Famous psychics, astrologers and numerologists managed to make predictions about the near future of Russia, but the Bulgarian clairvoyant Vanga was ahead of them all. The number of her messages has gone centuries in advance, but it is worth treating them with a grain of salt, since many do not have an exact reference to the date. We all should prepare for future changes, since the bright future of not only the entire state, which may well become a leader in the near future, depends on the spirituality and solidarity of Russians.

Prophecies for Russia in 2019

Most of Vanga's prophecies are blurry and ambiguous. Messages can be interpreted in different ways. One of the main messages of 2019 is as follows:

"The old order will collapse, replaced by a new one, pleasing to God and man."

Serious upheavals are needed to change any order, system, direction vector. Vanga believed that it was Russia that was assigned special role in abandoning the old and building the new. But what is it? Destroyer or creator? The seer did not report this.

According to one of the predictions in 2019, the territory Russian Federation meteorite falls. Again, nothing specific is said about the size of the tragedy. Will there be dead? What is the size of the space object? Where exactly will he fall? Prediction raises more questions than it answers. It cannot even be called a warning, since there is no reference to the place and time, which allows those who are especially worried to travel to other areas.

She left several encrypted messages at once. One of them speaks of an attempt by its own security service, and the second reads as follows:

"Everything will melt like ice, only one thing will remain untouched - the glory of Vladimir and the glory of Russia."

The second prediction allows us to hope that the first is only a warning and the Russian president will survive.

Russian policy in 2019

Change is the key word for the country's activities in the international arena. Moreover, Vanga saw vivid changes, which may indicate success. Yes, we are talking about minor victories, but measured, thoughtful and won in every round.

The most important changes concern relations with neighboring countries. Russia must show steadfastness, presenting itself to the whole world as a great power that does not succumb to the general onslaught.

Blackmail, sanctions and other types of pressure are a kind of “test” that you have to pass or fail, survive or die. The Russians should be ready to bite the bullet, tighten their belts, going through hardships with their leader. Otherwise, you will have to change both the head of the state and the whole country - restoring it from the ruins brick by brick.

Vanga about the bright future of Russia


After 2020, manifestations of separatism will become noticeable. The economic crisis will not bypass Russia, but it will cope with it. The cities of Siberia reached a special flourishing. Then the golden age will begin, Russia will have such spiritual and economic power that it will save the whole world. She will gain world domination, but not by military means, but by peaceful means.

The clairvoyant predicted the expansion of the federation's territories. How they will get it, Vanga did not specify. Part of the prediction came true - the Crimean Peninsula was annexed to Russia. Whether the Bulgarian saw Novorossia as part of the Russian Federation is unknown. To date, Donbass does not belong to either side, being a bone of contention between Russia and Ukraine. Each country sees its own interest and rights to own the territory.

In the coming years. The continent will cover natural disasters. Russia will stand in the fight against nature, which will not destroy a piece of the promised land beloved by God. However, do not let yourself know higher power can not. Cataclysms in Europe in Russia will respond with poor harvests.

In the fight against the elements, the Russians will show the Europeans their true face. Helping refugees would be good for the country's reputation. Gradually, the authority of the Russian Federation in the world political arena will be restored.

spiritual enlightenment

Russia will also become a spiritual leader. Literally, the prophecy goes like this:

The world will go through many cataclysms and strong upheavals. The self-consciousness of people will change. Hard times will come. People will be divided on the basis of faith. Return to them and the oldest - a wise teaching. The new Teaching will come from Russia. There will be a clean Russia, there will be a White Brotherhood in Russia. From here the Teaching will begin its march around the world.

Vanga clearly called the White Brotherhood a non-destructive sect with that name. She spoke about the followers of the new doctrine from Russia. These will be highly spiritual people who will directly participate in the revival of world and Russian spirituality. It is believed that they will be a new generation of Russian people, who will take a special place in the world. And the teaching will "White-white as snow".

