MBDOU "Zyukay kindergarten No. 3"

Project "Reading Together"

Chernenkaya E.E.

Teacher of the middle group "B"


Project type : pedagogical

Project duration : long term (1 year)

Project participants : children of the middle group, parents of pupils, educators.

Educational areas covered : cognitive development, speech development, social and communicative development, artistic and aesthetic development, physical development.

Project relevance:

The Internet has entered our life, which, with full confidence, has taken free time both parents and children. We, without realizing it, have stopped interacting outside the Internet, in reality we are limited in communication to conversational remarks, excluding unnecessary adjectives, we express emotions with emoticons or animated pictures that characterize our attitude to what is happening. The paradox lies in the fact that, on the one hand, the “world wide web” provides many opportunities and knowledge, and on the other hand, it denies reading with a capital letter, as the area for which we, as a country with “great and mighty”, have always been in the first place.

The heroes of the works, their actions, the form of presentation, descriptive accents, emotions and experiences that the authors convey are needed not only by adults, but also by children. In order not only to talk, communicate, express smoothly, but also to think correctly, develop, become kind, helping the needy, a fully harmonious person.

Fiction accompanies a person from the first years of his life. And in preschool childhood, the foundation is laid, on which all subsequent acquaintance with the huge literary heritage will be based. Reading books to children is one of the conditions for the development of hearing, and on this basis, language acquisition.

Fiction is a powerful, effective means of mental, moral, and aesthetic education of children, has a huge impact on the development and enrichment of a child's speech. It enriches emotions, nurtures the imagination and gives the child wonderful examples of the Russian literary language.

These samples are different in their impact: in stories, children learn the conciseness and accuracy of the word; in poetry they catch the musicality, melodiousness, rhythm of Russian speech; folk tales reveal to them the accuracy and expressiveness of the language, show how rich their native speech is with humor, lively and figurative expressions, comparisons.

Children preschool age- listeners, not readers, a work of art conveys to them an adult.

The instilled love for the book at preschool age will remain with him forever. The one who reads knows a lot. If the child understands the content of what he has read, then he thinks, analyzes, and reasons.

As a result of the survey conducted among parents, we received the following results:

"What parents read » showed that:

Fictionread 23%.

Parents' answers to the question "How oftenread to a child":

Every day - 80%;

2-3 times a week -14%;

Not often - 3%;

Rarely -3%.

A survey of children in groups revealed that:

30% of childrenpreferreading game books on the computer;

55% watch TV most of the time;

Only 15% of children named reading as their favorite pastime.

Not a single child was in the children's library.

Thus, I would like to draw special attention of parents to the importance of fiction in the upbringing of children, to involve them in the educational process through reading books in kindergarten and at home, through joint activities in the children's library of the village, the creation of a mobile library in the kindergarten, where children could exchange books, talk about what they read to their peers and educators.

Objective of the project: to develop a steady interest in children and parents in fiction.

Project objectives:

    to develop in children the ability to listen, learn, compare, contrast, think in words;

    develop coherent speech;

    develop attention; memory; imagination;

    cultivate responsiveness and empathy;

    to cultivate love for fairy tales, poems, stories, folklore;

    cultivate respect for books.

Expected results:

Awaken children's interest in communicating with the book;

To give children ideas about the importance of the library in human life;

Form a bank of methodological materials on the topic of the project;

Replenish the developing environment in the group;

To increase the competence of family members in matters of educating a competent reader;

Establishing close cooperation between social partners: the library, the teacher and parents in raising preschoolers' interest in books and reading.

I stage. Organizational.

Purpose of the stage: Identification of the problem and development of a long-term plan for the implementation of the project

Stage content:

1. Analysis of the work in the educational field "Speech development", "Artistic and aesthetic development" (section "Reading fiction")

2. Parent survey"Family Reading"

3. Selection of literature, guidelines.

II stage. Stage of project implementation.

Perspective plan of work with children and parents

Introduce tradition:

- Monday : the story of children about the literary works they read from a picture or drawing;

- Wednesday: reading by parents literary works children in kindergarten, followed by a discussion.

Conversation "My favorite book"

Consultation on the topic "Family Reading"

Conversation on the topic "Careful storage of books."

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka at the Autumn Festival together with children and parents (tea drinking)

Reading fairy tales by parents for children of the middle group "Teremok" and the subsequent discussion ("Fear has big eyes", "Resin goby")

Excursion to the senior group.

D / and “Who is superfluous” (according to the plot of the read works),

D / and "Put the tale in order" (sequence according to plot pictures)


Viewing a computer presentation "Museum of Russian Fairy Tales in Moscow"

Reading fairy tales by parents for children of the middle group "Teremok" and subsequent discussion ("Teremok", "Wolf and Fox", "Hare and Hedgehog" by the Brothers Grimm, "Pot of Porridge")

Conducting the game "Book Hospital"

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Excursion to the libraryon the theme of the week (4 weeks)

Visual information "The role of fairy tales in the life of a child"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Hree of the Boast", Ukrainian folk "Mitten", "Snow Maiden and the Fox", "Boastful Hare" (Uzbek)

Situational conversation "What book does my mother read to me at night"

Visiting a performance-fairy tale with a visit to the Youth Theater in Perm

Di"What first, what next?" (sequencing)

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

P / and "Fox in the chicken coop", "Hares and wolf"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Children's dramatization of the fairy tale "The Three Little Pigs"

Reading fairy tales: Russian folk "Little Red Riding Hood", "Zayushkina's hut", "Winter hut of animals", English fairy tale "Three Little Pigs"

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

Situational conversation "What is a "library"?"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Making baby books

KVN with parents "My favorite fairy tales"

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Reading fairy tales: A. Milne "Winnie the Pooh and all-all-all" (chapters from books) translation from English. B. Zakhoder

C / r / and "Bookstore"

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

D/m/i"Guess Who's Coming"(we develop a hearing: children listen to musical passages “who is walking”, remember, then listen again and name the characters)

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Reading fairy tales by parents: Russian folk "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", "Cat, rooster and fox", "Spike"

Situational conversations: “My favorite fairy tale”, “Who invents fairy tales”

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

Di"Who's missing?" (according to the plots of the read works)

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Reading competition "Poems about spring"

Reading the stories of E. Charushin “How Tomka learned to swim”, “Why Tyup doesn’t catch birds”, “What kind of animal”, “Volchishko”, “Nikita the hunter”, “About Tomka”

Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeks)

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

Di"Call it sweetly"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Excursion to the library on the subject of the week (4 weeksspruce)

Reading: Russian folk tale "The Cockerel and the Bean Seed", "Why the cat washes after eating" (Lithuanian), K. Chukovsky "Fedorino's grief", "Cockroach"

S/r game "Library"

Holding a competition and designing an exhibition of a joint drawing of children and parents "My favorite fairy-tale hero"

Di“From what fairy tale is the phrase?”

D / and "Fold from parts"

Meeting of the parent club in the children's library of the village of Zyukayka together with children and parents

Conversation "My favorite book"

The work of a mobile library for the exchange of books of children's literature for reading at home


Coloring coloring pages according to the plot of the read works

Awarding the winners of the drawing contest "My favorite fairy-tale hero"

Presentation of the project for parents

Entertainment "Book's Name Day"

Interaction with the children's library

MBUK "Zyukay rural library"

III stage. Control and evaluation .

