Summer ends. September is walking across the Earth - a wonderful time of young autumn, the month of colorful leaves, the evening of the year. How many books and pictures, poems and songs have people dedicated to this beautiful and romantic time! In September, the days continue to rapidly decrease, and the nights become longer and longer. Fogs appear in the mornings, the number of cloudy days increases. Low gray clouds more and more often cover the autumn sky. The grass dried up and fell to the ground, the flowers thinned out. Yellowish strands appeared in the green foliage of trees and single yellowed leaves swirled in an autumn waltz ... A decrease in temperature is usually noticed from the very beginning of September and even earlier. In some places, frosts already begin in September. However, the September weather is notable for its inconsistency, and the onset of cold weather is punctuated by returns of heat, just as warm weather is punctuated by returns of cold weather in spring. In September, as a rule, in its second half, clear, warm and sunny days often come, when the Sun warms gently and gently, and silvery thin threads of cobwebs glide in the slightly cool air. In the people this short, fine season is called "Indian summer" ... What can we expect from September 2018, based on the forecast of magnetic storms and the geomagnetic situation?

Schedule of magnetic storms for September 2018, unfavorable days of September 2018. The geomagnetic situation in September 2018 promises to become quite tense from the very beginning of the month. Several busy periods are expected in September, which can cause health problems for weather-sensitive people. These periods include: September 1 - 3, the entire period 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 September and the days 22, 23, 25, 26, 27, 28, September 29 and 30, 2018. Thus, the days of September 2018, calm in terms of the geomagnetic situation, can literally be counted on the fingers of one hand. Please note that the information above is preliminary information as of September 2018. Today, weather services can provide accurate data only for three days. For more accurate information, please refer to .

Magnetic storms and unfavorable days in September 2018 (forecast calendar).

bad days lunar cycle of September 2018. New Moon and Full Moon in September 2018. Periods of influence of the Full Moon and New Moon can also have a negative impact on the health and psyche of people. In September 2018, these phenomena will be observed on September 9 (New Moon) and September 25 (Full Moon). Unfavorable periods, caused by the influence of the Full Moon and New Moon, are the day when these events are observed, as well as the days preceding and following them. Means, bad days September 2018 will also be periods September 8 - 10 and September 24 - 26.

Autumn equinox in 2018. In 2018, the autumnal equinox falls on Sunday, September 23rd. The duration of the night and day at this moment are equalized and are twelve hours each. After September 23, the length of the day will decrease and the nights will become longer and longer. It is on the day of the autumnal equinox that astronomical autumn begins in the northern hemisphere in accordance with the natural calendar.

Our ancestors gave this day a very great importance- in many ancient cultures, holidays and various magical rituals fell on the day of the autumn equinox. And it is not at all accidental - after all, at this moment a lot can change, from the weather to the worldview of some people. In accordance with a number of signs, the day of the autumn equinox can be extremely successful. Everything on this day radiates favorable energy. It is on the day of the autumn equinox that a lot of people are given a rare happy chance to change their own destiny and turn it into a happier one. To achieve your tasks and goals, you must be able to be filled and saturated with the energies of this day. All it takes is a little faith and initiative.

There are many signs and beliefs associated with the autumn equinox. So, for example, it is believed that it is desirable to wake up on this day early and the first thing to do is to go to the shower. Taking a shower early in the morning on this day, a person washes away not only the usual dirt, but also the accumulated negative energy, and thus becomes ready to receive new beneficial energies. Another ritual action of the autumnal equinox is the baking of a cabbage pie. Be sure to make sure that this cake does not burn and turn out to be round - these are considered very important signs. If the dough quickly rose, and the cake itself was a success and turned out delicious, then soon happy changes will take place in your life that will surely delight and surprise you. If you are engaged in meditation, be sure to devote more time to this activity on the day of the autumn equinox. As already mentioned, on this day everything around is full of favorable energy, and it is simply impossible to find a better moment for a meditation session. Try to make gifts to people close to you on this day - your good deeds will certainly return to you.

There is an opinion that the days immediately following the autumnal equinox are very favorable for trade and any other commercial activity. Moreover, this sign applies not only to sellers, but also to buyers. That is, just at this time there is a rare opportunity to make a very profitable purchase. And traders need to trade especially actively these days, trading also promises to be successful and profitable.

Try to enjoy this special day and, if possible, spend more time outdoors. After all, the autumn equinox is one of last days this year, when you can enjoy a long day of light and admire the nature around us!

September ends summer holidays and autumn begins. Which means: September is the time when we all need to get serious and start working actively. Because well-being for a long time often depends on success at the start of the working year. We hope that this schedule of magnetic storms will give you the opportunity to successfully plan your business for September and avoid many annoying surprises. I wish you great health and grandiose achievements in all your activities! See you in October.

Magnetic storms - schedule for September. Unfavorable days in September.

The magnetic activity of the Earth directly depends on the activity of the Sun. Find out what's in store for you in September 2017 so you can properly plan your most important things for the future.

