UrFU is one of the largest universities in the country, which combines the entire spectrum of technical, natural science and humanitarian education. This is the center of scientific and educational life, social design and innovation activity in the Urals. The university trains specialists in mechanical engineering, metallurgy and materials science, chemical technology, physics, biology, humanitarian, economic and linguistic specialties. There is also an opportunity to get a military specialty.

Ural federal university named after the first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin - the largest federal university in the country, operating in Yekaterinburg.

A huge number of budget places are available at UrFU, as well as a system of discounts for contracted students, allowing everyone to get a prestigious education.

Hundreds of qualified teachers, doctors and candidates of sciences, academicians conduct classes in 14 specialized institutes. Leading Russian and foreign scientists, experienced practitioners, politicians and cultural figures regularly come to UrFU as guest lecturers.

A small documentary film project of UrFU in two parts:

The University is constantly expanding scientific and educational opportunities, raises the level of student life. The campus consists of 16 residential buildings - it is easy to accommodate a non-resident or a foreigner here. The number of new buildings is steadily growing, and in the comfortable rooms of the hostels it is comfortable to relax or get ready for couples.

Among the partners of the university are the largest industrial enterprises and organizations that are key to the Russian economy. Students regularly undergo industrial practice at their base. More than 90% of graduates are employed immediately after graduation from the alma mater - an impressive figure!

Ural University is the core of the research cluster, which also includes research institutes Ural branch Russian Academy of Sciences, specialized laboratories and high-tech enterprises. In the research complex of UrFU, dozens scientific centers, innovative infrastructure, scientific Library, several museums and specialized collections.

Since 2013, the university has been a member of the 5-100 program, aimed at increasing international competitiveness and getting into the top 100 world university rankings. Today, the university is included in the QS subject rankings in mathematics, physics, astronomy and electrical engineering. In the rating of the Expert RA agency, UrFU is in the top 10 Russian universities.

Entering the world of the Ural Federal University, the student plunges into the indescribable atmosphere of study, science and creativity, and leaves the university as a real specialist, ready to conquer career heights.

More Hide http://urfu.ru/

Student of this university: Good afternoon, I suffered for a long time, but today I will share information with you. To begin with, while we were studying, everyone frankly did not care about the fact that there were no desks and chairs on the floors. There is an auditorium for self-study but it is always closed. Only not long ago more or less repairs and a couple of chairs. But for what magnificent banquets, career spring, scientific conferences. Out of 100 students at such a conference, 30% will show really useful and interesting things (I'm not sure), but I'm sure that this is all window dressing. I had a case in the 3rd year, I came to the GUK to prepare for the exam. I went to the reading room, they didn’t let me in my outerwear, I went to the cloakroom and there they told me there was a conference today and the rector’s decree not to accept clothes from students. And they tell me to bring a paper that you really are going to the reader's room (who will give it to me) even if they didn't let me in. Swearing, okay, the guards, the normal men understood the situation and helped.

Now, perhaps about corruption, many teachers put triples for the bubble of no tea. The main corrupt official is G****. The price of the exam is 10 k. I was told that in the 90s and 2000s. He didn't even give out 500 rubles to a student for free. I also want to say about M******* when the head. departments in plain text says that the university received money from the state for you. Now no one cares about you, is this generally normal in your opinion? Many teachers do not even want to tell the material, but there was a case when I asked a question on the topic and they called me a fool. You see, I'm asking stupid questions. What is it about this, please? I came to learn to learn from experience, by asking a stupid question once, I will understand how to ask it correctly next time. Not all of us are able to keep up with the team. But this does not mean that after graduation this student will be a bad specialist. To understand, I exaggerate, there is one who understood the subject but became conceited and did not listen. And the other does not understand, but he is interested and he tries. And who do you think will succeed?

I want to quote someone else's review so that the reader draws his own conclusions<<<Добрый день! Начну с того, что за державу обидно. Просто обидно. Все продается и покупается и никто не стесняется. А кто не продается, тот просто не хочет работать. Создали "бренд", и торгуют им. Это давно уже огромный нечестный бизнес, а не образование. Возьмём очное, 1 курс, пишем курсовые: в том же Педе с тобой преподаватель общается, лично, ОЧНО (не зря наверно тратишь время и деньги на очке), объясняет что и как делать, наставляет тебя, курирует. Что происходит здесь? 1 курс, не было ещё ни производственной практики, ни опыта в написании курсовых, очно со студентами видеться никто не хочет, преподаватель просрочивает все сроки выдачи заданий, проверки и сдачи работ. Виноват и страдает кто? Естественно студент. Жаловаться некуда. Да и всем плевать уже, тройки хватит, лишь бы не мучали за просто так. Потом удивляются, почему народ заказывает и сдает чужие работы за деньги. Нет в стране практически достойного образования. И этот отзыв, описывающий лишь каплю в море. Никто не хочет работать, а лишь воровать. Знаете, до слез обидно. За страну обидно. Есть ли у нас будущее?>>> .....

Well, perhaps about R ******, this man only laughed in pairs, he gave the material without explanation and abbreviations. When he writes something on the board, he does not wait for people to write off. Explaining this by saying that you should read it in books. Yes, I agree, but how then does this type of education differ from self-study. Yes, if you come to the course you are interested in and study there for two weeks. You will get more information than when no one cares at all, you only need money, and so that no one fucks them, they spread rot with a bunch of tasks, without explanation. I came to the university not to guess riddles in someone else's head. The example is very simple when a specific task is described in the ticket. And at the time of delivery, additional conditions appear. It is the same with the abstract of this teacher. If you have given the task to write an essay on a topic and say to use foreign literature, you must understand that the deadlines are tight and everyone’s knowledge of the language is different. 20 also didn’t go anywhere, but what killed me the most was that he only accepted information from certain sources. Just think for yourself that a student has nerves, they call for work or some kind of business trips. You have drawn up an abstract before the session, bring it, and after looking at only one page, he says that this is not what he wanted to see. Well, kindly form the right task. And then he sent me to redo it, but he did not give an explanation. I'm not the only one, it's a story with every group. And so every year.