Stage content:

1. Opening of the mini-museum "My favorite book";

2. Registration of the library in the group;

3. Exhibition of children's drawings.


    Alieva T.N., Antonova T.V. Program "Origins" - M .: Education, 2003

    Gritsenko Z.A. Put your heart at reading - M .: Education, 2000.

    Gurovich L.M., Beregovaya L.B., Loginova V.I. Child and book. – M.: Enlightenment, 1992.

    Zhukova G.D. Family reading in the year of the family. - M: Russian School Association, 2007

    International Children's Book Day. - AND.: Preschool education, 2010. - №6.

    Nezhdanova L. I., Kichenko E. A. Working with the family and promoting family reading - M .: Education, 1996

    Holiday of books and reading. A collection of scenarios to attract children to reading and the ability to work with information. Russian State Children's Library. - M: School Library Reading support program.

    Rudenko T., Melik-Pashayeva M. Books are good, books are bad. Zh.: Preschool education. 2010. - No. 6.

    Anthology for reading in kindergarten. -M.: Children's literature, 2007.


Questionnaire for parents "Family reading"

1. Do you have a home library? ______________________________

2. Do you read books aloud to your child at home? __________________________

3. How often do you read books to your child? _____________________________

4. What criteria do you follow when choosing children's books? _______________________________________________________________

5. What are your child's favorite books? _____________________

6. Do you discuss the book you have read with your child? __________________

Advice for parents "Family reading"

Not only in kindergarten, but also at home in the family, children must be taught to love books. There are probably no parents who would not want to teach their children to read quickly and expressively, to instill an interest in reading, because the role of a book in a person's life is enormous. A good book is an educator, and a teacher, and a friend. No wonder at all times great people called for reading. Anton Pavlovich Chekhov said: "In order to educate, you need uninterrupted day and night work, eternal reading."

Today, when our children will only comprehend the basics of reading, it is necessary to help them fall in love with a book, since the inability to read not only negatively affects the success of the child in learning, but also his general development. While the child is small, adults enthusiastically read books to him. When he learned to read, they sigh with relief, hoping that now they can rest. But this is not true.

We recently conducted a family reading survey in our group. The survey shows that only a few families practice family reading aloud. Few parents can accurately name a book they recently read to their child.

If you do not change the current situation, then in a few years to the question of parents: “Well, how is the book?” - the answer may well be: "Normal." This can be avoided if the child sees parents reading, participates in family reading and discussion of what has been read. In addition, it is necessary to accumulate the experience of visiting children's libraries, where there is a special atmosphere of contact with the book.

There is no need to memorize the “primer book” by heart, but, unfortunately, this is how it is done in some families. You should not read the same thing 5 or more times. Take books with large pictures and short text, use children's songs, where there are words and syllables. The child sees both. Look at the drawings in the books and try to find together what the artist really noticed and what didn’t. Then the little reader will once again return to the text, but on his own. Better yet, take books - nursery rhymes in which the artists intentionally contradict what is written with their drawings. In this case, the child will work very carefully with the text, repeat what he has read, even if only for the sake of finding funny discrepancies. Take turns reading books with your child. Two books a week is enough. Detailed consideration of the problem of reading, as it is the foundation of all schooling. We hope that the memos prepared by us (attached) will help you overcome the difficulties that arise in the work of a child with a book.

Reminder for parents "FAMILY AND BOOK"

A family forms the foundations of a person's worldview, his way of life and value orientations.

A family - it's special social institution, introducing the child into the world of culture, including the reader's. The first meeting of a person with a book takes place in the family.

family reading initially introduces the child to the world of book culture, is the most ancient, proven way of educating a person, including as a reader, who begins to form long before he learns the alphabet.

family reading prepares a person for a relationship with a book, awakens and deepens attention, forms the need for reading. The lack of need for reading in adults is a consequence of its unformedness from early childhood.

family reading contributes to the early and correct mastery of native speech. The types and methods of human learning are largely determined by the environment, depend on communication and its main means - the degree of mastery of speech.

Regularreading aloud from early childhood introduces the child to the process of reading and contributes to the mastery of independent reading, determines the quality and preferences of future readers.

family reading forms emotional and aesthetic in the acceptance of the book. Listening, a person experiences a strong influence of the sounding word, which allows you to convey triumph, joy, sadness, sadness, a joke, a mockery.

family reading develops abilities that are the basis for perception artistic images. Such perception is impossible without imagination, visual representations, the ability to experience the joys and sorrows of the heroes of works of art.

Reading aloud important not only for babies, but also for older children, as well as for the elderly. In the process of family reading, children learn to listen carefully, assimilate and retell what they read, and older people feel less loneliness and in a natural form, without moralizing and notations, I convey: life experience. In addition, adults have the opportunity to observe the spiritual development of the child and manage it.

family reading - effective method socialization of the younger generation. Such communication creates the ground for an exchange of opinions, it is also necessary for adults, who, thanks to communication with children, are enriched emotionally.

family reading can serve to prevent aging, since, according to some experts, aging is the result of life without a book, without reading, which stimulates active mental activity.

    Instill in your child an interest in reading from an early age.

    When buying books, choose bright in design and interesting in content.

    Read regularly to your child. This will form the habit of daily communication with the book.

    Discuss the read children's book among your family members.

    If you are reading a book to your child, try to stop reading at the most exciting episode.

    Remembering with the child the content of what was previously read, deliberately distort it in order to check how he remembered the text he read.

    Have discussions at home about the books you read.

    Buy, if possible, books by authors your child loves, collect his personal library.

    Cultivate respect for the book.

    Give your child good books with a dedicatory inscription, kind and warm wishes. Years later, this will be a happy reminder of home, its traditions, dear and close people.

Conversation "My favorite book"

Target: to form motives for the participation of children in the upcoming activities for the implementation of the project.

Preparatory work: invite parents to read fairy tales familiar to children in the younger group at home and bring the child's favorite book to the group. An approximate list of references: Russian folk tales "Geese-swans", "Snow Maiden and the Fox" in the processing of M. Bulatov, "Teremok", Belarusian folk tale "Puff".

The course of the conversation

The teacher invites the children to the tables, shows the book of fairy tales.

Educator. See how carefully the children of the older group read this book. All the leaves in it are whole, not dented or stained. But it happens differently(reads a poem by K. Zhane "Brothers"):

I bought a book for my brothers.

One read his book

Another tore up his book.

I bought my brothers a book

But the brothers were different!

What did the first boy do with his book? And second? What to do now with this torn book? So that each of you can read this book more than once, look at the pictures in it, you need to carefully and carefully handle it. Let's remember the rules for careful handling of books.(Together with the children, he recalls: take books only with clean hands, look at them while sitting at the table.)

Today you brought your favorite fairy tales from home. Here is the Russian folk tale "Teremok". Remember what nicknames the animals in this fairy tale had?(Children's answers.) Could such a story about the tower actually happen or is it a fiction? Why do you think this is a hoax?(Actually, animals don't talk like people, they don't all live together in the same house.) It is true that various extraordinary events take place in fairy tales. And they happen not only with animals, but also with people, with various fabulous, fictional creatures. Who brought such a magical fairy tale today, which tells about people and various magical creatures?(Children's answers.)

