National University Singapore (NUS) is the main national educational institution of Singapore and one of the most famous schools in Southeast Asia. Various rankings, for example, puts NUS first and second in Asia, after HKUST (Hong Kong) and 25th in the world. But all these regalia are just a context for choosing a school and you need to focus on a specific program and its reputation.

NUS occupies a decent area by Russian standards, for illustration, we can say that various parts of the campus are connected by six bus routes. Given the hilly terrain, almost no one moves here on foot. Although a Chinese friend told me that the area is very small by Chinese standards, so I'm now interested in looking at Peking University for comparison...

The university is divided into three campuses - Kent Ridge - here is the heart of NUS, most of its infrastructure. Bukit TImah campus - a place where for some reason the Faculty of Law was relocated, video, so that no one bothers them. The place there is picturesque and quite autonomous: its own library, hostel, etc. It takes 25 minutes to get to Bukit Timah by shuttle from NUS, the silence and colonial architecture set in a philosophical mood.

The third campus is the Outram campus, where the Faculty of Medicine is located. And, finally, University town is a relatively new area given over to the development of NUS. There are residences (in our opinion, dormitories), research centers, business incubators, etc., a large site is also being developed here for a new joint project of the American Yale University and NUS. They are building Yale-NUS University at an accelerated pace in three shifts, for 9 months while I am here, three towers have grown by 15 floors each.
It will look like this:

photo from Yale-Nus
Until then, like this...

Much attention is paid to the "green status" of NUS, since it exists on public money, it must convey the ideas that the state promotes. In addition to islands of green here and there, including in buildings (which is a common thing for Singapore), and vertical gardens, lawns and vegetable gardens are marked on the roofs of buildings in Utown. Some of the buildings protrude decent-sized trees. The technology of their planting inside the building is interesting ...

NUS grew out of a school of medicine founded in 1902 and has come a long way to becoming a prestigious institution. Now there are 16 faculties in NUS, incl. music conservatory, and this year 37.5 thousand people study here.

Modern NUS is primarily a commercial organization, a well-established mechanism that operates according to market laws. In the description on the official website, sections like "Corporate information" immediately catch the eye ... i.e. on the one hand, everything is mundane and there are no illusions that you have entered the temple of science, on the other hand, everything is honest, because Basically, you get a service in exchange for money.

As in all of Singapore, live communication with the administration is minimized here. Everything is done via the Internet or internal resources (intranet), from the formation of a tuition bill and payment, to a request to fix the current faucet in the kitchen in the hostel. There are very few questions on the organization of training and administrative nuances, because. All information will be posted on time for review.

Conservatory building
The process of admission to NUS can be completely different depending on the faculty, the master's program is usually taken according to a combination of factors: the prestige of the previous school, work experience, nationality (the more exotic the better), motivation (interview). The cost of education varies, for foreigners for most programs, education costs almost 2 times more than for locals. There are several ways to get a discount on payment: tax exemption, or partial subsidies from the state.

Apparently, education is considered more prestigious in Singapore humanities and creative disciplines, if you are not strong in this, then you go to the engineering department, which is the largest in NUS, but these are my subjective observations. The Faculty of Engineering had a minimum number of foreigners.

The Faculty of Engineering, perhaps, has the most intricate layout: 13 buildings, which are also located on a hilly area, i.e. if you go to another building along the passage, for example, from the third floor, you get to the seventh floor of another building, then to the fifth of the next building, etc. In general, only real engineers are guided there ...

Here you will find information on how to apply to a university in Singapore on your own.

Students begin their studies at universities in Singapore in September or January - depending on the chosen program. For September programs, the application deadline is in March-April, but those who apply for a scholarship must apply even earlier, in January-February.

The admission process, including the selection of a university and program, passing IELTS / TOEFL, SAT I, II / GRE, GMAT tests and preparing documents takes at least a year. Taking into account the time required to prepare for the tests, and the fact that after the first attempt the score may not be enough for admission to the chosen university, it is better to lay down for all 2-2.5 years.

Remember that at universities in Singapore, there are employees who receive a salary for answering questions from students. Be sure to request information from the universities you are interested in by asking questions on the pages of universities in Singapore!

The sequence of actions for admission to a university in Singapore

STEP 1: Choose the right universities

If you already know which university you want to apply to, skip to Step 2. If not, read the guide on how to choose a university in Singapore. Need help - order the service of individual selection of the university and program.