The second such friend is M*****, but he demands at least on business, probably one of the few honest university teachers. And ***** is also a great man, he even wrote his manual so that students understand the material. He put his soul into it. And not like now, they just send you to the Internet, go read it, and then I’ll think about whether you read it. For the university, the student should be in the first place and the attitude should be human.

And the last thing: there is a rude person sitting at the Department of Physics in the GUK, who can simply show you an indecent gesture in the face. She did not want to work and was rude if a woman had any problems in her personal life. Give the person a vacation, if she is just such a person, then have a conversation. And after I decided to contact the rector, they sent me to my home and said such issues should be resolved at the department. That is, if a student is in difficult situation no one will ever help him. This woman slandered me and until I turned the conversation in a different direction and said that if they do not resolve this issue now, I will go to court. Okay, I'm harmful if a girl of the first year and a village, for example, naive, honest and modest, gets into such a situation. She will only cry into the pillow in the hostel.

P.S. I wanted to enter this university from the age of 6, I went to this for many years, tried to do the work myself, taught the material. And then just such an attitude you are garbage and others will take your place. I hope the relevant authorities will be interested in this message and resolve the issue. Oh, yes, the idea of ​​part-timers is complete nonsense, yes, perhaps these people are specialists in their field, only the majority either do not want to or do not know how to teach. They have their own lives, children and dreams, they do not care about full-time and correspondence students.

A series of scandals, after which there were rumors of Koksharov's resignation, was associated with a number of lectures, including the author of the election program of the oligarch Mikhail Prokhorov, a liberal intellectual Vladislav Inozemtsev, editor-in-chief of "Echo of Moscow" Alexey Venediktov, EU Ambassador in Moscow Vygaudas Usackas and German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier. The main message: Russia may be a good country, but unsuitable for the development of new technologies, should not be independent, should abandon its imperial ambitions away, and at the same time return Crimea to Ukraine. Such a series of anti-Russian lectures was outraged by the Ural social activists, who spoke about this situation at the ONF conference in Moscow.

"As a citizen, I am against the filter of topics and speakers on discussion platforms, including state universities. But when one after another there are protests against the President of Russia, for the Ukrainian junta, and there are no alternative speakers, this is wrong. Everything from simple: different points vision should be presented so that young people can evaluate the quality of presentation of a particular historical fact. In a state university, a tilt to one side is categorically unacceptable, since, excuse me, these universities are supported by budget funds", - said in an interview with Nakanune.RU co-chairman of the Central Headquarters of the ONF, secretary of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation Alexander Brechalov.

Another public figure Iosif Diskin, Chairman of the Commission for the Harmonization of Interethnic and Interreligious Relations of the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation noted that the decision on the fact of holding anti-Russian lectures in UrFU - " this is the business of the academic council of the corresponding university, this is their principled position".

After a wave of criticism of the university and the rector from the media, public figures, including from Moscow, it seemed that the situation began to improve - Viktor Koksharov invited the main "Afghan" of the country and an active participant in the patriotic movement Franz Klintsevich to give regular lectures, announced a number of events in preparation for the 70th anniversary of the Victory, as well as a real boost of patriotism among students. However, after a short time, the university again heard the words that "Russia is not such a great country", in "the USSR they gave sausage on holidays", and that "you need to give up your principles more often". Some observers suggest that such a "swing" was associated with the uncertainty in the fate of the rector, and the return to liberal propaganda - with the confidence that "life is getting better" and "everything is decided up there." However, we must not forget that the driver of "opposition" processes in the university is called Vice-Rector Dmitry Bugrov, who represented the last lecturer - Mikhail Shvydkoy. Naturally, all this is happening not without the knowledge, but even with the approval of Viktor Koksharov. The university has not yet acknowledged that anti-Crimean and anti-Russian lectures are not very appropriate in a federal university. Apparently, this is precisely the "principled position of the Academic Council" or this position does not exist at all.

Returning to the family of the first president, it is worth remembering one more fact - despite the general confrontation between Russia and the West, Yeltsin's relatives are honored and welcomed in countries that even profess openly Russophobic views. For example, only a month ago, the Executive Director of the Yeltsin Foundation, Alexander Drozdov, visited Tallinn, where he presented letters of thanks from Naina Yeltsina to several people who were most active in the opening of the bas-relief in honor of Boris Yeltsin in 2013, including a member of parliament and a former minister. The bas-relief says that it was installed in memory of Boris Yeltsin, who made a contribution to the "peaceful restoration of Estonia's independence", that is, saved it from the bonds of the bloody Soviets. Note that this happened in the same Tallinn, where last years for example, academician Valery Tishkov, actor Ivan Okhlobystin, chairman of the public council under the Ministry of Defense Igor Korotchenko were banned from entering, and ex-deputy of the European Parliament Julieto Chiesa was imprisoned and expelled from the country for trying to speak at round table with a pro-Russian stance. And in the same Tallinn, where they decided to erect a monument to the Nazis.

A month later, Drozdov received the French Order of Merit. The same award was received by one of the co-organizers of the History of Stalinism, the head of the Rosarkhiv Sergei Mironenko. At the same time, relations between Russia and France, let's face it, are not particularly good.

The president's daughter, Tatyana Yumasheva, does have Austrian citizenship along with her husband. They were able to obtain citizenship in 2009 on the guarantee of the leadership of the Canadian automobile concern Magna for a major "contribution to the development of the Austrian automotive industry." True, the Russian public had two questions: how many brands of Austrian cars can the reader remember, and why do Canadian businessmen vouch for the daughter of the late ex-president before the Austrian authorities? It is clear that the questions are rhetorical.

