In this short article, we will discuss in detail the best military schools Russian Federation, which annually produce self-confident military men who are ready to serve the Motherland.

military profession

It has long been known that in Russia choosing a military profession is a very prestigious and authoritative decision. The world situation is turbulent, and this increases the potential need for military force. No matter how unpleasant it may sound, Russian military schools do not lose their popularity and every year attract more and more applicants. To receive such an education means one hundred percent to get a job, which cannot be said about students in other specialties.

That's just a completely logical question arises: "Which school to go to?" For the humanitarian and technical faculties, advertising campaigns are carried out by students / teachers of universities all the time. If necessary, representatives answer questions from schoolchildren, and everything is like a mini-open day. No one advertises military schools in Russia, so certain questions arise when choosing.

Advantages of military education

Despite the fact that the choice of the profession of an officer is very difficult decision, which should not be influenced by any extraneous factors (advice from relatives, for example), there are still a huge number of advantages in choosing such a path. Here are just a few of them:

  • financial stability, both during study (a decent scholarship from 15,000 rubles), and during work and even retirement;
  • stable and nutritious food, because the country does not need thin defenders with sunken cheeks;
  • a clearly established daily routine that does not allow any of the students to beat the thumbs and this interfere with others to study;
  • budget education. The only thing that can let you down is negligent teachers who will demand money for a pass / mark in the exam;
  • the opportunity to live an independent life after the 11th grade. Very often, military schools are closed, and students are released only on leave, which reduces potential parental care.

Everything seems so simple and attractive, especially if you remember that a man is known by deed, not by word. Service in power structures allows not only to provide for yourself and your family, but also to experience in your own skin many charms of your sex, which is why many men fearlessly declare that they want to become military officers, sailors and even policemen. But not everything is so simple!

Cons of military education

Why do Russian military schools give their students such liberties? What is behind all this? Of course, the life of a military man is dangerous and difficult, and not only in mortal danger. Here are a few things that can repel an applicant from their desire:

  • a strong load, moreover, not only physical, but also psychological. That is why, even before entering the school, special tests are carried out that help at the initial level to weed out psychologically unstable, weak personalities;
  • constant danger to life, associated not only with staying, for example, in hot spots. A serviceman can die even when performing such an everyday task as a shootout with hooligans (if, for example, after training, a graduate decides to go to the police). Yuri Gagarin, for example, generally died during a test task;
  • going to distant places (for seafarers, for example, this is a common thing) means being constantly away from your family. All this can be very difficult, especially for those who are too much attached to the house;
  • when an officer receives a high rank, the responsibility for the subordinates of his platoon/company/military unit falls on his shoulders, and this requires great dedication. But it is the commanders who are punished when someone who was under their supervision has committed some kind of offense;
  • lack of flexible schedule and even days off.

If you have taken into account all the pros and cons, and also carefully weighed your decision, assuming for yourself that military service in the future is really a promising leap in professional development, then it's time to decide: where to go and who exactly to become.

The most popular specialties

In general, the disclosure of specific military-technical specialties is prohibited by the law on state secrets, at least in secondary schools. Therefore, it is peculiar to speak not about the specialties themselves, but about the areas of training.

So, at the undergraduate level, the most popular areas are the Airborne Forces, the Air Force, the MTR and intelligence. The quality rating of universities is also calculated according to the training of future officers of these particular troops.

Learning Model

First of all, it should be noted that despite the fact that Russian military schools are still considered educational institutions, they are controlled not by the Ministry of Education, but by the Ministry of Defense. In addition, of course, training in military disciplines prevails, but the curriculum of any school or academy remains a state secret.

How is military education different from ordinary education?

We can only say that in their program the number of hours for humanities: such as philosophy, Russian language, psychology. This was done for the sake of hours of special training: instead of studying the rules of their native language and the theories of philosophers about the structure of the world, students are engaged in assembling and disassembling weapons, shooting, strategy, and so on. How much to cut the hours of less necessary disciplines is established by the regulations of the educational institution itself.

The quality of military education in Russia far exceeds humanitarian and technical education. The teaching staff is made up of experienced people who have been in hostilities and have undergone not only theoretical, but also practical training.

Military education after and before grade 9

Military schools after grade 9 are divided into two types. The first type is the cadet corps (school). The second type is the Suvorov Military School.

When submitting documents, the applicant must successfully pass several entrance tests. This includes checking for physical, psychological and mental readiness. As a rule, the Suvorov Military School is distinguished by the fact that it does not accept girls into its ranks and prepares boys for admission to higher educational institutions of the same direction.

Nakhimovskoe (at this moment in Russia, only one Nakhimov School - in St. Petersburg) aims its students to continue their military career in the open sea.

Where are these military schools?

There are military schools after grade 9 in many cities of Russia: in Kazan, Tver, Tolyatti, Ulyanovsk, Yekaterinburg and, of course, in Moscow, as well as St. Petersburg. Some of them are aimed, not even so much at the military specialties themselves, such as pilot, radio operator, liaison officer, and so on, but there are even military music schools, from which later, as a result, military bands are formed. Students of such schools often take part in city holidays and perform at parades.

