"

Free lessons will pass June 19, 20, 21, 22 and 23 .

The marathon is held within the framework.

Open webinar by Violetta Kopchenkova "How to find out your personal Lucky numbers that bring Money Luck!"

As a gift - advice from Violetta

Learn the secrets and legends of Hetu - the core of Chinese metaphysics

The webinar is held as part of the .

Open webinar by Alexander Vokles “Energy for life. Part 2"

As a gift - the practice of expanding consciousness

How to restore the disturbed characteristics of the healthy functioning of the body with the help of energy

Training is carried out within the framework.

Legendary training by Pavel Kochkin "Purpose 3.0"

Start of the next stream of the First Stage June 25 2019. Duration 14 days, one hour per day.

A unique program that allows you to find your calling in life

Exclusive field training by Pavel Kolesov "Achieving Hypnosis in Altai"