At present, the children's and youth geological movement is the most important integral part patriotic and environmental education young people, the first step in a long and difficult process of training personnel for the geological industry. He is faced with the tasks of ensuring the continuity of generations in the field of professional geological activity, raising the educational level of the individual and high moral guidelines for the participants in this process. And where, if not at school, you can instill interest in this direction.

Since the program and methodological materials for studying geology currently available at the school do not suit me because of the heavy workload of theory and a small proportion of hours of a practical nature, I made up my own program.

The program of the geological circle is built on the basis of the Program of the optional course of geology (author V.P. Golov), the book by A.P. Suchkova and T.P. Pitolina "First steps in geology" - 2005, Program of the circle "Young geologists" Antonyuk N.P. - 2005 and own developments of topics.



Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Vysokogorsk Secondary School No. 1"

Vysokogorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


(additional education)

Avvakumova G.M.

"Mineralogy and petrography"

Number of hours for the program: 34

Hours per curriculum: 34

Geography teacher:Avvakumova Guzel Mazgarovna

High mountain, 2016-2017

Explanatory note

At present, the children's and youth geological movement is an important part of the patriotic and environmental education of young people, the first step in a long and difficult process of training personnel for the geological industry. He is faced with the tasks of ensuring the continuity of generations in the field of professional geological activity, raising the educational level of the individual and high moral guidelines for the participants in this process. And where, if not at school, you can instill interest in this direction.

Since the program and methodological materials for studying geology currently available at the school do not suit me because of the heavy workload of theory and a small proportion of hours of a practical nature, I made up my own program.

The program of the geological circle is built on the basis of the Program of the optional course of geology (author V.P. Golov), the book by A.P. Suchkova and T.P. Pitolina "First steps in geology" - 2005, Program of the circle "Young geologists" Antonyuk N.P. - 2005 and own developments of topics.

Course Objectives:

  • Expanding students' horizons.
  • An in-depth study of topics related to geology.
  • Formation of sustainable interest in the sciences of the Earth.

Classes in the circle should develop the following skills and abilities:

1. Distinguish between rocks, minerals, minerals of your region.

2. Independently sketch, describe the outcrop of rocks, make collections.

4. Work with popular scientific literature, reference books.

5. To promote geological knowledge at school.

6. Design geological exhibitions.

Course objectives:

  • study of the foundations of geological science;
  • formation of the ability to work with various sources of geological knowledge and geological instruments;
  • consolidation and development of students' motivation to study the subject "Geology" or its disciplines;
  • creating a situation of success in the classroom for each student;
  • identifying abilities and inclinations that may help in the professional self-determination of the student;
  • education of patriotic feelings for their homeland, respect for its natural resources.

This course is educational, scientific - research in nature. Theoretical classes and workshops are planned. It is interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary in nature, since in the process of a comprehensive geological description of the territory, it is envisaged to study various areas geology, expansion and deepening of knowledge of physical geography, ecology, biology, historical local history.

Material resources: collections of minerals and rocks, geological hammer, literature on the course being studied.

Total number hours - 34.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students

After completing the course, students should:

  • know the processes of origin, development and structure of the planet, the structure of the earth's crust, the most common minerals, rocks, minerals and their characteristics;
  • know the geological history and modernity of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region;
  • be able to work with geological instruments, samples of rocks and minerals;
  • be able to read geological maps and work with geological literature;
  • be able to analyze geological information, predict geological processes that will occur on Earth in the future;
  • to be aware of the importance and uniqueness of geological objects and the need for their protection, to carry out propaganda work in this direction.
  • when selecting educational material, use a differentiated approach, according to the level of training of students;
  • pay great attention to the process of goal-setting and reflection;
  • combine the availability of the material with science, modern realities;
  • provide conditions for mastering the methods of independent activity (search for the necessary information, the availability of the necessary instruments and equipment, the performance of research work, the creation of projects);
  • apply various forms of training - individual, pair, group;
  • reinforce the acquired knowledge with practical work;
  • diversify the forms of classes (seminars, workshops, lectures, excursions, expeditionary work), use project-based learning and problem-based learning technologies;
  • organization of various control (self-assessment, mutual assessment, oral answers in the form of a story, tests, tests, reports from field practices and expeditions);
  • obligatory summarizing the results of the course in the form of abstracts, projects, research papers.