Everything falls into place if we remember that since the early 1990s, the Magna concern has been closely associated with the "young reformers", in particular, with Anatoly Chubais and the business empire of Yumashev's son-in-law Oleg Deripaska. It's no secret that Magna's board of directors includes prominent Western politicians, including members of the Bildeberg Club.

It remains to be stated that the Boris Yeltsin family retains its influence not only in Russia, but also in the ranks of the Western business and political elite. And in this sense, an attempt to keep in the orbit of their influence one of the largest universities in the country with loyal leaders and government funding looks to them as real as it is justified.

The largest higher educational institution in the Urals at the moment is This university is named after B. N. Yeltsin, who went down in history as the first President of Russia. There are various specialties in UrFU. More than 50 thousand students study here in full-time and part-time forms. The educational process is organized by teachers with rich pedagogical and practical experience. Some of them are doctors and

The structure of the educational institution

The Ural Federal University embodies the principle of the universality of education. It trains specialists in technical, natural-science and humanitarian areas. In this regard, the structure of the university is represented by various institutions.

In UrFU, faculties and specialties of technical, natural science and humanitarian profiles are not the only ones. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin Ural Federal University has a military training center and a military training department. Here, sergeants, soldiers and reserve officers are trained.

Obtaining a technical education

Which faculty graduates are in high demand? This question is asked by many applicants who have not yet decided on their future profession. Currently, people with technical education are in great demand. You can get it by choosing the appropriate (at UrFU) specialties.

Applicants who are going to enter a federal university in technical areas can choose from a huge number of faculties and institutes:

  • higher engineering school;
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science;
  • Mechanical Engineering Institute, etc.

Higher School of Engineering

The Higher Engineering School of the Federal University recruits applicants for the following areas (specialties):

  • electrical engineering and electric power industry;
  • management, system analysis;
  • metallurgy;
  • technological equipment and machines.

To participate in the competition, the results of the Unified State Examination in the Russian language, physics and mathematics are required. Those applicants who do not have them pass entrance tests in these disciplines within the walls of a higher educational institution. Those who wish can look at the UrFU lists of applicants by specialty. The rating for review is formed on the website of the university.

Persons enrolled in the specialties (directions) chosen at UrFU will have interesting training. Classroom classes in the higher engineering school are held in the form of presentations, discussions, conversations and laboratory experiments. During them, students exchange ideas, prove their points of view.

Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science

Many applicants entering UrFU choose faculties and specialties at the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science. He appeared in a higher educational institution as a result of the merger of two faculties. Training is conducted in several programs related to metallurgy, materials science and related fields. For admission to most of the specialties, the results of exams in the Russian language, physics and mathematics are required.

There are two exceptions. One of them is Chemical Engineering. Upon admission to this direction, applicants take chemistry instead of physics. But people who choose "Technology of artistic processing" need the results of such exams as the Russian language and mathematics, and an introductory creative (professional) test. It is held within the walls of UrFU (Yekaterinburg).

Faculties and specialties of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science are in demand among applicants due to the high level of education. This structural unit of the Ural Federal University is famous for its huge methodological and laboratory base. Thanks to the help of partner enterprises, production and research complexes have been created at the university. That is why students of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science begin to engage in scientific activities during their studies.

Mechanical Engineering Institute

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Its tasks are to provide various industries National economy high-performance equipment and machines, introduction of progressive technologies, raising the level of automation and mechanization of production. People who want to connect their future life with mechanical engineering should choose a mechanical engineering institute.

In this division of UrFU, the list of specialties includes more than 10 different areas. To enroll in any of them, you must pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. Many applicants ask questions about what specialties are in UrFU for state-funded places. The selection committee lists the directions and cites last year's figures as an example. The current passing score cannot be named because it depends on:

  • from the number of applications submitted by applicants;
  • number of places;
  • the level of preparation of applicants (the results of the Unified State Examination, entrance examinations).

Obtaining a science education

For people interested in science education, the Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin offers the following institutes:

  • Institute of Natural Sciences;
  • Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics, etc.

You can apply for admission in person by visiting admission committee. You must have a passport and two copies of it, a certificate or diploma and two copies, as well as 4 photographs. Applicants living in other cities can apply Required documents to higher educational institution by mail. But to pass the entrance exams (in the absence of USE results), you will have to come to a federal university.

Institute of Natural Sciences

At the federal university, the Institute of Natural Sciences (IEN) appeared as a result of the merger of three faculties. Now in the structure of the IEN there are three departments. These are the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Physics. Both bachelors and masters are trained in all directions.

What are the specialties at UrFU at the Institute of Natural Sciences? There are about 15 of them here (astronomy, chemistry, metrology and standardization, physics, medical biochemistry, etc.). Students receive modern knowledge about the worldview, gain experience scientific activity and research work.

Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics

The Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics invites applicants to choose the following faculties and specialties at UrFU (list):

  • mathematical modeling and mechanics;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • maths;
  • computer security;
  • information technologies and fundamental informatics;
  • computer science and mathematics.

Students over the years of study master a huge amount of information. They participate in various conferences and competitions, conduct research activities. Many graduates find jobs in their specialty. They hold the positions of teachers, programmers, researchers, engineers.

Obtaining a liberal education

At the federal university, they receive not only technical and natural science, but also humanitarian education. For this they do:

  • in the Institute humanities and arts;
  • higher school of management and economics, etc.

Students receive rich theoretical knowledge and important practical skills. UrFU graduates with liberal education are in demand in various fields: teaching disciplines, radio, television and Internet journalism, tourism industry, economics, management, publishing.

Institute of Humanities and Arts

One of the leading centers of liberal education in Russia is IGNiI. The decoding of this abbreviation is the Institute of Humanities and Arts. This structural unit includes such faculties as historical, philological. There are also faculties of journalism, cultural studies and art history.