Children, together with the teacher, examine books, answering the questions:

What is your story about?

What is fabulous in your story?

What was main character in your fairy tale

In the process of children's answers, the teacher uses the technique of joint storytelling. For example,

The fairy tale "The Snow Maiden and the Fox" tells how the fox helped the little girl get out of the forest. This is a fairy tale story, because the animals can talk and want to help the Snow Maiden, like people do. The girl was white, with snow-white hair, so they called her the Snow Maiden ...

The fairy tale "Swan Geese" tells how a girl went in search of her brother, who was carried away by swan geese. This is a fabulous story, because swan geese are the helpers of Baba Yaga, a fabulous creature. Even the stove and the apple tree can talk in it. The girl was brave, she was not afraid to go to Baba Yaga...

In the course of examining the illustrations of the book, the teacher highlights the most figurative words and phrases, gives tasks aimed at educating the intonational expressiveness of speech:

What did the Snow Maiden say to the wolf? How did the animals speak? (Children answer, reproducing the remarks of animals and the Snow Maiden in different keys.)

Try to ask for the stove (apple tree) in an affectionate, polite voice.

So that each of you can read these books more than once with me or with your parents, look at the pictures in them, you need to carefully and carefully handle them: take books only with clean hands, look at them while sitting at the table, and store them in a specially designated place. What is the name of this place in our group? (Book corner.)

The teacher advises to clean up the book corner: select books for the children of the younger group, check whether all the books are in good condition.

Think about how to put in order those books that require repair? What will be required for this?(Children's answers.)

The teacher suggests visiting the older group the next day to get acquainted with the older children's book corner and find out how they repair their books.

Excursion to the senior group

Goals: to encourage joint activities with peers, to form a willingness to participate in joint activities.

Tour progress

Educator. Who wants to go with me to visit the children of the older group, to get acquainted with their book corner and find out how they repair their books?

Before leaving the group, the teacher invites the children to remember how to behave at a party (say hello to the owners, do not make noise).

Older children lead a tour of the group. At the end of the tour - a visit to the book corner. The hosts tell the pupils of the middle group about what this corner should be like (well lit so as not to spoil their eyesight while looking at books, with comfortable furniture, etc.), repeat with them the rules for careful handling of books, show materials for repairing books, demonstrate work at the Book Hospital

Today Dr. Aibolit came to our book corner(one of the children of the older group in a white coat and a medical cap). Now he will look at the book and determine if she needs help. What happened to this book, Dr. Aibolit? (One of the sheets fell out.) Yes, this patient needs to urgently paste the fallen sheet. What needs to be done?

Older children describe the order of work, and the Aibolit child pastes a torn sheet using a pre-prepared strip of paper.

In conclusion, the pupils of the senior group give the guests books of fairy tales, previously selected by them in their book corner (in accordance with the list of literature recommended for children in the middle group).

What words will we say goodbye to hospitable hosts? (Goodbye, all the best, see you again, thank you for the tour, thank you, we liked it very much, come visit us.)

Returning to the group, the teacher, together with the children, tells his assistant about what they saw in the neighboring group, shows the donated books: “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka” in the processing of A.N. Tolstoy, Zhiharka in the processing of I. Karnaukhova, Chanterelle with a rolling pin, etc.

Excursion to the library

Target: to form specific knowledge, skills and abilities for the implementation of the project.

Tour progress

Educator. We have come to the library. What is a library? This word refers to the house in which books are kept. Everyone can come here and take home what he likes to read for a while. This library contains many different interesting books. The librarian, the librarian, will show them and tell us about the most unusual books. Meet: ... (name, patronymic) - librarian.

Getting to know different types of books in the "Sector of Extraordinary Books"

Educator. This room contains the most unusual books in the world. All these books you can not only read, but also play with them.

The librarian demonstrates to the children different types books, further suggests going to the Museum of the Manuscript Book.

Visit to the Museum of the Handwritten Book

Educator. What does the word "museum" mean? True, a museum is such a building or just a room-hall where they collect, store and show to everyone old objects, various interesting and beautiful things - dishes, clothes, paintings and much more. Museum workers carefully select, study these items, and then arrange exhibitions. Museum staff - guides can tell visitors about each item stored here.

In our unusual museum, books are collected, stored and shown, I will be your guide. The books presented here are not simple, but handwritten. This means that children created them with their own hands - your peers, who, like you, go to kindergarten. With the help of educators and parents, they came up with fairy tales and stories, drew pictures and sent their handwritten books to our museum so that everyone could admire the results of their work.

Usually, in a museum, you can’t touch objects with your hands, so as not to accidentally break, break a valuable thing, which after that no one else can see, admire it. In our museum, you can not only touch handwritten books, but also play with them.

Questions about the end of the meeting

What is the name of the building or just a room-hall where various beautiful, interesting objects are collected, stored and shown to everyone?

Who should be carefully listened to in the museum?

Did you like the Museum of the Handwritten Book?

Games, tasks and exercises in the book corner

Examining illustrations. The teacher invites the children to tell what is shown in the picture in the book. After that, he draws their attention to the fact that the pictures in the books need to be viewed many times - this is the only way to notice everything depicted by the artist. As an example, he supplements the children's story with his observations, including figurative words and expressions from fairy tales in his statements.

Composing riddles based on comparison and negation. For example, "He is gray as a mouse, but not a mouse." (Bunny.)

Independent inventing of tongue twisters, texts of fabulous content.

Retelling fairy tales with the help of mnemonic tables together with the teacher.

Playing out a fairy tale with the help of substitute objects (for example, a felt-tip pen - a grandfather, a pen - a woman, a pencil - a granddaughter, an eraser - a bug).

Entertaining games with books:

Choose which objects depicted on the pages of the book belong to the natural world (created by nature), and which can be attributed to the objects of the man-made world (created by man).

Consider the book from the point of view of mathematics: the book is voluminous, and the sheet is flat; the shape of the book and sheet is rectangular; the cover is thick and the sheet is thin; in the upper right corner of the cover is ... in the lower left corner - ...

Come up with a story on behalf of the book according to the following algorithm using diagram cards to describe objects:

Is it a natural or man-made item? (“I am a book, people make me with their skillful hands.”)

What form? (“I am rectangular.”)

What size - small or large? Thick or thin? ("I'm small, thin.")

What is the weight of the book - is it light or heavy? (“Very easy.”)

What material is it made from? (“Made of paper.”)

Parts of the subject: cover - hard, cardboard or soft, paper, sheets, pages, pictures (“I have a red soft cover with a pattern and sheets. Each sheet has two pages. To prevent the sheets from falling apart, they were glued (sewn) together ".)

Actions with the object (“I have interesting story about a sister fox that you can read, and beautiful pictures that you can look at.")

Advice for parents "What and how to read to a child at home"

To educate, here you need uninterrupted day and night work, eternal reading.

A.P. Chekhov

When choosing books and then familiarizing your child with them, pay attention to the following:

A book for a preschool child should be illustrated. Pictures should be organically connected with the text, visually and expressively display the most significant moments of the content of a work of art. It is desirable that illustrations accompany the text, but do not dominate it. The older the child, the fewer illustrations there may be. When choosing books, preference should be given to those illustrated editions where the images of animals, people, objects are realistic.