Thematic planning


Topic name

The amount of hours



total hours


Topic 1. The Earth is a particle of the Universe - 3 hours.

The formation of the universe

Formation of the solar system

planets solar system.

Topic 2. Planet Earth, its structure, composition and history of development - 3 hours.

4 (1)

Education, structure and composition of the Earth.


The earth's crust and its composition.


Periodization of the history of the Earth

Topic 3. Minerals - 8h.


Kingdom of minerals. Minerals and their main properties. Major rock-forming minerals.


Morphological types of minerals, crystals, aggregates.


Physical properties minerals. Color. Line color. Shine.


Physical properties of minerals. Hardness. Cleavage. Break. Density.


Physical properties of minerals. Malleability and brittleness. Flexibility. Magnetic. Taste. Flammability.


Where and how are minerals formed? Metamorphic processes of mineral formation.


exogenous mineral formation.


Classification of minerals.

Topic 4. Rocks - 5 hours


Rocks. Structure and texture of rocks.


Classification of rocks. Forms of occurrence.


Igneous rocks


Sedimentary rocks. Origin. Compound. Classification. Sedimentary rocks of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.


metamorphic rocks.

5. Geological processes - 14 hours.


Geological processes.


Fracture disturbances of rocks.









Exogenous geological processes.


Geological activity of the wind.


Geological activity of surface flowing waters


Geological activity of river flows.


Geological activity of underground waters.


Karst processes.

  1. Treasures of the earth's interior - 3 hours.




Minerals of Russia


Minerals of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.


1. Earth - a particle of the Universe - 2 hours

1.1. The formation of the universe.

Theories of the origin of the universe. Representation of the Universe, Galaxies.

1.2. The formation of the solar system.The solar system, its structure.

1.3. Planets of the solar system.Planets. Planet satellites. Comets. Meteorites. Asteroids. The value of the study of planets for knowledge of the history of the development of the Earth.

2. Planet Earth, its structure, composition and history of development - 3 hours

2.1. Education, structure and composition of the Earth.Theories of the origin of the Earth. The dimensions of the earth. Earth shells.

2.2. The earth's crust and its composition.The internal structure of the Earth.

2.3. Periodization of the history of the Earth.Geological reckoning. Geological scale.

Practical work 1.Study of the collection of ancient organic remains.

3. Minerals - 8 hours.

3.1. The kingdom of minerals.Minerals and their main properties. Major rock-forming minerals.

3.2 Morphological types of minerals, crystals, aggregates.

Practical work 2.

3.3. Physical properties of minerals. Color. Line color. Shine.

Practical work 3.

3.4. Physical properties of minerals. Hardness. Cleavage. Break. Density.

Practical work 4.Work with collections of minerals to determine their properties.

3.5. Physical properties of minerals. Malleability and brittleness. Flexibility. Magnetic. Taste. Flammability.

Practical work 5.Work with collections of minerals to determine their properties.

3.6. Where and how are minerals formed?Metamorphic processes of mineral formation.

3.7. Exogenous mineral formation.

3.8. Classification of minerals.

Practical work 6.Working with collections of minerals.

4. Rocks - 5 hours.

4.1. Rocks . Structure and texture of rocks.

Practical work 7.Working with rock collections to determine their structure and texture.

4.2 . Rock classification. Forms of occurrence.

Practical work 8.Excursion to the geological outcrop. Methods of working with a mountain compass.

  1. Igneous rocks. Origin. Compound. Classification.

Practical work 9.Working with a collection of igneous rocks.

  1. Sedimentary rocks. Origin. Compound. Classification.

Sedimentary rocks of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.

Practical work 10.The study of sedimentary rocks.

  1. metamorphic rocks.

Practical work 11.Working with a collection of metamorphic rocks.

5. Geological processes - 12 hours.

5.1. Geological processes.Endogenous geological processes. Oscillatory movements earth's crust. Classification. Examples of modern ups and downs. Methods for studying modern and latest tectonic movements: historical, geodetic, geomorphological, geological.

5.2. Fracture disturbances of rocks.Classification: faults, shifts, overthrusts, reverse faults, nappes, charades. The concept of deep faults and their role in the development of the earth's crust. Connection of minerals with discontinuous tectonic movements.

5.3. earthquakes. Earthquakes as a reflection of intense tectonic movements of the earth's crust and stress release. Geographic distribution. Hypocenter, epicenter, focus of earthquakes. Classification. Study methods: seismic stations, seismographs, seismograms, accelerographs. The problem of earthquake prediction.