After graduating from such a military educational institution, it is considered appropriate to apply to a higher educational institution and continue training in a specialty there.

Military schools for girls

In addition, there are specialized educational institutions for girls, classified according to the age of the accepted students. Within the walls of boarding schools, girls do not learn what they taught a long time ago at the “Institute of Noble Maidens”. Do not confuse a women's military boarding school with a similar educational institution.

In girls, as in young people, a feeling of love for the motherland, patriotism is brought up. AT major cities It is customary for students of such institutions to participate in city patriotic holidays. This is especially noticeable on Police Day, Defender of the Fatherland Day and, of course, on Victory Day.

The mentality of girls studying in boarding schools is also not forgotten: in order not to lose their personal spiritual qualities, creativity and subtlety of nature, the students of some boarding schools regularly sing, dance, and, of course, never stop reading. Very often in such establishments they observe a strict dress code of a white shirt and a black skirt, and sometimes a plaid jacket.

Some believe that such boarding schools "stamp wives", but this is not so, if only because the students of military boarding schools study drill and prepare themselves for military service.

In addition to the usual professions, such as a nurse and a radio operator, many girls expect the profession of a military officer. Fortunately (or unfortunately), modern world there is no longer a division into what a woman can and cannot be. This is so: in addition to working with equipment, a woman has the opportunity to stand at the head of the detachment and command it.

As surprising as it may be, there is no fresh ranking of military schools. But a lot is said about which institution of higher education you can apply to after completing 11 classes.

Military education after grade 11

Military schools after the 11th grade are already divided directly into troops. So, there are: ground, air force, missile, naval, military space, logistics and communications troops.

In addition to general subjects, such as mathematics and the Russian language, when entering a higher military school, other subjects are also taken into account, which are determined depending on the chosen specialty. And now more about it!

For example, the Novosibirsk Military School conducts recruitment in the specialty "personnel management", for admission to which it is necessary to pass social studies. Military meteorologists have to study geography. Troops associated with the constant handling of equipment require their applicants to pass an exam in physics.

Most military institutions are tied to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, so later there are no problems with finding work and even housing. Another question is that a military man who graduated from a higher military school can be transferred to another city, it will be very difficult to leave from there.

Ranking of military universities in Russia

According to sociologists, the highest quality education is provided by military schools after the 11th grade in St. Petersburg and Moscow. Real professionals work in these cities, ready to teach everything necessary for the service.

Military schools of St. Petersburg were in second place. According to statistics for 2015, the best was recognized Military Academy Strategic Rocket Forces named after Peter the Great, located in Moscow (for admission there, you must pass physics). In second place is the St. Petersburg Naval Academy (physics and, in some places, chemistry). On the third - the higher military aviation school, the Air Force Academy named after Yuri Gagarin, also located in Moscow. Only professionals teach here!

Of the higher military educational institutions of Russia, the Higher Military Aviation Pilot School in the city of Tyumen is also noted. The FSB Academy is chosen by those young people who wish to become federal agents of Russia in the future. The Voronezh Military School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Ryazan Air Force School named after Margelov are also very popular.

The opinion of students, teachers, parents

Usually, people who are unfamiliar with modern system military education, are of the opinion that the military, as they say, "are not ready for life." The only thing they, in this opinion, are capable of is shooting at innocent people, and since the time is now non-military, they are generally not capable of anything. But this is not entirely true, because, after graduating, for example, from a higher military engineering school, a person becomes more experienced and self-confident.

Every year, a huge competition is going to the higher military schools, 5-10 people per place. Most applicants do not even pass the psychological selection and quickly give up this business. Those who entered, try to study well; fortunately, the regime practically does not allow you to miss classes, be lazy and frankly “score” on study.

Students - best time life, and for students of the war years this statement is just as true as for students of any other educational institution!

Suvorov military schools

Cadet corps

Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Nakhimov Naval

School choice

Military institutions, schools for girls: a choice for the brave!

Who said that military universities are not needed for girls? Modern women are no less courageous in their actions and choices than men. Therefore, the country provides for an increase in the number of military institutions for girls.

Previously, girls were not admitted to military educational institutions. The bulk of the pupils of the Nakhimov and Suvorov schools were children from low-income families, orphans and children of military personnel.

Years pass and times change along with human outlook on life. It was once said that a woman who was on a warship was necessarily a hundred percent herald of military defeat.

Only today, women have become far from being as defenseless and weak as a man might seem at first glance. Now the female half of the earth's population declares itself, expressing indignation at the inequality. However, not in all countries this has grown into a feminist movement.

Our country is a real example, where girls do not talk aimlessly and senselessly, but show themselves in practice. They jump with parachutes without the slightest hesitation, fly into outer space, are workers in mines and transform into military men. Big number girls aspire to serve in the armed forces.