STEP 2: Choose a specialization and program

If you know exactly what profession you want to get, great! See the Singapore university program search engine and choose the right programs.

Still contemplating which program to choose? Then watch a guide to choosing programs in Singapore, as well as a video about professions that will be in demand in the world and in Russia in the next 5-20 years.

STEP 3: Find out the contents of the package of documents and application for admission, register on the university website

You can apply to several universities or to several programs of the same university. Most universities in Singapore set their own application deadlines.

A complete list of admission requirements and information on the deadlines for accepting documents can be found on the website of the selected university, and details can be requested from representatives of the university, whose job is to answer applicants' questions.

Applications and documents public universities Singapore is sent online, to private ones - both online and in paper form, which is more difficult and longer. Applications must be submitted through the website of the selected university.

Before sending applications, write to the selected universities in Singapore what you are going to do and want to know in detail the contents of the package of documents and applications for admission - the requirements of universities differ. Find out the exact entry requirements before you start preparing your application to avoid unnecessary work or not preparing some document in emergency mode.

Need help verifying your application for admission? Order the service of checking the application and documents.

STEP 5: Prepare documents for the application for admission

For Russians and students from the CIS countries to enter universities in Singapore, a school certificate is not enough - they will need to undergo additional pre-university training.

The standard package of documents for admission to the undergraduate program in Singapore includes:

  • document(s) on 12-year education, for example, a diploma from the Singapore Polytechnic, or a certificate of completion of 11 classes at home + to choose from: 1-2 university courses, or A-levels, or Foundation, or IB. There is a wide variety of international pre-university programs. Be sure to find out what diplomas and qualifications the chosen university accepts.
  • Ranking universities will require the results of SAT I and SAT II tests - general and in subjects;

Documents for admission to the master's program in Singapore:

  • a bachelor's degree from a university in your country or abroad;
  • a certificate confirming knowledge of the English language;
  • successful completion of the GRE or GMAT tests;
  • recommendations from teachers and/or employers.

For admission to creative specialties, you will need to prepare a portfolio.

Document confirming previous education

The main document on the basis of which the university makes a decision on enrollment is a document confirming the previous education. When it comes time to apply to a university, applicants most often do not yet have it on hand.

In this case, when applying, you must indicate the deadline for receiving the results of the final exam and the document on graduation, and the university will set you a personal deadline for submitting a complete set of documents.

A recommendation, or a reference to a student from a teacher or employer, is a mandatory document for admission to most universities in Singapore. Having requested this document at home, you can often hear: “write something, and I will sign it.” Never submit such recommendations to the university!

Step 6: Take the TOEFL or IELTS - English Proficiency Test

If you received a previous education in a language other than English, you are required to pass a test and prove sufficient knowledge of English for successful studies at the university.

STEP 7: Pass SAT tests for bachelor's degree, GRE, GMAT - for master's degree

For admission to undergraduate programs in universities in Singapore, you must provide the results of two American SAT tests - general and subject. These tests are one of the most important criteria by which members of the selection committee evaluate applicants; their results are also taken into account when allocating scholarships.

You will need GRE and/or GMAT tests for admission to graduate school.

It is desirable that the tests with the scores you need be on hand no later than October of the year preceding admission.

STEP 8: Prepare a portfolio, pass other tests

For admission to some specialties, you will need to prepare a portfolio or pass additional tests / exams. There are few such specializations. So, you will need a creative portfolio for design and architecture, a “live” exam for acting, music and similar specialties, as well as a profile exam for medical specialties, pharmacy and nursing. For admission to some universities for master's programs in business and finance and - always - for the MBA, the GMAT test is required.

STEP 9: Pay the Application Fee

Singapore universities charge a fee for considering an application for admission in the amount of $ 20 / 15 USD. You will receive an email from the university with payment instructions.

STEP 10: Submit an application and wait for a response from the university

If you prepared the application yourself, postpone the submission for a few days - of course, if the deadlines allow - to carefully check everything again.

Would you like to have your application reviewed by experts?
Order the service of checking the application and documents.

And be patient. Most universities will respond within two to three months after sending the application, that is, if you apply for September, the results will be communicated to you in May. You will have time to settle visa and academic formalities, tuition and relocation issues.

