The economic future of Azerbaijan is connected with the development of oil deposits, concentrated mainly within the Kura-Araks lowland.

In Azerbaijani, the word "bribe" and the word "respect" sound and are spelled the same. characterizes a lot. Here a person who does not take bribes is a little less common than never. Next to this phenomenon is the local service culture. Any services. If you, for example, went to the hospital, and you were told where the right doctor is, then they will expect from you at least a tiny, but a gift. Sometimes they will even demand to “show respect”. And so everywhere.

There is a movement of fundamentalists in Azerbaijan, mainly young people, who would like to turn Azerbaijan into an Islamic state on the model of the neighboring Iran.

Azerbaijan is considered the birthplace of such a religion as Zoroastrianism, whose communities have survived in Iran and India .

The Absheron Peninsula is heavily polluted, and this makes it one of the most environmentally unfavorable regions of the Earth.

“Baku” is translated as “the city of winds”, since the city is almost constantly blown by the winds from the Caspian Sea.

In the valley of the Araz River there is the oldest salt deposit in the world, the development of which began about 5,000 years ago.

There is a rather well-known expression, more precisely, a paleander, the author of which is Yuri Bershidsky: "Appreciate an office in the shade of a Baku citizen." If you read it backwards, the meaning will not change.

The Caspian Sea is the largest inland sea on Earth.

Not far from Baku is the salt lake Masazir, the water of which has a pink color. The reservoir has huge salt reserves suitable for industrial production.

The famous medieval poet Nizami (died approximately in 1202) was born on the territory of today's Azerbaijan. He is considered the founder of Azerbaijani literature.

Azerbaijan is the most large country Transcaucasia both in terms of territory and population.

For the construction of the Maiden Tower, the main attraction of the Old City of Baku, 2,900 cubic meters of stone were used.

About 12% of the Nobel Prize Fund consists of funds raised by Alfred Nobel from operations with Baku oil. And at the beginning of the 20th century, Baku had its own Nobel Prize, founded by the nephew of Alfred Nobel - Emmanuel. This award was presented for achievements in the field of oil production and related sciences.

The average annual temperature of Baku and the planet Earth as a whole are completely identical - 14.2°C.

Football is the favorite sport in Azerbaijan.

About 50% of the territory of Azerbaijan is occupied by mountains.

The world's first modern oil well was drilled near the capital of Azerbaijan - Baku. And in 1930, a new drilling method was developed in Baku, which is used throughout the planet. According to it, wells are made not vertical, but inclined. And the oldest oil platform at sea, which is listed in the Guinness Book of Records, is the Oil Rocks platform. Now "Oil Rocks" is a whole village on stilts with shops, houses and cultural centers.

It was in the capital of Azerbaijan that the first electric train in the USSR started. It happened in 1926.

The Karabakh horse is the national symbol of Azerbaijan. This incredibly fast, hardy and smart
the breed of horses is one of the oldest in the world, and it is found only in this territory.

The Baku circus was the first in the USSR.

From Baku, the Soviet army was regularly supplied with oil products and fuel. 9 out of 10 Soviet tanks were filled with Baku fuel.

Azerbaijan is located in 9 climatic zones (11 in total)!

Azerbaijan is called the "Land of Fire".

In the Azerbaijani city of Ganja there is a house made of bottles.

Banknotes of the Azerbaijani currency (it is called the manat) look very similar to the euro.

The largest number of mud volcanoes in the world is located on the territory of Azerbaijan. Of the 800 known today, at least 350 are located on the territory of Azerbaijan. When volcanoes erupt, the flames rise up to a kilometer. In a calm state, they bubble and emit harmful gases. On September 15, 2004, the largest mud volcano in the world, located on the territory of Azerbaijan, was included in the Guinness Book of Records.

For 60 years, the population of Azerbaijan has increased by more than 30 times.

In Surakhani there is an unusual Ateshgah temple, which translates as “House of Fire”. This unique building was built on the site of " eternal lights” - this is burning natural gas coming out of the ground. There is also a whole mountain in Azerbaijan, constantly spewing fire - Yanar Dag, which is located not far from Baku, and feeds the flames of the gas field located under it. In the XIII century, the explorer Marco Polo wrote about the mysterious fires that blaze in those places. Natural gas is a serious source of income in Azerbaijan.

The metro in Baku was launched in 1967, and one of the stations was called "April 28" - in honor of the day when Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan. After the republic's secession from the USSR, the station was "upgraded" for exactly a month. Now it is called "May 28" - in honor of the public holiday of Republic Day.

Baku has a "Little Venice" - an artificial water channel, along the course of which there are restaurants and entertainment venues. In "Little Venice" there are islands connected by bridges and passages - but The best way to inspect it - on the gondola.

