Self-education work plan on the topic

« cognitive development child preschool age through play activities

for 2010-2015

Educator: Shamsutdinova G.Sh.

Starting the work on self-education, I set myself:

Target: to create optimal conditions for a preschool child as the basis for cognitive, intellectual, personal, and creative development.


1. Study the regulatory documents, scientific and methodological literature on this topic, to study pedagogical experience through articles on the Internet.

2. To develop a comprehensive thematic planning of the educational process and a system of work on the section "

3. Cultivate interest in games.

Based on the tasks set, I compiled a self-education program:

I stage (information - familiarization) 2010-2011 academic year

The study of scientific, methodological literature,

Law "On Education in the Russian Federation", Convention on the Rights of the Child,

Analysis and generalization of theoretical data,

Development of complex - thematic planning.

Stage II (practical) 2012-2014

Organization of game centers

Implementation of the received theoretical knowledge into practice.

Placement of publications

Practical outputs, performances, participation in competitions, consultations:

Practical Outputs:

Educational projects on the topics: “_My friendly_family” for educators of MBDOU, “Miracle experiments”, “Healthy”, “Educational games”, “ National Games”, “Visiting Vitaminka”, “All knowledge begins with surprise”

“Modern technologies for the development of speech Sinkwine. Making riddles according to Nesterenko

Working with parents, consultations, parent meetings:

Consultations: “What toys do children need”, “The role of the family in shaping healthy lifestyle life”, “The influence of family education on the mental development of the child”, “Folk games”; "Search and cognitive activity", "Play in the lives of children"

Parent meetings on the topics: "Sensory development of children in subject-game activities”,"The role of play in the cognitive development of preschool children", "Development of children's cognitive interest in the objective world"

Speech at a general parent meeting on the topic: “ Modern approaches to the improvement of children in a preschool educational institution "

Speech at a regional seminar on the topic: "Mutual cooperation is the key to successful education of a preschooler"

Speech at the seminar-presentation of educators MBDOU on the topic: “Using innovative technologies in the cognitive development of preschool children"

"Developing children's cognition through non-traditional drawing techniques"

Display of open classes, events:

Demonstration of a theatrical game on the topic: “For the birthday of Nyusha” with the participation of representatives of the State Institution “Directorate for Financing Scientific and Educational Programs of the Road Traffic Safety of the Republic of Tajikistan”

Showing an open lesson for educators MBDOU on cognitive development using ICT in senior group on the topic "Journey to the Science Lab"

Showing an open lesson on cognitive development for educators MBDOU on the topic: "Journey into the world of objects"

Showing a district lesson on cognitive development for educators MBDOU topic: "Dandelion"

Showing an open district lesson on the development of speech for educators MBDOU on the topic: "Matryoshka"

Showing a district open lesson on cognitive development for educators MBDOU on the topic: "Visiting a snowman"

Participation in regional, republican, all-Russian seminars, competitions, events:

Participation in all-Russian competitions professional excellence posted on the Internet.

Participation in the interregional competition of educational programs and methodological developments on the formation of research skills of preschool children "Rainbow of discoveries"

Participation of pupils in the open interregional intellectual tournament of abilities: "RostOK-SuperUm"

Translation of work experience on the topic: "All knowledge begins with surprise"

Stage III (generalizing) 2014-2015

Generalization of work experience on the topic: "Cognitive development of a preschool child through play activities

Practical work on the topic of self-education

1. Dybina O. V. "Game technologies for familiarizing preschoolers with the objective world."

2. Zhukovskaya R. I. "Creative role-playing games in kindergarten."

3. Popova L. V. "What the teacher needs to know about how boys and girls learn to be men and women."

4. Boychenko H. A. et al. “Story-role-playing games for preschoolers”.

5. N. V. Krasnoshchekova "Games for preschool children"

Individual self-education plan for 2015-2016

Job title - educator

Full name Trubach Elena Vladimirovna

Education (when and what educational institution graduated) secondary special: Saratov pedagogical school(graduated in 1994)

Diploma specialty preschool education; Educator with the right to teach children a foreign language.