At the same time, the essence of the doctrine is unfamiliar to Russians living today.

There is an ancient Indian teaching of the White Brotherhood. It will spread throughout the world. New books will be printed about him, and they will be read everywhere on Earth. This will be the Fiery Bible.

The teachings of the Roerich family, as well as their faithful friend Blavatsky, seemed interesting to the Bulgarian seer. Biographers suggest that it was Vanga who called him the Fiery Bible, new knowledge recreated on the basis of the old.

Now this teaching has three names - the Teaching of Life, the Living Ethics, or the more well-known Agni Yoga. It is built on the basis of ancient philosophical knowledge of the East. Whose guardians were the Masters Shambhala- the abode of the spiritual leaders of the world, hidden from human eyes in the Himalayas. Teachers transmitted their knowledge to people through intermediaries, and they chose students mainly from Russia. Among the well-known representatives are the entire Roerich family.

The teaching of Agni Yoga lies not only in religious precepts. In fact, this is a practical guide to spiritual and physical health. It is often compared to Hatha Yoga, which has recently gained popularity around the world. But if the latter is mainly aimed at physical development of a person, then the secret teaching of Shambhala pays attention to strengthening the spirit and consciousness. However, it also contains health-improving techniques that are useful for a person’s physical health.

Vanga believed that Russia would overcome any adversity, calling it "a mighty and strong power." And although a happy future, according to the predictions of the clairvoyant, is still far away, it will certainly be, since each person creates it for himself today, and all together - in a bright tomorrow.

Do not feed some people with bread - let them read some predictions. It is not surprising, because believing in the unknown, sorcerers, fortunetellers is much easier and more interesting than teaching psychology or economics. It would seem, what do these sciences have to do with it? Well, look, knowing at least the basics of the economy, you can predict the price, the future or their absence.

And knowledge of psychology will help with satisfactory accuracy to "predict" the future of a randomly encountered person. ("You will have a beautiful wife and two children! You will find a good job! Your mission is to help people"). Actually, this is how the prophecies of most fortune-tellers happen.

But we digress. Let's return directly to Vanga - the most famous soothsayer and healer of the 20th century. Let's make a reservation right away that we are skeptical about any unscientific forecasts of the future, but we will try to honestly provide documentary data on her predictions for 2017 and the 21st century as a whole. To begin with, here are some facts about Vangelia.

Reliable facts about Wang

  • Vanga never wrote any books. Yes, and it is difficult to do this, being blind and poorly educated. All books about her predictions are only their free interpretation by certain people. Sometimes on the basis of personal meetings, sometimes - on the basis of their own imagination.
  • Being a famous healer, Vanga was unable to cure her own husband of alcoholism (he died of cirrhosis of the liver).
  • The Bible clearly opposes any predictions of the future, which is more than strange, given the information about Vanga's deep religiosity. It turns out that she has been engaged in ungodly deeds all her life. “A person can learn a lot, learn a lot, but no person can know everything. In addition, a person cannot know the future, cannot hear everything and see everything. Only God knows everything that was, that is and that will be. "(1 John 3:20; Heb. 4:13).
  • For the last 30 years of her life, Vanga received money for receiving people. It was organized at the state level - in order to get to Vanga, you had to make an appointment at the office with her secretary, go through "face control" and only then go accompanied by security to the fortune teller's house.
  • Vanga idolized Lenin, which again goes against her religiosity (he was an ardent atheist). She owns such phrases as "Lenin's teaching is as great as the religion of Christ", "Write about Marx, about Lenin"(from Vanga's advice to the Bulgarian intelligentsia), "Many, many spirits. For the most part I don't know them. These are those who lived before Lenin and who are taller than Lenin" (what an honor!).
100% hit

Wanga's recorded predictions

That is, those that can be found in books about Vangelia. Their reliability is at the level "if not a hoax, then the truth". You will be surprised, but there are more books with medicinal prescriptions from Vanga than about her prophecies.