During matchmaking in Azerbaijan, tea is an indicator of further developments. If it is served without sugar, then this is a sign that the discussion needs to continue; if the tea is sweet, then, of course, the wedding will take place.

Azerbaijan became the first Muslim country in the world to adopt a democratic form of government and provide women with the same opportunities as men.

Tours to Azerbaijan - special offers of the day

BAKU, April 21 - News-Azerbaijan, Mina Kadirova. Baku is the capital of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the largest industrial, economic, scientific and technical center of the Transcaucasus, as well as the largest port on the Caspian Sea and the largest city in the Caucasus.

1 .The name of the city of Baku comes from the Persian باد كوبه‎ bād kubeh - "Badkube" - "wind blow", probably due to the local strong winds, which gave rise to the rooted nickname "Baku - the city of winds".

2 .For 65 years, the population of Baku has increased by 33.4 times, which exceeds all known indicators in the world in terms of population growth rates for the 19th and 20th centuries. The population of Baku exceeds the population of such countries as the Vatican (0.9 thousand people), San Marino (27), Monaco (32), Liechtenstein (32), Marshall Islands (68), Grenada (89), Belize (241 ), Iceland (281), Maldives (301), Bahamas (400), Suriname (417), Solomon Islands (444), Equatorial Guinea (453), Guyana (861), Fiji (817), Gabon (1200), Guinea-Bissau (1200), Gambia (1300), Trinidad and Tobago (1300), Estonia (1300), Botswana (1600), Djibouti (1700), Namibia (1700), Dominican Republic (1700), Kuwait (1900), Slovenia (1900).

3 .About 72 nationalities live and lived in Baku, and thanks to this, the city is considered one of the most international.

4. The average annual temperature of Baku and the globe coincide up to tenths (14.2 degrees)

5 .The world's first modern oil well was drilled in Bibi-Heybat, Baku. And also for the first time in Baku oil production was started in the sea. In 1901, more than half of the world's oil was produced in the city. It was in Baku that scientists developed a new drilling method recognized and used throughout the world in 1930, in which wells are made not vertical, but inclined.

6 .In Baku at the beginning of the 20th century, 50% of all world oil was produced, and during the Second World War, Baku supplied fuel to the entire Soviet army providing up to 85% of its needs.

7. The Nobel Prize, one of the most prestigious international awards, consists of the capital that Alfred Nobel earned from the exploitation of Baku oil. This amount is approximately 12% of the Nobel Prize fund.

8. The first electric train of the USSR in 1926 was launched in Baku, along the Baku-Sabunchi line in 1926.

9 . The metro in Baku was launched in 1967, and one of the stations was called "April 28" - in honor of the day when Soviet power was established in Azerbaijan. After the republic's secession from the USSR, the station was "upgraded" for exactly a month. Now it is called "May 28" - in honor of the public holiday of Republic Day.

10 .The first musical opera in the Muslim East was staged in Baku - it was the opera "Leyli and Majnun".

11. The Baku circus was the first in the USSR.

12. Azerbaijan ranks first in the world in terms of the number of mud volcanoes, there are about 350 of them, in total there are 800 in the world. After studying the nature of Mars, theories were put forward that the country's mud volcanoes are similar in structure to the heights of the red planet.

13 . In 1975, thanks to intensified negotiations between Heydar Aliyev and the head Soviet Union Leonid Brezhnev, it was in Baku that the only air conditioner plant for that period was built, which meant not only prestige, but also huge financial flows for the republic.

14. Baku is a member of the following international organizations: - World Federation of Sister Cities
- World Organization of Heritage Cities (UNESCO)
- World Organization of Energy Cities
- International Institute"Eurograd"
- Union of Capitals of the Black Sea Economic Community

15. Filming took place in Baku:

The Last Inch (USSR, 1958)
Amphibian Man (USSR, 1961)
Aibolit-66 (USSR, 1966)
Diamond Hand (USSR, 1968)
My good dad (USSR, 1970)
Tehran-43 (USSR, 1981)
And the whole world is not enough (The World Is Not Enough; UK-USA, 1999)
Marriage by will (Russia, 2009)

10 interesting facts about Azerbaijan

1. It was here that they first began to extract oil in an industrial way. In 1847, the first oil well was drilled near Baku.

2. In 1926, the first electric train in the USSR was put into operation in the capital of Azerbaijan.

3. Azerbaijan won the championship in another area: it is the first Muslim country where women received equal political rights with men.

4. There are more mud volcanoes on the territory of Azerbaijan than anywhere else in the world.

5. Not far from the capital is the salt lake Masazir with pink waters.

6. Historians claim that Monomakh's hat was made in Azerbaijan, in the mountain village of Lahij.

7. In the village of Surakhani there is a unique building, the Zoroastrian temple of Ateshgah. The name translates as “House of Fire”: in this area, jets of natural gas escape from the ground, which light up when they come into contact with oxygen. The unquenchable flame of the temple attracts pilgrims from all over the world.