At this stage, you will also need to communicate closely with the university - be sure to find out everything before the smallest details from representatives of Singapore universities.

Good luck! Break a leg!

National University of Singapore- National University of Singapore (NUS) - the largest university in Singapore, - a city-state in the southwestern part of Asia, located on the Malaka Peninsula. The buildings of the University of Singapore occupy a vast area in the western part of the city. The National University of Singapore is known as the strongest research center and an experienced educational institution that brings together the best students from all over the world. Despite the seeming exoticism, the University of Singapore is recognized as one of the world's leading universities, occupying 12th place in the world ranking and overtaking such famous institutions as Yale University and King's College London. Considered the best university in Asia.

Benefits of the National University of Singapore

The National University of Singapore is listed as one of the strongest institutions in several areas at once: three faculties of the university are in the world top 10 in their field. First of all, it is worth noting the direction of engineering and innovative technologies: departments chemical engineering, electrical engineering, architecture and civil engineering stand out from the background of other faculties. Secondly, the Faculty of Social Sciences should be noted, in particular the programs social policy, statistics and sociology of development. Also, do not forget about the strongest business school Singapore University, where graduates from various faculties are drawn to receive management skills.
In terms of scientific potential, the University of Singapore exceeds all expectations: its research in the field of bio-engineering, chemistry, materials science and nanotechnology has extremely high citation indices and huge capital. Also in this regard, it is worth noting research in the field of pharmacology and innovative solutions in the fight against incurable diseases. This should also include research by the University of Singapore in the field of problems environment: the articles of the scientific staff of this department are considered among the most authoritative and relevant.

Requirements for admission to the National University of Singapore

  • For admission to the bachelor's program, you must present a certificate of secondary education and its translation into English. Since the University of Singapore usually only accepts those who have completed 12 years of school education, Russian applicants will need to pass the SAT or ACT exam, and not only a standard test, but also a test in their specialty (physics, biology, chemistry, etc.) .
  • The applicant must have English language at a high level. Language proficiency must be confirmed using IELTS or TOEFL certificates with a score of 6.5–7.0 or 92–100 points, respectively.
  • Some faculties of the National University of Singapore (law, medicine, architecture and others) require passing entrance exams which are usually held in March or April.
You can apply to study at the National University of Singapore from October 15 to March 31, plus the applicant has a few days to provide the missing documents. April 5 the entire package of documents must be ready and attached to the application.

Tuition fees and scholarships at the University of Singapore

For an international student, studying at the University of Singapore will cost from 21,000 to 54,000 Singapore dollars (S$), which in terms of US dollars will be from 15,500 USD to 40,000 USD. However, the University of Singapore provides a substantial tuition discount for most international students, so the actual tuition will cost 8,000 USD -13,000 per year (and 32,000 USD for medical specialties). Accommodation, food, and out-of-pocket expenses all add up to about 7,500 USD per year. The National University of Singapore does not provide additional scholarships to foreigners other than the tuition discount.

Arrangement of the National University of Singapore

The National University of Singapore is known not only as an advanced educational institution, but also as a brilliant example of modern architecture. All the buildings of the faculties are made in the style of postmodernism and each differ in its own characteristics: for example, the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Singapore is a snow-white building in the style of deconstructivism, in the halls of which large palm trees grow; the business school is housed in a tall glazed oval-shaped building, and the faculty of exact sciences occupies several strict-looking three-story buildings. All this is located on the coastal territory, filled with green vegetation and blown by the sea air.
Singapore National University has three student residences with a total capacity of about 7,000 people: the University Campus, which is an impressive high-tech structure, and two high-rise buildings - Sinamon College and Tembusu College. In each of them, students are provided with cozy rooms for one person. In addition, there are 6 separate halls on the territory of the University of Singapore, with several hundred separate apartments with one or two rooms.
The university has a whole complex of sports buildings, swimming pools, tennis courts and football fields. In addition, students will find several cafes, a rich library and a computer club on the territory of the university.

Notable alumni and faculty of the University of Singapore

  • Lee Kuan Yew is a Singaporean statesman and the first prime minister of Singapore, which gained independence from Malaysia. Considered one of the main reformers of Singapore's economy, thanks to which the tiny poor country has become one of the most developed countries in the world;
  • Kofi Annan is a Ghanaian diplomat and former Secretary-General of the United Nations who won the 2001 Nobel Peace Prize for his active UN peacekeeping efforts.

