Actual problems of the technological process of production and transmission of electricity

The master's program "Actual problems of the technological process of production and transmission of electricity" is implemented by the department "Automated electrical systems» Faculty of Electrical Engineering FSAEI HPE "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin". 6 professors, Doctor of Technical Sciences, are involved in conducting training sessions. One professor of the department is a laureate of the state award. To ensure the educational process, qualified teachers of specialized departments of the Ural Federal University, leading specialists of electric power enterprises, researchers from the institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, employees of industry institutes and industrial enterprises are involved. The department has modern educational and scientific laboratories corresponding to the profiles of master's programs. Undergraduates carry out research in the following main areas: 1. Information and algorithmic support for the tasks of managing electric power systems and managing the quality of electricity. 2. Development of industry management principles related to the introduction of competitive market relations both in the field of electricity generation and transportation, and in electricity consumption, taking into account foreign experience, the specifics of the Russian economy and the established management technology. 3. The study of the energy security of the territories, the safety of the functioning of the energy system, the identification of methods of analysis and ways to ensure the quality and reliability of electric power systems and power supply systems for consumers. Qualified training of masters in the declared direction is ensured by the great experience of the department staff in relevant scientific areas, the availability of postgraduate and doctoral studies, and the holding of international scientific conferences.

General theory of electromechanical energy conversion

Design and operation of electric power systems

The master's program "Design and operation of electric power systems" is implemented by the department "Automated electrical systems" of the electrical engineering faculty of FSAEI HPE "Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin". 6 professors, Doctor of Technical Sciences, are involved in conducting training sessions. One professor of the department is a laureate of the state award. To ensure the educational process, qualified teachers of specialized departments of the Ural Federal University, leading specialists of electric power enterprises, researchers from the institutes of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, employees of industry institutes and industrial enterprises are involved. The department has modern educational and scientific laboratories corresponding to the profiles of master's programs. Undergraduates carry out research in the following main areas: 1. Assessment of the level of electricity consumption, planning, design and engineering of electric power facilities, modeling of normal and transient modes in the EPS. 2. Calculation of balances and energy losses in electric networks, determination of the reliability of electric energy accounting data, development of economically sound organizational and technical energy saving measures aimed at reducing electricity losses. 3. Design and operation of modern control systems for operating modes of sources, power distribution systems, voltage and reactive power regulation. 4. Development of a concept for the development of power supply systems for large consumption centers and design of power supply systems. Qualified training of masters in the declared direction is ensured by the great experience of the department staff in relevant scientific areas, the availability of postgraduate and doctoral studies, and the holding of international scientific conferences.

Electric drive and automation of technological complexes

Master's training provides for the study of modern highly efficient AC electric drives of various classes with digital control, an in-depth study of the mathematical theory of AC machines, the development of software products for the analysis and synthesis of control systems for these types of electric drives, familiarization with energy-saving technologies based on adjustable electric drives, simulation math modeling and the study of physical layouts of AC electromechanical systems. Topics of master's theses are formed within the framework of scientific research and development of the department, as well as partners of the department, leading research, design and adjustment organizations of the Ural region. The master's curriculum provides in-depth physical and mathematical training, knowledge of modern control theory, a high level of education in the field of automated electric drive, and research skills. High-quality training of masters in this direction is ensured by many years of experience of the department staff in the development and research of AC electric drives. The department has highly qualified scientific and pedagogical staff for the implementation of master's training in this area, postgraduate and doctoral studies in the specialty 05.09.03 "Electrical complexes and systems" are successfully working at the department. Teachers of the department constantly participate with reports at All-Russian and international conferences on automated electric drive. The department has a modern laboratory base, including industrial DC and AC converters from leading manufacturers of electrical equipment, technological automation systems, data exchange systems, microcontroller systems, which allows you to perform experimental studies electric drives of various classes. Scientific research of the department is carried out within the framework of scientific direction"Development of scientific bases and modeling of energy-saving induction electrotechnological and electromechanical systems". The aim of the work is to create scientific foundations for the creation of electric drives with microprocessor control systems and

Electrotechnological processes and installations with power and control systems

Electric power systems, networks, their modes, stability, reliability

Power plants, power plants and complexes based on non-traditional and renewable energy sources

