In his statement, the author contrasts the methods of social control of such institutions as education and the army. Everett says that education as one of the most important mechanisms of internal social control will always be more effective than the mechanisms of external control - "deployed army".

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Let's turn to the theoretical argument. Education can be seen from different points From the point of view, if we take education as a single process of shaping the mind, character and physical abilities of a person, then we can say that each person, based on his knowledge, can act freely, that is, act without being guided by other factors that influence his choice. Thus, education as a way of influencing people is more humane, as it gives people the right to freely choose the ways of exercising their protection, in contrast to the army, which does not give the right to choose, and a person is obliged to give everything, including life, for the implementation of various goals. .

In contradiction to the statement, one can give an example from history, in particular the Great Patriotic war 1941-1945. Although education influenced the internal protection of society, its influence did not extend to external control, so the army at that time was the best guarantor of protecting the lives and freedoms of people.

But nevertheless, influence has grown over time, and the army, as the main lever of influence on society, has lost its relevance due to its bloodthirstiness and big sacrifices. So we can cite as an example the political relations between Russia and the United States, through the imposition of sanctions, which are a product of the development of education, limiting the ability of people to influence their rights and freedoms in a more humane way than the army did.

Thus, we can conclude that the influence of the army, in order to ensure the protection of the rights and freedoms of people and the implementation of social control, has lost its leadership due to its cruelty, and education has come to the fore in modern society, becoming - “a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army".

Updated: 2018-03-01

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In his statement, E. Everett raises the problem of the role of education in the struggle for freedom.

As it is known from the course of social studies, education is a set of acquired skills, abilities and knowledge. The more we know, the more options we have. Freedom in this context is the manifestation of one's will, the possibility of exercising one's rights and activities in the absence of restrictions from external factors. With the right information, we can consider more ways to protect your will. While the army has only one way to achieve its goal - by force.

This problem has become especially relevant since the 20th century, during the cold war to protect their sovereignty, states threatened each other with weapons that they created to intimidate their enemy.

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However, already in the 21st century, the main conflicts between states began to be resolved through negotiations by educated diplomats, which allowed countries not to resort to deploying their armies to protect their political freedom.

An example is the book from the fantasy genre by the author Andrzej Sapkowski "The Witcher", in which main character the witcher Geralt did not always use violent methods to protect his rights. Most often, he defended his rights through diplomacy, negotiating with city officials and guard commanders.

Political science can also be cited as an example. Without a competent government, a strong state apparatus cannot exist, because in order to protect national interests in the international arena, one must act diplomatically, not violently. In addition, without a competent state apparatus, the existence of a strong army is impossible, which once again confirms the paramount role of education.

On the basis of all of the above, one can draw an unambiguous conclusion that education plays a more important role in the struggle for freedom.

Updated: 2018-04-16

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Choose one of the statements below and write a mini essay based on it.

Formulate, at your own discretion, one or several main ideas of the topic raised by the author and reveal it (them) based on social science knowledge.

To reveal the main idea(s) you have formulated, give reasoning and conclusions using social science knowledge (relevant concepts, theoretical provisions).

To illustrate your main idea(s), theoretical positions, reasoning and conclusions, give at least two social facts/examples from various sources (public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including including books read, movies watched), from various subjects.

Each cited fact/example must be formulated in detail and confirm the indicated main idea, theoretical position, reasoning or conclusion/be clearly connected with them. In terms of content, the examples should not be of the same type (they should not duplicate each other).

29.1 Philosophy:"Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army." (E. Everett)

29.2 Economy:“If business is going well, stocks will eventually follow suit.” (W. Buffett)

29.3 Sociology, social psychology:"Punishment is nothing but a means of self-defence of society against violations of the conditions of its existence." (K. Marx)

29.4 Political Science: « Efficient Management is possible only under the condition of reasonable control over both the decision itself and its implementation, not only from above, but also from below. (B. Spinoza)

29.5 Jurisprudence:"Laws are made for the good of the citizens." (Cicero)


1. The task is alternative, that is, you must select one sentence of five write out a quote and its number before starting to write a mini-essay. What you should pay attention to:

1.1. Section of social science in the context of which the statement is given. It is on him that the sphere in which the arguments are given, the social science concepts used, etc., depends.