Military universities for girls are still a necessity in our country. This is due to the fact that there are two fronts in the armed forces - these are headquarters and military units. Although, nevertheless, when we hear the phrase “armed forces”, we are used to imagining that it should be just tanks, military exercises and machine-gun fire, which thousands of young guys make.

Accordingly, the work in headquarters units is similar to office work, only it is connected with military papers and supervision of military units. Therefore, it is very advisable for this work to invite young girls and women who will cope perfectly with the duties of a telephone operator, radio operator, deal with economic issues or be translators. Moreover, this type of work is distinguished by favorable conditions regarding medical care and planned holidays.

However, there are more courageous women who do an excellent job in the service in military units. They can be successful officers or ensigns. Military schools for the girls who are their pupils prepare excellent reserve units. Such women are sometimes difficult to distinguish by character from men. Most often, they are very harsh and strict, which allows them to perform their duties at a decent level and keep all young and inexperienced soldiers in discipline. As it turns out, it is possible to choose a specialty of a military nature for a woman, since a very wide choice is provided. Surely everyone who wants to find that institution and direction of military activity, which will be a new stage in her life for her.

Studying at military faculties, girls and boys get the opportunity to acquire knowledge not only in the military field, but they also study foreign languages, the science of psychology, cartography, finance and others. In addition to the fact that military institutions for girls provide them with a profession more than worthy, there is an adaptation to constant discipline, as well as to fire training.

Another advantage of military institutions is guaranteed employment. After young people graduate from one of the military universities, they do not face the question of a constant job search and work experience, because, without exception, everyone is provided with a pretty good job to start with.

It is much easier for girls to enter a military university after graduating from a military school. Then they take representatives of the female part of the population willingly. After graduating from a military university or institute, the girl receives a military specialty and a civilian one, as well as a profession and an officer rank. Such prospects look quite tempting.

State support is provided in full order to students of military institutions, so worries about material wealth will be an exception. Girls, just like boys, will learn how to fold AK, according to the order to work out a drill step and walk along the parade ground, etc. A five-year training in the chosen specialty, regardless of gender, will become mandatory, so that the country can compensate for state costs for the education provided . However, it is very difficult to scare our girls with this, and those who really wanted this and dreamed of a conscious life will go to study at a military educational institution without hesitation.

Another small nuance is the prohibition to get married while the girl is studying in the first two courses. If a female representative decides to go on maternity leave during training and give birth to children, she will be immediately expelled. However, few girls are ready to sacrifice such an opportunity.

Military schools and cadet corps of Russia

Today, more than ninety-five thousand women are serving in the Russian army, and this, in turn, is 8.5% of the total number of the Armed Forces. The last decade shows that over time, the number of women who want to become military personnel does not decrease at all, but on the contrary, the trend only increases its momentum.

Of course, not every military institution can take a woman into their upbringing, but many of them nevertheless abandoned stereotypes and are in full swing training the representatives of the fragile sex, who seem so only at the beginning.

It is always worth striving for your dream, even though it may seem almost unattainable. You need to be persistent and constantly prove yourself, with which our women have successfully coped.

The history of military schools to prepare the younger generation for military service started over 300 years ago. In those days, the great reformer of Russia, Peter I, who was well aware of the degree of threats to the Russian state, decided to create the first Navigation school - in order to prepare young men for a renewed and reformed Russian army. priority goals in the training of cadets there was education in the spirit of devotion to the Fatherland, a sense of duty, the formation of a system of moral and spiritual values, civic responsibility and a patriotic-state outlook. Already under Anna Ioannovna, a whole network of cadet corps was opened, which served as a prototype for modern military educational institutions with the same name. During the Great Patriotic War to them were added the Suvorov schools created by the decree of I.V. Stalin, and a little later - the Nakhimov ones.

List of schools

To date, 22 educational institutions supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation operate in the system of secondary military education. Among them are 7 presidential cadet schools, 8 Suvorov schools, 4 cadet corps, as well as 1 Nakhimov naval school, 1 military music school and 1 boarding school for girls of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Presidential cadet schools

(for children of servicemen and civilians in the service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as children left without support from their parents and orphans)

Suvorov military schools

Cadet corps

Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation- the only military corps for girls, created in 2008. Now conducts full and comprehensive training of 545 cadets from grades 5 to 11, including the widest block additional education– musical, artistic, sports education, dancing, 3 foreign languages.

Nakhimov Naval- the famous, established in 1944, a military school for future sailors and a home harbor for many current admirals and rear admirals (including the heroes of Russia). For Nakhimov students, already during the period of study, sea voyages and shipboard practice are the norm, and the constant participation in military parades on Red Square is due to the best drill training of cadets among all the secondary schools in Russia.

Moscow military musical(1981) - another unique and one of a kind military school in Russia, transformed from the 2nd Moscow military music school (1937). The main advantage of the school is a fantastic teaching staff, including honored artists, winners of musical international competitions, conductors, members of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, soloists of the best orchestras in the country, who at one time also studied within its walls.