When you took a refresher course :

    According to the program "Modern approaches to updating the content of preschool education" in the amount of 144 hours (April 2011)

    According to the program "Introduction to information and educational technologies of the XXI century" (May 2011)

    According to the program "Activity approach to the educational process in the context of the implementation of the Federal State Educational Standard of DO" in the amount of 78 hours (May 2015)

Topic MDOU "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution"

Individual theme "Development of cognitive abilities of preschool children through play activities in the context of the introduction of the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education"

When did you start working on the topic?- September 2015

When is it supposed to finish the work on the topic -May 2016

The purpose of self-education on the topic

Development of children's interests, curiosity and cognitive motivation; the formation of cognitive actions, the formation of consciousness; development of imagination and creative activity;

Tasks of self-education

    To create conditions for the cognitive activity of children, with the help of a subject-spatial developing environment in a group, as well as during organized educational and joint activities.

    Encourage and guide the cognitive initiative of children, developing their independence, ingenuity, creative activity through play activities.

    implementation work program the younger group "Pinocchio" in forms specific to children of this age group, primarily in the form of a game.

    support of children's initiative in cognitive and play activities.

    providing psychological and pedagogical support for the family and increasing the competence of parents (legal representatives) in the development and education of children through gaming activities.

The main questions outlined for study.

    Creation of a subject-spatial educational developmental environment in a group that contributes to the development of cognitive abilities.

    The study of regulatory documents (Law Russian Federation from 20.12.2012 No. 273-FZ "On Education in the Russian Federation", Federal State Educational Standard of Preschool Education)

    The study and application in the work of modern pedagogical technologies for teaching and developing children of preschool age.

    Improving the pedagogical culture of parents and providing methodological support on this topic.

    The study of pedagogical innovative experience on the topic through participation in webinars, seminars and methodological associations.

Stages of material development

Target. Studying the possibilities and needs of the teaching staff and parents for the development of children's cognitive abilities in the game.


    Analysis of organized educational activities

    Studying the possibility of qualitative implementation of the development of cognitive abilities in the system of the educational process.

    Studying the needs of parents and the material and technical base for productive work on the topic

    Make a selection of monitoring criteria.


    Analysis of methodical literature

    Development of the teacher's work program

    Creation of material and technical, organizational and scientific and methodological conditions.

    Assessment of the level of development of cognitive abilities of children, drawing up individual routes.

    Parent survey.

Expected Result. Literature studied, resources analyzed, parents' requests taken into account, assessment carried out individual development children, planned work



Target. The introduction of gaming technologies in the educational process.


    To study modern pedagogical technologies for teaching and developing preschool children.

    Develop a set of consultations for parents on the development of children's cognitive abilities.

    Pick up games for the development of mental abilities of children in the younger group.

Expected Result.

Implementation of gaming technologies in organized educational and joint activities. Improving the quality of the educational process, due to the interest shown by children.



Target. Creation of conditions for the development of cognitive abilities of children.


    Creation and maintenance of conditions for creative work with children.

    Development and implementation of OOD with the use of gaming technologies.

    Continuous analysis of the development of children's cognitive abilities.

    Continuous replenishment of the subject-spatial developing environment in the group

Expected Result.

Improving the quality of the educational process, due to the interest shown by children. Design of a subject-developing environment, taking into account the activation of cognitive abilities.

Consultations with parents:

"Development of cognitive abilities of children at the age of 4"

"Game is serious business"

"Formation of thought processes through didactic games»

"Teaching a child to think"

Seminar "Sensory development of children 4 summer age»

Speech at the Pedagogical Council Educational technologies when conducting OOD with preschoolers "

Speech at the regional methodological association "Modern subject-developing environment"



Target. Generalization of the results on the topic of self-education.


    Develop cognitive activity of preschoolers

    Conducting classes using gaming activities.

    Involvement of parents in the development of cognitive activity in children and assistance in conducting OOD

    Analysis of the formation of cognitive abilities in children (monitoring of individual development)

    Presentation of the results of work on the topic of self-education.

Expected Result. The development of children's interest in obtaining knowledge, the ability to think outside the box. Formulation of work experience on the topic.

Making packs - mobiles "

"To play is interesting, to play is useful!"

Speech at the regional methodological association:

« Interaction kindergarten and families for the implementation of the main general education program preschool educational organization in accordance with GEF DO "



Use of work experience in the process of further work.

Dissemination of own experience by participating in methodological associations and in the competition "Pedagogical Olympus"

In the course of further pedagogical activity

What is the expected result

Increasing the activity of children during organized educational activities, the desire to learn something new on their own. Involvement of parents in a single educational space.