1.2. The meaning of the statement must be fully understood by the student. If it is revealed incorrectly, the mini-essay is not read for K1 (the first criterion), 0 points are given and the mini-essay itself is not evaluated.

2. The structure of the mini-essay:

2.1. It is necessary to explain the meaning of the statement. In this part, it is necessary to highlight the key idea or ideas of the statement. (K1, max. 1 point) Not allowed: replacing the meaning of the statement with general reasoning (“homemade”) that does not reflect the specifics of the proposed statement; a direct paraphrase, a paraphrase of the quoted statement, or a consistent explanation of each word in the statement without explaining the meaning of the statement as a whole.

2.2. Required for theoretical level reveal each aspect of the main idea or ideas of the author's statement. Required items:

2.2.1. The use of social science statements that are key to the main idea or ideas concepts, their explanation, as well as theoretical provisions that reveal the idea or ideas of the statement. Important so that they correspond to the section of social science in which the statement is given. (K2, max. 2 points).

2.2.2. In the context of at least one selected idea, based on the correct explanation(s) of the key concept(s), the theoretical provisions are given consistent and consistent reasoning related to each other, on the basis of which a reasonable and reliable information is formulated. point of view of scientific social science conclusion (K3, max. 1 point).

2.3. Need to bring at least two examples from different fields that will support the theoretical argument. (K4, max 2 points) Required elements:

2.3.1. Use examples from different sources. As sources, facts of public life (including media reports), personal social experience (including read books, watched movies), materials of educational subjects (history, geography, etc.) can be used. Examples from different subjects are considered as examples from different sources.

2.3.2. Each example should in practice reflect the theoretical provisions of the arguments.

3. When writing a mini-essay, it is important to remember:

3.1. The structure must avoid internal inconsistency.

3.2. Each part should be organically included in the structure of the mini-essay (argumentation corresponds to the aspects of the problem indicated in the explanation of the statement, and actual examples illustrate theoretical arguments).

3.3. Ordinary language must be avoided.

3.4. Gross grammatical errors should be avoided, especially in social science and other subject terminology.

3.5. The presence of erroneous, from the point of view of scientific social science, as well as semantic and factual errors, leads to a decrease in points for K2 and / or K4, depending on the nature of the error.

“Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army” (E. Everett)

The statement I have chosen touches upon the problem of the role of education as social institution in a democratic society. The relevance of this issue lies in the fact that the transfer of knowledge to subsequent generations has always been important for humanity, and in modern society its role has only increased, education is undergoing a number of changes, in connection with which every person should understand its importance for society.

American politician Edward Everett believed that education is "a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army." In other words, the author believed that high-quality education, while shaping a personality, lays in it the features necessary for the realization of human freedom, while forceful methods are not able to ensure the freedom of people with the same efficiency. I fully share Everett's position: freedom is inextricably linked with the education of a person, and no society can defend and exercise its rights with the help of weapons in the same way as a society for which education is a priority value.

Education in the social sciences is understood as a purposeful process of education and training in the interests of a person, society and the state, as well as a set of acquired knowledge, skills and abilities. The main goal of education can be considered the familiarization of the individual with the achievements of mankind, the transfer and preservation of the cultural heritage of society. Obtaining education takes place through training in relevant institutions (schools, universities, etc.) and self-education, that is, self-acquisition of knowledge without the help of other persons.

The significance of education for society is due to a wide range of social needs that are satisfied by this institution. First of all, education ensures the transfer of cultural achievements, experience, values ​​to new generations. At the same time, the socialization of the individual takes place, the assimilation of social roles, norms by it, and its intellect and creative potential develop. Along with this, education is connected with the formation of the socio-professional structure of society. Education also plays an important role in shaping a person’s worldview, in particular scientific: by assimilating knowledge, a person forms his own view of certain phenomena, the world as a whole and himself.

