Soothsayers or clairvoyants are people endowed with a special gift, with incredible brain abilities to see the past and the future.


At the word "fortune teller" an association immediately arises - Nostradamus, because he is considered the most famous clairvoyant. All of his predictions are very veiled, because he had to hide them from a negative environment. He saw images of the future, looking at the fire or sitting in the semi-darkness. Although without exact dates, he predicted the strange death of the king of France, then his eldest son. He described the reign of the Romanovs, the era of Stalinism and much more.


The most powerful clairvoyant of our era. The woman was blind, but she said that pictures and voices appear in her head that tell her future events or the fate of a person who came to her. She accurately determined the diseases of people, so there were always endless lines of visitors to her. The person had to bring a piece of sugar from which the Bulgarian soothsayer read information. She predicted 2 world war, collapse Soviet Union and when Stalin dies.

Edgar Cayce

Another powerful visionary of the 20th century. He was called the sleeping prophet, because he predicted, being in a dream, into which he introduced himself. He is credited with a huge number of predictions, for which a scientific institute was created in America to work with. Casey's most famous predictions that came true are the collapse of communism in the USSR, the invention of the laser, and the Great Depression.

Maria Lenormand

She was strong in all methods of prediction:

Card reading;
divination by hand;
prediction using a magic ball;
making horoscopes.

Lenormand could predict the future simply by looking at the surrounding nature.


She became legendary for predicting the fall of Troy. People refused to believe in a terrible future, despite Cassandra's numerous attempts to save everyone.

Sheikh Sharif

The boy, who was discovered in 1999. When he was born, he shouted that there is no God except Allah. His mother heard this, lost consciousness and died. He lived in a poor family and never attended school. But it is noteworthy that Sheikh Sharifu knew a lot foreign languages. He preached for Muslims, he always had something to eat and something to live on, because people often helped him. At his last performance in front of a crowd of thousands, he healed people from the wounds they received while trying to get close to the boy. No one has ever seen him since that day. There were rumors that he ascended to heaven.

Grigory Rasputin

Being the personal physician of Romanov Alexei, he predicted the death of the dynasty and that the Bolsheviks would come to power.

Vasily Nemchin

Another Russian predictor. I saw that soon the strongest ruler would be in power, who would turn the country into a strong power. And it was during the time of Prince Vladimir.


The monk accurately predicted when Catherine the Second, Paul the First would die, and when the Russian-French war would begin.


Ancient Greek clairvoyant. He said that nymphs tell him about future events. He is the first seer who compiled a collection of his visions.

All people have the ability to predict, but it is much more developed in units. But even an ordinary person should listen to his inner voice more often.

PREDICTOR, predictor, husband. One who predicts something (the future), a forerunner. Weather forecaster. Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov. D.N. Ushakov. 1935 1940 ... Explanatory Dictionary of Ushakov

FORECASTER, me, husband. A person who foresees, predicts that n. P. fate. | female soothsayer, s. Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov. S.I. Ozhegov, N.Yu. Shvedova. 1949 1992 ... Explanatory dictionary of Ozhegov

predictor- PREDICTOR1, fortuneteller, fortuneteller, outdated. fortune teller, soothsayer, fortuneteller, fortune teller, fortuneteller, obsolete. soothsayer PREDICTOR2, soothsayer, prophet, book. oracle FORECAST, soothsayer, prophetess, ... ... Dictionary-thesaurus of synonyms of Russian speech

predictor- A combination of specific values ​​or previously decoded sample values ​​or data elements used in the process of decoding successive sample values ​​or data elements (ITU-T H.264). )