Results Submission Form - report

Trusova Elena Sergeevna
Self-education plan "Using didactic games to develop the cognitive activity of young children"

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Metallploshchadskaya" secondary comprehensive school, preschool groups. Kindergarten "Emerald City"

A long-term plan for self-education for the 2017-2018 academic year.

Prepared and developed by: teacher of the 1st junior group "Sounding Brook": Trusova Elena Sergeevna.

Topic: The use of didactic games in order to develop the cognitive activity of children of early preschool age

GOAL: all-round development of the child's personality, creation

conditions for self-determination and self-realization of pupils on the basis of socio-cultural, spiritual and moral rules and norms in the interests of a person, family, society and the state, creating favorable conditions for the implementation of the targets of the Federal State Educational Standard.

Work on self-education is one of the forms of increasing professional competence.

The work will be built in the following areas:

Acquaintance with new normative documents on issues of preschool education.

The study of educational and scientific-methodical literature.

Acquaintance with new achievements of pedagogy, child psychology.

Study of new programs and pedagogical technologies.

Familiarization with the best practices of preschool institutions.

Raising the general cultural level.

Development of redesign abilities own activities in the context of the FGOS.

Manifestation of creative potential.

Promotion of your achievements.

Development of research activities.

The topic for self-education was selected taking into account the Development Program of the preschool educational institution, following the strategic guidelines for the development of education in the district.

Took into account the basic principles of preschool education:

Full living by the child of all stages of childhood (infant, early and preschool age).

The construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education.

Assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant in educational relations.

Support for children's initiative in various activities.

Cooperation of the Organization with the family.

Introducing children to socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state.

Formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities.

Accounting for the ethno-cultural situation of children's development.

In my teaching activities I am guided by the following normative legal documents:

1. Federal Law of December 29, 2012 No. 273-FZ “On Education in the Russian Federation”;

2. Order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation of October 17, 2013 No 1155 "On approval of the federal state educational standard for preschool education";

3. Decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation dated May 15, 2013 No. 26 “On approval of SanPiN “Sanitary and epidemiological requirements for the device, maintenance and

organization of the mode of operation of preschool educational organizations ".

4. Main educational program preschool educational organization.

5. The charter of the DOO.

Relevance of the chosen topic.

In the Program "From Birth to School" edited by N. E. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva, the developing function of the didactic game is brought to the fore. Therefore, developing didactic games occupy an important place in the life of a child. They expand the baby's understanding of the world around them, teach the child to observe and highlight the characteristic features of objects (size, shape, color, distinguish them, and also establish the simplest relationships. Didactic games with rules have taken their rightful place among the methods of teaching and educating children. With the help of games, individual characteristics children.

Didactic games for preschoolers allow not only to learn something new, but also to apply the acquired knowledge in practice. Undoubtedly, such skills will become the basis for further successful learning, the development of important integrative qualities: inquisitive, active; emotionally responsive; able to solve intellectual and personal problems adequate to age; able to manage their behavior and plan their actions. Cognitive didactic game, in particular, provides favorable conditions for solving pedagogical problems, taking into account the capabilities of preschool children.

Didactic game- this is a cognitive game aimed at expanding, deepening, systematizing children's ideas about the environment, educating cognitive interests, developing cognitive abilities. It is a multifaceted, complex pedagogical phenomenon. It is both a game method of teaching preschool children, and a form of education, and independent play activity, and a means of comprehensive education of the child's personality.

The value of didactic games is that they are created for developmental purposes. Thanks to their use, it is possible to achieve more solid and conscious knowledge, skills and abilities. The spirit of competition accelerates mental processes, gives rise to cognitive activity, charges with feeling, leads to strong emotional experiences. Develops intelligence, the ability to independently solve problems.

The didactic game makes it possible to solve various pedagogical tasks in a playful way, the most accessible for preschoolers.

The didactic game helps to make the educational material exciting, to create a joyful working mood. A child who is fascinated by the game does not notice that he is learning, although every now and then he is faced with tasks that require mental activity from him.

Taking into account the above, I chose the topic of self-education "The use of didactic games in order to develop the cognitive activity of children of early preschool age."


The development of cognitive abilities in young children through didactic play.