Mission - preparation of a qualified graduate capable of intellectual creative professional activity in the field of electric power and electrical engineering with a deep knowledge of non-traditional and renewable energy sources. The objects of professional activity of graduates are:

  • power plants, power plants and complexes based on non-traditional and renewable energy sources;
  • research stands and NRES installations;
  • production and technological processes at small and medium power facilities;
  • means of automation of power plants and complexes;
The goals of the main educational program for this profile of training provide for the international comparability of programs and diplomas in the interests of expanding exports educational services provided by the university and attract foreign students. The advantages of training under this program at Ural Federal University in comparison with other universities of the country: the presence of an extended (in relation to classical RES) list of studied and researched non-traditional and renewable energy sources. These advantages and features are determined by the following factors:
  • profile training is carried out on the basis of the department "Nuclear Plants and Renewable Energy Sources" with a rich tradition of producing specialists for the nuclear industry and innovative developments in the field of renewable energy.
  • The Sverdlovsk region has a huge industrial potential, but only 5% is provided with its own energy potential (analogue is Japan);
  • in addition to classical RES (wind, hydro, solar energy), bioenergy technologies, heat pumps, the use of household and industrial waste, the production of alcohol-gasoline mixtures, the use of radioisotope products and fuel cells are being studied in depth.

The largest higher educational institution in the Urals at the moment is This university is named after B. N. Yeltsin, who went down in history as the first President of Russia. There are various specialties in UrFU. More than 50 thousand students study here in full-time and part-time forms. Studying proccess organized by teachers with rich pedagogical and practical experience. Some of them are doctors and

The structure of the educational institution

The Ural Federal University embodies the principle of the universality of education. It trains specialists in technical, natural sciences and humanitarian areas. In this regard, the structure of the university is represented by various institutions.

In UrFU, faculties and specialties of technical, natural science and humanitarian profiles are not the only ones. Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin Ural Federal University has a military training center and a military training department. Here, sergeants, soldiers and reserve officers are trained.

Obtaining a technical education

Which faculty graduates are in high demand? This question is asked by many applicants who have not yet decided on their future profession. Currently, people with technical education are in great demand. You can get it by choosing the appropriate (at UrFU) specialties.

Applicants who are going to enter a federal university in technical areas can choose from a huge number of faculties and institutes:

  • higher engineering school;
  • Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science;
  • Mechanical Engineering Institute, etc.

Higher School of Engineering

The Higher Engineering School of the Federal University recruits applicants for the following areas (specialties):

  • electrical engineering and electric power industry;
  • management, system analysis;
  • metallurgy;
  • technological equipment and machines.

To participate in the competition you need USE results in Russian language, physics and mathematics. Those applicants who do not have them pass entrance tests in these disciplines within the walls of a higher educational institution. Those who wish can look at the UrFU lists of applicants by specialty. The rating for review is formed on the website of the university.

Persons enrolled in the specialties (directions) chosen at UrFU will have interesting training. Classroom classes in the higher engineering school are held in the form of presentations, discussions, conversations and laboratory experiments. During them, students exchange ideas, prove their points of view.

Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science

Many applicants entering UrFU choose faculties and specialties at the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science. He appeared in a higher educational institution as a result of the merger of two faculties. Training is conducted in several programs related to metallurgy, materials science and related fields. For admission to most of the specialties, the results of exams in the Russian language, physics and mathematics are required.

There are two exceptions. One of them is Chemical Engineering. Upon admission to this direction, applicants take chemistry instead of physics. But people who choose "Technology of artistic processing" need the results of such exams as the Russian language and mathematics, and an introductory creative (professional) test. It is held within the walls of UrFU (Yekaterinburg).

Faculties and specialties of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science are in demand among applicants due to the high level of education. This structural unit of the Ural Federal University is famous for its huge methodological and laboratory base. Thanks to the help of partner enterprises, production and research complexes have been created at the university. That is why students of the Institute of Metallurgy and Materials Science begin to engage in scientific activities during their studies.