To begin with, Vanga very rarely named specific years and her forecasts for 2017 can only be considered in the context of predictions for the 21st century.

Famous fakes

"Kursk will be under water". It is found in the book of Svetlana Kudryavtseva, without any documentary evidence. Does not receive confirmation in the books of Krasimira Stoyanova (Vanga's niece). Widely disseminated "prediction" on the Internet.

"Crimea will break away from one coast and stick to another". Completely Internet fake, invented in the spring of 2014.

"War in Donbass"- there, Internet fake. All of Vanga's documented predictions about Ukraine will be given below.

"Chernobyl disaster". No documented fake. It is not clear who invented it.

Vanga's predictions about the end of the world

It is quite difficult to find confirmation, fake or not. It is believed that according to the forecast, in 2010 a world war will begin and half of the Earth will be empty. There is another doomsday forecast from Vanga, but for other years. At the same time, there is documented information about a completely opposite prophecy (though from a not very reliable source - Kudryavtseva's book, where many predictions are given unfounded):

In the 21st century, according to Vanga, there will come a time of light, peace and prosperity, but all this will happen no earlier than 2050. “What is written in the Bible will come true. The apocalypse will come. Your children will survive it. After the year 2000 there will be no catastrophes or floods. A thousand years of peace and prosperity awaits us. Ordinary people will travel to other worlds on a bus at 10 times the speed of light. This will not happen before 2050. What I predict, however bad it may be, cannot be changed. Human life is strictly predetermined, no one can change it” (said by Vanga in 1980).

So you still need to be able to contradict your own words in a couple of sentences. In any case, nothing happened.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

There is nothing specific for 2015-2017. General predictions for the 21st century:

“Russia is the mother of all Slavic powers. Those who turned away from her will return in a new guise. Russia will not deviate from the path of reforms, which will ultimately lead to the growth of its strength and power ”(Duma newspaper. August 12, 1996).

“The USSR will be reborn at the very beginning of the 21st century. And Bulgaria will be part of it.”

Russia is waiting for good, Bulgaria and Macedonia - not so much. Women in Russia will give birth to many good children who will change the world. Then a miracle will come, wonderful times. Science will say what is true in old books and what is not, they will find life in space and find out where it came from to Earth. A large city will be excavated in the ground. New people will fly from the sky, and there will be great miracles. But we must wait, we must not rush things, it will not be soon.

Vanga's predictions about Ukraine

Regarding Ukraine, Vanga made another prophecy, little understood in the 1990s, the meaning of which was revealed only now. She once stated (and there is an entry about this in the diary of Gosho's grandfather, a resident of Petrich, who wrote down Vanga's revelations), that Ukraine would become the main among the five countries. What did the blind Pythia mean? In all likelihood, we are talking about the unification of five countries - Georgia, Ukraine, Uzbekistan, Armenia and Moldova in an alliance called GUUAM. This political union was created in 1997. Ukraine still plays a leading role in it.

In fact, this half-dead union now consists of 4 countries, because Uzbekistan came out of it. But it can be a stretch to consider the prediction come true, yes.

As for the life of ordinary Ukrainians, Vanga predicted: “After long, long difficulties, people will finally live very well, because wonderful times should come for Ukraine”

General words, no specifics.

Interesting prophecies from a conversation with Anatoly Lubchenko

It is believed that the last person to record an interview with Vanga was Ukrainian businessman Anatoly Lubchenko. Let's bring interesting quotes from their conversation, which also concern the 21st century.

Vanga:- In 9 years, the world will end (recall, the interview was recorded in 1994), the Earth will turn away from the Sun. Where it was hot, there will be ice, many animals will die out. People will fight for energy, but they have enough soul to stop. And then time will come back.