To study the psychological and pedagogical literature on this topic;

Define the concept of "didactic game", "cognitive activity", "activation of cognitive activity";

To get acquainted with the pedagogical experience of using didactic games as a means of organizing the cognitive activity of preschoolers;

See in practice the use of a didactic game as a means of activating the cognitive activity of preschoolers;

Continue to create a card file of didactic games;

Develop thinking in children; independence in finding solutions;

ability to answer questions.

During the year I will study special methodological literature:

Boguslavskaya Z. M., Smirnova E. O. "Developing games for children of primary preschool age."

Didactic games-classes in the preschool educational institution ( younger age): A practical guide for educators and methodologists of preschool educational institutions. Author-compiler E. N. Panova. - Voronezh: TC "Teacher", 2006.

N. F. Gubanova. Development of gaming activity. The system of work in the first junior group of kindergarten. - M. : Mosaic-Synthesis, 2008.

A. K. Bondarenko. Didactic games in kindergarten. A book for a kindergarten teacher. - M .: Education, 2001.

Shvaiko G. S. "Games and game exercises for the development of speech."

P. P. Dzyuba. "Didactic piggy bank of a kindergarten teacher" - M .: Phoenix, 2008.

Starodubtseva I. V., Zavyalova T. P. "Game lessons for the development of memory, attention, thinking and imagination in preschoolers."

Krasheninnikov E. E., Kholodova O. L. "Development of cognitive abilities of preschoolers."

The study of articles in magazines: "Educator in a preschool educational institution", "Preschool education", "Child in kindergarten".

The study of articles in the Internet - magazines "Modern preschool education”, “Hoop”, “Preschool age. Preschool education”, “Pedagogical library”.

The use of didactic games will allow:

Activate cognitive processes through the selective focus of the child's personality on objects and phenomena of the surrounding reality;

Systematically strengthen and develop cognitive interest, which becomes the basis of a positive attitude towards intellectual activity;

To form the need to strive for the knowledge of new, more complete and deep knowledge, which are of a exploratory nature;

To educate the volitional qualities of the child's personality: purposefulness, perseverance, desire to complete the activity;

Form a coherent speech;

Enrich the moral and aesthetic feelings of the child.

My work will be carried out in three directions:

1. Creation of a subject-developing environment in a group.

I will prepare new game aids for the development of thinking, attention, perception, memory, speech, creative imagination, attention, logical thinking.

2. Working with children.

Work with children will be based on the following ways of developing cognitive abilities:

Development of thinking;

Development of attention;

Development of perception and memory;

Development of speech;

Development of creative imagination.

I will build my activities in stages, taking into account the age of the children. When selecting games, features will be taken into account mental development children, as well as their interest in various games.

When organizing games of verbal content, I will use surprise moments: through the hero who needs help, various attributes. Didactic games will be included in educational activities, in joint activities, in individual work, to work with parents in the form of a "game at home".

I will select games for classes taking into account the cognitive material that the children studied.

3. Working with parents.

In October, a consultation "The role of didactic games in the development of cognitive abilities" will be held.

In November, a folder will be prepared for parents - a shift on the topic: "Didactic play in a child's life."

During the year I will involve parents in the production of didactic games and demonstration material.

The end will be a parent meeting at the end. school year"We play entertaining games with parents."

At the end of the year, I will conduct a self-analysis on the topic studied and make a forecast for the future. In a creative form, I will prepare a presentation - a report on the work done on the topic.

alla kurkina
Plan for self-education "Cognitive- research activities preschool children"


on self-education on the topic:

« Cognitive and research activities of preschool children»

caregiver: Kurkina A. A.

He plagued adults with the question "Why?"

He was nicknamed "The Little Philosopher".

But as soon as he grew up, they began to

Present answers without questions.

And since then he is no one else

Doesn't ask "why" questions.


Working in a kindergarten, every day I observe how enthusiastically children explore the world, they are natural explorers of the world around them. The world opens up to the child through the experience of his personal sensations, actions, experiences. Thanks to this, he knows the world in which he came. He studies everything as he can and with what he can - with his eyes, hands, tongue, nose. He even rejoices the smallest opening.

When organizing our work, we tried to ensure that the process was structured in such a way that the child was an active participant in it, and not a passive observer. It is important to develop a craving for knowledge, to present to children not ready-made truths, conclusions and generalizations, but to make sure that the child himself explores, experiments, observes, feels, compares, analyzes, sees the results of his small experiments.