5.4. Magmatism . Two forms of magmatism. The concept of magma. intrusive magmatism. Types of intrusions, their shapes, size, composition and interaction with host rocks (batholiths, laccoliths, lopolites, stocks, dikes, veins, bed intrusions - forces).

  1. Effusive magmatism - volcanism. Geography of modern volcanism. products of their eruption. Types of volcanoes according to the structure and nature of the eruption. Post-volcanic phenomena: fumaroles, solfataras, mofettes, geysers, thermal springs. Significance of magmatism in the formation of the earth's crust.
  2. Metamorphism. The concept of this process. The main factors of metamorphism: temperature, pressure, chemical active substances. The main types of metamorphism.

5.7. Exogenous geological processes. General view about weathering processes.

5.8. Geological activity of the wind.Aeolian processes: deflation (blowing and scattering), corrosion, transport and accumulation. Forms of sandy relief of deserts. Less, its origin. Desert types. Modern processes of desertification.

Practical work 12.Excursion to the geological outcrop to study the geological activity of the wind.

5.9. Geological activity of surface flowing waters. Erosion and areal washout. Transfer of clastic material. Seli, their education and struggle with them.

Practical work 13.Excursion to the geological outcrop to study the geological activity of surface flowing waters.

5.10. Geological activity of river flows.Types of rivers by feeding Mode of rivers: low water, high water, high water. Bottom and side erosion. Meanders and their origin. Accumulative activity of the river. The floodplain structure. Mouth: deltas, estuaries, estuaries. Significance and protection of rivers.

Practical work 14.Excursion to the Kazanka river.

5.11. Geological activity of underground waters.Origin of groundwater. Verkhovodka, soil, ground, interstratal, non-pressure and pressure (artesian groundwater. Their classification according to chemical composition, water temperature, origin.

5.12. Karst processes.The emergence of karst and development. Karsting rocks. Forms of karst: karst, ponors, funnels, hollows, fields, caves. Karst meaning.

  1. Treasures of the earth's interior - 3 hours.

6.1. Minerals.The concept of minerals. Classification. History of mining.

6.2. Minerals of Russia.Classification. Geography of mineral resources of Russia.

Practical work 15.Map analysis " Mineral resources Russia".

6.3. Minerals of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.

Practical work 16.Drawing up reports based on work with literature and maps on this topic.

  1. Barskaya V.F., Rychagov G.I. Practical work in general geology. Uch. allowance for students ped. in-comrade. M., Education, 1970-158s.
  2. Bransden D., Dornkelep D. Restless landscape. M.: Mir, 1981-188s.
  3. Volcanoes. Children's encyclopedia "Makhaon". M.: "Makhaon", 2006-123p.
  4. Gavrilov V.P. Journey into the past of the Earth. M., "Nedra", 1976-144p.
  5. Geography of Russia. Book. 1: Nature and population. 8 cells textbook for 8-9 cells. general education institutions / ed. Alekseeva A.I .. M .: Bustard, 2005-319s.
  6. Gvozdetsky N.A., Golubchikov Yu.N. The mountains. -M.: Thought, 1987-399s.
  7. Golov V.P. Geology in high school. M .: "Enlightenment", 1972-96s.
  8. Dobrovolsky V.V. Mineralogy with elements of petrography. M .: "Enlightenment", 1971-126s.
  9. Efremova S.V. Magmatic lines and rings of the Earth. - M.: Nedra, 1986-85s.
  10. Kantor B.Z. The world of minerals. Rosnedra, RosGeo, M.: Ecost Association, 2005-128p.
  11. Kartsev A. A., Vagin S. B. invisible ocean. M., "Nedra", 1978-109s.
  12. Korulin D.M. Geology in school geography. Mn., "People's Asveta", 1973-72s.
  13. Muranov A. Unusual and formidable in nature. ed. "Children's Literature", Leningrad, 1971-334s.
  14. Novikov E.A. Treasures of the Earth. M., "Enlightenment", 1971-144p.
  15. Safronov V.S. Origin of the Earth - M.: Knowledge, 1987 - 48s.
  16. Sergeev M.B., Sergeeva T.V. Planet Earth. M., 2000-144s.
  17. Suchkova A.P., Pitolina T.P. First steps in geology: ed. Rosnedra, RosGeo, Ecost, Moscow, 2005-166p.