Choose books according to the age and interests of the child. For children of primary preschool age, read nursery rhymes, short poetic tales, fairy tales about animals. Children of senior preschool age are interested in stories about other children, fairy tales and everyday life.

Read voluminous (“thick”) books to older preschoolers. The reading of each part of a long book (reading with continuation) should be accompanied by a recall of what was read the day before. Ask the child: “Where did we stop yesterday?” Be sure to bookmark.

Try to read according to a certain system, for example, introduce your child to several works by the same author. Before reading a book, regardless of the age of the child, be sure to name the name of the writer or poet, the genre and title of the work. For example, “I will read you a Russian folk tale “Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”. Alternate reading works of different genres: stories, fairy tales and poems.

Re-read familiar books many times. Reading a work once, the desire to read as much as possible, does more harm than good. Children do not remember what is read to them, as a result, a bad habit is formed to treat the book superficially.

Do not use literary heroes as a model for the implementation of the rules of conduct (you need to wash your hands like a book hero). The educational function of works of art is self-sufficient. The child should not perceive the book as a set of rules, otherwise he will begin to hate it quietly, and sometimes even resist what it says.

Before reading, explain the meanings of those words, without understanding which the child will not understand the main meaning of the text, the character of the characters. If the work is not perceived, understood by the child, it will not achieve its main goal: it will not contribute to the formation of the personality of the growing person.

Read expressively, trying to convey to the child the emotions contained in the work of art. If an adult in the process of reading does not determine his attitude to the characters and the events depicted, it is unlikely that a child will be able to do this.

Reading Lists

children of the middle group (4-5 years old)

Russian folklore

Songs, rhymes, incantations . "Our goat..."; "Bunny Coward...": "Don! Don! Don!”, “Geese, you are geese...”; "Legs, legs, where have you been?" “Sits, sits a bunny ..”, “The cat went to the stove ...”, “Today is a whole day ...”, “Lambs ...”, “A fox is walking along the bridge ...”, “The sun is a bucket. ..", "Go, spring, go, red...".

Fairy tales. "About Ivanushka the Fool", arr. M. Gorky; "War of mushrooms with berries", arr. V. Dahl; "Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka", arr. L. N. Tolstoy; "Zhiharka", arr. I. Karnaukhova; "Sister Chanterelle and Wolf", arr. M. Bulatova; "Zimovye", arr. I. Sokolova-Mikitova; "The Fox and the Goat", arr. O. Kapitsa; "Fascinating", "Fox-bast", arr. V. Dahl; "Cockerelandbean seed, arr. Oh, Kapitsa.

Folklore of the peoples of the world

Songs. "Fish", "Ducklings", French, arr. N. Gernet and S. Gippius; "Chiv-chiv, sparrow", trans. with Komi Perm. V. Klimov; "Fingers", trans. with him. L, Yakhina; "Sack", Tatar., trans. R. Yagofarova, retelling by L. Kuzmin.

Fairy tales. "The Three Little Pigs", trans. from English. S. Mikhalkov; "The Hare and the Hedgehog", from the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, trans. with him. A. Vvedensky, ed. S. Marshak; "Little Red Riding Hood", from the fairy tales of Ch. Perrault, trans. from French T. Gabbe; Brothers Grimm. "The Bremen Town Musicians", German, translated by V. Vvedensky, edited by S. Marshak.

Works of poets and writers of Russia

Poetry. I. Bunin. "Leaf fall" (excerpt); A. Maikov. "Autumn leaves are circling in the wind..."; A. Pushkin. “The sky was already breathing in autumn ...” (from the novel “Eugene Onegin”); A. Fet. "Mother! Look out the window...”; I am Akim. "First snow"; A. Barto. "Left"; S. Yeast. "Walking the street ..." (from a poem« In a peasant family"); S. Yesenin. “Winter sings - calls out ...”; N. Nekrasov. "It's not the wind that rages over the forest..."( from the poem "Frost, Red Nose"); I. Surikov. "Winter"; S. Marshak. “Luggage”, “About everything in the world”, “That's how scattered”, “Ball”; S. Mikhalkov. "Uncle Styopa"; E. Baratynsky. "Spring, spring" (abbreviated); Y. Moritz. "A song about a fairy tale"; "House of the gnome, gnome - at home!"; E. Uspensky. "Destruction"; D. Kharms. "A very scary story."

Prose. V. Veresaev. "Brother"; A. Vvedensky. “About the girl Masha, the dog Petushka and the cat Thread” (chapters from the book); M. Zoshchenko. "Showcase child"; K. Ushinsky. "Cheerful cow"; S. Voronin. "Militant Jaco"; S. Georgiev. "Grandma's garden"; N. Nosov. "Patch", "Entertainers"; L. Panteleev. "On the Sea" (chapter from the book "Stories about Squirrel and Tamarochka"); Bianchi, "The Foundling"; N. Sladkov. "Non-hearing."

Literary tales. M. Gorky. "Sparrow"; V. Oseeva. "Magic Needle"; R. Sef. "The Tale of Round and Long Little Men"; K. Chukovsky. "Phone", "Cockroach", "Fedorino grief"; Nosov. "The Adventures of Dunno and His Friends" (chapters from the book); D. Mamin-Sibiryak. "The Tale of Komar Komarovich - Long Nose and Shaggy Misha - Short Tail"; W. Bianchi. "First Hunt"; D. Samoilov. "Elephant has a birthday."

Fables. L. Tolstoy. “The father ordered his sons...”, “The boy guarded the sheep...”, “The jackdaw wanted to drink...”.

Works of poets andwriters different countries

Poetry. V. Vitka. "Counting", trans. from Belarusian. I. Tokmakova; Y. Tuvim. "Miracles", trans. from Polish. V. Prikhodko; "About Pan Trulyalinsky", retelling from Polish. B. Zakhoder; F. Grubin. "Tears", trans. from Czech. E. Solonovich; S. Vangeli. "Snowdrops" (chapters from the book "Gugutse - the captain of the ship"), trans. with mold. V. Berestov.

Literary tales. A. Milne. "Winnie the Pooh and All-All-All" (chapters from the book), trans. from English. B. Zakhoder; E. Blyton. "The Famous Duck Tim" (chapters from the book), trans. from English. E. Papernoy; T. Egner. "Adventures in the forest of Elka-on-Gorka" (chapters from the book), trans. from Norwegian L. Braude; D. Bisset. "About the Boy Who Roared at the Tigers", trans. from English. N. Sherepgevskaya; E. Hogarth. "Mafia and his merry friends" (chapters from the book), trans. from English. O. Obraztsova and N. Shanko.

To learn by heart

“Grandfather wanted to cook an ear ...”, “Legs, legs, where have you been?” - Russian nar. songs; A. Pushkin. “Wind, wind! You are mighty...” (from “The Tale of the Dead Princess and the Seven Bogatyrs”); 3. Alexandrova. "Herringbone"; A. Barto. "I know what to think of"; L. Nikolaenko. "Who scattered the bells..."; V. Orlov. “From the Bazaar”, “Why does the bear sleep in winter” (at the choice of the educator); E. Serova. "Dandelion", "Cat's Paws" (from the cycle "Our Flowers"); "Buy a bow ...", shotl. nar. song, trans. I. Tokmakova.