8. One more amazing place, in which a meter-long flame constantly erupts from the earth - Mount Yanar Dag, located not far from the capital.

9. Carpets are very popular in Azerbaijan. Here it is not only an element of everyday life, but also a part of culture. The government even adopted a law "On Carpets", designed to preserve and develop the traditions of carpet weaving.

10. The Azerbaijan Carpet Museum is easy to find: the building looks like a carpet rolled into a roll!

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At the end of June, the first Formula 1 Azerbaijan Grand Prix was held in Baku. To celebrate this event, the oldest British newspaper The Telegraph has collected 25 amazing facts about the "Land of Fire". The information is transmitted by Moscow-Baku.

1. Azerbaijanis love pancakes

Kutaby - stuffed pancakes - is almost a national dish in Azerbaijan. They are stuffed with pumpkin, meat or herbs. Leave your Nutella at home.

3. Difficulties at the borders

To get to Nagorno-Karabakh, which is located in the west of Azerbaijan, you will have to cross the border. Despite the fact that this region has declared autonomy, it is recognized throughout the world as part of Azerbaijan. Karabakh is famous for its majestic mountain ranges, mulberry groves and vineyards, which spread freely in the valleys.

4. Azerbaijanis love tea with jam

No holiday is complete without tea, which is served with a huge number of additions. Tea is often drunk with jam, and thyme, lemon, mint or rose water are also added to it.

5. No sugar, no wedding

During matchmaking, it is the tea tray that becomes the best indicator of how things are progressing. If there is no sugar, then the families have not yet agreed, and if the tea is sweet, then the wedding is coming soon.

6. Heroic horses

Karabakh horses are known for their speed, intelligence and endurance. They are considered the national symbol of Azerbaijan. This breed is endemic to the country and one of the oldest in the world. Once upon a time, horse meat was eaten almost everywhere, but now you are more likely to find lamb and beef on the menu instead.

7. Actually, it's a small country

Azerbaijan has approximately the same area as neighboring countries - Georgia and Armenia. True, other neighbors - Turkey, Iran and Russia - are much larger. The area of ​​Azerbaijan is 86.6 thousand square meters. km, that is, four times the size of Wales.

For example: “You can’t make good soup out of cheap meat” or “Politeness is not sold in the market”, and “I tried to draw eyebrows, but I finished poking in the eyes.” Well, yes.

9. There is a city on stilts

The history of the village of Oil Stones began with an oil rig and several platforms that were laid right over the Caspian Sea. Today it whole city on stilts! It was built in 1949, and entire districts with their bakeries, shops, cultural institutions and hotels were formed around it.

10. There is a lot of gas here

Fiery Mountain (Yanardag) fully justifies its name: it is constantly surrounded by flames, which are fed from huge natural reservoirs underground. This mountain, located near Baku, has attracted travelers and conquerors for centuries. In the 13th century, the traveler Marco Polo wrote about mysterious fires that burned throughout the peninsula. Natural gas is the wealth of Azerbaijan; in 2013, 29 billion cubic meters of fuel were produced.

11. And grapes

And although Azerbaijan earns most of all thanks to oil and gas, cereals, grapes, cotton, and livestock are also grown here.

12. Currency modeled on the euro

Azerbaijan's currency, the manat, looks very similar to the euro in terms of size, color, and fonts. But each note reflects a different aspect of national identity. On the banknote of 5 manats you will find an excerpt from the national anthem, and twenty manats are decorated with a sword, shield and helmet - these are symbols of power.

In Baku, you will definitely want to try your hand at arm wrestling. There is a Federation and a professional Armwrestling League, this sport is very popular. You can try your hand at the gym and at the bar.

14. The smell of eggs? Blame volcanoes

There are more mud volcanoes in Azerbaijan than in any other country in the world - more than 400. When volcanoes erupt, the flame rises into the air to a height of up to a kilometer, and when they sleep, they release bursting bubbles with odorous gases.

15. They love good carpets here.

The Azerbaijani Carpet Museum, opened in 2014 on the waterfront in Baku, is housed in a building that looks like a giant rolled carpet. Inside you will find carpets from all eras, from all over the country. This spectacle can only be rivaled by a demonstration of the art of weavers.

16. The national sport is played to music.

Chovkan is somewhat similar to polo: it is played with a curved wooden stick, and the players sit on horseback. This is where the similarity ends: after all, the game takes place to the music, and all the players are dressed in embroidered national costumes.

17. If you want to be cool, learn to crochet

From a very young age, girls are taught to crochet as part of the preparation for the traditional Seven Beauties competition. In it, girls must crochet counterclockwise; the winner is the one who knits the best pair of stockings.