Municipal budgetary educational institution

"Vysokogorsk Secondary School No. 1"

Vysokogorsky municipal district of the Republic of Tatarstan


(additional education)

Avvakumova G.M.

"Mineralogy and petrography"

Number of hours for the program:34

Number of hours according to the curriculum: 34

Geography teacher: Avvakumova Guzel Mazgarovna

High Mountain, 2015

Explanatory note

At present, the children's and youth geological movement is an important part of the patriotic and environmental education of young people, the first step in a long and difficult process of training personnel for the geological industry. He is faced with the tasks of ensuring the continuity of generations in the field of professional geological activity, raising the educational level of the individual and high moral guidelines for the participants in this process. And where, if not at school, you can instill interest in this direction.

Since the program and methodological materials for studying geology currently available at the school do not suit me because of the heavy workload of theory and a small proportion of hours of a practical nature, I made up my own program.

The program of the geological circle is built on the basis of the Program of the optional course of geology (author V.P. Golov), the book by A.P. Suchkova and T.P. Pitolina "First steps in geology" - 2005, Program of the circle "Young geologists" Antonyuk N.P. - 2005 and own developments of topics.

Course Objectives:

    Expanding students' horizons.

    An in-depth study of topics related to geology.

    Formation of sustainable interest in the sciences of the Earth.

Classes in the circle should develop the following skills and abilities:

1. Distinguish between rocks, minerals, minerals of your region.

2. Independently sketch, describe the outcrop of rocks, make collections.

4. Work with popular scientific literature, reference books.

5. To promote geological knowledge at school.

6. Design geological exhibitions.

Course objectives:

    study of the foundations of geological science;

    formation of the ability to work with various sources of geological knowledge and geological instruments;

    consolidation and development of students' motivation to study the subject "Geology" or its disciplines;

    creating a situation of success in the classroom for each student;

    identifying abilities and inclinations that may help in the professional self-determination of the student;

    education of patriotic feelings for their homeland, respect for its natural resources.

This course is educational, scientific - research in nature. Theoretical classes and workshops are planned. It is interdisciplinary and intradisciplinary in nature, since the process of a comprehensive geological description of the territory provides for the study of various areas of geology, the expansion and deepening of knowledge of physical geography, ecology, biology, and historical local history.

Material resources: collections of minerals and rocks, geological hammer, literature on the course being studied.

Total number of hours - 34.

Requirements for the level of preparation of students

After completing the course, students should:

    know the processes of origin, development and structure of the planet, the structure of the earth's crust, the most common minerals, rocks, minerals and their characteristics;

    know the geological history and modernity of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region;

    be able to work with geological instruments, samples of rocks and minerals;

    be able to analyze geological information, predict geological processes that will occur on Earth in the future;

    to be aware of the importance and uniqueness of geological objects and the need for their protection, to carry out propaganda work in this direction.

    when selecting educational material, use a differentiated approach, according to the level of training of students;

    pay great attention to the process of goal-setting and reflection;

    combine the availability of the material with science, modern realities;

    provide conditions for mastering the methods of independent activity (search for the necessary information, the availability of the necessary instruments and equipment, the performance of research work, the creation of projects);

    apply various forms of training - individual, pair, group;

    reinforce the acquired knowledge with practical work;

    diversify the forms of classes (seminars, workshops, lectures, excursions, expeditionary work), use project-based learning and problem-based learning technologies;

    organization of various control (self-assessment, mutual assessment, oral answers in the form of a story, tests, tests, reports from field practices and expeditions);

    obligatory summarizing the results of the course in the form of abstracts, projects, research papers.

Thematic planning

Topic name

The amount of hours



total hours


Topic 1. The Earth is a particle of the Universe - 3 hours.

The formation of the universe

Formation of the solar system

Planets of the solar system.

Topic 2. Planet Earth, its structure, composition and history of development - 3 hours.

Education, structure and composition of the Earth.

The earth's crust and its composition.

Periodization of the history of the Earth

Topic 3. Minerals - 8h.

Kingdom of minerals. Minerals and their main properties. Major rock-forming minerals.

Morphological types of minerals, crystals, aggregates.

Physical properties of minerals. Color. Line color. Shine.

Physical properties of minerals. Hardness. Cleavage. Break. Density.