Often on the desire of the child познакомиться with the outside world we react So: “Get away from the puddle immediately, you have already soiled your dress! Don't touch the sand with your hands, it's dirty! Take the scoop! Dust off your hands, look, they are already all in the sand! Throw this filth away, where do you find such a thing? Better ride the swings! Throw a stone, get dirty! Don't look around or you'll trip! Better watch your step!"

Maybe we - dads and moms, grandparents, educators and teachers, unwittingly, discourage the child's natural interest in research? Time passes, and the child himself speaks to others children: you can’t touch the sand with your hands, it’s dirty, and it’s completely uninteresting to him why leaves fall from the trees. Perhaps we have simply lost our childish ability to see and observe? In order for children not to lose interest in the world around them, it is important to support their desire to explore everything and everything in time. Even if beautiful clothes suffer or hands get dirty. Clothes can be washed, hands can be washed. But the lost interest in the environment over the years is almost impossible to restore.


1. Development cognitive activity of children in the process of experimentation

2. Creation of conditions for the formation of the main holistic worldview of an older child preschool age means of physical experiment.

3. Development of observation, the ability to compare, analyze, generalize, development cognitive interest of children in the process of experimentation, establishing a causal relationship, the ability to draw conclusions.

4. Development of attention, visual, auditory sensitivity.


Expand View children about physical properties surrounding peace:

Learn about the different properties of substances.

Develop ideas about basic physical phenomena

Develop views children about some environmental factors.

Expand understanding of human use of factors natural environment. Expand View children about the importance of water and air in human life.

Meet children with the properties of the soil and its constituent sand and clay.

To form experience in the implementation of safety regulations when conducting physical experiments.

Develop an emotional and valuable attitude to the world around.

Develop intellectual emotions children: create conditions for

the emergence of surprise in relation to the observed phenomena, to awaken interest in solving problems, for reflection, for the opportunity to rejoice at the discovery made.

Form at children have different ways of learning.


1. Ya. I. Perelman, Entertaining problems and experiments. pdf,

2. formir_ekol_predstav (1) .ppt,

3. Ryzhova, Methods of children's experimentation. pdf

4Tugusheva, Chistyakova: Development cognitive activity of preschool children in experimental activities. GEF


5. Novikovskaya O. A. Collection of developing games with water and sand for preschoolers. - St. Petersburg: "CHILDHOOD - PRESS", 2006.

1. To study the theoretical material on this topic September I studied the theoretical material on this topic in pedagogy and didactics. I got acquainted with the works of leading authors on this research problem

2. Develop and conduct diagnostics children in order to identify knowledge and skills children experimental activities. September Diagnostic data showed that children experience difficulties in some diagnostic parameters.

3. Organize and enrich the subject-developing environment for the implementation of experimental activities of children. of the year Decorated:

A corner of nature with a variety of indoor plants.

Mini-laboratory with a set of elementary appliances:

*special dishes (cups, straws, funnels, plates)

*natural material (pebbles, sand, seeds)

*recycled material (wire, paper clips, thread, etc.)

*Other materials (loupes, thermometers, scales)

*home garden

* didactic material

4. Outline the main forms of work October *Classes

*Independent activity of children

*Joint activities of adults and children, as well as a child with a peer

5. Develop abstracts of GCD with elements of experimentation In tech. of the year Abstracts of the GCD on Topics: "The Air Around Us", "Sorceress Water", "Properties of Snow", "Amazing cereal", "Paper Fantasies", "How to see the sound?"

6. Create a file of experiments and experiments In tech. years Available, but replenish constantly

7. Working with caregivers:

Master class show

Viewing a lesson on RiMO

Final lesson May Develop a memo general rules research learning.

9. Working with parents:


-"Organization of children's experimentation at home"

Related publications:

Long-term plan for self-education "Development of creative abilities of preschool children" A long-term plan for self-education on the topic “Development of the creative abilities of preschool children through non-traditional types.

Self-education plan "Social and personal development of children of senior preschool age" Municipal preschool educational institution "Kindergarten No. 51 p. Settlement of Sennoy, Volsky District, Saratov Region” WORK PLAN.