Vanga confirmed the assumption that a flood similar to the biblical one awaits the Earth. It will happen in 30-40 years. The prophetess said that a large cosmic body would fall to the Earth, and its fall would cause many disasters: “the waves will wash away many countries, and the sun will go out for three years.” Only people with good intentions will survive, and the rest will perish. But then the golden age will come.

Vanga:- In 7 years, people will neither sow nor reap, but only grow everything. Animals will reproduce like plants, and plants like animals. In 21 years, no one will be driving the earth. Trains will be refueled with energy from the Sun, oil will be banned, the earth will only give birth and rest. In 40 years there will be no current diseases, but others will appear. They will be connected with the brain, because everyone will drink from the sea, and there will be no islands in the sea. Then water will be found in space, and it will be good. There will be a lot of people. India is bigger than China. But people will get rid of the bodies.

Yes, for a minute. The sun, if it goes out, then already with the ends. Together with all solar system where our planet belongs. It won't work for 3 years.

The accuracy of Vanga's predictions and Gorny's criticism

Professor Dobriyanov analyzed Vanga's 18 "dialogues" with visitors, in which 823 messages from the lives of these people were recorded. It was established that 445 of them turned out to be true, 288 were alternative (or ambiguous), and 90 were erroneous.

The well-known whistleblower of psychics, Yuri Gorny, believes that Vanga's guesses were associated either with general forecasts interpreted in any direction, or with insiders from the KGB, with whom the soothsayer allegedly collaborated.

Of course, there is no information about Vanga’s direct work for the KGB, but the fact is that they tried not to let people with critical thinking into her waiting room, and also tried to collect as much information about visitors as possible before the visit (think for yourself why). If you are interested in this topic - refer to the book "Comrade Vanga" Zbigniew Wojciechowski. In it, Vanga's personality cult is smashed to smithereens, but we are humane people and we will not do this.

The future world-famous prophetess Vanga from Bulgaria was born in Strumitsa, which is located in Ottoman Empire in 1911. A tornado captured her as a girl. After that, she stopped seeing with her eyes, but her inner vision was opened, which became sharper and more valuable than seeing with her eyes. She saw the past as well as penetrated and accurately predicted the distant future. [b] Consider Vanga's predictions about what awaits Russia in 2017? / b]

About Russia

[b] Vanga's forecast for 2017 is alarming for Russia... She believes that a fire of war will start, which will draw many countries into it. It will become global and will destroy as many people as no one could have imagined. As always, a similar struggle will begin in the political arena. People will want the power, influence and new means that can be obtained by having such an influence on people. But starting as such a struggle for minds and resources, it will all end in competition for food.

Vanga's predictions for 2017. She sees a severe drought, as a result of which many countries will be left without a new crop and soon they will begin to have a shortage of both vegetables with fruits and meat with dairy. People in those days will not take a sense of justice as a standard for their behavior, they will deviate from the law. Whoever is stronger is at the helm, this will lead to chaos in countries and anxious forebodings of trouble among ordinary people. When the government does not have a clear course for the future, it does not protect its people economically, and then famine can begin in those countries.

Russians, as always, Hard times hardened. Everyone and everyone will unite and begin to work for the good of the motherland. Russia will rise up and become one of the world leaders in many industries. Unfortunately, the forecasts for 2017 are not encouraging. Russia will plunge into wars that will take place in places, somewhere they will be short, in other regions the confrontation will drag on and be long.

Many people ask themselves, how will the leadership of Russia and ordinary citizens behave, knowing such alarming predictions of Vanga? Military analysts collect information from various sources. If it seems that the forecasts famous soothsayers past and modern psychics they do not pay attention to this erroneous opinion. Everything is taken into account and has already developed a behavior strategy for employees and ordinary citizens in case of those events.

What did Vanga prophesy for 2017 for Russia? That it is she who will act as the peacekeeping force that will help restore peace among the warring states. This is very important, because it is unlikely that states want to fight and have their relatives die at the front. Unfortunately, especially those who are weaker than the enemy cannot come to an agreement with him and stop hostilities. Russia will act as a peacemaker between such countries. The long-awaited peace will reign on earth.