The group "Polyanka" held the action "We read to children about the war." Together with the parents, the teachers arranged an exhibition of books on military topics. Children could independently and together with teachers read and examine books about the war. During the action, the family of Valeria Devyatkova came to the group and told about their hero of the Great Patriotic War.


At all times, parents read books to little children. Currently, reading is often replaced by cartoons and computer games, in this regard, we decided to hold the "Reading Together" campaign. Children brought their favorite books to kindergarten, and parents come to the group in their free time and read poems, stories, fairy tales of children's writers for all children. This causes great interest, delight and desire to finish reading the book at home. Parents are happy to participate in this action. We hope that reading books together at home will become a good tradition.

Teachers Olga Kokareva, Olga Martemyanova.


April 18, 2018 at senior group"The Sun" as part of the "Reading TOGETHER" project, a quiz game dedicated to the writer Nikolai Nosov was held.

Children took part in it with great interest: they guessed riddles, answered questions, told dialogues. Also of great interest to children was the biography of Nikolai Nosov's childhood.

Teachers Tatyana Koltsova, Olga Malakhova.


In the group “Polyanka” there was an entertainment “On the roads of fairy tales”. The children guessed riddles about familiar and favorite fairy tales, remembered magic items that help fairy tale characters, played games.

Why do we need fairy tales?

What is a person looking for in them?

Maybe kindness and affection?

Maybe yesterday's snow.

In a fairy tale, joy wins

The story teaches us to love.

In a fairy tale, animals come to life

They start talking.

In a fairy tale, everything happens honestly:

Both the beginning and the end.

The brave prince leads the princess

Definitely down the aisle.

Snow White and Mermaid

Old dwarf, good dwarf -

It's a pity to leave us a fairy tale,

What a cozy sweet home.

Teachers Olga Goleva, Nadezhda Vishnyakova.


As part of the Reading TOGETHER project, the Friendship Family group hosted an entertainment called Visiting a Fairy Tale with Mom, timed to coincide with Book Day.

Following the magic ball, the children, together with their mothers, traveled through different fairy tales. Each of the fairy tales prepared its own surprise for the participants: the children guessed the heroes, played outdoor games, and danced. And having found themselves in the fairy tale "Gingerbread Man" - they themselves turned into the heroes of this fairy tale. Our guys were independent artists for the first time and did an excellent job, which pleasantly surprised parents and spectators.

All the heroes were remembered - fairy tales were remembered forever!

Educators Natalia Kislyanitsina, Ekaterina Gushchina.


In the group “Fidgets” there was a literary leisure “Visiting Grandfather Korney” based on the works of K.I. Chukovsky. The event was held as part of the Reading Together project.

The Storyteller and Grandmother Fyodor visited the children. Children showed their knowledge of the works of K. Chukovsky: they guessed fairy tales, named heroes and guessed which fairy tale various objects from the magic chest belong to. Then the children helped Grandmother Fedora “find” the dishes: they drew them on a tray with semolina and laid them out from counting sticks. At the end, Grandma Fedora treated the children to delicious cookies and they all drank tea together.

Educators Lyubov Zheleznova, Irina Rodina.


03.22. 2018 in second junior preschool group"Why" in the framework of the project "Reading TOGETHER" held a parent meeting "Let's be friends!". Educators taught parents how to remove aggressiveness, conflict in the child's behavior, correct child-parent relationships through a fairy tale game, joint activities, and develop the child's communicative qualities. And then, the parents themselves tried through the fairy tale that they showed to the children, to teach them not to quarrel and take care of their books. The children suggested to the heroes of the fairy tale how to properly glue the books if they were torn, how to take care of the books. The children liked the fairy tale so much that they glued their books with pleasure at home.

Educators Galina Baikova, Irina Durysheva.


The Wonderland group hosted the literary entertainment Journey to the Land of Books.

Book first pages
We are welcomed from the first years.
And carry us like birds
Flying around the world.

Girls and boys
The book is loved and treasured.
Let it grow stronger every year
Friendship of books and children.

Educators Zuhra Begma, Lyudmila Patrakova.


On March 22, within the framework of the municipal project "Reading TOGETHER" in the "Friendly Family" group, a game session "Mom, Dad and Reading Family" was organized with parents and children of the second younger group. The event took the form of a journey through fairy tales, and in each fairy tale our participants were in for an adventure: flying on a magical plane, searching for a lost fairy tale, obstacles in a dense forest. This contributed to the unification of children and parents, as a result of which moms and dads were actively involved in play and creative activities. This event was aimed at maintaining the traditions of family reading.

We believe that with a fairy tale

Our children will not be separated!

true friends

Will stay with her forever!

Educators Ekaterina Gushchina, Natalia Kislyanitsina.

We dedicated our holiday to Pushkin,

Filling the hall with wonderful verses

The guys talked about Pushkin

Poetry with magical words.

ACTION "Firefly".

On November 20, the parents of our kindergarten took part in the action "Firefly" as part of the regional project "Reading Together".

In the evening at 20.00 children enjoyed listening to fairy tales, stories, funny stories read by moms and dads. A total of 72 families took part in the action. We hope that the good tradition of joint evening readings will live on.

« Mysterious world books»

In the “Friendly Family” group, a parent meeting was held in an unconventional form “The Mysterious World of the Book”, the purpose of which was to find out what methods can be used to arouse interest in fiction among preschoolers and their parents. Parents actively participated in literary quiz, wrote their ideas and wishes on autumn leaves, and also decorated the tree with letters to the future for their children.

Educators: Ekaterina Gushchina, Natalia Kislyanitsina.

We hasten to the Wise Owl.

As part of the Reading Together project in preparatory group"Polyanka" On October 27, 2017, entertainment "Let's hurry to visit the Wise Owl" was held.

Having received a letter brought by the postman Pechkin, the children went to visit the Wise Owl for her birthday in the city of Beautiful Speech.

During the journey, the children were helped by a “group map” with an obstacle course.

On the way, the children met the "library", where they talked about the rules of conduct and its purpose, guessed the riddles of the postman Pechkin.

According to the plot pictures, they composed a story, guessed fairy tales read earlier from the illustrations.

In the "toy store" some children described objects from a magic chest, others guessed what kind of toy it was, from which fairy tale.

On the "children's playground" the number of syllables in the picture words located on the cubes was determined.

In the "forest clearing" they helped the cubs of various animals find their mother, danced merrily, played outdoor games: "The cub got lost", "Owl Owl".

They played the speech game “Say the other way around” with the Wise Owl, read congratulations to her on behalf of fairy-tale heroes, danced “Loaf” to the birthday girl, and she prepared treats for the children.

Educators: Olga Goleva, Nadezhda Vishnyakova.

Action plan

to the project "Reading TOGETHER"

MBDOU kindergarten "Star".

No. p / p Name of the event the date of the Responsible
1. Meeting of the family "Friendly family" club "Together with the book we grow." February 2018
2. Game session "Mom, dad, I am a reading family" March 2018 Educators Gushchina E.V., Kislyanitsina N.V. (ml.gr.)
3. Joint activity "Visiting a fairy tale with mom" April 2018 Educators Gushchina E.V., Kislyanitsina N.V. (ml.gr.)