The freedom of the individual is inseparable from education, through which the all-round development of the individual takes place. Thus, its level affects the political culture of society: if the functioning of a democratic state requires citizens to understand the course of the political process, the current tasks of the state, a meaningful choice of candidates for public office. All this constitutes the so-called “participatory culture”. In a subservient culture, the population is not interested in politics and does not directly influence political decisions. Similarly, education is a necessary condition for human freedom in the economic, social and cultural spheres of society. On the contrary, forceful methods do not ensure the assimilation by people of such values ​​as freedom and human rights. A militarized society is distinguished by the leveling of the value of the individual, the education of standard patterns of behavior, the prohibition of deviation from ideology, orders, etc.

In addition to theoretical arguments, it is possible to give actual examples. Russian classical writer Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was a man with a brilliant education, which he received both in Russia and abroad. Education allowed Turgenev to fully realize himself as a writer and achieve recognition both in his native country and around the world. The writer became one of the key figures in Russian literature of the 19th century. Thus, education allows you to reveal the abilities of a person, allows him to succeed in the creative beginning.

The Third Reich can serve as an illustration of the negative consequences of leveling the value of education for the freedom of people. Under this regime, repeated cases of mass book burnings took place. In addition, one model of thinking was imposed on the entire population, in which the Fuhrer's personality cult, inhumane values, and racism prevailed. Forbidding free-thinking for citizens, retreat from the dominant ideology, free education, the state spoiled the moral character a large number of people. This speaks to the need to provide a full-fledged education, and not a distorted, limited parody of it.

Thus, education is indeed a kind of foundation on which the freedom of the individual and society is built. Without the comprehensive development of the individual, the formation in her of values ​​and skills that ensure the realization and protection of her rights, there can be no talk of her freedom. Therefore, Everett was right in arguing that it is the best guardian of freedom than a deployed army.


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    Not knowing how to hold an ax in your hand - you can’t cut a tree,

    and not knowing the language well - beautifully and understandably - you can’t write.

    Maksim Gorky

    Today, writing an essay is a requirement not only for competitions, but for many educational programs Therefore, the ability to write an essay is necessary for both teachers and their wards - students, applicants, students.

    The essay genre implies freedom of creativity: it allows the author to freely express thoughts, express his point of view, evaluate subjectively, and illuminate the material in an original way; it is a reflection on what we once heard, read or experienced, often it is a conversation aloud, expression of emotions and imagery. The uniqueness of this genre is that it can be written on any topic and in any style. In the foreground of the essay is the personality of the author, his thoughts, feelings, attitude to the world. This is the main setting of the essay.The essay expresses the individual impressions and thoughts of the author on a particular occasion or subject and does not claim to be an exhaustive or definitive interpretation. In terms of volume and function, it borders, on the one hand, on a scientific article and a literary essay (with which an essay is often confused), on the other hand, on a philosophical treatise. The essayistic style is characterized by figurativeness, mobility of associations, aphoristic, often antithetical thinking, an attitude towards intimate frankness and colloquial intonation. Some theorists consider it as the fourth, along with the epic, lyrics and drama, genus fiction. The most famous (and, according to literary critics, the first

    time of writing) a work of this genre is a three-volume work by a French skeptic philosopher of the 16th century. Michel Montaigne (1533-1592) is known to Russian-speaking readers under the title "Experiments". For Russian literature, the essay genre was not typical. Samples of essay style

    are found among Russian writers of the 19th century in A.S. Pushkin, A.I. Herzen, F.M. Dostoevsky, at the beginning of the 20th century - V.I. Ivanova, D.S. Merezhkovsky, V.V. Rozanov, later

    However, we must remember that, despite the freedom of creativity, writing in the essay genre is not at all easy, since you need to find an original idea (even on traditional material), a non-standard view of any problem. For a competent, interesting essay, certain rules and recommendations must be observed.