Health is no joke, as they say. The sun can undermine it greatly, so weather-sensitive people should look for ways to conserve their energy on days when the sun is active. In September, you will need to be especially careful, because the Sun will not spare anyone.

Magnetic storm September 1-2

The first days of the month will begin with small but tangible problems. The solar wind will be powerful, but its strength is unlikely to exceed the mark of a first-degree magnetic storm. The first two days of autumn will be a continuation of the storm on August 31st. This will be a small warm-up before the big problems that await us later.

In these two days, about three percent of people around the world will be in danger, because not even all people who are sensitive to magnetic surges will feel the changes.

Second wave of storms since September 13

The period of rest and tranquility will last a lot - about 10 days. Until September 12, the Sun will be in complete calm. Approximately on September 13, a serious burst of solar activity awaits us, which will last more than a week. First, from September 13 to approximately September 16, a level one storm will rage, which will begin without preludes, immediately.

During these 4 days, 10-12 percent of people may have health and mood problems due to a strong solar wind. Further, the problems will not become less noticeable, because the activity of the Sun will be so high that the earth's magnetic field will be in the borderline state between a full-fledged storm and a strong disturbance. Such a lingering effect causes depression in many people and a serious decrease in working capacity.

In love, sexual activity falls, a good mood leaves, being replaced by apathy. During such periods, it is worth taking criticism correctly and increasing your energy. Pills will not help you beat the blues or mood problems. Only you can do it yourself.

The beginning of the autumn period will exacerbate the problems a little, adding fuel to the fire, because saying goodbye to summer is always unpleasant. Don't try to kill your sadness with alcohol, although it will help at first. This will have very negative consequences, because such a long period of magnetic exposure can put you out of action for a long time. Only relaxation, a hot bath, walks and communication with nice people will help you.

This month will be very difficult, because after September 22, meteorologists do not deny the new surge in solar energy. By the end of the month, try to pay more attention to news about magnetic activity. Cheer yourself up, think positively and try to listen to the voice of your heart, not forgetting common sense. Good luck to you, and do not forget to press the buttons and

28.08.2017 02:19

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Over the past few days, several powerful flares have occurred on the Sun at once, which will certainly still affect people's well-being. True, according to experts, magnetic storms caused by solar flares have already ended.

Several strong flares occurred on the Sun, and our planet plunged into a wave of magnetic storms. Together with her, all the inhabitants of the Earth were able to feel the full power of magnetic oscillations - the destabilization of the mental state, as well as the exacerbation of headaches and chronic diseases, was noted by physicians around the world.

The sun has been provoking class M flares for several days. A dangerous magnetic storm in September 2017 reached its climax on September 9th. On this day, the well-being of weather-dependent people deteriorated sharply. Particularly affected were those people who were not ready for a magnetic storm, namely, they simply did not know about it.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: daily schedule

Several busy periods are expected in September, which can cause health problems for weather-sensitive people. These periods include: September 7-8, the period from September 13 to 17 and the days of September 26 - 30, 2017. So, on September 7, 8, 17, 26 and 30 minor disturbances are expected magnetic field Earth. And in the periods of September 13 - 16 and September 27 - 29, meteorologists predict magnetic storms of the G1 or G2 level.

Please note that the information above is preliminary information as of September 2017.

The influence of magnetic storms on the human body

The impact of magnetic storms on human health, on various social processes that occur in the world, on electronics, communication devices and technology in general, is irrefutably proven by long-term studies of the processes occurring on the Sun.

At the time when flashes occur in places where dark spots accumulate on the surface of the solar disk, plasma streams are ejected, which are directed towards the Earth at great speed. Reaching the Earth with these radiations causes variations in the magnetic field of our planet. And fluctuations in the geomagnetic field always have a negative effect on the well-being and mental state of people.

Weather-dependent people during the days of magnetic storms often experience exacerbations of chronic diseases of the cardiovascular system, migraine and diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Magnetic storms cause the greatest blow to the cardiovascular system, and can also cause headaches, insomnia and dizziness.

In the days of magnetic storms, any stress, overstrain, as well as alcohol abuse is almost guaranteed to cause an exacerbation of all chronic ailments. As already mentioned, during the moments of fluctuations in the geomagnetic field, the equipment is also negatively affected, so patients using a pacemaker should be especially careful during such periods. Therefore, if you have health problems, you need to receive information about upcoming magnetic storms in advance in order to have time to prepare to overcome their negative consequences.

The forecast of magnetic storms remains an important part of life for many of us, almost like weather forecasting. September is preparing us for quite a strong magnetic activity of the sun in the middle of the month, so you should know about it in advance and be prepared for a likely change in well-being. Magnetic storms in September 2017: daily and hourly schedule from Russian astronomers.

Schedule of magnetic storms for September 2017

Astronomers of the Laboratory of X-ray Solar Astronomy of the Physical Institute named after A.I. PN Lebedev RAS expect a fairly long magnetic storm in September in the middle of the month. She will not be among the strong in the classification of astronomers and will be limited to the average level. But still, this storm will be noticeable to weather-sensitive people.