Mechanical Engineering Institute

Mechanical engineering is one of the most important sectors of the economy. Its tasks are to provide various industries National economy high-performance equipment and machines, introduction of progressive technologies, raising the level of automation and mechanization of production. People who want to connect their future life with mechanical engineering should choose a mechanical engineering institute.

In this division of UrFU, the list of specialties includes more than 10 different areas. To enroll in any of them, you must pass the Russian language, mathematics and physics. Many applicants ask questions about what specialties are in UrFU for state-funded places. The selection committee lists the directions and cites last year's figures as an example. The current passing score cannot be named because it depends on:

  • from the number of applications submitted by applicants;
  • number of places;
  • the level of preparation of applicants (the results of the Unified State Examination, entrance examinations).

Obtaining a science education

People who are interested science education, Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin offers the following institutes:

  • Institute of Natural Sciences;
  • Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics, etc.

You can apply for admission in person by visiting the admissions office. You must have a passport and two copies of it, a certificate or diploma and two copies, as well as 4 photographs. Applicants living in other cities can apply Required documents to a higher education institution by mail. But to pass the entrance exams (in the absence of USE results), you will have to come to a federal university.

Institute of Natural Sciences

At the federal university, the Institute of Natural Sciences (IEN) appeared as a result of the merger of three faculties. Now in the structure of the IEN there are three departments. These are the Faculty of Biology, the Faculty of Chemistry and the Faculty of Physics. Both bachelors and masters are trained in all directions.

What are the specialties at UrFU at the Institute of Natural Sciences? There are about 15 of them here (astronomy, chemistry, metrology and standardization, physics, medical biochemistry, etc.). Students receive modern knowledge about the worldview, gain experience scientific activity and research work.

Institute of Computer Science, Mathematics

The Institute of Computer Science and Mathematics invites applicants to choose the following faculties and specialties at UrFU (list):

  • mathematical modeling and mechanics;
  • Applied Informatics;
  • maths;
  • computer security;
  • information technologies and fundamental informatics;
  • computer science and mathematics.

Students over the years of study master a huge amount of information. They participate in various conferences and competitions, research activities. Many graduates find jobs in their specialty. They hold the positions of teachers, programmers, researchers, engineers.

Obtaining a liberal education

At the federal university, they receive not only technical and natural science, but also humanitarian education. For this they do:

  • to the Institute of Humanities and Arts;
  • higher school of management and economics, etc.

Students receive rich theoretical knowledge and important practical skills. UrFU graduates with liberal education are in demand in various fields: teaching disciplines, radio, television and Internet journalism, tourism industry, economics, management, publishing.

Institute of Humanities and Arts

One of the leading centers of liberal education in Russia is IGNiI. The decoding of this abbreviation is the Institute of Humanities and Arts. This structural unit includes such faculties as historical, philological. There are also faculties of journalism, cultural studies and art history.

In IGNiI UrFU specialty, points (passing points) should be specified in admission committee. One of the popular areas is "Journalism". The training is pretty interesting. Students of the IGNiI Federal University master various subjects, learn to collect interesting information and process it. They practice on radio, television and in print media.

Graduate School of Management and Economics

The Higher School of Management and Economics is very popular among applicants. Applicants are offered the following directions to UrFU (specialties):

  • Economics (educational programs - "Applied Economics and Finance", "International Business and World Economy");
  • business Informatics;
  • management (educational programs - "Corporate and international management", "Investment and construction business and industrial management");
  • economic security;
  • customs business.

Upon admission to the listed areas (except for "Customs"), the results of the Unified State Examination or entrance examinations in the Russian language, mathematics and social science are taken into account. In the specialty "Customs", applicants take a foreign language instead of mathematics (German, English, Spanish, French).

People who have chosen the directions "Economics", "Business Informatics" and "Management" will have to study for 4 years. Graduates receive a bachelor's degree. In such areas as "Economic Security" and "Customs", training lasts for 5 years on a full-time basis. As a result, graduates are awarded diplomas of specialists.

Full-time and part-time education

The Federal University provides its applicants with the opportunity to receive higher education by a huge number various specialties in the most convenient way. More than 70% of people choose This is a classic format. Full-time education has many advantages:

  • all the necessary knowledge and skills students receive at lectures, classroom lessons;
  • You can ask the teacher any questions you may have during class and get answers immediately.
  • people studying at the expense of public funds can count on a scholarship;
  • students are in a team, they can solve various issues and problems together with other classmates, learn some material and discuss it, express their ideas.