Round table of the family club "Commonwealth" Master class - "Why children need fairy tales."

October 2017


Joint entertainment with parents "Sandman walks and wanders."

January 2018 Educators Gubina O.V., Yangol S.I. (group of age)

Joint entertainment with parents "Journey to a fairy tale."

March 2018 Educators Gubina O.V., Yangol S.I. (group of age)

Master class: "We create mnemonic tables for learning poems with children."

November 2017

(average gr.)

9. Round table: learning to compose fairy tales February 2018

Educators Rodina I.O., Zheleznova L.N.

(average gr.)

10. Literary leisure: "Tales of grandfather Korney." April 2018

Educators Rodina I.O., Zheleznova L.N.

(average gr.)


Literary evening "Tales of A. S. Pushkin"

November 2017

(preparation gr.)


Literary holiday "Journey to the Land of Books"

January 2018

Educators Begma Z.S., Patrakova L.A.

(preparation gr.)

13. Literary KVN "Wonder Tales". April 2018 Preparatory group teachers.
14. Master class - children and parents "Do-it-yourself book". December 2017

Educators Lebedeva E.A.,

Dityateva E.V. (cf. gr.)

15. Theatricalization of the fairy tale together with parents and children "The Fox, the Hare and the Rooster". April 2018

Educators Lebedeva E.A.,

Dityateva E.V. (cf. gr.)

16. Photo exhibition "Mom, Dad, I am a Reading Family". May 2018

Educators Lebedeva E.A.,

Dityateva E.V. (cf. gr.)

17. "Book's birthday". Joint theatrical performances based on books and fairy tales. April 2018 Educators of all age groups.
18. Exhibitions of drawings in the halls of the preschool educational institution based on the works of Perm writers. November 2017 – April 2018 ISO instructor.
19. Exhibition of drawings in the halls of the preschool educational institution based on the works of A.S. Pushkin. June 2018 ISO instructor.
20. Reporting performances based on the fairy tales of the theater group "Chipolino" May 2018 Music director Stroilo I.M.
21. Mini-museum "My favorite book" March 2018
22. Action "Reading together" - reading of favorite books by parents for children in a group of preschoolers. April 2018 Educators Kokareva O.S. Martemyanova M.S. (older gr.)
23. Evening of poetry Joint holiday with parents. April 2018 Educators Kokareva O.S. Martemyanova M.S. (older gr.)
24. Entertainment "Teach Caprice." October 2017
25. KVN "Dad, mom, I am a reading family" March 2018 Educators Vishnyakova N.V. , Goleva O.F.
26. Campaign "Reading to children about the Great Patriotic War" April 2018 Educators Vishnyakova N.V. , Goleva O.F.

Head of MBDOU kindergarten "Star" L.P. Nemtinova

Games occupy an important place in a child's life and bring a lot of positive emotions. Children especially love when adults play with them.

Within the framework of the project "Reading TOGETHER" in the middle group No. 4, a game was organized for children and their parents on the theme "Journey through fairy tales". Which of you did not like a fairy tale as a child? It is hard to imagine childhood without fairy tales and favorite children's books! After all, a fairy tale enters the life of every child from an early age and accompanies throughout the entire preschool age.

So our parents remembered episodes from children's fairy tales, and also came to the conclusion that they would like to read some fairy tales again.

It is no secret that children love to listen to fairy tales. Especially when mom tells them. To the children of early age group No. 2 came to visit Ekaterina Olegovna, Nastya's mother K. Ekaterina Olegovna brought a table theater with her and acted out the fairy tale "Rocked Hen". The children not only listened attentively, but also actively helped the narrator.

Ekaterina Olegovna shared that home theater is her daughters favorite game. At first, the mother took on the main role, telling and showing various fairy tales and nursery rhymes. But already now, imitating the actions of Ekaterina Olegovna, Nastya and Sofia independently beat fragments of literary works.

Theatrical art is close and understandable to children, because the theater is based on a game. In addition, the theater has great power to influence the emotional world of the child.

We express our gratitude to Ekaterina Olegovna for the interesting presentation of the fairy tale.

In December, in the early age group No. 3, "Give a book to children" campaign. Parents were asked to bring to the group any interesting book for pupils to read. Most of the parents gladly responded to the offer to take part in the action. So the book corner was replenished with fairy tales, books about animals, children's poems.

The event was aimed at attracting the attention of parents to the joint reading of books. At an early age, the little reader takes his first steps into the world great literature. It is the parents and educators who become his guides. In the process of communicating with a book, a child not only learns the past, present and future of the world, but also learns to think, analyze, and develops creatively; thus, the moral and cultural basis of his personality is formed. We express our gratitude to the parents, active participants of the action. Thank you!

How to raise our little children so that they grow up friendly, kind to each other, able to respond to requests for help? For a small child, the closest, native, traditional values ​​of the native culture are the most understandable, therefore, an integral part of educational activities in kindergarten is an acquaintance pupils with oral literature.

Wise proverbs, riddles with cunning, round dance games, songs and nursery rhymes, epics, instructive tales and fairy tales help children better understand and accept the surrounding reality. Every month, together with parents, we create baby books about events understandable and familiar to children with our own hands.

So the families of pupils become active participants in educational activities. For example, on the topic “Pets of the city”, little books were made about beloved pets. Each family has turned out in its own way a beautiful and amazing book that you want to leaf through all the time.

The development and support of children's interest in books and reading is an important task of our kindergarten!

From 10 to 13 April 2018 with the support and active participation of parents, it was possible to arouse children's interest in the book through joint reading.

Parents read the work by roles, conveying the mood of the characters, their character, attitude to actions with their voices. Such an emotional reading of the work forms moral qualities. young reader, prepares for interaction with the book, awakens and deepens attention, forms the need for reading.

In groups of preschool age, parents read works loved by children, and at an early age they held a theatrical show of the Russian folk tale "Teremok".

Reading together as a form of family leisure does not require much preparation, just a favorite interesting book.It also depends on the adult to a greater extent whether the child will become a real reader or whether an encounter with a book in preschool childhood will become an accidental, meaningless episode in his life.

Family Reading Support Site

In our kindergarten took place parent-child conference "Children's PRO - reading", the purpose of which was to attract the attention of parents to the issue of raising children's interest in the book, reading together. The form of the conference was not chosen by chance. This format made it possible to combine the promotion of pedagogical knowledge about the value of family reading with practical experience in family education.

During the conference, 10 joint presentations were made by children and parents of groups of early and preschool age about favorite fairy-tale hero and the works of S.V. Mikhalkov.

The interest of the conference participants was attracted by the speech Gleb Ovechkin and Anton Alexandrovich who talked about what qualities a cat is endowed with in different fairy tales. Alisa Kislitsina and Olga Anatolyevna in poetic form, prepared information about such a hero as a bear. An interesting approach to attracting children to reading through theatrical activities was presented by Yana Anatolyevna, Rinat Olegovich and main readers: Ilya, Lev and Vlad Lomovskikh. Ilya Vasilyev and Yulia Nikolaevna, Artem and Timofey Lopanitsyn with Kristina Ivanovna, Anyuta Branson and Irina Nikolaevna spoke about their favorite heroes. Emotional and entertaining Ksenia Ivashova with Victoria Alexandrovna and Nikita Ushakov with Natalia Leonidovna presented their interpretation of the work "What do you have?". Poem by S.V. Mikhalkov "My Puppy" prompted Polina Ignatieva and Ekaterina Viktorovna get a dog.