    I. Ehrenburg, Yu. Olesh, V. Shklovsky, K. Paustovsky.

    Essay writing structure:

    1. Introduction - definition of the main question of the essay.

    2.Main part - the answer to the question. One paragraph contains: thesis, proof, illustrations, subconclusion, which is a partial answer to the question posed.3.Conclusion - summarizing the sub-conclusions already made and the final answer to the essay question. We note the most acceptable technique for proving the statements given in the essay.4.Proof - this is a set of logical methods of substantiating the truth of a judgment with the help of other true and related judgments.

    Argumentation structure (evidence).

    The structure of any evidence includes at least three components: thesis, arguments, conclusion or value judgments.

    Thesis is the restriction to be proved.

    Arguments - these are the categories that are used in proving the truth of the thesis.

    Conclusion It is an opinion based on the analysis of facts.

    Value judgments are opinions based on our beliefs, beliefs or attitudes. Structure element %.

    Essay evaluation criteria

    When evaluating a response, the following elements should be highlighted:

    presentation of one's own point of view (position, attitude) when revealing the problem;

    disclosure of the problem at the theoretical and everyday levels, with the correct use or without the use of definitions, terminology;

    argumentation of one's position based on facts or one's own experience.

    Essay requirements:

    1. The essay should be perceived as a whole, the idea should be clear and understandable.

    2. The essay should not contain anything superfluous, it should include only the information that is necessary to disclose your position, ideas.

    3. The essay must have a competent compositional structure, be logical, clear in structure.

    4. Each paragraph of the essay should contain only one main idea.

    5. The essay should show that its author knows and meaningfully uses theoretical concepts, terms, generalizations, worldview ideas.

    6. The essay must contain a convincing argumentation of the position stated on the problem.

    Reminder when writing an essay

    Before you start writing an essay:

    1) study the theoretical material;

    2) understand the features of the stated topic of the essay;

    3) think about what the relevance of the stated topic may be;

    4) highlight the key thesis and determine your position in relation to it;

    5) determine which theoretical concepts, scientific theories, terms will help you reveal the essence of the thesis and your own position;

    6) draw up a thesis plan, formulate your thoughts and ideas.

    When writing an essay:

    1) write an essay in draft form, adhering to the optimal structure;

    2) analyze the content of the written;

    3) check the style and literacy, the compositional structure of the essay, the consistency and consistency of the above;

    4) make the necessary changes and write the final version.

    Essay writing algorithm.

    Carefully read all the topics (statements) proposed for writing an essay. Choose the one that will meet several requirements:

    a) you are interested

    b) you generally understood the meaning of this statement;

    c) there is something to say on this topic (you know the terms, you can give examples, you have personal experience, etc.).

    Determine the main idea of ​​the statement (what is it about?), To do this, use the paraphrase technique (say the same thing, but in your own words).

    Write arguments for and/or against this statement. If you type arguments both for and against the aphorism taken as a topic, your essay may be polemical in nature.

    For each argument, select examples, facts, situations from life, personal experience etc.

    Look at the selected illustrations again.

    Think about what literary techniques you will use to make the language of your essay more interesting, lively (comparisons, analogies, epithets, etc.).

    Arrange the matched arguments and/or counterarguments in sequence. This will be your conditional plan.

    Come up with an introduction to the reasoning (in it you can write why you chose this statement, immediately determine your position, ask your question to the author of the quote, etc.).

    State your point of view in the sequence that you have outlined.

    Formulate the general conclusion of the work and, if necessary, edit it.

    An example of a finished essay according to the above criteria

    Education is a better guardian of freedom than a deployed army.”

    E. Everett

    In his statement, the author contrasts the methods of social control of such institutions as education and the army. Everett says that education as one of the most important mechanisms of internal social control will always be more effective than the mechanisms of external control - "deployed army".

    I partially agree with the position of the author, since, although the army is inferior to education because of its radical ways of ensuring security and control, it is still an equally important lever of influence on society.