The schedule of magnetic storms for September, compiled by Russian scientists, is as follows:

  • September 13— G1 level storm ( weak).
  • September 14-15— G2 level storm ( average).
  • 16 of September— G1 level storm ( weak).
  • September 17- residual phenomena after a 4-day storm.

On all other days of the month the situation will be calm, magnetic storms are not expected. All fluctuations in the state of the Earth's magnetosphere will be within its normal state.

As for the forecast by the clock, when the storm will start and end, scientists do not make such a forecast due to the fact that the disturbance of the magnetosphere begins gradually, and different people feel it at different times. Someone feels the storm in advance, someone experiences some inconvenience and a change in well-being only at the peak of the storm. Therefore, every person who feels the impact of magnetic storms should prepare for the September storm in accordance with their personal characteristics of the body and the level of their susceptibility.

Magnetic storm on September 7, 2017 and other amendments to the forecast

On September 6, foreign space observatories recorded a sudden flare on the Sun, which became the strongest in the last 12 years. AT last time something similar was observed exactly 12 years ago - September 7, 2005. The flare was not predicted by astronomers due to the fact that such powerful phenomena usually occur at the peak of the Sun's activity, and at the moment its minimum is observed.

Scientists have yet to draw conclusions why they could not foresee such a development of the event, but, be that as it may, we supplement our article and provide an updated forecast of magnetic storms for September. For the nearest three days, when a magnetic storm caused by yesterday's flare develops on Earth, the forecast is given by the hour. The forecasts were made by astronomers of the Laboratory of Solar X-Ray Astronomy of the Physical Institute named after V.I. P. N. Lebedev RAS.

The following chart, compiled by Russian astronomers, shows an approximate scenario for the development of a magnetic storm on September 7-9. The schedule shows Moscow time, so other regions need to make an appropriate amendment to it:

Magnetic storms in September: updated daily forecast

As for the updated forecast of magnetic storms for September, in addition to the storm on September 13-16, which was predicted at the very beginning of the month, and the one that takes place these days, astronomers predict another weak G1 level magnetic storm at the end of the month - September 27-29 with the preservation of residual phenomena in the first days of October.

The solar flare of 2017 created the strongest magnetic storms in September. All weather dependent people will need this forecast.

Since the beginning of autumn, there have been several strong flares on the Sun. A few days ago, there was an explosion in the sun, which scientists rated at 9.3 points out of ten possible. Information was received that this was the strongest solar flare in the last twelve years. On the this moment, its consequences have not yet been studied by scientists. However, it was noticed that now the level of solar activity exceeds the limits of the norm.

As a result of these events, a serious impact on the well-being of people is expected. There may be failures in the operation of communication systems, the Internet, up to space technology.

Significant storms are still expected in the middle and at the end of the ninth month of 2017. Therefore, you should always be prepared so that they do not take you by surprise.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: Dates and causes of storms

Geomagnetic storms occur on Earth all the time and all these storms occur due to the processes that take place on the planet Sun. The processes in dark spots are especially active. When flares occur on the Sun, most of the energy in the form of plasma breaks out into outer space. After all this terrible energy enters the lower layers of the Earth, they cause extraordinary storms on our planet.

The intensity of solar activity is repeated every eleven years, and recently we have passed one of the peaks of solar activity. When the Sun is maximally activated, then people's intellect grows, society makes breakthroughs in science and life.

From September 17, 2017 to September 23, 2017, there will be a very high level solar activity, which is predicted to be about four points.

Magnetic storms in September 2017: Deterioration of well-being during the days of magnetic storms

While magnetic storms and serious geomagnetic fluctuations begin, people who are sensitive to them very often get headaches and insomnia, aggravation of all possible diseases, decreased activity, a strong breakdown, as well as increased pressure and possible stress.

These same storms cause each person his own special reaction. Experts still have not given an exact answer to the question of why such a distant activity on the planet Sun has such a significant impact on the organisms of the inhabitants of the Earth. It turned out that the reason for the deterioration of a person's well-being may be the state of his health at the moment. Whether you are healthy or sick, what state your immune system is in, whether depression or other disorders affect us. All these reasons and factors have an impact on how we will transfer the next solar activity.

For very sensitive people, doctors have made a simple system of recommendations. If you follow these rules, you will be able to more easily survive the magnetic storms in 2017 without any health problems.

On the eve of those very days with storms, you need to refrain from alcohol and a large amount of food: fatty, spicy and salty. During this period, it is best to eat healthy food and in small quantities.

You need to drink plenty of clean water. Use: teas, compotes, herbal tinctures, chicory. Try to drink something that does not affect your heart system. All strong and invigorating drinks are not recommended.

Try to spend more time outdoors and less indoors. All physical activity should be excluded during storms. And simple walks in the fresh air will only do you good.