School choice

The choice of secondary school should be made, relying, first of all, on one's readiness to devote one's life to the service of the Fatherland, regardless of the hardships of many years of military and garrison life. And only secondarily - focusing on the specifics of a particular school or corps, as well as on the conditions of admission.

Unlike non-military schools and technical schools, students do not face the problem of housing and food - in connection with which this issue, which is important when entering other educational institutions, does not affect the choice.

The history of military schools to prepare the younger generation for military service began more than 300 years ago. In those days, the great reformer of Russia, Peter I, who was well aware of the degree of threats to the Russian state, decided to create the first Navigation School in order to train young men for the renewed and reformed Russian army. The priority goals in the training of cadets were education in the spirit of devotion to the Fatherland, a sense of duty, the formation of a system of moral and spiritual values, civic responsibility and a patriotic-state outlook. Already under Anna Ioannovna, a whole network of cadet corps was opened, which served as a prototype for modern military educational institutions with the same name. During the Great Patriotic War, the Suvorov Schools, created by the decree of I.V. Stalin, and a little later, the Nakhimov Schools, were added to them.

List of schools

To date, 22 educational institutions supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation operate in the system of secondary military education. Among them are 7 presidential cadet schools, 8 Suvorov schools, 4 cadet corps, as well as 1 Nakhimov naval school, 1 military music school and 1 boarding school for girls of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Presidential cadet schools

(for children of servicemen and civilians in the service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as children left without support from their parents and orphans)

Suvorov military schools

Cadet corps

Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation- the only military corps for girls, created in 2008. Now it provides full and comprehensive training for 545 cadets from grades 5 to 11, including the widest block of additional education - music, art, sports education, dance, 3 foreign languages.

Nakhimov Naval- the famous, established in 1944, a military school for future sailors and a home harbor for many current admirals and rear admirals (including the heroes of Russia). For Nakhimov students, already during the period of study, sea voyages and shipboard practice are the norm, and the constant participation in military parades on Red Square is due to the best drill training of cadets among all the secondary schools in Russia.

Moscow military musical(1981) - another unique and one of a kind military school in Russia, transformed from the 2nd Moscow military music school (1937). The main advantage of the school is a fantastic teaching staff, including honored artists, winners of international music competitions, conductors, members of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, soloists of the best orchestras in the country, who at one time also studied within its walls.

School choice

The choice of secondary school should be made, relying, first of all, on one's readiness to devote one's life to the service of the Fatherland, regardless of the hardships of many years of military and garrison life. And only secondarily - focusing on the specifics of a particular school or corps, as well as on the conditions of admission.

Unlike non-military schools and technical schools, students do not face the problem of housing and food - in connection with which this issue, which is important when entering other educational institutions, does not affect the choice.

The history of military schools to prepare the younger generation for military service began more than 300 years ago. In those days, the great reformer of Russia, Peter I, who was well aware of the degree of threats to the Russian state, decided to create the first Navigation School in order to train young men for the renewed and reformed Russian army. The priority goals in the training of cadets were education in the spirit of devotion to the Fatherland, a sense of duty, the formation of a system of moral and spiritual values, civic responsibility and a patriotic-state outlook. Already under Anna Ioannovna, a whole network of cadet corps was opened, which served as a prototype for modern military educational institutions with the same name. During the Great Patriotic War, the Suvorov Schools, created by the decree of I.V. Stalin, and a little later, the Nakhimov Schools, were added to them.

List of schools

To date, 22 educational institutions supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation operate in the system of secondary military education. Among them are 7 presidential cadet schools, 8 Suvorov schools, 4 cadet corps, as well as 1 Nakhimov naval school, 1 military music school and 1 boarding school for girls of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Presidential cadet schools

(for children of servicemen and civilians in the service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as children left without support from their parents and orphans)

Suvorov military schools

Cadet corps

Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation- the only military corps for girls, created in 2008. Now it provides full and comprehensive training for 545 cadets from grades 5 to 11, including the widest block of additional education - music, art, sports education, dance, 3 foreign languages.

Nakhimov Naval- the famous, established in 1944, a military school for future sailors and a home harbor for many current admirals and rear admirals (including the heroes of Russia). For Nakhimov students, already during the period of study, sea voyages and shipboard practice are the norm, and the constant participation in military parades on Red Square is due to the best drill training of cadets among all the secondary schools in Russia.

Moscow military musical(1981) - another unique and one of a kind military school in Russia, transformed from the 2nd Moscow military music school (1937). The main advantage of the school is a fantastic teaching staff, including honored artists, winners of international music competitions, conductors, members of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, soloists of the best orchestras in the country, who at one time also studied within its walls.

School choice

The choice of secondary school should be made, relying, first of all, on one's readiness to devote one's life to the service of the Fatherland, regardless of the hardships of many years of military and garrison life. And only secondarily - focusing on the specifics of a particular school or corps, as well as on the conditions of admission.