In IGNiI UrFU specialty, points (passing points) should be specified in the selection committee. One of the popular areas is "Journalism". The training is pretty interesting. Students of the IGNiI Federal University master various subjects, learn to collect interesting information and process it. They practice on radio, television and in print media.

Graduate School of Management and Economics

The Higher School of Management and Economics is very popular among applicants. Applicants are offered the following directions to UrFU (specialties):

  • Economics (educational programs - "Applied Economics and Finance", "International Business and World Economy");
  • business Informatics;
  • management (educational programs - "Corporate and international management", "Investment and construction business and industrial management");
  • economic security;
  • customs business.

Upon admission to the listed areas (except for "Customs"), the results of the Unified State Examination or entrance examinations in the Russian language, mathematics and social science are taken into account. In the specialty "Customs", applicants pass instead of mathematics foreign language(German, English, Spanish, French).

People who have chosen the directions "Economics", "Business Informatics" and "Management" will have to study for 4 years. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree. In such areas as "Economic Security" and "Customs", training lasts for 5 years on a full-time basis. As a result, graduates are awarded diplomas of specialists.

Full-time and part-time education

The Federal University provides its applicants with the opportunity to receive higher education by a huge number various specialties in the most convenient way. More than 70% of people choose This is a classic format. Full-time education has many advantages:

  • all the necessary knowledge and skills students receive at lectures, classroom lessons;
  • You can ask the teacher any questions you may have during class and get answers immediately.
  • people studying at the expense of public funds can count on a scholarship;
  • students are in a team, they can solve various issues and problems together with other classmates, learn some material and discuss it, express their ideas.

On some directions there are in UrFU extramural(specialties should be specified in the selection committee before admission). Students who choose this form of study can combine work with study. Many of them in senior years are arranged to work in their profession. This is a definite plus, because such students receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also the necessary practical skills. As a result, it is much easier for them to perform

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Ural Federal University is one of those universities that you should strive to enter. Students accumulate an excellent store of knowledge over the years of study. That is why graduates of this educational institution are in high demand among employers. It is also worth noting that among people who graduated from a federal university, there are many well-known personalities who have achieved excellent success in their careers.

Anonymous review 25.04.2019 11:11

I am a 3rd year student at high school economics and management - I like everything. Teachers explain the material being studied well, help to write scientific articles that can then be published - this is a valuable practice for students. The schedule of couples on time is convenient - you can combine it with work or part-time work. Of the minuses - sometimes couples are placed in a building at a different address, it is not always convenient - to travel to different places. The dean's office is always ready to help students with any questions. Can be in free time study in the library or in the coworking area. Also, the university has a bright extracurricular life - the UrFU Ball is held, various events, conferences, there is an opportunity to go to the camp with a student team, go to work at a construction site or as a conductor on a train. The university provides many opportunities to express yourself and learn something. Some hostels are quite old, there are cockroaches, and they need renovation.

Andrey Chirkin 10.04.2019 18:58

Institute of Radioelectronics and Information technologies UrFU is a cool, high-quality combination of teachers, students and the administration of the institute. The Institute does not stand still - it uses different approaches to teaching students and improving the skills of teachers. Graduates of the institute as students or upon completion easily get a job in an IT company. IRIT-RTF students are always leaders in the university and represent it at all-Russian and international events. In general, UrFU is a worthy university, Yekaterinburg is a great city. Non-residents are provided with a hostel and each institute has its own hostel, not far from the university. The university is developing noticeably, when it first entered there were ordinary whiteboards everywhere, and now it is mostly interactive whiteboards and projectors. Changes are taking place for the better both in nutrition and in comfort conditions.

Ksenia Tretyakova 04/01/2019 20:45

I study full-time at the Institute of New Materials and Technologies. This is my first higher education (bachelor's degree, 4 years of study). I am studying metallurgy. What can I say about the university? The teachers are real pros, at least in my department J. They share their knowledge and invaluable practical experience. As for material equipment, everything you need is here: e-library(books, lectures, scientific articles), classroom fund, projectors (for lectures in the form of presentations), etc. It is very interesting to study, various conferences are constantly held, and very often metallurgical companies arrange engineering competitions with cash prizes, as well as the opportunity to get a job offer in one of the leading companies. The Institute is interested in the further employment of its graduates, therefore employers are often invited. Also, new modern and comfortable hostels are being built for non-resident students. The last of these was hostel No. 8, where I live, it is a block type, 2-3 people live in rooms. It has all the necessary conditions for comfortable living students. UrFU education is valued not only throughout Russia, but throughout the world. Our university is recognized and it's cool, I'm proud)!!!

Olesya Rudakova 03/06/2019 19:48

In general, I can characterize my university as very good, my institute - INMT - as excellent. I am happy that I chose UrFU, graduated from this university, received a decent education and filled my head with a huge amount of really necessary knowledge (if anything, I finished the direction Information Systems and technology in metallurgy). It was difficult to enter, but it was worth it) I passed each subject of the exam for 70+. Pluses of education: versatile education, good teaching both in terms of theory, and, which is very important, a lot of practice, they give very deep knowledge, very strong teaching staff, in-depth study necessary disciplines (economics, law, languages) if necessary.