Vanga saw that the global economic crisis would also affect the Russian economy. In our time, all powers have become accustomed to such economic upheavals, when the local currency depreciates and for the same amount you can buy much less products with goods than before. She saw Vladimir as the head of the country, but it is not clear whether the current president or another? Vanga predicted that at that time the power would change and in Russia there would be not a president, but a real tsar.

Vanga mentioned that the conflicts that broke out in 2017 will also be on religious grounds. These will last for several years. What does Vanga predict for 2017? Vanga always said that Russia is her love and predicted to her that in 2017 she would become one of the leaders, greatly influencing the balance of power in the world. She will not need to conquer countries by force, they themselves recognize her indisputable authority, so Russia will be internally transformed in 2017.

From that time on, Russia will try to unite all the Slavic powers under its strong leadership, and later it will succeed. Vanga foresaw that in these times Russia would sincerely extend a helping hand to many countries. America will be among them. By this time, Russia will have close economic and cultural ties with India and a multi-million strong trading China. Now researchers are arguing whether such predictions will come true or not, but we see that there are really all the prerequisites for such developments.

Vanga predicted for 2017 for Russia that in the 2nd half of 2017, streams of immigrants will be drawn to the United States or Canada. Many will strive to get to Russia. Due to such migrations, the main population will be concentrated in these countries.

Do not get hung up and try to think positively, because not only Vanga predicts war to our country, but also shares positive aspects your vision. In general, the future of Russia is happy, and hence the people who inhabit it. Not all of the old woman's predictions came true literally. Some either do not occur at all or are postponed indefinitely. Hope for a bright, positive future for our long-suffering country.

Vanga's prediction for 2017 for Ukraine

Vanga, during her rather long life, made many predictions for contemporaries and descendants. Many of them came true. What did she broadcast about the fate of Ukraine? Let's pay attention to Vanga's prediction for 2017 for Ukraine. The seer clearly saw our time, otherwise, one cannot say how she knew about the great political and world economic crisis? She believed that it would also happen when many were left without electricity, their apartments would not be heated and there would be little food. People have experienced such hard times in Lugansk and the surrounding area.

Vanga emphasized that only honest leaders would help bring countries out of a deep crisis, but she was upset that there were few of them. In 2017, she did not predict prosperity for Ukraine, she said that hard times won't pass yet. She emphasized that thanks to a strong spirit, Ukrainians will survive, and misfortunes are approaching them from different sides. Vanga complained that the brothers would be at enmity with each other and they would have their inner eyes closed and the ability to hear each other in dialogue. Vanga said that at this time everyone will be on their own and will try to escape if they stay in the territory where the fighting is really going on.

[b]From 2015 to 2019, she saw that the country, which is next to Russia and previously united, crumbles into smaller formations. Even 2 years ago, everyone thought that she was talking about the European Union, it turns out that the words of the seer referred to Ukraine. Vanga was sure that the Ukrainian people would definitely live well, but for now, you need to wait and survive this Time of Troubles. Such periods of rebellion occur in the history of every power.

How did Wang see?

How did Vanga's gift manifest itself, what did she see? Before her inner eye, when her visions caught her, and it was in different time and it did not depend on her will, it was like a film was flashing by. It happened that pictures from the future or the past came in the form of flashes, bright and clear, and she could recognize and interpret them. Rather, she intuitively knew that this was the past, and other images came from a foggy past.

You can trust the predictions of the clairvoyant, without a shadow of a doubt, most will come true. Nothing will change from this. The vast majority of her visions have materialized and woven into the fabric of our past. These are the real threads of events that the perspicacious blind traced. Her gift amazed contemporaries, admires its accuracy and us - the descendants. These are Vanga's predictions for 2017 for Ukraine and Russia for the near future.