Physical properties of minerals. Malleability and brittleness. Flexibility. Magnetic. Taste. Flammability.

Where and how are minerals formed? Metamorphic processes of mineral formation.

exogenous mineral formation.

Classification of minerals.

Topic 4. Rocks - 5 hours

Rocks. Structure and texture of rocks.

Classification of rocks. Forms of occurrence.

Igneous rocks

Sedimentary rocks. Origin. Compound. Classification. Sedimentary rocks of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.

metamorphic rocks.

5. Geological processes - 14 hours.

Geological processes.

Fracture disturbances of rocks.

earthquakes .


Effusive magmatism - volcanism


Exogenous geological processes.

Geological activity of the wind.

Geological activity of surface flowing waters

Geological activity of river flows.

Geological activity of underground waters.

Karst processes.

    Treasures of the earth's interior - 3 hours.


Minerals of Russia

Minerals of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.


1. Earth - a particle of the Universe - 2 hours

1.1. The formation of the universe.

Theories of the origin of the universe. Representation of the Universe, Galaxies.

1.2. The formation of the solar system. The solar system, its structure.

1.3. Planets of the solar system. Planets. Planet satellites. Comets. Meteorites. Asteroids. The value of the study of planets for knowledge of the history of the development of the Earth.

2. Planet Earth, its structure, composition and history of development - 3 hours

2.1. Education, structure and composition of the Earth. Theories of the origin of the Earth. The dimensions of the earth. Earth shells.

2.2. The earth's crust and its composition. The internal structure of the Earth.

2.3. Periodization of the history of the Earth. Geological reckoning. Geological scale.

Practical work 1. Study of the collection of ancient organic remains.

3. Minerals - 8 hours.

3.1. The kingdom of minerals. Minerals and their main properties. Major rock-forming minerals.

3.2 Morphological types of minerals, crystals, aggregates.

Practical work 2.

3.3. Physical properties of minerals. Color. Line color. Shine.

Practical work 3.

3.4. Physical properties of minerals. Hardness. Cleavage. Break. Density.

Practical work 4. Work with collections of minerals to determine their properties.

3.5. Physical properties of minerals. Malleability and brittleness. Flexibility. Magnetic. Taste. Flammability.

Practical work 5. Work with collections of minerals to determine their properties.

3.6. Where and how are minerals formed? Metamorphic processes of mineral formation.

3.7. Exogenous mineral formation.

3.8. Classification of minerals.

Practical work 6. Working with collections of minerals.

4. Rocks - 5 hours.

4.1. Rocks. Structure and texture of rocks.

Practical work 7. Working with rock collections to determine their structure and texture.

4.2 .Rock classification. Forms of occurrence.

Practical work 8. Excursion to the geological outcrop. Methods of working with a mountain compass.

    1. Igneous rocks. Origin. Compound. Classification.

Practical work 9. Working with a collection of igneous rocks.

    1. Sedimentary rocks. Origin. Compound. Classification.

Sedimentary rocks of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.

Practical work 10. The study of sedimentary rocks.

    1. metamorphic rocks.

Practical work 11. Working with a collection of metamorphic rocks.

5. Geological processes - 12 hours.

5.1. Geological processes. Endogenous geological processes. Vibrational movements of the earth's crust. Classification. Examples of modern ups and downs. Methods for studying modern and latest tectonic movements: historical, geodetic, geomorphological, geological.

5.2. Fracture disturbances of rocks. Classification: faults, shifts, overthrusts, reverse faults, nappes, charades. The concept of deep faults and their role in the development of the earth's crust. Connection of minerals with discontinuous tectonic movements.

5.3. earthquakes. Earthquakes as a reflection of intense tectonic movements of the earth's crust and stress release. Geographic distribution. Hypocenter, epicenter, focus of earthquakes. Classification. Study methods: seismic stations, seismographs, seismograms, accelerographs. The problem of earthquake prediction.

5.4. Magmatism. Two forms of magmatism. The concept of magma. intrusive magmatism. Types of intrusions, their shapes, size, composition and interaction with host rocks (batholiths, laccoliths, lopolites, stocks, dikes, veins, bed intrusions - forces).

    1. Effusive magmatism - volcanism. Geography of modern volcanism. products of their eruption. Types of volcanoes according to the structure and nature of the eruption. Post-volcanic phenomena: fumaroles, solfataras, mofettes, geysers, thermal springs. Significance of magmatism in the formation of the earth's crust.