Working with children in a preschool educational institution (DOE) requires high professionalism of employees. And a good education, love for kids are the key components of pedagogical skills. However, there is another aspect of activity that plays the role of a perpetual motion machine in working with the younger generation. We are talking about the self-education of the teacher - the constant self-development and improvement of the methods and methods of work used.

Theoretical aspects of the process of self-education of the preschool teacher

Federal State educational standard(FGOS) self-education (in some sources - self-development) is determined by the process of constant cognitive work of the teacher, which is in the nature of methodological improvement of knowledge, skills and abilities of interaction with children, parents and colleagues.

It is interesting. Despite the fact that the concepts of self-education and self-development in pedagogical sources are often interchangeable, there are differences between them. In particular, hallmark self-development is that this work can include not only an educational component, but also physical self-improvement. While self-education implies only expanding the boundaries of the cognitive sphere.

Self-education accompanies the entire period professional activity teacher

Self-education of the educator: goals and objectives

Replenishment of own methodological developments of the members of the teaching staff of the kindergarten sets the following goals:

  • acquaintance with innovative psychological and pedagogical technologies, their development and search for the best ways to combine with those that are already used in the work;
  • improving the quality of education in groups of different ages by systematizing the advanced methodological and psychological and pedagogical experience of colleagues;
  • creation of suitable conditions for the comprehensive physical and mental development of children, as well as for the education of creative personalities.

To achieve the above goals of self-education, the teacher in the work solves a number of tasks:

Thus, the tasks of work on self-education are of a successive nature, that is, from year to year the teacher covers the same set of issues, but at a level that is relevant for a particular age of children.

Principles of self-development

The process of work to improve existing pedagogical developments is based on 4 principles:

  • Continuity. As already mentioned, on the basis of one set of topics, the teacher chooses a particular topic, develops it within one academic year, less often two. It turns out that self-education accompanies the entire period of pedagogical activity of the educator in the preschool educational institution.

    Work on self-education begins from the first days of professional activity and, as a rule, does not have cardinal changes in the trajectory of consideration of the initially selected problems.

  • Relationship. A principle directly related to the first. For example, considering the issues of speech development of children aged 3–4 years, the teacher will not be able to fully disclose the topic without taking into account the developments on this topic in the previous year, that is, in working with children 2–3 years old. Therefore, quite often such questions are considered within the framework of the combined pairs of groups: “Speech development of children of the first and second younger DOW groups" or "The development of fine motor skills in older groups in terms of preparing the hand for writing."
  • Compliance with the direction of disclosure of the chosen topic of the general strategy of the educational process in kindergarten. For example, in 2016, the Federal State Educational Standard recommended topics related to inclusive education in preschool educational institutions, although earlier this topic was the prerogative of a speech pathologist only. So, if there are children with developmental disabilities in the group, then the issue of self-education can either include certain aspects of working with such kids, or be completely devoted to the practice of involving a disabled child in the educational process, working with the families of such kids, etc.
  • Availability. This principle concerns, firstly, the practical implementation of the self-education project. Simply put, if a teacher considers non-traditional drawing techniques in the first junior group, then visual activity with fingers will fully correspond to the level of development and perception of children, in contrast to, for example, creating pictures with soap bubbles. And secondly, one of the forms of reporting on the implementation of the self-education program is the presentation of experience to young colleagues. This is a presentation of one's own developments, which should be understandable to others not only from a methodological point of view, but also from a general cultural point of view. Do not frighten the audience with complex terms, space-scale projects, etc.

    The principle of accessibility applies not only to work with children, but also with parents, as well as with colleagues, including within the framework of the institute of mentoring

Forms of work

The educational activity of the preschool educational institution implies the interaction and interconnection of all those who take part in the process of training, development and education of the younger generation. This is the teaching staff as the subject of the educational process, kids and their parents as objects of activity. Therefore, the forms of work on self-improvement of pedagogical skills, one way or another, include all the designated categories of persons in the work.

Program of work on the topic of self-education

The organization of the process of highlighting the issue depends on how carefully and methodically the work will be built.

Topic selection

At this stage, which usually takes place in August-September, the teacher formulates the research topic depending on the topical issues that he encounters in his work.

The location of the kindergarten near the roadway determines the relevance of choosing one of the topics related to health-saving technologies related to the study of traffic rules at an accessible level for a particular age.