From this article, you will find out what events the blind seer predicted for 2017 and beyond - and this is not very good news. The blind mystic, who is said to have foreseen the events of 9/11, the 2004 tsunami, the Fukushima nuclear leak and the rise of ISIS, also made dire predictions for 2017 and beyond.

Having lived all her life in Bulgaria, Baba Vanga died in 1996 at the age of 85 and was known as “Nostradamus from the Balkans”. Her predictions were fulfilled with 85 percent accuracy and she is highly revered in Russia and Europe as a supernatural saint.

Natural predictions of Baba Vanga

Of the hundreds of Vanga's predictions made over more than 50 years, many are related to natural and climatic disasters. She warned about the melting of the polar caps and rising sea temperatures back in the distant 50s. Vanga's followers believe that her colorful description "huge wave", which “it will fall on the coast, cover people and entire cities, and all this will disappear under water” is a direct reference to the 2004 tsunami and earthquake that claimed hundreds of thousands of lives along the Pacific coast.

Military-territorial prophecies of Vanga

Vanga's concern about the "great Muslim war has left believers, conspiracy theorists and Islamophobes in awe in recent months as the world struggles to contain the growing threat posed by the Islamic State and its allies. Chilling prophecies warn of an invasion of Europe by Muslim extremists in 2016-2017. That conflict, she predicted, would begin with the Arab Spring in 2010 and spill over into Syria, where “Muslims are using chemical weapons against Europeans,” culminating in the establishment of a caliphate in 2043 with Rome as its capital.

According to Vanga, Europe as we know it will cease to exist by the end of next year following the systematic destruction of huge populations of people, leaving the continent practically deserted - "a desert almost completely devoid of any form of life."

If this sounds too dramatic for you, take a close look at the events of last year, when ISIS came close to Europe with the capture of Sirte, a key Libyan city located on the coast mediterranean sea and is the birthplace of Muammar Gaddafi. Sirte is currently a colony of the Islamic State, living under Sharia law. The new regime cements its power by carrying out a series of public executions during which an unknown number of people were crucified and beheaded.

All this looks as if Vanga's deadly prophecies are unfolding right before our eyes.

Who is Vanga

Baba Vanga (Vangelia Pandeva Dimitrova) was born in Strumica, which is located at the foot of a volcanic mountain range, which at that time was on the territory of the Ottoman Empire.

According to legend, she led ordinary life until the age of 12, when she mysteriously lost her sight during strong storm, which some describe as an unusual tornado. A teenage girl was thrown into the air, and then a powerful gust of wind to the ground.

What happened next is rather nebulous, but her family is believed to have found her in a terrible state a few days later. Her damaged eyes were covered with a thick layer of dust and dirt. She was too poor to turn to specialists, and she had no choice but to lead a blind life.

Vanga later stated that she experienced her first visions in the very days when she was considered missing, and believed that she was granted the ability to heal people and predict the future. She was able to convince others of her paranormal abilities, and a cult of followers quickly formed around her. She became an "on-duty psychic" - a psionicist for the wealthy and powerful and admirers who included heads of state, scientists and historians who flocked from all over the world to spend a few minutes in her company.

She later served as an adviser to the leaders of the Bulgarian Communist Party, some of whom exploited her gift for their own interests. It is believed that she was under the supervision of special services and her house, the place of countless meetings with foreign politicians and businessmen, was stuffed with "bugs".

Vanga's most famous predictions that came true.

Predicted in the 50s of the 20th century: global warming and the 2004 tsunami:

“Cold areas will become warm and volcanoes will wake up. A huge wave will cover the coast with cities filled with people, and everything will disappear under water.

"Everything melts like ice."