      Metamorphism. The concept of this process. The main factors of metamorphism: temperature, pressure, chemical active substances. The main types of metamorphism.

5.7. Exogenous geological processes. General idea of ​​weathering processes.

5.8. Geological activity of the wind. Aeolian processes: deflation (blowing and scattering), corrosion, transport and accumulation. Forms of sandy relief of deserts. Less, its origin. Desert types. Modern processes of desertification.

Practical work 12. Excursion to the geological outcrop to study the geological activity of the wind.

5.9. Geological activity of surface flowing waters. Erosion and areal washout. Transfer of clastic material. Seli, their education and struggle with them.

Practical work 13. Excursion to the geological outcrop to study the geological activity of surface flowing waters.

5.10. Geological activity of river flows. Types of rivers by feeding Mode of rivers: low water, high water, high water. Bottom and side erosion. Meanders and their origin. Accumulative activity of the river. The floodplain structure. Mouth: deltas, estuaries, estuaries. Significance and protection of rivers.

Practical work 14. Excursion to the Kazanka river.

5.11. Geological activity of underground waters. Origin of groundwater. Verkhovodka, soil, ground, interstratal, non-pressure and pressure (artesian groundwater. Their classification by chemical composition, water temperature, origin.

5.12. Karst processes. The emergence of karst and development. Karsting rocks. Forms of karst: karst, ponors, funnels, hollows, fields, caves. Karst meaning.

    Treasures of the earth's interior - 3 hours.

6.1. Minerals. The concept of minerals. Classification. History of mining.

6.2. Minerals of Russia. Classification. Geography of mineral resources of Russia.

Practical work 15. Analysis of the map "Mineral resources of Russia".

6.3. Minerals of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Vysokogorsky region.

Practical work 16. Drawing up reports based on work with literature and maps on this topic.

    Barskaya V.F., Rychagov G.I. Practical work on general geology. Uch. allowance for students ped. in-comrade. M., Education, 1970-158s.

    Bransden D., Dornkelep D. Restless landscape. M.: Mir, 1981-188s.

    Volcanoes. Children's encyclopedia "Makhaon". M.: "Makhaon", 2006-123p.

    Gavrilov V.P. Journey into the past of the Earth. M., "Nedra", 1976-144p.

    Geography of Russia. Book. 1: Nature and population. 8 cells textbook for 8-9 cells. general education institutions / ed. Alekseeva A.I .. M .: Bustard, 2005-319s.

    Gvozdetsky N.A., Golubchikov Yu.N. The mountains. -M.: Thought, 1987-399s.

    Golov V.P. Geology in high school. M .: "Enlightenment", 1972-96s.

    Dobrovolsky V.V. Mineralogy with elements of petrography. M .: "Enlightenment", 1971-126s.

    Efremova S.V. Magmatic lines and rings of the Earth. - M.: Nedra, 1986-85s.

    Kantor B.Z. The world of minerals. Rosnedra, RosGeo, M.: Ecost Association, 2005-128p.

    Kartsev A. A., Vagin S. B. invisible ocean. M., "Nedra", 1978-109s.

    Korulin D.M. Geology in school geography. Mn., "People's Asveta", 1973-72s.

    Muranov A. Unusual and formidable in nature. ed. "Children's Literature", Leningrad, 1971-334s.

    Novikov E.A. Treasures of the Earth. M., "Enlightenment", 1971-144p.

    Safronov V.S. Origin of the Earth - M.: Knowledge, 1987 - 48s.

    Sergeev M.B., Sergeeva T.V. Planet Earth. M., 2000-144s.

    Suchkova A.P., Pitolina T.P. First steps in geology: ed. Rosnedra, RosGeo, Ecost, Moscow, 2005-166p.

Geology studies the structure of the Earth, the patterns of its development and composition. It is the main among many "daughter" sciences - about the earth's crust, about modern geological processes, etc. Many centuries ago, geology was put in opposition to consonant theology - a purely spiritual science.

In a row natural sciences Geology occupies a special, worthy place. She is not included in school curriculum, however, is of particular interest to the younger generation. Children in circles, clubs and other associations of our city can get not only theoretical information related to geology, but also a lot of practical skills - from first aid in the field to hydro- and radiometry. Geological gatherings and conferences are regularly held, where young researchers can present the results of their scientific and practical activities and defend them.