On some directions there are in UrFU extramural(specialties should be specified in the selection committee before admission). Students who choose this form of study can combine work with study. Many of them in senior years are arranged to work in their profession. This is a definite plus, because such students receive not only theoretical knowledge, but also the necessary practical skills. As a result, it is much easier for them to perform

In conclusion, it is worth noting that the Ural Federal University is one of those universities that you should strive to enter. Students accumulate an excellent store of knowledge over the years of study. That is why graduates of this educational institution are in high demand among employers. It is also worth noting that among people who graduated from a federal university, there are many well-known personalities who have achieved excellent success in their careers.

It is one of the most promising universities in Russia. More than 10 thousand applicants annually choose this educational institution to receive the highest level of education. What attracts the establishment of future specialists? What are the specialties and areas of activity?

History pages and general information about the university

The Ural Federal University named after Yeltsin has been functioning for almost a century - it was opened in 1920. The dedication to the first President arose for a reason: Boris Nikolayevich received his higher education here. At that time, the university still had the status of the S. M. Kirov Polytechnic Institute.

In general, during its existence there were many renamings: USU, UPI, USTU, there was a division into two universities, but in the end, in 2011, the modern Ural Federal University appeared.

The main founder of the organization is the Ministry of Education of the Federation.

On the this moment more than 35 thousand students receive education at UrFU, many of which are budget places Oh.

The university has its own brand and symbols.

Contacts, address

Phones of the reception of the rector, a free phone for inquiries and the number of the selection committee are listed on the official website of the university.

Address of the Ural federal street Mira, 19.

List of specialties that can be obtained while studying at a university

Ural State Federal University recruits in the following areas:

  • Economic: energy management, business informatics, customs, etc.
  • Managerial: trading, economic security, advertising and public relations, etc.
  • Natural sciences: hydrometeorology, biology, mathematics, etc.
  • Innovative: design and technological support, mechanical engineering, mechatronics and robotics, etc.
  • Information: infocommunication technologies, design of electronic means, applied informatics, etc.
  • Sports and youth: organization of work with youth, hotel business, Physical Culture and etc.
  • Fundamental: fire and technosphere safety.
  • Humanities: design, anthropology, journalism, etc.
  • Construction: architecture, construction of buildings, structures, unique buildings.
  • Energy: thermal power engineering, design of nuclear power plants, etc.
  • Physical and technological: instrumentation, standardization, biotechnical systems, etc.
  • Chemical: biotechnology, energy-saving processes,

In total, more than 400 programs are taught at UrFU.

Structure and faculties of the Ural Federal University

The rector of the university is a whole council consisting of vice-rectors.

Scientific structural units consist of schools, centers, institutes and faculties.

  1. Additional prof. education.
  2. Specialized educational and scientific.
  3. Training military.
  • Engineering.
  • Management and Economics.


  1. Radioelectronics.
  2. Entrepreneurship and public administration.
  3. New materials, technologies.
  4. Chemical-technological.
  5. Mathematics and natural sciences.
  6. Physical culture.
  7. Building.
  8. Technologies of open education.
  9. Fundamental education.
  10. Humanitarian.
  11. Energy.
  12. Physico-technological.

In addition, there is a general faculty of military training.

International contacts Ural Federal University

One of the main areas of work educational institution- this is active work with international partners, building relationships, thanks to which students will gain experience, skills, and be able to expand their horizons.

64 countries are constantly cooperating with the university, 400 foreign universities become participants in a common cause: the education of true professionals.

UrFU daily works in projects: Network Universities of the CIS, SCO, BRICS, the University of the Arctic, the Association of Technical Universities of China and Russia.

More than 2,000 students from foreign countries receive their education on the basis of the Ural University. Students from Korea, Guinea, China, Mongolia and more than 80 countries already consider the walls of UrFU to be their home.

Also, each student can participate in exchange programs, visit the leading countries of Europe.

In addition, the university is a platform for various international events: the tournament of young physicists, the forum of rectors of the BRICS Network University, the programming championship and many others.