Anonymous review 27.10.2018 14:52

From the beginning of my first year of undergraduate studies, I thought about the important question: "What do I want to achieve through education?" The answer was very simple: I want a prestigious job with a decent salary. And since I liked the sphere of energy and finance, I considered these areas. Now I am studying on a budgetary basis under the program "Energy Business" at the REC "INZHEK". In my opinion, this is the best department that trains power engineers and managers at the same time. At the moment I work in the Investment Department of JSC "Ekaterinburg Electric Grid Company". I got a job immediately two days after receiving my diploma. I thought it would be difficult to combine studies, work, and personal life, but every weekday I have time to drink coffee with friends, attend a piano evening, and also go to the cinema :)

Anonymous review 29.05.2018 10:44

Good afternoon! I'll start with the fact that it's a shame for the state. It's just embarrassing. Everything is bought and sold and no one is shy. And who is not for sale, he simply does not want to work. Created a "brand" and trade it. This has long been a huge dishonest business, not education. Let's take full-time, 1 course, write term papers: in the same Peda, the teacher communicates with you, personally, PERSONALLY (it’s probably not in vain that you spend time and money on a point), explains what and how to do, instructs you, supervises. What's going on here? 1st year, there was still no work experience, no experience in writing term papers, no one wants to see students in person, the teacher delays all the deadlines for issuing assignments, checking and submitting papers. Who is to blame and who suffers? Naturally a student. There is nowhere to complain. Yes, and no one cares already, three is enough, if only they would not be tortured for nothing. Then they wonder why people order and rent other people's work for money. There is no practically worthy education in the country. And this review, describing only a drop in the ocean. Nobody wants to work, but only steal. You know, it's embarrassing. Shame on the country. Do we have a future?

E davydova 03/23/2018 20:57

hmm .. I was disappointed in this university upon admission, so to speak, the attitude was not the best, they immediately found fault with the documents, yelled at me saying that the pictures, sign the documents, photocopies are not all, and even after I passed the test and was on the list of applicants for the budget by points in 8th or 9th place among all, the submission of originals should have been closed on 08/12/16 ... they assured me that after 08/12/16 they would no longer accept documents from those who enter the exam. and what do you think on 08/19/16, a girl appears on the list for the budget, naturally I dropped out of the competition, and she was included in the competition, although according to the rules they should not have taken her already, she was late, from which I concluded that this was my man by pull shoved .. the university is engaged in freezing money, in Moscow they teach this specialty much cheaper, where to get 77,400 a year? and to study for 5 years .. it’s a bit far to Moscow, but here it’s closer, I already drove for almost a day to enter and stuck around for 3 days to pass mathematics, maybe the exam didn’t have enough points ... in the end what? someone gave someone a good paw and that's it !!

Maria Nikitina 10.03.2018 21:41

The admissions committee does not work well. Called in advance to clarify as I have benefits. Having collected the documents, I arrived at the university, they told me everything is not where you got these documents from, we need others. By the way, I was from the region and drove 7 hours. I said that the secretary listed these documents to me. To which I received an answer, maybe you didn’t call us. The studies began.... The Russian language teacher said that we are the elite only because we entered Urfa. At that time, I had a spo and I want to say that the teachers in the college were more competent. And studying proccess was much more interesting. In a foreign language, the teacher could be offended by an obtuse or even worse. Many would like to learn Russian .... not always everything works out for everyone. The Dean always knows nothing. I waited a month and a half for the documents and the order of expulsion. I took the documents myself because I did not like either the study or the teaching staff. As a result, the order wrote about the non-fulfillment of the curriculum. I maintain relationships with classmates 70 percent are not enthusiastic about the university. And I also learned that 17 people left the two groups of our direction. I think that this is an indicator, but really smart guys have left and not slobs.

Arina Smirnova 11.01.2018 07:14

Good afternoon! I am a student of UrFU and I am a 3rd year student. I would like to tell about the university for future generations of applicants) UrFU is a worthy Ural university, entering here, you are guaranteed to receive a quality education that is valued not only in Russia, but also in foreign countries, I myself went on an exchange course to Bulgaria as a 2nd year student for half a year, they consider our university to be very promising for training scientific personnel, of course there are also disadvantages, for example, hostels, but recently the university administration has been trying to improve, a new hostel was built last year, so I think this university should be considered for admissions and training!

Anonymous review 04.12.2017 11:59

I like studying at UrFU. There is always such a cozy atmosphere. I love my group, our friendly gatherings in the canteen, heated discussions, polemics at seminars. It is very interesting to discover constantly something new, previously unexplored. Thanks to the teachers for their patience and willingness to help. UrFU! Thanks for making new friends! Thank you for the knowledge that we take from you for free! You are the best university!

Marina Antipova 08/30/2017 15:34

The university is certainly not bad, it gives a really high-quality education! Qualified teachers, new equipment, new manuals, BUT in relation to students, this is not the best university, although it is Federal! In the first year, almost everyone who wants to is accommodated, and then there are guys from the turn of 50 km, it seems to someone that this is not much, but you ride every day, especially if difficult couples and practices drag on until the evening. The second year is coming and the problems begin! First of all, freshmen are accommodated until everything seems logical, then foreign students are accommodated ONE AT ALL in a room designed for FOUR Russian students! well, then, if you are active, participate in non-educational events, earn points, REPEAT NOT STUDY, then they give you a place, of course, you must close the session without triples, but if there is a person with only fours, but very active and you, who only one 4, I'm sorry, but the choice is not yours. This continues for another 3 years, yes, exactly 3, even in the LAST 4th year, when people have a diploma on their nose, they are denied places. It is also worth noting that the dormitories are half empty, on our floor (last year) of 5 rooms, 2 were occupied, the situation is approximately the same on other floors. The rooms are not rented out, because of some mythical renovation, which I personally saw once in 3 when I lived, and then ... the guys lived in these rooms and were moved to others for a week of repairs.

In general, in terms of STUDIES, this university wins among many, but if you are counting on a stable place in a hostel, then this is definitely NOT UrFU.

Egor Andreev 07/27/2017 08:57

Graduated from the first year of the Physical Technology Institute of the Ural Federal University, direction applied mathematics and physics. It is difficult to evaluate studies at UrFU in other areas, since mine is very strong and very difficult. Unlike other bands, we had more practice and theory, which made it an extremely strong band. All 24 people closed the session from 1 time in all subjects. Among our teachers there are only candidates and doctors of sciences. In general, if you want serious education, then you do not need to leave for Moscow or St. Petersburg. We have a serious theoretical direction in the Urals.