Getting an education in Singapore has long been considered prestigious among numerous foreign students, including Russians. Successful studies in numerous educational institutions will make it easy to find a prestigious job in the most famous companies.

This young state gained independence in the middle of the twentieth century. In a short period of time, the country has reached high level development. Modern Singapore is not only futuristic landscapes and the severity of local laws. This is one of the most attractive training centers for young people from all over the world.

Education programs in Singapore and prices

Early childhood education in Singapore

A feature of preschool education is the absence of public kindergartens. A small part of the organizations is run by religious and business institutions. Preschools accept children from three years of age. The program includes counting, reading, modeling, music. Preschoolers are taught English and state languages.

Secondary school education in Singapore

The secondary education system includes schools, colleges and technical schools. The child moves to the middle level at the age of six years. Students go through elementary, intermediate and pre-university levels.

Free Primary School a must for all Singaporeans. From grades 1 to 4, the main level lasts. Then the orientation stage lasts for 2 years. In the initial program: civics, English, science, music, math, art, and state languages. Additionally, children can attend aesthetic classes and a gym. Upon completion of the initial stage, a PSLE ​​certificate is issued.

High school education begins at the age of 12. Based on the results of the initial exams, study groups are formed, each of which has its own course:

  • academic;
  • technical;
  • express;
  • special;
  • integrated program.

Graduates of special and express courses are eligible to enter junior colleges. You can get technical education in technical schools and polytechnics. The choice of direction is possible if there is a certain certificate of A-, O- or N-level, which is issued after the end of the middle stage. The next step is preparing for the university.

How to enter the university

The specificity of the educational system of a small state is meritocracy. This is a social structure in which a place in society depends on personal achievements and abilities, and not on solvency or origin.

Gifted young people have the right to enter the university without passing the entrance exams. Graduates of technical schools and incomplete colleges are required to provide the selection committee with information about their academic performance. In most cases, additional courses are required. Graduate high school must provide an A-level certificate. The applicant takes additional exams at the request of the admission committee.

Higher education in Singapore

The system of higher education in Singapore not only gives the student the necessary knowledge, but also stimulates him to further development. The country has:

  1. Independent Universities. After completing specialized courses, the graduate receives a diploma or an academic degree.
  2. National Universities. People come here to get bachelor's or master's degrees.
  3. Polytechnic institutes. These institutions come to receive practical knowledge. Students learn only the skills necessary for a successful start to work.
  4. Technical university(Nanyang Technological University, the only one in the state).

Notable Universities in Singapore

  1. National University of Singapore(NUS, National University of Singapore). The largest university in Singapore. Ranked 1st in national ranking and 12th in the world rankings. Known as the largest research center.
  2. Nanyang Technological University(Nanyan University of Technology). Offers the study of engineering, design, etc. Internships are provided. You can get knowledge in full-time and part-time form.
  3. Singapore Management University(Singapore Management University). The university includes schools of law, economics, business, etc.
  4. SIM University(also known by the abbreviated name UniSIM). Founded in 2005. Included in the top ten universities in the national ranking.
  5. University of Nevada Las Vegas Singapore. It is one of the 40 best universities in the state. The main building is located in Singapore, the capital of the country.
  6. Singapore University of Technology and Design(SUTD, Singapore University of Technology and Design). The state higher educational institution was founded in 2009. A year of study costs about $17,000.
  7. Temple University Singapore. Takes 39th place in the national ranking. The main building is located in the capital of the state.
  8. Curtin University Singapore. It is one of the 40 best higher educational institutions in the country.
  9. University of New South Wales Asia. Ranked among the top 50 universities in Singapore.
  10. James Cook University Singapore(Singapore James Cook University). Founded in 2003.

Bachelor's, Master's, PhD

Studying at a university in Singapore includes 3 stages:

  1. Undergraduate. The applicant takes an English exam, SAT 1 and SAT 2 tests. The first part of the test involves passing mathematics, spelling and reading. The second part of the test depends on the chosen institution.
  2. Master's degree. If the bachelor decided to get additional knowledge in the chosen specialty, he enters the master's program. Exams vary by university. The organization has the right to annually revise the list of entrance examinations.
  3. Doctorate. There are no uniform requirements for admission to doctoral studies. Each institution has its own rules.