Difficulties may relate to choice individual forms working with children of a certain age

The list of topics is common for educators of all groups, the differences are determined by the characteristics characteristic of the age of the wards. For example, in junior groups the development of fine motor skills will be focused on choosing the optimal list of finger exercises, and in the older ones, the emphasis is on training tasks aimed at preparing the hand for writing.

Self-education topics for narrow specialists will have some target specifics

It is interesting. Carla Orff - German composer and music teacher of the 20th century. Its technologies are based on the fact that the main task of music is to liberate the individual creative forces of the child, to develop his natural musicality, including through elementary music-making.

Table: topics and goals of self-education of a music worker, physical education instructor, speech therapist and defectologist teacher

SpecialistApproximate topics of workGoals
Music worker
  • "The formation of aesthetic taste in children and the development of emotional responsiveness to music."
  • "The development of creative abilities through teaching children to play on children's musical instruments, the introduction of gaming technologies in the practical activities of the music director.
  • "The development of creative abilities through the perception of music, song, movement."
  • "Development of musical abilities of preschool children".
  • "Musical and creative activity of a health-improving orientation."
  • "Development of a sense of rhythm in preschool children in the process of playing musical instruments."
  • "The development of rhythmic hearing in preschoolers through the technologies of Carl Orff".
  • "The development of creative abilities of older preschoolers through theatrical activities."
  • “The development of choreographic skills in children of older preschool age” (this topic is especially relevant in preschool educational institutions, where the music worker also performs the functions of a choreographer).
  • To deepen and systematize knowledge about the formation of creative skills in all types of musical activity.
  • Develop positive emotional responsiveness to music.
  • Develop teamwork skills.
  • Raise respect for world cultural heritage.
Physical Education Instructor
  • "The use of non-traditional equipment in physical education and health improvement of preschoolers".
  • "Development of children's motor activity under the conditions of FHT administration".
  • "Physical and recreational work in the preschool educational institution outside of classes."
  • "Game technologies in the system of physical education of preschoolers".
  • "Modern approaches to the improvement of children in a preschool educational institution."
The goals of self-education of a physical education instructor are consistent with the Federal State Requirements (FGT), the main principle of which is the integration of educational areas " Physical Culture”, “Health”, “Safety”, “Socialization, “Labor”, “Cognition”, “Communication”, “Reading fiction”, “Artistic creativity”, “Music”.
  • Creation of an integrated system of physical culture and health-improving work with children, aimed at preserving and strengthening children's health.
  • Development of physical abilities of children.
  • Educating parents and children of responsibility in maintaining their own health.
Speech therapist
  • "Development of articulatory motor skills in children with speech disorders as an effective means of correcting sound pronunciation".
  • "Dysarthria (impaired pronunciation due to lesions nervous system): obliterated or minimal forms of its manifestation”.
  • "The use of non-traditional speech therapy technologies with children of older preschool age."
  • "The use of information and communication technologies in the correctional work of a speech therapist".
  • "Methods for the development of fine motor skills in older preschoolers with speech underdevelopment".
  • "The development of speech creativity in older preschoolers."
  • "Kinesiology gymnastics (gymnastics for the brain) as a means of developing psychological processes in preschool children."
  • "Health-saving technologies in speech therapy work".
The emphasis of the work of a speech therapist is on the involvement of parents in the process of correcting violations in the work of the child's speech apparatus.
  • To form the need for close cooperation between parents and a speech therapist teacher to overcome speech disorders in children.
  • Show parents the possibilities of speech development of the child in the family.
  • To provide speech therapy assistance to preschoolers who have deviations in the development of oral speech.
  • To form the formation of a conscious attitude of the child to the health and life of a person.
Defectologist teacher
  • "Development of cognitive processes in children with disabilities in the context of the Federal State Educational Standard".
  • "Formation of elementary mathematical representations in children with severe and multiple developmental disorders.
  • "Development and implementation of individually-oriented development routes in children with disabilities."
  • Providing timely specialized assistance to students with disabilities (disabled health) in mastering the mandatory minimum content of education in an educational institution.
  • Creation of optimal conditions for the development of the emotional, social and intellectual potential of a child with a complex defect structure and the formation of his positive personal qualities.
  • Education of parents regarding the peculiarities of raising a child with disabilities in the family.

Examples of plans for self-education of narrow specialists

When compiling individual routes for self-education, narrow specialists can consider the topic as part of its implementation in working with children of different ages at the same time.