Unlike non-military schools and technical schools, students do not face the problem of housing and food - in connection with which this issue, which is important when entering other educational institutions, does not affect the choice.

The history of military schools to prepare the younger generation for military service began more than 300 years ago. In those days, the great reformer of Russia, Peter I, who was well aware of the degree of threats to the Russian state, decided to create the first Navigation School in order to train young men for the renewed and reformed Russian army. The priority goals in the training of cadets were education in the spirit of devotion to the Fatherland, a sense of duty, the formation of a system of moral and spiritual values, civic responsibility and a patriotic-state outlook. Already under Anna Ioannovna, a whole network of cadet corps was opened, which served as a prototype for modern military educational institutions with the same name. During the Great Patriotic War, the Suvorov Schools, created by the decree of I.V. Stalin, and a little later, the Nakhimov Schools, were added to them.

List of schools

To date, 22 educational institutions supervised by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation operate in the system of secondary military education. Among them are 7 presidential cadet schools, 8 Suvorov schools, 4 cadet corps, as well as 1 Nakhimov naval school, 1 military music school and 1 boarding school for girls of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Presidential cadet schools

(for children of servicemen and civilians in the service of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, as well as children left without support from their parents and orphans)

Suvorov military schools

Cadet corps

Boarding school for pupils of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation- the only military corps for girls, created in 2008. Now it provides full and comprehensive training for 545 cadets from grades 5 to 11, including the widest block of additional education - music, art, sports education, dance, 3 foreign languages.

Nakhimov Naval- the famous, established in 1944, a military school for future sailors and a home harbor for many current admirals and rear admirals (including the heroes of Russia). For Nakhimov students, already during the period of study, sea voyages and shipboard practice are the norm, and the constant participation in military parades on Red Square is due to the best drill training of cadets among all the secondary schools in Russia.

Moscow military musical(1981) - another unique and one of a kind military school in Russia, transformed from the 2nd Moscow military music school (1937). The main advantage of the school is a fantastic teaching staff, including honored artists, winners of international music competitions, conductors, members of the Union of Composers of the Russian Federation, soloists of the best orchestras in the country, who at one time also studied within its walls.

School choice

The choice of secondary school should be made, relying, first of all, on one's readiness to devote one's life to the service of the Fatherland, regardless of the hardships of many years of military and garrison life. And only secondarily - focusing on the specifics of a particular school or corps, as well as on the conditions of admission.

Unlike non-military schools and technical schools, students do not face the problem of housing and food - in connection with which this issue, which is important when entering other educational institutions, does not affect the choice.

Education in a military school after the 9th grade is very popular today among patriotic youth. This makes it possible for graduates not only to complete their school education within its walls, but also to master one of the prestigious military specialties. The list of military schools in the country that accept young men after the end of the ninth grade will help you choose the right institution for study.

Military professions

Admission and study at a college or technical school with a 9th grade certificate are becoming more and more relevant. Young people know that when studying in any secondary special institution, they will not only complete the program for grades 10-11, but also master the basics of their chosen profession, while their former classmates are still sitting at school desks.

Also, everyone is well aware that it is much easier to enter a university with a diploma from a technical school or college. Military schools in Russia provide students with the same conditions and benefits as any vocational schools in the country. Enrolling in one of the many military educational institutions, ninth-graders will be able to master any of the prestigious qualifications in the following areas:

  • ground troops;
  • marine;
  • railway;
  • airborne;
  • Cossack troops;
  • military-technical;
  • military justice;
  • military musical.

All of the above types of troops are annually replenished with the ranks of graduates of cadet and military schools, in which ninth grade graduates aspire.

Military Space Cadet Corps

Primary military education- this is a brilliant opportunity for young men to receive a full school education and undergo the necessary physical training with a full state board, allowing them to continue their military career.

Among the military schools in St. Petersburg there are educational institutions that have been preparing talented officers and ensigns for the Russian army for many decades. The Military Space Cadet Corps is one of them.

Founded in 1996, it accepts children whose fathers serve abroad or in "hot spots", orphans and sons of fallen officers, and prepares them for further admission to military universities.

All cadets live and study in full state support acquiring the following skills and knowledge:

To study at the Military Space Cadet Corps, you must submit documents from 15.04 to 01.06 to the military registration and enlistment office at the place of residence.

Cadet Corps Kemerovo

Today, Russian military schools and cadet corps are the best alternative to the usual general education program for boys, as they receive more versatile development, both intellectual and physical.

The profession of a signalman in the age of electronics and mobile phones is still very important, since it is these specialists who not only lay a telephone cable even in the most inaccessible places, but also encode messages between army units and automate communication systems.

The Cadet Corps of Radio Electronics in Kemerovo was opened in 1999 with the aim of preparing young people for further admission to the higher military communications institutes. This is facilitated by both the general education program and physical training, as well as specialized more in-depth study a number of disciplines not taught in ordinary schools, and the basis of fire training.