Anonymous review 20.07.2017 07:40

Graduated from radio faculty this year. I will say this - the training was not easy, but I have never regretted my choice. Radik is the best. I was very lucky with the group, the teachers are also excellent, in general, only positive emotions and memories about UrFU remained. I already miss the native walls of the university and our canteen, I would repeat these 4 years again, but now it's time to go on a free voyage and look for a job. Thanks to the UrFU job fair and the reviews of senior students, pah-pah-pah, there is an opportunity to choose an enterprise.

Ivan Ivanov 01/20/2017 17:47

A little about myself: I am a 1st year state student at UPI IRIT-RTF, who finished the winter session with excellent marks.

In short, the university is shit! Do not submit documents here, do not repeat our mistakes (already students)! If it's full, then sit down comfortably and I will take you to all the sweet corners of this institute - let's go. Everything that will be written by me below will be only my opinion and describe the situation at the "faculty" of IRIT-RTF and hostel No. 11.

1. The level of education. The motto of the university is "You can't teach, you can only learn!" The information is presented in a "naked" and incomprehensible form, they explain absolutely nothing (lectures are read from the projector slides in electronic form), and control one after another and how to write them, nobody cares, and then you have to sit all day and night (this during the semester itself, not even a session yet!) and INDEPENDENTLY learn the topic and write a test on it at least for a low score. Consultations - no! The bottom line on this point is that no one will teach you, you will be forced to teach yourself so as not to be expelled.

2. Attitude towards students. On students everything is like light bulbs. Who you are and what's wrong with you in your studies are purely your problems.

3. A standard (academic) scholarship is paid to everyone with all the rules, as in other universities (2100r). But suddenly, you decide to go for an increased scholarship, then here you will go through 7 circles of hell and, what is most funny, you will not get anything! The information on the site (orders, regulations, etc.) is mostly no longer relevant, and as a result, the applicant, reading the regulations on the site and counting on something, will not receive anything, explaining this with one phrase - "the provisions are outdated, new orders have we are not, and the university has no money at all to pay any increased scholarships." This is what they did to me and many other excellent students. As for the increased scholarship of 10,000 rubles for those who have 250+ USE points, this is true. But only up to 1 session, then if you didn’t finish the winter session perfectly, bye bye. The bottom line on this point is that while you are an applicant, everyone needs you and they will beckon you in all possible ways, when you are a student, you are nobody. No one will help you and nothing will be given to you.

4. The attitude of employees in internal divisions is boorish and ugly! They never know anything and always send (redirect) to other departments, supposedly they will tell you there, and there the situation repeats itself and so the vicious circle. The result is an unskilled composition of employees at the "faculty" of IRIT-RTF.

5. Hostel. This could go on all day long, but I'll try to be brief. So, if YOU are NOT a FOREIGN entrant, then you will live in the most barracks conditions, in complete unsanitary conditions, and at night you will wake up and throw off a couple of cockroaches, because there are sooooo many of them in the hostel and no treatments are carried out. The furniture is all old and in addition it is almost non-existent in the rooms (you have to buy and bring your own), mice are still running around. The walls are very thin, any conversation from the next room is remarkably audible, and it is completely impossible to fall asleep at night, as a result, everything turns into a big conflict. Repairs were carried out only on the 4th and 5th floors of the hostel, where foreigners are accommodated. It’s not realistic for a Russian freshman to get there! The result is that you will be settled for 1 course, for 2 already with a huge question, and whether you still have the desire to live in a hostel in a year is also a big question.

And once again - Conclusion: Do not submit documents here, do not repeat our mistakes (already students)! There are many alternatives to this institute with the same passing score, and with much better conditions in all respects. And I myself plan to transfer to another university.

P.S. Wonderful cloakroom attendants work for IRIT-RTF. God bless them and all the best. These are, indeed, wonderful people, looking at whom you want to live and smile.

Anonymous review 19.06.2016 00:05

I graduated from Linguistics at ISPN UrFU (4 years). This is terrible!!! Education - ZERO! The direction itself is exaggerated, somehow cunningly opened at the faculty of the m / o. There is nothing philological connected with real science and the study of languages ​​here - only rudeness, endless raids by the scientific instructor and academic secretary, presenting old grievances at the state and defending a diploma. A friend graduated from yaz in pede, I really regret that I didn’t go there ((