Parents and educators become guides for children. It is thanks to joint reading that a child from early childhood gets used to the fact that books and literature are integral parts of his life, and that reading is not only necessary, but also very interesting.

We express our gratitude to the parents who took part in the conference.

One of the activities of the regional project "Reading TOGETHER" is the implementation of technology "Boockcrossing".

Such a phenomenon as "bookcrossing" is known to many. This is a library that erases the boundaries of space. This is a community of readers who do not want or do not have the opportunity to buy, store books, but prefer to read the printed version of the publication. A kind of "book cycle", the essence of which is the journey of the book through the readers. Anyone can take a favorite book to read and return it to its place. So the goal is very simple: "I read a book - give it to someone else."

In our kindergarten, shelving with children's books in the halls of the institution has become such a free library. We invite everyone to take part in bookcrossing.

Read for yourself, read to your children. Bring your books and grab your favorites!

New Year is a magical holiday. How and what to tell the child about this holiday? Who is Santa Claus? What fairy tales about winter to read?

The BOOK will answer all these questions. Promotion "Book - Garden" allowed to collect popular and interesting books about the winter season and new year holiday. The exhibition of books in winter design attracted the attention of both children and adults. Everyone could choose any book to read at their own discretion. The works presented are informative, entertaining and modern. They are definitely worth reading.

May 2018 Within the framework of the Reading Together project, events were held in different age groups: the parent meeting “The Magical World of the Book”, the quiz “Tales of K.I. Chukovsky", children's and parents' festival "Friends under the mushroom" and children's and parents' leisure "Reading together"

  • in the younger group, a parent meeting "Magic World of the Book" was held. Parents took an active part in the quiz "Tales of K. I. Chukovsky": they guessed riddles, answered questions, participated in an interactive game, told dialogues, performed improvisation. The event was aimed at maintaining the traditions of family reading.
  • in the middle group, there was a children's and parent's leisure “Reading together”, joint readings for children and adults, improvisation of favorite works: “Telephone” by K.I. Chukovsky, "Winnie the Pooh and everything, everything, everything ..." A. A. Milne, "The Three Little Pigs" by S. Mikhalkov did not leave anyone indifferent. Emotionally! Interesting! Fascinatingly!(photo report)
  • at the senior preschool age, the children's and parents' festival "Friends under the Mushroom" was held. The event was held in the form of a dramatization with game elements. This contributed to the unification of children and parents, as a result of which moms and dads were actively involved in play and creative activities.(photo report)

18.04.2018 Within the framework of the “Reading Together” project, an interesting event “Family presentation “My Favorite Book” was held in the 1st junior group. During his life, a person reads many different books and they are all different: some are instructive, others are funny, others are entertaining, and there are favorites. And I want to read it again and again, rereading page after page. What kind of books are kids reading today? What books do kids love today? At the “My Favorite Book Family Presentation”, the kids presented their favorite books. But they didn’t just talk about the book, but staged it, acted out mini-performances, and read. The event was held in a friendly, joyful, family atmosphere.(photo report)

19.03.2018 within the framework of the project "Reading together", an integrated lesson "Draw a cover for the fairy tales of D. Mamin - Sibiryak" was held in kindergarten. The children created colorful covers for their favorite works of the Perm writer: "About Komar Komarovich - a long nose and about shaggy Misha - a short tail ...", "Grey Neck". You can get acquainted with the work of young illustrators at the exhibition "Our Vernissage"(photo report)

As part of the regional project "Reading Together" in a kindergarten inI The younger group had an interesting and exciting children's and parental entertainment "Teremok". The kids, together with their parents, staged the theatrical fairy tale "Teremok", led round dances, participated in games(photo report)

In accordance with the work plan (in November - December) As part of the implementation of the regional project "Reading Together", the following activities were carried out in the institution:

    bookcrossing organized (in literal translation from Englishbook crossing-means “moving books” or a bookstore.) The idea of ​​\u200b\u200bwhich is “I read the book, pass it on to a friend.” The exchange of favorite books took place in all age groups, among families.

    the literary evenings “Reading the Perm book” were interesting, which made it possible to draw the attention of children and parents to the works of writers of the Perm region. Thanks to the interest of parents, an exhibition of books by writers was created in the group native land. The teachers of the institution prepared and recommended a list of works by Perm authors for family reading.

    a cheerful cartoon concert with a dramatization of excerpts from E. Uspensky's stories "Cheburashka and Crocodile Gena", "Three from Prostokvashino", etc. allowed the pupils to remember funny, kind, Russian cartoons and try themselves in the role of "cartoon characters"(photo report)

    "Readings by the fireplace" - poems of Russian poets about winter sitting by the fireplace were mysteriously and bewitchingly perceived by children(photo report)

    Let's tell verses on the Mnemonic track. The use of this technology allowed children to quickly memorize poems and learn how to compose their own mnemonic maps.

    family leisure was held in a friendly atmosphere with the use of interactive games "Fairytale mazes"

    in the younger group, an exhibition of family creative works "Winter's Tale" was organized (based on the plots of Russian folk tales)

    joint parent-child production of “Do-it-yourself Books” allowed in the middle group to organize an exhibition of home-made books and adequately present them to their peers(photo report)

October 2017 Within the framework of the regional project "Reading Together", interesting, informative and exciting events were held in the kindergarten for different age groups:

  • Family meetings: “Sisters and brothers read books to us”
  • A joint trip for children and parents to the theater of the KSC "Azot" viewing the theatrical performance "Aibolit"(photo report)
  • Project "Visiting the Bear"(photo collage)

Project type: cognitive and creative

Project participants: educators, children of middle preschool age from 4 to 5 years old group No. 6, parents.

Children's age: 45 years

Location: MBDOU No. 25 "Rodnichok", a group of middle preschool age from 4 to 5 years

“Love this book with all your heart!

She is not only your best friend,

but also a faithful companion to the end. »

M. Sholokhov.


It is no secret that interest in the book, in reading, entry into book literature is declining every year. Children are increasingly interested in playing games on tablets, computers and phones, as well as watching TV.

Many believe that in our age - the age of the development of computer and other technical technologies, various kinds of connections, it is not relevant to talk about a book, reading.

The book should enter the child's world as early as possible, enrich this world, make it interesting, full of extraordinary discoveries. A child should love a book and reach for it. Books have a special charm. Books delight us, they talk to us, they give us good advice, they become real friends for us.

The urgency of solving this problem is obvious. In order to educate a reader in a child, an adult must himself show interest in a book, understand its role in a person’s life, know books recommended for preschool children, be able to talk interestingly with kids and help in analyzing the work.

Problem: Decreased interest in fiction.

Objective of the project: To develop in children of middle preschool age an interest in fiction, in a book, and speech skills.

Project objectives:

For kids:

1. To form in children an understanding that the book is a source of knowledge.

2. To instill love and respect for the work of adults in preschoolers, to teach the rules for handling a book.

3. Cause positive emotions when reading books.

For teachers:

1. Create an information base: familiarization with methodological developments on this topic.

2. Create conditions: for the safe and comfortable state of children in the implementation of this project.

For parents:

1. To increase the activity of the parents of pupils and other family members in participating in various forms of partnership with the preschool educational institution

2.Activate parents for joint productive activities.