On the basis of the cadet corps, research, scientific and experimental activities are carried out. One of the requirements for admission to this educational institution is the study of English or German language at school. The selection to this primary military school after the 9th grade begins with the approval of the applicants' documents by the admissions committee, after which they will have to pass a dictation in the Russian language, an exam in mathematics and physical training.

Kronstadt Naval Military Cadet Corps

Founded in 1995 as a cadet corps, it was transformed into a naval one in 1996. To study at this military school after the 9th grade, you need not only a report card with good grades, but also documents that speak about the achievements of the applicant:

  • Participation and victory in school competitions.
  • Commendations for good performance.
  • Diplomas of the participant of reviews and competitions at any level: from local to regional or international.
  • Documents confirming sports achievements, for example, youth category or the title of master of sports.

All candidates are expected to be tested in Russian and English language, mathematics and physical training. In addition to the main program, cadets can take the basics of naval training, auto business, programming, military regional studies and others.

The Kronstadt Naval Military Cadet Corps is a prestigious educational institution, 90% of whose graduates become career officers in the Russian army.

Military Technical Corps

Troops such as engineering are providing army units not only with the necessary field fortifications, but also with pontoon crossings, the construction or repair of roads, sapper work, the extraction and purification of water, reconnaissance, camouflage and mine clearance.

The military engineering school is the initial level of training for future military builders and engineers. One of these is the Military-Technical Cadet Corps in Togliatti.

The selection of candidates is carried out in several stages:

  • at first selection committee studies personal files and additional documentation about achievements in sports or school olympiads and reviews.
  • Selected candidates receive a notification of admission to the exams, after which they take written mathematics and Russian, and a physical fitness test.
  • Enrollment is carried out on a competitive basis based on the results of passing exams and sports standards.

Out of competition, with positive evaluations on tests, orphans of servicemen who died during the performance of a combat mission or children of soldiers and officers serving in war zones are accepted.

Suvorov School (Perm)

For young men who have made a choice in favor of a military career, joining the Suvorov Military School after grade 9 is one of the best options to start it. The first such educational institutions were founded in 1943; over the entire period of their activity, thousands of young people came out of their walls, who became worthy officers and defenders of their homeland.

The Suvorov Military School of Perm is the "youngest" of all, since it was founded in 2015 and transferred to the command of the commander hallmark similar educational institutions is that, in addition to the main general education program, young men receive knowledge and skills:

  • aircraft modeling;
  • in the culture of speech;
  • in sports such as skiing, goroshny, handball and athletics;
  • fire training and orienteering;
  • in German;
  • in ballroom dancing.

Although it has been operating for only 2 years, high level training of cadets there is at the same level as in all similar institutions in the country.

Military School of Krasnodar

The transformations that took place in the educational system of Russia led to the best. Especially when it comes to raising the status of educational institutions. So, on the basis of advanced training courses for employees of special bodies, opened in 1929, the Krasnodar Military School appeared in 1964.

Today it has the status of a higher military school and trains specialists in the information security of automated systems. Given that information wars can cause damage no less than fighting, then such a transformation is only for the benefit of the country and its army.

Military Music School

The only one of its kind, the Moscow Military School "grew" from the school of students of military musicians of the Red Army, founded in 1937. In 1956, it changed its status to Suvorov's and only in 1981 acquired the name that has survived to this day - the Moscow Military Music School.

It trains soloists, choreographers, musicians of military bands and music teachers at art schools and other educational institutions. A wide educational program that includes not only school course 10-11 grades, but also the study of musical disciplines, such as solfeggio, conducting, performing activities, cultural studies and much more.

Here they accept girls and boys after the 9th grade, who have a craving and ability for music.


For young people brought up in the best traditions of patriotism, military schools are a great chance to start studying their favorite business immediately after the 9th grade, along the way receiving a quality education in many scientific and cultural fields, which is not provided by any general education school.

If military affairs are close to you in spirit or you simply do not want military service to be on a general basis, you should think about entering a military school after grade 9 (for boys and girls).

Our telegram channel has a lot of information about admission to technical and humanitarian universities Russia. It's time to talk about military schools and other relevant information.

The military school is the basic step in obtaining a military education

Where to apply

In a military school, they receive a general secondary education with a military professional profile. The purpose of such an educational institution is to prepare students for subsequent admission to a higher military educational institution.

You can enroll in the following types of educational institutions:

  • cadet corps or cadet school,
  • Suvorov or Nakhimov School,
  • military music school.

Usually, recruitment of those wishing to classes with a military orientation begins after the 4th grade. At the end of the ninth grade (if there are free places), they can also be enrolled, but there is less chance of enrolling.

It is possible to enter the Suvorov School under the Ministry of Internal Affairs after the 8th grade for the first or after the 9th grade immediately for the second year.