The work of a speech therapist can be in the nature of searching for methods and techniques for solving common problem speech development, regardless of the age of the pupils

Table: fragment of the plan for self-education of the music director

AuthorVyrvina E.A., music director of MKDOU "Firefly", b. Yurty settlement, Taishetsky district, Irkutsk region
Topic"The development of the creative abilities of preschool children and the emotional and cognitive sphere through different kinds musical activity"
MonthThe content of the workWork formPractical results
  • "Development emotional sphere» - information and analytical activities.
  • Carrying out diagnostics of musical abilities.
  • Study Literature:
    • "Emotional development of preschoolers" / Edited by A.D. Kosheleva. - Moscow, 1985
    • Gasparova E. "Emotions of an early age child in the game" // Preschool education. - 2001, No. 10.
  • Carry out diagnostics.
  • Consultation for teachers.
October"The formation of musicality at different age stages of preschool childhood" - information and analytical activities.Study Literature: gifted child» / ed. O.M. Dyachenko - Moscow; 1997.Consultation for teachers.
  • "Music as a means of aesthetic education of a preschooler".
  • "Visiting the Fairy of Beauty" (scenario of the holiday).
  • Study literature: Praslova G.A. Theory and methods of musical education for preschool children. St. Petersburg: Childhood - Press, 2005. Make a summary.
  • Develop a script "Visiting the Fairy of Beauty" (musical and aesthetic education).
  • Report for the pedagogical meeting.
  • Holiday "Visiting the Beauty Fairy".
  • "Journey to the Land of Knowledge" (scenario of the graduation party).
  • Carrying out diagnostics of musical abilities of children of all age groups.
  • View with children preparatory groups musical feature film "The Adventures of Pinocchio", talk about its content. Develop a script for a graduation party based on this film.
  • Carrying out diagnostic studies.
  • Graduation celebration "Journey to the Land of Knowledge".
  • Analysis of diagnostic results.

Table: a fragment of the plan for self-education of a physical education instructor

AuthorKurakova N.V., physical education instructor, MKDOU DS No. 23 "Geese-swans", Nizhnevartovsk, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Okrug
Topic"Development of the motor sphere and the manifestation of emotional states in it"
MonthWork form
with kidswith teacherswith parents
  • September,
  • October,
  • november.
Participation in the fourth city Spartakiad among preschool institutions "Golden Autumn".Consultation on the development of the motor sphere.Preparing children for competitions.
DecemberOFP.Creation of cards-schemes of fragments of the relay game.Open display of physical education classes.
  • Fun starts.
  • Ski race.
Consultation on the topic: "Perpetual motion: motor healing moments in the classroom."Evening of questions and answers,
parent meetings.
  • Ski track in Russia.
  • Competitions "Governor's competitions" among preschool educational institutions Khanty-Mansiysk Okrug-Yugra.
  • Non-standard equipment, its use.
  • Master Class.
Leisure: family club "Lebedushka" (direction "Parental culture" and "Press center").

Table: a fragment of a plan for self-education of a speech therapist teacher

AuthorMitrakovich L.V., teacher-speech therapist MBDOU DS No. 4 "Lebedushka", Strezhevoy, Tomsk region
Topic"Kinesiology gymnastics as a means of developing psychological processes in preschool children"
MonthContentExpected Result
OctoberSelection of literature on the topicAvailability of literature (“Kinesiotherapy of speech disorders”).
NovemberTheoretical study of methodological developments on the topic
  • Increasing competence.
  • The presence of theoretical and methodological material. (The use of kinesiotherapy in corrective work with children with ONR and with dysarthria).
Development of recommendations and consultations for teachers and parents on the use of games in working with children
  • Availability of advice and recommendations.
  • Availability of practical material (cards).
FebruaryPractical demonstration of classes using kinesiology exercises for parentsTo acquaint parents with some areas and methods of work.
Production of didactic materialPractical help for parents and teachers. The presence of didactic material.
MayAnalysis of work on self-educationAvailability of analytical information.

Table: fragments of the plan for self-education of a defectologist teacher

AuthorTrofimova A.P., teacher-defectologist MADOUDS No. 13 "Dolphin", Bor, Nizhny Novgorod region
Topic"The development of fine motor skills in children of the compensatory orientation group"
Information and analyticalLiterature study