Andrey Narmiev 05.11.2014 10:55

UrFU. Recently, this university has always appeared everywhere and always. Because of the quality of education? because of educational programs? Absolutely not. Who knows, maybe they have paid for everything, but the fact is that the quality of education has been rapidly falling down in recent years. Most graduates receive diplomas (with excellent or good grades!!!), but have no idea why. There is emptiness in their heads, there are a lot of such examples, even myself. I will not be modest, I will say that both I and the guys with whom I studied are smart, happy people, from good families, graduates of prestigious gymnasiums and lyceums. However, we left the university and realized that we did not understand anything. Engaged, did something these five years, tried, studied. But now we can’t even imagine where and with whom we can work in our specialty! Most of my classmates entered UrFU, we communicate, meet, share our impressions. And here we are again. I was shocked! All these people don't know what they've been taught! It's just a pity that entire generations are killing themselves in this university. Last year, the guys I knew came after great results in a test drive. We went there full of ambitions, plans for life. towards the middle school year they began to say with regret that the university does not justify itself, it is boring to study, it is absolutely uninteresting, life has become not a joy. And it would be okay if it was just boring, learning is not always fun, and then they began to understand that they were not taught anything. One even left the most prestigious faculty and re-enrolled this year. They say about teachers: "Who did not die, he left." Corruption is rampant. Sometimes a whole group fails exams (for example, a friend had it twice). They go to exams with gifts, they arrange surprises for teachers. And it turns out to knock out the machine! How can you learn like that? I do not understand what can remain in the minds of those who do this. Although we didn’t do this very much (I admit, we once had such a practice), but we don’t have anything in our heads either. And what is most interesting, no one stops it, the teachers only look with gratitude at the gifts and let the students go to hell. The brother and sister of the younger ones (smart, pretty guys, teachers have high hopes) are sent by all teachers either abroad or to St. Petersburg/Novosibirsk. In Novosibirsk, the scientific base is large, they teach well in a variety of areas. And technically developed, and medicine. Guys need this. Petersburg, probably, it is not necessary to speak, and it is so clear that education there is at a high level. Czech Republic, Germany. Austria, Switzerland, Great Britain are ready to accept the guys, they speak languages, so most likely we will send them there. It becomes really scary when you see the guys participating in this notorious test drive, whose eyes are burning, who have a lot of thoughts, plans and ideas, who are young and interesting ... And who enter this university. I don’t want them to form such an opinion about life from these 17-18 years, they say, disappointment is everywhere, no one really needs you, do it the way you want, no one wants to teach you anything here. A separate story with all sorts of preparatory courses. In the first lessons, for an hour and a half, children are told about the programs, initially saying that the classes are paid for by the budget, and after submitting applications, everyone suddenly finds out that the courses cost 15,890 rubles a year! And that's just for one subject. So at present there is nothing to do at the HSE, UPI. It’s more difficult for me to talk about humanitarian areas, since there are not very many acquaintances there, but, it seems, African studies are more or less well developed, everyone wants to learn the Korean language, yes. Think for yourself, decide for yourself, but my advice to you: I, as a person representing my friends, UrFU graduates, I tell you - run! If you do not want to kill yourself and your potential here, then look for educational institutions that are really worthy of you! Good luck!

Anonymous review 31.03.2014 08:02

On March 29, we visited an open day, my daughter is in the 10th grade, until March 29 she could not choose her future profession, we decided to go to Ural Federal University, see what and how, her daughter took her friend with her who wants to study as a programmer ... We had 550 km or 8 hours to go, so we left on the 28th with the expectation of spending the night in Yekaterinburg. we arrived, rented an apartment, walked around the city, everything was beautiful, clean and generally liked by both us and the children .. we chose the institutes that we wanted to go to for an open day: there, fur, energy and construction, the first was mat-fur at 11.00 - the children liked it , the director spoke normally, he and his assistants explained everything intelligibly, the girls came out inspired and said that everything, they decided to go to study at mat-fur ... (+) I promised them that the rest would also be interesting .... in there was no RTF in our plan, because they gathered on the 30th at 12.00 and we couldn’t get in because we had to go home, we tried to find the building where the RTF is located, but no one said anything intelligible ..... we walked for an hour and didn’t find it .... we went to the admissions office , asked for booklets on RTF, the woman said that she didn’t have booklets, if you have questions, look at the site .... to my question, why then an open day if they have everything on the site, she shrugged her shoulders and said that she didn’t come up with it ... it was the first unpleasant moment. (-) then we had lunch in the dining room, they cook delicious, satisfying and not very expensive. (+) at 14.00 we went to a meeting with power engineers. the director could not communicate with the audience, and other teachers too, the girls got bored after there-fur, it’s like a tub of cold water, (-) they scared away more than lured them to their institute, at the end they said if anyone is interested, then in the lobby we’ll gather in groups to go in the classrooms, went out to look at this case, they themselves could not go because they also wanted to look at the builders. 3-4 crowds really gathered in the foyer, those who barked stood with their hands raised high in which the names of the faculties were on white sheets. builders upset even more, I thought there would be no one worse than power engineers, I was mistaken ... the director of the institute immediately said that there were no representatives of several faculties, because. he doesn't see them in the hall... they started talking further, the young dean was trying to connect something, talking about numbers. 2 more teachers did not say anything at all, introduced themselves and said that after everything they would lead everyone to the department and you need to "watch your hand" i.e. there weren’t even pieces of paper with the names of the faculties ... (-) in total, for visiting URFU, I put 2 pluses and 3 minuses; the children liked it on mat-fur; I know that these are interesting professions and are always in demand, but after the speeches of the speakers I couldn’t break the girls ... I’ll also say that the school where our children study is not the weakest and I don’t worry about the exam at all, moreover, I think that 240-250 points are not for us problem. at the end of April we will go to open days in Kazan .. if we like it better there. then .... URFU sorry, you did not impress us.

Anonymous review 15.07.2013 13:28

The first couple of months are a delight. Until you get tired and you don't notice peeling ceilings, nasty desks and teachers who have long lost their qualifications or have not acquired it. Corruption is present, sometimes the whole group buys the entire exam. An established tradition of bringing gifts to exams. Most teachers don't give a damn about students and work on a "like/dislike" basis. Lectures are boring and already after the 1st month half of the flow does not appear on them. Hostels for 4 out of 10. Of course there are positive sides, but they are few and worth looking at under a magnifying glass.

Alla Prikhodko 07/08/2013 15:21

Ural Federal University named after the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin appeared quite recently, only in 2009, by decree of the President of the Russian Federation D. A. Medvedev, a new university was created on the basis of USTU-UPI. Later, in 2011, it was joined by one of the best universities in the Urals - Ural State University. A.M. Gorky. But, despite its short history, UrFU is very popular with applicants. And the achievements of those who have already joined the ranks of students and graduates are the pride of the entire Urals Federal District. But let's start in order and talk about what awaits everyone who has received a student ID card with the letter "U" next to the photo.

Admission to a university is one of the most responsible and exciting stages of studying at a university. Most applicants prepare for it in advance, devoting their free time from school to tutors and preparatory courses. As a result, every year certificates from high results The USE opens the way to a new life within the walls of the university for approximately 4,000 applicants. So, for example, in 2012, enrolled in face-to-face there were 4,237 students, including 75 students enrolled in my specialty - "public relations".