Every year, educational institutions change their plans for the number of enrollments. For information on each educational institution, please visit the website.

Here is a list of current military schools for 2019 after grade 9 for boys where students from Russia can apply (in Moscow, St. Petersburg and other regions of the country):

  1. Moscow and Moscow Region: Moscow Military Music School named after V.I. Lieutenant General V. M. Khalilov, Department of the Serpukhov Military Academy technical school, Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps of the Academy of Civil Protection of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  2. St. Petersburg: Cadet School of IT-technologies of the Military Academy of Communications. Marshal Soviet Union S. M. Budyonny, Cadet Sports School of the Military Institute physical culture, St. Petersburg Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB.
  3. Novocherkassk (Rostov Region): Novocherkassk Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs
  4. Astrakhan: Astrakhan Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  5. Chita (Trans-Baikal Territory): Chita Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  6. Elabuga (Republic of Tatarstan): Elabuga Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  7. Grozny ( Chechen Republic): Grozny Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.
  8. Krasnoyarsk: Krasnoyarsk Cadet Corps. A.I. swan.
  9. Republic of Bashkiria: Bashkir Cadet Corps.
  10. Krasnodar: Krasnodar Military School named after General of the Army S.M. Shtemenko.
  11. Ivanovo: Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps of the Ivanovo Fire and Rescue Academy of the State Fire Service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia.
  12. Voronezh: Cadet Engineering School at the Air Force Academy. Professor N.E. Zhukovsky and Yu.A. Gagarin.
  13. Plotnikov: Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Ministry of Emergency Situations.
  14. Kemerovo: Governor's Cadet Boarding School of the Police.
  15. Pushkin: First Border Cadet Corps of the FSB.

And here is a list of military educational institutions after grade 9 for girls :

  1. St. Petersburg: Kronstadt Naval Cadet Corps, Nakhimov Naval School, St. Petersburg Cadet Corps (consists of the once independent Military Space Cadet Corps, Rocket and Artillery and Railway Cadet Corps), Suvorov School the city of St. Petersburg;
  2. Ekaterinburg: Ekaterinburg Suvorov School;
  3. Kazan: Kazan Suvorov School;
  4. Kemerovo: Cadet Corps of Radioelectronics.

As for the higher educational military institutions, you can enter them only after graduating from the 11th grade.

When entering military schools after grade 9, they look at grades, so high scores in subjects are the key to a successful military career, even at such an early stage

Admission Requirements

There are many who want to enter military schools. Therefore, a competitive selection is carried out among the applicants. Here are the main conditions for participation:

  • be a citizen of the Russian Federation;
  • be no older than 16 years, and for the 1st year of the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs - no older than 17, for the 2nd year - no older than 18 years;
  • have 1 or 2 health group in physical culture;
  • good school performance;
  • not get in trouble with the law.

If an applicant enters a military music school, he must have certain musical skills (for example, singing, playing the musical instrument etc.).

To enter a cadet school, you will first have to obtain a sports category in some obligatory sport.

Rights and benefits when entering a military school

As in other educational institutions, military schools are primarily accepted subject to certain benefits.

The following categories of students have an advantage in admission:

  • orphans and children without parental care;
  • children of military personnel (active or retired due to age or health, who have served for at least 20 years);
  • children of military and security officials who died while on duty;
  • children of holders of the Order of Glory and heroes of the USSR.

The advantage in admission will be given to those who have creative or sporting achievements, impeccable studies at school, victories at olympiads and specialized competitions.

What items are for sale

After grade 9, they do not pass the OGE, so students are required to take entrance tests. The admission process consists of the following steps:

  1. Psychological testing.
  2. Exams in general education subjects (interview or testing). Most often it is Russian, mathematics, computer science, physics and foreign.
  3. Physical standards: pull-ups, running (for 1 km and 100 m).
  4. Creative test according to the profile of the institution. For example, when entering a military music school, they are asked to play a solo part on a musical instrument, as well as to perform a written dictation in solfeggio.

How to proceed: step by step instructions

Unlike secondary specialized institutions, military schools begin accepting documents much earlier. Do not forget that you can not do without the participation of parents. Therefore, start preparing in advance, at least from the third quarter, and do not postpone until the last moment.

Here is a detailed action plan to help you on how to enroll in a military school after grade 9.

Stage 1: passing a medical examination

Contact the clinic at the place of registration / residence and undergo an examination by highly specialized specialists.

Medical examination for admission takes place in the form 026u.

Make sure that this document will definitely contain the entry “Recommended for health reasons for admission” and then the full name of the educational institution where you are going to apply.