How do UrFU students spend their free time?

The administration of the university strongly supports student initiatives, the development of creative life, sports, and much attention is paid to this. Many different groups, sections work daily with those who do not want to stop only at their studies.

Various events are held on the basis of the institution: ballroom dancing tournaments, acrobatic rock and roll, cheerleading, KVN, choreographic jazz festivals, various reviews and competitions.

UrFU athletes have the opportunity to train at the most modern facilities. TRP tests are constantly held, events within the framework of the Game project, fitness, armwrestling, basketball, boxing, badminton, golf, volleyball, handball, diving, mixed martial arts, duathlon, curling, speed skating, crossfit and much more.

Educational institutions dependent on the university

UrFU has an extensive branch network located in the following cities:

  • Nizhny Tagil;
  • Kamensk-Uralsky;
  • Alapaevsk;
  • Upper Salda;
  • Sredneuralsk;
  • Irbit;
  • Krasnouralsk:
  • Krasnoturinsk;
  • Nevyansk;
  • Noyabrsk.

How to enter a university?

Ural Federal University starts accepting applications for admission on June 20, for those who want to enroll in a full-time budget place, the collection of documents ends on July 26, for correspondence on August 10. Those students who enter programs with internal tests (architecture, journalism, design, etc.) need to have time to submit a package before July 14.

The selection committee will have the right to open a personal file and include an applicant in the competition only if he has with him: an identity document (copy or original), proof of secondary education (copy or original), 2 small photographs, as well as For a number of areas, a permit medical certificate is required.

Details of the admission campaign can be found in the Admission Rules posted on the official Internet resource of the university.

Thus, the Ural Federal University. Yeltsin not in vain earned his trust among applicants and their parents: there is a large list of training programs, professional faculty, a wide range of extracurricular activities, the opportunity to establish international contacts and visit other countries. UrFU can become a starting point in a future successful career for everyone, you just need to apply during the admission campaign!

Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin is the largest federal university in the country, operating in Yekaterinburg. It was created in 2009 by merging the Ural State technical university- UPI and Ural State University. Today, UrFU connects the entire spectrum of technical, natural science and humanitarian education, is the center of scientific and educational life, as well as social design and innovation activity. The university has an impressive number of budget places - in 2017 they were allocated 6235, places with reimbursement of tuition fees - 3900. The university offers affordable contract training - applicants can get a discount if they lack a few USE points to pass. In addition, even before the start of the admission campaign, applicants can leave an application and conclude a contract for contract training with suspensive conditions. Education is conducted in 109 areas of training for undergraduate, specialist and master's programs in 350 educational programs. More than 35,000 students, undergraduates, graduate students and listeners study in 14 specialized institutes and other structural divisions of the university. They are taught by 4038 teachers, including 1952 candidates of sciences, associate professors, 575 doctors of sciences, professors, 48 ​​academicians and corresponding members of public academies, as well as more than 30 members of foreign and international academies. Leading Russian and foreign scientists, experienced practitioners, politicians and cultural figures regularly come to UrFU as guest lecturers. The educational process takes place in 14 buildings, and students live in 16 buildings of hostels. Their park is updated and replenished annually - so in 2013 a new building was opened for a thousand students. In 2016, major repairs were carried out in 4 dormitories. And on September 1, 2017, the first tenants will receive another new student building for 1230 people. Among the partners of the university are the largest industrial enterprises and organizations that are key to the Russian economy. Students regularly undergo industrial practice at their base. Such cooperation allows UrFU to train young professionals in demand - more than 90% of graduates are employed immediately after graduation. Ural University is the core of the research cluster, which also includes research institutes Ural branch Russian Academy sciences, specialized laboratories and high-tech industries. The UrFU research complex includes dozens of scientific centers, innovative infrastructure, scientific library(with a fund of publications over 3 million), several museums and specialized collections. Since 2013, the university has been a member of the 5-100 program, aimed at increasing international competitiveness and getting into the top 100 world university rankings. Today, the university is included in the QS subject rankings in mathematics, physics, astronomy and electrical engineering. In the rating of the Expert RA agency, UrFU is in the top 10 Russian universities.