Students of one of the ten best universities in the country dream of becoming not only yesterday's schoolchildren of the Urals Federal District. In my group, almost half are non-resident students from Alma-Ata, Irkutsk, Khabarovsk, Surgut, Moscow. Of the 30 classmates, only 7 people are the natives of Yekaterinburg, but this does not frighten at all, but on the contrary, it gives a unique opportunity to get acquainted with the culture and traditions of other nationalities of our country. We get to know each other during a huge number of extracurricular activities and holidays. Our graduation will forever remember the evening when we became the owners of the prestigious title - "The best business card of the faculty" at the arena of the city circus. Many hours of rehearsals, selection of costumes, painted banners and ringing chants made it possible to become the best of the best in the parade of freshmen.

But a fun student life is not the only thing that awaits on the way to obtaining the coveted diploma. Every six months, endurance tests await everyone: non-stop tests do not even allow you to think about sleep for a whole week, and the session immediately following them makes you read professional literature without interruption. Unfortunately, many are exhausted or simply rely on the great Freebie, and by the end of the training, exactly half of us remain. Only 15 out of 30 applicants make it to the finish line. Studying is not always easy: along with disciplines, when the very presence of a student in class allows you to get the desired “pass”, there are also subjects that have to be taken more than once. In my history of study, there was a case when I had to take a seemingly simple test 3 times. For the last and most successful time, I came, as they say, fully armed: I knew by heart all the lectures on discipline that we had been reading for a whole year.

The learning process is diverse - absolutely everything is taught here, because UrFU is the most classical university. Couples of medicine, three years of physical training, concepts of modern natural science, a comprehensive examination of the profession from different angles: mathematics, philosophy, economics - a wealth of disciplines paints a complete picture future profession. Teachers who not only provide a theoretical basis, but also teach how to apply knowledge in practice deserve high praise.

Long before graduation, many of the students begin to work, and, what is very important, in their specialty. Most large companies do not attach importance to what course you are currently on, the only condition is the successful combination of work and study. For employers, every UrFU student is a welcome employee in their staff. Therefore, for everyone who prioritizes professional implementation, UrFU will be a win-win option on the path to success.

Anonymous review 06/22/2013 15:51

My eldest son graduated from this university last year, and the middle one is studying now. Every year the university is getting worse and worse. If during the study of the elder everything was determined precisely by knowledge, now the qualifications of the teaching staff have significantly decreased. Young teachers cannot boast of deep knowledge and, accordingly, they cannot convey anything to students either. Young teachers try to compensate for the lack of professionalism with tyranny. The remaining few "old shots" are not able to make a significant improvement in the overall sad picture. This is especially true for the Department of Engineering Graphics. If the leadership of the university fails to reverse this sad trend, in a few years it will no longer be necessary to enter this educational institution.

Daria Shiryaeva 20.05.2013 23:14

Anonymous review 20.05.2013 23:13

I studied from 2004 to 2009 in the Ural state university them. A.M. Gorky at the Faculty of History, specialty "socio-cultural service and tourism", which is now part of the Ural Federal University, which, after the merger of USU and UPI, became the largest university in the city.

At the time when I entered, everyone passed the most common entry exams, because experiments with tests and the exam were just beginning. For the specialty "socio-cultural service and tourism" it was necessary to take history (test and oral on tickets), a foreign language (oral and written), Russian (essay). budget places there were 10, and the competition was 20 people per seat. Of course, it was not easy to enter, even if he graduated from school with a medal. But I managed to get into the top 10 state employees. In total, there were about 30-32 people in the group on average, i.e. Most of the students studied for free. The training took place mainly in lecture form. At the end of each semester, we passed tests and exams in the subjects we had passed. Moreover, at USU there was no practice of buying tests and exams: it was possible to earn a machine gun - but not to buy it.

For the third year now I have been working not quite in my specialty, but also in the service sector. And the knowledge that I received in the process of training is still useful to me.

Mark Vasiliev 19.05.2013 12:50

I have been a student of the Ural Federal University for almost a year, the first year. I study at the institute Natural Sciences, Department - Physical. My specialty is Metrology and standardization. It was not very difficult to enter, with good scores for the exam. The Russian language, mathematics and physics were taken into account. A place in the hostel was provided. There are enough budget places. Learning is not difficult if you are determined to gain knowledge and want it. There are no jokes about buying tests or exams here, not a hint that you can buy anything. The teachers are different, but the subject is always explained at the proper level and after that they demand only what they gave. The same mathematics is given by teachers from Mat-Meha. Education is given in a wide profile, both in the specialty and in general subjects. There are laboratories for chemical and physical practices. The active life of students is also well arranged. There are many circles and sections. Students actively participate in the life of the university. If you are determined to get a decent education, then I advise you to do it.

Margarita Ivantseva 05/11/2013 18:27

I studied at this university from 2008 to 2012, right after college, I decided to continue my education and entered the specialty Anti-crisis management (economics and enterprise management) at the Faculty of Economics and Management. I studied at the evening and for a fee, a competition, at the time of my admission there were 10 people per place. Upon admission, we passed 3 exams: physics, mathematics and Russian. Exams were held in the form of a test, it was easy to pass, everything was at the level school curriculum. We were recruited by 3 groups, but in the end only 2 graduated. We studied, we started in October, we had lectures for a month, and at the end of the hours we passed tests and exams, which, as it turned out, is much more convenient than taking it at the end of the semester. In general, the training went smoothly, the teaching staff was at the highest level, I would especially like to note the teacher Devi Yuri Mikhailovich, he “fought” for each student and perfectly explains his subject. You can also do an internship at the university base, they provided a base of employers with further employment, from our group 15 people got a job this way. I went through the practice myself, because at the time of training I was already working. In total, during the period while I was studying, we had 8 practices, i.e. 2 per year, one production and the second pedagogical. After graduating from the UPI, I changed my job to a more paid one and in my specialty.