18. Baku is a crazy city

The capital of Azerbaijan is often compared to Dubai: both cities love gold and intricate architecture. Main attractions: The Heydar Aliyev Center designed by Zaha Hadid, the mirror-like SOCAR tower and the Flame Towers.

19. You can sail around the capital by boat

Baku has Little Venice - a man-made canal that runs between shops, restaurants and entertainment venues. There are several rows of islands connected by bridges and walkways, and the best way to get around this area is by gondola.

20. Speak Russian

The inhabitants of Azerbaijan speak Azerbaijani, but Russian is the second language here. Less English is spoken, so take a phrase book with you.

21. Bread is sacred

When bread gets stale, you can't just throw it in the trash. To show respect for bread, it is necessary to put it in a special bag separately from the rest of the garbage. If the bread fell, then you need to pick it up and kiss it - this is a kind of apology.

22. They don't like freedom of the press here.

When the European Games were held in Baku in 2015, investigative journalists and civil society activists were banned from entering the country.

23. Many have gold teeth. At least one

A beaming golden smile is a common sight in Azerbaijan, especially among the older generation. For some, it's a boon; for others, it's like a substitute for a savings account.

24. There is one of the last collective farms here

Ivanovka is a vestige of the Soviet era, a real collective farm. However, for most of the inhabitants of Azerbaijan, the Soviet way of life is forever a thing of the past.

25. Children are bathed in salt water.

It is believed that if you bathe a baby in salt water, he will be strong, courageous and truthful. And children's hair and nails are cut only after the first birthday.

The country of Azerbaijan, spreading in the Transcaucasus, is the birthplace of delicious food, unprecedented hospitality and rich history. With the Soviet Union, local resorts enjoyed great popularity, which declined after the collapse of the USSR, but is gaining momentum again today. And many more are attracted here by the amazing nature, incredibly beautiful mountains and ancient culture, the spirit of which is impregnated literally everything here.

Facts about Azerbaijan

  • Lives in Moscow more people than in all of Azerbaijan.
  • In 1918, the Republic of Azerbaijan became the first secular democracy in the entire Muslim world.
  • The design of Azerbaijani manats, local money, was developed by the same designer who worked on the design of the euro.
  • About 50% of the entire territory of Azerbaijan is covered by mountains ().
  • Geographically, several regions of this country belong to Eastern Europe.
  • Azerbaijan's unofficial name is "the land of fires". By the way, this is also the motto of the state.
  • The climate here is very diverse. In low-lying areas, it is +40 degrees in summer, and it is not cold here in winter, but in the mountains in December-January, the air temperature of -30 does not surprise anyone. In total, 9 types of climate out of 11 are found in Azerbaijan.
  • About 240 species of Azerbaijani plants are found nowhere else in the world.
  • The Absheron Peninsula belonging to Azerbaijan is considered one of the most unfavorable places in the world in terms of ecology. Soil, water and air are polluted here.
  • There are about 800 mud volcanoes in the Azerbaijani territories.
  • Part of Iran is called Southern or Iranian Azerbaijan ().
  • Primitive people lived on the territory of modern Azerbaijan 1.5 million years ago.
  • Due to conflict in Nagorno-Karabakh Azerbaijan severed diplomatic relations with Armenia ().
  • About 20% of all Azerbaijanis live in the capital, Baku. In general, more than half of the country's population lives in cities.
  • More than 99% of Azerbaijanis profess Islam.
  • There are 6 Orthodox churches in Azerbaijan, and 3 of them are located in the capital.
  • Bread is as widespread and popular here as rice is in Asia.
  • The traditions of cooking pilaf differ depending on the region. In total, about 50 classic types of this national dish are prepared in Azerbaijan.
  • In 1967, the world's first museum dedicated to carpets opened here.
  • Football has been the most popular sport in Azerbaijan for many decades. Chess, however, is not far behind in popularity, and many of the strongest chess players in the world are Azerbaijanis.
  • One of the world's oldest salt deposits is located in the valley of the Azerbaijani Araz River, which is still operating. Salt mining began here about 5 thousand years ago.
  • Almost 150 scientific institutions function in the territory of Azerbaijan.
  • The unique Azerbaijani lake Masazir is notable for the fact that the water in it is pink.
  • The average annual temperature of the Azerbaijani capital is equal to the average annual temperature of the Earth.
  • The archaeological reserve of Gobustan, famous for its ancient rock paintings and located in Azerbaijan, is recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
  • The world's first oil well was once drilled on the territory of this particular country.
  • In 1926, the first electric train in the Soviet Union was launched in Azerbaijan.
  • They make a huge amount of wine here. Azerbaijani winemaking is developing rapidly, and local wines are actively exported to other countries.
  • Mount Yanardag, which is in Azerbaijan, is called the Burning Mountain. One of its ridges is really on fire due to the fact that natural gas comes to the surface here.