The September 11, 2001, predicted 1989 terrorist attack on the New York Twin Towers:

"Horror! Horror! American brothers (believed to be a reference to the twin towers) will fall attacked by "steel birds" (believed to be two stolen passenger aircraft). The wolves will howl in the bushes (believed to be a reference to the then US President George W. Bush) and the blood of the innocent will be spilled.”

The sinking of the Russian nuclear submarine Kursk in 2000 predicted in 1980:

The entire crew of the submarine died a horrific death within days as international rescue teams tried unsuccessfully to retrieve the ship from the depths of the ocean. Before this tragedy, people believed that by Kursk, Vanga meant the Russian city, after which the submarine got its name.

“At the turn of the century, in August 1999 or 2000, Kursk will be flooded with water and the whole world will mourn it.”

Election of Barack Obama.

Vanga is believed to have accurately predicted that the 44th President of the United States would be African-American. However, she also claimed that he would be "the last American President". We just have to wait a bit and see for ourselves if this prophecy will come true.

Apocalypse ahead: Baba Vanga's main predictions for 2017 and beyond:

  • 2017 “Muslims will invade Europe, which will cease to exist as we know it. The subsequent destructive campaign will last for years. The population will leave their usual habitats, leaving the whole continent almost empty.
  • 2023 - The Earth's orbit will change (no one really knows what that means).
  • 2025 – The population of Europe will reach almost zero.
  • 2028 - Humanity will fly to Venus in the hope of discovering new sources of energy.
  • 2033 - The water level in the world's oceans will rise due to the melting of the polar ice (this is already happening).
  • 2043 – The transformation of Europe into the Islamic Caliphate will be completed. Rome will be declared its capital. The economy will flourish under Muslim rule.
  • 2066 America is using climate weapons for the first time in an attempt to take over Rome and restore Christianity.
  • 2076 Communism will return to Europe and the rest of the world.
  • 2084 – Nature will be reborn (no one knows exactly what this means).
  • 2100 - The man-made sun will illuminate dark side planets (this is already in the project - since 2008, scientists have been working on creating an artificial sun using nuclear fusion technology).
  • 2130 – With the help of alien beings, civilization will be able to live under water.
  • 2170 – Global drought on a global scale.
  • 2187 – Two powerful volcanic eruptions will be successfully stopped.
  • 2201 – The temperature will drop sharply, while thermonuclear processes on the Sun will slow down.
  • 2262 The planets will slowly change their orbits. Mars will be threatened by a comet.
  • 2354 “The artificial sun incident will result in an even greater drought.
  • 2480 - Two artificial suns will collide and this event will plunge the Earth into darkness.
  • 3005 – War on Mars will change the trajectory of the planet
  • 3010 The comet will crash into the moon. The earth will be surrounded by a ring of rock fragments and ash.
  • 3797 By that time, all life on Earth will have died. However, human civilization will be advanced enough to move to a new star system.

Publication date: 07/17/2016

Vanga's predictions for 2017 are ambiguous and raise certain questions. For example, contradictions sometimes slip through them... But in general, one cannot but pay attention to the fact that her prophecies, which are correlated specifically with 2017, are mostly negative and pessimistic.

We are convinced that Vanga has absolutely nothing to do with it! There are free translations and interpretations of her words. There is a desire to escalate the situation in the world that is already far from optimistic. And we have set ourselves a different task - to try to extract a rational grain from everything that has been said and written and draw objective and impartial conclusions. So…

Wars and conflicts

For 2017, the prophetess predicts world war. However, there is no reason to assert that it will begin during this period. That is, it must be assumed that in this situation we are talking about the aggravation of the existing geopolitical situation, but not about the emergence of new and even more fatal problems. True, the prediction that the confrontations will gradually move from the political sphere to the area of ​​physical survival sounds quite unambiguous. In particular, the clairvoyant saw starving people and existence on the principle of the survival of the fittest. Well, well ... As for the latter, this has probably always been the case. Well, regarding the lack of food for everyone, so here, as they say, we will break through. Moreover, our country, according to Vanga, will be in the best conditions in this situation. Another important point is that the difficult period experienced by people at this time will become for them something like a school of life, the skills of which will certainly be useful to them in later life. So, in the end, the results will not be so bad ...