3. Involve parents in the work of introducing preschoolers to fiction.

Project products

1. Making homemade books by parents together with children.

2. Participation in the International distance competition of creative works "And again in a fairy tale"

3. Exhibition of creative works "Tales"

4. Replenishment of the group's library.

Expected results for the project

For kids:

1. Increasing children's interest in reading and fiction.

2. Enrichment of the dictionary, development of the lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech of children.

3. Increasing the level of development of children's speech.

For the educator:

1. Improvement of work on interaction with parents.

For parents:

1. Active participation of parents in the life of the kindergarten.

2. Positive attitude of parents in joint activities with teachers.

3. Revival of reading in the family circle.



Selection of material by the teacher for the implementation of the project.
Conversation with parents about the goals and objectives of the project, involving them in cooperation.
Identification of initial knowledge in children on this topic, through introductory diagnostics.
Development of material for the final diagnostic conversation (photos, plot pictures, a series of questions).
Selection of literature: cognitive, journalistic, artistic for adults and children.


cognitive development

1. Conversation: “Girls and boys love books very much”

Objectives: to introduce children to the history of the creation of the book; cultivate respect for books.

2. Conversation: “Such different books”

Purpose: to expand children's knowledge about books (their subject matter, design, purpose).

3.Experimental Experimental: "Magic Paper"

Objectives: to draw children's attention to the importance and diversity of paper in our lives; teach to distinguish things made of paper, determine its quality (color, smoothness, strength, thickness) and properties (absorbs water, wrinkled, cut, burns, etc.)

4. Looking at books brought from home

Purpose: to form in children an interest and love for fiction, books.

Speech development

1. Conversation "In the world of book proverbs and riddles"

Introduce proverbs and riddles about the book, activate the children's vocabulary with words: writer, poet, encyclopedia, textbook. Develop the ability to give meaningful answers to questions.

2. Word game "Dunno list of fairy tale books"

Objectives: to consolidate children's knowledge of fairy tales. Develop attention, memory, thinking.

3. Compilation of creative stories "My favorite book".

4. Reading S. Ya. Marshak "The Book of Books" (abbreviated).

Purpose: to introduce the poem; cause a desire to read books, use the library.

5. Reading fairy tales

Objectives: to teach children to emotionally and actively perceive fairy tales, to participate in storytelling; learn to answer questions develop creative initiative, interest in fiction.

6. Riddles from a fairy tale

Purpose: to develop ingenuity, ingenuity, intelligence, broaden horizons, enrich speech.

7. Dramatization of the fairy tale by K.I. Chukovsky "Aibolit"

Objectives: to continue work to familiarize children with the work of K.I. Chukovsky; develop memory, interest in dramatization; educate courtesy, respect for the environment.

Social and communicative development

1. Role-playing game "Bookstore"

Program content: To form children's ideas about the work of people in the store, the variety of stores and their purpose. Learn to perform various roles in accordance with the plot of the game. Develop visual-effective thinking, communication skills. To cultivate goodwill, the ability to reckon with the interests and opinions of partners in the game.

2. Didactic game: "Find out what fairy-tale hero I'm talking about."

Purpose: to teach children to guess fairy tale hero by description. Develop vocabulary.

3. Building games "Zayushkina hut"

Purpose: to develop creativity when creating buildings, the ability to beat buildings.

4. Board games "Fairy tale puzzles", "Journey through fairy tales" - lotto, "Heroes of fairy tales" - cubes

Goals: improving the ability to group, make a whole out of parts (cubes, puzzles); play in small groups, follow the rules of the game.

5. Household work: cleaning in the book corner

Objectives: to teach to work in a team, to cultivate a sense of responsibility for a common cause, to form a careful attitude to books.

6. Labor activity in the center of the book "Be healthy book"

Objectives: To form in children a caring attitude to objects, including books, to teach practical skills in repairing books, to take an important and useful job.

Artistic and aesthetic development

1. Performance of creative works for the International Distance Competition of Creative Works "And Back to the Fairy Tale"

Purpose: creating conditions for the development of children's creative abilities and fostering a love for art.

2.Coloring pages "Heroes from books"

3. Singing and listening to songs

2) "Knizhkin House" - A. Rybnikov - Y. Entin

3) "New book" - words: T. Kopeikina, N. Timofeeva, music: N. Timofeeva,

N. Timofeeva's album "Smile, children!"

4) "Book Holiday" - words: T. Kopeikina, music: N. Timofeeva, N. Timofeeva's album "Magic Country"

5) The song "There are many fairy tales in the world" - music by V. Shainsky, lyrics by Y. Entin

Physical development

1. Ball games "Who knows more fairy tales"

Goals: expansion vocabulary development of attention and memory, development of gross motor skills

2. Physical minutes - fairy tales: “Cat, fox and rooster”, “Mitten”, “Turnip”, “Teremok”, “Zayushkina hut”

Purpose: to improve dexterity and accuracy of movements, improve attention, memory; learn perseverance and patience.

Interaction with parents

1. Making homemade books together with children for the Book Parade exhibition

Purpose: increasing the pedagogical literacy of parents and involving them in the purposeful process of developing the child's speech.

2. Participation in the charity event "Give a book to the group"

“By giving children books, you give them wings!”
Astrid Lindgren

The purpose of the event: to attract parents to participate in joint events with teachers and create the necessary conditions for the various aspirations and needs of children, replenish the library of the group with fiction, educational literature, according to the age characteristics of children.

4. Final diagnostic conversation.
5. Photo information of the project on the personal website of the educator Polyanskaya I.A.


During the preparation and implementation educational and creative project

in the group of middle preschool age from 4 to 5 years

"In friendship with the book" children have increased interest in reading fiction, in looking at books, the vocabulary, lexical and grammatical structure, coherent speech of children, and the level of speech development have been enriched. Children mastered simple ways of experimenting with paper. met with works of art, songs, proverbs and sayings, riddles about the book and heroes from books.

Throughout the project, creative works were carried out for participation in the International Remote Competition of Creative Works "And Back to the Fairy Tale", as well as for the exhibition "Fairy Tale". 13 children from the group took part in the competition. All works are, of course, beautiful, and each of them deserves attention, but the winner in age group from 4 to 5 years old, Yakimchik Alina was recognized, the drawing “Little Red Riding Hood”, the leader is Polyanskaya I.A., the rest of the children became winners of the competition.

The product of this project is the creation of self-made books "Book Parade". Books were made by parents together with children on various thematic blocks. Most of the parents in our group happily responded to making the books.

Parents and children were also invited to become participants in the “Give a book to a group” action. After all, books develop memory, thinking and other cognitive processes; artistic perception and aesthetic taste; emotional-volitional sphere; children learn to empathize with the heroes of books, evaluate their actions, analyze actions, and trace causal relationships between events. I must say that most parents gladly responded to take part in the action! Some parents brought not one, but many more books (in most cases, new editions). It was fiction: fairy tales, poems, stories; educational literature: books about color, shape, number of objects. In total, we have collected more than 40 books! Children enjoy looking at new books, and we, in turn, enjoy reading to them. Many thanks to parents!