The direction "Geology" is quite popular in the universities of our country. A wide field of activity opens up before young scientists - in the literal and figurative sense. The natural features of our country provide rich ground for the study of many researchers - from the youngest to recognized ones, professors and academicians.

How to dress as a young geologist

Before leaving for the mountains, every traveler needs to think about equipment and equipment. Let's start from the bottom: light, durable, comfortable shoes with rubber soles (and even better, microporous ones) are suitable for hiking. If the sole is leather, then it should have spikes, like football boots. Before entering the route, shoes must be broken in and not worn on bare feet. Of course, no high heels! Clothing should also be lightweight, durable and comfortable. The best option is a cotton suit like a ski suit. A straw hat with an elastic band that holds it in strong winds can serve as a headdress.

What qualities does a geologist need?

A well-known Soviet song sang: “Hold on, geologist! Be strong, geologist. You are the brother of the wind and the sun. Indeed, the work of a geologist is not easy. The romance of travel and great discoveries is just the outer side of the profession for those who are not related to research. In the deep bowels of the earth, geologists are looking for minerals: coal, oil, precious stones, salt, as well as water and others. Natural resources. They have to overcome many difficulties before making the discovery of a particular deposit. A geologist must be an unpretentious person, ready for everyday inconveniences. Members of geological expeditions often live in tents and cook over a fire. Representatives of this profession have to conquer mountain peaks, descend into deep caves, overcome hundreds of kilometers. Therefore, choosing the profession of a geologist, you need to take care of your physical form. A geologist must be a strong, physically strong and hardened person. In the arsenal of scientists are different techniques and tools. Geologists navigate the terrain using a map and compass. Such qualities of a geologist as honesty, courage, fidelity to duty and readiness to help colleagues are also valued.

How to arrange a home collection of stones and minerals and keep track of it?

Collecting has always been considered a noble deed, which testified to the taste of the collector and the owner. How to properly store stones and minerals? First of all, for each sample, you need to choose your "home" - a box with cells or a bag. Otherwise, the collection items may damage each other by touching. In this case, it is better to use zip-bags with fasteners - so stones and minerals will not be affected by dust and moisture. Each sample must be labeled with its data. It is better that each package be numbered, and it is recommended to create an inventory of items on a separate sheet and on a computer, in which you can add found or purchased minerals or stones.

Circle "Young Geologist" Conducts a set of schoolchildren in grades 1-9

  • Training takes place in the form of lectures and practical classes in geology, mineralogy and paleontology.
  • Organized open lessons with narrow specialists and researchers.
  • The guys visit the geological museum, exhibitions, as well as interesting objects of the Moscow region.
  • Trips of young geologists to different parts of our country are organized (during the holidays). We visited Adygea, on about. Baikal, in Kazan, Zheleznogorsk, Tyumen, etc.
  • Students of the circle take part in geological competitions, competitions, olympiads (including at Moscow State University)
  • Once every two years, in the summer, the team of our circle participates in the meeting of the "Young Geologists" of the Central Regions of Russia. The guys compete in various geological disciplines, live in tents and actively spend their leisure time.
  • Children's thematic camps are organized annually in summer and winter.

We invite everyone to join our friendly team!!!

Being engaged in our circle, the guys will receive:

  • Knowledge in such sciences as geology, mineralogy, paleontology.
  • The opportunity to find interesting samples of minerals and remains of ancient animals, to form your own collection.
  • They will visit interesting geological objects (mines, quarries, caves) and various parts of Russia.
  • They will find new friends and enjoy the real camping life.

The classes are free!!!

Geology is the science of the material composition and history of the earth's crust. Geology teaches us to understand all geological phenomena in interconnection and development. There is a need to equip schoolchildren with knowledge that reveals the history of the development of the Earth. This is facilitated by the geological circle "JUNIOR GEOLOGIST". The circle has been operating for more than three years.

Classes are held on the territory of the educational and entertainment center GEOPARK. Weekends and during school holidays organized geological routes and hikes in the suburbs and other regions (Karelia, the Caucasus, St. Petersburg, Kazan, Altai and much more). During the school year, children participate in olympiads, rallies, are attracted to participate in competitions and exhibitions, visit museums, write research work and make reports. The circle provides career guidance and prepares children for admission to universities for training in specialties related to geology, subsoil use, and protection environment, construction, etc.