In addition, the soothsayer predicted conflicts and confrontations on religious grounds for this time. They may be more or less local in nature, however, the fact that with them people in different countries will have to face, no doubt.

Vanga's predictions about Russia

Something about Russia has already been said here. And this "something" is not so optimistic. However, at the same time, Vanga predicts a huge mission for our country - to reconcile the parties that are clearly at war with each other and achieve peace between peoples. And this will again force us to consider our country a winner and conciliator, as it was after the end of the Second World War. Moreover, the clairvoyant again points to the non-aggressive nature of Russian policy; our country will not encroach on someone else's sovereignty and take advantage of the weakness of those who will not benefit in this situation. In particular, Russia will come to the aid of the American states.

Another more than significant point is that it is in 2017 that the unification will begin (or even take place). Slavic peoples under the auspices of Russia.

In the Russian economy during this period, not everything will be smooth. However, the ongoing global crisis will no longer be able to significantly affect the economy of our country. On the contrary, it is from this time that its intensive growth will begin.

According to Vanga, Vladimir will be in power in Russia during this period, whom the clairvoyant called the king. What did she mean? Let's see ... But whatever it means, this is what is important and valuable: our country will gain so much thanks to him great importance that it will allow her to dominate the world. Moreover, this will begin to be felt just in 2017.


For 2017 - presumably - Vanga predicted the emergence of new agreements (unions) between states. Specifically, these will be the alliances of Russia with China and Russia with India.

But in Belarus, according to the fortuneteller, political life seems to freeze. And its inhabitants will be quite happy with it.

In 2017, there will be a significant fall in the dollar. This will be a blow for the United States, from which their economy is already at risk and will not recover.

An economic recession will begin in China. To reverse this situation, the country's authorities may decide to take military action. Moreover, the leaders of China will first turn "attention" to Russia, developing plans for an attack on the regions bordering them. But then they will abandon this idea. Vietnam and Korea are at risk of being among the states that really suffered from Chinese aggression.

Vanga about Ukraine

For this country in 2017, the prophetess predicted significant changes in the economy. But not so much quantitative as qualitative order. She even talked about changing economic system. Moreover, she did not rule out that all this could happen by violent (armed) means. And if this is the case, then the state will have to be extremely bad. It is very important that everything be done as legally as possible; then positive results will appear quickly enough.

In addition, Vanga pointed out that Ukraine in 2017 may be under the strongest influence of one of the countries neighboring it. However, she did not name her.

Ecology and cataclysms

With serious environmental problems, Vanga argued, most Europeans from the EU states may face. They will be associated primarily with pollution of water bodies as a result of the massive use of harmful chemical compounds. And because of this, some cities may even become depopulated. Their inhabitants will begin to massively leave their places of permanent residence and leave for other countries, primarily to the east. Someone will consciously strive to go there, and some will simply have no choice, because some of the unaffected states, for example, the Scandinavian ones, will not wish to host such environmental refugees.

For the United States in 2017, there is a risk of a major volcanic eruption. The consequences of this cataclysm can be felt for vast territories, because they will be covered with volcanic dust.

Among other things, in the territory North America climate can change significantly. There will be a cold snap. Glaciers will cover areas that have never been exposed to severe frosts before. Canada will suffer from this. Although the States will also get problems from this.

Well ... The events in 2017, according to Vanga, will bring a lot of worries and problems to humanity. However, I am glad that, apparently, we are on the verge of a turning point, which will become the starting point in a new civilizational development. And it cannot but impress that Vanga, as well as other predictors, prophesies to Russia an increase in power and the opportunity not only to influence what is happening on the planet, but to become the head of a new world order built on the principles of spirituality and justice.