Education in Singapore for Russians

Documents must be submitted 2-3 months before the start school year. The application is submitted on the organization's website along with scans of all the necessary documentation translated into English. Upon admission, a Russian applicant passes all the same tests as an applicant of any other state.

After submitting the application, the prospective student receives a registration number in the SOLAR system. Then the applicant must fill out an application for a student visa (Student`s Pass Unit). The application is considered for about two weeks. The cost of the service is SGD 90.

Foreigners are rarely denied a visa. However, the student will be forced to adhere to strict rules, non-compliance with which entails deportation:

  1. You can skip no more than 10% of the lectures.
  2. The educational process should last at least fifteen hours a week.
  3. A student visa does not allow you to officially work.

Tuition fees in Singapore

The higher the prestige of the organization, the higher the price. visit kindergarten will cost up to 1 thousand dollars annually. The price of the middle stage is 1-3 thousand dollars per month. The cost of pre-university education is from $700 to $17,000 annually. Undergraduate programs cost between $10,000 and $32,000 per year. For a master's degree, you will have to pay from 15 to 42 thousand dollars annually. English courses cost 2 thousand dollars for 4 weeks.

Additionally, you need to pay (up to 3 thousand dollars) accommodation, medical insurance, food, utilities, public transport, stationery and books.

Free education options

Get higher education It can be both paid and free. Students from low-income families do not pay for their studies in Singapore. Thanks to special government programs, excellent students get the opportunity to study at the budget department. Students who qualify for the FAS program are also exempt.

Some employers are interested in getting a specialist trained taking into account the specifics of the company. In this case, the future employer pays for the university course to the most promising students. Any talented student, regardless of their nationality, can receive financial assistance from a Singaporean company. The organization providing funding will require the specialist to sign the contract. The graduate will be required to work for several years at the company that sponsored him.

To partially cover the costs, you must apply to an institution offering scholarship programs. The country has a system of subsidizing undergraduate and graduate students. In some universities, only citizens of Asian countries can enter the budget department.

Language classes

Teaching for foreigners in most cases is carried out in English. If the applicant studied the language at home, it is necessary to provide a certificate confirming his language competence. It is advisable to take a course in a certain direction: English for marketers, businessmen, engineers, etc. You can sign up for courses at the university or at one of the language schools.

Study for Russians after 11th grade

It is impossible for Russians to start their studies in Singapore right after the 11th grade. Before admission, the applicant passes preparatory program at the university, lasting up to 10 months. Upon admission to the magistracy, a motivation letter, recommendations from employers (if you have work experience) and teachers, results or a notarized translation of the diploma are required.

Studying in little Singapore has many advantages. However, a foreigner must also take into account the shortcomings of the educational system, which create certain difficulties for a citizen of another state.

International assessment puts such an innovative university in 42nd place in the world among the most prestigious educational institutions on the planet. As for the national academic ranking, the first place in the list best universities Singapore, NUS has secured itself for a long time and for a long time. Separately, it is worth noting the faculties of the university, which have their own rating achievements on the world stage.

  • In their field, the directions included in the top ten of the world ranking stand out. These are chemical engineering, electrical engineering, architecture and civil engineering.
  • You can also get an excellent education at the Faculty of Social Sciences. The most popular destinations are:
  • The strongest managers in Asia are trained at the business school of the National University of Singapore.
  • Scientific developments and research within the walls of the university is ongoing. Disciplines such as bio-engineering, chemistry, materials science and nanotechnology have a high citation index of scientific papers. It is also worth noting that large financial resources are invested in such research.
  • New innovative solutions of university scientists are being introduced in the field of pharmacology. The preparations developed by Singaporean scientists are used to combat a mass of incurable diseases.
  • Ecological problems of a global scale are trying to be solved by scientists of the Department for Combating the Consequences of Environmental Pollution. Scientific works this division are one of the most authoritative sources on environmental problem worldwide.
  • social politics;
  • statistics;
  • sociology of development.

Pride of the University

  • Lee Kuan Yew - became the first Prime Minister of Singapore to gain independence from Malaysia. He was able to reform the country's economy so that the tiny poor state became one of the most developed countries on the planet.
  • Kofi Annan is a diplomat who later became Secretary General of the United Nations. Received Nobel Prize world in 2001.