Stage 2: Formation of a personal file

For a folder with a personal file, you need to prepare a list of documents:

  • An application from the applicant and his parents, the forms of which can be found on the website of the educational institution or directly at the department of interest.
  • Copies of passport and birth certificate (pages 2,3 and 5).
  • Autobiography. It can be written in any form. The document contains information about yourself and your immediate family. You can also list special hobbies, merits and achievements in studies, creativity and sports, if any.
  • Copies of a personal file from the school, certified by the director's seal, a report card with final grades for 3 quarters and current grades for the last quarter.
  • Personality characteristics from a teacher and a psychologist from the school, a recommendation entry for admission.
  • 4 photographs 3*4 in size with space for a print.
  • Copy of health insurance.
  • Copy of medical card.
  • A copy of the certificate in the form 026u with the signature of the doctor and the seal of the health care institution (polyclinic).
  • A copy of the conclusion about the group of physical training.
  • A copy of the history of development and an extract from the history.
  • Copies of certificates from narcological and psychoneurological dispensaries.
  • A copy of the vaccination passport.
  • Certificate from the place of work of the parents.
  • Information about the composition of the family.
  • Copies of certificates, certificates and other documents that confirm special rights and achievements.

All these documents need to be flashed and put in a folder.

Stage 3: submission of documents to the educational institution

Submission of documents to the Suvorov School of the Ministry of Internal Affairs is carried out a little earlier. Documents must be submitted no later than April 1.

Documents can be submitted in person or sent by mail with a list of attachments. In this case, if the letter is submitted for reasons beyond your control, the date of submission will be the day when you sent the letter, and not when it was received at the educational institution.

As soon as the selection committee receives the documents, it will review the personal file, determine whether the documents meet the specified requirements.

If you are applying to the cadet school of IT technologies, keep in mind: from June 1 to June 15, all applicants need to pass distance testing.

Stage 4: entrance examinations

From the moment of submission of documents and until June 25, you should receive a call indicating the date of the exams. If the educational institution refuses you, a written refusal should come with an explanation of the reasons.

Do not forget to come to the chosen place of the institution with the originals of all documents and the necessary copies.

Remember : even if you passed all the entrance tests with excellent marks, those who have benefits or special rights will be enrolled first. Only then, in turn, go those who passed the exams for the maximum score.

Why enroll in a military school at all, if you can go to a military university after the 11th grade? Yes, because then the competition will be tougher. And you will always have a second chance if your attempt to enter the school fails.

Another plus is that, having studied at a military college, you will already have a great advantage in the form of a stable psyche. Yesterday's schoolchildren will have a breakdown in freedom and problems with discipline. And students from schools managed to survive and get used to local life.

However, our student service will also help you adapt. While you study the local infrastructure and procedures, our specialists will help you with where you have problems.

A military career is quite prestigious and interesting. Especially in modern conditions when educational institutions offer so many specializations: from management personnel to the development of IT technologies. If you don’t want to go to school until grade 11, but start building a military career right now, then you will learn a lot of useful things from this article.

Features of military schools

The word "school" can be mistakenly associated with secondary educational institutions not the highest status. But when we are talking about military schools, this association is doubly wrong. There is a big difference between ordinary, civilian colleges and military colleges. Thus, admission to many military schools is available only to those applicants who have completed all 11 classes of the school, and not 9 (whereas civilian colleges can be entered with basic education).

In addition to schools (and, of course, universities), the military education system also includes cadet schools and cadet corps. They are aimed at much younger applicants: most often they enter after graduating from the 5th grade of school. However, some cadet corps and schools also accept graduates of grades 8-9. For example, the Cadet Fire and Rescue Corps of the SPbUGPS EMERCOM of Russia, the Governor's Cadet Police Boarding School in Kemerovo, and some other institutions. Starting to study in one of them for the military after the 9th grade, you can finish your studies until the 11th grade, after which you can start getting further military education. Graduates of cadet schools and corps receive diplomas indicating the mastered specialization.

As for the military schools specifically, then after the 9th grade you can enter, for example, the Suvorov schools of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation. They accept applicants after the 8th grade, but if there are places in the current stream in the second year, they also open their doors to ninth graders. The reception of schoolchildren who have completed 9 classes is constantly open at the Ulyanovsk Guards Suvorov Military School and the Moscow Military Music School. Lieutenant General V.M. Khalilov.

As you can see, there are not too many options on how to become a military man after grade 9, but they are. You need to think carefully and find out the following:

  • Do you have in your locality(or one you can move to) a military school of interest to you?
  • If so, do they accept it after grade 9 ( You can get this information on the official website of the institution, or by calling its representatives)?
  • What are the requirements for applicants, and can you meet these requirements?
  • Do you have time to prepare and submit everything on time? Required documents and pass all the necessary tests?

We will talk about the last two points, as well as about the mechanism of receipt in general, in more detail later.

Basic entrance tests

Admission to ordinary secondary schools, as a rule, is carried out according to the average score of the certificate, taking into account the OGE. When it comes to entering military technical schools and colleges after the 9th grade, the rules are usually more stringent. Some schools of a similar profile are also content with certificates and results of the OGE of applicants, but many still conduct their own internal exams. In what subjects - depends on the specialization of the institution. As a rule, entrance examinations include general subjects and disciplines that are profile for the chosen specialty.